#impassion rant
screecherofthenight · 6 months
Guys. GUYS. I was thinking about a Wolf 359 social media au and I came to an earth shattering realization. Kepler is a story time youtuber. he’s a fucking STORYTIME YOUTUBER. I’m having a moment.
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catflowerqueen · 4 months
I know I said I was going to take a break from TSAMS, and I probably will double down even harder on that after what just happened in today's episode... but I just couldn't help myself after seeing posts from some of my mutuals and their followers.
Rant below. If you do read, please take it with a grain of salt--there is probably context I've missed since I haven't been keeping up with the series the way I used to considering how disappointed I've been with the direction the story has seemed to be heading for quite a while now.
Immediate thoughts:
Way to not tell Old Moon the whole story, Monty. Especially after hearing him tell you he has no idea who Solar is. You know perfectly well that New Moon is in this state, negatively interacting with his family, precisely because he is still trying to help another family member. Solar is family! Family who everyone else is grieving! You are intentionally leaving out tons of context, and at this point I am still half convinced you're doing it because you, personally, couldn't divorce Solar from the other Eclipse(s) who personally harmed you. So this is just a convenience, getting a Moon back who is more likely to enable you and go along with your shenanigans.
And it also makes me think that you, personally, just never got over Old Moon's death or respect his choices at all, that you would be willing to do the exact same thing New Moon is trying to do, just in a supposedly "cleaner" fashion: Kill someone else to get the loved one you personally want back. The difference being that, again, Old Moon chose to sacrifice himself so someone else could live, unlike like Solar, who was a casualty of someone else's cruel plot, and New Moon is going after people who have actually done a lot of harm and murder. Unlike New Moon, who I am pretty sure hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Or at least no one that the others didn't agree was an acceptable target.
It also reminds me of how generally off and combative Lunar has been toward New Moon this entire time. Like--I really, really don't think Lunar ever got over Old Moon's death in any sort of healthy fashion, and I do wonder if he isn't still doing some sort of weird, internalized survivor's guilt deal, since he at one time offered to be Moon's "happy" and protect him, but then just ran off with basically no warning and didn't get the chance to apologize or even say goodbye before Old Moon died.
Not to mention that Lunar knew from Solar what the likely consequences would be of trying to remove KC, but didn't think to/have a chance to warn Sun or Old Moon.
New Moon isn't Lunar's Moon... so Lunar just never bothered to really get to know him or kindle a relationship, especially since he got a shiny new sister with no pre-existing baggage to hang out with. Rather than confront or acknowledge his past with Sun and Moon beyond the fact that an Eclipse was around.
Seems like, in general, everyone else is now reaping the consequences of the fact that Moon isn't around right now to be the pillar who cleans up their messes and problems. Because that usually is his role--he works behind the scenes to quash what problems he can before they get bad, or he does the most to try and fix things and find solutions while everyone else just messes around and then blames him for not doing better when he fails.
Like... right before the first October takeover. Sun got upset when he found out Moon didn't really have a real plan to prevent the takeover from happening, and said he wished Moon had told him earlier... but did Sun even think to really ask? Or offer his own potential plan? It doesn't really seem like it! Because that was Moon's job.
It's always Moon's job.
The only times he's really gotten help are when Monty was involved--which even Monty today admitted was not always the greatest of situations--or when he had Solar.
But then he had neither, since Monty today has seemingly proven they never actually cared about New Moon as their own person. And Solar is gone.
Why are they so surprised now that Moon--either Moon--has hit his breaking point?
Also--they should have given New Moon Yahtzee to play with! Moon at least gave Sun a mirror to look at when he trapped him in that magic box, and they gave Ruin a Monopoly board and streaming abilities when he asked. Old Moon has a sunset and can't really perceive the passage of time!
But, no, New Moon gets absolutely nothing.
And they are surprised he isn't getting better? There are reasons why solitary confinement is considered such a harsh punishment! Getting no mental stimulation does things to a person, and I can only imagine that it is worse for animatronics, considering how much processing power they have and how fast their thoughts must move!
Final thoughts:
If they are using this an excuse to bring Old Moon back permanently, then I just feel like they should have done this very shortly after his death to begin with. That way it would have just been a case of a minor amnesia plotline--not murder, like even Monty admits it will be.
And, for that matter, why is it Moon who never gets a second chance after death? Lunar and Earth have "died," but they got to keep their memories. Eclipse and Bloodmoon have died, but they get both a pass for past actions--which is fair, since, again, they aren't really them--while still reaping the benefits of having those memories uploaded into them, to learn from or ignore at their discretion.
But New Moon got all the blame and consequences while getting none of the benefits, and now they just want to kill him off anyways.
It just makes me so angry and sad.
(And secretly kind of wondering if maybe we accidentally switched Point of Views to a different dimension without realizing it, and our original, beloved Sun and Moon/New Moon are still out there, somewhere, living their best lives with no idea of what the viewers are currently seeing. Though I would still be so sad for the versions we are seeing right now if that was, indeed, the case.)
...And that was quite a rant. Please remember what I asked about taking things with a grain of salt, and forgive me if I ended up being wildly inaccurate with any of my information or assumptions.
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justsalpals · 10 months
"why does no one talk about the ___ princess?? she's my favorite because [many well thought out, beautiful, poetic reasons]"
my guy you are so right
they are all so good
and so many
I am a weak man who's brain can only focus on one of these ladies at a time. give me some time.
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trans-leek-cookie · 10 months
i feel like we are conflating "not realizing you were being lied to" and "accepting/ignoring obvious gross behavior" in the same realm of being Not At Fault. Yeah this is abt James Somerton cause like. Yeah you're not going to notice plagiarism unless youre familiar with the plagiarized work (or someone calls out said plagiarism) that's fine. But like? You aren't irredeemable or anything, but maybe in the future be more critical when someone you respect or like says stuff that's misogynistic or lesbophobic or biphobic or transphobic? Like you don't have to instantly persecute them, but please let that inform how you see them? Don't just write them off as having good intentions or important things to say (even if they do), you can acknowledge those intentions while also acknowledging their faults. Again: it's not an unforgivable sin, but there's a difference in being lied to and listening to someone Say Misogynistic and Bi/Trans/Lesbophobic Shit openly
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nerdylizard5 · 1 month
I feel called out with the third one ESPECIALLY with it being a rant about Maedhros…………….. (feeling a bit called out with the Aragorn girl one too tho ngl, and in the first one and adaption I’m the one arguing)
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krokonoko · 11 months
losing brain cells by reading online discussions about Blue Eye Samurai
if it was just people online showing their entire transphobic asses, saying people are derailing, and watering down, and fetishizing?? for interpreting Mizu as nonbinary or transmasc?? or anything other than a cis woman?? that would already give me enough of a headache.
but the way the creators are talking about the whole thing so far feels way too much like the Pixar Luca situation all over again: using our imagery, our pain and our stories - without committing to the bit.
tho I'm trying to hold back my judgement on the latter part and give the creators and the show itself the benefit of the doubt. mostly because Mizu is just too fantastic a trans protagonist, and I can't believe this is supposed to be not real.
cause if it isn't, this has been the biggest exercise in trans baiting? I have seen thus far.
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ourdreamsareneon · 1 month
is it petty to not show up to a party because the host asked me to change my costume?
it's marvel themed and I asked them three times if I could go as gwenpool because she'd my favourite marvel character. all three times they said yes but then I get a message today asking if I can switch to deadpool because my best friend is going as wolverine so it will "look better" in photos
1) I'm not a deadpool fan girl. I like his comics but I only got into them when I was 15 before that I found him so annoying. He's maybe in my top 10 characters but he's not breaking top 5 - just personal opinion
2) I don't want to wear a full masked up costume my idea for gwenpool was a pj look with some meme shirt and Jeff plushie somethinf cute but I can't translate that to deadpool?
3) I'm femme presenting at the moment so I want to be femme presenting
4) The most important one - I know that the host as well as other people ship and overly sexualise wolverine and deadpool. my best friend is basically my brother, he's been invited to my sisters wedding and is staying with the bridal party for fucks sake. I joke a lot that we have the dynamic of deadpool and wolverine because grumpy old man and stupid idiot but I don't actually feel comfortable at all with jokes that might get made especially once people are drunk and on drugs
AH idk if I'm over reacting. I've already said "maybe? I don't really like deadpool lol" so if they push it more I just won't go which sucks because I like them and it's their birthday and I've said ill help decorate but idkkkk ahhh
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dollelujah · 1 month
ghoulia rant
I put this under a readmore cause I know some of y'all are ride or die for her but this blog is a certified nerd zombie hater station
Ghoulia failed with children imo because her entire shtick is "I'm not like uhhh-ther girls, im smart"
When you make characters into such compartmentalized tropes, then there's so little room for other characters to share in those traits
Normally that's fine, and even good to have defined roles and traits for your characters but in context of media for girls, I feel like being smart, being able to solve puzzles/riddles and do research and use technology shouldn't be separate from other interests and personality traits. Media should encourage the idea that its okay to pursue intellectual interests and fashion, or sports, etc, there's nothing exotic or out of the ordinary about being a fierce fashionista and being able to toss out a few lines of code
All that is to say G1 ghoulia was easily one of the worst designed for characters in the franchise; her original doll was a gen xers idea of scene culture 10 years after the fact, and the dolls that followed were some weird post war mishmash. Why would the average 8 year old's parent choose that over like, Frankie or Draculaura who have wonderfully cohesive styles and honestly? Better outfits, punto final
Zombies are passe in the cultural zeitgeist at the moment, so it makes sense that kids do not gaf whatsoever, and that makeunder almost feels like an intentional sabotage? Either way, with her getting some of the best collector dolls, period, of the last 2 years, her fans can't have too much to complain about (unlike us beleaguered and long suffering kiyomi fans 😭💔)
also elizabat kinda blows and I hope if they bring her back they stop putting bright ass red with all that purple. Ugly. Bad.
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spiribia · 2 years
Bluey /is/ very obviously a show for very young kids but I also can see why it specifically would resonate with adult parents who watch it with their very young kids. I am just saying this as someone who only peripherally knows about any of this and watched a limited few of its 7-min episodes out of curiosity. Its particular focus on the relationship between parents and their kids & like the weird and charming and dumb stuff that occurs there. I definitely get why people would watch an ep and go why the hell would someone my age watch this but at the same time I feel like a lot of “why would parents get personally invested in the show their kids watch where the protagonists conflict is some shit like that they are learning the ABCs” assumes that all people are seeing themselves as Bluey in the fandom way that people project onto kid protagonists in shows with a slightly older demographic, & not as Bluey’s parents or just older people in general being reminded of little kids in their lives. Although I’m not going to make universal statements. I think there are moments of real sincerity if you are willing to sift through a lot of “I am definitely much older than the target audience of this” moments & people’s tolerance for going through that will be higher or lower and I don’t think there’s anything especially wrong with any of that as long as you don’t act weird with it. I also think the animation style really cements it for some as being of a certain maturity. I also think it’s very silly to assert that it has more complex writing than most adult media. But ok all veering off topic. Sorry if I look nuts for posting Bluey episode but like is this not the kind of thing you can reasonably understand a parent watching with their small child and going Wait this really actually reaches me.
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chimeric-art · 1 year
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"Hush, Bia darling. It's time to focus."
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
“don’t head canon this character as this identity” “don’t write this trope” “don’t write fanfics like this” “don’t characterize this character this way”
besties it’s so important to remember that 1. it doesn’t actually matter or hurt anyone if people write or draw or head canon your fave in a way that you personally dislike. no one is holding you down forcing you to consume fan content. 2. you literally never can physically control other people & it’s healthier for everyone if instead of trying to, you seek out or create stuff that you do like.
obviously we all have a right to be a little bitchy about fanon in the proper tags but what gets me is whenever I see posts telling people not to create things a certain way. literally people can will & should create whatever they want lol
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maddogmp3 · 1 year
sotd! do u ever watch a video essay that rewrites ur brain?
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donghun-s · 1 year
so how do i tell my sister that since the last time she saw me i've become chronically ill and have had to change how i live my day to day life and i am no longer functionally the same sister she has known her entire life and that will impact how i can participate in the weeklong trip we have planned in seven days. any tips.
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purpldawne · 2 years
rindo watching motoi die over and over again after changing the past
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delicatefury · 2 years
Well. Today I was told that Mardi Gras is pagan. The reason? It’s a spring celebration (?)
Which was followed by Easter being pagan because it moves around. I said that’s because it aligns with how Passover is scheduled and was told that’s because Passover’s scheduling is taken from paganism too (??) (you think the Jewish people built their calendar off of the Greeks/Romans?)
Then told all Catholic holidays are stolen from whatever local pagan tradition because of the Roman emperor (???) (never mind how many were in place before Constantine’s decriminalization of Christianity).
Then told that not eating cloven hoofed animals came from the Muslims (????) (Islam. Which was founded 700 years after Christ and thousands of years after Judaism.)
And of course fish on Friday being because of the Italian fishing industry. Which may hold some merit but still isn’t the whole picture.
And just… there’s so much bad info that’s taken as true because it’s anti-Catholic.
Oh. And humans are a plague on this earth and have no place in the natural order (???????).
Look, I know that a lot of people on this hellsite probably agree with at least some of these, but it was a lot to process in 45 minutes.
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tenacquity · 2 years
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"So— Let's say you're madly in love with someone, utterly devoted; you'd do anything for them...
But then, something happens to them. You mourn him, grieve him— Eventually, you learn to move on.
You find another who claims your affections.
Only for that original subject to return unexpected—
Would anyone happen to have a map to navigate this situation? I'm asking for a friend."
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