#impact wrestling imagine
mystic-story-lover · 1 year
Hey there friend! Just popping in to request a soft lil thing with Alex Shelley where the reader wins their first big title in impact and they have a cute little moment backstage afterwards whilst taking some pictures
~ My Champion ~
Alex Shelley x Zoe (Female!OC)
Word Count: 3048
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of smut
Type: Fluff
Summary: At Slammiversary, Zoe wins her first title in a triple threat from Deonna and Trinity. After the three count Alex comes running out to celebrate.
A/N: I know that officially, the men were the main event and Josh walked out after, but I switched that up just a bit to give a little more for the story
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Gif is mine
“Are you nervous for tonight?” Deonna questioned as I sat beside her.
“Is it bad if I say yes?” I smile at her, and she shakes her head.
“Not at all! I know this is something you’ve been pushing to achieve for so long, and you deserve it Zoe.” She replied, placing a reassuring hand on my arm.
We sat and talked for a while, mostly about how the match would go tonight, and having a friend to listen to my worries truly helped. Deonna and I became friends shortly after her arrival in Impact, and it became a tradition for the two of us to sit together before one of us had a title match.
“Babe, there you are.” I heard from behind me, and spotted my boyfriend coming up to us.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
“Well, I just had a meeting with Scott, and he mentioned that my match has been moved to the co-main event. You, Deonna, and Trinity are going to close the show.” He smiled down at me, and a feeling of dread overcame me.
“What?! When did this happen?” I asked frantically as I began to panic. 
“Hey, Zoe, it’s alright. The match will still go on as normal.” Deonna stated, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. 
I shifted my gaze to her, and she gave me a soft smile. A warm hand drug itself over my arm, and I glanced up to see Alex looking down at me. He wore a smile as well, and when I looked at him, he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“It’s going to be okay.” He reassured me before kissing me a second time.
“You guys are right. I’ve just been so nervous about this.” I sighed before leaning back, my back coming into contact with Alex’s belt. “Shit that’s cold.” I hissed.
Both of them chuckled at my words, and Alex took off his denim jacket before helping me into it. Once he knew it was settled on me, he helped me lean back against him once more, this time the jacket protecting my back from the cold.
“When is Chris fighting?” Deonna asked, and I checked the time from my phone. His match was going to start soon, so we needed to be at the monitor’s for the segment with Alex.
“Soon, which means we should go in a moment.” I spoke, and Deonna nodded at my words.
“I’ll see you later then Zoe. Good luck Alex, you’re going to do great.” She stated before standing up and walking away.
“Are you ready to go beautiful?” Alex asked, massaging my shoulders a little. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m going to try and catch Chris before his match.” I replied, and Alex released my shoulders, giving me the chance to stand.
Once I was up on my feet, Alex reached for my hand, and he interlaced our fingers together. We greeted those who we passed in the hallways as we made our way to the interview area, that way, once Chris’ match came to an end, Alex would be there ready to go. When we arrived, Alex released my hand and gave me a gentle kiss to my lips.
“Could you tell him that I’m proud of him?” Alex asked, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Of course, and I’m sure he’s going to appreciate it.” I smiled at him, which he softly returned.
I turned around after that, and began walking over to the guerilla. Lio was standing there waiting for his music, and I watched as he bounced on the heels of his feet. Chris was over in the corner talking with the ABC, since their match would be only seconds after this was. 
“Zoe, what are you doing over here?” Lio questioned.
“I came to check on Chris before the match, and deliver a message to him for Alex. Are you ready for this?” I replied, and asked as he began to shake his arms.
“A little part of me is, yeah.” He answered, but before he could say more, his music began to play. “See you later!” He called as I began walking towards Chris.
He stopped his conversation as he saw me approach them, and the others welcomed me with a smile.
“Hey, Alex wanted me to let you know that he’s proud of you.” I stated, a giant smile plastered on my face.
“I’ll give him my thanks after the match.” He smiled at me. “I heard you got moved to the main event.”
“Terrifyingly so,” I laughed. “That’s your music, time for you to go.”
Chris nodded, and shifted his face into a serious expression, and walked toward the curtain. Ace, Chris, and I watched as he disappeared before they turned to speak with me.
“So, you’re nervous about the main event?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I mean this is something I’ve worked for, but it’s terrifying that it’s actually here.” They nodded at this, and we heard Lio’s music begin to play again.
“Well, guess we better get ready.” Ace chuckled, trying to bring light to the situation.
“Give me too sweet.” I smiled proudly. 
Ace and I debuted around the same time together in Impact, and we’d always been close because of it. When it was just the two of us trying to make a name for ourselves in Impact, we had each other’s backs, and that never really changed. He was my best friend, through and through, but I was grateful for the other friends I’ve made along the way. Both Sabin and Bey, the Chris’ as we called them, were two of those that came around shortly for me, and we’ve been friends since. The guys too sweeted me, and they smiled as I waved goodbye.
“Hey, babe, I’m over here.” I heard Alex’s voice, and turned my head to the right, spotting him smiling at me. 
“Hey you, how did your segment go?” I asked, smiling as I got closer to him.
“It went well, at least I think so.” He chuckled, a smile forming on his face.
“Alex!” Chris called, and I watched as Alex’s gaze shifted, thus causing me to turn around and spot Chris coming our way.
“Hey man!” Alex retorted, and I watched as the two men struck up a conversation.
It was only a few months after my debut in Impact that I met Chris. Everything around me was nerve-wracking, and I was still adjusting to being in a major company. Seeing my nerves, Chris swore to take me under his wing and make sure that I was safe here, and that I was happy with my career. Since then, he’s been one of the people I trust most in life. Not long after meeting him, he introduced me to Alex. 
“Babe, are you with us?” Alex waved a hand in front of my face, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, what did I miss?” I asked, and Chris started to laugh. I playfully punched him in the arm, and he pouted, causing Alex to erupt in a fit of laughter.
“We were talking about our favorite bands to listen to.” Chris replied, rubbing his arm in a dramatic effect.
“Well, mine’s definitely got to be FIDLAR.” I smiled, and Alex nodded.
“No way, there’s so many bands to choose from.” Chris groaned. “How can you just pick?”
Alex and him began to argue over which bands were better, allowing me to get distracted in my thoughts once more. The conversation reminded me of my first date with Alex, and a smile grew on my face at the thought. It started with lunch, which we went to a cozy restaurant, and then he took me around town to explore Detroit. I’d just moved there about a month before, but was so busy with Impact and Indies that I didn’t have the time to get around to it before our date. Once our tour was over, Alex took me for a beautiful stroll of the beach at sunset, and that’s the spot where we share some of our best memories. When Alex asked me to move in with him, we were spending time at the beach, and he waited until the sunset arrived to ask, mentioning that it was his favorite memory from our first date, therefore he wanted it to be as important for this.
“Earth to Zoe, are you still there?” Chris asked, but I didn’t notice. 
Everyone knew how I felt about Alex, no matter how much I worked to cover it. Ace was the first to figure it out, and from there he mentioned it to Gia. Second to learn of my feelings was none other than Alex’s best friend, and he instantly came running to me when he realized it. The conversation mostly consisted of “you can’t tell him” and “I won’t but you need to”, even though I never intended to. I wanted to wait for the feelings to disappear on their own, but when Alex asked to talk to me, and told me how he feels, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell him the same thing. Once our feelings were known, Alex and I became even more inseparable, much to the annoyance of Chris.
“I think she’s thinking about you.” Chris stated.
“How can you tell?” Alex asked, looking over at me, still lost in my own little world.
“Look at how she’s smiling. She wore that same one when she told me you asked her on a date.” Chris replied, pointing at my face.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” I asked, confusion wrapping itself into my facial expression.
“Ah, there she is!” Chris exclaimed. “Were you thinking about your boyfriend?” 
“Yes sir I was.” I spoke matter of factly. “Mostly about how everyone knew how I felt before he did.” 
“Well, as much as I’d love to hear about how you were thinking of me, I’ve got to go. Nick’s walking out in a second.” Alex smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead, causing Chris to gag.
“Did the other two matches end already?” I asked, completely unaware of how much time had passed.
“Yes, they did Miss Daydream.” Chris laughed and I flipped him off.
“I’ll see you after your match. Good luck babe.” Alex said before kissing me.
“The same to you handsome!” I called as he walked away. 
Chris turned to face me, and he wore a smirk, making me know something was up.
“What do you know that I don’t?” I asked, poking him in the chest with my finger.
“Just that Alex has a surprise for you.” Chris said, raising his hands in surrender before walking away.
“What was that about?” Deonna asked as she approached me.
“I’m not sure, to be honest with you. All I know is Alex has a surprise, and he walked away before saying more.” I sighed, bringing a hand up to my hair. 
“Weird, maybe it’s something to congratulate you.” Deonna asked with a smile.
“Possibly, but I’m not sure.” I answer her and begin to pull my hair out of the braid it was in. 
I ran my fingers through my hair as Deonna and I watched the match on the monitor. Alex was quick with his movements, but it was clear they wanted to show it as Nick had the power advantage to take the win. We watched as Alex hit “Sliced Bread” and heard a hiss behind us, causing me to turn around and see Trinity. I smiled and waved at her before turning back around to continue watching that match. As we continued to watch, more of our friends came over to see how this played out. 
“Here is your winner, and still your Impact World Champion, Alex Shelley!” It was announced, and I let out a little scream of excitement. We watched as Alex walked up the ramp, and Chris was right next to me as we waited for him to come back.
“Hey, there’s my champ.” Chris whistled, smiling at Alex. 
“Hey man!” Alex laughed, but stopped when he spotted me.
“Congratulations, champ.” I whispered and watched as Alex smiled.
“I did it for us, baby. We’re gonna run this place.” He whispered back, approaching me. I leaned into his palm as he rested his hand against my face, and smiled up at him.
“Get a room you two!” Ace shouted from the crowd, causing us both to laugh.
“She has a match first!” Sabin called back.
“Did you really think I’d miss it?” I asked.
A rupture of “no” came from the group, and I laughed. When everything seemed to go wrong, these were the people who showed me they could go right. I’d always be thankful for my friends here, no matter what happened to me.
“I’m glad I had a spare jacket waiting for me by the way.” Alex laughed, and I blushed.
“Is it okay if I wear this one tonight?” I asked with red cheeks, and he nodded before kissing me so I could go.
A whistle interrupted us, and I knew that it was time for me to get in position. I gave Alex one last peck before walking to right behind the curtain and waiting for my music to begin. Once it played, I walked out, and made my way to the ring where I waited for Trinity and Deonna. As they came out, I moved out of the ring to give them space. When everyone was out here, I slid back into the ring and got into a corner where I waited for the bell to ring.
The match was back and forth for all of us for a while, each trying to hit their signature move instantly. A quick win wouldn’t be easy, that much was clear for us, so we continued to battle it out. As Trinity was about to end the match, I shoved her out of the ring, and hit Deonna with a Shellshock, giving me the opportunity to pin her. I did exactly that, listening as the ref hit the mat three times, and I scored the win. I quickly rolled off of Deonna and watched as she rolled out of the ring, allowing me room to celebrate. 
“Here is your winner via pinfall, and new Knockouts World Champion, Zoe Scott!” I grabbed the belt from the referee’s hands, and tears fell from my eyes. I raised the belt above my head, and I could hear the fans cheer for me. Truly, it was a dream come true for me. As I was celebrating, the Motor City Machine Guns song began to play, and both men came running to the ring. Chris instantly wrapped me in a massive hug, allowing me a moment to let my tears out. When we let go, he raised my hand, showing everyone that I was supported by him, causing me to smile in between the tears. After a second, he released my hand, and Alex reached for my other one, using it to twirl me into him before placing a passionate kiss on my lips. Normally, I’d kiss him back, but I was caught off guard as Alex and I weren’t public with our relationship. It took a second, but I did end up kissing him back. When the kiss broke, Alex signaled for a mic, and he was granted with one.
“Congratulations to my wonderful girlfriend on winning her first title here in Impact.” Fans screamed when he used that title, and I smiled as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. “I love you so much Zoe.”
I ran into his arms, belt still in my hands, and he embraced me in a tight hug as we celebrated my win. We spent roughly five minutes in the ring before walking back hand in hand with Chris beside me. Once we were in the back, I released Alex’s hand and ran towards the area where I spotted Ace. At this point, I was wearing the belt around my waist, so I was easily able to run into his arms for a hug. 
“You did it Zoe!” He exclaimed, squeezing me. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Thank you for everything Ace, I mean it. You’ve been my best friend for years, and you never once gave up on me.” I cried, and he began to rub my back.
“Zoe, I’ll always be here for you. You’re my best friend.” He smiled as I pulled away.
I hugged him once more before turning around to see Alex. He was smiling at me, and I ran back into his arms, this time jumping for him to hold me.
“We got a wild Zoe on the loose.” Chris joked, and I laughed, throwing my head back.
“Don’t fall now!” Ace chuckled.
“I won’t drop you, don’t worry.” Alex reassured me, sliding one hand up to support my back.
We spent half an hour with our friends, having a blast and reminiscing on past times. By the end of the night, I was exhausted, and I could tell Alex was too.
“Babe, we can go back to the hotel, you know that right?” I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder. 
“I know, but I want you to keep having fun.” He answered.
“All I need to have fun is you.” I whispered and kissed his neck.
“Babe, what are you doing?” He groaned as I placed another kiss. 
“Showing you we can have fun too.” I state before kissing higher up.
“We’ll head back and have as much fun as you can handle then,” Alex groaned again as I kissed right under his earlobe. “But I have a question first.”
“What’s up?” I asked, pulling away from him.
“Will you wear my jackets more? They look good on you.” He asked sheepishly.
“Of course I will!” I giggled, excited at the question.
“Good. Now let’s go celebrate.” Alex smirked as he stood up.
“It’s gross to think my best friends are leaving to have sex.” Chris made a disgusted face as he began walking away.
“Oh don’t worry Chris, I’ll make sure to tell you all the details.” I joked.
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diskaywrites · 29 days
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𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑰'𝒅 𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕 #𝟖: 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒃𝒚 𝑴𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒋𝒂𝒌𝒙𝑰𝒍𝒚𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒗 (𝑶𝑪) 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑶𝒇: 𝑰𝒍𝒋𝒂 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒗, 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑱𝒂𝒌𝒐𝒃𝒊 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆: 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑻𝑾: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅, 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑
Ilyiana Dragunov was acutely aware of how the world viewed her. It was why she had called herself the Baba Yaga, after all. Much like the stories she had been told of the witch of the woods in an effort to keep both her older brother and herself well-behaved, Ilyiana Dragunov knew that the TNA roster spoke of her in those hushed tones. She loved it, thrived on it as the Knockouts Champion.
Maybe that was why the arrival of the newcomer to the TNA roster had her so worked up.
Donovan Dijak was a monster of a man that Ilyiana was all too familiar with. It had not been too long ago when she had watched the brute terrorize Ilja, attempting to break him at every turn. To any normal woman, those actions would have made Dijak public enemy number one. Instead, those actions only drew Ilyiana in. Was this a man as dangerous as herself?
True to form, Ilyiana had followed him at a distance all day. Observing others without being seen had been one of the lessons that her years serving Christian Jakobi and the Red Room had beaten into her. Even with her red mop of hair, Ilyiana's small size was a benefit. She was barely 5'0", so someone standing at a height like Dijak would easily overlook her. Hell, women closer to her height had not seen her while she tracked them. It was why she was able to collect her pictures that she used for torment, how she was able to break into hotel rooms and locker rooms alike to leave her threats.
And yet when she rounded the corner after him, Ilyiana was surprised when she was pinned to the wall with her feet lifted off of the tile, "Your brother send you?" Dijak rumbled, voice like steel.
Ilyiana took a deep breath in an attempt to ease her heartrate. She was taught to handle situations like this, to fight back no matter how larger or how much of an upper hand her opponent had. With no warning, Ilyiana brough her head forward for a headbutt. Dijak let go of her and Ilyiana rolled as she hit the floor, Dijak clutching at his nose with a curse. "I do not work for my brother, but I did not give you permission to touch me."
Dijak pulled his hand away, a thin trail of blood running from his now broken nose, "You've been tailing me since I got here. I'm not the one in the wrong for defending myself."
Ilyiana pushed herself to her feet, arms crossed over her chest with a proud smirk, "You do not defend yourself well."
The large man glared as he towered over her, "Why are you following me?"
"You interest me," Ilyiana shrugged a pale shoulder, leaning against the wall behind her, "no more or less. I have seen what you can do. The justice you bring."
The look of anger that had crossed Dijak's face faltered, turning into a look of puzzlement, "Justice?"
"Do you need your ears cleaned, pridurak?" Ilyiana scoffed as she watched the man put on the sunglasses he pulled from his leather jacket. 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚. It was such a hard thing to admit that she needed, but here she was. The problems that had started at the hands of a woman Ilyiana once loved but had betrayed her still purveyed throughout her mind. Justice was what she needed. She just wasn't sure how to take it. "You can help me. You helped Ilja, yes?"
Help was a strong word. Dijak, upon request from Ilja, had taken the blonde to a secure location and had attempted to beat down Ilja, making him feel more alive than ever. Ilja had always felt most alive when he was in pain. Ilyiana was different. She had only ever felt alive when causing pain. "Helped your brother in his quest to feel alive. Don't think pain does that for you, least not receiving it. But this justice...maybe I can help you there."
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grizzledyoungimpact · 9 months
The Ghost Of You
Whumpuary 2024 January 13-14th, 2024 "I didn't know where else to go"/Brusies/Drugged "Flash" Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews Supernatural AU
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The floorboards of the apartment creaked and Morgan Webster knew that he was not alone.
It was silly to think that he might be, after all, Morgan knew the truth about the world that surrounded him. He had known the true nature of the world since the 1960's when the redhead he met in a seedy little club with his friends had dug her fangs into his neck and altered his life forever. Now here he sat in the living area of his flat, hearing the floorboards creak like they had every night for the past two years.
Two years that had truly made the eternity he was living through feel like eternity.
It had been two years since the death of one of his fellow countrymen, a lad he had befriended named Mark Andrews. The official report had read animal attack. Something had slashed the young man to ribbons. Morgan knew the truth, he had seen the marks one too many times in his years of unliving. The animal that attacked Mark wasn't fully animal, nor was it fully human. Mark had been mauled by a werewolf.
Mark had been mauled by their friend Maddox Lovell in his first change.
The little group of friends hadn't spoken since the funeral. For Maddox, he felt too much guilt and grief for his unwilling actions. He took off in the dead of night, followed by his younger brother Harlow and a were-pig, a Grondr in his people's tongue, named Mike. The pixie that Mark and Morgan had always affectionately called their daughter, a young woman named Dani, had retreated back to whichever of the fae court's she served in her sadness. The last of the group to leave had been Mark's partner at the time of his death, the only human in the group, a man named Eddie Dennis. With the man he had loved so much gone, Eddie had fallen fast into despair and then into madness. These days he worked as a hunter of the supernatural, aiming for revenge against Maddox. For the first time, Morgan was truly alone.
Or he should have been alone.
The creaking of the floorboards down the hall echoed once again and Morgan's eyes shifted from the television towards the sound. In the beginning, he had told himself that the noise was simply the house settling. The more often he had heard the noise, he had simply come to the conclusion that it was a phantom or poltergeist of some kind. Morgan had never checked the noises when he heard them, but tonight something seemed to compel him to do so.
He moved towards the spare bedroom, a chill coming over him. He didn't have blood to run cold, it shouldn't be possible. He tossed the bedroom door open, blinking incredulously at the sight before him. It was a shimmering outline of blue, but it was an outline that he knew. He knew those charming blue eyes. He knew that shy grin as the figured stuffed its hands into spectral pockets. It was a casual figure of blue light, as light as he had been in life.
"Mark?" Morgan let out a little sound of sadness. If he were human, he would have begun to cry, "Mark...how...wha'..."
"I didn't know where else to go," Mark admitted. His voice sounded as if it were a million miles away, but somehow also too close, a whisper in Morgan's ear. The only difference in death than he had been in life, other than the voice, was the set of claw marks across his otherwise boyish face, "I...Eddie can't see me. I tried, but he thinks I'm a hallucination. He wasn't listenin' to me..."
"I can see ya, Mark," Morgan moved in to hug his friend. Morgan's cold skin passed right through the figure in front of him and he felt himself almost lose balance, "We...we'll figure it out. We'll talk to him. We'll stop him."
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amrcnnightmre · 1 month
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writing writing writing !!! good stuff coming soon!! ( always putting on classic stuff while i write for muse ) 🤭🤍 ft my emotional support olivia rodrigo stanley tehe !!
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kylefletchersgf · 4 months
✩♕『Vision of the Future』✩♕
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
Dakota Kai might not be in the community but I heard rumors abt her being in it so I included her incase she’s in it
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 1.1k
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : fluff
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : gxg, mistakes I might have
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @stacksifino @nev-danielgarciawife
[Let me know if you want to be in the taglist]
Y/f/n =your first name
Y/l/n= your last name
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
Adam Pierce walked you into the arena and leaded you to his office as Damage Ctrl walked in and you caught their attention, Dakota Kai looked over at you “are we interrupting something?” She asked nicely since the cameras was off so it’s genuine. Adam looked over at her “no actually this has to do with y’all so you had right timing. This is y/n the new signee from Nxt and now signed to Raw and I want to know if you guys are ok with her joining Damage Ctrl for the feud to fill in for Asuka” he said.
“That’s fine” Dakota said as Iyo and Kairi agreed, he let you introduce yourselves to each other before he explained how you was going to join the group. When you all left his office together Dakota let Kairi and Iyo walk ahead but stopped you “are you y/f/n y/l/n from Nxt?” She asked as you looked over at her “yes” you answered. “That’s great do you remember me? We hit it off on Nxt and became friends but we fell out of contact when I moved up sadly” that made you think for a minute “yes I do remember you.”
She smiled as she said “if you haven’t had time to catch up our group is heel so when you come out there to ‘help’ Bianca, Jade, and Naomi you will get them instead to show that you aligned with us got it?” She asked as you nodded. “Just wanted to tell you and help you out without Kairi and Iyo saying anything” “thank you” “and when we’re ready to go out l come and get you and you’ll wait by the curtain and Triple H will tell you when to go out” “thank you” you said as she smiled.
Around an hour later Dakota came up to you “you ready? We’re about to go out” “yeah” you answer as you and Damage Ctrl walked to the curtain. Dakota looked over at you “you’ll do great” she smiled as she rubbed your arm making you calm and smile, Damage Ctrl went out to the ring as you stayed back waiting for your cue to go out, Dakota had a mic in her hand “Jade, Bianca, and Naomi ‘the big 3’ or whatev-” she started as she gets cut off by Bianca’s theme song playing while Damage Ctrl rolled their eyes.
They was about to fight until Triple H gave you your cue and your theme started playing, it was quiet and eveyone was in shock that you were here. You got in the ring looking around at all the women in the ring, you looked at Jade Cargill and spit Orange mist in her face causing her to scream holding her eyes as she fell to the ground. You helped Damage Ctrl jump Bianca and Naomi as Kairi kicked them out the ring when y’all was done with them. You snacked a mic heel like as they also got one.
You put the mic to your mouth “I go here now, so all of you women back there who ever decides to step up to Damage Ctrl Will get put down and stepped on so before you come to us sit down and think if you really wanna get put on the shelf and never heard from or seen again” you said confidently. Dakota nodded putting the mic to her mouth “we have a new member of Damage Ctrl and now we’re stronger than ever and we will still dominate the locker room and the company period” she added on.
Iyo and Kairi added on whatever they said in Japanese then you guys went backstage as the referee helped Jade Cargill get the mist out of her eyes while Bianca looked pissed off, she stormed backstage to find Pierce to get a match with you made official. Adam Pierce came up to you to let you know that you have a match with Bianca tonight and when he walks away you roll your eyes, you’re really getting the hang of this heel character. “What don’t she get everytime I faced Bianca I always won guess she wants to be embarrassed”
Dakota scoffed “apparently she does” she said as you all laughed as a group. When it was time for your match you walked to the ring with Damage Ctrl ringside, Bianca came out with Jade and Naomi to ‘even the playing field’ but you just rolled your eyes annoyed. You stretched as Alicia Taylor introduced Bianca then did your pose when she announced your name, you continued to stretch after until the bell rang. You spit green mist in her face as she fell to the ground screaming you pick her up doing your finisher getting the pin fall victory.
Damage Ctrl joined you in the ring to celebrate then you all went backstage, Dakota looked over at you “you did amazing y/n!” She cheered happily as she hugged you. You hugged her back as you smiled “thank you.” Kairi and Iyo walked ahead but Dakota stopped you again “can I ask you something?” “Sure what’s up” “I don’t know how to say it” “say it the best way you can”, she look a deep breath and looked over at you “I was wondering if you would like to go on a dinner date with me tonight?” She asked nervously
You looked over at her with a smile “sure I would love too I’ll meet you in the lobby” you say smiling walking away. Dakota smiled as she walked up to catch up to Iyo and Kairi causing Iyo too look over at her “what was that about?” Iyo asked. Dakota looked over at her “nothing, nothing don’t worry about it. I just told her she did great tonight” Dakota answered to hide the truth. It’s not that she is embarrassed of you; she would never be embarrassed of you, it’s just that she don’t want everyone in her business.
After the show you both went to your hotel room to get ready for the date, when you both got done you met downstairs and decided to go to a tofu restaurant that was in the hotel. You two sat down in a booth “so how have you been since Nxt?” She asked picking up a menu. “I’ve been good just you know stuff here and there like usual” you chuckle. After the date you both headed back upstairs “I had a great time y/n” “me too, how about a date next week?” “I would love to” she smiled happily.
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openshanklygates · 7 months
Hi there! My name is Kayleigh, but most call me Kay. I write fanfiction and drabbles for mostly AEW and Impact Wrestling, with a heavy emphasis usually on original character interaction. I am open for requests that I feel comfortable for, depending on the character! Feel free to ask if I write a character if requesting pieces!
I do have a list that I will not write for that includes: Jimmy Havoc Sammy Guevara Joey Ryan Michael Elgin Dave Crist Marty Scurll Jay Lethal Jack Gallagher Jordan Devlin/JD McDonagh Matt Riddle El Ligero Velveteen Dream Saraya
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gemzies · 10 months
It is kind of surreal in a way to think that tonight’s Final Resolution is the last event under the Impact Wrestling banner.
Cheers, Impact. And here’s to the impending return of TNA.
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adriswrld · 2 years
gonna start posting wrestling one shots on here, some will be from my one shot book on wattpad:) requests are open ☆
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wreslingaddicttt · 2 years
Do you write stories if so what kind???
i write aew, njpw, wwe (raw, smackdown, nxt and any year)and maybe impact and anyone can requests
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
can i get ace & bey smut please 🫣
~ And New ~
Ace Austin x Chris Bey x Zoe (OC Female!Reader)
Word Count: 1183
Warnings: 18+, penetration, blowjob, male orgasm, cum play, female orgasm
Type: Smut
Summary: Ace and Chris come up with a clever way to celebrate winning the tag titles
A/n: Here you go anon, I hope this is what you were looking for!!
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(Gif Is Mine)
“Ace, man, we’re running out of time. We have to go.” Chris groaned, and shook his head. He’d spent the past ten minutes scourging through the ABC’s locker room searching for Ace’s jacket, but they’d come up empty handed. 
“I need my jacket Chris. Without it, the whole look falls apart.” Ace sighed before tossing his clothes back into the bag he retrieved them from.
A soft rapt of knocks on their locker room door caught the two men off guard, and Chris stepped towards it. He opened it in one swift motion, and laughed when he saw me consumed by the jacket. Hearing his friend laugh, Ace turned, spotting the scene in the doorway.
“So that’s where my jacket has been.” Ace laughed, and he smiled at me.
“I was cold.” I smiled up at him, waving my arms in his sleeves. “Plus it smells like you.”
“Zoe, I swear, this dude had me searching all over the room for that thing.” Chris sighed dramatically, playfully shoving Ace towards me.
“It’s for the look tonight man, you get that more than anyone.” Ace laughed, and stepped towards me.
Reaching out, he used one hand to unzip the jacket, revealing the purple crop top I was wearing. When I asked for his opinion on what to wear to the show tonight, and he suggested the top with my blue denim shorts. It was a personal favorite look of his, being as it was the outfit I wore the day he met me. I gasped as the cool air came in contact with my stomach.
“Okay, can we please go now that you have your jacket? We have a promo to cut.” Chris stepped toward us, and extended his hand to point at the door.
“Alright, I just need to grab my glasses.” Ace spoke, and I laughed, pointing to the top of his head. There rests his red sunglasses. “Never mind then, let’s go.” 
After their promo earlier in the night, Ace and Chris earned a tag title shot against the Motor City Machine Guns. Everyone was excited about the match, and I couldn’t stop smiling as I watched Ace get ready.
“What do you keep smiling at?” Ace asked, looking at her through the mirror so he could do his eyeliner. 
“I get to watch my boyfriend become a champion again. Can’t I be happy to see that?” I giggled, a wide smile still spread across my face. 
“That is going to be too sweet.” Ace chuckled, and he raised the eyeliner pencil to his eye.
“You’re so lucky that you’re cute.” I sighed, shaking my head at his pun.
“Do you like the way he fucks you baby?” Ace cooed, thrusting his cock deeper in my mouth. 
I moaned around his length, and looked up at him with teary eyes. His head was lowered, staring down at me as he began to pick up his pace. With each thrust, I could feel him hitting the back of my throat, causing me to gag. Behind me, Chris had set a rough pace, thrusting in and out of my pussy with ease.
“Look at her man, she loves both of us using her body. Don’t you baby?” Ace asked, and I moaned in response again. 
“She looks so hot with our belts around her body.” Chris groaned, his thrusts began to get sloppy. “Fuck, you weren’t kidding Ace, she feels so good around me.” 
He gave a few more thrusts in me before pulling out and stroking his cock. I heard him groan before I felt his hot ropes of cum land on my back, and a finger run through them. Ace pulled out of my mouth, making me whine. Chris brought his finger in front of my lips, and I took the cum covered digit into my mouth, sucking it clean. When his finger was clean, I released it with a pop. 
“Fuck, that was hot.” Ace groaned. “You want to fuck her mouth man?”
“Hell yeah man.” Chris replied, and Ace stepped back, giving Chris room to come in. 
Chris began to slide into my mouth, and finished thrusting in quickly. His cock hit the back of my throat, and he rested there for a second. While I waited for him to move, Ace slid into me, and slowly thrusted, giving me the chance to adjust to his size. Once he was able to move faster, Chris began to thrust in my mouth. They set two different paces, and I moaned around Chris’ cock from the feeling.
“Fuck baby, your squeezing me. Do you want to come? Is that what you want, baby?” Ace groaned, smacking my ass, causing a muffled squeal to come from me. “Hold it baby, be a good girl for me.”
“I’m gonna come. Fuck.” Chris moaned, sending his cum into my mouth, as he gave a few more thrusts before pulling out. He placed a hand under my chin, and lifted my head. “Swallow it for me.”
I did as he said, and swallowed, before opening my mouth to reveal there was none left. He groaned, stroking my cheek with his thumb. Ace began to thrust faster, hitting my sweet spot and making me moan. 
“Ace, fuck, feels so good baby.” I moaned, throwing my head back. 
Taking the opportunity, Ace leaned forward, and spit in my open mouth. I swallowed again, to open my mouth for him to see, and he groaned before I could feel his thrusts begin to get sloppy. He moved one hand from my hips down to my clit, rubbing circles on it with his thumb. I moaned again at the feeling.
“Come for me baby, I know you want to. Soak my fucking cock like a good girl.” Ace groaned. 
I moaned loudly, the pleasure becoming too much for me. I could feel myself clenching around him, and then I felt Chris pinching my nipple, sending me over the edge. My vision went white, and I shuddered, my juices coating Ace’s cock, as I moaned.
“Fuck, you did so well for me baby.” Ace said, thrusting into me three more times. “Oh fuck. Shit, yes. I’m coming.” 
We laid there in silence for a moment, collecting our breaths. After the moment passed, Ace slid out of me, and collapsed onto the bed. I laid down, relaxing into the bed, and he pulled me into his side. Chris joined us in the bed, and we all laid there comfortably.
“You know, Ace, I’m glad you suggested this to me.” Chris chuckled, bringing one of his hands to rub my back.
“Me too, that was hot as hell.” Ace laughed.
“I think we should do it again.” I stated, raising my head from the mattress. Both men were looking at me, sharing an expression on their faces. “Not right now, you perverts. I need time to rest.”
They both laughed at my comment, and Ace slid a hand under my chin, lifting it. He placed a tender kiss on my lips, causing me to smile.
“Can we get these belts off me?”
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fan's revenge has to be one of the most wild concepts for a match. i would be like YOU WANT ME TO WHAT
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99woez · 2 months
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love is a dog ᰔᩚ j.sc
warnings. smut, boyfriend!sungchan, established relationship, unprotected sex, play wrestling, half a size kink if you squint, i love sungchan!
wc. 4k
summary. despite never winning, you love play fighting with your big and strong boyfriend.
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You told him not to take it easy on you this time.
“Get off!”
“Get me off,” Sungchan laughs from above you, having you pinned to his mattress on your stomach. It’s all a game to him, and, technically, this is a game, but it’s a game you’re losing, so you’re not having as great of a time as you imagined. You scoff at his word choice, reaching behind you to swat pathetically at his side. You can’t even tell what parts of him you’re hitting, but you're making an impact. Barely.
“Let me roll over–”
“That’s not how wrestling works.”
“This isn’t wrestling. I’m your girlfriend.” 
Sungchan scoffs, blowing his lips together to make a “Pfft!” sound that makes you sigh.
“My girlfriend that literally asked me to wrestle and not go easy on her. You literally asked for this.” His hand presses harder into your back for a moment, making you whine and scrunch your eyes shut. The mattress began to feel unpleasant against your cheek even though the feeling of his weight on top of you felt nice. Really nice. Sungchan was so big and warm that even the smallest touch made you feel like you were on fire. Right now, you feel as if you’re in a burning building, suffocating on thick grey smoke, but you’re enjoying every second of it.
“I’m still going easy on you, by the way,” Sungchan adds after a beat of silence, “You couldn’t take me really not going easy on you. I think you’d break.”
“Oh shut up,” You huff, attempting to roll over once again but are blocked by your boyfriend’s weight on your back. You groan, hitting the sheets with your fist, hearing Sungchan laugh at your frustration. You momentarily lift your head from the bed, only to have him shove it back down immediately. You gasp at the sudden aggression, quickly reaching back to grab onto his thigh just to ground yourself for a minute. Your head was spinning, and your heart was beating a million beats per minute right in your throat, but you loved it.
The air shifts after that. Both of you feel it. You can’t help but to smirk slightly.
“You liked that…” You sing to him with a widening grin. He slides his hand off the back of your head to the middle of your back again as he inhales through his teeth.
“Yeah, you seem pretty into it too.” He begins to rock his hips against your bottom, and you let out a breathy moan. It's not a loud one, but he can hear it. His free hand finds its way down to your ass, squeezing gently before sliding his large calloused hands back to your hips. 
As his hands find their way to your hips, they instinctively tilt you up a bit, making the friction between your bodies increase tenfold. His fingers press into your flesh gently but firmly, and you let out a soft moan. You rub your lips together, looking up at the ceiling before looking back in his direction.
Sungchan squeezes your hips again, pushing up your shirt to reveal the landscape of your back. Instantly, you feel yourself get hot even with the cool air of his ceiling fan hitting your skin. You try to lift your head, but Sungchan shoves you back down, his full hand nearly taking over your face, making you gasp. You try to push against him and free yourself from his grasp, but he doesn’t budge, just chuckling as you squirm helplessly against his grasp.
You twist your hips against him, inhaling sharply through your teeth when you feel his cock hardening through his sweatpants. “You get hard so easily,” You huff with a chuckle, reaching back to grab his arm. Sungchan easily pins your arm behind your back, pressing himself harder against your ass in a desperate attempt to relieve some of the tension in his pants.
“Sorry, you’re hot.”
“You always get hard when we wrestle.”
“Yeah, well,” Sungchan shrugs, lifting his hand from your head to push your hair out of your face. “If you had a dick, you’d get hard wrestling with a hot girl too. Don’t act better than me.” He pulls you up by the back of your shirt with ease. You laugh at how easy it is for him to lift and toss you around, sitting on your knees and turning around to face him. When you look at him, a big and dumb smile takes over his face, brown eyes sparkling when he looks down at you.
You love how he looks at you like you’re the best thing to step into his life. You feel so overcome with love that you can’t stop yourself from shoving him back on the bed with a giggle, hearing him laugh when his back hits the mattress. You easily climb on top of him, reaching for his arms to pin him down, but he goes for your waist, wrapping his hands around you and tossing you on your back with ease. You try to recover faster than last time, but he’s too fast, too big, and demanding, immediately crawling on top of you and pinning your flailing arms above your head.
“Damn, two for two,” Sungchan teases down at you with a laugh. He leans down to presumably kiss you, but you turn your head with a whine. He clicks a tongue at your fit, letting go of one of your wrists to grab your cheeks and jerk your face towards him. He looks so ridiculous when he’s pissed. His dark brows furrowed, his thick lips frowning, you can’t help to chuckle at him. He shakes your face softly. You clench your thighs around his hips.
“Don’t be a brat,” He whines, his high voice not matching his mean face. You smirk up at his desperation, humming up at him and pouting your lips up at him. He whines again, pressing his hips against yours again. “Kiss me.”
You blink up at him like you don’t understand, a slow smile growing on your lips when he huffs at you again. You love his frustration. You just think he’s so cute when he’s frustrated. “You should’ve let me win if you wanted to kiss–” He slams his lips to yours, cutting you off swiftly with a hard and demanding kiss. You whimper into the kiss, brows knitting when he presses in deeper, his chest pressing against yours as he sighs into your mouth. Your body heats up again. He’s suffocating you, but in the best way. You love it when he nearly crushes you, taking what he wants because he can, and you’ll let him. You let him every time.
You feel his hips jerk into yours. You gasp at the collision but smile against his lips. You can feel his cock straining against his sweatpants already. It was never hard to work Sungchan up. You teased him about it often, which seemed to get him off more. He ruts his hips into yours again, an airy moan leaving his full lips as he does so. The shorts you’re wearing begin to drive you crazy, wanting to feel all of him with no barriers.
Your eyes flicker across his face before landing on him, humming softly. “Are we going to have sex?” You ask like it isn’t obvious, an excited smile growing on your lips as he mocks your humming, leaning in to take your lips against his again, biting your bottom lip softly.
“You wanna have sex with me?” He teases, giggling against your lips as he pulls back, allowing you both to laugh at full volume as you nod your head.
“Feel how wet I am right now. It's crazy.” You grab his wrist and put it on the hem of your shorts. He takes it from there, sliding his hand inside your shorts and dipping into your underwear. You bite your bottom lip when you feel his slender fingers against your folds, gasping quietly when he presses the tips of his fingers against your wet entrance with a groan. He looks down at his hand in your pants, groaning again at how the fabric moves because of his fingers.
“Fuck…All from me tossing you around?” You nod at his question, eyes fluttering shut the more his fingers trace and rub over your hole, gathering your juices to slick up his fingers. With practiced ease, his fingers slide up to your clit and rub circles into the sensitive nub, making your back arch up off the bed slightly as a moan escapes your lips.
“I like when you get all…It’s fun to see how strong you are.” You try to explain, but your brain is easily fogging up with euphoria, which makes you rutt into Sungchan’s hand for more friction. Sungchan chuckled at your confession, his eyes never leaving your face as he continued rubbing at your clit.
“You like how strong I am, baby?” You preen at the nickname, nodding as your eyes open to meet his gaze, smiling fondly at him as you do so. Sungchan licks his lips at the sight of you beneath him, his free hand taking your face into his hand and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“And you’re throwing a fit about me getting hard,” Sungchan retorts, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he begins to spread your wetness around with slow, tantalizing movements. The feeling of you so wet and ready for him never failed to amaze him. “You’re just as turned on as I am.”
“I can’t deny that.” You smile at him, moaning softly when he slides a finger inside of you experimentally. He’s watching your reaction, his brown eyes intense and focused. “Seriously, we should wrestle more often.”
His response is a hearty laugh, his chest shaking beneath you. “I think I’d like that,” he murmurs, his thumb circling your clit lazily while another finger joins the first inside of you. His movements are slow and deliberate.
Your back arches off the bed, and you whimper again, feeling incredibly sensitive. It’s always like this with Sungchan – you’re always so responsive to him and eager for everything he gives you. “Sungchan…” you moan out his name, your voice thick with lust.
“Shh.” His other hand finds its way to your mouth, silencing any more protests that might have escaped your lips by sliding two fingers into your mouth. He’s so consuming, filling you from every place he could, making you practically melt into the mattress, moaning around his digits before sucking on them softly. The feel of his fingers inside you makes your head spin, and judging by the satisfied grin on his face, he knows it.
“Look at me,” he commands suddenly, a bit harsher than before. You obey instantly, looking up at him even as stars dance in front of your vision from the pleasure he’s giving you.
His gaze locks onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart falter within your chest. "That's it," he murmurs, his voice husky. His fingers are a constant pressure, curling and moving inside you in ways that have your eyes rolling back into your head.
But he doesn't want that; he wants you to watch him, wants to see the effect he has on you mirrored in your eyes as they stare back at him.
"I love seeing you like this," he tells you, grinning cockily. He pushes his fingers deeper, silently daring you to break eye contact. But you don't; you just whimper around the fingers in your mouth and take it, staring into his eyes as he stretches and fills you. “Just so pretty. All mine, too,” He whispers, ducking his head down to scatter kisses across your neck and chest, his fingers slipping from your mouth to hold your waist with a soft moan at how your skin tasted against his lips. Your fingers tangle in his silky hair, beginning to breathe heavier as his fingers continue to fuck into you with a newfound vigor.��
"More…" you breathe out in a heady whisper, one hand slipping down to cover his where it's still stroking over your clit in tight circles. Sungchan's deep chuckle vibrates against your skin before he obliges, sliding yet another finger inside of you, the stretch making you gasp and writhe beneath him. 
"Needy, aren’t you?" he teases.
You can only nod in response, the coil in your belly growing tighter and tighter with each delicious thrust of his fingers inside you. You feel your thighs tremble when he curls his fingers inside you, a long whine leaving your lips as you stare into Sungchan’s eyes. His jaw is dropped in awe of you, moaning softly and deeply at the obscene wet sounds coming from between your legs.
"That's my girl," Sungchan coos as he watches your face contort with pleasure. He loves every single one of your expressions – the way you scrunch your nose when you're trying to hold back a whimper, how your eyes flutter closed when he thrusts harder than expected. You’re an angel to him even when you claw and scratch at his arms.
He pulls his fingers back just to drive them forward once more, hitting that spot inside you that makes your body jolt with pleasure. His name is like a mantra on your lips, coming out in either soft whispers or high gasps. He bites his bottom lip when he hears you, dipping down to rest his forehead on yours to be closer to you. You can’t help but smile at the proximity, tipping your head up to nuzzle your nose against his with an airy giggle. Sungchan chuckles at your affection, kissing your forehead as his fingers continue to drill into you.
"Sungchan... please," you whimper, digging your nails into his forearms. You want– no, need – more of him. You want to feel him all around you, consume & take every bit of you until there's nothing left but him.
With a low chuckle, Sungchan gives a final swirl of his thumb over your clit before pulling his hand away entirely. You whine at the loss of contact, but it's short-lived when Sungchan murmurs, “I know, baby. I’ve got you.” You can almost see the smirk in his voice as he says it, your eyes too hazy with lust to notice anything but the presence of his warmth.
He moves away from you just for a moment, the sound of clothes rustling filling the room as he discards his own shirt and pants. He looks down at you, his eyes drinking in your disheveled state before his body blankets yours again. His torso pressing against yours, hard lines and warm skin meeting your softer curves, his fingers tracing light patterns over your hips as if he’s memorizing the contours of your body. 
His lips find yours in a searing kiss as he grinds down against you, the feeling of his length pressing into your bare thigh making you groan into his mouth. His hand slips between your bodies to align himself at your entrance, teasing you for a moment before pushing in with a low grunt. You whimper against his lips as his cock splits your walls open for him, brows knitting together at the way your body stretches to take him. He’s so big. Every time he fucks you, it feels like the first time. It’s mind-numbing. You can’t even imagine fucking another man after having Sungchan for so long. You swear he’s made for you.
"Look at me," he orders softly, his voice laced with need. His gaze is demanding yet tender as his hand takes your chin between his fingers to tip your head up. You let out a quiet sigh, opening your eyes to meet his gaze, unable to stop yourself from smiling at him. He’s so lovely, so warm. You feel nothing but love when you look at him. Sungchan bites his bottom lip to stop his smile from growing when he sees you smile, sinking himself further into you until his hips are flush against yours.
He stays still for a moment, letting you adjust to him. The both of you are panting heavily, your hearts beating in sync as you feel him throbbing inside you. There’s an unspoken conversation as you lock eyes, understanding each other without any words needed.
“Alright?” he asks, his voice a low purr against the shell of your ear that sends shivers down your spine. You give a nod, your fingers clutching onto his shoulders, silently urging him to move. Sungchan chuckles softly at your impatience, giving you a teasing nip on the neck before pulling back slightly and thrusting back into you with a slow yet forceful push.
A strangled moan escapes from your lips as pleasure washes over you. His every thrust is calculated - slow, easy, building up the sensation until it crashes over you like waves. Your mind goes fuzzy with pleasure, your nails dragging down his back as his pace increases.
“You’re so tight,” he grunts against your skin, his lips nipping against your collarbone. His hands roam your body like they’ve mapped out every inch of you – and they have. He’s marked every part of you in one way or another, claiming you as his own in every way he possibly can. You can only whine in response, and you can barely form words at this point.
"Faster, Sungie. Please," you gasp out between heavy breaths, and he complies without hesitation.
His hips snap into yours at an unforgiving pace now, hitting that sweet spot inside of you again and again. Your legs wrap around his hips tighter in surrender, pulling him closer. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by your shared gasps and moans of absolute pleasure. His fingers dig into the flesh of your hips as he anchors himself, his teeth grazing your neck with each sharp thrust.
"Yeah? Like that?" he rasps, feeling an accomplished smirk spread across his lips when you respond with a hoarse cry and an eager nod. 
Sungchan pulls out almost completely, only to slam back in, squeezing your hips hard enough to leave bruises. You wince at the mix of pain and pleasure, your muscles clenching around him. It’s too much but not enough all at once. He always leaves bruises even when he doesn’t mean to. You have to wonder if he knows his own strength. Your world narrows down to him: Sungchan and his body on top of yours, his hands leaving trails of fire where they touch you, his cock filling you with every thrust.
The coil in your gut tightens further, warning you of the fast-approaching release. "I wanna cum," you whine desperately, your hand fumbling between your bodies to press against your clit. However, Sungchan bats away your hand with a low chuckle.
"Yeah? You wanna cum, baby?" he taunts with a laugh, replacing your hand with his own with a smirk. His thumb begins to stroke over your sensitive bud in teasing circles that make you buck your hips up into him. His pace increases, rougher now, almost punishing as he chases his own release.
Your name tumbles from his lips like a prayer, desperate and ragged as he feels himself on the edge. His words spur you on, encouraging you to chase after that high that's just out of reach. 
You nod vigorously, your eyes squeezed shut and a low moan rumbling up from your chest as he continues to move inside you. The friction between your bodies is almost too much to bear, the sticky heat coating both of you, making it impossible not to feel his skin slipping against yours. You're drowning in sensation, the world around you fading away as all that matters is this moment with Sungchan.
His thrusts grow more brutal and hard, his hips slamming into yours in a rhythm that matches the thudding of your heart. He's lost in this feeling, too, his mouth open with every breath that he sucks in between gritted teeth. The taste of you fills his mouth as he kisses and nips along your jawline and collarbone, leaving marks that will only remind you of this moment.
You push back against him, wanting more friction, more contact - like he's a part of you now, forever entwined together. His lips find yours again, hot and hungry as his tongue slips into your mouth to dance with yours. It's messy but perfect; it always has been with him.
Your nails dig into his shoulders harder now, urging him to go deeper or faster or harder - you can't tell anymore which one you crave more. The sound of skin smacking against skin echoes around the room, mixing with the wet smacks of your kisses and the ragged breaths you take together.
Sungchan tilts his head back suddenly, releasing your lips with a soft pop.
With a final slap of skin against skin, you both come together, your bodies shuddering and twitching as pleasure overwhelms you. His hips snap against yours with each thrust, lips parted in a silent scream of ecstasy while his thumb flicks over your clit in perfect rhythm. Stars dance before your eyes as you feel your core clench around him, milking him out with each contraction. Your walls flutter and spasm, trying to hold onto him until the very last moment when he groans deeply, filling you completely.
"Fuck," he mumbles as his hot load coats your insides, his lips brushing against your ear. His fingers dig into your hips, holding you tightly against the force of his release, making you moan loudly as you come apart around him. Your legs quiver beneath him, his weight pressing down on you as if to mark you as his own. Sungchan's thrusts slow down to soothe the aftershocks rocking through your body as he holds himself deep inside of you, you panting breaths mingling together in the quiet room.
Chest heaving and sweat forming on your skin where they touch, Sungchan pulls out with a soft whimper of displeasure from both of you. The cool air feels like a slap in the face compared to how heated you are inside and out. Your walls cling to him for one last moment before releasing their grip, leaving a trail of stickiness between the two of you. You let out a long exhale, still catching your breath, as he rolled off of you to lie beside you on the bed.
He places soft kisses along the marks he left on your hips and collarbone, a smile playing on his lips when he finds your eyes on him. You still struggle to catch your breath, head falling back with a laugh as you cover your eyes with your arm. You hear him laugh as hell, crawling back up to uncover your eyes and crash his lips to yours in a fiery kiss, both of you still smiling against each other’s lips.
“We should wrestle more often,” Sungchan jokes against your lips. You roll your eyes with another tired laugh, hitting his chest playfully.
“You need to let me win one time. ‘See what happens,” you tease with a raise of your eyebrows, watching him raise his interest with a cute hum before leaning in and pecking your lips once, twice, three times before pulling back and kissing your cheek. You can’t stop the giggles from leaving your lips as his arm wraps around your waist.
“Alright,” he says, his voice teasing and light. “Next time, I’ll let you win.” His hand comes up to brush a few strands of hair from your face, tucking them behind your ear with a gentle sweep of his fingers. You blink up at him playfully, daring him to hold on to that statement.
“Promise?” you ask with a twinkle in your eye. The challenge is unspoken but clear as day between you.
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amrcnnightmre · 2 months
@amrcnnightmre account navigation ! <3
hi lovelies welcome to my account, i’m Cherry ♡
this account is 18+ ( I am 21 ! ) so please be cautious of that.
i’m Australian, AEST timezone! so be patient with replies please 🥺
a wrestling blog ! wwe, tna & aew mainly !
requests are open! please DO NOT request before you read the info on WHO I WRITE FOR & MY RULES first ! it’s really important !!
all for fun and a silly little hobby! here to make friends and put smiles on faces <3
dms are always open! 🎀
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• Who I write for !
• updates !
• My Masterlist !
check these links often i’ll update who i write for, rules, general updates & posting schedule/things coming soon!
can’t wait to write for you all <33
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with love,
Cherry 🪄
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kylefletchersgf · 3 months
Would u write for Joe Hendry? I didn't see him on ur list Soni thought I'd ask
Yes if they’re not on my list and they’re not problematic I’ll write for them
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appleblueberry-pie · 6 months
Can u do yandere house wife Yuuta Okkotsu from jjk?,love u
If i could suffocate and kill you with affection, i would. Here's more food.
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He felt nauseous, happy, dizzy, light and so fucking horny. The gurgled cough coming from underneath him inspired him to continue jabbing the knife into the disgusting lowlife's lungs and chest. Over and over and over again. He inhaled, raised the knife, a tight and sweaty grip on it. The handle was hot because of how long he'd been gripping it for. And finally, putting all of his upper body strength into fatally puncturing the body, him and it jolting as he repeated this again. The last time felt the best. It felt so easy to do, so messy and blinding with crimson red, yet that scream ripped out of his throat as he gave a passion into the last stab, the corpse now motionless underneath him.
Oh god, he would probably be somewhere better in life if he didn't meet you. But he can't imagine it ever being better, ever. Just knowing he can make you proud by being his again tonight makes him squirm and smile to the ceiling, blood coating him generously. His hard on made him wince and he shuffles off of the body, tossing the knife somewhere onto the ground.
That's the third person this week. A few more, and he'll finally reach the top targets meant to be executed this year. He's been taking his time getting rid of these targets that can't seem to leave you alone. Starting small with all of your exes and moving up to people that had a larger impact of your life, he's ridding all competition so he can finally spend the rest of his life with you permanently. He wishes your beauty and shine could be hidden from the world, but taking extreme measures for you worked just fine by him. So, he'll stay low for now.
Yuuta was your good boy. So sweet and kind. Humming you a song to sleep almost every night and caressing you in his arms to wake you in the morning. Who needs an alarm clock when your fiancé is there to gently caress your face to wake you from your peaceful slumber on time every morning? It's so hard to leave him when he makes you the best meal choices for breakfast, helps you choose your work outfit for the day and walks you to the door with those big beautiful eyes begging you to stay. Fortunately, wrestling your tongue with his for half a minute gives you enough time to rush out the door and make it to the car before he gives another excuse to keep you at home.
And when you come back home, he's there to help you undress. Maybe with some light begging, puppy eyes, a staring match and light convincing, he can jump into the shower with you. His hands would lather you with soap, the light smell wafting all throughout the bathroom. Carefully, working from your shoulders, down your arms, to your chest and stomach only to start shaking when you begin teasing him and baby talking him about how good of a little wife he's been to you. He accidentally squeezes your breasts a little harder than he would, making you wince.
He'd apologize and you slip out that it's fine in a soft tone. It makes him jump across lines to do it again, finally connecting your back with his front, letting his hands roam lower. And like every other time, it starts with him getting confident, taking the lead and feeling you melt into his hands. Your warm and soft skin molding between his fingers and making his cock twitch uncontrollably. It's so embarrassing how much he's panting. You can tell he can't handle taking the reigns, and before he can stop you, you completely control his brain. Doubling back down on him, sloppy kisses on his neck and chest, lightly squeezing and rubbing his tip in a way that almost makes him squeal.
To summarize without going too far into details, he can't ever be the one in charge. He's too scared.
Sometimes you massage his upper body, knowing how tense he can feel when you two sleep at night. Maybe the laundry load was too hefty for him or the groceries gave him a hard time. You can never figure out why such simple tasks make his muscles as hard as they are during the night. You worry for him sometimes and you ask what he could possibly be doing for him to feel that way. Maybe you two should talk about it? But he reassures you it's fine every time.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that Yuuta has always been your good boy, because you found out recently he leaves sometime in the night and comes back a few hours later. Leaves the house entirely. And it's peculiar. You thought he gave up doing sorcerer work a long time ago, so why does he.....?
You tried to let it go, tried to let it slip your mind. But then it kept happening. Once turned into twice, which turned into five times, which turned into no more of this bullshit please. You felt like it was your turn for a massage now.
And each time he leaves, he comes back to bed feeling tense all over again. And it angers you. You and him swore to keep no secrets from each other. He becomes extremely offended when you assume he is hiding something from you, but this is proof that he seriously is. Leaving the house every other night to come back home without your knowledge where just stresses you out. Where was he going? Is he doing something illegal? Is he hurting someone? Is he....unfaithful? Just thinking about it makes your stomach hurt.
One night, Yuuta returns to bed in just his boxers, showered and as relaxed as he can make himself. Eyebags as prominent as the day he first got them and tired. He slips under the covers you kept warm for him while he was gone and he sighs in bliss. Finally, returning home to you once more makes his mind go black. His hand runs up your back slowly, but he scrunches his eyebrows when he sees you pulling into yourself away from him.
"...Baby? Are you awake?" You don't answer, but he can see that you are. Yuuta sits up a little and sees your strained face. He can now also see that your face was glistening with tears and you continue to turn away from him. His heart and face drops at the sight and he sits up some more to try and see your face, his hand now on your arm to try and pull you back towards him. "Y/n? Please look at me. Why are you crying?" His voice was soft and understanding, with heavy concern mixed in, making you more nervous.
Your stomach twists and turns at how much he worries for you, but it just continues to make you assume the worst. You shake your head and gasp out a sob. You can hear him repeating 'no' behind you and he sits you up to properly talk to you.
You stare at his face silently, slowly regaining your composure. "..." He stutters lightly before beginning. "I'm always here for you when you need it, baby. Just please don't hide anything from me. I can't bare it when something's hurting you and you won't tell-" "Where do you go?"
He sits up straighter at the question, not expecting you to answer. "....What?" You wipe your face, quickly growing angry at the irony of his previous statements. "Where are you going when you leave at night, Yuuta?" You watch the color leave his skin and his lips purse. He averts his gaze for a few seconds before looking back at you, a slight panic in his voice and stutters increasing drastically. "I don't.....I-I-I don't know what you're talking about, dear." "Dear?? Yuuta, you just said we don't lie to each other." "I'm not!!" You give him a nasty stare. One he never thought he'd get from you. It makes him close his mouth immediately and you let the silence grow. ".....You just lied to me again." "I can't tell you." Yuuta gains the courage to blurt out the words and he watches your face contort once more, and immediately regrets his decision.
"That's bullshit! You said we tell each other fucking everything! What's so important that you have to hide it from me for who knows how long?? Are you cheating on me?? Oh god." You turn away from him, not wanting to know if you could've possibly been right with the assumption, getting up to create distance. Yuuta immediately yanks your arm back to him and sits you back down on the bed, turning your face to him to make real eye contact with you. "I wouldn't ever think about cheating on you. I love you. That has never been a thought in my mind ever since I first laid my eyes on you." "Then what are you hiding?"
He thinks about the possibilities of telling you the truth. How possible would it be that you would forgive him? How possible would it be that you just stay angry at him for a few days? How possible would it be that you would shove him away? That you would leave him?? He can't tell you. It sacrifices too much. He just wants to be your man. Forever yours and nothing else. No outsiders intervening, no arguments, no fighting. And he always lets you win, but......he just can't let this one go.
Once he started shaking his head, you knew you couldn't just let this happen. You were scared to understand what he was doing. It had to be something horrible or demented, because why can't he tell you? Does it have to do with you? You were tired of thinking. Yuuta watches you look away from him and walk towards the bedroom door. "Please leave." He blankly stares at you for a few seconds, mouth agape and still. Like he couldn't properly register what you said. But you continued walking out and he followed, his mind lagging behind with speech. "......W-wait. What?....What??"
He began to speed his pace, wanting to grab your arm, your waist, something. Because that couldn't have been what you sai- "Get out of my house." You picked up one of his random shirts, one of his pairs of pants, some shoes and threw them at his feet. "Get out. I don't want to see you right now."
Yuuta began feeling lightheaded and dizzy, his veins popping out of his skin from stress, his hands shaking. His worst nightmare was coming true, all because he wanted to keep you safe. Is this what he gets for being reckless? He couldn't even get words to flow out of his mouth, too scared. Just flimsy excuses that seemed to do more harm than good. ".......I didn't even do anything wrong!" "You're a liar, you've been leaving the house at night for over a month and you can't even tell me the truth! Why should I live with someone like that?"
You were yelling at him now. He watched you scoff before putting your own clothes on. You only managed to get some pants on before Yuuta dropped to his knees in front of you, pulling your wrists to his chest and he stares up at you as if he was a crazed man. Tears coated his wide eyes. Fear shown clear as day. You could feel him shaking.
He began to splutter out words, as if his mind was on autopilot, while feeling like he had to drag them out of the corners of his mind just to make coherent sense. "I didn't do ANYTHING, I promise! IpromiseIpromiseIpromise, just don't fucking leave me! I'll do anything you want, please. I just- I-I can't live without you, I love you." He heaves a sigh, still shaking, before continuing. "I love you so....much. I need you so bad. Everything I've been doing has been for you and will always be for you. Please don't leave. Please."
You were scared to say or do anything. The way he held onto you, squeezed your wrists as if you were his lifeline, was terrifying. Was this the man you wanted to marry? One who kept promises and...did something outside of your knowledge to stay with you? It felt like you didn't have any choice but one, even though his life was entirely yours.
Yuuta rested his head on your stomach, wanting to feel and absorb your heat. He wouldn't let you go unless you told him he could stay. "........."
You stayed silent. He stayed silent. You were still and he continued to shake like a leaf. His mind continued running and you stared down at him. Blank stare at his pathetic face. Waiting for what you wanted. He knew what you wanted. But he couldn't tell you. He stared back up at you, tears building in his eyes once again. You didn't have to say a damn thing and he already knew what you wanted from him. That's how it's always been between the two of you. You let him decide to give you exactly what you want, and he'll sacrifice whatever he needs to just to please you. Whether that would be his money, his time, his soul and heart. And you always provided back in return, your love. And it's all he ever needed to keep satisfying you. But you might tear yourself out of him entirely if he gave you what you wanted, needed. And he didn't want to sacrifice anything. He didn't want to say a word. But he didn't have a choice when his sobs racked out of his chest, his chest that hurt as if someone was squeezing the blood out of it forcefully. He didn't have a choice when his headache throbbed from the back of his head to the front, weakening him. And he didn't have a choice when he knew his mind and heart collectively moved his tongue for him.
He slowly choked out the words, "I killed them." He heard you voice your horror and he held you tighter, wrapping his arms around you to tightly keep you against his yearning body even though you resisted, wailing and speaking louder. "I killed them all. They're dead. But- but I did it all for you, I promise!" He squeezes your clothing tightly, and choked out his words. "I just wanted you to love me. Just me." His words were slurred, but you could make out every bit. The killer held you tighter, sobbing into you. You weren't anything but a woman he had an unhealthy attachment towards. Having that realization towards the man you thought you could entrust your life to was like your castle walls crumbling in a matter of seconds.
You didn't know what to do. He was repeatedly calling out your name now, wanting you to say something, anything to him. It was late at night. The cops couldn't be called. And even if they could be called, they wouldn't help you anyways.
Yuuta felt like he was suffocating and dying. You didn't love him anymore. He could see it on your face. His world was disappearing before his very eyes and grasped to have it back again. His world was in front of him, in his arms, but your presence wasn't there. Not like how it usually was. He wanted you back. He wants you. But how could he take you back when you looked down at him as if he was a stranger from the streets that you couldn't recognize? He wanted your warm hands on his face, he wanted to be inside of you again, he wanted to feel your lips on his, he wanted to hug you again.
He seemed calmer now. No longer crying like a baby, but definitely tired and deluded. "Let me stay? Please?" He stares up at you with those eyes you used to love. His cold hand held yours up to his face for him to rub onto. "I told you. So, you'll let me stay?" You gulp, realizing you'll have to decide. Either let him stay and pretend like nothing happened for your safety, or say no and deal with him crying for you to not escape him. You didn't want either of those.
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mammalsofaction · 7 months
Imagine human!Perry getting hit with the molecular separator. Set during the events of 'Split Personality'
-That morning when Candace was wrestling with the separator and accidentally separates herself, the machine smashes into a rock and begins to malfunction. She doesn't notice, what with suddenly being two people with wildly contradicting priorities and all.
-But when Perry steps out into the backyard to head into his hideout, stepping onto the very same rock-a trigger for his lair, the machine descends down with him. Perry lands in his seat, but the machine activates upon impact to the floor and hits him with it before it sputters out and dies. Monogram is greeted with two distinct Perrys; Agent P, professional hardass and lone wolf dedicated in the pursuit of justice and fighting evil (specifically Doof); and Uncle Perry, a mellow headed novelist who sleeps a lot and really doesn't do much, but loves the kids with all his heart.
-If both men get caught in public and outs OWCA, it could decimate Perry's cover and invite all sort of legal and coverup catastrophes. Monogram demands Carl chase them and fix it.
-Instead of the Look-Away Inator, it's a Vanessa week and Doof has cooked up another harebrained scheme to take over the Tri State Area, but first! Buying parts at the mall with his daughter :3 Bonding time.
-So Agent P storms to the Mall to defeat Evil and Uncle Perry goes to the mall because all his kids (Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Vanessa) are there!
-Cue four part musical number with Romantic Candace, Busting Candace, Agent P and Uncle Perry while PnF and Carl are trying to chase Candace and Perry around the mall, while Linda and Doof remain perfectly oblivious.
-At one point Vanessa separates from her dad to go look at some new knee high goth stomping boots, and Agent P gets to her first. He gets all up in her face, interrogating her on her father and where he's going and what he's planning, and Vanessa-miffed-goes "What is going ON with you today" and Agent P is like "That's none of your business, Doofenshmirtz." Spitting out her last name like it's something disgusting. He's never referred to her like that before: Perry has ALWAYS made a point to separate her from her father, and emphasize that she was her own person. Agent P storms off and leaves her behind feeling hurt and confused and 40% sure that was NOT the Perry she knows and loves.
-Barely a moment after he leaves Uncle Perry stumbles inside the shop, looking winded and worried before he spots her and breathes this huge sigh of relief. He notes that Vanessa looks spooked, and Vanessa is making that math calculation meme look as Perry checks her up and looks her over until she convinces him that she's fine and she hadn't been hurt. She knows Perry was a softy on the inside, but she's getting whiplash from the sheer difference between him NOW and the him that just spit in her face 5 minutes ago. Not to mention they're dressed COMPLETELY different, and she's never seen him dressed like THIS before. An old battered denim jacket with old band patches over a slightly washed out ducky momo tshirt, khaki shorts and crocs. Hes wearing glasses, and his hair uncombed and unruly. If she was any measure as face blind as her father, they would be two completely different people despite the teal hair, and she wouldn't have recognised him at all.
-She's beginning to suspect they ARE different people. Sthg smells FISHY.
-She off handedly mentions that her father is making a SUPER evil contraption that could completely isolate her uncle. He's on his way home right now.
-Ducky Momo Perry just looks at her with this confused, slightly amused "ok, and?" Look like he's not sure what to do with this information, and just asks if she needs a ride home? If she can just wait until he collects the rest of his kids (he has kids?????) he can drop her off at her father's. They could even get slushy dog otw out maybe?
-She asks if he doesn't want to stop her father's evildoing maybe, and Perry's like no???? Im just a novelist, I dont do much. I dont go out busting evil, that's Other Me's job, and Vanessa's Something Is Off senses just goes BLARING like What Does He Mean.
-Perry checks something on his phone though, and notes with concern it is so LATE, and he needs to make Lunch, oh the kids must be starving he HAS to look for them, and takes off with a kiss to Vanessa's cheek requesting her to meet her at Slushy Dog so he can take her home.
-After he leaves, Vanessa walks out with her mind going A Mile A Minute and spots the Carl The Intern that Monty had once introduced her to. She waves him over, and he asks, nervously, if she had seen "Agent P" around. It's child's play to pressure him into telling her that Agent Perry the Platypus had accidentally been molecularly separated into individually embodying each side of his double life. One where he is known as Uncle Perry of the Flynn Fletcher household, and Secret Agent P the enactor of Justice.
-They had to put the two of them together, else OWCA could risk Perry's cover to be blown, and he would have to be relocated.
-She doesn't want this! She tells Carl that she had already told Agent P that her father had gone home to enact his Evil Plan so she's sure he's going to be at DEI, and she's going to persuade Uncle Perry to send her up. Carl will have to meet them there with the repaired separator and blast them back together.
-She finds Uncle Perry at Slushy Dog, talking to that blonde kid behind the counter that she's pretty sure is Candace Flynn's boyfriend and Perry introduces him as Jeremy Johnson, who had told him Phineas, Ferb and Candace had gone home with their mother. Jeremy seems to vaguely recognise her, at least. Perry introduces her as his "Partner's daughter, Vanessa." Which, okay, they are so pressed for time to unpack that right this second. The implications don't seem to miss Jeremy, either; he looks too stunned to speak. She doubts Jeremy had known Perry was dating anybody. Heck, she didn't know until right that second either. She is SOOOOO bringing this back up once Perry was back to normal.
-She tells Perry that her dad was making her favourite doonkelberry pie for lunch and he just called her and said Perry was invited so won't he please send her home? Perry blushes a little, most likely at the thought of her dad inviting him over to lunch, Jeremy looks arrested and wide eyed like he's piecing things together in his head and Vanessa is only a little bit sorry about the mess Normal Perry is going to have to come home to when he reports home to his mother.
-As Uncle Perry drives her home, Vanessa implicitly understands Carl and Monogram's concerns for the Agency's cover and OWCA's secrecy, because Uncle Perry has NO FILTER. She learns more about him in the half hour car ride (a battered Honda Accord) over than she ever has in the last 5 years she had known him. In a relaxed state, Perry talks in odd accent amalgam that he explains had been due to being raised in Australia, before moving to England with his sister when she married Lawrence, Ferb's dad. They were otherwise orphans who were integrated by OWCA at an incredibly young age, so the Fletchers became like family, and he had stayed even when his sister passed from an OWCA related incident (the one thing he seems hesitant to elaborate on) to help Lawrence Fletcher raise Ferb. He explains to her that prior to his nemesis-ship to her father, OWCA had demanded him work odd hours which weren't very kid friendly, which made him apply for a more stable schedule. Major Monogram got in contact and persuaded him to take up a nemesis-ship with his father in Danville, and when he moved, Lawrence and Ferb moved with him.
-Lawrence met Linda Flynn in Danville, who was a single mother of Candace and Phineas Flynn, and the rest was history.
-Vanessa had an inkling there was so much more lore she could uncover from that brief yet eye opening wealth of information, but she got distracted just learning more about Perry as a person and-apparently-how much more open he is about his adoration of her father without his concerns of professionalism as an OWCA agent. She knows he thinks her dad's cute, seems exasperated but fond and awed of his inventions, angry and sad about his childhood and past. Perry says he feels like he owes Heinz for so much, not least for getting to care about another brilliant kid, a point he emphasizes with a noogie to Vanessa's head. She feels all mushy and warm inside, but all too soon they have arrived at her father's penthouse doorstep, from which originated the sounds of cartoonish violence.
-Perry notes that her father must be busy, and Vanessa is abruptly reminded of her Mission. She reiterates her father's invitation to lunch, and practically drags Perry inside, praying that Carl had beat them there or was at least primed and aimed the Separator whatsit with a clear shot.
-Inside, Agent P is posed over her father, straddling his chest and he lies on his back on floor squirming and wriggling and noting that Perry the Platypus is being strangely intense today. Agent P is sporting a good few scrapes of his own, implying that her father had given as good as he got, but even with his scowl and a fist pulled back, it's a awkward configuration to catch her dad in. It's not even the first time it happens, but it's SO weird to see every time. Her dad never seems to notice the kind of picture it paints.
-Vanessa doesn't even need to do anything to shove the two halves of Perry together, because Uncle Perry had stormed forward with a beet red face pulling Agent P off of his Heinz, demanding to know what it is that he's doing. It seems to set them both like nothing else, because they are suddenly in a full blown fight with each other (Agent P accusing his other half that he was Consorting With The Enemy, and Uncle Perry hissing about he could've seriously hurt them Heinz and Vanessa BOTH, and this was why they never have any friends or nice things.)
-As Vanessa pulls her father away, she briefly worries that she had blown Perry's cover, until she notes that her dad's got two black eyes and muttering dizzily about seeing double. It's easy to coax him out to an adjacent room as she sees Carl the Intern sneaking inside the house through the still open front door with a machine that looks a like a camera. They give each other a thumbs up as the arguing increases to a fever pitch, one wrong word away before coming to blows, and Carl fires up the reverse of the Separator.
-The abrupt silence throughout the penthouse makes Vanessa's ears ring, but seeing only one dazed figure in the middle of the lab is such a wonderful relief. She watches him take note of his surroundings, a thoroughly defeated Heinz Doofenshmirtz and a thwarted Inator before reaching his own conclusions, and practically overlooks Carl, who takes the opportunity to slink back out the apartment with a visible echoed sigh of relief.
-Vanessa watches as he darts over first to her wrecked and injured dad, hissing as he carefully assesses the injuries and bruises he had inflicted on the man himself that reminds her of the way his Uncle Perry Aspect had looked over HER in the mall-the visible care and concern Agent P disavows himself of. He's avoiding her gaze, and Vanessa figures out that he's embarrassed.
-She doesn't get the opportunity to say anything though, bc her dad comes to somewhat and realizes that Perry is by his side. Despite his wounds being inflicted Perry himself, he seems to tell that Perry's worried anyway, and requests that the agent carry him to his room to take a nap. Vanessa feels a little like she's interrupting, seeing the gentle way her dad takes Perry's hand, the softness in Perry's expression, the easy acquiescence as he heaves her father up in a bridal carry. Her dad is still mumbling nonsense, she hopes Perry will look him over for a concussion, but Perry catches her eye to nonverbally indicate-importantly-that they need to have a talk.
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