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In umbrarum silentio, ubi nox regnat et tenebrae profundae obscura facies orbem involvunt, emergunt daemonum umbrae, animas humanas morte damnatas vexantes. Audis susurros infernales, qui per auras fluunt sicut maledicta murmura, invocantes tuam perditionem.
Ad portas mortis te ducunt, ubi umbrae mortuorum tenebras tuas devorant, et astra noctis lumina sua in abyssum retrahunt. In veste nigra obscura erras, ubi umbrae vitae tuae paulatim evanescent, et horrores ignoti te circumdant.
Sub caelo crepusculari, imago mortis in speculo tenebroso se revelat, vultus inquietus et oculi vacui revelant periculum imminens. Cantus illius umbrae resonat, diris tonis et susurris aethereis animam tuam attrahens.
In locis nocturnis, ubi arbores umbrae sinistras fundunt et luna pallida in caelo immotus observat, sentis frigus mortis tangens cutem tuam. Tumulum tenebrarum intras, ubi ossa mortuorum silentia tua narrare incipiunt, et umbrae sepulchrales clamorem tuum suscipiunt.
Horror tuus crescens est, quasi incubus nocturnus, et timor arcanus in corde tuo insidet. Tenebrae te stringunt, et in abyssum voraginem tuae animae trahunt, ubi nihil praeter sonitus infernales et luctum perpetuum manet.

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Commission for @unifyingspark of their character Vassago.
As described in his profile page @iimmotus :
“Vassago is a unique creature as he is of mixed Cybertronian descent and his mother, Veritas, is a creature of the deaduniverse. He is a hybrid of two very different realms. He is best thought of as an mechanoid alien from a shadowy icy underworld who was raised in the living bright realm and taught to cope with the discomfort.”
Working on this guy has been a really interesting experience. I really dig the mix of textures that went into his different bits, and it was really refreshing to work on a more humanoid (and yet monstrous) character for a change.
Also, his design is pretty damn sweet. I had a blast with it. ^ w ^
#maccadams#oc#unifyingspark#vassago#immotus#commission#transformers#partially I guess#demon#?#idk what to tag this exactly <:'3#myart#allmyart
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hc. Mountain Shaper battle information
Basic Info:
Name: Mountain Shaper Alias: Lei Title: The Molder of Mountains Rarity: 4* Vision: Geo Weapon: Claymore Combat Style: Heavy attacks, some attacks will petrify and stun enemies. Increases ATK power Position: Tank
Normal Attack: Erosion
Normal attack: A five part combo of heavy hitting slashes with his claymore. On the last hit pieces of amber / geo energy will fly off his sword and hit surrounding enemies.
Charged Attack: A 3 part combo with heavier hitting but slower attacks. Each attack gives off the pieces of amber / geo energy as above and hits a wider range.
Plunging attack: Same as other claymore user plunging attacks, but with bits of rock and geo energy flying to hit surrounding enemies when he lands.
Elemental Skill: Amber Prison
Surrounding enemies (starts at 3, can increase with talent level) are trapped in Amber for a few moments, then Mountain Shaper slams his claymore into the ground - breaking all the amber. Enemies are damaged and stunned for a moment after, and attack against enemies that were trapped in the amber increases by 15% for 10 seconds.
Enemies who were not trapped in the amber can still be damaged by the amber when the prisons break and fly outwards. These enemies do not get the same damage debuff.
The prison will not trap bosses but can stun them out of certain attacks.
Elemental Burst: Volcanic Burst
Mountain Shaper slams his claymore into the ground. Earth shits around him throwing out molten rock and geo energy. The molten rock will petrify enemies it hits for up to 10 seconds (increases with talent level). Damage done against petrified enemies increases for the duration. This scales with Mountain Shaper’s Attack.
Mountain shaper gets covered in rock armor, increasing attack and defense by 20% for 30 seconds. When the time is up he breaks off the armor, and the debris can hit surrounding enemies.
Passive Talent 1: Fulfilling the contract
When Mountain Shaper is in the party, Attack of active party member increases when HP falls below 20%. This lasts for 30 seconds. The amount that attack increases scales with the level of this skill and Mountain Shaper’s max Attack.
This effect can only happen once every 60 seconds..
Passive Talent 2: Chain Reaction
Every successful normal or charged attack combo (5 for normal, 3 for charged) decreases the cool down of Amber Prison by 1s.
Passive Talent 3: Guardian of the Stone
Refunds 15% of the ores used when crafting any kind of weapon. Refund increases to 20% when cor lapis is used or if a claymore weapon is being made.
immotus montis – “Immovable Mountain”
Level 1: Rockslide
Increases combo of charged attack by one.
Level 2: Inner enlightenment
Adds a second charge to the Amber Prison elemental skill.
Level 3: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
All petrified enemies, even those caused by other party member’s skills, will receive the damage debuff against them when active party member attacks them.
Level 4: External Knowledge
Increases the Level of Volcanic Burst by 3. Max upgrade level is 20.
Level 5: The bond of the contract
When an attack buff affects a fellow Adeptus, that character’s attack increases by 15% more than it would have been increased by.
Level 6: Council of Adepti
When all party members are Adepti, increase party’s attack by 5 and increase the duration of attack and defense buffs from the Volcanic Burst’s rock armor by 10 seconds.
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About Mountain Shaper’s battle information....
Basic Info:
Name: Mountain Shaper Alias: Lei Title: The Moulder of Mountains Rarity: 4* Vision: Geo Weapon: Claymore Combat Style: Heavy attacks, some attacks will petrify and stun enemies. Increases ATK power Position: Tank
Normal Attack: Erosion
Normal attack: A five part combo of heavy hitting slashes with his claymore. On the last hit pieces of amber / geo energy will fly off his sword and hit surrounding enemies.
Charged Attack: A 3 part combo with heavier hitting but slower attacks. Each attack gives off the pieces of amber / geo energy as above and hits a wider range.
Plunging attack: Same as other claymore user plunging attacks, but with bits of rock and geo energy flying to hit surrounding enemies when he lands.
Elemental Skill: Amber Prison
Surrounding enemies (starts at 3, can increase with talent level) are trapped in Amber for a few moments, then Mountain Shaper slams his claymore into the ground - breaking all the amber. Enemies are damaged and stunned for a moment after, and attack against enemies that were trapped in the amber increases by 15% for 10 seconds.
Enemies who were not trapped in the amber can still be damaged by the amber when the prisons break and fly outwards. These enemies do not get the same damage debuff.
The prison will not trap bosses but can stun them out of certain attacks.
Elemental Burst: Volcanic Burst
Mountain Shaper slams his claymore into the ground. Earth shits around him throwing out molten rock and geo energy. The molten rock will petrify enemies it hits for up to 10 seconds (increases with talent level). Damage done against petrified enemies increases for the duration. This scales with Mountain Shaper’s Attack.
Mountain shaper gets covered in rock armor, increasing attack and defense by 20% for 30 seconds. When the time is up he breaks off the armor, and the debris can hit surrounding enemies.
Passive Talent 1: Fulfilling the contract
When Mountain Shaper is in the party, Attack of active party member increases when HP falls below 20%. This lasts for 30 seconds. The amount that attack increases scales with the level of this skill and Mountain Shaper’s max Attack.
This effect can only happen once every 60 seconds..
Passive Talent 2: Chain Reaction
Every successful normal or charged attack combo (5 for normal, 3 for charged) decreases the cool down of Amber Prison by 1s.
Passive Talent 3: Guardian of the Stone
Refunds 15% of the ores used when crafting any kind of weapon. Refund increases to 20% when cor lapis is used or if a claymore weapon is being made.
immotus montis – “Immovable Mountain”
Level 1: Rockslide
Increases combo of charged attack by one.
Level 2: Inner enlightenment
Adds a second charge to the Amber Prison elemental skill.
Level 3: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
All petrified enemies, even those caused by other party member’s skills, will receive the damage debuff against them when active party member attacks them.
Level 4: External Knowledge
Increases the Level of Volcanic Burst by 3. Max upgrade level is 20.
Level 5: The bond of the contract
When an attack buff affects a fellow Adeptus, that character’s attack increases by 15% more than it would have been increased by.
Level 6: Council of Adepti
When all party members are Adepti, increase party’s attack by 5 and increase the duration of attack and defense buffs from the Volcanic Burst’s rock armor by 10 seconds.
#a forgotten history . headcanon#the molder of mountains . mountain shaper#wheezes i think this is okay....
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The Fiery Land of the Cyclopes
Vergil, Aeneid 3.570-587 Note: Trinacria = Sicily. There is a harbor, unmoved by the approach Of the winds, and huge by itself; but beside it Etna thunders with dreadful collapses, and From time to time it shoots forth into the air A dark cloud, smoking with pitch-black whirlwinds And red-hot ashes; it lifts up globs of flame And licks the stars. At other times it belches forth Crags and the mountain’s torn-away innards, Raising them high, and in the breezes It melds together melted rocks with a groan As it seethes from its lowest depths. The tale runs that by this mass the body Of Enceladus, half-burned by lightning, Is pressed; that vast Etna, placed atop him, Breathes out flames from its ruptured furnaces; And that, whenever he shifts from one Weary side to another, all Trinacria trembles With a rumble and veils the skies with smoke. That night, sheltered by the woods, we endured Terrible prodigies, and we could not see What cause produced the noise. For the fires Of the stars were nowhere to be seen, Nor was heaven bright with starlight; no, Vapors filled the murky sky, and the Dead of night held the moon fast in a cloud. Portus ab accessu ventorum immotus et ingens ipse: sed horrificis iuxta tonat Aetna ruinis, interdumque atram prorumpit ad aethera nubem turbine fumantem piceo et candente favilla, attollitque globos flammarum et sidera lambit; interdum scopulos avulsaque viscera montis erigit eructans, liquefactaque saxa sub auras cum gemitu glomerat fundoque exaestuat imo. fama est Enceladi semustum fulmine corpus urgeri mole hac, ingentemque insuper Aetnam impositam ruptis flammam exspirare caminis, et fessum quotiens mutet latus, intremere omnem murmure Trinacriam et caelum subtexere fumo. noctem illam tecti silvis immania monstra perferimus, nec quae sonitum det causa videmus. nam neque erant astrorum ignes nec lucidus aethra siderea polus, obscuro sed nubila caelo, et lunam in nimbo nox intempesta tenebat.

Volcano, Lionel Walden, ca. 1920
#classics#tagamemnon#Latin#lingua latina#poem#poetry#translation#Latin language#Latin translation#epic poetry#Vergil#Virgil#Aeneid#The Aeneid#Ancient Rome#Roman Empire#Augustan period#Lionel Walden
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Arkhaven New Release: ALT-HERO #3: REPRISAL

Alt★Hero #3: Reprisal is now on Amazon. Kindle and KU editions are available.
Michael Martel and the mysterious Immotus have freed Shiloh Summers from the UN’s Superhuman Protective Council, but now Security Director Kulkarni is determined to track them down. So when SPC agents take her mother and father into custody as official persons of interest, Shiloh and her new friends face a difficult choice: fight to free them or find another way to convince the SPC to let them go.
From the first reviews:
Every issue of this series is improving on the last.
Been following this latest insurgency in the culture war with mild interest. But they finally got me actually hooked. Art quality has jumped up a notch or three, and the story is starting to go somewhere.
Better than Civil War! Even at their best, back in the old days when Marvel and DC delved into politics and social commentary, they were not as gripping and thought-provoking as this!
Story is AAA! This one was freakin’ goooooood! Best yet of the Arkhaven comics releases. Already, after a total of four issues in this universe (3 Alt-Hero, one Avalon) we’re starting to see an interconnected web. The plot is racing ahead. These characters, these stories, this setting… It is going to be big. Huge. Epic.
This is writing one hardly sees in comics anymore, and it’s a slice of awesome. I thought issue 2 was good, but this in many ways is better. And once again, stellar artwork.
Arkhaven New Release: ALT-HERO #3: REPRISAL published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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Immotus nec Iners
G. D'Annunzio
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