punktrsh · 2 years
@immortalitae​ 🖤
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it was rare he took commission work from strangers nowadays, even rarer he’d agree to crafting magic items. was a craft he’d toiled with in his youth, and while it proved useful, it was something he had little interest in. found, with the gift of time he’d be given, he rather spend it in meaningful ways. would rather enjoy himself, than waste times doing things he didn’t care for. but his curiosity had been piqued, had never had a vampire cross his threshold, certainly never had one ask him for something outright. “if you’re so concerned about the look of it,” which in his opinion was ridiculous, couldn’t fathom the importance of its aesthetic when its function was its sole purpose. “i can charm it for a price —- no one will see it’s true form but me. otherwise, your ring is ready.”
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gbj-astralmusic · 2 years
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
halloween sentence starters || accepting 
“Do you believe in ghosts?” -- @immortalitae
Fujiko laughed, a soft delighted musical thing. She loved it when pretty men made the small talk portion of her evening delightful. She usually hated this part. Where she had to make meaningless talk about stocks or race horses or private jets. Waiting for the men to do the right thing, invite her home, and then she could rob them blind. Payment for her company she figured. But it was always more fun when she got interesting conversation during the night.
Like talk about ghosts.
“Aren’t we all just haunting each other?” she asked, tipping a glass of wine to her lips. “I am both haunted, and well ... I do hope I leave the kind of impression that lingers after I am gone,” she purred.
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immortalitae · 2 years
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godstruck, godswept, godnonsensical
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independent, private & selective lestat de lioncourt, as awakened by judas established oct. 2022
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dominousworld · 1 day
a cura di Ralù Raluca Antohie Iside ed Osiride giacevano uniti nel ventre della loro madre: già qui Iside si scopre innamorata del fratello, già qui si uniscono ancor prima di nascere, già qui il loro destino appare segnato da travagli e angosce. Osiride morirà, ucciso dal fratello Seth, che, inasprito dalla gelosia, dopo averlo annegato, ne smembra il corpo, nascondendone le varie parti. Da…
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oubliettemagazine · 5 months
Anima Mundi di Marsilio Ficino #12: Immortalità e resurrezione
“[…] non è sicuro accostarsi al compito della speculazione prima di aver attraversato il fuoco della purificazione morale, giacché qualcuno infetto dalle malattie dei vizi, potrebbe così ricorrere all’acume della speculazione per difendere ingiustizia ed empietà.” ‒ Marsilio Ficino Anima Mundi Marsilio Ficino #12 Immortalità e resurrezione Dodicesima puntata della rubrica “Anima Mundi” che…
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bouteaque-fi · 9 months
Gynostemma pentaphyllum o jiaogulan
Da bouTEAque il Gynostemma pentaphyllum o jiaogulan l’erba dell’immortalità Scopriamo il Gynostemma pentaphyllum o jiaogulan definita dai cinesi l’erba dell’immortalità. Che cosa è il Gynostemma pentaphyllum Il Gynostemma pentaphyllumo o jiaogulan, nome cinese che significa “pianta arricciata” è una pianta erbacea perenne e rampicante della famiglia delle Cucurbitacee. Cresce in Cina, sul…
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ofmercy · 2 years
@immortalitae​ “You still deserve to be loved.”
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Louis tilts his head, looking away and pressing his lips together to keep from being betrayed by a smile. Lestat knows how to disarm him, to quiet the ricochetting thoughts in his mind for a little bit.
He gives in to his resistance and moves close. His arms are still croseed, but he rests his head against Lestat’s shoulder. “Maybe,” he murmurs. “Doesn’t seem to be what anybody else ever thought about me. I was a bad man who did bad things... Now, I figure if they knew, they’d say I’m something worse.”
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aranostra · 2 years
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@immortalitae​ “ people get scared, they’re as like to turn to god as anything else. ” @ father paul!
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“It’s true that fear often inspires a change of heart.”
Father Paul speaks carefully. He is not sure what this man is--if he’s even a man. Since he was blessed by the Angel and took on a new name, he sees people differently, senses their hearts and hears their souls. This stranger, though...
This stranger, like the Angel, is silent.
“People... People fear sickness. They come to me. Because I can heal them and because I speak of God, perhaps that connection allows the Spirit in where there was faithlessness. I don’t deny that.” Paul smiles a little, hoping, perhaps, to relieve his own uncertainty as much as his visitor’s doubts. “I’m sure it could be perceived as manipulative, but I assure you, I would heal any atheist as soon as a believer. It’s not a tactic. Merely a... side effect.”
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fantasmaz-arc · 2 years
“ you have no idea who i am, do you ? ”                   @immortalitae
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“       no ... not quite,       ”   a voice marred by cigarettes and alcohol, deep and scratchy around the edges. faint jersey accent, with a hint of a sneer. even though monotonous and just a bit cold, there’s no malice behind the vampire’s eyes                   darcy just cocks an eyebrow, while scanning the other momentarily. a shame. she would like to know him.   ‘ motherfucker is beautiful, ’   she muses.   “       am i supposed to know you   ?       ”
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hellisheir · 2 years
015.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺     (   a  collection  of  various  settings  meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts . )
15.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
“Tell me, do all vampires have connections with the wealthy?” Being an immortal being who didn’t need to eat or pay bills would certainly help. Vampires had all kinds of abilities at their disposal that would make it easier to acquire money. 
But why a wine cellar. It wasn’t like Lestat wanted to have a drink, vampires only drank blood right? Or maybe they liked to indulge every now and again and Michael just wasn’t aware of it. “Are you looking for something or did you take me down here for other reasons?”
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gbj-astralmusic · 2 years
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
zatanna starter for @immortalitae
“So the good news is, I’ve got the penthouse suite all booked up through the end of the week,” Zatanna said, breezing into the room, wearing all silver, and showing off her long expanse of leg. (Encased in rhinestone fishnets of course.) She’s got her phone in one hand, a shiny little clutch in the other. She was staying on theme it seemed. Changed out of her show outfit into her party clothes. “And we’ve got enough time for me to grab dinner before we leave, and as for you, you can just have a nip of me if you want, and I haven’t heard back from John, and I can’t say if he got my texts or not. I’m not convinced he reads them half the time,” she said, sliding her phone in her purse. “Sound like a good start to the night?”
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Tagged by: @dec6pitated
tag game : shuffle your library, list 10 songs, and tag 10 people.
Drug Darkness - The Pink Woods (Six Needles). / Wasn't on here at all lol.
Did on my mp3 app, idk if it was supposed to be spotify but anyway. 😅 I don't have one so..
@th1rsty4-th3-bl00d-0f-g0d @psychosis-ter @modexistence @fun-is-in-the-details @toopoortoobroke @valley-of-sacrifice whoever else I guess ha.
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dominousworld · 1 year
Videoconferenza del canale YouTube AXIS MUNDI, trasmessa in live streaming il giorno 3 aprile 2023. Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) è stata vera “viaggiatrice dello Spirito” e una dei primi occidentali a raggiungere centri spirituali e maestri riconosciuti della Tradizione orientale, e ad aver meritato il riconoscimento necessario per essere ammessa a ricevere insegnamenti, malgrado il duplice…
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Homestuck, page 909
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You are suddenly feeling apprehensive about entering your father's room. With all the scamperin' around it almost slipped your mind how much you hate his hideous clowns.
No use putting it off any longer. There is only one thing left to do.
Give me a 'D'.
Give me an 'E'.
Give me an 'S'.
Give me a 'C'…
Author commentary: The series of letters up there was going to spell, "Descartes' Meditationes de prima philosophia, in qua Dei existentia et animæ immortalitas demonstratur" and was to preface a lengthy treatise on the meditations of the renowned French philosopher. But I decided to cut it short because ultimately it didn't have much to do with John's trepidation to enter his father's room, or his fear of clowns.
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