#muse: fujiko mine
sorrowmarked · 2 years
halloween sentence starters || accepting 
“Do you believe in ghosts?” -- @immortalitae
Fujiko laughed, a soft delighted musical thing. She loved it when pretty men made the small talk portion of her evening delightful. She usually hated this part. Where she had to make meaningless talk about stocks or race horses or private jets. Waiting for the men to do the right thing, invite her home, and then she could rob them blind. Payment for her company she figured. But it was always more fun when she got interesting conversation during the night.
Like talk about ghosts.
“Aren’t we all just haunting each other?” she asked, tipping a glass of wine to her lips. “I am both haunted, and well ... I do hope I leave the kind of impression that lingers after I am gone,” she purred.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
★ for fujicakes
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Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
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I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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experthiese · 2 months
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my first one is messy and honestly not the way I'd want it, so here's my shot at a public vs. private information post, version two.
"but pluto, where does my muse fall on this?"
I don't know! I don't write your muse! realistically speaking, even lupin's canon can't even seem to keep itself consistent with what's known and who by, so I'm not really all that fussed about how you choose to interpret this list. go with whatever feels right, and I'll play along accordingly.
so, let's get started!
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He is the grandson of Arsène Lupin, phantom burglar of France.
He is the son of Lupin II, attempted founder of the Lupin Empire.
Like his predecessors, Lupin III is a master thief who targets valuable items from all across the world. He's a household name, and even has official merchandise (including the infamous plushie claw machines).
He's affiliated with what's informally known as the Lupin Gang: his 'inner circle' of friends. The current active members are Jigen Daisuke, Goemon Ishikawa XIII, and thieftress Fujiko Mine. She's more of an independent force, and is just as likely to betray Lupin and co. as she is to aid them. More members may be present, as dependent on verse and muse connections.
His eternal rival is Inspector Koichi Zenigata of the ICPO. Zenigata is the only person able to consistently get close to Lupin, and has managed to capture and detain him over one hundred times. The issue, of course, is that Lupin has been able to break out over a hundred times.
He's polyamorous and can often be found surrounded by short-term lovers whenever he's out spending his heist gains. He makes no attempt to hide this or deceive anyone: he's poly, not a cheater.
He's a polyglot, able to speak as fluently as a native regardless of where in the world he travels. Despite French and Japanese being his mother languages, he has no noticeable accent when speaking outside of them. Lupin also knows a select handful of dead and computer languages.
He's a master of disguise, able to forge documents as the need arrives and change his entire appearance at will. He can fake scars, injuries, identifying marks such as birthmarks or tattoos, and adopt the face, voice and mannerisms of anyone he pleases. His masks do have tells, however: such as not showing sweat after a period of exercise, while real skin would.
His chosen weapon is a Walther P-38, kept holstered against his chest.
There's a tongue-in-cheek saying that, for a Lupin, walls and gates and security systems simply do not exist. Many believe them able to get anywhere and everywhere, regardless of any preventative measures attempted. While this isn't entirely true, it is exceedingly difficult to keep Lupin out of somewhere, with even supposedly 'top security' buildings having been compromised more times than I care to count.
He was married to Rebecca Rossellini, Italian heiress, model, actress, and general celebrity.
He was the star of the Lupin Game online phenomenon, where he was tracked day and night by drone cameras, whose footage was live-streamed across the internet. People were encouraged to take photographs or video clips if they saw him.
His calling cards lay out the rules of his heist. He will appear on the date and time listed, and he will leave empty-handed if he's unable to complete his theft before the end time listed on the card. The heist's no fun if there's no game involved.
Lupin doesn't kill unprovoked. That's one of the rules of his game. Taking another's life only becomes an option once they cross the line and endanger the lives of himself or his friends. Under all other circumstances, he'll always shoot to disarm first.
Not only does Lupin have copycat thieves aiming to impersonate his crimes, but this no-killing rule is one of the biggest copycat downfalls, often being the thing that gets them discovered. Thief he may be, but Lupin has a strict code of ethics that both he and Zenigata are very well acquainted with.
He has an IQ of 300, and can temporarily raise it to 301. He's incredibly intelligent, far more than he's often given credit for, but prefers to hide it behind a silly and easily underestimated persona.
His marriage to Rebecca wasn't his first, nor his last. However, the only real 'love match' was his attempt to settle down with Fujiko, while ultimately failed and lead to a separation. All other marriages are used as a means to an end, a way to get himself closer to whatever treasure he's aiming to steal.
He was the star of dark web phenomenon Happy Death Day, where people would bet on the date Lupin would die. This inevitably ended up attracting prominent assassins who would compete to kill Lupin on their predicted date, and after a particularly large confrontation, most of these competing players have been declared dead.
He's AMAB, just androgynous enough that many databases find it difficult to make a definitive decision one way or the other. As a result, this field is often left marked inconclusive.
He's bisexual, and appreciates pretty faces of all genders. His love for womanising and vocal adoration for his beloved Fujicakes just tend to overshadow the times he pursues everyone else.
He stayed in France for the early years of his childhood and was raised within his grandfather's sprawling Paris estate. Arsène taught him the ways of Lupin family thievery from the moment he could stand, and he had already mastered several of its skills by the time he was able to write.
He attended the later years of elementary and early years of Junior high school in Tokyo, Japan. However, he left the system before graduating.
He targeted dark web drugs trafficking and money laundering giant Marco Polo in an online heist, draining their crypto wallet and making off with millions in BitMoney currency. He was also involved in the arrest of its three executives: Chuck Glay (Peekaboo), Kunal Robinson (Chap Tip) and Sonia Boutella (MooMoo).
He can pilot any vehicle, be it for land, sea or sky. It's safe to assume that he owns at least one mode of transport for each, and tends to favour cars, submarines and planes respectively.
He's been declared dead many times. One time 'Lupin' was even publicly hanged, though this was later revealed to be a clone. Lupin himself had no hand in the clone's creation.
He has chapodiphobia: a fear of octopi. This fear extends out to squid, cuttlefish and anything else under the cephalopod umbrella.
He's... somewhere under the nonbinary label. Most likely genderfluid, though he lacks the vocabulary to express this (nor does he have much desire to explore / pin himself down to any particular label).
His marriage with Fujiko ended poorly, and left a rift between them for some time. While she was the one to actually leave, a lot of their inner conflict was a result of Lupin and his discomfort at being truly transparent, even to her.
He has connections to the Grand Duchy of Cagliostro thanks to his efforts to save its ruler, Clarisse, from an unwanted marriage.
He's incapable of dreaming, lacking the subconscious needed to activate REM sleep. This void was once said to be the consciousness of an idiot or a god, though it's impossible to tell what one Lupin is.
The only marriage still standing is the one with Onabes, an art collector. He's the husband of Lupin's Miss Marie persona, making him Onabes' wife in the eyes of the law. Lupin has requested divorce several times, but Onabes is yet to sign the necessary papers.
He's got an occasional telepathic ability, though this link has only been shown between him and Fujiko, and it only seems to activate in times of life-or-death danger. Lupin's aware of this ability, and once called it the miracle of love.
He has safehouses in every conceivable corner of the globe. Some are luxurious mansions with grand estates attached. Others are rickety wooden shacks held together by hopes and dreams and prayers, with no running water and a single flickering lightbulb. All of them are owned under false names.
All gadgets are handmade, as are any smoke bombs or chemicals he uses. Lupin's a capable scientist when he wants to be, an often occupies himself by engineering new little toys to try out.
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rainysflowers · 22 days
oooo that or u fuck him up so bad then all the ppl around him have to pick up the pieces whilst being shocked at how bad its gotten.
So many things u could do >:))
Thats what I do! Its the Main focus for my Lavender Jacket AU :D! So far I have 17 stories and a bunch of AU HC's just torturing Lupin (and by Extension Jigen)
mmm i thought i knew u from somewhere. Honestly i prob have one of them bookmarked if not have read one or two before but Ive not been in the fandom tag for Lupin in a long long time :sob:. Used to check pretty often but then got into other fixes and it all went downhill from there lol :P Side note, amazing how much Lupin refing you see in other media, and not even just the spotlight run (though its common af to see). fav atm is the GetBackers manga in which my fav just casually name drops Fujiko and Lupin i had like a heart attack i was like NO FUCKING WAY
*checked and I do have u bookmarked!! u appear to be the last Lupin fic i bookmarked LOL. "15 Mar 2023, Hehe, character in coma cuz of insert horrible pain here and another character musing about their heartbeat?? Yoink!! Mine now mfer >:))" is the desc i gave it :3 high praise i thinks i thinks ^^ /lh /gen /pos
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more-than-a-princess · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Rae
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE:  I'm...not actually sure what this means? Is this the best RP you've ever written, or where you've enjoyed writing the most? I have no clue, actually. But I tend to prefer 1x1 storylines in a chatroom or email-based format. Tumblr isn't my favorite place to write, honestly: but it's one of the most active, so I'm here.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: If we haven't written much/at all and you don't enjoy plotting or interacting OOC? Tumblr IMs are fine with me. If you like plotting and sharing a bunch of art/aesthetics/reddit threads that remind me of our muse(s)? Then discord is best. Bryn can attest to this, because I will spam her with memes from relevant muse/aesthetic tags.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I only keep up one blog right now, so it's Sonia. I don't have a lot of time or energy to write much at present, so juggling two blogs would be very hard. I miss writing Fujiko Mine, though.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started roleplaying in 1999. My RP experience is old enough to have a mid-life crisis. I have probably been roleplaying longer, or just as long, as some of you have been alive and this knowledge sends me into...well, a mid-life crisis.
I've been roleplaying for a long time. I have quite a few, but I'll share some of them.
Muns who do not read rules, or a blog in general. Not just for the sake of boundaries, but just to even get an idea of activity, writing style, and so forth of the blog they're hoping to write with. Maybe it's because I've only written canon muses for the past 15 years or so, but when I've had blogs on tumblr or Livejournal, I've found that I'll get followed by other blogs interested purely in interacting with a canon muse without any regard for writing style, frequency, or other essential components that factor into good writing partner chemistry. Admittedly, this has happened plenty of times because someone wanted a romantic ship with whatever canon muse I happened to be writing without even asking if I wanted to ship my muse with theirs, or had any interest in writing romance at all. I feel like a lot of misunderstanding or bad communication would be helped if some people really looked at the accounts they're trying to interact with, beyond just wanting to write with that character.
Muns with canon muses who do not write out actual bios, or just link to a character's wiki page. Look, it seems like quite a double standard if we as a roleplaying community ask OC writers to produce a small novel describing their muses so canon writers have an idea of where they might fit in a canon or original verse and, in turn, canon writers give absolutely nothing in return to how they portray their muses. Anyone can do an internet search on a canon muse: I want to know how you see and portray your canon muse. Doubly so if you are a new blog with no IC content. Do not assume every mun is familiar with your canon muse, and do not assume that even if a mun is familiar with your muse, they'll interpret them the same way you do. Show your followers how you see them, show your followers how you write!
And the last pet peeve I'll share: muns who drop threads/blogs before interactions even get a chance to start. Doubly so if they clearly just wanted to write a romantic ship without any real chemistry or interactions. I don't mind when writing partners take time with replies: I actually prefer that to muns who reply in 24-72 hours, because it gives me some time to breathe in-between replies and brainstorm about what could happen next. And I don't mind at all when muns have other commitments, jobs, and hobbies that are in need of their attention: if we have interactions going and someone needs to step away for a little while (and it's communicated!), that's understandable.
What I don't like are muns, often with new blogs, who either abandon the blog entirely or constantly ask for new memes, asks, and interactions when we've got active threads going. It's one thing to not have muse, but when you're actively soliciting new threads without replying to ours and not communicating that you'd like to just drop threads?
Yeah. I just don't have time for that. That sort of writing habit works for some muns, but I enjoy long threads with complex storylines (some of which have taken years to write!). I like slow-burn romances, humor, drama, and the progression of life and situations between muses. I'm not fond of one-off interactions that never really form a plot, if that makes sense.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes! I think memes are great to start off but if my writing partner is wanting to build off initial interactions, then I think plotting is best. Especially if writing partners are looking to write romantic ships: I pretty much exclusively plot these at this point.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Sonia and I both enjoy tea, chocolate, anime, and horror movies (she likes anime and horror movies more than I do). We also both have similar fashion styles (preppy/tailored/classic with traditionally feminine touches) and come from families with some Rich People Problems. Otherwise, she is the most cheerful glass-half-full sort of woman and I have predominantly resting bitch face and a degree in sarcasm. I also love historical fiction and royalty gossip and news far more than she does.
tagged by: @rolliesanimeclub
tagging: @quickdeaths, @dcviated, and you. I was this close to tagging all of my over-30 brethren in the RPC because you are seen and valid (and also if you're like me probably tired).
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junksatellites · 8 months
what kind of love are you? ▶ FUJIKO MINE
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LOVE AS A PERFORMANCE — your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. you love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. can that be considered love, you wonder? as a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. you’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. your love is enchanting. your love is melodic. your love is afraid and fearful and longing. you ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. you’re terrified of the very thought. being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. it reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. not really. not truly.
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bitofsin · 4 months
Can you do more for Proteus in regards to headcanons? NSFW or sfw is okay if you're up to it, thanks!
We'll see, Anon.
I write nsfw headcanons as it comes naturally or relevant to my partners' verses (mostly).
So, I'd need specific prompts for a muse like "Proteus" that is sexual, but also not as say....OPEN about it as "Fujiko Mine", who wears her tastes out there like a freakin' neon glow wet t-shirt.
I have meme prompts here that are headcanon based, and will try to find more to post for for you.
tbh I've never been asked point blank like that about any of my muses. At least not where the anon didn't start to get weird and snowball into ask after ask about very niche fet/i/shy things from my muses.
So, the vagueness of your request has me a bit stifled. Start sending HC/sexcanon based memes or specific asks, and I will go from there.
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alackofrestraint · 9 months
muses here.
Becky Blackwell (Spy x Family) Chris Henderson (The Secret Circle) Dandy (Space Dandy) Faith Lehane (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) Fujiko Mine (Lupin III) Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) Wolverine / James Howlett (X-Men)
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🙇 👀 🤓 🐱 - Fujiko
how would your muse describe mine? (positive associations)
🐱 [CAT FACE] — cute 🤓 [SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES] — inquisitive👀 [EYES] — observant 🙇 [PERSON BOWING] — polite
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"Ah...t-thank you...Fuijko. You're...far too kind."
("I don't deserve you...")
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rootlessbard · 2 years
🪪 Backstage w/Peregrin Quverion & Nicolae Nichols
So if I maybe honest here, My character's all have quite wild aspirations when I create them. For these two these two were heavily inspired by Lupin the Third a favorite part of mine actually which has been my favorite ever since I watched it.
(Episode I was deeply inspired from)
S1 Episode 18- Showtime Smells of Death
So starting off with Peregrin Quverion she was heavily inspired by these ladies:
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Fujiko Mine, Alexandria,Iney Miney and Princess Peach
For Nicolae these were his inspiration muses:
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Arsene Lupin the third, Johnny,, Crowley
The Rabbit and the Ox:
Pip and Nicolae are never without the other, It's rare for the two to be separated and are usually a duo when it comes to getting work done.
Nicolae being the big brains in the plans and busts despite his position in the Syndicate and the Underworld, He is a high suspect in the Syndicate but have ever had anything proven of his guilt. This infuriates the Syndicate as a whole and have not been able to catch him not even once.
Peregrin is the Spy, the beauty yet venomous when it comes time to get serious in her missions.
She's a gold saucer attendant who is incredibly thankful for the Mandeville family in her time of need after the Quverion name fell after the calamity. Her specialties in her jobs outside of leaking info is usually also the heavy work such as being the Brawn/Safe Cracking sometimes even Enabling people into giving her money or services.
When together these two are quite an interesting duo that are nicknamed the Rabbit and Ox, Rabbit for Pip because of her speed and her Gold Saucer outfit and Nicolae the Ox due to his Hot-headed, Hard Headed and his abilities to hold his ground one man alone.
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
fujiko starter for @colpograzia
She breezed in through the door like she owned the place, it was the same way she entered every room. As if by virtue of being in the space she ruled it through divine providence. “Lupin!” she called out, her voice high and sweet as she looked for him, looked around the room, and then her face fell flat seeing only Jigen in the room. “Oh,” she said, “it’s you,” she looked around the apartment, sure Lupin would have been out here the moment he had heard her voice if he was here. “What are you his secretary now?”
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bitofthisandthat · 7 months
Current Status: LOW ACTIVITY
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HOT HOT HOT. Asami Sato | Toph Beifong | Kurama/Shuichi* | Emma Frost* | Fujiko Mine | Proteus Prince of Syracuse* | Quinn Morgendorffer | Gabby McStabberson* | Gladstone Gander* | Pickles the Drummer | Skwisgaar Skwigelf | Darlene “the Spider Queen”*
COOLED DOWN. Bernadette Rostenkowski | Rajesh Koothrappali | Negaduck* | Francine Smith* | Nanami Kiryuu | Ponyhead* | Dr. Jillian Holtzmann | Kim Possible* | Angela Carpenter* | Lily Bovine* | Marshal Moo Montana | The Cowlarado Kid
CURRENTLY USED NPC'S. (No Icons & Info/Verse Related Only) Hiroshi Sato | Bolin | Charles Offdensen CFO | Nathan Explosion | Murderface | Toki Wartooth
DEEP FREEZE. (Hiatus/Request Only) Abigail Remeltndrinc* | Morgana Macawber* | Nega!Gosalyn | René Fromage*
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PRO TIPS FOR INTERACTION: I use MEMES as icebreakers for strangers to interact with my muses as well as for established partners. They may not all become threads, but they do help me know who's out there, so don't be shy.
I may not follow you back right away; it takes me time to sort out what I want on my dash. However I will never follow anyone that posts personal political beliefs and "causes" on their blog no matter how many times we interact.
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Please DNI Korr/a rp'ers:
I do NOT rp Korr/sami anymore, because I don't ship it anymore. Please move on if you are expecting it, because it not going to happen. And because of the immature behavior from several Korr/a muns, I am now soured on the character as well, and won't rp her. I'm sorry if you're truly a decent person, and think it's unfair for me to judge ALL Korr/a rp'ers the same, but so far, every Korr/a fan or player that has come on this blog has been rude and disrespectful. Sending me anon hate about it only proves my point. 🤷‍♀️
Dash Commentaries can lead to Opens
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Ever since I joined the Lupin fandom, there hasn't been any drama, no one has been canceled, everyone is chill, the writers are top-tier, and no one is toxic. /Srs
Just saying, the Mcyt fandom ain't got nothing on the Lupin fandom /hj
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mine-fujicakes · 4 years
Dunno if you’re still answering these but thanks anyway! 🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers?
Fujiko’s type varies, but she tends to always be drawn back to men who can throw on the charm, and women who make her feel glamorous. She has a soft spot for the ‘prince charming’ look, and a woman in a fancy ball-gown will make her weak at the knees.
Her deal breakers are ironically lack of loyalty, and inattention. We’re not talking something petty like ‘you didn’t talk to me for three days so I’m breaking up with you.’ We’re talking, a complete inattention to detail. When Fujiko does love (not often), she loves completely and expects the same from her partner. She is the epitome of ‘ride or die’.
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more-than-a-princess · 11 months
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Questions for the Mun meme - Accepting!
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
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Not too many, especially where anime/manga muses are concerned. Because I've been roleplaying for as long as I have, I'm old, and I'm not really current with what the Popular Fandoms are (I think the only current shows with big fandoms I'm familiar with are Spy x Family and Tokyo Revengers (next on my list are two newer Gundam shows! I need to catch up on Iron-Blooded Orphans and Witch From Mercury), not counting older shows that are ongoing or have reboots), I've written most of the anime/manga muses I enjoy writing for. That said, Fujiko Mine is usually sequestered in my brain somewhere. She's pretty much the only one I've retained over the years from my pre-Sonia writing days.
That said, if I felt more at ease writing fantasy content, I'd probably try Nesta Archeron and Elain Archeron from A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Bryce Quinlan from Crescent City. If I found the right muns/historical muses for her, I'd probably give Francesca Bridgerton from Bridgerton a try, though I could probably be talked into Penelope Featherington as well. I read and watch a lot more live action stuff than anime these days, honestly: I feel like it's difficult to get into most of the popular anime/manga series nowadays. I keep being nostalgic for older series.
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daemondaes · 2 years
tentative muse list for the upcoming multi
you can tell so much about me from this list it’s kind of disgusting (but please send more suggestions)
Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl
Opal Koboi, Artemis Fowl
Howell Jenkins / Howl Jenkins Pendragon, Howl’s Moving Castle
Mosca Mye, Fly By Night
Archibald Haddock, The Adventures of Tintin
Felicia Hardy, Marvel Comics
Ignacio, Nacho Libre
Peter B. Parker, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Cobra Bubbles, Lilo and Stitch
Ralph, Wreck-It Ralph
Klaus Hargreeves, The Umbrella Academy
Jaskier, The Witcher
Yennefer of Vengerberg, The Witcher
The Duke of Detroit, Motorcity
Texas, Motorcity
Eddie Brock (and Venom), Venom
Steven Grant (and Marc and Jake), Moon Knight
Layla El-Faouly, Moon Knight
Austin Powers, Austin Powers
Nadja, What We Do In The Shadows
Razputin Aquato, Psychonauts
Daisuke Jigen, Lupin III
Fujiko Mine, Lupin III
Kimihiro Watanuki, xxxHOLiC
Mamimi Samejima, FLCL
Arataka Reigen, Mob Psycho 100
Renton Thurston, Eureka Seven
Murdoc Niccals, Gorillaz
Robin Buckley, Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Stranger Things
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