#immortal yuu au
? Yuu, staring at their own decapitated head: What the fuck
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ventique18 · 2 years
Reincarnation AU but Malleus is immortal and it's only Yuu who reincarnates.
And after hundreds of years of empty wistfulness, he finds them again and suddenly his chest doesn't feel so empty anymore.
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."
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olivyh · 5 months
I have a ttv malleus brain rot cuz of the yandere ask from that one anon grrr
Mini thought-fic(purely platonic(tw: mentions of su!c!d3, t0rtur3, Yandere thing, insanity, malleus having a god complex and being a douche)):
Thinking about malleus trapping Yuu's soul in a lump of clay if they ever Kermited sewer slide sometime in the cage ending,
A sightless, speechless, paralyzed lump of clay, only able to listen to him as he speaks of his day(or gargoyles), only able to listen to him as he tears other students to shreds. not even being able to scream or cry, trapped with their own jumbled thoughts, they'd probably go insane, or atleast they hope they'd go insane
He'd mold them a new body eventually, and with it he'd gift them their senses back, slowly ofcourse(wouldn't want them running off too quickly), their sights first, then their sense of smell, taste, speech, and finally, their ability to move
Now to malleus, this meant that yuu owed him their life, and ofcourse he dosent take it well if they run away or disobey him for the first time in their new body, so he'll break their clay body and trap them in a tiny little lump however many times it takes to break them, to make them realize he's the only thing standing between them and the abyss, he is their salvation now.
(idia is fuming btw)
Yes, yes, yes yes!
I think he absolutely would use his magic for the worst in that scenario, like most of the other boys in this au. To take it to another level, he would definitely put them in a windowsill or something to torment them even further (showing them how the world will continue without them, and to leave them to struggle with their newfound immortality).
On that same thought, their immortality will ultimately hurt them even more. When you're a ball of clay, just a soul, there will always be something you're attached to. So... one day, centuries later, Malleus will die. Now, if he has children and the bloodline continues, that's an even worse nightmare for them and the torture continues until one of his offspring decides to take mercy on them.
Otherwise... they're trapped there, for all eternity. Which... isn't fun.
Thank you for the submission <3
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Works in progress
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Drafts
Platonic!Lilia with an immortal!male!darling (rq)
Azul, Deuce, Ruggie and Epel with a writer!darling (rq)
Self aware!tweels with a darling with a bad phone
Self aware!tweels with a cosplayer!darling (rq)
Alucard with a dragon shifter!darling (rq)
Floyd with a pregnant!darling (rq)
Riddle with a bad boy!darling (rq)
Alucard with a weapon!darling (rq)
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Working on
Sebastian with a noble darling (rq)
Rollo with a traumatized darling who agrees with him (rq)
Yandere chrollo with a sarcastic darling (rq)
Soldier!Male!Darling and General!Lilia (rq)
Seras with a distant but kind darling (rq)
Silver and Sebek liking the same darling (rq)
Platonic headcanons for the staff
Sebek's knight duty to his darling
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Almost done
Twst!main cast being yandere for Yuu except the first years (rq)
Platonic!Integra with a adopted baby sibling (rq)
Alucard with a darling from Turkey (rq)
Veronica!reader (rq)
Platonic!Diamsonia vs romantic!Rook (rq)
Belle!Darling asking Lilia for help (rq)
Darling caught Jade cannibalizing someone
Undertaker with a dead darling
Darling living with Malleus inside their dream
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Proofreading
Self aware au switch bodies (rq)
Oblivious!darling confessing to Undertaker (rq)
Undertaker with a helpful darling (rq)
Male darling with a unique magic (rq)
Papa!Lilia helping reader (rq)
Malleus punishing the nobles for berating his darling (rq)
Yandere alphabet for trey (rq)
Octotrio with a darling that has an autoimmune disease
Ortho matchmaking you and Idia
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Queued
Darling running away from Alucard (rq) - Queued up for 29th, sunday
Pometrio AU with a sick darling (rq) - Queued up for 30th, monday
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How would you interpret a Yuu from Happy Tree Friends? Beastmen or human? Forgetting deaths or aware? Carefree or paranoid?
I mean, I know a tiny bit of Happy Tree Friends and that is that the characters die all the time. It’s not really my cup of tea since there’s not much lore in it, I guess.
I think they’d be more humanoid in nature with animal features, perhaps? Or maybe they’d look more like animals with humanoid features. You know what, it’s a free-for-all, whatever you think of is the one.
As for the deaths, I’m honestly leaning on the deaths as physical in a sense so like, people who witness Yuu die remember it, unlike the Yuu in the Relive AU. I’m thinking that since Yuu possibly lives in a world like Happy Tree Friends then it’s going to be normal for them to be carefree and careless with themselves. However, since they’ve been transported to Twisted Wonderland, Yuu’s going to end up traumatizing everyone around them. Mostly because their deaths are no doubt going to be brutal and for people who aren’t used to seeing gory deaths like that? Definitely traumatizing.
Though, to keep it brief, if Yuu constantly die all the time for random and borderline unexplained reasons, the shock of the death is going to wear off at some point. And since Yuu comes from a world where their death and those around them is normal, they’re bound to act carefree.
But if Yuu keeps dying all the time, although traumatized, the others in Twisted Wonderland are going to get used to it. Sure, they’re going to be paranoid of it because what if there’s that tiny sliver of chance where Yuu’s seemingly immortal powers fails them and they’re just permanently gone?
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twst-drabbles · 6 months
Hi, it's me, 🪞 anon. I come back again and I have a confession to make:
For the longest time ever since I fell in the rabbithole of the Sanctuary AU [by the way this AU & House Pet AU give me the biggest comfort and absolute joy to read], two particular fics stuck with me and that is the birth of The Fairy Tree & its first fairy. And ever since I read them in order a detail stuck with me: Yuu/Caretaker & Silver in this case are essentially the parents of the first fairy to be born with the dust of The Tree.
Malleus now takes care of it, he will watch over the new kingdom and its kin, but there is a subtle beautiful irony that the mortality of man, the same that snuffed out the first Tree, now brought in the world an essential immortal being simply because they put their heart and love for Malleus into giving him the second chance to do things right.
ANYWAYS, it stuck with me until now I just have to lay it out in the open I think of this fact late in the night and I get aches just trying to think of how things would unfold from there I HOPE YOU ARE OKAY AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WE LOVE YOU
Hehehehe sorry for the late reply, I just wanted to keep this in my inbox for as long as possible, like a ferret hoarding all their stuff.
I like to think I'm doing a little better now, if only because I'm no longer waking up at 5 pm. It's, uh, yeah mental health is a struggle to keep on a balance.
But anyways... Thank you, I really, reaaaally love it when people take a closer look at my things like that. It makes me happy to see that my writing can catch people's attention like that when I usually write very fleeting things. They're small writings after all, usually meant to be read while, say, drinking your coffee. You know, like a morning newspaper. Heheheh.
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
An idea that has been in my head for a few minutes is what about a Yuu who can cheat death once a year? Basically they can be revived once every year but with exceptions:
Death by old age: The user who inherits the power can still pass away from old age, that's something unavoidable.
Death by...the brain convinced you to...: I know this sounds weird but have you heard of the case that someone passed away in their sleep? If the mc all of a sudden pass away from a mental attack then it can't be helped.
Death by sickness: either you caught it yourself or someone passed it on you...you're going to heaven.
Death by...pursing other "career" methods: For very good reasons I'll just leave it at that, but to the people who knows then you know.
Death by chemicals: I honestly didn't know why I added it but science
You can use this for any of the au's you have, since I didn't know which would fit this and how the boys would react, they aren't immortal by default but it's an interesting case. But if you're too busy then it's alright!
Hey Tally!! Hope you’re doing well, I haven’t heard from you in a while <3
As for a Yuu who can cheat death, I think it would be funny to place them in the vampire au!
I imagine they would find out about it because of some freak accident where Yuu/MC just falls down the stairs and dies. Everyone’s crying and panicking, meanwhile MC just gets up two minutes later saying their neck hurts lol.
Immediately, the boys are freaking out even more (despite the irony), accusing you of being some kind of sorcerer or even a vampire. Lilia is surprised but intrigued. Eventually, once you explain you’re not some kind of supernatural being, just cursed (blessed?) with the ability to survive death once a year, they will get used to it. Kind of.
I imagine it’s something they probably completely forget about until next year when you just randomly have another dumb accident where you should’ve died but don’t. They are thankful but exasperated this happens so often.
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lazyflan · 2 years
Random story idea, its 3am and I'm going to sleep but I need to make sure I don't forget it lol.
So, Immortal!Yuu AU
Imagine Yuu has been alive since maybe sometime in ancient greece? Maybe some god shenanigans.
Anyways, Yuu has been alive for a loooong time.
They've traveled a lot to not be discovered.
If in the story Yuu is presented as a woman, maybe she even lived through the salem witch trials? She knows about magic, maybe not in a twst world kind of way, but the one in this world (energy, crystals, tarot, etc). And bc history is not kind to women, maybe she learned how to pass as a man.
Basically Yuu knows their stuff. From history to various languages + being able to adapt fast to any situation bc of constantly relocating.
In actuality they where living in Japan, until the events of the game.
Cue, a very intelligent Yuu, with similar vibes to Lilia, maybe even some jokes about long lives being exchanged between them.
Again, if Yuu is a woman, she manages to pass as a man, at first it might have been a slight mistake, but if history proved something to Yuu, is that most of the time passing as a man can be of help or at least stops from discrimination. This also helps her to mantain her "student" status without oo much fuss from other students and staff.
Also, Yuu constantly complaining of being too old for this shit, or having an old soul.
Yuu kinda adopting the first years is an idea I love too much to leave it out of this post.
I may expand a little more in the future but for now I'm going to sleep
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hanafubukki · 1 month
It's actually what is happening. I have the two Oc's but I have more Au's than the main story 😂 Actually my Yuu - Yuki - don't come from another world. She's from Twisted Wonderland, but the part of Twisted wonderland she came from is so isolated and she was so preserved from the "outside world" she herself thinks she's in some parallele world. The place was also covered for a long time by a powerful magic to seal the people inside -see it at the typical Island of the North. It's snowing everytime. Full of monster. And was used to lock the losers of a bloody succession war. The Dark Mirror speech about "Not belonging anywhere" didn't help.
There are twin but do not know there are until after the Malleus overblot events.
There had actually pretty fun genetics. Grandma was a dragon fae - beautiful pure white dragon - and grandpa was a human (loved by spirits- but a simple human). The parents were two half-fairies. So the twins had some funny genetics return. Astyanax - or Aster as a nickname- was born from a egg like Malleus. While Yuki (not her real name, the one Aster gave her) was born like any other human. Their family found it funny. Their birth happenned roughtly 500 years before NRC events.
The things is Yuki had a lot of magic power at birth -so much her human body could not handle it. So grandma took a decision: destroying the magic core of the baby. Like she is a full human, she can live without magic and it will not harm her health or lifespan like it would for a fae. Grandma is also at the end of her lifespan -with only some decades at best due to excessive use of magic during the war. Her unique magic is also special: she can see the future. Due to that Yuki was sent in the future to be able to grow there -and to love Aster who where going to be all alone due to his LONG lifespan and the short one of the rest of his family. Plus there is a way for Yuki to become immortal. But for that she needs to be in the future and go at NRC (Grandma best plotter of the millenium).
That how Aster found baby Yuki after feeling a powerful magic in the snow 500 years later -not knowing anything about his lineage or the origin of the baby because the others noble fae choose to hide the whole marrying a human (some were never 100% okay with the thing. Other thought it was a bit though to say "Everyone's dead and you are alone because they were all human. Suck to have a long lifespan"). Well he choose to raise the baby because he felt she was blessed by some magic similiar to his. He gave her the name Yuki because she was found in the snow. First time the guy speak since his parents death (he don't even remember them because he was so young). He was considered mute but started "speaking" with the baby. Sometime it feels like they are communicating by thoughts (Twin's telepathy-).
Yuki grew up mostly happy. Aster became fond of the child. They often go on a ride in the island sky. But when she was 16, she overheard a conversation between the noble fae (the soul sisters of the Senate: annoying, cause of most of the emotional damage, need to be thrown away). They talked about how Yuki isn't a good thing for Aster. Mostly because she will die in less than a 100 years and because Aster think more and more about contacting the "outside world" to discover more about her origin, to learn of the change there in 500 years -he knows some things, like Malleus birth because he received an invitation, but didn't go (The barrier was lifted, but nobody there really crave contact with the people who locked them for hundred of years. They are fine by themself. So it's still a no contact policy). So Yuki ended up wishing to be far away due to the emotional distress. And the carriage kidnap- took her.
And I will stop here because I let myself go free and this backstory is becoming really long TwT But yes, there is a lot of Au. One where "Yuki" was sent to the future to hatch Eggster because no one loving him dearly would live long enough to make it happen after Grandma death. Another where everyone is not dead but scealed and can be saved. Lot of Au's.
Also, Yuki's true name is Athanasia (yes, just like the Manhwa-). Found it fun to give a name related to immortality to the human of the family. Grandma was the one the name the twins.
I think I also talked in a ask long ago about a song I remembered from a precure movie because I needed a lullaby for my Oc to sing to Grim. And the 1st part of song ended up feeling like a prophetic one for book 7. Yuki is the Oc. And the song is in her head since day 1. It's actually prophet Grandma who used to sing it to her to help her during Malleus overblot.
- 🦋 Anon
Hello 🦋 Anonie
We love having a thousand AUs in this household 😂🥰💕
We love found family and time travel and family doing sacrifices in this household 😭😭😭
What I'm hearing is that the twins and Malleus need to just....destroy the nobility/senate.
I'm guessing Aster eventually came to NRC? because how else would they fall under Mal's spell and learn the truth?
Therapy! therapy for you all!
Yes! I still have that ask, its a precure song.
lullabies and prophetic songs my beloved. straight to the heart 😭💕
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Rules for requesting:
-> Check to see if requests are open! You can check on my welcome post
-> STATE WHAT FANDOM YOU WHAT ME TO WRITE FOR!! Make sure the fandom you want has a checkmark
-> Pick the characters you want. There is no limit, but I won't do cross fandoms if they are head cannons. The more characters you request, the longer it will take for me to post
-> State the Au you want, if that applies
-> What the reader's gender is. The two that I will do is gender neutral and male. I WILL NOT DO FEM READERS.
-> Whether it is platonic or romantic relationship between the character and the reader, or else will be assumed to be romantic UNLESS IT IS WITH A CHARACTER THAT HAS PLATONIC UNDER IT.
-> The theme/summary of what you want the one shot to be If it's a headcannon then the basic idea
-> If it is an angst, fluff, or crack fic
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What I will write:
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x half human half nonhuman reader (ie: reader with shark fin & tail)
x human god reader
x parental reader (PLATONIC depending on what is requested)
x sibling reader (PLATONIC depending on what is requested)
character x immortal reader
fandom cross overs
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x nonhuman reader (ie: bird reader | I will do certain characteristics, like reader with wings)
heavy nsfw
character x reader rape
sexual noncon
heavy abuse outside of yandere content
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character x mc (ie: floyd x yuu/mc) Check here for how mc works in my stories
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prdrys · 1 year
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—# whispers of the moon. | bloodborne! au
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—desc: heed the beckoning whispers of the moon, lest one desires to know an eldritch truth.
—c. warnings: possible spoilers for bloodborne. oh, and body horror.
—a. notes: you guys have no idea how obsessed i am with bloodborne. so watch me go insane.
—original au made by: @/claranoctis, basic synopsis here.
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so, for starters, these are just my ramblings or i guess my own two cents on this au. like i said, i am insane and these are just my ramblings, haven mostly come up with these on the spot.
thank you~ (´◉◞౪◟◉)
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curse the fiends…
MOZUS TREIN— would probably fill the role of Father Gascoigne.
Like… the blueprint is right there. (His wife is gone, and he has two daughters.)
He’d obviously be a veteran of the Black Church, maybe a squad leader, perhaps even Ace’s and Deuce’s squad leader, who knows?
But either way, Mozus, or perhaps Father Mozus, is a veteran of the Black Church who’s just as strict as he is religious and who’s been hunting for almost half his life.
That was… until he succumbed to the blood.
Now, at this point, I guess you’re wondering where Lucius is? Great question.
If you’ve played Bloodborne and the Old Hunter’s DLC, you know how Ludwig fuses with his horse, right? Right.
If you haven’t caught my drift yet, I’m basically saying that Mozus fuses with Lucius when he entirely turns into a Scourge Beast.
He carries that cat everywhere, so I wouldn’t be surprised if, even if he had become blood-drunk, Lucius would stay by his side no matter what…
their children too…
DIVUS CREWEL— an outsider within the walls of Corvareth who essentially plays the role of Gilbert and Eileen the Crow.
Divus used to be a Hunter of Hunters, a hunter who had dedicated themselves to hunting Hunters who have gone blood-drunk from hunting beasts. (e.g. Mozus)
He first started off as a cliric of the White Church, but switched the Black Church to become a Hunter of Hunters due to no one in his generation wanting to become one.
And for context, the blood in Corvareth (Yharnam in this AU) is basically like alcohol and intoxicating, to the point inhabitants would even drink blood just to get drunk.
He’d mentor Vil during his time in the White Church, telling him about Corvareth’s rich history, unbeknownst to him igniting Vil’s curiosity about immortality and what not.
Anyways— after being afflicted with the Beast Plague, Divus retired from being a Hunter of Hunters, leaving the title to the next generation, and decided to confine himself inside his home.
Wether or not he turns into a Scourge Beast by the end of the night or if Vil comes to find him is up to you..
and their children…
GRIM— could play the role of the Orphan of Kos. But with a few tweaks, obviously.
Still in his mother’s womb when her deceased body washed up on a lone fishing hamlet’s coast. Only to crawl out, still alive, unbeknownst to the hunters sent by Crowley when they began to dissect her body, laying waste to the poor hunters a few moments later.
Ah, but now what about YUU?
Well, as you know, Grim loves to talk about Yuu being his servant. So why not take that to a literal sense.
Taking some elements from Mergo’s Wet Nurse, Yuu is still taking the role of caretaker in this AU, but not to a bunch rowdy teenagers, but to a unhinged baby Great One who wants to go home. Great!
Yuu themselves isn’t a Great One nor a Kin. But seeing as how the more time they spend around Grim, they might as well being turning into one.
They’re just a poor fisherman’s child who got caught up in some eldritch business and is now being dragged around Corvareth by Grim, facing the consequence they didn’t ask for… (PД`q。)·。'゜
And because I’m mean, after Grim goes back home (a.k.a. the higher plane) to be with the other Great Ones, Yuu just becomes a walking, mumbling, mutated husk of themselves due to being around an actual Great One for far too long. A wonderful remind of how dangerous the Great Ones really are.
…forever, true.
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—post note:
uhh, i lowkey half-assed the last part with yuu and grim, but i think i can come up with something better. i’m just fleshing out ideas here, ig.
i like how crewel’s part went, i also think i half-assed trein’s part, but with what he has canonically in twst, it just felt right.
i wanted to do sam and vargas, but i didn’t know how exactly they’d fit in? i suppose sam could be a traveling merchant who knows the danger’s of using blood healing while vargas could be a hunter of vilebloods, maybe take logarius’ role or alfred’s, but idk.
anyways, thank you for supporting my ever growing bloodborne obsession. :D
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ryqoshay · 11 months
Putting on Hairs: Post Production - ɐun˥
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: 599 Rating: G? AU: Monsters, Cryptids, Eldritch beings Prompt: Moon Content Warning: Spiders and beheadings
Author's Note: Primary entry for the 28th
Summary: YuuAyuSetsu go shopping in a strange mall
“Ooo… I'll bet Nico-chan would love this.” Yuu pointed to a poster on the wall.
“Maybe…” Setsuna inspected the werewolf being depicted. “It looks a lot like Ryo-san's hybrid form.”
“Those two have been on better terms as of late.” Ayumu commented.
Setsuna had brought her girlfriends to the eldritch mall in a pocket dimension access through clipped back alleys of Tokyo. Once they had visited various shops, they would hit the grocery store last so Setsuna could buy ingredients for another batch of ʍǝʇs ʞɐʇuɐɥs.
The trio was currently wandering through a shop, ɐun˥, which carried merchandise themed around the moon. Yuu inisited they explore this store first since Ayumu was a moon rabbit and would certainly like the items for sale within. And she had been right.
The store was filled with many examples of the obvious, like the werewolf posters Yuu had just found. Or the mobile made with various species of moths. Books about the moon landing humans had accomplished.
And then there were the more esoteric examples, like all the other craft that had landed on the moon, in a manner by which the general populace of Earth remained completely unaware. A wonderfully detailed stature of Tecciztecatl. A lovely painting of Mawu and Lisa. Or things like…
“Oh, the head of Rahu.” Ayumu spotted something on a nearby shelf.
Yuu turned and immediately blanched. “What’s a severed head have to do with the moon?”
“Legend has it he tried to drink nectar that would make him immortal, so Vishnu decapitated him.” Ayumu explained. “Since then, he chases the sun and moon around the sky and swallows them. However, they just slip out of his throat and return.”
“He’s just one of many examples of deities that devore the sun and moon in order to account for their periodic disappearance from the sky.”
“So… this is replica… right?”
“You’re very knowledgeable about these things, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna said excitedly. “Is it because you’re a moon rabbit?”
“Sort of.” Ayumu replied. “Though I was not born on the moon myself, my grandparents have told me many stories of their time there. And their house was filled with many things like what is being sold here.”
“Ne, Ayumu-san, Yuu-san, isn’t this one pretty?” Setsuna held out a crystal.
“Yes.” Ayumu confirmed. “And extremely rare.”
“Rare?” Yuu leaned in to inspect the crystal Setsuna was holding. “It looks pretty normal to me.”
“Most moon spiders are grey in color.”
“Spider?!” Yuu backed away.
“Mm.” Ayumu reached over and gently touched the rock. “It’s alright, little one.” She cooed. “You can show yourself.”
Slowly, legs and pinchers began to take form, and after a few moments, a spider-like creature was standing in Setsuna’s hands.
“Aww, aren’t you a cutie.” Ayumu stroked the creature’s carapace.
“That’s… awesome…” Setsuna marveled.
“Find something you like?” A moon-beast wearing an apron with the shop’s logo on it entered the aisle.
“I think so…?” Yuu ventured.
The eyeless being examined Ayumu for a moment. “I assume one such as yourself knows how to care for such creatures.”
“Mm.” Ayumu nodded.
“We have terrariums in the next aisle over. Let me know if there is anything else you need for it.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you think Sasuke-san will like having a companion?” Setsuna asked before giggling at the sensation caused by the spider crawling up her arm to perch on her shoulder.
“I think we may have to worry more about Yuu-chan.”
“I’ll… be fine… maybe.” Yuu assured. “Let’s go find a suitable terrarium.”
And that was how the trio’s apartment gained another pet.
Author's Note Continued: Oh man did I have fun writing this one. So~ many tabs open about monsters associated with the moon. And so~ many ideas that I had to cut to fit the event's character limit.
But yeah, the PoH AU YuuAyuSetsu apartment has a new pet. And now I need to name it... and gods only know how many tabs I will open to do that...
Also, Crystal was the prompt from '21 and Carapace was from '22.
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Ideas for a G7 based AU with my new knowledge of Kingdom Hearts and also using some other AU's on this blog! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)
Red is KH Lore heavy, Green is KH Lore Implied, and Blue is Other AU or Regular TWST.
[Regular TWST + Amnesiac Keyblade User Yuu] This AU can be either pre-Keyblade war or anytime in the canon areas where Xehanort is causing bad shit to happen (because he's always messing with time travel) and Yuu (either with armor or not) gets sent through time to get off Xehanort's case until he's more powerful to kill Yuu. Yuu, fighting against time, busts out of it using a Keyblade but it broke Time, so Space has to eject this Heart somewhere. Original Timeline TWST or not, Yuu can use magic but has no idea why... or why he sees people he's never seen before in this world. Why does Mickey look so familiar?
[G7 Parents + Elderich Horror Yuu] The Great Seven, either transported here in exhile or taking over the world they existed in, take a hold of the Darkness and tries to morph it into something that'll help the world/world's they know head to ruin. The get a small soul with a Heart that can't seem to understand... anything. One minute it's a small creature dragging across the floor, the next it's towering and blots out the sun; eventually, it's Maleficent that coaxes it into into understanding words and taking on the form of a... child. Any villains who interact with the "child" will hear in there heads, You have a heart and your so warm, what's that like?
[G7 Parents + Keyblade (Amnesiac?) User Yuu] This world of TWST is behind the other Disney worlds simply because it was influenced and created to exhile the biggest issues to characters like Eraquse/Aqua/Sora and they are basically "sealed" here. So are their influences like Ariel or Hercules because to lock the villains up, they needed to seal their world's too. At least the heroes weren't alone, right? They simply founded the world and the villains did the same as a survival tactic. It's been so long, but their power refuses to die and their Hearts live on... but their starting to fade because their magic isn't immortal (Hades coughs at that). Until, a bright light breaks a whole in the locked reality and a small keyhole peaks out. They can't leave because it's so small and only Darkness can get through (creating an extra mystery alongside the Overblots) to make Heartless. The G7 don't want to get devoured, so... they use the new body that broke the seal to hide from them. Yuu, either amnesia heavy or at least fatigued, can see them and tries to fight them off but no. They are now coexisting in this body, and the rest is up to use to make!
More lore for my fic
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writeronartblock · 1 year
Semi-organized post of Fanfic Ideas I have but can't get around to write it
Enstars Takt Op AU
Originally just a Leokasa-centric AU oneshot, a series of fics set in the Takt Op universe where some of the characters are Musicarts and exploring the dynamics between them and their Conductors
Potential Storylines: Knights w/ Leokasa, Ex-Valkryie and Ra*bits, Chiakana, Five Eccentrics
"A Starting Symphony"
Part of the Takt Op AU
(Leokasa) Tells of how Tsukasa and Leo initially meets and how the eventually become a Musicart-Conductor duo
"Fleeting Memories"
Part of the Takt Op AU
(Leokasa) Takes place before A Starting Symphony and tells how Tsukasa and Leo actually met, with a bit of world building in place as well
"One Girl's Suffering is Another Boy's Sorrow"
A Protag centric (Anzu and Tenkousei-kun) introspective/character study fic following the events of Paradise (Engirls), taking place before Enstars' Main Story and a little during it
"Slight Changes of Fates"
A-Side: Persona 5 AU, where instead of Yumenosaki, Anzu transfer into Shujin and becomes part of the Phantom Thieves
B-Side: Detailing many of Tenkousei-kun's misadventures of being a Yumenosaki student
"Youth Emergence"
TetoKasa, a normal highschool AU where these two unlikely people become friends and possibly fall in love with each other
Side Story: TetoHiiKasa ver, where Tetora and Tsukasa competes to win Hiiro's affection (while he's nonthewiser about it)
"Meetings of Miscellany"
A Tsukasa-centric oneshot fic collection set in a vague fantasy-medieval AU about the various forming relationships (often romantic) between him and other people
Characters Involved: Mitsuru, Izumi, Tetora, and Hiiro
"To the You in the Field of Fireflies"
(Izukasa) A Hotarubi no Mori e AU, not much more can be said
"My Eternity, For You"
(Izukasa) A fantasy-esque AU in which Tsukasa is an immortal prince living in a tranquil enchanted garden within the rubble of his old kingdom, and Izumi is a butterfly who wishes to be human
Side Story: "Sleeping Prince" just Izumi fondly musing about his dear beloved prince while he's sleeping peacefully
Project Sekai:
A Royal Scandal AU, ft. Tsukasa and Saki as "Chelsea" (is going to be toukasa/toyakasa-centric, sorry)
"The Sun's Come Out to Say Hello"
(Akikasa) Featuring Aged-Up characters, a day in the life of Akito and Tsukasa where they're housemates. With explorations of what their futures could be, likely canon divergent
"Under the Streetlight"
(Akikasa) Based off of Tsukasa's Torpe card and Akito's Anniversary card, a vaguely Victorian(?) era AU
"When Our First Love Ends"
(Toyakasa) Oneshot inspired by the vocaloid song "When the First Love Ends" by ryo (supercell) ft. Miku
A Fantasista Squad origin fic with heavy focus on Touya and Tsukasa from their childhood to current times (tho not necessarily romantic)
"The Mechanical Clown Who Dreams of Love"
(Mafukasa) Inspired by "The Dream That a Girl Doll Had" by HitoYama, Robot Toy!Tsukasa / Toy Maker!Mafuyu
"Fashion Gathering" (working title)
A Ruikasa and Mizuena meet up where they discuss about Wondershows' costumes and other stuff
Genshin Impact:
(Chongyun/Xiao/Hu Tao) A highschool AU in which all three of them are a part of the newly established Occult Research Club and gets into all sorts of shenanigans, courtesy of Hu Tao most of the time
A Persona 5 × Kagerou Project Crossover, where Hibiya and Ren are brothers. Hibiya follows Ren to Tokyo during his probation and unkowingly gets involved in more supernatural bullcrap again (alternatively, Ren gets a bigger support group with the Mekakushi Dan)
SEES Member! P4 Protag AU, where Yuu was in Iwatodai for the events of Persona 3 when he was in his 3rd year of middle school. Heavily suggests BanKita/Protagshipping
Side Story: A rewrite of Persona Q with this AU in mind
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lvmbien · 1 year
🪻 Little Lvmb
a quick run down of some of my sona's various splinters as well as their alternate ‘names’ (if they have one) and a couple alt sonas
Original AU Sonas
☕ Aries - default/main sona keyword/tag(s); little lvmb 🍂 Bunty - human/lamb hybrid keyword/tag(s); oc. bunty 🪻 Lamb - fursona? keyword/tag(s); oc. lamb 🍄 Corpse - undead necromancer keyword/tag(s); oc. corpse 🥀 A. Aries Mortem - immortal necromancer keyword/tag(s); v!aries
Active Fandom Sonas
🦐 Twisted Wonderland / Yuu sona keyword/tag(s); twst!aries, pome!aries ship tag(s); azriel, flaries, flazriel 💫 obey me! sona keyword/tag(s); om!aries ship tag(s); belaries 🌌 obey me! nightbringer sona keyword/tag(s); nb!aries ship tag(s); solaries 🌩 Miette - genshin sona v1 keyword/tag(s); oc. mietitore ship tag(s); sheepdoctor ❄ Yosei - genshin sona v2 keyword/tag(s);  oc. yosei ship tag(s); --
Alt Sonas
Ciel - alt sona [he/they] keyword/tag(s); oc. ciel Lavender - comfort sona [they/he] keyword/tag(s); oc. lavender
「My ‘little lvmb’ tag is a catch all tag for all versions of my sona. The only two you will not find under this tag are Ciel and Lavender.
Any non-sona OCs I post about can be found under the ’lvmb ocs’ tag.」
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lazyflan · 2 years
Immortal!Yuu ft. Lilia
So, because its Lilia's b-day
And bc I don't have any sfw request atm and I don't feel like writing the nsfw ones lol.
I decided to expand a little bit the Immortal!Yuu AU featuring Lilia bc I think it would be fun :P
There are some spoilers for the 7th chapter, but it will be marked when they will appear.
So, here we go!:
-Yuu and Lilia clocking each other's long ass life the moment they meet. Like, instantly knowing that the other doesn't have a normal human lifespan.
-Both using their knowledge for shits and giggles, basically becoming the worst and best duo to ever step foot on the NRC.
-Btw, talking about b-days, when Lilia was revealed with his age being ???, lots of people theorized that it wasn’t his real b-day. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t remember his own b-day due to his long life. If that’s the case, Yuu could probably understand him. They could celebrate their unknown b-day together.
-They also start a habit of talking about their adventures and sharing old tales, they have enough of them for the habit to last for ages.
-Both of them tend to find the other student’s shenanigans amusing, but half of the time Lilia sends Yuu to “babysit”.
Yuu adopts all of the first-year students, and some second years too, whenever any of the Diasomnia students is involved, Yuu will feel Lilia’s presence in the vicinity.
-Yuu being one of the few people who don’t get scared by Lilia, they have immortality on their side, what do they have to fear?
*Spoilers of chapter 7 ahead!*
-When Lilia admits that he is losing his powers, Yuu doesn´t externally react, but you bet that their mind is going miles per hour trying to find someway to help, they have been alive for so long, they must have seen a way to help, right?
-Yuu refusing to go back to their world until they can help Lilia, they have eternity to live, living in another world for more time won’t really affect them in the long run, hell, they could stay for decades more and in thousands of years all of it would only be a memory.
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