#imma need a lot more from TK to convince me they are anything other than friends sorry
stormblessed95 · 3 years
Jikookers are living in the past. Everything you say about jikook is old, their relationship, their moments that you call "loud". These 3 months showed that Jungkook is closer to Taehyung than Jimin. Jungkook was forced by Jimin to go on vlive during Jimin bday but he chose to post a photo of Tae for Tae's bday. This is the difference. He chose to post a taekook selfie on his ig and not a jikook photo. If Jimin is Jk's boyfriend well...I'm sorry for him because it seems that Jungkook is ashamed of him. I wonder what kind of relationship you like if you support the fact Jungkook can't post Jimin face online because he hates to be associated with him. (And don't talk about concerts where they have to perform together). You should think about it. Why Jungkook doesn't like to post Jimin (the last photo of him was posted years ago...) but he can post other members like Jin and Tae. You know the answer but I'm sure you will delete this ask because the truth hurts.
Vmin doesn't exist. Tae made it clear that Jimin is only a member for him. Jungkook is his favorite person. "Members and Jungkook" means everything. Basically Tae ended vmin and jikook at the same time
Oh damn anon. I'm so sorry, you must have missed my announcement last week where I admitted that Tae and JK are actually married. The insta posts are what convinced me 🥰 thanks for your concern though! I'll link that post for you because I posted a ton of super cute taekook photos there too! You should save them, since it's all moments that ACTUALLY happened!! As well I link to ANOTHER post on that one that I think would be good for you as well. It's all about how distant Jikook were in 2021 🥰 happy reading!
My dear anon(s), you seem to forget that if nothing else, and above all else, the maknae line are friends. And they all love each other. None of them are forced to interact or not interact with each other.
Not to mention, in the last 3 months, we got the vminkook vlive, and if you took anything away from that other than how much they all love each other, you are not paying enough attention and should listen more to what they actually say, do and tell you
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As well as during that vlive we were told that JK goes and seeks out Jimin at least 3 times a day collecting stamps. And when Tae went to go to Jimins room, he almost thought it was JKs since he answered the door. Aka, both taekook when they are feeling bored and lonely seek out.... Jimin and go to Jimins room to spend time with him, because they love and adore him
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As well as in the past 3 months we had Jikook looking sweetly at each other on the beach in LA where we can assume Tae took their photo since he was the other one there and wasn't in this photo like he was in a different one. Where it also looks like before this, they were sitting together in the sand shoulder to shoulder. As well as all the other things they went and did in LA together too. Fans constantly spotted them out together with other members, but they 2 of them? Always together.
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Or the fun they had together during ITS, the giant smiles.
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And yes, JK is clearly ashamed. When he spends such a large chunk of time hyping Jimin up or complimenting him or talking about how he looks up to him or that they are lucky to have him. Such as telling him he is the king of run bts
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And let's not forget also during that vminkook vlive we had Tae asking Jimin not to leave and to stay through the end. And we also had Tae telling Jimin that he is his role model.
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Or literally how we started 2021 off with Tae telling Jimin how much he likes him over and over, as well as saying he likes Jimin THE MOST. And ended 2021 with Jimin calling Taehyung "my love." Lol and you are here trying to slander how much they mean to each other?
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And I mean, say whatever you want and think whatever you want about those Instagram/Twitter posts. They literally called each other "bro" and left off the "my love" and have been so sweet together. You should be happy that they have been clearly strengthening their bond together! But don't misunderstand that for something it isn't, unless you are also going to say jinkook, namgi, minimoni, and vmin are also real for posting each other on their instas. And I hope you never post photos with your friends online, someone might thing you are dating each other by mistake. Lol plus, they've been pretty clear that they love each other alot, but not in a romantic sense of the word. "Punching bag" "best friend who is like a brother" "just a bts member to me" "thought of him like a real brother."
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I don't care if you think any of these duos is "real" or not. But it's anti behavior to call any of them "fake." Not to mention, your whole post gives me the same vibes as this person's Twitter comments with the types of moments you dismiss and/or then hype up as loud. Only as long as it benefits whatever story you believe to be true? Right?
And I really wish you would have glanced through my masterlist before sending this, I have a post linked there that literally says "TO TKKRS" (hint, that's you). Here, I'll link it here for you though!
On the OFF chance that you actually don't have your head shoved so far up your ass it's impossible to dislodge, I invite you to actually click on all these links. I invite you to go through my masterlist for other moments too, past and present. I encourage you to get off shipper timelines and watch content and listen to your idols for exactly what it is. It's not even just about maknae line at this point, I just think it will blow your mind at how much you are missing out on.
Post over getting off shipping timelines so that you don't misunderstand things by not getting the full context of clips being posted:
Taekook love the HELL out of Jimin. That's their baby, they are his baby. Either way you wanna have it, it works. They LOVE HIM. And anyone who says anything different doesn't understand or know who they are "supporting." Seriously, they LOVE that man more than anyone.
They love Jimin so much, they practically made Jimin their muse. The Love is so strong between those 3.
Oh and this post was about the whole butter promo photo, but it also fits with everything I could have said about your JK was forced forced to go to Jimins vlive comment too
Look, Im just going to stop now. Because I seriously doubt you are going to click on ANYTHING I have linked for you here. (Come back if you want and tell me i was wrong if you did actually click on these links and stuck around to Learn a little something, please 😊 ). Where is that tweet when I need it? The one that said "Taekook would light you on fire just to keep Jimin warm?" Lol that would have been the perfect tweet to have at the end of this post! Anyway, vminkook love each other dearly and you are an idiot if you think otherwise 🥰 Have the day you deserve anon!!
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