#imas akane
I miss Mei so much you don’t understand :( bring her back AidaIro. Also Yako and Hakubo
I hate how the school mysteries (other than Hanako, Mitsuba and Akane) get there one arc where you really get to know them and care about them and then they just go away forever. GIVE THEM BACK PLS AIDAIRO LET THEM OUT OF THE CLOSET THEYVE DONE NOTHING WRONG
#tbhk#toilet bound hanako kun#jshk#jibaku shounen hanako kun#shijima mei#yako#tsuchigomori#Tbhk no.6#like I feel like they add so much#there all so fun#I’d say Sumire to but like you know.. rip#they could be silly little side characters to do silly little things#like I feel like we got that in the beginning with Yako and Tsuchi they would appear in little side arcs with one or two lines to help out#Yako can teleport anywhere and Mei can bring anything to life she draws??#why aren’t those powers used more??#at least Kako and Mirai get two arcs… and get mentioned by Akane every once in a while#how are you gonna write Mei so well and then she’s just gonna never been seen again#she’s like big foot at this point#it’s not that I don’t love the main cast but I love them too and I feel like there so underused#I feel like the whole 7 mysteries thing is kinda underused#apparently there proxies for god?? how the heck does that work?? like I understand mystery but I also understand 117 chapters and I info#they have a meeting like once and that was really cool do that again#or twice if you count the one where Hanako just rolled up to Tsuchi and was like ima break your shit#I chose to believe Hanako invited the rest of them to that meeting but they all chose to not show up#on that note in what way is Hanako the leader? he’s not the oldest#he’s not the strongest..#(you know cause Teru solos him ez and Hakubo solos Teru ez)#no one even listens to him so like???#anyway bring my girl Mei back she deserves it
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miraofhearts2point0 · 6 months
do i think these aib characters are bilangual? an important post
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Arisu: no. he took an English class for a trimester and dropped out almost immediately.
Karube: kind of. he can speak some Spanish bc his grandma is Mexican and he visited her while growing up.
Chota: no. same reason as Arisu.
Shibuki: no. same reason as Arisu and Chota.
Usagi: no. she's thought about learning Spanish though.
Chishiya: yes. fluent in both Japanese and French, dabbled in Italian, (Spaniard) Spanish, and English, but never got around to actually learning them.
Kuina: no. if someone was willing to teach her English she'd happily learn it.
Niragi: no. he can understand some Latin though; e.g: prayers and hymns.
Ann: yes. Japanese, Mandarin, and Hmong.
Mahiru: yes. English, Tagalog, and Japanese. some Cantonese, too.
Aguni: yes. Japanese and (Latin) Spanish.
Hatter: no. he knows a few words in almost every major language but will never commit to actually learning them.
Mira: surprisingly no. she hasnt had any reason to.
Kuzuryū: yes. (canonically) English, Japanese, and (non canonically) Mandrin.
Kyuuma: kind of. in the process of learning English. probably learned some from his bf (Kuzuryū)
Shiirabi: yes.
Enji: no. he dgaf
Heiya: no. she knows a few slang words in English and that's about it.
Doudou: no. for the same reason as Arisu, Chota, and Shibuki.
Mitsurugi: yes. English and Japanese.
Kariya: no.
Ippei: no. see Arisu, Chota, Doudou, and Shibuki.
Urumi: yes. Mandrin and Japanese.
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tomatomagica · 1 year
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finally drew Akane's alt hairstyle | timelapse
comms | Twitch
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raynbotart · 2 months
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What I wanted from aib s2:
• To watch the game where Kuina & Ann teamed up
• More details about Ann's backstory
• Ann, Kuina & Chishiya teaming up for a game because can you imagine the power of that trio??
• More scenes of Chisiya and Kuina
• A flashback how Chishiya and Kuina met in Borderland
• Another flashback how Aguni met Akane
• Mira vs Chishiya : the battle of masterminds
• More Kyuma in general
What I've got instead:
• More Arisu x Usagi scenes than I cared for
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yui-kuromori · 2 years
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Pov: Sunday night family dinner got a little more violent than usual (Hatter took the picture, Arisu is still crying)
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Alice in Borderland polaroid posters
pt 4
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yume-kara-samete · 6 months
Ima Koko Kara - Morning Musume 12th generation
Morning Musume '18 12ki Member Ogata Haruna・Nonaka Miki・Makino Maria・Haga Akane FC Event
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
NO I WAS THINKING ABOUT SEEING MORE OF ARASAWA IN INFINITE WEALTH JUST NOW since before Akane was brought up and the young Arakawa screenshot came out, I was 100% certain the flashbacks would be from Jo or Ichi's perspectives, if any... now that it's most likely between Jo and Akane, I'm not sure what to think...
Because there's probably more than one scene with Arakawa (just based on the huge tonal shift from the screenshot to his voice line + him being part of the main lineup). Jo definitely has seen both sides of Arakawa, and he definitely has enough screentime to have the opportunity to reminisce about him. At this point I'm still half-expecting Akane to be a perpetual "your princess queen is in another castle," or for her to at least be endgame enough that tying up loose ends with Arakawa in that time might be tricky.
On the other hand, Furuta's co-writing the script, and for his games, you kind of figure out "the mystery" like halfway or two thirds in and the main person of interest shows up pretty regularly from there. The idea of Akane having screentime that substantial is SO crazy... this 70 year old woman who's got almost 50 years of catching up to do with her son and Potentially still remembers her man clear as day... another Potential point of contrast with Jo forgetting Ikumi btw...
Anyway. Point is. We could get more young AraSawa scenes... It's A Possibility... but if the alternative is young AraAka (among others such as "more than one or two people can remember Arakawa" and "the flashbacks occur independently of perspective") I'll shit my pants either way that's a promise <3 Can't wait for answers in January <3
the possibility of experiencing young arakawa through both sawashiro and akane's memories is ticklin my bones in some kinda way. i dont know HOW different their perspectives of arakawa will be, but it aint deniable that they'll have a diff view on him that im PRAAYYING will be shown through the flashbacks just to see the comparison (if we do get both their povs anyway. its hard not to imagine that possibility, though i wouldnt be totally mad if we just got akane's perspective either. homegirl been out the game too damn long she gets to say her peace me thinks)
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artniyetsizsikerimx · 2 months
"Asla gerçekleştiremeyeceğim sadist duygularım var demişti". Şimdiye kadar sınanmadığı için ne yapıp yapmayacağını bilemiyordu, öyle söylemişti. Bunu söylerken gayet masum ve zavallı bir haldeydi. Daha önce bir kez bile şiddet göstermemiş, üzerimde egemenlik, baskı kurmak gibi bir eğilimi olmamış; hep naif, kırılgan ve nazik olmuştu. Doğrudan ettiği tek kelime yoktu bu konuyla ilgili, hiç konuşmamıştık. Bir anda tramvayın içinde sağı solu seyrederken etrafa pekte aldırış etmeden söyleyivermişti. Fındıklıdan binmiştik ama bir durak sonra Karaköy'de inip geri dönmüş ve Set Üstü'ndeki evine gelmiştik. Bu sözleri sarf ettiği andaki bakışları ve yüzündeki küçük çocuk hevesi beni garip bir havaya sokmuştu. Evine giderken bileğime sıkıca yapışmış, vakit kaybetmemek için hızlı hızlı çıkıyorduk yokuşu. Sürüklenerek götürüldüm açıkçası. Daha 20-25 dakika önce çıkmıştık evden. Bütün gece neredeyse sevişmiştik. Her şey normaldi ama sükûnet içinde söylediği ve alttan alta su yüzüne çıkartmak istediği duyguları, gizlice ima ettiği gerçekleştirme isteği bu halin sebebiydi, merak! Bir yıldır tanıyorum sandığım adamı biraz daha fazla tanıma isteği ve " Canım ne kadar ileri gidebilir" düşüncesi ona bu sınavı sunmama sebep oldu.
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Beni bağlayıp kurban gibi önüne bıraktığı ana kadar tek kelime etmedi. Suratı, dudakları gergindi. Burun delikleri körük gibi çalışıyordu. Sert ve ruhundaki gerginlikten sicim gibi olmuş nefesi üzerimde dolanıyordu. Ayaklarımı zincirlerken elleri zaten kelepçe gibi kavramıştı ince bileklerimi. Şimdiye kadar göstermediği bir güç vardı kollarında. Hazırladığı anlarda kukla gibi oynamıştı benimle. Direnemiyordum ona. Asıl geren durum ise ortada hiç bir ipucu yoktu, ne yaşanacak ne yapacaktı? Kontrollü ama gittikçe artan bir enerji vardı havada. İçimdeki titremeyi belli etmemeye çalışıyordum. Bedenimi sürekli kıvrandırıyor, sağa sola hareket ettiriyor, titremenin tenimde yer bulmasını istemiyordum. Korkmadığımı ve içine ettiğim güvenimi göstermeliydim. O ise etrafımda tavaf eder gibi dolanıyordu. Bazen kendi etrafında dönüyordu. Kamçıdan sesler çıkıyordu ama bedenimde değil avucunun içinde patlıyordu. Nefes alışını hissedebiliyordum, kesik kesikti. Boşalırken de öyle olurdu. Acınası bir sesle kesik, kesik inler ve bazen iki damla gözyaşı ile boşalırdı. Başını göğsüme koyar sıkıca sokulur kendine geldiğinde yanaklarımı avuçlarının içine alır uzun uzun öperdi. Veda eder gibi!!
Gözlerini üzerimden ayırmayarak ağır ağır dolanıyordu, şeytani bir zikir aynindeymiş gibiydi ve kırbacı eline her vuruşu sufinin tanrıyı anmasıydı. Ardaki fark, bu sefer zikir içindeki karanlığı ortaya çıkarmak içindi. Olmaktı ama aydınlıktan uzaktı. Ben bu ayinde ya Tanrıydım ya da adak.
Soyunmamıştı. Rengi solmuş iskarpinler, çift ütü izi bir türlü gitmeyen gri gabardin pantolon ve oldukça beyaz bir gömlek hala üzerindeydi. Yanımdan uzaklaştı, odanın kapısını kapadı. Perdeleri örttü, sonra çok karanlık gelmiş olacak ki biraz araladı. "Güzel" dedi. Çekmeceyi açtı, metal bir şeylerin sesi geliyordu. Bir kaç tanesini kavramaya çalışıp, düşürür gibi oldu ya da aradığını bulamıyordu çekmecede, metal ve tahta sesleri birbirine karışmıştı. "Lanet olsun " dedi. Ürkütücüydü. Başımı çevirdim, göz göze geldik. Yüzü değişmişti, tere bulanmış yüzünde her kas ayrı ayrı kasılmıştı. "Önüne dön!, bakma!" dedi. Bakamadım.  Yaklaştı, elindeki kamçıyı kalçamda belimde dolaştırmaya başladı, acıtmayacak şekilde vuruyordu. Elleri ile kaba etimi kavradı daha önce hiç kadın görmemiş biri gibi kavradı. “Güzel göt “ dedi avuçlayarak. Sanki başkasına benden bahseder gibi “Sıkıııı!! sert ha“ dedi. iki eli de kaba etlerime sertçe saplandı. Taciz rahatsızlığı hissetim. Ağzından sular akan sarkıntı birinin eline düşmüştüm. Beceriksizce dizlerimin üzerinde ilerleyiverdim. Sinir olmuştum bu şekilde davranmasına. Ağlayacak gibiydi dudaklarım. Sıkıyordum. Olan ve olacakları anlayamaz durumdaydım. Ter içinde kalan yüzündeki bakışları ve çekmece içinde aranan şey endişe ettirmişti ayrıca. “Dikkat et lütfen” dedim. “Ederim” dedi.
Ayağa kalktı sanırım, elleri üzerimden ayrılmıştı ama adice yoğurmasının acısı yeni çıkıyordu etlerimden. Bu sefer Kırbaç kaba etlerimin üzerinde dolanıyordu. Vuracağını düşünüce, beceriksizce yine dizlerimin üzerinde kaçmaya çalıştım. Yakaladı. Önüme doğru geldi, kamçıyı üzerimde gezdirerek çenemin altına yerleştirdi. Onunla başımı yukarı ittirdi. Kırbaç yanaklarımdan yukarı çıkarak bedenimden ayrıldı. Gözlerimi sıkmıştım ama kırbaç bedenime inmedi.  Kısa saçlarıma parmaklarını geçirip biraz acıtarak başımı daha da kaldırdı. Kısmen rahatlamıştım, korkudan kapalı olan gözlerimin üzerinden öptü “Aç lütfen” dedi.  Gözlerimin içine baktı "Seni seviyorum" dedi. Gülümsedi… yok sırıttı. Biraz gri, çoğu sigaradan sararmış çirkin dişleri vardı!. Dişleri bu kadar çirkin miydi bu adamın? Yüzü bir gevşiyor bir kasılıyordu ama o boncuk boncuk terler ip gibi olmuş çenesinden aşağı damlıyordu. “Çok güzelsin”  dedi ama keşke demese miydi? Korkmuştum. Diğer elinde bir terzi makası belirdi. Suratındaki tebessümle tezat bir andı. Kollarındaki damarlar patlayacak gibi şişmiş miydi bana mı öyle gelmişti bilmiyorum ama makas ile saçımdan bir tutam kesip yere bırakınca rahatlamıştım. Kolları evrim geçirmiş gibiydi. Odaya bir başkası girmiş olabilir miydi? Beraber olduğum adam bu değildi. Dudaklarımdan öptü, çirkin dişleri gözümün önünden gitmiyordu. Yine odanın diğer yanına yöneldi,  kestiği bukleyi bir yere bıraktı. Döndü, arkamdaydı. “Çok ıslanmışsın” dedi  ve beynime bir zıpkın saplandı o anda. Kulağımda şaklayan ses, kalçamda hissettiğim ac��… İçim parçalanmıştı. Neyle vurduğunu anlamamıştım. Önüme geldi başım eğikti, iğrenç ayakkabıları, kısa pantolon paçalarının arasından görünen çıplak bileği ve elinden aşağı saldığı kemerin tokası gözümün önündeydi.” Tamam mı devam mı?” dedi.
Başımı kaldırdım “ Devam orospu çocuğu” dedim. “Peki” dedi tanımadığım bir ses.
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elizabethzoopzoop986 · 3 months
Me whenever I watch the anime
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miraofhearts2point0 · 10 months
Heiya is hypersexual
Niragi is a rapist
Chishiya abused high schoolers
accept it, at the end of the day i only care about looks
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tomatomagica · 1 year
timelapse of this Akane
comms | Twitch
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toby-the-tomboy · 1 year
Stop. Not the baby Ranma and Ryouga arch.
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He is so cute in his too big clothes ❤️❤️❤️
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You know Rumiko was like “fuck it ima draw them as little kids. All that’s missing from this one is baby Akane. We were robbed honestly.
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Me too honey…
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Who’s translating this? Detante? Also Ryouga’s baby fangs! 😩😩
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Not the baby baksai tenketsu 😩
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Akane is me yelling at my oldest child
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Oh Akane….get them. They deserve it.
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ctheathy · 1 year
• = Platonic and/or Pet-like
• = Romantic
• = Suggestive
• = NSFW
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Vocaloid [+AUs from any song. Example: The Court Jester!Fukase] :
Hatsune Miku ,, Kagamine Rin ,, Kagamine Len ,, Luka Megurine ,, Meiko ,, Kaito ,, Gumi ,, Fukase ,, Utatane Piko ,, Flower ,, Oliver
The Evillious Chronicles [Daughter/Servant of Evil] AU:
Riliane ‘Rin’ Lucifen d'Autriche ,, Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche // Allen ‘Len’ Avadonia ,, Kyle ‘Kaito’ Marlon ,, Michaela ‘Miku’ ,, Germaine ‘Meiko’ Avadonia
Baldi's Basics :
Baldi ,, Arts and Crafters ,, Playtime • ,, 1st Prize ,, It's a Bully ,, Principal of the Thing ,, Gotta Sweep ,, Cloudy Copter ,, Beans ,, Chalkles ,, Dr. Reflex ,, Mrs. Pomp ,, The Test ,, Null // filename2 ,, 0th Prize ,, PlaceFace ,, Bladder ,, Johnny
The Powerpuff Girls :
Monster Hunter Stories :
Mojo Jojo ,, Brick ,, Boomer ,, Butch ,, Princess Morbucks ,, Fuzzy Lumpkins ,, The Amoeba Boys ,, The Gangreen Gang ,, Sedusa (+Ima GoodLady) ,, Rainbow the Clown//Mr. Mime ,, Abracadaver ,, The Sandman ,, The Gnome ,, Dick Hardly ,, Knock-off Powerpuff Girls ,, Him (+MIH) ,, Owlie Boop ,, Allegro ,, Chelsea ,, Sapna Nehru ,, Packrat ,, The Powerpunk Girls [Berserk, Brat and Brute] ,, The Rowdyright Boys [Blake, Bash and Breaker] ,, The RowdyRouge Girls [Bellicose, Bedlam and Bruiser]
Lute ,, Cheval ,, Lilia ,, Mille ,, Hyoro ,, Genie ,, Itsy-Bits ,, Dr. Manelger • ,, Debli ,, Avinia // Ayuria ,, Gale ,, Kayna ,, Ena ,, Alwin ,, Zellard ,, Reverto ,, Kyle ,, Yoomlana
South Park + Hellpark :
Corpse Party :
Stan Marsh ,, Kyle Broflovski ,, Craig Tucker ,, Clyde Donovan ,, Tweek Tweak ,, Thomas ,, Jacob Hallery ,, Cosette ,, Philip “Pip” Pirrip/Pirrup ,, Damien Thorn ,, Estella Havisham
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun :
Satoshi Mochida ,, Yuka Mochida • ,, Seiko Shinohara ,, Naomi Nakashima ,, Ayumi Shinozaki ,, Yoshiki Kishinuma ,, Mayu Suzumoto ,, Sakutaro Morishige ,, Yuuya Kizami ,, Naho Saenoki ,, Sachiko Shinozaki •
Hanako // Amane Yugi ,, Yashiro Nene ,, Kou Minamoto ,, Teru Minamoto ,, Mitsuba Sousuke ,, Aoi Akane ,, Akane Aoi ,, Sakura Nanamine ,, Natsuhiko Hyuga ,, Tsukasa Yugi ,, Tsuchigomori Ryūjirou
The Koopalings + DiC cartoons :
Larry Koopa + Cheatsy Koopa
Morton Jr. Koopa + Big Mouth Koopa
Ludwig Von Koopa + Kooky Von Koopa
Wendy O Koopa + Kootie Pie Koopa
Lemmy Koopa + Hip Koopa •
Care Bears + Movies :
Iggy Koopa + Hop Koopa •
Roy Koopa + Bully Koopa
The Care Bears • ,, Care Bear Cousins • ,, Auntie Freeze • ,, Professor Coldheart • ,, Frostbite ,, No Heart ,, Beastly ,, Shriekeline “Shreeky” No Heart
The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland
Alice ,, White Rabbit ,, Caterpillar ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Stan the Jabberwocky ,, Princess of Wonderland ,, The Wizard of Wonderland ,, Dim & Dum
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Dark Heart ,, Christy ,, Dawn ,, John
Happy Tree Friends :
Cuddles ,, Giggles ,, Toothy ,, Lumpy ,, Petunia ,, Handy ,, Nutty ,, Sniffles ,, Pop ,, Cub • ,, Flaky ,,The Mole ,, Disco Bear ,, Russell ,, Lifty & Shifty ,, Mime ,, Cro Marmot ,, Flippy + Fliqpy ,, Ka Boom ,, Splendid ,, Splendon’t ,, Lammy ,, Mr. Pickles,, Truffles ,, FatKat
Chikn Nuggit :
Chikn Nuggit [+ Demigod form] ,, Cheezborger ‘Chee’ ,, Iscream ,, Slushi ,, Fwench Fwy ,, Sody Pop • ,, Sassparilla ,, Cofi ,, Hawt Saus ,, Bezel ,, Milkshek ,, Old Pea ,, Katsup and Meowstard • ,, Beta!Fwench Fwy ,, Beta!Slushi ,, Beta!Hawt Saus
Angry Birds :
Red ,, Chuck ,, Bomb ,, Matilda ,, The Blues ,, Jake, Jay, Jim • ,, Bubbles ,, Hal ,, Silver ,, Ice Bird ,, Terence ,, Corporal Pig ,, Foreman Pig ,, Chef Pig ,, King Pig ,, Prince Porky ,, Stella ,, Poppy ,, Luca • ,, Willow ,, Dahlia ,, Gale ,, Handsome Pig ,, Artist Pig
Littlest Pet Shop :
Zoe Trent ,, Russell Ferguson [+Cyril McFlip] ,, Minka Mark ,, Penny Ling ,, Vinnie Terrio ,, Sunil Nevla ,, Pepper Clark ,, Buttercream Sundae ,, Sugar Sprinkles ,, Mitzi ,, Shahrukh ,, Madame Pom ,, Delilah Barnsley ,, Scout Kerry ,, Sweet Cheeks ,, Cashmere Biskit ,, Velvet Biskit ,, Blythe Baxter,, Brittany Biskit,, Whittany Biskit
My Little Pony :
G1 AU: >>>
Twilight Sparkle ,, Rarity ,, Pinkie Pie ,, Apple Jack ,, Fluttershy ,, Rainbow Dash ,, Spike ,, Sunset Shimmer ,, Starlight Glimmer ,, Trixie Lulamoon ,, Moondancer ,, Coco Pommel ,, Coloratura ‘Rara’ ,, Maud Pie ,, Limestone Pie ,, Marble Pie ,, Flutterbat ,, Chimera ,, The Diamond Dogs [Rover, Fido, and Spot] ,, Discord ,, Lord Tirek ,, Flurry Heart • ,, Cozy Glow • ,, Snowdrop • ,, Nightmare Moon ,, Daybreaker ,, Queen Chrysalis ,, Unreformed Changelings ,, Thorax ,, Pharynx ,, King Sombra ,, Tantabus ,, The Sphinx ,, Pony of Shadows // Stygian ,, Grogar
Megan Williams ,, Spike • ,, Danny Williams ,, Molly Williams • ,, The Moochick ,, The Bushwoolies ,, The Grundles ,, Sludge ,, G'nash ,, Dinah • ,, Squire Alonzo ,, The Crabnasties ,, Mayor Camembert ,, The Sheriff of Muensterville ,, Pluma [+The Ghost of Paradise Estate] ,, Woebegone ,, Mayve • ,, His Elevated Eminence •
Applejack ,, Bow Tie ,, Ember • ,, Firefly ,, Glory ,, Medley ,, Moondancer ,, Twilight ,, Heart Throb ,, Lickety-Split ,, Posey ,, Gusty ,, Buttons ,, Fizzy ,, Ribbon ,, Galaxy ,, Mimic ,, Gingerbread ,, Magic Star ,, Shady ,, Cherries Jubilee ,, Cupcake ,, Truly ,, Sweet Stuff ,, Wind Whistler ,, North Star ,, Paradise ,, Surprise ,, Lofty ,, Locket ,, Whizzer ,, Masquerade ,, Princess Tiffany ,, Princess Primrose ,, Princess Royal Blue ,, Princess Serena ,, Princess Sparkle ,, Princess Starburst ,, Baby Lickety-Split • ,, Morning Glory ,, Rosedust ,, Honeysuckle ,, Peach Blossom ,, Lily ,, Forget-Me-Not
Scorpan ,, Tirac ,, Beezen ,, The Duchess ,, Knight Shade ,, Zeb ,, Erebus ,, King Charlatan ,, Niblick ,, Draggle ,, Reeka ,, Hydia • ,, Ahgg ,, The Smooze • ,, Squirk ,, Crank ,, The Flores ,, Jewel Wizard ,, Lavan [+crystallized form] ,, Sting ,, Queen Bumble ,, Princess Porcina ,, The Raptorians ,, Crunch the Rockdog ,, The Sqree ,, Somnambula ,, Kyrie ,, Bray ,, Grogar
Seito Kure ,, Boron Makuroshi ,, Toru Garakuta ,, Haruma Neko
Popee The Performer + Chinchikurin :
Popee Paraphone // Hanabishi Kuruwaya ,, Kedamono // Keita Ookami ,, Papi ,, Marifa ,, Eepop (mirror Popee) ,, Onomadek (mirror Kedamono) ,, Nightmare Popee ,, Docter Popee [Phaeton & Me]
The Amazing Digital Circus :
Pomni ,, Caine ,, Bubble • ,, Ragatha ,, Jax ,, Zooble ,, Gangle ,, Kinger ,, Gloink Queen • ,, Dr. Football ,, Moon ,, Sun ,, Paine ,, The Bone Pastor,, Princess Loolilalu ,, Gummigoo ,, The Fudge • ,, Chad ,, Max
Abstracted characters [Digital+abstracted form] :
Kaufmo ,, Queenie ,, Rett (yellow dog) ,, Wriggle (worm on a string) ,, Doz (purple dinosaur) ,, Blonk (pink cyclops) ,, Moppsy (mouse sockpuppet) ,, Yucko (yellow rabbit-like creature) ,, Bizz (polka-dot covered clown)
Fan-made names by Sunnie_Daies on Reddit
Lego Monkie Kid : ••••
MK ‘Monkie Kid’ ,, Mei Dragon ,, Tang ,, Pigsy ,, Sandy ,, Mo • ,, Red Son ,, Demon Bull King ,, Princess Iron Fan ,, Bull clones • ,, Lady Bone Demon (+disguise form) ,, ‘Bai He’ • [little girl] ,, Spider Queen ,, Huntsman ,, Goliath [strong spider] ,, Sun Wukong ‘Monkey King’ ,, Six-Eared Macaque ,, Syntax (+pre-corrupted/human form) ,, The Mayor (+Chief of War) ,, Yin & Jin ,, Guardians of Knowledge • ,, Lion Guardians • ,, Demon Accountant ,, Ne'Zha/Third Lotus prince ,, Erlang Shen ,, Scorpion Queen ,, Azure Lion ,, Peng ,, Yellowtusk ,, Chang'e ,, Tang Sanzang ,, Zhu Bajie ,, Sha Wujing ,, Ao Lie ,, Ao Guang/Dragon of the East ,, Master Subodhi ,, Dragon Attendant ,, Kui Mulang ,, MK [party clone] ,, MK [artist clone] ,, MK [delivery clone] (he won't be obese here...) ,, MK [backup clone] ,, Ink MK ,, Store Owner ,, Li Jing ,, Xiangliu ‘Nine-Headed Demon’ ,, 100-Eyed Demon ,, Nüwa
Ferdinand :
Ferdinand (+young form) ,, Paco ,, Nina • ,, Juan ,, Valiente (+young form) ,, Guapo (+young form) ,, Bones (+young form) ,, Lupe ,, Angus ,, Maquina ,, Una ,, Dos ,, Cuatro ,, Hans ,, Greta ,, Klaus ,, El Primero
Disney movies (will accept all characters of said movie) :
Cuz it's too many characters to write down damn it
19s — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ,, The Chronicles of Prydain ,, Bambi ,, Cinderella ,, Alice in Wonderland ,, 101 Dalmatians ,, Peter Pan ,, Sleeping Beauty ,, The Fox and the Hound ,, The Little Mermaid ,, Beauty and the Beast ,, Aladdin ,, Hercules ,, The Lion King ,, Pocahontas ,, The Rescuers Down Under ,, The Hunchback of Notre Dame [fuck Frollo up for me, will you dear? <3] ,, Mulan ,, Tarzan
2000s — The Emperor's New Groove ,, Monsters, Inc. ,, Finding Nemo ,, Pirates of the Caribbean ,, Brother Bear ,, The Incredibles ,, Howl's Moving Castle ,, Ratatouille ,, Up ,, The Princess and The Frog
2010s/2020s — Tangled ,, Frozen ,, Brave ,, Maleficent ,, Inside Out ,, Zootopia ,, Finding Dory ,, Moana/Vaiana ,, Coco ,, Raya and the Last Dragon ,, Luca ,, Encanto
Misc. :
- Reisuke Houjou • [Mirai Nikki // Future Diary]
- Rococo [Omori]
- Tobey McCallister [WordGirl]
- Dr. Sylvester Ashling [Epithet Erased]
- Ahmanet (+alive Ahmanet) ••• [The Mummy]
- The Lamb // Lambert [Cult of the Lamb]
- ENA (+ _____ form) [Joel G]
- Sun [Two Face ,, GH'S Animation]
- Blommy // Bloomy [Fluffffpillow's oc]
- Nabbit [Super Mario Bros]
- Marx (+Marx Soul) [Kirby Milky Way Wishes]
- Manga Marx [Kirby of the Stars! Moretsu Pupupu Hour!]
- Taranza [Kirby: Triple Deluxe]
- Scooby-Doo [Velma Meets the Original Velma]
- Evil [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Eloise Sarah Bellrose ‘Stripes’ [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Patchy the Pirate // Flying Dutchman [SpongeBob SquarePants | The Time Travelling Ghost Pirate Theory] •••
° Rio Ranger (+Rio Laizer)/Toto Noel •••• ,, Sei Satou ••• [Your Turn To Die]
° Monaca Towa ,, Nagisa Shingetsu ,, Jataro Kemuri ,, Masaru Daimon ,, Kotoko Utsugi [Danganronpa // Warriors of Hope]
° Isaac “Zack” Foster ,, Rachel Gardner ,, Edward “Eddie” Mason ,, Daniel “Danny” Dickens ,, Catherine “Cathy” Ward ,, Abraham Grey [Angels of Death // Satsuriku no Tenshi]
° Satou Matsuzaka ,, Shio Kōbe • ,, Asahi Kōbe ,, Taiyō Mitsuboshi ,, Sumire Miyazaki ,, Mitori Tajima ,, Shōko Hida ,, Satou’s aunt • [Happy Sugar Life]
° Eun Sian ,, Chae Yul •••• ,, Chae Yuri ,, Hyun Yujin ,, Min Hyunee [Secret Alliance]
° Aoi Mukou ,, Miyuki Sone ,, Haru [You and Me and He // Totono]
° The Angel •••• - The Demon •••• - The small Demon • [Avogado6]
° Justine Florbelle ,, Aloïs Racine (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Basile Giroux (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Malo de Vigny (+pre-torture +mid-torture) [Amnesia: Justine] ••••
° Rush ,, Hide ,, Seek ,, Eyes ,, Halt ,, Ambush ,, Screech • ,, Figure ,, Jack ,, Glitch [Roblox Doors]
° Sharko ,, Marina ,, Zig ,, Bernie ,, The Ghastly Ghost ,, Manic Mermaid ,, King Neptune [Zig & Sharko]
° Oh ,, Gratuity ‘Tip’ Tucci • ,, Pig • ,, Gorg ,, Kyle ,, Captain Smek ,, Boov [Home 2015]
° Pound (+Monstar form) ,, Bang (+Monstar form) ,, Nawt (+Monstar form) ,, Bupkus (+Monstar form) ,, Blanko (+Monstar form) [Space Jam // The Nerdlucks]
° Charmander ,, Squirtle (+Wartortle) ,, Bulbasaur ,, Leader Caterpie ,, Whiskers ,, Gastly • ,, Haunter ,, Flareon ,, Chimchar ,, Turtwig ,, Abomasnow [Starter Squad by Shippiddge]
° Kitsunami the Fennec [Sonic the Hedgehog]
- [Any Tails variant will do tbh] ➴
OG Miles ‘‘Tails” Prower • movie Tails • boom Tails • Anti-Miles • SH/TSAA Tails • (There's something about Knuckles) Tails • Blacksmith • (Tails’ Dark Diary) Tails • WWMH Miles • Nine • Mangey • Sails • Tails.EXE • starved Tails • Inner Tails • Ali Baba • Tailsop • Tails-Zilla • Tails Doll • Metal Tails • Luther • (Tails Gets Trolled) Tails • AOSTH Tails • Zails the Zone Cop • pinball/brainwashed Tails • Requital (The Sonic Oddities) • (Sonic Prime) Tails • (The Ankh) Hologram Tails/Hollow • (Operation Crimson) Tails • (Operation Crimson) Flor • Tails emo AU (Kayla Green)
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May add more in the future ...
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yumiakikaze · 2 months
Alice in Wonderland-themed Anime Official art that I found (so far): Part 1
Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, even until now. The struggle of Alice being herself while exploring the dreamlike world of Wonderland is intriguing enough, and there are some anime official art that use that theme!
(PART 1 here) (PART 2) (PART 3)
Friendly reminder, This doesn't include TWST/Twisted Wonderland. I'm trying to include the ones I already got.
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(God I wish the one behind the bars were me 😳)
Anyway, Dreamfest 3 Tomoe is based of the Queen of Hearts. This is the main reason why Queen of Hearts is one of my favorite fairytale villains. Look at her tho
I personally have this card on Bandori EN server, usually shipping her with Birdcage Yukina :3
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Next, is the Runaway Rabbits/Wonderland gacha set!
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This Kanon card is based of the White Rabbit. I just like when the pocketwatch acts like a slingbag too.
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This Chisato card is based of the Queen of Hearts, and this Eve is based of one of the card soldiers.
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This Otae card is based of Alice herself.
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Last but not least in this Alice in Wonderland-themed card in Bandori, this Arisa card is based of the Cheshire cat.
Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
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(source by my-anime-goods on tumblr)
I personally don't know about this anime, but from left to right, the characters are based of the White Rabbit, Alice, Mad Hatter and Cheshire cat. Well, no Queen of Hearts, but there are some Alice in wonderland-themed stuff that left her out.
The Idolm@ster/Imas
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Theres two SSR gacha cards in The Idolmaster Million Live: Theater days! Momoko as Alice and Ami as the Queen of Hearts herself.
The cameo characters:
Shiraishi Tsumugi as White Rabbit
Nikaido Chizuru as Mad Hatter
Nonohara Akane as Cheshire cat
To be continued in Part 2!
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