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brightgreendandelions · 2 years ago
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because i finished my bachelor's degree, i need to move all of the emails out of the university mailbox.
but that's not that simple! because gmail only supports POP3 importing, and yandex can only export IMAP.
so i have to write this this script to manually copy each email over a doubled up IMAP connection.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year ago
In May next year, NASA plans to launch a spacecraft to capture minuscule dust particles streaming into our solar system from interstellar space, in hopes of studying the very building blocks of our cosmic backyard. The primary goal of the mission, called the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), is to study the huge, sun-created bubble known as the heliosphere that surrounds our solar system. The heliosphere shields Earth and other planets from cosmic radiation entering our solar system from the outside.
Continue Reading.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 25 days ago
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NASA's IMAP instrument installations complete
With the installation of a charged particle detector on Dec. 3, 2024, all 10 of NASA's Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) science instruments have been fully integrated on the spacecraft.
Slated to launch no earlier than September 2025, IMAP will map the boundaries of the heliosphere—the protective bubble surrounding the sun and planets that is inflated by the constant stream of particles from the sun called the solar wind.
As a modern-day celestial cartographer, IMAP will also explore and chart the vast range of particles in interplanetary space, helping to investigate two of the most important overarching issues in heliophysics: the energization of charged particles from the sun and the interaction of the solar wind with interstellar space.
IMAP plans to provide near real-time information about the solar wind to provide advanced space weather warnings from its location at Lagrange point 1, one million miles from Earth toward the sun.
To achieve these goals, IMAP will use 10 science instruments built by multiple organizations and integrated at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland. The instruments, listed in order by when they were integrated, are:
Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX): a mass spectrometer studying interstellar dust and interplanetary dust particles, designed and built by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics in Boulder, Colorado.
IMAP Magnetometer (MAG): a pair of identical magnetometers that measure the magnetic field near the spacecraft, designed and built by Imperial College London.
IMAP-Ultra: two high-energy-range energetic neutral atom (ENA) imagers designed and built at APL.
High-energy Ion Telescope (HIT): a high-energy ion imager designed and built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
Solar Wind Electron (SWE) instrument: maps electrons from the solar wind in three dimensions, designed and built by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in collaboration with the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI).
GLObal Solar Wind Structure (GLOWS) instrument: a Lyman-alpha photometer that measures the ultraviolet glow from interstellar hydrogen and helium to investigate the solar wind and studies its evolution over time, designed and built by the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.
Solar Wind and Pickup Ion (SWAPI) instrument: measures ions from the solar wind and particles from beyond the solar system, designed and built by Princeton University.
IMAP-Hi: two medium-energy-range ENA imagers to help advance our understanding of the evolution of the outer heliosphere, designed and built by LANL in collaboration with SwRI, the University of New Hampshire (UNH), and the University of Bern in Switzerland.
IMAP-Lo: a low-energy-range ENA imager mounted on a pivot platform to help advance our understanding of the evolution of the outer heliosphere, designed and built by UNH in collaboration with SwRI, APL, and the University of Bern.
Compact Dual Ion Composition Experiment (CoDICE): measures the distributions and composition of interstellar pickup ions (charged particles that make it through the boundary of the heliosphere), designed and built by SwRI.
The integrated spacecraft is now running through a series of operations simulating the launch and postlaunch environments to ensure the spacecraft can withstand the rigors of space. While at APL, IMAP will also undergo a vibration and separation shock test, which replicates the launch vehicle separating from the spacecraft after takeoff.
IMAGE: IMAP will use 10 instruments to explore and chart the vast range of particles in interplanetary space. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Princeton/Ed Whitman
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starsciencees · 1 year ago
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I'm working on a collection of mini paintings based on the instruments on IMAP, the space mission I'm working on! Mostly watercolor, some colored pencils.
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nosbastidoresdopier · 3 months ago
Luizinho Américo e Marquett anunciam os primeiros sete secretários para gestão 2025/2028
Os eleitos prefeito e vice de Penha, Luizinho Américo (PL) e Mário Marquett (PL), anunciaram ontem, 11, os sete primeiros secretários para o início da Gestão 2025/2028. Educação, Saúde, Turismo, Governo, Segurança Pública, Agricultura e Pesca e Instituto do Meio Ambiente (IMAP) tiveram seus nomes confirmados “Desde o término do processo eleitoral iniciamos uma série de conversas para construir um…
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imapbackupmac · 6 months ago
My search for a safe IMAP backup tool ends here
I believe everything has to have a security approach. I mean to mention that safety is important if you have a huge database and you want to back up the emails. I uses Mac for my daily activity so when I created an email account it asked me about IMAP.
IMAP account is very important while you configure any email account like outlook for Mac or Windows. IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol. You require an IMAP account to access your emails. You can check out in the below link how IMAP is linked with emails.
I am very particular about safety of data. And when it comes toIMAP backup, I am more vigilant. Because I want to ensure a safe IMAP backup mac. It is the only important factor while looking for the right IMAP backup tool. Because the conventional toolsmight deliver email archival, however it might corrupt them.
My major area of concern has always been a safe IMAP backup solution rather than only backup mac mail. Because, there is no point using a tool that set up wrong expectations and corrupts it eventually.
Let me brief you this with an example.
I was operating different mail service providers on Mac, and it was very important for me to ensure its safety. As I was aware, I was looking for a tool that enable me a safe mac email backup. It becomes important when you are using two or more mail service providers on the same system. IMAP backup and restore was my biggest task ensuring hundred percent safety with data integrity.
I achieved hundred percent safety of my data with this IMAP backup software
It was through Mail Backup X by InventPure, I could ensure a safe backup. The only tool that utilize ultra-high compression algorithm design to secure and safeguard the mail data. Even though these terms were difficult for me to understand, I actually understood the meaning while performing IMAP backup.
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The best thing about this application was that it can compress and extract the files reduce required storage space. The tool also encrypts the data for security into a coded language so that it would not corrupt any further. Also, the tool support repair recovery record in case of hardware corruption so that you do not lose any important information while performing IMAP backup and restore.
It also has a feature that adds benefit to the IT team as it helps to save time on uploading and retrieving data from Network Servers or FTP.
This explanation was enough for me to select this IMAP backup tool as it uses three times storage space while compressing the data safeguarding it at the same time.
I was confident of the IMAP backup software after using the demo
I was looking for a hundred percent assurance before using this IMAP backup outlook tool. And the only way to achieve this was browsing the official website.
So, I went ahead and tried the demo version for 15 days. This was the turning point to select the tool eventually. If you really want to ensure a safe data backup then just follow the below and archive with hundred percent safety assurance www.mailbackupx.com/imap-backup-tool/.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 1 year ago
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E-Mail Programm kommt in die Jahre
Einfach - und funktioniert seit Jahrzehnten
Das E-Mail Protokoll wurde in den 80-iger Jahren erfunden, um Nachrichten von einem Rechner zum nächsten zu schicken. Dafür wurde schon 1982 das @-Zeichen verwendet. Um irgendwelche Sicherheitsfeatures musste man sich keine Sorgen machen, denn das Internet war noch nicht erfunden. So konnten sich Mail Server über das SMTP-Protokoll, das Simple Mail Transport Protocol, mit einem einfachen HELO anrufen und ihre Daten verschicken.
Inzwischen geschieht das natürlich verschlüsselt aber immer noch mit SMTP, Mail abholen geht ebenfalls seit Jahrzehnten mit POP3 oder IMAP - auch verschlüsselt. Und es geht seit 30 Jahren sogar mit beliebigen MIME-codierten  Dateianhängen (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), solange diese nicht zu groß sind (vereinbart wurden max 5MB) - egal ob der Rechner Mac, Windows oder Linux spricht, ein Android oder ein Apple Smartphone ist. Das ist der Vorteil eines vereinbarten Protokoll, an das sich alle halten müssen.
Und die Nachteile?
1. Der wohl am meisten gehasste Nachteil sind die massenhaften Spam Nachrichten, die wir sekündlich erhalten. Spam zu versenden ist mit SMTP super einfach, man braucht nur massenhaft SMTP-Sitzungen eröffnen und kann dann Nachrichten bei anderen Servern abladen. Inzwischen gibt es zwar relativ intelligente Spam Filter, aber denen kann leicht eine wichtige Nachricht zum Opfer fallen oder sie sind so eingestellt, dass immer noch Spam durchrutscht - ärgerlich. Viel gravierender ist, dass der Spamanteil an den umlaufenden Mails einen erheblichen Teil des Internetverkehrs ausmachen und dafür Energie verbraucht wird. Oft werden auch Server, die viele Mails (z.B. Newsletter) versenden fälschlicherweise als Spam-Schleuder betrachtet und von anderen blockiert. (Das passiert unserem Verein regelmäßig durch microsoft365.com und wir müssen denen dann klar machen, dass wir die Guten sind ... Auch Heise.de berichtet von ähnlichen Erlebnisse mit Googles gmail Postfächern.).
2. Spoofing: Jeder kann sich als Jeder ausgeben, z.B. als [email protected]. Zwar kann man so etwas auch leicht als Fake erkennen, aber dazu muss man in den Header der Mail schauen, um zu sehen woher sie wirklich kommt.
3. ASCII-Zeichensatz: In den 80-igern gab es (in den USA) nur den American Standard for Character Information Interchange (ASCII), der einen 7-bit Zeichensatz für E-Mail definierte. Drum herum wurden Wege für andere Zeichensätze gefunden, aber der aus der Zeit gefallene ASCII Zeichensatz blieb leider als Kern erhalten.
4. Verschlüsselung: Mail Server reden in der Regel TLS-verschlüsselt, aber das ist nicht verpflichtend.
5. Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung: Die Transportverschlüsselung mit TLS zwischen den Servern reicht uns aber nicht aus. Wir möchten, dass auch auf den Zwischenknoten die Inhalte unserer Mails nicht gelesen werden. Dazu ist eine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, z.B. mit GPG notwendig, die das Mailprotokoll nicht vorsieht. Dazu sind zusätzliche Programme notwendig, die nicht alle Mailprogramme vor sich aus mitbringen. Thunderbird für alle PC-Betriebssystem kann es und auch K9-Mail für Android.
Völlig unverständlich ist, dass die für viele - leider nicht alle - verfügbare Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung nur zu weniger als 10% der wirklich real wichtigen Mails genutzt wird.  Selbst das staatlich geförderte Projekt DE-Mail - sicher verschlüsselte Mail für Deutschland wurde für Post und Telekom ein Verlust und wurde wieder eingestampft. Auch andere "Zusätze", wie das "besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach" für den Verkehr zwischen Anwälten und Gerichten hatten viele Anlaufprobleme. Für das Gesundheitswesen baut die Gematik an der Telematik-Infrastruktur, über deren andauernde Probleme wir schon oft berichten mussten.
Statt einer grundsätzlich neuen Struktur für den Nachrichtenaustausch haben private Firmen in den letzten 10 Jahren eigene Messenger aufgebaut, denen (absichtlich) die Interoperabilität fehlt mit anderen Messengern Nachrichten auzutauschen. Es gibt auch bei diesen Messengern einige - die natürlich nicht von den Big5 kommen, denen man vertrauen kann, wie z.B. Signal, Threema, Gajim, Session, u.v.a.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/So-kaputt-ist-die-E-Mail-und-sie-wird-trotzdem-nicht-sterben-c-t-3003-9532199.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xs Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8595-20231123-e-mail-programm-kommt-in-die-jahre.html
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sysinspirefacebook · 2 years ago
How to download Gmail emails with attachments from local drive?
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Do you want to download Gmail emails with attachments from local drive without any problem then SysInspire IMAP Migration Software is a perfect solution for you. Read More - https://www.sysinspire.com/blog/download-gmail-emails-with-attachments-to-local-drive
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updatesinsider · 2 years ago
Understand what is IMAP protocol and its advantages.
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veuhoffblog · 2 years ago
Microsoft Outlook verwendet zurzeit eine alte Kopie Ihrer Outlook-Datendatei (Problemlösung)
Kommt es bei dem Versuch, das Mail-Programm „Outlook“ auf dem Windows-Computer öffnen zu wollen zu der Fehlermeldung, dass Microsoft Outlook zurzeit eine alte Kopie Ihrer Outlook-Datendatei verwendet, ist in der Regel keine Verwendung des Programmes mehr möglich. In diesem Beitrag zeige ich euch, wie sich das Problem in nur wenigen Schritten lösen lässt...[Weiterlesen]
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m-mink4 · 2 months ago
as the years go by. - zhongli special...#2
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word count:: #434 || divider credits:: saradika-graphics , , mikeykuns , enchanthings-a , . .|| warnings:: reader death,, overall ((zhongli)) angst-- || a/n:: overused story.. this was so hard to write wtf? lmao || this took 5-ever ||
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it was truly heartbreaking. alas, not even the archons nor the beings above celestia could take you back. oh, he could only dream.
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the busy streets of liyue rushed as the hours went by,, restaurants-- food stands,, local shops.. all buzzed below with activity. zhongli sighed,, between sips of his favorite osmanthus wine. his favorite for eons now.,
he watched as the sun went down,, orange light shining through his window., your smile echoing his mind.
children laughed and ran down the street,, smiling and enjoying their youth. he watched them play and yell to their friends,, and the thought crossed his mind that in only a few years they would be at age of one parent.
he remembered how you used to talk and laugh like them,, cheerful,, full of passion and genuine laughter., oh, how much mora he'd pay for you back.
you're priceless to him.
it was not long until his wine was drained to the very last cup. he stood up to take a stroll outside,, moonlight barely seen for the orange traditional lights of the street was far too bright.
as he walked on the stone floor,, kids and adults alike, seemed to move right past him, aging into old souls and young grown men and women.
time. something he can't even prevent. that is what it takes to rub a smile off someones face.
he used to enjoy eating and walking on this specific street,, however the experience did not give him the same enjoyment -- without you.
memories refuse to even recount how many times you made him smile. how many times you made him want to protect you, to make sure you'd be safe.
age is something one cannot escape, same with time. he'd sacrifice the same street you used to roam for that moment to be done again..
you're precious to him.
he sat down, sun rising from the east. he never noticed how much time had passed.
oh, y/n. did you deserve this cruel fate?
did you deserve to dissolve into nothing but an old memory?
zhongli would disagree.
people opened their shops for a new day, hoping for some sales to be bought.
and yet,, only thing thing that stays the same is the place. never the people,, never the memory. never the experience.
is that so?
time is truly a thief,, it robs you blind until you are eventually unable to walk. quite literally,, and metaphorically.
never once in a lifetime zhongli would experience such tragedy. that's why it took 5 . 936 for you to appear,, and 6017 for you to pass.
"do humans deserve to die? or is it a blessing?,, you chuckled, before eventually closing your eyes-- forever,, 'till time had met it's end.
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riddleofriddles · 4 months ago
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Gensmsin edit. Emahinshsjshs edit the I edit the . The gensjin the gens the-
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corvid-jay · 9 months ago
why's it so hard to set up a custom minecraft server...
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
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starsciencees · 1 year ago
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Made some art based on the NASA mission I'm working on!
Bird: sandhill crane
Spacecraft: IMAP
Sun: sun
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nosbastidoresdopier · 1 year ago
Animais resgatados pelo IMAP estarão em feira de adoção de cães e gatos neste sábado (03/02)
Acontece neste sábado (03/02) a feira de adoção de cães e gatos resgatados pelo serviço de resgate e atendimento veterinário de animais domésticos, domesticados e silvestres, vítimas de maus tratos ou de acidentes – do Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Penha (IMAP). A feira acontece na Agropecuária Dom Quirino (Avenida Eugênio Krause, 1999 – Centro) das 09h às 16h. “É importante que sejam adoções…
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