touhou-project-pics · 6 years
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silvertsundere · 7 years
imaizumikagerou replied to your post: someone that knows their stuff about granblue tell...
it has a higher damage multiplier then defense breach, and its multi target. the attack down is just a nice little bonus on top of it
sleepyidolmango-chan replied to your post: someone that knows their stuff about granblue tell...
if gives you att/def down on all enemies so its really good for easy damage and to spread debuffs
I don’t remember it having def down? but alright I understand that att down is useful to live longer and stuff but I just like trying to kill them faster than they kill me _(:’3
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mononomemenofuto · 7 years
do you have a link to that live with ZUN? i've been trying to find it for a bit but cant lmao
I don’t know where to find the whole thing but here’s the excerpt I made the gif from.
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youkaiofdusk · 8 years
imaizumikagerou replied to your photo “Well, that’s a first.”
rate limit as in a like limit?
nah, it’s the one that goes “you’ve been loading this page too much”.
in this case, the dashboard.
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amyonymous · 8 years
imaizumikagerou replied to your post “imaizumikagerou replied to your post: Samurai...”
the ray of zhuque i think its called, but if you've got gacha katanas then you're probably better off keeping the event SSR's for fodder, yea
Oh that isn’t a collab weapon, it’s from the Celestials/Four Beasts event shop, just your usual Normal II mod weapon
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silvertsundere · 8 years
imaizumikagerou replied to your photoset: all the uncaps I got today in order I got them +...
dont forget that percy and vaseraga are 5star characters, so HAVE FUN GRINDING THOSE OUT
I know I have vira too it’s gonna be GREAT (´・ω・`’’’’’’)
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xenodile · 8 years
imaizumikagerou: >he didnt get magisa from his freedraws :^)
Yeah, I just got S. Zooey, Arulumaya, Xmas Clarisse, and Vampy ;)
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alinaartorius · 8 years
kagewaka :^)
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
They’re extremely cute honestly I see so many good things for them and it makes me happy
Send me a ship
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moiwool · 8 years
marisa cirno shizuha reimu and youmu
Marisa:I love your blog
Cirno:I think you’re cool
Shizuha:I like your art
Reimu:I think you've improved your music/writing/art
Thanks bruh!
Youmu:I think you put a lot of effort into your blog
Just doing our true awoo some justice-
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wakasagayhime · 8 years
whats ur favorite 2hu song of all time, or if your like me and change that shit constantly, which one do you always end up coming back to?
i like the youkai mountain ~ mysterious mountain a lot but lunatic eyes ~ invisible full moon is also definitely one of my favorites
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touhou-project-pics · 6 years
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boobiemom · 8 years
honestly i think the biggest reason people are disappointed with MN9 aside from multiple delays is that people keep confusing kickstarting a game with making a preorder at your local game store: they're two completely different beasts. you preorder a game thats already mostly finished, if not completely, and when you give money to a kickstarter you're INVESTING in a game, and i think thats where people got the wrong idea that the game would be EXACTLY as showcased, and be perfect in every way
I’ll say it again.
Gamers feel entitled to too damn much.
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youkaiofdusk · 8 years
happy birthday dude
hey, thanks!!
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alinaartorius · 8 years
12 33 and 50
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
Cereal if I’m hungry, but a good deal of the time on weekends I usually don’t eat until noon or later because I’m just not hungry. And I don’t really enjoy most breakfast food either honestly, so it’s just easier for me to go without it.
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed!
12. What was your last dream about?
Didn’t think I forgot about this one I hope, but it’s gonna be too long so I’ll throw it under a read more. Buckle up because this one is gonna be weird and also somehow involves 2hus [I don’t often dream about fictional characters] I literally had to write it down in my notes before passing back out at 5am a few weeks ago. 
Anyways, started out with me being in a really weird kind of room. There were four stone staircases leading up to a platform in the middle and no bottom to be seen once venturing out. I stood on the platform in the middle and there was light shining down on it. So I looked up and felt myself slowly starting to go up. Like I was leaving wherever it was. So I quickly looked down and away and came right back. It was weird, and I figured it was a pathway to somewhere otherworldly, so I wanted to get gone.
As I descend one of the stairs towards the exit, I see someone standing there. Lo and behold, it’s Mima. Why she was there, I had absolutely no idea. But I stood around and chatted with her for awhile. I eventually asked why she was in this giant stone room for no apparent reason, and she simply responds “It’s time for me to go. I’m not appreciated around here anymore, and I miss her.”
Now I distinctly remember her emphasizing the word “her” so I asked who “she” was. Anyhow my brain draws out this really long story about some human Mima had fallen in love with and died many years ago and she wanted to see her again. Made sense I figured, and she walked past me by this point, pretty reserved about it. “What about Reimu and Marisa?” I ask.
“They’ll be fine on their own, they’re both strong girls and I’m very proud of them. But I need to go now.” Came the repeated answer. She turned back to me with a very somber look and a smile, and this is where my brain did a hiccup in this rather believable dream.
“Besides, you have my Facebook right? We can stay in contact, Sanae.”
Well that was just one wild sentence in the midst of all this. Apparently I’ve become the OTHER shrine maiden, and wherever Mima’s goin’ has got internet. Anyhow she continues her journey up those stairs and I run out of the room and come into a hallway that was very out of place. Reimu and Marisa were standing there, backs towards me, so I called out to them to tell them what was happening.
They ran right by me and I follow around. I hid behind a pillar for some reason because I wasn’t supposed to be there or some shit I think. And I was listening as Reimu cussed Mima out. Like calling her every name in the book. I remember very little about the conversation but in the end all I heard was “I’m sorry” and a flash of light. I peeked around my hiding spot and saw Reimu and Marisa once more standing side by side, before Marisa slowly leans herself on Reimu and cries.
Then I woke up and the first thought that comes to my head was “Mima’s gone and ascended”
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