fitzselfships · 2 years
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Their hobby is making cute girls (such as their gf) laugh :]
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Press Release
DISCLAIMER: This press release article is intended as an assignment for Imagining Me subject for students to practice writing a press release article and not for business purposes.
 Contact Us: onelovemanchester.com
For immediate release
 Watch Live: Ariana Grande’s Tribute to Manchester Bombing Victims
 On May 22nd, 2017, a terrible act of terrorism happened at the end of pop star, Ariana Grande’s, concert in Manchester, UK. With 22 killed and more injured, Ariana Grande is holding another concert in Manchester as a tribute to the victims and the mourning country.
 Collaborating with BBC, Ariana Grande’s One Love Manchester concert can be watched live from across the world. On June 4, 2017 at 7 PM BST/2 PM EST/11 AM PST, the whole world can witness a beautiful reaction to a horrible act of terrorism. Other than sending incredible message to the world to unite and not be afraid, this concert’s proceeds will benefit the victims of the bombing as well.
 Ariana  will bring along her best friends to be in the concert, because what better ways to unite the world other than having other big pop stars singing together on stage? With Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Pharrell, Coldplay, Katy Perry, and more big music names, Ariana will send a strong message of love and unity to the world.
 Tickets are already on sale now on ticketmaster.co.uk/arianagrandemanchester. If you have purchased your tickets, come and join us to show your love for the world at Emirates Old Trafford, Manchester, UK.
 About One Love Manchester
One Love Manchester is a movement founded by Ariana Grande as a reaction toward Manchester Bombing tragedy (May 22nd, 2017). One Love Manchester works with British Red Cross to gain funds that wold help the cistims of the tragedy. One Love Manchester’s website, onelovemanchester.com, provides a link for people around the world to donate, which will be used to help the victims.
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Should We Question Beyonce’s Life Choices?
In case you haven’t heard or have been living under a rock, the pop legend, Queen Bey is pregnant with twins! After wrapping up her European and American tour for her latest album that dropped in early 2016 titled “Lemonade”, Beyonce took her time to do the internet-breaking photoshoot that revealed she was pregnant. With twins! The songstress then continued to post pictures of her in all her pregnant-belly glory.
 All sounds great and glorious – as it usually is when it comes to Beyonce – but some fans have been questioning their queen’s life choices. Her masterpiece of an album, “Lemonade”, has been resonating through fans’ ears for months now. And they couldn’t have been mistaken that Beyonce had written an awful lot of song lyrics that indicated a cheating partner.
 Now, we all know how many times Beyonce’s and her king, hip hop legend, Jay-Z’s marriage had been rumored to have hit rock bottom. But the power couple had always come through and soared high, proofing the rest of the world to be wrong. But this time, as fans hear their queen’s sincere self-expression through her whole album, they just couldn’t believe Jay-Z was always innocent.
 Therefore, it’s not anymore shocking that fans were confused when, instead of separating with the cheater, she carried TWO more of his children. Now, we don’t wanna judge our almighty queen of everything, but don’t we all think it’s kinda shady when she empowered other women to leave an unhealthy relationship while she obviously stayed in one? Do you also think she’s shady? Tell me what you think!
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Personal Statement
My name is Aurelia Priska Hapsari and I am currently studying in English Department of Binus University. One and a half years as an English Department student has taught me so many things. One of the things I gain is that I am now more confident in speaking and writing in English. In my opinion, being a student is more than just finishing assignments and studying for exams, I’d like to think being a student is about achieving great results and learning from other people, which are my goals by doing this internship. Being a university student also means that I had to learn to be organized, especially with many assignments from different subjects. I was taught to be discipline and organized, and that’s what I became.
 The reason of why I’m applying for this internship is because the job description is particularly suitable with my passion. This internship also offers an incredible opportunity for me to work and learn at the same time. It’s a wonder to me that I might get the chance to help someone in producing something to the world. By helping people, I also hope that my capability in this particular industry would be recognized by the experienced professionals in this field. Other than that, in high school, the journalistic extracurricular was my favorite, so I hope to be doing it again in this internship.
 I chose this internship program because I hope for my future professional job to be around this industry. This industry let legitimate writers’ voices to be heard and they can affect people with that, and that’s my goal. Last but not least, I believe I am a unique candidate because of my deep passion, relentlessness, and my will to help people.
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