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shawnyimagines · 7 years ago
Stranger in the night
Hey Guys I know I sorta have been MIA for a bit but I’m getting back into the swing of writing so here we are , hope you like it. Plz comment your thoughts 💕 hope you all have a fabulous day/night.
It’s cold outside and I mentally hit myself for deciding to walk home in a short red dress with strapped heels on. It was girls night so I decided to dress up but all the girls were off with boys so I don’t have a ride home. The goosebumps on my exposed legs have occupied the area for a while so I wrap my arms around my stomach attempting to get some warmth into my body. The wind ruffles my hair causing me to look up from the cold concrete I walk upon to fix the hair that now covers my face. Only now do I realise I am being tailed by someone in a hoodie their shadow clear to me meaning he mustn’t be far behind. I almost decide to call Shawn but I remember that he is out with the boys for the night hence why I didn’t call him to pick me up when there were no cars available and I don’t want to ruin boys night for him. I make up my mind to try and pick up pace but by the looks of it every step I take he can double it in a second. A million streets start running through my mind trying to figure out the fastest way to get to a street that has people on it so nothing can possibly happen, but, every trace of those thoughts have been ripped from my mind as a hand is placed on my bare shoulder just beside the strap of my dress.
“Hey good looking “ I hear a deep voice from behind me and not a friendly one , more like one that shouts and screams at me in my nightmares. I brush him off and walk faster trying to ignore him. “Hey now beautiful no need to play hard to get” he snickers. My breathing starts to get irregular horrid heights racing through my mind at the speed of light and as I attempt to wash them through my mind never to be seen again I feel the hand on my shoulder again but it leaves straight after. Then everything happens all to fast.
I am pushed against the brick wall behind me a squeak of pain erupting from my lips as the rough brick scratches against my exposed skin. “ Come on - just a little fun, I promise it won’t hurt” the voice spits again and only now as I look into his fierce eyes I realise they are black and soulless, the look of a murderer, he will have no second thoughts. His evil grin causes a tear to slip out of my eye and as I go to wipe the salty mess away he grabs my hand with so much force I would never be able to fight it and pins them up against the wall. Next thing I know he has both my wrists on one hand staying above my head while the other swipes across my cheek wiping the tear away. “Please don’t” I whimper cringing away from the mans awful breath “sssshhhh puddin” he coos as he places a finger upon my lips his grip growing harder sure to grow bruises by tomorrow.. if I’m still here that is.
The tears are falling freely now no way to stop them. I attempt to move away and break fee but his grip is iron tight and I get absolutely no where. I squeeze my eyes shut awaiting the worst as I feel his hand slowly creep up my thing to the hem of my dress and further and I swear his wicked grin is etched into my memory never to leave, to haunt my dreams forevermore. I let Shawn fill my vision, his sweet smile, his adorable laugh that can light up anyone’s world. The way he kisses my forehead just before we cuddle up to sleep and when I can wake up in the morning and smile as I see him peacefully laying his curly hair lying over his head. If this is how it’s gonna end I want my thoughts to be full of him.
I snap my eyes open as I hear a rumble of what can only be a car and I scream as loud as I can and kick trying to get the attention of the headlights that edge closer to me every second. I breathe a sigh of relief as the car stops on the sidewalk next to me and only then do I realise it’s not a car it’s a black Jeep and not only that it’s Shawns. Immediately the attackers grip tightens even more of that was even humanly possible starting to drag me away further down the sidewalk away form Shawn. As I look over, a pleading look on my face I see Shawn’s fully functional curls emerge from the car at lightning speed not caring to shut the door behind him as he storms over to me a murderous look on his face. “LET HER GO NOW!” He screams and I my heart is filled with hope that I will make it out of this. As soon as Shawn is close enough his fist connects with the guys face knocking him clean o the floor taking me with him, his grip only realising when we hit the ground. I am a crying muddling mess in the ground as I watch Shawn drag the guy up from the floor punching him silly blood spilling all over the concrete.
Next I hear Geoff’s voice escaping through my ears, br I don’t look not daring to look away from Shawn. “Shawn ! Shawn stop your gonna kill him” Geoff says as he pulls Shawn of the guy giving him an opportunity to run and he takes it running as fast as his injured body will take him. My eyes are blurry with tears but I see Shawn make his way over to me his face softening up immediately. “Baby “ He whispers as he wipes the flow of tears that don’t seem to stop. “Come here “ He says as he picks me up from the ground me obviously not being in a state to move it all. He holds me tight not daring to let me go. Geoff gets in the driver sit and Shawn piles into the seat with me on his lap holding me close. As the Jeep gets moving Shawn continues to whisper sweet nothing into my ear kissing me lightly. “It’s okay baby, I got you, your safe , I love you so so much.” This continues until we arrive at our shared apartment and from there Geoff calls a cab and heads home while Shawn carry’s me up the starts to the bathroom sitting me on the counter as he starts a bath filling it with bubbles. I look in the mirror as he does so and gasp at the reflection see, my eyes are puffy and red from the crying bruises forming on my wrist and my shoulder. A little bit of blood trails down my shoulder form where the bricks scraped me making my red dress a even darker shade. I look down at my knees and see that they are scraped up pretty bad from falling and another tear escapes my eyes. Shawn sees me eyeing myself in the mirror and the yet slipping from my eye. He makes his way over to me and kisses me lightly and holds my hand his thumb rubbing them softly. “It’s okay baby your safe now” He whispers his forehead resting against mine. He reaches to undo my dress and I let him, my heels, bra and pantries following soon after. Once I am undressed Shawn lifts me up from the counter and places me onto the shooting warm bath. “There you are baby.” All I can do is stare at him as he grabs the face washer and soap gently cleaning my body with one hand and holding my hand with the other. He looks up from cleaning my body for a split second and catches eye contact with me and he drops the face washer a second later his hands caressing my face. “What is is sweety?” He asks. “What if you weren’t there Shawn, I could have I - “ I choke out. “ shhhh baby don’t think about that just think that your here and safe and no ones gonna hurt you and I am so sorry that happened to you” . I find it easy to get lost in his beautiful brown eyes so I just stare trying to lull the world away but then a though crosses my mind.
“How were you even there?” I ask. He sighs gently before answering. “Boys night finished early so I thought I’d come get you from where you were at with the girls and take you home and cuddle but when you were no where to found I thought I would look for you just in case you and your friends were up to know good cause goodness we know your crazy hun.” That gets a small smile from your face which makes Shawn give a soft one back. “ and then I saw you there pinned against the wall his hands going places they shouldn’t be and I just couldn’t get there fast enough, I wanted to kill the guy. My heart broke when I saw the tears coming down your face your eyes shut awaiting the worst” Shawn looks down tears in his eyes his hands still latched to mine. I lift his head up weakly with one of my hands . “Thankyou” I whisper. “ I love you” He says as he gets in his knees and places a sweet kiss on my lips. “ I love you too, and I’m here we’re both here I’ll be okay , we will be okay” I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck for a minute taking in the smell of his cologne, the one I love all to well. “Alright baby, time to get you out” I nod and let him wrap his arms around me, my legs not being able to function just yet. Then I rember he still has clothes on. “ Shawn your clothes!” I look up at him worried. “ I don’t care you rmore important than a pair of clothes that can dry, if anything happened to you I can just fix you, your my first priority” I give him a soft “okay” and lean into him letting him take care of me.
After I have finished getting dry and into sweatpants and one of Shawn’s t shirts we cuddle up in bed enjoying each other’s company. I am cuddled into Shawn his arms wrapped tightly around me , his hand making patterns across my stomach. Brief I love you’s are whispered from time to time and a short kiss on the head from Shawn. “ I don’t want to lose you , not ever “ Shawn admits. “ and I don’t want to lose you, you are my everything” I reply. “Forever” , “forever.” One more I love you is exchanged before we fall into a peaceful sleep.
I slowly open my eyes to the strong morning light coming from the window and I immediately turn over to cuddle into Shawn to enjoy the morning together but all that is waiting for me is a cold bed.
SOOOOO yeah hope you like it , part 2?
Love you guys 💕
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ayihdee · 7 years ago
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imagines-for-shawn · 10 years ago
Imagine Shawn...
Taking you out for a picnic and it starts to get a little bit cold. So Shawn puts all the food back in the basket, takes of his flannel, gives it to you, and then wraps the blanket around the two of you.
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