#imagine you haven’t seen the sky in years because you fled to the bottom of the world to escape the wither
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hi your sculk post has me frothing at the mouth
What if it WAS warm and comfortable and soft and cosy
What if it also smelled nice, released attaching pheromones like those pitcher plants do, or the goo tasted sweet to lure creatures in
What if it wasn't a smell so much as an absence of the dank musty cave air, and it was a welcome breath of something cosy and comforting that just made you want to curl up and sleep
And then the sculk is soft underfoot, and it feels like it might be wet and slimy but it's actually kind of velvety, in that slightly coarse alive way that a living animal is soft and warm
And you're so tired from mining and exploring and damn wouldn't it be nice to just have a lie down and rest for a bit
And it's so soft and comforting, a bit weird but getting more agreeable by the second
Wouldn't it be nice to just.... Rest your eyes, and your legs.... And everything..... And just sleep.....
i really love the idea of it just smelling distinctly like Nothing, or just fresh air, you know that smell when you’re outside on a clear night in the summer and it’s almost-warm but not quite, that’s a smell you’d probably really miss after a long enough time underground
also the sculk does this hypnotic little animation where the little bright parts flicker in waves that could be part of the calming effect as well
but like YEAH the more i think about the more i'm into the idea that dormant sculk would be comforting. sculk not only eats the essence of formerly-living things, it grows in the shape of the places it spreads to. if you think of a more typical concept of an overgrown post-apocalyptic city you probably imagine lots of disruption, trees and vines widening cracks in streets and buildings crumbling, but sculk doesn't do that. your home could be completely eaten and it would still be standing there, you could still walk inside. and chances are that's on purpose
#maybe it looks like the night sky because it wants you to go to sleep :)#<- more of a narrative/metaphorical thing than an actual theory but i AM kind of obsessed with how it looks like a clear night sky#imagine you haven’t seen the sky in years because you fled to the bottom of the world to escape the wither#and then the cave ceiling slowly grows over with otherworldly mold that looks almost but not quite like a sky you’ll never see again#because at first it protected you but now it won’t let you leave#and some of those ‘stars’ for all intents and purposes are *literally made of the souls of your dead friends*#thinking and thinking and thinking#splashasks#catfishofoldin99colours#minecraft#sculk
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am writing hellblazer fic asfdfsfff
title: The Cave
fandom: Hellblazer
characters: John Constantine, Chas Chandler, the First of the Fallen
blurb: John gets lost in a cave.
warnings: Depression, covid19, demons getting themselves Extremely murdered.
It was when the death toll had crested 100,000 that he’d snapped and made his way to Number 10 Downing Street with murder in his eyes and a briefcase full of every cursed artefact he owned.
“What are you gonna do, eh?” bellowed Chas, who’d been following behind him in his cab for the last half mile. He’d already tried to physically drag John into it and had received a bite on the hand for his trouble. “Chuck ‘em through the windows? That’s bulletproof glass, John! Fuck’s sake! Be reasonable!”
“Stop sodding shouting!” John shouted over his shoulder, wiping rain off his face. “You’ll spread sodding germs!”
“John, I already had it. Four months ago, remember?”
“You can have it more than once! Christ, does nobody in this city read the papers but me?”
It was fair to say that John wasn’t at his best. In his defence, he’d spent the last year sitting inside his tiny, poorly-ventilated, roach-ridden flat, vividly imagining what a respiratory virus would do to lungs that had suffered over forty years of heavy smoking, two run-ins with cancer, and the actual devil sticking his actual great big grubby clawed hand in ‘em. No fucking thank you.
Chas sighed heavily and climbed out of the cab again, slamming the door as he did. He splashed through a dozen puddles before coming to stand in John’s path, arms folded. “Listen, Conjob. I love you. Even when you’re a complete prick, which is most of the time. And I know you can do amazing things. But mate, hear me out; you cannot assassinate the British Prime Minister.”
“Someone bloody has to!” John Constantine, greatest wizard of his age, screamed at the top of his wretched, ragged, Satan-besmirched lungs.
Eventually, Chas managed to calm him down and get him home for a cup of tea.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” John grunted as his socks dried in front of the heater and the rational parts of his mind re-exerted themselves.
“How’s the bite?”
“Didn’t pierce the skin. John, you need a break. A holiday. You need to get out of town for a few weeks. Go breathe fresh country air, do some weird mystical shit with a goat, whatever it is that sorts your head out these days. But you can’t carry on like this, mate. I haven’t seen you this miserable in years.”
He handed John one of Renee’s strawberry-patterned towels. Dragging it across his face, John grunted, “Holiday? At a time like this?”
“Why not? Makes as much sense as any other time.”
“What if you come down with it again? Or Geraldine? Or Renee?”
“John,” said Chas, gently, laying a hand on his shoulder. “You already tried to cure me with magic. It didn’t work. At all. Just wasted a lot of chicken blood and Renee’s best spoons. Get this in your skull: there’s nothing you can do. Alright? I know you hate that, but it’s the truth.”
John swallowed thickly. “Yeah. Yeah. Alright.”
So he went home to his tiny flat, stuffed fresh socks and his toothbrush into a backpack, booby-trapped his front door, and fled London in the dead of night, feeling like one of those gits in Boccaccio’s Decameron.
“It’s called glamping.”
“Some new wizardy stuff, I’m guessing?”
Chas’s voice over the phone was distracted, like he was half-watching the telly. John was relieved; he’d wanted to hear another human speak but wasn’t feeling up to a proper conversation demanding his usual levels of sparkling charisma and staggering wit. Not right now. Not without weed, and he’d not thought to bring any.
Nestling deeper into his teak folding chair and drawing a thick woven blanket up over his knees, John said, “Nah. Not buggering about with any of that old guff until I’m back in town. Promised myself.”
“Don’t sound so sceptical, you git. I’ve done it before.”
“Mm-hmm. What’s your record? The longest you’ve ever gone without doing anything mystical and creepy?”
“‘Bout… hmm. Three days.”
“You’re coming up on the tail end of that right about now.”
“I know. Chas, on my word, I am going to make it to Sunday without so much as sniffing around a graveyard or wanking off a werewolf. I am on holiday.”
“Alright, alright, if you say so. Good for you, mate. So what’s this ‘glamping’ business, then?”
“It’s camping. But posh. I’m sitting up here atop a hill in Yorkshire with a tent the size of a cathedral and me chic woodburning stove and me box of white wine and feeling like the yuppiest old cunt who ever drew breath.”
“Sounds horrible.”
“It does, doesn’t it? That’s why I chose it over a nice comfy bed and breakfast. Figured I’d wake up with a cow shitting on my head and could use that as an excuse to come home early. Actually, though… it’s alright. Quiet. There’s a river at the bottom of the hill where these giggling honeymooners like to have a morning bonk but it’s far enough away that I can’t hear them unless they’re really having fun. And the weather’s been alright. It’s all surprisingly decent.”
“And you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“Hmph. I should have come with you. You get all weird and introspective when you’re left alone for more than a couple days.”
“I’m not alone. There’re birds. Squirrels. A few ghosts hanging out by the toilets.”
“Ain’t gonna talk to ‘em! Mind you, one did give me a wink when I was zipping up. How’s everything back home?”
“Er – look, I won’t lie, it’s shit. It’s all shit. But it’s not any more shit than it was when you left three days ago. Not any worse, not any better, yeah?”
(Stupid to be disappointed. Stupid that a part of him had secretly believed that as soon as he abandoned the sinking ship that was London, things would miraculously get better for everyone, even as another part of him, on the opposite side of his brain, had been convinced – maybe even hoped – that the moment he was gone, the entire city would descend into screaming anarchy, at which he could point and laugh from a safe distance.)
“Listen, John, I’ve gotta go. Renee needs groceries. Be careful, please?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Don’t fuck about with any occult bollocks. Don’t go foraging for brain-melting mushrooms. Don’t do anything. Just stay in your tent and read your dirty books, yeah?”
“Heard and understood, Mum.”
“Love you.”
“Yeah, you too.”
John dropped his phone onto the grass and stared up at the sky. A herd of thin grey clouds drifted past. Off in the distance, he could just make out the shape of a barn – or was it a church? Either way, there were sheep next to it.
A squirrel scurried down a nearby tree trunk and then up another one.
Yawning, he scratched his chin. (Getting scruffy. Hadn’t shaved in two days now.)
“Should prob’ly do some reading,” he mumbled to no one.
A few minutes passed.
He dangled his head back behind his seat and sang quietly: ���First produced my pistol… then produced my rapier… said ‘stand and deliver’, for he were a bold deceiver… mush a-ring dum-a do dum-a da…”
Heaving a sigh, he stood up and walked around his tent to dispel pins and needles, then went inside to read his book.
“I am not bored,” he muttered fiercely, staring down at pages that might as well have been blank.
“Oh, but you are, John.”
England’s greatest wizard jumped up, wielding his novel as though it were a club, and dealt a devastating blow to empty air while screaming something along the lines of, “Raargh die die die!”
Then he waited for a moment to see if the voice returned. Tried to determine whether he could sense anything. Nope. Admittedly, that didn’t mean much these days. Lots of beasties and bastards out there had learned how to hide from him.
“Either I’m hallucinating or someone’s pissing me about,” he concluded, placing his hands on his hips. “Chas, mate, I’m sure you would agree that either constitutes a fine reason to leave this fucking tent.”
And leave he did.
He went caving.
The BBC had published an article a couple years back calling the UK’s cave systems its ‘last true wilderness’. He and Chas had had a good long laugh over that, Chas suggesting that John take the caver quoted on an expedition to Faerie or maybe direct him toward any of the two hundred portals to Hell between Plymouth and the Orkney Islands.
But the article had stuck with him. Perhaps it was the obvious love the caver had for his hobby, the clean and simple joy he got out of crawling around in dark, damp holes. John was always drawn to people like that, and not just because it sounded smutty.
(Imagine if he’d loved something clean and simple; gotten into bird-watching or carpentry instead of magic. Would have saved him a lot of hassle.)
Idly, one evening, he’d poked around on the internet – now that, that really was the last true wilderness – until he’d found a map listing all the cave systems in the UK, along with a guide to which were popular, which were dangerous, which were good for a family holiday, and yes (inevitably), which had been the scenes of grisly accidents.
(Wikipedia said that historically there’d been only 136 fatalities ‘associated with recreational caving’ in the UK and that, statistically, it wasn’t a particularly dangerous hobby. Hadn’t stopped him from having vivid dreams about bodies wedged in tiny tunnels miles below ground, cooling and rotting and bloating, except how could they bloat when there simply wasn’t enough room, what happened when…
Anyway, Chas had eventually rescued him from his maudlin musings and dragged him to the pub.)
And while his memory was a messy old thing, especially these days, that just happened to be the sort of useless information that tended to hang around in his head for years, like the words to every song in Sweeney Todd or the rituals required for an exorcism spell that didn’t actually work, doing nothing but taking up space.
There was a cave only a few miles from the campsite.
When he arrived, he beheld a clumsily painted sign nailed to an oak tree next to the entrance:
He lingered at the cave’s mouth. Though it was big enough for him to stand up in, it made for an unassuming sight. Squirrels played in the old oak with three sets of lovers’ initials carved into it that stood at its left and the pathway leading up to it was strewn with weeds and wildflowers.
“Am I really this stupid?” he pondered aloud, before correcting himself: “Am I really this bored?”
After five minutes’ internal debate, he decided that yes, he was.
He took a step towards the narrow crevice, before stopping himself. No. This was ridiculous. What was he thinking? Shaking his head, he turned and walked away.
Three hours later he was back, now with a good pair of leather boots (stolen from an arsehole in a nearby village), a Power Rangers backpack (given to him by a kid in exchange for a cigarette and some magic tricks), a cheap flashlight, two cans of lager, and a packet of crisps (paid for with the last of his cash).
“Off we go, then,” he said, and marched into the dark.
Like a well-fed leopard on a low-hanging branch, the First of the Fallen lounged across his throne of vertebrae, long black hair dribbling off his broad shoulders and pooling on the ground. Though he was wide awake, his eyes were closed. This, combined with the corpses of three supplicants dangling from nearby steel hooks, would hopefully discourage anyone from bothering him for the next few hours.
“My liege?”
He kept still. Said nothing. Perhaps they would go away.
“Um… my liege, I’m terribly, monumentally sorry to disturb you, but…”
With a wave of his claw, the messenger exploded into red mist.
When, ten minutes later, a second messenger summoned up the courage to approach him, he realized that it must be very serious indeed.
“You have five seconds,” he said cordially, holding them up by the neck.
“Con… constantine!” they croaked.
Brightening, the First set them down. “Indeed? What’s the little bastard up to this time, eh?”
“Nothing, my liege. He’s dead.”
A few minutes later, a fourth corpse hung from a hook and the throne of Hell was empty.
To the First of the Fallen, caves were still a novelty.
Confined spaces, in general, were still a novelty.
At 13.6 billion years, he was only slightly younger than the universe. While solid planets had come into existence around the same time, he’d not actually visited one until the emergence of homo sapiens and his subsequent quarrel and falling-out with God – a mere 300,000 years ago.
Cast from Heaven, naked and freezing cold, he’d stumbled into a rocky cranny by the shoreline and wedged himself between its slimy walls. That was his earliest memory of ever being ‘indoors’. No surprise, then, that he avoided such places when he could. He had built no castles in Hell; his throne sat atop a mountain beneath an endless red-gold sky.
But right now, it wasn’t the cave that had his attention, dark and chilly and, yes, slimy as it was.
“Stupid turd,” he grumbled, glowering at the corpse. “Ow!”
He’d bumped his head on the cave ceiling again. It was too low for the average human to stand upright, much less an eight-foot primordial being.
Constantine stared at him, blue eyes blank and glassy. His body was unmarred save for the dent in the left side of his scalp, which had stopped leaking some time ago. As far as the First could tell, his nemesis had simply tripped and fallen onto an unfortunately positioned, unfortunately sharp rock.
The First spat on his tie and snarled, “Pathetic! What the fuck are you even doing here, eh? And – God’s hairy bollocks, when did you last bathe?”
His soul was still dangling off him, like drool from a dog’s mouth. Heaven, obviously, had no interest in him and the First hadn’t yet authorised his admission into Hell.
Because he wasn’t ready, dammit.
He’d not been expecting to welcome John home for at least another thirty years.
“Always have to make it difficult, don’t you?”
When he reached down to take hold of the soul – such a grubby, tattered thing – it bit, blazing gold for a sliver of an instant before he snatched his hand back. Stuck his index finger in his mouth until the sting abated. Fumed.
He tried again, grasping it firmly, as one might a snake. It thrashed. He gave it a disciplinary shake before opening Constantine’s mouth with a claw and forcing it down his gullet.
Coming back to life was never enjoyable. Constantine spasmed and gurgled, legs and arms contorting as pink foam gathered at his lips. The First, bored, sat down beside him, reclining against the cave wall with one knee crooked. Surveyed their surroundings. The ground was – oh dear – littered with crisp crumbs, an empty foil packet, two cans, and dozens of cigarette butts. How foul.
“Disaster in your wake, as ever,” he commented, tutting.
Constantine groaned, eyelashes fluttering.
Belatedly realizing that he wouldn’t be able to see in this subterranean gloom, and very much wanting to afflict him with the identity of his saviour, the First snapped his fingers. A dozen lit candles appeared across the cavern, hovering ghost-like in mid-air.
“Urgh… fffu… whu… oh, Christ Almighty.”
Watching him sit up, the First assumed a lordly expression, tilting his head. “And what do you have to say for yourself?”
Unhealthily pale skin and facial muscles stretched and twisted to an indeterminable end.
Then John Constantine set his jaw.
Growled: “I’m on holiday, you bellend.”
And passed out.
He awoke to the smell of slightly burnt waffles.
Better than burnt flesh, which was what he’d anticipated after His Infernal Bloody Majesty had popped in for a fag and a chat. Certainly better than sulphur.
“For you,” the First of the Fallen purred.
A white plate – averagely-sized but rendered absurdly dainty by the dimensions of the clawed fingers holding it – was set down in front of him.
He frowned at its golden-brown contents. “The catch?”
“No catch. I was peckish. I imagine you are, too.”
“Come on. Not in the mood. Did you piss on ‘em? Did you mix a baby’s blood into the batter?”
“Honestly, John.”
Scratching his chin, he reviewed the facts. Still in the same sodding cave, albeit far better illuminated than the last time he’d been conscious. Alive, but with that unmistakable stiffness that he’d come to associate with having recently been dead. Cold. Irritable.
His archenemy’s smug smile was almost enough to make him spit the first bite back out. Instinct borne from months of extreme poverty forced him to swallow instead.
“Tastes like shit,” he remarked, wiping his lips. “But I suppose you usually have minions to prepare food for you. Where’s the syrup?”
A regal sigh, before a bottle appeared beside the plate. He emptied a third of it and spent the next few minutes in delicious, sticky silence.
There were, as ever, consequences to allowing the First of the Fallen centre stage. The moment the big smelly git realised that John really wasn’t in the mood for banter, he waved a hand and conjured up a thin hardback with Into the Underworld: The Amateur’s Guide to Caving in Britain on the front.
As John rolled his eyes and stuffed another waffle into his mouth, the First cleared his throat and read: “‘According to the National Speleological Society, the minimum number of people required to safely embark on a recreational caving expedition is four – at least one of whom should have prior caving experience.’ Did you know that, John?”
John chewed sullenly.
“I did. I’d wager that most people do. At least, I’d wager that most people know that going caving in groups smaller than two – going caving alone – is wildly inadvisable. Caves are dangerous, John.”
Where were his cigarettes? Had the bastard nicked them?
“And… let’s see – ah! Here we are. ‘There is a great deal of commercial equipment available to a first-time caver, some of which is necessary, some of which is not. Two items, however, that are absolutely non-negotiable are a helmet and a helmet-mounted light.’ Do you have either of those, John?”
“Do I criticise your fucking hobbies?” he exploded, knowing better, knowing it would only encourage him. Sugary crumbs flew everywhere.
“You do, in fact. Often. And quite understandably. My favourite hobby is murdering your friends, after all.”
John threw the plate at his head.
He’d had a good sense of direction even before he’d learned how to see psychic residue coating streets and walls, left behind by previous travellers. Always scurrying around in places no kid should; subways, sewers, dirty basements, any haunted house his greedy little eye fell upon.
When he’d reached sixteen, burgeoning schizophrenia had muddled him up now and then. Occasionally, it’d even left him standing in streets he didn’t recognise with no earthly idea how he’d got there. PTSD had compounded the problem.
Even so, at fifty plus, he didn’t make a habit of getting lost. Meds, practice, and years of experience meant that he could walk from Chas’s house to Saint Paul’s with a blindfold on.
Long story short: This was embarrassing.
“I’m fairly sure we’re going in circles. That stalactite is very familiar.”
And he certainly wasn’t fucking helping.
(The floating candles, following them like ducklings, were. John’s torch had broken when he’d tripped. Still, he didn’t need the First of the Fallen for light. Could conjure it up himself, no bother. It just made sense to avail himself of a primordial being’s infinite magical resources before dipping into his own, far more limited stockpile.)
“Do you know the way out?” John asked, not breaking his stride.
“I do.”
“Will you tell me where it is?”
“I will not.”
“Then shut up.”
In his defence, John hadn’t thought the cave was big enough to get lost in. It hadn’t looked it from the outside.
But he’d wandered, then crawled, down at least a mile of twisting, increasingly narrow tunnels before getting himself killed. He’d kept meaning to stop; said to himself five times, ‘Okay, Conjob, this is getting stupid, let’s trot our arse back to civilisation’. Then he would notice another crevice wide enough for him to squeeze into.
“Curious place for a holiday,” the First of the Fallen commented after bravely keeping his tongue still for an unprecedented five minutes.
“Curious times we’re living in, innit?”
He hummed in agreement. “Are you really not here for any particular reason? Not – I don’t know – trying to find a missing child abducted by the fae? Searching for a wicked spirit who’s been cursing the local shepherds? Treasure-hunting, perhaps?”
“You’re just here.”
“I told you. I’m on holiday. Taking a nice long break.”
“John. We’ve known one another for some time. I am familiar with the ways in which you ‘take a break’. You either go to the pub or you go to several pubs. Attempting to reconnect with nature is hardly your style.”
“Being oblivious to current events – especially shit ones – is hardly your style. Been too busy shaving your chunky arse to pick up a newspaper lately?”
“Print is dying. Besides, you try managing an entire dimension. See how much spare time it leaves you. Honestly, I’m run off my feet most days.”
“So quit.”
“Don’t be silly. What else would I do?”
“I dunno. Could be a camgirl. You’ve got the legs for it.”
“Stop trying to change the subject. Why aren’t you at home?”
John stopped walking and spun to face him. “There’s a plague, you gormless, oblivious prick. I can’t go to the pub. I can’t meet up with me mates. I can’t visit people’s homes to perform exorcisms. I can’t do anything but sit indoors, on my own, for months on end, just watching everything get worse, and that… and that’s not an option. Not for me. I crack too easy. So I got out. Before I killed someone. Now, for the last time, shut up and let me concentrate.”
He bent down to tug off his shoes and socks.
Telepathic magic tended to work best when you were naked. But sod that. Not with the First of the Fuckheads watching. Waffles or no waffles, he did not deserve a treat.
“Oh, is this what we’re doing now? Marvellous! I do love watching your quaint party tricks,” he oozed with a mocking round of applause as John dropped to his knees.
Ignore him.
Taking a deep breath, John let his awareness expand.
It was hard, with the First standing right there. His presence was staggeringly heavy, weighing on the ley lines like an iron ball on a lace hammock. And so alien; elements found nowhere on Earth, bones and muscles formed before Earth had been a glint in God’s eye.
John sneered into the darkness. Piss on that. On him. This was child’s play. Buggered as his brain might be, John Constantine wasn’t going to falter at the sound, scent, or sensation of a mean-spirited old cosmic relic.
Okay, let’s see what we’ve got.
Seven years ago, three people came this way. A family. A woman; her sister; her daughter. They were having fun. The sisters had done this before; the daughter had been begging to come along for years. Afterwards, they were going for pizza. It was a good day.
Two years ago, four people came this way. All friends from work. Well – ‘friends’. One was the company CEO, the other three wanted promotions. Everyone but the boss was miserable. One was arachnophobic.
Eight months ago, a… sheep? Yeah. A sheep. Barely more than a lamb. It was lost. There was a storm and it came down here looking for shelter. Went too deep. By the time the shepherd found it, it was half-starved.
“John? What are you-…”
Ignore him.
Ten years ago, another family. Fifty years ago, a frightened child running from a monstrous father. And others – a hundred others – a thousand. The cave had a rich and storied history. Almost against his will and entirely against his better judgement, John followed its threads through the rock layers, chasing faded ghosts, brushing up against magic so ancient it had fossilised.
Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore-
His head was ringing. His blood was on fire.
Fuck, I’ve gone too far, too bloody deep, fuck, oh fuck.
“Constantine! Heed me!”
His eyes snapped open.
“Ah,” he said.
“Precisely,” said the First of the Fallen, who was holding him up by his coat collar like a jizz rag in need of a bin.
The cave had changed.
It was brighter, thanks to a small, well-constructed fire in its centre.
The walls were covered in paintings. Deer. Hogs. Great red and brown bulls.
A woman sat in the corner, wrapped in furs, adding detail to what might have been a fox. She didn’t seem to have noticed them.
“Did you mean to do that?” the First of the Fallen queried.
“In thirty thousand years, a monk will come down here and find them. He’ll be horrified, believing that they’re the work of… well, me. So he’ll leave and return with water in buckets and scrubbing brushes. As he lies on his deathbed, he will be firmly under the impression that this great good deed will grant him entrance into Paradise.”
The First of the Fallen paused for effect, then added, “Alas, he will be mistaken.”
Without looking away from her work, the woman spoke several words in a language miles removed from any contemporary tongue John had ever heard.
“The young lady says she doesn’t mind spirits wandering her caves, but requests that we don’t chatter while she’s trying to concentrate.”
Crouching next to freshly-etched cow and her calf, feeling uncharacteristically dazzled, John said, “Ask her if I can take a picture. Ask her!”
“Homo neanderthalensis, John. She won’t have the faintest idea what you mean.”
Rolling his eyes, he fished his phone out of his trenchcoat pocket and waved it at her. When she deliberately ignored him, he shrugged and took the shot.
The flash won her attention. She stood – revealing a faded seashell necklace and a long, curving scar across her left thigh – and approached them, limping slightly. John held out the phone to show her the picture and, after a resoundingly unimpressed inspection, she uttered a terse sentence.
“She’s unsure why the sickly-looking spirit thinks shrinking her beasts in any way improves them,” said the First of the Fallen.
The woman raised her head (hard to tell how old she was; younger than him, definitely) and looked John in the eye, squinting. Another few sentences followed, some of which sounded like questions.
Sarcastic questions, unless he was mistaken.
“She asks if you shrink them because large beasts frighten you. She speculates that, if the only beasts you can bear to approach are scrawny ones, it’s no wonder that you yourself are such a measly creature. She says that she too was scared of bulls when she was a child, but that her mother taught her not to be. She wonders why your mother failed you in this regard. Should I tell her your mother died in childbirth, John?”
“Stick your head up your own arse and choke. But ask her name first.”
Tossing back his thick black hair, he scoffed. “Why? What does it matter? She’s a primitive, doomed creature and she’s not even really here. This is just one of the cave’s memories.”
“Christ – are you jealous I’m talking to her more than I’m talking to you? Because that’s fucking inane. This is a one-in-a-lifetime type deal. I’ve never spoken to a legit bloody Neanderthal. I speak to you all the blasted time, more’s the pity.”
Yellow eyes narrowed. “Maybe I’ll kill her.”
John laughed. “You said it, squire; she’s a memory. You can’t kill her. She’s long dead. Now shut up.”
He wasn’t able to learn her name. Still, via pantomime and pointing, he eventually managed to convey his desire to find a way out of the cave – or so, at least, it seemed.
She took a bundle of sticks from beside her fire, lit them, and walked towards the nearest inky-black tunnel.
“See?” he said to the First of the Fallen as they followed her. “Politeness. All it takes.”
“Don’t act like you have any real idea what’s going on. She could be leading you straight into a trap. You’re aware, I’m sure, that archaeologists generally agree Neanderthals practised cannibalism? Ten muscular relatives might be waiting right around the corner with clubs and a cooking pot.”
“For fuck’s sake – I have literally stood and watched you slouching on that colossally pathetic bone throne of yours and nibbling the edge of someone’s pelvis like it was a turkey drumstick. Loathsome bloody hypocrite.”
“That doesn’t remotely count as cannibalism, John. That was a human pelvis. I’m not a human. I’m the prototype. A species of one. Which, I suppose, means it’s technically impossible for me to commit cannibalism. Hmm. What an interesting philosophical notion.”
Walking a short way ahead, bare feet soundless against the rock, their new self-appointed guide said something.
“What was that?” John whispered.
“‘If you must burden my ears by bickering like children, you could at least do it in a language I can understand’. Then she called us a rude word.”
Then the First of the Fallen spoke several sentences in his usual bored, drawling cadence and, to John’s surprise, she laughed.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” the First of the Fallen said, innocently.
“I’m serious, bastard. What’re you saying to her?”
“Nothing important, John, really.”
More than once after that, he caught her glancing back at them and snickering.
The artist and the twisting stone galleries through which she led them – it couldn’t possibly have all been hers; the monk had destroyed the work of generations – were insufficient to keep John’s mind from straying back to important matters.
“Hey. Ponce. What’ve you done with my cigarettes?”
The First of the Fallen had plucked them from his trenchcoat pocket while he was unconscious. When it came to his sorcerer, he’d learned, you always wanted a bargaining chip to hand.
“We’re in the company of one whose lungs are as yet unsullied by the Industrial Revolution, Constantine. Are you really planning on exposing her to second-hand smoke?”
It was a prospect John, it seemed, hadn’t even considered. Obviously angry with himself for that (oh John), he snapped, “No! I was – it’s – look, she can’t get lung cancer, can she? She’s dead. Doesn’t matter what she breathes in now.”
Smothering a smile, the First of the Fallen said, “Oh? So the fact that she won’t actually perish upon inhaling your fumes is all that matters, is it? Never mind her comfort or dignity, I suppose; as long as you don’t have to clean up another corpse.”
Nostrils flared. Fists clenched. Blue eyes gleamed with something hotter and even more violent than divine wrath.
“Like you give a shit about her,” John growled.
So much in this miserable world reminds me of Heaven. The grass. The sky. The beauty. You alone remind me of the time before Heaven; that bizarre, unpredictable time when there were no rules, no beauty, only feelings, only sudden bursts of light, fierce and erratic, cutting through the void.
“Or anyone,” John continued, gathering steam. Nicotine withdrawal, the First of the Fallen suspected, was kicking in. “Remind me, what was that you said the day we met? ‘To be mortal is to be stupid, proud, conceited – and ultimately pathetic’. You showed your hand, idiot; you loathe us all. Ergo, any taunts that depend on you concealing that are a total bust. Forget about the ciggies. If they’ve been anywhere near you, I don’t want ‘em.”
For years, the First of the Fallen had secretly hoped John had forgotten his, in hindsight, ill-considered words.
(He’d meant every one of them, but at the time he’d been trying to come off as a Gentleman Devil, the quintessential Man of Wealth and Taste, affable and urbane, not a bitter, angry old monster.)
Should have known better. John was so foolishly protective when it came to humanity as an abstract concept, even while his attitude towards actual humans tended to be far more variable. He’d probably been furiously gnawing on that phrase – ‘ultimately pathetic’ – like a dog with a bone for thirty years.
Thirty years.
Was that really all the time they’d known one another? John Constantine, his Constantine, He Who Was Most Hated… a mere thirty year acquaintance?
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Heh. Nothing, John. Reminiscing, that’s all.”
“About what? Poor old Brendan?”
Brendan, Brendan. Who -? Oh yes. John’s friend. The one who’d sold his soul. The catalyst, in fact, for their meeting. Pity the bastard was in Heaven; he’d have liked to thank him.
“You see these?” said the artist, holding up her torch to illuminate a painted wolf pack. “My grandfather did these.”
“What’s she saying?” John demanded.
As the First of the Fallen translated, he gazed dispassionately at her.
The first time he’d encountered a human, they’d looked much the same. Small. Unremarkable. Clad in skins and hardened from a life exposed to this planet’s weather (he personally hated weather and had made sure there was no such thing in Hell).
Mind you, the ones he’d run into while naked and terrified and still injured from being swatted down to Earth like some insect had been much less hospitable. They hadn’t known what he was; only that he was wrong. When he’d tried to approach their campfire, they’d thrown stones at him. Slaying them all hadn’t even occurred to him. Father had said that they were precious and at that stage, he’d still given a toss about His rules. Instead, he’d slunk away.
Catching food wasn’t a problem. He was faster than any buck or bird. It was loneliness, not hunger, that drove him to try again, and again, and again. In time, they grew used to him. Even showed him kindness. They had an extraordinary capacity for that. (For all that it was so often conditional and withdrawn the moment one became too strange or too frightening.)
But he’d never grown used to them. They were, at heart, creatures of community. And he simply wasn’t. He was a species of one. The prototype. He’d always been alone but for God’s company, and adjusting to life as a member of a tribe had proved impossible. Their norms, their traditions, their complicated etiquette – it had all bewildered him, then intimidated him, then irritated him. That, combined with his ageless body and supernatural strength, had driven an inevitable wedge between them, and he’d returned to the wilderness to wander alone.
He considered telling John that story.
(Why not? He’d told him everything else and the idea that his nemesis might have an incomplete view of him was, for some reason, concerning.)
Then he considered John’s likely reaction. The curled lip. The scornful snort. “What, you looking for pity? ‘Boo-hoo, my rotten childhood turned me into a git’? Hah! Jog on, squire.”
No. John’s hatred was a hard-won prize. John’s contempt was to be avoided at all costs.
“You realise most people aren’t allowed down here,” the artist said, glancing his way. She was shorter than John, who himself was slightly shorter than the average man; her eyes were level with the First’s navel. “Only elders and those who’ve earned the right. There are grave penalties awaiting any who sneak in.”
“Really?” he replied, interested only in John’s furrowed brow and silent, aggravated attempts to work out what they were saying.
“Yes. Because this place is important. Sacred. When I was young, I spent years dreaming of being allowed to venture this deep. I don’t know the ways of spirits – but I’ll not pretend it doesn’t rankle that you spend more time studying your sickly friend than your surroundings.”
“You’re still young. Compared to me, everyone is.”
“He doesn’t even seem to like you very much. Why are you travelling with him?”
“I don’t know. Why do urine and semen come out the same hole?”
“‘It’s none of your business’ would have sufficed. Are you always this rude? Is that why the sickly one doesn’t like you?”
“No. No, he dislikes me for other reasons.”
“Well, well, well. Hullo,” came John’s voice, and they both realised that he’d stopped walking.
Turning, the First of the Fallen spied his nemesis standing with his hands in his pockets, studying a man dressed like a thirteenth-century peasant.
“Eh? Where did he come from?” the woman asked.
In quavering tones, the peasant said, “Are you angels?”
The First of the Fallen laughed. “John! He’s asking if-…”
“Just because I can’t speak Neanderthal doesn’t mean I don’t know sodding Middle English. Give me an ounce of credit. I’m only a cocking wizard, after all,” John snapped, before addressing the new arrival: “No. Just travellers.”
The peasant’s shoulders slumped. “Oh. I thought maybe God had sent me angels. I’ve been requesting them for several days.”
John shuddered. “Bad idea. Trust me. You don’t want to mess around with that lot.”
“But I need guidance. Protection.”
“From what?”
Eyes wide, the peasant took his hand and clutched it. “My friend, can’t you see? I am being pursued.”
“By who?”
“By demons.”
(to be continued)
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maybe it looks like the night sky because it wants you to go to sleep :) <- more of a narrative/metaphorical thing than an actual theory but i AM kind of obsessed with how it looks like a clear night sky imagine you haven’t seen the sky in years because you fled to the bottom of the world to escape the wither and then the cave ceiling slowly grows over with otherworldly mold that looks almost but not quite like a sky you’ll never see again because at first it protected you but now it won’t let you leave and some of those ‘stars’ for all intents and purposes are *literally made of the souls of your dead friends*
hi your sculk post has me frothing at the mouth
What if it WAS warm and comfortable and soft and cosy
What if it also smelled nice, released attaching pheromones like those pitcher plants do, or the goo tasted sweet to lure creatures in
What if it wasn't a smell so much as an absence of the dank musty cave air, and it was a welcome breath of something cosy and comforting that just made you want to curl up and sleep
And then the sculk is soft underfoot, and it feels like it might be wet and slimy but it's actually kind of velvety, in that slightly coarse alive way that a living animal is soft and warm
And you're so tired from mining and exploring and damn wouldn't it be nice to just have a lie down and rest for a bit
And it's so soft and comforting, a bit weird but getting more agreeable by the second
Wouldn't it be nice to just.... Rest your eyes, and your legs.... And everything..... And just sleep.....
i really love the idea of it just smelling distinctly like Nothing, or just fresh air, you know that smell when you’re outside on a clear night in the summer and it’s almost-warm but not quite, that’s a smell you’d probably really miss after a long enough time underground
also the sculk does this hypnotic little animation where the little bright parts flicker in waves that could be part of the calming effect as well
but like YEAH the more i think about the more i'm into the idea that dormant sculk would be comforting. sculk not only eats the essence of formerly-living things, it grows in the shape of the places it spreads to. if you think of a more typical concept of an overgrown post-apocalyptic city you probably imagine lots of disruption, trees and vines widening cracks in streets and buildings crumbling, but sculk doesn't do that. your home could be completely eaten and it would still be standing there, you could still walk inside. and chances are that's on purpose
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