#imagine waking up in bed with your ex who you hate after a bender and he’s fully spooning you. you have no idea what else he might have done
Hey uhhhh Top spooning Mew and cuddling him in bed is uhhhhhhhh extremely violating actually. Mew made it very clear he does not want to be around Top. In his current state of intoxication, he was not able to consent to being intimate with Top in this way. He didn’t even like drunkenly pull him closer or flop on top of him, Mew was completely unresponsive the whole time. Top’s inability to sleep alone is a skill issue he should deal with rather than using Mew as a convenient prop to negate it. If he wants to win back Mew’s trust, cuddling him without consent is probably a bad way to go about it.
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
cream and sugar? || juliette and florence
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: juliette’s room // early march 2021.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: juliette x florence.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: florence texts juliette that she has bad news.
Florence hurried across campus to the dorm, climbing the stairs as fast as she could. Knocking on Juliette’s door, she hoped it was just her friend in there. She bent over, catching her breath, as she waited for Juliette to open the door. 
Juliette groaned as she peeled herself out of bed, she had been on a tiktok bender for over an hour and time has escaped her. She opened up the door, "Would you like some tea before you give me bad news?" she asked quietly with a soft smile on her face. She knew the news was going to be Stevie related, and she knew it wasn't going to be a fun twist where she got good news instead.
Once Florence got her breathing mostly under control, she stood up and smiled sadly at Juliette. She knew this news wouldn’t be fun. “Would it make you feel better to make tea?” she asked. If Juliette needed to busy herself, she would take whatever was offered.
"I would like to make tea" she said, nodding softly as she turned on her little pistachio colored electric kettle. One of her things that made her very happy. She pulled out two of her favorite mugs and her tea pot. "Alright, go ahead and tell me" she said as the water started to boil. She was terrified of the news, but she also figured it would be what she already knew: that there were other people in this world.
“Then I would love some,” Florence told her friend. Anything to help her stay calm. She sighed and followed her into the room, letting the door close behind them. She took a seat on Juliette’s bed, fussing with the comforter that matched her own. There was no easy way to say what she had heard, so she might as well spit it out. “Well, Wren told me that Stevie didn’t U-haul because she fell in love in high school, and she stopped really dating... until now,” she shared, hoping she paraphrased correctly. It was close enough. “He isn’t sure if they’re girlfriend/girlfriend, though, but his phrasing was that she’s kind of off the market.” She sighed again and looked over at her best friend, sadness etched all over her own face. “I’m sorry, Jules.”
She focused in on making tea. Everything else was spinning. "It's okay. I mean ... I could have told her I was here a few weeks ago and I didn't. She was probably already seeing her" said Juliette, swallowing hard. It was humbling for sure, but a lot of it was her own fault. She had been the one to call it quits. They wouldn't still be together regardless, something else would have come up. She was sure of it. It was all she had: doubling down on her decisions. Juliette poured the boiled water into her tea pot and started to steep the tea, "cream and sugar?" she asked, dodging how she was feeling.
Florence wasn’t sure what else to say. Yes, Juliette could have told Stevie she was here before, but what did that do now? She hadn’t asked how long the two girls had been dating, but if they were when Juliette arrived, Juliette would still get hurt. “That doesn’t make it any less hard,” Florence pointed out. She watched her friend pour the water into the tea pot. “Yeah, that’d be good, thanks.” Maybe Juliette wouldn’t want to talk about it or maybe she would. Either way, Florence was glad she had come to tell her in person. This way, she could be here to offer moral support and a shoulder if she needed it.
She was shutting down: she tried to make it that the only thing in her head be tea. "What's hard about it? I told her to move on and she did. I called it quits, and then I could have just gone to her when I saw her. If she's happy then I'm happy" she said with a sweet smile. Her brain felt like it was on fire. Her impulse to be perfection and put on a good face was overriding her emotions. Once the tea had steeped, she poured two cups and put in cream and sugar. Juliette brought the mug over to her, "Was that all?" she asked, doing her best to be as nonchalant as possible.
“That doesn’t matter. I know I don’t have the experience, but I’ve read enough books and seen enough rom coms to know that it hurts to see your ex with someone else, no matter who broke it off. Jules...” She paused, looking down at her hands. “I hate that I’m the bearer of bad news, but... I did the right thing telling you, right?” she asked. She looked up again as Juliette brought over the mugs. She took one carefully from her and held it in both hands. “That was all, I think. He talked about their shows and said I should bring my best friend by sometime. I didn’t tell him who you were; I didn’t think you’d want me to.”
Juliette took a small sip of her tea, it was still too hot. "Yeah, thank you" she replied, "I don't need him knowing I'm here." Juliette gulped a little bit of air, "It's like I'm not even here" she said as she looked down. Like she wasn't even here. Stevie's life had gone on like she didn't exist, and to her ... she didn't. And that was good. She was happy, she was settling down. Juliette only had herself to blame. "Thank you for telling me, but I don't think it changes anything" the girl added.
Florence sighed and chewed on her bottom lip. “I know. I’m here for you, though. Always hashtag Team Juliette. Would you want me to go to one of their shows for you?” She felt bad that Juliette felt the need to hide her presence at this school. College was meant to be a fresh start, and having Juliette transfer to join Florence was supposed to make the college experience more fun. “Do you want to watch a movie? We can watch About Time or you can pick something else.”
She had a feeling that she never had with Florence before: a need to be alone. She ignored it though, knowing that her being alone would only cause more damage than good. "I mean you should see them, the music is really good" she encouraged. It would be a fun event, and soon she would be able to go. She knew that at some point she could force herself to go, and watch another girl fawn over Stevie. That would be all too much for now. "I think I just want to listen to music and drink tea" said Juliette softly, her voice barely registering above a whisper. It felt like her throat was closing.
She tucked the thought of going to see Juliette’s ex’s band in the back of her mind. Maybe she would, but it would be more fun if she had Juliette to go with her. Lifting her mug, she blew on the hot beverage and tried to take a sip. “We can do that,” she said, matching Juliette’s tone and volume. She would just sit in silence with her friend—something she felt completely comfortable with.
She opened up her phone and connected to her bluetooth speakers. She put on an old playlist of Stevie's because what is having your own music taste? "I think that would be nice" said the girl as she sat up on the bed and took a sip of the tea. It was the right temperature now. Honestly, she felt very numb inside. All of her upset feelings had turned inwards: blaming herself for ever letting Stevie go, and for not telling her she was here. She knew it was important that she had let Stevie go two years ago, but how could it still hurt this much.
Florence adjusted her position on the girl's bed, scooting over a little to make more room for Juliette to join her. She tried not to look at Juliette too much because she didn't want to make her feel any worse or like she had to talk about it because that wasn't it at all. Florence was completely comfortable sitting in silence with her friend; she just worried that the girl might try to keep it all in. She took a drink of her tea, humming with satisfaction. Juliette was the one person who could get Florence to drink tea instead of coffee.
The girls sat in silence as they had their tea. Juliette just listened to the music and tried her best to not think of another girl loving Stevie. That was where the heart break really came in. It wasn't that she was having sex with people, she knew that was going to be something real the second they broke up. But it was the thought of her being really serious about someone after her. How she would learn from their relationship, and somehow be an even better Stevie with someone else. That they could enjoy college together, that they could wake up in the same small twin bed in a room filled with love and freedom. All the sweet joys that Juliette had thought of before but could not have with her. She would have to find someone else and experience a different love. She couldn't imagine experiencing any love but the love that was shared between her and Stevie. She thought it would last forever, but she was wrong. And that is what hurt so much. //END
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