#imagine if they could post things on harry's birthday too??????
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#i know it's louis birthday#so i don't want to shade it in any way#BUT BUT#imagine if they could post things on harry's birthday too??????#would there be photo of larry with 'best uncles'?????#OR OR would they have competition who is the best uncle????? who would get more 'the best uncle' 's ????#they could record those videos to see to who kids would run?????#CAN YOU IMAGINE#well now you have too#i won't be suffering alone#larry uncles#louis tomlinson#harry styles#stylinson family#in a perfect world
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Drabble - Sirius escapes Azkaban at the start of SS/PS and swims to the shack where Harry and the Dursleys are staying.
Just a small exercise I used as a writing warm-up :)
Harry had never received a letter in his life.
This was, to Uncle Vernon, the natural order of things. The post came each day, except on Sundays, of course, and over the years, they received plenty of bills, birthday cards for Dudley, and letters from Aunt Marge, but never a single envelope addressed to Harry.
To say that Uncle Vernon was upset that one finally did come to Harry at number four might have been putting it rather mildly, for in his compounding fury, Uncle Vernon had gone to extremes to find a place to which letters were undeliverable. The fury that Harry Potter had received one letter drove Uncle Vernon to hasten them out of Little Whinging and into the car where they spent several days hunting for a hiding place that would restore the natural order of the universe.
Perhaps they had finally found it. The shack was perched atop a small island just off the coast. The Dursleys and Harry had come by boat, braving the freezing waves to land upon the rocks. As Aunt Petunia urged Dudley into the dilapidated shack, Harry halted at the edge of the island, staring off into the distance where mist shrouded the horizon line.
“What’s the hold-up?” barked Uncle Vernon. “What are you looking at?”
“I think there’s another island out there,” said Harry.
Uncle Vernon shot him a nasty look. “There’s nothing out there.”
Harry shrugged as Uncle Vernon followed Aunt Petunia and Dudley into the shack. He could have sworn he saw an outline of something huge, like a tower, in the distance, but the fog was too thick now, and whatever it was had been swallowed up.
Eventually, the chill of the sea battered at his jumper until he was shivering, and Harry felt slightly damp as he resigned himself to joining the others in the shack. By the time he closed the door behind him, Aunt Petunia was already serving their rations which consisted of a packet of crisps and a banana for each of them.
The only boon of the filthy little house was that it seemed to thoroughly depress Dudley who slumped on the sofa and ate his crisps miserably, staring at the spot where he must have been pretending sat a television. Uncle Vernon was quite cheerful, however, pleased that he had brought his family to a place so far removed from society that the postman would never find Harry.
When night fell, Aunt Petunia made up the sofa for Dudley. Harry claimed a threadbare blanket before she could give them all to Dudley, and he found a spot on the floor where he thought the dirt was the softest. Awkwardly, Harry rested his head in the crook of his elbow, trying not to breathe in too deeply the blanket’s stench of seaweed.
The storm outside the shack rattled the wooden walls, and sea spray splattered the windows. This did not concern Uncle Vernon who bid Dudley and Harry goodnight with a slightly deranged smile before disappearing into the second room with Aunt Petunia. Harry, however, couldn’t help imagining a huge wave sweeping the house right into the sea and drowning them all.
Harry tried to settle into his nest on the floor, but he was too cold, the ground was too hard, and Dudley was snoring loudly enough to rival the crashing sea beyond the walls. Harry’s birthday was only a few hours away which might have been something to look forward to, but it seemed too sad to consider that he’d be turning eleven in a place like this. Well, he reasoned, was it any worse than his cupboard?
Harry turned over as lightning flashed through the windows. Dangerous thoughts were occurring to him. Life had never been particularly fair to Harry, which was something he’d come to accept, yet when he really stopped to think about it, Harry wished for a completely different one. Apparently he’d had a different one before because his parents died when he was a baby and left him to his mother’s sister. Uncle Vernon insisted that Harry’s parents were drunkards who died in a car crash, and while this wasn’t particularly pleasing to think about, Harry rather thought he’d prefer loving layabouts to the cold and hostile Dursleys.
Dudley’s stomach growled, startling Harry. Uncle Vernon had forced them all to suffer the depressing meal of crisps and bananas, and it was most certainly not enough for Harry; for Dudley, it must have been merely crumbs. It must not agreed with Dudley either because a foul stench filled the room, and Harry balked, rolling away and stuffing the blanket against his nose. The blanket, however, wasn’t any better. Unable to take it, Harry got up towards the window.
He was expecting to see waves breaking against the rocks, rising with the increasingly swelling storm. He expected to see the rain as it slapped the pane of glass, and perhaps even a jagged bolt of lightning splitting across the black sky. But as Harry looked out the window, he locked gazes with a pair of wide eyes.
At first, Harry thought he was dreaming. A ghastly, emaciated face was looking at him. The thing was horrible—it was a ghost with pale, sunken eyes, gaunt cheeks, and black, lank hair. Harry’s cry was stuck in his throat as the thing stared back. It seemed almost as surprised as Harry.
Then it was gone.
Heart pumping painfully against his ribs, Harry stumbled back from the window.
I’m dreaming, he thought. That wasn’t real. I didn’t see anything.
Harry whipped his gaze to the door. It didn’t have a lock—at least, the one that was on it was broken. He rushed towards it, suddenly terrified. If that thing came in, what would it do? Just because the Dursleys refused to believe that there were supernatural forces in the world didn’t mean they weren’t real and that they couldn’t eat them all.
For several minutes as thunder rumbled and the wind whipping the house, Harry pressed his back against the door. He was hours away from being eleven and he was skinny—a quick meal for a monster. He couldn’t let it get him.
Then, as Harry sat there, he began to feel stupid.
There were no such things as ghosts or specters or vampires. In his exhaustion and hunger, he must’ve invented the vision and convinced himself it was real; when he really thought about it, he was certain he knew he had imagined it.
Eventually, Harry slinked back to his spot on the floor and pulled the ragged blanket over his jeans and jumper, curling into the dirt. If he closed his eyes and squeezed them tightly, sleep would come for him and erase the nightmarish specter from his memory. It would be his birthday, and he would spend it in the middle of the sea.
He thought so, at least.
The door creaked. The crashing of the waves grew louder.
Harry’s eyes snapped open, though he stayed very still, his gaze locked on the empty fireplace. He heard the door close. His heart was pounding so hard now that he could hear it, and he tried to keep the harsh huffing of his breath quiet.
He heard nothing—nothing but the sound of the sea, the howling wind, Dudley’s stomach…
Then, a hand touched his shoulder.
Harry tried to shout; hand clapped over his mouth. A rasping voice was hushing him. Harry tried to shove the creature off of him, screaming into the wet palm. Panic overtook him. He scrabbled for a thin wrist and kicked in his silent, grunting struggle.
“Harry, Harry, please—stop—I’m—I won’t hurt you—” the hoarse voice was whispering. “Shh, please—”
Harry looked up at the creature in terror. Wet, matted hair hung over the specter’s brow, darkening his already shadowed eyes. They stared at each other. It wasn’t a ghost at all, but a man.
“What are you doing here?” whispered the intruder. His gaze flickered to Dudley who was still snoring.
The hand eased from Harry’s mouth. Maybe it would’ve been wisest to scream for help—to bring Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia scrambling into the room, but Harry couldn’t think. This thing—this man knew his name. The man was soaking wet and wearing strange clothing that hung in rags from his skeletal body. His hand stayed clenched on Harry’s shoulder.
“Who—who are you?” breathed Harry.
“Sirius,” he murmured. Harry frowned, not understanding. “That’s my name…” Again, the intruder looked back at Dudley to ensure he was still asleep.
Harry leaned away. The man smelled like seawater, perhaps even more so than the ragged blanket, and he was trembling from the chill. If Harry had not been so terrified, he might have offered the man the blanket, but as it was, he was convinced the intruder was going to do something terrible to him.
“Are you going to kill me?” said Harry so quietly, he was surprised the intruder heard him.
Sirius, so he called himself, shook his head. “No…but I…I shouldn’t have come in… It was only…I can’t…I can’t believe you’re here…” He stopped to cough which he smothered with the crook of his elbow, the veins protruding in his forehead as he tried to keep himself quiet. His eyes were red as they turned to the dilapidated shack, taking in the dirt floor and moldy sofa and the cracked window before they returned to Harry. “What are you doing here?” he asked again, his voice so hoarse, it was hardly more than a hiss of breath. “Are you…safe?”
“I’m fine,” lied Harry.
The intruder frowned. “Are you?”
“You—you should probably go, Mr.—er—Mr. Sirius—”
“Where are your aunt and uncle?”
“They’re just in there—” then Harry lowered the finger he was pointing as he realized what the intruder was asking. Another wave of horror paralyzed him. How did this Sirius person know about Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia?
“Shhh, it’s all right…” said Sirius who must have seen the panic on his face. His hand hovered as though readying it to slap it over Harry’s mouth again. “I’ll leave… I shouldn’t have… I only wanted to…” He swallowed. A bead of water dribbled down his nose as he tilted his face at the ragged blanket. “Why are you sleeping on the floor?”
It was the last question Harry expected.
“Er—I—there wasn’t anywhere else to—”
Harry jerked; Sirius’s hand gripped his shoulder painfully. They both stared at the door in bewilderment.
Fear shone in Sirius’s eyes as he turned to Harry, urgently whispering, “Harry, what I’m about to do—don’t tell anyone. Please—I beg you to keep my secret—”
Another boom! shook the shack.
“Secret?” said Harry.
Dudley was stirring behind them. “Where’s the cannon?” he said.
Sirius said nothing more—he couldn’t say more—because when Harry blinked, in his place was no longer a man but an enormous, jet black dog. The dog faced the door, hackles raised, growling softly as the pounding continued. Harry gaped, sputtering at the dog—
“Who’s there?” a voice roared.
Uncle Vernon had rushed into the room clutching a rifle, aiming it at the door. Aunt cowered behind him as he warned the intruder to stay away or he’d shoot, but either the newcomer did not hear or they did not care, because in the next moment, the door flew from its hinges, crashing to the floor as a gigantic man, the largest Harry had ever seen in his life, ducked through the doorway.
The dog shrank away—the dog that was really a man—slinking behind Harry. If he meant to hide, he was far too large to disappear behind Harry…
Uncle Vernon yelled. The giant, however, was unperturbed as he bent and put the door to rights, fitting it back into the frame. He turned to face them, his wild black beard and hair sopping wet and beady black eyes sweeping over the shack.
“Rough seas. Not easy getting’ here in a storm like this. Could yeh make some tea?”
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for February 2024! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Sipping Pink Lucozade by zmmf / @zaynmaliksmiddlefinger [E, 86k, Zayn/Liam]
If Zayn had to describe his life for the past few years, “struggling musician” would be a massive understatement. The last thing he needs right now is a distraction from his last shot at a successful career.
Enter the most tempting distraction he could imagine in the form of Liam Payne, the irresistible—and deeply closeted—playboy and son of the owner of Zayn's label.
Liam Payne is used to getting everything he wants with a tap of his black card—but he isn’t used to wanting something money can’t buy.
Let alone something he shouldn't desire to begin with.
Both men know they shouldn't risk everything by giving in to temptation, but it just might be too late.
* Clear Blue Water, High Tide Came And Brought You In by BoosBabycakes / @boosbabycakes28 [E, 79k, Harry/Louis]
A wonderful sweet, somewhat innocent and very hopeful Harry makes it to the big city to start a new life, away from the pain and risks his own home poses for him. A broken, somewhat lonely but very self-aware Louis tries to give his days meaning, purpose.
A journey through love, understanding and self-awareness in which acceptance of one's self and the capacity to focus on what's really important are the drivers.
A carefully constructed yet fragile web of lies, designed to keep them safe, might just be what also pulls them apart.
Or the one where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a vampire, and they have to hide who they really are to the other. What could possibly go wrong?
* Stray by @haztobegood [E, 1k, Zayn/Harry, Louis/Harry]
Louis waits in the booth he’s occupied since they arrived. He checks his phone for the time, finishes his second drink, and waits. Harry had put on a good show for him. Picking a gorgeous man, dancing filthily, whispering in his ear, kissing him hard. It wasn’t a surprise when the man led Harry to the back. He imagines Harry in any number of positions, on his knees, in an alley, wrists pinned against a wall. Louis shifts in his seat, trying to discreetly adjust himself under the table.
Finally, Louis catches a glimpse of familiar curls weaving through the crowd. The man’s arm is firm around Harry’s waist until they stop in front of the booth. “I found this stray wandering around. I believe he’s yours.”
* and then, i wait there for you by punk_pillow_princess / @punkpillowprincess [M, 9k, Louis/Harry]
Harry has always dreamed of having his “happily ever after”, but hasn't found the right one yet. Suddenly, he meets Louis.
* All This Time (I was Waiting for You) by @ohharold [E, 4k, Harry/Louis]
Harry and Louis have always been destined for eachother. Some time apart has Harry reminiscent of their first meeting.
* spring in your eyes by @nouies [NR, 3k, Louis/Harry]
“Just Go with It” inspired AU where plastic surgeon Harry pretends to be married to his assistant Louis to avoid unwanted attention.
* Started Off With Some Birthday Sex by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [E, 3k, Harry/Louis]
When Harry gets woken up at the exact moment he turns thirty, Louis makes sure to start off his birthday with a bang.
* Timing Is Everything by @littleroverlouis [E, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Harry's Valentine's Day marriage proposal does not go as planned. Part 7 of Putting the 'Ho' in Holiday
* From the Dining Table by @littleroverlouis [E, 3k, Harry/Louis]
Harry's thirtieth birthday hasn't gone as expected.
Things start looking up from the dining table.
* One Thing (for my birthday) by @berzerkshires [E, 5k, Louis/Harry]
Canon Compliant: Liam shares a link of an interview from twelve years ago to the One Direction Whatsapp promising a DJ a lads' night for Harry's birthday, they plan one night to hang out. And Harry makes sure to get that One Thing he wants every birthday.
* Bavarian Cream by @berzerkshires [E, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Lou has a big day planned for the birthday girl, but all Harry wants to do is thirty things with Lou.
* like a fire hydrant by @justanothershadeofblue [E, 3k, OT5]
Louis has a surprise planned for Harry after his final concert to help take his mind off the ending of his tour. A very messy surprise.
* i would know you from touch alone by staybeautiful / @harruandlou [E, 72k, Louis/Harry]
They had never been face to face before now. They’d never touched, skin to skin, until Harry landed a punch to his face, high on his cheekbone.
Louis shoved him off and was pulling his fist back from Harry’s abdomen before he realized his face wasn’t tingling because of the pain.
It pooled out from his cheek, over his face, down his neck and spine. A shiver in the late September night. Heat, sparks - whatever you wanted to fucking call it.
or The Tomlinson and Cox gangs have hated each other for over forty years. Harry Styles, the grandson of Gritty Cox, was freshly back to the city after uni when, on his first night out, he punched the Tomlinson heir in the face. It shouldn’t have mattered, their gangs have done worse to each other. But all it took was one single touch to recognize your soulmate. Louis was adamant that being soulmates changed nothing, not who they were or which family they were loyal to. Or, at least, it shouldn’t have.
* Skin on My Skin by Layne Faire / @laynefaire [E, 2k, Zayn/Liam]
Damn, I could get lost in a heartbeat Damn, I can't get over your body Can't take my eyes off you, baby Let me love you, baby
Let me touch you where you like it Let me do it for ya Give you all of my attention Dive into that ocean of your love, oh Let me show you just how much I want ya
* Can You Feel Where the Wind Is by @fallinglikethis [M, 3k, Zayn/Liam}
It had been a normal day, just like any other. He’d been doing a PR tour for his father’s election campaign, making appearances in marginalized communities to let them know that his father saw them, would work for them if elected. He’d always maintained that his father would make a bigger impact by showing up himself, proving that he meant to keep his promises and was not just sending his son to give lip service. Liam’s advice had fallen on deaf ears, but then it’s not like Liam had listened to his father’s advice either.
Liam still remembers the argument, still remembers the feelings of stubborn exasperation and eventual grudging acceptance, when his father had insisted that Liam needed a security detail while out doing his father’s bidding. He remembers arguing that he had no real power over anything, so no one would care about him, let alone try to hurt him. But that assessment had proven to be untrue today.
* Dirty Diana by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 3k, Louis/Harry]
In the month leading up to his 30th birthday, Harry writes to his confidante Diana every day, sharing his fantasies about Louis.
It'll be a dirty thirtieth indeed if they all become reality.
* Bend Like a Hairpin by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [M, 25k, Harry/Louis]
Who could have guessed that Harry’s entire FBI career could hinge on his ability to convincingly swing around a stripper pole without braining himself?
Harry stands in front of the pole, his back still to Louis, and takes a big breath. He just has to hope it’s not obvious from behind that he’s completely freaking out. He closes his eyes and tries to listen to the music, letting his heartbeat match the beat.
(Or the one where FBI agent Harry Styles screws up in a mission and he has one more chance to save his career. He’s going undercover as a stripper to investigate a strip club suspected of money laundering. There’s just 2 problems: 1) Harry can’t dance, and 2) he might be falling for the club’s owner Louis, who just happens to be the prime suspect).
* I Might Say Yes by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 6k, Louis/Harry]
“You and Zayn get up to any mischief then?” Louis’ smirk suggests that he knows how Harry and Zayn’s brunches usually turn out, but Harry would bet on everything he has that Louis would never be able to guess it this time.
It’s not very nice of him, but Harry can’t help but wait until Louis has taken another sip of tea before he answers.
“I bought a wedding dress.”
Just as predicted Louis does a spit take worthy of the cinema, but Harry is impressed with how quickly he’s able to pull himself back together.
Louis takes a moment to set his cup down and when he speaks again his tone is even, but with the mirth of a challenge hidden underneath. “I wasn’t aware that you were engaged?”
Harry just shrugs easily. “Reckon I’m not.” He pauses to flash a coy smile. “Someone ought to put a ring on it.”
(Or the one where Harry buys a wedding dress on a whim. And his very doting boyfriend, Louis, is more than happy to indulge him).
* What’s in a Name by @hellolovers13 [T, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
The name on his arm disagreed.
But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
* Crimson Clover by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt [T, 5k, Louis/Harry]
Harry and Louis are soulmates, but one is already promised to another. When their plan to flee is discovered and they are separated, Harry falls gravely ill.
Can his father's heart be persuaded to bring Louis back to him?
* I'll knock on your door, it will save me from calling by @hl-obsessed [NR, 5k, Harry/Louis]
Louis hears "Good Years" for the first time. Harry is there to pick up the pieces.
* pretty please? by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 3k, Louis/Harry]
Harry gets impatient for her Valentine’s Day present.
* Pussy Juice by @homosociallyyours [M, 3k, Harry/Louis]
When Harry visits her hometown gay bar, she expects it to be a little awkward. But if she's going to move back to town, she figures she better get used to that. While she manages to dodge the bar's "special" drink, the Pussy Juice shot, she can't avoid the feelings that come up when her former teacher (and teen crush), Louis joins her and her friends for the night.
* Room With a View by @littleroverlouis [E, 1k, Louis/Harry]
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Harry asks. “Absolutely stunning.”
Louis mumbles into her skin. “You’re the stunning one.” Her hands leave the railing and skim down Harry’s sides, from rib cage to the flare of her hips. A muted purr rumbles from her chest as she leans into Louis.
“No, that’s you,” Harry purrs, nuzzling further into Louis’ chest. They cuddle as they lazily watch the endless stretch of sea. Time does not exist when there is sunshine on your face, fresh salty air in your lungs, and the comfort of your most beloved in your arms.
“Doesn’t this fresh air feel so fucking good?”
“Wanna make you feel even better,” Louis murmurs into Harry’s tousled hair.
Or Louis and Harry go on an Alaskan cruise. Part 4 of Holigays
* baby you're the boss at home by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove [E, 3k, Harry/Louis]
Louis sets up a camera in the master bedroom, so she can watch over her wife while she's at work. But it doesn't take long for Harry to notice -- and to decide to have some fun with it, at the expense of Louis' sanity.
She watches Harry’s head tip back, twisting against the pillow, and she wishes so desperately that she could hear the whimpers she knows are spilling from Harry’s throat – that long, beautiful, marble throat that she wants to cover in kisses and bites. When Harry’s back arches, Louis almost moans – catching herself just in time to remember that she’s not muted, that she’s on a call with a dozen top execs, that anyone could hear. Fuck. She needs to get off. Get off the call and also get off she is dripping into her silk panties; at this rate there’s going to be a wet spot on her fancy ergonomic chair before long.
- Fic Fests -
* Blouie Valentine's Exchange 2024 / @blouiexchange / Masterpost
An exchange featuring bottom Louis fics
* 1D Soulmate Fest / @1dsoulmatefest / AO3 / Masterpost
One Direction fics featuring a soulmate concept
* Dirty Thirty Fest / @dirtythirtyfest / AO3 / Masterpost
Fics including Harry Styles in celebration of his 30th birthday
* Femslash Festuary / @girldirectionfest / AO3 / Masterpost
Girl Direction fics to celebrate Femslash February
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Feel free to give me kudos or comments on AO3 too
Fandom: marauders (harry potter). Characters: remus lupin, Lily Evans. Wc: 997
CW: (+ other things that would be in tags)
talk of injuries, mental illness. Remus is trans. Post-prank. Pre-wolfstar relationship. Lily & Remus friendship
“Remus?” Lily whispered, shaking his shoulder lightly.
Remus sat up with a gasp. “Hm?”
“Why aren’t you in your room? It’s close to… Your time of the month. You have to be hurting sleeping here,” Lily sat down beside him, eyes furrowed in concern. “Were you crying, love?”
“Um. I just. I can’t be around him,” Remus replied. He tried to ignore the crying question as well as the one about pain. Because the truth was, Remus hurt so badly. Every single joint was like it was on fire, and his stomach hurt because not only did the universe see fit to have him be turned into a werewolf before his fifth birthday, it had him born into the wrong body, and lately his period seemed to want to line up with the moons. Remus wanted to scream, or punch something. Better yet, punch Lyall. He didn’t think that Remus fully understood what it meant to take testosterone potions and permanently change his body.
Lily’s compassionate voice broke him down and he finally told her everything about the month prior, of Sirius betraying one of his biggest secrets. He was honestly surprised that Snape hadn’t told her yet, but he supposed since the mudblood incident, she hadn’t given him the time of day. Which; good for her. He had hated seeing her in pain watching her oldest friend get in deeper with the other dark Slytherins, and although he didn’t want her to be in pain, being close to him would only get worse as the war loomed closer.
“That’s… Oh Merlin, Remus. I am so sorry,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and rubbing his back gently.
He was crying again, and he hated himself, more than ever. He felt tired and weak, physically, mentally, emotionally. Plus any other way that one can just feel ready to just lay down and not really care if they ever got back up.
He wiped his face but winced at the still tender wounds on his face. Which was yet another thing that he would always have to carry from that night. The wolf was more angry than ever when he thought that he would finally have prey, not be hungry for once, and took it out more than usual on Remus. His hip still wasn’t right, and his face now was bisected with what would certainly turn into scars.
“I was going to finally tell him, Lily. How is that for life just not letting me have anything good,” Remus finally said. Lily was one of the only people that he had confided about his feelings for Sirius. And what made it all so much worse is that Remus had been nearly certain that Sirius also had feelings for him too. But Remus should have known that he shouldn’t hope for anything. Instead of what he thought might be a new relationship, he now felt further from Sirius than ever.
“Want to know something even more fucked up?” he continued, laughing hollowly. “I still love him. I want to forgive him. I want to run to him and throw myself in his arms. I want to write off everything that he did as pressure because of… Well. Everything with his family. You have heard enough that I am sure that you can imagine.”
“Remus, love. Nothing can excuse that betrayal. I know that things aren’t easy. And that Sirius struggles with mental health. But, he is supposed to be your best friend. His actions could have caused three deaths. Sev, James and you. Because they would either put you in a camp for dangerous creatures or execute you,” Lily said firmly but kindly.
“I still feel guilty though. I should just let it go. It’s breaking James' heart every time he has to leave one of us to spend time with the other. Because I just can’t be around Sirius. Classes are hard enough. I go to the dorm as little as possible. I’m afraid I’ll just lose it. And any action would be something I regret. Yelling, forgiving him, kissing him. Nothing feels right. But if I just let it go back to normal, he won’t be so sad.”
“This is about you though Remus, you can’t put everyone above yourself,” Lily said.
“But if I don’t I will lose all three of them. James is his best friend, his brother, his soulmate, his… something. But. Eventually James will choose him. Or I will push James away so that he will be happy too. Because him and Sirius need each other. And Peter will do whatever James does.” Remus said. He had already spilled out everything else, so might as well get into his deepest fears too.
Remus didn’t feel like arguing. “Everything hurts Lils. It all feels washed out. Dull. Food doesn’t taste good. I think I’ve forgotten how to smile. I can’t focus on homework, and I honestly don’t find myself caring either. I either can’t sleep or sleep too much. Even colors feel muted. I don’t even know how to explain it.”
“Remus. You’re worrying me. This sounds like major depression,” Lily was playing with his fingers.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I am sorry, I shouldn’t be putting all of my problems on you. I was just…” Remus waved his other hand around uselessly.
“Remus. I want you to always talk to me. I’m glad that you trust me. But. I think that you need help. Will you come and talk to Madam Pomfrey? Honestly, if you don’t, I am worried enough I will do it regardless,” Lily said, nervously.
Remus didn’t have the strength to fight her, so just meekly followed her through the hallways and she sat with him while he tried to explain it all to the nurse. Pomfrey gave him a big hug and said that she had a few things that might help.
Remus managed a small smile of thanks and could only hope she was right.
**I do not agree with jkr nasty views. I love taking the characters and making them queer 🏳️🌈
#flash fiction friday#remus lupin#Lily Evans#moonflower friendship#remus and Lily friendship#sirius black#wolfstar#fanfic#trans remus#the prank
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The mood this year, as this header photo demonstrates, was Le Tired. Just physically and emotionally slogging along. Brain stuck on perpetual static. A pull-the-covers-over-my-head sort of year. I read a few books, watched a lot of shows, found new songs to listen to on repeat, and spent way too much time futzing around on Tumblr.
But that's not what this post is about! This is to remind myself that I did accomplish writer-ly things this year, even if it didn't feel like it sometimes. So here's my 2023 Fandom Year in Review:
🐈 A Dreadful Invasion (of the Feline Persuasion) rated G | 6K words
Most of the time, it’s easy for Harry to forget that Draco Malfoy is his next-door neighbour—until the night Malfoy seemingly goes round the twist in his back garden. Of course Harry has to investigate. A birthday gift for @caroll-in.
🍷 Under the Table rated T, 4K words
A string of nearly-insufferable dinner parties has made Draco acquainted with Harry Potter’s completely insufferable, social-climbing boyfriend. But tonight it seems like Potter’s finally had enough, and Draco’s more than happy to watch it all play out from across the table.
Microfics: Different | Thalassophile | Role play | Careless | Mama’s Gun | Raven | You Should Probably Leave | Afraid of the Dark | Eerie
WIP progress: I added about 25K to my Drarry retelling of Howl's Moving Castle. The working title is "Skybound" and it will be about 55 to 60K words when complete (by spring 2024, god help me!). Featuring: lots of banter, secret identities, adventures and misadventures in a floating house, a plucky house-elf, and (of course) a fire demon who wants to make a bargain.
9-1-1 fics, HP recs, and 2023 highlights under the cut!
🌧️ It pours, man it pours rated T | 11K words
An endless rainstorm. A head-on collision on a dark canyon road. Eddie and Buck find themselves stranded with a woman in labor after they’re cut off from the rest of the 118 by a flash flood. With the fate of their team unknown, can they weather the night ahead—and mend the rift Buck caused by trying to kiss his best friend?
💣 A Few Good Pranks rated T | 4K words
The firefighters of the 118 decide to give Bobby a turn at pranking them after seeing how disappointed he was to be left out. And since two heads are better than one, why not three? Or four? If only they could figure out who's pranking and who isn't, and who the intended victim is. It's all in good fun, though—as long as everyone is too distracted to notice that Buck and Eddie keep sneaking off alone.
❤️🩹Let It Be Me rated T | 1.8K words
After another Buckley Family reunion-turned-disaster, Buck makes a decision about his parents. Of course the 118 has his back. Or, Bobby employs some LAFD equipment to help Buck out—and tell him something he needs to hear.
Episode codas/fix-it ficlets: 1x01 | 1x03 | 2x01 | 2x03 | 6x10 | 6x11 | 6x12 | 6x13 | 6x15
WIP progress: First chapter of a season 3/canon divergence Buddie fic. Featuring: angst with a happy ending, a secret marriage of convenience, and pandemic bed sharing.
HP Rec List
I was inspired by this post to rec twelve favorite fan works from 2023 in twelve days in December. It actually took fourteen days, but I did it!
💖 12 Favorites from 2023 💖
(after posting those twelve, of course I thought of a few more faves that I missed. I'll try to share them soon!)
2023 Highlights
I'm so very grateful for the wonderful, funny, imaginative people here who shared their creative works, the memes that made them laugh, photos of their pets, gif sets of shows I didn't know I needed to watch, and insights into the characters we love. You all got me through the year, honestly.
I had a good time doodling some Halloween treats for Inbox Trick-or-Treating. I hope it will become an annual Tumblr event! Thanks to the folks who rang my doorbell that night and the other blogs who gave out treats.
I truly treasured every kudos, comment, and rec I received this year. I was also very fortunate to receive a few special gifts:
🎙️ EllaMcSmellBella recorded a Podfic of "Spooked in Salem," my Drarry 'Round the World fic.
🎙️ Spades/bumblingbees recorded a Podfic of "Crimson Neon."
📕 @cheriecherishchen wrote a lovely rec for "Vortex" and designed gorgeous book covers for that fic and its sequel, "Riptide."
✏️ @saijordison drew this incredible piece of art for "Riptide."
And finally, if you read all the way to the end of this post, I'm grateful for YOU. 😁
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and an excellent 2024!
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A03 meme
A03 meme time, except I've been writing and posting fanfic to the internet since before A03. And before fanfiction.net. And before Geocities. And before the World Wide Web. There's fic of mine with ASCII doodle illustrations somewhere out there where the wild BBSes once roamed…I was tagged by @moveslikebucky; thanks Buckie, here goes. <3
how many works do you have on Ao3? 54. (and yes if we added in all the fanfic outside of A03 it'd be a larger number but I can't be bothered to consolidate it all)
what’s your total Ao3 word count? 341,744, which is better than I was expecting, yay.
what fandoms do you write for? At the moment it's just Good Omens, but there's been a lot of Dragon Age, some Lord of the Rings, and way back in the day there was Harry Potter and a lot of anime. I am toying with dipping my toe back in LotR, there's a thing I wrote ages ago that's entirely finished and just needs editing and I've been meaning to get it out there for ages. It's long though, so that'd be a commitment.
what are your top five fics by kudos? What Custom Strictly Divided (507) Like an Echo Far Away (415) (this one wasn't in the top five last week when I first started writing this post! So I think @mielpetite gets all the credit for boosting it with amazing fanart) What Comes From Your Hand (402) Give Me Your Illusions (346) Nightswimming (307)
do you respond to comments? Yep! Sometimes just with "Thanks!" or hearts but I try to. Though they get away from me sometimes and then I do a bunch all at once.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Definitely Warmaiden, which is my "What if Éowyn got the One Ring?" fic, from an idea that occurred to me one day and wouldn't leave. Clearly that doesn't end well for her, or anyone. From GO fandom it's probably Silent Night, which I still want to expand into a larger fic to be a set with Give Me Your Illusions. Someday, someday.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them! But for the happiest I'd say Swan Lake Revised, cowritten with @mostlyjustgoose. And if we ever get part three up it'll be even more happy. And smutty. Very smutty.
Do you get hate on fics? Very rarely. I've been lucky there.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh here's the irony. I used to do a lot a lot a LOT of online roleplaying and mygod I wrote smut. So much. So. Much. I don't do as much rp these days but even so the threads I have going are still frequently pure filth. But in fic, much less so, even though I want to. Why it all gets channeled into rp and not as much into my fanfic I do not know. Honestly I want to write a lot more of it. Smut forever!!
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Sometimes, when I have a good idea. But the craziest one I ever wrote, ages ago, was a pure crackfic for my 21st birthday, where I imagined a bizarre party for myself in which LOADS of fictional characters (mostly from anime) showed up so I could make them interact in wacky ways. It was utterly ridiculous but amused me. Making all the characters voiced by Megumi "She's Everywhere!!" Hayashabara meet up and wonder why they all sound alike, for example. Also I wish I'd written an Artemis Fowl breaks into Gringotts to rob it fic before I became so disillusioned with both Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. Heigh ho.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yep. It was impressive how lazy the person was about it too, they stole all the html as well. Someone brought it to my attention pretty quickly.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Twice, yes. Into Portuguese, as I remember.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hi @mostlyjustgoose, I adore you, please co-write things with me forever. <3 Our baby is Unusual Strings, a reverse omens AU love story, and it's SO. CLOSE. to being done. So close. Aughhhh. I love our angel!Crowley and demon!Aziraphale so, so much.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Aziraphale and Crowley, Faramir and Éowyn, Hiccup and Astrid. Don't make me choose between those three, my head will explode.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Shut up shut up I will finish all of them ALL OF THEM I SAY…sigh. Beauty and the Battousai. Though I should probably mention A Demon in the Dreaming and The Queen Bee. (they're plotted and outlined and parts are written aaahhh come on ADHD meds help me out here)
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, definitely. I'm good at putting humour into things. Got compared to Patricia Wrede once and honestly, life goal achieved there. I can do memorable phrases and descriptions and edit well.
What are your writing weaknesses? What is plot. Why does it hate me. Why are my original characters one-dimensional cardboard. What is worldbuilding and how do I do it without getting stalled into paralysis. Baaaah. This is why my original novel will never be finished and I keep running back to fanfic instead.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Hoo boy contentious subject! I love reading it so long as it's translated somewhere in the footnotes, I'd be happy to write it if I knew other languages, the question of whether it should be italicized or not has apparently Officially been settled by The Publishing Industry on the side of Not.
First fandom you wrote for? Oh gosh I think it was the Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. The first that ever got shown to other people was Ranma 1/2 though.
Favorite fic you’ve written? It's still What Custom Strictly Divided. Though Unusual Strings comes very close.
Gaaah I'm always worried I'll tag people who don't want to be tagged so, erk, um...if they're willing, @racketghost, @indieninja92, and @holycatsandrabbits! And you, if you're reading and want to do this, please say I tagged you. I meant to really, honest. ;)
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oh this is so exciting! happy pride! You've reblogged a number of pretty bejeweled things today, and I wonder if they could be a prompt, perhaps as a gift, or an item in need of cursebreaking? no stress at all if this doesn't spark the muse!
hi!! thank you for this prompt, i kind of loved it. i chose to use this as a reference point and honestly had a lot of fun with it!
as i said yesterday, this wound up being thematically appropriate for a certain blond someone's birthday, which is why it's posting now!! i'm still working on other prompts, and feel free to keep sending some if you'd like!
this is about ~1100 words (sooo close to under 1k 😭) and features curse-breaking partners harry and draco, very jealous harry, and cheesy gemstone/eye comparisons. 💎🎈
“He bought them at auction,” Draco says in a hushed sort of voice, beaming down at the dangly gold earrings Harry is frantically casting on. “I can’t even imagine the price—not that that matters, of course, it would be thoughtful either way, but look—those are genuine pearls, Harry. Byzantine! Sixth century!”
“Sure,” Harry says through gritted teeth, not pausing in his casting. His hand is starting to cramp a little, so he drops his wand and takes a breath to gather his magic up in his spread fingers, ignoring Draco rolling his eyes and muttering something about showoffs. “Too bad they’re cursed.”
“They’re not cursed!”
“They’re definitely cursed,” Harry says, flexing his fingers over the earrings nestled in their ornate wooden box. He could cast the magic he’s working over them in his sleep—the perks of being a rather competent Curse-Breaker—and it’s no trouble at all to cast a few more times, just to be sure. More than sure. He’s absolutely certain that there’s something magically wrong with these earrings, and he’ll prove it. “And they’re ugly, beside.”
“They’re not—you have no taste.”
“They wouldn’t suit you at all, either; you’ve only got the one ear pierced,” Harry says, glancing up at the tiny diamond cuff glinting over Draco’s cartilage and the even tinier moonstone stud in his lobe, easily overlooked unless you make a habit of looking. Harry thinks he could point them out in the dark, blindfolded and spun around, but that’s not anyone’s business but his own. “Are you sure they were for you?”
“Of course they’re for me,” Draco huffs, shaking his head. “The box had my name on it, and Edmund left a note that he’d been called away but he wanted to make sure I got my present on my actual birthday instead of waiting for the party on Saturday—” The party that Harry had planned with absolutely minimal help from Edmund, who he thinks has a low chance of actually showing up, the bastard. “And, as I already told you, there are pearls.”
Harry just glares down at the stupid earrings, shaking his head.
Draco sighs. “Pearls are my birthstone.”
“Since when?”
“Since I was born in June, you nitwit.”
“They don’t even look like pearls,” Harry says, trying not to swear out loud. He’d gotten Draco a moonstone and diamond cuff so he could switch out his piercings. He’d never even considered birthstones, only that little stud that always catches his eye, and the shimmery moonstones on Draco’s watch; he’d learned about adularescence and thought about what light looked like reflected in Draco’s eyes.
At least, Harry knows, his gift is actually wearable. He can’t imagine Draco in these earrings, dangling there as he chats away with their clients and tosses his head back in laughter at Harry’s scant, interjected jokes. They’d agreed early on in their Curse-Breaking partnership that Draco was more of the natural at client relations, but Harry never feels as good as he does when he can join in and make Draco laugh. And the client, of course. That’s fine too.
He wonders if Edmund ever makes Draco laugh like that, when he’s not Portkeying off to another auction, standing Draco up for dinner with his parents, or gifting him absurd, assuredly cursed earrings. Certainly not, Harry thinks.
“I assure you that there are pearls,” Draco says, reaching out for the box. Harry smacks his hands down over it, shaking his head.
“No way, you know the rules. No touching, not until I’m sure there are no curses,” Harry says. “And I’m sure there are, so—”
“That rule is for both of us,” Draco says, swatting at Harry’s hands, laughing a little as Harry swats him back, their hands fluttering against each other over the top of box.
Harry traps both of Draco’s hands in his for a moment, grinning triumphantly, then yelps as Draco grips his hands back and slams them down on the box.
“You can’t keep me away from my birthday present,” Draco says firmly.
Before Harry can argue—before he can say he’s just protecting Draco, he’s just showing him who Edmund really is, and he could show him so much more, he could prove that Edmund is a dunce who has no idea what he has in Draco, who takes him for granted and thinks Draco would wear yellow gold and pearls and garnets and dangly, ugly, obnoxious, definitely cursed earrings in a pair when he only has one ear pierced—before any of that can come out, the door to their office bursts open to reveal a panting, red-faced Edmund, practically doubled over.
“Edmund?” Draco says, standing up from where he’s been perched on Harry’s desk and whipping his hands back.
Edmund wheezes at him, slowly straightening, his eyes widening as he holds up a very similarly-shaped wrapped box in one hand. “Wrong—present—”
“What?” Draco squawks as Harry grins broadly, triumphant.
“Don’t—open—oh—” Edmund continues, eyes going impossibly wider as he stares at the box still under Harry’s hands. “Don’t—touch—”
It’s Harry’s turn to squawk, “What?!” and whip his hands away, just as Edmund chokes out, “Cursed.”
Harry’s grin drops, staring down at the box—which is now devoid of earrings. He realizes this at the same time that Draco does, at the same time he feels a suddenly pinch in his left earlobe, jumping in his seat and yelping, “Ouch!” at the same time Draco’s hands fly up to his own ear.
He feels a weight near his cheek and gapes, wide-eyed, as he sees one of the earrings is now in Draco’s unpierced left earlobe. The other, he realizes as he cups his hand over the side of his face, is in his ear.
Harry and Draco stare at each, something charged and heated building up in the air between them, tingling where the earring is and spreading out to the tips of Harry’s fingers.
“Right,” Draco says as the moment builds, his eyes never leaving Harry’s—wide, bright, beaming with something that would be adularescence if his eyes were the moonstones they resemble. “What kind of curse, exactly?”
The earrings jingle, the magic tingles, and suddenly Draco drops into Harry’s lap, Harry’s arms going around him with little choice, their breaths quickening and a flush spreading across both their faces, as Draco’s horrible boyfriend watches.
“Erm,” Edmund says. “Right. That is to say, ah—well, you see, it might not be a curse so much as a—a bond, perhaps.”
“Perhaps,” Draco says, pants out really, staring down at Harry, who stares back, until they can’t stare any longer because they’re kissing instead.
#drarry#drarry fic#oflights#the-starryknight#asks#fic prompts#my fic#harry's chest monster is draco's real birthday present tbh
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Wizarding Watches
Inspired by Dumbledore's Pocket Watch, among other things.
"It was a very odd watch. It had twelve hands but no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge."
So I've been writing Marauders fics and it has me thinking about wizards & their interesting relationship between time and the stars. The Black family, ofc, names their kids after the stars. But there's a lot more too. So, even though JKR didn't care about worldbuilding, I do, so I really wanted to know how their clocks worked! Because obviously, based on the above description its very different from the ones we use!
So here's a post about how wizards tell time.
This is some official art of Dumbledore's pocket watch and it frankly looks unusable. And that's probably the point, but! As I said, I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could come up with something that would concievably tell time.
To begin, we know that young wizards and witches need to spend 5 years studying Astronomy. This is considered a core class, up there with history, potions, charms etc. That implies to me that its extremely relevant to the workings of magic. Not just the planets, but the moon, the stars etc.
We also know that watches are the traditional "coming of age" gift for young wizards and witches. I imagine this is all tied to the need for magic users to be aware of the celestial bodies and familiar with how they affect their magic. Carrying around a mini star chart, moon chart, and clock would be instrumental but also very expensive. Hence, why it became customary to give it as a gift for such an important milestone.
For this, I collected a bunch of inspo pics but these two are the most relevant (mostly because they looked the coolest):
These gave me the idea to include the position of the constellations on the watch + the moon phases. Even though they aren't mentioned in the description, they could help add to the crazy number of handles this watch has!
I also found out that you can tell the time based on the position of the stars, with some recalibration needed depending on the month. So that's how this watch tracks time.
It's the sort of convoluted option wizards would pick (lol).
So what did the watch look like in the early morning of Nov 2? (I think this is the day Dumbledore drops off Harry). Probably something a bit like this:

The grey hands show which planets are visible. All the planets are aligned on an axis, showing where they can be found relavant to the sun, in this case they are pretty close together.
The moon is a crescent. November has just begun. It's a Monday. And its about 6:45am. Directly above are several constellations including Draco, Auriga, Cygnus and Serpens.
(You may notice that one of the hands is too long for the watch, yes, it is resized with a charm inbedded in the metal. In March it is the size of the month circle itself!).
Bonus! The watch on Harry's Birthday:

(please note these positions aren't going to entirely accurate because I don't know anything about astronomy, the planets, certainly not the stars - this is just what I could come up with).
What do y'all think?
P.S. The clock is 24 hour time read backwards / anti-clockwise!! The top most prong is midnight.
#marauders era#the house of black#worldbuilding for my fanfic#harry potter ideas#dumbledore's pocket watch#wizarding watches#wizards are overally invested in astronomy for no reason#harry potter headcanon#marauders headcanon#albus dumbledore#wizarding world
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On turning 27 and why I am never deleting my Tumblr
It is 2025. I am turning 27, and I have chosen to do that alone. I spent way too much money on an omakase dinner, and tomorrow, I'll spend even more money on a small cake that I'll eat while finishing my laundry. On the weekend, I'll celebrate my birthday with friends. But before that, I have to clean my kitchen, finish a giant report at work, and fill out scholarship applications. This is not what I imagined I would be doing when I turned 27, but I am old enough to appreciate the mundanity of my adulthood and the brief respites birthdays provide.
When I was 13, 27 felt #very #adult. So adult that I convinced myself that I was either going to 1) die or 2) get married when I hit 27. I was a depressed teenage girl, and, like many of my peers, I craved death but didn't actually want to end it (or deal with the aftermath of trying), so I settled for fantasies to get through the day. One of those was the expiration date-- 27-- because all the #Famous and #Hot Celebrities I read about in magazines died when they were 27, and they had a lot more to live for than I, a depressed teenager rotting in the suburbs, did. But, if I didn't die, I had to get married, because that's what you do when you are a very well-adjusted adult with a long-term (and hopefully rich) boyfriend.
Like many teenage girls in the early 2010s, I assumed said long-term and hopefully boyfriend would be Harry Styles of One Direction. Two years earlier, I had discovered One Direction through a gif of Liam Payne that I found searching Google Images for references of pretty boys to draw poorly for my Deviant Art. The Gif was posted to Tumblr, a website I had heard about in various online forums I had no business being on as a child. I spent an hour clicking through the various rebloggers, searching for more information on One Direction, before I found out about One Direction Twitter through a blog that also posted 90s era Sailor Moon gifs with a feminist slant. Looking at that blog, I thought to myself, "Wow. This is special. This is adult."
Because Tumblr was so #special and #adult, I decided to honor the website's age rules. So I waited. I waited two years, biding my time by bookmarking key Tumblr Blogs shared across the "trash" side of One Direction Twitter and the Sailor Moon themed blog. Bad 1d Imagines, Katara (later, of shrimp fried this rice fame), a very #cool teenager I later learned lived a few towns away from me and fantasized about meeting, etc etc. The minute I turned 13, I opened up an account and followed them all.
Tumblr gave me a community, it gave me guidance, and, most importantly it gave me a space to safely be a girl. I grew up on the internet during the 2000s, which was a decidedly terrible time for being a girl. Genuinely enjoying girly things was a sign of weakness and cringe. Eschewing girly things or embracing Girl Power meant you wanted to be a boy, or worse, were a lesbian. Insisting you had rights, asking for better treatment, or just simply existing as girl invited disdain, hostility, and violence from total strangers. The way people talked about girls on the internet, in magazines, in the news, on the playground, and in my household made it clear that being a girl was the worst thing I could be. There was no way out, and there was no way to win. I was trapped, and I hated it. I wanted to be three years old and enjoying 90s sailor moon and dancing to EVERYBODY by Backstreet Boys. I could settle for reblogging it while British boys sang about how Katy Perry is on replay in my bedroom.
Tumblr not only gave me the language to define this feeling and frustration, it provided me space to explore girlhood and slowly get rid of the negativity I was taught to associate with it. Looking back, I can say it also saved me from going down a right-wing pipeline that many other chronically online white, suburban children with negligent parents fell into in the early 2010s.
I left Tumblr in 2016. I told myself, I was going to college, and it was time to be an #adult, and Tumblr no longer felt #adult. Looking back, I had definitely just hit a boiling point with a few key issues--- the fact that my fave blogs were moving on to Twitter and Youtube, the inescapable amount of Hamilton and Onceler content on the site, the realization that I left a trove of online evidence of my Dr. Who phase, the lingering frustration over never going viral on here, and the creeping realization that I had spent so much time trying to earn strangers approval on the same site that was doing discourse about Onceler p-rn instead of putting effort into my offline friends. But I didn't want to think about that. I couldn't. Instead, I just told myself I simply had gotten everything out of Tumblr that I needed from Tumblr, and it was time to be an adult.
At the very adult age of 27, I decided to log into my Tumblr for the first time in years. It's been a long time coming. A few years ago, I befriended someone who was Tumblr famous (lowkey) and, as expected, is extremely cool and funny. We talk about how thankful we are for it, and how cool and funny it made us, even though it felt like we were in the trenches. We speak in references only known to those who have our specific brand of tumblr brain rot, and exchange stories about 2014 era online drama that were exclusive to our specific feeds.
Two years ago, I half-jokingly predicted a Tumblr resurgence, and they said something like, "resurgence? it never died." Last year, Liam Payne died at 33, an age I couldn't imagine reaching when I first saw that gif, but I now recognize as incredibly young, and I thought about Tumblr. I thought about how I wanted to get married to Harry Styles, and laughed about how I thought I would be getting married at 27.
This year, I started reading Kaitlyn Tiffany's book, "Everything I need from you: How fangirls created the internet as we know it." It's about online culture and One Direction. I justified purchasing it by telling myself I was preparing for grad school and rediscovering more informative forms of entertainment than my current go-to: endlessly scrolling social media sites that monetize my attention spans and then use ad money to subsidize (primarily) right wing content and political movements. In reality, I just love One Direction, fangirls, and the internet-- enough to write a masters thesis about it.
I am 27 and I am nostalgic for Tumblr. And on my 27th birthday, it finally feels right to reconnect with a time in my life where I had the least amount of empathy for myself, on a platform that earnestly set me down the path towards developing that empathy. So here I am, deciding to not only open my blog, but post about this. EW!
A year ago, I never thought I would say those words. But I have spent the past week reading about fangirls and thinking about all the internet history lost because people deleted links or deactivated their tumblrs. I spent the last four years frustrated about all the incomplete, inaccessible, or missing links I find trying to write up a research report for work. I understand the importance of archiving. In the moment, reblogging a Liam Payne gif or a video of a Barney stuffed animal getting shot and then told to meet his maker felt ephemeral and silly. But it can mean some silly researcher, 10 years down the line, has a better understanding of what life was like for you when you were 13 or 16. And it means that you may have a better chance of seeing that video, 20 years down the line, and suddenly getting transported back to your childhood bedroom, and remembering what it felt like to be a teenage girl.
Posting and deleting is a philosophical practice ™ . Embracing your humiliating online archive is, I would argue, an act of historical preservation and radical sincerity, which has become a scarce commodity on social media. As a woman in a Garfield costume once told me, to cringe is proof that you have changed and grown up a little-- to cringe is to be alive.
All this is to say, I'm logging off to do laundry and be a 27 year old adult with job and responsibilities and agency, and thankfully, none of it involves planning a wedding to Harry Styles or anyone else. But I am keeping My Tumblr online, hopefully for forever-- or at least until Yahoo or whoever pulls the plug and this website kicks the bucket. I am doing so because My Tumblr is an archive of my (frankly embarrassing!) history as a dangerously online teenage girl. It serves as a testament to my own development as a person, as evidence of our collective ability to change and grow and possibly even log off, and, maybe as a resource for internet researchers.
happy posting
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Again, sorry for replying so late, I am getting so bad with responding, I just keep on blank and then overthinking 😭😭😭
Anyways hi sam I missed you soo much even though I did keep up with your blog🫶🫶🫶🫶
From our last convo, yes I think, because whatever I have heard from you, we are very similar so I imagine that pressure, I think its just the reminder that I am human, it's so much more than just jobs or money or anything so I am allowed to take it one day at a time
I am not a fantasy person either, my fantasy ended with harry potter, it messed me up so bad, now I don't want to think about getting attached to a world but not being a part of it 🙃🙃🙃
And oh my gosh WHO DID THIS TO YOU.... I fold every. single. time....scary dude who is mean to everyone but his girl! Take all my money, all of it! Tumblr has somehow feed my fantasies with that because there are people like you everywhere! Like friendly, amazing, beautiful, kindness goddesses who talk to me and then write jaw droppin', mind bogglin', earth shatterin' stories that break my heart everytime I am done with them...I think I just want like all of your stories in physical books because I wanna have them in my collection and keep them on my shelf....one day I will, imma get it signed by you.. starting with traditional cause yk me 🤧🤧🤧
Anyways I have been on this kick of babies, the WORST baby fever and also the worst "is it time to get a boyfriend" fever which has been happening a lot recently, because maybe the solitude (read: loneliness) is getting to me, I keep imagining oh what would having a boyfriend be like, not sure if i truly understand the depth of it but its fun to dream about
Speaking of boyfriends, you know someone who is not a boyfriend or a fiance....ZIPPER!HARRY...Oh my gosh, the elopement, my heart, and louis😭😭😭 My girl just got engaged and eloped because of pressure, I love her so much, she is such a gentle soul, you know the ones who looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll...her... sometimes when I am reading zipper, I realise that harry is the epitome of 'but its about the little things' like you know he won't remember dates or anniversaries or birthdays but he will recognise an expression and rush to you before she breaks down...i will defend till the end of time ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Thankyou for making my week with that one shot! I dore it and you so so much! I hope you have an amazing day
Don't feel bad about not responding/forgetting. But please don't overthink when it comes to me (easier said than done I'm sure) but I don't want you to feel any kind of pressure from me. I'm always here for you 💕
A little fun fact about me I have never read Harry Potter nor seen a movie in it's entirety 🙈 please don't @ me it just wasn't my thing. I do want to read the books though. I just never got around to it because I got into Twilight and then I never had TIME to read. But once I clear out my tbr shelf (hopefully by the end of this year) I will read Harry Potter.
You are the sweetest 💕 I've always wanted to write a book but right now I don't see it happening. I struggle with a lot of aspects of writing and I don't have the appropriate/adequate time to devote to getting better. I think that (maybe) just getting a little better on here each time I post is all I got in me hahaha I would turn Traditional into a book in a heartbeat though if I could.
I have had baby fever since I was 10 I swear. I think babies are so cute and everyone around me is getting pregnant/married/a house. It's extremely hard because I feel so behind but kind of like my life at the same time? I've always wanted kids and I just can't afford it and I feel so sad that I try not to think about it too much sometimes 😭
I thought I had more ideas for Zipper but they were all vague ideas and then I was like "oh no this is going to suck" so it means so much to me that you liked it 💕 I think he's going to turn out alright after all.
I'm so glad I made your week. I hope you continue to take it one day at a time 💕
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Hmmm… children stories, well Harry is a mid 90s baby, so I would look at the children’s books we read in grade school. Which led me down a rabbit hole of nostalgia. For some reason The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister comes to mind. Roald Dahl also stands out to me.
Rabbits 🤔💭 TBD
But check out In Every House, on Every Street https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW0JfldlolI that he did for CBeebies. There could be something there. Maybe from 2:57 - 3:07.
“It doesn’t matter if you live in a house, a flat, or a boat it’s love that turns wherever you live into a home.”
“Here within me, the home inside me is ours.”
People hate his tour outfits but so much of this album screams inner child work. His outfits have a childlike reclamation and we have references to Matilda, ET, Alice in Wonderland… maybe other children’s stories. (Good night moon is one I get vibes from too with the rabbits and sky references, also maybe Peter Rabbit as well)
Yes!! Inner child healing! Heal and work on that that inner child Harry.
This was making me think about the magic of childhood where the world is new, everything is an adventure, and your imagination is free to create whatever possibilities it chooses. When we all truly believed in magic. Before we became adults and some of that magic disappeared.
It’s good to do inner child work, it brings back the magic. Could be useful for things 😉. Also we all need a little magic in our lives.
Also when I first heard Matilda 😭 I was like yesss. That was such a wonderful movie.
Someone posted the movie to YT https://youtu.be/iWmlU7179iw if anyone hasn’t watch it before. But the end from 1:31:09 - 1:32:30 stands out to me.
Yes to Rainbow fish!!! His tour outfits even look like it sometimes. Fun fact: as a kid I had a rainbow fish birthday party. I forgot all about that one.
Matilda!! Yes. A wonderful movie but also a wonderful message. The most memorable scene to me is when everything is floating in the house. Also this song.
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some predictions for the final Vecna showdown
Major spoilers for Vol. 1 below!
First I want to line up several things we know:
Will has an important relationship with the UD: it’s frozen in time on the day he disappeared, and he has more ability to communicate from the UD than other characters. (Joyce had a LOT of string lights that were lit up at once that he couldn’t have been touching simultaneously, and Will shouldn’t have been able to see the alphabet she wrote on the wall if it were frozen in time. Also, Joyce didn’t plug in the string lights when Will was communicating with her. There’s more I could say here, but I’ll leave it at that for now.)
Vecna appears to have been born with his powers—or at the very least, they predated his lab experimentation. This means that it’s possible for other people in the ST universe to also be born with similar abilities.
We have hints that Will’s memories will be explored in Vol. 2 (e.g., Lonnie’s actor appearing at the table read; Noah posting a video of roller skating in his finale outfit)
Noah was wearing a harness at one point while filming S4
When asked about the saddest scene in ST, Noah said he thought of one in S4 (which likely relates to Will)
There’s a mixtape labeled “For Will” in promo material that we haven’t seen in the show yet
Will’s birthday was forgotten in Vol. 1 (and I do not believe this was an accident)
According to Netflix, an out-of-context spoiler word to describe S4 is “yes” (which has only ever been important in the past on the show during Mike’s memory of meeting Will on the swings)
In E7, El overpowers 001 following a memory of her mother’s “I love you,” suggesting again that love provides the key to Vecna’s defeat
In a recent interview, the Duffer brothers said that “Running Up That Hill” was chosen in part because of how well it connected thematically to how Vecna’s curse is defeated. (Does it have something to do with “swapping places,” then?)
From the episode titles that were released, we have several translations of last episode: “The Piggyback," "The Stowaway," "The Infiltration," "Eleven's Plan," "The Stealth Plan," "The Guest," and "The Hunt for Vecna"
That “infiltration” translation is interesting—Dustin asked Max if she thought she had infiltrated Vecna’s mind. He described her location as “Freddy Krueger’s boiler room,” which is notable since El is seen in the HNL boiler room with 001 before their faceoff
The D&D game and basketball game appear to foreshadow someone unexpected coming in at the last minute to provide a victory. Dustin’s roll is too low initially, and then Erica (the guest player) rolls a 20. Lucas is on the bench all game, but provides the winning shot.
More subjectively, there appear to be many Tom Riddle parallels with Vecna. If Will had more abilities than meets the eye, I think Vecna would be *very* interested in him, and possibly become preoccupied with understanding his abilities and the potential threats they may pose to him (in the way that Tom Riddle was obsessed with tracking down Harry). We already know that Will’s disappearance is tied to freezing the UD in time, but we don’t know how that may have affected Vecna—but if it did, it would provide him with a powerful motive for seeking out Will specifically (on top of other reasons).
Now let’s have some fun…here's one way I could imagine this coming together:
Paralleling the D&D and basketball games, the Hawkins gang make a plan to defeat Vecna that initially fails. The California gang + El arrive in Hawkins, El has her powers back, and they think they have everything set up for a victory, albeit a risky one. Since Max is still cursed, they attempt to make use of the fact that she’s familiar with Vecna’s location and tactics and that he’s still after her. Max chooses to stop listening to her mixtape in order to draw Vecna back. In the meantime, Eddie tries to disrupt the demobats’ echolocation abilities by shredding on his guitar, to keep Vecna from scouting for a new victim rather than keeping his attention on Max. Then, El attempts to make a psychic connection with Max during her trance in order to defeat Vecna, while Max tries to hold him off as long as possible. (In this way, they would “piggyback” onto Vecna’s connection with Max.)
However, this plan fails because the moment the California gang arrived, Vecna became obsessed with getting to Will—not only because of his trauma, but because of their similarities (if Will was born with abilities like he was) and/or the past connections he sees with the UD in Will’s memories. If Vecna is like Tom Riddle, he sees Will as a threat he needs to better understand. So Vecna doesn’t want to focus on Max, and he spotted Will before the demobats got diverted. However, he can’t resist the fact that Max is offering herself up to his clutches, so he keeps her in a limbo rather than the full trance that El needs in order for her to enact her part of the plan. El can’t make the connection she needs, and everyone panics.
Then: an unexpected person—Will—provides the key to victory, but it doesn’t look good at first. Vecna curses him while the other planning is being carried out. Maybe Will initially hides it, but eventually Mike sees a nosebleed (like he saw Max’s) and puts two and two together. Mike “kicks into gear” and alerts the others because he realizes Will is in danger—but it’s almost too late. Will is put into a trance with Vecna, and El’s newly regained powers are temporarily too crippled to connect with Will after her attempt with Max. Vecna relentlessly torments Will about feeling forgotten (especially on his birthday), about hiding his love for Mike, about his sexuality, and about his past traumas.
Maybe Vecna brings Will back to his memory of meeting Mike at the swings. If, like Voldemort, Vecna is an antagonist who doesn’t fully understand love, he might think Will wishes he could erase Mike from his life and all the suffering that came along with him. So maybe he asks Will, after all of his tormenting visions, if Will would choose to take back his “yes” to Mike. Even knowing the heartbreak, would he still choose to be his friend? Why return to that, when he could join him instead and make full use of his abilities?
But he underestimates Will—and Mike, who’s losing his mind trying to reach him. (Maybe he’s put on the “For Will” mixtape that he was too scared to give to Will on his birthday, but it’s not enough this time because Vecna learned from his encounter with Max.) Will’s trance goes on, and he levitates. His imminent danger prompts important realizations for Mike and ultimately leads to a love confession. Will more clearly sees what’s happening outside of his trance due to his “true sight” and stronger ability to communicate to/from the UD. He hears Mike’s love confession, which suddenly empowers him against Vecna in the way that El’s mother’s love did.
Will breaks free of Vecna by making a psychic connection with him and reversing who’s in control, overpowering him. “Yes,” he still chooses Mike, even with the pain that has accompanied everything. (Will the Wise rolls a 20. The lights everywhere shine intensely. Mike and the others think all might have been lost.) The psychic connection he creates opens a new rift, allowing him to get back through. He collapses into Mike’s arms, as Mike sobs in relief.
In a quieter moment, Will finally gives Mike his painting. It’s the two of them at the swings when they met. Before, “it was you guys who saved me.” This time, it was Mike.
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since feeling is first who pays any attention
Summary: Ginny has done her fair share of watching Harry over the years.
AO3 | FF.net
Note: This was originally a gift for the wonderful @remedialpotions for the 2020 Harry & Ginny Discord's Incognito Elf gift exchange that I always wanted to rework before posting! I decided to expand it and add more missed moments, one for each of Ginny's years at Hogwarts.
Special thank you to @takearisk-ao3 who not only beta'ed last minute but also created the above beautiful banner when she had no idea what this story was about aside from my poor vibe descriptions! And, hah, it's my birthday again, so why not post today?
since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you; wholly to be a fool while Spring is in the world
my blood approves and kisses are a better fate than wisdom lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry —the best gesture of my brain is less than your eyelids' flutter which says
we are for each other: then laugh, leaning back in my arms for life's not a paragraph
and death i think is no parenthesis
— e. e. cummings
Ginny presses her face against the wall, peeking between the stair spindles. Her eye lands on the two boys hunched over a chessboard. It’s her brother Ron and Harry Potter, who, despite appearing to be losing, doesn’t seem the least bit upset.
Harry Potter.
The Harry Potter is in her house. Looking comfortable on their couch despite the faded, mended cushions. His face crinkles in laughter at something Ron says, his green eyes bright with contentment. Ginny doesn’t miss the occasional look of awe at the things she has always taken for granted. It’s almost as if he can’t believe he is really here in their ordinary home.
He isn’t what she expected—isn’t what she imagined he would look like after all those years listening to Mum recite her favorite bedside story, about the heroic Savior of the Wizarding World. She had pictured neat hair, a dashing smile, someone who would recognize a comrade in her and take her on all sorts of adventures. He would be different. He wouldn’t discount her dreams of flying or of doing everything her brothers could and more. Instead, Harry Potter has the messiest hair ever, a sheepish smile, and clothes that he nearly swims in.
Oh, and he has somehow missed the memo and found a comrade in Ron instead.
Her fingers curl around the spindle. Not for the first time, a spike of envy shoots through her. If only she were a little older. Or a boy. Then maybe she would be the one playing chess with Harry. Maybe she would be the one to hide under his invisibility cloak and battle trolls and face You-Know-Who with him.
Ginny presses her face a little closer and lets out a sigh.
But Harry Potter is kind. He ignores all the times she has made a fool of herself. And he has the greenest eyes she’s ever seen. They are as green as those glowing jars of pickled toads at the apothecary Mum sometimes takes her to. Pretty and kind and not at all dismissive of her patched clothes or her glowing red face.
Harry Potter. If he likes Ron, if he actually likes the Burrow, if his face grimaces at the attention at Flourish and Blotts, could it be possible that one day he could like her too?
“Going to ask for his autograph, Ginny?”
Ginny lets out an uncharacteristic squeak as Fred sidles up against her, with George flanking her other side.
“Or are you going to yell at us about how the great Harry Potter is different?” George teases.
“Not just brave—”
“But humble too!”
“What a catch.” Fred pretends to swoon.
“If only he’d notice me, Fred.” George sighs dramatically.
Ginny glowers at them, shoving away from her hiding spot. “Stop it.”
“Or what?” Fred and George laugh, loudly enough that Ron and Harry glance over curiously. Already she can feel her face flame even as her eyes narrow.
“Or I’ll tell Mum about that powder you snuck into your rooms.”
She turns her heel just in time to see her brothers’ faces drain of color. With as much dignity she can muster, she storms back up the stairs. She immediately collapses on her bed, but the soft afghan does nothing to ease the embarrassment that burns behind her eyes.
The worst part is that there’s no one for her to talk to about how seeing Harry Potter—or him looking at her—sets off a blazing sensation somewhere in her chest that horrifically travels up to her face like a rash. It’s foreign and strange, nothing she’s ever experienced before.
She has no one to talk to about it. Ron has hardly spared her a second glance since Harry arrived. Fred and George tease her mercilessly. Percy, preoccupied with his shiny badge, just tells her she should focus on her studies so she can be a prefect like him one day. And there is no way Percy or Mum would let her borrow an owl to send a letter to Bill or Charlie.
Maybe some things are best kept secret. She’s used to taking matters in her own hands, picking locks the Muggle way after watching Fred and George do it. The hum of power under her fingers when she steals their brooms reminds her that age, gender, and size don’t define her. She’d rather they stop being berks and let her fly with them, but she has grown to love the uninhibited freedom of flying at night. And it’s made a touch sweeter by the thrill of something being just hers in a house and family where everything is shared.
Still. It would be nice to have someone to talk to, someone to confide in.
She’s brimming with foreign feelings, the bursting anticipation of finally, finally going to Hogwarts. It’s all she’s ever wanted since Bill went, so much that she snuck into his luggage, craving escapades and escape. All these feelings are strangely accentuated by Harry Potter in her home.
She lets out a sigh, finally unburying her flushed face. Her gaze falls on her cauldron, filled with the fanciest, most expensive, brand new books that Harry Potter had gifted her (her, not Ron, not anyone else). The thought makes her insides flutter.
Maybe if she studies hard, Harry Potter might see that she’s not too little and annoying. Maybe he will tell Ron to let her stay, let her join them.
Ginny is pulling out Year with the Yeti when a small black notebook slips onto the floor. She stares down at it for a moment, temporarily dazed. Had Dad bought this for her?
The little journal is faded but retains a simple prettiness, almost as if there’s more to it than its worn cover. Something about it seems to draw her in. Mum always says never judge a book by its cover.
She leans down to pick it up, and a small thrill shoots up her arm. Her fingers skim over the clean, crisp pages.
She hardly ever gets anything of her own.
So unaccustomed to being without someone her age, she’d taken to chronicling stories, events, and adventures—placeholders for the real thing—as a way to cope without her brothers. Dad would peek into her room sometimes, his eyes twinkling when he caught her writing. He must have known she’d want to remember every moment of her first year at Hogwarts. Ginny presses the book against her chest, falling back onto her bed.
How much of it will be filled with the Boy Who Lived?
#since feeling is first who pays any attention#ginny weasley#harry potter#missed moments#canon compliant#hinny#eventually#pining#i have seven chapters planned and 2 more fully drafted so expect updates sooner rather than later i hope!#also still working on unravel me#don't worry!#got quite a few words from nanowrimo for it but it needs more work#thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes already#i feel very loved#this is my gift to all of you#ginny weasley grows up one missed moment at a time
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If you don’t mind could you give us a timeline of Harry’s and bsgf!yn relationship? I always found it weird that if he a yn we’re together for a good amount of time why in the world he would agree to the stunt
it's because he's an asshole and she's too good for him but!!! here's a timeline of harry and bsgf!yn's relationship:
July 14, 2018: bsgf!yn and harry were introduced to each other backstage during his last show of Live On Tour by mutual friends. he asked for her number by the end of the night when they all went to celebrate the show.
July 16, 2018: they met again for brunch and were exceptionally nice to each other. some shy flirting.
July 17, 2018: went out for sushi with 3 other common friends. were sat beside each other.
July 20, 2018: went out for coffee together.
July 22, 2018: went to italy together with the rest of their friend group. both were intensively crushing on each other.
July 26, 2018: first date in italy. they walked, had lunch together, had ice cream and walked some more.
July 27, 2018: morning swim together.
July 30, 2018: went to london together because bsgf!yn had production work there.
August 3, 2018: pictured hiking together. fans asked who she was and guessed she was his gf but pictures of their friend group were posted and most settled on them being friends.
August 5, 2018: first kiss!!!
August 6, 2018: bsgf!yn was appointed as the supervisor creative director for euphoria s1 after issues revolving their former art director.
August 8, 2018: harry sent flowers to bsgf!yn on set with “STAY CREATIVE. LOVE, H”
August 15, 2018: another friend group trip to Cabo in which they were touchy and publicly flirty during. bsgf!yn stayed for 4 days only.
August 18, 2018: attended james corden’s birthday party together (and their friend group) but they were attached throughout it.
August 21, 2018: they talked about where they stand and both agreed to take it slow with no labels just to see where it was going.
*time skip ahead*
Late August to mid-November were busy as hell for bsgf!yn with euphoria so they both tried to make it work as best as they could, but they weren’t seeing each other as often as they wanted.
December 13, 2018: they attended a Fleetwood Mac show at the Forum together with a couple of friends, but they left together. first time harry slept over at bsgf!yn’s house.
December 15, 2018: harry travelled to london but bsgf!yn stays in LA for work
December 20, 2018: bsgf!yn surprised harry by flying to london. stayed at his house.
December 21, 2018: loads of kissing, flirty comments, touching during a christmas party with their friends.
December 26, 2018: bsgf!yn met anne, gemma and harry’s close friends for a game night. his family and friends knew exactly who she was which made harry shy. anne had a talk with him about when it was time to make things official.
December 31, 2018: new year’s kiss!!!
January 1, 2019: made it official!!! finally!!!
May 3, 2019: bsgf!yn was appointed as the supervising art director of Lights Up and Adore You
July 12, 2019: they moved in together!!!!
August 3, 2019: filming the Lights Up music video in Cancun
August 9, 2019: filming the Adore You music video
August 15, 2019: they had a talk about the publicity of their relationship, to which they both agreed to keep it private just so people didn’t meddle in their business. i imagine their relationship being as lowkey as harry and camille rowe's relationship.
*time skip ahead*
January 1, 2020: first anniversary!!!
September 12, 2020: harry was announced to have the role of Jack in DWD.
October 20, 2020: talks about the publicity stunt relationship happened. harry was given time to think about it.
October 21, 2020: harry told bsgf!yn about it. she was shocked, skeptical and sad that he was considering it. “they’re part of the business,” he had told her.
October 23, 2020: harry agreed to it on certain conditions: to keep it minimal.
October 25, 2020: a fight between harry and bsgf!yn because she was uncomfortable, to which harry said that she wasn’t being “supportive of his career despite him being careful with the agreement as to not hurt her feelings”
November 4, 2020: the stunt was put in action
November 5, 2020: harry was super romantic to bsgf!yn, assuring her that it was going to be a short-term thing and that none of it mattered because to him, it was just part of the acting he had to do.
January 1, 2021: second anniversary!!!!
January 2, 2021: jeff told bsgf!yn how she needed to appear less with harry even in settings where it wasn’t just the both of them. harry was uncomfortable, but said nothing. it was set that harry was to appear with olivia as his plus one to jeff and glenne’s wedding.
January 3, 2021: bsgf!yn felt like shit and decided to not attend the wedding, but glenne objected by saying “it’s my wedding and i want you there. not as harry’s girlfriend, but as my friend.”
January 4, 2021: holivia couple debut during jeff and glenne’s wedding.
bsgf!yn’s birthday in 2021: harry didn’t attend her birthday because he needed to be sighted walking with olivia in the morning and not in distracting news during the flourishing of the stunt.
a day after, 2021: harry made it up to her by a two-day trip to the amalfi coast, just the both of them.
April 18, 2021: harry and olivia were photographed walking while linking arms.
April 20, 2021: bsgf!yn and joe keery meet through the supervising art director of Stranger Things, sean brennan.
June 30, 2021: harry and olivia were spotted in italy with their arms around each other.
July 5, 2021: harry and olivia were spotted kissing on a yacht. bsgf!yn turned her phone off all day, began to feel insecure and deeply uncomfortable. was checked on by sarah and spent the night trying to feel better.
July 6, 2021: another big fight about the stunt. bsgf!yn said she needed some space. harry told her he respected that and gave her space but sent in flowers, chocolates, and a handwritten love letter.
July 8, 2021: harry made it up to her. again. more talk about how it wasn’t real and it would be over soon.
October 2, 2021: harry and bsgf!yn pictured having brunch together about which they both were criticized for by jeff and management.
October 4, 2021: bsgf!yn was asked to keep fan interactions to very minimum because fans favored her to which she said: “no, i won’t do that. you’re harry’s manager, not mine.”
January 1, 2022: third anniversary!!!!
May 24, 2022: shit hit the fan. bsgf!yn was asked to watch from backstage. breakup.
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The Mystery of 1108
When I first became a Jikooker, I started to watch and read different theories on Jikook channels and blogs, and the 1108 theory was one of those theories that all Jikookers collectively agreed on. Based on this theory, the 8th day of November is a special anniversary for Jikook because they started dating on that day. We know Jikook care so much about special days and anniversaries, because they have posted several times on Valentine's days, and Korean romantic dates, and they never miss spending a birthday together. So, after learning this theory, I started to expect them to do something on this special day, but it never happened. In 2018, the Jimin t-shirt thing happened, and no one expected him or the other members to do anything anytime soon. One year later, JK had a car accident at the beginning of November, and again, appearing on social media or going out was too much to ask for. Then in 2020 and the years after that, when Jikook didn't post or do anything special, I started to question this theory. Of course, this theory was fully based on facts. JK had released GCF in Tokyo on this very day after all, but could all this be just a coincidence? I mean, he might have finished the editing that day, or maybe he was just matching the numbers with the hotel room as a special message for Jimin? It's not impossible. What was the truth?
To see things more clearly, let's review all the facts; Where the 1108 theory comes from? The truth is, the 1108 theory never existed until JK posted the GCF in Tokyo on the Bangtan TV channel on November 8th, 2017. This was definitely a turning point in the history of Jikookers, and they started to dig into the numbers and dates to find some links and connections that could help them to know more about Jikook:
The first ever jikook video on Twitter was posted on November 8th, 2015, right after the Melon awards.
100 days later, on February 15th, JK posted the cover of "Nothing like us" by Justin Bieber.
On November 8th, 2016, BTS was leaving for Japan, and Jimin posted a Jikook video on the plane.
1000 days later, JK posted a selca at Malta at 10:13 local time, which is Jimin hour.
If you ask me, there is a high possibility for these four incidents to be just coincidences, and Jikook might never mean to share any secrets by posting them. Don't get me wrong, I'm only looking at this theory in a different way and not denying it because first, several other theories indicate Jikook started dating around the same era (late 2015), and second, the evidence is not limited to those four incidents I mentioned.
Let's look at the second part of evidence; Jimin approved the 1108 theory by using the number 2315 at the Soul concert ment when exactly 2315 days had passed from 151108, or by posting a selca with glasses at 1:50 AM when 1500 days had passed. And JK also made it clear several times that 1108 has a special meaning for him by using 1:18 as the timestamp or posting at 23:08. If you look at the second part of the evidence, you will see that they are more recent and started at the end of 2018. But why? We will come back to this later.
Let me ask another question first: Do Jikook celebrate the anniversary of GCF in Tokyo?
Imagine you got married, and your partner is making a video of your wedding/honeymoon footage to publish on social media. Will you celebrate the actual trip/ceremony anniversary or the anniversary of the day you posted the video? The answer is clear. I know Jikook are not common people, and this comparison might not be 100% accurate, but at least it gives us a pretty good insight into how Jikook might see these dates and anniversaries. Jikook celebrate their Tokyo trip anniversary, and they have been loud about it several times, here are some examples:
1. They were super loud at Soul SYS concerts on October 29th.
2. Exactly 1000 days after 171031, JK covered "10000 hours" by Justin Bieber.
3. On the 4th anniversary of their trip, JK covered "Falling" by Harry Styles.
Let's make the post short and have the conclusion already. In my opinion, 1108 is not an anniversary for Jikook, it is a code.
We know JK loves to use codes to convey his hidden messages, and he tried it with 123 or 13 before, but other shippers and OT7s sabotaged the message (you know how). So he chose something with more clear meaning for his target audience. This code (whether it refers to a special date or not) is directly connected to Jikook, and they both have been using it since 2019.
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The matching yellow purple outfits!!!!! Omg that was a perfect addition. Could you do more of that with Harry x zendaya if that’s not too much trouble for you.

didn’t do the cheating thing because yuck but here you go <3
posts with zendaya
1, 2

Liked by tchalamet, oliviarodrigo and 2,193,662 others
yourinstagram men suck :/
View all 34,723 comments
ynfan1 girl what
ynfan2 bestie what’s wrong ?
arianagrande i love you, you deserve the world !!
yourinstagram @/arianagrande 🥺
harryfan1 imagine being this pretty while crying
harryfan2 what happened? is this about harry ??
yourinstagram @/harryfan2 lol
ynfan3 confused


tmz_tv Everyone’s favourite couple Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L\N have reportedly split up after three years of dating. Sources say it’s believed that Harry cheated while being away on tour. Link in bio for more.
View all 1,663 comments
harryfan3 what the fuck
harryfan4 but they were so cute 🥺
ynfan3 apparently a fan met y/n and asked if harry cheated and she said no?? people really just believe anything they read lol
six months later - (yn hasn’t posted or been seen since her break up with harry)

Liked by tchalamet, arianagrande and 3,256,953 others
yourinstagram @/tchalamet
View all 87,423 comments
ynfan5 sis disappeared for six months and comes back with this??? girl what 😭
tchalamet you’re my favourite co-star
yourinstagram @/tchalamet don’t let saorise see this
harryfan5 wait why do i ship them??
harryfan6 are they together?
yourinstagram @/harryfan6 we filmed a movie besties that’s all
arianagrande 🥺

Liked by yourinstagram, lilnasx and 2,819,329 others
tchalamet my best friend, my favourite co-star, my love. i fell in love with you the day we both walked onto set. happiest of birthdays to you. you deserve everything.
View all 51,827 comments
ynfan7 i’m fucking crying
yourinstagram never been happier and i owe it all to you. thank you, my love <3
tchalamet @/yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan7 happy birthday y/n !!
harryfan8 he’s cute but he’s not harry
yourinstagram @/harryfan8 yeah that’s kind of the point
arianagrande hbd gorg @/yourinstagram !! ily <3
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