#imagine he forgot eyeglasses so he decided to put mask on
up1r · 1 year
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normal suit >>>> holo suit
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tsukkeilate · 5 years
Dear Future Parents
As they walked to his father’s residence, Chisaki could see why one of his mother’s description of his father was that he’s charming.
This is the fourth time they were stopped by giggling school girls flocking around his father, who decided to entertain them a bit before excusing himself. His charismatic smile paired with pointed comments on how he’ll be late if he stay any longer deterred those girls from bothering him further. Chisaki could only watch in awe and mild amusement as they stammer in apology and point fingers at their companions for disturbing his father. They usually erupt in small banter after his father take his leave. Though oddly enough, these girls seem to never notice his presence. Perhaps they were too engrossed by his charming father that they forgot there’s another person accompanying him?
“Am I ugly?” Chisaki asked after catching up with his father’s pace.
“Chisa-chan, you look like me. Are you saying I’m ugly?” Oikawa replied instead.
“No, but the girls don’t look like they’ve noticed me.” Chisaki reasoned.
“Oh, that. I have been diverting their attention away from you. We never know what will happen in the future if you interact with anyone in the past. Anyone except me, of course.” Oikawa said.
Chisaki arched an eyebrow at his father’s explanation, “why exactly?”
“Tut-tut. Don’t be too impatient, Chisa-chan! We’re near my home anyway.” Oikawa said lightly.
“Can you stop calling me that? My name is Chisaki. Not Chisa-chan.” Chisaki said, grumbling.
Oikawa pretended to be in deep thought, “hmmm... nope! Chisa-chan’s cuter.” He said with that infuriating faux happy voice that ticks his son off.
“You’re annoying.” Chisaki said, crossing his arms.
Oikawa dramatically placed his hand on his chest, “how mean! Is this how I raised you to be? Disrespectful to your elders?!” He said.
Chisaki rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, my mother raised me.” He replied.
Oikawa caught on to the implication and flinched, which didn’t go unnoticed to Chisaki. They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence, before Oikawa announced they’ve reached their destination few minutes later.
“Make yourself at home Chisa-chan.” Oikawa said, putting his bag on his chair.
Chisaki scanned his father’s bed room. Volley ball posters posted on walls, a glass shelf at the left most corner, bed made and the place overall tidy. There were few gym equipment sitting at the rightmost corner of his room, including a worn out volleyball.
Chisaki noticed the certificates and medals displayed at the glass shelf, carefully examining them one by one.
“Mom wasn’t kidding when she said you were the best setter in the prefecture.” Chisaki mumbled.
“Aw, thank you Chisa-chan. You flatter me.” Oikawa said, grinning.
Chisaki decided to ignore his father and continued looking around. Chisaki stopped when he saw the pictures adorning his father’s study desk, carefully placed behind a thin sheet of tempered glass.
It was his parents’ photos taken at various places; some were from those cutesy photo booths he could never imagine his mother going to on her own (his father most likely the suspect) with cute filters plastered on the sides. Others were from the local museums, parks and amusement rides. There were also separate photos of them, most of which are middle school graduation and tournament pictures.
Chisaki took his time to view his parents’ photos, and noted how young his mother looked. Her hair’s longer too. Chisaki known for a fact his mother was attractive; the stories told to him by his aunt Shou and uncle Hitoka gave him the impression that his mother was constantly courted by male students and if it weren’t for his father, who was her boyfriend at the moment, she would have been aggressively sought after.
He just didn’t realize that his mother was this pretty. She grew from a lanky child to a tall slender young woman who accentuates her beauty by her expressive blue eyes and bow shaped lips. On top of that, she possess a fair skin, luscious raven locks and body shaped like an hour glass. Her atrocious sense of fashion can’t mask how stunning she is. Chisaki’s led to believe that her mother deserves better than his absent father, who was being suspiciously quiet for a while now.
“Lovely isn’t she?” Oikawa said quietly, gazing at his mother’s photo with fondness and adoration in his eyes.
Chisaki said nothing as Oikawa coughed to recompose himself.
“Anyway! I’m sure you didn’t come here all the way from the future to talk about how splendid the pictures on my desk are.” He started, “so I’ll answer any of your questions as long as they don’t endanger the future.”
“Why am I here?” Chisaki did not hesitate to ask the first thing that came into his mind, “and why did you act as if you know I’ll be here when we first met?”
“Slow down Chisa-chan, we got time.” Oikawa chuckled at his son’s eagerness to ask.
“As for the first question, I’m not entirely sure. In most cases, people are sent from the future to the past to fix something wrong in the timeline. Which we have to oversee to ensure they don’t go overboard with it. As for the second question, I was told by the agency that there will be an anomaly arriving today. By anomaly, it means people from the future. I wasn’t told the exact time and number of people so I skipped classes and grabbed the first train boarding from Tokyo to Miyagi.”
‘Agency? Anomaly?’ Something isn’t right.
“What are you?” Chisaki asked, a bit terse.
Oikawa seemed to mull over his response, “hm... I suppose that is the question you’ve been dying to ask. To put it simply, I’m an esper. My ability is to time travel, in which I was recruited by the Agency that specializes dealing with Espers.”
“Stop fooling around.” Chisaki scowled. “I’m not a kid anymore. You can’t fool me.”
Oikawa placed his hands up, “I’m not, I promise. I guess you need proof to believe.” He said thoughtfully.
“How about this. In the future, Freckles-chan and Manager-kun would get married and have twins.” Oikawa said. Chisaki crinkled his nose in confusion.
“Yamaguchi-chan and Hitoka-kun.”
Chisaki looked his father sceptically. Given the circumstances, there’s no reason for him to lie. And to be able to name an event correctly from the future, Chisaki reluctantly admits that his father might be one of those people.
“Since you’re an esper, does that mean I’m one too?” He asked instead.
“Have you manifested any signs from when you’re younger? Such as weird paranormal activity happening around you?” Oikawa asked.
“No.” Chisaki promptly replied.
“Then, it’s safe to say you aren’t. My older sister does not possess esper abilities as well.”
Chisaki doesn’t know if he’ll be relieved or disappointed that he turned out to be normal, unlike his father. So he decided to console himself that at least he’s good at volleyball and his mother is a pro-volleyball player who teaches him techniques in her spare time.
“I think that’s all I want to know.” Chisaki said, satisfied, “thanks dad.”
Oikawa blinked owlishly at him, “oh... right.” He coughed, “sorry, I can’t get used to you calling me dad when we’re practically same age right now.”
“Have you ever travelled to the future?” Chisaki asked curiously.
“Sometimes, when I need to.” Oikawa replied. “But it takes up a lot of energy so as much as possible I don’t.”
“I see.” Chisaki said.
“If you don’t have any more questions,” Oikawa stopped mid-sentence to rummage around his clothes, selecting a white face mask and black cap, “wear this.”
“Why?” Chisaki asked with a brow raised.
“Because you’re going on a disguise!” Oikawa replied
“No one knows me.” Chisaki said, tone laced with heavy judgement.
“That’s not the case, Chisa-chan. You can’t talk to anyone here. And if someone noticed how you look similarly like me, they’re bound to question you.” Oikawa reasoned, as if it was obvious.
Chisaki clicked his tongue, “fine.” He said, taking the mask and cap from Oikawa.
“Oh! Try these on too.” Oikawa handed him a pair of rounded eyeglasses. Chisaki said nothing and took it from his father. “They don’t have a grade, don’t worry.”
After putting them on, he looked himself at the mirror to see if it matches his outfit. Even when he’s on a disguise he should look presentable and not a walking fashion disaster.
Like his mother, he mentally supplied.
Thank gods he’s always there to deter her from wearing some very questionable color combinations.
With his black tracksuit and pair of white running shoes, his disguise fit well with his ensemble. Although he thinks that the face mask makes him more suspicious, he decided not to question it.
“All set? Let’s go!” Oikawa enthused.
“Order everything you want, it’s on me.” Oikawa sing songed, leafing through the menu.
The place they went to eat wasn’t that far from his father’s residence. It was a ten minute walk, which wasn’t that bad. Truthfully, Chisaki had never been in a bistro, usually it’s either a fancy restaurant or fast food when he and his mother eat out, depending on the occasion.
“Really?” Chisaki asked in confirmation, his eyes lit up as if it was Christmas.
Oikawa chuckled, “Yes.” He said.
“Well then. I want ...”
Oikawa watched his son eat happily with platters of food in front of him, not once faltering on his pace. He could feel his wallet becoming lighter, as Chisaki finish the food on the plates with vigour.
“This is your mother’s favourite place.” Oikawa commented, “she eats a lot too.”
“Sha hen awthele. ”
“Swallow your food before talking, Chisaki-chan.”
Chisaki swallowed and wiped his mouth with a napkin, “she’s an athlete. It’s given.” He pointed out.
“I’m an athlete too but I don’t eat like this.” Oikawa reminded him.
“She’s a growing child.” Chisaki retorted.
“Mhmm sure.” Oikawa said.
Chisaki took another bite, “play with me.” He said.
“You’re also a volleyball player right? A setter too. Toss to me after this.” He said.
Oikawa clicked his tongue. He reached across the table and flicked Chisaki’s forehead.
“Tone it down brat, I’m still older than you.” Oikawa said, slightly irked. “Geez, is volleyball the only thing in your mind? You're like your mother.”
“I have excellent grades.” Chisaki replied.
“At least you inherited my intelligence. Tobio-chan’s grades are terrible that she usually has to take supplementary lessons before being allowed on court.” Oikawa said, sighing dramatically.
“She does?” Chisaki asked, surprised. His mother never mentioned anything like that.
“She does.” Oikawa said sagely, “along with Chibi-chan.”
“The one with orange hair. Hinata.”
“Ah.” Chisaki started eating again, “You have weird names for people.” He pointed out.
“I do not!” Oikawa denied.
“You do.” Chisaki said flatly, “anyway, uncle Toshi used to tutor aunt Shou too when they were still dating.”
“What.” Oikawa stood up suddenly, garnering stares from other customers. He smiled at them before sitting down, his intrigued eyes on Chisaki.
“Ushiwaka and Chibi-chan are dating?” He asked.
Chisaki regarded him for a second, “yeah.” He paused before he added, “they’re married. Their baby’s arriving at winter.”
Chisaki took his time being entertained at his father’s flabbergasted face. He was absolutely dumbfounded that aunt Shou and Uncle Toshi are having a baby and married. He wished he could take a snap at his father’s face, it’s too hilarious not to.
“What did chibi-chan saw in him anyway? He’s boring.” Oikawa muttered, suddenly annoyed after the initial shock worn out.
“You don’t like uncle Toshi?” Chisaki tilted his head, “why?”
“He’s a stoic asshole who thinks he’s above everyone else.” Oikawa replied without hesitation, “also he keeps gloating over the fact that his team would always beat mine. ‘You should have to Shiratorizawa’, he always say. It’s annoying!”
When his father made a poor attempt in mimicking Ushijima’s voice, Chisaki couldn’t help but to laugh out loud. His father’s dislike towards his uncle was comedy gold.
“Hey! Why are you laughing?! It’s true, you know!” Oikawa said, indignant.
This caused him to laugh harder, which fuels to the irritation of his father. Oikawa thinks that his son is having too much fun over the idea that he and Ushijima don’t get along. It’s unnerving to say the least.
While the two was engrossed in their conversation, they did not notice a female figure entering the bistro and approaching them right after she saw them by the window.
Oikawa turned his attention to the feminine voice, his worsening mood instantly became better.
Chisaki, on the other hand, couldn’t help but to gape as he stares at the younger version of his mother all in her youthful glory. He couldn’t believe the younger self of his mother was standing right in front of him, clueless of the distant future.
A/N : In this narrative, Oikawa's 19 (currently in uni) and Tobio's 17 (third year). Additionally, I took the liberty to incorporate mob 100 verse regarding Oikawa's special abilities. Like Mob, he's a normal student but with special part time jobs.
(Yes, he gets paid that's why he can treat his son like that #RichDad)
I hope this chapter is to your liking! See you in the next!
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