ajokeformur-ray · 3 years
Woke up with morning sickness the last two days...no logical explanation for it, so I would like to think it means I’m pregnant with Randy’s babies in another world 😂💕
asdfghjk darling omg I am so sorry that you’ve had morning sickness the last two days😱😱😱 are you okay?!!!
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I’m so worried about you darling!!💙💙💙💙💙
But yeeeeees ~ skskskksk I think you must be, my love!🎉🥳 I’m sure Randy’s ecstatic about it all asdfghj you’re his entire life!!💜💜💜 He’d know even before any tests were done lmfao he strikes me as the type of man to just know when his wife is pregnant because of how well he knows you.🥺🤗
Take care of you, angel, you deserve the world and more!
(And I’m so proud of you for sending this in omgggg ~ 😭😭😭)
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You’re such a light and an amazing person in this community. You love Arthur so deeply and so richly, and it’s always been so inspiring to me. You’re such a talented, thoughtful, amazing, and bright person and I’m so glad that I’ve come to know you over the past year!! I hope you have a wonderful day love, and thank you for the warm person that you are! ❤️❤️❤️
-impulsiveclown (sorry for having to send this ask on my main jsksks)
Thank you so much angel! 💕💙And thank you for such beautiful words, coming from you means a lot! I've always admired you both as a writer and as a person, and your love for Arthur has always been one of my greatest inspiration. Your love for him is inspiring just as much and I'm so flattered you think the same about me 🥺 thank you omg, I think the every same about you, I feel lucky to know you as I do! Thank you again, I'm always thinking of you and I always hope you're doing well, I hope you're having good days. Thanks to you for being the warm and wonderful person that you are! 🥺💕💙🌺
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quinn-tessence · 3 years
Ok. Need a quick huddle with all of you around here! 🥺🥺🥺
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Want to thank you all for the joy you bring in my life every single day. I mean it! Thank you for being so supportive and kind, for reading the miles of text and viewing the dozens of artworks my passion for this rascal pulls out of me. I can't stop it and I don't ever want to. You make me smile like this guy over here 😊❤
I'm so deeply grateful I found this home to lay my thoughts in, and to be welcomed by your smiles and encouragement whenever I step out of my exhaustingly busy everyday life and into this safe space. You're making a girl very happy from wherever you are in the world! 🥺❤
I am humbled in the most heartwarming way every time I read your comments on my art, especially my writing. I've never written before for anyone, and posting my first story felt like an emotional rollercoaster, but I haven't regretted taking that step! So many amazingly kind and talented people I've met around here, you keep me inspired and motivated every day, YOU'RE AWESOME! 💖💝💖💝💖💝
So, please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed you from my tag list. I would hate to bother anyone and I respect the fact that crushes sometimes go away, we've all been there! Yet, this one in particular is so much more for me and is not going anywhere. I will keep creating art with Joaquin at its center, be it Arthur/Joker or other of his characters, and I'd be delighted to share those with you, if you'd have them! 😇
Here's a happy bunch of those lovely people together 🤗❤
@sweet-nothings04 @ajokeformur-ray @wuika @iartsometimes ​ @fleckcmscott ​@jokerownsmysoul  @bananabreaddough @arthurflecksgirl @cruuelty @hhandley80 @shaw-2000 @fruitjuicebasket @imaginarytowel @flowerglitterwoman @nothingclown @j05eph @justafleck @the-one-who-is-chaoz @darknessisafriend @fly-like-a-phoenix @beatlebabe1996 @harleyq80 @chalkicharli @deathlthallow  @delicatecroissantprofessorthing @readingafterdarkness @nendouism @sirianisrock @blueberrybellyache
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computermaus · 3 years
Out of curiosity, have you sent any asks lately to imaginarytowel? Some of the anons sound a bit like you.
a few yes why?
I just love her blog.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Clarissa 🥺😭
I admittedly procrastinated on writing this because I genuinely just... can’t even begin to quantify my feelings for you into the space of one post on Tumblr. I... how do I even start to write about all of this? It’s overwhelming in the bestest way, but I’ll try, angel. For you, I’ll always try.🧡
Darling one, you are ethereal. 
There is no one like you and there never will be again. You are the platonic love of my life and there’s no soul I’d rather be so closely bonded to. What you and I share is something I used to think was just for the books; a fairy tale to go to bed dreaming of. But now I know, you’ve shown me, that soulmates, true love, and other such things I used to roll my eyes at and dismiss with a twinge of pain deep within me, are real... I have all of those things in you. And we discovered it quite by chance, didn’t we? Both of us threw ourselves into it and I’m so fucking glad we did, because look at what we have. What we’ve made. 
You are such a beautiful soul; inside and out does beauty and warmth, love and light radiate from you. You truly shine even from within your own darkness and that only shows the true depth of your character, the real strength of who you are, though of course I wish you didn’t have to be so strong. You are the most resilient and courageous person I know; you’re in so much pain but you’re still so full of love and to allow yourself to feel even that with everything you’re going through and experiencing is... phenomenal. You are truly someone I admire and look up to you. You’ve pulled me from the pits of my own torment while suffering in your own more times than I can remember, and I always do my best to do the same for you. You’re not alone, baby, I promise. I’m right there with you; in thought, in spirit... in your heart. 
I have never known someone so loving, so compassionate, so strong and so protective of her loved ones; you are fierce and I couldn’t be prouder of you. All that you are; all that you’ve ever been and will ever be is deserving of and worth more than you know and if I could hold a mirror up to your soul, I would show you the woman I see when I look at you. She’s... celestial. I can’t ever describe who you are in any other words than words which allude to a higher power because you too good to be true in the best sense. You are everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more and if I could hold my younger self, the girl who used to cry herself to sleep at night in true yearning of a friend who loved her, I would tell her to wait... to just wait. For someone called Clarissa. I would point her your way and I’d smile to know she’s being taken care. You are... everything to me and to your F/Os and we all love you so fucking much it hurts us in the sweetest way. Sometimes I just cry over my laptop when I’m writing to you (and writing this has put a lump in my throat, too) because I just love you so much I can’t possibly contain it.
You are... strong, brave, protective, determined, emotionally intelligent and emotionally intuitive, raw in your intensity for love and for the things and people which mean the most to you, passionate and compassionate and impassioned, so skilled with art and writing and you are the most hard working person I know. You are... so much more than just these things, too. You’re a blinding white light who chases the shadows away and you don’t even have to try. You do this just by being you. I know you’re in pain, my love, I see you. I see you and I know you and I love you and it’s an honour to do so. If I could give you everything you crave for, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would sacrifice even knowing Joker if it meant giving you everything you deserve with your F/Os. I would trade never knowing him for a chance to give you everything and I’d do it in a heartbeat because I can’t think of anyone worthier of achieving their dreams than you. 
Your name is your best descriptor because you are beyond words. Hell, I’m getting to the point where words run dry because you are just... everything. When I can’t go on, when I’m tired or so angry I can’t even think, I close my eyes, put my hand on my heart and I say your name... and it makes me smile and it makes me breathe and I know I can go on. You give me so much strength and love just by being you and I can’t thank you enough for being so. You’re my sunshine, my starshine, my light and my love and my life and I adore you so much. I cherish you immeasurably. I’m here for you, my love, you’re not alone. I adore you and I’d die for you.💛
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you  I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you🥺😭🥰💗💖💜💚💙🤗
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
📝 👀
I asked you to send in this emoji weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for this whole time for words to come to me, I’ve been waiting to hear and to understand what to say, but I think this is one of those things in which you’re never ready... so I’ll start now and see what happens.
First, and most importantly... I love you. I love you I love you I love you. 
I love you. 
You are... radiant.
Every day I think I can’t be prouder of you, that I can’t miss you more, that I can’t love you more, that I can’t admire you more... and every day I’m proven wrong. You are the coffee in my mug. You are That’s Life blasting through my headphones to block out you-know-who when I’m doing chores around the house. You are my light, my life, my love. You are my everything. My bestest friend whom I love the mostest. My one and only.
You are so beautiful a soul inside and out. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. You are so warm and gentle, so empathetic and wise, so tender hearted, strong and brave (though I’m so sorry that you have to be), so kickass and so fiercely protective of your loved ones. Your interests and personality are always valid and worthy of being heard, seen and paid attention to, just as you are, and I cannot say enough how much better you deserve in everything.
My love, you’re working so hard and you’re doing so much and I’m in awe of you and your strength. Every single day, you inspire me. You make me want to do more and to be more, you make me want to try. When I’m lying in bed watching Joker dancing down the stairs to coax myself into starting my day, my thoughts most often turn to you. Clarissa would tell you to get up, Erika. Just sit up. Then peel the duvet back. Then one leg over the side. One step at a time... and my thoughts turn back to Joker. You guide me through my day, every day. I wake up thinking of you. I think of you while I’m at work; excited am I to come home to any messages I got from you during the night (our five hour time difference is more palatable during the day)... I think of you when I’m doing the chores and trying not to lose my temper. I think of you all the time, my love. You are so important and so loved, more than you know. 
I love you so so much. Ironically, I have no way of telling you just how much I love you because there are no words. You are so much more than you know. You are braver, stronger, more intelligent. Gentler, kinder, more loving, more tender... you are so loved. By me, by your F/Os, and by others here; you have many silent lovers, darling, though that doesn’t pay the serotonin bills, of course. You are worthy and valuable, valid and real, alive and so much more than you’re aware of. Ironically, that’s your strength. You are so creative and so passionate, so compassionate and so empathetic, so sympathetic and so intelligent creatively, emotionally and in other ways too. Everything you do is worthy, valid and valuable and creating and loving for their own sake is so brave. You are brave. And good. And strong. You’re everything I never knew I needed until I did. You have changed my life in so many ways and you’ve given me so many reasons. You are my reason. I adore you, cherish you, treasure you and I love you. My home.💗
I miss you, so much. I love you. I’m proud of you, and I’m here, angel. Always. I know you’re hurting badly, darling, and I want you to know that I see and recognise your pains, your efforts, your trials and your successes. I see you, I know you, and I’m so proud of you, as are your F/Os, and we all love you deeply! Please put yourself first and look after yourself, Clarissa; you’re an angel. So beautiful inside and out, and the world is warmer and brighter with you in it. I’d be so lost without you. I love you I love you I love you.
Forever and a day.
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not-siri · 3 years
My career hc's
Stan: marine biologist
I see him as a curious and adventurous person. And he has also shown to care about mammals. Also his father is a scientist. And even if it was hard he would still do it. Because he isn't someone to give up once he set his mind to something.
Kyle: A Software engineer
His knowlege about Computers. Or anything else related with computers. Kyle is more the office type of guy.
Kenny: A prostitute (kidding).
A detective.
Wants to protect the town. He's pays attention.
Cartman: Youtuber
He sits at home posts fake apologies, makes racist and sexist remarks.
*inhale* Yeah, that’s some good shit. Great job!
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computermaus · 3 years
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