#imagie by my friend draws !!
itspronouncedfeckyou · 6 months
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i can't imagine anything
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bloopygooo · 10 months
drawing what I hear
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Not sure if you guys knew this about me but an interesting fact about me is i can visulize imagies and colours when i listen to music one song in particular cuaght my attention so the itch to make it on paper kept growing louder and louder and i thought i might share it with you guys ^^ let me know what you guys think! :3
And yes I did just copy paste this from earlier
The first one shown is “my alcoholic friends” and the other one is “back from the edge.”
“back from the edge” was so bright and vivid it was uncomfortable not to translate it onto paper. I really suggest you listen to it to really understand what my art piece represents it was what colours I heard and shapes I saw
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imaginationblur · 2 years
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I am so down for the idea of other animatronics being used to escape the Pizza Plex in FNAF Security Breach…. But what if we didn’t only just play as Gregory?
Aka: I wanted to design some cute ass kids and really need to practice drawing anything that resembles humans :,D
Just a silly idea I thought up of at 3 am and scribbled down, the chemistry between resentful but brave and intelligent with big old paper bear is super sweet- however….
I would totally be down to see Chica handling a kid who could match her big appetite and escape together as she tries to get him out unscathed TOTAL big sister energy, Montgomery showing a small shy child to finally stand up and raise her voice while she teaches him to be kind and not destroy everything in sight, and finally, Roxanne being a total “stop calling me mom” mom to a hyperactive very imaginative kid she loves but won’t admit
Ayyyyyy…. I think it would be totally cool.
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redcynder1234 · 2 years
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Hello everyone and happy pride month! Sorry Ive been gone for a bit. I took a decent break from art and drawing as my life was getting a bit more stressful.
But! I am back and drawing more then ever. So I give you this! An imagie of my OC lostheart! And my friends OC @lesbianmokou hailsong!!
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egcdeath · 4 years
secret santa
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pairing: ransom drysdale x f!reader
a/n: this is so self indulgent. SO SELF INDULGENT. more self indulgent than anyone will ever be able to comprehend. before u all read this, i want u to know it was originally supposed to be about training ransom at a job, but then i realized that i nothing about 1. working at a coffee shop and 2. training an employee. also, i am the worst at writing dialogue. so i didn’t write a lot of dialogue LMAO enjoy :)
also, half of this was written at 1 am. just a warning
warnings: coffee shop au, enemies (kinda) to lovers, a lil fluff, not really angst but bitter feelings, kinda slow burn and then all the sudden a fast burn i’m sorry 😭
word count: 2.6k
You woke up to the sound of your alarm rumbling your bedside table sometime around the asscrack of dawn, and rubbed your eyes with a groan. Sometimes, you really couldn’t stand your job, but bills didn’t really pay themselves, did they? You rolled out of bed, and began your dreaded morning routine before heading out to start your opening shift at your local café.
Somewhere between warming up the espresso machine and taking out last night’s trash (which you shouldn’t have had to do in the first place), an older, yet expensive looking car pulled up to the front of the parking lot. You were a bit confused, as you’d never seen this vehicle, and it was quite clear that you weren’t exactly open yet. You watched as a tall man hopped out of the car, wearing a large peacoat and very unnecessary sunglasses. He approached the door, gave it a knock, then waited for you to come open it for him. Reluctantly, you made your way over, and in order to keep yourself safe, began to speak through the glass.
“Can I help you?” You asked in an annoyed tone, then gestured towards the piece of paper that labeled your hours on the door. There was no reason for any customer to be here this early. You looked up at the mystery man and made a rather intense eye contact with him. If this was any indicator of your crowd today, work was going to be far from pleasant.
“Yeah, I was told that I’m starting today?” He had a wicked smirk on his face, like he knew he was getting under your skin already. You hated people like him, and couldn’t believe that he could possibly be your coworker. On the bright side, he probably wouldn’t last long in the first place.
“Well, are you sure you’re here on time? I can’t see any situation where Melissa would schedule to open for your very first shift.” You commented with a furrowed brow.
“Eh, I kinda just figured I’d come in whenever. The girl in my bed was an early riser, so I thought to myself ‘Why not just come in now?’” He said casually.
“Your name?” You inquired, trying to keep your annoyance to yourself, and put on a customer service smile.
“Hugh, or Ransom,” he responded. You turned around, allowed yourself a huff and eye roll, then walked through the kitchen, and into the break room to check if he truly was a new employee, or just some random creep. Sure enough, a bright pink post-it note in very neat handwriting confirmed this man’s existence. You made your way back to the door, unlocked it, and let him in.
“Since you’re here, you should… set down the chairs,” you told him, less than entertained by his presence. You could just tell he was bad news. This Ransom guy was like the textbook definition of a red flag. He talked your ear off while you tried to get through your opening routine, some casual remarks about his last hookup, complaints about how he only got this job because his mother was a regular and good friends with your manager, and how he was threatened to get cut out of his grandfather’s will if he didn’t get employed soon, and what better way to spite your family than to mess up their daily coffees.
Eventually, a few more of your coworkers, along with your manager, Melissa, made it to the café before the morning rush began. You were sitting down at your typical barstool spot, and sipping an iced Americano when Melissa broke the news to you that you would be training the new employee. Upon hearing the news, you audibly groaned, and rubbed your forehead. There was no way that you could handle this man.
During his first week, Ransom not only managed to offer (and successfully give) six customers his phone number, break two mugs, mess up more orders than even Euclid could comprehend, and spill straws a multitude of times all over the floor, but he began to flirt with you relentlessly. You had no idea why you’d become his new target of choice, when it was clear that he could have literally anyone he wanted. Maybe he liked that you were playing hard to get.
If you were being honest, you had to accept that he was handsome. And rich. And the definition of a fuckboy. And since you were being frank with yourself, you had to acknowledge that you were attracted to that ‘toxic and will treat you like shit’ kind of guy. You had a roster of ex boyfriends to prove that for you.
It was a pretty slow Tuesday afternoon, which meant you were sitting on your phone until a customer placed an order. Eventually, the little bell above the door chimed, and an older man came through, ordering a dark and bitter drink, then standing by the counter to wait. You began to restock lids while Ransom took care of making the drink, and once it was ready, you passed it over to the man. The man in question took a rather large sip, then promptly spat it out.
“What the fuck is this!” He roared, barely giving you time to react before he proceeded to toss the drink at you, spilling most of the hot content on your apron.
You gasped, gawking down at your scorched and ruined clothing, then up at the customer, who’d turned around with a huff and left, leaving a stream of strong language on his way out. You bit back tears at the whole fiasco, and cringed as both the steamy drink, and your salty tears stung different parts of your body. You turned to look at the barista, who had passed you along the drink, and were met with no other than the white devil himself. It seemed that all the blood had drained from his already otherwise pale face.
“Oh my god, this is all my fault,” he began remorsefully. “Let me make it up to you somehow.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, running a hand through your hair, and shoving Ransom angrily while you more or less stomped into the staff bathroom.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and frowned before bringing up your bundled apron to your face and screaming into it. Stupid fucking customers. Stupid fucking job. Stupid fucking Ransom. It’s like he came to your job just to make it hell. You were tired of cleaning up all these messes for him, and honestly, you wish he’d just quit already. The longer you worked with him, the more tempted you were to pour sugar in his gas tank, then take a club and break all the windows in the Beemer.
For the next month, your brain was completely elsewhere at work. Your brain was constantly going back and forth with you between finding Ransom hot and horrendous. While the pair of you finished up closing one night, you heard your coworker begin to speak to you as you placed your hand on the keys in your pocket.
“I know you hate me, Y/N. I get it. What that guy did to you was awful, and yes it was my fault, but what else have I done to hurt you?” He asked, seemingly out of the blue. You weren’t even sure how to respond. Ignoring the man and demonizing him in your head had become almost a second nature. “I mean, I think we could’ve been good friends. Even though you seem to think I’m devil incarnate, I think you’re a pretty cool chick-“ he continued before being cut off by you.
“Why do you even care?” you burst out, “Ransom, you just don’t get it do you? You’re just.. a douchebag. I get it, you have your moments where you’re candid and open with people, but half of the time you’re talking, you’re objectifying someone. Or bragging about something you own. Don’t get me wrong, I could get past what you did to me on accident, but you seriously have to work on yourself,” the words just seemed to pour out without your control. “Goodnight, Ransom,” you said simply before leaving the café for the night.
Since that day, the tension between you and Ransom had evidently become more thick. Since he was finally finished training with you, you made sure to only speak to him if you absolutely needed to, and even then, you only communicated with him in brief and straightforward answers. Sure, it seemed like a small thing to be upset about, and sure, he’d apologized, but something told you that any excuse to stay away from Ransom was a good excuse.
Though he appeared to be an immoral and selfish man, he seemed genuinely sorry for all that he’d put you through. Occasionally, you’d be sitting in the break room and look up from your phone to see him watching you. When you’d make eye contact, he would look like he wanted to say something to you, but your petty ass would leave, or look back at your phone. He was bad news anyway.
Your boss quickly caught onto what was going on between the two of you, and usually, Melissa didn’t like to participate in petty drama, but your new sour mood was such a stark contrast from before, and it seemed to shift the whole mood of the café.
That afternoon, Melissa called for a team meeting a bit before closing, and suggested a family dinner along with a Secret Santa. She’d said something along the lines of ‘It’s been way too long since we’ve done a team bonding activity, and a gift exchange is perfectly fitting for the Holiday season.’ This did make you perk up, as Melissa had a great taste in restaurants, and you were always down for a good gift exchange.
Melissa then told everyone to write their names down, then put them in a decorative Santa hat. You and your coworkers obliged, then began to pass around the hat once again in order to draw a name. You really hoped to get Xavier. You had the perfect idea of something he’d love. As you drew a piece of paper from the hat, you imagined the matching pair of fluffy socks for a human and dog that you’d passed by during your last trip to Target. You began to unfold it, thinking of what color he might like the most, when you looked down and saw ‘Ransom’ drawn out in chicken scratch.
You tried your best to mask your annoyance at who you received, but on the inside, you were seething. You mentally cursed the universe out while you pulled on your coat, and grimaced to yourself once you got out to your car. How were you supposed to get this asshole a gift?
The week leading up to the exchange went fairly well for you, although it was getting a bit exhausting to be so mad at Ransom all the time. You tried to be less harsh with him, considering you needed to learn more about him in order to get him a somewhat decent gift for your exchange.
He’d seem to have taken your conversation with him to heart, and began to talk less and less about other girls when he was working with you. He didn’t comment on how well your jeans fit you, and you noticed that he’d often overextend himself in order to help you with (pretty basic) daily aspects of the job. Ransom would ask you questions about yourself, and your family, and speak less about himself. If you were honest with yourself, he was becoming a better man. And the best part was, he seemed to be doing it just for you. The thought of which brought heat to your face.
On the night of the exchange, you threw on a hideous and scratchy Christmas sweater before picking up your neatly wrapped gift for Ransom. You truly hoped that he’d like it, even though it certainly wasn’t the most expensive item. You bid farewell to your cat, then went on your way to the restaurant. You had to admit, you were a bit late. So it should’ve been no surprise when you arrived, and found that the only seat left at the table was next to Ransom. You gave him a cordial smile before sitting down and ordering yourself a glass of Merlot.
Something about being so close to him was kind of riling you up. The strong timbre sent coming off of him was making your whole body feel slightly warmer than normal, and you tried to ignore this strange sensation while you talked and joked with your coworkers. At one point, Ransom leaned in nice and close to you, and began to speak to you.
“Jesus Christ, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as hideous as Karmen’s sweatshirt,” he whispered right into the shell of your ear. Maybe it was the wine talking, but that simple action sent a whole chill through your body, and made you flush even harder than you’d flushed before. You let out a little giggle and nodded in agreement, looking across the table at her very ugly sweater.
“To be fair, the whole point of this was to wear something really ugly,” you turned your head back to where it was before, only to find that Ransom had somehow moved even closer to you.
“I just don’t know where you find something like that,” he commented, gazing much too deep into your eyes. You swore you felt the room shift after he began looking at you like that. There was about a 20% chance that you’d be able to keep your panties on after this kind of exchange. Luckily for you, a waitress broke the tension for you, setting down a few plates for everyone, then bidding them farewell. Damn.
The food was amazing, and didn’t last very long, meaning that it was time to pass gifts around sooner than later. You watched as Amy received a gift card from Sophie, Emily opened a plethora of chocolates gifted to her by Melissa, and Xander whiffed a candle given to him by Kennedy, then, it was your turn. You glanced around the table before you felt the arm next to you reach down, then hand you an oversized gift bag.
“I hope you like it,” Ransom said with a shy smile. You casually felt your cheeks on your way to pull out the very large item. You found it was a very large, and soft, hand knit blanket. It looked like it could’ve cost a small fortune, and you immediately found yourself embarrassed.
“Oh wow. This is perfect! Thank you so much,” you grinned over at your coworker, who seemed to be blushing himself. “Well, I guess I should probably give you this then,” you chuckled awkwardly before passing him your wrapped package. He tore it open barbarically, then began to laugh. Of all the gifts in the world, you two had gotten each other somewhat similar items. Sure, it wasn’t hand knit with the love of some grandma who ran a small business on Etsy, but it was the thought that counts.
“I love it, Y/N,” he exclaimed, looking deep into your eyes once again. He ran his fingers through the soft fabric, then set a hand on your arm. In that moment, it felt like time stopped. It was just you two, sitting in a quiet room, enjoying the presence of each other. You don’t even know what had gotten into you, but before you knew it, you felt a nose pressed up against yours, and a billion butterflies erupt out of your stomach. You heard a few grimaces from your coworkers at the sappy, Hallmark-like moment but what could you say.
Maybe Ransom was not that bad after all.
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
The Professor And I Season 2 (pt. 7)
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! Here’s the next part and I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Note: Y/N is a student. Lena is a professor. Y/N questions Lara, Brainy can’t find an answer, Dominguez is suspicious, things get sketchy.
Word Count: 1449
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6
When you woke up the next morning, you quickly looked at your hand and saw that it still looked fine, the small red dot on your hand being the only indication that anything had happened yesterday, but you could easily hide it if you needed to, looking over when you heard Kara shift in her bed, worried she might’ve woken up but thankfully she hadn’t, looking at your phone and thinking maybe Lena messaged you, only for you to remember what had happened… You guys were done for and for the time being, you knew there was no way that was going to change, though you did see a message from Brainy and one from Lara.
So, the sample isn’t all that clear… I’m going to see what I can get from it and update you later – Brainy
Cool, if you need anything else, just let me know – You
Heading into the bathroom, you set your phone on the sink before taking a quick shower before getting ready, grabbing your phone once more
You up for studying together tonight? – Lara
Sure, I need to take my mind off of things – You
Wanna talk about it? – Lara
Maybe later tonight… Want to get breakfast? – You
Yeah! I’ll meet you in the lobby – Lara
You smiled a bit before pocketing your phone, going and pulling your shoes on and glancing at Kara who was fast asleep still and drooling, causing you to chuckle before you grabbed your bag and hoodie before heading out, deciding to bring Kara some breakfast back so that she’d have something to eat before she left for class.
Going into the lobby, you raised an eyebrow when you saw Lara talking to someone that looked oddly familiar, but you couldn’t put a name to the face, waiting until he walked away before walking over to Lara “Hey, who was that?” You asked, watching as she turned and smiled at you before waving off your question “My archaeology professor, Mr. Simon” she explained, that ringing a bell in your head, it was the archaeology professor that Vikander had helping with the thing in the lab, but you didn’t dig much deeper, but you couldn’t help but wonder… Why did he come to the dormitory?
At the dining hall, you got your food and found an open spot, smiling when Lara sat down across from you “So… What was Mr. Simon doing at the dorm?” You asked, still hooked on that and catching a glimpse of panic in Lara’s eyes before it vanished “Oh, I just left something in his office when I went to his office hours, he was returning it to me” Lara said, taking a bite of her breakfast while you stared at her curiously, not buying it but you weren’t going to push any further with it, so you opted to eat instead.
Getting back to your dorm with a container full of food for Kara, rolling your eyes when you saw she was still asleep “Hey, get up, you’re going to be late” you said, shaking her lightly and hearing her grumble before you held the container in front of her nose which instantly made her shoot up “Food” Kara said, taking the container from you “I knew that’d get you up” you chuckled, going and sitting on your bed, closing your eyes for a moment when you were hit with a dizzy spell “Thank you, you’re a life saver” Kara said, her mouth full of food “Yeah yeah, I know” you chuckled, looking at her and glancing at your phone when it vibrated.
So uh, that sample you got for me is inconclusive… I don’t know what’s in there, it’s like it’s not even real, there’s chemicals and stuff in it that I don’t even think exist… What did you even get this from? – Brainy
I don’t know what it is, they won’t tell me anything…. I’ll try to get a picture of it tomorrow when I’m in the lab – You
You stared at your phone with your brows furrowed, now wondering even more what was happening if the smartest guy you knew didn’t even know what it was “Everything okay?” Kara asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and making you jump “What? Yeah, just talking to Brainy about some homework and got confused” you lied, looking at her and able to tell she didn’t buy it, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn’t say anything else and went back to eating “So… How’s Sasika/Krypto?” You asked, knowing that she had left the pup at a family friends “Good! They’re settling in well” Kara said, you happy that seemed to drop the previous conversation entirely.
Later after classes, you were at the gym since you needed to stay fit for the soccer season when it returned, your music turned up and you running on the treadmill when your phone vibrated on the treadmill, your eyebrow raising when you saw it was a number not saved in your phone, stopping the treadmill and escaping to the bathroom “Hello?” You answered, pacing in the empty bathroom “Mr./Miss Y/L/N?” A familiar sounding voice asked “Yeah… Who’s asking?” You asked, your brows furrowing “It’s Dominguez, Alicia gave me your number” he said, not really helping you relax since why would she give him your number “I need you to meet me in the lab in twenty minutes, don’t be late” he said before hanging up, not even allowing you to reply as you huffed in frustration, knowing you didn’t have much of a choice, so you went to go change.
At the lab, you set your bag down and saw Dominguez leaned over one of the desks, looking over some paperwork that was spread out along the desk “You needed me?” You asked, watching as he glanced at you before gesturing for you to join him, when you got close enough, you saw what looked like drawings of old tombs “What’s with all the tombs?” You asked curiously, raising an eyebrow “It coincides with what we’re researching” he said simply, you knowing that was all you were going to get with him… Still not trusted enough “What did you need me for?” You asked, looking around and seeing a few new machines having been added to the lab “You’re studying neuroscience, correct?” He asked, causing you to raise an eyebrow but nod “I need you to look over these, I don’t have enough experience for it and we couldn’t get Luthor to help us” he said, handing you some samples in some vials and you freezing when he mentioned Lena “Of course” you said, going over to some lab equipment and setting the samples on the counter… Why did they need Lena and why did she say no?
After a few hours, you sighed and rubbed your eyes, looking over at Dominguez who was now once again messing with the thing in the cage “I have to do something, I’ll be right back” he said, looking at you before he went out, you waiting until you couldn’t hear his footsteps before you rushed over to the cage and pulled your phone out, taking as many photos as you could before shoving your phone back into your pocket and returning to your station just as the door opened “I’m not finding much with these” you said, trying to act normal and hearing him sigh “Thank you for trying… We’ll have more for you tomorrow” he said, waving his hand and that being your queue to leave, grabbing your things and heading towards the door “Oh and, Y/N?” Dominguez asked, causing you to stop and look over your shoulder at him “Be careful with those samples” he said, glancing at your hand which you quickly hid in your pocket “Right” you said before quickly escaping.
Once you were free of the lab, you pulled your phone out and examined the photos you had taken, gasping and dropping your phone when one in particular got you, glancing around before picking your phone back up and examining the picture, the thing in the cage had seemed to turned and looked straight at the camera, the red eyes and sharp teeth being an indicator that this thing was real, and very much alive, you sending it to Brainy along with a few other images so he could look them over, pocketing your phone before starting to walk back towards your dorm when another dizzy spell hit you, you stopping and closing your eyes to try to get it to go away, it not working this time and you hearing fast footsteps approaching you before you collapsed and everything went dark.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​ / @5aftermidnight​ / @youngandwildx7​ / @stewie-castle​ / @hopingforbarnes​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @aznblossom​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @worlds-in-words​​​​​​​​​​​​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @supergirl-imaginess​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ianarec​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @thelonewriter247​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @kalistory-blog​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ess0h​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Professor And I Taglist: @youlookterribleilookawesome​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ironsnowstorm​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @rebornpoet​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @scottishgirl1998​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @lezzzbehonesthere​​​​​​​​​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I’m so glad that it’s back!! If you would like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
Requests Open
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shadow-princes01 · 4 years
So, I can’t draw for shit so we are going to use our imagiation. I have never written an oc but there’s a first time for everything. Let’s start:
Her name is Nerea Flores, Nerea means “the one who commands the sea” in ancient greek. Her hero name is SIREN
Her quirk is called Empress and it’s not a normal quirk, it’s the spirit of an ancient godess, who was cursed to depend on human vessels. Everytime the vessel dies she reappears on a newborn she chooses. For a while before quirks became a thing she couldn’t use her powers around humanity, so she took over her vessels and lived in the sea, with the few other merpeople that still existed. Now that powers are accepted she coexists with her vessel and only takes over in extreme situations.
Empresses powers are: controlling water in any form, tansforming into a mermaid (but not the preety ones, her whole body grows scales, her hair disapears, she’s almost grey in terms of colour and her eyes are like a shark’s, her teeth become very sharp and gills apear on her neck), and she can also communicate and command sea creatures to do whatever she want’s. She can swim very fast, knows how to orient herself and use currents to her advantage.
Shes 19, but depending on the story I will change her age.
She’s bisexual and demi.
She has black long straight hair with a few white hairs that appeard when her quirk maniffested, she’s very pale and has freckles all over her body. Her eyes are a mix of colours but mostly green. She’s 1,68 cm tall and weighs around 55 kg, she has kind of an hourglass figure, but her boobs and ass ain’t big, they are there, but she’s not a D cup, more like a B (I feel weird describing boobs like this but I don’t really know how to do it). When you see her you can tell she’s thin, not much muscle there, but is very strong, which usually confuses people. 
She’s usually dressed in black, wearing chains and chokers, flanel shirts and leather jackets (very much into the e-girls aesthetic because I was an emo-punk bitch in my early teenage years and I haven’t really changed that much) but sometimes she’ll do a 180º and go full dark academia for a week or cottage core. Can’t stick to one aesthetic, you can imagine the confused looks she get’s when she decides to wear a dress one day after having scared little children with her make up the day before.
Personality wise she’s a bit of a mess, but people don’t usually see it. She has very strong morals and is not afraid to voice her opinions, but she will cry if you yell at her. She’s a bit agressive at times and will fight a bitch, but only if necessary (Avatar Kioshy vibes). She’s very caring by nature and wil do ANYTHING for her loved ones, but usually they don’t have the same energy with her. People have ususally told her thet she’s too much, too loud, too opinionated, too anoying, which caused her some self-confidence issues. She’s very passionate about what she likes, but has episodes of apathy were she won’t even get out of bed. Her humour is based in self-deprecating jokes and some dark themes (that don’t mean racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia, that’s not humour that’s being an asshole). She holds grudges for a very long time, years even, if you mess with her she will remember. Very much touch starved, if you hug her there’s a big possibility she’ll catch feelings. Her love language are phisical contact and quality time, sometimes words of affirmation work too but she usually prefers actions over words, because people lie all the time. 
Likes: music (goes from rock to celtic music, then from opera to reggeton, no in between), singing (she does it all the time), dancing (not very good at it but it’s fun), whatching anime or other TV shows (specially the crime ones like CSI or fantasy). Her favourite movie is Mulan, because it was the first time she saw a woman with a sword commanding people and decided that she wanted to be like her when she grew up. She spent her early teenage years devouring books, now she can’t even read two sencences, but still says she likes to read. She really likes swimming, not just because of her quirk, but because she was born on an island, water has always been an important part of her life. She really likes cooking, specially sweets. She also likes photography and making short films. Loves tatoos, piercings, dyeing her hair... 
Dislikes: Horror movies, liers, people who think they are better than others based on their tastes (I’m looking at you independent music boys), people who interrupt her, mensplaining, any type of discrimination, bullies, not being good at everything, bland food and uncomfortable silence.
Onto her backstory, she was born in Mallorca, Spain, and maniffested her quirk at the early age of 2. Her parents saw her fall into the sea and started panicking until they saw her gills and reallized she was perfectly fine. She was bullied in school for her quirk, one day when the other kids were showing their’s she transformed and they started calling her a monster since then. Even tho she didn’t have many friends she did whatever she couls to help those around her, helping clean the coasts from plastics and pollution, helping calm down sea creatures in animal treatment centers, helping when there were floods... Because of this she decided to become a hero, and was given the oportunity to study at UA in Japan. She didn’t want to leave her family behind, but it was a great oportunity so she ended up going. After graduating she became kind of an underground hero, because there were still people who feared her appearance when she transformed. But after saving an entire city from a tsunami provoked by a villan she became one of the most popular heroes in Japan.
These are all I’ve got for now, I think I’ll start writing the fanfic tomorrow. I have a few ideas and also love many characters from bnha so I might write different ships and change some things in each. If you don’t like shipping don’t read it. The first one will probably be ocxshinso, but I also want to write one with Hawks and one with Aizawa. We’ll see.
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natsumitomoko · 6 years
I was tagged by tumblr buddy @terry-perry (sorry this is late, packing/moving back to school)
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. 
@daddy-erwin @aotimagines @candyredterezii @kandikid55 @snksin @hoe-imaginess @broadway-belting-boggess
2ND RULE : BOLD the statements that are true.

APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces

PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality

ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch

HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts

EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts

MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone

RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend

RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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kirrua · 7 years
170-200 ya gotta you cant skip one
holy fuc
170: One of my favourite quotes?
The finest of pleasures are always the unexpected ones, it’s from one of the books I still haven’t finished reading
171: Do I hold grudges?
oh boy do I, I know I shouldn’t but it’s hard to let go
172: Do I trust easily?
not anymore
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?
I’d like to say I have...
174: Best gift I’ve ever received?
the gift....of friendship
175: Do I dream?
quite a lot actually
176: Have I ever had a night terror?
nothing has ever woken me up from sleep I dont think but I have nightmares often
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind?
I can remember my dreams if they scared me or if one of my friends were in them sometimes; like the other day dime was in like all 3 of my dreams and I was so confused. I was making her read something I’d written and she was giving me pointers on how to make it better
178: An experience that has made me stronger?
my last relationship broke me as much as it made me a stronger person
179: If I were immortal, what would I do?
sleep........read..........basically what I do now but for longer times
180: Do I like shopping?
sometimes...it depends on my mood
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?
uhhh robbery.......I need money
182: What does “family” mean to me?
everything, but it makes my life a lot harder than it needs to be
183: What is my spirit animal?
ufck bro idk
184: How do I want to be remembered?
that angry girl that we all kinda loved sometimes
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose?
186: What is my greatest failure?
how long it’s taken me to get through hs
187: What is my greatest achievement?
I graduate in June
188: Love or money?
189: Love or career?
isnt this basically the same thing; love
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?
I wanna go to the future and see if we ever get teleportation
191: What makes me the happiest?
anime helps me cope a lot so I guess I can say that, reading, my friends, my mom
192: What is “home” to me?
i’m still trying to figure that out
193: What motivates me?
music???? talking?? i get more shit done if i’m listening to music or rambling at somebody
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be?
I was gonna be sarcastic but what if I was talking to my mom or something and it’d haunt her 4evr awks
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens?
if theyre nice
196: A movie that scared me as a child?
I cant think of one if i’m honest with you...
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?
198: Zombies or vampires?
vampires... imagie a zombie apocalypse...no thanks
199: Live in the city or suburbs?
200: Dragons or wizards?
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imaginationblur · 4 years
Tumblr media
I picked up one of those mangos, I like this green boy rn
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