#image jake p and adrian c on the case
pretendfan · 2 years
husband, one night stand, best friend: Adrian Chase, Jake Martin annnndd....Jake Peralta! 😈
(2 jakes and an adrian?) (couldn't make it too easy with adam!)
OMG you’re KILLING me💀🤣 I want all three of them combined this is the impossible question just gimme a hot minute….
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Adrian Chase💍cos I’m pretty much a broken record at this point but I so want to be his wifey. I would even learn to cook to feed him or at least learn where is fave take out place was! He would protect me and I would do the same for him and in return we would have cute date nights at a cinema that showed old horror movies, late night talks and cuddles plus two cats called Chain and Saw (I’m delirious from this fantasy at this point) what was the question again? Oh yeah and I would totally wear the mask too…just saying!? iykyk.
(One Night Stand)
Jake Martin😈pretty self explanatory we would meet at the local bar and then he would show me the garage where he works. His car clearly doesn’t have any backseats so we would have to make do with the hood of the car, afterwards we would Uber back to his place for a night of fun imaging Jake very excitable and easy to please, especially if you praise him that shit drives him wild…the next morning he would be so sweet and such a gentleman even though Jake was known for being a huge flirt, it would be a great experience, tick it off my bucket list!!! Five stars.
(Best Friend)
Jake Peralta🍑I would have the absolute best time hanging out this dude, and Adrian would be totally cool with it (mostly) because him and Jake would get along so well talking about murder cases and just murder in general I guess…but Jake would totally have my back telling me how awesome a guy Adrian is because he showed him Die Hard one night and they instantly became BFF’s (peacemaker who?) I guess we are old friends rooming in the same apartment block and stayed close of course I’m overthinking these answers cos I’m a writer dammit! And now I wanna write a story where reader and Adrian go to NY to visit Jake, get his approval, I dunno I just wanna pair up Jake and Adrian…could you imagine it?! “Stake me out tonight!!” Ugh.
I’ve poured out my soul, now it’s your turn to deal your cards @powerfultenderness
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