#image a turtle with the power of butter
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aiweirdness · 2 years ago
I discovered I can make chatgpt hallucinate tumblr memes:
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This is hilarious and also I have just confirmed that GPT-4 does this too.
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Bard even adds dates and user names and timelines, as well as typical usage suggestions. Its descriptions were boring and wordy so I will summarize with a timeline:
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I think this one was my favorite:
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Finding whatever you ask for, even if it doesn't exist, isn't ideal behavior for chatbots that people are using to retrieve and summarize information. It's like weaponized confirmation bias.
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more at aiweirdness.com
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risestarkiss · 1 year ago
Hey, so I was thinking about your post about the Timeline Paradox Photo from the movie, and I've been turning it over in my head for a few days (I love timeline nonsense, I've spent hours on LoZ timeline theory, this is my bread and butter) and anyhow I think I figured it out actually.
So, to start, we're dealing with two timelines--the main movie timeline, and the bad future timeline, with the photo originating in the bad future timeline. First, we need to know when does the movie timeline diverge from the bad future timeline, and that would be as soon as Casey emerges from the time portal. Obviously in the bad future timeline Casey didn't exist at the time the Kraang invaded bc he wasn't born yet, so the whole "butterfly effect" thing was immediately in effect as soon as he popped out of the portal and therefore the movie timeline split off from the bad future timeline as soon as Casey shows up. This means there's a window of time from when Casey came out of the portal to when the Kraang were released from the prison dimension (or possibly later to when they summoned their main ship from the top of the tall building) for the photo to have logically been taken (since obviously no one's going to be taking wholesome family photos while the apocalypse is unfolding).
So then, let's look at the events as we know them for fact from the movie timeline. Before Casey finds April, a few things happen. First, the turtles fail to retrieve the key, but since they don't realize how important it is, they just head back to the Lair to chill for a bit. Second, April steals the vials of herbicide (er, whatever the blue goopy stuff was) from her college, and then encounters Casey. And then the rest of the movie unfolds the way it does bc Casey warns them about, y'know, the impending alien invasion and general doom of the world. Which means the team crashes the summoning party before the Kraang are able to pull out their weapons (possibly their exoskeletons? I'm thinking it's got to be the exoskeletons they were gonna try and nab, and not the main warship). Anyhow, this sets off the domino chain to lead to, well, all the other movie events.
Now, what happened then in the bad future timeline? With no Casey at that specific moment in time? My best guess is: the turtles fail to retrieve the key and head back to the Lair. April steals the herbicide from her college and then what? She's got a dangerous substance that she doesn't know a lot about, so it's possible she also heads to the Lair to have Donnie analyze it for her. And hey, she pulled off a cool ninja mission on her own and is making progress on her road to being an investigative reporter, that's something to celebrate and maybe even commemorate, so someone pulls out a camera and they all take The Group Photo (as to who's holding the camera, I mean, Donnie's got all sorts of tech that I'm sure could accommodate taking a picture of the group). Meanwhile, the Foot Clan frees the Kraang, and the Kraang are able to get their exoskeletons (again, this is a guess, but they seem much more powerful and protected w/ the exoskeletons, so), and no one is the wiser bc there was no tip off. The Kraang then make their way to the highest point in the city (big tall building who's name escapes me, sorry) and summon their main warship, which sets the apocalypse in motion. Given the lapse of time the turtles and April aren't able to react quickly enough to do anything to really stop the Kraang (and even if they could, the Kraang already have All Their Weapons)--intead, they manage to save enough survivors and go into hiding, allowing for Casey to be born and for the bad future timeline to unfold until it reaches what we get to see at the start of the movie.
So, that's my best theory for when the photo was taken and how it's not actually a true paradox or inconsistency. Actually, it could even double (or triple) as a really poetic bit of narrative writing, since future-Leo draws the image of the key that will release the Kraang on the back of the photo, the photo is an image of the people who are key to stopping the Kraang, and if the photo was taken/created on the day that everything started, then it might be a sort of temporal key to help Mikey's mystic powers guide Casey backwards in time to the exact day the photo was originally taken so that he could try and change the future.
Sorry for the really long anon ask, I'm super new to tmnt and am still getting a feel for things, so I was a bit too shy to just write this all out in a reblog of your original post. But I love your blog, thanks for writing all these fun analyses!
I’ve been thinking this over as well + having some great discussions on the original post. 😁 I completely agree with the divergence of the timelines happening once Casey comes out of the portal, and I do think that the happy family photo would have been interrupted by Casey’s appearance. But yeah, your explanation makes complete sense.
The twist on the key on the photo is such an interesting take!   Thanks so much for the insight and welcome to the fandom 😊! Aww, it’s my pleasure. I love these silly little guys 😄💜
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rou-luxe · 7 months ago
these were from my reaction image post
"?!" "huh???" "UWAGGHGH?!?!?"
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"... (sharp inhale)" "nah man wtf" "you have two seconds to get out before I kick your ass"
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the actual purpose of this post is to compare these three expressions right here. these specific three. I wanted to point this out.
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it feels deliberate for some reason. I don't know why.
william has a calm anger inside him. a bone-chilling anger. this expression is really hard to read. it's just more effective when he's constantly :> ^v^ and then he hits you with this. ...it feels like "victor, do you see this shit?"
victor... he looks sad. like his pet turtle named peanut butter died. /ref this is one of victor's only serious expressions, and it has such a powerful effect. he looks like he's holding a dead kitten in his hands. he is. devasted.
alfons looks disappointed. maybe a little pissed, even. he still hasn't given up, though. "ah, what a pity." that kind of implies that he's looking down on you. damn this man and his savior complex.
outside of that, here's the captioning:
"I hope you understand the weight of what you've done."
"I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. That shouldn't have to happen to anyone."
"This is shit. I'm going to go kill something" 😭😭
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vampirememory · 2 years ago
pick a pile || messages you may need to hear
hello! I am new to reading tarot and I thought I would try to do a pick-a-card reading to see how I feel about it and to get a feel for it.
I'm still new to this and very much open to feedback and advice.
for now, pick a pile (images inspired by the webkinz googles) & see what is in store for you.
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decks being used:
believe in your own magic oracle deck by Amanda Lovelace
pile 1:
I see you getting an opportunity for something new, but you are hesitating on taking the opportunity. It seems like you are doubting yourself on your abilities, and you should know that you have the abilities to accomplish anything you set your mind to.
You are more than what they think of you, I think someone needs to hear that.
cards: library (take control of your own narrative), garden (something lovely will grow from this), throne (your potential is endless), raindrops (take a chance on them), evil queen (you deserve sugar, not salt)
possible things of significance (these may be entirely incorrect, take it with a grain of salt): 55, 37, peacock, eggsalad, tomato juice (?), turnips, western movies, beach vibes, turtleneck sweater, turtles, ping pong
images that remind me of your pile:
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pile 2:
For this pile, my shuffling was more sporatic and chaotic, a lot less organized than pile 1. The card "gold" had actually fallen onto the floor and the card "phoenix" had jumped out immediately as I began shuffling.
I think you are taking back your power over something. You're moving on from a situation that once restrained you, and you're finally moving in the direction that YOU want to move to, not what anyone else wants you to do. You're burning bridges and celebrating in the ashes, celebrating what is to come for you. You seem like a very powerful person, you seem super badass and if you don't feel like it, deep down you are. It's like you're your own knight in shining armor.
cards: phoenix (how's that for happily ever after?), garden (something lovely will grow from this), gold (you don't need someone else to fix you), library (take control of your own narrative), tree (let them go), villain (you can always rewrite the story)
possible things of significance (these may be entirely incorrect, take it with a grain of salt): cards, pickled eggs (??), eggnog, feeling soft objects (think like a fuzzy pillow), mania, mashed potatoes, tile, peanut butter, 24, 45
images that remind me of your pile:
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pile 3:
I'm not sure why, but the energy on the cards felt very sad, like someone had been crying over them and they were sliding from tears (I felt that very specifically). Someone has been going through a lot, and I want you to know that you are not alone. There are people around you willing to help you get your crown again and help you move on from whatever is currently ailing you. Give the people you love a chance to help you, and remember to take care of yourself and give yourself the chance to heal. Not everyone is afraid of your thorns, this reminds me of a short film I had seen before, I'll link it if I remember what it is called. Hugs to you, pile 3.
cards: potion (remember to practice self-love), clover (release your guilt), thorns (weave together the crown you deserve), raindrops (take a chance on them)
possible things of significance (these may be entirely incorrect, take it with a grain of salt): t-shirts, sandcastles, tired eyes, movement, rain, colorful rugs (chindi (?) rugs are what I am seeing), peace, calm waters, floating in a pool or body of water, bathtub, 55, 77
images that remind me of your pile:
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pile 4:
The energy in the cards when I was shuffling was very calm, much like pile 1. I think you are in an argument with someone dear to you, and I think you are being called to bring the argument to peaceful waters and to let it go. I'm feeling that it's not as serious as you both have made it, and it's better to look over the situation and figure out why you had argued in the first place and how to heal over it.
I'm seeing that you don't need to try and be the winner of this argument, just let it pass. I'm seeing this argument was possibly over someone's approval of your relationship, regardless of what type of relationship this is, although this may not resonate. I'm wishing you a calm journey, pile 4.
cards: shark (swim away from this situation), villain (you can always rewrite the story), castle (it's time for healing, not war), tree (let them go), expectations (don't seek anyone's approval)
possible things of significance (these may be entirely incorrect, take it with a grain of salt): tumbler (like a mug) or tumblr, macaroni and cheese, ketchup, swim trunks, combat boots, warm hugs, olaf from frozen (hearing him say "i like warm hugs!"), west coast, west, fireflies, fairies, whiplash, firefighters, bees, fever
images that remind me of your pile:
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I was going to do five piles for this post, but I felt called to stop, so I hope this resonates and if not, just let it go, it may be for someone else~
As I said, I'm still a beginner so all feedback is appreciated. Have a lovely day everyone!
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howtohero · 5 years ago
#237 Escapology 101
Superheroes often find themselves in situations they’d much rather not be in: Hanging upside down over a vat of acid and radioactive sharks; being hounded by adoring fans (this one isn’t relevant to you, but it is for other, better heroes); listening to a lecture on the Paleozoic era from Professor Paleontologist. Situations that you’re going to want to make hasty yet graceful exits from. Which means you need a lesson in escapology.
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As we all know, the best defense is a strong offense, so the best way to escape any situation is not to get caught in it in the first place. Idiot. Do you know how much of my time I spend not dangling over a vat of acid sharks or dealing with adoring- wait. Whatever, it’s almost all of my time. Not getting stuck in dicey situations is so easy I basically do it in my sleep. In fact, I do it in my sleep! I wake up almost every morning not in a precarious or dangerous or undesirable situation. Only once did I wake up tied up in the back of what has come to be known as The Sentient Murder Van, but that was a fluke and I try not to make a regular habit of it!
If, like a loser, somehow, like a loser, you’ve, like a loser, gotten yourself into a sticky situation the first thing you need to do is take stock of your surroundings. An expert escapologist knows that the world is just a jumble of oddly shaped keys. Glass table shaped like a warthog? That’s a key. An entire ham? That’s a key. Framed oil painting of an elderly turtle? That’s two keys. Frame and painting baby! Frame. And. Painting. (Escapologist tip: A skilled artist can take a canvas and, using the paints they no doubt keep in their utility belt, can create an image so realistic they can use it to get out of anywhere. Paint yourself still in bonds so the bad guys don’t look for you while you escape their lair. Paint yourself getting sick so the guards rush in to make sure you don’t die and then, when they realize they are looking at a painting, kick them in the head and steal their keys. The possibilities are endless!) So take a gander at the keys around you. If you’re a real pro you’ll already have plenty of escapology accoutrements in your utility belt or on your person: Lock picks, laser pointers (that shoot real lasers, don’t use these during your PowerPoint presentations!), a variety of animal whistles that can summon helpful beasts to pick locks or shoot lasers for you. If you’re versatile and forward thinking enough, you’ll find that you can pick your way out of any jam. (There’s a sweet spot between forward thinking enough to not get captured in the first place and being so bad at forward thinking that you left your lock pick set on your kitchen counter and that’s where you’re going to want to be operating.) 
Your costume will often times be the greatest key in your arsenal. There are lots of ways to build a keen ability to escape anything right into your everyday dress. For starters, as our follower @agasar1412 pointed out on one of our posts last year, gauntlet spikes are a godsend. Not only can they be used to cut bindings that have been placed around your wrist, but in a pinch they can be used to pick some locks as well. Once your wrists are free you’ll find that freeing the rest of you is a piece of cake (escapologist tip: three out of every five cakes contains within it a nail file that you can use to break out of most prisons on the continental United States). Another way to ensure that your wrists are always one fancy trick away from being free is to wear very bulky gauntlets. Supervillains, because they are dumb, will often just slap any wrist restraints on to a hero over their gauntlets, meaning all you need to do to break free is to just, y’know, remove your big gloves. That’s it! Plus there’s always the time-tested trick of wearing butter-bracelets. These are, of course, bracelets with buttered up insides that make your wrists very slippery, allowing you to slip off nearly any kind of cuff bad guys can throw at you. Then, with your hands free, you can undo or dismantle any other restraints on you. 
If you find yourself tied up and hanging from your feet over something nasty like many jagged rocks or a mosasaurus or a big target that says “losers land here” written on it and you would like to exit that situation before you are dropped no problem! All you need to do is cut any ropes around your arms using your gauntlet blades or wrist mounted laser pointer and then, using those sick stomach muscles you’ve built up from doing millions of crunches and sit-ups every day, swing yourself, like a pendulum away from the danger zone. Then, once you’re swinging precariously through the air, use your laser pointer or blades to cut the ropes around your feet and whatever is keeping you suspended. Odds are pretty good that you’ll land somewhere safe, just tuck and roll to make sure you don’t hurt yourself on the fall. (Escapologist tip: Always keep the remnants of whatever binding or traps you find yourself destroying during your daring escapes, these things can be used as keys for future escapes!)  
Even your very own human flesh body can be used as a key! (Escapologist tip: tattoo a map of any building you need to escape directly onto your body! This way, if you get lost while you escape, all you need to do is get undressed and find a mirror!) Being able to pop your shoulders out of their sockets or otherwise lightly maim or disfigure yourself are invaluable skills to have if you want to be a master escape artist. Most villains assume that heroes are not going to horribly injure themselves just to get out of listening to a monologue. Those villains are obviously very stupid. Of course you’d rather break your thumbs to avoid having to listen to another story about why this villain just has to merge all of the world’s mountain lions together into one giant mountain lion because as a child they were bullied by a girl who had a mountain lion sticker on her shirt. You’ve heard that story like a dozen times already from eight different supervillains. Yeah, this little girl got around folks. Being bullied by this small child is the 59th most common reason for becoming a supervillain. (Number 15 is being thrown a surprise party they didn’t want but number 68 will really blow you away!) So start practicing dislocating any joint you can. Even if it won’t get you out of your shackles or cell, this trick can get you out of parties or social gatherings that you do not want to be at! (Escapologist tip: Even your teeth can be used as keys under the proper circumstances! Teeth are the hardest part of the human body, so next time you find yourself trapped in an abandoned nuclear power plant filled with evil henchmen and without any of your weapons, rip your teeth straight out of your gums, tie them around your knuckles with your shoe laces and viola! Homemade brass knuckles! Sort of! {don’t worry about not having teeth, they’ll grow back as long as you’re a baby.})
Superpowers are, of course, the best keys you can ask for. Depending on your powerset, and your skill level, you can use them to escape from any number of restraints, manacles and door- and windowless rooms. So if you ever find yourself trapped with other superhumans, you all need to be upfront about all of your abilities. Even your most embarrassing superpower can be crucial to escaping captivity. Use your glitter projection to blind guards, your ability to grow exactly one inch taller or shorter to escape from straight jackets or other tight restraints, your ability to talk to worms to set off motion sensors to distract your guards. (Escapologist tip: worms are always a useful backup plan for any escape. You see, they eat dirt, which means they’re always in the middle of some sort of daring Shawshank-esque prison-break. Keep a few in your pocket and drop them on the floor when you find yourself thrown in a cell. If you can’t find a way out, you can take solace in the fact that eventually your wormy pals will dig you a way out.) The possibilities are endless when you learn to think like an escapologist. 
Life is just full of situations we’d rather not be in and that goes even more so for superheroes who have plenty of people who would love nothing more than to capture them. Just remember that the world is your toolkit and your lock pick and you’ll be fine! In fact, as a good prep exercise, take a look at everything around you. How can you use the items you use in your every day life to escape fiendish traps? 
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princess-of-the-corner · 4 years ago
If you think about it, Miraculous combat we've seen so far boils down to "hand to hand or weapon combat, then special one-time-per-battle ability to usually act as a finisher" if that fails, it's a strategic retreat to reload the finisher and back for round 2. This... shouldn't be how proper Miraculous fights go down.
It should be chaos and powers galore. Turtle's slowly advancing shield wall blocking off the escape route and slowly shrinking the battlefield. Horse blurring from place to place, moving fast enough to flashstep around the arena. Ladybug flitting around on gossamer wings and healing the injured. Black Cat acrobatically jumping from wall to wall, proper claws out and stabbing into walls with such an ease it's almost like a hot knife going through butter. Fox flickering into view in random intervals, you clearly can't trust your eyes, since what you hear doesn't line up with what you see, and neither quite lines up with what's actuality happening. Bee flying above the whole thing, assisted by small flying drones as she overlooks and commands the battlefield, like the queen she's styled to be.
That's an image that comes to mind when I thinkt "proper Miraculous fight".
Oh yeah definitly.
If the Miraculous were in the hands of Adults with proper combat and Magic training, that's exactly what it'd be like.
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gloriarrdd-blog · 5 years ago
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wet concrete falls on parked cars in miami beach Western defeated Illawarra South Coast Dragons 32 20 in the previous round and Manning said that result, although still a victory, spurred Kurt Hancock side into action on home soil. He woke up the next morning and still felt fine. Then in November, OCR/Wiscontrepreneur will co sponsor a number of Global Entrepreneurship Week events (Nov. The six year old girl was airlifted to The Children Hospital at Westmead where she continues to get treatment. She unique in almost everything she does, said Neville of his defender. The highlight really, every minute spent under water on the reef or on the water surface is a highlight comes when a rare Hawksbill turtle makes an appearance. In general, the finance methods comprise of internal finance and external finance, based on whether the funds come from the inside or outside of the corporation.Different market economy system and financial system determines different methods of financing and the structure of financing. Is that bad? It's hard to say for sure. Une belle assiette arrive, avec un burger fort apptissant. We'll say it louder for the people in the back: Comparing price per gummy doesn't make sense. She's smokin', but it's killing her career every minute she goes to work. Wages are reportedly around $9 an hour, and the companies have said they will provide health, vision, dental and retirement plans. Dike is long and huge and can slow the centers and power forwards of the West down some. From Councilman Pritchett: The next ward meeting will be held at 6:30 PM at Vernon Johns Junior High School. Transfer dough to a resealable plastic bag, seal it and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours or as long as 8.Combine the sugar, almonds, cocoa powder, chocolate chips and butter in a food processor and process to a crumbly paste. "Plastic bags stay around forever for my child and their child lifetime paper bags are much better. Your coach is an expert in this area and can definitely help you to plan your meals and snacks in a way that encourages weight reduction.. L. In addition, companies with diverse businesses in different sectors performed relatively well for the period under review.. 18, 1880, when it was 12 below. But annoying and annulling are two different things. All bags and boxes will be supplied by the library.. Merely having the trump card will not lead to victory unless right strategy is applied. Knows What She Wants and Will Be Honest About It. Which they do far too often.. Adverse levels of the lipid triad: low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL C) and triglycerides (TGs), have been shown to be major contributing factors. Scotland is rallying, though. Any community was available, as long as the chosen city had a population of more than 50,000 and its municipal coach outlet online council had to cannabis retail stores, according to AGCO spokesperson Raymond Kahnert.. "Bearing in mind that ramp and curve configurations often involve changes in direction and upcoming intersections, vehicles must reduce speed to safely negotiate these," says MTO spokesman Ajay Woozageer in an e mail. With affected dryers will be offered a free replacement or modification, or a refund based on the age of the model, the company said. Connects me to the land, and makes me at home. She drove away, the man pointed to the group of people praying on the sidewalk and said, should be here, not there! sentence, spoken by a stranger, challenged Ohden. That with Whittaker Yorkshire twang, and the recipe for a good Doctor is set.The Doctor Sonic Screwdriver has been given a revamp ahead of the new series (Image: BBC)Times they are a also be new faces behind the scenes for this eleventh series of Doctor Who, with Steven Moffat and Brian Minchin stepping aside for Chibnall, and executive producers Matt Strevens and Sam Hoyle.Also announced was the fact that there will be no two parters in this series, with each episode being a self contained adventure.The new trailer really doesn give too much away, with Chibnall explaining that work on the new series is gathering pace that we can get it to you guys and everyone else in the world at the same time all polished.". A judge ruled on Feb. First and foremost, he had some great saves so that's one. 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And then on top of that, to be inducted with my father, I think that's just the icing on the cake.". All photos: Moriah VanVleetI've always felt that a good, ripe fig is like a little scoop of jam in its own bite sized pouch. All proceeds from this sale will continue to support breast cancer care, diagnoses, and treatment through the Northern Cancer coach outlet clearance Fund.
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chocolateheal · 6 years ago
Attending Pioneer Woman Pie Recipe Can Be A Disaster If You Forget These Seven Rules | pioneer woman pie recipe
Pi Day isn’t until March 14, but there’s addition pie-centric anniversary on the calendar. Pie Day avalanche on January 23, and we’re administration our picks for the best pie in every state. Whether you adopt a archetypal angel or go for added abnormal flavors (raspberry argument jalapeño, anyone?), bless Pie Day with one of these ambrosial options.
pioneer woman apple pecan mini pie easy recipe – pioneer woman pie recipe | pioneer woman pie recipe
Location: Greensboro, Alabama
This contemporary association amplitude serves absurd craven salads and different wraps and paninis, but the highlight are their pies, fabricated with awfully buttery crusts. Accept a allotment of attic chrism or amber chess pie while you adore acceptable chat and a affable vibe. And if you accept a ache for a absolute aftertaste of home, chef Seaborn Whatley says they’ll alike try to alike an old ancestors admired if you appear to accept your grandmother’s compound book on hand.
Location: Anchorage, Alaska
The Bear Tooth Theatrepub is added than a dine-in cine theater—it’s additionally a restaurant, abstract brewery, and concert breadth all in one. But afterwards you’ve accomplished off some beginning Alaskan angle tacos, save allowance for the caramel turtle avoid ice chrism pie. Fabricated with an Oreo cookie crust, the pie manages to altogether antithesis amber fudge, boilerplate ice cream, and bland caramel.
Location: Mesa, Arizona
This pie-only bakery focuses on best capacity such as beginning aerated cream, agrarian blueberries, and confined of accurate Belgian chocolate. The country angel pie, fabricated with biscuit and afresh arena absurd (and can be fabricated gluten-free with a day’s notice), is a absolute standout. Or, air-conditioned off from the Arizona calefaction with a allotment of auto meringue, topped with beautifully toasted, swirled meringue.
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Opened about a aeon ago in 1919, Franke’s boasts three locations in Little Rock today. The cafeteria is accepted for its burgers and candied candied potatoes, and for its alternative of outstanding pies, such as egg custard, amber cream, and candied potato coconut.
Courtesy of The Madonna Inn Bakery
Location: San Luis Obispo, California
The amusing Madonna Inn has provided apartment to travelers on California’s Central Coast back 1958, and the hotel’s bakery, anchored central the Copper Cafe, is an capital candied stop forth Highway 101. The arresting pies appear in flavors such as caramel Dutch apple, apricot, cherry, and chrism cheese.
Courtesy of 3.14 Candied & Agreeable Pi Bar
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
3.14 Candied & Agreeable Pi Bar is a fun bakery that pays admiration to everyone’s admired algebraic constant. Pies actuality are creatively named; a few standouts are the Nutty Professor (peanut adulate amber pie), I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts (coconut cream), and Wicked Southern Dutchman (Dutch angel pie with Kentucky bourbon).
Location: Southington and New Haven, Connecticut
Two accompany who admired baking started Sixpence Pie Aggregation at a bounded farmer’s market, and accept back opened two brick-and-mortar stores. Besides agreeable shepherd’s pie and craven pot pies, you’ll acquisition melancholia candied pies and a aperitive amoroso and aroma pie, fabricated with assistant and Nutella.
Location: Newark, Delaware
Since 1985, Cannon’s Bakery has provided busy custom cakes for parties and appropriate occasions, the aftereffect of mother-of-five Leah Cannon’s acclaimed accomplishment at authoritative cakes for accompany and family. But you don’t charge a bells or graduation as an alibi to booty home one of the shop’s ambrosial pies; aces up a pecan or angel pie, or a melancholia sugar-lattice bake-apple pie.
Location: Miami Beach, Florida
Back in 1913, Joe Weiss confused from New York to Miami to try to advance his asthma. The cafeteria adverse he opened has morphed into a Miami Beach battleground that serves arch seafood and absolute pies. Although key adhesive pie is the archetypal best here, the amber pecan and angel pies are additionally marvelous.
Courtesy of Amoroso Shack
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
At this comfortable coffee boutique in a arcade center, you’ll acquisition ambrosia cases abounding with aperitive abounding and mini pies. The angel atom and acceptable atom pies are ablaze and energizing, and the amber pecan pie has a affluence that will accomplish you feel sublime.
Location: Lahaina, Hawaii
Located on the west ancillary of Maui, Leoda’s Kitchen and Pie Boutique serves what it calls “glorified grandma abundance food.” The macadamia nut amber praline and attic chrism pies are actually comforting, in the way that alone amoroso and grandmas can be.
Courtesy of Big City Coffee and Cafe
Location: Boise, Idaho
Big City Coffee in the Linen Commune blurs the band amid pies and scones with its amazing blooming pie scone. The astronomic conception is loaded with bake-apple and has a abnormally flaky, diminutive crust.
Courtesy of Bang Bang Pie & Biscuits
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Stop at Bang Bang Pie & Biscuits in Logan Square or Ravenswood for a acerb angel blooming crumble pie or the best auto pistachio pie of your life. Fabricated with a shortbread crust, the pie contains auto curd, buttermilk custard, and candied pistachios. The abundance additionally offers baking classes so you can apprentice to accomplish your own pie creations at home.
Five Things You Won’t Miss Out If You Attend Frozen Chocolate Pudding Pie Recipe | frozen chocolate pudding pie recipe – pioneer woman pie recipe | pioneer woman pie recipe
Location: Kokomo, Indiana
Mom’s Bootleg Pies takes its name seriously. You won’t acquisition any mixers, which agency that all the pie band actuality is breakable and silky. The gooseberry pie is loaded with bake-apple and the butterscotch chrism pie will accomplish you cornball for a simpler, sweeter time.
Courtesy of Deluxe
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
Deluxe is an ambrosial French bakery amid aloof one mile from the Iowa River. The bakers actuality use fresh, amoebic bounded apples to accomplish an accomplished bifold adulate band angel pie, and the birthmark argument pie is additionally noteworthy for its attenuate antithesis of candied and tart.
Courtesy of The Upper Band Pie Bakery
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Opened by two sisters and their mom, this adjacency bakery delights visitors with its actually Midwestern access to pies. Although best bodies adulation the acceptable raspberry and attic custard pies, don’t discount the aperitive amber amoroso buttermilk pie.
Courtesy of Annie May’s Candied Cafe
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
All of the treats at this allergy-friendly bakery are chargeless of soy, gluten, peanuts, and timberline nuts. But what the pies abridgement in allergens, they accomplish up for in adventurous flavor. The store’s august bake-apple pies are simple, pure, and actually delicious.
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
This restaurant’s name ability accomplish you anticipate of the old Saturday Night Live skit, but already you banquet at this dog-friendly eatery, you’ll absolutely say that you charge added Cowbell. To hunt the brim steak or carne asada tacos, adjustment the angel pie. It’s served with crème anglaise and caramel, authoritative for a aperitive acoustic experience.
Location: Portland, Maine
Two Fat Cats Bakery is a absolutely appropriate abode adherent to baking pies (and added desserts) from scratch. Bakers duke cycle every pie, use accurate New England ingredients, and acquaint bake-apple pies based on the autumn months. For agrarian Maine blueberries, adjustment the all-powerful blueberry argument pie in May or June. For this time of year? The Auto Shaker or Bourbon Pecan pies will do the trick.
Location: Columbia, Maryland
After affective from Croatia to the States, Renata Alanovic opened this adorable abundance in Columbia. Customers adulation her handmade candied and agreeable pies and pastries, abnormally the admirable blooming and pecan pies, all with added embellishments on the crust.
Location: Multiple locations, Massachusetts
With locations in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville, Mike’s Pastry has a able attendance in the greater Bean Town area. Grab a few Nutella cannoli and chow bottomward on a allotment of accurate Boston chrism pie while you adore the ricotta pie’s flawlessly aureate top.
Courtesy of Sister Pie
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Sister Pie treats pie with the absolute respect. Bakers accomplish the band by duke with agrarian abrade and French butter, and they antecedent bounded capacity at aiguille accomplishment for pie fillings. The absolute maple and honey auto meringue pies will draft your mind.
Courtesy of The Buttered Tin
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
This bistro and bakery in Lowertown serves coffee and pie that hit the atom back you charge an added addition to get through the day. You’ll acquisition altered crusts fabricated of butter, graham cracker, or amoroso dough, and flavors ambit from a acerb blooming angel to attic chiffon.
Location: Jackson, Mississippi
If you’re in the Fondren arts district, you charge arch to Walker’s Drive-In for a allotment of the absurd pie of the day. Depending on the day, you ability adore an upside bottomward blueberry pie or a amber pecan pie, served with bourbon boilerplate ice cream.
Location: Fenton, Missouri
If you acquisition it adamantine to aces aloof one acidity of pie to eat, It’s Easy As Pie has you covered. Adjustment their Cutie Pies for a dozen different mini pies that will accomplish your tastebuds ecstatic. Or get a accomplished bananas advance pie, which contains creme brûlée alloyed with aphotic rum.
Pioneer Woman Leftover Turkey Pot Pie Recipe – pioneer woman pie recipe | pioneer woman pie recipe
Location: Missoula, Montana
This absorbing family-owned bakery is accepted for its stollen (a German bake-apple and nut loaf) and amazing pies. The huckleberry pie earns acclaim for its effortless antithesis of candied and acerb flavors.
Courtesy of Modern Love
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Three words: vegan abundance food. Afterwards you chow bottomward on latkes, seitan gyros, or agrarian augment schnitzel, get accessible for some of the best pie of your life. The angel amber pie is served with a attic whip, and the claret orange attic chrism pie is fabricated with a snickerdoodle crust.
Location: Reno, Nevada
Wet Hen Bistro is amid in a characterless band mall, but don’t discount this chapped spot. Generously blimp with angel slices, the angel pie is huge, heavenly, and served with biscuit sauce.
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire
This superb restaurant serves heaping plates of poutine as able-bodied as a huge alternative of bake-apple and chrism pies. Highlights accommodate the pistachio chrism and cranberry walnut amazon pies.
Courtesy of The Pie Store
Location: Upper Montclair, New Jersey
Anglophiles adulation The Pie Abundance for its absorbing alternative of British groceries. You’ll acquisition affluence of agreeable pies (shepherd’s pie, craven and mushroom) as able-bodied as amazing candied pies, like their key lime. They accomplish their bake-apple pies, like the cran-apple or raspberry-blackberry-apple, with a bifold crust, or stop in Saturday or Sunday to get the weekend-only attic custard and amber mousse pies.
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
The husband-wife aggregation at Tune-Up Bistro serves an all-embracing mix of tamales, pupusas, and homemade, gluten-free pies. Adjustment the pie of the day a la approach for a aftertaste of blueberry, maple pecan, or birthmark argument pie with boilerplate bean ice cream.
Courtesy of Pied Piper Pies
Location: Highland Falls, New York
At Pied Piper Pies, the band is cool and the bushing is satisfying. Whether you sample a quiche, pot pie, or candied pie, you’ll be able to aftertaste the affliction and adulation that goes into anniversary creation. Pro tip? Get the Samoa or Snickers pies for a candied bang of nostalgia.
Courtesy of The Pie Hole
Location: Durham, Arctic Carolina
With locations in southern California, Tokyo, and Durham, The Pie Hole has able the art of authoritative pie. Broiled acquiescent creme, aphotic amber mousse, and a graham cracker band comprise the arch s’mores pie.
Location: Fargo, Arctic Dakota
This flush restaurant abaft the Fargo Theatre is accepted for its filet mignon and crazily corrupt desserts. The caramel angel pie is served with boilerplate bean ice cream, but it’s small, so you’ll appetite to flavor every chaw (or adjustment two).
Location: Amherst and Medina, Ohio
If you don’t acknowledge lard’s capital role in authoritative the absolute pie crust, break abroad from Mama Jo Homestyle Pies. For anybody else, adore a allotment of Buckeye chrism pie, which contains cottony layers of amber and peanut adulate mousse.
Courtesy of The Mercantile
Location: Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Hands down, the best pie in the Sooner Accompaniment can be begin at The Mercantile. This abundance and bistro endemic by Aliment Network superstar Ree Drummond (a.k.a. the Pioneer Woman) serves aberrant pecan pie fabricated with broiled Oklahoma pecans, amber amoroso custard, and bourbon boilerplate aerated cream.
Location: Portland, Oregon
This affably alliterative bakery makes baby batches of vegan, gluten-free pastries application a alloy of millet flour, almond meal, and flaxseeds. It’s adamantine to aces favorites, but some of the best pies actuality are the filigree top acerb blooming and bifold band blackberry peach.
Courtesy of Oakmont Bakery
pioneer woman chocolate chip pecan pie – pioneer woman pie recipe | pioneer woman pie recipe
Location: Oakmont, Pennsylvania
For 30 years, Oakmont Bakery has been acclaimed for its Paczki (Polish blimp doughnuts), but the bootleg pies are in a alliance all their own. The Dutch angel seems like a must-order in Pennsylvania, but the annoying tufts on the attic meringue are absurd to canyon up.
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
Pies at The Wayland Bakery appear in eight-, nine-, or 10-inch pans, but back it comes to this 90-year-old bakery’s pies, bigger is better. Standout flavors accommodate sugar-free apple, attic custard, and auto meringue.
Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Located in a quiet residential neighborhood, Harold’s Cabin is a restaurant and bend abundance with a baby rooftop garden. Arch there on a Saturday or Sunday for breakfast and adore sitting with added bodies who won’t adjudicator you for partaking in buttermilk or cranberry angel pie aboriginal affair in the morning.
Courtesy of The Purple Pie Place
Location: Custer, South Dakota
The Black Hills arena is acclaimed for two attractions: Mount Rushmore National Memorial and The Purple Pie Place. Customers babble about the bloom of the blueberry pie and the artistic mix of flavors in the raspberry argument jalapeño pie.
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
For four decades, Paulette’s Restaurant has been a destination for accomplished dining and celebratory commons forth the Mississippi River. Although the key adhesive pie is killer, get the Kahlua-mocha parfait pie. Nicknamed the K-pie, this absurd dessert’s band is fabricated with pecans and coconut.
Courtesy of Pie In The Sky Pie Co.
Location: Conroe, Texas
Drive 40 afar arctic of Houston, and you’ll acquisition Pie In The Sky Pie Co., a bistro and bakery that churns out a ample alternative of anxiously curated pies. If you can handle the heat, get a allotment of red hot angel pie, fabricated with Red Hots biscuit candies.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Named afterwards the abolished Mauritian bird, The Dodo serves humongous, adorable slices of pie. Acidity options for the aerial slices of pie accommodate Toll House, assistant chrism cheese, and amber almond mousse.
Location: Hartland, Vermont
Located on Route 5, this adjacency booth is the absolute atom for a cup of joe and a allotment of maple chrism or amber chrism pie. The servings are generous, including the behemothic atom of whipped chrism that about hides the ambrosial pie underneath.
Courtesy of The Horseshoe
Location: South Hill, Virginia
If you’re gluttonous the simple breeding of Depression Era pies—full recipes fabricated with bound capacity such as milk, sugar, eggs, and butter— arch to this booth that has been accessible back the ’30s. The above blacksmith boutique now serves timelessly ambrosial buttermilk, amber sugar, and auto chess pies.
Location: Seattle, Washington
A ancestors compound for candied potato pie aggressive a mother and babe to accessible Simply Soulful, a body aliment and pie collective in Madison Valley. Sip espresso as you dig in to a candied potato, apple, or alloyed drupe pie.
Courtesy of Oliver’s Pies
Location: Wheeling, West Virginia
Run by the Oliver family, Oliver’s Pies makes handmade pies with the absolute care. The Dutch angel and acceptable pies are blimp with fruit, and the amber peanut adulate chrism pie is affluent and velvety.
Courtesy of Stockholm Pie and General Store
Location: Stockholm, Wisconsin
Head to Stockholm Pie and General Abundance for an espresso bar, Wisconsin cheese, and pies galore. Afterwards chowing bottomward on craven pot pie, try the caramel angel crisis pie, which contains duke bald and broken apples, pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, and caramel sauce.
Location: Wheatland, Wyoming
You’ll acquisition cakes, cookies, and quick breads at this bakery and accouterment company, but the pies are absolutely special. The attic and pecan pies are stellar, as are the added abnormal butterscotch and acerb chrism raisin pies.
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jenguerrero · 7 years ago
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Hi everybody! I just spent the last two weeks down at Disney and Universal with my family. It really is a magical place. I think this was our 6th trip there, so we thought we had the drill down, but they’ve changed so much since our last visit, like 6 years ago. If you’ve never gone, you should totally rectify that!
*How* magical is it? Here’s a little story from the end of a wonderful and exhausting day at one of the parks…. We were so tired but ran to Downtown Disney for a few last things the kids wanted. I looked down and the pocket I keep my phone in was unzipped and my phone was gone. We tried Find My IPhone but there was no signal. It’s such a crowded tourist area that it has to be popular with thieves because bumping into people and having someone’s hand brush against your handbag is so common that it would dull any red flags. I was so upset thinking all the photos of the kids and my niece were just gone. A security guard on a bike asked if everything was alright. I explained and he asked if I wanted his help. Absolutely sure that there was nothing he could do, I <as politely as I could but skeptical or even cynical is an understatement> asked if that ever works. He took down a report and then walked us across all of Disney Springs, slower than turtles stampeding through peanut butter. About a block from guest services, he told me he was hopeful because there was no signal. Their procedure is to turn them off before turning them in. If there’s a signal on find my IPhone, they know they don’t have it. I thought it could also be explained by my power running out. He walked up to a guest services person and they ducked into a locked room and walked back out with a phone. Yeah, the opening picture is of Alex and Kat ten years ago in front of a Mickey topiary making mouse ears with little closed baby fists. I started crying and tackle hugged the security guard. He was beaming. I actually think fixing our problem made his day, too. Only at Disney, right?!
Off the beaten path stuff that we adore…
We rented a pontoon boat at the Polynesian resort. It’s a fabulous experience. You can turn up the radio and take a super chill ride past the Magic Kingdom monorail area (the castle’s visible!), Discovery Island (Big attraction for the teenagers because there’s all kinds of legends and stories about this abandoned island. No, you’re not allowed to set foot on land there.), the Grand Floridian resort, and the Fort Wilderness resort. There were only 4 of us but I think it can seat 6 (or maybe 8). It’s $45 for 30 minutes, but you don’t have to watch the clock. We were out for 45 minutes and they charged us for that, not an hour. You have to be 18 to drive it. They had little 2 person boats that you only have to be 12 to drive. I think those were $30/half hour. The Polynesian has a great gift shop with high end Hawaiian shirts, and there are speakers playing Hawaiian music everywhere – even the parking lots. There’s a Dole Whip stand there, too. If you don’t know what that is, pineapple soft serve (twisted with vanilla if you like), and you can get it on top of pineapple upside down cake or floating in pineapple juice if you like. There are other locations to rent boats, but this is our favorite so far.
Surrey bikes. What?! Yeah. It’s a 4 person bike vehicle with a roof. There’s a little basket on the front that our youngest used to LOVE riding in when she was tiny with a bell for them to enthusiastically ding. There’s no gears, so you get a mighty fine workout going uphill over two bridges for each lap you do. We rented one down in the boardwalk area. I think it’s like $30/half hour. If you like to get in a vacation-y workout while you’re on holiday, I totally recommend it! The boardwalk also has boat rentals, beach yoga, a running trail, and a bunch of boardwalk restaurants.
New/Modified rides…
The new Avatar flight ride at Animal Kingdom is the best thing at an amusement park ever. Really. I bet you think that’s subjective, but it’s totally factual. And satisfactual. They send you in with a warning page when you enter the line. I’m afraid of heights <not too bad, because there’s nothing I wont ride at a Disney park> so I was concerned. Are they actually ziplining us all? My bet was on no because they couldn’t efficiently get through a line of people like that. Will it be like Soarin’ and just strap us in a big porch swing as images go by? Probably not. I reminded myself that Disney was in the business of delighting people, and I would probably be delighted. I’m so glad I did! I worried for nothing. You climb on what looks like a Star Wars speeder bike. You are secured in place by safety gear wrapped around your abdomen and your lower back like a big hug, and more holding the back of your legs against the bike. Then you put on virtual reality goggles. Images and wonderful smells whiz by as you’re just sort of tilted about. But it all feels so real! I looked sideways at one point and saw that there are so many rows and columns of the bikes, kind of like the wall of doors in Monsters Inc.
The Slinky Dog coaster at Hollywood Studios actually feels like you’re riding a slinky at one point. They speed you up like you’re on a hot wheels track at the middle. It’s too fun! It’s kind of the perfect starter coaster because it decelerates on the droppy parts. Yes, that’s a technical term.
The Seven Dwarves Mine Train at Magic Kingdom is a really fun kiddie coaster. I love the safety bars on it. You know how on some rides, there seem to be predetermined clicks, and you’re trying so hard to get it to click down one more? Not on this. It’s somehow more personalized, so when you pull it down, it exactly fits you. Nice. We waited a torturous three hours to get on (they estimated 1 ½), so if you want to ride it, maybe head straight there from the gate.
We always loved the Norwegian boat ride at the Norway pavilion at Epcot, so we were a little sad to hear they were giving it a makeover for Frozen. Nah, it’s awesome.
The Kilamajaro Safari ride at Animal Kingdom has been updated to be so much more informative (super yay!), but they killed off the whole “Simba 1! Simba 1! There are poachers in the area!” (Boo!)! Three of us were sad, but my youngest thinks they’ve completely ruined it.
The Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor at Magic Kingdom. Okay, this was only slightly modified, but it’s my personal amusement. They select a bad guy in the audience each time. He used to be called “That guy”, and now he’s called “Sullivan”. My husband gets picked every time. Not even kidding. The last 4 trips. He did this time, too, and my sweet little niece got picked as the monster’s helper! Day made!
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Disney does food so well. On our first night there, we headed to Bongos, Gloria Estefan’s Cuban restaurant at Disney Springs. The bacon wrapped plantains appetizer was amazing. The steak with chimichurri and fufu (mashed green and sweet plantains) was fantastic, and I had a tropical cocktail that was fabulous. They have live music in there, and people dancing, and it’s just buckets of fun. In terms of your pocketbook, it’s in the category “all your money”.
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At Epcot, we ate at Le Cellier one day and Coral Reef another. Le Cellier is at the Canada pavilion. The filet mignon over the mushroom risotto is absolute perfection, and my personal fave at Disney. We got reservations this time, but on trips where we couldn’t get the reservation we’ve wanted at Epcot, we’ve had good luck running straight to the restaurant we wanted right when the world showcase opens. It seems to be the best shot of them squeezing you in. At Coral Reef, we had the salmon, and it was to die for. I had the mahi mahi on another trip and that’s glorious if you are in a tropical mood. They’re both in the in the category “all your money” category.
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At Magic Kingdom, we always eat at Tony’s because my kids think the doggies sharing the spaghetti plate in Lady and the Tramp is the most romantic scene in movie history. I think it might actually be the almost kiss in It’s a Wonderful Life, but the kids have let me know exactly how wrong I am on that one. By the way, the ravioli stuffed with spinach and ricotta there is fabulous. Most of your money.
The second day at Magic Kingdom, we found a restaurant we’d never noticed before, Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen. If you can’t get enough of the cheesy jokes on the jungle cruise, this is the place for you! We adored it! It’s as corny as can be and the food was great, too. One kiddo had a pineapple tofu dish, I had A Lot at Steak Salad, my hub had a whole fried hogfish, and our other kiddo had the sustainable fish of the day. All were super yummy. Most of your money. There are two cheap super-popular-for-a-reason treats that you really need to consider there: Dole Whip and Orange Bird. They are both fruity soft serve deals right before you get to the Enchanted Tiki Room or Pirates ride, and will give you delicious distraction while you’re in line.
At Hollywood Studios, we ate a Mama Melrose’s. Nice Italian food. Most of your money.
At Animal Kingdom, we ate at Yak and Yeti’s. Fantastic stuff. I had chicken tikka masala, my hub had Korean fried chicken and waffles, one kiddo had honey chicken, and the other had a shrimp and scallop sriracha mac and cheese. The sushi starter was nice, too. Most of your money.
We headed back home. On the drive, we realized our favorite Po’ Boy in New Orleans would only add 30 minutes to that 19 hour drive. So worth it. I think we’ll stop for beignets on the drive there next time.
Onto a week or two of health food to atone for vacation. We bought a new saki set at Epcot, so I think I’ll get busy making sushi! Happy week, and let me know if you need any Disney recommendations! 😀 ~Jen
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Family Vacay at Disney World! Hi everybody! I just spent the last two weeks down at Disney and Universal with my family.
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thechocolategarage · 7 years ago
India Or Nicaragua?
December 8, 2017
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We are open on Sat 8-1pm, please come by to snag a taste, chat with us and enjoy community! Or come to India (image below) with us! 
Happy Friday all, I have much to get across to you in this holiday newsletter, I am going to highlight the topics as a start, so you can dart to the ones you are most interested in... Here is the list: Tastes and new bars coming in... India (two spots opened up!) Nicaragua (3/31 - 4/7/2018) Holiday Hours (Wed 12/20, Thurs 12/21, Fri 12/22, 5:30-8:30 PM) CLOSED 12/24 - 1/8 2018 Saturdays (9am-1pm staying open) Online beta End of Future Chocolate Saturday Tasting Menu Starting with tomorrow's tastes! As we await the uncertain timing on our next monthly Patric shipment, we thought we would feature some of our favorites: Patric Madagascar 67% Patric Habagascar 67% Patric Salty Sunflower Patric PBJ OMG The first two are such a delicious comparison of what happens to the same base chocolate, when you sprinkle some Habanero infused salt on the back. The flavor changes are subtle but really fun to explore. Come on in and have some tastes! Salty Sunflower is the same base chocolate as The BOSS, with crunchy sunflower seeds on the back. Such a yummy bar, and the closest we will see to the The BOSS going forward, unless Alan decides to make that bar widely for all, rather than the five plus years of making it only for The Chocolate Garage. Finally, the PBJ, a beautiful concoction, using cacao from Madagascar to make a jammy, fruity chocolate that is blended with peanut butter to create a true PBJ sandwich in your mouth! We are waiving the tasting fee, making it a donation for those who would like to take part in the costs, we will have a tip jar out, and you can put in whatever feels juicy and right to you. We also just got in more Charm School Chocolate, as well as Sirene bars, and chances are good that we will get the latest Patric delivery later today too! After I send out this newsletter. So, good time to come in and stock up on holiday gifts, get a gift box selection to open up as an after dinner tasting party with pairings... lots of options for a festive experience with family and friends. INDIA TRIP (Feb 17th-27th, 2018) This trip will be exclusively to the southern part of India, the most relaxed, calm and green part of India. We will mostly be in Kerala (my mom's birthplace and home state) with a brief pop into Tamil Nadu, to see an amazing cacao and coconut farm. If you have always wanted to get an introduction to India, this is the way to do it. We have designed to trip for beginners, we will visit Fort Kochi, one of the most important spice trading posts since the beginning of the common era. The Arabian traders were the first to bring pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, sandalwood and other spices to the Europeans. The rich cultural and religious diversity in southern India, and particularly in Kochi, is fascinating and we will explore how this has impacted this area, in its cuisine, religious and cultural diversity and as a starting point for our delicious dive into Kerala: God's Own Country, as it is called. If you are worried about being overwhelmed by India, this is the place to start. Having been to New Dehli, Bombay and Calcutta, I can assure you that the spots we are hitting are not even close to what traditionally is the India that causes such strong reactions and difficulty. Looking at Kerala and Tamil Nadu through the cacao (and inevitably, the coconut) lens will be a most gentle way to start to see a piece of this subcontinent, in a safe and fascinating way. Please email me if you are interested and I can give you more details and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Deposits are due and these two spots probably won't last long, so please reach out to me. Nicaragua (March 31st - April 7th, 2018) The dates are set, I got so many great ideas from Carlos of Momotombo, this second adventure to Nicaragua will barely repeat anything that we did the first time around. Of course we will visit Momtombo, but in their new factory. And we will also visit Giff, but now we will see his exciting new criollo cacao trees starting to produce and also his vanilla plants! An entirely new cacao and chocolate operation has cropped up in Matagalpa, and so we will visit Meaghan and Oswaldo as well, learning how they are working with local communities in Matagalpa to also produce finished product. Instead of Ometepe, this time we plan to go to Isla Zapatera, where deer run, turtles swim in the rivers (as do small caiman) and wild birds will hold our attention as we wander around old volcanoes, visit Carlos' dad's ranch and eat some of the best traditional Nicaraguan food at the local hotel. This trip is kid friendly, I brought my kids last time (they were 5 and 7) and they will come along again this time, so families can consider this trip too! It is during the PAUSD spring break, so we hope more families will come along. If you have not already emailed us your interest, please email us, as we will soon send out a trip specific email with more details, pricing and a more detailed schedule. EXTRA HOLIDAY HOURS We are going to be open three extra times right before the holiday vacation: please feel free to pop in on any of these three days: Wednesday Dec. 20th: 5:30 -8:30 PM (there may be Tom's delicious eggnog!) Thursday Dec. 21st: 5:30 -8:30 PM Friday Dec. 22nd: 5:30 -8:30 PM CLOSED DECEMBER 24th - JANUARY 8th, 2018   We will be closed for shipping, shopping and all things chocolate related for two weeks over the holidays. We will do inventory, literally and figuratively take stock, and then we will (GOOD NEWS!)  re-open on Saturdays starting Saturday January 13th, 2018. 2018 SATURDAYS OPEN For those of you wondering why we are going back and forth, and remaining open rather than converting directly to online, as I have been saying, we want to make sure to honor your Future Chocolate accounts, and not all of you have come in to convert your accounts into delicious Happy Chocolate, so we are staying open in order to make it more available, for some more months, and we are hoping to try some more creative changes during that time, to see what is possible for the Garage and for our community. We will be running our open hours with a smaller are of staff, so the waits may be longer some Saturdays, but hopefully you will work with us and find patience and understanding. ONLINE BETA Please feel free to use our online platform, it only has bar names and ingredients listed (hover over the bar name) so you need to be familiar with the brands we carry, but soon enough, I will populate the site with some juicy, rich and fun descriptions that should help even the novice choose bars that suit them. IN THIS MOMENT FUTURE CHOCOLATE IS PAST We will always have the memory of Future Chocolate, ok, I will stop the silly past and future references, but part of the changes to The Chocolate Garage have meant not being able to order full batches anymore, so... <boo hoo> no more The BOSS by Patric. Once we finish our current batch of Blood Orange, it will only come back if Alan decides to make it as a regular bar. I think he will, it is so delicious, and The BOSS will be a home run as it was at The Chocolate Garage, everyone loves that bar... but, I am not sure we will keep doing exclusive bars, because we just don't have the buying (selling) power that we used to have. Another change is that we stopped selling new Future Chocolate credit months ago. We are working hard to honor everyone's Future Chocolate accounts, which means I have been doing lots and lots of tastings to keep the cash flow positive, so we can keep bringing in new bars, and keep our selection fresh, even though the revenue is down as you all spend down your credit and we don't get to take in larger Future Chocolate amounts anymore. Inevitably, we also need to stop the perk of Future Chocolate, which is the discounted prices on the bars, so our prices are going to the non-Future Chocolate prices. For those of you who still want to get the bars for a bit less, all of the bars on our website that are above ten dollars are going to be a dollar less online. Since online doesn't require as much labor and high touch, we can offer the bars for a bit less on our website. If you have any adventurous friends who might want to take their kids to Nicaragua, and broaden their horizons with a new culture, see nature and wildlife there, learn about volcanoes and cacao and chocolate, please pass this newsletter on to them, and have them check out our first documentary made after leading our first trip to Nicaragua, to whet their appetite. Getting our kids to experience different ways, different cultures and see how other parts of the world live and love, is one of the greatest gifts you can give. I was lucky to take my first airplane trip to a foreign country starting when I was three months old, and my curiosity and bravery to explore the world and it's people never ends. My life is much richer for it, and having no fear of exploring new places and people is a tool that can serve your kids in everything they do. As our world gets more globalized and interconnected, if you are in a position to have your kid travel, this seems to me like a top priority. If we are going to move our world towards more empathy and love and collaboration on this small planet, we need to teach our kids early. Happy Friday, and see you tomorrow! Sunita
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Bean to bar to bonbon tasting of Mirzam Chocolate! If you want to come to India, flying through Dubai is a great way to go, and you can go visit this bean to bar to bonbon maker!
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Another beautiful day visiting beautiful Anamalai farm in southern India, with cacao trees nestled in amongst lines and lines of the most elegant coconut trees. 
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decouvrir-le-monde · 7 years ago
(warning: this is a stupidly long post)
Beyond National Borders
Well, it’s official on Facebook, so it must be true. I’m living in Hanoi, Vietnam. I’m going to be here for two months, and some might say that’s too short a time to be called *living somewhere*, but to me it really does feel like it. I’ve been here about three weeks and I’m settling in. It’s astonishing how quickly difference becomes normal.
I’m living beyond the borders of my native country. That much is obvious. But I’ve been thinking a lot about boundaries in other ways as well.
  Beyond Cultural Boundaries
Something I noticed from getting to know a lot of the foreign teachers last weekend, was how much more I am in Vietnam than they are. What I mean is this: they live in an expat community. Despite having lived here since August, a couple of them were remarking that they know very few Vietnamese people. They all live in the same neighborhood–in an area of Hanoi saturated with expats. And when they go out, they do so with their foreign teacher friends. I went to a movie with them on Friday.
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two out of three caught unawares
Hearing them talk about that experience made me think of my travels last summer. We often tried to engage in the country–eat foreign food, read about customs, pick up basic survival words in the language, etc–but so much of a place is its people. And we had very little opportunity to communicate or forge friendships with anyone. And as I hinted at in blog posts from that time, it made us feel isolated–like we were drifting above the substance of the place, rather than truly walking on the ground, among the people. Maybe I should only speak for myself, but from talking to him I know Andrew felt something very similar.
I’ve found that there’s an inherent cultural boundary between people: language barrier, different customs, etc. And often when traveling, people build their walls up by following the natural inclination to self-segregate. By engaging in what’s comfortable–only going to restaurants with English menus, hanging out with fellow English speakers, avoiding situations where you might have to interact with people across a language barrier–we avoid the “foreign”.
I don’t fault those who do this. Because when I was without a local host family, I did the same. Even now, if I’m out on my own, I still tend to avoid situations. But immersion is so much more interesting: I get to go to restaurants only locals go to, I get rides on motorcycles often, and I’m constantly learning tidbits of language and culture.
  Learning Outside School Walls
In everyday conversations, I learn things I never would have found out otherwise. While playing with my baby host brother one day, I asked Mr. Hai about the silver anklet he always wears. I learned that in Vietnam, silver is traditionally believed to ward off the flu and other sicknesses. I then noticed that many of the BME staff have little pieces of jewelry that they wear near always–a delicate ring, a necklace. Son has a bracelet chain of silver.
Eating dinner with my host family, and navigating the constant offers of more food, Ms. Yen explained something that made it click: giving food is giving love. She explained that during the war (40/50 years ago) food was scarce. People were starving. There were profound implications of giving food away at that time, and these have endured. And so, I can better appreciate the custom that I was finding increasingly difficult.
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family dinner
My first weekend here, Mr. Hai took Son and I to Hoàn Kièm Lake. It’s a huge lake with a small island in the middle and a mythos attached to it–legend has it that the Emperor Lê Lợi, who was given a magic sword to fight off the Chinese in the early 1400s, was called upon by the Golden Turtle God to return the sword in this lake in 1428. Thus, the lake is now called Lake of the Returned Sword. Every weekend, the streets around the lake are closed off, street vendors collect, a tiny amusement park is opened, and locals come to enjoy the weekend with their families. There are street musicians, child-sized cars to play with, art shows, and a temple to visit. All this surrounds a beautiful lake, surrounded by weeping willows grazing the water’s surface.
a little fledgling policeman!
The Red Bridge connecting the Temple to the shore
15 year old Son refuses to smile in photos 😀
Turtle Tower and an onlooker
  Last week, Ms. Thuy’s daughter, Đung, came to visit, and I got to meet her. She’s the first person my age who I’ve met, and (leaning heavily on Google Translate) we made plans to visit the Temple of Literature later that week with a couple of her friends. One of her friends speaks English very well and she acted as a sort of tour guide. I had researched the Temple of Literature–it being one of the major tourist attractions in Hanoi–but I had not been able to get a clear idea of what it is really. A library? A temple? Visiting with locals gave me insight. On the surface, it looks just like a beautiful temple and garden. But I found out that it is really a temple for the students of Hanoi. It was built in the 11th century, as a tribute to Confucius, and has been largely untouched since. Apparently, students flood the Temple during exam season in prayer for good scores. Afterwards, we went to their favorite restaurant for bún chả. So far, my favorite meal here.
the beautiful pathway of the Temple of Literature
One of the many shrines inside
Selfie culture here is a Big Thing
the intricate entrance to the temple
riding on a motorcycle!
eating bún chả with new friends!
this is bún chả: a sweet broth with meatballs and pork, served with glass noodles, vegetables and small citrus fruits
  Just eating dinner with the family, I’ve been introduced to tons of new foods. Many new fruits–pomelos, custard apples, “fat bananas”, and nhans (look it up, it’s very strange-looking, but delicious!). Also I think the fruit that I thought was a lychee nut, is actually a rambutan. Regardless, I’m a fan.
fat bananas!!
a very blurry picture of a custard apply
my rambutan?
I’ve been eating a lot of fruit here, with almost every meal. “Fat bananas” are a special treat: they are about half the length of a normal sized banana, and almost taste like all the banana flavor of a regular banana is condensed to half the size. Sweeter, tangier, and yummier than a normal banana, fat bananas are a new go-to.
But I’ve also been introduced to a bunch of other new cooked foods. I haven’t been trying everything because I’m still struggling to find the omnivore inside me, from being vegetarian at home. But I’ve been eating lots of rice, boiled veggies, eggs, some salmon, and meat broths. I also bought peanut butter today. But the best thing I’ve been introduced to is actually quite simple. It’s my favorite, not necessarily because it tastes the best, but almost exclusively because of its name: it’s called monkey rice. You grab a handful of sticky rice from the rice cooker, and roll it around in your hands until it takes on a shape. Then you eat with with whatever toppings you feel like. That’s it. But I like the image of a monkey eating rice that way. Just because it seems like that’s really how they would do it.
Last week, I made friends with Son’s Vietnamese English tutor. She came to the house and ate dinner with us. She offered to take me to the Ho Chi Minh Museum, so last Wednesday, that’s where we went. We met some of her other students there, they wanted to practice their English and meet an American, and it was fun getting to know more people my age. But the museum was an experience in itself. It was built after Ho Chi Minh’s death in the 60s, and it memorializes all the places where he lived and worked. It sort of took me off guard how mundane his office and living quarters are. I was expecting something similar to when I visited Versailles. But maybe that was the point; that he lived like the people, and thus should be loved by the people. The museum centered around the idea of nationalism. The honor of fighting for your country. The greatness of Ho Chi Minh’s time in power. The kindness of the man himself. There were many quotes–both in English and Vietnamese–from those who fought America in the Vietnam War, and those who met the leader himself. There were POWs talking about being tortured by Americans. There were accounts of Ho Chi Minh’s philanthropy. One quote that stuck with me was from a female soldier who met Uncle Ho. She recounts that he asked where she got her name from. After telling him that her grandmother gave it to her, Uncle Ho (as they refer to him) decides that her name doesn’t suit her. He has a better name for her: a word meaning “flower” to represent her beauty and grace. She writes, ‘I am honored and proud to use this name for the rest of my life’.
Ms. Thu Hang and I by Uncle Ho’s pagoda
A selfie next to a random church that we found
A wax model of Uncle Ho in his study
posing in a lamp store in the Old Quarter
Traveling is education. Traveling changes the way you think. It is learning outside the walls of a school.
Day 15-22: Beyond Borders (warning: this is a stupidly long post) Beyond National Borders Well, it's official on Facebook, so it must be true.
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