#ima post her sister tomorrow
icedm00chalatte · 1 year
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𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖞
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cryinglightning64 · 15 days
Hope Is Lost
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Summary: You left home to get away from the normalcy, only to end up in a foreign country not knowing that the world was beginning to end.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female (sorta nun) reader
A/N: this is my first attempt at writing a fanfic bc i cant seem to find any about him in france and if you have found any tag me plss 😭 i had to resort to making my own instead. lmk if anyone is even interested in a part 2 this is basically just a teaser i promise it will have smut if 1 person interacts with this. even if nobody interacts ima still post part 2 bc wtf am i doing hoarding this in my notes app.
The first time you saw him you had a strange feeling about him. As if you knew who he was. As he floated on top of the boat that seemed to be capsized, a measly tied rope that hardly held his body to the boat, you weren't sure what his name was, but you had a gut feeling, you knew it had to be him. You thought back at the drawing that Laurent had made, two weeks ago.
You followed him, watched as the man washed up on the shore, confused, but seemingly determined.
The sisters might be right, you thought to yourself. Isabelle might be right.
You met Isabelle after the world began decaying, finding refuge at the convent. It wasn't really your first choice, staying at the convent, but in this world, beggars can't be choosers. You thought maybe immersing yourself into religion might help take your mind off everything that happened to you, everything going on outside.
Many of the nuns at the abbey didn't see you as one of them, despite you being there longer than some of them. You never were religious like the rest of them, which made everyone turn their heads away from you. Religion came easy to them, meanwhile with you, well, you hadn't given it much thought.
To this day it's still in the back of your mind, chipping away at you, the guilt of not being a big enough believer in God. How could you believe in a higher power if this is what the world has succumbed to? How could anything good let all the people you loved, cared about, die such gruesome deaths? Always a constant back and forth battle you had going on in your mind.
Sister Isabelle confided in you, telling you about Laurent, and how she needed to find someone to deliver him to Paris. The whole messiah thing seemed like such a crazy thing to wrap your head around, but you still offered your help in anyway you could. After all, you knew she would do anything for you and the rest of the nuns. That and you needed to get out of France. It was your one chance, you finally had a good enough reason to leave the abbey and try to
find your way back home.
Hanging up the small poster of the Union Isabelle made, you watched as the man with the wings on his back took an abandoned boat as his shelter for the night. Hopefully he would still be there by the time you got back tomorrow.
"Isabelle, I am telling you, I saw him." you pleaded. The drawing sat in front you two on the table, barely visible due to the small lantern you held up.
"Je t'ai dit de ne pas y aller seul," Isabelle whispered, "I told you not to go alone out there, what if he had seen you? Or followed you?"
"He didn't, okay? Please Isabelle, I know what everyone here thinks about me and my faith, but I know it, he's the one that can help us take Laurent." you spoke quietly but urgently, as to not wake up the rest of the sisters.
"No, we know nothing of this man, maybe he is already out there walking amongst the dead, or worse, he might just be here to steal from us and kill us all. You will not go back out there, especially alone, do you understand?" Isabelle spoke, her hand coming to rub her forehead, smoothing the frown lines forming.
Sighing, you nod your head, peering down at the drawing.
"Good, now get some sleep." Isabelle turned away, heading back to sleep.
Even if deep down, you didn't believe that Laurent was the messiah, and that the man in the boat was the man from the drawing, you still had the need to find out more about this man.
The next morning you came back to where you had last seen the man, hoping he was still out there.
You watched and followed as he got up and began packing his things, setting out to wander the land.
You also saw how he had got himself into trouble with the young woman and older man, seeing how he fought off the men from the Pouvoir des Vivants, as best as he could. You watched from a distance until you saw how they robbed him blind, injuring him long enough for them to get away.
You ran up to him, kneeling before watching him pass out from the blows to the head and quite probably the dehydration.
You carried, or more so, dragged his limp body to your small carriage you brought with you, hoping he wouldn't be what Isabelle said he might be.
You were dreading having to explain to Isabelle why you had brought this man to the abbey after she so explicitly told you not to engage with him, let alone bring him into your homes.
"Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit? Why did you have to bring him back here?" Isabelle raised her eyebrows at you as she held the hot poker towards his arm.
"Perdóname, no supe que hacer, I had no choice he was injured" you said and you rounded to the opposite side of the bed.
"Hold his arm down, and cover his mouth." Isabelle said as she looked at you with a glare you were sure was the maddest you have ever seen her.
He screamed and writhed and she held the hot metal to his arm where the undead had burned him with acid.
His grunts and pained yelling made something inside you feel horrible, the pain he was in almost made you feel as terrible as it seemed to pain him.
His anguished face combined with the peaceful singing of the nuns down the hall swarmed your senses, until he coughed and passed out once more.
"Listen to me, I know you didn't mean for all this to happen, I get that, and I understand he was hurt. But you better pray that he will be able to deliver Laurent, it's what he needs, deserves." Isabelle said after she wrapped the man's arm, who you had come to learn his name was Daryl Dixon.
"I will, Isabelle. I'll make it my life's mission to get that boy to Paris." you said quietly as to not wake up Daryl, who had begun to snore softly in the bed below you.
"Very well. Now help me prepare the bath for him, he's going to need it once he wakes up." Isabelle walked away to fetch a kettle of water to fill up the bath.
a/n: yall pls dont be mad i tried my best i know its shitty writing but i dont have anything to lose.
also im open to suggestions or if you guys wanna see a certain trope or scene play along u tell me ill do my best to make it come true on paper 😪
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
HAPPY EARLY TURKEY DAY!!!!!! I was gonna post this tomorrow but..............................
The character Gloria belongs to @twyz
The Rays we're celebrating Thanksgiving, getting everything set up, and preparing the food. Tiffany had cooked a turkey and several steaks. Now you may ask why she does this? Well, it's because her husband likes having a variety of meats and would rather sink his teeth into a juicy steak, than a turkey. He wasn't much for poultry. Glen and Glenda had assisted Tiffany with the pies and side trays. Chucky was texting his daughters who were out of the house. Apparently, they had left early to go as they called it a sister bonding spree. They invited the twins, but they didn't bother going, for the sole reason that the two girls left at 4:30 in the morning. Glenda wasn't a morning person and Glen wanted to stay home and just help Tiffany with the meal. Chucky was leaned over the couch and typing quickly.
Where the fuck are you two? Get home now. Before mom kicks your ass
Gloria is typing
We are on the way, Dad.... We would have been home sooner if Chelsea didn't make me dig the damn whole to dispose of the body and she made me take the legs!
Dad is typing
Well hurry your asses up, before your ma finds out
Gloria is typing
We're like 5 minutes away
Dad is typing
Shit, you guys gotta go through the back your ma's gonna go get you
Gloria is typing
We gotta what!
Dad is typing
Shit nevermind you two gotta go through the window, she's calling you how far are you guys?
Gloria is typing
We're here!
Dad is typing
K Ima go open your window
Gloria is typing
Chucky went to his daughter room and pushed open her window.
"Here give me your hand and grab your sister.....fuck you guys are heavy"
Chucky hoisted the two up into Gloria's room.
"Thanks Dad"
"Yeah thanks"
"Yeah....and we're gonna talk about this tomorrow but get your asses dressed and head downstairs"
Chucky left the room heading downstairs, leaving the two sister's alone.
"What are you wearing to dinner?"
"Me? Glad you asked! I'm wearing my new brown silk suit with my brown bowtie. AH! Its gonna be great! What about you?"
"Ima go take a quick shower, I'm covered in blood. And well go from there"
".....please tell me you're gonna style your hair"
"YES! God I am"
"And don't wear a hoodie it's Thanksgiving!!! Not movie night. I don't wanna see your grease-stained hoodie anywhere near the table"
"I won't Jesus!"
Gloria had a face at her younger sister and headed to the shower. Chelsea carefully changed out of her spotless suit and into her Thanksgiving outfit. Then setting an orange headband perfectly on her head. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her head and applied some perfume. Before heading downstairs, she adjusted her orange bowtie and smiled in the mirror.
"GLORIA WHAT THE HELL! I've told you to knock"
"Hehe sorry, but you look nice"
"Thank you"
Chelsea took a moment to inspect her sister, smirking in approval.
"You clean up pretty nicely, glad you did something with that hair of yours"
Gloria rolled her eyes and hugged her sister.
"Come on lets head downstairs the food should be ready by now"
The youngest Ray nodded in approval and the two met up with the rest of the family.
"Wow! You too look beautiful"
"Yeah, what she said"
"Thank you!"
"Come on let's eat I'm fucking starving"
All the Rays had sat down at the table and dug in.
Glenda grabbed a large turkey leg and bit into it,
"This is so huge; I don't think it's gonna fit"
"That's what your mom said last night"
All the Rays fell silent for a moment and then began cackling, all except for Glen who was covering the side of his face.
"Oh god why......"
Gloria was snorting trying to hold back laughter from her father's joke, as well as Tiffany.
"AW come on Glen lighten up!"
Chucky took another bite from the leg still chuckling to himself.
"Oh god haha....shit....hahaha.....well Happy Thanksgiving to all ya your asses better be thankful"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
Dmitri w/ his nieces
I'm really busy with Finals right now so I'll be posting little blerbs every so often. Here is a tiny drabble with Dmitri and his nieces.
TW: racism mention
Dmitri stands outside the school, the snow falling slowly around him and dampening any sound. His eyes blink through the flakes as he looks down at his watch. The gentle red glow just barely cuts through the falling snow. 6:43, Tiana should be out of school in a couple minutes.
Roxanna paces behind him, freshly dyed red hair catching dozens of tiny snowflakes. The soft crunch of snow under her boots is the only thing undampened by the white blanket of cold.
“How long do you think it’s going to take,” Roxanna finally says, “Becuase it is getting cold.”
“I told you to dress for the cold Roxi,” Dmitri answers, “That means layers.”
“I know,” she answers as she kicks snow off to the side, falling onto the concrete and breaking apart.
Then, the doors to the school bust open, and Tiana comes marching out. She looks infuriated. There’s red all over her face, and both of her hands are balled into tight fists. Tears, hotter than red iron, pour down her face, and she walks directly into Dmitri’s chest.
“What happened Tia?” Dmitri asks as he hugs her, feeling her shake with anger against his coat.
Roxanna pops over his shoulder, her frustration doubles, “Mrs. Carter say something else now? I swear I’ma fight that bitch!”
“Language,” Dmitri states as he kneels down into the snow, “What happened Tia?”
Tiana shakes her head. She pulls away from Dmitri’s arms, a thin layer of snow covering her hair. “Can we just go?”
Dmitri looks up at Tiana, tears flowing down her face. He holds out a hand and waits for Tiana to take it. But, instead, she wipes away her tears and starts to march for Dmitri’s truck. Roxanna steps up to her sister’s side and asks, “She still be giving you trouble?”
Tiana gives him a slight nod and hops into the back of the truck, fighting tears.
Dmitri slides into the driver’s seat and looks back to Tiana sitting in the back seat. She is quietly crying, stifling tears as they roll freely down her cheeks.
“What did Mrs. Carter say?” Dmitri asks as he put the key in the ignition.
Tiana looks up through her arms, and then she sighs, “She told me my project wasn’t good enough for comps this year.”
“Ima beat her ass,” Roxanna snaps, “I guarentee that shes doing that on purpose.”
“Roxi,” Dmitri states firmly, “No.”
Roxanna crosses her arms, her rings jingling together against the chains around her waist. “She’s a racist bitch that’s why, I guarantee they’re going to lose again because she refuses to let Tia compete.”
Dmitri shakes his head, “Have you two told your mother?”
“Gone in twice, jackshit’s been done.”
As Dmitri pulls the truck out of the parking lot, he lets out a long sigh, “I’ll go in tomorrow, do y’all want to get hot chocolate before we head home.”
A quiet, “yeah,” leaves Tiana’s lips as they pull out onto the highway.
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tea-rexxia · 4 years
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lol. i missed day 3/4/5/6/7/8/9 whoops.
3: thinspooo. i love her flat belly. thats always been my biggest concern about my own body :/ and she looks so cute in high waisted undies ! i always look like a grandma cow. sigh. her boobs r the perfect size, her arms r tiny and her jawline is gorg. i wish i looked this pretty while smoking in my underwear. i dont even wanna see what i look like doing that .....
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4: my greatest fear about weightloss.. hmm. i guess people noticing too much, like my mom. n like being genuinely concerned and then fuck thatd b bad. im also just afraid ofnlosing self control after doing so well and then gaining evvverrythinngg baacckkkk.
5: ive wanted to lose weight for 8 years. since i hit puberty prrtty much. ive always envied skinny girls. i never was one. i want to be skinny and pretty. i want to wear anything and feel beautiful. i want to eat a tiny tiny amount and be full and be dainty and cute and lightweight. i hate food. i hate what its done to me. i fucking hate it. im losing weight for me because im an independant ass woman and i know i can do this if i rlly set my mind to it.
6: ugh yes i binge. who doesnt *cries* skinny girls dont. i binge because for a second i really believe that i dont care and no fucks r given. i make excuses in my head on why i dont need to starve. “you’re so average! u can totally have that giant quesorito from chipotle and eat the whole thing, ur fine!” then afterwards ana is like “biiitch u rlly did dat? ur so fat, look at urself.” then i proceed to eat whatever i want that day because i already did. i give up on that day and tell myself ill starve tomorrow. terrible cycle, i do not reccomend.
7: i think my parents have always known that ive wanted to lose weight/tried to. its not that they don’t care, they’re pretty laid back about my random diet changes. but they definitely dont expect me to have an ed and id like to keep it that way.
8: my workout routine. lol. aint even a routine. more like a “workout when i feel like it” tbh sometimes id rather starve for long period than workout. ive never “liked” working out. only sometimes. i walk, i walk everywhere, all the time. sometimes i run but i like to smoke so eh, not too fun. i have an ab workout that i do (try to do it often ish) thats amaazzing and great and has already been improving my bodii. ill post it!
9: lol negative weight comments? all the time. growing up, when i hit puberty, my boobs were a 34DDD. i hid my body under large clothes that realistically made me look larger. people would call me a cow and make fun of me. ill never forget that. my mom, my sister, my grandfather, and my boyfriend always make comments about what im eating, if i am, and i dont think its purposefully them trying to hurt me, but they dont know that it does. and its hard to tell them that. my boyfriend will take the plate from under me, he’ll say “you don’t want that” when i want to order something xtra, he’ll say “you don’t need that” i mean cmon... then u say “i love ur body. nothing wrong with it.” likeeee dont say that shit to me then. bc ur my biggest influence lowkey. in negative and positive ways, like i wanna b thin and pretty for u but then u say stuff to me like dis? wut do i do wit dis??? thats rlly rough and always makes me feel super low low low and down. and he mentions other girls that r skinny or people that dont eat and im like heeyy im over here starving my goddamn self and im losing NO WEIGHT WHATSOEVER so dont tell me about people like that bc it doesnt help me at all😞
ima go cry now lol omg.
drink ur water babes. thanks for reading if u did :/
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kindafooey · 5 years
So my fever is gone and I know I was supposed to be resting all day, but instead I've been PRODUCTIVE AS HELL. My new job starts on Monday and I'm super nervocited, I got started on planning/sketching my big chalk paint commission (oh I think I haven't mentioned it on the blog yet! Long story short, a really sweet old lady who owns a B&B enterprise saw the chalk art I'd drawn behind the counter of our shop, left me her card and hired me to do wall-sized chalk paintings in her five accommodation rooms), got lots of stuff done for the asexuality committee, and got flat colors done on the intemse (TM) Blood Chains chapter art I'm working on! It looks really epic at this point and I'm so freaking happy, I'll try to get it fully done and posted tomorrow night after my shift (if I'm in good enough condition to do my shift in the first place).
Other cool and good things that have happened or been happening recently:
I watched the new GLOW season and I was right about Bash!!! HAHAAA I got into an argument with a friend regarding Bash's storyline after the second season and turns out I was hella right about him and it feels gooood
I got a heckton of old clothes from both my dad and my sister!!! Whuch is rad because there's nothing I love more than updating my wardrobe with whatever recycled clothing I get my hands on for free
Coincidentally, my sister called me "a human dumpster" and she's goddamn right
She also made the face of the year when I offhandedly referred to my current style as "tattooed punk dyke hobo" (it sounds better in Finnish I swear)
I've come back to the runaway realization that I generally bring a lot of extra cheer and good vibes into the lives of peeps around me
I dunno, I just... kinda.... things are exceptionally nice right now and ima do my best to make it last ;v;
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years
Part 1: Chapter 3 (Pt. 2)
January 4th 2012:
Heiress: age 17
“Stopppp ok in what year did Japan attack the United States?” I asked My boyfriend X. We were studying at his house for the graduation test. He was kissing on me. “Baby we been studying everyday this week, its Friday come on lets watch a movie and chill out” X said. I sighed. “Fine, but we start again tomorrow” I told him. X and I had been together since August of last year. We started off as mutual friends, but we became close after his dad died. I don’t know much about his dad but X said he was an amazing father. He was killed in an attempted robbery he told me. He had been living with his mom before she moved to L.A and he refused to go because of me, so now he lives with his brother named Omari. X and I were different in our enviroment but we had alot of chemistry. Although we lived in Buckhead, my mom worked 2 jobs just for me to attend West Lake, its a private school, but X had said his father left him enough money in his Will, so he paid of my tuition and paid up our rent, bout us bought me a car, and put some money to the side for me to go to medical school, now my mom works from home. “You the smartest girl I know, fuck that test” He said to me kissing my nose. I smiled at him. “How did I get so lucky?” I asked. He shrugged. “I ask myself that everyday” He said. I logged on to my laptop and went on Facebook. “Hard to study when bae wants to be up under u :(“ with X Knight. I posted my status on my page. “So I already paid for our Prom Tickets and I paid for a room” X told me. “A room?” I asked. He smirked. “You said you wanted to lose your V card like they do in the movies, so bet” He said. I laughed at him. “Your so corny nigga” I told him. He rolled his eyes. I heard his front door shut. “Man nah kill any nigga thats trying to fuck with our profit!” I heard Omari say as he walked in. He looked over at me. “Yeah, but Im holla at you later fam” He hung up the phone and slightly smiled. “Business” He simply said. I nodded and waved. I never knew what O did for a living. X said he owned alot of properties. “What yall kids up to?” He asked. “Studying” X said. Omari nodded. “Yeah, I don’t miss highschool, how yall been? All in love and shit” He said smiling. X threw a paper ball at Omari. “Man shut up” He said the boys started play fighting. “Ima let yall finish, X meet me downstairs later in the basement” He said. X nodded. “You want to take a walk?” I asked. He nodded.
“Were do you see yourself in 5 years?” X asked me as we walked around his gated subdivision. X lived in a mansion with 7 bedrooms. They had 5 cars outside, a body guard and security. “I see myself working in a hospital delivering babies, and being with you maybe marriage kids I can’t look that far” I said. X nodded. “I want to own my own restaraunt one day, marry you and have a football team of kids” He said. I gave him a crazy look. “Nigga, I’m only having one kid, im not messing up my coochie for your football team” I told him. He smiled at me. “You might never know” He said. I nodded. “Your right, I might get to marry Drake” O said. He stopped smiling. “Quit playing” He said. “Im dead ass X” I said trying not to smile. “Ima way better looking than that nigga anyways” He pouted. I shrugged. “Long as you believe it thats all that matters” I said. He sucked his teeth in. “Heiress, go back to the house and leave” He said acting like a big kid. “Okay” I said playfully turning around. He grabbed my waist back softly. “Nah girl you aint leaving me” He said kissing on my cheek.
X age 18:
After my dad passed, alot shit changed. My mom moved out and went to L.A. she wanted me to move with her but I wanted to stay with family. She said she check up on me, but I aint heard from her since she left except Christmas. I been spending alot of time with Heriess. My angel, we aint been together long but I know shes the one, shes different from all the girls at West Lake. She not trying to date me cause I got money, she want the best for me, and I want to be the best for her. I think I love her. She knows nothing about my dad and what he actually does, my dad taught me at 10years old how to shoot a gun, and what happens to people who snitch. I saw my dad kill somebody because they snitched to the police. He taught me at 13 how to differeciate the difference between the test of coke and crack. He taught me what every pill, drug, and weed looks like, to know when someones trying to jug you. At 15 he bought me my first trap phone, training me to know when someone is a snitch, how to pay off the police, to keep them quiet. Omari still showing me the ins and outs but I also want to be a Chef. I want to help Ace and Omari building my dads legacy, but I want a normal life as well. If Heiress found out about any of the this, I think it would scare her away.
“So whats the whole point of this show?” I asked Heiress. We was in my room watching Pretty Little Liars on Demand. “It’s a good ass show” She said. I smiled at her. She was always cute when she was serious with something. My phone buzzed...
“I got to go” I told Heiress. She looked up at me as she was laying her head in my lap. “What’s up?” She asked. I sighed. “Remember I told you my dad cheated on my mom and I have a little sister?” I said. She nodded. “Well her mom texted me letting me know shes been acting out again”. She looked at me on confusion. “Why?”. I shrugged. “I don’t know she been like this since I met her, she been leaving school early and shit. I have to find her” I told her getting up. “Well shes 14, she just met her dad in a casket some months ago, this is all new to her. She has a right to lash out. When my parents got divorced I was angry as hell that my dad ran off with some bitch and left me and my mother high and dry. I was mad at her for letting him leave us, she will eventually calm down” She said. I shurgged. “Maybe”. She followed me outside. “I will call you when I get back aight?” I told her. She nodded. I kissed her before we both got in our cars, and went our seperate ways.
Tiana: age 14
“Im not a baby! I don’t need you telling strangers my where abouts!” I yelled at my mom. She shook her head. “You are out of control TiTi, I can’t keep track of you. You are smoking weed now, drinking and sneaking out. You are 14 years old! You are not grown!” My mom Melissa yelled. I rolled my eyes. I heard a knock at the door. My mom walked over and opened the door. It was my brother X. “Hey X, Im sooo happy your here” She hugged him. I sighed loudly. It had been my mom, my grandmother and my moms family for the longest. We stayed on the Eastside of Atlanta. We used to live on BoulderCrest, but when my dad died he gave us money. My mom moved us to the rich side of Decatur. We were Puertorican, but me I was Afro-Latina. My father was black. I always knew about my dad. My mama would tell me he was a very busy man, and then 9 months ago she told me he died. I never met him, never heard his voice nothing. I missed a man I never met so much. “What’s up Ti” X said hugging me. “You good?” X asked. I shrugged. “Can I live with you and O?” I asked him. He smiled and shook his head. “You got a nice little crib here” I groaned. “Yall treat me like a child! Im 14!” i yelled. X lightly grabbed my arm and we went upstairs to my room. “Look I know your angry and hurting, I’m still trying to heal to since Dad died but shit happens, and life goes on. When you turn 18 you can go wherever you want with the money Dad gave you but now, I need you to respect your mama cause shit, atleast she’s still here, to love you and make sure you good or whatever. Man just chill” He said to me. I looked down. “Okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Okay, but Im dead ass leaving here” I told him. He dapped me up and hugged me. “Yeah, and going to college” He said. “Maybe Ima be like Dad” I said. He shook his head. “You see where that got him” X said. “But you doing it?” I said as a matter of fact. “I will eventually because thats what he asked for in his will, he still wants us to go to school you don’t got dreams?” He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, marry Lil- Wayne” I said. He sighed. “Nah like real dreams”. He asked. “I want to be a make up artist” I told him. He nodded. “Aight its settled, you can go to beauty school and if you graduate you can get your half” He said to me. I shook my head. “Nooo! Thats not fair!” I yelled. He shrugged. “I aint letting you burn Dads money he died making for you to blow it all on weed, liquor and buy shit for these niggas, got me fucked up” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Its my money I can do what I want” I said. He nodded. “Fine”
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4lxwalker · 3 years
( All friends social meta [Non LxP related post] )
Forgot what I was gonna say, but it was significant enough to title as such.
Idk, I’m sad that I won’t get my ethereal motivation back and I can tell, you can’t spite or please someone who simply doesn’t give af.
Plus K is smarter than me with computers and hacking, you can tell because they don’t brag as much as I do.
Ks sister and her gf are most likely smart with some aspect of hacking, trapping, recon, monitoring
Clearly people have some skill that doesn’t add up…
Oh, this…
All my friends treat me as if I can’t handle myself. When it comes to relationships they’ll be like “oh yeah I look for any red flags bro”
And not with you but with all girls people more recent even like the discord girls. ( so better hurry and make me yours XD jk you know we waiting, in a sense. Once it’s in motion LP we will be waiting)
TWO possible reasons they do this
1. They know I’m fine and can handle myself, but that I’ve been through severe trauma ( some person with some name gave me CPTSD, I guess that’s an actual thing too, but a very mild mild case and it more manifests in self esteem and thinking issues than in a visceral way like the regular PTSD is )
2. They just flat out think ima bitch so they think they gotta look out for me
I feel like K probably sees it that way
It’s fucked up like how I told you a tiny bit about how well we got along when we first met ( re-met we knew each other as kids ) and now that I see it for what it is, we don’t get along that well, she was just over sharing and had a rough day, and I mistook that for her being a friend who is puppyish and empathetic like me.
Really she was just being nice because it was the first time we met and she was being formal.
Or maybe deep down she really does care, and truly does just have an inexhaustible absolutely inexplainable way of seeming emotionally distant.
She’s not stupid so i know it’s the first one. Which is fine
That’s something I thought and expected, not something that actually was.
It’s like, other people can make her cry and feel all sad because she cares about what they think.
I could say whatever in the world and it would not phase her one bit, that’s how you can tell. It would not make a difference to her whether I stopped existing tomorrow or not, besides a sigh of relief because she’ll no longer have to worry about formalities.
Nobody did anything wrong in her case so it’s nothing I can be mad about.
I can only be mad at myself for being so stupid and thinking people have a better nature than they do.
Because it sounds bad the way i portray K.
But nobody should EXPECT friendship just because they were nice.
She was hinting at that too,
“You know how guys just EXPECT something, and yeah it can be in a completely non romantic context too like friendship, just because you were nice to them once or something”
( quote not exact )
So I’m making it clear I’m not faulting or shaming K in any way.
Just dealing with my own sadness about it, because I had thought it was something else.
And I thought I had gotten smart enough to be able to tell and read people , but I’m not.
0 notes
cloud9consultive · 4 years
How To Flirt With Women Over Text (25 Copy & Send Text Messages) 2 of 2
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Below you will find the second 25 of 50 text messages that will show you:
– How to flirt over text. – How to ask a girl out over text. – What to text a girl to start a conversation. – How to text women to make them laugh.
Feel free to send each text as-is or edit as you see fit. You can also use them as inspiration to create your own unique messages… Enjoy!
What to text a girl to start a conversation:
26. Great meeting you today. Are you always so friendly, or only to sexy handsome men?
27. After getting her number say, “I’m gonna text you something naughty, so you have my number.” Five minutes later text: something naughty
28. Water u up to?
29. I know we just met but out of all the (her name’s) I know… I think you’re my favorite
How to text women to make them laugh:
When sending a text that could be misinterpreted as rude, mean, or negative, use emoticons or emojis so she knows you’re just joking around.
30. I just heard on the news someone checked into the psych ward wearing only a thong and riding a donkey. I’ll come & get u…. BUT THIS SHIT HAS 2 STOP!!!!!
31. So I felt you should know the snapple fact of the day….Your eye expands up to 45% when looking at something pleasing. Now I know why ur all bug eyed when I’m around!
32. OMG this guy is so hot check it out….facebook.com/(yourname)
33. So… are you in love with me yet? Follow up with: Wow you’re lasting longer than I thought, give it a few more minutes
34. Tomorrow is national male stripper day so I have the day off. We should hang out. (Use this site to find random and crazy holidays: holidayscalendar.com/categories/weird Obviously, you could also use a text like this to ask her out)
35. I really miss you and want to see you badly BUT this dumbass security guard won’t let me in the zoo… Can you escape?
36. So, I’m pregnant…and it’s yours. After her reply: It’s too late for that. I’m gonna spend all your child support money on beer, hookers and weed
37. 6 truths in your life: 1. You can’t lick all your teeth with your tongue. 2. You’re a goof because you just tried to prove truth number one. 3. Truth one is a lie. 4. Now you’re smiling. 5. You’ll send this text to someone else in the near future. 6. You’re still smiling
How to flirt over text:
38. The West Coast Cuddling Champ is defending his title…I don’t think you’re ready for this match up.
39. The #5 thing I like about you is (what you like about her). (Every few days send her another thing you like about her until you reach #1)
40. Explore your body with my mouth, suck on your sweet spot until you tingle intensely, leave you sensitive and hurting slightly…….thats exactly what these damn mosquitoes are thinking!
41. Her: What are you doing? You: Besides thinking about you? Nothing ;(
How to ask a girl out over text:
42. If we don’t hang out soon then Ima start cheating on you
43. Party @ friends house sat. B cool come with me Sat. Party. Me. B there or B []
44. Ok, I got something going on Saturday, would you like to a company me? If not you got a sister? Lol
45. You: Hey, can I ask you a personal question? Her: Sure? You: Do you like ice cream sundaes? Her: I LOVE sundaes! You: Cool! You…me…one sundae, two spoons, this Thursday!
46. Hey we’re gonna b at (place you will be) Friday night. Your mission – if you choose to accept it – is to show up between 11pm and 2am. This message will self destruct in 30 sec!!! See you there…
No reply? Get her to respond:
If she doesn’t reply, wait a day then text her again. If she doesn’t respond to that, wait two days then text again. If still no response, wait three days. And so forth.
47. What happened? Jeez am I gonna have to bail u outta jail again?
48. I miss the way you text to me :'(
Random (Use as you see fit):
49. Did you know a blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant? gotta love animal planet
50. 148y – (35*72) = 24x + 96y solve for x then graph
There you have it… 25 texts (50 messages total) you can copy and start sending today. Now all you need to do is learn how to meet women and number close so you can practice your new texting skills.
God bless you – I look forward to seeing you in the next post!
0 notes
kelphero47 · 7 years
Drop pop candy - Lavashipping
Back again with another songfic of my OTP. Based on the song by reol. Check out the companion picture done by shelbot98.
This is so stupid.
Kai knew this was stupid.
The Ninja had been called to help catch a mysterious figure who had been attacking young girls in a local park in Ninjago City. They had made a plan to lure them out. Nya had originally volunteered to act as bait but after they learned the attacker had a thing for targeting short brunettes. Jay had then stepped up, having already been dressed up like a girl before, yet he was too tall to fit the description. So, the task had been given to Kai, the shortest of the group (much to his annoyance), and he was not at all pleased.
Kai  had been dressed up in an outfit Nya helped him pick out to help make  him look younger and makeup which helped covered his scar while making him look 'cuter' as his sister put it. The worst part however was the fact that the others had made her brush his hair down so that his fringe covered his right eye. The icing on the cake being a large bow attached to the top of the back of his head to complete the look. He looked like a girl. He didn't feel pretty though.
That plan brought him to his current situation as he was standing out in the rain with his umbrella. Waiting. The short skirt blew in the breeze as it brushed past part of his knees not covered by his socks. He was walking around the area by himself as the others hung back to watch if anything happened.
It was so boring.
Kai sighed as he turned a corner to a more unused section of the park. The rain pitter-pattered against the leaves of trees before falling gracefully to the ground. The sound was constant and calm. Until it was interrupted by something a lot more interesting. He followed the noise to a stray box on the ground, damp from the downpour.
Inside  said box was a kitten no bigger than his hand. It was the most adorable  thing he'd ever seen. It made small sounds at his arrival as raindrops  hit its head. Kai smiled at the tiny creature. He took pity on it and  placed his umbrella down over the box to shield it.
Amefuri demo kasa wa sasanai no  'Even when it's raining, I don't use an umbrella'
(Hajimemashite to neko wa naku)  '(The cat meow "It's a pleasure to meet you")'
Okiniiri no hiiru o nurasu no  'My beloved high heels get soaked'
He  kneeled down in front of it as the raindrops began to soak into his  clothes. The heels he was wearing scraped across the floor, they were  going to be ruined after this. Kai reached out a hesitant hand towards  the kitten which it sniffed before nuzzling into the outstretched  appendage. He  laughed when it began to lick his fingers, "Hello there." He cooed,  almost sweetly, which made the kitten meow loudly in response.  
"What's  your name?" He asked as he picked up the small creature carefully in  his palm and brought it in front of his face. It was a pure black with  soft brown eyes that stared at him in wonder. It reminded him of...
Thinking  of the earth ninja made him smile more. He had also been displeased  with the decision to use Kai as bait but had been quite happy seeing him  in his current clothing, despite his earlier protests. The two had yet  to start dating as Kai was too nervous to make the first move, in case  he was wrong in reading the others feelings about him, so he waited. Sometimes he was tired of waiting.
Nanigenai you na nichijou ga ima hora  'See now, how the run-of-the-mill everyday life'
Kawaritai to aiiro ni somari dasu   'Is being dyed in blue as if wanting to change'
It was the same every day.  The same longing stares, the same nervous interactions, the same   lingering touches. But, somehow neither of them had made any move to   take it further. Kai blamed himself for that. He was hesitant.
He  was brought out of his thoughts by the kitten shifting in his hands and  move closer to his face. It leaned forward to the point it could lick  in nose. Kai giggled at that as he brushed his thumb over the kitten's  cheek, which it seemed to enjoy.
Mizutamari ni utsuru ichibyou kan  'That one second when it appears in the puddle'
Tada ichido kono me de mite mitai dake nano  'I just want to see it one time with my own eyes, that's all'
"You  know what? You remind me of someone." Kai explained to the kitten,  despite knowing it wouldn't understand him. "Yeah, he's strong and  considerate and always looking out for me. We're just friends at the moment, but you  know... Anything can happen." The kitten seemed to respond as it gave  another loud meow. "You'd like him and he'd like you, hopefully."
"And I'd like you."
Odoru yo sekai ga yuraide mawaru no!  'I am dancing, the whole wide world shaking up goes round and round!'
Todoku yo sokudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's pick up the speed'
Kai  jumped at the new addition to the one-sided conversation between him  and the kitten. The voice was silky smooth and smug to the point it sent  shivers down his spine. He turned around to see a man slightly older  than him leant against a tree leering at him. For obvious reasons he  didn't like that look. Kai held the kitten closer as he stood up to fully face the stranger, "Hello."
"You lost, Hot Stuff? You're a little off the beaten path." The man questioned giving Kai a not very subtle look over. "And wet."
"Well... I.. Um..." Kai hesitated in responding as the other stepped forward into his personal space, "Could you back up a little bit?"
"I don't think I will." The man smirked as Kai tried to back away himself only to stop when his heels hit the box behind him, "The name's Jonah. What's yours?"
"Kai."  He glanced around hoping the others were going to make an entrance  soon. This guy had to be the attacker, he could feel it.
"As in 'water'?" Jonah asked jokily as he re-enter Kai's personal space.
"As in 'fire'," Kai explained as the kitten in his hands gave a loud meow.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo asayake mo inai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Although the guy from yesterday isn't here in the early morning light, that's okay, that's all okay'
"What's that?" Jonah reached for Kai's hands  before the ninja took off running. He didn't trust that guy. Said guy  smirked at his actions as he muttered to himself, "Oh, she'll do  nicely." Kai didn't look behind him as he ran for the main path and out  of the dense tree canopy. Where were the others? Why weren't they here  yet? They said they'd be just out of view for when he needed them, well  he needed them right now.
He  heard Jonah's footsteps calmly walking behind him. God, why were his  legs so short? He hated tall people sometimes, and Jonah was a good  couple heads taller than him. He was almost as tall as...
zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi o kimi o  'I love you more and more! With every day, with you'
Why  was everything reminding him of Cole today, he sounded like a love  struck teenage girl. Uh, now was not the time. Kai finally looked back  at Jonah to find him not even there. He slowed down almost to a complete  stop as he surveyed the area around him. His focus was broken by  another loud meow from the small creature nestled safely in his arms.
This  lapse in concentration meant he didn't notice the presence behind him  until it was pressed up against his back. Kai spun around to come face  to face with Jonah's chest which made him stumble back. The wet floor  allowed his heels to skid and his legs to fall out from under him. He  met the ground with a thud as Jonah loomed over him.
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou o omoi aeteru  'By doing this we can again love one another today'
The kitten escaped his grip to stand on his lap. It hissed at Jonah as he crouched in front of Kai. He swatted the animal away making it skid across the floor until it hit the dirt the other side  of the path. Kai moved to go help it until Jonah wrapped a hand around  the back of his neck to hold him in place. He kept still as the other  moved closer so that he was once again pressed up against his back. He  felt his breath on his ear and heard him inhale deeply through his nose.  "You smell wonderful..." Jonah sighed as he tapped the bow on the back  of Kai's head. "All wrapped up like a present for me to open... And I think I will."
Before Kai could respond a foul smelling rag was placed over his mouth and nose. He held his breath for as long as he could until the need for air became too strong and he was forced to take a deep, gasping breath. Without him wanting to, his vision began to fade to total darkness.
*Time skip*
Jay had been sent to check up on Kai as the others hung around at their temporary  base at the park caretaker's shed. Nothing had happened yet so they  were preparing to give up for the day when he came back in a frantic  mess. All they understood from his rambling were the words 'Kai' and  'gone' before they were out of the door.
The group of ninja   didn't stop running until they reached the quiet path where Kai once   stood.  His umbrella rested on the ground above a box but the area held no other evidence of his existence there. Cole was the first of them to go for the object, as the others spread out around the area, before he heard a quiet noise beside him.  He glanced down to see a ball of fluff shaking on the wet floor. It let  out another pitiful noise as he crouched down beside it.
He registered it was a kitten by the meow it let out when he touched  it. Cole tentatively picked it up to bring it in front of his face. It  looked up at him with curious eyes and he smiled at it. He knew it was  stupid but he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Have you seen my friend, Kai?"  
What he didn't expect to happen was for it to meow loudly as if responding to him. He knew it was crazy, "You have?" He almost cried  when it meowed again, "So do you know where he is?" It fell at that  question and Cole actually felt tears rolling down his face at that  point.
Hoho o tsutau kanojo no shizuku wa  'The water droplets that are trailing down along her cheeks'
(Mite minai furi neko wa naku)  '(The cat meows pretending not to see)'
Utsumuita sink taikutsu narabeta  'Looking down the sink the boredom starts piling up'
"Cole... Are you talking to a  cat?" Lloyd's concerned voice came from behind him as he clung to the  tiny animal in his hands. He could hear the entire group behind him  before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Cole looked over his   shoulder to see Zane crouching next to him as the others all held   expressions of confusion, "Are you alright?"
"No...  I'm not." Cole held out the feline in front of him, "He doesn't know  where Kai is." He explained as the others looked between themselves,  unsure what to do.
Yasashisa de tsumugareta uso demo  'That we're spun out of the yarn of kindness'
Kanashimi ni irodorareta jitsu demo  'And even the truth that has been taken by sadness'
"Why... Would a cat know where Kai is?" Jay asked chuckling nervously at the end.
"I  don't know." Cole shrugged before resting his hands on his lap in  defeat. He felt so useless. Useless to help the sweetest person in his  life. The person he loved. They just didn't know it yet. "He was taken  and we weren't here. We promised we'd be right here, protecting him!" He  yelled making the others wince, they knew what he said was true.
They stood there in an awkward silence as their friend broke down on the ground. Nya leant her head on Jay's shoulder seeking comfort, "What are going to do?"
Mizutamari ni sawagu amatsubu no  'The raindrops acting out in the puddle of water'
Fuchi o sotto yubisaki de nazoru you  'As if your finger tips are gently tracing the edge'
Cole  looked up at this point to seek answers from the group at Nya's  question. Lloyd decided to step up at this point with a determined look  etched on his face, "We're going to find him."
"But how?" Jay questioned as he patted Nya on the side of the head.
Egaite kanadete kirameku negai ga kanau yo!  'Draw it out, play it out. Sparkling wishes will be granted!'
Todoku yo koudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's raise the altitude'
"It would be logical to assume whoever took Kai would have to live nearby. After all,  for Kai to be taken he would either have to overpowered drastically to  point he wouldn't put up a fight or somehow knocked out." Zane concluded  as he surveyed the area, "With  the surrounding area still being intact we can assume no major fight  went on and he was mostly likely surprised allowing the latter option to  occur. Either way carrying around an unconscious person would be  suspicious so their home would have to be close as not to draw too much  attention."
"That's right!" Lloyd smiled as he reached to help Cole off the floor while addressing the entire team. "So, all we have to do is ask around the neighbourhood for... What was their description again?"
"Authorities presume the attacker to be a male, large build and possibly in his late teens to early twenties." Zane listed off word for word.
"A person matching that description and we're bound to get leads." Lloyd explained hoisting the earth ninja to his feet.
*Time skip*
Kai had woken up in this dark room hours ago. He had been placed on a surprisingly soft bed in what  looked like a completely ordinary bedroom. Except the door was made of  what seemed like steel and his wrists had been chained to the bedposts. Jonah had yet to make an appearance, much to Kai's relief, as he lay on the bed.
Kakenuketai no uchuu made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and make it into space in one fell swoop'
Ukabeta hoshi mo tsuki ni mo aenai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Even though I cannot go and meet the stars and moon up above, that's okay, that's all okay'
The only indicator to anything outside of the room was  a window on the far wall which shone with moonlight. He flinched when  he heard a click echo through the room as the door was opened from the  other side. Kai didn't look in his direction when Jonah entered the  room, still leering at him, "Evening Beautiful."
"F**k off." Kai snapped as he pulled on his restraints, "Where am I?"
"Somewhere  safe... Where we can be alone." Jonah waved off his questions  nonchalantly as he moved to sit beside Kai on the bed. He raised a hand  to the exposed skin of his thigh to caress it lightly with his thumb.  Kai's breath hitched as he moved the offending appendages  under his skirt to feel more skin, "Such a vulgar mouth you have  though... I wonder what other kinds of naughty noises it can make."
"You dare and I'll kill you." He growled as the other continue to slide his hand up further.
"As if you could in this situation." Jonah laughed as he grabbed his ass, "Just enjoy yourself, I certainly know I will."
"Y-You know I'm a g-guy, right?" Kai stuttered as his face heated up at the others unwanted touches.
"I know..." Jonah leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "And that just makes this better." Kai shivered as he blew against the shell of his ear. He felt them lick it before moving to do the same to his neck causing him to gasp, "Looks like someone's sensitive."  
He  tried to think of anything other than being in that room, under the  control of this nutcase. He thought about the kitten he met earlier, his  friends and Cole. They all must be looking for him by now. The thought  warmed his heart. Cole was trying to find him.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi to kimi to  'I love you more and more! With every day and you'
He  wished Cole was here instead of this guy. Holding him close and making  him feel safe. Unlike the sicko feeling him up at the moment making him  feel dirty and ashamed at his own reactions. Kai felt tears roll down  his face as Jonah continued to caress his thighs and lick the expanse of  his neck and shoulders, "P-Please stop."
Isso uzukumatte nankai nakijakutte  'And just crouch down, then cry your eyes out many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou to meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"I  don't think I will." Came Jonah's sadistic response as he moved to look  the brunette in the eyes, "Not when you're already crying so sweetly  for me, just begging for it."
"No..." Kai gasped as the hand on his thigh moved the grab onto his underwear but before they could do anything more he screamed at the top of his lungs.
*With the others*
Cole wandered the streets of the small neighbour with his family as they searched for their missing brother. He cradled the now sleeping kitten in his arms, not having the heart to leave it anywhere. He looked up at the sky to admire the moon and the star as they lit up the night sky.
Boku o terashite buruu muun  'Shining brightly upon me, blue moon'
From speaking to various people in the area they had narrowed down their search to a much smaller radius. However,  the late hour meant they had no else to question making the remaining  search harder. He just hoped Kai was okay, wherever he was. Cole had  spent some time during his search thinking about the object of his affections. His smile. His laugh. His passion. All of them warm, like him.
Nagai yume kara mou sameta  'I've already awoken from a long dream'
Asu no hougaku e tsuretette yo!  'Take me away along towards the path of tomorrow!'
Cole didn't have much more time to think about Kai as his thoughts were broken by a blood   curdling scream ripping through the air. That sounded like... "Kai!" He took off in the direction of the sound with the others close behind   him. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
Sokudo o agete  'So let's pick up the speed'
*Back to Kai*
Kai began kicking his   legs about the moment Jonah flinched at his scream. He managed to nail   him in the face before his ankle was grabbed. "Little B***h, can't stay still can you?" Jonah growled as he reached for something under the   bed. Kai turned pale when it turned out to be rope which was used to tie  his ankles together. Jonah laughed as he leaned over him again to get closer to him face, "There we go. Now just stay plenty quiet so I won't have to do the same to that pretty mouth of yours."
"Bite me." Kai could feel his fire bristle at his fingertips, he didn't want to use it this close to a flammable objects.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo yuuyake mo inai kedo sore de sore de iino  'Although the guy yesterday isn't here in the late evening glow, that's okay, that's all okay'
"Don't mind if I do." Jonah smirked as he moved to bring  his lips to Kai's neck. He was about to mark to clear, tender flesh  there when a loud crash came from downstairs. His head shot up towards  the door before he glanced between it and the body underneath him.  Sighing, he got up and left the room but not until after he gave the  other a sly warning, "Try to escape and the next part won't be  pleasurable."
Kai  wanted to throw up when the man went out of view, leaving him alone. He  pulled on the chains again, listening them creak under the strain but  not giving way. Instead he turned his attention to a faint conversation  going on far   outside the room. Whoever it was seemed to have pissed off Jonah as he   was far louder than those responding to him. Then it happened.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Another voice yelled back at him in syllables he recognised. It was Cole and he sounded angry. A crash followed the shouting before it sounded as if someone was running up the stairs. They stopped close to the door but made no move to open it. Kai yanked on his restraints once more as he called, "I'm in here!"
The metal of the door proceeded to creak as his rescuer forced open the door. It gave way suddenly to reveal a heavily breathing ninja in black.
Motto aishiteru! Hibi mo kimi mo  'I love you more and more! With each day and you too'
"Kai!" Cole rushed over to the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..."  Kai sighed as he looked away blushing, "Just get me out of here,  alright." He pulled on the chains around his wrist, "These kind of  hurt."
"Sure." Cole easily broke the metal around his wrists then picked him up bridle style without hesitation. Kai made no move to protest as he buried his head in the crook of the others neck. He was shocked when Cole placed his head on top of his in comfort, "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No..." Kai hiccupped he began crying onto his shoulder, "H-He did things..."
"What kind of 'things'?" Cole questioned, his tone turning darker to match the scowl on his face.
"Like licking me and touching my thighs..." He sniffled clinging to Cole's gi, "And he tried to..."
"To?" Cole coaxed as he felt a wet patch begin to form in the fabric of his uniform. That guy was going to be dead when he was finished with him. When Kai didn't respond he sighed and stroked the back on his head. "Come on now, it's okay. Just tell me what he did?"
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
"He tried to touch me 'there'." Kai explained as he tried to pull down the hem of his dress. It took Cole a few moments to understand where 'there' was. When he did however, he felt something in his own head snap. He was almost completely silent as he carried Kai carefully down the stairs and placed him the arms of a bewildered Zane.  
He  then turned his attention to the guy cowering on the floor in front of  the group, "How dare you..." Cole grabbed Jonah by the front of his  shirt to drag him off the ground to rest eye level with him, "How  f**king dare you!"
"Cole, don't-" Lloyd rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No!  This piece of trash deserves what's coming to him." Cole narrowed his  eyes as the man he was holding gripped his wrist in fear.
"He's  not worth it... Just look at him." Lloyd scowled as the man looked at  him desperately, "It's better if we leave the cops to deal with this,  and take Kai home." Cole glanced over to the small teen in the ice  ninja's arms as Nya and Jay began trying to comfort him. He felt his  grip loosen to the point the man fell to the floor.
Sou yatte mata kyou mo meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"You're  right... You're right." Cole chuckled dryly at his friends before  moving past him to the others. He watched Nya smooth out her brother's  fringe despite his weak protests. He got closer to stand beside her and  address Zane, "Can I have him back?"
"Of  course." Zane smiled sadly as he gently placed Kai into Cole's waiting  arms, "I took the liberty of removing the rope from around his ankles."
"Thank  you," With those words Cole made his exit out of the front door leaving  the others behind to take out the trash. He smiled as he felt Kai rest  his head on his shoulder and relished in way his eyes were half-lidded. "Is someone tired?"
"Mmmm."  Kai groggily nodded against his shoulder so that his hair tickled his  neck. He shifted so that he was better facing Cole so that they could  look each other in the eyes. Cole couldn't help himself as he kissed Kai  on the top of the head in an affectionate gesture, "Wha-"
"Kai listen,  I've liked you for a while now and today just put into perspective how  easily I could lose you." He explained as Kai made a small frown, "So  please, give me a chance to show how much you mean to me."
"Yes."  Kai smiled as Cole moved in closer to initiate a kiss. They were an  inch apart when a soft noise interrupted them from the confines of the  earth ninja's gi.  "Is that what I think it is?" Kai laughed when Cole blushed reaching   into his uniform to take out a small ball of fur. He giggled when it   uncurled itself to reveal the kitten he had found earlier, "Oh my gosh. You shouldn't have."
"It's nothing."
Omoi atte iku korekara zutto  'Continue to love one another from now on and always'
Do make requests for songs and ships if you want. I like a lot of ships.
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
‘Little Women: Atlanta’ Star Ashley “Ms. Minnie” Ross Killed In Hit-And-Run Accident
Source: Paras Griffin / Getty
Ashley Ross, aka Ms. Minnie, the star of Lifetime’s hit series Little Women: Atlanta, has died after succumbing to injuries after being involved in a hit-and-run car accident.
On Tuesday (Apr 28), the tragic news was shared in a statement posted to her Instagram account by her management team, who confirmed Ross’s passing before asking for privacy.
“It is with profound sadness that we confirm on behalf of the family of Ashley Ross, aka ‘Ms Minnie’ of Little Women Atlanta has succumbed to injuries from a tragic hit and run car accident today at the age of 34. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time.”
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Full Statement from the management team of @MsMinnieLWA It is with profound sadness that we confirm on behalf of the family of Ashley Ross aka “Ms Minnie” of Little Women Atlanta has succumbed to injuries from a tragic hit and run car accident today at the age of 34. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time. Please direct all media requests to: Liz Dixson Publicist for Ms Minnie 404-410-6912 [email protected]
A post shared by
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(@msminnielwa) on Apr 27, 2020 at 10:15pm PDT
Ross’s boyfriend of over one year, Atlanta producer Slickbeatz, also took to social media to mourn her death, posting a picture of the two with a heartfelt caption calling the TV star the “love of his life.”
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The moment I saw you,I just knew it. I realized that you are all that I have been searching for all my life. I love you today, I love you tomorrow and I will love you the same 10 years from now. Ima miss you baby girl #teamminnieforlife
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Rip @msminnielwa Love of my life #prayformommatammie #prayforme
A post shared by Slickbeatz/@hurryupandbuy220 (@slick_beatz220) on Apr 27, 2020 at 10:00pm PDT
Co-star and close friend Amanda Salinas Castillo, one half of the Salinas twins on Little Women: Atlanta, also shared her grief soon after the information was confirmed by Ross’s representatives.
“As I’m writing this I’m in tears I can’t believe it my Minnie !!!!” she wrote. “Why did they take you away from us !!!! WHY!!!!! It always seems like we have all the time in the world, only to realize how fleeting it really is. I wish we had more time to do and say the things we saved for later which along with you is gone forever. I promise to keep you alive in my memories and be there for your mama and aunt. You were more than our best friend you were our big sister and still is !!! I still can’t believe this man why man why!!!! , I love you so much !!!! My heart is broken. Rest In Peace my love.”
Ross leaves behind her mother, Tammie Jackson, who was a regular presence on the reality show and often stood up for her daughter during conflicts with co-stars. The two were very close. In 2016 during an interview with Madame Noire, Ross revealed that it was her mother who helped her find confidence at a young age despite being “different.”
“My mom, she’s my rock. She’s my best friend. She sat down with me one day and said, ‘You have people staring at you. Give them something to stare at,’” she said. “So I always kid with her and say, ‘You created a diva.’ Because when she told me that, well, nowadays, it takes two hours for me to get ready. And when I walk out of the door I’m on point because I’m like, I don’t know who’s staring at me and who is trying to take a picture of me. But if they’re going to stare, I’m going to give them something to stare at.”
source https://hiphopwired.com/858968/little-women-atlanta-star-ashley-ms-minnie-ross-killed-in-hit-and-run-accident/
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pissychrisy · 7 years
Vent sesh
Hey guys so i don’t an outlet to bitch so ima use this, but I’m hella stressed so this post is going to be incredibly negative. I feel typing it out and reflecting upon it later might help with a sense of cleairty of my emotions. So here is everything that’s stressing me out:
1.) My grandmother has been going through a lot of physical and mental instability and i fear her demensia is getting worse. Not only is she barely taking care of herself, she is barely being taken care of. My father and uncle are in charge of insuring my grandmother’s saftey and future and they have done nothing yet. Like last weekend i went to her house to take out trash ,like i usually do, and there was dog shit EVERYWHERE in her den and hallway. She can’t pick it up because bending over makes her dizzy and more susceptible to falling. Funny thing is my uncle was over (two days prior to me cleaning the poop )but he just decided I could clean it. I hate feeling like I have no control and yet feeling so responsible for insuring my grandmother’s saftey. Due to this i dont even have the energy to see my grandpa whom is also having heightened problems with demensia.
2.) I’m not as stable as I wished I was. My boyfriends car (my main form of transportation) is in a constant wrecked state. It’s battery is fucked so we have to get a new one. If that’s not the issue we have to wait to get it to a shop and I have to find a way to get to work tomorrow. He has the money half the time to get it fixed but we have to rely on a lot of external resources to help when i cant. That being said I also am going to have to start paying for rent. My boyfriend is finding it hard to find a job in the midst of his school schedule, so most of the bills and food will be on me. It’s hasn’t even happened yet and I’m already so stressed.
3.) My Mother (of whom my father is separated from) and sisters live with an abusive asshole. I want to be there for ALL of them but I’m stuck. On one hand i love my mother and I’m here for her. I have always tried supporting her. Though, it’s becoming hard to support her decision with living with a horrible human being. My sisters mental health is so crazy. All of them are already showing negative behaviors i know will affect there future. This is another situation i have had to take a step back on due to my own mental health.
4.) My mental health is driving me crazy. I’m pretty sure i have depression and anxiety. This is showing a lot of behaviors I’m not proud of. My relationships with the people around me are being affected by this. I don’t have to energy to see people and deal with my emotions effectively. My boyfriend and I have been butting heads because of it. I’m not communicating my needs and wants to him appropriately and I fear im emotionally abusing him. My symptoms are showing irritability, parinoia, and constant negative thoughts.
5.) my job is in turmoil. I’m on my last strike for attendance and I’m super stressed about it. I also hate what I’m doing for a living and that’s not fun to deal with. I miss being in a profession that i feel passionate about.
ALL this being said I’m going to try to stay positive. Learning about witchcraft has helped with my anxiety and I’m ready to start practicing. I also have a lot to be proud of in the sense of where I was in December to now. I have been going to counseling, working on my drag, helping my family, and weirdly impressing people at my job. I’m trying to find a sense of clearity and through meditation and constant self reflection,. I know I’ll be the chris i wanna be. If you feel i have been distant, antisocial, or angry at you understand I’m going through a stressful time and I’m trying to cope. I hope to anyone who reads this, take this as a note of positivity. Give yourself space and time to reflect upon your own stress. I hope you all are having a wonderful 2018!
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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So you like any of these baby? (Tumblr messing up) we should get some matching camo 😍
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Tumblr messing up , you like this?
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You like any of these? Oooh I want some Bruce Lee stuff 😍Tumblr messing up , more camo:
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We could make our own camo 🤷🏾‍♀️that would be nice 😍, I like these colors:
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Thst just popped up must be my internet 😭 you do her hair? Slay 💅, is right here baby 😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🤗🤗🤗🖤💋💋, you gave her that swoosh in her hair or does it run in the family ? Y'all be killing it 🔥, gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗, ahhhh I love you so much 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😍😘😘, you rock baby 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Tumblr messing up , My girlfriend/sub/slave/muse/trophy is the BEST 😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🏆💍👑🖤🔐🔒🔒🔒🔒, you sexy af baby 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍 yells out the window look at my girlfriend y'all 😍😍😍🤤🤤😍😍🤤🐱💦💦💦💦swoons 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤tumblr messing up, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, you are blazing like Cajun baby 😍😍😍😍you poppin, you glowing 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤and did you do your sister's makeup or did she ? Either way yes that highlight is glowing 🔥✨ , both of y'all are fierce afffff y'all better werk 💅runway ready darling 😍 2 snaps of the finger and a fling of the hair yassss , gives you a kiss on the lips 😘😘😘💋💋💋💋 muah muah muah 😘😘😘Tumblr messing up , keep it coming baby 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤I wanna show you off more 😍😍😍😍(Tumblr messing up) picks you up and twirls you around ahhh 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤, kissing your breasts 🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍😍😘😘😘so sexy 😍🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦💦 that head wrap fly on you baby 😍😍(Tumblr messing up) you are the bomb 😍😍😍🤤🤤, goes my princess doing? 👑 sits you on my lap and wraps my arms around you 🤤🤤😘😘🤗🤗🤗, stroking your hair wraps the blankie around us 🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, I was about to order your stuff but even with the standard shipping option it would be getting there too early , so I'm ordering it tomorrow 😍😍😍😍😍gives you a big kisss 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘Tumblr messing up, anything for my princess 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘ahhh I can't wait told you get it 🙈✨🖤< that's me being nervous (in a good way ) and excited , tumblr messing up , I gotta get my charger, matter of fact I'll just go downstairs and lounge on the couch🖤😘😘 , (Tumblr messing up) Ima reset my router , your eyes twinkle when you snarl 😍😍😍😍it's the cutest things ever 😍😍😍😍(Tumblr messing up)
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You like any of these? 😍😍😍
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You like this one baby?
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Fall actually comes in at around 9 tonight , Tumblr messing up, you like this hoodie baby? I gotta make another post for more images
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aarcee321 · 5 years
Why not militay professionals are a pick too, Modi Ji?
No qualms about Shri Rajnath Singh Ji having been made the Minister of Defence, in fact it's more than welcome selection compared to the stop gap जुगाड़ (jugad) we have had in the past.
As per existing practice, Politicians in the past have been habitual of "listening" to the bureaucrats on all matters under the sun including matters militay. Taking advantage of such day to day contact, bureaucrats on the other hand have been and will continue to protect their turf and not the nation. India once had Indians making the British Indian Army, since Independence however it has ben completely Indianized. On the contrary, the post Independence bureaucracy continues to practice divide and rule and emaciate all other organizations, no matter how important these organizations may be for nation building. Modi's arrival had rekindled the hope of many looking for an overhauled structure with much more accountable and functional bureaucracy but that seems to have been put on the back burner,at least for now.
But the moot point I wish to make is about a career diplomat Shri Jsishankar being made Minister of External or Foreign Affairs. Undoubtedly his sterling contribution as secretary of foreign affairs has been the the prime contributor in he being appointed as Minister for foreign affairs. It only proves that none, not even Shushma Ji, who had handled foreign affairs with dexterity and deft has not been considered to have the kind of domain knowledge and the skills as possibily Shri Jsishankar has. We read excellent articles and write up on international issues published in various news papers and periodicals. It should not be a surprise if such a person is coopted in the foreign affairs ministry.
But shouldn't the same analogy be as true for Defence portfolio as well.
In fact yes, though not practised and will never be.
None of the elected BJP members or those from allies have even basic knowledge about Defence. Let us just analyse why a person from Defence background, who could be from Army, Navy or Air Force, would as such be the most suited to become the Minister for Defence.
It is a person who has worn the uniform of any one of the three sister services alone knows what the gamut of Defence is all about, right from recruitment to fighting a war and even after he or she hangs his or her uniform.
There is a grueling selection process for selecting individuals for services officer cadre, the lengthiest I suppose compared to for all other Central Government services. The candidates first go through a written exam conducted by UPSC. Successful candidates are then put through SSB test appropriate for each sister service lasting for five days almost. Those successful are then put through the strictest uncompromising medical test. A merit list is then drawn to fill up the course vacancies at NDA, IMA & OTA or other militay training academies, as the case may be. These candidates as Cadets or Gentlemen Cadets are put through a rigorous one, two or three years training schedule culminating in to a spectacular passing out parade.
The glitter and pomp of passing out parade itself becomes a reality after almost two months of hard practice.
Those from NDA, after a three years रगड़ा are put through a one year or of a longer duration training by respective academies of respective services of Army, Navy and Air Force.
In the Armed Forces, even the top man at the beginning of his career performs all combat or administration related functions, the lowest rank is expected to and thus the thoroughness and perfection at display through and through.
And then at the end of the training, the country gets 24 caret gold like Arun Khetrapal, Sekhon and many others who from day one display the dauntless brain and brawn to defend each inch of Mother India at the cost of their lives. It is this rigorous training which produced Manekshaws and Kariappas in the past and many others thereafter. It is more a matter of tradition.
The reason for giving the training duration details is only to highlight that just cramming text books and writing exams are much too inadequate in making of a top notch Armed Forces and thus to head the concerned ministry the best choice and if available should always be a military man only.
A minister for Space matters, science, health and so on can be any body as long as he can steer his ministry for public good. But a Minister of Defence, if he has not gone through the above mentioned rigour will be incapable of appreciating the defence needs of the country. It is this lack of domain knowledge at the ministry which has caused huge shortages of Officer in the three services, Army having the largest share. Present disquiet in the Services and veterans is result of such a mismatch.
The selection and training of Jawans (soldiers); though media these days calls all the central armed police force (CAPF) constables as jawans; is no cakewalk either. They too are put though a tough 52 week hard training schedule. Their upward movement involves further rigorous training and tests and is not based on confidential reports alone. The confidential reports are considered of only those who qualify in the promotion cadre exams.
The matters of Defence don't end here, these continue even after a Defence guy retires or becomes a veteran. How a country treats these veterans is by and large responsible for attracting the capable youth to join as soldiers or officers. As the retirement age in defence forces is too early compared to other uniformed services, need for periodic fresh entry is also more frequent and regular. It is because of this reason that care of veterans assumes similar urgency as for those on active service. Just remember, a serving soldier or serving officer of today will be a veteran tomorrow.
Strategic issues are considered to be the domain of only a few, not of militay in any case. We remember too well when Manekshaw advised Indira Gandhi to delay the launch of attack on East Pakistan due to strategic reasons of harvesting season and nonavailability of transport for move of troops and other war material. Could such necessities have been perceived by a bureaucrat or non-defence background minister. Doubtful. Only a Defence background guy can visualize such things including weapon acquisition, peace time Military station locations, conditions of service and so on.
Abhinandans and Kherapals don't come cheaply, they don't come by only cramming books and writing exams either. How they come and in larger numbers to defeat even the best of war technology is a matter so easily glossed over by politician and by bureaucrats more so. I am not for a moment saying that the Defence Minister be compulsorily a Defence guy but when country has some one, then why not. US is a democracy as we are. They have had a large number of their Generals becoming Presidents. We have a mindset issue in handing over the defence portfolio under a Defence guy, but why?
Such "one of" is not a rarity in India either. Didn't we have have a career scientist becoming the President and who proved to be much better than many before him.
Why can we not have a Defence guy becoming Minister of Defence. India is a matured democracy, harbouring and nurturing fears of a Pakistan type coup scenario is utter absurdity and works only to weaken the Defence forces, albeit Indian Armed Forces are and have been , the only and last resort the country can bank upon.
There is not only no doubt but a degree of certainty that Indian political class doesn't trust it's Armed Forces. They didn't in the past and indeed they don't even now.
Doklam, Surgical Strike and Pulwama revenge by Air Strike has raised the strategic capital of India may times. This could only be possible because of our Armed Forces which though not the largest are second to none despite having obsolete equipment inventory. Such an situation can be corrected by only a military person who alone understands the Defence needs. A politician with best of clout and intention is as such likely to fall woefully short in appreciating and doggedly pursuing to get the required wherewithal.
It was this mistrust and a sense of denigration towards the Armed Forces that resulted in the route of 62 under the most illustrious PM in Nehru India has had till date, as they say. It was under his watch and his most trusted Krishnamenon, the then Defence Minister, that 62 happened and China could comfortably roll down to Tejpur located in the foothills of Himalays.
China of today is not China of 62, instead it is a robust challenge and a threat in being to the military and economic might of USA, the leader of today'a unipolar world. For India, Pakistan alone could be tackled as a side issue but not China and China and Pakistan together, never.
Diplomatic posturing in the run up to Balakot has paid off but it paid off only because militay efforts have been resoundingly successful. It's the end result which counts as has been the case now.
If China does comes this time, there may not be going back as it happened in 62. There is no Nehru or Krishnamenon to blame either.
The need for a Defence Minister with Defence background as such needs serious consideration and debate.
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