#im writing this with a mc on the aroace spectrum and my own preference btw so hence the comedy
fivveweeks · 2 years
Man I'm just picturing Brassius and Hassel just discussing like 'what are we doing wrong I believe there's interest but???' after time spent together with you. Just playing 4D chess trynna figure out what else do they need to do why can't you see both of them are Interested in you
EXACTLY!!! the funniest fucking thing is that in the plot they only started considering asking you out a few weeks into the arrangement (after a serious discussion between each other that yeah there's no threat to their relationship and yeah they're both smitten with you after getting to know you + the forbidden knowledge of you sucking their dicks previously)
but by then it's too late!!! you're used to their behavior and how kind and considerate they are by now so you literally do not detect the difference. you just think oh Brassius is just being nice with his compliments and Hassel is sweet for offering to buy you lunches and you don't mind the extra touching of hands and brushing of arms (internally you're like Wough Nice but also they're just being friendly you guess, no biggie)
WHILE Brassius and Hassel are both like, internally dying. Straight up 4D chess discussions after each meeting with you. "What is lacking?" Hassel sighs, putting his face into his hands. "They're not that much younger than us, I don't quite believe that the customs has changed that much? Are we getting old?"
"We can try inviting them to the local festival next month, or our home for dinner," Brassius pats him. "I'll even break out the pirate shirts."
"The ones that has no buttons and open-chested? Won't it scare them off?"
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures, Hass. Wear your nice vest and remember to roll up your sleeves too."
anyways i like to think while Brassius is very direct and blunt while Hassel isn't afraid to straight up confess, in here the circumstances are holding them back bc a) it's polymory, they don't want to scare you off + they’re being cautious bc they’re a packaged deal b) they don't know what you're looking for at the moment and are trying their best to be considerate without being pushy and risking your friendship and c) i find it fucking hilarious making them suffer
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