#im very grateful they kept the same hairstyles and faces mostly so that *I* can tell who is who. but yeah that's wild
worstloki · 4 months
xie lian when two guys with the exact same hair partings his attendants 800 years had accompany him on missions: yippee! such kind strangers!
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geekofmanyforms · 5 years
New Beginning Chapter Two
***Thanks goes to my new Beta Casey and her amazing polishing skills. She is doing a wonderful job of helping me fix this story up. If you guys wanna leave her some thank you comments, im sure she would be grateful. Reviews would be greatly appreciated. I will upload more of this fic if I receive requests to do so. Currently, I have 23 chapters written, so there is plenty to come.***
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I watched as Stefan drove his car into the garage of the Boarding House. He, of course, hadn’t changed a bit since the last time I’d seen him. One of the perks of being a vampire, I guess.
After he went inside, I sat in my car and scoped out the place. I knew Damon was here too, I could sense it. I had very few memories of him, mostly just flashes; I assume they were amongst the memories I had yet to unlock.
My phone went off, causing me to jump out of my skin. ‘Barbie Girl’ played as Caroline’s name was displayed on the screen. I smiled as I remembered how angry it made her when I chose that as her ringtone.
“Hello Care, how can I help you?” I asked.
Her high pitched, pissed off voice filled my ears, “Where the hell are you, El?”
I pulled the phone away from my ear and snapped at her, “Whoa Care, you’re gonna bust my eardrum! I’m doing something personal,” I said with a huff.
“You were supposed to meet us at the Grill, remember?!”
I sighed into the phone. I completely forgot the plans Caroline had made on my behalf.
“Sorry Care, I can’t make it. I’ll totally make it up to you later, ok?”
I hoped this would smooth things over — the last thing I needed was an angry Caroline.
“You better call me and explain yourself later. None of this personal crap. Got it?” she said firmly.
I laughed lightly, agreeing with her, and hung up the phone. I’d have to come up with some kind of story that would satisfy her; otherwise, I’d be in the doghouse.
I took a few deep breaths, preparing myself for what would definitely be an awkward meeting. I pulled my car into the driveway of the vampire Boarding house. I shut off the engine and checked my reflection in the rearview mirror, fixing my untidy red hair. I slipped out of the car, quickly making my way to the front door. My white knuckles stood out brightly against the dark wood as I knocked. I could feel my heart pounded against my ribs and tried to slow my heart rate by breathing deeply. I knew they’d be able to hear me. I ran my sweaty hands down my jeans, then fidgeted with the frayed sleeves of my jacket as my nerves started coming to the surface.
I heard voices on the other side of the door, and I lowered my head, successfully hiding my face behind my hair. I wasn’t sure if they would answer the door if they saw who I was. Then again, I scolded myself, they have been alive for centuries now, who’s to say they would even remember me? Maybe I didn’t mean as much to them as I thought I did? The handle jiggled, and my heart leaped into my throat as Stefan opened the door to greet me. There was no way he couldn’t hear my pounding heartbeat; it sounded like I had jogged the whole way here. I kept my face turned away, hiding behind my hair as his voice lilted towards me. Its familiar rhythm sending jolts of memories through my mind.
“Hello, can I help you?” He asked, curiously.
My pulse jumped in my neck, no doubt enticing the vampire as I fought with my cowardly self. Patiently, Stefan waited as I took a few gulps of air and pulled at my sleeves anxiously before I finally lifted my face to meet his.
It was like stepping into my own dreams and memories; almost nothing about him had changed. Knowing he was a vampire, I should have expected as much, but for some reason, I was still a bit surprised. The only difference apart from his clothes, of course, was his hair. His dark brown hair was styled differently than I remembered but still framed his face flatteringly. I liked this new hairstyle better now, actually — I thought it suited him better. I tried to smile, but couldn’t as his pale face contorted in horror. His forest green eyes widened in disbelief as he took in my features, several emotions fought for dominance on his face.
“Hello, Stefan,” I said, simply.
I wasn’t sure what the proper greeting was when you haven’t seen someone for centuries, but I probably could’ve said something more worldly than 'Hello.’
“El…Elandra?” He stuttered.
Elandra. I hadn’t heard that name for ages. In fact, I had only ever been given that name twice in my entire existence. Once in their time, and the other in my own. It was my real name.
I smiled at his nervous expression.
“It’s Elara now, Stefan. May I come in?” I asked, pointing at the door.
His jaw slackened, but his expression stayed in place as he stepped aside to allow me inside. I stepped past him, looking around in awe. Everything was so beautiful. I wasn’t new to elegance or riches, but I had been taught to appreciate beauty. I had been poor as many times as I had been rich, so I never took anything for granted. Although I had to say, I liked this home much better than their first.
Stefan led me to the sitting room. I took a seat on the nearest couch, sinking down into the soft material. I giggled softly and smiled up at Stefan standing in front of me, still staring as if I was a ghost. Did he expect me to disappear into a wisp of smoke?
“Would you like a drink?” He offered.
He pointed behind him, towards the bar where a decanter full of gleaming red liquid sat. I looked over at the bar and bit my bottom lip. They had one crystal decanter of blood sitting out next to the Bourbon — they really shouldn’t have that in such plain view. I couldn’t help but laugh at his offer. He frowned at my reaction, confused.
“We have animal blood too,” he kindly offered.
I stood and walked over to the small bar. I made myself a glass of Bourbon, shaking my head as I eyed the red substance.
“Stefan, I’m human. Well…sorta,” I said, shrugging.
His face froze, brow raised as he ran his hands over his face slowly, his posture stiff. Feeling pity for the poor immortal, I gestured towards the couch.
“Why don’t we sit down? let me explain.”
He watched me take my drink back to my seat and cross my ankles before he joined me. He leaned against the back of the couch and sighed deeply. I took a large swig of the amber liquid in my hand and closed my eyes. I enjoyed the warm burn as it slid down my throat. When I was ready, I turned my body toward him, placing a gentle hand on his thigh. I took a deep breath and decided to delve into what I could. Having only minimal information myself at this point, I was only able to tell Stefan what my own memories allowed. I had only unlocked so much. So far I knew that I was a Reincarnate, someone who is reborn over and over again, never truly dying. I tried to explain everything to him, only leaving out the Mikaelsons and a few other details. I wasn’t ready to discuss certain things. Hell, I was still working on some of it myself. To Stefan’s credit, throughout my long tale, he didn’t interrupt once. When I was done, Stefan took a deep breath and sighed loudly.
“Well, that’s a lot. So you’re a Reincarnate then?”
I nodded. “As of right now, I have no clue how, but yes.”
He ran his hand through his brown hair ruffling it as he did.
“Elandra, there’s something I have always wanted to say to you.”
Stefan placed his hand on my own and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him, guessing what he wanted to apologize for. Same old Stefan Salvatore, always repenting.
“I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I should have been there.”
I gave him a hug, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. Finally, he was able to let go of the guilt he held onto for centuries.
“Stefan, what happened to me wasn’t your fault. It’s only the fault of those evil bastards who hurt me. Besides, it was centuries ago,”
I tried to ignore the memory of that terrible night. It was something I never wanted to relive. We heard a commotion upstairs as a voice filled the awkward silence.
“Stefan, who the hell was at the door?”
I recognized the voice immediately and stood, turning around my back facing the stairs.
I had no clue why I was so nervous, but I was. My stomach fluttered as footsteps approached us. Stefan stood as well and stepped closer to me whispering encouraging words. I barely heard him.
“Ah, we have company. Who’s this?”
The cocky voice sent shivers down my spine. I stayed put, unable to turn around. My whole body went rigid with stress, and I couldn’t tell if I was breathing.
“Damon, we need to talk,” Stefan said, walking away from me.
“Why? Who is she?” he asked, clearly annoyed.
I could hear footsteps on the carpet behind me, but I remained where I was. I tilted my head to the side, looking at him from behind my hair. From my shield of red, I could see Stefan standing in front of him one arm on his shoulder. He was leaning into him, trying to keep him where he was. Damon was pushing against him, moving towards me, obviously thinking I was someone Stefan intended to use against him. I heard Stefan trying to lead him into another room, but Damon had other plans. I heard a quick rustling of shoes on the carpet before I felt someone touch my arm, spinning me around. I dropped the crystal glass I had been holding, and my green eyes met his blue. I’d forgotten how absolutely gorgeous he was. His raven black hair was shorter than it was the last time I’d seen him. Of course, that was when he was still human, and long hair was the fashion. His blue eyes widened, and he dropped my arm as if I had burned his flesh. He backed away from me, his eyes moving over my face. If I had thought Stefan was surprised by my sudden appearance, it was nothing compared to Damon. His face scrunched up in pain.
“Elandra?” he whispered my name as if it were a prayer.
Hearing him speak my name was all it took. Suddenly, memories were flooding into my mind. I tried to speak, but I couldn’t get the words past the barricade of pain. Seeing him had triggered the memory of every moment he and I had ever shared together.
I fell to my knees, my head held tightly in my hands. Voices were calling out to me, but I couldn’t see past the pain, nor the swirling memories that fled past my eyes one after another. It was like I was a bystander, observing myself live through events I was only now learning I had lived through. I saw myself in Damon’s arms, kissing him and laughing with him. I felt warm tears cascading down my cheeks as I remembered how I had loved him before he went to war. I watched my past self-cry as she handed Damon a picture of her painting in a garden as he prepared to leave. He promised he’d return to her, promised he would never love another. I saw Stefan hold her as they watched him wave goodbye.
The memories shifted, and I was suddenly by her side as she trained with Emily Bennett and Katherine Pierce. Then, I saw as her whole world crumbled when she realized that Damon had returned from the war without telling her, having fallen in love with Katherine. As she listened to Katherine talking about her relationship with both brothers, the memories began to fade. My senses were returning to me, but the pain in my head was fiery reminder of every single memory. It was like someone was breaking my heart and pushing hot coals into my mind all at the same time.
“Elandra, please tell me what’s wrong,”
I heard Damon’s voice in my ear. I lifted my head, finally coherent enough to realize I was in his arms. My head laid against his hard chest, his shirt was soft against my cheek. Stefan was beside us, face pale and lined with worry.
“It’s ok, I’m fine. It’s just the memories, it’s painful when they all rush back like that,” I said, pushing myself out of Damon’s arms and standing.
It was too hard being so close to him. The pain of what had happened between us was still too fresh in my mind. Damon held my arm as I rocked back and forth on my heels.
“How are you here?” he asked suspiciously.
I made my way to the couch and lifted my hand in the air, ushering for Stefan to explain everything to him, my head was still throbbing. Not to mention the confusion I was feeling. I was in no mood to play twenty questions with Elara. I sensed someone standing in front of me and looked up, smiling at the glass dangling above my head. The condensation glistened in the light falling from the window beside me. I took the drink gratefully. I drank small sips as I rubbed my temples. As I rubbed my aching head, I felt something on my upper lip and frowned, lifting my fingers to my nose. Looking down, I noticed the bright red smeared on my fingertips, with a sigh, I took a tissue from my pocket and wiped the blood from my nose and fingers. The eyes of both vampires shot towards me. I shook my head, continuing to wipe my nose. I looked away from them and watched the amber liquid in my glass swirl as I tilted the crystal back and forth. The pain was starting to dull. I felt the couch sag as someone sat down beside me. I lifted my head and looked into Damon’s blue eyes.
“So your Elena’s sister in this life?” he asked softly.
I watched his expression shift as he said her name. It was almost pained reverence. I remembered what Beka told me of what Katherine had done to the brothers after my death.
“Yes, and you’re a vampire now, huh?” I laughed.
He gave me his signature smirk. “Yeah, lucky me, right?”
I could sense being a vampire was something he never wanted. His smirk faded to a frown.
“I’m so sorry, El, I should have been there,” he whispered.
Deep down, part of me wanted to hurt him. Part of me wanted to come out and say, “Yes, you should have been. You should have chosen me. Loved me.” But I couldn’t. I still cared about him, despite how things had transpired between us. I wrapped my arm around him, taking in his familiar scent.
“It’s not your fault,” I told him.
He stood, pulling me onto my feet. I wobbled, feeling my legs shake with the effort it took to remain upright, but Damon held me tightly against his side. He brushed my hair gently from my face.
“You’re just as I remember you. How old are you?” Damon asked.
He walked a circle around me, observing me up and down. I started laughing; I felt like his prey.
“I just turned 17. Or did you forget my birthday?” I joked.
His face fell for a moment, eyes clouding over in memory.
“No, I visit your grave every year. I just came back from my visit. August 10th, last month.”
I was surprised by his revelation. He visits my grave? I don’t even visit myself. The thought of him grieving me, after all this time, broke my heart.
“Oh, Damon, I’m so sorry,” I cried.
Tears clouded my vision, but I could see his eyes never left mine. My phone rang, breaking through the aching sadness. Damon’s eyebrow lifted at the ringtone. I shifted uncomfortably. No one understood why I’d chosen it yet. I have an odd sense of humor. 'Werewolves of London’ ended as I answered the phone.
“Hey, Tyler. What’s up?”
Damon’s eyes narrowed as he listened to me speak.
“Hey, Ellie. Have you heard from Vick today?” Tyler asked, his voice stiff.
“No, can’t say I have, sorry.”
An irritated sigh came from the other end.
“Ok, if ya hear from her tell her to call me,” Tyler asked.
“Yeah, Ty, I’ll do that.”
I hung up and slid my phone in my back pocket after glancing at the time.
“Listen, Damon, I gotta go. It’s late,” I said.
I hated leaving after everything that had happened, but Jenna would be pissed if I came home late.
“Can’t you make something up and stay?” He asked, hopefully.
“No, I cant. I promise, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I pulled my phone from my pocket and outstretched it to him “here, put your number in my cell-”
He took my phone, and after a few seconds, I felt a slight breeze and then a heavy feeling in my back pocket. Damn vampire speed!
“Did you just fondle me, Mr. Salvatore?” I joked.
His face brightened at my familiar sense of humor. I could tell he was glad it hadn’t been lost.
“What if I did?” he asked, cockily.
I lightly slapped his face and enjoyed his genuinely shocked expression. He touched his cheek with a smirk.
“How dare you! I’m a lady, sir,” I flipped my hair and headed for the door.
He beat me there, opening the door for me.
“Thank you. I’ll see ya tomorrow. Tell Stefan I said bye,” I said, laughing when he rolled his eyes at the mention of his younger brother.
I walked to my car, and as I got in, I noticed he was still standing in the doorway, watching me. I waved, shifted the car into reverse, and pulled out of the driveway.
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