#im unsure. but anyone who would use it to cdeate art for them wouldnt comission an artist anyway . the respect was never there
lesbianraskolnikov · 2 years
AI art can be tricky but personally i really dont care if people are just using it for laughs, like the latest one going around- I dont think this is going to turn anyone on to ai art and go "this is great and better than actual artists!", people just use it because of the absurd results you get, and i dont really think every one of these things are out to be malicious. There are so many bad parts to AI Art and anyone who thinks feeding an ai to make a picture is being an artist is goofy but lile... Idk. People who actually enjoy and respect artists and their work wouldnt stoop to that, basically. AI isnt going to take over the creative world lol.
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