#im trying to be a silly little witch and make potions leave me the hell alone
autismcultureis · 4 months
autism culture is trying to isolate yourself because you're getting overstimulated but people keep coming in to talk to you and then get mad when you lash out. like omg im TRYING to "calm down" just give me a minute
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puppyfluffpasta · 5 years
Stranger’s Help
I was driving with my best friend Jeff and we were somewhere in the middle of nowhere, when we decided we were sick of each other and started bickering, blaming each other for everything. He’d yell at me, telling me it was my fault the gas meter was broken because I accidentally kicked it, but it was such an old car that’s break anyway, and it was so small I probably couldn’t even get in with out kicking something, and being cramped in there for a cross country trip was not the best idea, but we were on our way still and it was too late now. He’d call me “Mikey” which he knew I hated because I preferred Mike, or even Michael now that I was mature and trying to be a real adult at 25. But you didn’t hear me calling him “Jeffy” whatever, it was stupid and we both knew it. The lack of air conditioning made us both sweating grump machines and we were fighting like an old married couple, which subsided for a moment until... walla, the car stopped moving. It sputtered for a moment, and wouldn’t start again as we looked out at the completely abandoned highway (we hadn’t seen a car for hours probably because we were out in the absolute middle of nowhere.) and we both knew our only chance, as we hadn’t been even remotely close to a gas station, and our phones were both completely dead the next state over, we realized we were fucked.
We yelled a little more, until we realized in unison neither one of us were going to start trekking out alone, so we decided we better just lock up the car, leave it on the side of the road and start walking with the little bit of water we had (about a 16 oz bottle each half full) and beg some person to help us, anyone to help with anything.
After a miserable hour or so of walking through dead grass and over hills, we eventually found a little fence, and in the distant was some little wooden cottage, in a strangely forested part of that area, where we thought there was deserts and plains only for states around, but here was this strange vibrant little place of trees with some kind of house in the middle. How quaint, and how goddamn lucky. We ran over, just hoping for even a glass of water, and eventually I knocked on the door. I’d do the talking, since Jeff was awkward, and usually tried to come onto any female, which could very well be who answered the door to this feminine little cabin, and that might get the door slammed or a shotgun pulled on us in these parts.
Eventually after a minute or two of waiting hopelessly, as we just hoped there wasn’t lights left on for some reason, some curtains moved in a window and someone quickly peered out, but we couldn’t make out what they looked like. I think it was a woman.
And what a woman it was... the door creaked open confidently, I waved through the window when I could, and returned a similar wave as I saw a little woman with a coy smile behind scarlet sharp lips, sleek green eyes glowing from behind long, dark locks of hair. She couldn’t have been over 30 and she was drop dead gorgeous, wearing all black with long sleeves dressing long pale fingers with long sharp black nails. She simply smiled at us and said “Yes?”
I stumbled over myself trying to not freak out at how beautiful this stranger was, I’d ask her to marry me she was so drop dead gorgeous. But I kept it to “Our car ran out of gas some ways from here, sorry to bother you, um, can we just get some water and maybe a phone to call for a tow? Or do you happen to have any gas on hand?? Anything to help please.”
She looked I’m not sure how, maybe annoyed, maybe infuriated, maybe happy to help, but said “So there’s no one else with you?” And I replied “nope just us two. That’s all. Please we mean no harm, were begging you!” I said with a nervous smile as Jeff pleaded with me.
“Hmm, why should I help you two? What are your names. Let’s see if I like your names.”
“Well I’m mark, or mike. Mike.” I stumbled like an idiot.
“And Im Jeff!” My friend said overconfidently while stretching out his hand to shake her hand. She grabbed it, but in a way as if Jeff’s hand was dainty, just grabbing the tips like you would a young woman. It made me laugh a little to see him emasculated like that. But then this woman looked dead serious at me and said “I’m Persephone. It’s a Greek name. Now Mark. Jeff. You say you beg for my help? Let’s see you really beg.” She didn’t smile she said it firmly as if it was a command. “Get on your knees, both of you, I want to see you beg, come on.” She snapped and smiled and suddenly I think we both felt an immense need to to get on our knees and beg, but we didn’t want to look too silly and looked at each other. “Uhhh” I think we were both a little scared and a tiny bit aroused, and we decided maybe at once if we should just play along. I kinda laughed and said “um like this?” Smiling and got on my knees, Jeff following. “Please, please help us. We’re begging you.” I shook my hands in prayer to her and tried to remember her name... persa phonee? That’s not right. Then as if she could read my mind she said “You can just call me mistress. Say, please mistress, please help us”
And at once giggling me and Jeff said “please mistress. Please help us” and we smiled as we tried to not get slight boners. Then she broke her serious stride with a sharp smile
Like a knife, and said “get up now, let’s go inside. I’ll get you something to drink. Come on in,” and she turned around showing off a plump tight butt waddling ahead of us as we followed in like baby ducklings. This girl was going to be fun I think.
We stepped inside and I immediately noticed how much bigger it looked inside, stairs leading down to more rooms and halls under neath the ground level it seemed. Woah, cool. And I made out so many strange pictures and objects around, some new age type stuff like crystals and stones, little talismans, and lots of bones and strange objects. Me and Jeff taking it all in, she pointed to the couch and we both sat, excited to see what happened next. Would a threesome with Jeff be too gay? Too weird? Would one of us demand to be alone with her if she liked us? We’re we in trouble? We looked around at all the stuff in the house, rams skulls and different trinkets, old books. She was in the kitchen or other room fixing up water it seemed like, taking a moment, as Jeff turned to me and whispered pointing to some
Symbols carved into the wall “I think she might be a witch dude. Hope you don’t get turned into a frog” and I elbowed him to shut up. She was definitely into the whole witchy Aesthetic, she even had a broom in the corner like an old witch’s broom for god sake.
Then the woman returned with a tray with three glasses of water, she set the tray on the table in front of us and we tried to play it cool that we were dying of thirst and we gulped down the impossibly refreshing water about as quick as we could, almost choking on it.
Jeff broke the silence with “So I’m sorry, how do you say your name again?” Oh god, don’t be rude we just got inside, you idiot.
“It’s like purse, Eff, oh knee. But like I said you two can just call me mistress. Miss Percy is fine too for now.” She said as she stirred her drink, perhaps not just water.
“Well thank you Miss Percy.” Jeff said.
Then she assumed a more motherly tone: “You know, you should really sit more proper, cross your legs, one knee over the other.” He kinda laughed and tried it, not really comfortable as he was being asked to sit like a lady, another stab at him. Ha.
She continued: “You know you have such high cheek bones, such a thin figure. Such small proportions, you really are blessed with such a body.” Jeff was drooling at her compliments, he knew he’d stay here as long as he could. He might let me take his car, but I was jealous, we were getting help and out of here soon, were not here to make friends really. We gotta get home eventually.
“You on the other hand. Michael. You are so broad shouldered, so muscular for someone that doesn’t seem to try. Your essentially the man most men wish they were aren’t you?” She was stroking my ego for sure now, with manlier compliments than Jeff’s weird things.
“Both of your potentials shall be unlocked soon, you two will make the most excellent little pets” she said as she smiled sipping. What a creepy lady. I figure she was joking, but trying to flirt at the same time? Dammit I’d really have to share her with Jeff. This is not something I planned at all. then suddenly I noticed something, I was swelling, I was getting a little taller, I looked at my otherwise loose t shirt, and noticed it was tighter, my Muscles were bulging like they never had before, it was like I was flexing as hard as I could without even trying. I touched my body and felt so much dimension, I was getting more manly by the second, wow, what the hell was going on? Was I hallucinating? Was she inside my head? Then I thought about the fact we just drank some mystery water she gave us, some kind of potion. Uh oh.
“Mikeyyy??” I heard a shrill cracking voice come from where Jeff was sitting as I noticed hair stretching down past his ears now, his face thinned and supple, lips luscious and eyes big as the lashes seemed longer than ever, his dainty hand lifting up to his quickly swelling breasts, his shirt stretching and pants bulging as his body feminized, I saw her panic as she grabbed her crotch feeling a very foreign thing where their penis quickly seemed to retreat inside their body. She let out a shriek of fear as she looked down at her entirely female body.
The witch started again “Like I said, you two will make great pets. I own you now. You’re in my possession, and this is only the first of many spells you will be experiencing. Now Jess, and you Michael, tell me thank you for your new bodies, these are much more suiting to you. You both look absolutely stunning.”
Jess started crying as she pawed herself trying to find any semblance of masculinity or familiarity it that now tiny soft body. I said in a now deeper, richer, more manly tone: “Hey, let us go now! What are you trying to do to us? What did we just drink??” I stood up aggressively to walk out, ready to fight this demon woman with my new found stature, and I pulled up the now completely emasculated young lady beside me as if I was rescuing her.
She started laughing maniacally as she pointed to the door, which had vanished from sight and was now one of the only blank walls in the house. I shuttered as I realized what a mistake we had made by coming here. There was no escape.
“Look whatever you want, just change us back and let us go!” Jess said as she stomped in all her incredibly feminine glory. I had never realized how girly Jeff was until right now. He really did make a very convincing girl already, and it had been maybe one minute.
“Shh!!” Percy hissed as our lips slammed closed painfully, our tongues swelling until our mouths were completely full and useless, making no noise.
“You two are my playthings. My dolls. My slaves. Whatever I feel like. Do you realize you are lucky you are even both human still? I promise you won’t stay that way for long, I’m going to have to do a lot of breaking on you two, I can tell. And dont worry we have all the time in the world. This is going to be a truly magical experience. Now. Go ahead and nod if you are going to shut your mouths, do exactly as I say, and with a smile, you understand?” I nodded in tears starting to form in my eyes in pure terror. But then, my tongue stopped, shrunk down into my mouth to normal size and we stood there in shock.
“Now get on your hands and knees.” She snapped and we didn’t even have to try, we were instantly brought into our hands and knees doggy style. Then just like dogs, she pulled out two collars to place on us. One a red one with a gold buckle, and a pink sparkly one with a silver buckle. We both frowned hard and sobbed a little as she placed the pink one on Jess, and the red one on me as we felt glued to the floor in that position. Then she handed me a knife.
“Don’t get any funny ideas okay. I can turn you into a toilet and you can spend the next hundred years swallowing mine and, pretty little Jessie here’s waste?” I believed her and shivered as I held the knife like an alien toy not sure what to do with it.
“Cut her clothes off. Get her naked.” The witch bellowed at me. I looked over into my friends big blue, innocent looking eyes as she looked at me in fear and disbelief. Tears filled her eyes but her soft little hands touched my now larger, gorilla like hands and she said “It’s okay. Just do it. Let’s see what I look like now. I trust you.” I really had to hide the fact through all this horrifying mess of a situation that I was really turned on by what looked like my friends blonde twin sister telling me she trusted me enough to get her naked, and my dick flexed a little bit in excitement. If I got a boner our friendship was going to get way to weird, and while it was normal for her even though she’s actually a guy that’s my friend Jeff, was more normal than the hunkified gayness of your male friend declothing you. But I took the knife, and cut her/his shirt off. Two good sized tits bounced out from their prison and I saw my friends birthmark reminding me behind these gorgeous boobs that this was my friend still. I gazed into those pointy pink nipples for probably too long and then snapped out of it, cutting down the pants and pulling them with ease, I was so strong now. Then those gorgeous smooth legs that now jutted from Jeff’s tidy whiteys she pulled her underwear down so I wouldn’t have to and pulled her feet out of her shoes to take all the clothes off, until a hot blonde naked girl was in front of me in only a collar and socks. My dick was at least half erect now. She looked down at her body in disbelief, down at the pink lips that were now her vagina. She touched herself fearfully and said “wow... I’m hot.”
The mistress giggled and commanded to me, now, hand her the knife. I complied and Jess with caution took the knife from me as we looked into each other’s eyes, barely recgonizing each other, but we knew somewhere in their was our annoying travel buddy. Then she cut my shirt off, cutting me a little bit because she was too eager. “Ow!!” I yelled as a tiny cut was formed on my now well defined abs. We were both taken aback by my incredibly toned body, i looked like a goddamn male model. I saw her tiny hand touch my abs slowly and i did the same in amazement. Maybe my change wasn’t so bad. I just felt sorry for Jeff. But then i realized she was really getting into feeling my abs and seemed more, hungry than amazed. What was going on? She pulled her hand away as she noticed, and then turned her head away in disgust. “UGH no... dude... i can’t do it” this incredibly girly little voice tried to speak like her former self would.
“Oh you’re pretending you don’t want to see more?” The mistress mocked Jess’s confusion. “Your new little body is pulsating with hormones, and I could sense your two’s horniness the second you walked up. I know you want to see how big the potion has made your friends cock. I’m making you do it. Don’t worry, it’s not because you want to, it’s because I’m forcing you!” She knew something stranger than we wanted to admit was happening to us. I was so horny, and couldn’t tell erect I was as that nervous little hand cut away as I sat in awe, my underwear and pants cut before I could say be careful, and an elongated, more chipper form
Of my member plopped out, fairly erect, a big boner that was maybe 10 inches long, very wide and very tense and veiny. It was literally pulsing it was so hard. Jess’s tiny little face made a gasping “O” and looked at me. It was the biggest dick I’d ever seen in person, my god. It wasn’t as sexual as it was astounding. All right. I was definitely well endowed now. Jess stares at it like it contained the meaning of life, I stared at her staring at it and wretched at the guilty thought of those sweet bulbous lips wrapped around the head of my cock, God please suck it it needs it, I’ve never been so horny in my life. But god, what was it like for her? Him I mean?
“I think you’re drooling a bit hun, I bet you’ve wanted to fuck your friend for a long time, now you just have the, equipment, ha.” She laughed at us in our awkward states as I noticed something below Jess dripping just a tiny bit. She was so wet she was dripping. This witch was trying to make a porno out of us. But it would be gay. And we were straight. This was too weird, we denied our alien bodies and flared at the mistress, we refused. We wouldn’t do anymore for her, she could kill us, we wouldn’t be her sex slaves.
“So why don’t you put it in her mouth. You know you want to.” She teased as Jess yelled “No! Get it away! I don’t want it near me! You’re trying to rape me! I’m not even really a girl!! You’re gay!” This shrill female voice told me. “No no I’m not!! Jess I mean, Jeff listen! Let’s get out of here! We can take her! Let’s fight her!” I said desperately. Then as we heard another snap, we were forced by an invisible force down on our hands and knees.
“Now, if you two are not going to behave, I better put you in your cage.” She walked over, heels clicking against the ground, and tapped with her fiendish nails a black metal cage, big enough for both of us. A cage? Like dogs? We couldn’t even stand up straight in that thing?
“In now. NOW!” She yelled as we sat there In resistance. She walked over and twisted Jess’s nipples hard as I was trapped in place and she screamed out in pain, but oddly it sounded tied with pleasure. Maybe i was just still horny dammit.
She whimpered and scurried into the cage like a dog as i stood, she could twist my nipples all she wanted, I wasn’t going to budge. Then she stomped behind me and I felt claws grip into my balls like they were going to tear them right off. I got the message and scurried in as well.
“Take your shoes and socks off, no clothes except a collar.” She ripped my socks off as well as Jess’s. Great. It would be cold in this metal cage and we didn’t even have socks to keep our feet warm. She smacked my ass with something hard on the way in, and the door locked behind me as I bumped into Jess’s nude body, she tried to back away so it wouldn’t be any weirder than it was.
“Listen you two are going to spend the night in here. I know you can’t resist coming inside her little Mikey, you’re gonna fuck her any second I can tell. Just know when you finally do get your semen inside her, I’ll reward both of you. I want her to swallow that cock like she wants to deep down so your real transformations can begin. And don’t act like you’re not willing. When come is in her mouth and in her vagina, don’t worry you can’t get pregnant, not yet at least, but you will be a little slut like your heart desires. Both of you will be. You’re my little toys now. I’ll let you out when there’s cum inside of your holes, got it? Goodnight!” She smacked the cage assertively and waltzed out leaving us trapped together in this tiny cage, barely able to stay at opposite sides to keep from cramping each other.
We stared at opposite sides of the room in anguish as we tried to wriggle the lock free. God dammit. In a cage. Worse than jail. Some crazy bitch keeping us captive. Great.
“This sucks... what the fuck man...” I heard Jess say as she played with her sore tits, still amazed at her new body. “I know... this is too fucking weird... how do we get out of here?” I still had a raging boner, but I tried to pretend it wasn’t there. Jess kept staring at it. “Can you put that thing away!” I blushed, “well sorry! Okay! You’re a naked girl and i can’t control this big old thing.” She crossed her arms and said “well... can’t you just like... jerk off real
Quick.” What?? Was she serious? “Ew! Like right in front of you? That’s too weird.” She looked upset by this “well, i mean, it’s pretty weird that it’s just like, standing at attention menacingly.” I responded “well hey just you don’t have one anymore.... don’t be jealous of this thing” i said with a little bit of pride grabbing it at the base, but i felt like just touching it I was about to cum all over the place.
“Well for one thing, you are not cumming inside me like that crazy bitch said...” I was appalled. “I didn’t say I was going to!! What the hell? I’m staying in my corner.” I turned around. “Oh now you’re gonna show off your muscular butt, cool thanks” she said angrily as I layed opposite trying to keep my dick from grinding into the ground or steel bars, maybe ready to explode. Then she poked my butt. “Get that thing out of here!” She said as she poked it two or three more times, seemingly touching it just to touch it. I tried to recall my friend again from this crazy girl now taking his place. “Dude stop touching my ass you’re gay.” Then she giggled, touching me again, “you’re gay!” But she sounded playful and excited. Uh oh. What was happening? “Ugh why couldn’t you get turned into a girl. She wants you to fuck me. Can you imagine? Weird. Too weird. God how does this thing even fit those things you know what i mean.” She spread her legs touching her pussy, it was still so wet. She wasnt fooling me, she was as horny as i was. She pulled the lips and showed the right little opening, pulled the hood up showing a swollen little clit. “That’s where my dick went. Look. Haha.” She poked it playfully like a toy, and rubbed it a tiny bit, pulling her hand away in fear after letting an out of character moan like she just felt the most immense pleasure for a second. “Woah.. haha sorry.” I just laughed. What was it like to have a clit? I had an idea. “Okay look, this is fucked up. But obviously we’re stuck here, we can sit here horny and fucked all night or we can just play with our new junk facing opposite ways, and get it over with right?” Jess didn’t know what to do. “Umm okay, if it sounds good to you. Well I just am gonna kinda lay on my back and... ohh mmm.” She started already. She found the clitoris and was not leaving it alone. I saw her hand spidering about with her new package and she wasn’t too shy, as a finger slid inside herself, my dick pulsating in jealousy as I watched her play with herself. “What you’re just gonna watch me? Start touching that anaconda, don’t make this weirder than it has to be.” He/she was right. I should just get it over with. I really needed to jerk off anyway, so I started pulling my hand around the base, and started grooving up and down slowly, and god did I need to do that. I was so hard I just kept going, watching her fingers touch herself when my eyes were open, I figured hers must be closed, but when I looked over, her eyes were staring down at my dick. She really liked watching me. I kept doing it and tried to look muscular doing it, look cooler and more macho. As I got closer and closer i all of a sudden noticed a hand lightly touching my side. Jess was now entirely attentive towards me jerking off, not even really touching herself, as if she gave up trying to get off on her own. “Ooh you’re good at that.” This sultry, sensual womanly voice escaped this girl, it was as if my friend had completely corroded and this porn Star was now here with me. I didn’t fight it. It just felt so good to finally masturbate. “Hey. I got a crazy idea. What if I helped you a little.. like if we just put together....” i rolled over and she was practically already crawling into my dick, her pussy inches away from the head when I stopped stroking. Then i didn’t resist as I watched her little hand grab the base of my dick and move it towards her little pussy.
“Oh god here goes... this thing is huge and...” She plopped it into her and i just about came from how good it felt. This was the nicest wettest, softest, tightest pussy i had ever felt in my life. And just the head was in. “OH GODDDD MMMMmmm” i heard let out uncontrollably as she glides her pussy over my cock, it flexed as it eased into her impossibly tight little orifice. We were officially fucking. I grabbed her boobs and squeezed and she moaned harder and I filled her more, thrusting and thrusting. She seemed like I was going to rip her in half , screaming and moaning I couldnt tell if I was hurting her or pleasing her as she moaned and moaned but I just kept fucking for dear life as she humped into me more and more as I did into her, and I felt her hands claw my ass as she clenched into it and pulled me further and further into her, until I felt the big climax coming. I was going to shoot the fattest load of my entire life, and I just said like a dumbfound baby “uh ah, I’m gonna come I’m gonna come.” And she screamed “COME IN MY FACE!!” I pulled out, ferociously jacking off and her open mouth and closed eyes begged for it as she convulsed from the hard fucking, and what looked like a whole cup full of semen erupted into her face into her mouth as she licked it up taking a finger full and slurping it into her mouth. I watched in awe and total brain dead euphoria. She looked so beautiful covered in my spunk. She took a finger full of come and shoved it back into her pussy. Letting out a sensuous “mmm....” “She said I can’t get pregnant right? Haha” and she laid her sweaty head onto me, the soft hair feeling nice, but I felt so raw from
Having just fucked my friend so hard. And the reality set in, i just fucked Jeff. And Jeff loved it. And was now cuddling with me and touching my naked body. I had to shove her away.
Jess said slightly offended: “What what? What’s wrong baby...” I had to push her away. This was fucking too weird now. “Jeff... remember it’s me mike?” “Ugh.... you’re always so boring... killing the moment... you just fucked the shit out of me... I’ve never felt anything like that in my life god that was good. I know it’s you Mikey. I don’t even care whats happening, that felt amazing. I thought the cum would be weird but like... I didn’t care in that moment... it tasted sooo good. Like it tasted salty and weird but like, it was so hot. I just lost myself. I haven’t felt like that... ever... that was amazing. Thank you.” She stroked my torso again and I almost slapped her hand away.
Jess just layed back and looked up into space. She realized what had happened. “Oh god. Did I want to fuck you? I really didn’t but. You got so hot... god I don’t even like guys... but oh my god I loved that dick... Mikey’s dick... what the fuck. Dammit. Just like the mistress said. That bitch knew we would fuck. We’re really under her control. I put your jizz in my mouth. I’m so fucking gay. That’s not normal. It’s this stupid body I have tittles for an hour and I already act like a dumb slut. God I’ve never felt so emotional!! Being a girl sucks!” I kinda sat for a moment. “Well you seem to have enjoyed it earlier.” Jess growled a bit. “You don’t get it. You don’t have a pussy. You don’t understand what a cock feels like in your pussy, it’s otherworldly, it’s meant to be. Like fucking a girl with your dick is cool but this is like... I don’t know this is all I have right now anyways but that was... wow... I just... you really don’t feel like cuddling like, at all? That’s all I want to do lemme lay on you asshole!” She scooted closer to me and I tried not the cage to sink to the furthest corner away... “look... your clingy. You’ve dated clingy girls. You’re being one of them. Chill out. I don’t wanna cuddle you.”
“Oh but fucking me is fine? Goddamit! I feel so used! You just wanted to fuck me
The second I looked like this! You didn’t even fight that witch! No wonder girls hate men so much you’re all assholes! I’ve had a pussy not even a whole day and I already hate all men! Fuck you!” Wow. Jess was really a woman inside and out now I think. This was bizarre. But maybe I was being a dick. We’d already passed the point of no return. But I wanted to get out of here, not consider each other’s feelings. We’re trapped by a psychotic witch and she’s wanting to cuddle. Crazy bitches.
Eventually I fell asleep, and of course I woke up in the middle of the night to this little blonde girl all over me, head on my chest snoring away. Dammit. I just ignored it and went back to sleep. Then I heard something. We both jumped awake, almost hitting our heads on the roof. A loud drumming on the roof of the cage rattled around.
“Rise and shine slaves!! I heard your little night you too had. I knew Jess was a little slut, say ‘yes i am mistress percy’” jess just said “fuck you”
“OH! THIS kind of behavior will not be tolerated, let me tell you something, you don’t want me to fuck you. When I fuck someone, they really get fucked. Do you really beg me to fuck you? You little slut.” So then i had the bright idea to join my new fuck buddy.
“I agree, fuck you and go fuck yourself then” I said to this witch as she glared and squatted down to show us her rageful eyes. I then got very scared.
“I think you two are going to have a better use for those dirty mouths, they can get a lesson in cleaning. First off, you little sluts are going to lose your most precious parts.”
My dick shrunk away, I grabbed at it and it completely sealed up and shriveled up, not into a vagina, just smooth like a ken doll. Then I looked at Jess and her pussy sealed up like a Barbie doll. Oh god. We were in over our heads.
“Now first off, get out here...” she opened the cage and we crawled out submissively, dying to get our precious new organs back ASAP. We both secretly were terrified of not fucking again. As nauseating as this all was that sex was life changing.
“And stick those tongues out, clean the bottom of my boot, first you Mike on the left, then little Jess on the right. Go ahead.” We both resisted but looked in each other’s eyes for some solidarity and sort of stuck our tongues out a barely touched the bottom of her boot. It was gross but really just tasted like leather.
“Keep licking.” And we started moving out tongues more and more, but still not much. Then a hard whip snapped across the both of us and we whimpered, licking more gallantly and fearfully. “Every inch of my boots or I’ll shove that broom over there up both your asses, and you can decide with one of you gets the bristled half.” We licked and licked and tasted some dirt and strange flavors on these filthy shoes, it was so gross and I didn’t feel like we were actually cleaning anything, and my gut burned in humiliation.
“Now, untie my boots.” We followed her directions and untied them
“Pull them off.” We pulled off her high heeled boots and uncovered a womanly, stale smell of feet as she wasn’t wearing any socks, but black shiny toenails shined on white soft looking feet, she raised the sole up to our faces and a black crescent of dirt was caked on the bottom of her foot, it smelled bad and looked really sweaty. Neither of us could stomach licking that thing. “LICK. MY. FEET, or else!” She yelled at us as we shivered, too disgusted to follow the orders. Then she snapped. We were frozen, I couldn’t move a single inch of my body. In a strange way, I had been shaking and tense this whole time, and being paralyzed sort of made me feel strangely calm in a way I hadn’t in a very long time, maybe ever. But the searing terror of the situation made it different.
Jess with her loud mouth yelled out again, “fucking gross! Fuck you get us outta here!”
The witch laughed. She looked at me. “You can thank your friend for your fate now, open wide.” My mouth ripped open, so wide I felt the corners of my mouth ripping away, it hurt and I felt my body crumbling, depleting and flattening. What the hell??
I looked over the best I could and saw Jess’s body melting away as her mouth grew freakishly large, and the sweaty foot pointed its toes at her face, rubbed its grossness all over nose and slid into her gaping mouth, until she pushed down, and her mouth was gagged with her foot, becoming a neat little black sock with the faint screaming face of Jess choking down her foot. Oh my god!
“Now for you.” The wet foot brushed my face, the smell staying everywhere it touched on my face as it rubbed whatever grossness it was roasting up inside those boots and wherever she walked all over my face, and the taste was ungodly as she slid her foot deep into my mouth, stretching me out as I tasted the top of her foot, the filthy bottom, the heels, the wrinkles full of dirt, the whole foot filled my entire everything and all I could do was suck on this disgusting thing as it filled me. Then she took a step, and the weight of a thousand tons came down, distorting and deforming me as it wiggles its vile toes on my tongue. The dirt crescent definitely had a bitter taste, but the salty footyness and odor like rotten fruit made every inch equally disgusting. I wonder how bad Jess was feeling for getting us changed into socks, then as the world plunged into darkness, as we were returned into the humid, hot sweaty boot, the smell became more complex and pungent, and I believe we both started crying as we sucked on every step of this witch. We could hear projected from our owner above. “Why!! You two make such excellent socks! I’m going to have to show you off you my witch friends around here! Now, you might think this area is quite barren, but underground you see, we have a whole community and I’d love to show you just how cruel some of my friends can be. Maybe I need to change you into some nice shoes and lend you to some friends! Or maybe you two would make a better couple buttplugs? Oh that would smell worse than being under my sweet little feet wouldn’t it?” She ground her toes down into me, squelching as sweat squeezed from the sole and between the toes into me to be absorbed. Fucking disgusting! Oh god!
“But listen here slaves, our journey is simply just beginning.” My consciousness became a blur as the violent steps and foot stench became a disorienting mass of sensations, I was violated and contorted as I sucked on a wet foot.
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