#im torn on belles outfit
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THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED 🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷
Rumplestiltskin... this thing we have, it's--it's never been easy. I've... I've lost you so many times. I've lost you to darkness, to weakness, and finally, to death. But now I realize... I realize that I have not spent my life losing you. I've spent my life finding you.
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Belle. when we met, I wasn't just unloved and unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love only brought me pain. My walls were up. But you brought them down. You brought me home. You brought life into my life and chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you I will never forget the distance between what I was and what I am. I owe more to you than I can ever say. How you can see the man behind the monster I will never know.
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But that monster is gone. And the man beneath him may be flawed... but we all are. And I love you for it. Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes the best teacup is chipped.
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Goddammit rumple. You're killing me here.
And I'm still crying.
So belle likes to hike? Good little nugget to remember
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He's such a dork for her.
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David I honestly think if you went with baelfire rumple would've murdered you in front of everyone.
"There is always a crisis, perhaps you should consider living your life during them, otherwise you'll miss is."
Again this show has some banger lines.
I laughed so hard I cried at that fucking bo peep line.
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Emma and David the sarcastic duo amd I'm fucking here for it. I can see them antagonizing the shit out of snow for fun. See who makes her crack first.
And then he pulls the "what are your intentions with my daughter" talk
"THATS old fashioned even by my standards and I still pay with dabloons" 😂😂😂😂
Hook using a cell phone seconds later is funny as fuck
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Fucking Tony markovich is hans and it is so fucking funny.
In fairness I never tried to kill her.
I didn't try to kill her! I left her to die! Important distinction.
Should she want to be held I want to do it with both hands.
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Them being total dorky parents is so cute.
And I love how emma didn't notice his hook was gone at first. Like it's not something she even sees about him being a flaw.
Your daughter is in very good hands.
That's what I'm worried about especially since you have two of them.
Omg fucking Anna. Rumple looks like he's ready to kill her right there for being an airhead.
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A deal anna.
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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deliah-the-writer · 18 days
[notes, chapter will be written the the 3rd perspective and percys perspective / the gods are based on both epic and pjo first one to tell me how many words there are gets to have their oc in the story/ can decide what oneshoti write, same goes to the first person who likes this post!] @dayz72,tagged as requested!
3prs pov:
It was a normal day in camp halfblood, well, atleast as normal as a day in camp could be.
Could you blame them? Near all of the kids were war veterans and most likely traumatised! So naturally they were in the mood for relaxing, doing chores and playing game.
But none of them would expect that camp life would change in just an hour, taking an unexpected yet fun twist:
For no one knew what the gods were debating up in Olympus, all exept for one percy jackson
percy pov:
I sighed as I stood in the throne room of the gods, they were debating something and I, for some weird reason, had to join.
The gods looked different today, I noticed.
My dad had blueish hair and skit, so longer looking like a complete mortal and wearing -oh my gods is that some kind of a speedo?!
I shook my head and looked around still, hephastios stayed in his regular clothes, if you could even call it that, they were tattered, torn and covered in oil stains
Ares still wore his armour, no surprise there, and surprisingly , so did athena, still scrutinising me with that stern look that I was still somewhat afraid of.
Again my eyes wandered, Aphrodite and demeter seemed normal so did Dionysius
-wait, what in the hades is hermes wearing?!
It was far more extravagant then the joggingwear or Mailman outfit I usually saw him in: a fur coat, sunglasses-
He reminded me of a sixties cult-leader- rich person.
Apollo was in his lester form, wearing a chiron and absent-mindedly strumming his lyre.
I looked around still , trying to find the next big change, and that was zeus and hera
-what the hell, why is my dad and zeus wearing something like speedos hera?? Why does she looks like a disco lady?????
Zeus' booming voice echoed through the hall:
《 Gods of Olympus! And visitor percy jackson-》
I scoffed under my breath, -seriously?
《The council has made a decision! Dionysius' curse has been lifted!-》
I grinned
-I didn't have to deal with Mr.D anymore?! Finaly my name would be memorised!
《And in his place-》 zeus glanced at athena and sighed, gesturing her to continue
《and in his place will be-》 athena smiled. And I had to do a double take, athena was smiling?!
《None other than Odysseus!》
Odysseus. That name certainly rang a bell, considering Annabeth told me all about it, after all. Nobody. The husband of penelope . Father of telemachus. That Odysseus, who else would it be?
My father grumbled, huffing and looking away.
Apparently he didn't like Odysseus too much for poking polyphemus eye out. Favouritism, he gets mad when someone pokes my mean rude and murderous brothers eye, but not when I have to fight wars.
Like I said, favouritism.
But one question still remained:
《Lord zeus, why do I have to be here? Annabeth would be thrilled to hear this, while im....uh...not so much》
My dad sighed once more 《Percy, me and Odysseus....have....painful history-》
Athena glared at him
-ah, there was the Athena I knew
He continued 《-and so the others thought that you would be our best bet to...let's say, mend that relationship》
Athena nodded 《correct, and with that, Hades, it's your turn.》
I looked puzzled for a moment, untill Hades summoned a whole bunch of people, and a man with shaggy brown hair, who was most likely Odysseus, spoke up:
《Where....where are we?》
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amingethia · 8 months
@meepmoopmaap so I tried all three picrews.
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This one is Dewdrop, she’s in my first mlp fanfiction (Find Your Spark) and first let me tell you I really tried to find a combo of outfit pieces that all were A) the same or a similar shade of blue and B) combined together to look like her blanket. Alas.
Anyway I’m still figuring out her entire lore but for now it’s what’s in the story. She’s the youngest princess of the neighbouring kingdom to Equestria called Kiang (also jumped through HOOPS to find a horse-related name to call this kingdom) despite being an Earth Pony, because in Kiang you have to earn wings and unicorn horns through acts of service, especially if you want to be an Alicorn, which, you cannot rule a piece of Kiang unless you are an Alicorn because that’s the ultimate symbol of royalty, (a lot like Equestria). Also there’s Earth Pony magic and yes I ripped that straight from the newest generation, fucking bite me.
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The other two picrews looked like younger ponies than adult ponies to me so this is Flickerspell, and she’s going to show up in my second Mlp fanfiction (Little Teenage Ninja Ponies, yes it is a TMNT crossover, fucking bite me). She’s basically my OC Ming if she were a pony. She was born an Alicorn. (which, btw, just found out apparently in the regular mlp friendship lore, Doesn’t happen. Like, Flurry Heart was an EXCEPTION, which makes me sad that we never saw her grow up because honestly she probably should’ve been the star of her own MLP generation. Honestly, they should have made one between Friendship is Magic and Make Your Mark focused around the only Alicorn BORN an Alicorn in all of Equestria. I need that show)
Anyway, rant over, I digress, Flickerspell was born an Alicorn and abandoned in the forest of Bridlewoods and then Splinter found her and the turtles’ ponysonas and Splinter raise her. I was going to make them all move to Ponyville and Flickerspell be friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scoot-a-loo) and have a whole chapter arc around the episode they got their cutie marks and she wasn’t there and now she’s the only pony her age without one yet. But I’m kind of torn because I also really do want a focus on Flurry Heart because if both of them are the only two ponies BORN Alicorn, they could be special together and we can still have the whole “my best friend(s) got their cutie mark before me/without me, and theirs are awesome and mine is going to be lame if I ever get it at all” arc.
Im not sure. If Flickerspell goes with the Crusaders I may end up writing aNOTHER mlp story about Flurry Heart because I honestly need that.
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I don’t know who this is. I wanted it to be Flickerspell because the hair shape matches better than the other one but this picrew didn’t have any streaks options (and she has green streaks in her blue hair) also this one’s hair looks more purple than blue. We could say this is Dewdrop after she gets her wings and horn (because as much as I live for the angst of inferiority complexes, Dew WILL get a happy ending, I need that in my Mlp fanfics) but the picrew looks too much like a young pony and Dewdrop is about Twilight and gang’s age during her story.
Since she’s kind of a mix of the two, I’m going to call her Sea Holly (one of the MANY names I went through when trying to come up with Flickerspell’s). The other two don’t have special abilities yet (Dewdrop’s is a surpriiiiiiise) so Sea Holly’s special ability is going to be that she can control and speak to all the sea creatures and control all the oceans and rivers and bodies of water (she’s an Alicorn, after all) and her cutie mark is a water drop with a sea creature within (a turtle? A dolphin? A fish or a shark? Can’t decide)
IDK maybe Sea Holly can show up in one of the MLP stories one day or be Flickerspell and Flurry Heart’s third friend. Who knows? Not me.
I am however going to save her lore in my notes because I came up with this one the spot and I love it.
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beefcakeash · 10 days
Fave Ashton Irwin outfit? Favorite female singer? Fave video game?
hehe hi nonnie thank youuu
fav ashton outfit is. the hardest thing ever asked. im torn between his big cozy sweater from superbloom shoot OR low cut blue tanktop + blazer + necklace from eternity show <3 oh my god or his Other lowcut tank with the bell bottom trousers. holy shit
fav female singer is sierra ferrell or phoebe bridgers !! probably more sierra right now but fall is coming so i know ill be on my ass listening to phoebe again
fav video game is stardew valley! i have 600+ hours on it :P or minecraft tbh. ive loved her since i was like 9
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oasis-for3v3r · 4 years
Cloud 9 <3
Prompt-reader is a famous singer and performs her first live performance with David Bowie, doing a duet of Under Pressure on Live Aid
David Bowie x Reader Platonic Pairing @laneofpennies​ @a-none-bee​ @angelofhell323​
Warnings: none unless you count descriptions of nervousness. And a lengthy fic
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Okay, let’s do it.
Was the first thing you said to yourself. At eight am. On a Saturday. In the middle of July. You usually be sleeping until 2pm on weekends since you were usually so busy on the weekdays. Being Englands new up- and- coming musician is all. 
“Ow!” you said as your foot slipped on something and stubbed your toe on the edge of the dresser. You bit back a mirad of curses as you picked up the foul weapon.
Sky Heavens- Head in the Clouds. Your first album. Of course. You were lucky enough to get one from the store. Nearly all of the record shops were sold out. You should be happy, I mean sales were doing great, and as for the royalties-
Oh my gosh how has it ben 25 minutes already?!. 
It was a very important day for you.. you were preforming for your first crowd ever. So of course you were excited. but more nervous because, it was your first time. And you had terrible stage fright. And you were doing a duet with David Bowie. Oh you almost forgot.
Your first performance was gonna be Live Aid.
As you tucked in your fancy bell-sleeved bloused you asked yourself a string of questions. For example:
How in the hell did you get into live aid?
What song were you gonna sing with David, er Mr.Bowie?
Were there gonna be high notes? Could you even hit them?
Am i dressing too casual?
Oh my gosh, were going after Queen.
Your final though was punctuated with a hailing of a cab. You felt dizzy after you entered the car so you focused on the horizon, which made your eyes get heavier and heavier until...
“Ma’am this is a cab not a daycare” the driver grunted.
Your head snapped up, wiping the drool off off your chin. You have got to stop making this a habit. You scolded to yourself.
Every time your legs hit the ground of Wembely Stadium, you could feel the muscles in your leg turn into jelly. Your heartbeat is playing the percussion. And your pretty sure that your haven’t taken a breath since coming out of the cab.
You finally taken a breather when you hear commotion coming from the nearest hallway. You saw so many stars you could’ve swore you were in space. You saw Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, Brian May, (you couldn’t find John Deacon) Adam Ant was sitting on a couch reading a magazine. Next to him was Elvis Costello sticking straws down his hair, you were about to laugh when-
 “No this is David.” joked a lanky man with blond hair, and a pastel blue suit, matching your all white outfit (with a pale blue headband) making you too look like the color of the sky.
“Mr.Bow- David, hi!” you exclaimed, trying to sound as cheery as possible. 
He hesitated for a moment looking in your eyes as if searching for something only for a moment. “Come into my trailer, i need to talk to you.” he says softly.
You followed him into what looked like a portal to the personification of serenity. There were books piled on top of a small table. A kettle burning on low. With not surprisingly, a pile of teacups littered on top of the counter.  You also noticed (on nosier inspection) small annotations scribbled in the corners.
“YES” you exclaimed, jumping slightly. You have got to start paying more attention to your surroundings.
“Tell me whats on your mind, and be honest” his voice was filled with concern, but somehow still comforting.
You took a breath- seventh one today. And started:
“ I feel like everyone will be disappointed, when they see me. All I ever wanted to do was make music that someone will relate to and find comfort in. And now that I have that, which I am very grateful for, I have to handle the price of fame as well. People put celebrities on pedestals and if they make one mistake in the public eye the pedestal crumbles. And don’t even get me started on the media. And today one of the biggest days in history, and if I do bad, then i will not only disappoint myself but the families in Africa who are relying on me to succeed. And-”
“Y/N” David said sternly “Calm down, you will be fine.” He took a breather and said.” You remind me of myself when I was younger, a shy little Capricorn boy, I just wanted to make music, and the fame tagged along. Its what happens eventually. I just used theatrics to cover up the stage fright.” “Now I just focus on the crowd as if they were one person and give them ll the light I have.”
“As for you when singing Under Pressure with me- while singing Freddie’s part- I want you to take all of the audience’s energy, make it into light and give it towards the sky.” “Give everybody hope.”
Just then you heard.a knock at the trailer. it was time for you to get ready. 
You watched as Queen rocked the show. This was gonna be hard for you to follow up. You felt like this performance was gonna be talked about for decades. You felt pity for the future generations that wont get to see this. 
You watched with butterflies in your stomach, as you saw David perform TVC 15 which bleed into Rebel Rebel. You smiled with fondness, as the corners of your mouth twitched,(which happened often when you’re nervous). When you were turned around.
Moustace, Freddie Mercury.
“Hello, Darling. You’re going up next with Under Pressure, right?”
“Y-Yes ” you were shaking
“ Well don’t fuck it up darling. And make everyone proud.” He said with a smile (that was also in his eyes)
You nodded, and he turned you back around. Just in time for you to be handed a microphone and introduced by David.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage-for the first time ever- Sky Heavens!!!”
You heard more applause than you expected. But then again it was your very first time ;)
You heard the beginning of the song, and you knew you had no time to be nervous as you started:
Mmm num ba de Dum bum ba be Doo buh dum ba beh beh
Then together-
Pressure pushing down on me Pressing down on you, no man ask for Under pressure that burns a building down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets
Um ba ba be Um ba ba be De day da Ee day da- that's okay
So far you have just been looking at the horizon, seeing the sun begin its descent, little by little. 
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming, "Let me out!" Pray tomorrow gets me higher Pressure on people, people on streets
This is for peace and hope in Africa.
Chipping around, kick my brains around the floor These are the days it never rains but it pours Ee do ba be Ee da ba ba ba Um bo bo People on streets Ee da de da de People on streets
This is for anyone who has felt stress for being themselves
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming, 'Let me out' Pray tomorrow gets me higher, high Pressure on people, people on streets
The sun was setting now, making the crowd look like angels and your outfit dipped in the sun. David was looking at you with the biggest grin on his face as if seeing his child gain confidence. The high note was coming, and you were ready.
Take all the Audiences Energy
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Make it into light
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Give it towards the sky
Keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn 
Give everybody hope
Why, why, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
That was the highest note you had ever hit. The energy that the crowd was giving you was electric. You felt unstoppable.
Insanity laughs under pressure we're breaking
David was practically yelling into the mic, as he felt unstoppable with you too.
Can't we give ourselves one more chance? Why can't we give love that one more chance? Why can't we give love, give love, give love, give love Give love, give love, give love, give love, give love?
Because love's such an old-fashioned word And love dares you to care for The people on the (People on streets) edge of the night And love (People on streets) dares you to change our way of Caring about ourselves This is our last dance This is our last dance This is ourselves under pressure Under pressure Under pressure Pressure
On the final word you hugged David, he shouted in your ear so you hear him over the roaring crowd. “YOU DID IT LOVE!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU111″
You look over his shoulder to see Freddie Mercury.
For You.
You felt as if there was the sun poured inside of you. As if you were weightless. You found your new home; on Cloud 9.
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Drivers License | Peter Parker
Summary: Peter broke your heart and now its time to let it out
Song: Drivers Licence by Olivia Rodrigo
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“I want each of you to write a poem that has meaning to you. Make it heartfelt and make it good. At the end of the week you all will present them to the class.” The whole class groaned in annoyance at the thought of presenting. You dint say a word, though.
You sat quietly with your head in your hand and stared straight ahead. You tried not to look at him as the class session went on but you found it so hard and stared right at the back of his head. His brown curls were messy yet groomed, just like how he always wore his hair. And today you seen him wearing a science pun t-shirt and a jacket over it. His jeans were dark blue and his shoes were vans. You liked his outfit today.
The bell rang as your English teacher reminded everyone of the assignment. You walked out after him and when Ned called his name from the classroom behind your guys’, he turned his head. You both made eye contact and you could see him swallow harshly as he sent a timid smile to you. You didn't smile. You didn't wave. You held your head up high and walked straight past him.
As you began to put your change away in your wallet, you seen your brand new drivers license. You got it last week. You were so happy that you had passed the test and ran to your phone to call Peter because that was all he was talking about for months. But you stopped short as you opened his contact name and realized what he had done. He broke up with you. And It hurt.
“Stop staring at it. He’s an asshat. There’s no going back, you have to try and forget about him now.” You looked up and tried to blink back your tears as MJ held your arm.
“It just hurts still. A-and he's in two of my fucking classes, god MJ.” The curry haired girl sighed and nodded. She was never one to show affection but she could see you were hurting. She knew first hand how much you loved him and MJ swore Peter loved you just as much. MJ was usually never wrong and when she told you not to doubt Peter hanging with Gwen Stacy so much, she swore up and down Gwen was just using him for a good grade. She never actually thought Peter would leave you for her. Because MJ was usually never wrong.
It caught everyone by surprise. All your friends and family. It was all so sudden. The school caught wind of it the next day it seemed. The girls called Peter a jerk for not waiting to jump into a new relationship. The guys all patted Peter on the back and saying they didn't know he had it in him. It only made it worse. But now almost two weeks later and the breakup still wasn't easier.
“Is she with him?” You asked and you knew it wouldn't help your case but you just had to know.
“MJ, please.” You begged. You didn't want to turn and look for yourself, afraid that if anyone caught you, or worse he did, you’d be the laughing stalk of the school. MJ sighed and turned her body to see Peter and Gwen laughing with each other. Peter had his arm wrapped around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Ned looked uncomfortable.
“Yeah, she is.” You sighed and bit back the tears as you looked down at your drivers license and remembered how he broke up with you.
“I can't do this anymore” You furrowed your brows and stood up from his bed to face him.
“What?” You whispered and you felt your throat clog up as tears blurred your vision. Everything was fine, you were rambling about the drivers test and how hard it might be for you. Everything was fine, or so you thought.
“Y/N, I just, Im not really... I don't know how to tell you this, I-”
“Peter just spit it out!” You threw your hands out.
“I like someone else.” He clenched his jaw and sighed as he ran a hand down his face. “I’m sorry but you and I, I just don't feel that way anymore.” He finished in a whisper and the tears finally fell from your face. You didn't know what else to say in that moment. So you fled.
You then found out it was Gwen Stacy who he liked. The girl he said was just his lab partner, his study buddy. Just friends he said.
“C’mon, we have to get to class before we get detention.” You stared long and hard at your drivers license and had a thought. You quickly put it away and stood with your best friend.
“Right, next up. Y/N.” Everyone turned to you as you picked up the piece of paper with your poem on it. You were nervous to recite it since Peter was in the room. However you were also ready to let out how you felt since Peter was in the room.
You sighed shakily and looked up. You met eyes with Peter and felt your jaw clench.
I got my drivers license last week
Just like we always talked about
Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs 
Cryin’ cause you weren't around
Peter immediately tensed up as your words ran into him. He took a glance around and seen some of his classmates looking at him and whispering to their partner. Peter gulped as he focused on you again and nearly fell out of his seat at your words.
You're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt 
You said not to worry about her
Yeah, I drove through the suburbs
Cause how could I ever love someone else?
Your eyes began to blur as tears came forward and you tried to blink them back, you didn’t want the whole class and soon the whole school to know you cried for Peter Parker during a presentation.
And I know we weren't perfect but Ive never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that im gone
Guess you didn't mean what your wrote in that letter about me
Your words were harsh as you spit out each syllable and made direct eye contact with Peter, who wished he could shrink into the floor in this moment. Now everyone was looking at Peter with a disappointed look.
“Okay, well thank you for that Y/N. Everyone give a round of applause for Y/N.” There was scattered claps as you hastily wiped your cheeks.
You ran to your desk and grabbed your bag before leaving the classroom. Your teacher didn't say anything when you pushed the door opened and stormed into the hall, ready to go cry in the restroom or better yet, your car.
“Y/N!” You didn't turn around but was now forced to turn as he grabbed your hand and twisted you.
“What-What the hell was that? In front of everyone? Couldn't you-”
“How could you be so okay? Im hurting inside and you-your with Gwen Stacy!” You screeched as tears rolled down your cheeks. Peter cleared his throat and stepped back.
“MJ is tired of me telling her how much I miss you but she doesn't know you the way I do! I drive in the suburbs and picture that you're there with me.” You whimpered and Peter felt his heart break. He knew you were hurting but he never imagined you would be so torn like this.
“Y/N, please I never meant to hurt you like this. You have to believe me, I just-”
“I can't drive past placed we used to go because I still fucking love you! And I still hear your voice in the traffic, you are everywhere! Tell me you love me the way I love you! It’s okay that we aren't perfect because I've never felt like this, please Peter. You said forever.” You step up to him and he sighs before shaking his head,
“I-Im so sorry, Y/N..” A sob rips through your throat as you turn and walk away from the boy. You make it to your car and you begin to cry as you hit the steering wheel.
You know you shouldn't be where you were at. But you couldn't help yourself. You parked your car and stared up at Peter’s apartment. You turned down your music, only a bit as you rested your head on your window.
Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
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Jingle my balls: Duncan Vizla(NSFW)
Anon: You had and asked and you shall receive! How about some good ol' sexy time with Duncan Vizla! Ohhhhh maybe a holiday theme?? Like the reader wore idk a santa dress/elf dress and Duncan decides to jingle their bells??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ya catchin my drift chief?? Im sorry this was cheesy
Hey, anon I hope you like it the smut seven I a little short than I intended to write since my schedule has been hectic but still I hope you like it. 💋
Summary: Y/n buys herself a Sexy Santa outfit with the intent to have it ripped off her.
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-I can't understand why you don't have anything Christmasy in your home. That's very much a universal rule.
Y/n teased him seeing the empty house with empty and none existant ornaments.
-Good thing I bought this.
She happily says as from the paper bag she pulls out a sexy Santa Claus outfit. Duncan looks at the woman on the picture seeing the small red skirt that has white fluff on its end with a small vest that barley covers her breast with the Santa hat to complete the look.
-Where did you buy it?
He asks wanting to know how did Y/n buy a sexy Santa costume in his small town.
-I have my ways called the internet.
-You seriously won't wear it, right?
-You'll see.
She marches into the bathroom closing the seeing Duncan's neck moving to the side to catch a glimpse of his lover. Y/n discarded her clothes on the floor as she tears the wants outfit pulling the skirt forcefully onto her hips feeling the cheap material searching her skin. The top, don't even let me start on that piece of cloth. Y/n put the "top" as she tried to button it she barely managing one. Better than nothing. At least the hat was the okay size enough to plop it onto her head and exit the bathroom. Opening the door she looks at Duncan seeing a sarcastic smile on his face.
-Don't even start, Vizla. That is if you want to get lucky.
He lets out a small laugh but quickly nods as he taps his legs beckoning for her to sit. She obliges and sits on his lap rubbing her wet panties against his jeans.
-Already wet?
He teases as his fingers finding her lips.
-Yes... Just thinking about you tearing this cheap plastic outfit off me fired me up enough.
Y/n moans as his hand push the wet both aside letting his fingers trace the wet lips up and down as he leans forward to whispers in her ear
-Ready to jingle my balls?
She laughs pulling away seeing that the man that is fingering her is her man, the Black Kaiser, the hitman, the killer and all that stuff. But happily nods.
-Yes, very much.
In a flip second, he turns her around as she lands on her back against the bed as his hands tear her top and skirt to shreds. Her body exposed to him as many times before.
-Not fair.
She whines as Duncan disposed of his clothes straightening out the playfield.
-No foreplay.
She adds as she sees the delicious twitch of his cock as she orders no foreplay.
-As you wish.
Kissing her lips hungrily he aligned his dick against her core as he pushed his hips swiftly against her, hard and fast. A moan transfers from her lips onto him as they moved in sync letting the only sound be the moans and skin slapping against each other. His dick was starting to twitch inside her as he felt his climax nearing. With a swift exit, he cums on Y/n's stomach the sticky release covering her from the bottom of her stomach to the bottom part of her chest.
-Sorry, didn't last long.
He huffs out as he looks down at Y/n on her fave a smirk.
-We are not done, Mr.Vizla. Not by a long shot.
She grins as she looks at her stomach.
-I'll get a towel.
He says as he stands up from the bed.
-No need.
He looks at her as she hands him a piece of the torn cloth as he gently wipes away his cum from her.
-Now... Let's make ME cum this time.
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead — ball outfits
as of chapter 20, everyone is dressed Fancy™
outfits and ID explanations below! 
Patton — Cat
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i gotta start with our kitty-pat!!!!! he’s so cute !!!! his dress is a lot like cinderella’s, actually, now that i think about it. His dress corset has the princess-cut lines down the center that have some silver thread detailing, and the center part is a sparkly grey while the outside is a pale grey-blue velvet. The corset’s waist juts out, and at the center middle of the waist there’s a large bow made of glittery black tulle. The top most layer of his dress is glittery silver tulle, while the next layer (and the one that extends out behind him in a train) is glittery black tulle. i feel like it should bunch in the back, but i didn’t draw the back, but it also probably bunches in the back just given how fabric Moves™. the inner most layer of his dress is a velvet gradient from the same pale grey-blue on his corset to an actual dark grey, similar in shade to the silver tulle! his shoulder poofs are also scrunched up silver tulle, and that’s all the sleeve he’s got. he does have forearm-length gloves, though, which are grey with pink toe beans that mimic a cat’s!
his mask is also pretty standard for a masquerade ball — it’s a grey cat mask, with a silver gem for the nose and with pink ears and whiskers! 
Logan — Octopus
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a smart animal for our smart boi :^) also like, my favorite outfit of the bunch, i want it so badly. his blazer doesn’t clasp, but it’s fitted pretty well and clips on the inside to his vest. It’s dark blue, with a black adjustable waist strap that goes around his back, and with four tails that seem more like tentacles. The shoulders of his blazer are also adorned with light blue “bubble” rhinestones. His vest is just a shimmery royal blue, and his undershirt is white, but his tie is iridescent blue and black. It’s tied up in an eldritch knot tho ;0 His pants are pretty tame, just some dark blue slacks. hes got a little piece of pink coral tucked into his lapel, too!
logan’s mask is. like. like i’d die for it. like it’s so cool. there are four tendrils poking out and swirling around it on either side, protruding from the mask itself, and while the coloring of the mask is fairly basic (it’s just dark blue) the “underside” of the tentacles are decorated in silver gems that mimic an octopus’ suckers. this was the first one i did and. like. im still yelling. i want that mask. 
Deceit — Peacock
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thought i’d mix it up a little!!!! deceit’s suddenly flashy and, in the bard’s words, “the hottest chick in the coop.” he doesn’t have a blazer, but he does have a half-cape thingie, which has blue and purple and green rhinestones on the shoulder pad while shimmers an iridescent purple and green when he moves. his vest is a matte teal, and his undershirt is mint green, and he has lil arm bands that keep his sleeves pulled up that are dark blue. his ascot is also iridescent, and shimmers blue and purple. His pants are pretty tame, though (as i’ve seemed to do with most everyone’s pants lmao) they’re black with a glittery green stripe down the side. his shoes are. supposed to be black dress shoes. but it seems i forgot to draw them. and his gloves are dark green! i love this outfit but its also a mess of colors asdfgjkl
his mask covers the scaled side of his face and has blue rhinestones decorated similarly to the cape. There are also a lot of feathers. Like a lot of peacock feathers. all coming out of the left side. his scales are well hidden. 
The Thief — Snake
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speaking of mixing it up a little, the thief does love being a red herring. his outfit is less snake themed and more deceit themed t b h. idk what to call that blazer, but it’s black, and short in the front with two long coat tails in the back, and is buttoned low and twice with gold circles and chains that mimic deceit’s coat clasp. His blazer also has sequins arranged in diamonds, traveling up his sleeves’ forearms. his vest is black, too, but is sheer while the blazer itself is matte. his dress shirt is a pastel yellow, and the bowtie is black, calling back to deceit’s SvS outfit. his slacks are also pretty plain, just black, and he’s wearing black gloves. 
his mask is literally a call back to deceit — covers the let side of his face, and has sequins arranged in diamonds all across it, mimicking deceit’s scales. If you look close enough, though, you can see his face scar jutting out at the very edge
remember when virgil was tryna convince the thief that he was the virgil-esque roman? :^) 
The Bard — Harlequin
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i love love love the bard’s outfit. it’s actually a ball-dance dress, meant for people who are actually doing ballroom dancing, with some red sheer tulle as the skirt. His bodice isn’t a corset, though it is kinda stiff and sinched at the waist by a thick black belt with a heart on it. The belt matches his choker, which incidentally is connected to his dress :^) the bodice also has a red and black checkered pattern throughout, with a large white pearl at every check intersection. There are pieces of tulle from his dress connected to his wrists by thick forearm bands, also with the red and black checkered pattern — good for showy dancing!
his mask is also based on a harlequin/jester theme, with five protrusions at the top in alternating red-black-red-black-red, and with bells at the ends. the center of his mask is white and fades into the red and black checkered pattern at the sides. 
The Artist — Jester
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shout out to the artist for his character development, because the boy’s learned to be okay laughing at himself and at things. He’s going as a jester, so his outfit is semi-formal and semi-flashy (good for distracting ;) ). The left half of his suit is a solid black, while the right half has a checkered pattern of red and black. His suit’s sleeve cuffs spiral out a little, and are gold. His slacks are solid red on the right while adorned with the red and black checkered pattern on the left. 
his mask is similar to the bard’s — the top has five jester-hat-like protrusions, alternating black-red-black-red-black, with bells on the ends. The mask itself, however, is white with little marks of all four card suits. 
The Playwright — Queen of Hearts
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The Playwright’s dress harkens back to the animated Alice in Wonderland’s queen of hearts dress. The skirt is nearly identical, with an outer most layer that’s half red and half black, and with chevrons on the inside that alternate black and gold. At the tip of his corset’s waist is a large red rhinestone in the shape of a heart, and across his bodice is a large red heart that stretches from the neckline to the waist. His sleeves? Basically remus’ sleeves. Poofy shoulder parts that pinch in near his elbow, then are flush against his skin to the wrist, and then floof out at the wrist. The sleeves are black with glittery red trims around the wrist floofs and in the creases of the shoulder poofs. 
his mask is actually all rose gold wire-work, in intricate spirals. there’s a crown in the middle, on the top, also made of wire. 
Dragon and Damsel — the Prince and flames
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ignore the big doodle on the left — that was for another drawing! 
Dragon’s outfit is fairly simple, he’s just wearing Roman’s usual white princely outfit with the gold trims, red sash, black boots, etc. The main difference is that his crest has been replaced with Dragon’s part of the crest, which is just the castle’s outer towers and wall. 
Damsel on the other hand is wearing a ball gown. His corset has a tall behind-head-neck-thing-whose-name-ive-forgotten, taller than his head with orange and red detailing shaped like flames. The corset has stiff gold shoulder pads that actually prevent him from lifting his arms high, and the body itself is detailed with sequins and rhinestones that mimic the red sash. There’s a little bit of rolled up red tulle at his waist, and then the gown. The first two layers are kind of torn up and in tatters (almost as though they’d been physically torn and then burned) and are colored orange, then red, and the inner most visible layer is a dark ashy grey. His eye, usually covered in a bandage, is patched over with a red rose. 
neither of them have masks, but the damsel has a red veil (not in the picture). they want to be seen and identified. 
no taglist bc uhhhh idk if y’all wanna see this (its not writing?? ) 
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personagf-moved · 7 years
okay full offense and i know this wont make complete sense but im honestly disgusted that episode 7 has the lowest rating of season 2 and the scathing article GQ wrote about Kali and her “murder teen crew” as they called it. 
they literally said that the episode offered nothing towards eleven’s development like??????? its a standalone episode where for once Eleven isn’t focusing all of her energy on Mike or following Hopper’s rules like she gets guilty and ultimately comes home we KNOW that but there has been such little information about who Eleven TRULY is and what exactly happened to her and what everything represents like ??? hell fuckin yeah episode 7 was necessary for her character development.
like im so sorry that the little girl isnt thinking about her puppy love but is instead actually learning to “grow up” as Hopper said and take matters into her own hands and figure out just who she is (because a hero’s journey cant exactly be complete or consistent if they don’t eventually find their sense of self!!!)
ALSO Kali’s character is fucking necessary for eleven because she stands as her foil, a parallel character who reflects the anger and raw energy that eleven is afraid to tap into (ringing any bells about a certain scene in ep 7????) and the murder “teen” crew wasn’t even a teen crew to begin with like these were grown ass adults who were misfits, people used and chewed up and spit out by society that ultimately chose to fight back. Everything about Kali’s character and her group symbolizes an untamed resistance that most CERTAINLY existed in the 80′s, and isn’t anything that shouldn’t be touched on in the show. 
Eleven is never going to be the cute little girl carrying around a box of eggos with her torn pink dress forever. she has to shed that image and grow into the adult and hero she was destined to become, and if it means the “””””””””rebellious””””””””” teen phase with smudged eyeliner and slicked back hair and a band of misfits beside her then all right i’ll take it, but don’t suggest that episode 7 wasn’t important to her development 
there is SO MUCH MORE to eleven that we need to discover and the fact that they treated episode 7 like it was trash is so fucking insulting (and don’t think for a second that i’m not gonna pull the race card too! if kali had been a feisty doe-eyed white brunette with the SAME exact hair and outfit yall would be MUCH MORE VOCAL about episode 7) 
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Orphaned (Chandler Riggs x reader)
Word count:3654
Requested by anon
(I originally had this on AO3 but I edited it)
Summary:You lose your parents and little brother in a car crash and become very depressed and anorexic one day the pain and stress is too much so you attempt suicide.
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Let’s begin where this started All of this shit It was December 14th, 2014 Was the day that car crashed, killing both of my parents and My little brother, I was moved in with my brother I remember everything So does Chandler my boyfriend, yes I’m dating Carl from the walking dead anyways Here is the night it happened.
I was in the car heading home from Dance class it was freezing outside and it was dark Considering it was 8:30 We were going down a road to our house I was Scrolling through my Instagram checking my likes on a video I posted of me practicing my solo I saw one comment from my boyfriend Saying “This solo is almost as beautiful as you. I love you!” I smiled when all of a sudden I heard screams “Mommy!"My brother screamed then All i felt was pain and All I saw was blackness I hear glass shatter and i felt something hit me The ground I felt pain everywhere and I felt warm liquid all over me blood I felt it on my lips and I tasted it It felt like the world stopped all I saw was darkness All I heard was Sirens and Muffled talking Then My mind went back to my dance class today I Had ballet and then Pointe and then solo work I though back to pointe They where playing the song Ocean eyes By billie Ellish and I though about chandler the entire time Those beautiful blue eyes I hear people yelling to make sure I was alive I felt someone touch my neck "She’s alive!"I hear a muffled voice yell People pick me up and put me on something "Sweetheart can you hear me"Someone asks "Y-Y-Y-e-e-e-s-s"I say Quietly "Ok sweetheart I need you to think of someone One of your friends or family members and say there name"She says "James"I say quietly "Ok And what is your last name and Your relationship to james"She says I felt something enter my arm something cold "L/N and Brother"I say quietly "Ok anyone else you would know"She asks "My boyfriend"I say quietly "Ok and what is his name"She asks "Chandler Riggs"I say quietly "Ok sweetheart is the iPhone 6 with the purple and black case on it yours?"She asks "Yes"I say quietly I felt her grab my hand gently and open it with my fingerprint "Call his mom Its late"Another doctor says "Ok sweetheart we are going to put you to sleep now Ok"Another doctor says "Ok"I say I felt something cold go into my bloodstream so cold it burned I felt light headed and I pass out
(Chandler’s pov)
"Chandler!"My mom calls out I get up from my bed and I walk down the stairs she is at the table Tears in her eyes "Go get dressed"She says "Why?"I ask "Y/N’s Family got into a car crash and Y/N is the only one left alive"My mom says Chocking on a sob I stand there in shock "Is she ok?"I ask frantic "They said she has a few broken bones and a broken rib"She says "Ok is she in the hospital?"I ask She nods I run upstairs and go get dressed I change into some jeans and a throw on a jacket and some shoes I grab my phone and I run down the stairs "We may be gone all night So get Grayson to school!"My mom says "Chandler grab my keys"My mom says I grab her keys "Tell Y/N I said get well soon"Grayson says "I will!"I say running out the door and to the car
(Your’s POV)
I open my eyes to see bright lights and medical equipment all around me And When I look to my side I see Chandler I smile still a little tired He smiles back his eyes puffy from crying "How ya feeling?"He asks moving some hair away from my face "Everything hurts and tired"I say "What time is it?"I ask "2:00AM"He says  "Why are you here You need sleep"I say Yawning "Are my parents ok?"I ask He gives me a synthetic look And looks at his mom He cups my cheek with his hand "Baby Im so so so sorry But they didn’t make it"He says It felt my heart shatters He kisses my head I let my tears fall "I’m sorry baby girl"He says "Wheres Jackson?"I ask "He didn’t make it either"He says quietly "No"I whisper I felt like i was dead The only person I have left is someone I hate and despise God I hated my brother he was always out with friends or with girls but I guess it was my only option 
(Present time)
A lot has changed I died my hair black and I pierced my nose and I got a cartilage piercing and I stopped dancing Something I have been doing since I was 2 I stopped Because of one fucking night!  and I started Cutting Every time I cut it felt like that night of the crash and I would just want to cut more It was my stress reliever anyways I Put on my jacket I was wearing Black torn at the knee jeans a black shirt and a dark green jacket with Black combat boots and Eyeliner with some mascara and  I grab my backpack and I rush down the stairs It felt like my stomach was eating itself I was so hungry I haven’t eaten a full meal in around 3 days I did grab a banana and I cut around 2 inches off it And I eat it I throw the rest of it away I hear My phone go off Chandler’s Calling me I answer it and I Put it on speaker "Hey baby Im pulling up into your neighborhood You ready?"He asks "Yeah I am"I say "Ok bye"He says I hang up the home and  I walk outside And I see Chandler pull up in his car I hop in the car "Morning baby"He says He kisses my head "Morning"I say He brushes his thumb against my lip "Still there?"I ask I now have a scar on my lip and by my eyebrow "Yeah Just a little"e says He kisses my lips "I love you"He says "I love you too"I say He begins to drive Holding my hand while he does Brushing his thumb on my hand He turns on the radio and Tag your it By Melanie Martinez is playing "Running through the parking lot He chased me and he wouldn’t stop "I sing quietly Chandler chuckles "You’re so cute"Chandler says I smile "Hey uh what do you want for your birthday"He asks My birthday was in 3 weeks I shrug "Maybe Just some gift cards"I say "You still going to get your belly button pierced?"He asks Chandler doesn’t knows I cut And I don’t want him finding out or Im not telling him "Probably not"I say "Why?"He asks I push on his belly button and He laughs and twitches "See it tickles"I say "Yeah your right"He says We pull up to the school and He parks the car and turns off the engine I hop and We walk to the front door hand in hand We walk to our lockers which are next to each other I grab my Textbooks and we walk to class We sit in our desks and the bell rings
(35 Minutes into Class)
Memories of the car crash Take over my mind I raise my hand "Yes Y/n?"My teacher says "May I be excused?"I ask She gives me a sympathetic look "Of course"She says I stand up and I walk out of the class and into the bathroom Luckily my eyeliner is waterproof I begin to cry I sit on the toilet and I push my jeans down exposing my thighs with atleast 12 cuts on each some are fresh and some are fading I pull a razor blade out of My pocket and I place it on my thigh I And I begin to cut I make 4 more cuts the blood drips down my thigh I remember the day I looked in the mirror after the crash I had a huge gash on my forehead and a cut on my lip by my eye and I had a huge gash on my stomach along with a few broken ribs I wipe my tears and I pull my jeans up putting the blade back in my pocket I walk back to class wiping my tears while walking back To class
I walk back in and I sit down
(After school)
F6irst, lets quickly talk about lunch Chandler and I walked outside to the picnic tables We sit with chandler’s Friends We sit down and chandler pulls out his lunch "Wheres your lunch"He asks "I Forgot it”I say “Here you want half of my sandwich"He asks ”Im not hungry I ate a big breakfast"I say I was starving but the thought of eating almost made me vomit
Anyways chandler drove me home “You wanna come in?"I ask "Sure"He says We both walk inside "James!"I yell "Not home as usual"I mumble we walk up to my room and we both lie on my bed I take off my boots Chandler makes off his shoes I lay my head on his chest "Im tired"I say I hear my phone go off Chandler hands it to me James is calling I roll my eyes  and I answer It "Hey Y/n Im not gonna be home tonight I have work till 10:30 and then Im staying over at Miley’s House"He says "Ok"I say "Alright bye"He says I hang up the phone "You wanna stay at my house?"He asks "Please"I say He smiles "Ok on the way we can get Smoothie king"He says I did want a smoothie But I knew I would probably throw it up "ok"I say I stand up and I grab a small overnight bag from my closet "You wanna help me pick my outfit for tomorrow?"I ask "Hell ya"Chandler says I smile I show him a shirts "That one"He says I put it in my bag and I put another pair of Black jeans I put some clothes for tonight in there and I put my makeup bag in there and a couple of toiletries "Ready?"He asks I nod I grab my bag and We walk downstairs I grab my house keys and We walk out of the house I lock it back I hop in the car and chandler drives to his house but first we stop at smoothie king I get a berry blast and he gets a mango smoothie We pull up to his house We walk inside "Mom Im home!"He says We walk to the stairs which are in the kitchen "Hey mom can Y/n stay the night her brother has to work"Chandler asks "Of course!"Mrs riggs says
We both walk up the stairs I place my bag down and Chandler wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me I wrap my arms around his neck He begins to slowly pull up my shirt I slap his hand away I pull away And I lay my head on his shoulder "Sorry I just Im not really ready"I say "Its ok Its ok"He says he kisses my head "Hey its ok if your not ready"He says "Come here why don’t you go get changed into something comfy and I will turn on youtube"He says "Ok"I say I grab my clothes from my bag and I walk into his bathroom I brought some pajama pants and a sweatshirt I change into that And I walk back into his room He is lying on his bed and I climb in next to him "You know what I should get you for your birthday"He says "What"I say "That cartilage earring you wanted at the mall"He says "The arrow one"I say he nods I smile "Perfect"I say I cuddle as close as I can with him and we watch  youtube on his T.V We were watching shane damsons Newest video "In 1 week it will be the day Jackson and My parents died"I say I burry my head in the crook of chandler’s Neck "Its ok"He says gently he kisses my head "Did you take your anti depressants?"Chandler asks He knows I have been diagnosed with depression be he doesn’t know I cut or starve myself "No I forgot"I say "What am I gonna do with you"He chuckles I peck him on the lips and I lay back down I end up closing my eyes and falling asleep
(1 week later)(I know lots of time skips)
"It’s Been Two years get the fuck over it!!!"My brother screams at me "That was our parents!!! Our 4 Year old brother!!"I scream "So fucking what maybe they should of learned how to drive!"He screams "That car came out of no where!!"I scream "Well, maybe they should of been going faster"Miley his girlfriend says "Yeah, and this isn’t something you should be Slitting your fucking wrist for!"James says I take a step back "Fuck you both!"I scream I run up the stairs and I lock my door "Get the fuck Over it Emo girl! They’re gone get over it and whore around with your boyfriend!"James yells I choke on a sob I had to now I had to I walk into my bathroom Grabbing my blades And My painkillers After the crash, they gave me painkillers I never took them because I was saving them, I sit on the floor and I wanted people to know I wanted them to know I wanted Chandler to know and James, I take a picture of the bottle and the blades and I post it on Instagram with the caption
"The last 2 years have been hell for me, I lost my parents and My little brother Truth is I started Cutting and starving myself Today is the anniversary of my parents and brother’s Death and I can’t fucking do it anymore, I can’t Antidepressants or Happy movies don’t do it @Chandlerriggs5 makes me happy But I can’t keep pretending to be ok I’m not ok I will never be ok 1 night changed my life 1 night! And I want everyone to know I’m doing this because My brother is a asshole I’m a social outcast and I hate pretending So this Is Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N saying Fuck you universe I’m leaving this shit”
I post it and take off my bracelets I grab my blade and I just cut I don’t even care where on my wrist I just cut All I saw was blood on my wrist I grab the pill bottle when I heard my phone go off chandler I ignored it and I took a handful of pills and I shove them into my mouth swallowing them I felt lightheaded and I fell unconscious
(Chandler’s POV)
“Answer the phone Y/n!"I say Holding my phone to my ear It goes to voicemail "Shit"I say My mom pulls into the driveway I get out of the car and run inside "James!"I yell He walks into the foyer "Chandler what’s wrong"He asks "Wheres Y/N?!"I say "Upstairs"He says I run up the stairs followed by James I run into Y/N’s Room I kicked open her door and I ran into the bathroom I saw her lying on the ground bottle of pills in her hand I rushed to her side "Call 911!!"I yell I feel her heartbeat And I take off my flannel and I tie it around her wrist I sit her up "Come on baby girl Please stay with me Please"I beg I shoved 3 fingers down her throat causing her to gag and throw up She coughs and coughs "Come on baby Breathe Breathe"I say Before I knew it the ambulance was here they rushed her to the hospital My mom and I followed in the car
When we got there They took her in for surgery And then we got the news That made me almost kill James
"All she had in her system was pills nothing else. And I have never seen that many cuts on anyone. Do you know why she would do this?"The doctor says Im sitting there in shock "She lost her parents 2 years ago along with her little brother"My mom says "Alright well She should be waking up soon So follow me"The doctor says We stand up and follow him Into a room and I saw her she lied there Her skin pale as always Her piercings are out "We had to take out her piercings for a x ray"He says I nod He hands them to me I sit in the chair next to the bed and I place them on the nightstand And I hold her hand Running my fingers through her hair "Its good she is alright"My mom says "Yeah"I say Her wrists wrapped in a bandage "I never knew She always said she was fine She always told me she took her antidepressants and that she ate"I say "Maybe she was scared to tell you"My mom says "Maybe"I say barley above a whisper The door opens and James and Miley step in "She alright?"He asks I nod "They said she had nothing in her system except for the pills"My mom says "I just got off the phone with my aunt y/n is gonna move in with her"James says "But she lives In California"I say Looking up at James "Its better than her being here"He says "But that's halfway across the country!"I say "Well Chandler What else do you expect me to do"James says "Actually take care of her Every single time she comes home your gone every night your gone!"I yell "James I thinks its best she stays here her friends are here Chandler’s Here if we make her move it will make it worse"Miley says "Well Im not quitting my job just because my sister is a depressed brat"James says I clench my fist fighting punching him in the face "She can live with us"My mom says I unclench my fist "Yeah she can I will take care of her I will make sure she eats and that she is happy"I say James Bites the inside of his lip looking angry "Fine"He says Rubbing his head I hear a quiet cough and I turn around to see Y/N opening her eyes I sit back down in the chair and I grab her hand Running my fingers through her hair
She coughs again "Chandler"She says quietly "I’m here baby girl I’m here."I say "Am I dead?"She says quietly "No Baby girl your gonna be ok, I promise"He says "What happened"She asks, "They pumped your stomach baby girl, why didn’t you tell me?"I ask "Because I was afraid"She says Weakly She looks at James "I hate you"She says "You did this to yourself"He says "You made me do this to myself"She says I glare at him "What did you do to her"I demand "I told her the truth! They’re dead, she should just deal with it!"James says "You’re not the one who was in the crash"She says strictly
It was 3:00Am everything they gave Y/N to eat, she Threw it up She was asleep And she was so cute, I pulled out my phone and I took a picture of her for instagram with the caption
"She is Ok. She is gonna be ok, she is moving in with me and Right now they are trying to keep her food down And if you where wondering, I didn’t know she cut I didn’t know she had anorexia I never knew I knew she was depressed, but If you can go give Y/N some love that would be great @ThatBitch5” I posted it and I grab take her phone I open it and I open her instagram I take a picture of her and I put the caption “She is ok” And I post it I kiss her head and I lay my head On the bed I close my eyes and fall asleep  
1 Week later
Y/N’s POV 
Chandler picked me up, bridal style He closed the car door this his foot and Carried me inside as His dad carried my suitcase inside I hid my head in his neck, avoiding everyone around me, I wanted to be dead I still do I don’t want to be here Chandler carried me upstairs into his room and placed me on his bed he kneels down in front of me “You know I love you, right?”He asks I shrug “I do Y/N I do And I stopped you because I can’t live without you”He says “Theirs over 7 billion people on this planet you can find someone else”I say He opens his mouth barley like he was going to say something But he just kisses my head then sits next to me “You are perfect and beautiful in every way and your pass does make it any different I want you and only you..I love you so much Y/N”He says I try to stay mad at his but I can’t “I love you too”I say he rests his forehead on mine and slowly he says “You are the best thing to ever happen to me Y/N without you I don’t think I would be who I am today”He says He runs his fingertips over my bandaged arm “These are beautiful they happened should they have happened no but they did and you are gonna recover from it I believe in you”He says I smile Biting my lip to hide back tears I throws my arms around his neck and hugs his he hugs back then picks me up and again pulls the comforter back and sits down against the bed frame cuddling me in his arms he strokes my hair and hums quietly My eye lids fall heavy and a fall into a peaceful sleep
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wayward--writings · 6 years
Chapter 2
  You sat in the cafeteria reading over your notes for a chemistry test coming up, as Sweet Pea and Fangs sat on either side of you.  Sweet Pea made a grab for your paper but you were too quick for him.  
“Nerd,” he teased. 
  You jabbed him in the side with your fork making him jump. 
“Bitch,” he said smirking.
“Jerk,” you eyed him over the paper.  He took a fry off your plate and popped it in his mouth.  Fangs just eyed the pair of you before rolling his eyes.  
“Have you thought about the serpents any?” Asked Fangs.
“No, not really, just trying to keep my grades somewhat decent.” you replied giving up on your notes and setting the back into your bag.  Slumping on the table and letting out a sigh, Fangs placed his hand on yours.  
“What is it little sweetie?” he asked giving you a pouty face.  
“Im never going to pass chemistry.” you admitted. 
“I can help you.” he replied.  
Raising your eyebrows, “You’re good at chemistry?” 
“Well I can definitely read whats going on between you two, soooo” he trailed off.  His comments made you and Sweet Pea shift a little bit. “Im kidding, relax, jeez. I can take you home and help you study.”
  Nodding, you agreed.  The bell rang signaling all the students to file out for the pep rally.  The three of you stayed sitting, eating the last bit of french fries before falling behind the rest of the kids.  Sitting up front, the boys wanted to be sure that Toni could hear them cheering. You couldnt help but smile as Toni and the other Vixens did their dance.  She looked so out of place and at home all at the same time.  It was odd to see her without her serpent jacket but she shined bright in her blue and gold cheer uniform.  Sweet Pea’s voice boomed throughout the gym as Toni did a somersault.  Even Cheryl had to stop and watch her girlfriend do her thing.  
  The school was booming with school spirit as Reggie Mantle, a tall jock with dark hair, gave his pep talk about how the bulldogs were going to eat the Greendale kids for dinner and all of that.  You werent really paying attention.  Toni was making faces at the three of you during it until Cheryl gave her a look. 
“Do you want to go the game later?” Fangs asked as you both walked over to his motorcycle.  
Shaking your head, “No, I dont really like sportsball. Ya’ know the whole home run and the go team go, its not really my thing.”
“What the hell just came out of your mouth?” He laughed as you aproached his bike.  Sliding on the helmet and slipping on the back the two of you roared off towards the Southside.
“Where’s your mom?” Fangs asked as you walked into the house. 
“She works nights at the hospital.” you replied throwing your keys in the bowl on the entry table.  “You want anything to drink?” you ask grabbing a water from the fridge.  He nods.  Picking up another water bottle and tossing it over to him before plopping on the couch with your book bag.  He joined you.
  Just as you were getting started with the homework, he blurted, “So you like Sweet Pea?” 
Shifting uncomfortably again,”What? No, why would you say that?” 
  He just stares at you. Then raising his eyebrow, which makes you sigh. “I mean sure he’s cute, but were friends.  Just friends. Im still new and ya know,”
“Yeah just friends, okay.” he says not convinced. 
  He changed the subject back to the homework.  The way he broke everything down was extremely helpful.  You even solved a few equations yourself.  Just as the pair of you were wrapping everything up your phone lit up from Toni.
TT: hey girl, cheryl is having a kick back after the game....u in?
“So Cheryl is having a party.” you stated to Fangs.  He looks up from his papers.
“Who’s going?” He asked eagerly. 
M: fangs wants to know who is going
TT: tell him to get his serpent ass there and stop obsessing over kevin
  You let out a chuckle as he grabbed your phone.  
“Well thats just rude,” he said blushing a bit.  “You wanna go?” he asked.
“Yeah sure. I just need to tell my mom.” you say texting her.  “Let me change really quick.”  
  He nodded as you made your way to the bedroom.  Rummaging through the clothes in your closet you couldnt decide on anything to wear. 
“Fangs, what do I wear?” you yelled down the hall.
“Im coming,” He said sighing.  
  Fangs tore through your wardrobe and found an outfit the was suitable.  You layered the flannel over a plain grey t shirt and black skinny jeans. He threw some booties at you.
“Cuff the bottom of your pants,” he said pointing to your ankles. You obliged with no argument before slipping into the boots.
Skipping down the trail to his bike, you slipped on the helmet he gave you and gripped onto his waist as you jolted away into the darkness.  
  Thistle House was booming with noise, as the music and people spilled out through every nook and cranny.  Fangs pulled the motorcycle to a halt. 
“You good?” he asked. 
“What?” you asked confused, and then it clicked. “Go find your man, Fangs.”
  He smiled and kissed your cheek with a big ‘MUAH!’ 
  Leaving you laughing, he trotted inside, you followed but on a different mission. Maybe you did like Sweet Pea, you just didnt realize it until someone called you out on it.  Wandering through the swarms of people, you craned through the different faces. Just looking for the familiar one you yearned for.  You stopped in the kitchen to grab some of the punch and take a shot. You know, for some liquid courage.  Suddenly, there were hands on your waist.  You smiled and turned, only for that smile to fall immediately.  Reggie Mantle had his hands resting on your hips as he peered down at you with an intoxicated smile.  
“I dont think we have actually had the pleasure of meeting.” he said.  You could feel his confidence oozing from him, when a hand appeared on his shoulder.  The silver rings glinting in the light of the chandelier.  Your heart skipped as Sweet Pea appeared.  Reggie turned and his face slipped.  
“Serpent,” he spat.
“Yeah, I wouldnt touch her if I were you.  She doesnt really like that.” Sweet Pea said towering over the jock.  
“pshh whatever take your girlfriend.” he said leaving.  
  You smiled up at him as he rubbed your head.  
“Glad you made it,” he said winking and picking up the bottle you had in front of you.  You put out an extra glass for yourself and he poured you a shot. You took it and made a sour face, making him laugh.  
“How do you take shots so easily?!” you exclaim as the vodka burned down your throat.  
“Youre doing it wrong. What you do is inhale. shot. exhale. Look!” he said pouring himself another one and demonstrating before pouring you another one.  Taking the shot in one hand you eyed him.  Inhale. And you shot it back before letting out the air.  It was so much smoother than before and he explained you literally blow out that alcohol taste which is what most people hate.  
“Makes sense.” You say as you feel the alcohol warm your veins.  
“Come on drunkey,” he said laughing at you as he took you to another crowded room, but this one had a couch, where you both sat and laughed as people acted like fools.
“Have you thought anymore about the serpents,” he asked.
“You already asked me that today.” you said looking over to him.  
He shrugged. “ I just think you would do well in the serpents.” 
“Excuse me party people!” Cheryl yelled over all the noise and interrupting your talk with Sweet Pea.  “I want to play a game! How about 7 minutes in heaven.”  She clapped her hands together.  It seemed that it was torn right down the middle, with some people loving this idea, but most groaning in protest. 
Your heart was racing as she scanned the room, when finally her finger landed on you. Your face turned bright red and you could feel Sweet pea tighten in his seat. But her finger kept moving after she called your name. Your eyes narrowed. What is her game, you thought to yourself.
She settled a few seats down, on Reggie.  Of course she did.  
“Ok you two, go go go.”Cheryl said taking both your hands and shoving you in a closet. You stood there in near darkness in silence.
“Well you don’t have to be so stiff. What’s your name?” He asked while placing a hand on your hip.
“Molly. Remove your hand. “ you said taking a step back.
“Oh come on, sweetness,” he said coming closer again.
“If you don’t back the fuck away from me,” you started but he cut you.
“What? You’re going to have your serpent boyfriend kick my ass? Newsflash we already fought. Ask him how that went.” He lunged forward for a kiss and as his lips pressed hard against yours, your knee presses hard against his groin. Making him double over in pain.
“I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me. I can handle myself, dick!” Throwing open the door, everyone’s eyes fell on you and Reggie’s slumped body.
You took off running for outside where it felt like you could finally breathe. You leaned against sweet peas bike and took a sharp inhale in and out, when you heard footsteps approaching behind you. You turned to see Fang’s tilted head looking at you. Standing up straight as he approached.
“Hey killer, you alright?” He asked placing a hand on your back.
“Yeah,” you couldn’t help but feel the disappointment waft through you.
“What’s wrong,” he nudged.
“It’s nothing,” you said shrugging him off.
“Alright…….But you’re missing your chance!” He dragged it out as he turned slowly.
“I like sweet pea!” You shouted.
He put his hand on his cheek dramatically. “Nooooo.”
You shove him as he laughed.
“Do you want me to take you home?” He asks putting his arm around you.
“Yeah don’t think I really want to go back in there.” You say imagining Reggie still on his knees in pain.
He nods and hands you the helmet again.
You tossed and turned since you got home and laid down. Why could it not have been sweet pea she called on. What was the whole point of putting you with Reggie? It really didn’t matter you’re just thankful Fangs took you home. Your mom is working late shift at the hospital again so the house is extremely quiet. So quiet that when your phone buzzed you nearly jumped out of your skin. You turn to grab it off the night stand and see his name light up the screen.
SP: hey I’m outside
M: wait what?
SP: open the door!
You put your slippers on and slipped through the house. You can make out Sweet Peas silhouette through the glass door. He’s shifting side to side as you open the door only to see him standing there with a huge black eye.
“Sweet Pea What the hell happened?!” You shrieked reaching up to touch his face. He winced as you pressed a gentle hand to the bruise. Grabbing his hand and leading him inside, you set home down on the couch before grabbing a pack of frozen peas for his face.“What happened?!” You repeated. 
He shrugged.
 “No, what the hell happened?”you asked a third time.
“I beat up Reggie,” he said hanging his head.
“Why the hell would you do that,” folding your arms across you chest and eyeing him. He shrugged again.Approaching slowly, you lifted his head with your index finger and kissed his forehead.“Well thank you. But again you didn’t have to do that. I can manage.” You say while placing the bag on his face.He winced but didn’t make a sound.“Just please tell me he looks worse than you do?”
  He raises his eyes to yours and flashes a devilish grin and then nods.
“Good,” You say as he yawns. “Do you want to stay here tonight? You have to be gone before my mom gets home but I can make you a palette on the floor?”
“Yeah that would be awesome.” He nods while rubbing his eyes.
   You get up and he follows as you walk down the hall, stopping at the linen closet.
“Soooooo we have two extra blankets….” you say to him.
“It’s ok I can just go home.” He says.
“Or you can just sleep in the bed, with me?” You offer.
“Uhhhm, oh-okay, Yeah, that’s fine, we’re good, yeah.” He stammered.
“Oh come on like you’ve never slept in the same bed with fangs or Toni?” You tease while leading him into your bedroom.
“Yeah but-“ he cuts himself off.
  Kicking off your slippers you slid to the inside of the bed.  You eyed him as he was unmoved from the doorway. Sighing and rolling your eyes, you tap the bed.  He smiled and removed his jacket and boots. 
“Are you sure because I can just sleep on the floor?” he said as he stood at the edge of the bed.
“Get in the damn bed, Sweet Pea.” you said before turning towards the wall.  The mattress shifted with his weight, and you couldnt help but to admit, it felt nice to have him there with you.  
“Hey, Pea,” you said in the darkness. 
“Hmm,” he grumbled groggily. 
“Do you really think I would make a good serpent?” 
“The best serpent.” he said without hesitation. 
  You laid back and sighed, barely holding back a wild grin.  “Alright, Im in.”
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parkersenses · 7 years
The History of Us
Fandom: Marvel Ship: Peter Parker x Reader Requested: Yes (I have a request for a prompt idea when you get the chance. If you could do 60. "Happy Birthday" and 37. "Can i kiss you?" where the reader's birthday is today but the one person they thought would remember (peter) forgot because of avenger stuff. The reader ends up getting into a situation and Spider-Man saves them. You can reword or change anything you like. Also im requesting this cause my birthday is Sep. 23rd) Genre: Neutral?? Warnings: Mentions of Food, Break-Ins, Kissing A/N: This was requested by @frappichino23 a few days ago so I pushed it up on my request list to post it today!! Happy Birthday, my dude!!
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You were always one of those kids who looked forward to their birthday– what kid wasn’t like that? You would prepare days in advance for the day, planning out your outfit and your plans for the day. You would give your parents a list of what gifts you wanted nearly months beforehand, and you even added the flavor cake you wanted onto it as well.
It stuck with you as you grew up. You turned ten, and you knew exactly what outfit you would be wearing a week before the day even came. You turned fourteen, and you began to plan your sixteenth birthday party. And when the day came two years later, it was perfect. All that planning had paid off. 
And still at eighteen, you were excited. It was your senior year of high school, and having to go to school on your birthday wasn’t the greatest option, but you stuck through it. You knew your friends would be waiting for you to wish you a ‘happy birthday’, and they would surely have a cupcake for you at lunch, just like they did every year. 
You were most excited to see Peter. He was always so enthusiastic about your birthday, possibly even more so than you were. On your sixteenth, he had made you dozens of cupcakes to spell out ‘Sweet Sixteen’ for you when you got home from school. Shortly after that day, he told you his secret. And on your seventeenth birthday, he let you wrap your arms tightly around him as he swung the two of you from skyscraper to skyscraper. He had landed on the top of one where you found a picnic already set up. 
It was by far the best birthday you had ever had. And you were looking forward to see how Peter would help you celebrate this year.
So when you walked into the cafeteria that day to your normal table to see your friends there without Peter, well, you could say you were a bit disappointed.
“Where’s Peter?” You asked as you sat down to a cupcakeless table in front of you. (You knew Peter was always the one to supply the cupcake.)
“Happy birthday!” Ned, Michelle, and Gwen all shouted at you, smiling. They ignored your question, but you smiled lightly in response.
“Thanks, guys,” you said, digging your phone from your bag to text Peter.
“He hasn’t answered any of our texts,” Ned said as you saw you do this, and you immediately frowned. You texted him nevertheless and waited for his response. The lunch bell rang for you to go back to class, and his response never came. Neither did the cupcake.
You pretended to be okay with it. It was fine; he was only one person. All your other friends had been there, had wished you a ‘happy birthday.’ It was fine, and you were fine. So why were you feeling so upset as you walked home later in the day?
You couldn’t help but hope to see Peter standing inside your house with something, like  tower of cupcakes, when you opened the door. But it wasn’t the image you were met with. You gasped as you saw your furniture flipped in every which way, glass shattered on the ground from vases and mirrors around the living room. You closed the door silently behind you, taking out your phone and dialing the police with one hand. You hovered your finger over the call button as you took another step into the house. 
You turned into the hallway towards the stairs where you saw picture frames knocked onto the ground, the frames broken in half. You bit your lip, looking at the photo of you and Peter on your sixteenth birthday. The two of you were kneeling in back of the cupcake-made words, smiling brightly with your arms around each other.
You would have to buy a new frame. 
A clattering upstairs made you jump. You weren’t sure if you should’ve just called the police right then and there, or if you should’ve gone to investigate the noise. But wanting to take the safer road, you quietly made your way back down the stairs and back outside as you pressed the call button.
The police arrived almost ten minutes later, and you had been watching your front door from across the street with wide eyes the entire time. You waited for someone to come out, or for something to happen, but nothing did. You called Peter as you stared, begging for him to pick up, but your heart dropped when you heard his voicemail begin.
“Hey, Pete,” you sighed into the phone shakily. “I called the police first because I figured that was the logical thing to do, and you haven’t picked up your phone today, so.”
You heard the sirens in the background and hurried your words. “I think someone’s in my house. The whole place is wrecked; everything is knocked over and shattered. I’m waiting across the street for someone to come. I’m okay, though, so don’t worry. Bye, Peter.”
The police cruisers parked in front of you, and the officers jumped out of their cars seconds after. “Which house is it, Miss?” One asked as they stared at you, leaning against the concrete sidewalk.
You pointed across the street to your home, and you wondered what they would find as they ran across the street and into the house. You saw a few of them pull out their guns, making you more worried. A few minutes later, you could hear yelling. You weren’t sure what they were saying. 
“(Y/N)!” You heard someone yell, and you jumped, turning your head in the direction of the voice. You felt the relief flood into you as you saw the red suit make its way towards you. 
“Hi,” you breathed out, looking up at him from where he stood in front of you. “The police are inside now.”
He nodded and looked towards the house, taking a step towards it. He looked at you once more before running to the house. “I’ll just be a minute.”
And he was right, when only a short minute later, the police were leading a mask-clad man out of your house. There were webs all over him. Spiderman followed behind them, walking nonchalantly with his arms crossed. You snorted when the police officers thanked him, and he nodded stiffly. 
You stood up from the sidewalk when the officers gave you the go-ahead, and you walked up to Peter across the street. “Wanna come inside with me?”
“Yeah,” he responded quickly, and you knew he was blushing under the mask when you rose an eyebrow at him. The two of you made it into your house again, and you sighed when you looked at the damage once more.
“Where were you today?” You asked, trying to distract yourself as you examined the now empty walls.
“Avenger stuff,” he mumbled, looking around, just as distraught as you. This was a second home to him; you knew he hated to see it torn up. “Some alien people, I don’t even know. Mr. Stark needed my help. It was a tough one, but we got them all in the end.”
“That’s good,” you nodded, and you looked over at him. “Did you get hurt?”
He shrugged, slipping the mask off of his face. He didn’t seem to have any bruises on his face, rendering you surprised. It was unordinary for him to have an injury-free face. “I got thrown around a bit, but I’m fine. I always am.”
You nodded once more as you walked up the stairs, keeping your eyes away from the damaged picture of you and Peter. You silently wondered when he would remember. You were almost afraid to walk into your bedroom as you opened the door slowly, holding your breath. You pushed the door open, peeking your head in slightly. You sighed in relief when you saw everything intact; the thief must have planned to go into your room last.
You moved to sit on your bed, slouching and putting your face into your hands. This wasn’t at all how you imagined your day going. You heard Peter take a seat next to you, and he softly rested a hand on your back, rubbing circles onto it. It barely calmed you.
“Today’s my birthday,” you finally said, voice cracking. You felt Peter’s hand stiffen on your back. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, so you looked up from your hands; his face crumpled.
“What?” He asked, although you knew he heard you. “That’s not- what’s today’s date? I swear-”
“It’s today, Peter,” you cut him off, and he bit his lip, shaking his head.
“Can you leave?” You asked, looking away from him. You heard the hitch in his breath, and worked harder to keep your gaze off of him. “I know I called you, but I just want to be alone right now.”
He stayed beside you for a few more moments before standing up. “Okay,” he whispered, and he moved towards the door. He stopped before he closed the door behind him.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N),” he said. 
You curled into yourself when you heard the click of the lock.
It wasn’t a happy birthday at all.
You didn’t go to school the next day. You were too exhausted from the day before to talk to anyone, or to have to deal with seeing Peter’s face. You knew he didn’t mean to do anything wrong, but in your eyes, the person you were looking forward to seeing most on your birthday was the one who didn’t even remember.
Your phone rang with a text at five o’clock in the evening, and you hesitated on looking at it. You didn’t want it to be Peter, but in some odd way, you hoped he would be the one reaching out. You grabbed the phone from your nightstand before you could second-guess yourself.
Peter: Meet me at the park in a half an hour. Please come.
You bit your lip. You weren’t sure if you wanted to see him. You wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. But your heart got the best of you, and you got up to change into more presentable clothes. 
As you walked out of your front door, you took your phone out of your pocket and dialed the police. You hovered your finger over the call button; you had gotten so much more paranoid than usual after yesterday’s events. Arriving at the park a few short minutes later, you were met with darkness.
“Peter?” You called out hesitantly, holding your finger closer over your phone. 
All of a sudden, the whole park lit up in front of you. The trees were covered in white lights, lanterns hanging from a few branches. There were arches of webs hanging from tree to tree, and you laughed lightly. They were glowing, and you wondered if Peter had made a new web concoction just for you. 
And standing under one of the arches, there he was. He wore a suit, a striking opposite to his usual one, with a dress shirt and a bowtie. You felt the smile light up your face just as much as the lights around you glimmered.
“Hi,” he spoke shyly, and both of you took a few steps towards each other.
“Hi,” you responded, just as shy. “What is all this?”
“I, um,” he looked around, cheeks growing red. “I owed you this.”
You shook your head, letting out a breath. “Peter-”
“Don’t talk yet,” he interrupted you, looking back into your eyes. “I had a plan, for your birthday,” he broke out into a bashful smile. “I would do this, hang all the lights around and some flowers that I had bought a few days ago. But the flowers are all wilted now, so I obviously had to improvise.”
He motioned to the webs above you, and you laughed softly again at the sight of them. They may have looked ridiculous, but they made your heart warm. It showed how much he cared about this, about you. 
“And then we’d sit under the gazebo in the middle of the park,” you looked towards it, but it was hard to see. It wasn’t lit up like the rest of your surroundings. “I didn’t have enough time to go get more lights for it, sorry.”
He looked bashful again, and you shook your head once more. “Don’t be. This is beautiful, Peter.”
“I’m not done,” he said, a smile to his lips, and an eyebrow raised on his forehead. 
“Okay, okay, go on,” you laughed. 
“Um,” he stopped smiling to look nervous, and you tilted your head slightly. “And then I’d take your hand in mine,” he took more steps towards you, stopping with only a small amount of space between you. 
You held your breath as he slowly, softly put his hand in yours. You let him slide his fingers between yours, and you felt the warmth in your chest grow. You wondered where he was going with this, and you tried not to let your hope get the best of you.
“And then I’d tell you,” he hesitated after he spoke, nervously looking at you. He took a deep breath before speaking again, and you felt your heart beat rapidly inside your chest. “And then I’d tell you that I love you.”
You breathed in deeply after he said the words, and for some reason, tears crowded in your eyes. You couldn’t believe he had just spoken the words, the words that you had been begging to hear from him for ages. 
“You love me,” you asked, although it didn’t sound like a question.
“I love you,” he breathed out, looking relieved to finally say it, but at the same time, he looked immensely nervous for your response. “And not like, as a friend, like in-”
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, laughing as you did so. And somehow, you didn’t feel nerves as you waited for his answer. You saw his nerves disappear as well as he smiled. 
“Yes,” he said eagerly, taking your other hand in his. And then you leaned forward as he did, and your lips touched. You felt the relief seep into you as you pressed yourself closer to him. 
And maybe your birthday wasn’t the greatest this year, but this day would forever go down in your history.
****************** I hope you like it, @frappichino23!! I was writing it quickly to get it done by today, so I’m sorry if it’s a bit messy!! Requests are open :)
Tag List: @quokkatrash @avengersgirllorianna @gdmora @sachiparker @chocolatekittys @thumper-darling @deans-angel-of-thursdays @vegeterianbassist @itsssmichelleee @frappichino23 @themilkface @shannonxbarnes @watchitburr @captain-sherlockomg @superwholockian5ever @teacher-crushed @duquesarosa @peter-my-parker @buckysberrie @neverlands-outcast @thespidersman @andreagracing @ketterdame @cat-in-a-hoodie @galacticamidala @kassidydem @radicalstars @lilyannez @a-bit-of-alot 
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ramune-raven · 7 years
So. Should I continue writing this?
PHOENIX ARC It was a warm ‪‪Monday morning‬‬ , students prepare for their first day of school , one of those students was named Elmer. It'd be his first time going to a boarding school. It was called Phoenix Arc academy of science , arts , and it featured special classes for people interested in Wizardry but you had to pay an extra fee. Which Elmer's parents did. ( Elmer was a large fan of wizarding worlds ). Elmer was a 13 year old brown Rabbit with glasses , spiked hair , a beanie , a sweater and blue jeans. Clearly not your average bunny rabbit. He was preparing to be driven by his parents ( Ronald Robins , Alice Robins ) to Phoenix arc. He grabbed his bags and his large sketchbook and ran out the door "Come on , hurry hurry! You'll be late on your first day!" Yelled his father sitting in the front seat of the car. Elmer threw his bags in the trunk and than hastily sat in the back seat. As they drove to the school , Elmer was sketching down Ideas of some of his characters. One of them was named Ricky. A little mouse who carried a needle pin as a sword , he fought monstrous felines and battle giant canines. As he sketched away his parents talked about how proud they are of Elmer. ("Oh can't wait to see him animate!" , "Oh , our sons art is amazing!!!") But in almost a flash , they arrived at Phoenix arc. It was a very large building , with large gold circular Roofs ( there were many buildings ) and lovely white bricks , one side had a balcony facing a deep dark forest ( for the artist's to sketch things ) and vines creeping up the walls. There Elmer was able to see one of his professors as they drove by , they were close enough for Elmer to see every detail. He was a grayish brown rat with one ear torn , and one blind eye. His buck teeth were yellow and sharp. He didn't seem like the professor you'd like to get in an argument with. "Oh the building is extraordinary!" Yelled Elmer's  mother , looking out the window. They than finally found a place to park. Elmer's mom and dad helped him unpack his things and take them to the front. Elmer looked around the lovely building as they entered. Elmer's mom than dropped his bags and sighed heavily "all right! Have fun dear!" She yelled out "wai-WAIT WHERE DO I GO-" His mother and father already left the building. He looked around , confused. "Maybe I should-.... Ask a teacher...." Elmer muttered to himself. "Or another student- but what if they're lost as well?...." He was talking to himself as he walked around the school. Than out of nowhere a blue goat with glasses as well , puffy brown hair , a red and white scarf , and a tan sweater walked into Elmer making him drop his sketchbook. "OH MY- I-IM SO S-SORRY!!!" The goat yelled. "No no , it's okay-" Elmer said picking up his sketch book and helping the goat up. He than remembered he needed to find the dormitory. "hey- do you know where we put our stuff? Im quite lost..." Elmer asked. "Oh! Yeah! Follow me." The goat began to lead the way "oh- by the way , my names Ghust." "Elmer." The walked to their dormitories and Elmer finally put his stuff away. "What's your schedule?" Ghust asked , looking at one of Elmer's sketches. "Uhhhh.... Don't know yet...." "WHAT?! That must be terrible! You don't know who's class your late for!" Ghust said fearfully. "Uhhh... What's the big deal? It's not like the teachers can hurt us" Elmer said , looking at Ghust with a kinda sarcastic look. Ghust was still freaking out. "We need to go to the office to get your schedule , now!" Ghust grabbed Elmer's arm and dragged him to the office. At the front desk and old shabby grey cat sat. She had small glasses and was slouching over her desk. "What shall I help you with boys?" She asked in an old dusty voice "Well , Elmer here doesn't have a schedule!" Ghust said kinda loudly "hmmm... What was his name?" The shabby cat asked. "Oh! Uhhh.... I'm Elmer Robins , son of Ronald and Alice Robins...." The shabby cat took a long look at him , than proceeded to check her computer. "Ah... Yes , Elmer. Give me a minute to print your schedule....." Elmer looked at Ghust , nervous about his first class. "I hope you don't have someone like Ratsworth or Crow.... But you only get Crow if you paid the fee for the wizarding classes." Elmer gave Ghust an uncomfortable glare " well- my parents actually signed me up for those classes....." Right as Elmer said that the cat came with a printed schedule. "Here you are my dear...." She handed him the schedule and walked off. Elmer began reading "Ratsworth.... Cavin.... Crow...... Sieth.... King..... And than Cooper...." Ghust looked at Elmer , clearly showing he felt bad for him. "Well.... We have at least four classes together.... Ratsworth , Cavin , Sieth , and Cooper... Who happens to be my dad...." Elmer stared at his schedule for a couple minutes until Ghust yelled "WE'RE THIRTY MINUTES LATE TO RATSWORTH'S CLASS!!!!" He again , grabbed Elmer and ran to Ratsworth's class. "Why are you boys late?" To Elmer's surprise , Ratsworth was that one rat from earlier. His cloudy eyes gazed upon Elmer. "Sorry sir! This is a new student and his parents came h-here late! I helped him find one of the dormitories!" Ghust replied to Ratsworth. He stared at the two boys for a minute or so. "Take , your seats." Ghust ran to his desk as fast as he could. Elmer just walked and sat next to him , supposing that's where he shall sit. "Okay class. Today we shall be going over the rules , of my class..... Number one! No side conversations! If I see you engaged in one , you shall earn three weeks detention!" Elmer stared , than started scribbling a note to Ghust. "Three weeks!? A bit excessive for simply chatting...." He passed the note to Ghust and as a reply to the note , Ghust gave Elmer a nervous look and nodded. "Passing notes in my class boy!?" Ratsworth was leaning over Elmer's desk , he gestured Ghust to give him the note. "Hmmm.... Detention , both of you." He walked off and began going over the rules again. "Oh! Also...." He grabbed Elmer and his things and moved him to the back of the class. Many kids giggled seeing this. Ghust sat in the front row nervously. "Alright class... Rule number four! I shall not tolerate any sexual jokes during the reproductive unit!" One orange cat giggle loud enough for Elmer to hear in the back of the class. "Number five! No note passing! As we just witnessed the consequences. I'm sure nobody will even think of passing a note." Elmer went bright red as a few kids including a white rabbit and a crocodile stared at him. "Focus kids!" Snapped Ratsworth. "We have limited time children!" At least half an hour passed and than the bell rang. "Finally! Mr Ratsworth's class smells like a skunk!" The one crocodile yelled out. Ghust and Elmer giggled. "Okay next we have Cavin. Say, what does he teach?" Elmer asked. "He is one of the art teachers. Kinda silly cause he's a bat." Ghust helped Elmer to Cavins class. It was a messy room , paintings hung everywhere and piles of sketch books were stacked in the back. "Wow!" Elmer looked around the place , until a large bat who had a turquoise necklace and a flannel patterned short sleeve shirt walked in the class. "Welcome students! I'm mr Cavin , the art teacher. I would like everyone to grab a sketchbook from the back and write their names on it!" Elmer raced to the back and grabbed a large sketchbook. He choose his seat next to Ghust and a white dog with low hanging ears and luxurious fur. "Alright students- the first thing I'd like you to do is to copy down the rules on the board in the first page of your sketchbooks" these sketchbooks were a lot nicer than the ones you'd find at a normal school. They looked very expensive. As the students copied down the rules mr Cavin was looking over the assignments that are for throughout the year. Ghust and Elmer were aloud to talk to each other as well. It was a wonderful class , that Elmer absolutely loved. He gets to draw , paint , and animate , he can talk with his classmates , and no assigned seats. "Alright kids! After you finish copying the rules down , I would like to give you an assignment for the following week-" most of the kids were looking at mr Cavin , while Elmer and some other students were sketching in their books already. "I would like you to sketch some trees- the best place to do so would be the balcony at the side of the school. I want to see the whole page filled with trees , and if you want you can add a couple animals if you wish" Elmer raised his hand. "Yes?" Cavin looked at Elmer. "If we wish can we add one of our own characters in the forest?" "I don't mind." Cavin smiled warmly at Elmer , he smiled back. The class ended to soon , the bell rang loudly as students filled the halls , it was break time. Ghust and Elmer decided to spend their twenty minutes doodling in the library. Wow Elmer.... Your art is just- amazing...." Ghust was looking through pages of Elmer's art. "Uhhh th-thank you!" Elmer was drawing another picture of Ricky until he was interrupted by another student peeking over him. "Your art can use improvement...." Said the same dog from the art class. "Oh! I know!" Elmer looked at the dog , smiling. "Ugh...." The dog walked off. The bell rang again , signaling that their break is over. "Okay gotta go to one of the wizard classes!" He was clearly very excited. "Okay! I got to go to professor Enoch! Bye!!!" The both split ways , Elmer ran as fast as he could up the stairs to his first class of wizardry. He burst through the door and- "your late- rabbit." Said a females voice. She stared at him , she wore a long dark blue coats with potions and bags tied around her waist. "Sit." Elmer looked at her. "Yes ma'am." He sat next to a tiny mouse with the same outfit as professor crow. "Now today we shall be going over our rules and expectations in this  class. Firstly to let you know , there is no wands , chocolate toads , or boys with messy hair and glasses." Elmer looked at his own hair and tried to flatten it to make it look straiter. "But we will be learning Jinxes and potions. But firstly , as I said , Rules! Rule number one! Don't ever , EVER , stick any part of your body in a full cauldron. Rule number two! Don't jinx anyone's books , we've had to many incidents last year. Rule number three! Don't turn your friend into a toad." Elmer began to think these rules were ridiculously specific. Some kids in the back even giggled , including that one orange cat from Ratsworth's class. After going over every single rule crow faced the class. "Our first unit shall be Jinxes. Bring out your books and begin to study page 13." Elmer reached in his bag and grabbed a large book. "Page 13...." He opens the book to page  13 and begins to study , the orange cat than randomly yells "SPECTON ALUS!" Of course nothing happens , but crow yells out "JACOB NO!!!! IF THAT JINX WAS TO WORK YOU WOULD'VE CURSED THE WHOLE CLASS!!!" Jacob was laughing to tears in the back. Elmer was fearful now , what if some kid actually did try and turn him into a toad? "Class , what Jacob did was an example of what NOT TO DO!" Crow was still yelling at Jacob , and throughout the class she gave him death stares. "Dang Jacob , that was idiotic...." Said a black fox. "Heh , I know!" They were still giggling about it. "Now , I want you all to say this , aminang parvata. It's a spell that will , if you do it right , call the creatures of light to serve you- it's a very important spell and you must know it. Due to the forest at the side of the school being filled with the creatures of shadows." Elmer felt a chill go down his spine. He raised his hand. "Ugghh.... What is it Elmer?...." He looked at her , fearfully as he said this. "C-creatures of the shadows? Wh-what are those?" Crow stared down at him. "You came here and you did not know about them?" She looked shocked. Elmer was confused. "Y-yeah?" Crow sighed loudly. "I guess I shall have to teach you all.... Ughhhhh...." She went to the front of the class and grabbed a large book. She opened it to what seemed like the middle. "Alright... The creatures of the shadows are like soul eaters, except not as violent. Their story is , the creatures lived a happy life , a cheerful life , until someone or something kills something or someone they love. Than kill the creature. Their spirits rise as shadowy figures , and they are very dangerous. We don't know much about them , or how the got a physical form , but what we do know is that they will kill." Elmer looked at her , shocked. Jacob yelled "WHATS A SOUL EATER!? IM SURE THATS AN ANIME-" Crow yelled at him again. Throughout the rest of the class , Jacob  was yelled at , and Elmer felt terrified. This was the longest class he has ever had. When the bell rang , Elmer was extremely happy knowing that he gets to see Ghust again. He ran up to the dormitory to grab some things. As he ran down the stairs he bumped into the white dog again. "Hey! Watch where ya going stupid!" The dog ran off again. Elmer continued to run down the stairs , he really was in no hurry , he had twenty minutes , but he wanted to have time to speak with Ghust about what happened in Crows class. He found him in the library , but with a female sheep. "Ooohhh... Who's she?" Elmer asked. Ghust jumped at Elmer's voice. "Uhhhhh...." "She your girlfriend?" "N-NO!" Ghust blushed deeply and Elmer giggled "just kidding , just kidding , so , hi I'm Elmer , you are?" He reached his paw out to the sheep. "Lydia!" She grabbed his hand and shook it violently. "I'm Ghust's girlfriend!!!" Ghust was trying hard to get her to shut up. While Ghust and Lydia were talking ( "he wasn't supposed to know that Lydia!" ) Elmer was looking through his book. It was like a biology book , but with magical creatures , he was studying the Jackalope page , he wished he had antlers , it'd make him a lot cooler than he actually is. The bell rang loudly and Lydia shot up and ran down the hall. "Well now we have Sieth.... He teaches like , animal things...." Said Ghust in a bored way. "But wait- Aren't we anima-" Elmer shuttered at the thought of a tiny version of him , without clothes or glasses. They both ran to Sieth's room , with huge Biology books at their sides. When they walked in , there was a Komodo dragon standing at a desk , he had a Warlock like outfit , and his eyes seemed closed. "He kinda looks like a snake...." Elmer whispered to Ghust. "Well- he is a reptile , I think he's dating Mrs Enoch. And she's a snake...." Ghust looked at Elmer giggling. "Alright class , take your seats!" Mr Sieth yelled loud enough for the other side of the hall to hear him. "Now , take out your books. And throw em' out the window." Everyone looked at Sieth. One of the kids hid their books so they can keep it. "Also , don't call me Mr Sieth. That gets on my nerves , just call me Ragnall." None of the kids actually threw their books through the window except for Jacob, he did so gladly. "Now , we'll be learning about the Phoenix! Best thing to do on the first day at Phoenix arc!" All the kids seemed interested immediately. "The Phoenix is a bird made of fire , when it dies it turns into ash and then is reborn from the ashes." Elmer was taking notes on this. "Sir?" "Yes Elmer?" "Why is the school called Phoenix arc?" All the kids around him laughed. "Well , our founder and principle , is a Phoenix." Ragnall seemed very surprised he did not know this. Elmer went red in the face , Ghust patted his back trying to comfort him. "Anyway , as I was saying , a Phoenix's tears can heal wounds , very beautiful and spiritual birds if I do say so myself." Just then Ragnall thought of a fun activity. "I would like you all to draw how you see a Phoenix! Not how I see a Phoenix , not how the person sitting next to you see's a Phoenix , how you see one." Elmer was very happy to hear that he can draw in a class like this , he got out his sketching pencil and started to draw. At least ten minutes late he raised his hand. "Yes Elmer?" Elmer held up his paper so Ragnall can see. "I finished!" Ragnall looked at the picture , admiring the art style. "Very nice Elmer! I like the flames in the background!" Elmer smiled brightly at this compliment. Ghust was still working on the feet. ( he never really draws , even though his dad is an art teacher. ) Jacob finished , but it looked like a three year old drew it. Elmer thought he did this on purpose. Then Elmer thought of something. "Sir , if we are finished with the Phoenix , can we maybe draw how we see.... The.... Ummm.... Creatures of the shadows?" Ragnall looked at him , his slit eyes opened enough for Elmer to see his Supernatural golden eyes. He looked mad for a second , Elmer thought he said something outrageous. "Sure!" Ragnall smiled warmly at Elmer. "Draw as you wish , we only have like , twenty minutes left." One kid stood up , she was a white and light brown rabbit with glasses as well. "What about the learning? We could be using this time to educate ourselves!" Ragnall looked at her. "I didn't say you had to sketch. You can study through your large book if you wish , that was my plan at first." She looked outraged. "Th-THAN WHY'D YOU ASK US TO THROW THEM OUT THE WINDOW?!" "It was a test of intelligence." Everyone laughed cause Jacob actually threw his book out the window. Ghust looked at Elmer and passed him a note. "Dude , she's like perfect for you , she even looks like you dude! " Elmer made a loud scoffing noise and went bright red. He whispered loudly to Ghust , "I don't like her!!!" Ghust just nodded his head with a smug look , Elmer knew he didn't believe him. Elmer turned back to his paper , and began sketching out an idea of what the creatures look like. He viewed them as large shadows that follow you through the forest , he could see one having sharp canine teeth and razor claws. Ragnall looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "I like it!" Elmer jumped , he was so involved in his drawing he had not noticed his professor looming over him. "O-oh.... Thanks...." Ragnall smiled. Elmers classes went smoothly besides Coopers , Elmer found out that Copper was Ghust dad and throughout the class he embarrassed Ghust. ( "Oh Ghust , remember the first time you "Fainted"?! I nearly laughed to tears!" "I remember the day Ghust brought back Lydia his... GIRLFRIEND" ) Ghust and Elmer went back to the dormitories with many kids following , Elmer followed Ghust , due to him not knowing where he sleeps. "Before you sleep , I suggest you study for Ragnalls class...." Said a young owl with very little feathers. "Study? For that looney?" The white rabbit from Ragnall's class was hanging out on a couch. Elmer was starring at her. "OoooooHHHHH , SOMEBODY'S IN LOOOOVE!!!!" Ghust was right next to Elmer. And apparently the other rabbit overheard. "What?" Before Ghust could answer Elmer covered his mouth. "N-nothing! L-lets go to the boys dormitory Ghust!!!!" He dragged Ghust away into their dormitories. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Ghust seemed pretty mad. "You can't tell her I like her! She'll freak out! And if I tell her I might get rejected!" Ghust looked at him nastily , "at least write a note to her!" Elmer thought of it , maybe if he makes it anonymous.... "But-.... I don't even know her name!" Ghust smiled "Crystal Yang. But for now , you should go to sleep. You get top bunk. I'm afraid of height's." Ghust climbed in the bottom bunk and began to change into his pajamas. Elmer climbed in the top bunk after putting his glasses on a stand. "Goodnight Ghust...." "Goodnight Elmer....." They both doze of into a long sleep. CHAPTER TWO: That night Elmer had the most peculiar dream. He was in the woods , with someone else who he couldn't remember. A shadowy creature that appeared had a large completely pitch black body in the shape of a dog , and the only thing you could make out was its white glowing eyes and teeth. Elmer couldn't stop thinking of it. It seemed to real. He told Ghust about the dream. "Eh probably nothing." Ghust was eating a plate full of grass for breakfast. "Nothing?! It looked like one of the shadow creatures!!!" Elmer was eating lettuce , carrots , and a couple radishes. "Everyone has seen one at least once. The can't hurt you unless your like , right in their way. If your on a balcony and you see one your safe." Ghust coughed up a bug he found in his plate of grass. "Ew who prepared this plate?! UGH!!!!" Elmer giggled slightly as he began to eat a large radish. Ghust stopped freaking out over the bug and looked over his shoulder. "Oooohhhh!!!! Crystals gonna have to sit next to yoooouu!!!!" Elmer spat out a piece of the radish As he looked over his shoulder , crystal was talking to Ratsworth than began to walk towards them. "Ah!!! G-Ghust , how do I look?!" Ghust giggled "fine dude.... You look good! Stop freaking out!" Crystal sat next to Elmer with a plate similar to his. "O-oh hi Cr-Crystal!" Elmer smiled. "Hi....." That morning was pretty awkward for Elmer. Ghust kept throwing jokes on how Elmer has a crush on Crystal ( Elmer and Crystal sitting in a tree~ ) and Elmer was overwhelmed by all of Ratsworth's homework assignments. ( he announced them at the beginning of class ) "now students!!! Today , we'll be learning the anatomy of a goat!" Ghust looked at Elmer and mouthed "horns , beard , long ears. We're all basically the same." Elmer giggled "three weeks detention Elmer and Ghust." Ghust then screamed a curse word and got longer detention. "Now before we learn the anatomy. I must list different species of goats!" He went on listing them then stopped and looked at Ghust. "And finally , a fainting goat." Ghust was not paying attention , he was almost asleep in his chair. Ratsworth walked behind Ghust and grabbed his shoulder yelling "BOO!" Ghust screamed and fell to the floor as though he fainted. Every one in the classroom laughed. Elmer helped him up. "Yo dude... You alright?" Ghust simply giggled out of embarrassment. "Well... Yeah... I was just doing what comes natural.... You see , as Ratsworth said , I'm a fainting goat" the class stared and giggled loudly at Ghust. "PAY ATTENTION!!!!! Ghust , stay after class for distracting the whole class. "WHAT?!" "YOU HEARD ME!!!!" Ghust , again , fainted. The bell rang after a long class all about goats. Ghust stayed behind as Elmer made his way to Cavins room. He felt suspicious about Ratsworth , he didn't know why. It was , just the way he looked. He was talking to Lydia. "So.... Do you know how Ratsworth got his ear all jacked up?.." Lydia looked at Elmer and said enthusiastically "how would I know? He just a mean ol' grumpy pants!!! I don't care for him.... He's a meanie!" Elmer giggled at this as they were talking on their way to Cavins. "AHHH!" Lydia jumped as a large spider walked down the hall. "Not a fan of spiders?" Ragnall was behind them except he was accompanied by someone , a black cat in a martial arts outfit with a red bandana with teeth patterns. He had a brown belt tied around his waist , "I finally convinced Dean Lockwood to enroll Martial arts class!!!" Ragnall beamed in excitement. "Um , who's Dean Lockwood?" Elmer asked. Ragnall laughed , "He's a good friend of our founder Mr Flamecoover. He kinda chooses the classes." Lydia jumped up "COOL!" She than mimicked some martial arts moves and yelled "HOOOYAAAAHHH!!!" Each time she did them. The cat looked at them and than said quietly "I'm Neil , the martial arts teacher here. Well , at least assistant." Elmer thought about using some martial arts on Ratsworth. It was pleasing to think about. "Now get to class children!" Ragnall pointed to the clock and smiled "OH CRUD!!!!" Elmer got up and bolted toward his class , Lydia following. they made it to Cavins class , late , they both sat down and pulled out their sketchbooks. "Did any of you finish your assignment?" Elmers hand shot up. "Very.... Uhh.... Nice.... And do any of you have an explanation as to why yours are not done?" "Ratsworth!!!! It was him I swear!!" "To be honest , I don't care" "Sorry , forgot" "Homework" the list went on and on , Cavin gave everyone a second chance but took away points from everyone's grades. Otherwise the class went by smoothly. After class Elmer and Ghust were talking about the latest episode of their favorite show and heard something going on in Ratsworth's room. "Listen , Dean! You can't hide this forever!!!! I know your trying to help King Xavier!!! I know your trying to help him gain the crystal!!!" That was clearly crows voice. "Juliet , why does it matter to you? Why must you be peeking your tiny nose in every one of my conversations? If you don't stop , I'll be sure to have Xavier kill you first...." Elmer and Ghust heard enough. They were curious. They ran to the library. "I don't think they'd have a book on Xa-" "Shut it Ghust!!!" Ghust immediately stopped talking. They began to look through books. But no luck. "Told you" Ghust looked at Elmer "maybe we should ask , well.... I don't know... A teacher?" Elmer could read his sarcastic tone almost immediately. "Shut up" They eventually had to go to class. "Bye Ghust.... Good luck in Skulls class...." Elmer walked to Crows class. Desperately wanting to ask about this Xavier guy. Or what the "Crystal" is. So many questions filled his head as he entered the class. Today crow wasn't sitting at the desk. It was a young giraffe with a plaid jacket and glasses. Looked about in his twenties. "Alri.... Alright class... S-settle down...." The class was pretty occupied by something Jacob was doing. Elmer walked up to the new teacher "where's crow?" The teacher looked at him "she told me she has some errands..." "Alright , and you are , sir?" "Oh! Umm.... Just call me mister Daniels." Mr Daniels smiled as he directed Elmer to his seat "now , crow told me you will all be studying!" The entire class booed. He ignored them. The class ended with a huge lecture on how to study properly. Elmer walked out , not caring. He walked to Skulls class to wait for Ghust. Until a dark brown poodle Labrador mix walked past him. He was wearing a formal outfit , with what looked like a diamond pendant around his collar , he stops to look at Elmer. "What are you doing? Class doesn't end for like five more minutes." "My substitute was giving a lecture I didn't care for" "Oh... You can't just barge outta class like that young man!" Elmer looked at the dog , did he have any authority over him? No. "So? And don't call me you man , your the same age as I mister -?" "Alexander Sutcliff" "Alrighty , Alex , the names Elmer." "Don't call me Alex , rabbit." "Alright , don't call me Rabbit" they talked for the remainder of the time , until the classes began to flood out , Ghust walked up to Elmer and Alexander. "Um , who's this?" He clearly thought Elmer "replaced" him. "Alexander , Alexander Sutcliff." He bowed as he said this. "Okay , I'm Ghust...." He held out his hoof , Alexander looked at it. "Umm... Sir do you ever trim your hooves?" Ghust was obviously offended by this. The three of them walked to their next classes. Luckily Alexander had Ragnall as well. Elmer and Alexander sat down , Ghust sat in the other side of Elmer , away for Alexander. Ragnall walked in out of nowhere , and he took a seat. There was an awkward silence , until Jacob yelled "SO NOW WHAT?!" Ragnall gave Jacob a nasty look than turned back to the whole class. "Good Morning" "good morning mr Sieth" the class replied back. "I prefer to be called Ragnall , as I have said before." He stood up and he looked at Alexander. "New here?" "Y-yes mr s- I mean Ragnall." "Why is everyone so scared of me all the sudden? Are you people afraid of reptiles?" The entire class looked up , Alexander rose his hand in the air. "Yes?" "Jacob was talking about how all Komodo dragons, kill." "He's not wrong" the entire class gasped. "But , I'm vegan. I eat tofu. Like all of you kids do at this school. Only phsyco's kill." Some kids looked relived while others looked skeptical.
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My bestie and I are going to a Bastille concert... would you mind linking some outfit ideas?
I am so jealous! That will be so fun!!
Here are a few outfit ideas w/ pinterest inspo:
black vneck tee + denim shorts + kimono (pinterest inspo) 
stripe dress/stripe romper + denim jacket + white tennis shoes (pinterest inspo) 
red off shoulder romper + espadrille wedges (pinterest inspo) 
solid tee + white jeans + lace up sandals (pinterest inspo)
black romper + western belt (pinterest inspo)
white lace up top + denim shorts + black sandals (pinterst inspo) 
white denim shorts + red off shoulder top (pinterest inspo) 
black crop top + denim shorts + cardigan + converse (pinterest inspo) 
black denim shorts + bull graphic tee (pinterest inspo)
black denim shorts + white crochet top + black converse (pinterest inspo)
skinny jeans + black bodysuit + black sandals (pinterest inspo) 
white romper + flat booties (pinterest inspo)
stripe blouse + denim shorts + neutral wedges (pinterst inspo)
printed shorts + bell sleeve blouse + lace up sandals (pinterest inspo)
white romper + printed cape (pinterest inspo)
Additionally, here are some outfits I have worn to concerts before:
In general, I feel like you can’t go wrong with jeans/denim shorts + a blouse/tee/top. I personally think white tops are always classic and match everything! You can always throw on some jewelry, a crossbody purse, and a cardigan/kimono/etc. For shoes- I usually opt for converse or sandals for converse, but you can always do flats, wedges, booties, or sandal heels! When I am torn on what to wear to a concert, I usually just throw on a romper because they really work for any genre and are easy!
I hope this could give you a few ideas! Have a great time!!
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abdlbdsmstories · 8 years
The Setup
This story involves sexual  encounters, female degradation, humiliation and nappies/diapers.
"Also these are for you. You are to have them all consumed by bedtime tonight. Ryan will stay with you for an hour or so to make sure you do, then he will meet up with us later." Steve said to me, pointing to the table. On there were half a dozen over sized baby bottles full of apple juice, a handful of pills and 5 jars of baby food. He began piling them into a bag, handing me a bottle then he left the room and I heard the front door open. Marc grabbed my hand and so the journey began down the flights of stairs, awkwardly waddling like a baby. The teens were there again, laughing and mocking me, much to my annoyance. I merely stuck my tongue, only to receive a slap on the back of my legs from Ryan which brought a tear to my eye. We reached the exit from the tower block and piled into Marcs car, my old car. A black 4X4, leather seats, the works, cost me a lot of money and when Mark took it and left me with a lesser one I was gutted. I was manhandled into the back between Ryan and Mark whilst Steve drove. The journey back was uneventful, I suckled on the bottle every now and then, whilst Ryan handed me the odd pill. I was uneasy about taking them but he informed me they would just keep me regular. I finished the bottle off, along with 3 of each of the different pills then we arrived at my house.
   "Right baby, Ryan has your key. Remember, no tampering with your nappys otherwise there will be trouble. We will be back in the morning, if for whatever reason you aren't in when we arrive I may post the key through the door." Marc explained to me. He kissed me on the lips, for a moment I felt like he cared and it brought back so many memories for me. Then I was pulled out of the car by Ryan and paraded down my path way. There I was in a huge, bulky set of nappys, locking plastic pants in front of my neighbours. Several of there attentions had been pulled to my attention by the fact Steve was beeping the car horn many times. I ignored them looking and waddled to the front door where Ryan let us both in and sort off put me out of my nightmare. We walked inside, Ryan carrying the bag and me picking up the envelope that to my relief contained the 500 pounds I was offered. I placed it on the kitchen side whilst Ryan set himself up in the front room, plonking himself on the setee and watching TV. He called me into the front room, grabbed my hand and cradled me across his lap with other bottle of juice and some baby food. I caught a glimpse of the contents 'pureed carrot and cabbage' and it tasted as foul as it sounded. I felt like puking after the first pot but I managed to contain myself. Then he opened another pot and another pot until I was forcibly fed 4 of the pots. I tried to resist, closing my mouth but Ryan just squeezed my nipples aggressively making me scream then he shoved the contents in my mouth. I had polished off 4 bottles of juice with this and nowI was absolutely bloated.
   "You have 1 pot of baby food and 2 bottles left. I will allow you to consume these yourself whenever your ready. Make sure you do, if I find out you haven't its punishment time." Ryan told me, whilst laughing. I knew what he was laughing at, the fact I could feel baby food all round my mouth and cheeks, I bet I looked a proper baby. He slipped his camera phone out of his jean pocket and took a picture.
   "Right, I got to go. Have fun by yourself. Those diuretics and laxatives should kick in soon. Have fun." Ryan said, and with that he kissed me on the forehead and left. I locked the door behind him and just collapsed to the floor in tears. I couldn't believe I had agreed to this and I still had hours to go. It had just gone midnight, still 12 hours-odd to go. And the last words of Ryan were starting to make sense, I let out a gush of pee in my nappy, but thnkfully it wasn;t visible in the outer nappy. I had a few rumblings in my belly. I tried to put off the urge to poop by drinking one of the bottles and going to bed. But it was no use, by the time I got to the top of stairs, the cramps were unbearable. I grabbed my stomach, trying to ease the pain and squatted down. That was the final move, I slightly raised myself up and forced out a torrent of wet, messy diarrhoea. This was explosive, a huge fart escaped followed by an avalanche of poop. I felt so hot and tired after this pooping session. I sat at the top of the stairs in the mess crying. After 10 minutes or so I managed to pick myself up and waddle to bed. The stench was pretty bad, and coupled with another couple of wettings I was drenched and messy. I cried myself to sleep, clutching my stomach as a little poop vacated my bowels.
The next morning I was awoken by banging at the door and the door bell ringing. I was in a slight daze as I looked at the clock, 0730 it read. I looked down at my nappy and it was sagging and yellow. I stood up and thought my luck was in as I walked down the stairs to open it for Ryan or Marc to let me out early. As I twisted the key in the door and pulled it slightly open I was met with a shock. It was neither of them, standing there seeing me in my full nappied state was my best friend and work colleague, Lucy. I just froze and stood there with tears in my eyes. She just walked forward and comforted me.
   "Shhh. Its ok. What the hell has happened to you? Did you forget we had work this morning? What happened to you on Saturday night?" She whispered in my ear. We walked back inside and stood in the kitchen.
   "I..I came back here with these two lads and had a great sex session. Then they paid me 500 pound to tidy there flat and do a few jobs for them. But they said I had to do it nappied and then my ex husband turned up and he had organised it all. So im stuck in this nappy till 12 and I've had a few accidents." I blurted out, explaining the whole situation to her. She inspected my backside and felt the nappy, cupping the sagginess and splashing cold pee against my pussy. She spanked my backside, pushing the river of poop against my backside.
   "How did you poop so bad? How you going to hide this from work? You can't go sick, otherwise you will get the sack and you can't afford that." She replied, putting me in more of a predicament.
   "I..I dont know. Please help me. They gave me a load of laxatives and stuff to eat and its gone straight through me. If I dont eat or drink them I will be in more trouble." I told her back. I pointed out the remaining jar of baby food and bottle which she fetched over and sat me down.
   "Here, Let me help you. Let's think of what we can do to hide those nappies." She was so comforting and at ease with my predicament. She picked up the baby food and spoon fed it me nicely, before handing me the bottle that I consumed asap.
   "That was easy enough. Let's go upstairs and see what you have in your wardrobe." She said, helping me up the stairs, the smell of stale poop stinking the house out. She sat me on the end of the bed whilst she went through my wardrobe examining every outfit I had. She first pulled out my usual trouser suit and handed me the trousers. I tried to fit them on bit it was no use, between us we couldn't them over the bulk of the nappys. Then we tried my jeans, again no use, a few dresses that did fit but bulged horrendously out at the back. She finally settled on 2 outfits that could have fit me, a pair of dungarees that were shabby and torn that I once wore for a fancy dress party and white tennis skirt I had again from fancy dress. I couldn't wear the dungarees, they would have been perfect but they were wrecked. So Lucy proceeded to wrap the tennis skirt round me and clipped it at the back. Then I put on my black shirt and buttoned it, then my black work shoes. I looked in the full length and whilst I wiped away my tears and Lucy tidied up my hair and makeup it didn't look so bad. I mean, the nappy still bulged slightly under the skirt and maybe half an inch or was visible underneath but we had made the best of a bad job.
   "Hmmm. That's the best we can do. I'll try and make sure you get on counter duty rather than being out in the store." She smiled and said to me, taking pity on my plight. Come on, let's go downstairs and go otherwise we will be late. We went downstairs and as I gathered my bag and keys Lucy picked up the envelope containing the money.
   "Now you wouldn't want anybody to find out about this would you? This could come in handy." She slyly remarked slipping the envelope into her bag.
   "How could you? I thought you were my friend?" I shouted back.
   "Don't you dare try and take control here. I'm in charge, unless you want me to tell everyone about your predicament I suggest you shut up and get outside NOW!!" She shouted back at me. My best friend had manipulated me and blackmailed me and there was nothing I could do about it. We went outside and climbed into her car and set off for work. Lucy started talking to me,
   "Listen, I'm so sorry about this. It's not my idea. See I know Mark did this to you, he put me up to this. He's forcing me to humiliate you." I was shocked at what I was hearing, my husband had blackmailed my best friend as well. She continued,
   "See, he threatened to do to me what he has done to you. And he was going to show the evidence to  my husband and teenage boys. I couldn't take the risk. He seduced me one night, drugged me and when I woke up the following morning I was dressed in a nappy surrounded by pics he had taken and a note telling me what I had to do. I had to take you that club and set you up with those 2 lads. I'm sorry." She was in near tears at the fact she had stitched me up, but I couldn't blame her. If it was the other way round I would have done exactly the same to save my skin.
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