#im too embarrassed to publicize my fics too much eheheh
metukika · 1 year
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here's some more mentor mob au drawings for your consumption,,
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mirclealignr · 4 years
Current WIP Requests!
Just showing y’all what’s to come!
And keeping myself organised so I don’t lose anything! Requests are still open! (And just so you know I accept more than just Remus and Sirius hahah)
Who I write for • Prompt List #1 • Prompt List #2 •
Remus x Reader requested by @emmaloo21 ~ REQUESTS ARE OPEN?!?!?! Oh my gosh, maybe a Remus Lupin x Reader, Marauders Era, where reader gets into a fight with a Slytherin or something gets severely injured due to a unfair attack? So he comes and visits her in the hospital wing?
Sirius x Reader requested by anon ~ Heyy could you please write a sirius x reader where Sirius lashes out and calls the reader unimportant and then the reader doesnt talk to him for a few weeks and sirius realises what he said and regrets it. Im sorry if this is too specific. I love your your work btw❤❤
Harry Potter
Harry x reader requested by @mischiefsemimanaged Hey, I’d love to be added to your tag list! Also have a request: a Harryxreader where y/n’s embarrassed about her surgery scars. I’m having another surgery Friday and I wish I had a Harry lol. No worries if you don’t have time, love your work! Thanks so much!!
Charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ can i request a Charlie Weasley x reader where they were best friends w mutual pining at hogwarts but did nothing about it but they reuinte at the quidditch world cup bc arthur invites the reader since they remain close w the weasleys?? and they get together after when the reader stays at the burrow or whatever you want really!!! thank you so much!!
Seveurs (golden era) x Order!reader requested by @purpledragonturtles ~ Could you write a adult! Severus x Order member!Reader one shot in which they argue with each other, both unaware that the other is flirting with them. I don't know why but I picture Snape as a teasing kind of flirter. Of course, please some fluff (and angst) at the end
Draco x reader (part 2) requested by @patton-fielder ~ Hey sweetie! Could I get a part 2 to that heart breaking Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader request I asked for? Using 2, 7, and 8 from the fluff section? (All of them said by Draco preferably as an apology) i love ya so much ♥ stay safe! - prompt list 1
James x Slytherin!reader requested by anon ~ Hey luv, just saw that your requests are open again YES! Maybe on with james where the reader is pureblood and Slytherin and they met at a gala or something, he invites her for a dance andddd i dont really know i trust your amazing talent eheh Sorry to bother thanks in advance xxx
Marauders x short!reader requested by @remibarnes22 ~ Hiya honey, can I request a short reader and marauders fic where they’re looking after her? Like against bullies and tall things. Good ol’ fluff ❤️❤️ thanks xxx
remus x reader requested by @screaming123 ~ Im a self indulgent slut so maybe a remus fic taking care of reader after a bad day? If requests are still open ofc Hope youre having a fantastic day/night/both! 💗
regulus x reader requested by anon ~ Fluff 6, misc 8 with regulus pls 👀 prompt list 1
draco x reader requested by @the--queen-of-hell ~ May I request 2 and 15 from the fluff prompts for draco x reader? Thanks in advance (if you need me to be more specific, I can send another ask!) 😊💖💕 prompt list 2
remus x reader requested by anon ~ remus x reader soulmate 4 (both emotional and physical with more emotional pain for reader)
weasley twin x reader requested by @dreamer821 ~ Soulmate 4 & 5 (or either really!) with one of the twins??? 🙈🧡 prompt list 2
charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ hey sweetie!! congrats on reaching your goal, its very well deserved!! can i please, if its not a problem, request fluff no. 7 w (you guessed it) charlie weasley?? thank you so much 🥰
fred x reader requested by anon ~ Can I request a Fred Weasley x reader where the reader is Angelina's twin sister and Fred and George flirt with them all the time? Thank you!
harry potter x reader requested by anon ~ Hello dear! Can I request a harry potter x reader where the reader is just like Lily Evans and everyone who knew her has a soft spot for her because she reminds them of Lily? Also the reader has been friends with Harry since first year and they are in love with each other and everyone low-key loves seeing them together because they remind them of James and Lily?this idea sounded cute in my mind. Have a good day/night 💕
james x reader requested by anon ~ Okay for the james one from prompt list 2 fluff 5 6 12 13 BEAUTIFUL CMON eheheh love you xx
george x reader requested by anon ~ can i request hufflepuff!reader secretly leaving a cookie/cupcake + a small note for the weasley twins and they love the gesture but fred/george especially adores it bc it reminds him of home then they try to find out who it is and date them 😉 thanks
sirius x reader requested by anon ~ Could you do a Sirius x Gryffindor girl. Mutual pining for years but both are too stubborn to admit it till their 6th year when James and Remus tease him into finally admitting it to her. He does something rlly big and public but soft to admit his feelings.
draco x hufflepuff!reader requested by @bforbroadway ~ Hey! Could I request a soulmate AU (the one where whatever you draw on yourself is in your soulmate) Draco x hufflepuff!reader, and Draco just constantly has little flowers and rainbows and cats and hearts, and just overall cuteness, all over his arms? Just really fluffy 💕 Only do it if you think it will be fun, and keep doing great!
neville x reader requested by anon ~ 2 things 1) ur epic 2) can i have a neville x reader where neville is the herbology professor and reader is the care of magical creatures professer? do what you would like, i just think that would be cool again, ur awseome Lena
Headcannon for remus x reader requested by anon ~ Hey girl 👋 can I ask for a headcanon ? Reader being in love with Remus Lupin but him falling in love with her twin (not identical ofcourse) and dating the twin . Thank you ! Sorry if you don’t like the ask, I’m a sucker for angst and hurt! fics
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ heyy, are you taking hc requests? cause i think i'd be really nice a head canon of the marauders meeting reader's (who is a muggleborn) parents
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ hey! can i get a headcanon of the marauders having a big fight w the reader (they are wrong, but they only realize later) and then apologizing, angst but fluff at the end?:))) thanks
moriarty x reader x mycroft requested by anon ~ Hiii!!! Can I please request a moriarty x reader x mycroft where reader is moriarty’s partner and she’s mad at moriarty for spending all of his time on his game with sherlock so she decides to play with mycroft to get moriarty’s attention?! Sorry if I couldn’t explain it properly english isn’t my first language! Thanksss!
Mycroft x reader requested by anon ~ What about Mycroft x reader misc. 13? prompt list 1
Steve x Avenger!reader requested by ~ @kitkatkl ~ Oooh, are your requests back open? If so, I'd like to request a Steve x avenger!reader where they like each other and the team orchestrates a game like truth or dare to make the reader admit it in some way (because I doubt steve would be down for t/d id he cant even get drunk. If you do do it, you can decide what's the truth/dare that makes them admit their feelings. 💙💙❤💙💙❤
loki x reader requested by anon ~ “Don’t go” as well as “We aren’t meant to be” and “It’s for your own good” with Loki? Maybe ending in fluff somehow? ~ prompt list 1
loki x reader requested by @mojofun ~ So can I ask a soulmate prompt for Loki? (The prompt about the mark)
Undecided Character
Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 (thehumanistsdiary)
What if, hear me out, “Why can’t I stop crying?” from the first prompt list, and “I let you hurt me because I thought you would hurt less” from the second? For either Draco or Severus? (anon)
requested by @thehumanistsdiary ~ Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 ~ prompt list 2
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bulbpix · 5 years
If You Just Listened - Part 13
Public transportation in Gotham wasn't the best. After witnessing fights, drug deals, and countless other events on the buses and trains, you eventually came to the decision that walking was best. But today was an exception.
Once you'd dried your laundry and finished talking to Arthur last night, you carried your clothes to your apartment and settled in. Shortly after heading to bed, you suddenly heard what sounded like yelling and banging from the apartment under you... Arthur's apartment.
It didn't sound too serious, probably just a dispute between mother and son. Still, you felt bad. Arthur just had a very big day, his comedic debut. It shouldn't have ended with a fight. But, there was nothing you could do. You tucked yourself in, and waited for the yelling to die down.
This morning, Arthur told you he needed to do something important. Something very important. You assumed it had something to do with the fight last night. You were undeniably curious, but didn't want to press too much. It seemed like a personal issue.
"Can you come to the train station with me?" he asked. "I know it's a pain in the ass, but..."
You shook your head. "Arthur, we're friends. If you need me, I'm there." You crossed your arms, smiling at him. He smiled a bit, but you could tell he wasn't in his usual cheery demeanor today. "So where is this train station?"
Arthur scratched the back of his head. "That's the annoying part. It's in Elmont."
Of course it's in fucking Elmont.
You stopped yourself from groaning. Elmont was a neighborhood so far uptown from the city that there was no way you two could walk. You'd have to take the bus, which you did NOT want to do. At all. And it wouldn't be a short ride either - it would be an hour there and back, at the very least (And that's without traffic!). You dreaded the public transportation of Gotham. Arthur couldn't have asked you to go to a train station in downtown Gotham. Nooo, it's gotta be Elmont!
"Pfft, Elmont? Don't even worry about it. Let me just get myself together and I'll see you in the lobby, yeah?"
Arthur nodded, and began his way downstairs.
You shut the door behind you, grumbling as you went about your apartment. "Fucking Elmont."
And now here you were, on a crowded bus that smelled like an armpit. Luckily, you and Arthur were able to find seats. You tried to strike a conversation with him a few times, but it didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk today.
You furrowed your eyebrows. This behavior was weird, even for Arthur. Whatever happened last night must have really been serious. Although you weren't enjoying this trip in any sense, you truly wanted to be there for him. You sighed, staring at his knee. You wanted things to be better. For both of you.
Halfway through the ride, you felt your eyelids begin to grow heavy. You turned to Arthur. He seemed to be zoned-out, staring through the window. Still not in the mood to talk.
You yawned, deciding that if you were going to nap, this would be your chance. You adjusted your arms, sinking down into your jacket, falling into a surprisingly easy sleep...
"Excuse me?" "Mm...?
You slowly opened your eyes, looking towards the source of the voice. An older woman was leaning towards you from the seat across yours. You rubbed your eyes, trying to adjust them. You couldn't exactly remember what you were doing on this bus upon waking up.
"The last stop is coming up. Just wanted to let you and your friend know." She smiled, and turned back ahead.
My friend...? Oh. Right.
You felt a heaviness on your shoulder. You turned to see what it was, your face immediately being buried in a bunch of brown hair.
Arthur had fallen asleep on your shoulder.
You turned your head forward, wondering how he ended up there. He probably fell asleep sitting up, the rocking of the bus eventually knocking him to the side. Imagining it made you chuckle.
I wonder what his hair smells like...
Wait, what?
That was a weird thought. Why would you care how his hair smelled? What were you, some kind of creep? Who even thinks of that? You were just tired. This bus ride was long, and boring. Yeah, that was it. Your brain was probably just looking for a way to entertain itself. Stimulating the senses, or something. Yeah.
You peeked over at him. Still sound asleep.
It would be harmless, Arthur wouldn't even notice. Was it a crime to want to smell something? What, like using your nose was illegal? What harm could it do?
You slowly turned your head towards his, hesitating.
Arthur wouldn't care right?
Or would he?
This was weird...
Ah, you were just overthinking it.
Slowly, you sunk the tip of your nose into his chestnut locks. You closed your eyes, gently burrowing into his hair as you inhaled. He smelled smoky, yet sweet. Like a combination of cigarettes and honeysuckle. Where did the honeysuckle come from? Maybe it was his shampoo. You dug your nose deeper, nearly touching his scalp. He smelled earthy, and natural. Like he showered recently, but not too recently. If you could describe his scent, the only word that came to mind would be... comfortable. What a friend was supposed to smell like. Friend-scented? You smiled.  
Arthur rustled, slowly picking his head up and nicking your nose.
Your face shot forward, your eyes shooting open. You folded your hands together tightly.
He adjusted his shoulders, his eyes still squinting from tiredness. He touched the top of his head, shifting his gaze towards you.
"Were you... sniffing me?" Crap. "What?" "What were you doing just now?" "I literally have no idea what you're even saying."
You buried yourself further into your jacket and scarf, your face now beet-red. He was asleep, you were so sure he was asleep. Was he awake the entire time? Did he just wake up? You prayed to God it was the latter.
"I could've sworn I felt you-" "Arthur, can you just focus, please? Look, we're already at the stop."
Arthur blinked a few times, clearly puzzled by the entire situation. He looked ahead, and sure enough, you had reached your destination.
The bus came to a slow, creaking halt at the station. The driver looked behind his seat, shouting, "Last stop! Everybody out!"
You and Arthur got up, stretching from the long ride. You stepped outside, walking him towards the station entrance. As you reached one of its glass doors, he took a deep breath and turned to you.
"I just want to say something," he sighed.
"Is this about the smelling thing? 'Cause I swear it wasn't what you think it was. I was looking out the window and your head was right there and I just needed to breathe like any human does so I inhaled through my nose but your hair was also in the way so it LOOKED like I was smelling your hair but I wasn't I was just turning my head and your head was also there and I was breathing but while my nose was-"
Arthur held his hand up, stopping your ramble.
"I believe you, I just wanted to say thanks for coming," he said flatly.
His calm attitude only served to make you all the more embarrassed. Shouldn't this be the other way around? Usually he was the flustered one.
"I have to get on my train now," he continued. "I'll see you tonight?"
You nodded. "Yeah, just stop by if you need me, why not."  
Arthur gave a low-spirited smile, turning towards the entrance.
Before he could take a step, you grabbed him by his arm and yanked him into a tight hug. He tensed up, unsure of what to do.
You were hugging him. This wasn't his imagination.
This was... real.
Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around you.
"I don't know what's going on, but I can tell it's a lot. I'm here for you, bud. Whenever you need me." You squeezed him tighter.
Arthur was speechless. Never in his most fantastical dreams would he have imagined to have a friend like you. He felt... undeserving. He hadn't done anything to earn you as a companion. Why were you here? He shut his eyes tightly, feeling his body begin to shudder with grateful, yet sad laughter. He pulled you closer to him, unbelievably thankful to have you here in this moment.
You patted his back, used to his laughter by now. You sighed, hoping whatever he was dealing with would be over soon.
After a few minutes, Arthur began to calm down. He stood up straight, sniffling a bit and grinning at you.
"Thanks." "Don't mention it."
Arthur walked towards the train station entrance, pulling open a glass door. He stopped there, turning to you.
"Also, I was awake the whole time," he added, an amused smile on his face. "You're weird."
And with that, he disappeared into the station.
Your expression sunk, your face immediately going pale. You yanked your winter cap further down on to your head, wanting to bury yourself inside it as you ran towards a departing bus.
Did Arthur just call me weird? Arthur, of all people? I hate my life.
A/N - Looks like Y/N can be just as creepy. anyways - IM BAAAAAACCCCCKKK, AND FINALS ARE OVER!! GET READY FOR BACK TO BACK FICS GUYS - and sorry for the wait ehehehe....
@geronimosanna @theworldthroughmynikon @niniita-ah  @captainohgod @memory-mortis @handsomeguyslover @bitterspectrum @sosearchingromeo @aesikupills @mardema @ajokeformur-ray
(i hope i got this tagging thing right? im still new to this lol)
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