#im tipsy i hope this is at all coherent
hoziersmoon · 2 years
i know it's been like 2 hours. but someone pls write the yusufcore tree nymph post into a fic, like nicky was the tree nymph (maybe trapped in tree form as he grew up or something?) and adult joe goes back to his childhood home and meets him and ?? they fall in love idk there's not really a plot here. bonus points if joe is a fantasy novelist <3
YES putting this out in the universe to be picked up 😌💭💖 ough this is so sweet….
i was thinking something like joe finds nicky in the tree one day when he’s still a kid and they fall in love over a long period of time and its very cute but even when they get married like a decade later joe still has a sneaking suspicion that nicky really is some kind of tree nymph 👀
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ubike-official · 6 months
my dear friend ive been thinking of you talking about having self hatred blinders on with your trip and it really resonated with me like yeah thats exactly what im dealing with rn and trying to pry them off myself but still struggling with it even as im aware of it, i was wondering if u had any tips for moving forward and out of that kind of self hate and trauma fueled horse blinders mindset (aside from yknow. general healing and unpacking it all). no rush or pressure for replying i was just wanting to pick ur brain a little about it ily i hope ur day is going well
Hi Rey, my friend Rey! Thanks so much for being patient with my reply. I wanted to really sit down and give you a good proper answer here so I reviewed the Ancient Texts (my old journal entries). One thing that really helps for me dealing with the trauma self hatred blinders is the feeling that I owe it to myself to be confident. I think of sad little child me and how I know she wanted to be confident and accepted. And when I think of how others made me feel this hatred and that it's not a natural state. That my natural state was happy even if it was short lived, that i deserve to return back to that state.
Now thats easy said but very much not easily done. I still have moments where I realize after the fact i was isolating and falling into bad habits. Like when I was abroad i remember once the guy sitting next to me said hi to me outside of the school gate and was inviting me in to come talk with everyone and i literally ran away and tripped down a flight of stairs where no one saw me, cried, and dragged my bloody knee to a pharmacy to buy a bandaid and no one batted an eye. At that moment i felt like what just happened was proof that I was awful and no one cared about me. But in hindsight that wasn't true. Those people were inviting me in and i ran away. And i wasnt a bad person for that! i just had a lot of trauma and needed some grace and time to process it!
And it took me around 3 months to muster up the courage to try again. And I mustered it a couple of ways. One of my very bad traits that I'm working on is judging others. I remember there was this guy that took the same bus as me, that had such an obnoxious Australian accent and was so Caucasian and had the audacity to just talk to anyone. And I haaaated him. But like, one day it clicked while i was being a hater, this dude legit did not know or care who i was. he had friends and did so many things i wish i could've done. I stopped seeing him but soon a similar guy appeared that was of the same type of person, and one day I talked to him. And it didnt amount to much. But it helped me get over that block. Because if i was gonna spend all that time disliking him, i wanted him to at least know who the hell i was. at least once. Not for external validation, for me. And I feel like sometimes having that awkward, scary conversation can really help.
In terms of processing and healing I really love physical journaling. It doesn't need to be fancy or coherent, but writing it down, especially before bed helps me really process whatever things are weighing me down. I like to get it out right before bed so i can go to bed with a clear mind and not have the 3am lying in bed spiral. And def try to gauge what things you can unpack and resolve with a session otherwise it can leave you worse off.
One thing that helps for me that may not work for you or others given your health situation. I think a casual low intensity amount of drinking with friends or at a bar in a safe space helps. For me being just a little tipsy makes me put my guard down and connect with others and gain confidence from small, low commitment, one off interactions with strangers. This can also be replicated Non alcoholic/substancy in like a cafe, library patio, or community setting. If you're able to find somewhere accessible to you and be a regular and say hi, get some low level interaction. When I came back home from Taiwan I made it a habit to try and say hi to people when i went for walks and just get comfortable doing that. Or I'd make small talk with checkout clerks at the grocery store and juat add a comment in. Like sometimes I'd just rehearse saying something about the weather or the week or idk, anything. And just whip it out of your back pocket. Sometimes it'll land, sometimes it wont.
Hope this is at least somewhat helpful! you've got this, we're in this together^^
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libraryspectre · 2 years
Random person: but LOVE and SEX are what make us HUMAN
Murderbot: sucks for y'all *faceplate goes opaque*
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illingkeve · 5 years
2 and 13 and 22 !
hey pal!!! i know its been a Hot Minute since u sent this but i finally got wifi again so here we are. thanks for the ask!!
2. what did you think of villanelle right away?
this is an interesting question because honestly! i didnt like her much at first! perhaps its bc the vague slavic accent threw me for a loop (im around that accent a lot) and i was bracing myself for the Assassin Stereotype but as soon as she started making me laugh i was on her side and by my 2nd watch i loved her. tbh at the start i was there for milf sandra oh ONLY and i was so captivated that i didnt pay much attention to villanelle in general, but now i love them both equally!!!
13. what’s something you wish would happen or at least hope will happen in s3?
ok well there are many things BUT im really hoping that we get some fuckin Clarity on the standing of v & eve’s relationship. i know this shows all about The Chase and stuff but i just feel like s2 was So Many miscommunications and misunderstandings that i just want at least a LITTLE big of it cleared up. like give me Half of one sincere exchange and im happy out here to fucking fantasize into the abyss about them softly being ~~in love~~
also like generally just?? what the fuck is going on?? i used to be ok w just accepting that the twelve is kinda a shady mysterious organization that wants particular powerful people dead but they have complicated it to the point that its like?? who works for who whats carolyn doing why does everyone want everyone else dead???
.....,,,,...also ..,..... perhamps.... a smooch.... please..
22. name a headcanon for eve 
this bitch crazy!! i have hc it since before season 2 but one thing i can really appreciate about s2 is that they went a bit further on her being equally if not (dare i say) more psychopathic than villanelle. this is a Bit of a stretch i understand but i genuinely think she lacks remorse and empathy to basically the same extent as villanelle but she hides it really well to stay safe in her environment. this makes the converse also true: villanelle DOES have empathy, its just well hidden so that SHE can stay safe too. i think both of these ideas have been teased at by the writers but in my humble opinion they havent gone all out yet so this is my Official Challenge: stop being pussies and admit they are both fucking bonkers AND THEN just let them be happy together in their own bonkers way
anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk im a little tipsy so i hope it was coherent
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Hassaku Onomichi Headcanons
so hassaku was really hard to do. i really like him but hes got so little screen time its hard to come up with stuff 
anyway here ya go 
An attention starved only child . only knows his mother , a very high ranking Jonin who is always away from home on missions.
Because of this he was raised mostly by his grandmother but she was a little too old to look after a child so he mostly looked after himself.  she died when he started the acedmy so after that he was alone anyways
His mother loves him with all her heart but she didn’t fight in a worldwide war just to give it all up and settle for being just a mother. Shes trying her best to do both but with no other family or support its just impossible.
The little time she spent with him wavered from unbearably akward because she hardly knew her own son to enjoyable but he never got his hopes up that it would last because she could have to run off again half way through dinner.
This sort of isolation and lack of socialization made him pretty standoffish . imagine Iwabe but taken to the Nth degree.
Still has like 4 baby teeth left despite being 19.
Body is a temple
He is probably a vegetarian or sometimes vegan or considering hes from kiri he only eats veggies and fish?
He probably struggles to be a vegetarian or vegan in kiri considering 90% of their food is fish and seafood and its hella hard to grow things in their climate
Exercises every morning, never smokes but would maybe drink if someone else in the stripe squad volunteered to be the Adult™ for the evening, but would NEVER get drunk or even tipsy really.
The Executioners blade is extremely heavy and even with all the weight training he struggles to use it.
Became obsessed with becoming someone like one of the seven ninja swordsmen at a young age because he thought being so important would give his life some meaning
Seems chill but in his head there’s a lot of pterodactyl screaming
Hes the member of the stripe squad who is most fanatically devoted to shizuma and his plans.
He really does give the impression of having nothing else to live for other than shizuma which is pretty sad when you think about it
He is FUCKING TERRIFIED of Chojuro by himself. Being in the stripe squad and the thought of facing him with allies helps a little
Hes actually pretty athletic and flexible. When he was a child his mom got him to go to after school gymnastics so he wouldn’t be in the house for as long by himself.
He doesn’t have naturally sharp teeth. His family does do teeth sharpening as like a passage into adulthood.  Since hes only been an adult for a year he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of eating with a mouth full of razors yet.
His favourite food used to be veggie curry as made by his grandmother. But now since hes got fangs hes kinda stuck with things like Omurice, tofu  and porridge.
Dark chocolate is one of the few unhealthy things he eats on the regular. He might also indulge in shave ice during the summer
He hates anything greasy oily fried or fattening. It annoys him that no one in the stripe squad cooks for themselves and usually just order take out.
As such hes designated himself the stripe squads cook, even if he only knows how to make like 5 things.
VEEERRRRYYYY heavy sleeper. A war could start outside and he’d sleep through it
Constantly harping at buntan and hebiichigo to either stop smoking or take it outside.
Always takes Ichirotas side in arguments since they’re both kind of health nuts.
Kyoho is his workout buddy
 nsfw below the cut
So again im not quite sure of a sexuality. He defiantly has a soft spot for shark jesus Shizuma but im not sure if its romantic, sexual or just aesthetic .
He is a total tsundere when it comes to this kind of stuff. He blushes like a virgin when people hold his hand and is extremely bashful when it comes to flirting or compliments
Defiantly hasn’t done the NASTY™ yet . no clue what hes doin.
But since i have nsfw for everyone else:
Defiantly prefers to bottom/sub . hes far too modest and sheepish to try and top
Super high energy. If you want him to stay still youre going to have to tie him down
Wont shut up either. Its more like nervous rambling than coherent conversation. Some sort of gag or duct tape would be advisable
Really suuuuper cautious about those teeth of his. Its only been about a year since he got them sharpened so hes still not used to them. hes always afraid of biting someone or hurting himself with them
On the EXTREMELY RARE occasion he’s had a drink hes much more up for experimenting . may even attempt to top if you agree to coax him through it. Don’t expect fireworks though he’s super clueless
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mysterybustershq · 7 years
delta psi beta’s halloween bash » event (1/2)
a little party never killed nobody... well it did.
by the time micah made his way to the delta psi beta house, the party was already in full swing. he'd barely stepped onto the lawn before someone was pressing a red solo cup in his hand, their ghostface mask doing very little to save him from their bad breath. micah hadn't even had the time to reject the drink before the guy was running off, perhaps to harass some other poor unfortunate soul. rolling his eyes, the mysterybuster made his way into the party. casting a cursory glance around the room, he took in the typical sights of bodies pressed and grinding against one another, mouths open in sloppy kisses, with drunk frat boys yelling and crushing cans against their skulls in the background. it felt oddly... natural, he supposed. he eyed his drink wearily; it would hardly be the first time someone had been drugged on any campus. and it was halloween; trusting anyone to make him a drink was dangerous. taking a drink, he looked around the  room, searching for a familiar face in the mass of drunkards. if trevor didn't show up, after convincing micah to wear this stupid outfit, micah would never forgive him.
already slightly drunk from the pregame at her apartment before she parted ways with her roommates, ashley graciously accepted the newest drink from the frat boy at the bar.  her eyes lit up as she saw micah across the room; she had started to wonder when anyone else was going to show up. "micah!" she squealed over the music, wrapping an arm around him in greeting. "i'm sooo glad you came, i totally didn't think you would, but you're here!" gazing up at him with bright eyes and a smile, she took in his appearance. "and you look so good! i also didn't think you'd dress up," she continued, blowing through topics without giving micah much of a chance to answer. "have you seen anyone else? i haven't yet, but i haven't been here very long."
naomi was glad to finally be inside the frat house. she hadn’t realized how much skin she had actually been showing until she stepped outside her apartment and felt the cold, october air nip at her bare stomach and forearms. she smiled politely at all the drunk partygoers and awkwardly made her way through the crowd— hoping to run in to at least one familiar face. naomi let out a sigh of relief as she saw ashley and micah, “hey britney and black ranger!” she greeted brightly, walking up to them.
spotting a familiar face over bryce's shoulder, finally, damaris wasted no time at all in grabbing his free hand- the one not cradling his cup of punch- and pulling him through the crowd of frat partygoers. it wasn't like earlier, when she'd miraculously found him; they didn't part like the red sea, allowing the two to join the black ranger and britney spears easily. instead, it seemed every costumed spook in the building was jostling to get somewhere all at once, and not at all interested in making the sheet ghost or the lumberjacks life any easier. when finally she broke the edge, naomi had joined the two damaris had been making her way towards, resulting in a sudden greeting cry of- "naomi, you look beautiful! and-" her gaze moved to the others, smile huge ( though they of course, couldn't see ), "wow! you guys- you look amazing."
bryce leaned against the wall, his drink in his hand as he talked to damaris. he was caught off guard when she grabbed his hand, but he didn't say anything, instead he just turned around to follow her- trying his best not to spill his drink as they moved through the crowd towards their friends. "hey everyone!" he greeted with a smile as he took a sip of his drink. as the girl's started to talk about costumes he drifted towards micah.
trevor felt cute in his pink power ranger costume, it was a bit snug but he didn't care. parties were something he was very used to but he left his pink polly pocket purse at home since he decided to pre-game for the party, smoking two joints only a half an hour ago. walking through the many drunken people, he scanned the place for his friends - not really feeling like conversing with strangers and more excited to see what his friends were wearing. trevor spotted the growing group and made his way towards them. “ go go power rangers ! “ he yelled out as he walked up behind micah. “ hey black ranger, sheet ghost and other costumes that are cool but i have no idea what they are. “ the tall boy pointed finger guns at his friends.
julian had sighed dejectedly. "are you really going to bring that thing?" eli didn't even hesitate before answering. "of course! does batman leave without the batmobile?" biking in behind his roomates on the little red tricycle that completed his jigsaw costume. finally, a real live party -- the kind he'd never been allowed to attend in highschool. his heart swelled. awkwardly shimmying his way through a tangle of tipsy, sweat laden bodies, he'd found some of his friends. his eyes lit up. "happy halloween!" eli announced with a smile, coughing dryly. "hey, does anyone have anything to drink? im feeling a little parched. . ." unaware that all that spanned around him for miles was copious amounts of alcohol.
kimberly had barely made any plans prior to the party regarding costume and an entourage, but tacking herself onto julian's party felt right. the angel wings made her feel like she weighed about a thousand pounds and she was on the verge of complaining from the moment she put them on but pre-gaming and (classily) doing three tequila shots helped with the discomfort. she latched onto julian's side to steady her in her heels, smiling, bubblegum sweet, as they approached the people they knew. she wanted to roll her eyes at the fact that there were so many people there, taking up space, and yet the mysterybusters gang managed to find each other. figures. "selena," kimi procured after a moment of staring, puzzled, at naomi. it was her only contribution to the conversation but she didn't have much else to say.
to say that verena was less than excited about this halloween rager the team had been invited to was a massive understatement. she’d never been to any frat parties in all her years in college— and for good reason. but after thinking about it for a few days, vee decided to go. that experiencing a wild party like the one she’d just walked into would be worth it and that she’d regret it if she isn’t go. as she pushed her way through the overly crowded home, her eyes darted around the room look for anyone she knew. It was turning to be a bit tougher than she was expecting as everyone was dressed up in costume. but finally after completing almost a full lap of the main floor, she eyed a small group she knew to be her friends. maneuvering her way through the swaying bodies, vee put on a smile, ready to greet the group when a stranger spun around unexpectedly, spilling half of his beer down her front. it was clear the man was drunk off his ass and wasn’t coherent enough to apologize. shaking off her coat, verena closed the gap, brushing off a few stray droplets, glad the beer hit her in the chest and not the face. “well, i guess a costume consisting of a raincoat and rain boots is not only cute but completely functional at a party like this.” she joke, inspecting her outfit closely. once she was sure her outfit was free from as much booze as possible, she took in the group, beaming at everyones amazing costumes. “wow everyone looks so great!”
although kimberly was the one dressed to the nines in a beautiful costume, julian considered himself to be the arm candy. she was holding on to him for dear life, and he guessed that his entire night would be as her living, breathing pillar. considering the party itself didn’t interest him much, he was okay with it. he had already gotten in an “i told you not to wear the wings” since arriving, and he planned on saying it as many times as he needed to. julian had kept quiet in the small circle of mysterbusters that was forming, giving nods and smiles where needed. it wasn’t until verena entered in that he changed. seeing her distressed over the drink that was spilt, julian oddly perked up, grinning. “i came prepared,” the boy said, showing off his roll of paper tolls to his friend, offering them to her.
ashley's smile only grew as she took in everyone's costumes, impressed by the thought they all put into them. "yes!" she said to elijah, reaching out to grab his hand and pull him away from the group that had formed. "come with me, i'll help you out. what do you want? it'll be easier for me to get a drink than you." she paused, turning to eli and shooting an apologetic look. "not that you don't look great, but it is a frat."
despite having arrived not too long ago, cristian had already gotten himself quite a following -- bunny ears and cat tails hovering around his aura with soft giggles and blushed smiles. only naturally, he couldn’t deny how much he was enjoying the attention, definitely partaking in feeding his audience’s wishes with bountiful smirks and sultry remarks. however, his focus was pulled elsewhere when he noticed ashley’s figure pass by him ( and his groupies ) in the midst of pulling elijah away. he sent a quick nod of his brow toward ashley before allowing his eyes to catch sight of the rest of the group, his attention now keen on greeting the faces he knew all too well. drink in hand and pipe between his lips, cristian was feeling particularly good that night -- albeit he was already a little tipsy -- but he really did want to simply relax and have some fun that evening, which was saying something considering all the difficulties that had come his way recently. so it was with a enthusiastic smirk that cristian made his way toward the rest of his friends. “already got the party started without me, i see,” he taunted slyly as he popped up swiftly behind the group, placing his free hand on micah’s shoulder, confidence illuminating off of him.
the hairs on the back of his neck of his neck stood up. ashley. of course it was ashley and of course she grabbed his arm. "h-hey ashley," he stammered, red in the face before any alcohol had even entered his system. "wait -- you'd do that for me? thanks i'll ... i'll return the favor." he suggested unsure if that would actually happen. "and as for the drink, uh, surprise me." wink. god, he was an idiot.
a lot seemed to happen at once.  one second, micah was alone and considering leaving, and the next, he was surrounded.  he wasn't surprised to be hugged by ashley. no, he'd long since figured she was probably the affectionate type. what surprised him was the fact that he didn't mind. she'd stepped back, rambling on about who knows what before he could reply, or his mind could catch up with her. then, everyone was there, and his chances of sneaking away unnoticed were dashed. he sighed, eyes going to elijah. "wait--" he tried to stop him, if only to point out that we're at a frat party, everything is alcohol, then ashley was trying to drag him away. even more pressing was the hand landing on micah's shoulder. had he not heard cristian's voice just a second before, the panic that only briefly turned his stomach would've had a tumultuous effect. pushing the minor fear down, he leaned into the touch just so. "am i the last one to get here? where's daniel?"
grinning at julian, verena took in his outfit, laughing at his iconic costume. one she wasn’t sure many people would ever think of. “it’s okay. i don’t want to ruin your costume by opening the paper towel packaging.” looking around the room, she spotted the kitchen, knowing this place was bound to have some sort of dish rag she could use to dry off her coat before it dried and she reeked of cheap beer for the rest of the night. “i’m gonna head to the kitchen and dry off. anyone need anything to drink while im there?” though she wasn’t planning on drinking as she rarely ever did— the thought of partaking in consuming alcoholic beverages at a frat party gave her an unsettling feeling, see was more than happy to bring back some drinks for her friends.
truthfully bryce was too distracted by what was going on around them, to notice what was going on with his friends. he missed the drink being spilled on verena, he missed most of the arrivals. but- he did managed to look in time to catch cristian's arrival. rolling his eyes he took a drink of his beer as he looked at the group- in the few short minutes since they'd come together- it seemed like chaos had erupted, but he wasn't surprised. "no, you're not the last one here man," he answered micah's question with a laugh.
isaiah honestly never tried for halloween. but after seeing damaris spending hours on hair and makeup... isaiah felt shitty if he didn't put in at least a LITTLE bit of time. now though, it was all forgotten, as he danced in a huge group of people, all laughing and cheering, body parts everywhere. isaiah jumped up and down on the spot, one hand in the air, moving as one with everyone else. a part of him had forgotten almost entirely about the rest of the group even being here, because isaiah himself had arrived separately and late as usual. as the song dwindled down, everyone beginning to disperse, isaiah's hair falling slightly from it's fancy up do- he took in a few breaths, already walking back over to the group. "oh shit, did i miss something?" he asked, slightly cluelessly, clapping bryce on the back as hello
there was only so much damaris could say 'wow, cool costume!' in just a handful of minutes, before she got tired of her own voice and realized she was probably better off giving a thumbs up to the last few late arrivals ( only realizing after julian's that she couldn't do a thumbs up under her sheet, and subsequently giving that up, too ). it was true- everyone's costumes DID look great, and she wanted to compliment every single one of them a dozen and one times each... even if they did make her feel a little bad about her own choice, to cover up after spending so much time getting ready. the more arrived the more she began to fret about isaiah's arrival, and how her biggest hypeman would react to the new and improved sexy cat costume ( which wasn't very sexy. and wasn't actually a cat, anymore, either ). one such worried through was running through her mind as she gazed around the party, some, when speak ( think ) of the devil- he appeared, the other side of bryce. smile immediately sheepish though that was thankfully well hidden, she cleared her throat and shook her head, remaining half hid behind bryce's body when she replied, "not really. some guy spilled a drink over verena, so she's gone to get cleaned up- we've all just got our hello's and compliments out of the way, really, so you're right on time!"
returning with a new drink, a hovering micah, and a drunk eli, ashley was surprised to see everyone in the same place they were when she left. "what are you guys doing just standing around, haven't you been to a party before?" she was kidding, but  wasn't thinking that most of them probably didn't have the social life that she did. "who wants to lose to me in pong?"
taking one second to look at the girl, julian quickly stood up straighter. no one else around him was quick to volunteer, so he took the liberty of appeasing ashley. “beer pong?” he questioned, like a dumbass. once he was certain that kimi was some-what stable, he moved a little closer to ashley. “is it just going to be you and me?” he laughed, tossing up the paper roll from hand to hand. “ash, i’m completely sober. that’s just not fair.”
"is there another kind of pong?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. perking up as julian moved closer, ashley shot him a grin. "usually daniel's my partner, but i don't know where he is so i guess it's just you and me. and i'm not drunk, so we'll be fine." she insisted, despite being obviously intoxicated. "and even when i am drunk, i'm so good at pong, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." grabbing his hand, she pulled him away from the group towards the pong table.
micah watched as ashley and julian wandered over to the pong table, hoping that they didn't get into trouble. (they hardly needed adult supervision, but ashley was drunk, and micah frankly wouldn't trust julian to take care of a shoe, let alone a person. whatever, he didn't care, either way.) he took a sip from his almost full cup, then passed it off to some passing freshman who was already way past their limit. micah was used to parties; he frequented them, with bryce or trevor, depending on his mood of the day. frat parties were an acquired taste, and he could rarely stand them. not without getting humiliatingly drunk anyway. he hated the idea of being the sober friend, but with two of the only people he sort of liked being drunk off their asses, he didn't allow himself much choice. still; it took the fun out of it. "so are we gonna stand here all night, or what?" if he was going to be sober, he wasn't going to be bored.
isaiah genuinely hadn't even noticed to the short person in the sheet was there until they started talking to him, and finally it clicked. "holy- damaris???" he asked, in pure surprise, looking down at her little eye holes, as if to make sure it was her. "what the... " he searched for an appropriate word. "..fuck?" he shook his head, "what happened to your /other/ costume?" isaiah questioned, before clicking on to the other stuff she'd said . "someone spilt a drink on verena? she alright?" he glanced around, as if she'd materialize out of nowhere
somehow naomi had been whisked away by some of the partygoers but she soon found herself with the group again (it was inevitable... she always found herself being pulled back to the mysterybusters) "i just saw some guy riding a bike off the roof and into the pool. frat parties truly are so fucking crazy.”
"haha," she laughed, doing her best bee impression awkwardly, working around the sheet to give her roommate a tiny wave, "hey, isaiah. i knew you'd look good as steve harrington!" of course she knew well enough that a compliment probably wouldn't stop the inevitable question, but she had kinda hoped it would... and groaned, softly, when it instead seemed to come even sooner than expected. "i'm wearing it! just. under this one. because-" her mind raced as she tried conjure up an excuse that wouldn't sound completely whack, "- because...- i was cold." so cold she needed a bedsheet pulled over her, evidently. "i- i don't know, actually-" naomi's appearance at that moment only led her into her next question of, "'nomi, did you see verena?- is she okay? or... should i go check on her, maybe?"
"and i knew you'd look good as a cat." isaiah couldn't help replying pointedly. "if you were cold you coulda done something normal, like, you know, wear a jacket. you could have even borrowed one of mine." isaiah said, with a small, amused sigh at damaris. "so if you get warm you'll take off the sheet?" he added, not believing her. at the arrival of naomi, he glanced over, with a smile. "hey you, long time no see." he figured she'd been busy with her kids, but still- isaiah always liked  seeing naomi. "having a good halloween?" he didn't really understand her costume, but he had to admit it looked pretty good. had she really just had two kids?
"she's in the kitchen getting drinks." naomi replied to damaris, "so unless something happened from the moment i saw her to the moment i walked back here than i'd say she's fine?" she shrugged, smiling at isaiah. "i am not actually. there's so many sweaty... jocky guys aroud here and they're all kind of douchebags." she realized what she said and her eyes widened, "no offense or anything!"
it didn’t take long for verena to locate a roll of paper towels buried behind the wall of liquor bottles on the counter top in the kitchen. she quickly cleaned up her jacket and her boots, tossing the soiled napkins in the garbage. there was a line of people branching off from the keg and after searching the nearby area for anything to drink that was non-alcoholic, verena came up empty handed. grabbing two red solo cups, she filled them with the blood red punch that smelled like rubbing alcohol, her nose scrunching up at the thought of drinking it. making a mental note to bring her own drink if she was ever dragged to another party again, she squeezed her way back into the living room where she’d left her circle of friends, hoping they were still huddled up and not dispersed through out the party. “hey! who wants these? “ she asks as she approaches what’s left of the group.
isaiah let out a small laugh at naomi's words, shaking his head. "no, it's all good, i get it. just know we're not all like that." he said, before trying to glance over. "who were they, though? did they do something to you?" he was already ready to march through there and hold them by their ears in order to get them to apologize. "i'll go talk to 'em." isaiah meant it honestly too, he felt bad that some assholes on his team were stopping naomi from having fun. he made his way past naomi, just in time to almost bump right into verena. "oh-" he put a hand out to stop either of them from falling over. "heard you already got your costume ruined." he said, with a wince, looking her up and down to see how bad the damage was. he had no idea what she was dressed as either. a ragdoll? he looked at the drink, hesitating only briefly, before shrugging. "sure. cheers." he gladly took the drink, knocking it gently against her own.
"... let me live, isaiah," she tried to sound how bryce did when he said it, stern with an air of not caring about whatever it was he'd been told- but alas, damaris could not manage to not care even for a moment. the words were unusually hardy, but her voice was soft and it was obvious she regretted not following through, now it'd been pointed out. "i- i couldn't..." what? find a jacket? even to her, it sounded ridiculous- which would be, of course, because it was. finally, after chewing over whatever it was she'd been starting to say, she sighed and gave a nod of her sheet covered head, "of course. if i start to overheat, it'll come right off." truth be told, she'd hoped that naomi would prompt her into going after verena just so she could escape the huddle, if not just for a moment. but she didn't, and soon, the other had returned, her costume looking just as good as it had before she'd had drink spilled over it- which she was quick to say, in case verena needed to be told, "vee, i love your coraline costume. i think it looks even better than it did before you poofed. which- i didn't think was possible!"
micah wasn't entirely sure what to focus on: the fact that vee's costume was ruined already, or the fact that damaris had literally thrown a sheet over herself to come to a frat party. it, somehow, seemed on brand for all of them. he fought back a headache, simply standing aside as conversations carried on around him. when vee came back, he gave her a once over. he wasn't sure he'd ever seen anyone dressed as coraline before, though that was likely because it was a fucked up movie. but leave it to verena to make it a thing. "it looks fine," he agreed, much less enthusiastic than damaris.
after almost being bulldozed by isaiah, verena glared up at him after averting what could have been accident number two. only instead of beer it would have been red punch that was more than likely to stain her clothes. letting out a sigh of relief and handing over a cup to which he clinked with the other, vee shook her head. “oh no. i’m not drinking—here.” she said, thrusting the cup into micah’s hands and moving over to damaris. “thank you. i’m a little saddened by the lack of recognition my costume has gotten so far. i guess next year i’ll have to go with a sexy ' insert occupation here ' so people will appreciate it.” she trailed off with a laugh. of course she was teasing though she knew it was 100% true.  “did you forget about this party or something? is that why you're a sheet ghost?” vee asked, not quite sure why damaris chose to wear a sheet over the endless costume ideas she had to pick from.
isaiah rolled his eyes, amused, however, at damaris' response. her voice was slightly muffled from the sheet, but he caught this gist of it anyways. he knew better then to argue with damaris, because she already seemed a bit unsure about the thing as a whole. so instead, isaiah put his arm around her sheet-laden shoulders, and gave it a squeeze. "whatever you feel comfortable in." he told her, honestly, feeling slightly defeated on the topic, but not wanting to pressure her. it was her body, her life, after all. "maybe you could have come as the nancy to my steve." he added. "that would have been comfortable, and... warm." he suggested. isaiah recoiled, ever so slightly, at verena's glare, mouthing a 'sorry' to her, and holding up his hands in defense. as he went to cheers her, the cup was handed to micah, who isaiah ended up knocking cups with, slightly awkwardly. at damaris' onslaught of compliments, isaiah zoned out slightly, until he realized she mentioned what exactly verena was. "who's coraline?" he asked, a few steps behind as always
bryce. - Yesterday at 8:42 AM
bryce didn't have to turn around to know isaiah was the one who clapped him on the back, "hey man," he responded as he took another sip of his drink, looking around the party as he did. it was an interesting sight, he saw costumes ranging from "sexy" to clowns- even one brave soul who decided that a sexy clown costume would be a good idea- and it wasn't. hearing micah's question he turned to look at his friend- "let's do something," he nodded with a small smile as he finished off his drink. "i need another drink anyways," he added with a small laugh- he hadn't planned on having much to drink but now it didn't seem like that bad of an idea.
it wasn't like it had been a real argument or anything- she and Isaiah never really seemed to have them, which was why their room in situation worked so well. But it had still felt a little wrong to be of opposite opinions, and a little saddening to know she'd gone against something he'd tried so hard to hype her up for, and so she was beyond relieved that he seemed to relent. Very briefly, she leant into the one shouldered gesture, smiling up at him ( only able to be seen through the fact it reached her eyes, behind little eye holes ). She wasn't sure who Nancy was ( and suspected she was the girl who had died, that everyone seemed wholly upset about ), but it was a nice thought, and she was grateful. "Hindsights a great thing," she replied, with just a touch of regret. Damaris was as relieved as anyone that no drinks went flying anywhere, considering how easily stained her white sheet would be, and even took something of a precautionary step back when there seemed to be that risk. "People here just don't appreciate good movies. They're all about their...- their ghostfaces and their Freddy Cougars," she shook her head and tutted, before her gaze fell to the outfit she was wearing and her smile fell a bit, "I didn't. Forget, I mean. I'm a cat- underneath this, anyway. A ghost cat."
thrifted violet dress grazed the floor as obsidian heels ( that were so 1970s )  kicked open the door to  delta psi beta's  rager. the music could be heard from the next town over. the stench of alcohol and cheep weed hung in the air. frat pledges ran in frenzied circles of both excitement and anxiety. vanessa could not quite discern whether she was in heaven or hell. during her high school years, the brunette ( turned redhead, thanks to the stylish wig paired with her 'hex girl' costume ) could count the number of parties she had attended on one hand. still, college made those few events seem like a toddler's birthday party. flashing lights, pounding music, screaming twenty-something's. vanessa blended into the see of costumed strangers, hoping to find a familiar face. one boy offered her a blunt. she considerately refused. a girl tugged at the tips of her cherry- red wig murmuring, "wig, snatched!!'. nessa awkwardly laughed. a morph-suit adorned individual handed her a cup of murky green liquid of which she set aside on the floor with disgust. nearly a hundred strange encounters and advances later, the girl finally stumbled across her people. "with how long it took me to find you guys, i would have assumed you were hiding from me!!" she teasingly butt-in, a pearly white smile yanking her black-painted lips upward. "on a side note, all of you are absolutely bangin'. slaying, slaying, and slaying. now what have i missed?? hopefully nothing too excited. i need something scandalous to write about in my diary tonight."
julian. - Yesterday at 3:40 P
meanwhile… a smile slowly formed across the boy's lips. "good," he said, gaining a little bit of confidence. only a moment after, he was swooping his head low, meeting ashley's lips with his own, and kissing her. his hands felt around the girl's wasit, but the rest of his body stood still.
julian answered her unasked question with a kiss, which was a good enough response in her book. her hands trailed from his neck down his torso, untucking his flannel as she kissed back. assuming she knew what he wanted next, she pulled away for a moment reaching for his hand. "come with me," she murmured, pulling him behind her.
at the entrance of vanessa, which was as intense as the rest of her, isaiah lifted up a hand, slightly weakly. it was definitely time for him to leave this part of the party. if not to find the guys that were being jerks to naomi. as he rounded the corner, out of the kitchen, a small part of him felt like he had walked in on something he really shouldn't have. ashley. and julian. isaiah felt something within him drop. and for a long beat of a moment, he just stood there, useless. the image ingrained in his mind. julian and ashley. ashley and julian. he took a step back, realising he'd clenched around the cup of his drink too hard, and actually ripped the cup open, spilling its contents on the floor. luckily everyone was already too drunk to really notice. he watched as ashley tugged julian along with her. the message was sent loud and clear. he swallowed hard, turning around and walking right back into the kitchen, for no real reason other then he didn't know what else to do.
oh my god, eli you’re so funny one deliriously drunk girl had giggled, long nails curled around his bicep unfamiliarly. about seven drinks earlier he might have minded, not so much minded as lost his g o d d a m n mind over the fact that someone even remotely hot had touched him willingly, but seven drinks past and here he was, for the first time, chilling. “i try,” he breezed cooly, shirt buttons undone, some girls lipstick on his neck. this was fun, he thought. i should be drunk more often. he could have sat there alright, drowning in attention but some random hot people at a party < his friends, so he got up at the sight of the commotion, but not before one last lingering glance and a tapped shoulder that he was sure in cristianese meant “sorry babes -- duty calls”. so stumbling slightly, eli plucked another beer off the table (not that he needed it) and brought it to his lips before drawling, “yoooooo --  did the j man just mack on smashley or am i s l o s h e d ?”
lana was in the right place at the right time. she had been avoiding the rest of the group all night, hoping that they were too drunk to notice her anyway. it didn’t even made sense for her to be there, but after what happened the last time every member was together at the same place and same time, she felt like she had to. her jaw dropped the moment she saw julian and ashley’s kiss. however, that wasn’t was her attention stayed focus on. it was isaiah’s reaction. what were the odds of isaiah being the one to first notice them? lana stayed hidden in her corner, laughing as she was able to make out elijah’s drunken words. maybe she did make the right decision to come to this party after all.
"do my eyes deceive me or was elijah sutton really talking to a girl?" naomi teased as he returned back to the group.  at his words, however, she looked over his shoulder only to catch glimpse of julian following behind ashley like a lost puppy. "well damn, i guess things are gonna be pretty awkward monday?" she shrugged, taking a sip from her drink.
at first, damaris didn't even notice what it was that everyone else had spotted. she was too caught up straightening her sheet after  thankfully unnoticed, but totally disastrous attempt at taking a sip of her drink. it was a feat that took some time, and meant she missed the event itself completely, but what she didn't miss was isaiah's reaction- mostly because the drink he spilled was spilled half on her. "crap- isaiah-" she squeaked, words falling on understandably deaf ears, only understanding why when she looked up and following everyone elses gaze. "oh..." it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened.
bryce was minding  his own business, not really participating in any of the conversation- instead just watching everything that was going on. and that was when he noticed julian and ashley- his eyes widened as he turned to look at the rest of the group to see if any of them picked up on it. it wasn't his place to judge or anything- but it was weird. fortunately he was spared from having to think about it with the arrival of a very intoxicated elijah- which was a very interesting sight. "your eyes didn't deceive you buddy," he replied as he draped his arm around his friend's shoulder. "having fun?" he asked with a small laugh, trying to draw the attention away from the scene that had just occurred.
isaiah was a bit out of it, despite having not drunk that much. suddenly, he felt his mood go down entirely. he couldn't get out of his head the image of julian and ashley kissing. he didn't even know julian liked ashley. but how could he not? ashley was funny. and gorgeous. and so easy to talk to. if anything, isaiah was mad at himself, for reacting so stupidly. at elijah's slurred words, isaiah looked up, out of his daze. "you're drunk?" he couldn't help repeating, slightly surprised at that tidbit of news. this entire night was turning into a true disaster. isaiah honestly had the urge to leave. he turned around, to see lana standing there, in the shadows, his eyes met hers, and for a moment isaiah considered saying something to her. but... she seemed to be comfortable standing there by herself. "i'm gonna get drinks." he announced instead, knowing he'd need at least another fifty. "anyone besides elijah want one?"
it was no secret that verena had a thing for Julian. however coy she’d thought she was, she was sure that everyone on their team knew. blinking a few times after their figures disappeared from view, see turned her attention back to the group before her. “i do.” she spoke up, answering Isaiah’s question. though she never really drank and the idea of getting drunk at a frat party went against nearly every safety precaution she’d ever had for herself, she needed a distraction. she could feel her mood taking a dive and though the opportunity to simply go home was right there, she had a sudden urge to get reckless. brushing past Isaiah and the other’s, verena made a bee-line for the fruity punch bowl, filling it to the brim and taking a long pull. it was disgusting— she had no clue how people were drinking it, but with a scrunched up face, she took another drink.
naomi noticed how verena's attitude had changed and she didn't hesitate to follow behind her. "hey, you okay?" the brunette asked, eyeing the way vee was downing down the disgusting drink. naomi had almost always been on that end of the stick (the end being where someone she was interested ended up with someone else) so she did know how verena was feeling at the moment. it wasn't the best mood. "we can leave, if you want. go back to my apartment and have an impromptu girls night? pop in a cheesy romcom and bring out the real stuff for this terminal case."
trevor got lost from the group immediately, his stoned self not thinking much of it other than he just really hoped eli wasn't drinking too much. fast forward to the present time and the tall boy awoke half his body on the couch and the top half awkwardly smushed against the ground.  everything was a bit of a blur, he'd definitely drank a bit too much and smoked a bit too much. the tall boy groaned as he let himself completely fall off the couch with a thud, other drunken students flocking to the now free area of the couch. trevor used someone's thigh to push himself up much to their protest which his apologized for by waving a hand at them before walking away. the first thought on his mind was where was elijah. walking past a sullen looking verena and naomi, trevor made his way through the crowd where he finally found his friend. " oh boy you are so wasted man -  i love it - you know what else i love? your little face. " trevor reached out and pinched his best friends cheeks before giving them a little slap.
“fuck yeah! two girls, actually. you have twins, nae, you should know basic math,” eli retorted recklessly in naomi’s direction. sober he would have never said something so hurtful, but intoxication meant his filter was long gone, like a majority of his fucks. at bryce’s question, he nodded so hard he almost spilled his drink. “i’m having a blast man. who knew i’d be better at beer pong than ping pong?” he winked, throwing his head back and taking another swig. a rare scowl crossed his face and isaiah and trevor’s (however accurate) assessment of his drunkness. “why does everyone keep saying that!? i’m not druUuuUuuUnk!” ironically, at that moment he’d nearly tripped, gripping the table for support. “i meant to do that -- now!” finishing the beer, he crashed the tin into the table with an impressive, satisfying crunch and smiled deviously. “who’s tryna DANCE?”
there really wasn't anything that damaris could do, it seemed. she wanted to say something to make isaiah feel better, or vee- but nothing was coming to her and before she'd really thought about it, they were both getting drinks and everything was happening at fast forward speed. she wasn't sure where to look or what to do, and the drink isaiah had spilled half on her sheet costume was beginning to spread, so damaris decided to face her losses and just do what she could do. nudging bryce, she muttered a "i'll be back- just gotta go clean up", gesturing at the huge fruity patch midway down her sheet, before pushing through the drunken throng and disappearing.
"i'll take one," bryce replied to isaiah's question as he held up his cup, before holding it to his mouth and finishing off the little that was left. everything seemed to be turning into chaos and he figured he'd might as well join in on the fun- especially because he didn't want to get stuck babysitting. he rolled his eyes at elijah's comment- "is that really saying much? you're pretty bad at ping pong," he teased his friend, as his attention shifted towards trevor. he raised an eyebrow as he watched the other male sort of stagger towards them- before he let out a laugh. and then elijah nearly tripped- which only made him laugh harder. "i'm down for some dancing," he said with a small shrug- figuring why not?
shooting julian a smile before leading the way out of the door, ashley did her best to ignore the weird feeling she got as a few of the frat boys she knew gave julian congratulatory pats on the back as they passed. she headed for the kitchen to get another drink, completely unaware of what she was walking in to. as she was filling another cup of jungle juice, she noticed naomi, vee, and isaiah. “hey guys,” she said with a bright smile, totally clueless of how vee and isaiah were feeling.
kimberly had been silently observing everything that went down, as she did in most social situations and though she was a bit tipsy and more than disappointed in julian, she quickly rushed to ashley. she was a bit too late, only arriving after she had already entered the lion's den and greeted the exact people that she should've avoided. "ash,"  she said, tugging on her sleeve like a child and leaning over so she could whisper: "everyone knows what just went down."
trevor realized quickly that the vibe in the room was a bit off, he'd definitely missed something big but he didn't wanna ask what it was - he didn't wanna seem so out of it as he usually did. the boy looked around as eli almost fell over, poor boy was way too drunk and it made him want to get his camera. just as he was about to pull out his phone, ashley reappeared to the group - a large smile on her face. " ashley ! " trevor exclaimed as he moved forward, wrapping his arms around the much smaller girl and lifting her gently from the ground. " where have you been? " he asked as he held her up in the air, not realizing he hadn't put her down.
"hey trev!" ashley giggled as he lifted her in the air. "i've been here. where have you been?" almost immediately after her feet hit the ground, kimi was grabbing on to her. her eyes widened slightly as she spoke. "wow? already? that was fast," she was too concerned by the news. maybe it would make vee think slightly less of her, but ashley didn't think vee was her biggest fan in the first place. "is it like, a problem that they know? why are we whispering?" she asked, leaning in so only kimi could hear.
kimberly was still holding onto ashley's arm, grip light but restrictive, as if at any given moment she could throw ashley into the fire or protect her from any attacks. she sighed at the blonde's words, blinking a few times because seriously? when all of it was so obvious?. "i mean, yeah," she responded, voice still hushed. "like, the vee and julian thing, you know?" she said, hoping she wouldn't have to give ashley the rundown of every romantic happening within their group considering she really didn't care.
at the reappearance of ashley, isaiah determinedly did not look at her. he didn't know why, but he really didn't want to talk to her right now. on repeat in his mind, he kept seeing her and julian. that smile, that ashley always gave him, aimed at julian. he didn't know why he felt like he couldn't breathe, for a second there, but isaiah quickly shuffled steps away. looking for anyone else. "hey. bryce." isaiah greeted, trying to keep his voice as normal as possible, but failing. "uh. where'd mari go?" he glanced around, realising she wasn't around here. out of all the people here, elijah and damaris were probably the only two isaiah could most comfortably talk to right now. but damaris was awol, and elijah was drunk as all hell. he handed a cup to bryce. "your drink." he added. "sorry, i forgot." he added, as if it was just that, and not that he'd been super distracted
bryce's eyes narrowed as he watched isaiah- he could tell the other was uncomfortable- but he didn't know what to say so he chose to say nothing- figuring it would be easier. "hey man," he said with a small smile, "she mumbled something about cleaning her costume and left a few minutes ago," he explained with a shrug- he'd figured she'd be back by now but she must have gotten distracted. "thanks," he added as he took the drink from his friend- taking a long pull from it. "want to go play some beer pong?" he asked- figuring isaiah could use a distraction.
julian practically cringed at every glance someone sent his way. ashley was the little bit of safety he had while coming out of the room, and she had abandoned his side in seconds. julian was too nervous to talk to anyone he knew–to look and anyone he knew. so he busied himself by going to the nearest bucket full of ice and drinks, and fishing a water bottle out for himself. chugging it as fast as possible, he dared to peak into the kitchen, where it looked like most people were gathering. seeing the particular group together there, he decided it was best to stay by the drinks.
"julian and vee?" ashley repeated, eyes widening. "no, i didn't know about that," she sighed, immediately feeling guilty, despite the way julian had insisted it would be alright. "we didn't even do anything. other than kiss, but that's nothing. he didn't want to, so he can just tell vee that, right?"
isaiah could feel the presence of julian as well, entering the room, and isaiah determinedly didn't look at him either. for some reason, all that bounced around in his mind was julian telling isaiah how obvious it was that isaiah liked ashley. but if he really thought that, then why would he kiss ashley? or maybe julian and isaiah weren't as good friends as isaiah had thought. he looked back over at bryce, more then grateful for him in that moment. "Beer pong sounds good, dude." he agreed. anywhere but in this space sounded good. "actually.. you mind if we go outside first?" he patted his jeans pocket, before finding what he needed. a snug little rolled up joint. usually isaiah would offer it to everyone, and just get a little happy-go-lucky from it, but right now... he needed most of it in order to relax, and collect himself. he offered it to bryce, though, eyebrows raised.
ashley nodded in response to kimi's reassurance (that y'all don't get to read because we need to get this event rolling), already feeling better. "yeah, i hope so," she sighed before moving on , eager to change the topic. "i think i heard someone say they were gonna announce the winner of the costume contest soon. and i have to pee, and since there's no way i beat everyone else's great costumes, i'm gonna go pee," she said, setting her drink down before disappearing into the crowd.
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spxce-bxbes · 6 years
y’all i’m tipsy as hell from a can of wine which is like half a bottle and like. i have so much fuckin love in my fuckin heart
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