#im the shit in the rotg fandom
m-musings · 11 months
im actually so excited omg i dont wanna sound mean actually the opposite but you write for a couple of pretty dead fandoms and im just so happy to see new writers for them.
can i request hcs for rotg (either jack frost, or bunnymund, or pitch, whoever you like. maybe the three of them??? idk go nuts show nuts) with a grim reaper reader? thanks! :D
Headcanons: Jack Frost, Pitch Black and E. Aster Bunnymund with Grim Reaper! Reader
A/N: anon I'm dying at go nuts show nuts, that's the funniest shit i've read in a while but anyways yeah, all 3 sounds good to me lmao. also, I wasn't sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so i just kept it on the friendly side, i hope that's okay!
Word Count: 450 Warnings: mentions of death/ dead people
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Jack is a bit wary around you at first simply due to the nature of your job.
But once he sees just how gentle and kind you are with the souls you reap, he's back on board with getting to know you.
As he gets more comfortable with you, he'll definitely make fun of you like he does with the other guardians but he does it with love!
Jack will occasionally accompany you when you're reaping a younger soul. His presence seems to calm them down if they begin to panic, even if they sometimes can't see him.
If you ever get a break from reaping, he will invite you to participate in one of his famous snow day snowball fights as a way to forget about the sadness that sometimes comes with the responsibility of being a being of death.
He's still the excitable and reckless Jack Frost but when you're around, he's more mellowed out and - forgive the pun- chill to hang out with.
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Pitch is intrigued by you from the start.
While he may control people's fears, it is a rare occasion for him to actually interact with one, let alone one as important as the personification of death itself.
He knows just how powerful a reaper can be so he is always sure to treat you with the respect you deserve.
The one time Pitch tried to convince you to join him against the Guardians, it ended with a scythe pointed at his neck and a stern scolding from you, so he doesn't bring that subject up around you anymore.
Pitch actually enjoys spending time with you though, he feels that your presence is much more tranquil and calm than that of the other spirits he knows.
He can be maniacal and full of himself but deep down he has a strange admiration for you and the job you do.
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Bunny has known you for a long time and has come to highly regard you as an ally.
You two mesh well together, because without the deaths you take watch of, he wouldn't be able to help bring new bouts of life into the world.
He refuses to see any of the souls you may bring around The Warren though, it makes him kind of squeamish.
He will occasionally help you wrangle up a lost soul or two but it's very uncommon for him to be around during the actual reaping.
Bunnymund and you do spend the most time together just because your roles are so interconnected with one another (Guardians of Life and Death and all that).
All in all, You and Bunny are very close knit and have a great respect for one another.
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ultracold · 5 years
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One day it’s sunny, one day it’s cloudy. I hate quarantine but Prague is a beauty.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
33. What’s the first ship you played?
{ Ever-ever? Ooooh this is gonna age me. But I rp'ed OCs in the Mighty Duck Fandom on MUCKS, boards, and IMs long before blog rps were rampant. No graphics, JUST WRITING.
I shipped my OC "Lana Emerald" With my friends’ OCs, and also with each other's own background characters, and of course fettered her into the Brotherhood of the Blade, which meant all kinds of stupid group-shipping and yes, even with Duke. Because yes, we're all basic bitches. We all have dark, embarrassing beginnings when we enter the rpc. XD
It's basically a rite of passage to start out cringe.
On Tumblr?
“Eris,” from both Sinbad and Mythos fame; I tried hard to keep her un-shippable, then she ended up getting ships everywhere, the h00r. But her first real ship I think was with Pitch Black from ROTG. Which...lead to a lot of shit. I went through 3 Pitch's all now turned that character sour for me. No comment. }
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ollies-outies · 8 years
tagged by @flurifan aw ye
COUNTRIES I’VE LIVED IN: USA and (idk if it counts but) i spent a lot of time in indonesia as a kid
FAVORITE FANDOM: ive only been in it for a month maybe but i really like the jojo fandom. not just cuz i like the show, either!! its genuinely one of the nicest fanbases ive been in since rotg. even though its fucking huge, everyone ive met is still really nice and supportive!!!
LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: im fucking bomb at english. other than that, im passable at french, and i can certainly sound out basic japanese symbols.
FAVORITE FILM OF 2016:  definitely kubo
LAST ARTICLE YOU READ: uhh probably that snopes article going around about neilsen families
SHUFFLE YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY AND PUT YOUR FIRST THREE SONGS HERE: some nights by fun., bad blood by bastille, and silhouettes by of monsters and men
LAST THING YOU BOUGHT ONLINE: probably coins on lezhin
ANY PHOBIAS OR FEARS: uhhh im generally scared that im actually rly annoying. also, eyes. like when bad guys are always like *holds up knife to heros eye* “im gonna stab it out hehehe >B))” yeah that shit makes me squirm
HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU? ”a really creative writer, super kind and funny, and a Meme Lord” - jan "the ultimate being. the peak of evolution. born of zeus’ head, the worlds greatest artist, friend, and ℳℰℳℰ” - sav
HOW WOULD YOUR ENEMIES DESCRIBE YOU? i cant exactly ask them but id assume it would go something like “shes just..... too powerful..! too wonderful! i am jealous of her and therefore align myself against her!! i am a sad human beinggggggg” something like that
WHO WOULD YOU TAKE A BULLET FOR? kakyoin noriaki family and friends mostly.
IF YOU HAD MONEY TO SPARE WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST? my college tuition after that, probably a cintiq (and also some art skills) or maybe a shitton of nerds rope
i tag @ekijen @storm337 @lemonplea and @profsplosion B))
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poeticpines · 11 years
i really wish i was professional
like quality blog and shit with awesome replies and not just this shithead people know as khyle
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