#im terrified but all this stuff has to be good rigjt??
roohfully · 5 years
i cant sleep at all i feel too hype
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Dumb dad things the boys would be caught doing
-super casual and simple but like
-Hed totally get caught just pushing your kid over
-Like he doesn’t know you saw so when your little boy just plops down and starts whining you just “why’d you do that?”
-And he plays it off “i didn’t do anything wym”
-“Zabdiel i literally just saw you push our son”
-He shrugs
-“I think he kinda deserved it”
-bc he was in his bubble apparently ur kid deserved it. Valid
-probably would get caught having a full convo with your son too
-not even about fun cute kid stuff either, it’s about things he needs to remember to do, telling him a story about something douchey someone did on tour
-Thats just very Zabdi, long deep thought out talks with his bb son about life even though he can’t understand
-K but something dangerous but not really
-Zabdiel is kinda aloof sometimes rigjt
-and is big gentle man giant
-So i see him as doing something like letting your toddler climb him literally like a tree when he’s bored and while Zab is busy on the phone or doing something important and just can’t handle it rn
-Hes multitasking big time while you’re gone
-He needs to be on this call right now, but has to start making dinner and cleaning some little messes here and there
-Your son is begging for attention that he just can’t give
-so he does what any dad would do and just picks him up to ease him
-And after awhile ur kid gets kinda restless, starts climbing dad like a play thing
-he climbs up and down his torso, on his head, jumping back onto him from the counter when Zabdi sets him down for a second
-Which is valid given Zabdiel can handle it and can take care of his kid, but...
-it’s not the best sight to see walking in the door to your family with your son next to a hot stove top, plunging himself off to dangle off of your baby daddies stiff arm
-Youre driving home from work/school after a long day
-You pull into your neighborhood and on the corner of your street you spot it
-Your child
-On a baby leash
-rolling around in the leaves
-Erick just laughing and encouraging
-and you honk at them from your view in your car and when he sees you
-He starts laughing even harder
-Totally catch him one night playing with your kid in his room
-and as you peek in you see them just hangin, playin and all of a sudden your son snatches a plastic Dinosaur rigjt out of Ericks hands
-and Erick really sadly “heeeyy- i was playing with that 😞”
-Hed start fake crying
-Your son gets sad too and starts actually crying
-“lo siento, daddy im really sorry” in between sobs (also imagine that voice and ur lil boy with a lisp)
-Erick panics
-“aahh esta bien, niño. Let’s play with the Dino together.”
-Holds your little boy in his lap and they play together
-You cry happy tears a lil bit in the hallway
-Erick is also still like a child so this is 100% truth:
-Would get caught actually genuinely arguing with your son
-Theyre yelling at each other (your son in baby toddler babbles), and Erick is heated heated
-“que está pasando niños??” You try to gauge the situation immediately
-“he stole my last ice cream sandwich i hid in the fridge!!”
-You want to yeLL
-he glares at your son, who revolts with a tongue sticking out and arms crossed
-“you think you’ll get away with it, huh? Cuz ur cute,” he argues with him and you have to actually talk him down from his stubbornness
-“i was saving it for later today :(( “ he whines as you pull him in like you would your baby for a comforting “its ok” hug
-You’d be in the kitchen
-Come out into the living room to ask Joel to get ur little baby ready to eat
-And you catch him deadass recording your baby crying on the floor, a pile of toys around her
-“bro tf”
-“She was dancing and fell into her toy box”
-“Then whY you recording ?”
-“.....bc it was funny 😔”
-Would also do your daughters hair himself sometimes and dress her
-And you know he knows what he’s doing
-But like he also forgets she’s a baby too
-You have to remind him your daughter really shouldn’t be using his grown man curl products just yet
-or that she can’t wear a shirt that says “fuck” in it
-and she is definitely not wearing a bandana like that to picture day
-teaches your kid how to thirst trap !!
-this hoe!
-catch them both in the bathroom mirror one day, he’s shirtless, lil cute baby girl in his arms
-and she’s serving !!
-Like duh she’s your guys’ kid so she’s beautiful n shit but
-she’s posing and tilting her head in the right angles in this cute lighting (bc daddy taught her to find her perfect angle)
-He shrugs like “what’d you expect, we’re hot stuff” and smirks
-Openly and unapologetically teaching your kid how to say bad words
-and recoRDING IT
- to POST on his insta
-also would get caught scripting a whole thing for her to perform for the camera
-convinces her that the reason his hair is red is bc he drank all of his juice mommy gave him instead of spilling it out for the dog to drink
-your kid chugs down that juice like her life depends on it so she can have red hair like papi too
-tells her stories that the snacks she wants to eat before dinner make you scream and that’s why she shouldn’t eat them before dinner
-convinces her by shoving his mouthful of potato chips and immediately starts screaming to prove his point
-ur kid laughs but is also kinda terrified
-gets caught reading her stories and getting reallyyyy into it
-like acting and doing dramatically different voices for the characters
-Does the Joel thing and just dresses her head to toe in ICE like the most expensive jewelry and clothes
-kinda salt bc you don’t even dress like that
-have to stop her before you send her to school bc you know she’s gonna lose one of those expensive necklaces in the sand box or something
-Another instance where you’re driving home alone
-Whipping down the street to see your toddler running down the sidewalk a few blocks away happily
-You flip and swerve over to park on the side of the street bc wtf ! Your kid !!
-But as soon as you park you see him
-Its Chris sprinting just as fast, frantically too
-Finally catches up with your kid and swoops her up in his arms with a relieved breath
-You roll down your window slowly
-“You pretty lil things need a ride home?” You yell out and when he looks up to see you caught him he’s dEAD
-also teaches your daughter how to cuss and cackles so hard bc it’s funny to hear her call each of her uncles “puto”
-id see something happening like
-You walk out of the room for one second during dinner and when you come back it’s food fight chaos
-Chris and your kid are racing to see who can eat the fastest but also there’s food flying everywhere bc they’re trying to distract one another and win
-lil baby hits Chris in the eye with a fistful of eggs (in this scenario it’s breakfast for dinner thx) and then he counters the hit by throwing his whole pancake at her face
-also gets caught playing dress up a little too good
-You glimpse in her room and she’s painting his nails, slapping on some gross little kid lipgloss all over his face
-and all the while Chris is smiling and acting like a pretty lady, flipping his hair around and batting his lashes all nice
-they spew some chisme back and forth, sip fake tea, and do cute model walks down the room
-You take secret pictures of the event for later blackmail
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