#im teaching myself japanese and thats going kinda okay
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biohazard-inevitable · 8 months ago
The urge to consume knowledge for fun because you dont know what to do in life is so fucking real
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zhuhongs · 3 years ago
OKAY SO i woke up kinda sick and took medicine but the medicine made me worse but i still went to class when i rlly didnt need to bc only 6 ppl went and we just got extra credit, played a card game, and left early. in the middle of said class i learned its 100 percent not an option to study abroad in spring bc the japanese government its issuing visas. which i knew would probably happen and its a good thing financially for me to not go but im ofc still bummed. so now i must stick out the whole year teaching and i decided on a new approach and it will help but ofc it wont fix everything and its on me to make sure i implement it well. but thats the thing. i took this job hoping itd make me a more consistent, structured, and more.. firm person. i thought itd fix me. but no, i put myself in a job that'd force me to fix myself. it was always on me to do this. no one can do it for me. and now im getting to the hard part of acquiring those skills thru trial and error and its messy. and i ofc am young and can quit and learn this later but ik me. and if i do quit, i will just delay this change for indefinitely which will make it harder to pick up in the future. so now i must persevere and get thru it. no matter how painful bc it will help me in the end. but god is it painful and messy and embarrassing and not fair to my students but i need to do it at some point and now is as good as ever. so yea. and i legit. did the same thing my first year at retail. i was bad... extremely BAD at my job and it was embarrassing and frustrating . bc that was. retail... and im sooo used to doing things right the first time now bc most things i do now, are things ive been doing forever. or they are related to skills i already have had since i was young. so i dont remember what it was like to learn it. so now, pursuing smth completely different is scary and hard and i shut down bc im sooo used to being "naturally" good at stuff and i need to humble myself and work hard and fall and cry. and i dont like that. but if i dont do it now, then ill have to do it when im even older and that will make it worse so im just. sitting here, knowing i cant run away and i need to change. and i want to take the easy way out but there's no easy way out anymore. and this is what it means to be an adult.
and thats okay. I'll wake up bright and early on monday morning, put on my cap, tighten my hair in braids, and wear my uniform well. and i will be brave and i will do what i need to do. i will make sure i get done what i need to get done. and i will be better off for it
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amphii-writes · 4 years ago
how Shiratorizawa and i would interact head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
warning: swearing
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God i cant even start on how fucking wild this would be
I feel like for some reason Ushijima would just kinda grab me one day and ask me to be a manager
Id be like uH SURE BIG SCARY MAN because,, like hes fucking tall look at him i dont wanna piss bear man off
So id be chilling and he’d just wait for me outside of my last class like mfker did RESEARCH ON ME
He’d just be like “we must go to the gym now” and id just be fucking QUAKING
Id be shitting in my pants like,,, dude fuck this, like id be “thinking of all my routes of escape and not notice tendou trying to talk to me” fuck this
My dumbass would be snapped out of my fucking daydream by ushijima calling me rude and id just EVAPORATE
Soul?: gone. Dead?: as hell. Cheeks?: clapped
I feel like tendou would get the idea and try to calm me down and ushijima would stand there like ???
We’d get there and id be met with goshiki- a tall mama’s boy and just feel relieved
God id be so happy to see someone not absolutely fucking scary
Id meet the team and be as nice as possible, i feel like tendou would call me miracle-chan or something cause “it's a miracle you accepted the position from Ushiwaka”
Bro semi is the resident pretty boy of the team so i wouldn't be able to talk to him for at least a week tbh
Pretty boys scare me,, i much prefer sweaty gamer boys who give off “i-drink-bathwater” vibes
Bro id see shirabu’s bangs and,,, fuckin try so hard not to laugh like hun your bangs look like a 3rd grade art project
Dude id look to goshiki like “dude please god say a joke i need to laugh” and shirabu would say some bullshit and his hair would sway or some shit and id combust
Tendou would 100% find that fucking COMEDY GOLD
Shirabu would think i laughed at his sny remark / roast and not his hair so poggers 
Then they’d invite me to the group chat called “we the SHIT-ratorizawa” (named by tendou)
God ushijima would be like “now that you are our manager i should explain things to you as the captain” and shit
Homeboy,,, i love him a lot but he speaks like a fuCKING PRINTER
I would for sure try to avoid him explaining things to me just because he doesn't seem like,,, he's the best at it
Like he can explain volleyball to me but nothing else
Another thing is that i would totally make bets with tendou and lose most of them because i don't know a lot about volleyball so he’d word things to confuse me and suddenly i have to show up to practice in a cute eagle based outfit cause school spirit or something like that. Like i'd be wearing cute wings and a cute lil lolita dress and poor goshiki would just combust on sight
Tendou would laugh his ass off and ushijima would be like “that is not appropriate clothing for a manager” and i'd explain to him about the bet and then he’d be like “oh, well you look darling. Tendou did a good job” aND JUST LEAVE AFTER DROPPING THAT FUCKIN BOMB ON ME
Goshiki would compliment the outfit so much and be such a gentleman about it and i love that so much
Tendou would feel like hes walking on the fucking clouds, man is for sure a pervert and i know it so he’d be making lewd jokes but he’d make sure im not uncomfortable, which poggers to at least asking me if im okay with that
Shirabu would walk into the gym, see me, and then walk out of the gym no cap
Homie couldn't handle 5’2 manager in a lolita dress with wings
As goshiki said i “Look like an angel” and shirabu is just such a sinner he couldn't handle seeing such a holy being (sarcastically)
So anyways practice went awesomely and i leave
Tendou offers to walk me home cause i'm in an outfit that “men might find appealing” in his words
Lmao one dude would try to talk to me and tendou would just fucking glare and boom problem gone instantly
Tendou is 100% great bodyguard material you can't fight me on something that's 100% correct
Later on the team asks me to wear it to one of their games and not practice cause they find it very cute
I do because i lost a game rock paper scissors against shirabu
Oikawa for sure would notice the fucking chick with wings and get even more pissed. Rip for me and my team
Shiratorizawa won of course, causing oikawa to look absolutely dead on the inside
Ya know Ushijima would be ushijima after the game, like oh cool we won and tendou would be fuckin BALLIN
Tendou would taunt aoba johsai with the dice roll walk and that scares me
Bro id hear baki baki for the first time and just be like ⍢?
But then again baki baki also kinda slaps so i might hum it from the sidelines
The whole team would celebrate after the game and get food or something
I  would take advantage of the fact that the coaches are using the schools credit card and just get the nicest shit
Tendou also would pull that shit with me lmao
I feel like tendou would bring up the fact that i'm clearly not japanese and ask me if i'm a exchange student
He’d ask me if i knew french or another language and ask me if i could teach him some, Deadass a sweetie about it
Ushijima would ask me about american sports and if volleyball is big in america, would be sad to find out it isn't
Man would fucking hate football so much like im- mfker built like a linebacker too
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Thank you for reading! have a good day/evening/night!
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years ago
so the other day i got drunk with coworkers and one said they were probably leaving and i cried because i was drunk and tired and theyve been nice to be since day one even when others weren’t
later karaoke which meant more alcohol
after we all split up and i went home and coworker asked if he and another dude could come around which was fine but i was gonna meet them at the station but they ended up at my house
except it was only dude 1
apparently dude 2 was on the phone so i let 1 in
he was saying stuff and idk why but i asked if he was married when i knew he was and he said yes but he hasn’t spoken to his wife in half a year and she lives on a completely different island
he then decided it was the perfect time to confess he liked me???
i did say i liked him in return but made it pretty clear that i wouldnt get involved while he had a wife but i think it may have sounded like an ultimatum (me or her) which isn’t what i intended (keep in mind we were both drunk, but not completely off our face, it was almost 2am and the whole thing was in japanese so i cant explain myself fully - they dont teach you this shit in textbooks lmao)
like he was saying if he left his wife would i date him??
i didnt outright say no for some reason (i think i was shocked??) but i was like ‘well, id feel bad for your wife, itd be difficult, i dont think my boss would approve’ (they want us to stay in the city but not permanently lol)
dude your going to be moving back with your wife (more than likely), you think its okay to cheat on her so why wouldnt you cheat on me? also what if you have a kid? (hes 10 ish years older) like i dont want to be responsible for any kid at my age, let alone one that is probably half my age! also, divorce isnt super common and if the kids classmates (assuming he has a kid) found out that his parents divorced so his dad could go fuck a foreigner that much younger than him, theyd probably be super bullied
when i told my friends they acted like it wasnt a big deal and if he left his wife it wouldnt be my fault, but this shit has been eating at me since thursday. in all honesty hes staying with his wife just because, so he probably should leave if his heart isnt in it, but i also dont know if its true that he hasnt spoken to her
i dont want to over react, but i think its kinda shitty that he used the other guy as an excuse to come over (because i would not have said yes to one guy alone coming over) and that hes willing to be such a shitty person. also, the fact that he thought i would hook up when his married says a lot about what he thinks about me. and who wants to start a long distance relationship? like, changing from ‘normal’ to long distance is fine, but starting like that is weird imo
my friends said he probs just wants to get to know me better and its?? we sit across from each other at work, there was no excuse to not get to know me before hand? and they were like ‘isnt it nice to have someone like you?’ well sure. but if we struggle to communicate thats an issue, right? and tbh, if hes willing to leave his wife, thats a big step for just dating
i dont know maybe im rambling or whatever but its got me shook and i dont appreciate being put in this situation :/ hopefully hes sobered up and realised it was a bad idea (its been four days since ive seen him and we havent messaged) and he wont bring it up again. so i hope hes moving so i dont have to deal with it because i honestly dont know how to say ‘hey youre being kinda shitty’ in japanese and explain the whole thing :/
if youve got thoughts im happy to hear them lmao
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honey-speedway · 6 years ago
i want to go to school so badly.
i want to go to uofc for education. i wanna do my program then hopefully get into the jet programme, which would allow me the opportunity to teach english in japan for a max of like 4 years. i want to specialize in teaching second languages in my course, because i love languages more than anything else, and i can pursue what i love while doing something that will get me a job. ive always liked teaching, and kids. i assisted dance classes for years. i substituted for my japanese teacher for volunteer hours.
my mom hates teachers though. weve had very bad experiences with teachers, and id have to join the teachers union. my mom is very right wing and hates unions pretty well.
when i brought this up to her she urged me to go into another program less generalized, which would be east asian language studies/ east asian studies. problem is, while it would get me a bachelors degree so i could try for jet, theres nothing there that will get me a job. she thinks i could get a government job with something like that, but even after extensive research, i was right, east asian studies is a stepping stone. its something additional to another degree. on its own, its pointless. and im not paying for something that wont get me a job.
ive watched my sister, who wanted to go into graphic design, be urged out of it by my parents, go into photo journalism, and be stuck in an industry where she makes no money. she cant afford to move out, and there are so few jobs for her, it doesnt matter where she goes. its the same shit.
i wanted to apply in october when they first opened, and ive sat because im so scared. my mom didnt talk to my sister for three days when she got accepted to school. i cant do what i want in red deer. i can start education here, but theres not a damn thing for second languages. why would i waste my time for two years where i cant do what i want.
someone close to me intends on going to calgary in the fall too, and im scared that somehow ill be stuck here. im petrified, to the point where i feel like imposing the same ultimatum i did with my graduation. if i cant go pursue a future and a career, will i ever find freedom? am i going to be stuck working minimum wage jobs i hate in a city i hate in a home where i feel awful most of the time? if thats what my future will be painted, i think id rather just end it then and there, even if i know thats a horribly unhealthy way of thinking. and i hate that ive been thinking that way of late. i havent felt so anxious about anything in a long time
i wish the answers were so simple, but trying to explain my family’s dynamics to anyone is like speaking foreign tongue. there isnt a “just go theyll get over it” option.
im terrified and im terrified of myself
ive always clung to whats in the distance, whats five feet ahead of me, hell, the only reason im alive and have a better mindset was my promise in grade 8 to myself that if things didnt get better by the time i graduated, id kill myself in may, just before grad. because if nothing changed by then, nothing ever would. things did get better, and i like to think im a well adjusted person with a healthier outlook on life, im just in a bit of a rut right now, but if theres no school in calgary for me, whats the point? if the future is unknown, and the outlook is bleak, whats there to live for?
i promise im not suicidal if anyone is actually reading this, its just a thought thats been plaguing me recently, and writing things out kinda helps me work through my own problems. helps me vent, and lets me breathe again.
ill just have to keep trying to convince my mom to give me the okay, even if i have to face her anger and sadness, because i will not yield and go into something i dont wish to do. or something that will leave me with no job. i will be paying for everything entirely myself. i will be working and juggling school. its going to be hard, but the raw taste of freedom on my tongue and the blood sweat and tears of hard work motivates me oddly enough.
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