#im sure this is all absolutely bad advice
rolandkaros · 1 day
i feel so awful right now man..............
#basically just had an absolutely horrible interaction w somebody and i dont know what to do about it.#i cant like. not talk to her bc i'm literally living with her but basically i lied to her abt being trans and i just feel so shitty abt it.#like she asked me what my gender the way she phrased it sounded like she knew i was trans but just wasn't sure like. what my pronouns were#so i started to explain but then she looked a bit confused...so i said i was afab and then she looks at me super horrified..#so i was like fuck fuck fuck ok uh haha it was a mistake tho. u know. complete mistake they actually just put a typo on my birth certificat#and now im like. well i guess i have to keep up that lie#but i just feel so awful man because i really thought my housing situation was gonna be fine and i wasnt gonna have to worry about it#since all my housemates are nice (including her)...but i have to see her every single day.#like honestly even if someone's kinda weird abt me being trans i can manage AS LONG AS WE DONT TALK ABT IT#but now that ive lied ive dug that hole for myself so she might keep asking questions and GOD how do i even manage this situation.#idk man. its just been such a long time i think since ive felt this genuinely scared and ashamed of my transness.#like this is the first time in years i've flat out lied about it and i just feel so fucking shitty.#and it sucks so bad because genuinely i was having such a good day and i've been so stressed recently so i was so fucking excited!!#a good day!! and i was gonna go home and make some stupid gifs of the karo/aryna match and then THIS happens#and i dont even want to do anything i just want to curl up in a ball and die.#and i have to deal with this literally for a year. and no way around it#and i was already struggling so much with the change and trying to tell myself that it was all going to be ok and that i could manage#but if i have to deal with this as a stresser for an entire year. like i legitimately dont think i can do that.#so i guess my options are to either come out to her and risk the consequences#or to see if i can change rooms (which means she's def ask questions about why and it'll be awkward and i might have to come out anyway)#so LOSE LOSE situation basically.#fuck.#i fucking hate this so much#and the worst part is she's friends with all the other housemates and i dont really know them. so im like god.#i feel like im in fucking middle school again. what if they're all talking about me. what if they're speculating behind my back#and i dont really have any strong friends here yet so i feel like there's literally nobody i can talk to about it.#hence why it is going on tumblr dot com#and i cant even ask my fucking parents for advice because they are ALSO weird about trans stuff!#like who do i even go to advice for with this kind of thing????#like i REALLY want to move rooms that feels like the easiest option but then i have to. actually MOVE. which is not subtle at all you know
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x dc AU where Dick adopts teenage Danny into his family with Kor’i and Mar’i
Mar’i had always wanted a sibling, all seven years of her life in fact!! Toys and play times with friends couldnt possibly compare to having a brother or a sister, and she knew this as a fact from some of her school mates.
So when her dad brings home a kid that was all cut up and bruised, and her mom patches him up because something about his “biology” was weird- Mar’i sees this as an opportunity in the making!
Danny is healing up slowly but surely in Nightwings house, and he feels like a total intrusion. He’s now seen their faces and it feels like so much trust has been placed in him with no way for him to repay it. So he’s moping a bit, hanging in his room reading a book based on his video game series when a small child walks in, her arms filled with board games and toys.
“Hello, will you be my big brother?” Is all she asks him with a straight face, her eyes incredibly serious for someone so small.
“Er, im just here until-“
“Want to play a game?” Mar’i changes the subject favoring a specific board game in her hands. Rule number one of negotiation is to never let them say no- her uncle Damian taught her that.
“…yeah, sure.” Danny accepts because honestly? He could at least repay Nightwing and Starfire by babysitting right? They play a few games and then dinner gets brought in and for once, Danny feels like he’s having a normal family meal.
Next time she comes into his room, he’s focused on healing one of his larger wounds from the power in his core- he’s floating and his eyes are green. Mar’i is ECSTATIC. He fits in PERFECTLY.
“WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY BIG BROTHER?!?” Mar’i persistently asks every single day. Danny laughs and smiles and pats her head.
Once he’s feeling better, he starts patrolling with Nightwing, just to pay him back. Not that he’s having fun bashing goons and getting solid hero advice for the first time in his life.
Then he goes to Tameran with Kor’i for a diplomatic mission (his royal ambdassadorship/ king titles tbd) to discuss the Infinite Realms and why they absolutely need to abandon their attempts to use ghost artifacts. Kor’i explains how proud she is of him as they fly home.
He gets invited to all their family outings now, and he is overwhelmed by how accepted he is. How much the Bats all seem to leave him space for boundaries but invite him to do things very much to his interests (they are detectives after all). Once its safe, Jazz comes every now and then from her Ivy League college to hang out with them all and spend time with Danny. She gives him the advice he needed to hear about accepting good things into his life and deserving happiness.
One day Mar’i has a bad day at school, and when Danny gets home from his own community college classes- he brings her into a big hug, makes her a cup of tea from her mom’s home planet and once she’s comforted and happy again he says “hey, what are big brothers for?”
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bingusbongu · 10 months
Hey can you do a legoshi x male lion reader dating hcs? Bug boy means everything to me fr 🤞
A/N: RaAAAHHHHH I LOVE LEGOSHI HE IS MY FAVORITE BOY, he is so silly!!!!! Im absolutely happy to do this request!!! Tysm!!!! Happy reading~!
Legoshi x Male! Lion reader dating hcs!
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○ at First glance, Legoshi didnt like you, because well, youre a lion and he has had some terrible experiences regarding lion business
○ he was weary, especially with how you easily toward him despite being in the same year of school as him. Let alone, he didnt like it when you were near the more vulnerable students, he was afraid for their saftey. He knew what those teeth and claws could do.
○ though, when you were nice, especially towards the herbivores. Legoshi let off some of his worry, deciding to cut you some slack. After all, you were still a student after all. How could you have done anything bad, you weren't one of the lions who hurt him, or Haru. Maybe you werent actually a threat
○ though, when you ended up joining the drama class, he was shocked. That a big predator wanting to join acting stunned him, so did everyone! But, you managed to get along with everyone great! And the students started to warm up to you very quickly
○ and in time, you managed to actually talk to Legoshi, after him avoiding you for so long, you finally managed to crack out some conversation from him. You told him you understand his weariness, but reminded him that he couldnt always just judge a predator by his looks or past, shoving practically all his doubts up his ass
○ you manage to get Legoshi to talk to you more often! Yay!
○ he was, of course, his shy lil wolf self but you were destined to crack that shy shell and get him to talk to you more
○ which led you to getting help from Jack, who happily helped you out
○ now, you knew the secret, so, one day you brought Legoshi a free egg sandwich for breakfast and seeing how happy he got brightened your day for sure
○ so, you bringing him an egg sandwich got common, it was one of the ways you actually managed to get Legoshi to warm up to you and to actually talk to you! Win win!
○ eventually, you guys would day greetings in the halls, or after classes you meet up and talk to eachother! Legoshi obviously still afraid to share certain things, but you left it be, decided not to pry tell he was ready to tell you
○ legoshi was.. conflicted. You were a deadly preditor, that many animals feared, but you were so nice, so gentle.. unlike the other lions he had met before.
○ you kinda reminded him abit of himself, a gentle predator who wanted nothing more than to be validated and seen as sonething more than a carnivore, yet, you were alot bolder than he was
○ he started enjoying hanging out with you, even just looking forward to it, getting excited when you even gave him your number so you guys could keep in contact!
○ he started to go down a crisis, realizing how much he started liking the time with you, and how his mind would recall back to a moment where you two were touching, whether it be you patting his shoulder to comfoft him, or your swaying tail accidentally brushing past him, amd it made his tail start wagging furiously
○ jack noticed You and Legoshi hanging out alot more, and he absolutely teased the big wolfy about it
○ definitely went to Louis for advice, he was so embarrassed about it, but the deer caved in and helped him, it was kinda pathetic to see Legoshi so lost, almost worst than with Haru
○ Louis tried to persuade Legoshi to make the first move, but Legoshi, our lovely boio, was to nervous
○ so, you took matters in your own hands and invited him out to the city after school to go eat somewhere
○ Legoshi was extreamly nervous after this, especially during because he kept looking at you the whole time.
○ sweet mans wanted to hold your hand but was to anxious
○ You took his hand in his and he nearly choked on his food
○ after that, yall start dating, yippe!!!!!!
○ wolf man is absolutely smitten by you, hardly able to keeo his eyes off of you, especially during drama, which he gets yelled at for
○ Jack and the fog squad are his hype mans! Definitely hyping him up when you two of little dates like- "thats our wolf boy look at him go<333333"
○ Legoshi is to nervous to take initiative or to be the first to make any moves, so youre mainly the one who does them, like holding his habd or kissing his head?????
○ Flustered baby
○ he definitely asks you once and awhile to touch your main fur, which you happily oblige and he just melts at the softness
○ sometimes, Legoshi definitely needs Validation, he hardly gets any:((
○ So youre his supplier, making sure he knows that you care about him and love him and that he isnt a monster
○ soon, when he is comfortable, he will start coming to you if he has problems or just needs comfort
○ he will talk about bugs forever and you attempt to listen but youre to focused on how cute he is when he is excited (your ass is not listening!!!!)
○ i feel like if you pet him he would absolutely melt, like he starts shaking his leg like a dog and ITS ADORABLE
○ he is so touch starved, it took him forever to open up to it, but when he does he is clingy, only in private though, he would be to embarrassed if it was public
○ you two are the carnivore couple
○ what??? You think people dont notice how excited legoshi gets when you enter a room???? And the way you smile at him and come and sit by him?????
○ its so obvious hun
○ i like to imagine some people are just happy to see Legoshi in an actual healthy relationship, regardless if its with a big lion guy, hey atleast hes happy!!!
○ you need to take care of him, this poor man forgets that he has to take care of himself, so sometimes you have to force him to rest, drink water, or to eat
○ you lecture him while your probably petting him so he aint listening
○ he wants to get stronger for you to impress you and show you he is strong too!! Even though your basically the man of the relationship he still tries
○ Let him impress you, he gets so happy when you praise him like cmon
○ would throw himself into danger just to keep you safe, though you would do the same but ur like 'baby please dont'
○ definitely lets you brush his fur, and if you let him, would love to brush out your main
○ love. Him. Validate. Him.
○ he has been through alot, he needs so much love i swear
○ good thing he has you:)
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lokorum · 7 days
Your art so surreal, did you take inspiration from African masks it’s amazing. You have probably gotten this question before but what’s your process and how do plan these beautiful pieces out. I am a beginner artist and would like some advice on how start doing digital painting.
thank you for bringing me back from the dead with your kindness, (i was so sad today ughhhh i think watching vampire diaries starting to affect me hjkhjk), i really, really deeply thankful that you spend your time to write something so sweet (also sorry it took me literally ages to reply phphp THE USUAL)
yeah, in buryatia shamanism like the big thing, so when i went to search what's out there in the masks department - google's mess of the results for once was helpful and showed this massive collection of beautiful african masks. the one that was inspo for tiisha lived in my head rent free for weeks before the character was even born phphph now i cant even imagine her without it 
(here is little tiisha for you before i'll proceed to be not helpfull phphphph)
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oof advices are not my strong side , like..........my process mostly is just sleep through the whole thing i guess..........................i very rarely do sketches, i hate study anatomy and perspective, drawing cubes makes me physically sick etc etc my approach to drawing were "fuck around and find out", always about chill and fun and barely ever about learning. imho thats why im so shitty at drawing simple things but not bad at coloring. so yeah, my biggest advice always and forever will be - be gentle to yourself, please
digital or traditional or whatever else is out there, dont forget you make it for yourself and for yourself only okay? it supposed to be fun, not sad tiring and competitive 
advices for digital specifically tho - very objective, apply with caution
learn all the keyboard shortcuts, ideally to press them without thinking 
explore more instruments than just brush. it will be tedious and sometimes feel like a chore so mb pick one victim once a month and browse youtube for a stuff like SECRET ULTIMATE TIPS ABOUT MAGIC WAND TOOL THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE (they indeed will save your life) 
check if your drawing program has artboards - turning it on will give you more freedom over canvas positioning  and your refs will always be there and not in the separate window 
idk about others but using auto tone, auto contrast and auto color often gives me well needed perspective on what im doing 
in 99% cases be sure that you can reanimate even the most messiest artpiece you ever did. working in digital gives you the chance to mess with shapes, colors and perspective at any time so if you dont want to gave up on something - you absolutely didnt have to
from time to time while you are still learning - go out there in the wilds and search for the new brushes. tweak with them if you want. i have like ~500 and i use 6 max, but those 6 i found by at some point trying to draw with all of the 500
MADE. BACK UPS. and i mean not like save layers just in case before merging them (tho that's too will help) no, i mean click SAVE AS once an hour and create A NEW FILE. PLEASE. i lost so much stuff to sudden power outage. its never pretty and you loosing will to work for days
watch at least one tutorial about the whole rgb srgb and cmyk thing - i did, understood not a thing, but at least im not playing dora the explorer with my colors after the export now 
uh idk think thats it? tried to think about those that id hope i knew when i started so hopefully something will help 
have fun with your drawings!! 
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
hi! do you have any advice on how to get started writing disabled characters? like, get over that fear and start putting the pen to paper? I have my research and my character and stuff but Im nervous that Im gonna fuck it up and make bad representation. how do you think is the way to determine I’ve written a character “good enough” in representing a disability?
If you have a character and done research, you're already doing pretty good! I don't think that there is some magical way to know if what you're writing is "good enough", mostly because people will have different standards when it comes to representation.
The best thing you can do is try your best and be open to feedback from your disabled readers. I think that also questioning why you're doing certain things with your character can be helpful, because we all have biases (myself included obviously). I often see people have their characters with facial differences be "edgy, violent, dark past, etc." with the author defending it as "they just are like that!" but at the end of the day, it's a fictional character that a human being made, the character doesn't have free will. So if your worry is bad rep, sit down and try to figure out what exactly it is that bothers you, and examine it - why does it worry you? is this attached to some bias? are abled characters treated in a similar way, or is the disabled one singled out? what are the elements that could be inaccurate, and if yes, why are they like that?
Obviously, you can't catch every single issue that could ever occur, because that's impossible for anyone. But I'm absolutely sure that if writers simply thought about their choices a bit more, the general state of representation would be miles ahead of what we currently have.
Some of my suggestions to help with the fear of starting:
Consider basing the character off someone you know with the same disability. Try to think if your recreation of that is true to how they exist or not so much. If you have a real example of the kind of person you're trying to represent, it's much easier to catch yourself writing something that doesn't make sense. It also helps that you could ask them a specific question about what you're writing and get some first-hand information that theoretical research doesn't generally give.
Perhaps start with disabilities that aren't as impactful on the character's life. (Start is a bit of a key word, because I absolutely want people to write more severely/moderately disabled characters too). Obviously, disability is disabling, but there will be a difference between writing a character with mild photophobia and a character with high level complete quadriplegia. There's just ultimately fewer things that you have to consistently consider, and that can be helpful when starting. And once you're more comfortable writing disabled characters, you can diversify the kinds of characters that you include!
Honestly, if you did your research and aren't falling into any basic tropes, the vast majority of disabled readers will forgive the small inaccuracies (unless you're going to be writing about a character having a seizure and someone else putting an object in their mouth. We are going to correct that because that's dangerous). E.g. if your character with a large scar is portrayed respectfully and kindly, I will look over the lack of mentions of nerve damage because though it is nice to see as well, that's not the main thing I'm looking for. If I was looking for 100% accurate writing about disability, I would be reading non-fiction by disabled writers.
If you have the specific character mostly conceptualized and are willing to share, feel free to just send us the background and parts that worry you, and we will try to give some hopefully useful feedback! =)
Thanks for the ask! I hope it's helpful
mod Sasza
I agree with everything Sasza has said! I'm adding a couple of my own thoughts:
If you are really stuck and really don't have any specific ideas on what disabilities you want to write about, try adding a little randomization. You can search for something like "common disabilities in [character's age group]" or "common health conditions in [character's geographic location]" and pick one at random. Roll dice if you need to! I'm not saying this to be glib or dismissive – I know I can often get stuck when it comes to making decisions, which includes creative decisions like making characters. The aspect itself of getting stuck can be a little intimidating. So if an aspect of randomness helps you get unstuck, you can dive into more specific research a bit more easily – like, if the dice roll led you to cerebral palsy, then you can focus on researching cerebral palsy instead of trying to think of all the possible things you could choose for your character.
You can visit a couple of websites for different conditions and disabilities, including subReddits. I don't mean to start participating in these discussions, but it helps to see disabilities in a context that isn't just "this is how you/your family member will be diagnosed and this is how the treatment will be." It can feel confusing and a little lost to only see disabilities in that context, so seeing it in a broader way – like people just talking about their life experiences – can help take some of the intimidation factor away.
And I just want to reiterate, if you focus on writing with care and treating your character like a full person of their own with their own inner world, agency, and ability to take part in the story, if you make mistakes it will not be the end of the world. The thing I want the most out of disabled characters is for them to be people more than they are tropes.
Hope this helps!
– mod sparrow
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snaillock · 10 months
bllk boys helping their bf through his period
feat. sae, isagi, nagi
am having the worsssttt cramps rn so im revisiting this ancient ass draft (it’s really just from early july) and im abt to have a self indulgent fest with this enjoy!!
tags: afab/transmale!reader, descriptions of dysphoria and periods, clueless but cute boyfriends
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sae itoshi
★ finding out that you started your period definitely explains why you were snappier with him despite you usually being so patient with his sassy and curt retorts.
★ you’re most likely his first relationship since he’s mainly been focused on soccer for literally his entire life so he has no previous experiences dealing stuff like this. so if you need anything you’ll have to tell him directly.
★ he definitely expresses his best love by giving you things you need and helping you out in any way he can. so you could literally ask him for anything and it will be done as quickly as it takes for him to pull out his credit card (which is very fast by the way.)
★ he would buy you some expensive teas since he heard they can help with the pain. does he have any clue on how to brew them? no. did you have to walk him through every step of the process by yelling out instructions from the living room all the way to the kitchen? yes you did.
★ even though it was a bit too bitter, his first attempt actually wasn’t that bad at all.
★ he wants to spend way more time with you even if his agent or coach complains about it. he does not care at all. he will be staying with you until you feel much better.
★ during his time off taking care of you, you can tell that he’s a lot more affectionate with you. he’s way more cuddly than usual and gives you plenty of kisses. if you try to bring it up with him, he’ll just deny it, claiming that he’s only giving you his body heat to help with your cramps (when he could literally just buy a heating pad if that was. the case like ok man).
★ despite your dysphoria acting up and telling you otherwise, sae will never treat you any different even when he sees this side of you. you will always be his beloved boyfriend even if he has trouble expressing that to you
★ well expressing that to you verbally at least. once your period is over, he will surprise you with a bunch of new clothes in your style to help sooth your dysphoria in his own way.
isagi yoichi
★ he may seem calm on the outside when you reluctantly told him but inside he is panicking. he’s just desperately trying to keep a chill demeanor for your sake.
★ he has absolutely no idea on how to help you but he is trying his best. he frantically looks up anything online that could help and speed reads through like ten different advice articles within a minute. (for sure has looked up “how to help boyfriend on his period” before)
★ if you’re ever insecure/worried that this whole situation being weird or even uncomfortable for him, then he will instantly gain back all his composure to reassure you that it’s okay and none of this grosses him out. he’ll make sure that you know none of this makes him see you as less of a man and that he loves him nonetheless
★ now that he’s super focused on just making you feel comfortable with your period, he’ll spend extra time in bed with you. he’s more than happy to take a day off and just movies with you (or just naps together if you wanna sleep the cramps away.)
★ he is so damn encouraging. if you’re experiencing a particularly painful cramp, he’ll immediately run off to get you some pain medicine before holding you close to physically comfort you through it.
nagi seishiro
★ the fact that you’re on your period doesn’t freak him out at all really. though he is very confused so he just texts reo every two minutes on what he should do. of course reo is more than happy to help out but it does get a little annoying when nagi asks him every little thing that he should honestly just google. (he’s just so used to his best friend’s help ok?😔)
★ he’s willing to put away (most) of his laziness aside to help you out because he knows you would do the same for him whenever he feels unwell.
★ literally the best cuddle partner you could ask for right now. that 190 cm mans is basically your personal heated blanket with extremely long legs. honestly an amazing deal.
★ he’s more than happy to just relax with you and just play video games while snacking on any sweet foods that you’re craving together.
★ if you’re too weak to want to walk on your own, then he will carry you around the house if you need to move somewhere. he loves doing it because he does NOT want to separate from you once you get out of bed. the only time he’ll let go is when you need to use the bathroom but he will mope around right outside the door.
★ if you express any insecurities caused by your dysphoria, he will put down his game and immediately smother you into the bed, not giving you any opportunities to doubt yourself any further. his body practically cocooning you with his nonchalant words on how you’ll always be a man in his eyes instantly cheers you up. nagi’s cuddles are the best dysphoria treatment (real!)
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gii-1 · 3 months
How are you? I was thinking if you could write an jjk boys in Hollywood AU
jjk boys - hollywood au
ft. megumi, yuji, inumaki, yuta.
notes: im note sure what you fully meant by jjk boys so i just put all the ones from tokyo! hope you’re ok with that ( ・∇・) this was very hard for me to do so im kinda nervous if i did it right.
megumi ->
• i find it hard to picture megumi as an actor, i feel like it would be difficult for him to become an actor so it would probably take him more time to get the hang of it.
• but when he does, and if he’s really passionate about it he would be able to be really good at acting.
• i can imagine him getting into a really awkward conversation with one of those fans that go crazy about their favourite actor that they become a borderline stalker.
• he’d be so incredibly unsettled by it
• like if you were to cut the atmosphere with a knife it would be very thick
• i also think he would be the type to be extremely honest and blunt with his words, especially in interviews. this would garner a lot of attention.
• going back to him interacting with his fans, he would definitely be same.
• if you give him one of the most sincere, loving compliments in the world watch him go wordless. he’d be so flabbergasted that someone even views him that highly. will definitely remember you.
yuji ->
• this guy is an absolute movie connoisseur
• i can with 100% certainty he could easily become a good actor
• he would definitely aim to star in movies that are horror, but i also feel like he’d enjoy starring in romance movies aswell
• he will definitely be able to emotionally get into the moment when preforming a scene
• he’s so polite its not even funny anymore
• he would be very open in a interview, like he would be open about his experiences and you would be able to get to know a lot about him
• i can imagine him being ecstatic when seeing his fans, would be so happy if you asked him for a photo, he’d definitely do one of those silly poses or just have a big smile on his face.
• even talking to his fans would be really happy for him, i can imagine him to be a very friendly guy when it comes to his fans
• if he had any of those weird fans he would still be very polite about it and still talk to them, but he’d express his discomfort some way or another.
• if he got gifts from his fans he would cherish them with his life, like they spent time thinking about him and even got him a gift out of their own kindness, he’d be honoured.
inumaki ->
• i see him as a man of few words, being able to convey scenes in his own style using actions which plays out really well. this would be a very good trait of his.
• i feel like you can tell which movies he stars in because of this
• he’d have a very unique way of performing and putting his own twist to it makes it a lot more different from what is traditionally done. this would make his acting very interesting.
• this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, quite the opposite actually.
• in interviews i feel he would be honest about his opinion on things which would very appealing to people
• but i feel like it would take him a lot of time to develop as an actor before he would find his style.
•i think he wouldn’t mind the idea of talking to his fans but he wouldn’t do it too much
• but when he does, i think he’d be very thankful about it, especially if he gets compliments.
yuta ->
• one thing i’ve noticed about him is the fact he’s a very selfless person, this ties into his acting as well.
• at first when it comes to acting he would have a lot of awkward moments but as he gets used to the flow of being an actor he’s is able to adapt quite easily.
• i see him as a very comforting person, so if his fans asked him advice or told him what they were going through he would definitely make sure they were heard, he would be extremely reassuring to them.
• i also think because of his personality you can clearly tell he’s a very respectful person, like he constantly shows this in interviews and interactions in fans, not even purposefully as a way to make his reputation better but because he’s just that type of person.
• i feel like if he somehow accidentally got himself into drama he would deal things with a lot maturity, he’d make sure theres no substantial arguments.
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slayfics · 1 year
oh my GOD im absolutely enjoying ur muichiro oneshots and chapters. You really are a talented writer making my heart flutter everytime 🥺❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 and i thought it would be really adorable if u wrote a oneshot similar to the raining scenario where muichiro gets sick because he lets u train under the shade while he stands outside to watch out for any demons. how would the reader react to a sleepy and sick muichiro 😦😦
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You look after a sick Muichiro.
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You read the letter from Shinobu over three times just to make sure you got the instructions right before walking back to Muichiro’s room. Muichiro was laying down in his bed with his eyes closed. You were afraid to wake him but sensing your presence he opened his eyes slightly and looked over at you. 
“Miss Kocho has written back. She said that if your fever doesn’t break by tomorrow morning we should go to the Butterfly Mansion to have you looked after. She also gave me a few instructions to help until then.” 
“What was her advice?” He asked. 
“Oh right! I’ll be right back!” You said and hurried off. Shinobu had said to make sure Muichiro drank a lot of water and to place a damp washcloth on his forehead.
You quickly grabbed a washcloth and ran it under some water then rung it out to make sure it wasn’t too wet. Then you filled a glass of water and came back to his room. Muichiro had closed his eyes again. Seeing him this way was painful. If he hadn’t made it a big deal to stay out training you while the weather was bad he wouldn’t be this sick. Hearing you approaching he opened his eyes slightly again.  
“She said to put this on your forehead and to make sure you drank a lot of water.”  
“Very well.” Muichiro said grabbing the damp washcloth and placing it on his forehead but over his hair. You weren’t an expert at tending to any sicknesses, but you were pretty sure the washcloth was supposed to go directly on his forehead, not on top of his hair.  
“Umm... mind if I help you?” 
“Go ahead.” He said. You carefully picked up the washcloth then moved his hair off of his forehead then placed the washcloth back on. 
“Oh, that does feel better.” He said.  
“Make sure you drink all of this too when you can.” You said placing the water next to his bed. 
“Ok.” He said then closed his eyes again. You started to walk out of the room when you heard him rustle in bed. You turned around to see him staring at you. “Do you need something else?” You asked. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Back to my room, you need to rest.” 
“Yes, but you can stay.” He said. 
“Oh... Ok.” You said walking back into the room. Muichiro closed his eyes again and you weren't sure what to make of the situation. Did he just not want to be alone? You weren't sure what to do so you stood by the bed for a bit. 
“You don’t have to just stand there.” He said after a few moments passed. You looked around the room unsure of what he wanted you to do.
Muichiro’s room was painfully simple. Just a bed and a big window that looked over the always foggy mountain. Did he mean for you to sit on the bed then?
You awkwardly sat on the other end of the bed while Muichiro sat up and drank some water.  You watched him to see his reaction to you sitting on the bed, as you were still unsure if this is what he wanted you to do.
“It’s late you should rest too.” He said as he laid back down. 
“You... want me to rest here?” You asked him to clarify. Muichiro did not speak but nodded his head slightly and watched you carefully with big eyes. You had never seen him look so vulnerable before. Seeing him with the damp washcloth on his head and pale completion made you want to care for him as best as you could, and if that meant keeping him company while he didn’t feel well you didn’t mind. You slowly laid down next to him. Muichiro closed his eyes and seemed to be more at ease.  
“Goodnight” He finally said with his eyes still closed. 
“Goodnight Tokito.” You responded, as you watched his breathing slow and deepen as he fell asleep. 
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Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I hope this is what you were looking for, or at the very least gives you a smile! I had fun writing it, thank you for the request~
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leelesbo · 2 months
so this may be a bit of an odd request lol. im not personally into tickeling, but my partner is. i find it really attractive how into it he is, and am super willing to participate for him, but as hes into the lee and ler sides of it, sometimes when im taking the ler role, i sort of run out of ideas on what to say and do LOL. it doesnt come naturally to me like you all who actually Do have the fetish. i basically just picked your blog randomly cause we're the same age and you seem to have experience with it and i dont think he follows you already, but i was hoping you could offer some advice or ideas on good things to say and do that may not be obvious? i'd ask him but he gets so flustered over it that its basically impossible HDFJKGKDFHGL
this is the cutest sweetest ask omfg i would LOVE to help out. i love yapping about tickling you came to the right person (this turned out to be really long so it’s all under the cut LMFAO)
so for teasing, a lot of the times it really depends on Who you’re teasing!! for instance, im not personally a huge fan of the whole “coochie coochie coo” “tickle tickle tickle” thing bc its just Way too babyish and infantile for me, but ive found a lot of people in this community really like it and it flusters them a lot!!! if youre unsure, typical teases like that couldn’t hurt to try!
ok i said “tickle tickle tickle” didnt work on me but Actually in the right context that absolutely could work bc the simple act of Hearing The Word is insanely flustering. fr, if you just keep repeating how ticklish he is, asking if something tickles, maybe even figure out a way to force Him to say the word it should work. there’s smth about knismos where our brain overloads hearing that word and it’s even so hard to say, it’s extremely flustering being forced to say it!!
also, focusing on spots and Talking about how that particular spot is affecting them is killer. if you’re tickling his ribs and it’s making him giggle more than belly-laugh, point that out!!! “oh you really like the ribs, don’t you? you’re giggling so much you can’t even talk! try! go on, tell me how much it tickles!” for me and a lot of other knismos, tickling is a lot about feeling Analyzed. experiment with specific spots and see how differently it affects him. verbally take notes on the differences!
also, emphasize how much he’s enjoying it even if/when he’s Begging for you to stop or move spots. knismos love to pretend we hate it, it adds to the fun of the whole thing. but don’t ONLY emphasize that he’s enjoying it, also throw in how horrible it must be!! how he’s too ticklish to take it, how it must be so bad if he’s screaming for mercy.
(i literally keep thinking of new things to add this is going to be so long sorry)
AND AND AND!!! POINT OUT HOW FLUSTERED HE IS!! how red his face has gotten, how he keeps repeating the same thing over and over bc his brain is fuzzy and he can’t Speak Properly, maybe he can’t figure out what to do with his hands, or he keeps trying to hide his face! LET HIM KNOW U CAN SEE EVERY LITTLE REACTION!!! it’s about the attention to detail babyyyy
tickle teasing can also go beyond the actual Act of tickling. tease him when you aren’t even tickling him!! wiggle your fingers his way, throw the word in casual conversation (“what you said earlier really tickled me”), poke him when ur out in public!! little things :3
when you Are tickling him, make him tell you what spots tickle more. make him help you! maybe choose two spots at a time, tickle one spot and then the other, and make him tell you which was worse (this ofc will take Many trials and retests juuuust to be sure he was right the first time 😌). use different methods and make him choose which is worse! hands or teeth? feathers or raspberries? the list can go on and on and you’ll both be sure to have a lot of fun testing out the varieties of the game lol
okay so i could literally keep going FOREVER but ill stop here for now bc ive already written a fucking essay!!! if you want more i’d be elated to go again, my brain is constantly on Tickle Mode so im always happy to yap about it!!
anyway, hope this helped!! hope you guys have fun, im happy to be of service :3
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legilimens-library · 1 year
Ok, im having a soft moment so here we go.
Im sure Severus never had anyone cook/bake for him, give him any individual affection, or do anything that made him feel special. No one to fight for him, he's always fighting for himself, yk?
But theres that one teacher (y/n), his bestest friend, always makes him feel wanted, loved, special. And he doesn't know what to do about it, so he just keeps being his cold, sassy self, UNTILLLLLLLL one day she leaves suddenly (short leave or other, your choice!). And poor boy realizes he actually really likes being wanted and appreciated- maybe confession when y/n returns?!!
Im down bad for this man, its concerning
~anonie 🖤
I absolutely adore this prompt and I enjoyed writing this little drabble for you. I apologize that it took me so long to respond, but I’m still trying to figure out how to work with the inbox and I didn’t see it right away. But anyways, I hope you like what I wrote. 🖤
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Mutual Feelings
Severus Snape x gn!Reader
1823 words
“How long do you plan to be gone?”
You were pulling your coat over your shoulders before you turned around to see Severus standing by your office desk, his brows furrowed with a sort of solemn expression as he fiddled with his hands.
For a brief moment, you thought that he might actually miss your presence while you were away. He’s never been known to show much emotion in general, but ever since you started your position as the new Herbology professor, the both of you became quite close and he couldn’t help but let his barriers down and he found himself laughing at your frivolous jokes and smiling at the thought of joining you at your office to grade assignments while jesting each other late at night. He hated to admit that you had turned him soft, but he could never bring himself to be angry with you for befriending him in the first place.
“I don’t know yet, but I’ll send you an owl once I get to my sister’s place. She’s been a little worried about our mother’s health recently, but I’m sure it’s nothing too concerning.”
As you stepped closer to Severus, he regained his posture and smiled as you looked up at him. His hands twitched, trying so desperately not to brush away the stray hairs that fell in your face. For so long, he was trying to convince himself that he had no other feelings towards you other than that of a friend, but you somehow wormed your way into his heart and all he could think of was you day in and day out. You were so kind to him, far more than he ever deserved and yet you reminded him that he was wanted, maybe even loved through your acts of kindness as you sought after his advice and even baking him cookies when you knew he needed cheering up after a long day of teaching.
“In that case, I look forward to hearing from you once you get settled. But do be careful while you’re away, I don’t know how long I can endure your students as they will most likely fail at repotting the mandrakes again.” You laugh at his words, but he does have a point. Due to the last time, one of the Ravenclaw students was a little careless when repotting his own mandrake and you ended up in the hospital wing after you fainted. Severus was unabashedly furious, but you assured him it was only an accident and there was no harm done.
“Hey, that was one time!” You slap his shoulder lightly. “Besides, I don’t think any of them would dare make a mistake while under your tutelage. But thanks again for covering for me, I appreciate you doing this.”
“Oh, if only you knew.” He chuckled lowly. “But it’s no trouble at all, and if you need any further assistance while you’re gone, I would be pleased to oblige you.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind, thank you. I best be off now though, otherwise I’ll never hear the end of my sister pestering me for being late. Goodbye, Severus.” You reach out and wrap your arms around him in a tender embrace and he surprises himself when he willingly reciprocates the hug, giving you a gentle squeeze before he reluctantly steps away.
“Goodbye, Y/N. Safe travels.” Severus only hopes that you don’t notice the small blush that tints his pale cheeks as you turn around to the fireplace in the corner. And with the flash of green flames engulfing your figure, you’re gone.
It had been a whole week since you left the castle and Severus was experiencing an inner turmoil with himself as he pushed his food around with a fork during dinner. You would usually sit next to him for every meal and he soon came to realize how much he enjoyed your company above everyone else who sat at the high table. He never thought he would ever start to harbor feelings for anyone really and yet here he was, looking somberly at the empty chair beside him. He honestly didn’t know how much longer he could bear this unwelcoming loneliness without you there to annoy him with your silly little quips and your sweet little smile that would light up the entire room whenever you greeted him. His heart flutters at the idea of potentially confessing his intentions toward you, hoping that you would share the same sentiments, but there was only one way of knowing and he was growing eager for your return.
You of course had written him several letters, you detailing how your mother was doing quite well despite your concerns and he in return described, albeit exaggerating, how your students managed to not destroy the greenhouses despite their clumsiness. He received your most recent owl only yesterday and he was delighted to see that you would be back in no less than two days time, but it seems that the hours were dragging on and on against his favor.
With a withering sigh, Severus stood to resign from the assembly of his fellow colleagues and made the long trek back to his office to continue and hopefully complete grading the towering pile of parchments that lingered on his desk. The empty hallways were too quiet for his liking as he missed the unnecessary small talk you would have had with him and it only reminded him of your absence even more. It only made his scowl grow deeper and he began to wonder what you were doing at this precise moment, but he soon found out what that answer entailed as he opened the door to his office and stepped through the threshold of the dimly lit space.
There you were as plain as day, sitting in the rickety chair behind his desk with your hands tucked under your chin and that sweet little smile upon your face that he adored so much, as if you were expecting him all along.
“Hi there,” You couldn’t help but grin at the sight of him and the butterflies in your stomach only fluttered even more as he looked upon you in such surprise with those dark and twinkling eyes of his. You were hoping to get that sort of reaction and you tried with all your might to remain calm, but you were rejoicing from the inside at your little triumph.
Severus’s brain must have short circuited before he could give you a sarcastic reply in response, but you were too quick for him to keep up as you crossed the room to stand in front of him. He gazed down at you and he was entranced by your bright eyes for what seemed longer than was appropriate and he was confused by the worried look that replaced your smile he was so used to seeing all the time.
“Is something wrong, Severus?” Your voice sounded so timid and gloomy and he wanted to rectify that matter as quickly as he could to once again behold your cheerful expression.
“N-no, nothing is wrong, Y/N. I’m just surprised to see you, gladly, of course. I wasn’t expecting you for the next couple of days is all.” He wanted nothing more than to grab ahold of you and never let go in fear of you disappearing again, but he remained stoic in fear of not wanting to further upset you with any sudden actions.
“Oh, well, that’s alright. My mother kept insisting that she was fine and that I was wasting my time on being bothered over her health, so she sent me on my way and I figured I would come back early. I’m sorry if I startled you, I guess I should have let you know before I came back.”
“Don’t be, I’m just glad to see you back in one piece.” Severus then finally smiled, his posture softening for a brief moment before he tensed up again as you embraced him tightly. The familiar scent of your perfume engulfed his senses and he let out a soft sigh of content.
But before he could even think of the next action to take, he instinctively held your head against his chest and stroked your hair through his nimble fingers. You pulled away from him and he realized just how close you were to each other and froze, his arm still around your waist and his hand still grasping at your head. It was as if time stood still as he gazed at you longingly and without another thought, he leaned in to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
This caught you off guard for only a second, but you were quick to reciprocate his affections and kissed him languidly, wanting to savor this moment for as long as you could before you both ended the connection. Severus then rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath, the small puffs of air that fanned over your face warmed your cheeks even further than your rising blush ever could and smelled distinctly of mulled wine and something that could only be described as him. It was now a permanent addiction you would surely never get tired of.
“I-I um, was hoping to beat you to that first, but that was even better than I expected.” You chuckled sheepishly.
“You-you’re not angry with me?” Severus whispered, his breath hitching in the back of his throat.
“Of course not,” You voice in a hushed tone, reaching up to cup his face and stroke at his cheek gently. “I’ve been wanting to tell you how I feel about you for so long, but I was afraid you would be upset with me and it would ruin our friendship.”
He breathes a sigh of relief at your words and is overjoyed that you have the same desire for him as he does for you. He never would have known that someone would ever like him, let alone wanting to show him that he deserved to be loved in any manner after all of the heartache he has endured in the past. Yet here he was, with you in his arms as you shared more soft and sweet kisses, never wanting to part from you again.
“The feeling is mutual. But I can’t begin to tell you how delighted I am to have you here with me, just like this.” Severus sighs happily, placing a kiss atop your head as he hugs you tightly to his frame.
“Well, maybe we could go to my chambers for a nightcap and start there?” You bite your lip, still nervous with anticipation at the prospect of the Severus Snape confessing his true feelings towards you.
“I would like that very much,” Severus murmurs, taking a hold of your hand as the two of you walk down to your room like you were giddy schoolchildren once more.
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hils79 · 3 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 4
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AND HE KNEW WHO SHE WAS WHEN THEY MET ON THE BRIDGE! Okay, that I did not see coming.
This is clearly going to be an excessive capslock episode I'm very sorry.
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This whole scene hits different now that you know that he's been in love with her since he was in school, and that she's the reason he likes those sweets in the first place. I love this so much!
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WAIT THAT'S JONGHO SINGING! OMG I know the song but I totally forgot it was from this drama. I am such a bad Atiny. Has this song played before and I just haven't noticed?
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I am going to say that I'm going to be a bit annoyed if it turned out someone pushed him or something. It'd feel almost like saying 'we can't have a romantic lead who suffers from depression' or something like that. But I shall reserve judgement until we see how it plays out. I mean stuff keeps changing because of the time travel stuff anyway. Just a thought I had was all.
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I understand the logic of trying to exactly recreate the situation that sent her back into the past last time but I'm not sure lying in a river in the middle of the night was part of the magic
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Calling it now this dude killed him because Sunjae wanted to retire. I have absolutely no foundation for this theory beyond knowledge of drama tropes but that's what I think
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I know that you're grieving for your best friend but why would you say something cryptic like this and then just hang up without explaining when she asks what you mean
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Ah, the magic only works at midnight! That makes sense. As much as anything to do with magic makes sense. I still don't understand what caused her to come back to 2023 in the first place though. Is it because Sunjae told her he loves her even if she didn't hear it?
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Oh no she remembers what happened while she was back in 2023 including rejecting Sunjae and hitting him with her bag. OH NO.
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This poor boy though. The girl he likes has what seems like a total personality change, tells him to get lost, and then a week later she's back to the way she was again.
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Oh, yeah, him. Love him calling her 'girlfriend' rather than her name just because Sunjae is standing right there
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When you find out your 19 year old past self is totally cringe
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He's handling the whole personality switch thing far better than Sunjae is
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This is so funny I thought for sure she was going to be the one who inspired him to become a singer and instead she's doing whatever she can to make sure he doesn't become an idol to protect him.
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Of course there's a bully. There's always a bully. He can be friends with the bitchy girl who hates Im Sol.
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Oh, punch him!
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Holy fuck she just headbutted him before Sunjae could even land a punch. I love her so much.
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Ah, I see. She saved him from his bully and now he's going to save her from hers
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Scrap that she saved herself because she's awesome
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Oh that's so smart she yelled a bunch of stuff about the future so time froze and she could sneak past Sunjae's dad
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I love that even though she knows Sunjae as a friend now she still goes into fangirl mode sometimes. It's so cute.
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Really can't relate to what a heavy sleeper she is. This is, what, the second or third time she's been asleep while he's been there and hasn't woken up at all. I'd have been awake as soon as he opened the bedroom door.
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God he's so adorable. Look at him comparing their hand sizes.
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The only time he ever looks happy now that he can't swim is when he's with her. I'm fine. I'm definitely not crying.
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So she gave him the advice that he gave her. Does that mean he only knew to say it to her because said it to him in the first place? My head hurts 😂
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I mean they can. You just can't be friends with this particular girl because you're in love with her
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This is honestly making all the cringe stuff I did as a teen seem totally sane and normal
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Okay, what's with the sus taxi that was going to stop and then pulled away when the driver saw that Im Sol wasn't alone?
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He's all wet again. And, hey, she's remembered that he was the one who saved her after her accident
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southeofficeworker · 9 months
What does your tf2 kin say about you? Part 1
People did a similar thing, so why not? I'll try to write it as best as i can. Also, the person who sent me the latest request, it's in progress.
Im a person who only sees red flags, but
On your good side/green flags:
×you're probably a funny guy. You're talkative, you can have hyperfixations on stuff and yap about it till someone won't tell you to shut up
× It's easy for you to get new friends or you just easy to get along with.
×You probably have that middle school boy jokes, and people get annoyed at you, but you try to ignore that.
×You love your mother, or you just like the attention you get.(Even if you make stupid things to get it)
On the bad side/red flags:
×You're probably insecure and not show it at all, just put the other act out, in scout's situation, it's 'tough and cocky guy', what's yours?
×You can act like an asshole and you know it.
×You have very strong daddy issues or you're a mama's person. Or both.
×You need people to like you, you want to impress them no matter what.
×You might deal bad with people leaving you, but you'll try your best not to show it. You're probably also an easy getting jealous person.
×'Have they gotten bored of me already?'
×Also you're very loud, but that's not necessary a bad thing.
One of your love languages might be: physical touch, words of affirmation or gift gifting.
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre a loyal and blunt person, if you don't like something you'll immediately tell it.
×Youre supportive of people no matter what, but it might come in a pretty aggressive way, sure it can contain exploding someone who hurt your friend/partner.
×you love making gifts, be it a simple bracelet or a cool rock you found outside.
×You are for sure an interesting person, I won't be surprised if you fake stories and then tell it to people.
×You love animals, you'd absolutely squish and pet wild animals. 'What? They have rabies? So do i!'
×You also get hyperfixations on things, and once people trigger a topic you absolutely love, it's impossible to shut you up.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You rarely take people advices. Your way is the best way, at least that's what you think.
×You barely know what boundaries mean, same goes with understanding hints at something or just context of (...)
×If you love someone, you can get to the point of being obsessed with the person, latch onto them and make them focus of your existence. Though doesn't necessary mean you get easily jealous.
×You blocked out people, things, everything just to protect yourself with trauma, not a good thing.
×You might get a little too commanding or dominant, which involves being loud by accident.
One of your love languages might be: physical touch, gift gifting or acts of service
On your good side/red flags:
×Youre genuinely a sweet person, but unintentionally make things uncomfortable.
×Youre a talkative guy, but most of the times people have a trouble understanding you. You never held a grudge.
×You adore people, you love doing gifts. As in, you're a pretty creative guy, you might even gift a car to a person..handmade
×You can easily adapt to new situations, at least most of the times.
× You're a very loyal person, you don't get easily jealous and you don't cheat on your partners, well, unless you got drugged and unconscious.
×You might have a cat-like curiosity as well as you're passionate in what you do.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You didn't grow up, you might act childish and annoy people by that.
×You have a lack of awakening, you'll simply delete a person from existence and ignore him, mostly unintentionally
× You might get impulsive or act overly emotional, getting into reckless situations what leads to being hurt.
×You have the humour no one understands, involves a sadistic humour.
×You might like destroying things just because you can.
One of your love languages might be: physical touch, gift gifting or acts of service and quality time.
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre forgiving, maybe a little too much. You're a genuinely a good guy, and try to show that to people.
×Youre the life of the party, the main light of it. You know how to make things more fun.×You was/are pressured by your family to be the best, and you act on it.
×You have a strange way of friendship, but i don't blame you for that.
×You also like adventures, so you're the type of a person with which you'll never get bored.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You might have a drinking problem, you have it just to deal with your trauma.
×You grew up faster than you should've, you probably are a caretaker of people who should take care of you.
×You keep many things to yourself, and it's impossible to tell whenever you're serious or not.
Your love language: is basically anything.
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre a protective, sensible and a serious guy.
×You take care of others, even if they don't need it, it's just a natural trait you have.
×People might think you're creepy, but be surprised when they get to know you.
×youre probably the caretaker figure of most people, you're the one who'd sacrifice yourself for someone else.
×you enjoy reading and having a good time with your close people, though you prefer one real friend than 100 fake.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You refuse to talk to people first, and it might take a while for you to open up.
×probably, you can scare people away by intend.
×You'll ignore people if disturbed, and you probably have some self destructing friends.
Your love language: acts of service or quality time.
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lightsoutletsgo · 7 months
Hey there! Could I request maybe two ships? And I would mind a little nsfw too anyways here’s a little bit about me
I’m studying international business
My favorite food is pasta cause im very picky
My friends usually say I’m sarcastic, funny, very honest and loyal, and just chill to be around
I really like going out but the music must be good and it’s gotta be with my friends
But I also like staying in having a movie or board game night
I don’t know exactly what I look for in a partner but maybe someone who is playful and that I can call a best friend too
My emoji is 🎆
ahhh tysm! this one was so fun to write hehe happy reading! mimi 🤍
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LANDO NORRIS ᝰ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ - always calls you love or baby - he loves your sense of humour and the way you smile at his jokes - his love language with you is quality time - he appreciates the way that you've gotten him invested in movies and whenever he gets offered tickets to movie related events like premieres he takes them just so he can take you!
lando is always asking you if travelling round the world with him can count as the "international" part of your degree. poor baby doesn't understand, he just misses you too much when he's away. absolutely loves a night out with you! and when he was dj-ing he would always play all your favourites, just to watch you and your friends sing along on the dance floor.
loves how sarcastic and funny you can be (even if he doesn't always get it at first) and thinks that conversations between you and oscar are hilarious. he learns to make good pasta just for you and loves being able to take care of you like how you take care of him!
goes all out for movie nights and will persuade you to build the cosiest pillow fort with him. he has one of those big screens and a projector and the two of you will spend all evening cuddling and watching all your favourite movies. he always takes you to the store first to pick your perfect movie night snacks. (however sometimes movie nights take a turn because he gets to distracted with how soft and cosy your thighs are...)
"here you go baby." you watched from your cosy pillow pile as lando carried in a huge tray filled with little dishes of your favourite snacks and dips. taking it from him, you settled it down in the gap between the two of you, "thank you honey." "so what are we watching?" lando stretched his back before throwing a blanket over your lap and tucking you in even more, "what's left to go on our list for this month?" grabbing his phone to check, lando opened up the arm nearest you as a silent invitation for you to cuddle, "I'm not sure love, let me take a look..."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚
CARLOS SAINZ ᝰ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ - always calls you mi corazón or amor - loves your collarbones and your shoulders. he'll press kisses there when you least expect it just to watch how you shiver - his love language is acts of service - carlos loves to do things for you, like run you baths after a long day or cook your favourite meal just because.
carlos loves surprising you with flowers whenever he can, just for the way it makes your smile light up. He would definitely call you his best friend! you're his rock whether he's had a good or a bad weekend. he values your advice and the fact he can come to you to rant or ramble about anything. carlos loves how fiercely loyal you are to him and to your friends.
he's a sucker for feeling your hands in his hair... whether it's during cuddles or when his head is between your legs. he proudly wears your scratch marks and loves seeing the sweet marks you leave on his hips. he loves cooking with you in the kitchen. you sitting on the island or the counter and picking what song plays next while he makes you pasta. of course he will dance his way over to you just to steal a kiss between steps in the recipe and while he's waiting for something to boil or simmer or cook, he's tugging you down gently and pulling you in to slow dance with him round the kitchen.
he does his best to help you study, whether it's testing you, reading essays or just reminding you to take breaks and refilling your water so you don't forget. "amor?" you rub your eyes, blinking to try and force the sore, dry feeling away, "amor?" carlos presses again, his hand rubbing your arm as he slides onto the couch next to you, "here's your water." he places your re-filled cup onto the coffee table and kisses your head, "need a hand?" you shake your head and lean into him, finally allowing your eyes to close, "I'm done for the day." you sigh and he wraps an arm around you, "good job mi corazón, I'm so proud of you!" you hum happily before he's gently pulling you to your feet and leading you to the bathroom where a hot bath has been run for you. complete with bubbles and your favourite face mask and book on the bath tray. carlos kisses the back of your neck as he hugs you from behind, "you, are going to relax," he kisses you again, "while I make dinner." you turn in his arms and kiss his lips, hands sliding underneath the hem of his t-shirt to gently scratch at his hips, "join me... dinner can wait..." he groans against your lips, making you giggle, "if you insist amor..."
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poliel · 4 months
Bugsnax Drabbles: Filbo/Buddy & Beffica - Trust Me
Summary: Hey, could you write Filbo asking buddy out (or the other way around)
How was one meant to ask their housemate out on a date? Normally living together was a step taken sometime after a romantic relationship became serious. What was one meant to do when they’d moved in with a friend before later realizing there were more than solely friendly feelings there? If they didn’t live together, the fear of making things awkward would’ve been less intense… probably anyway. But as it was, if their friendship grew awkward as a result of Buddy’s confession so would their living situation.
Buddy could just let it go and was tempted to. Romance was nice but not strictly needed. They were happy to just be friends. But… what if Filbo reciprocated? Then Buddy would just be sitting on their feelings for no reason the way Snorpy had been. Which would be lame and so…Buddy eventually found themself talking to Beffica about it over text.
‘Don’t be weird about it and just tell him you like him.’ she sent in reply to their long thought out paragraph explaining their problem.
‘Duh.’ That’s the exact thing they were trying to avoid. ‘How do I not make it weird?’
‘Say you like him romantically and/or ask him out on a date. Make extra super sure he knows it a date though. Don’t wanna pull another Snorpy.’
‘If he doesn’t feel the same, it’ll awkward living with him after.’
This time her reply took a while before coming in. ‘Maybe, idk. I think he likes you though. So don’t worry about it.’
‘Why do you think he likes me?’
‘What does that mean?’
‘Just talk to him, tell him how you feel. Trust me.’
Buddy would trust her with their life so it should be easy to trust her here too but… what if she was wrong? She was smart sure and good at figuring out people’s secrets. But she could easily be misreading whatever it was that had made her think Filbo might reciprocate Buddy’s feelings. Or maybe she was just trying to mess with them by pretending she knew something when she didn’t. Perhaps a method to get them to just confess as that was likely the smartest thing to do. And so they probably should just confess, huh?
At the same time, elsewhere in the house
Filbo’s hope that his crush on Buddy would fade grew more and more fragile every day they lived together. It was supposed to have been just a stress thing from Snaxtooth but they lived together now and Filbo was basically in love.
Maybe ‘love’ was a bit of a strong word. But the evenings spent hanging out casually with Buddy, sometimes doing something together, other times just existing in the same space doing their own things, were warm and comfy in a way Filbo had never experience before. It was different than hanging out with the rest of the group. Not necessarily more special or fun just different in a way that he couldn’t explain to save his life. He wanted to do it more and he wanted to touch Buddy, cuddle, maybe even kiss or maybe, in his dreams, a bit more than just kissing.
They were housemates though. Meaning if Flibo confessed any of these thoughts of feelings and Buddy didn’t return them, their friendship and living situation would be awkward. The absolute last thing Filbo wanted. But he wanted more so bad.
Normally his go to person for advice was Buddy, who obviously couldn’t be consulted on this, leaving him bereft of ideas. He couldn’t just continue to ignore it though… could he? Ultimately he ended up pulling out his personal phone and scrolling through his contacts. … Beffica naturally was at the top of the list. They got along much better these days – even if she still wasn’t Filbo’s favorite of the friend group – and she was good with people, right? She wrote about them all the time. Thus she’d at least have some idea what he should do, right?
‘i think im in love with buddy what do i do?’ he sent.
The reply took long enough to make him almost regret this decision. ‘OMG! Really?’
‘yes please help your good with people right?’
‘Have you tried talking?’
‘no should i?’
‘Yeah, dumdum. Don’t be like Snorpy and Chandlo. Or do be like them. It would be funny if it happened twice in the same friend group.’
‘what if they don’t like me back though?’
‘Don’t worry about that. Talk to them.’
‘how can i not worry?’ Worrying was like Filbo’s thing.
‘Trust me. Just talk to them.’
Well the other option was to continue to ignore it, right? So maybe Filbo should take the risk. Especially since he did indeed not want to potentially end up like Snorpy and Chandlo, dancing around feelings and not quite dating for who even knows how long. ‘ok i guess thanks’
‘No prob. Let me know how it goes. :)’
[A/N] The idea here is that Beffica is texting with both of them at the same time. I don't know how well that comes off since it's not written from her POV, hence this note to make it more clear.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
this is gunna sound so weird... men make my skin crawl. Like im attracted to men but everytime i see a man, my rbf awakens and i become hyper aware of my surroundings 😭
it doesn't help that im attending an all girls college now... any advice on how to ease up pls around them? I find it hard to even want to talk to them 😭 ik all men aren't bad and i may always not be in danger (imagine that in all caps and red) but i just wanna be able behave and think like a normal person around them ( this is so much that i even can't stand strangers)
Loads of luv to you ❤
honestly i hope u meet better men!!! there are some disgusting nasty perverted pieces of shit out there who dont deserve to be around women and i completely get why u would feel repulsed by them.
i wonder if u have malefic influence, they usually struggle the most with the opposite gender
tips on how to ease up around men:
think in terms of energy. dont project anger or hatred because thats what you will see in return. i know this is very triggering and difficult for many people but you HAVE to believe in good to SEE good. despite absolutely everything that ive gone thru, i still believe that people are inherently good, kind and helpful and i see proof of it everyday.
ive had men treat me with dignity, respect and kindness in the shadiest of circumstances and ive had men be nasty to me out in the open, so it just comes down to character. just think of men as people honestly and not as hound dogs about to attack u.
2. imagine them as little boys
sometimes when men are soft or boyish with me, it reminds me of how they mustve been as kids and it warms me. i have two little boy cousins who are 12 and 6 respectively and they both adooooreeee me and want to marry me when they grow up🥺🥺🥺theyre the sweetest kids on the planet and i could never ever feel otherwise, theyre my babies. idk if this is something u can relate to but think of a little boy you're close to, how innocent and silly he is and how you could never see him as a threat or hate him and understand that grown men can be like that too.
3. how we treat people has a lot to do with how people treat us
if you have a rbf and generally act standoffish and cold/distant, then you're probably perceived as being bitchy 😬😬and nevermind men, even women probably find u intimidating or hard to approach. im only saying this because learning how to navigate social situations is 90% of adulthood and the key to personal and professional success.
learn to smile more. i know women hate being told to smile but honestly we should alllll smile more. force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. be that person who smiles at strangers. dont u feel happy when someone smiles at you??? so in turn, be that person to others!!! <33
learn to get out of your head. most people think too much. i hate spending time with people who talk about everything from a victim pov. like yes sure u/we women, are in a position of disadvantage in many ways, historically speaking but ???? this attitude?? wont get u anywhere. (I'm speaking generally and not about you particularly)
i would say the key is to turn inward and work on yourself. read all those cliche self help books about "how to influence people" yada yada,, learn social etiquette and watch all those youtube gurus who teach soft skills. forget about men and hating them for a second and just focus on self improvement. as you change, youll see the world change with u.
just think of men as people basically. also idk if youre familiar with carl jung but i feel like you have a wounded animus. many women who grew up with an absent (emotionally or otherwise) father grow up to project all that onto men. and in turn have damaging relationships with men!!
im not a man defender and im in no way saying all men are good but i genuinely dont think its healthy to hate, thats all!!
idk if any of this is helpful sikeee but lmk if u have any updates
also lots of love to u too angel!!<3
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello again :D im so grateful that you did my raiden mei request <333 if its not too much, could you do a kiana kaslana like s/o(who is already the HoF) with hsr men?(your choice again :D) thank uu sending hugs towards u <33
A/N: Hey again! Thank you for the request and hugs! I hope you'll like this one too and that I didn't get her personality wrong!<33
Content: Established relationship, fluff, tiny bit of angst if you squint, sfw
Featured characters: Jing Yuan, Gepard, Sampo
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Sampo Koski
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At first, he was a little put off by how reserved and mature you always were. But soon enough, he began feeling drawn to you for it, especially as you gave him a stability he really craved deep down.
Definitely loves teasing you though, in hope's of breaking your stern demeanour and get a cute reaction out of you. Seeing you blush and fluster makes his day, even if you get a little irritated by it. But it's all in good fun, you know he loves you.
Makes sure no one ever crosses you with bad intentions. He knows, that you keep alot to yourself, so he doesn't want anyone to hurt you. He gets really scary, when someone dares it.
He has alot of respect for you, especially when you don't ever judge him for whatever he does. Although, you sometimes do scold him for stealing, which makes him actually willing to do better in life for you.
》Gepard Landau
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You two work quite well together and are in fact a little similar. He's glad, that you're so stern and serious, especially when he needs guidance or reassurance on what to do next as a captain.
He's really caring and understands, if you need alone time for yourself. But he won't stand you hiding your feelings or thoughts from him. He wants to know how to best help you at all times. It's just in his nature.
He protects you from anything that would dare cause you harm. The last thing he wants, is for you to get hurt or become more closed off, than you already sometimes are. He won't hesitate using his status for it either.
He knows he can count on you too, if he needs help as well. He comes to you for second opinions often, trusting and respecting your advice or opinion fully without ever questioning it. He just thinks that highly of you.
》Jing Yuan
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He definitely needs someone like you. You motivate him to do better everyday and finish his work without the many breaks he usually takes. But you also keep him from overworking or straining himself too. You give him a balance, that he truly appreciates.
Your reserved and mature nature doesn't bother him. In fact, he makes into a little game to see how long it takes to fluster you with his words alone. He finds the way you stubbornly try hiding your blush absolutely adorable.
You often scold him for his choices as a general and whilst some may find it disrespectful, he finds your words just as important as his. Whatever you say goes. You were never once wrong in his eyes, after all.
He won't let you keep your emotions or needs hidden from him. Jing Yuan always somehow knows, if you're feeling sad or not. He makes sure to never let you go through anything alone. He's always there, when you need him.
A/N: Thank you again for the request! I hope, I could do it justice!<33
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