gii-1 · 1 day
hii!! hope ur doing good!! could you do hcs for the boys with an s/o who has narcolepsy??
-jjk boys with a reader who has narcolepsy
ft. yuji, megumi, inumaki, yuta
notes: since i had no idea what narcolepsy was, i had to do a bit of research. i might be way off on what it is, so please correct me if i am.
yuji ->
• when he first noticed, you both were having a conversation and you randomly fell asleep.
• he kept shaking you gently asking what happened, thinking you were looking down at something that was making you look so still.
• once he realised that was not the case, he thought you had went paralysed and was panicking
• he called for shoko frantically asking for help, once she explained you had narcolepsy he calmed down a bit.
• after that incident he always brings a pillow when you are there, scared you will fall asleep again.
• he always asks if you had a nap today, and since you’re not allowed caffeine whenever you two or in a group go out he makes sure that you don’t accidentally get any.
• if you have a sudden weakness in your muscles, he will definitely be by your side at all times to help you.
• i feel like he’d carry you around everywhere
• he also asks how good you sleep was and how comfy it was, if it wasn’t he’d probably ask gojo for a new mattress and some pillows.
• hes constantly asking you how you are aswell making sure you’re in top shape, he’s never had his guard down and is ready if you have a sleep attack or your limbs go weak.
• in lessons where you can’t focus on things properly, he locks in and make sure he does notes on everything you missed so you can see later.
megumi ->
• when he firsts notices your extreme tiredness at times, he originally thinks its from the exhaustion of doing missions but he had a nagging feeling that it was something else.
• i have a very strong feeling he already knew a bit about narcolepsy from the fact he loves nonfiction books.
• so that means he was prepared when he first found out about your narcolepsy.
• this guy definitely keeps some sort of unconscious (very organised) timetable in his head about what times you had your nap.
• he always checks if you followed the timetable, checking in on how many times you had a nap.
• if you complained, or if he asked you, about the comfort of your sleep and it was uncomfortable then (like yuji) he would go to gojo and get you anything sleep related to help you.
• if you weren’t able to pay attention in class because it was hard to focus on things, you can always rely on him because he has the most neat notes in the world, despite his handwriting being a bit messy as he had to write quick, he’s a pro at organised notes.
• he will get used to your narcolepsy quickly and is very understanding of how tired or irritated you act sometimes, he won’t take it to heart.
• after finding out, he would be a lot more patient with you and think about your safety.
• thinking about your safety a lot more is definitely integrated into his lifestyle now
inumaki ->
• you guys were in a restaurant and you randomly fell asleep, he was poking your forehead trying to wake you up, he didn’t want your soon-to-come food to get cold.
• when he found out about your narcolepsy, he was interested by it.
• he would do missions for you if he felt like it was your time to have a nap
• when you get a sleep attack in random places he will try his best to make sure you’re in a comfortable position so you don’t wake up sore.
• he is unconsciously always thinking if you had enough sleep that day, especially during missions.
• if you’re really feeling sleepy while you were hanging out in a group, he’d take you to your dorm right away
• even though he can’t talk at most times, he’ll always make sure that you know he’s concerned for your health and will be there for you.
• i feel like you guys both look out for each other sometimes, like you would always have cough medicine incase he doesn’t have any, and he would always make sure that you got enough of your quality sleep.
• sometimes he relates to you as you both have things in your life that affects your health drastically, so that makes your relationship with him a bit closer because of that.
yuta ->
• he was very scared when he first found out
• he’s a gentleman.
• he always makes sure you know the material properly in class and he goes over it with you to make sure that you understand whats going on.
• every time you go to sleep in random places he will find something soft for you to rest your head on, whether its his clothes or his belongings he wants your sleep to be comfortable.
• it doesn’t even matter to him, like it could be so cold that your eyelashes freeze and he’d still take off his jacket for you to sleep on.
• if you feel even slightly tired he will escort you to your dorm, he gets anxious that you wont feel good and will start feeling tired and unfocused.
• he always asks you if you need anything
• definitely got spare blankets during hangouts so he can cover you with it when you sleep, so you don’t feel cold while sleeping.
• whenever he’s at shops he always looks at the pillows and feels them if they are up to his standards of comfort, then if they meet those standards he will buy them for you.
• he would do everything for you if you’re limbs start feeling really weak, he’d always keep you in a comfortable position so it doesn’t make you ache after.
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gii-1 · 5 days
Just saw that ur in need of requests and I’m more than happy to oblige!! Love ur work btw! I love the idea of Megumi with a popular n sweet gf/crush who’s super pretty <33 I love the idea how everyone is just so flabbergasted that our emo nonchalant boy ended up pulling smn so feminine and gorg - the opposite of him and also how someone so popular like her could fall for him <33 hcs on the dynamic and how the pining leading up to them getting together would be so amazing to see ~~
- megumi x popular! reader
notes: i don’t think I’ve ever written anything and posted about it until now, i think some other fanfic writer has the same name as me then 😭. you might of gotten me confused with someone else, but i don’t know who. but anyways, here you go !! i think there might be i few mistakes so apologies for that.
• when this guy first sees you, i feel like he just wouldn’t like you, because he just sees you as another “loud, full of themselves, popular girl” that he should avoid.
• you both shared a class together, sitting next to each other and interactions between the two of you were kept to a minimal.
• its not that he hates you, he just sees you as one of the many popular kids in his class that he finds annoying.
• but when you guys get paired for a project together his world gets flipped around.
• he starts noticing how kind, considerate, and selfless you are. like wow, how the hell did he not realise this before??
• he looks at you so differently now, not only are you pretty and popular you are, but you’re also considerate and extremely good-hearted?
• he’s never seen an individual like this before
• the least you could say is he’s surprised.
• he starts gaining more and more of a crush on you the more you guys sit and work together, before he even realises it, you guys talk and interact a lot more in class now.
• you start to find out more about him and notices the qualities he has, before that it wasn’t you didn’t necessarily like him, you just barely knew him and didn’t think much about him.
• but after you guys got paired that changed, you started to admire him for how he’s very logical and able to quickly think of ideas or come up with strategies, or the way he’s very intelligent and is a lot more mature then the boys you normally hang out with, being able to relate to him with that.
• the more this builds up, the more you start thinking about him.
• you ask him for his contacts, and at first he’s reluctant as he doesn’t give out that information, but he does it anyways.
• you decide to organise a hang out with him, just the two of you. this isn’t because you wanted to have a date, you wanted to be away from your popular group of friends, and you were open to hanging out with his friends instead but he didn’t really have any.
• he wasn’t used to this but still goes with it, new to the idea of going out with friends, well, you guys are friends now right? this is what normal friends do.
• and it surprisingly, also surprising him yet again, was very enjoyable to him.
• you both went out to the mall and just going around to random places, which normally he wouldn’t enjoy, but with you he did. he not only realised you wonderful personality and looks, but you were incredibly witty. no wonder you were so popular.
• after a few more hang outs you guys started to have lunch together, enjoying each-others company. he was different from the popular kids you usually hanged out with, which made you like him alot, and you were one of the first people that weren’t family he enjoyed being with. it was a win-win situation.
• when other people noticed this, especially your friends, they definitely teased you about it, but never ever went to him or even mentioned it around him, as people found him scary and didn’t dare to approach him.
• but the comments towards you were relentless, but you didn’t care as you knew it wouldn’t put a dent to your reputation as you are just too likeable, which you were very thankful for as that means your relationship with him wouldn’t be ruined because of this.
• when he finally noticed he had a crush on you, he had inner conflict with himself, he was smart enough to realise what emotions he had was love, but didn’t know what to do with it. he just wanted it to go away.
• you probably noticed a lot quicker that you definitely had a crush on him, you realising this decided to give him hints to see how oblivious he was, being a bit more touchy with him, but not being flirty, you knew it would just make him uncomfortable.
• once you found out he couldn’t catch on your crush, you just straight up told him.
• when you both arranged another hang out, you decided that you would go somewhere peaceful, like a secluded place of nature to confess to him, as you felt it would be the best.
• unfortunately for dear megumi, he had came unprepared.
• “its okay if you don’t like me back, we can still be friends. i would rather you just know my feelings.” the next few seconds would be disaster for him.
• he denied the fact he didn’t like back so fast, his voice betrayed him before he even realised it. isn’t that just great.
• he’s stuttering and repeating his words all over the place trying to keep his cool facade while your patiently listening to him. his inner conflict was really showing.
•but you guys were able to talk about it and sort it out as you are a very emotionally intelligent and thoughtful person.
• when you both start your relationship its extremely, and i mean extremely, awkward at first.
•he was confused on what to do to say the least, but you taught him how it worked and went slow building up the relationship.
• your couple dynamic isn’t very touchy like other couples. you’re willing to accept him for who he is and when it comes to your relationship with him, you think about what makes him uncomfortable and make sure you don’t do anything to make him feel uncomfortable.
• instead you show your love through acts of services or making gifts for him, putting a lot of thought behind it. he would also be similar in this sense.
• i feel like you both would make sure to keep the relationship a secret and you both do it really well, as he is very uncomfortable with pda and being public with this part of his life, people not knowing about his relationship just makes him safer.
• only people he allows or is comfortable with are allowed to know as he is not a very public person.
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gii-1 · 5 days
Hi!!! I hope you’re doing well<3 I saw your requests were open and I’ve had this in my mind for a while- you of course don’t need to do this- I was thinking JJK characters reacting to reader having trouble with sh? Like they see readers past scars or fresh ones? (I myself have struggled with this, so is comforting to read my fav characters reacting/comforting reader). I’ve looked so much and I can’t find any jjk fic with this headcannon 🙁. Anyway- hope you’re doing well!!!<3
- jjk characters with a reader who struggles with sh
ft. yuji, megumi, gojo
notes: im so so sorry if i get anything wrong or write anything inaccurate, i haven’t been through anything similar to this and i really feel sorry that you have to go through this. i will try my best to write this, and really hope this comforts you in any sort of way. if you don’t like the characters i picked then i will try and do different ones if you tell me, its just these are the ones i can write the best for.
yuji ->
• he’s a absolute sweetheart about it, when he first notices this he immediately asks if your okay, devastated.
• he can’t imagine the fact you, someone he deeply cares for, went through something so traumatic and he didn’t even know.
• he would make sure that he has a talk with you and wants you to tell him what happened, with all of his heart he really wants to help you as much as he can. if you don’t want to be vocal about your problems, he doesn’t mind at all, he really just wants to help you.
• he would feel so terrible about it and would do anything he can do to help
• he would definitely try and do a lot of things with you and spend time with you a lot more, and try and get your mind off everything that happened.
• he just doesn’t want to see you sh anymore, he would definitely try and find out methods to help you cope.
• i feel like he would try and get you into some sort of hobby thats a lot healthier for you, to try and steer you away from hurting yourself.
• whenever you have to go and do missions, he would definitely volunteer to do it for you instead, he doesn’t want to see you get hurt more.
• he would be much more softer with you, always trying to make sure you’re doing okay.
• in all, he just cares for you deeply.
megumi ->
• when he first notices this, he is extremely surprised, a lot of new emotions going through his head as he’s never seen or dealt with anything like this before.
• as he’s a very logical person, he would put a lot of research into this.
• he would spend the rest of his day researching on what to do and how you’re supposed to deal with these types of problems, he’s very dedicated to fixing your problems and helping you.
• when he wants to confront you about it, he thinks of every possible way of wording it as he is not very good at expressing his feelings and emotions.
•he’s not used to comforting people, this is probably one of the first times he has to do this, so he puts a lot of thought into this.
• when he does confront you about it, he makes sure its very clear he’s concerned and really cares for you.
• he spends a lot of his time into finding out ways to get you to not sh, constantly making sure you don’t do it again.
• he starts observing you a lot more now, always making sure your okay.
• he starts getting much more things for you, remembering the types of things you like all the time, and so every time he sees them in a store or market he makes sure to get it for you. but he doesn’t buy so much for you that your don’t have space to keep it anymore, they are sort of like thoughtful gifts.
• i feel like he would buy you a book to express you emotions with it, if you finish it he would definitely buy you another one, but he would never look inside and would let you keep it. but he would make sure that you would use it.
gojo ->
• i also think he is similar with megumi in the sense that he doesn’t really know how to deal with these types of situations.
• he notices this very early on, and goes through a lot of strong emotions about it.
• because he notices this very early on, he tries his best to also stop it very early on as well.
• he does anything with all of the fibres within his being that you never do it again.
• he constantly does things for you so you don’t have to with the thought that it could potentially harm you. (such as missions or anything dangerous in general, he does allow you to be your own person and do things by yourself.)
• he constantly makes you do fun things with him as a way to get you mind off it.
• he does a lot of these things as a way to convey his care for you, and also as a way to check how your doing.
• as he never dealt with this type of stuff before, he finds it hard to talk to you about it.
• but when he does, he definitely pondered about for a long period of time.
• he would not only ask you why but why couldn’t you tell him sooner, telling all the ways he could help you.
• the thing is that, he would only notice that you’re going through something when he sees your sh. hes not the best at noticing when you were going through your struggles before that.
• but when does, he would take it very seriously, he’s shown to be a very sentimental person and will do a lot for the people he cares about.
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gii-1 · 5 days
How are you? I was thinking if you could write an jjk boys in Hollywood AU
jjk boys - hollywood au
ft. megumi, yuji, inumaki, yuta.
notes: im note sure what you fully meant by jjk boys so i just put all the ones from tokyo! hope you’re ok with that ( ・∇・) this was very hard for me to do so im kinda nervous if i did it right.
megumi ->
• i find it hard to picture megumi as an actor, i feel like it would be difficult for him to become an actor so it would probably take him more time to get the hang of it.
• but when he does, and if he’s really passionate about it he would be able to be really good at acting.
• i can imagine him getting into a really awkward conversation with one of those fans that go crazy about their favourite actor that they become a borderline stalker.
• he’d be so incredibly unsettled by it
• like if you were to cut the atmosphere with a knife it would be very thick
• i also think he would be the type to be extremely honest and blunt with his words, especially in interviews. this would garner a lot of attention.
• going back to him interacting with his fans, he would definitely be same.
• if you give him one of the most sincere, loving compliments in the world watch him go wordless. he’d be so flabbergasted that someone even views him that highly. will definitely remember you.
yuji ->
• this guy is an absolute movie connoisseur
• i can with 100% certainty he could easily become a good actor
• he would definitely aim to star in movies that are horror, but i also feel like he’d enjoy starring in romance movies aswell
• he will definitely be able to emotionally get into the moment when preforming a scene
• he’s so polite its not even funny anymore
• he would be very open in a interview, like he would be open about his experiences and you would be able to get to know a lot about him
• i can imagine him being ecstatic when seeing his fans, would be so happy if you asked him for a photo, he’d definitely do one of those silly poses or just have a big smile on his face.
• even talking to his fans would be really happy for him, i can imagine him to be a very friendly guy when it comes to his fans
• if he had any of those weird fans he would still be very polite about it and still talk to them, but he’d express his discomfort some way or another.
• if he got gifts from his fans he would cherish them with his life, like they spent time thinking about him and even got him a gift out of their own kindness, he’d be honoured.
inumaki ->
• i see him as a man of few words, being able to convey scenes in his own style using actions which plays out really well. this would be a very good trait of his.
• i feel like you can tell which movies he stars in because of this
• he’d have a very unique way of performing and putting his own twist to it makes it a lot more different from what is traditionally done. this would make his acting very interesting.
• this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, quite the opposite actually.
• in interviews i feel he would be honest about his opinion on things which would very appealing to people
• but i feel like it would take him a lot of time to develop as an actor before he would find his style.
•i think he wouldn’t mind the idea of talking to his fans but he wouldn’t do it too much
• but when he does, i think he’d be very thankful about it, especially if he gets compliments.
yuta ->
• one thing i’ve noticed about him is the fact he’s a very selfless person, this ties into his acting as well.
• at first when it comes to acting he would have a lot of awkward moments but as he gets used to the flow of being an actor he’s is able to adapt quite easily.
• i see him as a very comforting person, so if his fans asked him advice or told him what they were going through he would definitely make sure they were heard, he would be extremely reassuring to them.
• i also think because of his personality you can clearly tell he’s a very respectful person, like he constantly shows this in interviews and interactions in fans, not even purposefully as a way to make his reputation better but because he’s just that type of person.
• i feel like if he somehow accidentally got himself into drama he would deal things with a lot maturity, he’d make sure theres no substantial arguments.
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gii-1 · 5 days
im extremely in the mood for taking requests ngl (if u do please take look at my wonderful rules)
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gii-1 · 6 days
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rules ->
• i can only do headcanons
• nothing nsfw !!!!
• ill only be taking requests for jjk for now
my absolute fav characters i can do are gojo, megumi, and yuji! i can try doing other characters but it wont be as good.
- you can call me gii ^^
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
😸şımarık 😹😸
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gii-1 · 10 months
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Gecenin bir yarısı izlediğim bir film sahnesinde. sarılan bir çifti görünce anlık görünen yüz ifadem.. :)
Cute little paw..
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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gii-1 · 10 months
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