#im sure she had her reasons and everything since she isn't really a bad person or anything
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nanaccused · 2 years ago
I'm officially the side character in a romance drama
#its stressful#but really how can this be so cliché#i never thought stuff like this actually happened#get ready for some long tags#my friend has had a crush on this guy since a class trip about a year ago and has been talking about him and pining after him since then#some like 18+ stuff even happened between them#but they were never officially together or anything#and now her best friend since 7th grade is together with that guy even though she kept saying she wasnt interested in him and is aro/ace#which okay you dont have to come out if you dont feel comfortable and nobody should force you to out yourself ever#but that bitch asked him to be her biyfriend even though she knew exactly how my friend feels about that guy#like she was there when she first developed that crush and has been listening to her pine after that guy for a year#and then she dares to lie to her best friend about not liking him and that he asked her out#my friend found out about their relationship from the guy she has a crush on and he told her that she asked him out#that guy is too stupid to lie about it#so that girl lied even more so she doesnt seem like she lied before or soem other stupid reason#if she had at least talked about it to my friend or waited until she was over him it would've been semi-okay to ask him out#but really#how childish and immature do you have to be to just go behind your best friends back#im sure she had her reasons and everything since she isn't really a bad person or anything#but im still angry at her#and im going to be for a while
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weird-is-life · 2 years ago
I would love to see an angst fic based on the song Stone Cold by Demi Lovato, more specifically the line "If happy is her, I'm happy for you," I feel like you could give it justice and I'd love for you to write it about one of the least requested characters you write for as I love all of them!
Hiii, thank you so much for request. I don't think, I've totally written what you wanted (like at all, im sorry😭). But I hope this isn't too bad. Proof-read by a total sweetheart, Hannah. Warnings: angs, no happy ending (1k)
Feelings come whether or not we want them to. You can't stop how you feel, it just isn't possible. And that's how it is with your feelings for James.
You didn't plan on falling in love with James Potter. The handsome, funny, smart and a total heartthrob James. But most importantly James, your friend.
You've known James since the first year at Hogwards. It's been a wild ride ever since. You are really close to all of the boys actually. But the friendship with James has always been different in a way.
At first, you thought your crush on James was going to pass, but when it didn't go away quickly. You settled on coping with it, still hoping it would pass over time. But it didn't.
You were managing it pretty well, up until the point, when it got painstakingly worse. James started to show his interest into Lily, your best friend.
She was the only one, that you told about your silly and not so little crush, so of course she rejected every one of James's advances.
Even now, as you are walking down the hall, she is being asked on a date by him.
"Come on, Evans. Just one date, just one," he almost begs, emphasise on almost.
"No Potter, just stop asking already. I don't want to go on a date." She says and she quickly tugs you away from him.
You always feel bad, that she rejects him mainly because of you. You've told her multiple times, that you don't mind, but she is just as stubborn as James.
James isn't one to quit asking her out either. He doesn't understand why she keeps rejecting him, because before this, he thought, no he was certain, that she liked him back. He wouldn't have even asked her on a date in the first place, if he wasn't sure of it.
But just like that, Lily's feelings had dissappeared or maybe they hadn't been there at all.
His trying goes on for a bit longer, but suddenly, to your surprise, he stops asking. You didn't think there was a chance he'd quit, you were wrong.
He hasn't asked Lily out for weeks and you think that everything is normal. You even think there's a possibility of James liking you back.
But as it shows, something else has changed, too. Lily has started to act weird.
She spaces out a lot, lost in thoughts about god knows what. She also just randomly dissappears. You've asked her multiple times about this, she just always goes red and makes up some suspicious, but not completely unbelievable excuse.
But the reason why doesn't hit you right away. It's only when, she tells you this one excuse, you know, what's probably up.
She tells you the exact same excuse, you've heard only one person ever use, James. And at that time it was only you and James there, so she couldn't have heard it.
You try not to think too much of it. You think, you are definitely just overreacting. I mean, Lily is your best friend, she would have never done anything like this behind your back. Never.
Your thoughts  are driving you crazy, because you are so sure that it's not what you think it is, but on the other hand your mind is making you doubt it more and more every day.
So for the peace of mind you decide to find out. One night, when she sneaks out of the dorm, you go after  her.
You follow her through the halls, but not too close so she doesn't notice you. After a few minutes she stops at a window and looks at the night sky. For a moment you think, that that's why she is here, but you are so mistaken.
You hear a voice, not just any voice, it's his, it's James's. You can't believe what you are seeing, you still feel some denial about it, but when you see James kiss her, you know you were right.
You don't want or can spend another second watching them. You are ready to run away, when you back into a vase behind you and it falls on the ground, immediately drawing theirs attention to you.
"Who's there? Y/N?" You don't respond, you are out of there before they can say anything else with big tears running down your face.
Unfortunately, you don't realise they run after you until it's too late. James's hand clutches your wrist, " wait Y/N stop, let's just talk about this."
"T-talk? About what?" you ask, there's barely any anger in your voice, just pain.
"We're sorry-"
"Sorry for what?"
"I know that you like me and that seeing us together like this-" James starts and you interrupt him.
"You've told him?" you look more than hurt at Lily, "how could you..." you shake your head in betrayal.
"I don't even care about you being together. I've told you this, you knew this," you point at Lily. You cannot believe them right now.
"What I don't get is why you lied and sneaked behind my back. And not only once, you kept lying to my fucking face all the time."
Both of them are at loss for words. The even worse thing about all this, that you aren't even angry, only heartbroken.
"I didn't want to hurt you-" Lily starts, tears starting to form in her eyes, too.
"Well, you didn't do a good job. Because this lying hurt me more than the truth could ever have..." you sob, voice breaking.
"Please y/n, just let me explain," Lily reaches out for you, but you take a step back.
"Y/N, just hear us out. We were planning to tell you," James tries to explain, but honestly there's just no point anymore.
"When?" you scoff, "at your wedding?" you shake your head. If you ever want to be close to them again, you need to leave, because you are too hurt to actually solve anything.
"We-we...." James tries to find the right words, but comes out with nothing.
"I-I need to go, I can't do this right now. Hell, i don't know if i want to do this ever," you spin on your heel, before they can even blink and walk away with sobs shaking your body and your heart shattered into million pieces.
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elkkiel · 3 months ago
“shy” anon,
im gonna play a little bit of catch up here, cause theres some things i missed in previous messages. either the tags or in the replies under them lol
i would love if you drew something for me *flustered noises* your kitty art is my favourite. if youre curious or if it will help, iv is so heart eyes.
ill have to take the time to write out the blondie recipe for you, and ill get back to you with it. ill make sure to include some secrets and tricks in it ;)
as for my project, it is an original work. i cant give you any details about plot. but its a part of a very large series that im working on, like 12 part series (<- that is something i havent told anyone on here, so youre special for getting to hear about it).
weve interacted…id say a semi-decent amount, but id say we’re only acquaintances at most. you definitely know who i am though lol. its fine that you dont want to figure it out, makes it more fun >:)
KITTY. CUTE KITTY. HELLO BEANS *frantically waves* YOURE PRECIOUS. I MUST BOOP. she has such a :3 face. i want to squish her so bad. *cute agression noises*
the weather here has been…idk, alright i guess. we only have a few inches of snow here, but the temps are supposed to drop like -20 something in the next couple days and im NOT looking forward to it. i am so not a cold weather person.
eeooguh texture…its the thing that can ruin super tasty food so quickly.
i dont have any pets at the moment, but ive had lots growing up. dogs, cats, horses, even chickens at one point when i was really young. a pet that i want to get is a Maine Coon.
aside from sleep token, what kind of other music do you listen to? i dont remember seeing you talk about other bands/musicians on here before. second question, if youve gone to any, what was your favourite concert youve been to?
oh goodness, we've got quite the conversation going now, huh? definitely not complaining, though :3
I certainly do feel special getting those ✨exclusive details✨ hehe ^//w//^ that's such a big project wow!!!! have you made any headway on writing it yet, or are you still in the planning phase? how long do you think the finished series is gonna be, like are they short stories or multichapter stories? good on you for committing to something that big lol, I'm a little intimidated just thinking about it
oh, so we ARE a bit more familiar with each other then... well isn't that fun for you? since we've interacted before, and will almost definitely interact (off anon) again. I'll admit that I love me a little game of cat and mouse, especially when only one of us knows who we're playing with *//w//*
chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's a backyard hens program in my city and that seems like so much fun!!!!!!!! and a Maine coon would be so so nice 🩷🩷🩷 a big fluffy friend 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
okay!! q&a time!!
I listen to a bit of everything, but I definitely hit metalcore/djent the hardest—it scratches my brain really nicely lol. For the same reason, I like a lot of electronic music too (I'm in a weird, on-and-off drum and bass phase right now) and more experimental alt pop.
bands/artists I like: thrice (beggars album and earlier), spiritbox, jinjer, alpha wolf, thrown, electric callboy, vukovi, ice nine kills, poppy (her heavier stuff), polyphia, mothica, nothing but thieves, etc etc lol. Sorry for the grocery list of names :P
and I've never actually been to a concert before! I'm seeing killswitch engage in Calgary next year, so that'll be my first one!
again, I'll hit you with an uno reverse and pass the question back to you :3 what's your taste in music look like? you're already into sleep token, so I'm sure it's *chef kiss* lol
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silver-wield · 1 year ago
lol someone said on twitter that they spoke with their jp friend and A was only telling cloud off? For Tifa? Because he should be careful of re-gifting stuff like that so easily? This bitch man..she acts like she knows him. She literally tells cloud that he's dense in her gsd. Like wtf? Dense? He literally kisses tifa. PERIOD. Tifa barely did anything and he pounced on her. The simp knows what's up. I really don't understand why anybody believes a word this dead chick says. Oh but because she's all pitiful and cutesy uwu (i don't think so, it's an insult!) That people would rather ignore her negative traits than go be bothered while playing the game. Even if she taunted cloud because she misses zack and she's pissed at those two hitting it off and her's is dead. That isn't a fucking reason to steal said guy nor to deliberately hurt your "friends" just for your gain you dumbass. Even this jp interpretation is shit too. IT'S NONE OF HER BUSINESS! ugh. Then you see all these articles about kitase saying they wanted to convey the feeling of "when loosing someone you love, you wish you treated them better" ...........UM , first of all a lot are deliberately misinterpreting the word love here, second this could be said ABOUT THE WHOLE PARTY, third this bitch should be the one to treat them better! Kind people who did their best while you wanted to fck them and ruin their chances with the girl he wants & guy she wants don't need to be kind to you! This is a manipulative tactic! This is toxic as fck!
You know what? At first I thought the devs understood she had a flaw, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Im glad cloud called her WEIRD A LOT! Tifa might tell him and he'll feel bad but that doesn't change the fact that, that is what he thinks of her and her cringy ass confession. This man is not as oblivious as people think he is. Sigh. I'm glad some in TLS are catching up but where we are with the majority, I fear we will still hear the "there's no way he didn't feel anything for the blah blah" because the eng localization isn't COMRADE. Wtf change Comrade for "why not?" So RETARDED I WANT TO CRY.
For the last time, why should the kind people feel bad for treating her "badly" wtvr that means when she's the one who never respected nor cares foe their space and right at all? If I was there I would have slapped that hoe. Like no joke. She's 22 and people keep forgetting that. It's CREEPY. Ugh I personally would not deliberately hurt my friends just because I'm jealous of their happiness and now try to steal it for myself. Just because you have a reason/ sadness, doesn't mean you should act on it. Your last decision and action makes you who you are and I'm sorry. Aerith is a bad friend to both tifa , cloud, to the whole party, and ti her mother. Neither to zack as well.
Zack deserves better.
Btw she's been like this since OG for anybody thinking she's inconsistent. I'd say her remake version was the inconsistent one.
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Except the R word cause that's not okay 😬
Tbh given what she says about how the whispers took everything from her I think in remake she was fully aware of everything and then it all went away and she went back to being her default OG bitch self, so she's not inconsistent before that point, it's that she knew things she no longer does and forgot what she knew so she's just a selfish bitch at heart and any character development she started off with went bye bye.
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my-castles-crumbling · 1 year ago
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Omg i havee SOOO much to tell and ask you its both sad and fun stuff, First off i wanna tell you that you are such an amazing person like seriously omggg how do u even exist like you must not be allowed away from heaven. Btw random: i heard u mention abt u in university so hows that going and whats ur majorr???? :)) And now the very very bad stuff: i messed up. not very uncommon you see, but very bad. my cousin whom i rllyyy love shes amazing shes like the andromeda to my sirius. nd my dad's side is very cruel to my mom before i ws born and they also shamed her for having a kid (my sis) that has problems (they refuse to tell me what it is but she has 2 problems idk the first one she has since birth and the second is that she had um.. men parts but when she was around 4/5 we founf out shes.. female? im a minor i rlly dont undersrand how ths works so..yeah. shes 8 now btw this year shes gonna be 9 y/o) basically very cruel people very very bad and so my cousin, whos from my dad's side, she came for like a sleepover thingy and my father commented on my mom's side and how they arent close to me even though they are my basucaly everything.. and in reply, i said how i like them and they are good and i said "my mums side is great... better than father side atlst" and she said "i can hear u yk" and i said that shes a excpetiion but when she wnt home she really felt upset and she had an exam but she stll didnt come to my house (my house is closer to her school so she stays here in exam time so it takes less tme in travelling) so my father cmpletly blamed me and now im so upset idek what to do i dont wanna apologize to her cz she doesnt know that i know that she said shes upset. my father confronted me about it and he got to jknow from my cousins mom so there was no direct contact but basically yeah thats it. i need help in what i should do to fix things again :( but this is the reason that simply talking wouldnt work and its rlly hard :( btw random: how do i start my microfic thing like do i just upoad a micfic or do i post smgthn else first if ykwim? another thing:
yeah idk but i think m bisexual and i have a bestfriend shes straight and supports lgbtq+ community but i rlly like her and cz were besties i dont wnanna ruin anything at all and im cool with how we r rn but at the same time i want more ykwim? and.. were like the touchy-feely kinda bestfriends so we hold hands n stuff as a joke nd people ship us and its so asdxdfgkhljhxx idek if i rlly like her as a frnd or i like her as in like like her.. but i also have a crush on a boy but it only lasts for 2 secs but when i see him again i start to thibk i like him again but my other rlly gud friend likes him so is it that i like hm and ignore my feelings js cs my frnd liks him or do i just like him as frnds,, idek were close we play games togheter n stuff but thtas about it..
also have i mentioned how much of an angel you are??? i literally scream and jump off a cliff casually when u reply to my texts <333 ilysm ur such a great person <333
xoxo, sweet potato <33
Aww you're so sweet! I'm not in university anymore, at least not in the traditional sense: I'm working on my master's degree. It's going.....not terrible lol. I'm majoring in ESL Education (English as a Second Language).
For your first question: I think this is a really good example of how talking through other people isn't the best solution. Do you have any way of getting in contact with your cousin directly? Because things are definitely going to be changed and exaggerated if you are talking through your aunt and dad. Once you talk to her, be truthful. Be sincere and tell her how important she is to you. I'm betting she'll come around.
For microfics: Nope, just go for it! You don't have to do anything beforehand, just start! I can't wait to see what you write!
For the last part: First, are you sure you friend is straight? If she definitely is, then yeah, it might not be worth it to say anything? But I mean, you could always try bringing it up casually. Like "Oh, I think you're really pretty!" and see what happens?
With the guy- I know it sounds cliche, but if your friend likes him, stay away. I've been there. I've seen friendships fall apart. It's not worth it, especially since you're not even sure of your feelings. I know I probably sound like a parent, here, but there was a full-on FEUD I experienced in eighth grade because two people were fighting over a guy and....yeah.
Thank you so much for the compliments, you're so nice!! <3 I hope you have a great day!
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mechacringekitty · 1 year ago
alone, desire, midnight, secret
alabastrine, ebonyeyes, bananaberry, coereba, macaron (dont need to do all if you dont want!)
under the cut..it got long again :) i wrote a whole essay, this is probably going to take you like twenty minutes to read im so sorry
alone ; Bananaberry - She's used to being alone, and often needs alone time to cool down, not often getting lonely. If she feels like she is, she seeks out Coereba [or, when she didn't have Reba, she would go to May, and May would go to her as well] She's not very different when she's alone, other than "trying" a little less in her presentation of self. Coereba - They get very withdrawn when they're lonely, like isolating themself is going to make it any better. Bananaberry often fails to notice this, so they try and tell her when they can. Reba knows she won't judge them, but it's hard to shake years of being disregarded by their family. They did feel alone for a lot of their life, as their family mostly ignored them and their needs. They're the same when they're alone. Alabastrine - Also goes to her partner when she feels lonely, which isn't very often. When she didn't have one she'd head to the bar. A lot of her childhood was spent entirely alone, emotionally if not fully physically alone, so she has a hard time even recognising the feeling for what it is. He's a lot more relaxed when not around other most other dragons, and tends to let himself go even more than he does when he drinks. Ebonyeyes - Oh boy, yeah. She's been alone physically and emotionally more times than she could count. Her upbringing on the NightWing island had her left out quite a bit, and she never really minded it. She's never been clingy to one person, so Ebony tends to just hang out in the nearest village until she's feeling better. She's much calmer when she's alone, as it gives her time to destress :) Macaron - They surround themself with other dragons, and have never really felt monumentally lonely besides a few occasions when they felt left out- being a needy little dragonet at the time. They're really bad at dealing with it, and cry into pillows whenever it happens. [They also cry into pillows for different reasons] Macaron's a lot less bubbly when they're without others, dropping their leader facade and just kind of...letting themself lose their mind a little. desire ; Bananaberry - She wants to feel whole :) she never really has, even with Reba there's something missing in herself. She doesn't really express that feeling very much with anyone, but May has a suspicion [he feels the same way sometimes]. I'm not sure what she'd do to achieve that, since it's not exactly a material goal. Coereba - Oh, how they won't admit it to anyone, but they want to be human again. Or at least to forget they were ever human. They'd never tell Bananaberry on account of not wanting to hurt her feelings, even though she wouldn't be hurt. They'd do a lot of things to turn themself back; mass murder is probably the cap where they'd stop. Alabastrine - Burning desire to rule, as much as he tells himself it's desire to keep his tribe and mother safe from his grandmother. As you can probably conclude...not very open. Won't even admit it to himself. He's already leading a revolution against the queen, so I'd say he'd go pretty far. Ebonyeyes - She desperately wants to be appreciated. Even in her role as a teacher, she never felt like anyone truly wanted or needed her skills. She's quiet about it, like most of her other emotions, but sometimes it slips out in the way she talks if you know her well. I don't think she would be very up to doing anything that involved hurting others, but everything else is fair game. Macaron - All they want is for their tribe, most especially their family, to be free. They're very open with advocating about this- er, not so much around the HiveWings, but otherwise very much! They'd kill for it, will and have, depending on where they are in their timeline. 1/2 because it got. too long
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hapigairu · 1 year ago
@deathbirby mentioned you on a post “when I read a 3h fic involving the nabats I...”:
@hapigairu lol go right ahead
​Thank you!
So... um... I thought the idea of the fic was to have Edelgard in the Blue Lions or something? Why does it look like a retelling of CF? "rhea forces edelgard to transform into a nabatean and it's very body horror-ish. she's like a mad scientist, completely crazy, insane, delusional and everything you would expect from CF fanfic rhea." That sounds like something Cornelia would do, not Rhea. Dunno how cruel Rhea is supposed to be there, but the whole mad-scientist with horror-ish vibes is very much a Cornelia thing. I am very confused. "rhea talks about the red canyon tragedy and seteth even mentions how he's heard her screaming at night babbling for her mother to come save her and it's just.. kinda shrugged off cuz bad things in past doesnt let you do bad things now (hmmm hypocrisy)" I mean... that's true that you can't justify doing terrible things because you had a traumatic past, obviously... Except Edelgard can for some reason? What? Also if someone's traumatised to the point of "screaming at night" (though I don't think Rhea would do that, I could see her crying when she's alone though), maybe don't shrug it off and help them regardless of what they've done? Which... Rhea did some questionable things (and still it wasn't out of malice at all), but absolutely nothing so evil that she should be denied compassion or help? Am I crazy in thinking that?
"also something where the holy tomb splits or something (rhea had a hand in that im pretty sure because of course) and sothis's dragon corpse is in there and that alone makes draconic features appear on the nabateans (pretty sick idea all things considered)" Splits? But yeah, that's a neat idea (the whole draconic features thing)! "edelgard's sibling (???) is a massive rhea simp and very zealous because of course"
Sibling? Okay, why not. Maybe they didn't all die, which... good for them and Edelgard! I don't think it's a bad idea at all, especially since the drama potential can be very strong. But how did they end up simping for Rhea if they were basically prisoner of the Agarthans? How does that happen? I'm guessing it's explained, but... it better be a very good explanation for it to make sense. And yeah... of course you can't like Rhea without being a zealot. *sighs* "the agarthans are more sympathetic?? like you can have an agarthan standing next to seteth without him losing his shit. also the holy tomb is apparently an alien mothership now because why not (thales said that. why is thales even alive idk)" The Agarthans are just so comically evil that I can understand wanting to flesh them out and add some complexities to them. Personally, I'd like to think that some Agarthans living in Shamballah are really not cool with what Thales and the others are doing, but freedom isn't exactly a thing in Shamballah when it comes to "Surface Dweller Sympathisers" or something like that. Cause no group is a monolith and surely, there must a minority of them -however tiny- not okay with their leaders? Like, younger people who are just done with having to hear about Thales' hate spiel and just want to live their damn lives? Idk, maybe I'm completely off-base with this lol. But yeah, I can't see Seteth be totally calm and collected when someone who likely participated in murdering his race stands near him. Just... nope. "epic final battle against rhea! you got edelgard, hubert, jeralt(??) and byleth all up against rhea! and she holds her own quite well. and then byleth gets knocked out and sothis takes control to scold rhea. and because even her own mom is against her rhea loses her will to live (not literally but she actually does lose her immortality as punishment??)" That's...uh... huh. Sothis is a bad mom and somehow it's her daughter's fault because it's always her fault? Seems a bit fucked up if you ask me. "oh and you get fun moments where edelgard yells at rhea during the fight and throws arguments at her. she thrust nobility onto humanity (false), she made herself a false idol (??), etc." Ah, yes. Rhea is the reason why nobility exist. What's that? What about Brigid and Almyra? The fact that they have nobility shall be either ignored or still be Rhea's fault somehow. And like, we don't know exactly how the Church was created IIRC? Yeah, Rhea had a hand in it, but she wasn't the only one I'm guessing? It reminds of a fanart where -after the battle against Nemesis- some soldiers said they fought for her and she was really moved. Really nice fanart, hats off to whoever did it. "if im not mistaken, the author of the fic is a "agarthans are actually natives and sothis was a colonist" believer. so that should give you a general idea." Yeah, that checks out. It's such a shame that, for all the discussion about how everyone is supposedly morally grey (lol), not many people are actually trying to give Rhea and the Nabateans nuances. She's far from perfect (and she knows it actually) and she has so much potential as a morally-greyish but ultimately good person. But not even KT/IS (IS a bit more with FEH) are interested in being fair to her, so it's no surprise most people aren't either. And, ofc, no hate to the author. It's just disappointing to see that the Rhea hate is so prevalent.
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nixotinix · 1 year ago
4, 13, and 20 from the MH list thing...
ok boos im gonna start with 13/20 because i have some THOUGHTS on 4.
13: How do you feel about the live action movies?
-they're giving old disney channel movies. they arent GOOD by any means, theyre actually really really bad. but for what its worth i liked sitting through the first one just because i could point out certain things and go "that's bad". the second one was mindnumbingly boring though.-
20: Random character headcanon!
-Ahem. Frankie makes tiny dolls of their friends and sews them tiny clothes. They have all of the dolls on their desk. Draculaura has nails with red bottoms. Clawdeen teaches the boo crew about different human holidays and they all celebrate in their own little monster ways. Lagoona is CRACKED at pumpkin carving. oh and deuce is bisexual. -
4: Are there any aspects of G3 that you dislike?
-Hoo BOY this is about to get long. You can opt out now if you don't wanna read my super long winded thoughts. But if you do, keep reading.
I have 2 major grievances with G3. First is the overall sanitization of EVERYTHING. (I'm mostly talking about the cartoon here, the movies do this surprisingly well.) One of the reasons I liked G1 so much is that it actually tackled real-world problems. Bullying, racism, sexism, unhealthy family dynamics. And it had actual villains like Valentine, Nefera, Whisp, etc etc. G3 has a horrendous lack of both.
So far in the G3 cartoon, the biggest conflict we've had is Draculaura coming clean about witchcraft, which is an allegory for coming out of the closet. And that is a super important issue and coming out of the closet is a huge deal to a lot of people. But the conflict with Dracula is resolved in exactly one episode, and the only other person who isn't cool with it is Toralei. But A: Toralei doesn't count as a villain because none of her actions have genuine lasting consequences and she isn't an actual threat + she gets a mini redemption arc and B: she also comes to accept the witchcraft in that same episode.
Another aspect of this, and who I believe are the biggest offenders of the sanitization of MH G3, is the recharacterization of Nefera and Manny. Sure, seeing Nef be nice to Cleo is great. Seeing Manny as this shy nerd kid is great. But I liked the dynamic a lot better in G1. Most of Cleo's problems and character development came from her troubles with her father and sister, and both of those are absent in G3, which leads to Cleo being a very static character with no real character progression outside of her romance with Frankie. Same with Manny. The only real "bully" character is Toralei, and like I said, she got a mini-redemption. There's no Gory Fangtell, no mean girl Toralei Stripe who actively goes out of her way to sabotage the ghouls in actually meaningful ways, and there's no Manny Taur. I liked Manny being somewhat of a bully in G1 since it introduced people to that idea. Monster High is all about being unique, but there's still bad eggs in the mix. I still like G3, but I feel like it needs to incorporate more story beats from G1. The show execs could definitely do a better job at introducing these things like bad parents, bad siblings, and bullies to prep kids for the real world, because things like that and worse exist. And shielding kids from it does more harm than good in my opinion.
Now for my second issue, which is what I've dubbed the Dracudollar effect. It's no secret that Draculaura is a wildly popular character, and arguably the most recognizable from the franchise. And this isn't all Mattel's fault, but they do share partial blame. In Generation 3, outside of single doll releases, Draculaura has been in every. single. doll line. I don't think this needs to be the case. I would love to see more Cleo, or Deuce, or Lagoona. But they've all been sidelined in favor of Draculaura. And Draculaura's dolls tend to be more expensive, too. Again, not entirely Mattel's fault. But I just think it's ridiculous when she goes for 5, 10, even 50 dollars more than other dolls (in the case of VH Draculaura vs SIS frankie, not g3 but worth mentioning).
Anyways. There are my grievances with MHG3. I really like g3 overall!! but there's definitely a few things that id prefer a different way
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praxieserver · 2 years ago
This is a kind of silly one BUT like havd this cringe weird au where like cartman has another kid in post covid (I called her jane cuz she reminds me of rtc jane doe for her personality) and for some reason I see her sm with kyle's daughter (aubrey) kinda like menorah and eli and it would be so funny like cartman realizing that both of his kids are dating/have a crush on his rival's/enemie's kids but aside from that I see jane totally like freaking aubrey out and aubrey being kinda scared of her at first because she literally appeared out of nowhere all the time spooking everyone even if she doesn't mean to I feel she got curious about aubrey because observing a bit she realized they didn't seemed as bad as her dad told her,so she tries like get closer to her but accidentally spooks her a lot at first
Jane:"you know what I find kind of really super hurts?"
Aubrey:*turning around in fear* "maybe later thanks— SORRY—" *runs away*
But I see her slowly realizing that jane isn't actually as scary as she thought and slowly start spending more time together
Theres more I could say about these two but I am lazy and also dont know how to phrase everything so that's it for now!
akhdksjaja srry if this sounds rlly aggressive but wowzs!!!! im so very excited and very happy to hear more since i haven't really watched rtc in it's entirety (i just listen to the what the world needs and ballad of jane doe over and over again and watched a few funny conpilations on youtube 😭✌️), and im sure your jane's personality isnt a direct copy of jane doe rtc's personality so!!! please!!!! share!!!!
personally i see aubrey as being cautious towards jane bc her and moisha do not get along at all, and in gen the rivalry is a family wide thing, so while she's polite to the other members of the cartman family that don't bother her (totally on her own volition bc she's such a mature child and not bc her dad has severely reprimanded her for severely injuring moisha in multiple fights, no sir!) they're all on thin ice really.
so she's probably really jittery around her most of the time, but kind of has a revelation that. out of all the weird encounters she's had with jane. jane hasn't really. done anything. and decides to try talking to her and they become good friends and she adopts them into her friend group bc she's very extroverted in a female himbo kinda way. (not a bimbo. well actually ig, she's a bimbo but in a masc way. so like. girl himbo. listen she's just a dorkass kid sometimes that's all you need to know)
anyways thank u sm for sharing!!! hope to see u in my inbox again soon :DD
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dgaftilwedie · 7 months ago
Star Platinum: THE GRATEFUL DEAD!!!! i've always really loved that little creeper's design. the eyes are the tentacles are so freaky but in the best way.......... and the way the stand works is so interesting to me. like the warmer you are, the quicker you age, and the only thing that stops the aging is the cold?? literally such a cool fucking stand i love it. plus, it's user is prosciutto, and if there's one thing i am, it's prosciu's bitch. (purple haze is a close second, i could talk about fugo's stand for forever. and then killer queen is my third :3)
The World: part one ofc :3 i am firmly against part skipping. i watched the anime first, but the first part i READ was part 5 cuz it's my fav
Hermit Purple: PART 5 FOR SURE i am so insane about part 5
Hierophant Green: fugo :( i get him for real. his backstory, his angry outburst, literally everything about him. he is a reflection of me i think. i wanna hug him so bad. poor fuckin guy :(
Silver Chariot: oh my god when i first started watching jojo's, i was under the impression that i wasn't supposed to like fugo because he was a traitor, and i wasn't supposed to like trish because she was useless. i watched part 5 and i was baffled. like. fugo wasn't a traitor, bruno gave him the option to leave and he left because he didn't want to die??? and trish wasn't useless - she didn't know she had a stand, and bucci's gang wouldn't have let her endanger herself like that. she did a LOT in the later half of the part, especially during the notorious big fight.
The Fool: hm............. maybe that everything would make sense eventually?? but that's not very silly
Crazy Diamond: EASY IT'S PART 5 (part 7 is a pretty close second btw). i've been so attached to that part since i first watched jojo's 4 years ago. giorno was such an interesting character, and i loved that he was morally grey (literally the perfect mixture between jonathan and dio). the members of bucci's gang were simultaneously so goofy and so interesting, and there were so many funny moments that half the time i wasn't sure if i should be laughing or crying. the villains themself too were so interesting. like, leaky eye luca had about 5 minutes of screen time and it left me wanting to know more about him. la squadra as a whole is another reason it's my favorite part. i could go off on a tangent about my boys but that'd be a full essay's worth of yapping
The Hand: i wanna be friends with mista, fugo, and narancia so bad. i wanna play fortnite with them. i feel like it'd end up in me and mista actually having fun and playing the game normally while fugo loses his shit and narancia gets cars stuck in ravines and in between trees. they'd be so fun to do late night convenience store runs with too.
Echoes: sono chi no kioku, easy. as for endings......... walk like an egyptian was heat, but there is something so funny to me about how golden wind's ending was freek'n you LMFAO (i talk about part 5 too much oh my god yapyapyap)
Heaven's Door: i already have two planned :3 ofc im gonna be basic and get the birthmark, but i've been thinking about it n i kinda want one of those manga panel tattoos with melone :P
Killer Queen: FUNNY FUCKING VALENTINE OK!!!!!!!!! i do not like him. i have never liked him. like. ok listen listen let me start over. i LOVE morally bad characters. like, idk, take yoshikage kira for example. he kills people for their hands. terrible person. but there is something about the fact that valentine LIKES KIDS that makes him irredeemable for me. sorry this isn't even related to him being a villain, this is just my pure unbridled hatred for him.
Gold Experience: johnny :3 i fell in love with his character before i even started part 7. he had a lot of really silly moments, and a lot of moments that highlighted his character in the best way. he's morally grey and that's something i love in a protagonist. i also love his interactions with gyro like....... idk he's just a fucking silly goober n i love him a whole lot :3
Sticky Fingers: the hand............. no offense to okuyasu......... me and my brother have had a very long conversation about how the hand is such an op stand. like, it can just erase shit?? with no repercussions?? and we agreed that it would be a crazy fucking stand if okuyasu was just a little bit smarter. like he definitely learned how to utilize his stand in a really good way but imagine the potential the hand would have if okuyasu was as smart as like, jotaro or kira per se
Moody Blues: EAT SHIT ASSHOLE FALL OFF YOUR HORSE!!!!! i also find myself rewatching the fucking. that one part where kars falls off a cliff or something and his face goes all stupid. and also uhmmmmmm every scene that la squadra is in.
Sex Pistols: mista :3 i feel like we'd just each other yknow......... i'd take him to do something fun, like go to the mall or something!! go window shopping, pick out shit for each other to buy, get some delicious ass mall food court munchies........ maybe afterward we'd go back to wherever the fuck he stays and play video games together and fuckin stay up until the early hours of the morning before passing out on the couch on top of each other
Aerosmith: i really liked the formaggio vs narancia fight, like that's one of the fights that really stuck with me. josuke and yuya vs terunosuke was another really good one too
Purple Haze: can i pull out the EAT SHIT ASSHOLE FALL OFF YOUR HORSE card again or is it too soon. also the "this is the taste of a dirty liar" that was fucking HILARIOUS
Spice Girl: hm........... i can't really think of an actual example, but i feel like there were a lot of characters in part 3 that were overshadow just because of how fast-paced it was and how many enemy stand users there were. it's been a while since i watched stardust crusaders so i could be wrong, but that was my first impression
Gold Experience Requiem: this question had me deliberating for a while like this was harder than my favorite jojo. i think. i think it's a tie between gyro, mista, and kakyoin................ unless bruno is the vento aureo jobro, in which case replace mista with bruno
Little Feet: MYSELF. do you know how useful it would be to shrink myself? i could just disappear for a little bit!!! it'd be fun to experience the world from the pov of a mouse :3
Man in the Mirror: daiya higashikata's fit is so fucking drippy i want her hoodie thing so bad
Beach Boy: uhmmmm................... plbbbbbbbb i dunno. WAIT I LIED YES I DO FUCK CHEAP TRICK FUCK CHEAP TRICK SO HARD that entire stand battle was just so annoying. i hated his stupid voice. it was funny when rohan start tweakin over it but like. guh. lame.
The Grateful Dead: i have like, an endless list of headcanons but here's a couple cuz i've already done so much yapping. melone's blind in the eye at he covers. erina smells like gardenias. gyro and johnny fucked. several times. brokeback mountain style. jolyne's a stoner. one time, koichi went to a fast food place with yukako, josuke, and okuyasu and it had one of those indoor playplace things and okuyasu was like "dude we should go inside of it" so he did. and he got lost at the bottom of a foam pit. rest in piece koichi :(
Baby Face: gonna throw jojo fans for a loop and name him carl
White Album: the torture dance song was straight heat
Metallica: JACK THE RIPPER IN PART ONE. THE HORSE. THE POOR HORSE. also what the fuck was the sun from part 3. so fucking whacky
King Crimson: i've been saying this for so long but i want a (preferably animated but i'll take what i can get) la squadra spin off. i want to see them work together in different pairings to do hits, i wanna see them interaction with each other, i want la squadra funny moments. more ghiaccio ranting, more melone being freaky deaky, more formaggio and illuso being rivals with sexual tension, more prosciutto being a badass and pesci being terrified. i want more risotto interacting with his men. i want sorbet and fucking gelato!!!! i wanna see their stands, i wanna see their personalities, and i wanna see their interactions with the other members and the way they did their hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! la squadra are easily my favorite characters in the entirety of jojo's and all i want is more content of them.
Stone Free: UGHHHHH part 5. part. part 5. no further comment. i don't think i'd want to join any character's side. i'd wanna be a character like pericolo who's in passione but doesn't have bad blood with either side. minus killing myself for the boss. i will NOT be doing that ☝️🤓
Star Platinum: The World: my husband actually. fucking freak. *licks his entire face*
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⭐ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Ask Meme ⭐
Send an ask with one or more of the stands below! Please feel free to reblog this and spread it around~ ☻
☆ Star Platinum —  What is your favorite stand and why?
☆ The World — Which part did you watch/read first? 
☆ Hermit Purple — Which part have you gone back and rewatched/reread the most and why?
☆ Hierophant Green — Which character do you relate to the most?
☆ Silver Chariot — Are there any characters you initially disliked but now love? If so, who and what changed your mind?
☆ The Fool — What’s the silliest misconception you had about the series before watching it? 
☆ Crazy Diamond — Time for the age-old question: What is your favorite part of JJBA and why?
☆ The Hand — Which character(s) would you like to be your JoBro?
☆ Echoes — What is your favorite OP and ED?
☆ Heaven’s Door — If you were to ever get a JJBA tattoo, what would it be of?
☆ Killer Queen — Who do you think is the worst villain and why?
☆ Gold Experience — Time for the other age-old question: Who is your favorite JoJo?
☆ Sticky Fingers — What do you think is the most underutilized stand? How would you like to see it used?
☆ Moody Blues — What’s your favorite moment to go back and watch/reread?
☆ Sex Pistols — If you had to take one character on a date, where would you take them and who would you take?
☆ Aerosmith — What is your favorite fight in the series?
☆ Purple Haze — What is your favorite quote from the series?
☆ Spice Girl — Most underrated character?
☆ Gold Experience Requiem — And time for the final age-old question: Who is your favorite JoBro?
☆ Little Feet — What would you use Little Feet to shrink?
☆ Man in the Mirror — Which character outfit would you steal for yourself?
☆ Beach Boy — What is your least favorite Stand and why?
☆ The Grateful Dead — What’s your favorite headcanon for any character?
☆ Baby Face — If you got to pick, what would you name the next main JoJo?
☆ White Album — What are your favorite tracks from the OST? (All parts!)
☆ Metallica — What fight were you most surprised by?
☆ King Crimson — Which character would you most like to see a side-story for? (A la Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan.)
☆ Stone Free — If you were suddenly transported into the world of JJBA, which part would you like to be dropped into? And would you join the heroes or the villains?
☆ Star Platinum: The World —Post your favorite gif from JJBA!
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starkid999 · 5 months ago
i don't know what I wanna do
have i spoken about this already? maybe
So, I'm currently in school to become an interior designer. Now has this been my dream? no, not really. If I'm being quite honest I trace it back to this one time my mom's friends came over and they were asking me what I wanted to be, I remember telling them I wasn't so sure and that I was leaning towards maybe doing something in writing or something creative but definitely not something STEM related. They started to bring up multiple jobs, and the lady mentioned Interior Design and I was like I'm not to sure then i remember my parents laughing because they were like "nooo her rooms always messy and she's got so much stuff on her walls" referring to my posters and whatnot. I remeber getting i guess annoyed and I tend to do a lot of things out of spite. Thus began the whole "im going to be an interior designer".
I don't know why I do it, it just happens. It's like when I get mad and I say something mean I can like feel it and I have a visceral reaction. I can feel it in my eyes as my vision goes blurry and I feel my heart beat faster.
Every other time i've brought up things i'm interested in such as anthropology, my mom would tell me no because I would get my finger anils dirty. I wanted to be a writter, a journalist to be exact, but my mom said no. She said I would end up in politics.
I've always loved learning about different religions and learning about new perspectives. It's one of the reasons why I loved history. I was able to see how the different perspectives varied from person to person. But I also miss writting my essays in both hisotry and literature class. The rush of not knowing fully what happened but managing to put my words together in order to make something that seemed like I understood.
I had too big of aspirations as a kid.
From the ages of 4-12 I wanted to be a pediatric oncologist. I wanted to help children who suffered from cancer and make them feel better, however as school went on I discovered that maybe biology isn't for me and I think those kids would have a much better chance at beating cancer without me there. I feel like it's this guilt I carry around with me, that I just have to help others feel better, and now that I'm doign what I'm doing it's like its not enough. I feel like I failed my little self. I was meant to do so much more and now i'm doing this. Although I know it isn't bad at all what i'm doing because it does play a major role in how people feel and how accessible certain things are for others, I just feel so empty as of late.
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keefwho · 8 months ago
July 15 - 2024 Monday
No cleaning this morning, I might stop the scheduled cleaning time or treat it differently. Or maybe it's the one thing I should try to stick to no matter what to start my day off with some discipline and sort of self care. I had a snack of cheetos and pears for breakfast since my body didn't want to eat.
After work today BD wanted some time with me to ask about some stuff which was a little surprising. We had a deep talk about a lot of things, both her and my issues. The topic of what it means to be a social leader came up and I think my view of it really benefitted her. Likewise, having someone there to understand and reaffirm some of the things I've been up to was nice. We went for about 2.5 hours, past my lunch time but I much preferred the chat. Lunch ran me extra late too but I reminded myself that the afternoon stuff I have scheduled isn't super important, not like commissions.
All I did was the request today and about 10 minutes finishing something personal because I had a headache and was kinda tired. I was with BR and friends in her Discord server for most of the evening except for one point I went to mega-goon which was a mistake, I wasn't really feeling it. I've learned that self pleasure is one of my coping mechanisms and maybe only slightly a problem. I dont do it a lot but the way I do it usually feels kinda bad so I'm trying to be aware of that.
Hanging out in the server was fun. I've been stressed a lot today and struggling with the classic loneliness but I've learned a few times that forcing myself to stick around who I know are good people will usually do me good. And it did, I had a bit of fun by the end even with everything still bothering me. We watched the new Wild Manes show and BR drew her pony as a WM horse. I'm going to do that too but make myself female since stallions haven't been shown in the show yet. I've also never represented my sona as female before (because I'm not) so that'll be interesting. Not trans btw. BD literally asked me that today for some reason which was hilarious, she hasn't even heard the comments I make elsewhere about wishing I was born a woman. But I really am okay being who I am, I just wish I wasn't lumped into "men" sometimes.
Im in a weird place in my life right now because everything has changed so quickly and I'm in a lot of legitimate pain. I also might be really hyperfocused on what is happening and need perspective. But what I know for sure is that instead of thinking I'm in the wrong and that my pain isn't justified, I'm accepting that it is and that it simply hurts. Its going to keep hurting and all I can let it do is heal. I think I'm handling everything maturely, I am doing my best to be fair to myself and others. I want to heal what has been damaged as opposed to abandoning everything. I just hope other parties are willing to do that too because I'm committed. Thats the biggest thing I worry about.
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youremyheaven · 1 year ago
I really loved your post about moon dominant men and women. maybe bc I had a toxic friend like that, i liked that you kinda said a lot of bad stuff about them/criticized their behavior 😭 i LOVED that with my whole RAGE. idk if you can resonate too with all that I'll say, but i remember my friend always wanted to be on a different side than me. she legit accused other people of doing really bad things to her and, or told me "That guy is really abusive" for no apparent reason and pretended as if, since she felt that, then it must be true (also she talked shit about women and PROUDLY believed that if she felt that way about them, it's because they are hiding something/being sus). I used to think she had a good intuition, but she let that thing be blurred by her projections so much that in the end, she wasn't reliable AT ALL and mostly she was just picking up on things about herself and "blaming" others. Reminds me of the meme that says something like "Me saying there are bad vibes in the room but I'm the bad vibes in the room" lol. Also if you showed her proof that, for example, her favorite actor was an abuser or something she always replied "I'm not gonna believe that, there isn't enough proof" she used to believe the dumbest and craziest stuff like birds have cameras, her phone camera is hacked and someone is seeing her?? but if you showed her something REAL and TRUE she didn't believe it at all and she always said something like "hmm im not sure" I remember one day she was telling me that Aquarius was a water sign (it's stupid ik) I showed her screenshots and pics of a book saying Aquarius is an air sign and she said "I don't care, I don't think that's true" she was such a toxic bitch who never apologized for shit because she was incapable of recognizing her shitty behavior. she always talked about her parents as if they were the worst for the smallest dumbest shit like, her dad didn't think buying x was a good idea. One day I was suicidal and she told me that it was too much for her and that she needed to "take time for herself" Selena Gomez who?? and then claimed that I ruined her perception of me bc of that and she couldn't take it anymore. like?? if your friend being depressed victimized and ruined it all for YOU maybe you weren't a good friend to begin with. And it's not like I was draining her every day with my problems bc I'm the type to keep everything to myself and not ask anyone for help. She was the only friend who felt that way about the situation (it affected her so much that it was one of her reasons for deleting me from every social media 2 years later, out of nowhere, and making me feel like im the one who hurt her legit blaming it all on me feeling depressed once) she was also 3x moodier than me, 3x more mentally troubled and she attended parties/meetings with this face 😒 almost EVERY TIME, but if you were sad/angry or disappointed and you showed it, she always made herself the victim or said something like "Yeah that time you cried I wanted to kill you" like babe??? you are always in a bad mood but when someone else was, you dared to take it personally and act like you always do and know better. im really sorry if this was long, but your post helped me process this more than i already did 😭😭😭😭😭
omg bestieee im glad my post could help you😭😩😭 and im so so so sorry that you went through all that
as someone who endured a lot of abuse at the hands of multiple Moon dominant people, i really couldnt hold back on those posts even though I usually dont talk that much shit on any of my astro posts,,
what you said about the hating parents bit took me back to all the times my toxic ex bestie would fight with her parents over the dumbest stuff (her mom didn't let her buy something from the grocery store, im not kidding she had a whole meltdown bc of this) and what u said about them not giving a shit about your feelings/mental health LMFAO sounds exactly right,, i was sharing some deeply sad stuff and they said "okay i dont want to hear any more" like literally they said that,, i understand how some things can be triggering to hear but ??? there has to be a better way to deal with that situation instead of telling the person who is having a breakdown that u "can't hear it". she never apologised or saw anything wrong with her behaviour either. all the empathy i never received has pissed me off so much man, i feel u,, i feel so wronged for having put up with that stuff and for thinking that this is just how it is.
anybody reading this, please cut those fcking people out. they dont care, they never will and you will lose your time and energy on things you're better off without. cut them out. zero explanation. you dont owe them one.
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urbanconjurer · 1 year ago
The Ozempic Diaries: Context, & Weeks 1-3
I've been posting a fair bit about my recent experiences on ozempic over on my facebook page, but truthfully, I shouldn't - I have some professional acquaintances on there that I'm certain don't want to read about my various side effects and reasons for doing this. So, in the interest of both documenting my experience and honestly sharing, I will try to post any further updates here. It also gives me an excuse to use this thing, so. Here we go.
So why am I on this in the first place? Truthfully, my body and mind are a fucking mess. I currently live with:
(c)ptsd/ trauma
chronic depression
panic attacks
morbid obesity (starting weight: 430lbs)
binge eating disorder
type 2 beetus (starting a1c: 9.8)
herniated back disks
t2 and being fat both run in my family, going back at least 3 generations. trying to deal with all of these conditions in conjunction with self-hatred and trying to heal from trauma has been... a challenge, to say the least.
My current primary care physician (pcp) is really fucking cool. He actually *listens* to what i have to say about my body. He does acknowledge that the weight isn't helping me, but he also doesn't blame it for fucking everything, like a sore throat.
I brought up ozempic since, like many others, i heard so much about the potential for weight loss; i have to admit that the knowledge about the lowered blood glucose came later. My doctor thought about it, agreed that we could try it, but i had to also get approval from my eating disorder therapist.
My ED therapist is also fucking amazing. She's compassionate and kind, but also willing to call me out on my disordered thinking and pushes me to do better. When i brought up ozempic, we had a long conversation about it, ultimately resulting in her giving her approval, with the stipulation that i don't use it as a crutch. in other words, I still need to rely on my coping skills to deal with binges/cravings.
I was given my first ozempic pen in early January, but i didn't take it until 23 January. to be honest, i was scared - scared of taking an injection, scared of the very common side effects, and scared of what could happen to me. would i still be the same person? would i lose weight? would i be so sick that i'd have to stop? what if i didn't lose ANY weight? Was I just hopeless? if i did lose the weight, would anything change for the better? worse?
what follows are the accounts written over the past three weeks from my facebook.
Day 3: sore muscles. not sure if related to the ozempic or if i’m just feeling crappy. so far no nausea to speak of.
Week One:
* some full body soreness for a couple of days
* lots of burp, awkward
* some very minor GI issues I won't elaborate on (added for tumblr: constipation)
honestly, it wasn't that bad, knock on wood. I haven't had any real nausea to speak of, mental health is about as good as it usually is. let's see what happens with week two.
Beginning of week 3: 0.25mg still.
the day after is usually the worst - muscle soreness all over my body, and the nausea is at its strongest. soreness goes away after a day or so, and the nausea is intermittent afterwards.
i’ve noticed that the amount of “food noise” has really decreased; i can tell when i’m actually hungry as opposed to eating out of boredom or stress (the nausea lets me know). i’ve been craving peanut butter & meat (not together), which means that i probably need more protein. im definitely fuller faster as well. no idea if i lost anything since i don’t keep a scale in the house, but my resting glucose was 106, which - while still high - is fantastic compared to what it was.
gonna keep on going, i guess. not sure when to bump to 0.5mg, so i’ll also update that when it happens.
back to the present. the fatigue is the biggest issue so far. to be fair, I don't know if this is due to the lowered food intake, the medication, or the depression, but it's greatly increased over the last couple of weeks. i'm going to see if i can reach out to my pcp and see what they think.
so far, that's about it. like i said, I'll try to update this at least weekly. i think it's important to document - not only for my own health, but as a sort of record for anybody else interested in potentially trying this medication. i also admit that i have some concerns about the long term effects of the med, so this will also hopefully assist in keeping an eye on any potentially troubling patterns.
if you got this far, thanks for reading and letting me share such personal things. see you soon.
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ratective · 9 months ago
i really hope op doesn't hate me for this but since im bored and pearlnet is my nr 1 favorite ship i'd like to take issue with some of the points op made (for no reason other than clarifying some things!!)
garnet is her own person... but not ruby and sapphire's relationship?? i'm so happy someone is finally elaborating on that because people often misinterpret that but garnet totally is her own being! that's why she wasn't introduced as 'that fusion character' from the beginning - to show the viewer shes not two minds sharing one body, but just herself, just garnet, with her own personality, wants and desires! the issue here is that she IS, in fact, also the manifestation of ruby and sapphire's relationship; THAT'S fusion! she personifies the combined strengths and weaknesses their relationship is build upon. she's NOT the two of them, rather a third being, 'an experience', a physical representation of their love and everything that it consists of! and that's okay! it should be acknowledged while ALSO not being a reason to erase garnet's own identity. op points out that "people are often fixated on the fact that shes a fusion" which leads them to drawing the wrong conclusions and i couldn't agree more
the plot holes and contradictions i wholeheartedly agree that there are many fields on which we as viewers are left in the dark about (bc of scheduling, the network being an ass etc) but in some examples given by op it can be often the issue of interpretation (and a lot is left up for that in su, lets be ffr) and also bad writing 😬 in episode 'love letters' the 'three's a crowd' joke has become some sort of rope people cling onto when trying to deny garnet's ability to date... i guess lmao? i feel, personally, this being written as garnet's line does nothing but a huge disservice to her character. many people took that the wrong way and went ha! this means garnet's TWO gems and THEY don't want to date anyone! op already did great explaining how garnet isn't just ruby and sapphire in a trench coat so i'm not gonna parrot them lol in addiction to this, steven saying that "garnet already is IN a relationship" feels more like bad writing. sure, a kid may not fully grasp what garnet, a fusion fully is, even if it doesn't make sense since he'd fused before himself. after "jailbreak" so many aspects of garnet's character has been reduced to being a fusion and many jokes regarding this, while otherwise cute, enforce the notion that this is ALL there is to her character now! regarding the contradictions, while there probably are some, i don't think its the case here. "love at first sight doesn't exist" DOES apply to ruby and sapphire, too! they weren't immediately in love with each other - they had to learn that, they had to make an effort. in "the answer" the two of them go on this magical self-exploration journey while sightseeing the planet. while we don't know how long did it take exactly, only after that are they ready to TRY and fuse again, for themselves, not an immediate emergency situation. by this they prove that fusion can be something more than just a fighting tactic - they didn't fuse to fight or protect themselves anymore - they did it because they loved being together, they loved being garnet, and garnet loved being herself. they probably didn't LOVE each other then still! love is a process and what the answer showed us, is that they wanted to indulge that process and they made the effort. jamie didn't - that's what garnets talking about in 'love letters'.
the rose slander :( i cant stand by a fellow pearlnet fan calling rose "a big child that hardly knew much about love" PLS i think rose was full of love! she had love for pearl, she had love for the planet, she had love for garnet and the crystal gems. sapphire later realizes that they weren't following rose...rose was following them! she was ENAMORED by their courage and care for one another! she was enamored by pearl's boldness that came out when she was around rose. rose learned to hate the pink diamond part of herself because she saw how everyone regarded pink, she saw how the diamonds treated her as pink. pink reminded her of homeworld customs, pearl, garnet and the cgs reminded her how freeing throwing these customs out of the window was! she was full of love for the planet and for garnet or pearl...that's why she wanted to go through with the rebellion! that's why she encouraged garnet to live as herself - she saw her as this beautiful manifestation of everything homeworld hated - love, courage, individuality <3 i REALLY hope you don't take it the wrong way op, i'm so thrilled to see someone make a case for my otp and i would LOVE for you to talk about your next points!! lots of love!!
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Why is Pearlnet okay and it's not problematic part 1
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needsmorewlw · 2 years ago
im high-key invested in the zombie fic. How do you think every character would change? Like who hardens and who stays the same, gets more skilled etc
Love that for me
First of all @alexisnotabrocoli made this art of Abi welding a shovel and kicking ass and and that's for sure her weapon of choice. She has tactical shovel like Markiplier and she is so good at killing zombies. She doesn't start off that way but she grows into it. She for sure hardens but not morally. She's still a sweetie at heart.
Dylan LOOKS scary but isn't. He's tall and has the knife/hook hand so that's an intimidating figure but I can't see him changing. He holds onto his morals and his sentimentality and is that character that people look to incase they have a tough decision to make/fear they need a softer touch than the automatic violence everyone gets used to.
Kaitlyn gets pretty good at seperating her heart from her brain. She knows what needs to be done to keep herself/ the people she loves safe, so she'll do it. But she's self aware that she falls too hard into a machine-like persona where she just felt nothing when she killed people and steps back and tries to regain her humanity
Meanwhile Laura just goes full murderer hair like canon 💅 She will kill anyone and not feel bad about it. She definitely struggles with it a bit once she and Max reunite because he's like "holy shit you've changed a lot" and maybe is a little scared of her 👀 Deep down she's still the girl who was looking for her boyfriend but she was willing to do anything to get to that goal and once she got there the damage had been done y'know?
Max was absolutely idealising his reunion with Laura. He thought they'd find each other and everything would go back to normal but Laura's this super competent, strategic zombie killer/war leader and Max didn't change at all. He's still the same boy who was looking for his girlfriend. He's never killed a person but I think the first time he does it's to help Laura 😌🤌
Ryan leans into his distrusting nature a bit hard but for good reason. People suck and they had dealt with plenty. He's in this hunter/survival mindset for months and months and the moment he sees Dylan again it melts away and he's regular Ryan again. Regular Ryan who's very good at guns and weapons but regular sweet Ryan. He is fiercely protective and a lil impulsive but I think he grows into a solid leader eventually, with alot of pep talks from Dylan.
Emma gets sweeter I think 😌 she realises that you need to wear your heart on your sleeve sometimes and that's a good thing. Make your intentions known. But she's also very good at hiding it and pretending to be intimidating if she needs to. She gets rly good at being a sniper because I'm obsessed with the cool melee character X sniper character with her and Abi
Jacob's the type of himbo where if he ended up with a group of absolute scumbags, over years in the apocalypse he might turn into a shithead, but since he's with his friends, he stays the same. I think he's definitely one of those characters who is so sure everything will be ok again one day and has the shattering realisation that probably it won't. He goes from being really optimistic to very sad but then back to optimistic but with a different view point where as long as he can keep his fam safe, it's not so bad.
Nick I feel is another character who realises how very useful he is in this world and he likes having a purpose. When everything went to shit he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and had no goals but now he has one and in a fucked up way he feels more at peace. He's fast, strong, smart and good with weapons. He's willing to do just about anything as long as he's being helpful because he has people pleaser syndrome. Thankfully no one around him would ask him to do anything super shitty, just a lot of dangerous, long scouting missions
Meanwhile I feel like the Hacketts just go full on redneck family. Chris is the one who convinces them to be a little social, especially with letting Ryan and Laura into the fold and helping them find their boys. I think Caleb and Kaylee are a rad little duo. One of them has a bat and the other has a pickaxe and they wreck shop together. Travis is just there to keep his fam alive and doesn't care about much else. Bobby is Bobby. Big tiddy vibes only
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