#im supposed to be getting lunch w my parents but they are running LATE so i am doing this instead.
theriverbeyond · 2 years
griddlehark Barbie heist AU, divergent timeline 2020's. Harrow is working on her final thesis project, something that will make or break her career/future. she's so close to being done, but she's missing one important thing: footage from the lost media Barbie (1983). a movie that was originally projected to break the box office and usher in a new era of media, it ended up shelved due to corporate bureaucracy with most copies destroyed, never to see the light of a theater. only one complete copy is rumored to exist, but it's location is lost along with its director, former legendary film maker John Gaius, who disappeared -- seemingly off the face of the planet -- soon after the movie was shelved.
hijinks ensue, and Harrow ends up having to rope in her longtime childhood enemy/rival/dubious subject of multiple erotic dreams Gideon Nav in order to plan and execute the heist. with the director missing, and everyone else involved either sworn to secrecy or just as hard to find, Harrow and Gideon will need to dig deep to find a way to work together and overcome their troubled history.
the closer they get to each other, the closer they get to the truth -- but as they piece together the mystery of Barbie (1983), they end up stumbling on a worldwide conspiracy that, if revealed, could end up having nuclear consequences.
will Harrow succeed or will her thesis (and future) be lost just like Barbie (1983)!?
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kangyunas · 5 years
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⁚ ⁛  oh my god ! you can’t believe who i just saw. it was  kang yuna !  they really resemble  seo soojin , don’t they ?  i heard they started their career about  one year ago  as the  main dancer + lead rapper + vocalist  in  v-nyx , but it sure seems longer, doesn’t it ?  they always seem so  optimistic ,  elegant  +  selfless  in interviews and to their fans, but their latest scandal made them sound like  timid ,  sensitive  + cautious … oh well, must’ve been the bad lighting. did you know they came all the way from  seoul ,  south korea  to new york city ?  it was really brave of them to sacrifice so much. you think they’re survive the spotlight ? 「+ seo soojin 」
god so i’m sleep deprived and idk what i’m abt to write so let’s see how many tws i can avoid adding. apparently , sleep deprived me is good at avoiding tws so that’s cool.
 —   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐.
on march 9th, 1998, kang yuna was born and raised in seongbuk-dong, seoul.
if the neighborhood wasn’t enough to tip one off, the kangs were well-off; her father having been the ceo of the family business in and around medical equipment while her mother was off signing paperbacks for her avid readers.
— quite a happy  little  family, which she pointed out time and time again to her parents soon after she learned how to walk and talk. and sing and dance, as they soon realized.
and who were they to ignore their precious little girl’s requests ?
(  ... ok, so they already planned on having another child but it made her much happier to think that she convinced her parents for a sibling  )
but by the time she was on her way to english preschool, she doted on her younger sister; it seemed endearing to those outside of the household, but beyond the surface, was an unfortunate side effect of two hard-working people that were too busy to come home and have dinner with their children.
only when she turned nine did she realize  why  she saw less and less of her parents.
as it turned out, her mother had an affair with one of her publishers and she’d taken advantage of yuna’s pleas for a sibling as a cover around the time.
her father found out, over the years, due to how much their youngest  didn’t  look like him — and more like that one publisher.
long story short, the teen lost her mother and sister as she got back home from school, leaving bare rooms and sour memories, their belongings all gone.
the news was publicized almost immediately and she and her father had to deal with the aftermath. bright flashes, handheld mics, and condescending tones became their norm for a little while.
from then, she saw her father even less... those early morning flights, late night meetings, or long business lunches really holding him captive. other than the times he’d try to show her the ropes of running the company, she saw the man maybe twice a week if she was lucky.
she quickly learned how to take care of herself without the help of their staff.
doing a lot of the house chores by her lonesome, it offered her some peace of mind. for whatever reason, her father took that as a sign that she was preparing to be a housewife.
arranged to be engaged to a business partner’s son by the age of sixteen, yuna tried her hardest to get out of it.
the most rebellious and impulsive thing she did was sneaking out to go to an open audition after being cast by a company scout at a talent show.
her father refused to let her become a trainee for two years, for obvious reasons, but yuna was adamant and in the end, he let her go.
(  suddeN i know i’m sorry i didn’t know how to get here without taking another 3pg essay to explain as;dlkf  )
she trained hard as a main dancer for a couple of years before she found her girls.
though she was very shy in meeting and training with them, she immediately found a safe place in their group. in their little family.
    —   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚.
vvvvvv timid, even though she was raised to be a businesswoman
performing on the stage and in front of the cameras is a bit of a different story
but incredibly shy
will try to get a smile on your face, nonetheless
wears her heart on her sleeve tbh, she can’t tell a lie without her eyes getting glassy
the Mom Friend™
she’s used to taking care of the others honestly
no matter how much of a mess they make
probs cuts up apples and orange and peels grapes for snacks
and makes sure they eat something for breakfast
also packs the girls’ lunches when they have indv schedules
a pure bean
    —   𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔. 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕.
once agaiN, this is basically soojin w a few exaggerations here and there
has a black belt in taekwondo for some reason probs so she can kick my ass
speaks english fluently bc she went to those fancy pants schools all her life
hates being called a chaebol / doesn’t want the attention that comes of it
loves cherries and avocados but like,,,,,,, not together
volunteers at the local animal shelter when she has time
could own a tesla but she probs has a minivan or a hatchback bc she a soccer mom
may look like she knows what she’s doing but is in a perpetual state of confusion
yuna at all times: ???¿¿?¿??
connections??????? haven’t thought of them yet but am always down to brainstorm but it’s like 3am and i’m supposed to be up at 8am goD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but as always, IMs are always open so pls come and plot with me and my bean ~
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untitlednottitled · 4 years
Birthday in 2021 was slightly different from other years; as usual the cat jy tells me she has no time to plan anything but this year she lets me in on the food places and lets me decide the itinerary, more or less. Not much thought put into it honestly, i like to enjoy the day as it comes without expectations, that way i get to experience the full extent of the cat's sincerity :)
18 March
The day before my birthday was spent at SJI, firefighting and troubleshooting until 5pm before i left, fk care 🙂
Had to go jy's hse to pick up her stuff for the weekend since i forgot to bring home before. any chance to see the cat was a welcome one hehe, so quickly picked the package up and went home on train. As usual on weekdays, did a short run and workout and then prepared to nua for the night. Decided to take a break over the weekend and not study.
At around 9(?), Suddenly received a video call from the cat and wow she was outside my hse, again. Ah the annual unexpected surprise move she pulls! Haha, opened the door and there she was holding a cake box and a bouquet.
It was a pom pom flower bouquet, dam cute! First time receiving flowers, felt abit weird. Like wad am i supposed to do w it haha. But i shall keep the cute thing in my room to look at everyday ba.
The cake she got used korean ingredients like korean strawberries! She specifically searched using the criteria and even had to travel an hour to get it from a home baker in Fajar. In the end after collection, she had to risk her motion sickness and grab to my hse because the cake supposedly 'deflates' after 30 mins of non-refridgeration?
And then, she say she need to go home?!?!? She purposely travel from lakeside to bishan just to travel back!! Ughhh ask her to stay but she refuse refuse. Even my parents also nag her but ultimately we had to let her go home at around 10ish.
That said, i really was surprised by the effort she put in, thanks catzy🥰
19 March
Woke up pretty early and prepped to go Tiong Bahru for item 1 on the itinerary with the cat: Merci Marcel.
Lunch at Merci Marcel was good! Not a fan of cafe food honestly, overpriced and not worth. But i ordered the ravioli dish, which was really good! The cat ordered a big breakfast-ish dish, i'd say pretty nice too! Service was great too, overall experience was positive, dm going back.
We ate at a normal pace i guess, but we still made it to the massage place on time.
Knead/Nimble; definitely more atas feeling than Wanlin. Overall, it was a relaxing experience but we agreed that Tina/Lily spoiled market such that we thought the massage itself was not as great as expected. It was a combo deal, 75 mins massage 30 mins scrub 15 mins shower. the scrub was interesting, but xiao disgusting when they made us lie on the towel on the side that was still 'wet' from the scrub.. forgot to mention the massage for both of us was done in the same room! That's a first time for both of us. The shower after was a new experience too, at least at a public place, hur.
After massage, we had a little time to spare so we went over to my bro's place to look see abit, before we grabbed back to my place for a proper bath and nua before the dinner.
Gyu bar
Took some getting to, this place.. a little ulu even though it was in town. But nevertheless, we entered the moment the place opened for dinner 😅
We were served an 8 course 'omakase' dinner. And we were both wow-ed by the first course already. Cant say we loved every single course but definitely there were highlights. I think we both loved the 5 different meat/beef cuts the most.
At the end of the 8 courses, the staff also sneaked up on me with a free ice cream w an undying candle lol.
Overall experience was really positive, wouldn't mind coming back for another event la.
After dinner, we were both full to the brim and didnt feel up to it to grab back either, so we public transported back to my home tgt and retreated to bed early. Must say that it was a noisy night though!
20 March
Woke up early again and left house for day 2 of celebratory meals! The Tea Lounge at Regent. We were served our first dish the moment we sat down. For ~58+/pax, i'd say this meal was super worth it, at least we are our fill and didnt have much complaints at all! The cat was especially full, dk why. We actually sat there from 12pm to 230pm, really just eating and eating.
Near the end of the meal, one of the waitresses suddenly came from behind to sing a birthday song and present a complimentary cake. She sang the full song herself haha, which was unexpected but lol.
After lunch, we had alot of time to spare before dinner so we decided to go somewhere nua. Orchard lib was full, vivo lib was full so in the end we relived our YP days and sat at the wooden verandah at vivo's rooftop.
At around 6, we made the move to Ju Shin Jung for dinner w my fam. Didnt really enjoy dinner as much as i would have liked. Ventilation was dam bad and the food served wasnt that good. Doubt im coming back to this place.
Sent the cat back to Jurong after dinner but somehow i got convinced to stay over. Partly because i didnt want to leave the cat and also because the mood was so good! We both slept early because we've had 2 consecutive early days. That night was pretty quiet lol.
21 March
Woke up pretty hungry and decided to order McBreakfast! Despite the ridiculously marked up prices. Didnt really do much other than eat and watch 3 eps or Vincenzo at normal speed lol. And to get the cat to edit my photos for posting on ig hehe. Only left her house in the late afternoon
Thoroughly enjoyed my 28th birthday and once again, so thankful for my cat and my fam for spending w me every year 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Daycare helper!Seungcheol
y’all im deceased :’))) he aint even my bias but a man with kids is tRULY A REAL!! MAN!!! hope you enjoy my first published headcanon!!
ok so let's get this show on the road
seungcheol with kids is a cONCEPT DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS
he is the cutest little bean with mini little beans clinging on his legs
a kid with smaller kids my heART
he only has this as a part-time job so he's still fairly young but boy does he treat it as his primary
he absolutely adores children and has been wanting to raise one for the longest time ever
taking care of kids as their parents are temporarily away isn't something he sees as just babysitting; he's proud he's deemed trustworthy enough to have someone put their kid in his care
and he does a damn well job at it too
he's a second dad to all of them
sasha cut her knee? he's rushing with a first aid kid
nick and carol are fighting over a crayon? they're suddenly best friends in one minute stat
your little sibling has to stay at the daycare while your parents are at work and you're in school
you go straight there after school to pick them up since it already takes a while to commute there
your parents were originally the ones supposed to pick them up but they've been swamped with work recently and made you do it in their stead
which you didn't mind at all
you got to spend more time with your little one
and you soon found out about the cute guy who works there
when you went to pick up your sibling they ran up to you happily (iM SCREAMING JUST IMAGINE HOW CUTE THEIR LITTLE LEGS AND BRIGHT FACES ARE)
“y/n!!!! you're here!!!! :DDDD”
and when you ask them about how daycare was they would point at seungcheol and be like
“that's Papa Cheols!!! he's a lot like dad”
and you're just like well. that's literally the cutest thing ever coming from this tiny 8 year old child.
“papa cheols” soon sees you across the room and his heart is just doing somersaults
you're actually the cutest being he's ever laid eyes on
he needs to check in with you and your sibling to confirm that you're the one who's picking them up
he practically pushes away the crowd of little children around his knees and makes a beeline for you
“hello!!! i'm papa -- i mean seungcheol. are you here to pick up y/s/n?”
he's a Flustered Wreck™ and can't hold your gaze for more than 2 seconds
you're just starstruck and kinda stare into his dark eyes and respond a second too late
“o-oh yes!!! that is me i am picking them up haha :)”
your sibling is just like wuts goin on?? ??? ??? ???? can we leave now
you both kinda just linger there awkwardly before your sibling tugs on your arm and demands to go home at that instance lmao
“ok ok we're leaving now!”
he's lowkey about to ask you out but he chickens out and just says “s/he is a real bright one!!” rip @cheol
you're just like oh,,,, ok well that's good to hear!! we’ll get going now :))
once you actually leave he stares off in the distance and is just
*.* what a beautiful creature
you continue picking up your sibling for a month and by this time you're well acquainted with seungcheol
sometimes when your sibling takes a while to gather their things or finish whatever activity they're doing, you and seungcheol take advantage of that to talk
you find that he's fresh in his early 20s and you should be like stranger danger❗️ ❗️ ❗️ but what danger is in a big man who has 4 kids clinging on his back, arms, and legs?? and he always has a truckload of snacks and coloring books and just
dangerous is the last word to ever describe him
he's been trying to build up the courage to properly ask you to hang out but he's always so intimidated by you and your beauty and :’))))
one day when your sibling is taking forever to get ready, he casually asks you what your weekend plans are
when you say you don't have anything planned he's like my cH AN CE!!!
“there's the opening of the park down the street from here,,,, do you,,, w-wanna,,,,, check it out with me?”
you're combusting on the inside
ofc you accept!!! damn right!!!!
when saturday comes around you force your sibling to stay at home to not third wheel LOL
“but y/n!!!! he's my papa cheols!!!”
after much bickering you eventually convince them to stay at home and watch cartoons
you reach the park a little earlier than him and start tugging on your hair and clothes out of nerves
“don't do that you'll mess up your hair!!”
you whirl around and he's suddenly in front of you jesus christ
“sorry!!! did i keep you waiting?”
you can't help but to check him out in that fitted shirt and flannel,,,, and those skinny jeans that hug him a little too much,,,, iS IT HOT IN HERE
your mouth is suddenly dry
“n-no i just got here”
he blinds you with a smile and starts walking you around the park
you're just,,, where did the basket come from,,,,
he just sheepishly looks at you and you can kinda guess why he was running a little late
after finishing your lunch you silently sit there, taking in the scenery and how soothing the atmosphere is
he suddenly takes your hand and you're just like ThIS IS NOT!!! A DRILL!!!!
after a few moments of silence you hear him take a deep breath
“i,,, really like you y/n. i knew it from the moment you walked in the building. isn't it funny how i get a little jealous of how much you care for your sibling?” he blushes
“bc i want you to care for me just as much”
and after some blushing and giggling you leave the park hand in hand with smiles plastered on your faces i am so soft
bf seungcheol will take care of you and look out for you so much!!!
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parkwoojin · 7 years
thank you to my loves @minhwangs​ and @king-jaehwan​ for tagging me!! sorry i took so long to get to it also; i’ll put it under a read more!
drink: water (that’s rlly all i ever drink my parents dont ever let me buy soda/teas/juice)
phone call: my younger cousin (i called him to come outside bc we were going out to eat)
text message: to my group message w/ my two best friends! 
song you listened to: wanna one’s energetic! im constantly streaming it on youtube tbh
time you cried: don’t make fun of me but it really was when woojin was picked for wanna one..... my heart really soared yall!! id been a fan of woojin since ep. 1 and he really stole my heart bc he worked so hard and is just so talented and lovely and i was just so proud and thankful that he got in that i cried ;;;;;
dated someone twice: nope!
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up:  never, ive actually never had a drink LOL
pastel blue
pastel pink
pastel yellow (can u tell i like pastels)
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: no
laughed until you cried: i’ve never had this experience b4 i hope i do one day
found out someone was talking about you: no
met someone who changed you: yes
found out who your friends are: yes
kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: about 95% of them
do you have any pets: no ;; but i consider my bf’s cat my cat if that counts hdjsfklj
do you want to change your name: no, i rlly like my name!
what did you do for your last birthday: nothing special, it was a really busy week for all of my friends due to senior activities and my family was out of town; so i just had a simple lunch with my bf!
what time did you wake up: 8AM for church 
what were you doing at midnight last night: going on twitter and screaming over woojin fanaccs from all of the fan signings  
name something you can’t wait for: my wanna one album and donghyun slogan set to come in the mail!
when was the last time you saw your mom: like 15 min ago
what are you listening to right now: still energetic i literally have a playlist up
have you ever talked to a person named tom: i dont think so...
something that is getting on your nerves: my college orientation times they’re rlly ridiculous its 10 days and each day spans 12 hrs like this is not rlly necessary sigh 
most visited website: tumblr and youtube
hair color: black, but my tips are brown bc they lightened due to chlorine LOOOL..... a free and natural ombre look i suppose 
long or short hair: rlly long omg it reaches to the middle of my butt LOL
do you have a crush on someone: my bf!
what do you like about yourself: i think i’m funny sometimes! my prime humor time is in real life, 10:00 PM -12:00 AM catch me on my late night show 
blood type: i actually have no idea and neither does my mom.... ive tried to donate blood to find out but i was under the weight limit by just a few pounds
nickname: k, kaikai, han (my viet name) 
relationship status: taken for 3 yrs hehehe
zodiac: pisces; rabbit/cat for chinese/vietnamese respectively 
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv show: running man probably! i dont watch much tv
tattoos: none, but i want one someday!
right or left handed: right handed
surgery: i had it done on my eye once to remove smth from it - it was a sad yet funny experience; after i came out of the anesthesia they gave me icecream but i couldnt taste the icecream bc of the anesthesia..... 
sport: i used to do swimming, soccer, and track at my local park when i was younger but now i do none of the above hdJFL
vacation: my last vacation was to universal studios in florida! harry potter world is amazing 
pair of shoes: my fave pair of shoes are my superstars!
eating: just finished eating some cantaloupe 
drinking: again, water
I’m about to: go to bed
waiting for: my woojin key strap! i love buying merch online i have a problem
want: to roadtrip around america (which will probably not happen anytime soon) ;;
get married: yes but not too soon, i guess once i’m at the stage where i’m ready for commitment
career: psychologist (looking at going into research)
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: eyes for sure!
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or nice stomach: arms
hook up or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: no
lost glasses/contact lenses: i aLWAYS LOSE ONLY ONE CONTACT...
turned someone down: yes
sex on the first date: no
broken someone’s heart: no
had your heart broken: yes it was mad awkward bc he swung for the other team
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yes
yourself: yeah! i think i’m doing alright
miracles: yes, i like things like little miracles
love at first sight: no
santa clause: no
kiss on the first date: for sure, if you’re feeling it you do you!
angels: yes!
eye color: dark brown
favourite movie: its probably mulan!
i think everyone’s done this already so i wont tag anyone specific but if you haven’t done it pls do and tag me in it!!
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inspiredstory · 7 years
Chapter 2
From birth, the new generation has been forced to follow the new regime. There were only two basic laws to follow; do not disobey the regime and, you are to live with & only love the person that matches your serial number. But for Jungkook & (Y/N) that was never an option. They never agreed with the new regime and now there’s a reason for both of them to fight back.
Read on AO3
Pairings: Jikook // (Y/N) x Surprise member 
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8(coming soon)
Fear, that’s all that she could feel running through her body. The guards were running after her and she had to get away as fast as possible. This wasn’t her life on the line, it was her best friends.
(Y/N) looked down at her stomach to see that she had been shot at. Desperately trying to save her best friend she kept running amidst the pain & blood loss. Soon enough she had grown too weak to continue. All she could do was scream out “Run Jungkook!!” The guards were now at her side, pointing a gun at her face, “You’ve betrayed The Elite. You WILL be punished.” “Do whatever you want to me, but you won’t ever find him.” “Wanna bet?” Suddenly a different guard appeared dragging Jungkook by his hairs, “W-wait no. No don’t hurt him!” “Say goodbye to your friend.” “(Y/N)…” he said fearfully. “No please, don’t do this! NO!”
(Y/N) screamed out as she sat up in her bed, covered in tears, her hands were shaking and all she could think about was her horrible nightmare. Someone tried to kill her best friend. Her arms enclosed around her legs as she sobbed and tried to erase the vivid images from her head. Around 10 minutes later she gathered the courage to take a peek at her phone. 3:08 AM. She couldn’t help herself, she needed to check in on him… make sure he was ok.
(Y/N): Kookie? Are you awake?
Jungkook: Yeah. Why?
He’d never tell her that he always wake up at this time to speak to his lover; the only time where they could both hear each other loud and clear with no interruptions. Of course (Y/N) writing him as an indication that something wasn’t right and; being her best friend, he wasn’t going to ignore her. Despite his lover’s jealousy.
(Y/N): Just wanted to make sure you were ok
Jungkook: Is there a reason for me to not be ok?
(Y/N): It’s nothing... just a stupid dream.
Jungkook: You’re sure?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Jungkook: I’m not buying that.
(Y/N): I don’t want to tell you what I saw. Not through here at least. We’ll talk during lunch tomorrow ok?
Jungkook: Sounds good. Get some rest alright?
(Y/N): Thanks kookie. Sleep well. Love you <3
Jungkook: Love you too. Night.
“Why am I suddenly feeling anxious and worried?” Jimin asked. “My friend… she just texted me-” “The girl?” “Yes, her.” “I don’t understand this relationship you have with her. I don’t like it.” “What am I supposed to do? Tell her I never want to see her again? Tell her the truth? I can’t do that to her.” “I have a great thing with you and I don’t want anyone to take you away from me.” “She’s not going to take me away babe, I promise. I don’t care for her like I do for you.” “You seem to be forgetting that we are connected body & soul. I feel your anxiety & your heart racing every time you see her.” “Stop. I don’t like arguing with you. You know that. My heart races because I hate lying to her; I have anxiety because I’m torn between telling her the truth & lying to her face. She hasn’t hidden anything from me-” “You don’t know that.” “Yes. I do. Please, trust me. I swear to you on her life and mine; there is nothing going on between us two.” “Please don’t play with my heart.” “I would never.”
The connection was dropped and not long after both young men fell asleep with nothing except the thought of each other on their minds.
The next morning Jimin woke up with a new sense of tranquility in his heart & mind. After his daily morning routine the young man made his way towards the bus station where he headed off to college. Checking his watch he realized that he’d be at least 45 minutes earlier than expected, taking advantage of this he headed towards a quaint juice shop down to block from his college. No longer than 10 minutes had passed, Jimin was now sitting down trying to contact his lover. Sometimes he’d manage to break through and hold contact with him but, it took a lot of his mental strength to do so. Other times Jungkook would initiate the conversation but, being the youngest (unbeknownst to Jimin) he couldn’t control the conversation all that well. “Jimin? Park Jimin?” A dumbfounded girl stood a couple of feet away from his table, Jimin was far from confused. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” “You’re such an idiot. Of course you know me. It’s me… (Y/N).” Jimin; still very confused, tried to remember who this young girl was. Is she from college? No. Is she an ex- wait no, that’s not possible. An old friend? And then it hit him. “Oh my god. (Y/N)? Little (Y/N) from the serial matcher event?” She let out a laugh and took a seat next to him. “Yeah! Sorry about that, my parents go overboard with trying to find my serial number match.” “You look so… different!” “Well I was 14 at the time, silly. How’ve you been?” Her arm reached over, pulling him into a tight side hug. Some people passed by staring at the two engaging in such loving way so openly. Jimin whispered, “What’re you doing? That’s not ok.” “Oh relax. I’m not gonna get you killed or anything. It’s just a hug.” Still, Jimin was uncomfortable and shrugged her arm off. “Ok ok, I’m sorry chim chim. I won’t do it again; can I still shake your hand?” “Chim chim? WOW, I haven’t heard that nickname in ages!” “I have a thing for giving my friends nicknames.” “Do you also hug them?” He smiled, teasing her slightly. “Some of them. They’re kind of like you, out of fear they refuse contact but I do have one friend, my best friend. He doesn’t mind at all.” “Well it’s good to know you found your match.” “My match? Oh no, he’s not my lover or anything like that. He’s only my best friend.” “Wow, you sure live on the edge. Aren’t you afraid of punishment?” “Why would I be? I’m not doing anything wrong.” Just like that Jimin & (Y/N) rekindled their old friendship also missing their first class of the day while doing so. (Y/N) laughed as Jimin told her about how nervous he was to meet her all those years back when suddenly she glanced at her phone. A loud gasp escaped her lips. “Oh no! I’m super late! I’m so sorry Jimin I really have to go! The bus takes at least an hour and a half to my college and the teacher-” she sighed, “-is gonna kill me! Here-” she messily scribbled her number onto a napkin and threw it at Jimin’s face (unintentionally of course) “-text me later! Bye!” (Y/N) zoomed out of the juice shop and flew onto a bus to head towards her college.
“Where were you?! You missed first period you idiot!” Hoseok scolded his friend. “Aish, don’t be so rude maybe he was busy!” His girlfriend Eun Ha said as she playfully slapped his chest. “Everything ok, Jimin?” “Yeah of course, thanks Eun Ha. Can I borrow your notes Hobi?” “Fine.” He grumbled. “Don’t be such a grumpy butt, Hobi.” She smiled softly at him and instantly he eased up. Jimin stared at the couple in front of his eyes. They were perfect for each other AND they had matching serial numbers. ‘I guess The Elite occasionally does make the right match’, Jimin thought to himself. “Yo? Park Jimin, you in there?” his friend slapped his forehead in an attempt to drag him out of his thoughts. “You asshole, I was thinking!” The two boys began running around hitting each other & laughing. “Try not to kill each other before 2nd period boys!” Eun ha walked away heading towards her second class.
Jungkook waited patiently near the fountain occasionally looking down at the watch on his wrist. He sighed, “Where is she?” worried, he decided to text (Y/N). It wasn’t like her to be late.
Jungkook: Where are you?
(Y/N): Ran into an old friend & lost track of time. I’ll make it in time for lunch! Can you ask Ji Ho for his notes please?
Jungkook: sure. Youre alright tho?
(Y/N): yeah im good (:
Lunch slowly came around and (Y/N) had made it to her last 10 minutes of class. Of course, no one made it to class late with any punishment and today it was her turn to have a shaking arm. Her mood was completely different in comparison to the morning. It didn’t help that she kept replaying the images of her nightmare over and over again in her mind. She dragged herself to the fountain where Jungkook & she would reunite to have personal conversations, her eyes not leaving the ground. ‘What if someone hurts him? What if I can’t protect him?’ each question she asked herself took a piece of her heart. She wasn’t in love with Jungkook but he was more family than her actual family was and that meant everything to her. “(Y/N)?” Jungkook stared down at (Y/N) immediately noticing her shaking arm. Angrily he grabbed her arm, “They fucking cuffed you?” “Oww, not so rough!” He instantly eased his grip and sat next to her. “Sorry. It’s just… I don’t usually see you being punished.” “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.” “I thought I was the one that said that.” He smiled softly trying to get her to feel better but to no avail, she remained quiet. “What happened last night (Y/N)?” Her lips trembled slightly. Sure it was rough having to remember her nightmare but having to speak of it was a whole other emotion. “I… had a nightmare-” She spoke softly. “-about you.” “about me? What happened?” “I.. I don’t want to say it, Jungkook. It was awful.” “(Y/N), if it was bad enough to make you text me at 3 in the morning then you have to tell me.” (Y/N) took in a deep breath preparing to explain her nightmare. “Ok but please don’t interrupt me. I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue if I stop once.” He nodded. “I was near this alleyway and I’m not sure where it is exactly but I know it wasn’t in our area. I feel like it was…never mind. Anyway, so I was near the alleyway and I was running and I could feel myself panicking with adrenaline but also scared shitless. You know how dreams are weird so suddenly I felt pain and I mean like someone stabbed me and decided to carve a picture in my stomach or something. Apparently, I had been shot in my stomach by the guards while running away from them. I swear, I’ve never felt so much pain from a damn dream. Anyway, I touched the blood staining my shirt and it was sticky and just disgusting but nonetheless I kept running but, eventually, I lost too much blood and couldn’t keep going. I dropped to my knees and the guards caught up to me… that was when I realized why I was running. I screamed out your name and told you to run. I don’t recall what happened but somehow you were thrown right in front of me… down on your knees. You stared at me and I swear I never saw so much pain and fear in your eyes, it tore my heart. You said my name and I could feel your fear and it was just… it felt like you were saying goodbye. Right before I could see the guard's bullet go into your head I woke up screaming and well… you know the rest.” Jungkook stared blankly at his feet trying to take in everything (Y/N) had just told him. The two friends stayed quiet for at least 3 minutes before Jungkook spoke up with a question, “you… you said you felt like the dream was something... But then you stopped. What were you going to say?” “It’s nothing important… it’s a stupid thought.” “Just tell me.” “I...I thought it could’ve been a… premonition.” She looked at her best friend with tears in her eyes. “I know you’re not my boyfriend or anything but, you’ve accepted me more than anyone ever has and I’m just scared that somehow someone might want to hurt you. I don’t know how or why but you know you’re my family Jungkook. I can’t lose my family.” He had no idea what he could respond to make her feel better. There were no words. All he could do was lean in and hug her. They both stayed in their warm embrace for a while, gaining looks from their fellow classmates. Eventually Jungkook pulled away and held (Y/N)’s hands making her look at him. “We’re family, doesn’t matter if it’s not by blood. And I will always protect you just as I know you’ll always protect me. I’m not going anywhere, I’m not dying. And neither are you.” “I just-” “No.”
In the distance, a young man stared at the two friends holding hands. He quickly took a picture with his phone and made sure to walk away unnoticed. Thanks to him, things would soon change.
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Bulletin 3: Places that are other places
A collection of ‘Metamorphosing topographies of dreamland’ from the dream document - assembled by JS, 14 April
Dreamt that I arrived in Santiago de Chile by bus, except it was in southern Spain.
Late evening in London. Brother’s been arrested so I go to bail him out. When I get there he’s already out, waiting for me in a bar from the 80s Japanese movie Violent Cop.
Was in a dream last night inside a flat that contained different rooms from all the different places I stayed when I still lived in Edinburgh.
Im at S’s flat in jerusalem, it’s not the flat but it is.
Dream is set in “Brussels Archive” located in Paris.
I am in Berlin at his place tho everything looks very different than in “real life”
i am in Florida. i seem to work at Disneyland, or at least the university is situated there. we are being sent home. there is a catastrophe or something we've done wrong. with jess we want to cross country but we don’t know if we have a car. something is too late. i am in a georgian square near my parents’ house in London - some kind of remunerated sexual act with a businessman who came to pick me up one afternoon on a motorbike.
Am in a big market place, later which later becomes fixed as 19th century les Halles, but I’m in Norway, for now it is faceless
It’s Norway except it’s clearly 19th century Les Halles and Devon stitched together.
I dream in fragments, all intense, all differently city-flavoured. My mind is trying to convince itself there are still places to go?
I’m at a crowded club which is also a theatre and an airport.
We’re in a room, a big white room. No: it’s more of a zone, a situated space that turns into something else as it lands. At one point, it feels like the sandy bed of a dry river – all white sand bushes bright sky and us free exercising. And then it’s a room again. Clear huge walls, so huge we can’t see where they end and the roof starts. But we live here. Actually it’s a club and we live upstairs and we are the new roommates
The setting was based on a photograph I made of the Block Island Ferry, which I realized later. We were there, on that Long Island Sound, but this ferry boat was actually in the Mediterranean and the angle of view (frame) was different than this camera I used in the photograph of the Ferry, because I was experimenting lazily at this moment in with a 6x9 frame, but the dream frame today was more like my normal 6x7, tighter frame,
I had to meet my friend Jane at a pub in Galway and it was snowing and I was on a bike but it looked actually like a tiny Prussian-empire kinda town
all seemed to take place in M’s bedroom.  At least the house ‘compressed’ into that space, which is differently configured in the dream.
We’re heading back to the house of one of L’s relatives, in a village called Les Malades, “The Sick Ones”. I suggest cutting through the fields, rather than walking along the road, and claim that it is more direct. The field becomes a mountain
I was in Ibiza, except it was clearly Bournemouth seafront.
I am in China. It looks like a mixture of LA and an affluent North London neighbourhood. A lot of standalone houses with incredible windows.
I’m in an airport lobby, I’m going to Brazil. I am going to someone’s birthday, but the first thing I do when I get there is to go to a luncheon with one of my friends from college (IRL she is protestant and used to be very into theology, went on to work in the Economy Ministry and now has a baby girl with a French guy). A guy I hate, who used to go out with one of my best friends is also there, with his girlfriend (IRL as well as in the dream all the girlfriends he’s had since my best friend are basically always the same girl, they all look a lot like my friend, the same exact features and always super nice. They all stay the same age while he gets older and older). We talk a bit, but I don’t remember what we talked about; this guy is a class A mansplainer, but I think I was actually enjoying this conversation. We are eating black beans, wonderful feijoada and rice. My friend from college starts laughing and says that they took the lunch from the patriarchs, I realize that we are actually in some kind of farm,
I’m looking for somewhere to live on the internet, in the physical space of my dream, the room I look at adjoins directly on to the room we live in
Dreamt I was in Ms Wheeler’s maths class again. But it was in Scotland and I was doing A Levels. I see someone running along the seafront and into the water. The room I am in is in Bloomsbury anti cuts space and it is high up on a platform. (On reflection I suppose this space resembles the first floor of the CLC - community learning centre - which was built at my school in the 2000s to make it a ‘specialist learning’ school, merely because the quality of education and the grades were so bad and the school was possibly on ‘special measures’). On the east side is a garden, on the west side, an airport which is a similar rectangular room at an angle to the rectangular room we are in, or a walkway or highway leading to an airport.
I’m going to the airport. The road for the airport is on the left, it adjoins on to the room I am in. Off to the right, something else - it is like the Beirut highway city system, where you emerge up onto a highway and can see the sea.
On our way to the airport we stop by a mall, which finds itself near to the maths classroom, on the ground floor, to the North side of it.
I move home. To a big house, in an anonymous location, except the trees are like those by the Forum in Rome, and the air is sunny, slow and grainy-grey. It may be Tunbridge Wells, possibly a private school.
He was traveling back to California from Berlin, going to his parents’ home first then coming to visit me. He was on his way, in traffic, it would take about an hour and a half.
I vaguely remember walking and running around this house which looked more like a ship made of wood than my actual flat, but I felt it was my home. I knew this place very well even if all the furniture and the architecture was different. The next thing I remember is me standing in a room that kind of looked like my bedroom, but without a roof and the op bjen sky.
I was in London (that of course had nothing to do w london, and was more of a mashup between green hills and product design degree show booths
I am moving through a city in an uncertain light flickering between day and night, there is a
I dream that my parents have bought a new house during quarantine. In my dream I call it a tudor building in my head, but really, it’s a kind of suburban red brick Victorian construction, like a mixture between what you find in the North of London, next to the M25, and Victorian Gothic in Salt Lake City.
On the way to Berlin, somewhere level with the south of France there were chaotic scenes of my adolescence, changing schools, and I got caught in a loop going round and round St Pancras way and Camley street in a caravan of vehicles going through the bayou.
Some images of Cubitt street and suburbs (Cubitt st is a kind of street where the council puts all kinds of ‘social cases’, it is a kind of containment strategy of theirs), that I float through or watch from a distance. It is like Nice: lilac-y grey modernity, palm trees. It looks like an architect’s drawing, a twilight zone.
We are in my grandmother’s house. But it is not her house, it is much more English, like a house in a Wilkie Collins novel. It is more ornamented, English and gothic than her house is. She is dead.
Very briefly it’s the 2nd version, with some dispute as to who sleeps where in a series of connected messy rooms on slightly different levels of what feels both like an office building and an 18thC (?) European battle ship a la Billy Bud maybe, separated by short staircases and strewn with floor mattresses. Money is due someone - police are in the distance, invisible but working to close in on us (‘us’ is who knows).. Dissolves into what I recognise as my room.
I walked through an urban street. I felt I was both in London and a Midwestern American city. I passed under what had been a theater awning with hundreds of individual light bulbs; many were missing. I thought how nice it must've been when this city was in its heyday. I saw a black London taxicab, which suggested I was in London.
I dreamed that I visited you. Except it was Australia.
I was in central London, maybe Paris, maybe Norwich, in a place like the Southbank. There was a large concrete wall / bank which was inset with a huge array of telephone exchange connectors.
I am walking through narrowish streets in the city I’ve been living in, maybe it’s Leeds or London or Glasgow or maybe it’s just a mix but it feels more like London, and up a back alleyway, at night,
My next dream ends with looking at a map of the Firth of Clyde OS map (which hangs next to my bed) wondering where I could do a long bike ride and realising that the town of Ayr isn’t actually on the coast any more but inland, just southwest of Glasgow. Then I find myself with my friend Callie out on some marina or dock on the Clyde estuary or the sea itself.
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internalstars · 7 years
LIT Retreat
Oh my, this is gonna be long but it was so fun!!
Friday (4/28)
so i didn’t go to coffee or micro and just came for work due to me needing as much sleep as i can get before the retreat, and i had to hand out some things to D and J and didn’t want to hold onto them for long. Went to work, J got the duffle, D bought and brought me some chick-fil-a :) E swung by and so did D but lets not get into that.... S passed by and asked if i’m excited about the retreat, moved to back booth, E came by and so did J, twas fun
got my stuff and had 30 min to chill, i forgot to charge my phone all the way tho :( started walking to car, i was riding w C!!! and J and J. got there first, we had small talk, J showed up, and talked to him for awhile, we were left in the car alone, wasn’t too awk, C came back and finally J came. 
we went to walmart, right when we got out of the car a woman approached C, and asked if we can buy her some diapers for her baby, C said sure and asked her to come w us, C was asking her about her life, and we walked around trying to find her some diapers and wipes, C went quickly to get something, so J just paid for S’s stuff, she wanted some food for her family so J and J went to Jack in the Box while J told me to find C and stay with him to get his things, he was like right there but they already left, so i went with him to find water bottles, J needed some as well, anyways, there was only a small section and then i was like wait theres more over there, we looked for quite a while until he was like yeah im gonna go back to the cheap ones lolol we also had to pick one for J and he was like pick one between red and neon yellow so i said red obv, we paid and then we saw some cardboard cutouts of a lady with a big dancing skirt and man with a sombrero and guitar, so C was like lets take a pic with those jokingly and i was like that is a good way to start off the retreat, and he was like yeahhh so we took pics, i was w the man and had to tiptoe and he took one w the lady staring off in the distance lol we went to go find J and J and lowkey was worried so i asked C if they were ok and he was like yeah yeah, went there and C got his snacks, apples and cookie butter and i was like omg i love cookie butter and he was like theyre amazing but nobody rlly knows about it, so when we were at the table he gave me a slice of apple and cookie butter on it and i ate it, it was v good, he gave some to J  too, and even handed me the snacks for me to get some more, but i was like nah im good, J was in the middle of talking to S about the gospel and we were just listening in and then she prayed for us and we all gave S hugs then went on our way
we just talked, getting to know each other, but J fell asleep and so it was quiet for most of the cafr ride, we arrived!
they were just sitting around the campfire (no fire yet) with their chairs, saw D and G and c so talked to them, grabbed my chair to sit w them, C asked for some of my hand sanitizer and i was like it smells rlly girly and he was like it has sparkles too haha you caught me irene lololol anyways, we just chilled, mostly talking about their piercings, finally introduced myself to J and she was hugged me, the campfire got started, and we started sterilizing the hangers on which we had to eat the hotdogs from, i stuck a hotdog in mine but forgot to wipe it off first so it was black on some parts, had a hard time cooking it lol, kinda got the tip burnt but that was it, just chilled, had a worship sesh led by A and W, then C talked for a lil bit, then we played werewolf! it was soooo fun! the first round i was the little girl so i knew who the werewolves are, and when it was time to accuse, i accused C lololol i forgot my first reason but the second was that all the dead ppl was pointing to him, so then he came to defend himself and was like if i was a werewolf i would kill the ppl next to me and i shouted yeah like toby! (who was right next to him) and everyone was like omgggg hahahhah so he got ousted, then i accused A bc he tried to nominate someone to divert attention from J, so he was out, then J was a team effort and so was M and T by me, M and W it was so great!! we won and W was like i knew yall knew what was going on and we were all just so happy omg it was just so great
 then the next round i was part of the couple which means if one dies the other dies w them, and lol so A called the couple out to know who they are and it was jsut me so everyone was like are they single lolol and C even volunteered to be the other one but it was handed to C, then somebody killed C so we both died p early but it was great to actually know everything that was going on, C was a werewolf (!!) 
that ended and then T and D and I were just talking, mostly them two, C cmame by to say gnight bc he was going to sleep, he said good game to me, then i just went over to the game going on, was so confused, and later C announced to clean up, D and I went to the bathroom, then to the tent, we changed and cleaned up, also no running water, so no washing hands or place to brush our teeth, we did it outside the tent and spat in the grass, was v uncomfortable sleeping that night, first bc i was just unsettled by the fact that i didn’t rlly feel like i belonged there w others, and i kept praying to God but i dont think i ever finished that prayer, it was cold and hot alternatingly, was afraid to hit M, kept rolling around, no pillow, and the wind was super loud, 
woke up at 8 for breakfast, D woke me up, we got cleaned up, then i ate a banana, and one poptart from J, C was right across from me, D and I went to the bathroom, then just got ready for the day, we had down time, so I was talking to J and she was just trying to get to know me esp bc i said i was from the philippines, i got hit by a frisbee tho, J tried to warn me, but it was too late and it hit me in my ear and my cheek ish, dude it hurt bci t was hard, but it went away, i started tearing up and J was gonna get me a bag of ice, L was the one who threw it -.-, C came to joined our little group but turned around to watch the frisbee game so that he can protect us from getting hit lol, then we had worship led by K, and it was great, J talked and then we had 30 min to just have QT, so we each grabbed a chair and i prayed mostly and looked at some scripture and then prayed some more, after that, we had lunch, PB&J, dont rlly like it, was not in the mood, so i just ate some of my hot cheetos, J ate some too and J who hated spicy stuff actually tried a few, we were in a circle once again, i was w J and C and J then J joined as well as T and J and D and J, they just told some stories, and C came later with a sandwich and cheetos within it, he talked to me about my hot cheetos (sad he doesn’t like it) and said do you know what ive been craving? that filipino food truck, and i was like omg yeah theyre great but they dont come around often, and J was like you can track them on social media yeah lil thing but it was great, then we played games, so first we did the rope thing where we had to hold onto the rope and be fully supported bby tghe rope, i was next to J and C, we almost fell at one point, then we split up into 3 groups and did the human knot, we were the first ones out and it was super quick too, Z asked some team building qs, then our group tried it again but it didn’t work lol so we just played bang and that was super fun, never won but had fun nonetheless, then once the other teams gave up, we played this suepr fun game where we pretend that we were in an airplane crash and some got paralyzed, broken legs and arms, blind, mute, and healthy ppl, and basically the point of the game is to get everyone across the finish line within a certain time limit, i was picked to be paralyzed both times, so ppl had to carry me, L carried me the first time w M and D and i was the first one to make it there safely, it was sooo funny bc T was paralyzed and it took like 10 ppl to carry him it was so funny to watch, but we all made it in 3 min!! when we were given 10 min, so the next time, there were more paralyzed and unconscious ppl and more injuries and a lot more guys were picked and we were given 4 min, so we started complaining, but we made it in 3 min and 15 sec!!! A was the one who carried me this time, w J’s help, was one of the first to cross again, and when we finished they asked what was a struggle and successes and i said that there were always ppl ready to help me without me even having to ask, then we had chill time i think, or maybe this was before lunch idk tbh, but afterwards, J was just talking to me and asked me if my parents were believers, i told her my conflict about church and she said she wanted to talk about this more so she offered to have lunch w me, then lit team and lead team got separated and C talked to us and split us into groups of 3, i was w L who i met for the very first time, and C, we were supposed to be vulnerable and what to pray about, what you struggle w, and i told them about my feelings of doubt and fear, we prayed for each other, and after i prayed, C was apparently there, and talked lol idk how long he was there and if he heard my prayer, but he wanted to talk to C, anyways, we were just conversing afterwards, then got the whole group together and we discussed what have you learned from God this semester in which j was like to pace yourself and not take up everything even if they are all good works, G was like you are placed where you are for a reason, and some other ppl talked, then we all prayed one at a time and just waited for further instructions, the lead team was taking a really long time, so first the girls and i were just taking then i went to the pond and skipped some rock unsuccessfully w others, then just kept moving around, the girls finally found a table and just chilled there, B came by ad said that there has been some conflict and theyre just trying to talk it out now, so we were super hungry and thankfully C’s car was unlocked, so i went and grabbed my hot cheetos and gummy bears and baby wipes, we demolished all those and then we were finally called for what to do next, in which C was talking about how this is a serious time now, and the level of vulnerability from you is up to us, then we were told to get in a single line and my heart was beating rlly fast, i was not scared but anxious as to what it is, the lead team were all in a circle holding up cardboard signs, lit each had to take turns to read what was on it, and then write our own, if we want, then go back to the line, honestly i was tearing up before i read their signs and when i was in line again, i just kept crying, then we worshipped and then Z talked and it was in Luke when Jesus washed his disciples feet so the lead team washed our feet, E was the one who washed mine, and then C and B talked and we chilled til dinnertime, i hugged D and she was like we need to have monthly meetings next sem to just chekc up on each other adn we all agreed,we had chili, and then we packed up and headed home, the ride home was more enjoyable bc we were all just conversing and C asked what we wanted to do again in the lead team, and i was like coffee and C was like i just think that yall would make good small group leaders, and i told him why i didnt put that down (im not strong enough in my faith to handle all of them and schedule ofc), and C was like I accept the second reason but the first reason isn’t a reason (or somewhere along those lines), and honestly that struck me in the heart, i was like well that was what i thought... and he was like all the small group leaders though that way and probably still think that way, which was comforting to me, C asked about our music tastes me:none
then all BSM met at whataburger!!!!! omg it was so fun, we were the first ones to get there, all sons and daughters song played and C was like ive never heard of this song before and i was like really? even i have heard of this song and he laughed, then he was like im sorry guys my car stinks and i was like it was more of a group effort, and he was like thats comforting, anyways i sat w M and J and S at whataburger, got bbq chicken tender sandwich, D was supposed to sit w us but sat w J instead, we talked about majors and what we thought about this weekend, we extensively discussed the cardboard moment which everyone thought was heart provoking, then i was around G and L and C and A, L wants a piercing and T showed up but i was like nooo, D came to just rest on me, showed T my cartilage, then went to hbu, kinda dozed off on the way, hugged J and exchanged numbers, then hugged C, said bye to C, D, Z, and L as well. went home, showered and crashed.
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