#im stocking up on the queue now to try and get ahead of myself
royaletiquette · 2 months
Hi, I'm gonna be gone the second half of the month and immediately after my dog is gonna be going through upsetting treatment for a couple of months. So ya know, slow replies, slow dm's, we'll see how shit goes.
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 05 - Islands of Adventure
TLDR: Islands Of Adventure, the first of the Universal Parks. Waited longer than expected to get in the park, though kicked off with a bang once we did. Harry Potter world essentials including Forbidden Journey & Dragon Challenge. First time on this coaster and it was brilliant. Butterbeer done, nom. Jurassic Park River Ride, got wet, The Hulk, got scared then Spidey to finish. Rain again. Home, Ready, Steaks!
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The most important meal of the day
No breakfast again right? WRONG Suckas! :P (sorry come back, I was kidding). We stocked up on cereal and little mini crullers the night before, so we were able to grab a wee bite prior to heading to the park. It made such a difference and I think well always make sure we have something in, however small, if we have to leave early doors in future (though I think the second week is a week of late starts and fireworks party's so that should be fine).
As we approached the entrance, across the lake between both parks, sat a huge factory, spewing white smoke from its enormous chimneys. It was the new Chocolate Emporium! It was the stuff dreams are made of and looked exactly like something out of Willy Wonka. The thing is, weve booked this delightful place for Patricks birthday in Friday, so excitement levels just got turned up a notched (oh happy birthday Patrick, btw). Heres a pic from my phone:
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Prior to entering the park proper, which was absolutely jam-packed today, we had to upgrade our tickets to include Volcano Bay, as we bought the original tickets prior to the park opening. An HOUR after arriving (after queues for security and bag check and then guest services), we finally get to the desk. We confirm a rumour that Volcano Bay is at capacity at opening! Whaaaat? Y'see the Universal hotel guests are allowed to enter the park early and that together with the popularity of a new water park and the inevitable queueing carnage that ensues, means that were likely not going to be making a morning visit any time soon. Well not unless we start queueing  at apparently 7:30 for a 10:00am start! Eeek. Well definitely need to revise the schedule for tomorrow.
One thing we get at Universal is the refillable Coca-cola cups, and today was no exception, especially as there were 15 of us. For about 12 bucks you can have a huge cup and refill it throughout the park at special stations as many times as you want. Hundreds of varieties so Its a no brainer really.
Our plan of action for today was hit Harry Potter as soon as possible, then go around the park, as it was due to rain again, late afternoon. And due to this, the initial plan of buying interactive wands and doing all of the extra special/magical stuff would have to wait for another day. That being said, we kicked off with one for the kids, the Caro-seuss-sel in Seuss Landing. Nice light one, before subjecting them to Death Eaters, Dementors & Dragons (oh my).
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And now it's time for Patrick's Fun Fact Of The Day, brought to you by Patrick, today. Here it is... 
The word NERD was invented by Dr. Seuss.
Even after all this time? Always.
So we left the rest of the Seuss rides, fun though they are, bypassed The Lost Continent area and entered Hogsmeade. Right at the back of the snow topped village lies The Forbidden Journey - my most favourite ride. This visit was extra special for us, it was the first time Gracie was tall enough to ride it! It was just as amazing and awe-inspiring as before and not for the first time, used the benefits of Child Swap to ride it again. Grace was left feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole thing though and wasn't quite expecting the sharp twists and turns so didnt seem to be as an enjoyable experience for her, which was a shame. Im sure another go on a return trip may well persuade her.
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Alessio, who wasn't quite tall enough for Forbidden Journey went with as few others on to Flight Of The Hippogriff, a little coaster designed for younger kids. Gracie just HAD to go to the toilet then though, so we missed out on the chance to ride it (although the dialogue from Moaning Myrtle in the toilet almost made up for it).
As there were a few older folk among us, there was a decision to ride the Roller Coaster at Hogsmeade - The Dragon Challenge. Kevin, Michael, Sarah Jane, Corrie Robert & Myself were up for the challenge. Emily really wanted to go on to, but she was just under the height restrictions (which they are very strict about adhering to). Formally known as the Dueling Dragons, this inverted roller coaster allows you to choose between the Red Chinese Fireball or the Blue Hungarian Horntail. Robert pointed out that it was the Horntail who Harry faced off with in the Goblet of Fire, so we went with that. It. was .awesome. Fast paced, with loads of twists and turns and a loop thrown in for good measure. Really really good and Id have went on again if time was permitting. Robert loved it too, and it started him on a very long conversation with Michael about the other Coaster in the park - The Hulk!
We grabbed some Butterbeer (standard) and left in the direction of Jurassic Park. Apart from the many photo spots along the way, the main star of this land was the River Adventure. A water ride with a big t-rex and bigger drop right at the end. Really fun and wet - everyone loved it. The last time we were here, they were constructing a new ride in the Jurassic Park Area, and this time around it was fully completed and open - The Reign Of Kong, a new 3D action thrill ride. Wait times for this were through the roof, due to it being really new (I think it had been open only a matter of weeks, so was to be expected). A jungle ride through a huge temple or cavern (possibly, I haven't seen the new movie yet, but I suppose like many others, it will be one of the first I go to see back home, all thanks to this ride). The 3D effects were next level, huge 360 degree expanses all amazingly detailed - it really felt like you were somewhere else!!! I was lucky enough to visit Orlando when I was young and can remember the first King Kong ride, the difference in special effects and technology are astounding. I can understand why its so popular. 10/10.
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You wont like me when I'm angry!
The final area of the park we hit around mid afternoon. And the one we (well Robert) had all been waiting for - The Hulk Roller Coaster. You can see this towering over the park as you enter, and I've always wanted to try it out, but previous circumstances didn't allow that to happen. This time however, our trusty group who rode together on The Dragon Challenge would once again reunite one final time! :P Although similar in size and complexity Robert, who didn't shut up about going on The Hulk all day, now receded slightly, and started panicking a little. Michael, the only one of us who had rode it before, reassured him if he could do one, he could do them all! And with that, we boarded. And it was FAST, much faster than the Dragons. From the minute it started its initial ascent, we were gripping to our harness through every turn, drop and loop. It was even more amazing than the Harry Potter one and was so glad I got a change to ride it. However, I cant take anything from Robert he was a trooper and was all chuffed than he managed to do two roller coasters today!
After an amazing day, we decided to end it with Spiderman. I'd been on this one before, so didnt expect much after the epicness of the last ride, but I was waaay wrong! Ive said it before but no matter how many times you go on these rides, they still astound and amaze. And Spiderman so much so, that I went on it a second time, through the magic known as child swap ;) This appeared to be one of Graces favourites as she also wanted a second go and was screaming and shoutiing in excitement all throughout.
And after we finished what did we get? Rain! Not anywhere near as heavy as the previous day, but just enough that it confirmed the decision to head to the car and get home. So home we went.
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After seeing an offer for Outback Steakhouse for Wednesday night, we thought it would be nice for us all to try it out tonight. This would be the first time all 15 of us were going for dinner together, so Ann had called ahead to reserve some tables as best she could earlier in the day. Most eateries around the area do have specific bookings but when we go to the hotel then had prepared a nice long table for us all.  Not only did they have really nice steaks on offer, and a bloomin' onion (a full battered onion), they also had Crab - the thing Gracie had been waiting for all holiday!!! Both myself and Ann option for sirloin with a half pound each of Crab legs. Now I like my seafood, as does Ann, but Gracie is a seafood monster, so she opted to share our meals instead of getting her own. I’m not entirely sure you could call it sharing however as she ended up with most of it - well at least I can say that the steak was nice XD
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Today has been the first day I’ve felt a little tired (even with the 5hr energy shots), so today’s entry may not have been the most in depth or attentive one I’ve written, soz. At least tomorrow we have a later start but with the Volcano Bay issues, were not entirely sure whats going to happen...
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