#im still really partial to the SR-2 tho
hellt00th · 1 year
The Tempest is no Normandy but she do be purdy
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idk   can that b a 3 word 3 letter story   -  wuznt even a has been so u think imma sell out at 66   - it wuz fun for a minute  and i like or love  a few of the ppl - its jest so agro specially the skaterz who b tweaking ( not all skaterz lol  - specially not the mad skillz ones) and they just young testosterone fueled and trynna have fun  - who am i to critique the style of crash and burn 
other plusses - trouble w new pa - after a couple songs sound degenerated - liam knob twiddled and checked cords plugs - little improvement - he got a bit flustered  - ok - here is the plus  - even after wat seem like forever frustration  - he stay cool - just sat back for a second thinking - try this and that - its better - a few more songs then again - still cool - he check the operating manual only available online in a format not xacty designed for dyslexic  and gets sound right - better than its been all evening   - despite agro vibe everybody cool wats a little slam dance between frends   - i mostly hung outside - it was a small crowded space  and hot as fuck specially for sf - no ac - it got over 93 i think no breeze  - the space had a doorway no window ventilation that i saw - no ac not even a fan  - malik actually asked ppl to clear the room 2x just so ppl wouldnt b too overheated - bottled water was supplied free  - as the oldest person there yah i got some wtf’s looks  but not as many as u might think  - and i mean i am ez 40 yrs older than the next oldest who was streaming on utube  - then the store owner im prob 35 yrs older  - after that i doubt there were more than a couple actually drinking age  - tho that didnt stop the somewhat discrete brown bag 40s passed around  - to start i came just 5 min b4 srs music was to start so lots of the kidz saw me w the main performers  - exchanging hugs hand clasps and demonstrations of luv  - very diverse crowd performers  audience - so in general accepting and a few kidz i have seen around but dont know but they r used to me   
still - wuz mostly bored after a few songs - watching the dancers and malik was entertaining  - t not stupid enuff to b the old white guy dancing  even for a minute - and i prolly wooda got myself hurt lol   - left early during a break  - one of the the kidz like about t iz he leaves early and duznt fuck up their fun  - lol - truth tho they would deny it - laffing 
sadly - except for showing love by showing up  - there just really isnt any place for me in that world  as a performer  - liam supplies the stunt guitar while operating efx w the dj tae and sound  - maybe we could sample t blues cuz liam can play almost anything but straight up blues  ( and harmonics  - t is rilly into harmonics )  better - oh maybe really down and dirty sloppy rock but i dont know many rappers into  neil jung   - i like the fashion but do i have any fukken idea wat gonna sell to 18 yr olds - uh thats a no t dont even think about it just cuz someone complimented ur shirt  - maybe pricing and the economics but right now they doing dirt cheap recycled mostly  - cant fault liam - he went for low hanging fruit when it came along  ( i had a long talk about wild cards and low hanging fruit just as we were starting - it seemed to stick ) and vita in india  and t trynna get better from sciatica which by july was almost crippling  - making it 2 blocks w my guitar exhausted by the time at wherever playing w busses even taxis part way -  he had no choice but to step up and was given free rein  - wtf wuz u thinking t   - i wuznt - barely could triage daily the essential like water   and cat food  and litter that was a hard one 
wat gonna happen down the line  - fuck me i dont even know for sure about tomorrow tho i believe vita and i will play java like usual - maybe the last time in a while 
another performance showing up alone at least partial victory  - then there at least the chance of love and magic 
fuck its 123 am - theres a kitty she is such a good one 
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star-maiden-fufu · 7 years
1-37 for the LL ask~ :p
Welp this is goin under cut for bein fuckin massive then lol
cept the first 3, ill keep them above the read more
1. Maki for u’s, You and Mari for Aqours (Yoshiko used to be one of my Aqours best girls, but she’s slipped a lil, mostly due to lack of appearances in SIF =_=)
2. I really like Yuu Aizawa, the sleepy stargazer. Her cards are really cute too ;3;
3. Nobody in PDP really sticks out for me right now, while I do still like them. If i had to choose tho, either Ai or Rina, just for both of them bein interesting
4. Only been playing since about October I think. More around the latter half of October just cos I vaguely recall not finishing the daily login calendar before it started fresh for November. But hey, I’ve stuck in longer w/ this than i have most things lol, maybe ill be able to make it to a year played!
5. Only on EN, though I have 2 accounts; my main, which was actually given to me by a friend who didn’t use it anymore, so I technically started from something that already had some progress to it, and my side account, which is more for casual playing
6. As of right now and what songs are available on EN, I’ve cleared nearly every song available. I’ll admit ive gotten a little lazy with my Easy and Normal songs since I mainly play Expert now, but with the current limited time goal to full combo 75 times, im goin back to my Easy and Normal songs and I’m clearing them to also fulfil that goal. 
Masters tho, lol I don’t touch those. Maybe a couple, but I dont count (not that I can anyway since they leave rotation after a while lol)
7. Admittedly, mostly Hard songs, just cos they still feel kinda fun but cos they’re slightly easier than Expert songs (obvs) they feel a little less stressful to play. :’D Some stand outs include Zurui yo Magnetic Today, Strawberry Trapper and Kimeta yo Hand in Hand.
(Which as a lil bit of bonus trivia, are all also songs I struggle w/ on EX :’D)
And a few Dailies as well (still on Hard) like Kohaku Biyori and Otome Shiki Renai Juku
8. Currently on my main i have the Aqours 3rd year badge (I think I equipped it as a good luck thing when I was scouting for V-day Mari) and my background is the UTX cafeteria to fit v-day Mari, who’s also my partner :’D
My side account, I just have the BiBi badge and I’m using the recent Aqours boat background
9. Shit :’’)
nah but seriously, I am Smile cursed like fuck (yet mostly w/ SSRs, haven’t gotten a Smile UR yet aside from Fruits Eli who came with my account), but my Pure luck w/ u’s is terrible. My Cool luck is alright tho, given that I’ve got a few SSRs and two of the 3 Cool URs I have are scorers :’D
My side account is much more Cool cursed tho, and once again, my Pure team seems to be suffering rip
Eternally anti-Pure cursed no matter the account
10. I have one example that I can list for the next point on this list, so I’ll list the other story I have;
I was scouting for Christmas You back when she came to EN, and the first scout I did (with a 10+1 ticket) crashed my game 8′’) so I didnt get to see the box open
So i booted my game up, kinda panicking in case I lost the scout after saving that ticket (that i’d bought w/ actual money). Went to the scouting screen first; red ticket option wasn’t available. Went to my member list and ordered by newest.
And You’s Initial UR was just sitting in my inventory 8′’D
(I’m still kinda salty I didn’t get Christmas You, but I still got a UR of her so… eh? 8′D Hopefully her Cyber card comes home when I scout for it!)
11. Literally all the best scouting luck I have seems to go toward my side account, cos I have 2 URs on there, and they’re both idolised 8′D
Like I’ve told both these stories on here before but fuckit, I’ll tell em again briefly;
I once used the green ticket you get w/ a new account just to scout and get a goal done w/ plus get another ticket; out comes Devil Nico
Later I had enough blue coupons to do a blue coupon scout; its a UR envelope, and its Devil Nico again 8′D
and now recently, I did two scouts for Animal Yoshiko; got her in both scouts, and she’s idolised as well.
12. Okay, so obvs anyone would say getting a single SR or SSR pull, and I’ve had those before, but I might as well talk about a scout i did on my main, back when Job Kanan was on EN
Ive got some 10+1 tickets and Im saving them to scout for both Angel Mari and Cyber You, but i decided to use one for the Job set, cos I could get another one when the start of the month packs came out
It was a single SSR
and it was Initial Mari
whom I already have, and idolised as well 8′D not even any rate up cards
the only plus side was that it meant a skill up for her and an SS seal for me
13. Completely caught up on my main lol
Side account, I’m up to ch16
14. Aside from scouting goals, cos I know there’s a point for that specifically, I’m mainly focusing on trying to improve playing Expert songs :’D and get Full Combos
15. Pretty much any You UR just cos I love her so much ;3; But specifically, her Christmas UR
As for Maki, I don’t care if its a super old card and that it might not be as good anymore, I really want her November/Cooking UR ;3;
And Mari…I already have her Valentines UR, which I love :’D But I’d also like her Angel UR ;3;
16. You’s Valentines SSR *3* People joked when it first came out that it looks like Maki’s Cooking UR, but tbh, i both don’t care, but I’m also amused considering I love that card as well :’D
Also just every You card in general :)
I’d say every Mari card, but I’m ridiculously Mari blessed so I’m honestly expecting to get them lol
17. Maki’s Cafe Maid SR ;3; That was the first card I’d idolised myself, and she looks so gorgeous. This one card is part of the reason why the Cafe Maid set is my favourite.
Also, Mari’s Halloween SR~
And I’m gonna leave it at those two cos they stand out most, cos otherwise I’d be here forever talking about every card I love :’D Also keeping it just to SRs for the same reason lol
18. I’ve tiered in every event since the YouMaru Token Event. Cos You at the time was the tier reward :’D
a few events I got kinda lazy and only hit T3, but otherwise, I’ve tiered for every one 
(Well, I got a little too lazy during New Year Nozomi’s event, so I didn’t actually get her ;3; not even her points card. Doesn’t help that it was my first score match, and I’ve hated them since)
19. =_______=
YohaRuby Token
I tried to get into T1 since I was so close, but i was also wary about spending loads of gems cos Christmas You was literally coming out as soon as the event was done and I was saving for her.
But I risked it
and didn’t make it =_=
I think it was the update to include the LP multiplier that made that event a lil more competitive
20. Either YouMaru for bein my first time tiering or YohaRuby since that’s the 1st time - and currently only - that I cleared all the points rewards :D
21. I’ve taken part in every event since I started playing SIF, so aside from the obvious answer of “Events that happened before I started” (Like the School Idol Diary events, or most of Maki’s events, she has some really pretty event cards ;3;), I’d say the event going on when I started, which was the DiaRuby Tanabata Score Match
Granted, when I started I didn’t know the game so I figured I’d take my time with it and take part in the next event, plus at the time I didn’t really know Aqours
Still feel a lil bad I didn’t try :’D
22. The recent YohaMari new years cards~ Told myself when the event came out on JP that I’d tier for it, and so I did :D
they’re both so pretty!
I also really like the DiaRiko ice skating cards, even if I didn’t properly take part in that event ;3; (I got T3 so I still got a copy of Dia)
And finally, partially just cos OTP, I’m fond of the Helper ChikaYou cards :3
And I’m gonna leave that list there for now, cos I actually like a few others, but this entire thing is already long enough 8′D
23. Probably Token events, cos they feel a little more chill?
I also quite like Challenge Festivals; the lil chibis are nice :D
24. I have no clue. I’m seen other people say SIF could do a thing like what FE Heroes does with its gauntlets, and while I do think it’d be interesting, I also see how FEH’s gauntlets turn out, and I feel like a popularity contest would just turn into a mess in SIF given how “best girl” opinions get.
Not to mention there’s a possible risk of what happens in FEH as well; that some people might not actually back their favourite and instead back whoever’s doing the best.
25. Mari for Aqours, Nico for u’s :’D
Kanan’s a close 2nd for Aqours and I thiiiink Nozomi might be 2nd for u’s??
not nearly as much of You or Maki tho ;3;
26. I don’t have an awful lot of cards from one particular set, but from what I can count, its a tie between Aqours’ swimsuit set and Valentines set; 5 each
27. Mostly Aqours cos I love them so much, plus its a little easier to scout them since they come out after events while u’s come out during events, and any gems I have are goin toward the event or bein saved
As for girls, mostly You and Mari (tho like ive said, I’m seriously Mari blessed, so I almost expect her to come home lol), and if I do scout u’s, it’d probably be for Maki
28. I have a fair few now, and they’re all from login bonuses, aside from a handful which I got from the sticker shop
I’ve gotten all the login promos for EN since Cherry Pana
And I also got Christmas Maki when she was added to the sticker shop for a limited time :D
As for non-UR promos, I have nearly all the Angelic Angel promo Rs, plus Maki’s SoreBoku R (to match a figure I have of her :D)
29. Solos :’D
Genuinely tho, my gems mostly go toward events, since I tend to stick in at them. But I can still save (I saved for Christmas You after all)
Rn, i’m trying to save. I’m telling myself it’ll either be for Angel Mari or Cyber You, but if I don’t gem scout either of them, then I’ll basically keep saving till whenever for whatever
30. Either idolise SRs (since I tend to save my pink N stickers a lot more, tho im currently trying to save my silver S stickers) or buy SR skill level teachers from the shop for my cards
31. Probably half the full combos I’ve gotten, since i’d either been struggling to FC them for ages, or I wasn’t expecting to do it lol
32. Planning to do an additional scout for Valentines Mari (I already had her at that point, but I wanted to see if I could get a 2nd copy to idolise her), but I hadn’t paid attention to when rate up would be finished on the set, so by the time I sat down to maybe get ready to scout, rate up was done. :’’’(
33. Nowhere particularly weird? Maybe in the car once, cos I thought I’d be sitting for long enough to get through a song while mum was off doing something, so when she came back i was still playing.
And then she started driving, so I was playing while the car was going :’D
missed a lot of notes I did ;3;
actually, this was during the last event, and I was playing a match
I think i came last, I cant remember lol
34. I have no idea :’D i see so many others come up with interesting ideas for SIF sets, but I have no real ideas myself. Maybe a fantasy set? Princesses and knights and wizards?
35. (ooft, gonna have to think on this one :’D and look at a whole bunch of cards)
Honoka - Circus - I actually quite like the Circus set in general; the tutu-d leotards in the unidolised, and the details in the idolised, like the hats and the frills~Eli - Rock - I skipped mentioning this one under the event cards point since that bit was gettin busy as it was, But I can cheat and mention it here~Kotori - Pajama Party - So plush~ her little braid in the idolised looks so cute~ especially peaking out of her fluffy birb hoodUmi - Seven Lucky Gods - It looks so elegant and pretty ;3;Rin - lilywhite default - So this is a promo card that came w/ lilywhite’s final single (The other members had similar cards and the other singles had similar releases), so its never coming to EN unless KLab adds it to the sticker shop :’’) But I still really like this one, just for how dainty and elegant it is. It suits Rin~Maki - Cafe Maid - I could technically use this opportunity to pick another card of Maki’s that i really love but...bruh I can’t. Cafe Maid ;3;Nozomi - Fairy - the Fairy set in general is really pretty ;3; I love the little details and flowers, and I like that Nozomi’s ear is actually kinda pointed as well~Hanayo - Cherry - Another promo, but this one just looks so shiny and sparkly, and again, just the little details in this~Nico - Dancer - Another really elegant looking one. Bonus points for having Nico’s hair down, cos I really do think she looks nice like that~
36. (Aqours might be easier, just cos less cards lol)
Chika - Initial UR - She looks so happy, and honestly the lighting in both versions looks so nice!Riko - Ice Skating - Genuinely couldn’t think of one that I really liked :’D So I’m listing the event card againKanan - Yukata - I own this card, she was my first UR :D So I do have a bit of a soft spot for it. Helps that she looks so pretty in it~Dia - Job - I’ll admit,she looks gorgeous as fuck! damn beautiful card!You - all of them Animal - okay, i legit love all of You’s cards, and I was half tempted to say her Aquarium R cos my genuine reaction to idolising her for the first time was “She’s so pretty!”. But Animal You tho... ;3; Tho if I’m honest, I genuinely do love all of her cards!!Yoshiko - Animal - She’s a shit scorer, but damn her card looks amazing, particularly the idolised. I love the pastelle colours of her dress (and the other girls in the set) and I love her dynamic pose, and her hair and how its floating in the water~Hanamaru - Angel - She looks so cute w/ her sleepy expression in the unidolised, hugging that lil star pillow. Plus Angel just as a whole is a nice set.Mari - Circus - Another case like with You where I could easily say “all of them”, but something about her Circus card. I love the post of the unidolised with her doing the rope climbing, and then pink corset of her dress in the idolised~ And that lil puppet~~Ruby - Time Traveller - I quite like this set in general; Ruby’s outfit is so cute in both versions~
37. I have no fucking clue :’D As of right now on EN, i’d like some of the features that JP has since they’re just straight up practical (song sorter, easier practising and team management), but as for anything new, I don’t know.
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