#im still holding out for the wheel of death or whatever its called
doppel-dean-er · 2 years
The aftermath of the himbo off and autism swag summit
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clemkruckinnie · 6 months
ooouuu - possessed!dalton + choking ….
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(this ended up being hurt/comfort im SORRY)
see you soon- d. lambert
Chris’ SOS text has you nearly sprinting across campus, flying up the hallway to her and Dalton’s room. You’re prepared to bust the door in if her text means what you think it does. It’s almost scarier when the door gives way immediately, an eerie silence having fallen over the dorm room.
You almost scream when you feel a hand on your wrist, but look down and see Chris herself. She nods her head toward the corner of the room.
Dalton’s back is turned to you, but as if he can tell you’re staring, he turns back around. Only, when you see the yellow irises in place of Dalton’s blue ones, you know your Dalton isn’t the one at the wheel.
“Chris, RUN-“
Before you can advance towards the door, it slams shut, and there’s a hand on your throat.
You claw at Dalton’s arm to no avail, whatever thing inside of him smiling at your struggle.
“Dalton,” you barely get out, “Dalton, it’s me-“
Something flashes on his/its face, but it’s right back to the stony glare it had been giving you as you’re tossed to the ground.
“Y/N!” Chris calls out, jumping down from the bed as the two of you hold onto each other.
“Youdon’t wanna hurt her, Dalton,” Chris attempts to reason, I know you don’t.”
The thing inside Dalton watches you curiously, still coughing and sputtering for air as Chris holds you back.
“Let me go! Just let me get to him-“
“And let him do what he just did again? No fucking way-“
Thecdemon snarls again, you and Chris crawling back towards the wall as it smirks at you.
Dalton feels helpless, trapped inside his own brain as your terrified face looks up at him, marks starting to form on your throat.
All that he can think about is that he hurt you, he hurt you, he fucking hurt you-
You retrieve your cracked phone from your pocket, frantically scrolling through your liked songs after managing to find your spotify.
“What are you doing-“
“This song! He loves this song, I just have to-“
“What, you’re gonna Stranger Things the demon out of him?”
Your fingers finally find the play button, cranking your volume up to full blast.
so you lost your trust, and you never should have, you never should have
Dalton recognizes the song immediately.
He remembers hearing it for the first time, alone in your dorm with you, the two of you illuminated by your string lights as you tried and failed to teach him how to slow dance. It’d had been the night of your first kiss.
don’t break your back, if you ever see this. but don’t answer that
It’s August.
It’s the first time he’d ever met you, sitting cross legged on Chris’ bed while the two of you made bracelets to give out, an attempt to make more friends. You had handed one to him upon your introduction.
He looks down, the bracelet still on his wrist. A reminder that he has you to get home to. He (has) to get home to you.
He starts running, the source of the song growing louder as he follows it.
in a bulletproof vest, with the windows all closed. i’ll be doing my best, i’ll see you soon
It’s all a blur from there. Your laugh, the way you hold him when he can’t sleep, the way your nose crinkles when he says something awkward, followed by that beautiful smile.
Your voice, calling his name. Calling him home.
He reaches a door, practically falling through as his world goes white.
The thing inside Dalton lets out a terrible sound, black liquid dripping from its mouth as it collapses.
You and Chris cling to each other tightly as you sob, the song playing somewhere far away. This is it. there’s no way anyone could come back from that-
and there’s movement across the floor. Then, coughing. It’s the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard.
Chris doesn’t stand a chance at holding onto you crawl across the floor, peering down as Dalton sits up.
Your breath catches in your throat as he opens his eyes. If it’s that sickly yellow, he’s gone forever, and your death is imminent.
They open, finally—a clear, brilliant blue.
You launch yourself forward, Dalton returning the embrace the second your arms wrap around him.
“I came back for you.” Dalton pulls away, looking up at you with reverence in his eyes.
“You saved me. I heard your voice, you pulled me back.”
The two of you look back at Chris, still backed into the corner. “Sorry.”
You shake your head, “Nothing to be sorry about. Get in here.” Chris crawls across the floor, kneeling behind you so she can put her arms around both of you.
“Not trying to touch all that bile. No offense, dolphin.”
“None taken.”
The song still plays as the three of you sit there, decompressing from what had just happened. It was going to get better. It had to.
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer: tarot is speculative and to be taken with a grain of salt.
Let's begin. The long awaited Koo reading.
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To start, koos energy is a really rich, solid purple that is kinda pearlescent? It hard to explain but it kinda looks like this
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So thats pretty neat. Most of the time the way I see energy it isn't ever really opaque so that was new for me. Another thing that was new for me was when I went to, essentially, connect to koos energy there was this like glass door looking thing and, it sounds nuts I know, but I left an offering of energy at the glass thing? Kinda like leaving flowers outside the door and then he removed the glass thing and connected his energy with me.
Now its even weirder because his soulmates energy was already with him so I didn't even need to connect with his energy in order to connect with the soulmate. His soulmates energy was just this white sparkly blob standing by him (I tend to see the boys when connecting with the energy because I already know what they look like) and immediately his soulmate was "chatting" with me. I was surprised so I was like, "do you have any messages that you want to say?"
The messages I got were
You'll see
Open your arms to love
Carry the burdens as a badge
Afraid to lose you
Cool cool cool. I think his soulmate is aware of all the upheaval that he's been doing on a soul level recently. I talked some about it in this reading x and kinda this one x I think his soulmate is being very encouraging. (Also, I think his whole upheaval really had to do with him not feeling like a person? Idk thats just the vibe in getting. Its like he needed to learn how to feel again and learn that he can have true and authentic love)
Now the open your arms to love thing is cute because I also wrote down, "He's suffered enough" and "Love is hard for him" (I swear to God I heard a tiny little "hey!" From jk in the background lol)
His soulmate is very aware of the struggles he's been through and is going through and is very understanding that he needs patience. So cute.
Keep in mind the reading hasn't even started yet. We still hanging on his little energy platform chatting and his Soulmate is like, "I don't know him" ... I didn’t even ask that yet but oki. So they don't know eachother. And again, out of nowhere his soulmate wanted me to know that their hair is blonde. Awesome. This could mean that their hair is blonde when they meet or that's just the natural color.
I was like, dude, I haven't pulled cards yet. And his soulmate was like, "no shit"... soulbae has jokes. I was like, "You're funny" and they were like, "You can write that one down too"
His soulmate and him definitely have witty banter and they tease eachother a lot.
Now, some freaky shit. I was like cool I'm gonna do the reading now, its awesome that you're connecting with me personally and it'd be great if you could just continue to help me through the reading. And they were like, "yeah no prob" and then dissolved into my energy? Idk. Wtf. His soulmate was like cool I'll help out for sure and gave me a massive direct link. That hasn't happened before. Neat.
On to the actual cards finally! So, for the cards that represent Soulbae are, kid you the fuck not, The Lovers and knight of wands rev. So. This person is very passionate and driven. A little scattered and impulsive but with the lovers card they are very sure of the choices they make. Very honest and open in communication. Also the fucking lovers card. Soulmate shit.
Now. For personality I drew 2 of swords rev. Death, hermit and knight of pentacles rev. Now. I think this person is elusive. A wrote down "no one quite knows" so I think this is the type of person that has never ending depth. They are ever changing yet always the same? They are kinda blocked off and hard to get to know. You have to earn their trust for sure. Also definitely a perfectionist. Can get bored easily too. I also got slave, knight rev and bully. This person is very strong willed and might have some past trauma that they've yet to let go of. Has probably been in some shit relationships because they tend to have "delusions" about romance (more so i get the feeling that they had high expectations that would never be able to be fulfilled? Like they have a tendency to plan everything out in their head and if it doesn't go exactly to plan then its not good enough.) This person might also be stuck, not moving forward because they have too much faith that everything is just gonna magically work out. Probably spiritual.
Onto the relationship now. We have THE LOVERS AGAIN, 9 of cups, wheel of fortune and king of wands. So much contentment. Its fucking destiny. Its the most beautiful, strong, loving and influential relationship. It is what you dream of as a kid. Theres so much honest and open communication in this relationship. UGH its so fucking good. They are in love and its fucking destiny thats divinely guided. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
We have the pillar of light, sisterhood of the rose and the age of light. They are going to accidently make eachother fucking woke im cackling. They help eachother become more intune with ~spiritual shit~
Now for this person's sign. Air sign with some fire. I think there might be gemini in there somewhere.
Now for career. I'm confused as fuck. Maybe a life coach? Could also be a personal trainer? This person is really successful and does whatever they feel called to do? I'm not really sure?
Now for where they're from. Oki oki oki. This person has probably moved a lot as a kid and probably enjoys travel a lot. They value the knowledge that the wold has to offer!
Message from his soulmate to him: simplify your life, you think someone is lying (they are) and time to let go. Theres something that he is holding onto (some fake friends perhaps?) That he needs to let go of. Theres also a message of slowing down and resting. Life has been busy for him and he needs to... simplify...
Now we have, balance masculine and feminine energies. Koo needs balance in his life. Him and his soulmate balance pretty well in terms of energy!
For the little homemade cards we have, serendipity and focus. This is his soulmate saying, "hey, focus on the now. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll meet when the time is right" I also made a note that they could possibly meet at a concert (I don’t think it would be a bts concert.)
For descriptors we have: older, masculine, outgoing, long hair, light hair (remember when I said blonde earlier), outgoing again. So this person has masculine features. I also made a note of dark eyes that are like, dark brown grey? And a fit and built body. Also dresses like Koo but a bit more professional or classy. Like classy emo.
Now I also pulled a fortune from my bowl of fortunes and got, "you don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are." He needs to focus on bettering himself.
Cool cool cool. Now we have Defend to the end , the worth while. This card talks about seeing things for what they really are. Not being swayed by gilded things. Its about learning to love and choose love. Not being afraid of fear. Living your truth. To fight for love and honor and ditch the shit that isn't genuine or doesn't come from a place of love. Its about standing your ground even when its hard. Not compromising yourself.
Overall koo and his soulmate have such a cute and loving relationship. Koo has worked really hard on a soul level and physical level. He's betting himself and he's learning about genuine love. His soulmate couldn't give less shits about whether or not he's famous. His soulmate sees him for who he is, who he really truly is at his core. He doesn't need to protect or keep his walls up. He's open and honest with his soulmate and they are both focused on growing and becoming better people.
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floatinginwords · 4 years
Saved by the Devil (7/?) - Tommy Shelby
Summary: You have a talk with some friends and get a little job offered
Paring: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (Not romantic...yet)
A/n: this took me so long to write. I hope you like it. Have a wonderful day:)
You walked through the streets on London feeling lost and uneasy. The state record of your father was there, written officially: he was declared dead. You felt like you were going crazy for not even trusting the piece of evidence. You asked the secretary about a million questions about how they even go about certifying a death. The woman looked at you as if you were crazy and you probably looked it. None of the cuts were healed, parts of your face were beginning to bruise, and the stich on your hand was horrendous. At least you didn’t reek of alcohol. It bothered you that the certificate under cause of death read “suicide”. You distinctly remember Sabini tell you that your father had got himself killed.
 ‘Why stage it like a suicide and then tell the underworld you killed him? Couldn’t you have just paid the cops to look the other way?’ A million more questions swarmed your way non of which the secretary could answer.
 And so you left the place walking slowly back home feeling odd. Dead is dead right you don’t need the details. You don’t want them. You tell yourself this as you get home, telling yourself that the uneasy feeling was from the physical night before not because someone was watching you.  
 ‘I’m not safe staying here’ You think to yourself. You start fantasizing about all the different places you could disappear to, the new life you could create for yourself. You just needed enough money to so. That wad of cash underneath your bed was good for a boat ride and hotel stay, not for entire life change. You were gonna need to start saving and earning, more fast. The air was changing and not for the better.
 Once you get home, you can see a lamp on in the window. You try to walk past the figure sitting in the living room, but their voice rings out stopping you from making another move.
 “(Y/n), we need to talk.” Ada says.
 “What about?” you ask sitting opposite of her in the living room.
 “Its about Tommy,” she pauses a minute trying to gauge your reaction, you don’t give any. She sighs, “I just want you to be careful around him.”
 You raise an eyebrow, confused from where this is coming from. “What do you mean?”
 “I mean are you gonna keep coming home looking half dead with my brother having to carry you in here with no sort of explanation?”
 “I’m sorry about that.” You apologize knowing she must have been scared out of her mind seeing you like that. You would have been too had it been her or Trinity.
 “What are you even thinking working for him? Didn’t you want out of your father business, aren’t you on some guys shit list?” Ada takes a deep breath calming herself.
 “I have it under control.” You can hear Ada groan in frustration. You understand why she was so defensive about this. Her family was dangerous and to be around them was like being around death itself. At least that’s how Ada put it.
 “No you don’t just look at yourself!” She sternly says, pointing a finger at you.
 You stifle a laugh from your throat at how motherly she looks, “Ada, please save the parenting for Karl.”
 She rolls her eyes at your jest and gets up from the couch. “Are you gonna work for him again?”
 “If I need the money...”
 “I told you don’t have to pay rent while you stay here. You can take as long as you need to find steady job.”
 You fake a smile and nod your head, “You’re right.” You didn’t want to bring up the unease you’ve been feeling. Or the need to flee the country based on a little paranoia that may just go away. It was unfair to her to place  this burden upon her when she's finally made it out of feeling that way herself. But you’ll be damned if you weren’t gonna at least prepare yourself for the uncertain future.
Trinitys apartment was the same as it always has been. Neat to the point where it looked picture perfect. You always wondered when she had the time to keep tidy. You arrived early in the morning, knowing she would be up and that it would be the perfect time to cross into what you thought was still sabinis territory.
 “You know your friend took over the Eden Club. I haven’t seen any of Sabini guys in awhile” Trinity says attempting to ease you as you keep looking out the window.
 “The Shelby’s. I think it was his brother or whatever. I wasn’t there when it happened but I heard it was brutal.”
 “What did sabini do?” You ask.
 “no one heard from him or Alistair.” She states
 “Hmm.” You say finding it odd the gangster hadn’t retaliated yet
 “You know you can maybe work there again? If you asked nicely? The Shelby’s seem to like you.”
 “What makes you say that?”
 “Oh please I was the first person ada called to tell me about you running off with her brother. Did you know they were related?”
 She notices your lack of words. And though trinity wanted to be playful and tease her friend, she was worried.
 “Are you okay, (Y/n)?”
 “Im thinking of leaving, trinity.” You say
 “Why? Where are you going?”
 “Nowhere. Im just thinking.” You sip your tea lightly, feeling the soothing warmth go down your throat, “Something feels wrong.”
 “What is it?”
 “I fear that something nefarious is upon me. And that it’s a matter of time before It decides to kill me.”
 “You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”
 “I need your help planning.” You say ignoring her questions. You didn’t want to subject her to your nightmares about your father which haven’t ceased at all. In face they were increasing in violence and color. Most of them drawing from memories. If it wasn’t your father that was alive coming to hunt you down, it was most likely a dedicated servant of his. You wondered who was was keeping the business going seeing as you didn’t take over and were the only child of your father. You had no other logical explanation of what the universe was trying to tell you with these dreams and gut feelings.
 You open your purse revealing the wad of money from underneath your bed and papers of different id. “Your gonna hold this for me. When I need it ill come for it, if I add to it ill come here okay? Just make sure it stays hidden and untouched.”
She nods and takes it gently from your hands, “You’re being serious.”
 You stood for a couple more hours, talking and eating until the afternoon came. You said your goodbyes and were on your way back on the streets of London. You felt good about yourself after seeing Trinity. It felt like years since you seen her.
 You hear the honking of an annoying horn bring you out of your thoughts. You see Tommy Shelby behind the wheel, a cocky grin on his face. He parks the car and you wait for him outside not wanting to sit in close proximity of him. He comes around, outing a cigarette loosely around his pink lips. He doesn’t light it.
 “I was looking for you at Adas.” He says standing in front of you with hands in his pockets.
 “Hmm why?” You ask.
 “How are your stiches?”
 “Fine,” your face grows warm as you think about the drunken thoughts you had about him. You had them caged up this time but you were now very aware of the fact that you had them, “what is that you want?” you ask avoiding his eyes, afraid of getting lost in them. You could not afford to grow any sort of attachment to the man. The stories you’ve heard, the warning you’ve gotten from his own sister, you know that he was no good.
 “Take a ride with me.” He simply says walking away from you.
 Your legs move before you think. Following his words like a sailor would a siren. You suddenly felt very self conscious around the man as you sat near him.
 “Where is this coming from?” You think to yourself feeling stupid you begin to argue with yourself in your head trying to find the soure of this new unwanted attraction. Maybe you were still drunk. No its been days. Or maybe you were tired. Sleep has been hard to comeby these days.
 You look across at him and study his features. He was a very handsome man, no doubt about it. You don’t realize how long you’ve been staring until he catches you.
 “What?” He asks
 “Have you called May?” Your not sure why your mind went to that but it was.
He chuckles, “Are you really that interested in that?”
 “No, im just making conversation.”
 “Well I did. Ill be seeing her later this week. See how shes training my horse.” He sends a smile your way before his eyes go back to the road.
 The smile sends your stomach doing flips. “You know your not as scary as people make you seem, Mr.Shelby.” Another statement slipping from your lips.
 “Trust me, I can be scary. Hand me that file”
 He parks the car in front of lovely looking house, a guard standing outside the gates of it. You hand him the file, next to you on the seats and he fiddles through it. You stare at the house with the guard in front of it through the rearview mirror.
 “Why are we parked here?” You ask you eyes trained to the rearview mirror
 “Had to make a stop.”
 You see the guard notice the car and head towards you. He walks toward your window and leans in. “Sir,” The guard says totally ignoring your presence, “You cant park here.”
 “Apologies, me and the Mrs. were just lost.”
 “Well get a move on.” Thomas starts the car and moves it one block a way before parking again. He checks his watch.
 “23 seconds,” He say to himself writing it down, “Are you gonna ask any questions?”
 “I think I would rather leave this one alone.”
 “Smart girl.”
 You end up driving 2 more hours around the city. He tells you about the Eden club takeover and how his brother Arthur is now running the game there. Sabini hasn’t been seen inawhile. Nor his most trustworthy comapnions
 “Do you know Alfie solomons?” He asks
 “I do.” Alfie Solomon’s to you was an unpredictable man, You never could predict what he was gonna say.
 “I was gonna have Arthur have dinner with him alone. But Arthur doesn’tknow Solomon’s too well.”
 “Mr. Shelby-“
 “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need to.” His eyes burn into your skull. You take all the self control you have to not turn your head and stare into them.
 You think about the proposition and grow very hesitant. A part of you wants to take it and another part doesn’t. Quick money could be very useful to you but at what cost if its for situations like this. A dinner with gangsters could become deadly very quickly with one wrong move.
 “When is this dinner?”
 “Ill give you answer before than” You say seeing it was Tuesday. You open the door to the car and walk out of it. You were beginning to suffocate under his stare and you needed to breath.
 The air was crisp and refreshing to your lungs as you speedy walk down the streets making lefts and rights. The annoying horn returns to your ears as soon as you feel calm. You turn back around to scream when you realize its not the same car. It’s a black car with weird, tinted window, almost like a police car. The windows roll down, revealing a man with grey, busy eyebrows and mustache. His eyes held an evil glint in them
 (Y/fn) (y/ln)?” He asks do it looked like he already knew the answer in his head that he knew who he had.
 “Sorry wrong gal.” You lie turning around to get out for whatever situation that was.
 “Get her boys.” You hear the man sigh. You feel large hands grab around your body and large funny smelly napkin forced against your mouth.
 ‘Chloroform’ you think as you pass out into the darkness.
Read pt.8
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @evelyn-4034
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aliendes · 4 years
Namjoon + 1 & 11
From this ask: Oh, yay to more prompts! Any chance you'd be up for "stop, you're bleeding" and "its okay, im here now", for either Namjoon or Yoongi? (If you're into mafia stories that would be cool too, but i 100% trust your creative process)
1. Stop it, you're bleeding. & 11. It's okay, you're safe now. + Namjoon 
Thank you for your request anon! I’m assuming you meant 11, because there was no ‘It’s okay, I’m here now,” so we're gonna go with that. I chose Namjoon cause almost all the requests in my inbox are for Yoongi lol. Hope you like it! This is completely unedited, sorry!
Warnings: blood, mafia!au, mentions of violence and death, gunshots, kind of sad, but also not really. 
Word count: 1.2k~ 
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All you could hear was the blood rushing to your ears, your head spinning, screams and shouts echoing through your brain. You were vaguely aware that you were running, but you weren’t sure where or how far you had run. You looked back behind you and saw that there was no one following you, so you ducked around a corner and leaned back against the brick wall of a building. It was the middle of the night and you couldn’t see any people around you.
You leaned forward, hands on your knees as you struggled for air. You quickly surveyed your body for any life threatening injuries, just like your husband, Namjoon, had trained you years ago. Adrenaline still pumping in your veins, you didn’t initially notice the searing hot pain in your shoulder. You pulled the strap of your dress down so you could see the injury better, noticing that your emerald colored gown was soaked in blood. Fuck, you thought to yourself, you were shot. You poked around the bullet hole, checking to see if it was still lodged inside you. You could tell it was stuck in the muscle. Good, it would keep the bleeding at bay at least until you could get home. 
You slipped off your expensive heels and pulled your phone from your bra, having left your purse at the museum. That’s where this night all started, at a charity event your husband was attending. He was the leader of a well known gang in Seoul and needed to keep up his reputation with politicians and the police force, so of course you accompanied him. The evening was going well, meeting with members of the press and making pleasantries with business men. That was until the first gunshot rang out. You were at the bar when it started, separated from your husband. You’ve been together for well over a decade, and you had a plan for when things like this happened. Luckily you’ve never had to put that plan to use, until tonight. 
You quickly unlocked your phone and dialed for your driver and bodyguard, Hoseok. He picked up before the first ring could finish, “Send your location, ma’am,” he sounded a little less composed than usual, though still calm. You did as he asked, dropping the pin to your trusted associate. “Be there in 2 minutes,” you gave a grunt of affirmation before hanging up and pulling up your text thread with Namjoon. You knew your husband made it clear that if this ever happened you were not to text or call each other until you could physically see the other person was safe, in case one of you was taken. But you couldn’t help but to check. Nothing. You heaved a heavy sigh, panic starting to rise in your chest for the first time since that first gunshot. He’ll be fine, you reminded yourself. 
When you finally caught your breath, you looked up to see the sleek black SUV pulling up onto the curb beside you. Leaning down and grabbing your heels, you quickly made your way to the front seat. You usually sat in the back, but you needed the company right now. Sliding into the passenger’s seat, you gave Hoseok a quick nod, hand coming up to hold your wound, wincing as you back hit the leather seat. 
“Fuck, YN,” Hoseok breathed, taking in your appearance. Your curled hair had fallen out of the updo, frazzled around your face, blood dripping down your arm and staining your dress a dark brown color. “You gonna be ok? I can go straight to the hospital,” he sounded unsure and you knew he was genuinely afraid if he was using your first name. You always told him it was ok to call you by your name, but he typically refused, opting for the polite ‘ma’am’. 
“No hospitals,” you panted, allowing Hoseok to reach over and gently buckle you into the seat, “take me to the safe house. Have you heard from Joon?”
Once you were buckled, Hoseok leaned back over to the steering wheel and put the car in drive. He shook his head solemnly, “No ma’am, but he wouldn’t be calling me,” he reminded you, “Jungkook probably has him.”
You nodded, leaning your head back and closing your eyes as Hoseok pulled away.
You must have dozed off sometime during the car ride to the safe house, because when you opened your eyes again, Hoseok was standing outside your door, leaning over to unbuckle your seatbelt. You sat up quickly, surveying your surroundings.
“It’s safe ma’am,” he said as he unbuckled you and took your hand, helping you out of the car, “the boss is inside, Kook’s car is right there,” he said, gesturing to the black sedan in the driveway.
Your face lit up as you realized your husband was safe. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, walking with Hoseok up the front of the house, “Dr. Kim is here to tend to your wounds,” he muttered, helping you up the short three stairs to the large red front door of the safe house. 
Without knocking, the two of you walked through the front door, immediately spotting Namjoon and Jungkook sitting at the large dining room table in deep conversation. You felt immediate relief wash over your body at the sight of your unharmed husband, hair and suit slightly disheveled, but otherwise fine. You inwardly thanked whatever higher power existed for Jungkook’s quick wit and impeccable training. 
You quickly rushed to Namjoon’s side. Once he noticed you were running towards him, he immediately stood up, knocking the chair he was sitting on over with the force. Jungkook and Hoseok silently left the room, giving you two space.
You crashed into your husband’s open arms, ignoring the stinging pain in your shoulder that shot all the way through your fingertips at the impact. “Stop it, you're bleeding,” Namjoon whispered as he pulled back to look at you, wincing at the damage, “I’m so sorry my love, I’m so sorry you got hurt.”
You felt tears well up behind your eyes for the first time tonight, so happy and thankful to be in his arms again. “No, Joon,” you sobbed, rubbing your face into his chest, effectively ruining his dress shirt. Not that he cared, “Not your fault baby, not your fault,” your voice barely intelligible with how hard you were crying now. Namjoon’s strong arms held you close as one of his large hands rubbed soothing circles into your lower back.
“It's okay, you're safe now,” he mumbled into your hair, placing sweet kisses to your scalp and forehead, “let’s get you fixed up and then we can talk, okay?”
You nodded, wiping your running nose with the back of your hand. “I’m so glad you’re here,” you whimpered as Namjoon led you to the downstairs bedroom where Dr. Kim was waiting for you. 
“I’ll always be here, my love.”
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What Kind of Music Slashers Would Vibe to Headcanons♪
This little thing popped into my head. Fyi, the canon timelines are thrown out the window for this so... Yeah.
Bring forth the bop~
RZ Michael Myers
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"Let my weapons be your children, let my armies be your damned. Try to suffer on in silence, try to stop me if you can." --- This Cold Black by Slipknot
I think he'd really enjoy metal in general. I can totally see him unknowingly stomping to some Marilyn Manson and Meshuggah, though the lyrics and message probably will just fly over his head.
He listens to some heavy shit, but probably all the more mainstream bands/artists.
The loudness and organized chaos of the genre fills the void in his soul and reflects the state of his mind, despite his stoic and non-verbal outer demeanor.
Someone please do everyone a favor and introduce Michael to some death metal. Admit it, it really fits his aesthetic.
This is just based on speculation, but I suspect a 70% possibility of RZ Michael resonating with Cannibal Corpse. Fight me.
He hates classical music with a burning passion. Back in Smith's Grove, they played Bach's Air Sul G on tap. (its canon in the first movie lmao) He hates it. Mikey no likey.
Freddy Krueger
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"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it, nobody's gonna mess me around." --- Highway to Hell, by AC/DC
Freddy listens to classic rock, period.
This guy is ngl a supporter of music taste discrimination. You listen to pop? Disgusting. You listen to Jazz? Disgusting. Classic rock is the epitome of all music.
He'll call you music-related slurs you never knew existed.
As stubborn adamant as Freddy is, he does harbor some guilty pleasures, including 70's hair metal and glam rock. Pshh. What a heckin hypocrite.
Some of his all time favorites are Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and AC/DC.
(Basic bitch)
*Hip thrust movements to go with his 'The Sprinkler' dance moves, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses blasting in the background*
OG Michael Myers
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He doesn't listen to music, but if he did, he would probably enjoy Jazz.
Michael only listens to Miles Davis because he enjoys his music and can't be bothered to discover more artists.
Oml Michael I know Miles Davis is amazing but don't neglect other iconic artists plzzz. Someone please make him listen to some Teddy Wilson and/or Dave Brubeck.
I imagine him sitting stiff-straight on a rocking chair (he just likes how it moves), knife in his lap, rocking and zoning-out relaxing to 'Blue in Green'. (I love that piece)
He also hates classical music because of the same reason as RZ Myers. Seriously, if either of them so much as hears the opening chord of Air Sul G, expect the speaker to be stomped to a pulp in a split second.
Bubba Sawyer
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Alright let's all be honest with ourselves... 70's pop and country is Bubba's shit.
Look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't adore ABBA, The Jackson 5, and Dolly Parton. Thats right you can't
Everytime 'Dancing Queen' starts playing on the radio, Bubba will drop everything and start busting down.
Ain't nothing and nobody stoppin him. Drayton is powerless against the supreme sovereignty that is ABBA.
But let's also appreciate the fact that our Bubster can motherfuckin get down. *wipes sweat from forehead + heart eyes*
He would also do passionate lip sync with his heart and soul, to Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You'.
50% chance of him starting to cry right after he finishes his earnest performance.
*Holding Bubba in your arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back as he bawls hysterically, incoherently babbling on about how much he loves you*
I also feel for some reason he'd really like Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
Thomas Hewitt
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"For one moment, I wish you'd hold your stage, with no feelings at all. Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free." --- Citizen Erased by Muse
Y'know what I have a hard time imagining the type of music Tommy listens to. Kutos, Mr. Hewitt, you have defeated me.
(This is where I yeet the timeline out of the window y'all)
Thomas enjoys Muse, Evanescence, and Radiohead. (Fight me)
He just loves how emotional their songs are. He'd have one earbud in as he works away at his projects for hours. The music helps him concentrate, it is also a source of emotional support to him.
Hearing the heart-wretching lyrical content of 'Lost in Paradise' performed so beautifully by Amy Lee's angellic voice is really comforting to him. It's like hearing about another person's experiences. It makes him feel less alone in dealing with his emotional and mental turmoils and burdens.
The first time Thomas heard 'Creep' by Radiohead, he almost cried.
He also listens to My Chemical Romance sometimes. He only knows the Black Parade album, but he loves it. If 'Creep' didn't make him cry, listening to that entire album from top to bottom sure did. He started sobbing half-way through 'Famous Last Words'.
Tommy is emotional boi 🥺
Brahms Heelshire
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C l a s s i c a l
No matter how stinky Brahms is, you can't tell me that he's not classy.
Schubert is his bitch. Schubert's style tends to be quite majestic and/or dreamy, (generally) and can change color/sound very abruptly yet appropriately. (This is just my opinion based on experience with Schubert's pieces, but then I only know his piano pieces soo) (let's still cue that maestoso to scherzando transition)
But of course, Schubert isn't the only thing he listens to. He prefers the romantic period, so Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Shostakovich, Brahms, Schumann, you get the gist, all the staples. Oh yeah Elgar too. To be a proud English lad.
*Brahms swaying in the living room with the grace of a baby giraffe, engrossed in the beautiful melodies in Schumann's Kinderszenen.*
(Oml please check out 'Von fremden Landern und Manschen' and 'Kind im Einschlummern') (For those who play piano, they aren't that difficult too totally recommend) (Ok sorry I'm done now)
Brahms would totally waltz around alone to Chopin's waltzes and nocturnes.
Oh yeah apart from that classy shit, he likes to jam to meme songs.
"Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play---"
*cut to Brahms passionately fortnite dancing*
Listens to The Strange Man Who Sings About Dead Animals for a good laugh. (Please, all of his songs are gold)
Vincent Sinclair
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He'll have 'emo' and 'classical' with a side of metal, thanks.
I headcanon that Vinny McWaxy is an INFJ, so the boy is likely prone to crippling existentialism. It would make sense for some aspects of his music taste to reflect that.
*cut to Vincent sitting rock-still on his workbench/stool, hands hover in mid-air, staring straight ahead, some John Cage piece playing*
You'll never hear this from Vincent but he enjoys sexy-time music. He has this whole erotic playlist he listens to while working. (Boy likes to feel sexy on the job, I respect that.)
I think its pretty much canon that Vinny loves MCR. (Hello fellow emo piece of shit 👋) His favorites are everything by them really. A hardcore fan. He used to have MCR, P!ATD, and 30 Seconds to Mars posters plastered everywhere in his workshop until he had to remove them all to add to the intimidation factor of his waxy hell for passer-bys. For the record, he is very gay for Frank Iero.
On the metal part of his spectrum is mostly classic metal, groove metal, and thrash/heavy metal.
Rammstein, Pantera, Vildhjarta, new and old Metallica, Dream Theatre, Coheed and Cambria. His bitches.
He also uses music to scare victims when bringing them down to his workshop. *cue horror movie soundtracks*
Is a whore for the dramatics when in a good mood.
*Lacrimosa by Mozart plays as he makes a point to bring the wax painfully slowly down toward a drowsy and petrified victim*
A lament for your upcoming death, pitiful human.
Bo Sinclair
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"The day has come for all us sinners, if you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground." -- Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
Bastard boy is into dad-music™. (same)
Dad rock, classic rock, pop punk, punk rock, old school pop, his shit.
He listens to a lot of the same bands as Freddy, but Bo (generally) doesn't discriminate and explores a more diverse variety of music.
Its a fandom canon that Bo loves Avenged Sevenfold. I totally agree.
A7x is the perfect amount of cynical, political, and shred for Beauregard, (I hc that ge hates his full name so plz don't ever call him Beauregard)
He listens to the radio whenever he's at work. Whatever that might be.
Will NEVER admit it, but he thinks Vinny's music taste is dope as hell.
He'll turn off the radio just to strain his ears to listen to Vincent's music downstairs. No one will ever know that though. You don't.
Actually likes classical music too. Its not one of his main genres but there's one piece he really likes, Second Movement of Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major.
He never thought he'd enjoy this type of music. Its so.... Calm. He discovered that piece from Vinny's playlist. When he first heard it on his brother's speaker, he fell in love. It was one of the extremely rare cases in which he'd be committed enough to ask Vinny the name of the music.
Tiny shuffle for man-kind, huge fuckin step for Bo. Good job Bo, we're proud of you.
Also pleeeeeaaase message me or request stuff, I'm bored and have little inspiration 🦊
I might do a pt2 of this, since I didn't write many of the boys and gals🤷‍♀️
Also sorry if I've neglected some genres/artists (Like i've neglected non-piano classical pieces.... Bc ya girl is just a pianist), a person can't know everything😗
---Zali 🖤
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remsmoonlight · 4 years
— title : broken facade ( part one ? )
— word count : 2.6 k words
— pairing : john wick x reader
— summary : john thought he could keep his old world dead and buried, he was wrong
— warnings : mentions of death, blood, extremely minor swearing, kidnapping, mentions of drugging.. idk maybe a bit of hurt and angst? idk where i was going with this i spent so long on it lmao im very sorry
Nothing can be heard over the continuous shattering of the fractured pieces of a silent promise he repeated to himself every morning he woke and the last thing that ran through his mind before he would cease to resist the urge to sleep. It’s the only promise kept hidden from you and there was no going back from its state of shards, what kind of man is he if the one thing he kept close to his heart is no more.
Never let that life lay a finger on them.
Now, here he is. Knowing that the life he had previously led has wormed itself back to him, it has sullied your spirit and for that, he can find no forgiveness in his soul for himself. It’s him that is why you have been torn away from him so mercilessly, why you are in the situation you are in. He would give his life a thousand times and a thousand times over if it means you are safe, away from the harsh and cold blooded world he knows so well.
Although, the remnants of his old life is not a friend greeting him after an age has passed, but rather.. a  foe that wishes to lead him down the trail to its murky depths.
He assumes that the steering wheel that is gripped so stiffly by his hands only wish to buckle and crumble under the weight he is setting down upon it, though there is no other way to channel the highly agitated energy that swirls within him. Until you are back in his arms can he find the strength to completely calm the brutal waters that wish to overwhelm him, the only thing saving him is the objective that is removing you from the grasps of the Tarasovs’.
The same is unable to be said for you, the fear that you feel coursing throughout your entire being is the only thing that you can concentrate on. This is the clearest you have been for days, since you had been taken from your refuge from the world. You are sure that you’ve been drugged, though you can’t decide truly if that fact is a blessing or a curse. Being an unwilling participant in whatever you had found yourself in would prove difficult for those who held your life in their hands, and as much as you want to put up a fight, it’s impossible. You can see just how tense everyone in this cold, desolate room is. It’s not ideal to prod and provoke the Devil, especially as it has the power to rip you from the reality you know.
Your heart swells from the haunting image that plays continuously like an olden film, with the grit and burns. It’s a desire that you yearn so intensely for to rid your brain of the bloodied and battered John, you had never seen him so defenseless. You wonder if he is still breathing, if he is suffering from being so broken.
“ hey! why don’t you just let me go? “ you call out to anyone in the room, your fingers fidgeting anxiously with the threads of the scarf wrapped protectively around your neck.
“ shut the fuck up! “
You switch your gaze from the man who yelled, knowing that there is no point in arguing, to the one playing on the game console. Fear and self preservation that rules your body into silence battling with the confusion you find yourself experiencing at how one of the other men could feel so relaxed to the point he can play games.
Though he’s not the one who’s been kidnapped you think with a stern frown deeply painting your features, you simply wished you could be wrapped up in your duvet with a straight to dvd cheap movie playing.
The next moment a colossal bang erupted, spilling through the entirety of the room -- you have no idea where to look, your entire feeling as if it had been frozen in a moment of time. It’s not until a thud pulls you out of your cloud, and it’s one of the men who have fallen to the ground. Your eyes widen at the sight, you’ve seen such brutality in movies and television shows but never could they capture the true horror that lays in front of you.
The crimson liquid is never ending as it exits from the wound, you want to rip your eyes away from the repulsive scene yet you find yourself in a trance, with a magnetic pull that refuses to bend its will to yours. Only when your skin feels fingers digging deep into clothed flesh is your head able to turn, your feet already on the move. Your eyes refuse to acknowledge the further death that lay motionlessly on the floor, the bodies as cold as the temperature.
Rumbles fill your hearing, it’s hardly a chore to know that they’re under attack, by who you have little idea. Though a tiny spark of hope, so small it’s hardly noticeable, hums in your core. Perhaps it may be the authorities, here to put a permanent end to your newfound nightmare. Whatever it is, it has these men scared -- though, when you think back.. they have been on edge since you have had the unfortunate experience of knowing them. No matter how hard you previously tried to decipher some sort of idea, even a faded picture of what you have been caught up in, they were quick to respond with venom and hostility.
“ let go of me! “ words tumble from your lips as you try to dig your feet in further to the metal steps, hands clawing at the railings as if they could protect you.
Nothing is said to you, had it not been for the male’s grip on your arm, you could assume that they have no idea of your presence. Countless nights you had found yourself wishing for such, that they would forget your existence and you would be then able to escape. Never has that wish been granted.
Burns from the metal grasped so firmly scorch your palms, you can feel the need to survive driving yourself to fight and struggle.. opportunities to escape had been bare, the one presented now is one that you refuse to elude you so swiftly. Again, a body drops from a gunshot -- your shock proving more of a force than anything, because the hold that had been so secure on your arm severs without you comprehending it for a passing moment in time.
The leap your heart completes knows no bounds, the disturbance at seeing the violence occur at the man you have only known to be gentle and warm overwhelmed by your exhilaration that he is there and safe. John hardly acknowledges you as he passes your trembling form, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only. It’s no surprise when you decide to turn away, not wishing to have your image of him shattered any more than it has already. Though, you wonder how detrimental protecting your dream like depiction of him is.
A faze, it’s all your mind can think of describing the journey from the harsh confines of the barren property to where you reside currently. The journey from one place to the other mesh together, your memories betraying you in your inability to process everything that happened.
A hand grazes your skin comfortingly, though the suddenness pulls you out from beneath your thoughts.
“ i’m sorry. “ John speaks, keeping his eyes straight ahead on the road.
A frown sketches itself onto your brows as you turn to face him, you are unable to understand what he means by his words. The scenery passes by in a blur, stuck in a timeless state of thinking, you realise that you’ve not responded to him. How do you respond to something like? You wonder to yourself, loathing the fact that you cannot reply, a misunderstanding of rejection isn’t something needed for the moment. Against your better judgement, you need the opposite.
“ John - I - what? “
The feather like weight on your hand is still there, though now there is a contrast of tenderness and peace that had only known violence and blood exploring the expanse of his fingertips, only now a ghostly image not yet faded.
“ it got worse for you, because of me. “ he replies with a pitch as solid as stone, still refusing to make eye contact.
Though it’s not known to you that the reason he refuses to look at you is because he cannot yet come to terms with the fact that the two significant fractions of his life, the past and the present, have collided so effortlessly. He doesn’t yet want to acknowledge his part to play in the scars of his old word being the reason your surface now bears the brunt of being blemished by its cold, callous hands. He doesn’t want to have to bear witness to the tears that have stained your usually bright features, knowing the darkness that had once consumed his life wished to stretch its skeletal grip to you, threatening to eclipse the light of hope you unknowingly provide every chance he gets to set his sights on your form.
“ you’re not making any sense. “ you turn to face him now, trying to read his expression. Though, it’s at a loss. When he needs to be, he can be extremely hard to read.
“ that guy? the one I shot.. I used to work for his father. “
You blink, still failing to see the picture. You’re able to make a mental sketch, but you still need final pieces. Yes, he was connected.. but how is he at fault? Was it some sort of vengeance? Blackmail? The list is an endless trail your mind explores at the new piece of information, however it’s only John who can provide the key.
“ what does that have to do with everything that happened? “
“ there’s a reason why I’ve never told you much about my past. “ he replies softly, his mind wandering to find the most rational way to word the difficult tale, whose twists and turns trailed over it as if they were no more than a line of vines full of poison.
Though, the inner voice belonging to him knows there is no outcome that bodes well for him, the inevitable can’t be written off nor can it be denied.
“ so tell me, please? “ you plead with him, your nervous energy building and building in the tips of your fingers. They tap on the end of the car seat as you wait for his response.
“ before we met, I did things. I killed. “
It has to be quick John thinks to himself. There’s not a way that what he has to say, his past can be primped and perfumed into a pretty little picture, not when that picture is haunted by all the life that had been ripped from the world by his hand.
“ this is a joke, right? “ you laugh, incredulously. Gazing at his form it was as if the energy around him had inverted, there is no way that John, your John could do such things. The gentle smile of his, the thoughtfulness he demonstrates each day would battle his words, but the solidity and lack of humour being shown from him..? You’re tempted to believe.
“ I wish it was. “
“ there’s.. I don’t even know what to say. “ your brows furrow low, a bleakness setting itself into your expression as you try to come to terms with his answer.
“ you don’t have to. “ he speaks with difficulty, while he had expected more hatred from your eyes, he dares not to hope you will stay. Not after everything he has brought down upon you.
Fresh tears build up, until they are no more than a glassy barrier preventing clear vision. You will them to recede, to fade away until they’re nothing more than shadows. You have seen many horrors, more in the past week than your whole life and the man you love has had a direct part in that? You can’t erase the images of him gunning your captor, but you can’t erase all the sweet whispers after nights of lust and love, all the hours spent talking about life and what you would do. A stark contrast to the man you first got to know.
“ this isn’t something I can pretend to understand, but why hold something like this from me? Why wouldn’t you tell me eventually? “ you question, many emotions are clawing over each other to rise to your surface, preventing you from thinking straight.. yet it’s frustration that is victorious.
“ I never thought I'd be back. “
“ you need to understand, things like that? They don’t go away, they have a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. “
“ yeah, I see that now. “
A groan erupts from your parted lips, dropping your head in your hands. Your fingers drag their way across your scalp, this is something you argue would be seen in a movie.. not your life. The feelings you have are conflicted and inconsistent, any normal person would jump out of the moving care.. but a part of you can’t cast him aside so easily. What you have, that’s what you know is real.
“ John, I - I need time. At the minute.. I just don’t know what to think. With everything that’s happened. “
“ I get that. You’ll be seen to, for your injuries. “
A smile, small in size lifts the darkness from your eyes ever so slightly. Your injuries are bare, save for a few scrapes on your face. It’s the mental ones that begin to frighten you. They’re not so easily treatable. A smile that wishes with all its might that it is so easy.
“ to be honest.. I just want to go home. “ you lift your head up from its concealment as you share to him your one simple desire, your eyes imploring him to follow through with your request.
“ soon. “ he finally turns his head to look at you, to finally see you properly. All he wants is for you to be safely protected in his arms, as he mutters countless apologies that he longs you forgive him for. By no means is he a perfect man, but he can strive for such for you.
“ John, I’m not dead. I’m just tired. “
“ please, don’t. “
It’s curious, the tone in his voice as he replies to you. You can’t place it, though it’s very unlike him. Your left hand removes itself from the warmth of his palm to place yours atop of his, lending your warmth and comfort to him. The fact that both of you have fresh mental scars from the ordeal is becoming promptly evident.
“ I just want to make sure you’re okay. “
“ John, I don’t know what to think, what to feel. This is just.. the craziest thing. “
“ yeah, and it’s my fault. “ he exclaims lowly, as if he’s speaking more to himself than you. Berating himself for something that was never in his control.
You shake your head, hating the way he’s talking of himself. It’s enough to rouse some anger within you, though you know better than to make the situation between the two of you worse.
“ look, I know I can’t make you think otherwise.. but you never took me away. You never hid me from building to building, you were the one who saved me. “ you argue, ferocity cautiously coating your words. Your grip settled on top of his hand growing. “ I can’t stop seeing what you did, but you were the one who got me out. I need some quiet from it all. “
Your words, you hope, are strong. Trying to separate what you have seen that day is not something that will come as light as the clouds above your head do when they shower upon you, the thought that you fear you may never do is something you keep close to your chest for now.
To protect the both of you.
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Pinned under wreckage. Hmm, how about Intruality with Remus a construction worker where something went wrong? Preferably happy ending but any will do. (keep up the good work! You're amazing!!)
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(Prompts with boxes have been taken, highlighted have been written)
Requests for this card are closed, thank you to anyone who sent in requests! If you don’t want to see these you can block the tag #false bthb. As always shoot me an ask if you wanna be tagged in future stories, whether it be for bad things happen bingo or any of the other series, one shots or in general!
Thanks for the request, I hope you like it!
General Taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @im-an-anxious-wreck @logans-library
Hold Onto Me
Summary: Patton had just wanted to deliver lunch to his husband when he saw the emergency vehicles at the construction site. All he can hope for is that keeping ahold of his hand will be enough. (Happy Ending)
Warnings: anxiety, major injury, blood, hospitals, emergency situation (if there are more please let me know)
Prompt: Pinned Down By Wreckage
Ships: Romantic Intruality (Patton x Remus)
WC: 4038
Disclaimer: I don't think this is how construction practices work but for the sake of the beginning that’s how it's gonna work because angst. The procedure to get him out is however fairly accurate, I did a bit of research as to how someone is rescued from that kind of situation but other than that please take the accuracy of this situation with a grain of salt.
Remus’ heavy boots thudded loudly on the thin catwalk leading over top of where the scaffolding was set in place for the floor of the third story of the new building, not that he could hear it over the general din of construction work. Everything looked good, he was only here to do a general sweep over before anyone else came up to lay the insulation and then actual flooring to make sure nothing would collapse. Being so high up he had a wonderful view of the fair bit of land whoever was moving into this house would own when it was done: a field with woods surrounding it with a long, winding road leading up to the front entrance. 
It was stupidly extravagant, some dream house Roman would have loved to live in if he was rich enough to afford but Remus had been so excited to work on it, and still was. He got to help with the design work and use his hands for hours and hours and even though he came home tired and sweaty he still loved it with every fiber of his being. Not to mention he got to go home to Patton who would smile and cup his cheek to kiss him before pushing him down the hall to shower while he started on dinner. He’d come out to help and they’d settle down at the table or couch to talk or watch a movie and then either work on their own things or cuddle up in bed depending on how tired they were. It was mundane and domestic most of the time but Remus loved that with Patton. He had him and his job and his stupid brother and he couldn’t be happier; everything in his life made him feel safe and happy and comfortable and he couldn’t imagine asking for anything better.
Of course it could all be ruined in an instant. One wrong step and he could certainly plummet to his death. The scaffolding could crack and he’d be impaled on a jagged piece of wood. He could break every bone in his body or be paralyzed for life and be a burden on everyone who knew him and- Remus shook his head impatiently, willing the thoughts away as he turned carefully and began making the rest of the way across the catwalk. Thoughts like that kept him on his toes at least but it was best not to dwell on them too much. He was always careful and he wasn’t about to jinx himself by thinking of everything that could go wrong on the job.
He almost laughed when he felt it: a shift under his feet that meant something could be loose. Of course he would manage to have the most ironic timing in the world. Carefully stepping back he looked closely to see if he could tell what the problem was but he saw nothing. Biting his lip he looked back up at the last couple of feet he had to walk. He should definitely turn around and tell someone to look and fix whatever might be wrong, but he could also save the time and try to figure out himself what it could be if he could just get a better vantage point. It was only a couple of feet, if he stepped wide enough he might be able to avoid whatever problem there was.
Mind made up he stepped forward again more gingerly than he had ever done anything in his life, faintly hearing the lunch bell ringing and the gradual silence that was left from the various machines being turned off and tools being put down. Good, he thought, that way if anything happens no one’s around to get hurt. He screwed his mouth to the side as he quickly dismissed that thought as well, mentally kicking himself for the possible jinx. It was only a couple of feet, just one step and he could hug the wall and lean over to see what the problem was. Honestly with the way the skeleton of the wall was he could probably squeeze himself between the gaps of the unfinished floor and climb down to safety to avoid even having to hop back to the catwalk and go all the way back around. Leaning forward a bit for stability he brought his arms out and quickly lunged for the one, grabbing a hold of two support beams and digging into them so hard his fingernails began to ache. Despite that his new position seemed to be fine, no more shifting under his feet as the tips of his boots found a bit of purchase on the floor's framework by the wall. Grinning through the adrenaline rush he maneuvered himself around until he was facing back towards the room and carefully surveyed the floor. They had laid the framework out in a hurry- ill advised but for the time crunch they were under it had seemed necessary. The consequence for them rushing it though thankfully just seemed to be a missing support plank, making a couple of the beams bow under the catwalk when they were walked on. An easy enough fix and thankfully one that would be relatively quick.
Remus looked down with a grimace. He could climb down...but he had already gotten in trouble once for using scaffolding as a jungle gym even if he was trying to be careful not to be caught. He’d rather not be labeled as a liability not even halfway through the project and since in reality there wasn’t that much wrong with the floor he really didn’t have an excuse not to walk back the way he’d come. Sighing in disappointment he stepped forward and began to make his way back across, the shifting under his feet only making him slightly nervous as he took a bigger step to avoid the worst of it- only to immediately regret it as the entire catwalk shifted to the right as the board he was using slid away from the framework. The catwalk was mostly just a series of shorter boards placed in a sort of grid pattern so you could walk around without there actually having to be a floor. The board he was standing on and currently trying his hardest to rebalance on had shifted under his weight making the edge fall off the board underneath it, meaning it was now hanging onto a beam less than three inches thick by a couple of inches at its end. So not only was then the floor not laid well but the catwalk hadn’t been properly secured either, and if he squinted even closer there wasn’t much of  the floor that was laid completely securely.
Swearing profusely a selfish part of him wished someone else was in this position besides him, maybe they could have figured out a way out of this mess. As it was it was just Remus alone up here, everyone else gone on lunch break and if they noticed he was missing they probably assumed he was either in the bathroom or fucking around somewhere he probably shouldn’t be...such as on the second story unsecured catwalk watching the floor settle and resettle under his weight with sweat dripping down his face. This was supposed to have been a quick job- ten minutes at most of him poking around to find something and now that he had he was risking practically the entire floor collapsing underneath him. He didn’t want to call out for help in case it actually did fall through and trap someone beneath it so it seemed as if it was simply going to be a waiting game in which either he or the floor would come out on top.
And with another shift underneath him it didn’t seem like it was his lucky day.
Patton sang softly along to the song playing through the radio, tapping his fingers along with the beat on the wheel. He didn’t do this often but he really wanted to surprise Remus at work with a lunch. He had packed a little extra for dinner as well hoping he wasn’t too late to give it to him. Remus had said yesterday he’d have to stay a little later than usual to look over some things and do...whatever it was he had said he had to do to play catch up in the huge project the company had undertaken, an apology heavy on his tongue that Patton had preemptively forgiven him for with a peck on the lips and a smile. Though he wasn’t happy how over worked his husband often was, he more blamed the company and commissioners than Remus himself. He worked hard and it showed, and Patton was always proud of him. So, packed lunch and dinner it was with hopefully a quick visit before he had to leave since he was in no way authorized personnel but the people in charge often simply rolled their eyes and waved him through, vaguely threatening him with promised of forced exit if he stayed too long, which Remus never let him do anyway since an active construction zone wasn’t exactly safe.
The sound of sirens in the distance cut off his thoughts as his blood ran cold. Sirens didn’t have to mean anything of course, there were many reasons you’d hear them- but this was practically out in the middle of nowhere, near a construction zone which was again out in the middle of nowhere. Cursing he sped up just a little bit, desperate to get to the site and hopefully disprove what he already knew he’d see. He nearly started crying right then when he turned into the long drive only to see the house surrounded by emergency vehicles and people in uniform bustling from point to point to do whatever it was they had to do. He could see the part of the collapsed house beyond that, what looked like a cave in from the second story that had taken the supporting wall with it, though how something like that had happened Patton couldn’t fathom.
He hadn’t even clicked the engine all the way off when he was out of the car and running to who he knew was in charge, dodging out of the way and trying not to make a nuisance of himself so they didn’t have a reason to kick him off the property. There was no sign of Remus as far as he was looking, not even the sound of his rather loud voice cutting through the worried din of everyone else’s voices which only served to drop his stomach further as he swallowed hard around the nausea. Please God no, he thought. Please please please-
“Where’s Remus?” Patton didn’t think there was a need to bother with formalities in this kind of situation. He just needed to figure out where his husband was, go to him and make sure he was safe. It was a simple plan, the simplest set of goals he’d ever set in his life, but his heart sank as the supervisor turned to him with a grave look on his face that told Patton everything he needed to know before the other even began shaking his head.
“There was an accident. The floor- the floor must have been loose and nobody thought- I didn’t think to check on him after he went up there. We all know how he is.” He gestured helplessly to where several people were gathered around a section of rubble, the weight of a whole building bearing down on whatever they were puttering around. “We know where he is; it’s just getting him out.”
Patton didn’t need to hear anymore, noticing some of the people leaving the group and leaving a bit of space he could see the mess through. Most of it was just wood beams sticking out in every direction like a crudely placed beaver damn, some insulation from the ground floor poking up at the bottom. If he squinted though he could just barely make out a small space that had been cleared, a small hole that he could only assume was what they could safely clear away to see if Remus was still-
Pushing forward before he could finish the thought he hurried over to where the space had been made and knelt down next to it, laying a shaking hand next t o the rubble and iting his lip tp keep from crying.
“Sir you can’t be here-”
“That’s my husband in there.” Patton cut the woman off sharply, only feeling slightly guilty for his tone.
The woman softened. “I understand but-”
“I’ll leave when I’m in the way but right now no one’s doing anything so I’m staying right here so I can be with him. I’m not going to touch or disrupt anything but I’m not moving.” Patton looked up, defiantly daring her to continue, but after a moment she just nodded and backed away. He turned back to the space as a slight moan alerted him, gasping as long fingers emerged from the cramped darkness and reached out. A high pitched whine left Patton’s mouth at the sight of how bloody it was but he nevertheless reached forward desperately and grasped the fingers in a gentle hold. Faintly he heard a warning not to pull him as assistance was yelled for but he only shook his head as tears streamed down his face. Everything in him was screaming to lift the beams himself and drag Remus to safety but he knew it couldn’t work like that. This was a delicate situation that needed to be handled with care but the frustration only built as the seconds ticked by and nothing seemed to be getting done.
“Remus honey, I’m here okay? I’m right here and so are people that are going to get you out of there. You just hold onto me baby everything  will be okay.” He nearly choked on his own uncertainty but he couldn’t afford to let emus think he was anything other than certain he’d make it out of this. His fingers squeezed weakly and Patton’s breath hitched in relief, continuing to rattle out reassurances that he’d be out soon and they were doing what they could he just had to hold on a little bit longer. His head snapped up as a hand landed on his shoulder, one of the paramedics motioning people forward with equipment.
“Keep holding his hand and talking to him, you’re probably helping keep him awake.” Patton decided he didn’t want to think too hard on what  that might mean, instead simply scooching over slightly to make room for whatever it was they were doing and running his thumb gently over Remus’ knuckles as he took a steadying breath.
“They’re going to get you out Remus. They have equipment they’re setting up to get you out and then everything will be fine.” His fingers were squeezed again gently and the medic must have noticed since they paused and leaned down.
“We’re going to put two sturdy boards on either side of you to help stabilize what’s laying on top of you and then put airbags on the other side of them to lift everything up. That should give us enough room to remove you safely. If at any point your space gets too cramped or you feel things settle down on you more, squeeze your husband’s hand and he’ll let us know okay? We’re working as quickly as we can to get you out.” Remus squeezed his hand again and the medic nodded, signaling for things to begin. “This is called cribbing. It’s just putting a basic framework underneath everything to hopefully stop it from settling down more. And then those long tubes will be put in and inflated to lift it up, at which point you'll have to move out of the way so we can get him out.”
Remus squeezed his hand again and both the action and explanation Patton felt his anxiety ebb the tiniest amount. He nodded to the kind woman and moved to hold Remus with both hands as if doing so would make the process go any faster. As the emergency crew bustled around him and got everything into place he simply sat with cramping legs and blurring vision, reassuring the trapped man through soft touches and softer words as they moved thick, wedged shaped beams in front of the pile of debris. Holding his breath Patton tightened his grip slightly as they began inching the beams underneath, focusing his attention solely on the bloodied hand in his grip, poised to react at even the slightest twitch of discomfort. The boards were halfway in when his hand was squeezed weakly, jolting him out of his tense state to yell out a loud “Stop” to the team. They froze and looked to the woman still holding Patton’s shoulder, who leaned forward to be heard.
“Squeeze once if the pile is shifting, twice if we’re hitting you with the boards.” Two quick squeezes were felt and she nodded slightly. “Is there any way you can move without endangering yourself so we can get them in a bit more?” 
He felt a slight squeeze on his hand before shuffling was heard accompanied by a quiet  whimper that tore straight through Patton’s heart as he fought to simply hold the hand in support and not yank him out himself. He nodded as his hand was squeezed again and kept up his quiet reassurances, speaking just loud enough for Remus to hear him over the directions the medics were constantly throwing back and forth. After what seemed like an eternity the wedges were in place and Remus gave the go ahead to squeeze in the air bags. No one dared breathe as they were squeezed into place, no response from Remus unless they asked for confirmation that everything was still okay. 
Everything was going fine- the bags were filling up and Patton could see the rubble being lifted slowly but surely up and off his husband. They were so close to having him out and okay that it almost didn’t register when Remus’ hand went limp in his own. Patton felt the muscles slacken and the hand become sudden deadweight in between his own. Eyes widening he squeezed his hand gently, then perhaps a bit too hard as panic gripped him.
“Remus honey? Are you okay?” The slick hand remained still, fingers not even twitching to indicate he had been heard. “Remus? Remus!”
He thrashed as he was pulled away, screaming louder than he ever had in his life as Remus’ hand slipped away from him and he was hauled to his feet and backward. The medics crowded to fill the space and he lost sight of his hand completely, screaming louder and scratching madly at the arms around his middle.
“Let me go! Let me go, he needs me!” The logic that Patton more needed him than Remus needed Patton over the medics at the moment was flung out of the window as he bucked backwards attempting to throw off whoever it was but the person just held him tighter as they walked him away, heedless of his ear splitting screams. Vaguely he was aware they were talking to him but Patton couldn’t care less as the phantom sensation of Remus’ hand going slack in his own tore his mind apart.
“P…….Pat…...Patton please!” Virgil’s yell finally cut through the panicked fog and provided the window he needed to haul Patton the rest of the way over bside the parked ambulance and sit him down on the ground. “They’re going to get him, Patton, it's okay. I promise you He’ll be okay. And we’ll ride in the ambulance and go into the hospital with him and they’ll make sure he’ll be back to making idiotic decisions in no time.” 
The words meant to reassure him didn’t make Patton feel any better but all the fight left him, adrenaline running its course as he buried his face in his friend’s chest and wept. 
Remus had Patton and Virgil as his first two people to call in an emergency and since Patton had already gotten there and hadn’t checked his phone someone must have then called Virgil when he hadn’t picked up. As bad as he felt he was grateful the other was there as he all but collapsed while they finally got Remus’ still, limp body out from under the wreckage and onto a stretcher, stabilizing him as much as they could before ushering him into the ambulance and driving away after denying them riding along since they needed the extra room. Patton all but dragged Virgil to his car, the other swiping away his keys and insisting he drive as Patton was in no state to and Patton really just agreed if only to get them going faster.
They didn’t get to go in Remus’ room for hours after that, apparently suffering a broken legs and ribs, a sprained risk and a minor concussion that had taken the rest of the day to fix, nearly sending Patton into hysterics when they were informed with the final comment being that he had gotten off lucky. Thankfully Roman and Logan had arrived at that point and they were able to sit with Patton through the night and morning before Logan suggested he take Virgil to get a change of clothes and other necessities so they’d be able to stay longer, Roman volunteering to come along to get Patton and Remus’ things as well.
The hospital room was quiet save for the soft beeping of the machines lining the bed and the gentle huffing breaths of Remus as he slept, thankfully peacefully, in the hospital bed that Patton had his chair pulled all the way up to to hold his now bandaged hand between his. He yawned loudly  and laid his head on his arm, eyes fighting to stay open as he promised himself he was merely resting his eyes but drifting off rather quickly considering the stress of the past couple of days. Confident he would wake if anything happened and trusting the others to come back soon he allowed himself to drift off.
Patton awoke slowly to the feeling up fingers running through his messy hair, taking the time to gently brush out all the tangles of the previous day. He hummed happily and snuggled further into the tough, only to grunt in pain as his neck protested the action with a rather loud crack. Reality hit him all at once and he picked his head up to see Remus smiling tiredly down at him, Head wrapped neatly and already crooked nose set after what must have been the third or  fourth break he had already suffered. Patton’s eyes filled with tears as he  sat up and slowly reached for his husband, hands coming to rest on each cheek to make sure he was really there and alright. Smile tugging wider Remus brought his own hands up to rest on Patton’s, thumbs slowly running over the knuckles like he had done when Remus had been trapped.
“If I wouldn’t hurt you more and get hauled out by security I would slap you so hard for what you did.” In his tired state Patton honestly couldn’t think of anything better to say, but Remus only chuckled weakly and nodded.
“I love you too.”
Laughing softly with him Patton leaned forward to rest his forehead against Remus’ before pressing a featherlight kiss to the tip of his nose and softly whispered “I’m so glad you’re safe.” 
“I always am with you.”
Later a nurse would come in and smile at the two: Patton tucked under Remus’ chin and clutching onto his hands like a lifeline as they both slept. Quietly, he would turn out the light and shut the door, reassuring the people camping on the chairs outside that they were alright and they would sigh and shake their heads with amusement. The scolding could wait, they decided. For they would leave them to hold onto each other for as long as they needed.
This work is also available on AO3!
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lotus0kid · 4 years
OUaT: Finding Fate
((For the 2020 Rumbelle Secret Santa, using @dorkone's prompt "castle flirting vs. storybrooke flirting”. Hope you like it!))
Regina racks up enemies like it’s the latest fashion.  At least she doesn’t task Rumpelstiltskin with conjuring her wardrobe as well as resolving her current vendetta.  Someday he’ll enjoy making her understand that she was never more than a means to an end for him.  Until then, he sits at his wheel and ponders how to make things difficult for a certain mermaid.
He nearly jumps off his stool when the doors to the hall fly open and a voice that has no business sounding so cheerful within the gloom of the Dark Castle rings out, “I did it!” Belle strides straight for him, a broad smile on her face and a silver platter balanced on her palm.  “I knew I’d get it eventually.  I wasn’t sifting the flour enough.  Thank the gods I figured it out- this batch is the last of the almond stuff!”
As she circles around to stand at his side Rumpelstiltskin catches the scent of something baked and… minty?  He stops the wheel and inquires, “What strange act have you committed in the kitchens now?”
Belle rolls her eyes at him, “If you wanted a cook you should’ve dealt for one.  But you got me, and I’ve just made a breakthrough in my culinary practice.  Here, try one.”
The platter swings toward him, revealing a number of bite-sized macarons tinted an alarming green shade.  The smell isn’t actually bad, now that he’s a had a minute to get used to it, but he curls a lip anyway.  “No thank you, dearie.  I have no need for… whatever this is.”
“‘Whatever this is’ is a delicacy from my village.  We made them every midwinter.  I thought I’d never get to have them again, but with a little experimentation and perseverance, you can hardly even taste the difference!”
Rumpelstiltskin blinks up at her, then returns his attention to the wheel.  “Right, well, congratulations then.”
Belle lets out a soft snort of indignation before saying, “Won’t you try one?  Here, I’ll go first.”  She picks up one of her creations and pops the whole thing in her mouth.  The instant her pink lips close on it her eyes slip shut and she moans in pleasure.
Rumpelstiltskin locks his gaze on the wood grain of his wheel, the only thing that might save him from the in all ways unwelcome heat rushing through his body.  This is made more difficult when something green bobs into the lower right corner of his vision.
“O-pen u-up…” Belle sing-songs as he resists the urge to lean into the fresh, bright scent of the treat. When did I summon mint oil to the cupboard?  “You know food tastes better when it’s shared, just try one.”
In this second, he snatches for his seer’s sight in hopes of some guidance, receiving silence in response. His own imagination offers the possibility of slapping her hand away- perhaps throw her totally off balance and send the lovely tray of treats clattering to the floor.  The thought of the cold glare she would cast on his back sends a chill through him.  Perhaps not. So, he could go the other way. Do as told, and open up, let her set the macaron on his tongue.  He could even close his lips quickly enough to catch her fingertips, and taste her skin along with the delicate crunch and zing of mint.  
Rumpelstiltskin shakes his head to clear these imaginings- one far too cold, the other far too hot. Belle’s hand retreats.  “All right, never mind then,” she begins, but he reaches out and cups his palm under hers, taking the macaron with his other hand and bringing it to his mouth.
He grinds through it with brisk efficiency.  “A triumph, dearie,” he announces after swallowing, “Well done.”
She smiles, nods.  “Thank you.  It’s good to know I can feed you something.  I don’t care what you say about being sustained by magic, it’s just not healthy to not eat.”
The briefest accidental glance in Belle’s direction reveals a look of warm concern beaming down on him and in that instant a thick, heavy sob swells up in Rumpelstiltskin’s chest, tightens his throat, and makes his eyes burn.  She’s right.  He lets the magic feed him, and it feeds on him in turn.  Sometimes he must call up a gallery of memories of Bae in order to keep the darkness from consuming him.  Once or twice, he’s had trouble recalling the exact shape of his son’s face, which causes frigid fear to blast through him.
Remembering that fear, joined with the horrific likelihood that he might start blubbering in front of Belle, drives him to his feet, and he utters pardons a second before whisking himself off to his tower.
Belle is of course the problem, he decides while pacing stolidly and aimlessly and sighing away the ache in his chest.  He swore an oath to love no one as long as Bae is lost to him.  But she’s here, and she is…  That’s not to say he actually…  It’s his old spinner’s heart, the foolish thing.  It still hasn’t learned- the people he loves, they leave.  He needs to show it what comes of entertaining silly little hopes.  He must look ahead, and see how Belle will free herself from him.  He’ll be calm then.
This is easier said than done.  As proven moments ago in the hall, the seer’s sight is finnicky at best, coming and going as it pleases.  And when he can grab hold of it, it sometimes rattles through more possibilities than Rumpelstiltskin’s mostly human mind can comprehend.  But perhaps he can channel it, focus it in one direction.  Indeed, his focus is clear- it’s Belle’s future he seeks.
He shuts his eyes and extends his awareness to find her walking back to the kitchens, and so takes the opportunity to transport himself into her room and pluck a strand of hair from her pillow.  This he carries back to his tower, then flicks through a dense tome of spells on a desk until he comes to a powerful divination spell.  With his eyes screwed shut as he mutters the words that will drag his seer’s sight to heel, he does not notice a hair from his own head come loose and drift down to join Belle’s in his palm.  But as unremarkable days of caretaker duties unspool within his mind, a mysterious golden haze drifts through, and he feels time speed up to a blur.
He tries to haul back on imaginary reins- he has no interest in zooming all the way to Belle’s eventual death.  Slowly his awareness settles on one point in the future.
The first surprise is that he isn’t a ghostly spectator in this random moment to come.  He feels himself present in the space.  Looking down, he finds himself wearing, not his usual silk and leather, but rather loose-fitting wool trousers matched with a jacket and a shirt fastened by a simple row of buttons.  His only silk is a thin strip tied around his neck, discretely folded under the shirt collar.
His second surprise are his hands.  They appear as those of an ordinary man, a state which is anything but ordinary.  His right wraps comfortably around a gold-handled cane- in this peculiar vision he’s aware of his maimed ankle as a distant stiffness.  His left hand holds the bow and neck of a violin.  He doesn’t have much time to study the instrument before the sounds of an opening door and a ringing bell come from beyond a curtain hanging in the doorway of the room he occupies, which appears to be the storage space of a small shop of curiosities.
After a moment, the curtain is pulled back to admit his third and biggest surprise- Belle, carrying what appears to be a sack made of paper and wearing a skirt far shorter than anything Rumpelstiltskin’s ever seen on a woman of her station.  She doesn’t seem at all bothered by this, smiling wide as her eyes fall to the violin.  “Unearth something interesting?” she asks before setting down the sack on a small table nearby.  “You might want to wait until after lunch to tell me about it.  Ruby said Madame Mayor was snapping at everyone when she got coffee this morning, so we may not have long to eat.”
None of that makes sense to Rumpelstiltskin- or, at least, the Rumpelstiltskin of the present.  The Rumpelstiltskin to come replies with ease while his past counterpart observes from within, “If she requires another lesson in patience, I’m happy to provide it.  Come have a look at this.”
She comes to stand before him as he holds out the violin.  Its body is decorated with wood inlays depicting two people in profile with their arms outstretched.  Magic curls away from their hands, meeting at the strings.  “Lovely.  And powerful, I suppose?” she inquires with a raised brow.
“Versatile, more than anything.  Play a certain tune, achieve a certain magical effect, assuming you play well. Shall I?”  Rumpelstiltskin lets the cane fall against his hip and transfers the bow to his right hand, setting it on the strings but pausing there with his gaze on Belle.
She nibbles at her lower lip, but soon says with a sparkle of mischief in her eyes, “Why not?”
“Very well,” Rumpelstiltskin says with a grin of his own.  He closes his eyes and searches the enchantments laid upon the violin, and finds something that might actually be familiar.  An old tune his Aunt Iph used to play for Aunt Im.  The melody slowly emerges as he draws the bow along the strings. 
It’s not long before he hears a soft gasp and then a bright giggle.  Belle’s hands fall on his shoulders and he opens his eyes to take her in as she floats about an arm’s length off the floor.  Light shining through a nearby window gleams every part of her it touches.  He maintains the tempo and volume of the song, which keeps her from drifting any higher. After a moment’s uncertainty, she lifts her hands, swaying and bobbing slightly to the beat, turning a slow circle in the air.  Rumpelstiltskin can’t say when he’s seen anything more beautiful, and his heart melts with love.
When she faces him again her hands return to his shoulders.  Beaming down on him, she murmurs, “That’s the tragedy of musicians- they don’t get to dance.”
Her brow furrows slightly and her hold on him tightens, and he actually feels the magic he’s emitting flow through her back into him, settling in his feet as a lightness that almost tickles.  Then he’s rising, rising up to meet her.  Belle’s arms slide around his neck as the distance continues to close between them.  Her lips brush his and in that instant there’s a blinding flash of gold light behind his eyes and the vision snaps out of existence and Rumpelstiltskin drops hard against the desk, knocking the tome of spells into a mess of fluttering pages on the floor.
He grips the edge of the desk, feet and lips still tingling, trying to understand what just happened. Because it can’t be the future, what he saw.  It’s not possible.  Him and Belle, together, really quite unmistakably in love.  True love.  No, it cannot be.  Anyway, in that world it didn’t seem instantly apparent where Bae was, and therefore it was no world Rumpelstiltskin wants to live in.  Not at all.
He crouches down to pick up and turn the tome over and check for damage.  The spell on the page it falls open to is something to do with happy dreams.  Ah, clearly he misread earlier and cast this instead of a divination spell.  Of course.  He should try again.  Ensure he’s on the right page, and figure out what fate of Belle’s will take her away.
He definitely means to.  It’s just that a half-finished project catches his attention, and he forgets all about it.  And when it crosses his mind again, the hint of an old tune he only just remembered wanders through his mind, and he decides he doesn’t need to know.  Not yet.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
TH| You Monster
Summary: you want a peircing and Thomas says no at first, but let’s switch the language
Warning: exposed breasts, language and a bit of anger. Nibbling and white t-shirts.
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You and Tom sat on the couch, eyes glued to your phones and sitting in silence. You bit your lip thinking about something that you want to do, but Tom might call it a stupid idea.
Jacob, jake, and zendaya left about 20 minutes ago, you guys were playing board games and having cold beers.
“Hey babe?” You ask, looking up at Tom. You finally had the courage to ask because it wasn’t that big of a deal, what’s the worst he can possibly say?
“Hm?” He looks up from his phone, eyes immediately scanning your face, “I know that face, you're either nervous or wanting to do something. Come sit!”
He smiles but squints his eyes, trying to read you as you give a big grin and stand, walking over and sitting next to him.
“Soooo” you smile, slapping your hands together before putting them on your lap. You look over and Tom who has his eyebrows raised, completely confused but amused wanting to find out what you wanna do.
“Would you hurry up? I feel like your breaking- wait are you breaking up with me!” He rambles, his eyes widening and his hands go to his hair. You scrunch up your face at his stupidity, shaking you head no as he looks at you and sighs in relief, placing a hand on his heart.
“Okay, I know your probably gonna think I’m fucking crazy or something buttt” you hold on to the t, biting the side of your lip before speaking up.
“I want nipple piercings”
One eye is squinted as his neck expands, his mouth open and the side of his lip sticking up. Obviously confused, but he laughs and shakes his head.
You smack your lips as his face relaxes, your head jerking back and to the side, You wanna pop him in the back of his head as hard as you can. But you decide it’s not a good look, but also you fume and lift your engulfed fists and look at them.
“And why the hell not?” You ask, fake hitting him and he jumps up, covering the back of his head knowing what about to come up. He slowly retracts himself and sits up straight letting out a hmph before explaining.
“Because I should be the only one looking at your breast-“
“That’s the most dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, Thomas” you say, crossing your arms and tilting your head.
“Well my answer is still no”
“Well since when did the fuck I ask? I just told you what I wanted”
“Then I’m coming with you”
There he sat in the car, lumped in the passenger seat with his jaw clenched and his arms crossed tight across his chest. Muttering things you couldn’t really catch as he was looking at the road, clearly annoyed that you're paying no attention to him.
Right now you are in the zone, bumping to your most littlest music while sitting up in your seat, only arching your back when the beat drops, your face scrunched as you bopped your head to the beat also, banging you hand on the steering wheel.
You turned to him as you stopped at the red light, lip singing to him, pointing at him as he just continued to look forward, his jaw only tighter. You laughed as you lifted your finger to his neck and digged in there, he’s currently trying his hardest not to laugh as he puts his shoulder to his ear. You twirl you finger and bite your lip trying to find a spot and break him.
“Come on babe! Loosen up a bit!” You giggles, grunting as you squeezed your finger between his shoulder and ear, he busts out laughing, “now there’s the man I know”
“Whatever, green light” he mutters, ripping your finger from his neck and sitting up straight, a large smile slapped across his face.
“Calm down Thomas, I’m pretty sure it’s a girl anyway” you say trying to cheer him up, he’s a bit self conscious because he knows you have a soft spot for people with tattoos and piercings, and the only tattoo he has is on his foot.
“Oh and that makes it so much better, I don’t forget that easily that you like girls also, let’s go please” he mutters the last part, reaching up and pinching the roof of his nose, slowly calming himself because your no help at this fuckin point.
You sigh and roll your eyes, opening and stepping out of the car, shutting it softly behind you.
“There’s no way in hell im letting this lil boy get to me” you whisper to yourself as the toddler steps out of the car, following you with a fake small grin on his face.
As you step in the tatto shop you see there’s a Asian male, young 20s with that glowing but inked skin. Holy shit, you thought.
He gave you both a smile, sitting behind a little stance waiting for you both to get there.
“Woah, this is so cool!” You walk up as you look around at the different styles, the tattoo guns and the rine stone little shop for your teeth.
He chuckles and taps the tall desk “what can I do for ya?” He says in a rather American accent.
“Oh, god I don’t know how to say this” you close your eyes tight, Thomas chuckling but putting on his bold face, trying to stand tall but he’s short… as fuck. Kinda
“I’m guessing the nips?” The worker chuckled.
“Yeah! How did you know?”
“Because you looked at the rings for it” you giggled as you looked away from them, finding his eyes and nodding.
“Alright, right this way” he stands up and moves from behind the desk, putting his hands out to gesture to the back room. Tom starts to slowly calm down, thinking that the worker is nice because he involved him.
“The names jordan by the way” he smiles and entering the room. It has black walls with designs on it with the window open, the sun beaming in the room for brightness and a nice percent of wind, two seats next to the table that you’re supposed to lay on.
Jordan goes to the room connected to the current one, shutting the door behind him.
“See! Jordan is nice, he isn’t after you!” You whisper yell, smacking the side of Toms arm as he bites his lip, still hesitant.
“We will see when he asks you to pull the shirt off, Y/n” he death stares you, his lips pursed as You smack your lips and roll your eyes, sitting on the table while he sits next to you. Silently waiting for Jordan to come back.
“Let’s get that shirt off- wait that sounds wierd” he cuts himself off, laughing off his stupid comment as he sits down with his hands in his pokets.
You smile and take off your shirt casually, not trying to impress anyone. Your breasts slap against your chest as Tom scrunch’s his lips waiting for Jordan’s reaction or response. Jordan puts on his clean rubber gloves and stares at your nipple, turning his head side to side.
“Mind if I?” He asks looking up and Tom, Tom raises his eyebrows, not knowing what he’s asking.
“Touching?” He corrects himself, his day going great, or atleast it looks like it. Not annoyed at all, buster.
“Y-yeah, g-go ahead” Tom stutters, jordan letting out a distant chuckle and lifting his hand to cup your boob.
Tom is instantly fuming but he knows better not to do anything, or else a hard ass slap on the back of his head. Which is very unpleasant, to him that’s a fucking understatement. His face a bit red, trying to think of something else other then the obvious sight of another man cupping your boob and moving it around. He silently balls his hands when really all jordan wants is really to go is find the right size.
“Alright I think we’re gonna go for the medium size” he lets them go carefully, picking up the medium sized ring peircing that has a ball on the middle of them and moving it to a little tray before picking up a needle.
“Oh shit, I don’t think I was prepared for this” you whisper as Jordan laughs, picking up any other necessary tools for your perky nipples.
“It’s gonna be a little pinch alright?” He asks, grabbing a little achol wipe and brushing over them, the coldness making you jump and let out and crackly “oh!”
And no, it isn’t sexually, youre suprised form the contact.
“I feel like your lying, hold my hand” you reach out your hand for Thomas that he gladly accepts, you give him a smile and a reassuring squeeze.
He smiles and stares at Jordan’s covered hands as he grabs the tools that look like scissors, but not a sharp tip, just squeeze thingies.
The clips it to one of your nipples and you really, like really, AINT feelin that coldness, your back jolts and Tom laughs at you, making you glare at him.
“Alright this let this over with” Jordan mutters before putting the needle next to your nipple.
“1, 2-“ he pierces them, you wince and suck a hard breath, only squeezing Toms hand a little, before repeating the process again.
Tom hurries and lays, taking the keys from you and driving home.
When he got there, he wanted to rip your shirt off but you continuesly told him he can’t because they need to heal first, he pulled you in the house and shut the door, taking you to the couch reminding himself to lock the door later.
“Can I finally see them!” He smiles before looking at your white t-shirt, the loop sticking through the shirt.
“Yeah yeah Thomas, hold on” you softly pulled off your shirt and set it to the side, Thomas’s mouth falling agape and slightly drooling from your breasts falling on your stomach, a noise made in the process. He admired them and carefully played with them.
You both didn’t even notice the door open as Harrison enters with some KFC in his hand, quietly placing it on the kitchen counter as starting to walk to the livingroom wanting to scare the both of you, once he’s right there.
“Boo!” He scares the both of you, you turn around finding Harrison, his face beat red as he notices youre topless.
“Oi fuck off mate!” Tom scolds, using his hand to cup your breasts harshfuly.
You shriek in pain “OW! Thomas!” You slap his hand away, along it hirt only more as you almost sob in pain. You put your t-shirt back on as Harrison’s eyes are closed shut, leaning on the wall for support.
Its been a while and they healed, Tom only falling more in love with them, knowing he can change them when he pleases.
Now for fun he nibbles on them, when you sit on that same couch and watch Disney channel he plops beside you, casually pulling out his phone before draping a leg over your lap and behind your back, him getting closer and reaching down to chew on them while he scrolls through Instagram as you wrap a arm around his hard and play with his hair, his favorite type of piercing on your nips is a steel barbell with marijuana flowers on the sides of them, it really complements your skin he always thinks but says “they make my teeth feel better”.
Your friends saying that they seen your t-shirt with a large wet spot around your nipples is normal is a understatement.
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hardygalwrites · 3 years
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Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part 1: Phantom Blood)
Characters: Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando
Synopsis: A few days after Jonathan and Dio's big fight in the entrance hall, a few days after the tragic death of Jonathan's beloved dog, Dio finds Jonathan collapsed by the river, beaten and bloody. Seeing this as an opportunity to change his tactics, Dio helps Jonathan make his way back the mansion.
Jonathan reaches a small understanding about Dio.
Note: Originally written for Whumptober of 2020 - Day 10: They Look So Pretty When They Bleed | Trail of Blood
Set during the seven year gap in Phantom Blood. TW for a bit of gaslighting and also referenced child ab*se
It had been a few days since Dio’s fight with Jonathan in the entrance hall. George Joestar never did end up dealing out the punishment he had promised both of them, but that was likely due to the sudden and subsequent death of a certain mutt.
“I know that you two fought recently… Understand that I do not condone JoJo’s actions. To beat a man while he is down is unseemly, and JoJo will be apologizing to you. But as it stands, for now, I must ask that you be gentle with him.”
“I understand, sir.”
Dio scoffed at the memory, continuing his easy walk down the open country pathway. “‘Be gentle.’”
As if gentleness hadn’t been a luxury guaranteed to Jonathan at birth. Dario Brando had still seen it fit to punish Dio when his mother died, and that was for the mere fault of simply existing. JoJo might think his father hard on him, but George Joestar was nothing but a soft fool, and his son nothing but a pampered brat.
A pampered brat who had still managed to beat Dio to the ground.
Dio felt his jaw clench and his hands tighten in his pockets.
No. Calm down.
Dio forced himself to relax, uncurling his fists and easing his tightened jaw. He had already learned from that fight that he needed to control his temper. And already evened the score by killing JoJo’s stupid mutt. With how disgustingly attached JoJo had been to that thing, that more than made up for any humiliation inflicted, or even any punishments averted as a result.
“What to do now though…?” Dio murmured to himself.
Actively looking to tear JoJo down was now out of the question. Dio had pushed JoJo to his limits, and instead of snapping in two, JoJo had snapped back. Dio needed to change tactics. Endearing himself to the other boy, just as he had done with everyone else, would likely be the next best course of action.
Of course, the shift would not be without its difficulties. Dio despised the thought of even pretending friendship with the likes of JoJo, but he would gladly bear it for the sake of his ultimate goal. No, the difficulty primarily lay in undoing JoJo’s animosity towards him. Dio had greatly underestimated JoJo’s capacity for vengefulness, and trust was such a notoriously fragile thing…
JoJo had certainly not been making the change in tactics any easier. Dio had hardly seen the other boy since their last fight. JoJo seemed to be going out of his way to avoid him. Not like he hadn’t clearly been making those same efforts before now, but JoJo barely even showed up to meals anymore. Dio would see JoJo run off outside everyday, but he had yet to catch a glimpse of him at any of his usual hiding spots.
As he passed by the tree JoJo used to frequent, with no sign of JoJo in sight, Dio huffed in annoyance. “I know he was attached to that beast, but just how long does he intend to mope about it?”
He could easily find JoJo himself, or use his influence over the other boys in town to hunt down JoJo’s new hideouts, and with how damn long it was taking JoJo to get over himself, Dio was about ready to throw caution to the wind and do just that. What need had he to be cautious, anyway?
(The memory of JoJo’s righteous fury bit at the back of Dio’s mind, and he promptly silenced it).
“Oi, Dio!”
At the sound of his name, Dio paused his stride and saw a group of his followers running down the path towards him. A few of them, he noted with mild interest, were nursing bruises and bloody noses.
The first of them to make it to Dio had a black eye in addition to the blood pouring over his hand, which he had pressed up beneath his nose. “Cor blimey, he’s turned into a real maniac…!”
“Used to not be able to hit worth a damn!” another boy exclaimed, a magnificent bruise decorating the side of his face.
“But we still got ‘im!” a third boy chimed in vindictively.
“Got who?” Dio asked.
“JoJo, of course!”
“JoJo…” Dio had suspected as much.
“We found him down the river,” one of the group explained. “He just up and attacked us, the bloody maniac…!”
“We beat ‘im, though!” someone else cut in. “That stupid uppity rich boy still can’t win a fight!”
Dio ignored the comment. The wheels in his mind were turning.
“Where is JoJo now?” he asked with practiced nonchalance.
Everyone’s fingers pointed back the way they had come. “Where we left ‘im, ‘round where the river flows behind that fancy mansion of ‘is. ‘e’s probably lickin’ his wounds if ‘e isn’t passed out by now.”
Dio strode forward, and the group parted like the Red Sea to Moses, allowing him to continue his way down the path.
“He’s gotten a lot stronger, Dio!” one of the group called to him. “You should be careful!”
“Don’t be stupid...!” another snapped. “As if anyone could beat Dio…! Least of all JoJo!”
Dio felt his hands curl into fists again. He forced himself to keep his stride even and unhurried.
“Yeah, and in the state we left ‘im, JoJo ain’t gonna be beatin’ anyone.”
“Dio’s got this, easy! Come on, let’s go!”
The sound of running footsteps and rowdy talk faded away, signalling the group’s exit. Dio allowed himself an irritated scoff.
It did not take Dio long to find JoJo. He saw the blood first, a trail of it, decorating the riverbank with scattered smears of crimson. And at the end of the trail, not at all far from where the trail started, lay JoJo.
Stepping off the path and onto the grass, Dio approached the fallen Joestar heir. At a glance, JoJo looked like a dead man. Dio had seen plenty of those in the slums of London, hidden curled up in alley corners, propped up against the wall behind pubs, or simply lying prone against the cobblestones, just like JoJo did now in the grass. It was immediately obvious that JoJo was alive though, if the laboured breathing was any indication.
The grass rustled beneath Dio’s feet as he approached. JoJo coughed and turned his head just in time to see the other boy standing over him.
“Dio…” Though hoarsely spoken, the name came out sounding like a bitter curse. “Come to kick me while I’m down? You would do that, wouldn’t you…? Damn… coward…”
A few more coughs sent another light spray of blood spattering against the grass. JoJo groaned.
God, how badly Dio wanted to confirm JoJo’s bitter words. On the ground, face covered in blood and bruises, fancy clothes torn and dirtied, literally crawling - throughout all the torments Dio had put him through, JoJo had never looked more pathetic and beaten than he did right now. And here Dio was, in the perfect position to revel in the younger boy’s misery, to dig his heel into his back and say, “And here I thought only dogs crawled on all fours.”
“That would be unseemly,” Dio said.
“You would know,” JoJo retorted. He grunted as he attempted to get his arms under him and push himself up, only for his arms to fail him and send his face crashing back into the dirt.
JoJo’s body began to shake. His hands clenched at the grass, soft, muffled sounds leaving him in spite of whatever efforts he might have been making to hide them. Dio simply looked down at him impassively. Then, he bent down and grabbed Jonathan by the arm.
“Wh– Hey…! What are you–?!”
Ignoring JoJo’s protests, Dio slung JoJo’s arm over his shoulder.
“Dio, what do you think you’re–?!” JoJo began to cough again.
“Helping you back home, is that all right?” Dio replied coolly.
He started towards the nearby bridge, which would allow them to cross the river and cut across the field to reach the mansion. JoJo recovered from his cough and began to struggle against Dio’s hold.
“Dio… Let go of me…!”
They reached the bridge and made their way across.
“I said let go!”
Dio tightened his grip on JoJo’s arm and continued their trek towards the mansion.
“Dio, let g–!” More coughing, this time severe enough for JoJo to sag significantly in Dio’s hold, forcing them to a stop.
“What?” Dio looked at JoJo with no small amount of annoyance. “Are you planning on crawling the rest of the way?”
JoJo did not answer immediately, his whole body shaking with the force of coughing up more blood onto the grass. As Dio watched, though, the coughing morphed into those same muffled sounds JoJo had been making on the riverbank only a minute or two ago. Dio could not make out his face, but JoJo’s body continued to shake.
“...You never liked Danny,” JoJo said at length, after his shaking had subsided a bit, voice low and barely audible.
“...No, I didn’t,” Dio admitted after a calculated pause. “What of it?”
“You killed him, Dio…!” JoJo turned his head to glare at him, frantic fury no less palpable through the tears running down his face. “I know you did, I know it was you, you killed him!”
Dio met JoJo’s teary gaze with a carefully crafted mask of easy benevolence. “JoJo… That is rather unfair of you.”
In an instant, the fire in JoJo’s eyes was doused with a startled uncertainty. “What...?”
“So I didn’t like your dog,” Dio continued sensibly. “For that reason alone you think me capable of committing such a cruel act?”
JoJo averted his gaze. “Well, I…”
Dio sighed in disappointment. “Really, JoJo.”
He forced JoJo to straighten up, leaving whatever excuses or retorts the latter might have said to die wordlessly as Dio resumed their walk.
Everything was quiet for a stretch. The grass crunched beneath their feet, a soft wind rustled past the nearby trees, JoJo’s breathing remained laboured and audible, broken only by the occasional cough, but no words passed between the two of them. Dio just kept his sights set on the mansion, trying to ignore how heavy JoJo was beginning to feel against his shoulder.
At around halfway to their destination, Dio glanced at Jonathan. The younger boy appeared lost in thought, blood and tear stained face a picture of conflicting emotions.
Dio returned his sights to the mansion. “So, what happened?”
“You’re hardly the type to get into fights needlessly.”
Silence. Dio could see JoJo out of the corner of his eye, staring at him with a puzzled frown.
“...Why are you doing this, Dio?” JoJo finally asked.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“This is another one of your tricks, isn’t it?” The accusation, though bitter, held no bite to it, weighed down instead by weariness and resignation. “You’re planning to humiliate me somehow, to drag me down even further.”
Dio shook his head. “Still so unfair, JoJo. I saw you were in need and chose to help you. Is that really so hard to believe?”
“What, am I not allowed to show even the barest amount of humanity?” Dio asked, allowing a touch of bitterness in his own voice.
“No…!” JoJo cried. “I-I mean yes, but– No, that’s not what I…”
The words trailed off. Jonathan looked more confused and conflicted than ever. Dio held back a smirk, and the rest of the walk was spent in silence.
When they finally approached the front of the mansion, JoJo began to pull back. “Wait...”
Dio looked at him in annoyance. “What is it now?”
“Father,” JoJo said quietly, not meeting Dio’s gaze. “I don’t want him to see me like this.”
It would have been so easy to mock JoJo. Being so caught up in the loss of a dog that he had actually forgotten about the whereabouts of his own father? It was beyond pathetic.
“He’s not here, remember?” Dio said. “He went out of town yesterday to meet with a potential business partner and won’t be back for another two days. Come on…”
He nudged JoJo forward, and after a few hesitant stumbles, JoJo allowed Dio to lead him to and through the front door, where they were soon greeted by a very concerned staff. JoJo attempted to wave them all off, claiming to be “just fine” and other pointless self-denying rubbish. Dio simply asked that a bowl of warm water be brought to JoJo’s room as he brushed past them and helped JoJo make his way up the stairs.
When they got to JoJo’s room, Dio kicked the desk chair out from in front of JoJo’s desk and dropped the other boy into it. JoJo groaned, leaning forward with his arms wrapped around his abdomen, and Dio removed his jacket, tossing it onto the desk beside the two of them.
“...I... don’t think you answered my question earlier.”
Dio glanced up from rolling up his shirt sleeves to meet a searching blue gaze.
“Why are you helping me, Dio?” JoJo asked, the question genuine but guarded.
“Do you not want me to, JoJo?” Dio responded easily.
The blue gaze dropped back down to the floor. “I don’t know…”
JoJo’s arms tightened around his middle. The frown on his face was marred by a deep discomfort, too vulnerable to be resentfulness or hostility. Dio regarded him for a moment, carefully indifferent, then resumed folding up his shirt sleeves.
One of the manservants soon arrived with the requested water. The man once again expressed concern over the two boys, but Dio assured him that everything was under control and that he would call if they needed anything else. The manservant left, albeit hesitantly, and Dio returned to JoJo’s side with the bowl in hand, placing it onto the desk.
After soaking the provided cloth in the warm water and wringing it out, Dio turned and pushed Jonathan upright, drawing a startled cry of pain from the injured boy as he instinctively attempted to curl back in on himself. Dio ignored him, keeping one hand against JoJo’s shoulder.
“Sit still.” He pressed the damp cloth against a cut running along the edge of JoJo’s hairline.
“Ow!” JoJo recoiled, trying to pull away. “Dio! What are you– Ow!”
“Even a cut can become gangrenous if not properly attended to,” Dio said, dipping the cloth into the basin again and wiping more blood from a cut down Jonathan’s temple.
“Ow! I know that, but–”
“Then what is the problem? Just sit still and let me clean those cuts,” Dio retorted. He brought the cloth to a remarkable split in the skin above JoJo’s eye.
“Ow…! All right, all right, fine, just…” JoJo clenched and unclenched his fists for a moment, as though unsure what to do with his hands, before finally and hesitantly settling on gripping his knees. “Be gentle, all right…?”
Dio grit his teeth, fingers tightening around the cloth in his hand. He resumed cleaning JoJo’s cuts as before.
‘Be gentle.’
What the hell? How, how had he lost to this? A pampered brat who whined and flinched at the slightest pain? JoJo had taken a thumb to the eye, even a knee to the head better than this…!
JoJo hissed, tensing yet again as the cloth pulled at the edges of the cut along his hairline. “Well… You certainly seem to know what you’re doing…”
The words were murmured, sounding like a light observation spoken more to JoJo himself than to the boy in front of him.
Despite that, Dio found himself saying coldly, “Of course. I’ve had to.”
JoJo’s eyes flicked upward to look at him, wide, confused, and naive, so infuriatingly goddamned naive–
“The slums of London are not so kind as the backwater countryside, JoJo,” Dio snarled, glaring at the cut he was currently cleaning.
“...Right. Of course, that makes sense.”
Dio paused, actually looking JoJo in the face. He nearly reeled back.
Dio did not quite recognize the look on JoJo’s face. There was no hostility in it, no defensiveness, not even a resignation. It was not pity, Dio did actually know what that looked like. No, it was something else. Dio hated it.
“Tch.” Dio looked away, managing to regain a fumbling hold on his temper as he continued tending to Jonathan’s wounds. “You know, you never answered my question.”
“What? Ow…!”
“What happened?” Dio asked, relaxing now that that look had disappeared behind a wince of pain.
“I… It was nothing.” JoJo looked away. “I simply lost my temper…”
Dio just barely managed to hold back a scoff as he wrung out the cloth in the, by now, blood stained water. Chances were, his followers had found Jonathan and verbally assaulted him until some slight violated his precious sense of ‘honour,’ and he lashed out physically. Considering how much more emotionally fragile JoJo had been as of late, it would not have been difficult.
At the sound of his name, Dio turned back to JoJo with a raised eyebrow. “Yes?”
There it was. That look again, made somehow worse by the way JoJo sat upright in his chair, despite how much it obviously physically pained him.
“I’m…” JoJo hesitated, then continued certainly, “I’m sorry. For… making you cry.”
Never had Dio felt more like he wanted to hit someone.
That look, those words, something about them just… got under his skin, made him feel not like the veritable god he knew he was. Dio wanted to hurt Jonathan, to punch that look off his face, to–
run a w ay
 an d
 h i d e
“...I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dio said through grit teeth.
JoJo bowed his head. “Right. Of course.”
Dio’s grip tightened around the cloth once again. “Good god, just sit still,” he growled.
The rest of their time was spent in silence, save for the occasional hiss or cry from JoJo.
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rosesanthology · 3 years
Senobia (5 star) :
Banner name : "a captain's ambition"
Weapon name : "sea divider" which comes in a set of dual claymores
Attack : freakishly fast physical strikes of both claymores at once except the 5th strike is a heavy one (the claymores combine into one)
Special attack : seno gets close to whatever opponent is near and inflicts hydro with a heavy strike of both claymores
Ult : the claymores combine and she does a spinning hit that summons a wave that can hit up to 5 surrounding opponents (4 waves at C6)
Passive talents : increases space in ur inventory, increased mora drops from mobs and no hydro damage can be taken (as well as wet status cant be afflicted) during the ult
Special dish : i have no clue what her special dish is but whatever she makes increases physical attack pourcentage
Kasto (4 star) :
Weapon name : "princess guard" a geo claymore
Attack : she spins in circle like xinyan if u hold the button but once stamina bar depletes she jumps up and spawns a huge crystal from the ground (sending the opponent flying upwards)
Special attack : traps ennemies in crystal for a few seconds and does damage (time increases with constellations)
Ult : creates a pretty strong shield while a rain of crystal falls around her and inflicts damage on nearby opponents
Passive talent : does it count as a passive if I say that she is naturally able to break the geo hypostasis's pillars in 2 hits at C1
Special dish : she can't cook im sorry
Michi (5 star) :
Banner name : "honor of the tengu" where he has a stupidly low rate of dropping unless u complete his story quest first
Weapon name : "cherry blossom blade" which is a katana with porcelain like decorations on it (also has a low drop rate unless story quest completed)
Special attack : immobilizes up to 3 opponents in cherry tree branches and michi gets a shield that buffs his attacks
Ult : he goes into something similar as the demon mode of the dual blades from monster hunter ? He can't take damage and he can stand on moving branches that run over his ennemies (controls similar to fischl's oz)
Passive talent : u get a double of every flower u pick up no matter the region and he buffs everyone's attack
Special dish : salmon skewers that give u pyro res and buffs crit damage :)
Agnar (5 star) :
Banner name : "the snow leopard of snezhnayan"
Weapon name : none. He comes with his own ice polearm.
Attack : all of his attacks inflict cryo damage and he switches between physical attacks with his fists and elemental attacks with his polearm at random
Special attack : a bit like geo traveler u can aim at ennemies and drop a giant icicle on them that explodes and inflicts cryo damage after 5 seconds
Ult : summons a giant ice leopard that steps on nearby opponents (disappears after animation)
Passive talent : he isnt affected by sheer cold, his crit rate goes up with his attack combos, im sorry but if u put childe or kaeya in the team with him his number of normal attack will decrease (he'll hit less times and slower for the same amount of damage per hit)
Special dish : his own version of the pile em up dish except he makes the steak into a soup with ACTUAL has vegetables in it (stares at diluc)
Mei Lan (5 star) :
Banner name : "eery music of qingyun peaks"
Weapon name : "tales of ancient liyue" which is his fan that acts as a catalyst
Attack : his physical attacks are some of the weakest in game because he doesn't like to move a lot but basically he uses his fan a bit like a sword (throws it at opponents sometimes and it does multiple hits while spinning)
Special attack : sends water blades with his fan and legs (by hitting the ground) which has wayyy higher damage and also inflicts the wet status, it also acts as a mode like childe's blades so he'll only do that until it reaches cooldown
Ult : if his special isn't activated he'll summon a giant fish skeleton that will get rid of 2 opponents at C0, if his special is activated the area he's in floods and the opponents gets dragged under the water (99% crit success rate except he loses hp during it)
Passive talent : when mei lan is in ur party mobs dont see u unless u directly engage combat, rare liyue mobs drop rates are also boosted (u can get 4 star artefacts from hilichurls), BUT if u have wuxiang he'll have a lower drop rate on his banner and lower base stats
Special dish : absolutly nothing. He can't cook he will burn everything u give him and it'll actually decrease ur stats. He gives u food poisoning basically.
Wuxiang (5 star) :
Banner name : "immortal antique shop owner" where he has a drop rate of 40% if u have anything that belongs to mei lan or mei lan himself (he's annoying)
Weapon name : "dream of glaze lilies" which is his catalyst
Attack : fast cryo spells if u hold the button or if u spam it he'll just start hitting ppl with his hands which also does more damage
Special attack : summons a shield and throws ice shards at opponents
Ult : the surrounding area and the opponents gets surrounded by a prison of ice flowers (it doesn't affect wuxiang) and the opponents get cryo damage overtime but hitting them into the flowers just instantly kills them
Passive talent : if u have mei lan on the team he'll just randomly stop attacking sometimes my bad, same talent as xingqiu where when u purchase books u get double of them, also increases artefact quality and can pinpoint every book for the archive on the map
Special dish : he also can't fucking cook but his special dish is his version of adepti's temptation called "suspicious tempation" where the stats u get from eating it are randomized,,,,,the crit rate is still good but anything else could decrease
Junko (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of loyalty" where he has increased drop rate if noburu or noburu's weapon is in ur team
Weapon name : "destruction of timeless battles" which is his polearm
Attack : slams and swings his polearm around like a madman and it creates a mini explosion everytime and it inflicts lasting pyro damage EXCEPT he's so reckless he burns himself too so his hp decreases slowly
Special attack : he switches to pyro talismans and can make 2 big fire tornados that can mix with junko's cryo only
Ult : transforms into a big dog for a while and mauls everything near him inflicting pyro damage
Passive talent : natural cryo res he can't get cryo damage unless he's straight up frozen after being inflicted wet
Special dish : konpeito,,,,,but with like chili powder on top and it gives him increased pyro damage,,,,he's crazy im so sorry
Noburu (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of knowledge" where he has increased drop rate if u have junko or junko's weapon
Weapon name : "voice of trials" which is his scythe
Attack : noburu spins his scythe 3 times around slowly and them plants it in the ground fast on the 4th strike and inflicts lasting cryo damage
Special attack : can dash for 10 seconds and leave a trail that inflicts cryo damage (very slow cooldown tho)
Ult : transforms into a big snake for a while and can either bite (inflicts cryo and poison damage) or choke ppl out u choose
Passive talent : 70% drop rate on his banner if ur team is all girls when pulling for him and increased crit rate and running speed when the same condition is met
Special dish : ice cream mochi from cryo slimes that give u increased crit damage and crit rate and increased cryo damage
Ada (5 star) :
Banner name : "the fallen monarchy"
Weapon name : "incarnation of thorns" which is their sword
Attack : in normal attacks she just hits with the umbrella mode of her weapon while inflicting electro damage (very high base elemental mastery)
Special attack : just like childe she van switch from umbrella wacking mode to sword mode where her speed and damage increases
Ult : her sword turns into a bow, the sky darkens and she just summons thunder as an arrow and can inflict damage on a whole group of ennemies
Passive talent : mobs can disengage from the fight without reaching 0 hp and still drop loot (she scares them off basically), if jean in the team she gets increased everything
Special dish : its rose flavored black tea that heals all of ur health no matter how low ur hp is :))
Jiahao (5 star) :
Banner name : "death will come before graduation does"
Weapon name : "a cat's paragon" which is his shotgun <3
Attack : it works like any bow user so he has normal shots and charged shots that make more damage just that his is pyro damage
Special attack : it locks onto up to 3 opponents and fires at high speed without the need to aim (so more like a rifle then a shotgun)
Ult : he just calls over up to 6 (3 until he's at C3) of his flying robot turrets that keep firing at the opponents (so u can switch characters and still have the turrets)
Passive talent : once u find all the volumes of a book series u can get 3 blue fates, and drops from ruin guards/hunters/graders are drastically increased and can be exchanged for other materials during his character event
Special dish : his own version of the fullmoon egg dish thats just ridiculously spicy and as a result it heals u fully and boosts ur attack as much as bennett's ult <3
Najma (5 star) :
Banner name : "oathkeeper, promise of the fool" where he has an increased drop rate by 50% when u actually go to his spot in game🙄
Weapon name : "celestial arcana" which is his personal tarot deck that acts as a catalyst
Attack : he throws cards into a circle at his opponents while levitating and inflicting electro damage, when the circle is completed every opponent in it will take an additional electro strike
Special attack : they'll pick a major arcana card at random and it'll manifest into a mascot that will distract and fight opponents while inflicting electro damage (exemple : he pulls the wheel of fortune and a wheel rolls around inflicting damage)
Ult : they do a 3 card pull and with each slam of the card on the ground opponents take increased electro damage and if they're still standing the cards in the ground will buff any other character's crit rate and damage
Passive talent : increased luck at quite literally everything whether it be drop rates with mobs or weekly bosses or gacha pulls, when mona is on the team they get extreme luck and won't take damage during the first minute of every fight
Special dish : they're vegetarian so they make their own version of the satisfying salad which is also mona's go to dish because they are simply besties
Claire (4 star) :
Weapon name : "crucifix of doom's messenger" yeah :) thats his sword
Attack : claire will either do a succession of sword slashes if u spam the button or do pirouettes and cast a series of ribbons of water toward the opponents
Special attack : up to 3 opponents are trapped into water bubbles and take damage
Ult : its called "odette's death" and he spawns water wings that close in on groups of opponents casting massive hydro damage, at C6 his ult changes and the area changes into a performance scene where they can't fight and all of his attacks get a massive buff
Passive talent : u don't take fall damage if claire's on ur team, he doesn't eat a lot so he can't get healed often with food because he'll be full in one dish
Special dish : meringue that buffs ur defense so u take less damage
Loki (5 star) :
Banner name : "make sure to get an autograph" where they have 80% chances to drop because they're an attention whore
Weapon name : "official fanclub lightstick" just a magical girl staff that acts as catalyst
Attack : alternates between anemo spells that do crazy damage or just beating opponents up with the lightstick and it gives hp to other teammates
Special attack : extra fast combo where he summons 4 blades of wind that hit groups of opponents
Ult : does a cute pose and sends opponents flying in one group except they start beating them tf up with big anemo cat paws
Passive talent : they're cute they don't need to bring u anything. If Barbara is on the team they'll make more damage, if diluc is on the team they'll make more damage except for every wack of the lightstick thats supposed to heal, diluc looses hp
Special dish : sugar cookies with their face and autograph on them that heal u and give anemo damage bonus
Brynja (5 star) :
Banner name : "vocare hostem veneno" (call of the poison foe) where his drop rate depends on the first ending u got on his hangout event
Weapon name : "annihilator of the forsaken" which is his sword
Attack : heavy. Attacks. They do the most physical damage while inflicting lasting poison damage and on the 5th attack brynja hits the opponent with a wheel of fire
Special attack : its a magical attack where they send a wave of poison at their opponent (if u do it in grass the grass will die in the direction it takes)
Ult : sets fire to the whole era who matter the type of ground and their attacks get buffed, the opponents can't leave the fire zone and get lasting damage of everything
Passive talent : brynja can teleport anywhere without the need of a waypoint and at night their attacks get stronger, at C6 u unlock astaroth's power for 2 minutes when brynja dies and he can one hit most opponents, if put in a team with xiao he will get the effect swirl on most of his pyro attacks
Special dish : vanilla fudge that heal :))
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hereliesbitches--me · 3 years
Sometimes I get this crackhead idea of rosie explaining the story of where each of her kids came from. Like this girl probably has the most emotional roller coaster story for a life that you jist don't know whats gonna happen next . Like
Malakaid, the first:
" So while I didn't actually birth him. Funny story with that. I was suppose to have a son previously but I had a bad car accident, had a still born, and honestly kinda lost my mind for a while dealing with it. If you couldn't already tell about me, I deal with grief violently. So like I get put on temporary suspension cuz I accidentally had like a police brutality case against me. im losing my mind in my house, then my partner calls me up on this lead on a lab bust i told him to investigate . Me, desperately trying to alleviate the nothingness, go to the spot because I know the scientist and hate him so I'm gonna ruin his shit again. And you know what I find? A wholeass baby boy and the corpse of a dead lady that looks like her stomach got eaten out.
Ya know what my first instinct is? I have baby fever and an empty nursery, I'm gonna take this baby and no one is gonna stop me. Why? Because its not like the government is gonna take care of him. Hes much safer with me and Rocky , and I'm a grieving mother. You dint say no to a grieving mother. Poor rocky thought I stole the baby but im good at persuasion and he lets me keep him! I liked the name malakaid and it stuck. Sure, he doesn't cry , grows really fast, and stares ominously at everything, but isn't that like the perfect baby? I was in love the moment I held him. My baby fever was finally sated."
Mia, the second:
" Oh, ahaha, now that was is like super funny. It goes hand in hand with the whole mess with malakaid. So, remember that scientist i said i was gonna fuck his shit up in his lab? Yeah, well turns out he made malakaid. And he's pretty pissed i robbed his creation again. No, I will not elaborate on that. So, anyways, he was making this kind of zombie virus and decided as vengeance hes gonna stick me with the prototype as incentive to give him back my son. It backfired on him because at first it worked great on me.
I suddenly got stronger, faster, my teeth and nails were like reinforced metal. All was fine and dandy, until I started had this ungodly craving for meat and started throwing up blood all over the place. I hate hospitals but uh, nobody knows whats wrong with me and I'm a danger to society with this unknown uncontrolled illness.
How does this have anything to do with Mia? Well, you learn a lot of funny things while you're in a hospital with sickness. Running a whole lot of test to know whats going on. Turns out one of the initial side effects of whats in my system made me reeeeally frisky.. who would've thought this broken body of mine could actually hold something in it? But im dying, there's no point in thinking about that. The thing is gonna die with me too , and Rocky didn't want any kids in the first place. Malakaid was enough. So I dont say anything. It'll be easier on Rocky that way.
As I'm getting worse, treatment only minimally holding back whatever this bug is, my mind is going to. That scientist Toruga is promising he has the solution if only I give up my son, but ya know what I got to say? Eat shit and die. Over my dead body, literally. So I accept that I'm gonna die.. you know who doesn't wanna die? Turns out, angels are immune to the illness, so by extension so was the baby. Im dying slowly, but the bun in the oven is going just fine.. needless to say, Rocky isn't happy that I kept this from him. I'm gonna die and hes gonna be stuck with two kids.. not exactly proud with my reaction. Ya know, talk about dramatic throwing myself off a roof right? Luckily rocky is always there to catch me. Talk some sense into me. Make peace with what might be the end.
Its kind of scary, you know? I've died before, but its like this time there wasn't gonna be anyone to bring me back to stop me.. then boom, we have the answer. Become an angel, cure the illness, and I live. With a lot of physical therapy and a wheel chair, eventually Mia is born. And I never thought I could love her as much as I did when I looked at her round potato face. I masterfully evade death yet again , and I got my hand full with two"
" Hes.. complicated. All this death, it feels like one thing goes wrong after the other. I've lost my rocky, in struggling with my team, and my two each need special attention. I've got so many people gunning for my head, I've got a reputation to withhold as the unbreakable.. but some people are clever enough to find the loophole. It felt like I was human again, being weak and vulnerable. And all the new scars I get from being overdosed a couple of times. Not a great time at all. I make it out but at what cost? A lot of controversy i couldn't deal with. Lot of secrets. But in the end I have this ball of dough, and it takes me a while to warm up to him. Who would've thought he would be the sweetest of my bunch, after everything he came from? Life works in funny ways. You never know what you'll be handed. "
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notdeadyetnatural · 4 years
Hey! So i took a swing at writing again, my friend keeps telling me i'll never get better if i don't practice, so here i am writing fanfiction instead of studying for finals. 
I have so many headcanons about team free will, but one of them is that the brothers have, on several occasions, pretended to be girls husbands or boyfriends to get creepy dudes to stop hitting on them. I also think, that since Castiel is an angle, he would know much more about said creepy dudes, and he might take it a step further than the brothers are able to.
Anyway, i hope you enjoy. Feedback is deeply appreciated! 
(Also, really quick. If anyone wants to take this idea and make their own story/fic, feel free to! I only wrote it cause i couldn't find any fics like it. If you do write a fic/story using this idea, please tag me! I would love to read it!)
The first time it happens was after a particularly frustrating hunt. 
Sam, Dean, and Cas, had spend the past 3 weeks trying to find out what was killing local witches. Sam had gotten the call from an old wiccan friend of his, saying that witches all around the county had been turning up dead, and all signs point to something supernatural.
It turns out there was the spirit of an seventeenth century priest attempting to carry out ‘god's will.’ Cas had informed him that he had been severely misinformed if he thought this is what his father wanted, and then punched him in the face with an iron ring. 
“You sure you don't want us to give you a ride? That car of yours doesn’t look like its got much time left.” Dean said to Alta, the wiccan that informed them of the killings. Saying her car had been destroyed by the spirit was putting it lightly. 
“Im good Winchester. Keep in touch Sam! I don't want to go another 6 years before talking again!” Alta replied before getting in to what could only be described as death on wheels.
After walking back to the Impala, which was lucky parked a block and a half away (Dean had learned along time ago not to bring his Baby into the strike zone of a vengeful spirit) Cas still had not said anything but a polite goodbye to Alta. “Are you sure your okay, Cas? Judging from the dent in that oak, Mr. God's Will didn't throw you gently.” 
Castiel shrugged, then nodded. His grace was not low, but he’d rather use it to heal rather than fight now days. Getting thrown through a window wasn't as easy for the winchesters as it used to be. Dean gave him a quick glance, obviously not believing him, but did not push the subject any further.
“Well, i'm starving. There’s this cool looking place over near downtown, they had a sign saying half off drinks on saturdays, so maybe we can get Mr. frowny face over here to lighten up.” Dean said, unlocking the car. Sam agreed, and they were off. 
It wasn't that Castiel was hurt, but cases involving his father always got him in a bad mood. The way meany of the monsters they hunted would use god as an excuse for their own hateful agenda made him angry beyond belief. 
So maybe he could blame that night on the anger. 
The place  Dean had mentioned was much bigger that they were used to, but still had the home-town vibe. It was an open space, with a large bar in the corner and tables soroung a fair sized dance floor. If it had been any other night of the week, Dean would have been surprised to see so meany people. But it was saturday around nine, so it was to be expected. 
They ordered some food, a burger for Dean, salad for Sam. Cas got himself a drink and sat down with the brothers. 
“Cas, Cas! Buddy, you sure your okay?” Dean asked him. Maybe Cas was a little more out of it than normal, but only because he was suppressing so much anger. He had also been eying a women in sitting at the bar who looked so uncomfortable, she could slide out of her own skin.
“Im okay Dean. Really.”
“If you say so. Im going to go get some more drinks, you guys want anything?” 
“Just a refill” Sam responded, and Cas shook his head. Dean walked over to the opposite end of the bar than the women, who now looked to be more sad than anything. A man, who Castiel assumed to be her boyfriend, shouted something before storming out of the bar. She looked a little dazed, but other than that okay. Cas focused back on his drink.
“What did you think of Alta?” Sam said. 
“I said, what did you think of Alta? Are you okay man? You really do seem out of it, we can go back to motel if we need to.”
“No, no. There's no need for that. I promise im okay. Just thinking about the case.” Cas said the last part with a notable sadness. 
“You think we missed something?”
“Definitely not. Nothing like that is going to continue happening to those people.” Cas stated. He hesitated before continuing, Dean was still waiting at the bar. “I just... None of the witches were bad. I don't understand why this priest would think my father would want him to kill them, especially in such a brutal way.” Sam winced at the memory. All the body's had seemed more like executions than murders. The last couple especially gruesome.
“Well, you say it all the time yourself. We got a lot wrong, misinterpreting, mistranslating...” Sam trailed off. Humans really did get it wrong most of the time. “A lot of people use religion as an excuse to hate. I think that's part of the reason Dean has rejected it so much.” 
Cas thought back to the poorly hidden annoyance in Deans tone talking about this case, and what the priest thought. 
Before Castiel could say anything else, Dean walked back over with three drinks. “I don't need anything Dean.” Cas said as Dean handed him a glase. 
“I know, but i've been trying to find one of these for you to try for a while now, and we are finally at a place that sells em” Dean said with a smile on his face. It was clear that the man was just trying to cheer Castiel up, but the gesture made Cas a little happier.
“Thank you, Dean” Cas said. 
Halfway through the fruity drink Dean had brought him, Castiel noticed the women in the corner again. She had gone from sad and alone, to scared and with someone. Around the time she started hyperventilating, Cas set his drink down. 
“Cas? Buddy, where are you going?” Dean asked him, but his voice was muted. The women was trying to get away now, but the man wasn't letting go. Cas sped up. He was about three quarters of the way there, when he saw the mans hand go somewhere the women clearly did not want it to be, and a bottle to the left of him cracked with his anger.
He made it over to where the women was sitting, and put two fingers to the mans forehead. 
Time works differently, when you are an angle. Sometimes centuries seem like seconds, others, seconds lasted years. As Castiel held his fingers on the man, he saw what he had done. What he would continue to do.
And maybe he had had a bit more to drink than he told the bothers, maybe it was the left over anger about the case. Maybe it was simply Castiel. But that man would never hurt someone again. 
His eyes shone a bright blue, almost white, and within three seconds of getting to the man, he was laying limply on the floor. Dean was halfway to him, holding up a hand to Sam signaling he would take care of whatever this was. 
Cas looked at the women, and with fear in her eyes, he took her hand and explained. Images of the divine filled her brain, and she fell in Castiel's arms and sobbed. “Thank you... thank you. I'm so sorry” 
The women, no older that 24, Cas could see now, was a mess in his arms. She didn't know anything about Castiel, other than what he was, and that was enough for her to feel safe. Dean made it to them, and Cas shot him a look to get him to back down. 
Dean retreated, standing a few feet away, when the women looked up at Castiel. “Thank you” she said again. 
“I'm sorry i didn't come sooner, i don't usually intervene like this.” Castiel responded gently. The women gathered herself back on to the bar stool, and stared at her hands. 
“I dont..I-” She stammered.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Cas said. She nodded hesitantly. Dean was still confused, but he stayed away.
“He... Earlier me and my boyfriend broke up. I, um. I came out to him...” She shot a nervous glance at Castiel, clearly afraid of his reaction. 
“As?” He asked with a reassuring smile. The women visibly relaxed. 
Castiel cold have this effect on people sometimes, his grace was calming when it wasn't threatening divine wrath.
“Uh.. bi. I had come out to him as bi... And he didnt- didnt take that very well.” She got quieter as she spoke. A few stray tears were still rolling down her face.
At this point, someone had pointed out to the bouncer that the man had passed out on the floor. After seeing his head was bleeding, an ambulance was called. Cas could not say he was worried. 
“He uh, he stormed out. Said somethings. I knew it was coming though. He was never a very supporting person. I called my friend, she actually should be here soon, um, sorry to bug you...”
“You are no bother. Would you like to speak about the man?” Castiel asked. He could tell she did, it was rolling off her in waves. But just because she had callmed due to his grace does not mean that he would force her. 
She nodded shyly. “He, uh, he must have overheard me coming out. A Lot of the things he said, were um.. about that. I tried to be polite, cause sometimes being rude makes it worse, ya know?” 
Castiel didn't know, but he nodded anyway.
“But he wouldn't stop, and eventually he started getting handsy-” She let out a teary laugh. “I realized- realized he was a lot stronger than i thought. By the time he had my arm i couldn't get out of his grip...” She got quiet.
“The you came” She looked up at castiel again. “Thank you” She repeated.
Castiel only nodded. “Would you like me to stay with you until your friend comes?” He asked. Again, he knew the answer, but he let her respond anyway.
“That would... That would be really nice. I- uh, I cant thank you enough.” She said. Castiel pulled her into another hug. Dean was silent, he had found another stool and sat a few feel away. 
Castiel stayed with her until her friend, Amelia, frantically ran into the bar looking worried. 
“Oh god, Jo, there you are” Amelia pulled Jo into a hug, and she broke down again. “Come on, sweetie, i have food in the car. Your place or mine?” 
Jo calmed down just enough to whisper “Yours” and walk out to Amelia's car. Castiel walked with them, and before they left Jo pulled him into a hug. 
Flashes of wings flew through Jo’s mind, and Castiel said. “You will be safe, Josephine, pray to me whenever you need to.” Cas whispered into her ear. He gave her a pat on the back and watched them roll away. Dean didn't say anything.
When they got back to the motel, Sam called first shower. Dean looked at him, waiting.
“You cant just go smiting people, Cas, especially in such a public place.” Dean said.
“I did not smite him.” 
“You put to fingers to his head and he collapsed, what is going to happen to him?” 
Castiel stayed quiet for a minute before answering. “His name was Jake. He will wake up in a hospital, handcuffed to the bed.” Dean gave him a strange look, Cas continued. “The doctors will say he passed out after having one to many drinks. By the time he makes it to the hospital, a warrant for his arrest will have been issued.” Dean was surprised. 
“He will be charged for over 10 accounts of rape, one murder, and abuse. Jake will try to buy his way out, but, for some reason that just wont work this time. His case will be assigned to a particularly harsh judge, and he will get life in prison.” 
It was safe to say Dean was stunned. 
“...I, I don't know what to say Cas.” 
“This wasn't his first time. He had plans for that women, Jo. But it will be his last, Hanna has made sure of it.” The mention of the angel running heaven made Dean look back up at Cas. He nodded. Sam got out of the shower, and the next morning they were on their way back to the bunker. 
A week later, Cas heard a prayer. It was mid morning, the bunker was still quiet with its occupants asleep. Jo prayed to him for safety, for him to protect her. 
Another 2 days went by, and there was another. Jo prayed to him for happiness and advice. To send her a sign that it was going to be okay. It didn't take much grace to make a monarch land on her finger that day. 
The prayers continue, and as a favor to Castiel, Hanna promises to keep an eye on the human,
That was the first time Cas protected someone at a dingy bar or festival or where ever casses took them.
It wasn't the last.
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Chapter 5
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Genre: DystopianFuture!au; Prison!au; historical and mythological characters; based on the Fate/ anime series. Fluff, Angst, Smut (it’s gonna be real smutty in some chapters 😳) Action and fighting will be a definite theme.
Pairing: poly!Ot7 X Reader -there will be some three(maybe even more)some smut in future chapters
Warnings: Fingering, Unprotected sex, voyeur and exhibitionism? 
Word count: 4.8k
Taglist: @bellexwriter @3rachascompass
@im-emo-motherfuckers @i-like-puppy-mg
@mynameisstruggling @kaekae-h @skytime092
@seesawsmin-flower @oddkpopgirl @caibaby23
@spider-thot0115 @sunshine-or-some-shit
@em1joon @aclp-jb1d @monvieesdaebak @mother-forker @karissassirak
@littlebluebird-al @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @d-noona
(if i forgot you let me know lol i suck at taglists but i try my best!! <3 )
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As the car continued to speed down the road, Yoongi's foot was shaking on the pedal.  He’d had his fair share of experiences racing away from a terrifying situation, but nothing compared to this.  His palms sweat, slipping slightly on the steering wheel as he made a sharp turn.  The brutal sight from mere minutes ago playing in his mind on a loop. 
About twenty feet up in the air a silver camera drone hovered.  Almost as if it had eyes, Yoongi felt its stare intruding into the windows of the car.  Yoongi rolled down his driver’s side window.
“Did you like that you sick fucks? Did we put on a good show for you?” He screamed out, putting his arm out the window and sticking his middle finger up at the drone,  At the world, at the viewers who were probably all comfortable on their couches with popcorn and other snacks while they watched that gruesome event play out.  Some had probably even cheered when the team was taken out. If they had a bet going on they may have just won some money off the deaths that took place. 
Yoongi was growing nauseous at that thought, and put his foot to the gas even more, wanting to be home and indoors where the cameras wouldn’t follow. 
When the car pulled into the garage, the rest of the group assumed the same roles they had done the last time.  You slid off the back of the trunk shakily as Jimin held out a hand to steady you on your way down. 
“Thanks” you mumbled.
“Of course, you okay?”
“Been better” you shrugged.  You had thought that nothing could ever terrify you more than Vulcan did.  Yet, today had proved you wrong.  When you were faced with your possible demise, you had a thought.  You didn’t want to leave this world, not yet, you still needed more time with these men. 
Master, his cold way of dealing with you still hadn’t turned you off from the idea that he was still someone you wanted to be close with.
Jin, his caring nature, the way he carried you to the couch, and constantly checked in on you.
Hoseok, you hadn’t gotten extremely close with him, but you really like him and his ready to go attitude that really encouraged the rest of the team, and kept them positive despite what you were all going through.
Namjoon, the way he cared about his teammates, taking on a lot of the hard decisions and playing mediator even when he had his own shit going on, you knew that took a toll on him, but he didn’t show it. 
Jimin, the beautiful man who made you feel so good nights ago.  You had grown fond of his smile, and his warm heart.  He was moody and a bit rash at times, but he was good, and kind to you.
Taehyung, the man you had felt comfortable talking to about your past.  He listened well, and he didn’t seem to judge you for anything.  If he did, he’d never said a word.  He felt like safety in this world that was currently anything but.
And lastly Jungkook, the awkward shy man, who you noticed was scared and probably wanted to run away from this whole thing and never look back. Yet, he stayed with his teammates, not wanting to let anyone down and still trying his best.
These men, your team mates.  You weren’t ready to leave that behind.
So, for the first time in your life, or second life, whatever it may be...you were truly afraid of death.  You felt that ticking clock of mortality telling you that there wasn’t enough time, that there might never be enough time with them.
You were torn away from your thoughts when two strong arms were pulling you into a hug.  Which surprised you, the men had tried their best to keep skinship with you to a minimum so as not to risk getting carried away with the lustful feelings.
It was Jin, he had pulled you in tightly, and you accepted it, wrapping your arms around his waist and locking them behind his back.
He didn’t say a word, just holding you there for a minute in the garage.  You realize everyone had left and you’d been standing there in a daze, which must’ve worried Jin.
When he pulled back he gave you a small smile and patted you on the head.
“I needed that” you spoke softly.
“Yeah me too actually” he chuckled, then looked down at the small tent in his pants that had formed and sighed “Yeah that’s not my fault.” He winked
You giggled “yeah, my bad”
“Mmm, not sure if I’d call it bad” Jin brought his hand to your face and brushed your cheek lightly with his thumb. 
You felt a shiver run up your spine, and a small tingle of pleasure at his gentle and loving touch. 
“You know I really wish we could.  But I won’t force myself on you like Yoongi did” he frowned
“Yoongi didn’t force himself on me” you looked down and shuffled your feet
“Bullshit.  You’re telling me you let him treat you that way?” He shook his head, not believing you.
“I did.  And he could do it again. He can do whatever he likes to me.  He’s my master” you snapped, taking a step back from Jin.
“Hey hey hey, I’m sorry okay...I just find it hard to believe that you’re okay with that.  I’m just worried about you.” He sighed again “just don’t think you have to let him treat you that way.  You don’t deserve it”  Jin stepped forward, kissing you on your forehead and letting his lips linger there for a while.
“Thanks for your opinion” you said in a monotone voice.  Not wanting to discuss this further. 
“So you really want him…” he grumbled.
“I want all of you...but I want him most” you whispered.
Jin nodded, “well, I’ll try not to be too hurt by that.  At least I’m a contender huh?” 
“I really do like you too Jin,  please just don’t worry about how I deal with Yoongi and our... relationship….” 
Jin grinned “okay, I’ll do my best to stay out of it.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry okay?” 
You nodded. 
“Do you think…” he paused.  Debating on if he should finish. “Do you think the others would be mad if you slept with me tonight?” 
You raised your eyebrows “I mean, Namjoon set rules right?”
“Oh! No no, I meant like, just sleeping, literal sleeping, like...you share my blankets and pillows with me, maybe...we cuddle or something.  Nothing more” he ran his fingers through his hair, suddenly getting nervous like a schoolboy asking out his first crush.
“I’m not sure what they’d think” you chuckled “but if they don’t mind.  I’d love to” 
Jin nodded his head up and down quickly “I-I’m gonna ask about that.” He sped over to the door into the house, holding it open for you to go in first.  You felt his eyes locked on you as you walked into the house and to the kitchen for something to drink. 
Jin didn’t know how much longer he could take this.  He needed you, and he wished that you loved him most.  It seemed that your affections leaned towards Yoongi more than anyone else, maybe all you really wanted from the others was sex and nothing more.  But, Jin was convinced he could show you how a good man would treat his woman, and maybe then…
Everyone had grabbed something from the kitchen to either drink or eat before settling down to sit on their beds.  It wasn’t quite evening yet, but each of them had exhausted expressions.  Taehyung was trying to comfort Jungkook who still was slightly in shock.  
They were rightfully shaken up.  
Namjoon finally spoke up.
“So, I know it's hard to think of what happened today as a good thing.  But, it wasn’t us that got taken out.  So we have reason to feel some relief.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Yeah I’ll feel relieved when it’s over” 
“Well I think we have reason to feel grateful.  Goddess saved us back there.  You saw what happened to the others, that could’ve easily been us.”  Taehyung spoke, casting a smile your way, “That was good thinking distracting Archer.”
You didn’t want to admit that distracting her wasn’t quite your plan, but yes, things did all work out.
Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes for a second time. 
Jimin jabbed him in the ribs with his elbow.  “If you don’t start being nice to her I swear I’m not talking to you anymore.  She’s been nothing but kind and helpful since the moment she got here.  Hell, she’s even put up with your sour attitude better than your own friends here have.  So I think it’s time to put whatever shit you have going on behind you and start appreciating YOUR servent” 
Yoongi suddenly frowned and looked down to the floor. 
“I’m sorry….” he muttered. 
“To us? Or to her?” Jin asked, “because I don’t think you should apologize to any of us before you’ve made things right with her.”
Yoongi didn’t quite know what to say.  How could he possibly put what he’d been feeling into words, who could possibly understand?  If he said what was honestly on his mind would that make things better? Or should he just tell them what they want to hear, then everything can go on like sunshine and rainbows even when he knows it’s not. 
Jimin spoke before Yoongi had made a decision on that.
“I think Yoongi's issue here is...that he hates the Escape war. He hates everything it stands for and he holds a grudge against society for making it acceptable.  And unfortunately goddess here is a part of that system that you hate right?” Jimin turned to Yoongi meeting his eyes.
Yoongi nodded shamefully “I don’t want any of this.  I don’t want to be a master, I just want to serve my time and live my life here in red brick like anyone else.  And every time I see her, or hear her speak.  I’m reminded that I’m a part of a sick game that rich fucks created to fill their wallets.”
The room fell silent for a long while.  No one quite knew what to say to make Yoongi feel better.
“Did you ever think that I didn’t ask for any of this either?”  You spoke, breaking the quiet. “That I’m no less of a victim in all of this than you are? I don’t represent thing sick game any more than you do Master.  But you know what? I was happy that I was summoned here the moment I saw you, when I asked who my master was, and you spoke, I couldn’t have been more excited to get to know you and be on your team.  Not because I was excited to win, or kill, but because of you and the goodness I saw in your eyes.  I love you Master, why won’t you accept me?” Tears started to form in your eyes as you spoke.  All eyes in the room were shifting back and forth between you and Yoongi, wondering how he’d respond.
His mouth hung open, like words were trying to come out but being held back.
What he did next wasn’t unexpected, but it didn’t stop you from letting out a loud sob while he stormed silently out of the room and into his bedroom.  
Jin shook his head angrily.  The rest of the group were motionless and still deep in thought about your confession.
“You love him?” Jimin spoke quietly.
“I don’t know what else to call it…” you muttered.  “It’s like I told Jin earlier...I care for all of you, but Master...what I feel for him is more”
“So do you love me?” Jin spoke.  It caught you off guard, you didn’t quite know if you could call your feelings for the rest of them love.  Lust? Yes.  Protectiveness? Also yes. Love? What even is love?  You just confessed that you loved Yoongi, but did you even know that it was what you felt?  
The next series of events happened far too quickly for you to stop.
“If anything she’d love me.  She kissed me, and touched me.  And we understand eachother” Taehyung's chest puffed out with pride as he confessed.
“Well she might love me too since I went down on her, and we understand each other as well” Jimin shrugged.
The rest of the group sat wide eyed and in shock at their admission of breaking Namjoons rules.
“W-what?” Jungkook stuttered staring at Taehyung with a look of betrayal.  
Jin stiffened and fell quiet and still.  Hoseok chuckled and patted Jimin on the back as if to say ‘nice one’.  Namjoon on the other hand looked furious.  
“Did I not say…” He started.  Then he looked to you, his face growing red and angry “Did you make them do this?” 
You couldn’t find the right words to say, you were embarrassed and ashamed.  The last thing you wanted was to cause tension in the group.  You felt that Namjoon now saw you how most men had always seen you,  a temptress and a witch who lured men into her spell of lust. 
Jimin stepped in before you came up with something to say.
“Namjoon stop.  If anything it was my fault, she honestly tried to talk me out of it at first.  I’m sorry I broke the rules.  But I think it was a ridiculous rule in the first place. You know we all want her, and it’s not that easy to hold back.”
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed “Fine then.” he said coldly “Fine.  No more rules.  Everyone just do whatever you’d like with her then.”  
The room was in shock at the lift on Namjoons ban.  
“Obviously if she wants to, which I don’t see being an issue.  I mean that's your whole thing right?” Namjoon looked your way a hint of disgust in his tone that made you feel ashamed. 
You frowned slightly
 “Y-yeah.  That’s my thing I guess” You stammered with an almost sarcastic tone, feeling slightly annoyed at the way he had just spoken to you.  Like a toy, like all you were good for was sex and putting out when someone wanted it from you.  You’d like to think that you were more than that, but your past experiences didn’t really give you much of a defense. 
Namjoon sighed and stood up from his chair, “I’m gonna go get Yoongi” he grumbled as he left. 
The rest of the night was awkward.  All of your team seemed to not know how to handle Namjoon’s rule being ended.  Should they give it a try?  Your reaction definitely didn’t seem like you were happy about it, and as irresistible you were to them, they weren’t going to force you into anything.  
When it came time to sleep you settled down on the couch, everyone including Yoongi and Namjoon were settling into their places in the living room and quickly falling asleep.  
Just as you were about to shut your eyes and do the same, a soft voice hit your ears from the side of the couch. 
“I suppose that means my proposition earlier is fine...if you still want to?” Jin whispered. 
You looked down to where he laid right below you along the length of the couch.  He smiled up at you, with a hopeful expression. 
You were happy that you hadn’t crushed his spirits earlier with everything that had gone down.  You really did like him too, he meant a lot to you.  When he asked you if you loved him, you wanted so badly to tell him that you did, even if you didn’t.  Just to see the way his face would light up at your words.  You wanted him happy, and loved. 
“Of course.” You whispered back with a smile.  Quietly you lower yourself down onto the floor, he held his blanket up for you to get under, he was shirtless and wearing only a pair of light pink sweatpants.  Almost instantly he pulled you tightly into himself, your back pressed against his hard and muscular chest, an arm clutching you around your waist holding you tightly to him. 
You could feel his erection start to grow against your backside.  You knew he couldn’t help it, it was just the spell, you told yourself. 
 But, feeling wanted by this kind and caring man had you feeling better about the day’s events, and you found yourself wiggling slightly against the hardness in the front of his pants, rubbing your ass against him.  
He reacted instantly to the feeling, shutting his eyes tightly and bringing his head to rest on your shoulder and his cheek against your own.  He let out a small moan as you continued. 
“Fuck baby.  Don’t stop doing that” he whispered into your ear. 
You started to press your hips harder back into him, rolling them in small circles and rubbing against him.  His hand now moved from your waist and clutched your hip, holding you tightly to himself as you moved.   He moaned lightly again and you could feel his chest start to rise and fall quickly as his breathing increased.  You felt your own arousal growing as you continued,  the hot sticky wetness that was now underneath your dress proving how turned on you were from this. 
“You’re making me want to fuck you right here.” He murmured. 
As much as you felt like you were only proving Namjoon right at this point, you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted to do exactly that. 
Fuck it, maybe sex was something that you just couldn’t resist, but that didn’t mean you weren’t more than that.  And you weren’t going to pass up this opportunity just because of what Namjoon said.  
You grabbed Jins hand that was on your waist, moving it down and underneath your dress to your dripping center, holding tightly onto his wrist as his fingers started to find their way between your folds.  You shivered at the feeling and your hips pressed back into him making him groan.  
“Shh” you quietly giggled.  
You felt Jin smile against the skin on your neck where he was now leaving light kisses. 
Jin's fingers started to circle your clit, making you gasp out. 
“Hey, shh” he chuckled, laughing at the hypocrisy of you being noisy right after shushing him. 
After circling around your clit for a few moments, his fingers trailed their way down and to your entrance.  He nipped your ear lightly as one of his fingers entered into you.  You tried your best to be quiet, biting your lip at the feeling.  Then another finger entered, and he started to slowly move them in and out, curling them and brushing against your sensitive walls.  
You wanted to moan and scream with pleasure but continued to bite your lip holding back your noises, not wanting to wake your teammates.  You don’t quite know why, but you’d feel slightly embarrassed if anyone woke up and caught you like this with Jin. 
Jin continued a steady pace of in and out, soft kisses trailing up and down your neck as he did, loving the way you’d move your hips against him when he’d brush against a spot or touch you in a way that seemed to feel exceptionally good. 
Your breathing was quickened and shallow, trying your best to not let out a scream that was building in your stomach next to the orgasm that was building under Jin’s fingers.
“Cum for me Goddess” he whispered into your ear. 
And that was your undoing.  You let out a long exhale as your walls convulsed and tightened around his fingers.  Your orgasm flooding over you, pure bliss hitting every inch of your body.  You shook and wiggled against him as you came. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so hot” Jin brought his fingers out of you and to his lips.  You turned your head just in time to see him take the two fingers that were covered in your juices and bring them past his soft plush lips, sucking on them and releasing them with a quiet pop.
“And delicious” he added
  You lean your head forward to him, your eyes locked on those tempting lips. 
He met you halfway and his lips touched yours passionately and heavily.  His kisses were sloppy but somehow precise at the same time.  You could easily get  lost in them for hours if he’d let you. 
You felt him reach a hand down, adjusting his pants to be able to pull out his cock.  You could now feel him against your ass as your dress was pulled up past your waist.  You repeated your previous motions, rubbing against him and rolling your hips in circles against him. 
“Goddess.  You are so perfect.” he muttered, his lips brushing against your ear now. 
“Can I?” he whispered, now moving to position his cock at your entrance that was still soaked from your orgasm. 
“Yes.  Please” you moaned. 
Jin then slowly started to lift his hips, pushing himself into you every so slightly, and groaning softly with every small movement.  
Once he was completely inside of you, his hand gripped your hip tightly and he held you still as he somehow pushed up even further.  You let out a small gasp at how deep inside of you he was, which caused him to chuckle and bring his other arm under your head.  He brought two fingers to your lips, and you instantly parted your mouth.  He pushed his fingers inside, his way of trying to keep you quiet most likely.  You started to suck on his fingers, flicking your tongue along them as he pushed them deeper into your mouth.  Jin now started to slowly move his hips, moving himself in and out of you.  
You hadn’t seen his cock, only felt it, but the way that it filled you up you could only assume he was huge.  Much longer than Yoongi had been.  
Jin growly softly as he started to pick up his pace, rolling his hips quickly and gripping your hips tightly, his fingertips digging into your side as his hips smacked against your ass.  
“Shit” he gasped a bit too loud.  Suddenly you felt his whole body still, and his hand grip tighter onto you.  He was hissing softly, and you could now feel a warmness hitting your walls, and his body starting to shiver against you as he breathed heavily. 
“Fuck.” he winced.  Pulling his fingers from your mouth, turning to look at you with an embarrassed expression.
“I’m so sorry, that came out of nowhere” he spoke shyly. “No pun intended…” he added starting to laugh at his own joke. 
“It’s fine” you smiled and brought your lips to his shaking mouth, planting a soft kiss.  “You are amazing.”
“Yeah?” Jin grinned widely “You’re more amazing.  That felt too good” 
“Yeah. It sounded like it.” A voice grumbled from the other side of Jin.   You jumped with surprise, Your hand shot up to your mouth and your eyes widened. 
Jin was equally as taken back by the voice, and he mouthed an ‘oh my god’ at you. 
“Maybe let me join in next time if you’re going to be so obvious about it.  I probably would have lasted more than a minute” the voice belonging to Hoseok whispered again, he lifted his head looking at Jin, then to you and winking.  
“Yeah right, maybe next time buddy.” Jin chuckled and rolled his eyes, putting himself back into his pants now and pulling you into him for some cuddles. 
“I’ll hold you to it.” Hoseok teased.  Though part of you knew he probably wasn’t kidding.  For the first time your mind imagined a scenario of all of these men at once and you,  all of them standing naked worshipping your body and touching every inch of you.  You smiled and felt a warmness grow in your cheeks while you pictured it.  It was a selfish thought, but now it was stuck in your mind all the way until you drifted to sleep in Jin’s arms
The next morning your group decided to do another patrol of the city, Hoseok had suggested venturing out a little further than your own neighborhood.  He felt the best strategy was just to get in the middle of things and hope for the best.  Jungkook seemed terrified of that idea, but being the youngest he tended to try and hold back from arguing too much decisions that the others made. 
Namjoon agreed as long as Yoongi was alright with it.  Which he was. 
As the eight of you filed into the garage and to the car, Yoongi pulled you aside from the group for a moment. 
He had grabbed your arm to pull you away and your heart fluttered wildly at his touch. 
“So I was caught up to speed on everything that happened after I left yesterday.” 
You felt slightly embarrassed that he now knew you’d been with Taehyung and Jimin, and possibly he now knew about Jin, considering that you two weren’t as quiet as you’d thought. 
“Oh?” you stared at him wide eyed. 
“ Yeah. So.  Just…” Yoongi stuttered, then paused a moment
 “Just, try not to break their hearts while you make rounds fucking the entire group.  That’s the last thing we need here trying to win this war” he grumbled.
It seemed like that wasn’t what he had planned to say when he first pulled you aside, maybe he had meant to use kinder words, or even talk to you about the fact that you had said you loved him.  Yet, instead, staying true to all his previous interactions with you, he was simply cold and mean.
You frowned and nodded as he stomped away to the drivers side of the car and got inside, slamming the door behind himself.  You could see him mouth something to himself as he ran his hands through his hair nervously and quickly. 
Jimin now approached, offering you a helping hand as the two of you got up on the trunk beside Jungkook. 
“So you and Jin now too huh?” He smirked. 
“Ahhh shit, did everyone hear?” you groaned
“Yeah…” Jungkook said on the other side of you.  You sighed and shook your head. 
“Do you really want all of us like that?” Jungkook spoke almost inaudibly, not meeting your eyes as he talked.  You thought for a moment, and figured it’d be best to be honest.
“Yes…” you answered “Yeah.  I do.”
“Even me?” Jungkook squeaked.  The innocence in his voice made you smile.  And you could hear Jimin chuckle on the other side of you.  
“Yes even you Kook”
He instantly became extremely shy and embarrassed, which was honestly incredibly adorable to you. 
“Maybe some time we can, huh?” you told him.  Now you were picturing it.  Sweet Jungkook moaning underneath you, eyes wide as he came from the pleasure that you’d give him...
He nodded, still avoiding your eyes.  How cute. 
Things were eerily quiet as your team drove around the buildings of Red Brick.  The other prisoners still kept in their houses, trying to avoid any crossfire.  
The car was now reaching the church, and you felt yourself tense up.  You knew he’d be there, right at the top like he was before. 
“Can we go down this street?” you yelled out, pointing to a street with a lot of tall shops and buildings and looking like a ghost town with no one working or shopping. 
You saw Yoongi shrug and do as you suggested.  You let out a sigh of relief at not having to drive past the tower where you knew Vulcan sat.
As your team's car drove down the abandoned streets a loud revving sound rang out from above.  You looked up to the buildings to see an older man on top of a building, sitting tall and confidently on a motorcycle looking down at you.  His team also stood there, all older men, each of them looking at least 60 or older, with long gray hair and grey beards.  The servant grinned and let out a loud belly laugh upon seeing you.  His hands clutched the handlebars of his sparkling motorcycle, red and white with blue stars decorating it.  
His voice boomed out loud, echoing down the whole street.  Almost as if he was speaking for the cameras and for the audience.  His showmanship was definitely apparent.  He seemed to be from a much later time in the world than you had lived.
“Gather round ladies and gentleman.  For my next trick, I will jump from this building,  taking out the legendary Aphrodite.  One step closer to winning the escape war.” 
His long red white and blue cape flew in the wind.  
The rider servant. 
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Hero Complex
lmao hi IM BACK i wrote a fic pfffff it’s kind Shit cuz i started writing at midnight and now its 2:40 am so excuse the BAD WRITING dajfdslkfjalsdkfs
warnings: fire, mentions of death (kinda graphic ish, sad), crying
ship: ralbert
word count: 2762
“Just- don’t try to be a hero, dumbass.”
Albert’s fingers freeze on the top button of his uniform, eyes darting up to study Race’s face.  He bites back a sigh, something weighing down on his chest as the fear in his boyfriend’s eyes grows.  
“That’s the whole point of my job,” He says softly, “But I’ll be careful.”
Race nods, wordlessly handing him his helmet.  Albert takes it, drawing in a deep breath to steady his hands.  Queso lifts his head from his paws, looking at the two of them questioningly before padding across the room and nudging Albert’s knee.  He lets out the breath he’d been holding and bends over the slightest bit to scratch behind Queso’s ears.  No matter how many calls his squadron responded to, his nerves still managed to run high.
“That’s all I ask,” Race responds, gently tilting Albert’s jaw and kissing him intently.  Albert presses back, heart kicking double time as adrenaline starts to overcome him.  He pulls back, the need to move overtaking him.  
“I gotta go,” He says, shifting the helmet onto his head, “I’ll be home later…”
The unspoken, ‘hopefully’, rings loudly in the air.  Albert really hates this part of the job.
Race nods, dropping his hand from Albert’s face and squeezing his bicep briefly, “Go.  Be safe.  I love you.”
Albert smiles, but it feels strained, “I love you, too.”
“Dasilva, get that room on the right!  Some kid’s in there!”
Albert swears under his breath, shooting a quick nod to Finch as he hurries past him, carrying an infant in one arm and shielding a young looking mother with the other.  He grimaces, adjusting the mask on his face as the building gives the second unsettling creak in as many minutes.  
In the three years that he’s worked for the FDNY, he’d never seen a building fire this destructive.  Details were still being investigated, but from what had been gathered, an apparent fireball had formed on the 14th floor, engulfing the top four floors of the building and spreading quickly to the lower levels.  The casualty count was already tragically high, but between the first responders and following squadrons showing up to the scene, the fatality rate was going down.  
That didn’t make it any less gut-wrenching.  
Albert crosses to the apartment Finch had pointed him to and easily knocked the handle off the door.  He knocked once, calling a loud warning into the room before shouldering the door, which gave way easily thanks to the heat. 
In the corner of the room, a young boy sat cowering against the wall, arms wrapped protectively around an even younger girl.  Panicked breaths were coming vehemently from the pair and as Albert gets nearer to them, he can see the tear tracks that cut through the soot.  He crouches down, trying to seem nonthreatening.
“Are your parents here?” He asks, raising his voice over the roaring flames.
The little boy lets out a sob, pointing a trembling hand to the room adjacent to them.  Albert glances to the side, nausea rolling in his stomach as he takes in the flames licking under the closed door.  Whoever is in there, sure isn’t getting out.  
“Okay,” Albert takes a deep breath, turning back to the siblings, “I need you both to take your shirts and pull them over your mouths and noses, okay?”
He waits for them to do so, then scoops them both up easily, ensuring that they have secure grips on his shoulders, before moving swiftly out of the room.  The building lets out another threatening creak and Albert falters, trying to map out the safest route in his head.  He settles on running to the stairs on the southside of the building, opposite of where the fireball had started.
Five excruciating minutes later, Albert is able to exit the building, immediately seeking out some paramedics and dumping the kids in their care.  He turns back around, taking a deep breath before running back towards the building.
“People still up there?” Spot, another commissioner, calls.
“I don’t know!” Albert calls back, “But we can’t risk leaving anyone!”
“This building’s ‘boutta go down, man!” Spot shouts, jogging up to him.
“I don’t care,” Albert says, firmly, tightening the strap on his helmet, “If I can even get one more person out, that’s one more life saved.”
“Alright,” Spot concedes, “But I’m coming with you.”
Albert nods, steeling himself.
“Don’t try to be a hero…”
Race’s words echo in his head and he bites his lip, casting a hurried glance in the direction of their apartment complex, across the Brooklyn Bridge.
“Sorry, Racer,” He murmurs, hesitating for a short moment before running back into the building.
A recently opened beer bottle sits forgotten on the table as Race paces anxiously in front of the TV, a cigarette dangling loosely from his lips.  He’s not entirely sure why he’s smoking.  The thing that usually eases his worries only worsening the sick feeling in his stomach as smoke rolls over his tongue, parallel to the cloud of smoke he’s watching climb higher and higher from the building until it billows off-screen.
This routine is familiar, but it never gets easier.  Letting Albert go will never fucking get easier.  It feels like he’s dumping him into the jaws of death, fire biting at his ankles every time he leaves through their apartment door.  
But he does let him go, allowing himself to grow sick with worry as he immediately searches for whatever information he can find, usually settling on the local news and popping open a beer or lighting a cigarette.  Maybe both.  More often than not, they remain unfinished.
He lets out a frustrated hum, stubbing his half-smoked cigarette out in the ashtray they keep on the coffee table.  He forces himself to sit down and drags a sweaty hand down his face.  Albert had been gone for a good two hours by now, but the fire doesn’t look like it’s getting any closer to being put out.  If any, it looks worse.
Every time a firefighter passes by the camera, Race’s stomach does a violent flip.  He can’t really tell who’s who underneath their face shields and helmets, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to differentiate them.  
Once, the news caught a clip of a firefighter being wheeled into the back of an ambulance looking very much not alive and Race had been violently sick for an hour before Albert came home and assured him that it was not him and he was okay.
That had been a bad fucking night.
Suddenly, the face of the reporter on screen morphs into one of sheer terror and the camera shifts sideways to show the building, crumbling in on itself.  There’s a moment where no one seems to react and Race scrambles to unmute the channel.  Screams ring through the speaker as the reporter and the cameraman run for shelter.  
Race feels his eyes go wide, but he can’t look away.  Somewhere to his left, Queso lets out a whimper, but he can’t find it in himself to look.  A second later, he feels Queso hop up next to him on the couch cushions and settle his weight against his side.
A million frantic thoughts crowd Race’s mind, eventually settling on the horrible debate of whether Albert is in the building or not.  Part of him wants to believe that he got away in time, but logic tells him that the idiot was probably in the building until the last second, searching for straggling survivors.  Fucking dumb shit.  Always has to be a fucking hero.
Sometimes he really hates Albert’s lack of self-preservation over others.
Scratch that.
He always hates it.
He runs his hand through his hair, pulling it almost painfully as his chest tightens.  Taking a deep breath, he presses his knuckles to his eyes, trying to stave off the oncoming panic attack.  He has to stay calm.  If Albert is alive and got out of there unharmed, he’s going to need Race to be a rock for him tonight.
Race takes another deep breath, letting it out slower this time as the vice that previously gripped his lungs loosens a bit.  He can do this.  He just needs to be patient.
He watches the news for another few minutes, picking at his cuticles distractedly as shots of firefighters and paramedics work to reign in the newly charged chaos.  Then, he clicks off the TV, heaves himself off the couch and begins to prepare for Albert’s (hopeful) return back home.
He puts some more food and water in Queso’s bowls, then crosses to the bathroom to take a quick shower.  The water is too hot and he drops the bar of soap three times before he can steady his hands enough to use it.  
He dresses himself mechanically, then digs through their dresser for Albert’s favorite pair of briefs, sweatpants, and a hoodie, setting them neatly on the end of the bed.  As an afterthought, he grabs a fresh towel and washcloth from the closet and sets them on the toilet in the bathroom.  
It’s doubtful that Albert will want to eat much of anything if- no, when he gets home, but Race busies himself in throwing together a quick pasta primavera nonetheless.  If anything, the cooking helps to settle his own nerves a bit.
Another hour passes and Race has managed to finish cooking, eat a little, and clean up the kitchen, all the while forcing down the ever-growing wave of dread.
He’s starting to run out of distracting things to do, so he picks up the book he’s been reading and settles on the couch, eyes scanning the pages, but not comprehending a thing.  
45 minutes later, the front door unlocks and opens.
Race is off the couch before it can swing back closed.
Albert doesn’t look at Race as he hangs his helmet on it’s hook, but Race can already tell that it’s going to be a rough night.  Despite the gear protecting every inch of Albert’s body, his face and hair are covered in a thick layer of ash.  He’s still dressed in his turnout pants, but his uniform top has seemingly been abandoned at some point on his return home.  The sharp tense of his shoulder has rendered his movements stiff and Race watches in carefully masked concern as he tugs off his boots.  
Once they’re dutifully lined by the door, Albert straightens up, looking at Race for the first time, a dull, haunted look in his eyes.
For a moment, Race is scared that he’s going to breakdown then and there, but Albert only clears his throat and croaks, “I need to shower.”
Queso is lingering by the kitchen entrance, but he seems to sense that his company would not be very well received right now.  Race nods at Albert, bending down to pluck one of Queso’s toys from the ground and tossing it in the direction of the kitchen.  He hears the slow patter of Queso’s paws on the tile and sees him pad out of the room in his peripheral.
“Let’s get you out of those pants before you do anything else,” Race says in a measured voice, working to sound easy, but firm.
It’s a testament to how fucked up Albert must be feeling that he doesn’t make a dirty joke at that.
Albert barely moves as Race unbuttons his turnout pants and eases them down his hips.  His gaze is unwavering as he stares blankly across the room.  Race can hear his slightly erratic breathing and it seems as if the adrenaline has yet to wear off.
“Lift up for a sec, love,” Race says, tapping at Albert’s socked feet and waiting for him to lift his legs one by one, allowing for Race to fully remove his pants.
“You can go shower now,” Race says, standing back up, “do you need me to come with you?”
Albert shakes his head, “No, I’m-I’m good.”
“You sure?” 
Albert nods, “Yeah, just- yeah, I’m good.
“Okay,” Race smiles a little, trying to look encouraging, “Shout if you need me, though.”
Albert nods again and makes a stiff beeline for the bathroom.  A few minutes later, Race hears the shower turn on.  He crosses to their bedroom to find that Albert took the clothes he’d set out in with him.
He smiles a little more genuinely as he crawls into bed.  Rolling onto his side, he busies himself with his phone while he waits for Albert to finish up, turning up the brightness to keep himself awake.  Albert was bound to take a while in the shower tonight.  He always does after missions.
A half hour later, he hears the bathroom door open and close and a moment later, the bed behind him dips as Albert joins him under the covers.  Race clicks off his phone and sets it on his bedside table, shifting onto his back as Albert settles into his arms.
“Want me to keep the lights on or off?” He asks quietly, pressing a little kiss into Albert’s now clean hair.  It’s still a little wet and smells strongly like the coconut shampoo he likes to use.
Albert nestles closer, pressing his nose to Race’s neck, “Off, please.”
Race extracts his arm momentarily to flip off the lamp switch, then draws Albert in protectively.  The silence between them stretches on for what could be hours, but Race knows Albert is still awake.
This is also part of the routine.  If Albert wants to talk, he will, but if he’d rather just lie quietly and process, Race wasn’t going to push him.
But he’d stay up with him either way.  There’s no way in hell he’d leave him to handle this alone in any capacity.
Eventually, the silence is broken by a soft whimper, then a short sniffle and Race feels Albert tuck his face further into his collarbone.  He feels his heart break in his chest, but he wills himself to remain steady as he tightens his hold on Albert.
A moment later, Albert begins to cry in earnest and Race presses a firm kiss to the crown of his head, shushing him.  
“I’ve got you,” He murmurs as Albert fists his hand in his nightshirt, holding on like a lifeline, “I’m here and I’ve got you.”
“There-there was a little girl on a fire escape,” Albert hiccups, “and she was screaming for her mom and I was about to go back in to get her, Race, I was about to go get her!  But the building…” he trails off, an awful keening noise sounding from his throat.
Race blinks back his own tears, rubbing a hand up and down Albert’s back, “You did what you could, baby.”
Albert shakes his head, “But it-it wasn’t enough.” His words are stilted- broken- and his breathing is harsh and heaving.
Race maneuvers them so they’re lying side to side, facing each other.  He cradles Albert’s head with one hand and rests the palm of his other hand on his cheek, brushing away his tears with the pad of his thumb.
“It wasn’t your fault,” He whispers firmly, “There’s nothing else you could have done.  You can’t save everyone.”
Albert closes his eyes, biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood as he tries to take slower breaths.
“I wish I could,” Albert says after a lingering pause, “It’s fucked up.”
“It is,” Race says, “But you helped a lot of people get out of there today, you did a lot, Albert.”
Albert doesn’t answer, just tucks himself closer to Race, breathing in his warmth.  
“Rest, baby,” Race mutters, knowing that neither of them are really going to sleep that night, “I’ve got you, you can relax now.”
Albert lets out a shaky sigh and Race feels his heart grow heavier still.  The concern, grief, and anger at the world for plaguing Albert with the fucked up trauma that accompanies his job are indiscernible from one another.  He wishes more than anything that he could take away his pain, but he also knows that’s as naive as wishing he’d quit.
The most he can do is be there for him, even if there’s nothing he could say to truly make it better.
But he can be there and maybe that’ll be enough.
“I love you,” He breathes, lacing their hands together, “I’m here.”
Albert squeezes his hand, “I know,” he pauses, “I love you, too.”
And for a second, things are a little okay.
yeah, so im still alive!
thanks for reading, chiefs
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