#im sorry yeon
lilacponds · 2 years
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joanyio · 2 years
weak hero class 1 rant because it’s 4am and im in my feelings and idk how else to deal with them *cracks knuckles* please don’t expect me to be coherent
it’s because of a twitter thread i made and i just wanted to elaborate more
if you didn’t click the link here’s what i said “this montage gets me every time because you realize sooho’s bright personality hid the fact that he was just as alone as sieun was, always sleeping at school for working part-time a lot, probably the reason why he had no friends, also refers to himself as the hyung with his peers. then the montage sequence ends with sieun being considerate, not turning the lights on like he did before and studying in the dark to not disturb sleeping sooho. the same day sieun wakes him up to have lunch together and they unexpectedly click.. in a way it was a friendship built from understanding how differently they lived but also similarly alone, and having each other made their lives a little brighter and i think that’s beautiful.”
also this hyunwook interview..
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i can’t seem to stop overthinking about the little detail that sooho refers to himself as the hyung (형 - older brother) with his same-aged peers (동갑). in korea, age is a huge deal and it dictates most of their social cues, who to respect and how much respect is given. and i can just imagine how arrogant his peers might find him for referring to himself as the hyung, it’s like he acts all high and mighty amongst them.
am not puting all clips of him doing this but i remember the incident with baseball kids in the first ep he told them to bring the passed out dude to the nurse’s office and said “형이 이름 말하면 뒤진다,” literally means “if you say hyung’s (my) name, you’re dead.” (and they aren’t even his same-aged friends because someone murmured “but we’re older than him..” still, they’re high schoolers all the same) in ep 2 “형이라고 부르고싶냐?” literally means “do you wanna call me hyung now?” (or “do you wanna give me respect now?”) in ep 3 while playing pool he said “형이 하는거 잘 봐라,” literally means “watch carefully how hyung does (i do) it.”
[edit: i remembered another instance. in ep 1, yeongbin’s group bothering sieun again in the classroom. sooho was disturbed from his sleep, “why are guys so chatty these days? 형 잠도 못 자게. 형 자도 돼? 응?” literally goes “hyung (i) can’t even sleep (with u mfs being loud). can hyung (i) sleep? hmm?” official subs: “someone’s trying to sleep here. can i sleep in peace? please?”]
i think he does it because he knows he was forced to grow up fast due to his living situation, and in his eyes this made his same-aged peers /more/ childlike(?) and immature compared to him, who’s already grown up and has adult big boy responsibilities to worry about than silly little exams and high school social hierarchy. he’s extroverted and has a sunshine personality, blunt and honest to anyone he talks to. he always knows what to say to kids his age to feel shame for the bullshit they pull. even with older people, the baseball kids, to gilsu “나이 먹고 그게 자랑이야?”
so yeah sleeping a lot at school due to working part-time for hours may have contributed to him not having friends (hello he follows like 5 people in instagram, such a skinny ratio with his 1k+ followers) but also he probably found it hard to relate and saw no reason to put effort in hanging out with them outside inevitable campus interactions. until sieun. sieun who sooho calls a weirdo, who’s really interesting, whose eyes say how empty he must feel inside but you can see the fire in them. sooho probably thought sieun would never initiate a conversation with him but he did approach him for lunch that one time. and finds himself enjoying the company. now he grew to love showing sieun that there’s more to life than studying hard and preparing for college. it’s all mundane things, eating, gaming, karaokeing, playing pool, “let’s drive all night long,” friendship and the kind of company that their families and other people couldn’t give.
sooho’s all sun and bright but he hasn’t found his person until sieun came along. both of them were very self-sacrificial, ready to risk it all and harm anyone to protect each other. i might just forever ache for sooho ending up on his deathbed after going apeshit seeing sieun hide the injury he got on sooho’s behalf.. and sieun throwing away his whole future when he went and hurt everyone who did that to sooho..
it hits different after i read the equivalent chapters in the webtoon because the suho-sieun-focused friendship story was prolonged for the drama adaptation. sooho was kinda not that interesting in the webtoon so i loved everything they changed and added for his character in the drama. but also like im upset because now im endlessly attached to him.. [edit: in case i piss off webtoon!suho lovers, it’s a personal preference. i love him too but i just cant help but be more emotionally attached to drama!suho] like fuck why did they have to write such a tragic friendship story between highschoolers im fucking done
end of rant ugh i hate myself for this
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helianthus21 · 3 months
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bareums · 2 years
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There's no one to hold up an umbrella for you. You and I, we're both alone.
Gaus Electronics (2022)
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spaceyflowersart · 2 years
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draw the squad stuff with the weak hero kids <3 + donald babysitting antics which i dont have the energy to finish lol
og images below !
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amezhtys · 2 years
this might be dumb but i feel like sieun uses study as a way to keep his peace and also kind of escapism? like he turns to study after he sees his parents argue and he doesnt care when his dad knocks on the door, he just studies
and i feel like from then on, he has been doing exactly that just keeping his peace by not caring about anything else but just studying, thats why i think he gets so worked up when he gets that question wrong because his peace was disturbed
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yeonpm · 5 months
js watched first ep of blue eye samurai i KNEW MC WAS. A GIRL IT ADDS SM TO HER CHARACTER TOO OMG 😞😞 still dunno her name tho
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moonartemisia · 8 months
I see you guys are loving my Hajun self-ship with my oc 🫣🫣🫣
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thepersona · 2 years
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episode 8 was such a ride
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mistbornthief · 1 year
yeon making rang get a haircut aka immediately crushing all my hopes and dreams YET AGAIN
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lilacponds · 2 years
going thru my list of liked picrews like hmmmm which one is going to convey me properly and act as a decent new icon
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helianthus21 · 7 months
And you'd say, "hold my hand, I'll be your brother wherever you go"
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mouseoho · 1 year
the whole time i was giffing hwiseo i was just internally going [pretend its a different song pretend its a different song pretend its a
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saintseiyasl · 1 year
rich guys are something else entirely, i thought we'd get a nice begging for attention arc not A FUCKING KIDNAPPING ARC NOOOOO YEON OH YOU DONT DESERVE THIS NOOOOOO
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nerdofthecentrey · 10 months
I’m Sorry | So Mun x Reader
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Genre: Angst, Fluff.
Warning: Violence, Normal Uncanny Counter Stuff
Summary: You and So Mun have been dating for a good while. But Recently he’s be acting stranger and stranger. Randomly running away during dates. You didn’t really believe his whole super hero story. Finally your fed up with it and want the truth.
Super hero’s don’t exist. Even when your boyfriend started walking and beating up bullies you didn’t believe it. You weren’t gonna lie you were beyond happy when Mun dropped his cane and started walking in front of you. You practically takled him to the ground sobbing tears of joy. Remembering how you felt when you first saw him walking to class in 9th grade. You immediately developed a crush on him. You were always gentle with him. You were constantly scared he was gonna brake. You took care of him always slowing your pase to walk right by his side. Yelling at people who just so happen to say some rude shit. You even became close to Im Ju-Yeon and Kim Ung-Min. You protected them as well as you could. You wouldn’t take shit from anyone even when it caused you to get hurt. You would walk with Mun to his house , caring his bag if need be. He always told you how he wasn’t a baby but you didn’t care. You were gonna take of him till the day god took you both apart.
Then he started getting into fights for good reason. Rumors started spreading about how Mun was kicking ass almost everyday. You would try to meet him during lunch to talk but he wouldn’t be there. You would listen to the stories from his two best friends not knowing what to think. Then came the rumors after the huge fight Mun had. Rumors of him being a heir. He denied them up and down. But you didn’t know what to think.
Now Mun and you are out on a date another date where he promised to make up for the last one he had run off during. You walked side by side down the softly lit street eating vanilla ice cream. You laughed telling stories till he got a call. He stepped off to the side talking intensely on the phone. Mun walked back with a fast pase, headphone in his ear, yet a sorry look in his eyes.
“ Let me guess. You have to go?” You say. Mun nodded slowly.
“ I’m sorry but I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He turned to walk away but you catch his hand.
“ No way. This was spoused to be you making it up to me. What is going on, Mun..?” You ask him softly. “ And I want the truth. Your not a superhero. I love you but I’m not believing that.”
“ You know I can’t tell you that-“
“ Then what can you tell me! I’m tired of you running off everytime we have a short second together. You won’t tell me anything. I feel like..” You hesitate.
“ I feel like I’m not important to you anymore.”
Mun’s eyes widen he shakes his head, “ That’s not true. I just..we have to talk later I’m sorry.” With he ran away. There is no way you were accepting that. You were gonna get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing you did. You started running after him but he was moving 5 times faster. Luckily for you some old guy was passing by.
“ Can I borrow this like now please?!” You grab onto his bike. He just shrugs and gets off.
You follow your boyfriend in the distance practically yards behind him till you arrive at some rundown warehouse. You drop the bike looking around casually you catch a glimpse of red headed into the side of the building so you follow. You can’t help the uneasy feeling in your stomach but you ignore it for the sake of Mun.
The warehouse couldn’t look anymore rundown it was practically a maze stepping inside. large metal shelves with dark molding boxes. You pulled out your phone flash light making your way around the place you can’t help but whisper Mun’s name. Scared of who could be here.
“ I’m gonna kill you. And that will be that.” A male voice hisses. You cover your flashlight right away. Spearing threw the boxes your eyes immediately fall to the man standing over woman who cried. Your stomach was doing flips over the vibe you get from this man.
“ They will find you. Your not gonna get away with this.” She shouted.
“ Just shut up.” He smacked her across the face so roughly she went sliding across the floor. You knew your couldn’t just stand and watch. Or she was gonna die. But you weren’t dumb you grabbed the pipe that was sitting next to your feet. Watching as the man turned his back to you.
You took that as your time hitting him in the back of his head following all the way through. He let out a yell tumbling to the floor. He let out harsh curse words holding his head.
“ Come on.” You say to the woman helping her to her feet pulling her back the way you came. Luckily the woman wasn’t badly hurt so she could run with you. Finding the exit was rough but quick. You ran through the fields outside of warehouse when a metal plate was thrown at your back sending you flying towards the ground. The sharp pain caused you to wheeze you saw the man standing far away from you. You wondered how he could throw something so hard from that far.
“ Ma’am..” You whispered. The woman was staring at the man with scared eyes. It looked like she wanted to run and not come back. But she put herself in front of you.
“ Stay away..” She said softly. Then shouting. “ Go away!”
The man’s lips turned upwards into a sinister smile. “ Hope is a pitiful thing.” He hissed run towards you and the woman.
“ Run.” You tell her as loud as you can.
“ No I can’t. I won’t leave you. Not after what you did.-“ She grabbed you from off the ground pulling you into her side. You tried hard to breath but it hurt like hell to do so. Like their was pins staving your back.
“ Hey!” A voice shouted. It was you boyfriend. You watched as her slammed the man to the ground with inhuman agility. You and the woman just watched as three others showed up. Mun gave the man a hard punch for standing up. To which a young woman took over. Mun jogged over to you worry in his eyes.
“ Are you okay?” He asked going to reach out to you.
“ Noway! Mun, what the hell was that?” You say as loud as you can do him.
“ Y/N, It’s not important. Your hurt.” His eyebrows furrowed together.
“ It is important. I’m so beyond confused.” You eyes start to water tears fall down your face. An older woman in a red jumpsuit comes up to you. She gives you a warm smile which somehow makes you feel more calm. You let her get close just like that you were out.
When you awoke it seemed as if you were in a cafe. You slowly went to sit up your body feeling droopy yet you were okay. The burning pain you had felt now gone.
Mun’s head appeared over you. His hands meeting yours right away. You snatch them back immediately standing on the opposite side of the table from him. The rest of the people you saw at the warehouse stood a couple feet behind Mun. You looked at your boyfriend with a look of confusion and fear. The person you though you knew you infact didn’t know at all.
“ What was that, Mun?!” You ask him.
“ It’s complicated.” He whispered. “ I never meant for it to get this far. Or for you to get hurt.”
You could hear the way his voice broke. “ Are you gonna me tell me?”
He shook his head, “ I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t.” He cried tears dropped down his face.
You could feel yourself getting choked up just seeing him like this, yet you didn’t know what to say. This was dangerous and he refused to tell you anything.
“ Mun..” You whispered. The older woman stepped forward giving him a look. Just like that your night was gone. Everything you had just learned about your boyfriend was no longer there. You were back to feeling lost and in the dark. Mun felt terrible, this felt worse than lying. Erasing your memory felt so shameful to him but it was for your own good.
And that’s that.
A/N: Happy Holidays guys, Here’s a draft I started late summer. Sorry I haven’t been active like at all 😔. I’ve super caught up in school and everything I’ve had a lot to do. I should have more free time in January to get things done. I see the request in my inbox I’ll be getting to those as soon as I can. Enjoy yourself ❤️💚💙!!!
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kanatamour · 9 months
hi tora!! another blog, another request from me~ today im hoping for headcanons "how do they act when they have a crush and how would they manage to confess" with nayuta, kanata, reo & hajun!! i don't know how many characters you do at the time, so if that's too much just nayuta & kanata are nice!! thank you so much hehe <3
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Because ‘I love you’ is written in every single one of his actions, but he needs to tell you properly.
ft. Yatonokami Nayuta, Yatonokami Kanata, Maruyama Reo, Hajun Yeon x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, love confessions, some angst.
Hello, Jules, dear and thank you so much for sending in another request here ! I’m sorry this took a while, but I still hope you enjoy it and that it can make you smile <3 I ended up making it in time before the year ends, so happy new year !
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“You came along, and my heart smiled. So, get rid of those doubts, my love, I’ve been waiting for you.”
— With Nayuta, you realize he’s in love because of his smile.
— His usually apathetic, even melancholy expression, is replaced by an upwards curve to his lips, brimming in a sweetness that is hard to place.
— To anyone who deigns to observe where his iridescent eyes keep looking, they’d find you at the end of the lane.
— It is easy to see, when you two are together. His gaze is a little brighter, that difference that makes you discern dusk from dawn; he seems more energized, the lilt to his voice a tad more upbeat, particles of sundust shining in the words he addresses to you.
— And perhaps everyone notices, and Nayuta hopes you do too.
— And maybe you already have, but alas, fear seems to follow humans in crucial moments, confusing the heart, leading it through twisting alleys that echo the unsavory sounds of ‘what if’.
— What is it’s just all in your head. What if you’re overthinking and reading the signs the wrong way.
— The sighs he lets out, alone, in the dead on night are the unheard confirmation that his feelings for you are real.
— And yet, miles separate you, each of you lying on your side in the blue light of a faded moon.
— But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
— Nayuta just will have to tell you directly, then.
— Or rather, show you.
— You find yourselves on the topmost floor of his secret hideout, the sun casting in coppery hues the thousands of piled up buildings below; a beautiful contradiction, how the slums had a beauty to them at golden hour.
— But so did your moments with Nayuta.
— You found him, the one you hold most dear. It didn’t matter if it was in a place this world had forgotten.
— Because you could never forget Yatonokami Nayuta.
— Nor the kiss he gives you when you turn towards him at the call of your name.
— You can taste the remaining sweetness of the popsicle he was just eating as his hands land on either side of you, stabilizing himself when he leans in further.
— And because there is no way your mind is making up the cool softness of his lips on yours, you kiss him back, hands cradling his cheeks, strands of silken moonshine reflected on puddles after the rain tickling your fingers.
— “Is it clear now, that I like you, my cute [Y/n]?” Nayuta utters, in the sunset lit instants between his kiss and the second one you initiate as an answer.
— You don’t trust your voice right now, so you’ll speak in the language lovers do when words are superfluous.
— And you can be sure, he’ll be asking for more.
“Your petals were bloodied amidst the storm and you still shined. When I next realized, I was the thorns, and you, the only rose.”
— Kanata doesn’t know what is it he feels for you.
— And what’s more, he doesn’t know why.
— Weren’t you another one of those rich brats to begin with? It was your fault that day you were in trouble in the rain, being robbed by some troublemakers.
— And yet, the moment you resisted to give them your pocket money and one of the attacker’s hands closed around your wrist, something in Kanata snapped.
— He doesn’t know how, or the reason behind which he found himself throwing punches until those bastards were running away.
— But he knew he didn’t like the sight of the cut they somehow managed to land on your cheek.
— “Thank you for that, but are you okay?” You asked him, checking for bruises on your nameless savior.
— You are the one bleeding and yet, you ask him that.
— “You shouldn’t be here.” Kanata spats, turning away.
— “Wait! What’s your name?” You asked, running to catch up with him.
— He ‘tsks’. Why can’t he leave you alone in the rain? Why does the sight of blood running down a stranger’s face sit so wrong with him?
— Annoyed, he drapes his jacket over your head.
— “You don’t want to know.” Are the last words he tells you, before running off.
— You stand there, dumfounded, the boy’s hoodie shielding you from the rain.
— You’ll be back here tomorrow.
— The sky dyes in shades of peach and lavender, reminding you of the sweet scent of spring. Ironic, in such a cold evening, and even more so in this district.
— You have a feeling you’ll find him again, so you wait. His jacket is neatly folded over your lap, as a stray kitten rubs itself against your leg.
— Then you spot him. Short sleeved t-shirt on, hands buried deep in the pockets of his pants.
— “Put this on, at least!” You call, throwing him his jacket. “Catch!”
— Eyes not unlike the color of the sky widen at the sight of you again.
— “Thank you for yesterday, whatever your name is.” You softly tell the young man, reaching where he stands with the small cat in your arms.
— It meows at him. Extending one of its paws.
— “See? He wants to know your name too!” You pout, holding one of the kitten’s white paws in your hand.
— “Ugh fine! It’s Kanata, okay?”
— “Nice to meet you, Kanata.” You giggle, as the cat paws at your hero’s face.
— And somehow, the way you call his name… It’s pleasant, a sweet melody shining in a world of gray.
— He wants to see you again.
— So, next time, he’s the one to seek you out.
— You always meet at the same place; the street where the white kitten lives. Sometimes it goes home with Kanata, though, and others you bring him to your apartment.
— Time is fleeting, and days become months, with December snow fading to rays of February sun, auguring an early spring.
— And then one day, Kanata isn’t there.
— You wait, with your cat friend, who meows sadly at you, climbing on your lap when the first tears begin to fall.
— That evening you leave, matching cups of ramen left to the freeze of a lonely night.
— However, someone saw this hurtful scene.
— “Care to explain yourself?” Nayuta asks his brother, slamming the door behind him.
— Kanata turns slightly around. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
— “Oh, you… You know very well. Why didn’t you go today?”
— To which Kanata shrugs.
— “Fine. I hope you know they left crying.” His younger twin points out. “Will you just face your feelings and accept you’re in love and that they love you?”
— “That’s…” Kanata’s shoulders slump. “They deserve better…”
— “Silly!” His brother intercepts, with a soft flick to his forehead. “And what? They want you. So you better get it together and go find them now!”
— And well, for some reason, Kanata doesn’t need to be told twice.
— Luckily for him, a small friend is there to help.
— Following the kitty, they both manage to locate you.
— “[Y/n]! Wait!” The boy who saved you that night calls, putting a hand on your shoulder.
— “What do you want, Yatonokami?” You ask, tone cold, without turning around.
— It hurts him. The way he’s hurt you, the way you won’t face him, the way you use his last name instead.
— “I’m sorry. I just… I’m stupid, okay? I couldn’t come to terms with- the thing is- I… I… Oh, to hell with it! I like you, okay? And I just didn’t know how to act around you or what to do and I thought you deserved better and so I just stood you up and I messed up.”
— A chuckle is definitely not the answer he was expecting.
— “You are cute when you blush, Kanata.” You murmur, wiping away a stray tear, smiling sweetly at him.
— “I’m not-“ He starts, cheeks blooming in crimson roses.
— “I said it’s cute. You are cute.”
— Droplets of thin rain begin to fall.
— “I like you too, if that wasn’t obvious.” You softly say, with a kiss to his cheeks.
— Much like the night you met, rain surrounds you. This time, it’s his cheek that burns, not because an open wound, but because of the searing sensation of a kiss he won’t forget.
“What is the point for a rainbow to hide? Let’s write our love in the sky.”
— Reo is a cutie and he definitely has a way with flirting.
— So that’s exactly what he does.
— He is not shy about it in the slightest, often complimenting you on your new clothes, telling how sweet you are or giving you hugs out of nowhere.
— Of course, all of the above, always that you are comfortable; Reo is very cheerful, but he knows how to read your emotions and pick up what you like and dislike.
— And at first, you didn’t think much of it. Sure, he is very affectionate with you, but he is with everyone else too, right? It’s not like you are receiving special treatment.
— Which, in turn, frustrates Reo more.
— Is he doing something wrong? He’s being pretty obvious, right?
— Or maybe… you don’t feel the same way?
— No, no, no, he can’t fall into negativity.
— He has to take you to a nice date and tell you how he feels directly.
— So, he puts together some money he’s been saving and chooses his cutest outfit. This is a special occasion and he wants to make you happy.
— When you arrive at the accorded spot, Reo is already waiting for you.
— Sure, he is a sunshine, but you didn’t expect an amusement park date, seeming how he and his gang usually preferred to hang out at the ramen place.
— “Hello, [Y/n]!” He greets you, those eyes of his mirroring the sunset clouds lining the horizon. “I got cotton candy hehe. One for you and one for me!”
— You take the sweet treat from him, eyes sparkly at the delicious sugary scent wafting around you.
— “Woaah! It looks so tasty! You’re the best Reo…” You thank him.
— And maybe, just maybe, because this is a date, you leave a cotton candy kiss on his cheek, giggling at the pink remnants left behind.
— To which the boy grins mischievously, bringing his fingers to it and tasting the sugary treat.
— “Hmm… Your kiss was sweeter…” He ponders, as your cheeks heat up. “What if we repeat it, properly this time?”
— And at that moment, beneath the lighting of dusk and attractions, your lips touch for the first time; a memory written over cottony clouds in rosey glaze.
— “I love you, pretty.” Reo utters, nose brushing against yours, when he parts.
— “I love you too, Reo.” Are your words, before you initiate a second kiss.
— Little did you two know, Iori and the rest of the gang are looking from afar, proud of his youngest member (Suiseki is a little jealous, but that’s another story).
“I’ll erase the piercing words that were etched into your soul that day.”
— This man’s way of flirting is teasing you (change my mind).
— With his fans, he is all smiles and charming phrases, but when he really loves you, you get to see a more… naughty side of him.
— When he teases you, he doesn’t do it out of malice, no.
— He’s been hurt in the past, and even if his infatuation with you grows by the day, a part of him is still afraid he’ll be discarded again.
— The words ‘you are not needed anymore’ still resound inside his mind, no matter how much he smiles or tries to look perfect on the outside.
— So he’s wary of diving into a new relationship.
— But at the same time, you are so lovely… The way you pout when he’s teasing you, or how you call him and wave at him whenever you see him at uni…
— Hajun would really like to spend more time with you.
— “You should.” Anne tells him, when they finally get Hajun to spill the beans. “I know you’re afraid to trust but… Isn’t it lonely, to keep the one you love at a distance?”
— It is, yes.
— It’s painful if he stays away. And the variant of getting hurt hangs in the air if he tries to get closer.
— But, as they say, ships were not made to stay at harbor.
— So he’ll take this chance and hope for the best.
— And for that, you know he’ll use his charm.
— A cute cafe date here; dinner at his place that he cooked himself using organic ingredients there; and of course, the occasional expensive gift you had been eyeing, mysteriously arriving at your doorstep.
— You like all of this, and especially, you like him.
— However, a part of you can’t help but wonder: what does he want with me? What does he get out of all of this?
— With those thoughts, you lie in bed, listening to his music in the new noise canceling headphones you’re sure he’s bought for you.
— You’re so not sleeping tonight. Maybe tomorrow you’ll ask him about what ‘ulterior’ motives he has.
— The model’s vibrant eyes widen slightly behind his glasses when you utter the question.
— “Why me, Hajun? What are you planning?”
— It hurts him. How it seems he’s not the only one with trust issues here.
— So that’s how you think of it. Some kind of twisted game he’s playing to get something out of you.
— “I’m serious here, Hajun.” You insist, tone stern, when all the answer he gives you are the subtle expressions of his face.
— And for once, he decides to be honest. No mask of perfection obscuring the words he next speaks.
— “Because I’ve fallen in love with you, [Y/n]. Because I was afraid to trust, to be left behind, thrown away. But then you came around. And I wanted to spend more time with you. This is no game, not one that I plan on ending anyway.” He whispers that last part to your ear, a knowing smile on his lips as he feels the heat on your cheeks.
— “Hajun… You… You mean that?”
— “More than anything.” He vows, placing a kiss to the back of your hand, the one adorned with the set of silver rings he gifted you, never once breaking eye contact.
— Your fingers slot in between his. You suppose it’s alright to let your heart take command and test the waters.
— After all, you can’t keep denying you’ve been in love with him since the beginning, too. You just never thought he’d end up reciprocating.
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