#im sorry if i like something weird and it shows up on your dash
madame-mongoose · 1 year
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dirksawesomesprites · 5 months
Sorry for that one comment I sent you. I just wanted my requests done, and didn't want to be blocked for being a proshipper. If you want a definition of proshipper I'll give it to you.
Proshipper: Pro is a prefix, not short gor problematic. That's wordplay.Someone who is for shipping, regardless of ship; anti-anti. Can sometimes correspond with anti-censorship, pro-fiction, or anti-harassment. This term has sometimes been twisted by antis via wordplay as a way to harrass proshippers for what they ship because they deem it problematic.
Just finish my requests and be done with it, okay? Even the Geno sprite.
i dont harass proshippers, i leave them alone because they probably get enough hate as it is. i just block them so i dont have to deal with them.
the pro in proship means support, not problematic. i know that. it is pro-any ships. including stuff like incest or pedophilla. which is why i dont like to interact with them. if they arnt hurting anyone or being weird about it? i dont care.
ive been acused of being a proshipper enough to know the hate they get bombarded with, and im not going to encourage people to do the same to others. ive been harassed enough in my life and i dont want others to experiance that aswell. im not saying go harass shitsolkat or the favship blog whatever their name was. but i dont support them.
proshippers can do what they want, i dont care, aslong as it is not harmful or they are proclaiming that incest and pedophilla is ok.
i understand that most proshippers indulge in that to cope with truama or maybe other issues that do not concern me. but other times it could be a mask to protect them from being seen as an actual pedo or someone who indulges in real incest. i dont care if its of fictional characters, it dosnt effect me? but when its real people like eddsworld for example, that effects actual people. which isnt cool.
i dont like incest, pedophilla, whatever proshippers indulge in. but im not going to support it. ive made it clear i dont like them. but im not going to harass them. nor will i encourage my following to do so either.
listen i dont care what you do behind close doors, you or any other person. but when youre public about it dont expect people to be accepting, especially if you identify as something people dont agree with, like a proshipper. i honestly dont give a shit. i just dont want it on my dash.
i hope you guys can read this and understand. i know proship does not stand for problematic ship. im pretty well educated believe it or not, i just dont like to talk about stuff like this unless necessary like now, because my frequent typos and not the best grammer makes me look worse. but i do know what im talking about. im not trying to flex or something but as someone who has had college level academic scores since middle school and and know most shit adults dont i think i have a place here to talk.
again im not trying to "flex" my knowlage, just trying to show people im not an idoit and why i feel like i know enough to speak on this matter. i know what the pro prefix means. its the same pro used in things like prolife procensoreship whatever.
sorry for this long post but i need to clear things up
i am not a proshipper. thank you very much roxy and tree eridan for telling people so. /sarc
i do not hate proshippers. you can interact with my posts, but just know im not on your side. i will just ignore or block you.
and to my followers? dont harass proshippers, or any people deemed "problematic" if i see anyone who follows or interacts with me doing so you will be blocked. i will not let anyone who does that shit interact with me. i have dealt with harassment, second hand and first hand enough in my life and i will NOT let anyone else experiance what i did at the hands of others hatefull actions and words. even if you dont agree with them. just leave them alone.
you can bring awareness to someones actions, but do not harass them. it wont fix anything.
again i apologize for this essay post. but this is a sensitive topic and felt i needed to talk about it
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minhio22 · 5 months
Can I please request 13. Dandelion from the flower prompts for Kanata??? 🥹💕 Thank you, hehe~
Thank u sil for being my first request 😭😭 🫶🫶🫶 sorry it took a while. Im not sure if i captured kanata well enough but i hoped you enjoyed
Dandelion - finally hearing the other person laugh after a period of hardship
A small trip was all it took for your arm to land itself in a cast. Let's back up a little shall we?
You were on your way to visit Kanata at his house in the slums and there were a bunch of stairs as there usually were. You had almost reached his place when Kanata had just exited from his house and you were just so excited to see him you might've just ran your way to him. Unfortunately for you, you had forgotten that you were on top of a flight of stairs and tripped when you were dashing your way towards him.
Kanata was surprised when you called out his name but even more so when you were falling down the stairs. He darted from his place trying to catch you but unfortunately he didn't make it in time hence why your arm is now stuck in a cast.
It's been a few weeks since that happened. Were you embarrassed? Yeah sure maybe a bit. But most of all you were frustrated because the hand that you broke was your dominant hand. It rendered you useless to do most daily things.
When you came to hang out with the twins they could tell that you were gloomy. You had been like this ever since your trip down the stairs. Kanata was worried about you. You hadn't been smiling all that much nor have you cracked any of your corny jokes around him anymore. He might not show it much but it frustrated him to no end that he couldn't do anything to help you.
“Kanata you're frowning again.” Nayuta nudged his brother out of his thoughts.
“No I'm not.” Kanata denied lying even though it was evident on his face.
“If you're that worried you should do something.”
“Like what? Most of the things I've tried all they've done is smile politely at Nayuta.” Kanata sighed.
“I don't know but that flower field near the outskirts of the city looks good.” Nayuta casually mentioned, trying to give a hint to his brother who's quite hopeless sometimes.
Kanata's eyes widened in realisation at what his brother was hinting at. You absolutely adore flowers so bringing you to that flower field might just do the trick. He had gone there before so he knew that it was what you needed.
Needless to say you were weirded out when Kanata uncharacteristically brought you to the outskirts of the city one day. You had come to visit him after you ran some errands and he quite literally dragged you out of his house without saying anything. Even Nayuta seemed a bit surprised at that but he had a knowing grin on his face when you guys left.
“Close your eyes.” Kanata told you when you were nearing the outskirts of the city.
You had complied not asking too much of him about his suspicious behaviour. He held your hands and you just followed him wherever he was leading you.
You could feel the change in the air. There was a soft gentle breeze and the air felt a bit fresher. The ground you were stepping on became softer as you could tell that you were no longer walking on asphalt but on soil. The birds were chirping and indeed the air smelt a bit more aromatic.
When Kanata told you to open your eyes you did and you weren't ready for the sight that stood in front of you. You were surrounded by dandelions. A field full of yellow flowers and some matured ones here and there. To see that you were in awe was an understatement. You definitely won't forget this anytime soon.
Kanata had been tense, gauging your reaction from the begging, when he saw you smile he relaxed a bit as he pulled you deeper into the field.
You took a dandelion in your finger, you blew on it making a wish like they always would on tv. You plucked another one and brought it to Kanata’s face.
“Here blow on it and make a wish, Kanata”. You told him holding it expectantly in front of his face.
“Hah? Isn't that a bit childish?” Kanata exclaimed.
“Awww come on. Just this once?” You pleaded with him.
“Fine….” Kanata begrudgingly took it from you. He supposed he could entertain your antics since he did bring you here to cheer you up.
He did as you told, made a wish and blew on it. Funny thing was that the tiny fruits of the dandelion didn't go in the direction he blew it in and instead went into his face due to a sudden breeze. It went up into his nose and he sneezed quite loudly, might I say.
You couldn't help yourself and laugh at his predicament. Kanata was about to berate you but he stopped himself when he saw your face and he heard you laugh. His features softened as he relaxed and smiled softly at you while you were still laughing like a madman. To say the least that your laughter was music to his ears after a long time of being absent.
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kaiserkisser · 9 months
mutuals appreciation post <333
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hello, everyone. this is my end of year mutuals appreciation post to thank each and every one of you here, who has put up with me enough to be friends with me. I simply can't put it into words how much I love yall and how much im grateful to all of you for being here, but I'll still try. I wish all of you a very very happy new year ❤
@delusina kaz, thank you. thank u sm for everything. you were my first mutual and i love you sm for that. almost all the friends i have right now, they're thanks to you. i still remember sending you cat pics every week in the beginning (im sorry i forgot to continue that 😭) and you and vi are the reason ✿❀ anon exists <3 ilysmm <333
@floraldresvi VIVI. ILYSM. ik ive already sent you a new year ask but still i can never express my appreciation for you enough <3 thank you sm vi for literally always being there for me, and i hope i can return the favor whenever you need :) i lovelovelove seeing you in my notifs :)) also baivi rules <333
@chosokisser mai my bbg my love /p again, ive already mesaaged you, but still, im so glad i have you in my life. if you need absolutely anything, if you just wanna talk to smn, or anything, ill always be here. in fact, we can even commit arson together if you want :DD and remember that me and choso adore you to heaven and back <333
@haithamvoid again, thank you sm for being friends with me. <33 im literally so glad for the day i opened tumblr to find mai forcing us to socialize XD we seem to have a bunch of shared interests and i remember the times we sent each other a bunch of kaiser (and gojo??) pics ehehe (also if you play genshin then on which server-)
@damyoujackson uhm thank u sm for being my irl bestie. I mean it. honestly i dont think ive actually had a friend i clicked with as much as i did with you in a long time. ik its probably not easy putting up with someone weird like me so erm tysm.. in all seriousness im really glad we're friends <33 ( we do NOT talk abt this in school OKAY.) (<- me being awkward)
@noomon you are an absolutely amazing, warm and pleasant person to be around! (And i love your aesthetic too omg) anyways you're very caring and nice and i always perk up whenever i see you in my notifs or inbox <33
@mikacynth mikaaa its been agesss i hope you're doing alright and uni is treating you well </3 again, one of my first mutuals that i interacted with bc you were a 'mutual in law' of mine hehe :) you're also an awesome and fun person to be around, so remember that me and kaeya love u <333
@yinyinggie yingg! You're such a big blog, so thank you sm for interacting with me! you're totally wonderful, and im so glad i got to participate in the ebg hosted by you hehe that was SO much fun <333(and it hurt my heart too but nvm-) anyways ilysmm <33
@alexisomnias aaah alexisss we dont interact much these days but still, i love you so so much, you are someone i always love seeing on my dash or in my notifs <3 and i adore alekav too its so cutee <333
@kitorin omg yes soutaa you're another person who shows up on my dash often and i love that you do <3 i hope you dont mind all the times ive tagged you in smth ahshshdhb i also always smile whenever i see u in my notifs so thank u smm for being moots with me <33
also to @ilyuu @m1shapanda @supernova25 @chooodles @camvrin @meidnightrain we havent interacted much this year, but ive loved seeing you guys often on my dash so i hope we interact more this next year <333 please dont mind me tagging you dhshsh
Happy New Year to all of you!!!! I hope you all have all the joys of the world and that all your wishes get fulfilled, because you guys totally deserve it 💕
I found a little something too here that i wanted to share with all of you since i thought you guys might like it <333
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voiceofsword · 1 year
I'm gonna set up a little tent in your inbox sorry it's cosy here :)
I still think about this so much like what does he mean by this. The shipper brain in me just sees it as rinniki real but I doubt they had that intention like????
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Also when he and mayoi talk and niki denies seeing rinne as family only to proceed defending him by claiming he's human like everyone else and he's just shown his "total bastard side" to everyone (but niki knows his true side because he trusts him enough. kinda 🏳️‍🌈)
I've just kinda rambled in your inbox but if you wanna add anything (or delete my ask fair lol) feel free ^^
omg why would i delete this u guys know i love any excuse to talk about them
ill put this under a cut bc screenshots, dont wanna clog ppls dashes !!
my shipper brain AGREES and in large part i think its intentional (not romantically? probably. will i see it that way? well 😏) because these two guys find it impossible to be open about how much the other means to them.. and through that weird tsun-ness it becomes obvious that they're both tiptoeing around it, so much so that when they do, it makes it even More apparent to everyone that something is up... but they both think they're very good at hiding it.
i think niki is especially a worse offender of this bc admitting rinne's just as important to him as it is the other way around is an IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE.. like with kohaku there hes like ew rinnes so gross his face makes me sick and not want to eat. hes definitely exaggerating here... what are u overcompensating for. ehem
but niki's love language is literally acts of service, and, well, it's pretty obvious how often he manifests this towards rinne
and in the mayoi conversation you mentioned it's SOOO.. when mayoi mentions that c:b are going to be their coperformers, when niki starts talking about rinne in response, it's almost like.. he's thanking them? bc to him he couldnt care less if they're invited on stage again. but rinne's the first thing he brings up because he knows how much it means to him, and that if anyone deserves a second chance, it's him:
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after mayoi says this, niki goes hell no but regardless his next lines all sound really fond:
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and i think the underlying sentiment here is that niki thinks rinne deserves the world. that even though hes sometimes an asshole, that beneath it all he's still a Good Person, and niki would give anything to make other people see that. it's not an explicit declaration of love but reading between the lines, hes pouring his heart out to mayoi like, hey i really love this guy. and even tho its not put into words, not properly, anyway, mayoi himself can see it
(especially taking into account that immediately afterwards he asks mayoi for a favor (that would benefit rinne, in the end))
just like him regularly feeding rinne (although sometimes rinne doesn't give him a choice — on several instances where rinne comes up to him like 'im hungry make me food', nikis like 'oh i cant Not feed you. youre being annoying but i cant have you be hungry', bc to him that's how he shows he cares, about rinne or about anyone), insisting that he'll go back home with him, and always, without fail, getting roped into his schemes and ending up enjoying it, bc time he spends with rinne is ultimately time spent with his best friend.
so yeah nikis a little 🏳️‍🌈 ur right
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soleadita · 11 months
another day another niche media that has crossed my dash because of u. who is sam why is he crashing and why does he look like a pathetically sad kicked puppy (huuuge huge huge fan of the gif of him w a bloody handprint on his face btw single best thing a guy can have)
CRASHING!!! SAM!!!!! i didn’t think i’d have that much to say but it turns out i did. sorry. mostly this is just barely coherent rambling.
(1) crashing is a british tv show from 2016ish. there are (regrettably) only about 6 episodes, i believe, and they’re SHORT. (i made @dauntingday watch it with me a few months ago and we accidentally just downed the entire thing in one evening after work. that’s how short it is.) it follows a group of like…20s+ people who all live together in an…abandoned hospital? or something? i’m not entirely clear on how the living situation works, and frankly that’s like the least important part i just tend to get bogged down in details when i try to talk about things. BASICALLY they all live together in a giant funky building, they don’t all know each other, they have disastrous dinner parties, they’re messy, they’re stupid, they’re brilliant, they’re super fucking weird, they’re awful to each other, they love each other, they take care of each other in weird ways…it’s like found family i guess but more in like a having-a-lot-of-cousins way. like some of them you’re really close with some of them you never really see some of them you can’t stand. but they’re all still your cousins.
(2) sam is like...i would like to throttle him i also would like to wrap him in a weighted blanket and give him a mug of hot tea. he's a lil homophobic he'll vehemently insist he's not gay he is actively pining after fred when fred gets a boyfriend sam makes it his personal mission to be a total dick about it (affectionate) and break them up. when i started writing this, i was like, "lol SAM how do i describe that little shit, he's so silly and funky and awful but in a cute way," and now i'm actively getting a little choked up about him and fred. im not gonna lie. and the fact that this whole dynamic is established in like...two hours? give or take? masterpiece. ANYWAY. "pathetically sad kicked puppy" is right you totally nailed it he's like the puppy that chews everything up INCLUDING HIS OWN TOYS HIS OWN BED HIS OWN FAVORITE BLANKET and then when he gets reprimanded for it and DOESN'T HAVE ANY OF HIS SHIT, he goes into "pathetically sad kicked puppy" mode. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT HIM I DON'T THINK IM EXPRESSING THEM RIGHT BUT I THINK YOU'LL GET IT ANYWAY.
(3) i regret to inform you that wasn't a bloody handprint on his face, it was paint. :(
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
Do you know any jokes?
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hmmmm it looks like some new ponies are showing up to my diary. I'm kinda... kinda scared of that, but I'm 99% sure you guys can't really read my diary, just put stuff into it. Weird-ass magic diary bruh. Might as well write to you guys and not write bad things about you behind your backs in my diary tho. Just in case.
I'm watching you
Well, uh, "primrose-petals"... HELL YEAH I KNOW SOME JOKES! I got coached in joke-telling by the party pony Pinkie Pie herself, and besides, Im fricken DJ PON-3! Gotta know how to make the ponies laugh if you want them to dance, you know what I'm sayin? I don't cuz that's just something Pinkie told me but she's the Element of Laughter (yeah I finally got the deets from her on that, tell you more about it later)
Okay, here's the jokes!!!!!!!!! This one came straight from the horse's mouth yesterday night and I really do love it a lot, Prim (can I call you Prim?)... She even wrote it down for me, but to really get the joke I gotta set the stage! Ok, so here I am walkin through ponyville carrying my subwoofers and turntables on my back and WOW is it heavy. I go into Sugercube Corner for a cupcake and Pinkie and the Rainbow Dash almost crash into me. So, anyway, Pinkie tells me the joke, it's "An elephant and hippopotamus were taking a bath. And the elephant said to the hippo, 'Please pass the soap.' The hippopotamus replied, 'No soap... radio!!!'" and she says it in such a funny way and of course Pinkie's guffawing her lungs out with Rainbow Dash chuckling and looking expectantly at me that I can't help but start grabbing my sides in mirth and rolling on the floor laughing! Too bad about my turntable and Sugarcube Corner's floors. But I just had to laugh, for Pinkie Pie's sake if not for the jokes! I got home and told Octy the joke but she didn't get it so. i know i did my good deed for yesterday.
Ok ok I know that was a somewhat pretty, uh, racist joke (I'm not racist. Neither should you.) But here are some more: "Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera!"; "Dad: 'Son, I need some laundry soap right now, quick! Quick!' Son: 'Gee, dad, do you haveta rush me like?' Dad: 'Of course, Jesse. The situation here really is dat urgent!' "; "I went to jail for the first time and I ok maybe not that one
But those were all just Pinkie's jokes! Now some one of mine: "What did Buckingham Palace say to the Trottinghammers on Sky Fawkes Day no "What did Ted Bunty get for Christmas? nuh uh "How many foals does it take to paint a DEFINITELY NOT "An irishmare walks out of a bar" maybe? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no. "A family act walks into a Canterlot talent agency headed by Filthy Rich himself and I forgot the middle but the punchline is that the family call their act, "The Aristocrats!"
so maybe i dont know any appropriate jokes. all these ones Octavia told me earlier are a bit too risky (especially that foal one...) (Damn you, Octavia!)
Speaking of Pinkie, I saw her today in Sugarcube Corner again when I went in for another cupcake. She gasped and grinned real big when she saw me, like she usually does cuz she knows it makes me laugh, and thanked me for laughing at her no soap radio joke yesterday. (I think she knows I was just being polite...) Anyhoo, I asked her about how she knows Rainbow Dash and it led her to talking about their whole-ass journey! And this is a CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY journey Pinkie went on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, Luna be damned!!! (sorry sorry sorry too soon, too soon.)
Ok so here's the second half of what Pinkie told me: so Nightmare Moon came back on the Summer Sun Celebration and kidnapped Celestia to take her place as ruler so she could put Equestria under eternal night (I called all of that, by the way!! Whattaya think now, huh Octy???) and so six ponies went on a wild goose chase for the Elements of Harmony to stop her: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash!, that Twi mare (that was a shock! she's more of a homebody to me), Applejack, and a couple mares called Fluttershy and Rarity. They eventually really got the elements and BECAME THE ELEMENTS! Wotta buckin' sweet free upgrade they all got in coolness! Especially Rainbow Dash! She's gotta be like... way cooler now!
I was gonna ask Pinkie more about what Rainbow Dash's like but I saw the time and hadda go to my. lessons. with Octavia. OH but Pinkie Pinkie Promised me she would take me to see all her other friends on her day off tomorrow and so I'll get to see Rainbow Dash!!!!!
Well um. it's time for my lessons. My lessons with Octavia. Tavi, Tavi, Tavi, Tavi Tavi Tavi Tavi Tavi! Hahaha yeah I'm so good at the things she's trying to teach me naturally. No more questions!
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nightmaretour · 11 months
Lmao I'm the anon from before and I don't even know socialorganism. You probably won't believe that but lol whatever. They have more of a logical point on their blog than you do though anyway. Your post from a while back about the glasses thing showed up on my "for you" page. Ive never interacted with you before and I'm on anon because I've seen people get dogpiled and accused of "violence" for just passively disagreeing with someone in the cripplepunk tag. Don't worry though, I'm blocking you after this. I don't want your poorly informed bs opinions on my dash anymore.
I thought your reasoning didn't make sense, because glasses still fit the definitions you're giving. Your definition given also just outright excludes ambulatory mobility aid users because they can't still "move" without the aids. I actually know people IRL who call their glasses mobility aids and my question was motivated by that, yet these people don't exist in your world? Im sorry it's just really weird.
You also can't just say they aren't mobility aids if you don't use them or need them that way. It doesn't really back up your point. My friends who call them that cant move without them. It's like saying, "a cane isn't a mobility aid because you can limp without it! I can limp without my cane so that means all people can! You don't NEED it to move!" like that sounds ridiculous. That's what you're saying about glasses. That's what you sound like.
The people disagreeing with you are physically disabled, so it doesn't make sense that you think a word is being "taken" from physically disabled people by other physically disabled people to discribe something they have an experience with.
Like I'm sorry but I'm gonna trust my friend saying their glasses are just as much of a mobility aid as their rollator. If I listen to you, I ignore the way they talk about their needs, and making them change a word they use to discribe something is hard because they have autism. Who stands to be hurt more by that? It's more like you're taking it from the people who need their glasses to be respected and thought of as mobility aids because you're the one saying "you can't say this". the only one thinking it changes the definition is you. Your response to my message didn't make literally any sense.
You are genuinely such a loser. It's so obvious that you're the same person, I already saw you comment using this same alt account that you made just to continue a stupid argument that I want no part in.
Get something better to do than harassing brain damaged cripples with paralytic disorders and epilepsy. I already told you that I physically cannot handle much stress right now and you are endangering me. I'm gonna report you to Tumblr for block evasion and harassment anyway so have fun with that
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
Han, my dear, if it wasn't for you, then none of us would give much attention to Heidegger (at least I know it would be my case). He was a character I remember from the OG and which I thought was nicely designed in the FFVIIR and... I stopped there. 'Nice, they kept his laugh', I thought when the trailer got out.
And then I met you and - honestly, I cannot stress this enough - you have essentially removed this veil from my eyes and I saw Heidegger for the first time as you do: a multi-layered individual with deep-rooted issues, fiercely loyal to company & country and with so many other traumas and details that make him only human (and not a monster).
I am always in awe at all the sources of inspiration you have for him, at how insanely credible your thoughts his PTSD and other war-related issues are, the way he was brought up, came to marry and then divorce - honestly, for me, your Heidegger portrayal is THE Heidegger portrayal. I don't mean this to dunk on anyone else (or even SE), but because the way you have put him together makes so much _sense_ in my mind that I have a hard time disconnecting your Heidegger from canon.
As far as I'm concerned - his first name is Magnar, he comes from Junon, he has a rivalry with Godo, a behemoth gave him the trademark scar, he has two daughters and a divorce wife. I love everything about your timeline for him and always will. If anything, SE should give you royalties for the superb work. <3
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(( mari ♡
i messaged you already kinda buggin out a lil over this but i want it on my blog (ALONG WITH ALL YOUR LOVE CAUSE YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS & THE BEST) just so i can keep that tag open whenever im feeling stale on my writing or a little crispy with my portrayal. it always means so much to me how much time you've given me and my heid (i say my heid because at this point, i don't know how much is canon aside from his abusive streak to his soldiers & his shinra simping lmao).
but honestly, ive said it before - i'll say it again. i wouldn't be writing him without the support from yourself and others. like, i always talk about how hard it is writing a hated character. he isn't a villain in the same sense as sephi/roth / the turks. they're 'likable'. everything they do is okay because they're young & hot. i know they're more complex than that and personally, i like them a lot too! but it's difficult fighting the battle of there being zero fanart for the character. zero fanfics (aside from ooc / fetish fics). it's tough seeing people make jokes constantly about the character that you like & when i say jokes, i don't mean 'lol seph is a cat' i mean 'lmao could you imagine if him and shinra were GAY lol GROSS' (it's so immature it makes my eyeballs strain).
i know that was a mini rant then, but it always makes me feel a little embarrassed to have such a fixation on such a generally disliked character. makes me feel weird & unwelcome in the fandom haha.
but to know that there are people like you - people who haven't only said 'haha ok, this crazy cookie is doing something w/THIS character' but people who have actively allowed me to explore elements of his character? to get him married? to allow him fatherhood? like BRUH-
it makes my heart warm & fuzzy. i'm sorry i don't always show it & i'm sorry i sometimes get all weepy on the dash about things but it honestly does mean a lot to me.
mari - yourself and others absolutely contributed to me bringing him back & despite any hangups or embarrassment i have over the character. fuck, even in squeenix do some fucked up shit like make him about stolen valour (i REALLY hope they don't) or turn him into a coward (which im prepping for with pre-emptive unwritten headcanons) - he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
not because of playing him but because of the people i've played him with. ♡
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https-sen · 3 years
Haikyuu Dates!
A/N: EXAMS ARE OVER HOLY FUCK I FEEL SO RELIEVED- pls pray and hope i pass, i need to redeem myself as a good student after skipping classes sobsob 😭 anyways, tomorrow im planning to buy a skateboard ehe so enjoy!!
Genre: Fluff
Pairing(s): Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Kenma x gn!reader
Warning(s): Cussing, and Not Proofread!
BIGGG NOTE: this consists a lot of memes hehe
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He scrolls through Pintrest for his ideal date! He's not sure what to do when it comes to date ideas or planning them since he usually let's you pick.
♡Date Choice♡
He would be stuck in between a picnic date and a cat cafe but he'd end up bringing you to a petting zoo since it sounds more interesting!!
"Y/N!! Over here!"
He waves at you from the train station entrance with what seems to be.. a convenience store bag? "Tadashi, what's in the bag?", you asked. "Oh! I bought us drinks since the train ride would take a while..", he replies as he opens the plastic bag for you to see 2 bottles of juice. "That's so sweet of you honey.", you smiled at him as he hides the bag behind him shyly.
'Train 069 to [...] is departing soon, passengers may get on.'
"Oh, that's our train! C'mon, we're gonna miss it if we keep standing here!!", he exclaims before dashing through people together hand in hand as you both laugh before getting in.
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He doesn't admit it but he sucks at dates. He tries googling things but he's picky with the results. He'd end up asking Yamaguchi about date ideas to go on with his s/o.
♡Date Choice♡
With the help of Yamaguchi and Google, he's made up his mind with a cafe date. Although he questioned it a few times but he mostly agreed with it. It was the classic, cute, overused date idea!
"Kei, where are you taking me?", you asked your boyfriend as you both walk hand in hand through the calm yet busy street. "On a date, where else?", he looks at you funny as if you said something weird. "I know but where's the date? Do you want me to guess or something?", you raised an eyebrow as Tsukishima nodded while looking at his phone.
"Hm.. Is it those fancy free wifi lounges you see at malls?", you guessed. " No, what is it with you and free wifi lounges these days? You know my place has wifi already.", he pokes your side. "Hey! Well there's no harm in trying right?", you poke is side back. "Oi! Well, we're almost there so stop with your weird guesses.", he shows his phone GPS.
" Destination Arrived! ' The Little Rabbit Cafe, Piss Street (im so sorry no im not) No.69' "
"Woah, it looks cool! And a cafe huh? Kinda cliche but good job, Kei!", you laugh as he pokes your side 4 times before getting in the cafe.
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He doesnt know 😦
♡Date Choice♡
He's too lazy and a too busy with games- wait. That's it, an online date!! Seems a lot like him, he knows that, but he watched some minecraft building tutorials on youtube to build something special for you.
"obamadeez (thats you) has joined the server"
"Honeyyyy, come on!", he whines as he fiddles with his fingers. "Wait, my assets are loading in!! Bare with me, my laptop can only do so much.", you told him as you switched to the discord tab to send him the screenshot you took.
"Alright, what are your coordinates?" "You dont need coordinates im standing behind you." Your character turns to look behind to see a Kenma's Hanako skin peeking from a tree while holding a torch. "C'mon!", he said shortly before walking away. "Okay, jeez. Wait for me though!"
You look around the pretty picnic area he made with fairy lights hanging around from a mod pack he downloaded. "Aww, honey this is so cute!", you gushed. "I'm glad you like it..", he says shyly. "C'mon, I have a lot more to show you later.", he says as he gives you a book.
'I love you'
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this one is kinda sucky tho ngl, im not pleased with it :(
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whorefordazai · 4 years
Can I request Dazai, Chuuya, Atushi, and Ranpo reacting to you telling them that you shifted dimensions to their dimension.
telling them you shifted into their dimension
ft. dazai | chuuya | atsushi | ranpo x gn! reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: none
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When he first saw you, he’d be a little curious😏
But he wouldn’t exactly know that you’re from another dimension. Somethings up, but what?
When you finally decide to tell him, it would take a few seconds of disbelief/silence for him to process it.
“Dazai, I’d like to say that I shifted dimensions to this dimension☺️”
“.....did you hit your head somewhere, darling? Should I get Yosano ◕‿◕?”
“I’m serious ^o^”
He wouldn’t show it, but he’ll believe you after a while of thinking to himself. I mean, something like “the book” exists so why not being able to shift dimensions?
He would ask you how to shift
“PLEASE teach me how to shift 😊🙏”
“Didn’t I say my dimension is a rotten piece of shit? Why do you think I’m here ◕ ◡ ◕?”
It would be the both of yours little secret🤞
He’s curious, so he’ll constantly ask you what things are like back where you actually “live.”
“You guys are fictional characters and everyone is in love with you🙂”
“That’s right. I expected nothing less ▰˘◡˘▰”
“They’re also in love with a 5’3 redhead with anger issues and an emotionally constipated emo boy •‿•”
“....wait—who could that be 🤔”
Wait till you tell him about soukoku😄
“WHAT? How could my fans betray me like that? Impossible. Why would I ever be in love(🤢)with that hatrack⁉️”
For your own safety, never mention chuuya ever again okay☺️?
Real talk, tell him everyone just wants to give him a hug and tell him to live 😕
He’ll be shocked, blush a little, and make a dash for it to run away🏃🏼‍♀️💨💨
What, did you actually think this mf knows how to express his emotions 🤣🤣? (cries)
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He won’t ever believe you ಥ‿ಥ
“Chuuya...I’ve been meaning to tell you something...”
“Okay, spit it out ಠ_ಠ”
“...I’m from a different dimension.”
“◕ ◡ ◕?”
“Did you hit your fucking head somewhere? Stop talking crazy shit, we have a mission.”
Just accept it, y/n. Stay quiet and accept your fate 🧍‍♂️🤚
He doesn’t have time to deal with even more crazier shit than he does on the daily. So just live your life without him acknowledging it.
But—in the case where he does find out—he’ll have a different reaction. More of a shocked “I don’t have time for this/why does shit like this always happen to me”
He’ll pinch the bridge of his nose and and grab both your shoulders and say “okay, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear this, okay? I heard nothing. Nothing at all.”
If you wanna die, definitely bring up dazai !
“Chuuuya~the fans back at home wanna know about you and Dazai 🌝”
“HUH? What about me and that mackerel🤨?”
Consider him half dead from shock and disgust when you say that people ship him and Dazai.
“No no no. I can’t do this. Not today. Not ever.”
*walks away after gracefully punching a wall* 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
“But c’mon chuuya, what about that one dead apple scene ◕3◕?”
“WHAT THE FUCK IS A DEAD APPLE??? And for your information, I was passed out so I have no recollection of it😐”
“But you looked like you were about to give him head🤔”
“FUCKING—this is just sexual harassment at this point😐”
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Kinda like Chuuya, wouldn’t believe you at first. In fact, he’ll think you have a screw loose in your brain🧐
“Are—are you okay? Do you have fever?”
He wouldn’t be 100% sure of what’s going on (he never really does) but he’ll end up being like “okay, so now what ◕ ◡ ◕?”
Tell him that everyone back in your dimension just wants to hug him and tell him it’s alright and shower him with so much love.
He’ll start crying cuz of that 🥲
Tell him about shin soukoku and he’ll probably break :p
“HUH?? Absolutely not. Akutagawa is never on my mind. I’m never thinking about him. BOYFRIEND?? I’M NOT EVEN—“
It’s okay Atsushi 😙
Apart from that, I think he’d sometimes forget you were from a different dimension if you were acting normal.
I mean, he’s accepted at this point that he’s the one who attracts crazy weird shit so he’s not surprised anymore 🤷‍♀️
But he’d be even more curious as to what people are saying about him in your dimension.
“Atsushi, people want you to show them beast beneath the sheets ◕ ◡ ◕”
“...what is that ◕ ◡ ◕?”
Tell him what that is, then he’ll flip 😁
“NO—NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT! What’s happening? How did I end up having this conversation? Why is it always me😄?”
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He would know. He would just know.
The moment you step into their dimension, Ranpo wouldn’t hesitate to call you out and be like “Y/n is from another dimension.” And then go back to eating his candy.
Everyone who heard him: ʘ‿ʘ?
In fear of him being right, they never brought it up again <3
Would casually ask you, “the next time you come here, bring candy back with you.”
“...uh sure ◕ ◡ ◕?”
He seems oddly calm🙂?
He’s always asking you if bus routes are easier back where you live or if there’s better candy flavors 🤔
Tell him about Ranpoe <3
“Poe? Well yeah, he’s a boy who is my friend. So I suppose that makes him my boyfriend. And no one else can have him, alright🤨?”
Suddenly gets all possessive of Poe from people who are from another dimension 🧐
tag list: @uwu-monster101 @14th-century-homosexual-spirit @yosanoslut @cross-crye @stylesketches @starglow-xx @ranposlover @bsdwhore @arimakii @cytolysis @shadyteacup @dai-tsukki-desu
IM SORRY I forgot to tag y’all the first time AGAIN😖👆
wanna be added to the tag list? Comment on the post HERE
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mayansmcsblog · 3 years
Her world or mine
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I have no idea when i wrote this but i found it in my drafts half done so i finished it and- yh that's about it😅
This was meant to be based upon the song her world or mine but i got off track so its only loosely based upon it.
word count: 3640
He hasn't used the truck for weeks, he had no reason to anymore, being in it only brought back memories of you. The long drives, the short drives too. The way you would hold his hand while he was driving or how you would remind him to pay attention to the road when he looked in your direction for too long. All the memories were fresh within his mind- almost as if it was yesterday. 
Even now, he was only sitting in it, he had to do the beer run and obviously that couldn't be done on a bike, he had to take the truck, but all he could think about was how you used to sit in the passenger seat beside him. He could see it in his mind so vividly, if he didn’t know you had moved on he would swear you were sitting with him. 
Looking at the dash his gaze caught the Polaroid photo that was still in its place next to the radio. Your face accompanied a smile whilst his had his usual ‘tough’ man expression, but if you looked close enough, you would be able to see a small smile placed upon his lips. You took it at one of the infamous Mayans parties, he remembered how it took you around 10 minutes to ‘convince’ him to take it, he wanted to take it from the moment you suggested it but he wondered how far you would go to get him to do it
“Please” you had been begging him for the last 5 minutes in attempt to get him to take a photo with you but to no avail
“No” you two were sitting on the bench outside the clubhouse, people surrounding the both of you, everyone was involved on their own conversations so neither of you paid any mind to them. Of course he was still aware of his surroundings but was more relaxed than usual
“But come on” you begged
“No y/n” he kept his face as straight as he could but you could slowly see a shadow of a smirk forming upon his lips
“No face no case” he shrugged with a slight smirk on his face, clearly that was a lie. Not even 20 minus prior you had taken a photo of all of the club members standing outside of the clubhouse per bishop’s request so he could frame it and hang it somewhere within the clubhouse to show off the members.
“Why are you so stubborn?”
“Why are you so adamant? “He questioned
“Because what?” standing up he motioned for you to do so as well,
“Just because”
“Come on follow me”
Standing up you took this hand as led you away from the party,
“Where are we going?”
“To take this god damn photo”
Recalling that night he felt a pain inevitably run across his chest, sure you two were only friends when it was taken but that night was the foundation for building the relationship you two once shared. 
Why had he been so stupid to let you go?
He knew he would have to drive past your place to get to the brewery, it was inevitable really. There was no other way unless he was going to drive an extra 30 minutes, which he didn't have time for.
when he reached the turn in to your street he slowed down a little, looking at your house from a distance he could see a car he didn’t recognize in the driveway. As he got closer he could see two people on the porch, he immediately recognized you accompanied by some guy. 
Of course you had someone else.
Sitting on the couch you couldn't help but let your mind drift back to him, you missed his smile, you missed the way he would have a running commentary while watching anything on the TV, you missed how he would hold you after a long day, you missed everything about him.
“You’re thinking about him again, aren't you?” 
You did nothing but hum in response
Your brother had elected to stay with you for a few weeks while he was on a business trip for some type of expansion for the company he worked for. Originally it was a good idea, it kept you mind off Ez, but the more time your brother was here, the more he talked about his wife back home and how he couldn't wait to get back to her just made you think about how you don't have someone in your life to look forward to anymore, you no longer had someone you could tell everything to, someone who would stay by your side, someone you knew would be waiting for you when you were away from home. As much as you loved your brother, you were thankful he was leaving tomorrow
“Im gonna go get a drink” standing up you heard your brother mumble something in response but you elected ignored him and heading to the kitchen.
As you approached the fridge you spotted the picture of you and Ezekiel stuck on the door. You were pretty sure it was Coco who had taken when him, you, Ez and Angel went over the border for a day because none of you had anything to do and for some reason Mexico was the first thing that was suggested. You had been meaning to get rid of it but couldn't bring yourself to. Alot of memories were collected between the four of you, some of them you were just not ready to let go of yet.
By now he was probably already in another relationship so why were you still holding on?
Grabbing a bottle of water you headed outside and sat on the porch steps. You knew there was a party at the clubhouse tonight, Angel had invited you to come, but you knew Ez would be there. 
Did you really want to see a girl all over him while you're still here alone? Because that would definitely happen
Maybe he wouldn't be there? Or maybe he would be too busy doing stuff to even realize you were there 
You were too wrapped up in your own mind to even realize your brother had stepped outside till you heard a creak from the wood behind you 
“you okay?" He asked sitting beside you
You two sat in silence for a few moments before he started talking once again
“I love you ye? Don’t let that boy ruin you. He lost you by his own fault. You did nothing” he rambled on about how you should have been treated better and how Ez lost the best thing he could ever have. But you knew he was wrong.
Ezekiel always treated you like a queen, your brother met him one time and barely spoke to him for longer than five minutes. As far as you were concerned you brother didn't know anything about him
While he was rambling you were looking into the distance, mainly just looking at the sky but you could have sworn you saw his truck drive past, but maybe you were just seeing things right? His truck wasn't the only one, there were probably millions of them.
The party was in full swing, people were everywhere, the room full of patches from all over. mass amounts of people from charters were visiting in celebration of a new deal with the sons, leaving Ez to tend the bar along with some hang rounds.
Wiping down the bar he couldn't help but think about you for the billionth time today. He knew you two broke things off but it didn't mean you had to leave everyone from the club behind as well as him.
"Bro what the hell is wrong with you?" Angel questioned
"Nothing" shrugging his shoulders he dropped the bar rag and turned to get angel a beer from the fridge behind him
"Stop lyin man, what's going on in that head?" Angel knew his own brother better then to believe 'nothing' was going on with him, something was always going on up in Ez's brain, even if he didn't admit it
"I dunno man, I just think it's weird how y/n left us you know?" Ez shrugged again, handing angel a beer
"She didn't leave us. She’s distancing herself. Got a lot of family shit going on right now" he explained, you kept Angel in the loop with everything, after all he was your best friend even before Ez and you got together, if Ez wouldn't tell you something- Angel would.
"Just think it’s weird" Ez repeated, messing with the bar rag once again
"Ya well she’s coming tonight”
Before Ez could respond coco stood next to Angel 
"Who’s comin?"
The brothers looked at each other for a moment before angel came up with an idea 
"Just some random bird for our boy scout to bed"
"My man," Coco chuckled "finally gonna get your dick wet huh?"
You knew this was a bad idea, you knew he would be here. 
Was he going to be with another girl? Actually stupid question, of course he would be
Opening your phone you sent angel a text
‘I'm like five minutes out but i swear to God if you abandon me tonight i will hit you so hard that you can't remember anything for a week’
At least he would walk in with you so you weren’t alone right?
Angel stood up abruptly in the middle of a conversation he was having
"Where the fuck you going?" Coco questioned, lighting a cigarette from the chair he was sitting in
"Meet a friend"
"A friend huh?"
"Yeah...maybe you'll like her" Angel replied before grabbing his beer and retreating towards the door.
Walking through the gate you saw the front of the club littered with patches. Some of them were from different charters. Weird, angel never mentioned other charters visiting, by the look of the outside, you could only imagine the clubhouse itself is packed with people.
Scanning the crowd you spotted the person in question walking towards you
“Hey stupid face”
“good evening stupid head”
“that's basically the same thing i just said” 
"oh shut up i couldn't think of insult fast enough”
Pulling you into a hug you couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed. Angel was always like an older brother to you, an annoying one at that but still a brother.
It had been weeks since you saw him, being back in his company made you feel safe again, almost like a sense of home
He placed a kiss on your temple “We missed you here”
“Yeah, I know” letting him go you looked around, mainly to see if any of the other guys were in sight but also to see if coco was around, expecting to be attacked as per usual. 
Angel took notice of you scanning the crowd “He's inside”
“Hmm? Sorry I got no idea what you're on about”
Pulling you into his side he wrapped an arm around your shoulders “sure ya don't”
Walking inside you scanned the crowd once again, thankfully coco was nowhere to be seen for the moment and most of the guys were spread out around the room. Bishop and Taza were playing pool, Gilly and Creeper were sitting at the table in a conversation whilst hank sat opposite them looking at something on his phone, Ez was tending the bar like usual but this time he was accompanied by some hang rounds.
At least there isn't girls hanging off him yet 
“C'mon let’s get a drink huh” angel lightly shoved you towards the bar playfully.
“No?” his eyebrows raised playfully
“No and if you try to make me go over there with you i promise i will embarrass you” you laughed 
After he got the drinks you both sat at a table in the corner for a while talking, the majority of the topics were about what had been happening while you were distanced from everyone.
Eventually Coco spotted you two and joined in the conversation. you sat talking to the two of them while everyone else was up to their own things, you didn't mind, the both of them combined made for some very interesting storys, the conversation could never die. After around 10 minutes, Angel had left you two alone saying he “wasn't bout to listen to this shit ''- which was super ironic considering the topic of conversation was about modifications for a new bike coco had brought a few days ago
“How does your bike handle anyway? I heard they are bottom heavy and hard to manoeuvre sometimes” you questioned. overtime Ez had taught you some things about bikes, mainly when he was just rambling about random things not thinking you were really paying attention to what he was saying
“It’s alright i guess, sometimes it slips when I lean too far on corners, other times it tends to not wanna go the way I need to but other than that it handles pretty well, arms hurt like a bitch after long ride though” he explained
Nodding your head you understood where he was coming from, having your arms at that angle for hours must have taken its toll
“Ay '' he nodded his head towards someone behind you, Turning your head you saw it was Ez walking through the door with Angel, seemingly engrossed in some type of conversation they were having.
Despite spotting him earlier you only scanned over his appearance but now you actually took a good look at him, he looked different, not much but still different from before. His hair was in the same style but it little more grown out then usual, his facial hair had grown out a little too. His eyes had bangs underneath them and his face looked drained.
All in all he looked like shit.
“You know he’s not the same without you right?” bringing your attention back to coco you couldn't help but feel like you were to blame, maybe if you fought harder of him you two would have never split.
“You two spoke since?” he questioned
“Nope...I got a few drunk calls saying he was sorry but other than that. No” you shook your head. 
After you two first broke up he called you around a week later rambling about something but since he was slurring his words- you could barely understand anything he was saying. You got about 2 voicemails of him saying he was sorry and how he fucked up but- you never spoke to him, never texted him back when he would ask you if you were coming to one of the parties.
“The amount of times we've had to stop him from drunk calling you is unreal”
Playing with the label on the beer bottle in front of you, you thought about what coco said- clearly Ez had attempted to talk to you at some point, but why? The whole breakup was because he needed “space” to deal with some things so why was he trying to talk to you?
“He wanted space, I gave it to him” you shrugged, slowly peeling off the label
“Didn’t mean you had to leave us too” looking up from the bottle you saw coco was now avoiding your gaze
“Yeah...I know” maybe it was wrong of you to drop everyone, but being around them would have only brought back memories of you and Ez. At the time it seemed like a good idea to distance yourself from all of the guys, but now, despite only being here for a hour, you could tell how much you really missed being around them.
“You know he’s walking over here right?” Dropping your head onto the table you let out a sigh causing coco to laugh “I’ll leave you two alone huh?” lifting your head up you looked at him with a facial expression as if to say ‘don’t leave me’ but he did anyway
“Y/n” his voice was low, almost as if he didn’t believe he was saying your name again
“Can we talk?”
“We are talking” sitting up straight you turned in your seat to look at him. He looked even worse up close- the bags under his eyes were alot darker then they seemed from a distance, they made it appear like he hadn’t slept for days, you couldn’t help but notice he had a bruise slowly forming on top of his right eyebrow.
“What happened there?”
He looked confused for a moment till you pointed to his eyebrow
“Oh I erm…got into a fight.....with a wall” his eyes were trained onto the floor, almost like he was ashamed.
You hummed in response not sure how to respond without laughing 
“So how have you been?” he questions
“Good i guess..how about you?”
“Alright I suppose”
What followed was nothing but silence between the both of you, neither of you knowing what to say. The sounds of other people talking and rock music became almost deafening as the two of you stayed silent
“Well this got really awkward fast” you spoke up causing Ez to laugh a little
“Yeah..yeah it did” he nodded
After a few more moments you stood from your chair “I'm just gonna-”
“Yeah go, i get it go ahead” he finished your sentence for you.
Nodding you quickly made your way outside, the yard was almost empty by now, people had either left for the night or had moved inside.
You spotted Angel sitting on the front steps fiddling with one of the rings on his hand while looking at something in the distance. You sat beside him in silence, neither of you even attempting to make conversation but simply just being trapped within your own minds.
When you and Ez broke up you knew things would change, you knew the two of you probably wouldn't be able to have the same conversations you would before, but you never expected them being so awkward.
Maybe it was just because the wound was still pretty fresh, after all it had only been just over a month
After a few minutes you heard the door behind you open as someone stepped out, seconds later a figure sat next to you, looking over you saw it was coco
“What we doin? havin a lil moment to yourselves” he asked lighting up a cigarette and offering the both of you one
“Yep” Angel responded, taking one and lighting it before looking somewhere in the distance once again. All three of you sat for a few minutes just looking at seemingly nothing in particular.
Maybe it won't be like this forever? At some point there has got to be a time where you can come to the club without feeling awkward because ez’s here.
You heard the clubhouse door open once more behind you and once again, you didn't turn around, but coco did
"Ay man sit" you heard him say as he snapped his fingers at space left beside him to whoever stepped out from the door. It didn't take long for whoever it was to sit down.
Much like he did with you and Angel, Coco offered the person a cigarette which they must of silently declined from the lack of verbal exchange.
There has to be a point when you and the club can all hang out together like before....there has to be a stage where you and Ez can talk like normal people without it being awkward….right?
Seemingly out of no were Coco spoke up, nodding his head towards two stacked benches on the opposite side of the yard "You think i could clear those in one attempt?"
Angel was the first to respond "Absolutely fucking not" he paused for a moment- looking where the benches were stacked "but I'd love to see you try"
"I bet $50 you fail and fall face first" someone spoke up, looking to your left you finally realized who stepped out earlier ..Ezekiel
"Bet, ill prove you wrong" coco stood, taking off his kutte and placing it on the stair rail "you two wanna place any bets?" Coco looked at you and Angel
"Nope, I'm good" you shook your head
"I bet $50 that you don't clear it" Angel responded
"You have no faith pretty boy" coco responded, shaking his head  as he started to walk over to the benches
"This is going to end in a hospital trip" you stated making both Angel and Ez laugh
All three of you watched as coco seemed to examine the height of the two benches, planning the distance he would have to run to gain enough speed to propel himself over them and how he would land the jump
"You think he's gonna snap his nose again?" Ezekiel questioned
"Definitely" both you and Angel replied
All three of you watched as coco began to run towards the benches, from your angle it looked as if he could clear it....you were wrong. 
Seconds later coco was laying face first in the dirt, one leg was on the floor while the other was stuck in a piece of wood on the bench that had broke underneath his weight
"I think i broke my nose" you heard coco exclaimed causing all three of you to laugh. The few people who were still outside drew their attention to the scene and started laughing too when they realized what happened.
"Ill go get some paper towels" you said, still laughing.
Maybe this was a sign nothing had changed between the four of you, that you could all still hang out and do stupid stuff like before
Maybe nothing has to change
An| hope you enjoyed this fic. Honestly have no idea why or when i started writing this but 🤷🏼‍♀️ . *sorry for any spelling or grammar errors or any parts that don't make sense. only scanned it before posting it*
ALSO- i swear part two to the prank war is coming! Its just talking awhile for me to find a way to describe to things going on as well as being busy with other stuff.
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shotorozu · 3 years
hello!! i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself ❤️ please remember to take breaks and drink some water !!!!
i was wondering if i could request headcanons for izuku, denki, and kirishima comforting a reader (gender neutral if you don’t mind) after their birthday absolutely sucked? it’s my birthday and my mom went out of her way to ruin it, my best friend is barely talking to me which idk why, i got my period which makes me sick, and it’s finals so i’ve spent the day crying, sleeping, and studying. if not i completely get it!!!! don’t feel pressured ❤️
s/o’s ruined birthday
character(s) : midoriya izuku, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used; gender neutral, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : comfort, (angst if you squint) fluff (x reader)
warning(s) : reader’s mom being mean, and waking up to cause unnecessary chaos just because she felt like it :( period mention in izuku’s but it’s not,, even descriptive. and it’s i one bullet don’t worry :))
note(s) : omg i relate to you so much anon, my past birthdays got ruined by mom just because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed 💀 and this year i got my period the day before my birthday— so i was cramping the entire time 😐 in short, i relate to you ‼️and i’m sorry your birthday got ruined :( i hope this helps
im also sorry for the delay :,) also no proofread 🧍‍♀️
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midoriya izuku
help omg he’s in a state of panic
HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED— like,, the person that cares about your birthday the most (besides you) is him‼️
izuku must’ve planned things out precisely, even going to the point that he’d buy your birthday present 2 months ahead
because he’s just so worried about messing things up. he’d never live it down if he failed this one day
he walks excitingly to your room, ready to pick you up for the day— since he wanted to take you out on a birthday lunch, to celebrate the day
well, it was mostly for a birthday lunch, but also because he wanted you to feel better
you’ve told him that the day had started out on a wrong foot— since you woke up to your best friend ignoring you for a reason you couldn’t figure out.
you reassured him that you’d find out later, but regardless, you wanted to cheer up— and not waste this day on sadness, and have a nice lunch with izuku.
“today is going to be wonderful, i claim it!” izuku exclaims excitingly, gently squeezing your hand— and you can’t help but be uplifted by his words
you felt a weird feeling in your stomach, and it was all familiar too, the cramping in your abdomen—
oh, it was that. and izuku was able to recognize what it was. way to start of this birthday experience, right?
the both of you guys end up dashing to the nearest washroom, taking care of it immediately— there’s a concerned look on his face
“are you okay? are you in any pain?” he’d ask, running the back of his hand along your cheek in an attempt to comfort you
“i’m fine, izuku, it’s all good. now, let’s go!” you’d beam in excitement, which started a chain reaction— and lightened up izuku’s mood.
the discussion was put to rest on that, and the two of you went on like normal— as the both of you headed to the designated restaurant
there would only be more misfortunate events to happen, as it appeared to be that the moment you and izuku stepped in the restaurant
the waitress that was serving you both had an interest in your boyfriend, even though you were RIGHT there to see all of it
and oh wow, it was so subtle— you wouldn’t have guessed from the airy laughs, her lingering gazes, and the way her hand would touch his shoulder
and also the way she’d get your order wrong, or she’d spill your drink on you as an ‘accident’
oh and your boyfriend definitely knew about what she felt, and he was not pleased
she even went as far as to ask him if the date was boring, and if the complementary cake would make up for it— her efforts on being subtle making quite the jump.
which made you super frustrated and just overall,, not good, on your own birthday— and even izuku could see that, despite you not saying a word
so, izuku quickly paid for the food, and the both of you guys bailed the restaurant swiftly
it was still pretty early in the day, but all you wanted to do was sleep, and forget that today was even supposed to be a special day.
he left you alone in your room for you to change into comfier clothes— to your requests, and when he came back, you were in a state of distraught
and he’s super bothered, brows furrowed and everything. why must you be sad on your own birthday? how did this all go wrong? and how can he fix this?
“please don’t cry, Y/N, i’m so, so sorry.” he apologizes, his hands rubbing your back as tears dripped into your pillow
“i don’t,, know how this happened! if i knew the staff there were like,, that, i would’ve not picked that place. today was supposed to be an amazing day for you but..”
“don’t apologize izuku,” you reassured, rubbing the incoming tears away, “none of this was your fault, i love your efforts! this,, just sucks.”
“i know sweetie, i’m sorry for that,” he rubs your stomach when your face scrunches up in pain, “you know what? i’ll be right back!”
he quickly leaves for a bit, only to come back with a selection of desserts, your gift and his laptop “we can watch disney movies! or well,, anything you want. i know that disney movies make you feel better!”
you stare at the selection of desserts, and you finally smile, “yeah, yeah. that doesn’t sound bad.”
he sighs in relief, and presents you your birthday gift “open this while i set things up!”
you stare eyes wide at the bundle of desserts, “thank you, izuku!”
“anything for you, lovely.” he presses his lips onto the temples of your cheeks— happy to see you smiling
oh and he definitely filed a complaint to that restaurant when you weren’t looking, the girl got fired :))
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kaminari denki
also in a state of panic
his plan for the day wasn’t very descriptive, and he decided that he was just going to go off what he wanted to do
rather than what izuku did— which was planning in advance.
‘i’m just gonna go off what i want, no plans made!’ is what he told himself in his head, as he went straight for your room
he’s puzzled when he enters your room, and sees a not-so-happy Y/N, face contorted in dismay
“is,, something on your mind? it’s Y/N day! why do you look so,,”
“sad?” you finish his sentence, “ah, no!” you shake your head— dismissing your expression just now “it’s just that,, my best friend is ignoring me. i don’t know why though, and she won’t tell me.”
and he’s like 😃❓what kind of friend ignores someone on their birthday? he’s gonna find out later, for sure!
“don’t worry, babe! we can always find out later, right? today should be filled with happiness, right?” he jabs your abdomen, tickling you— effectively earning a giggle
“right,” you smile, because denki always knows how to make you feel better. “let’s go!” you exclaim, holding his hand as you leave your room.
yes i’m reusing the best friend ignoring you think im sorry i can’t think
so kaminari’s walking you to the place he figured would be a great place to celebrate your birthday at— for once, he doesn’t look that lost
“are you sure you know where you’re going?” you’d tease, which would cause him to intensively reassure you that he does
“of course i do!” he says proudly, “i’m just gonna do my thing, y’know? i’m in charge of the destinations”
and before you know it, the both of you guys run into someone you weren’t expecting.
your bestie 🤩 oh the luck you genuinely have.
they scowl just looking at you, and denki didn’t like it— like,, the nerve? ignoring you and then giving you the skank eye?
but still, denki tried to keep a conversation, “didn’t expect to see you here! how are you?” he stammers, trying his best to make the tense atmosphere disappate
“i’m doing good, denki!” they exclaim excitingly, almost as if you weren’t there “where’re you heading off to?”
denki tilts his head in surprise, “y’know,, just heading off to celebrate lovely Y/N’s birthday, of course!” you give denki a small, tight lipped smile
but your best friend doesn’t seem to budge, “who?” they reply, as if they don’t see you
it’s disheartening, honestly. disagreement are inevitable but,, you didn’t understand nor did he
denki’s even more confused, but decides to cut the conversation of it’s length, thinking that the misfortunes could just end at that
they didn’t stop there
you’ve also managed to run into your mother outside of the restaurant, when you were taking a quick phone call
she, normally— would’ve been very pleased to see you, let alone on this special day
but it appeared to be that she wasn’t happy at all, and in fact— showed that very well when she saw who you were with
her eyes narrowing, “this is who you decided to spend your birthday with?” she asks, a smile is plastered on her lips, but it lacks authenticity when she glances back into the restaurant
you nod, feeling a little too intimidated to even speak with the mood she’s in— she glances at your boyfriend, who’s oblivious to your encounter with your mother
“keep your mouth in check, child. make sure you don’t do anything to embarrass yourself even more.” and with that, she leaves— her words lingering in your mind
you enter the restaurant again, feeling 10x shittier than you were when you left to take that quick phone call
you’re aware that your mother would support any relationship you were in, but you could tell that she didn’t like denki— but accepted him because ‘whatever makes you happy’
it was a downer, you didn’t need this today— and your sudden mood change was bound to get noticed by your boyfriend
“what happened?” he asks with concern, “did bakugou rain on your parade?” he asks, and you would’ve laughed but,, you honestly couldn’t find yourself to
“oh, it’s just..” you struggle to find yourself finishing your sentence, when the employees of the restaurant start singing you a happy birthday
you’d hate to say it but,, your mood was like that for the entire date, even when you brushed it off like nothing— and acted as if nothing went wrong
and when you flop onto your bed, eyes welling up in tears— he panics
“oh no, no, no!” he panics, dropping down to comfort you “baby what’s wrong? did you not enjoy today?”
“denki, i enjoyed today, of course.” you state, hands wandering up to pet his blond hair
“but then, why,, are you crying right now? i don’t want you to feel sad today! i know i’m not someone that looks serious, but i’ll definitely make things work!” he states with determination, and denki finds relief when he hears you laugh
“i saw my mom today”
“oh,” his brows furrowed, “i’m sorry, sweets. did she say anything rude?”
“oh uhm, im not sure if she meant it but it did hurt my feelings,” you simply state, not wanting to give the specifics, “plus with the best friend thing,,”
he’s silent for a bit, before he speaks “you know what? it’s okay. it’ll be okay. your best friend- not sure why she’s like that, but she’ll come around. and with your mom? don’t worry, and don’t let it worry you! it’s your special day, and you will feel special.”
denki backs away, and before you knew it, sparks radiate from all around his body— making sure he doesn’t touch you at all
“yaaaay!” he’s drowsy, and he dumbly raises his thumb high— which makes you burst out into giggles and pure laughter
“denkii, you cannot keep doing this!” you exclaim, but you still laugh when he replies with the same comedic ‘yaaay!’
you finally calm down, and you lean to press a kiss onto his lips, “thank you, denki. i,, really appreciate your efforts.”
he might feel stupid at the moment, but he’s glad that you’re happy again.
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kirishima eijirou
looks like his usual self, but he’s internally panicking— he just figured that he needed to get himself together, for you
he had an idea on what he was going to do for you on your birthday, he even prepared a gift for you— 3 weeks in advanced (with the help of bakugou, his secret wingman)
it wasn’t an impromptu celebration like kaminari, but it also wasn’t super planned out like midoriya
eager, he approaches your room to give you a simple happy birthday— followed by a small shower of kisses
there was only one class for that day, so the rest of the day would’ve been lenient, right? wrong
on the contrary, his plans are disrupted when he sees you scrambled on the floor, notebooks splayed across you, as you memorized various things all at once
“h-hey, happy birthday!” he greets with his usual smile, and it falters slightly when you don’t showcase that delightful smile
“hey eijirou,” you say, eyes glued onto a section of your notebook “apparently, two extra topics were added into the math and physics finals test! and i had no clue!”
eijirou probably should be worried like you, since the written finals exams does somewhat impact his grade— and on top of that, the finals are in 3 days
and he knows that he should let you prepare BUT! it is your birthday,, why should he not celebrate your birthday?
“i feel like you shouldn’t be too worried about it babe, it’s your birthday after all!” he reassures, but he continues before you get to question him “you’re a hard working person, and even if you don’t absorb those extra topics— you could always run to bakugou, or yaoyorozu for a quick run down!”
he’s not wrong
you give a tired smile, a genuine one— which makes him silently cheer out of success “thank you, eijirou. i guess you’re right. it is my birthday, and i should be celebrating.”
and with that, eijirou takes you out for a simple celebration! he’d take you out for some food at a good restaurant, and then he’d take you out on a nice walk— as the both of you ate your dessert
he thinks that the celebration is going smoothly, despite the fact that you seemed fatigued, restless even— just from studying four extra topics back and fourth
otherwise— you seemed happy, eagerly blowing out the candles on the birthday cake the restaurant presented to you, and even grasping his arm closer as you ate your dessert
but it all crumbled down when you got one simple call that afternoon
looking at the caller’s id, it was your mother— who, otherwise would’ve been happy or at least calm on the other side of that phone, but you were greeted with hostility
“what are you doing?” she chides with a brash tone, and you try not to shiver, and when you answered that you were out celebrating with eijirou, she wasn’t pleased
“what?! just because it’s your damn birthday, doesn’t mean you get to relax around, kay? exams are this week! and you’re aware of what’s going to happen if you don’t pass, right?” though she’s not physically there, you can feel her sudden criticism
“..yes, mom.” you decide to take it all in, not wanting to anger her
“good.” and with that, she hangs up without a proper goodbye, the only time she acknowledged the current date was when she was scolding you
you brush it off, when you’re asked if you’re okay— the blatant yelling from your phone being difficult to ignore.
while the two of you start heading back to the dorms, you’re informed of quite the terrible news
“class 1-a, i must apologize since this is abrupt, but your math and physics finals are set to a day in advance, due to an urgent faculty meeting. but we can all assume that all of you have studied the material, right? take care, and don’t be out past curfew.”
this pushes your stress levels over the roof, and you ended up running back to the dorms— just to study the unfamiliar material
being your concerned boyfriend, the red head goes to check on you— only to be saddened to see you in such a distraught state on your bed, tears running down your face as you examined the material through watery eyes
“hey, sweetheart, it’s okay.. it’ll be okay,, i’m sorry that you feel this way, especially since i promised you a good day today!” despite displaying a gentle smile, you could sense that he was feeling terrible too
“don’t apologize,” you wipe your eyes, which only continue to generate more tears “i know you’ve tried, really! and i’m sorry that i had to bring you along. you definitely didn’t need to see all of that.”
he sits next to you on your bed, pulling the covers over your legs “i know it’s just,, i wish i could’ve done something more, y’know? i would’ve helped you study but you know that i’m well,, me!”
you giggle at his insinuation, and he moves closer to you, head leaning on your shoulder “man, i wish i knew what was going through the teachers’ heads. i could’ve— oh wait!”
he springs up, as if he suddenly remembered something important, and he sprints to his room
when eijirou comes back, he’s holding a tiny box, that has a bow— placed neatly on the center of the lid
“open it, babe!” he smiles, “i can’t believe i almost forgot! oh— just open your present!”
and when you open it, you’re ecstatic— unsure how to describe the sudden surge of happiness. “eijirou, you bought me a,, promise ring?”
he kisses your cheek briefly, unable to hide the blush adorning his cheeks “yeah,, you don’t have to accept if you’re not into jewelry! i could just switch it out for something—”
“no no, stop kiri!” you stop him in his tracks “i love it, so much. thank you for everything. especially for cheering the stressed and gloomy person i was today.”
he smiles, “it’s no issue, really. if my Y/N’s happy then i’ll be just as happy.”
and with that, you spent the rest of the day in eijirou’s affectionate arms— and you passed the exams with flying colors because kiri managed to get bakugou to give you a quick run through the day before
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Steve Harrington sucks.
Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
A/N: Yay! My first request done!🎉✨ Please don’t hesitate to request anything, and I hope you enjoy. Sorry it tooks so long, I just started school.
Summary: (Y/n) Henderson has been through some shit in her 17 years. Her father leaving, an overprotective mother, bullies, interdimensional monsters, government conspiracies, etc. Needless to say her life was constantly changing.  There was one thing that will always remain the same though. And that was the hatred she has for the one and only Steve Harrington. 
Request from anon.
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 You and Steve have never seen eye to eye. You haven’t for a very long time. You two used to be best friends, but that was a long time ago. Before high school and cliques mattered, and before Steve was known as “King Steve.” But once you two entered freshman year, Steves popularity rose and you were left behind. 
Even though you and Steve no longer associated with each other, that didn’t stop you two from fighting any chance you got.
You two argued about everything. If you said the sky is blue, Steve would argue that its actually purple. No kidding, he actually made the argument that the sky was purple. Needless to say, you two hated each other.
“Steve, I swear if you don’t move your feet I’ll--”
“You’ll what Y/n, please tell me what you’ll do?
“ I’ll take your feet and shove it up you---”
“Can you guys not...”
It was always like this. Ever since Steve started dating Nancy it was like he was always there. And because Nancy was your best friend, you got reacquainted with the King of Hawkins High.
After everything Will with through with the Upside down and El, you were relieved that it was over. You could go back to your normal life of being a big sister and being top of the class. But then your brother started acting weird. 
It started on Halloween, he came home and was holding his ghost trap thing from Ghostbusters weirdly. You thought it was a rat or something at first but something seemed off.
Then Mews went missing. Mews was given to you on your thirteenth birthday, so loosing her was devastating to you. You still had faith that she just ran out and was lost somewhere in the woods. You spent hours looking for her but no dice so far. You were in your room when your mom called you from the kitchen.
“Yeah?!” you shouted, finishing up some missing flyers for Mews. 
“Can you go find Dusty for me? It’s getting dark outside.” After the incident with Will and Barb, the parents became a lot more wary when it came to being out after dark.
Rolling your eyes, you get up from your small desk and walk out to the kitchen where your mom is. As you get closer, you smell the weird concoction your mother is making on the stove. Your mom wasn’t the best cook.
“Did he mention where he was going?” you ask, scrunching up your face at the sight of the...stew??  
“He mentioned something about Lucas and a code red?? Whatever that means.”
“Code red?” you ask, you weren’t too nervous because code red could mean anything. and Dustin tends to be over dramatic. But still, a small voice in the back of your head is warning you. 
“I’m not too sure dear. Would you like to have a taste before you leave?” aaand that was your cue to leave. You start rushing to the door
“Sorry mom! I better go find Dustin before it gets to late.” 
You start to make your way down the road when a flash of red catches your eye, you walk towards it . You realize its just some pieces of meat. Then you see what looks like a trail. Leading from your basement to the woods. A bad feeling settles in your stomach, and before you go in the woods, you get a hockey stick that you wrapped with barb wire a few months ago just incase. 
Then you follow the trail of meat into the woods.
You follow the trail till it leads you to the junkyard. By the time you got there it was already dark and surprisingly foggy.
“Dustin?!!” You shout, seeing the pile of meat stopping. You step over it as you walk around shouting for your brother.
“Hello!!? Dustin this isn’t funny, moms worried about you.” 
And that's when you heard it. A low growling sound. Right behind you. 
You spin around to see what looked like a demogorgon, but on all fours like a dog. And it was slowly walking towards you. Growling as it stepped closer and closer. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you tighten your grip on the hockey stick. Adrenaline rushing through your body. Your senses heightened as you focused on the creature in front of you. You lowered your body into a crouch to prepare for an attack. You slowly backed away slowly as it stalked toward you. You heard what sounded like Lucas or Dustin tell you to run but you knew if you turned around, that thing would pounce on you and you’d be dead. And if you died, what would happen to your brother? To Lucas?  
Then the demodog lunged at you. The muscles in its leg tightened as it jumped toward you. You held your breath as you swung the stick with all your might, hitting the monster in mid air. It yelped as its body was flung sideways. It layed there for a moment them leaped up on all fours again, You backed away but never took your eyes off it. 
“Holy shit what is she doing” a girl?? 
You can see another figure moving in your peripheral vison. Another one. You position your body so your able to see both dogs at the same time, but then you hear chirping and growling from all ends. You were being surrounded. 
Then, Steve Harrington runs out of a broke down bus, bat in hand as he settles up behind you. 
“What the hell are you doing here Harrington?”
“Saving your ass Henderson, what does it look like?”
“I had this under control”
“Oh yeah, being surrounded definitely screams under control.” 
You aren’t given a chance to respond as another demodog leaps at you and Steve, forcing you to swing out and hit it again straight in the head. Another dog leaps at Steve, and he manages to hit it with the bat. 
“We’re going to die if we stay here” you say assessing the situation. 
“ No shit sherlock.” 
“Shut up and listen” You shout. “you run back to the bus. You need to protect the kids. I’m going to distract these fuckers. When I say the word, you open the bus door and let me in. These things hunt in packs, so they won’t chase both of us if I run first.”
“Henderson thats--” You don’t hear the rest as you dash from the spot. As predicted the dogs chase you and don’t pay no mind to Steve. You can see Steve reluctantly run back to the bus as you take a lap around the junkyard. You have to hit some more dogs but you manage to get back where you were. 
Then you were tackled. Dropping your stick you scream in pain as the demodog digs it claws in your shoulder. You struggled to get your stick as the other dogs get closer and the one on top of you is lowering its flower mouth to your throat. 
“Y/N” you hear your brother scream desperately. You find the strength to kick the dog off of you and launch yourself off the ground. You scoop up the hockey stick and swat the other dog that was in your way as you sprint towards the bus. 
“NOW STEVE LET ME IN” You screech as you near the bus. The doors slide open as hands wrap around your arms and pull you in. 
You lay there for a few seconds breathless. Muscles burning and ears ringing. You ignore the kids talking over each other and Dutsin fretting over you. You just breath, feeling a bit safer than you did outside. Then something rams into the side of the bus. The kids start screaming and Steve shouts something. You gather your strength once more and stand up, your body screaming at you. You see those demon dogs are trying to get in through the roof. You watch Steve start fighting them as you push the kids behind you. You step forward to help when suddenly they stop. Then they all run away and its quiet. After a few moments you feel weak and slump to the floor.
“Woah woah, Henderson” Steve surges forward and grabs you by the shoulders, you hiss in pain as he grabs the wound, “Shit, this is bad”
“Bad? What do you mean bad? How bad??” Dustin questions, his eyes watering at the thought of loosing his sister.
“I’m fine Dusty.” You say standing up. “ It probably just needs a cleaning and some stitches that all.” 
‘You look like you should be an extra in a WW2 documentary.” Steve deadpans. “You should go home.”
You roll your eyes “ Oh like YOU would know what that would look like, you don’t even show up to history class.” 
“ That's not the point Henderson, your arm is about to fall off.”
“I am not leaving these kids here defenseless.” you say crossing your arms, but wince as you do.
“First of all they have me, and second of all, you can’t even move your arm! You’d be in the way.” 
“ I’m sorry but who was the one that distracted those things? Who came up with that plan to get you back in the bus??” you say, annoyed at the accusation of being useless. 
“she has a point” muttered Lucas, earning him a smack in the arm by Max and a glare from Steve. 
“Listen Harrington” You say poking him in the chest. “ I’m fine, im not going anywhere, and I can kick your ass even with my arm fucked up. Now we’re going to get out of this FUCKING bus and figure out what the fuck is going on. AM I CLEAR?” 
A shocked silence settles in the bus. Lucas and Dustin chuckled and Max smirked in admiration. Steve glared at you, simply saying “Crystal” and turned around marching off the bus. You roll your eyes as Lucas and Max get off as well, leaving only you and your brother.
“That was really badass. The way you fought those demodogs back there.” Dustin said looking up at you. 
You smile and ruffle his hair. 
“ I wasn’t going to let them get my Dusty Bun” You say in a baby tone pulling him in for a hug. He groans at the name but hugs you back. 
“HENDERSONS MOVE YOUR ASSES” Steve shouts. You roll your eyes and nudge Dustin towards the door. 
“Come on, before King Steve blows a gasket” 
You find out that Dart killed Mews and are absolutely devastated. Dustin felt guilty as he was basically the reason why your beloved cat died. 
“It’s fine Dustin, now I have even more of a reason to kick their doggy ass.” 
You walk ahead of the group seething in anger and fear. Your arm was still sluggishly bleeding and throbbing in pain. 
“You really should do something about that shoulder” Steve said as he walks up next to you. 
“Sure, let me just stop at the hospital while my brother and his friends chase flesh eating dogs from another dimension.” you reply in an sarcastic tone.
“I’m just trying to help.” Steve says in a soft tione
You roll your eyes and mutter a fine. You then rip a strip of fabric from the bottom of your shirt and wrap it around your shoulder. 
‘There are you happy now?”you ask
Steve is stunned, he never realized how...tough you are.In fact this whole experience has made him realize how smart and resilient you’ve become. Far different from the shy quiet girl you used to be when the two of you were friends. He never wanted to stop being your friend, in fact he even harbored a little crush on you but he just got caught up in the popularity and attention. Then he got with Nancy and started seeing you constantly again, only now you hated him. It hurt him in ways he didn’t understand. And while he’ll always love Nancy, he’s starting to realize that maybe he’s starting to fall in love with you too.
You look at him weird, as he just stared at you with this weird look on his face. You walked past him as the entrance to the lab becomes clear. 
“Hey guys” You shout. “We’re here.”
Then you hear it. Bone chilling roars fill the air. The lights are out inside the lab and you can hear the screams of the people inside. and then rustling comes from the woods. You push the kids behind you and Steve as you tighten the grip on your weapons. 
“Steve?” “Y/n?’
“Nancy?’” “Jonathan?”
After finding out El was actually alive and Will’s interrogation, you officially have seen it all. You, Steve, and the rest of the kids stayed in the Byers house while the “A team” went back to the lab. You finally were cleaning your shoulder when you heard the rumble of an engine. 
Great Billy Hargrove.
“It’s my brother! If he catches me here he’ll kill me” Max says, he tone laced in fear. You and Steve look at each other, and then Steve walks out to deal with Billy. 
“Quick hide and don’t let him see you” you say moving toward the door. You open it in time to see Billy knock Steve down and kick him. You flinch and are just glad that it wasn’t you. 
“Oh” Billy coos, “ Are you gonna let me in Princess or am I gonna have to move you?” 
“Moving me sounds fun, how about we try that” you flirt back, hey anything to get him to calm down. 
He chuckles. “Nice try toots but I got a bone to pick with my step sister.” And with that she shoves you out of the way. You realize that you can’t fight Billy off alone, so you run to help Steve. 
“Come on Harrington, up you go” You try and help him up. You hear the kids shouting and some stuff smashing. “Come on Steve, he’s on there with the kids.” You say urgently.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Steve says, finally getting up. You and Steve rush into the house to see Billy holding Lucas up against a shelf. Steve then rushes to the two, as you go to the kids making sure they’re behind you. 
“No, you are” and with that Steve punches Billy in the face. You pull Lucas away, checking him over to make sure he’s alright. The kids are cheering Steve on as he beats Billy. 
Then the tables turn. Billy smashes a plate over Steves head, knocking him down and punching him in the face. They get into the living room and Billy isn’t stopping. He’s punching Steve in the face continuously. 
“STOP YOU’RE GONNA KILL HIM” Dustin screams 
You rush forward and try to pull him off. “Billy thats enough, he’s already down!” he just pushes you to the ground and resumes his beating. You get up, desperate to help Steve. 
“Y/n!” You hear Max yell.  You look at her and she hands you something. 
Will’s morphine. 
Without a second thought you ripped the cap off the needle and injected the drug in Billy’s neck. He flinched and stood up, giving poor Steve a break from his brutal beating. 
“youbitchwhatdidyoudo” He slurred as he pulled the needle from his neck. He then fell on his back, half unconscious. Max, surprising you all, took Steves bat and yelled.
“From now on you leave me and my friends alone, you understand?!” 
“Screw you.”
She brought down the bat between his legs. Your eyes widened as she slammed the nail covered bat on the floor between them. 
“I understand” Billy finally whispered as the drugs took over. After watching that you ran over to Steve. You checked his pulse just to make sure he was alright.
“Alright Harrington, get up” You said. “Come on Steve.” 
“Y/n, we don’t have time.” Mike said. “We have to help El.” 
“How are you even going to the tunnels Mike? It’s too far to walk.” You say as you put Steve's head on your lap. 
Max then walks up to Billy and pulls his keys out of his jacket. “Y/n can drive us.” she says. Then the whole party laughs. “What? What's so funny?”
“Y/n can’t drive us” Dustin said laughing. You glare at him from your spot.
“Why not?” Max asks.
“Because�� Mike replies, “ She failed like three of her drivings tests”
“Yeah, unless you want to hit every mail box on the way and get whiplash, y/n is out” Lucas chimed in. 
“Hey! I was not that bad” you yelled incredulously. “ Besides what would we do with Steve?” 
“Leave him here?” Mike said
“With Billy?” You asked
“Yeah we could just tie Billy up or something” 
“We are not leaving Steve” Dustin said. “He’ll be chill when he wakes up, I promise.” 
“We still can’t go” you say. The group groans
“Why not” Mike says
“Because, I can’t drive you.” You reply. Then Max ‘s face brightens 
“I can drive.” She says 
Suddenly, you’re in the backseat of Billy's stolen car, Steve sprawled across yours, Mikes, and Dustin's lap as Max drives erratically to the field. 
And then Steve wakes up. 
“y/n??” He mutters looking at Mike, Mike gives him the side eye as Dustin starts talking.
“Hey buddy” Dustin says “ He kicked your ass but you put up a good fight”
“Dustin!” you shout
‘Oh god” Steve says realizing what was happening “ Oh my god stop the car!!”
“Steve I promised them you’d be cool if we brought you” 
“oh god 
“Make a left here” “you’re okay” 
“Steve relax she’s driven before”
“yeah in a parking lot””That counts!”
“Stop yelling!”
“Stop the car, stop the car” Max takes a sharp turn 
“Steve calm down” “I told you we should have left him!’“
Max hits the breaks as she makes to to the field. You all stumble out of the car and head to the trunk, getting ready to head into the tunnels. As you’re putting on your mask and goggles Steve stumbles to the back of the car yelling, 
“HELLO! Do you guys hear me, we are not going down there!” 
“Y/n how could you let them talk you into his” “ARE YOU DEAF? HELLO?
“WE ARE NOT---” 
“STEVE!” Dustin shouted, “The fact of the matter is that a party member needs our assistance. We can’t just abandon her.” 
“...fine” Steve says, and he puts on the bandana and goggles. You walk up to him and hand him his bat. “ Wow Harrington, you’ve never looked better” 
“Ha ha, get in the hole” 
After struggling to get into the hole, you finally made it into the tunnels. It was dark and damp in there. Cold as you and the party walked further and further into what could be your doom. Specks of...something floated in the air and the walls were covered in what looked like vines. Steve was at the from of the line while you were at the end.Making sure both ends were covered and there wasn’t any chance at a sneak attack. 
You stood at the back with Dustin as he kneeled down to tie his shoe and then a flurry of that white shit sprayed in his face. He started freaking out immediatly, screming and spitting
Steve ran over to him and started asking whats wrong. Seeing Steve so worried about your brother warmed your heart, especially because it’s been so long that Dustin had a male figure who cared about him in his life. Now that you think about it, Steve has been really protective over Dustin these past few days, in fact he--
“Hey Y/n, are you okay” Steve says, interrupting your thought. 
You look at him and nod, “We should keep going”
He nods and take his place back in the front. The group only had to walk a few more steps till they reached the hub, 
“Let’s torch it” Steve said as he stepped forward. The kids spread out, pouring gasoline on every inch of the  cavern.  After you were done, Steve pulled out his lighter and flicked it on. 
“You ready?” He said. You all nodded and prepared to run for your life. Steve threw the lighter and the whole hub was lit. The everyone ran. Mike got caught as a vine wrapped around his leg. Steve struggled to it get off when you came around.
“Stand back!” you yelled and swung you hockey stick down on the vine a couple times. This cut it in half as you heard it..squeal?? You then helped Mike up and urged him to start running. You were almost back to the hole when you were stopped. 
A demodog stood in the way of your freedom. Hunched low and growling as it wait for you to make your move. Thats when Dustin spoke up.
“Dart” “Shh Dustin get behind me” You shushed him, trying to pull him away from the creature but with no luck. He slowly walked toward iy.
“Dustin what are you doing?””Get away from it” the rest of the group whispered as he pulled a candy bar from his pocket.
“yumm nougat” He said, breaking the candy bar into pieces and fed them to the demon dog. ‘There you go buddy, eat up” He then waved to you. 
“hurry up go” He said still crouched down. Carefully, each member of the party passed by. Creeping passed the demodog who paid no attention.
“Bye buddy” Dustin whispered as you and Steve pulled him away. 
You finally got to the hole. You and Steve helped each of the kids up the rope. Rushing as you heard the rest of the demodogs running to find you. You finally got Dustin up the rope when you saw them. The pack of demodogs running full speed toward you and Steve. There was no time for either of you to get up the rope. Steve pulled you into his chest as the pack drew nearer. You tensed up, waiting to get torn apart by these creatures.
“Y/N! STEVE” Dustin cried, being held back by Mike and Lucas. 
The closer they got the harder it was for you to breath. You closed your eyes and dug your face into Steves chest.
They ran past you. The demodogs run right passed you and Steve as if you weren’t there. You feel them run past your legs, bumping into you as they are called somewhere else. 
You sigh in relief . You look around the cavern, realizing you’re not dead. Steve laughs a breathless laugh as you smile, the threat of death gone. You realize that you’re still pressed up against him, and look up. Staring into the brown eyes of the one and only Steve Harrington. His goggles pulled up against his forehead and his bandana around his neck. 
You don’t know if the adrenaline or you not giving a fuck, but you fling off your safety glasses, pull down your bandana ans surge up.
Capturing Steve’s lips in a kiss.
He makes a little ‘oomph” sound in surprise as he realizes what's happening. But then he relaxes and kisses you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your hands go into his hair as you wrap your arms around his neck, prompting him to  lean closer. His tongue brushes against your bottom lip and you begin to let it in when--
“Ewww, come on do you really gotta do that here” Lucas complains.
“Yeah! we don’t wanna see that” Mike says, frowning in disgust. 
“Come on’ Max says, pulling Dustin and Lucas by the collar of their shirts. Mike following behind them.
You pull away from Steve, giggling as you see the awe struck face he's making. 
“Come on King Steve” You say, starting to crawl up the rope. “Before Max starts joy riding and leaves us here. He shakes his head as he watches you get to the top and starts climbing. 
“Hold your horses Henderson, I’m coming.”
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
i checked this list and it said persona so im hoping this is still ok. Date night with the protagonists? (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and thank you >///
ー『anonymous: Can i get dating headcanons for the persona protags (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and super thank yous. I love these boys so much. ;A;』
note(s): I am going to combine these requests as they are similar enough I hope that is alright! no real warnings for this one either, I just think these dudes are neat. Also I know they all have like 5 different names, so I just went with the ones I am more familiar with. Maybe(????) spoilers for 3, 4, and 5, so if you haven’t finished or played them, be warned (although, idk if anyone would read it if they haven’t played the respective game but idk warning for spoilers just in case) also idk how i feel about these hcs rn, but i did my best dhdjdj
all my other links can be found in my navigation post!! If you like my writing and you’d like to support me, my tip jar is also linked there!
hcs under the cut so i’m not clogging anyone’s dash (originally these were gonna be a short set of hcs but i guess not dbdndn)
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What our dear protagonist lacks in overall extrovertedness, he makes up for in action. Surprise surprise, dates can either range from hanging out in the dorms and cooking a nice meal together. Or maybe going to the mall and heading to the arcade. Or basically wandering around until your legs hurt and your purchases range from new outfits to weird antiques from the antique shop.
However he really does treasure these little trinkets, because the memory of your laughter when you were given a certain item will forever be ingrained in his mind. It’s a comfort in the end too.
Date nights are focused on you and you only. He definitely sets a date where he knows you both are free so that there’s less likely of a chance for being interrupted. He definitely wouldn’t want his time with you to be wasted. Although seeing his small pout when it does happen is very cute.
You also gotta be keen on if he sees something he likes and wants. While Minato won’t exactly say it, his gaze lingers a bit longer than usual. But he ultimately won’t get it, because he wants to focus on you and also save up for when the group goes to Tartarus. So if you surprise him with whatever he had wanted, he’s so happy.
While he is slightly more reserved in comparison to Yu and Akira, Minato speaks through action. Whenever you two are walking together, he always has your hand in his, or keeping close by in some way. He likes to cling to you when it’s just you two, his head buried in the crook of your neck as you two nap tother, legs tangled up together. Or the small jokes he says loud enough for only you to hear, but they’re still so funny. Sometimes you’re asked if he’s really a good boyfriend, and you have to laugh off the doubt, because they don’t see the sides of him that you do.
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My god. Yu would absolutely be the best at arranging dates and hangouts. I take no criticism. Like you guys could literally just be walking all around Inaba, or just sitting by the river bed and it could be one of the greatest times you’ve both had together. A romantic at heart, Yu would also be a bit cheesy in arranging dates.
He shows affection through communcating it. Whether it’s a new outfit or something, he’ll say that you look incredible or if you’ve studied for a hard exam, he’ll make sure you know how amazing you are for passing. Idk just anything that has you smiling from sweet compliments and other words of affirmation. A big sap, honestly you try and joke about it but he just earnestly says “Who wouldn’t be for you?” And you have to sit down and hide your face in your hands for a solid 5 minutes.
You also gotta be cool with Nanako. But then again she’s a cute kid and a sweetheart so idk why you wouldn’t be. Although he does get a little flustered if it’s you two watching her while Dojima-san is working late at the station and the old ladies coo over how you three look like a mini family yourselves. Which is kind of a common occurrence. And I feel like Yu would know pretty well if he sees a future with someone he’s with, and with you he does shhh
Date nights in Inaba are really fun and a good way to wind down, sometimes it’s wandering Junes and finding whatever the newly advertised, as seen on tv appliance is. Or other parts of the shopping district, where he can really let go and just have fun for himself. When not worrying about school work or the cases the Investigation Team is working on.
some spoilers here; but after Izanami is defeated and the year ends. When Yu has to leave Inaba it doesn’t mean that he won’t put his best efforts to keep up the relationship. If possible, video calls or just the occasional text too. And when he visits, while he does miss his friends, he’s especially antsy to see you too. And when you’re both together again, he refuses to leave your side.
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Now, Akira can be described as this suave, casanova type character. But he’s also a giant dork and you know it, he knows it, the Phantom Thieves all know it, hell even Sojiro knows it. It doesn’t mean his attempts at flirting doesn’t get you blushing. And when he sees the flustered expression, it only motivates him to keep going. But turn the tables on him, and he’s putty in your hands. (And he looks very cute).
Because of the way you met, aka, at Shujin, where his reputation was basically over and done with before it even began, he has a lot of doubt and trust issues, what if someone dared you to speak to the “criminal” or something? While he won’t show these doubts out loud to his friends, it’s still something he thinks back on a lot. But when you defend him vehemently one day, he knows he was right to trust you.
A part of dating Akira, is eventually finding out who he is. Maybe trips to Mementos cause him to be late to dates or not even show up at all. You end up stood up more often then not once things begin to get really serious. From small time school teachers to the literal Yakuza (and eventually a candidate for Prime Minister, and a god), you don’t know where he is. And that becomes really stressful because then the doubt™️ sets in.
To make this less angsty and more funny, imagine you know from figuring it out. He’s suspiciously watching the news on the PT, and no offense to Ryuji, he’s not the most quiet. So he’s so nervous trying to tell you when you’re just “yeah I know, sorry for not telling you, I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to know.” and he’s just the surprised pikachu face.
As for date nights, the city is your oyster. I’d say the world but mans still currently has a criminal record so probably not yet. But he’s gonna take you wherever you want. Whether it’s a themed cafe, or just the streets of Shinjuku, as you take in all the sights from the bright places, he’s willing to do whatever for you. That includes facing off kids at the arcade for a stuffed plush you saw and admitted it was cute. He is a man on a mission. And you cannot stop him. So you both end up back at Leblanc at the end of the night carrying your plushies and eating some curry that Sojiro left warming for you. That even includes the Big Bang Burger challenge he will do it for you , even though you probably do laugh at his pain after but you still coo and praise his efforts.
After he goes back home, record clean and world hopefully peaceful. Virtual dates become a thing, either just sitting and talking while having dinner or something is nice. He still loves to say those cheesy pickup lines that had you hiding your flustered expression as you walked through the streets of Shibuya on call. You only hung up on him once but he quickly called back and was very pouty about it. You were forgiven though with the promise of giving many kisses when he visits.
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syrupa · 3 years
Falling for Toga Himiko scenario
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Paring- Toga x Reader
italic = your thoughts
your pronouns and gender aren't mentioned
this is my first time writing somebody x somebody in a romantic way so this will be interesting
You looked at the blonde girl with pity, Shigaraki has been sending her out more than usual. She was exhausted, mentally and physically. From the dark bags under her eyes to her bubbly personality's sudden disappearance it was painfully obvious. Being one of her closest friends, you decided she needed a day off. And after bickering with your leader for a couple of hours, you finally got her that break.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" she said, excitement taking over the girl's body. In an instant she pulled you into a tight hug. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU [NAME]!" You couldn't help but smile. She was truly adorable. "THERE'S SO MANY THINGS WE'RE GOING TO DO! IM SO EXCITED!" we? why would she want me to join her? it's not like I can anyways though. "Hello? Earth to [Name]? You there?" "Oh yeah sorry about that but I can't join you on your off-day." Toga pouted. "Why nooot?!" she said, extending the o. "Shigaraki said that if you weren't going to do those tasks then I would have too." Her pout soon turned into a devilish grin as the girl dashed out the room. Out of sheer curiosity, you followed after her.
You soon found the teen arguing with a very annoyed Dabi. "50 BUCKS!" "NO" "60 BUCKS" "NO TOGA LEAVE ME ALONE" You leaned back against a nearby wall chuckling. That girl really is something. I wonder what her lips would- You soon cut off your own thought off. That's weird. You're weird. I'm weird. Why would you think that. This is not some weird fanfic. We are not having these thoughts. Not today Satan. "50K TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT" "DEAL" you heard the two shout before Toga happily skipped over to you.
"I just got you tomorrow off!" "Where are you going to get the money?" " I'll probably just stab a business man or something- no big deal!" she said with a smile. "Anyways it's getting late and we got a big day ahead of us! Want to watch some movies with me in my room until we fall asleep?" "I don't see why not"
You went out and stole some snacks while Himiko stayed back and picked the movies you'd be watching. When you came back you peeked through the door to see her walking back and forth mumbling about which movie to watch. She's too cute. I love her so much. Platonically of course. Right? Yeah. Why am I acting so weird today? God I really hate myself right now. You soon snap yourself back to reality as you fully open the door. "[Name]! You're back! I've got the perfect movies to watch!" Her excitement made you giggle as you set down the bag of snacks.
Once the movie started Himiko immediately started snuggling up against your shoulder. You refused to acknowledge the way your heart sped up at that moment. After the first 2 movies, Toga ended up fast asleep on your lap while you were completely frozen not wanting to wake your sleeping beauty.
About 30 minutes passed before you were able to relax but once you did you silently admired Himiko's sleeping form. God she's so pretty. I just want to kiss her. PLATONICALLY OF COURSE. JUST TO SHOW HER HOW MUCH I LOVE OUR FRIENDSHIP. YEAH. FRIENDSHIP. JUST FRIE- "Why were you staring at me sleeping?" oh shit "SORRY I WAS JUST- I- I DON'T KNOW IM SORRY" "It's fine don't sweat it" she said in a sleepy tone. "In all honesty tonight was super fun and i'm so excited for tomorrow. It's rare to catch a break nowadays but you really helped me relax. Genuinely thank you so much [Name]" "No problem Toga sweet dreams" you said as the tired girl dozed off to sleep. I love you.
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