#im soooo indecisive lmao
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teadragn · 1 year ago
hi hello gang I have an odd question SO I want to paint my boots to be like those paw ones you mightve seen on like. pinterest or something but im adding little stars on the outline! heres the boots and heres my dilemma
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see the lil seam line?stitch line? idk but im not sure if I should paint up to just that and then do the stars on that line OR paint to where the blue tape is and the stars go beyond the blue tape
anywa heres the poll ive made it last way too long because odds are I'll put this to the side for ages (or just disregard it entirely and make my own mind up) k thanks byeer
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 2 years ago
impulse thought of the night. should i make a flight rising sideblog
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farawayotter · 10 days ago
Hiii thank you for the tag!! I think I'll do my username so I can yap about my favorite songs more 😁 let's see how many of my favorite Monkees songs I can squeeze into this bad boy
F: For Pete's Sake - The Monkees
A: Auntie's Municipal Court - The Monkees
R: Randy Scouse Git - The Monkees
A: All I Have to Do is Dream - The Everly Brothers
W: Words - The Monkees (or also Wax Minute - Michael Nesmith, they're both Very Good. There's also What Am I Doing Hangin' Round? by the Monkees but)
A: Answer - They Might Be Giants
Y: Your Auntie Grizelda - The Monkees (or You Told Me [also The Monkees] is really good too)
O: Of You - The Monkees (or also Our House by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young is a Really good one)
T: Tonite - Michael Nesmith
T: The Girl I Knew Somewhere - The Monkees (especially Mike's version, I love that one)
E: Every Step of the Way - The Monkees (or also Ethan's Song by Ricky Montgomery, I have a soft spot for that one)
R: Rio - Michael Nesmith (this one is like 6 minutes long and I eat it up every time)
No pressure tag: @sunspiralings and whoever else who sees it that may wanna do it!!
bored so i thought id do a tag game :)
rules are you have to pick a song for each we letter of you name and/or username if you don’t wanna use ur real name :)
T: Two Pills by TX2
Y: You’re gonna go far by Noah Kahn
L: Loving You by Thomas Headon
E: Enchanted by Taylor Swift
R: Rise and Grind by Noahfinnce
tagging: @riceandcurry3 @newsies-lodging-house @st0rmyseas @nosuchthingasdeadlanguages @misha-misha @bigmack2go @paralleluniversesfan @apairofnewshoeswithmatchinglaces
no pressure :)
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nestokaodevojka · 21 days ago
can u do a rating for each aib character (most to least liked) ☝️🤓
omg thanks for asking !!! i dont usually do rankings like that since im quite indecisive, but im gonna try :) im doing a few from the top of my head. also, the differences between numbers aren't so large! you could take them as 1/10ths of a point hahaha
disclaimer that this is based on how much i like/appreciate their character and not them as people haha since some of them are awful and should be locked up lmao - i should do that one too hahahah
1. arisu. i just love my boy so damn much and he's suuuch an interesting and well written character! he goes through so much development and comes a looong way :)
2. chishiya. i havent seen a character this interesting in most media. literally obsessed with how his brain works. manga chishiya stays superior though
3. niragi. might seem like the average villain with a sad backstory but he's got layers and im fascinated with his character! again, manga did him better
4. aguni. he was so so interesting to me. a man who lost his everything and then made it everyone's problem and also turned suicidal about it. cinema.
5. heiya. soooo much on her. she's such an interesting character to me. again manga solos i dont like all that they did with her in the adap
6. usagi. ranking her top as a person cuz i love my girl but i feel like more could've been done with the character!!! i think she's quite interesting and im a bit sad they cut all of her backstory (other than moments w her dad) out, feel like it would've given a bit more insight on how lonely she was and how it made her shut off
7. kuina. suuuch a well done character, incredible trans rep btw. i love her club to spade arc, she had to overcome a whole lot. i feel like her fanon portrayal is reduced to chishiyas bestie and that makes me go :/
8, 9, 10, 11: kyuuma, mira, kuzuryu, shirabi! my citizens!!! loooved their little arc and wish it was in the adap.. they're all so interesting and their games reflect their ideals so well. show butchered shirabi sooo bad ugh.
i literally love everyone byeee if karube didn't die so soon he'd be up here, honorable mention to my babies doudou and momoka and asahi
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supergigabigboybabechad · 1 year ago
likes: Animals (cats and dogs especially seem to like me a lot more than the average person), gaming, anime, cooking, food, rock music, goth/punk/edgy/alternative/emo subculture, makeup and skincare (I like to feel pretty lmao), school, taking pictures
dislikes: bitter food, spicy food,school
hobbies: Acting (#1 hobby!), writing, ig I’ll put studying here since i was a honour student.
physical preferences: none
personality preferences: someone willing to protect me (I’ve been stared by creepy old men for 2 days in a row) and someone not too energetic and bubbly, anyone who is not Ace or Floyd, someone who can comfort me as I’m a generally anxious and insecure person
love languages: physical touch and quality time
extras: I’m an infj, would be in Diasomnia dorm, my personality would be I tend to come off as reserved, intimidating and cold due to my trust issues from being stabbed in the back by someone I trusted at first impressions but as I warm up to someone/they gain my trust I can be warm, caring, loyal, affectionate, and protective
Soooo i couldnt pick just one :( Too many ideas! I guess youre getting four charecters 😔 im not that indecisive though they are in order from who i feel would be less compatible to the most! For a big reveal vibe
4. Azul Ashengrotto
Youre giving him the cold shoulder? He doesnt gaf..
An honors student an actor and a beauty, hes so intrigued!
His intentions are likely less than pure but anyone with one working eye can see that
“Let’s make a deal!” Hes probably offering you fame for your acting but we both know youre not falling for that.
The more you ignore him the more hell bother you it becomes some form of personal challenge for him
Hes upping the charm and throwing in all the bells and whistles this isnt about his contract anymore its about his ability as a business man!
Eventually youll tell him to knock it off and that you know you cant trust him
Hell feign hurt but beep down you just charmed him.
So strong and so smart he already knew he wanted you in his corner but now he finds himself wanting you more.
As a buisness man azul is good at reading people, it comes with the territory so he knows how you see him and hes determined to change it
Hed follow you around trying to market himself as an outgoing and upstanding person did you drop something? Hes got it, dont stress! Need notes? Come to him! Free of charge!
It doesnt work.. that is until he finds you in an insecure state or anxious state.
Maybe its before your first role in twisted wonderland where you dont know anyone.
Its so prestigious here! Anyone would be nervous.
He takes this opportunity to comfort you. Once you tell him about your insecurity and anxiety he immediately knows what to say
In that moment you dont see him as some capitalist. For the first time you see him vulnerable, you see him on a level where you can relate to him
You can feel in his voice and the way he speaks to comfort you that hes felt it too, he knows what its like
Even you know being vulnerable isnt something azul does willy nilly so it gets you thinking, maybe you can trust him.
While talking to him you might name drop or tell him about your experience with creeps
Hell protect you but hell definetly hide it from you he doesnt want you seeing his ugly side
Hell be keeping an eye on you and if anyone oversteps in anyway hell be after them
Hes a powerful man, he could send the twins after them or if theyre really hurting you he’ll bring them in for a “word”
As for comforting you, he always knows what to say but hell also have episodes
Sometimes hell wonder how he landed you, so beautiful, smart and talented what if you wake up one day and realize youre too good for him?
Youre going to have to do some comforting too, hold him and tell him you love him, its all hell need.
Azul would be scared to touch you first, hes a gentleman! He cant just grab you! No matter how badly he wants to, he doesnt know how to go about reaching for your hand
Youve gotta make the first move, walking side by side notice how his fingers twitch towards your hand, go for it! Hold his hand!
Hell be shocked, bamboozled, pushing his glasses up and trying to hide his blush but you can still see a light pink on his ears.
From now on whenever he holds your hands hell take his gloves off before intertwining your fingers
His probably still to shy to go forward but if you grab him for a hug hell be sooo happy
He doesnt have much time to spen with you but hell always welcome you to sit beside hin while hes working, hell let you on his lap too if you want but youll have to ask and go through a but of his awkward aftershock
When he does time off hell spend it with you. Hell spare no expense! Spoiling you with fancy dinners and gifts
He works so hard though hell need a break, lie together and hold him or just watching anime together will help him let off steam.
3. Malleus Draconia
Malleus is a really toned down guy who’s willing to go with the flow he wont be too much for you to handle
Upon meeting you and being faced with your colder aura, cant say he’s really phased. With silver coming off in a similar way you wont deter him.
His generally frightening and strong air might not leave you wanting to open up but he probs wont notice and come back to you anyways
Coming back to you over and over again he’ll get more and more friendly. The imposing air around him starts to clear and you start seeing him as sort of an oddball
Hes so intimidating yet so tame maybe you can trust him?
Hes lonely. He doesnt realize it but he is so hes always coming to you he wants to spend all his free time with you just to have you there so he wont be lonely. This feeling is so foreign to him but its like a weight has been lifted from his chest
Itll make him even happier if youre the one initiating quality time. It makes him feel like hes wanted
Physical touch too!
He could be lost in thought worried about you one day finding yourself afraid of him only to be met with you holding him having all his worries vanish
Showing you being vulnerable around him is the highest amount of trust he feels he could have gained
Sleeping with him hell probably hold you while hes still awake thinking about the difference between when you first met and now
You were so closed off, you’d hardly ever respond to him but now look, he always has you by his side, your so warm and kind to him, you trust him enough to be completely helpless around him leaving him to protect you in your vulnerable state.
Speaking of protecting, walking with malleus no one will dare look at you funny let alone disrespect you
God forbid anyone harass you, youll need to phone lilia to calm him down
After that though hell turn his attention back to you and make sure youre alright. Hell insist on carrying you even if you swear you’re fine “Humans are fragile we cant be too careful”
Honestly 1) he just wants to hold you and 2) he knows about your anxiety and needs to make sure you’re okay you could say hes doing it more for his peace of mind than his for yours
Having anxiety or just feeling really insecure? Hell cancel everything hell make someone else do it if he has to
Hes overly cautious of you because your human
Hell hold you on his lap and let you talk if thats what you need otherwise hell just hold you close to your chest and let you breathe, drawing circles in your back, humming and playing with your hair he wants you to focus on him, you and him are all that matter right now and your all that matter to him.
He really appreciates that you can cook, he wants you to cook for him so you can yk, save him!
“Im sorry lilia but Haru has already prepared a meal for me”
Hes scared of change. Taking pictures will eaze him. Take pictures with him and let him have a few and youll find that hes placed them on a board near his bed.
Hell but his favorite in a locket that hell keep with him all the time. He doesnt want to think about a time where hes without you but he knows it will have to come.
Taking all these pictures is so important to him. He needs these traces of you for when youre gone
Acting!! Hell come to all your shows and be so proud! “That’s my Haru, a star aren’t they lilia?”
Hed be so dazed by you hell probably miss the entire play except for the parts youre in.
2. Vil Schönheit (ig were sharing😒)
Vil gives off the same vibes as you at first
Hes cold and hardened on the outside but he cares deep down and that becomes more evident as you get to know him
Vil might not pay much attention at first, hes too busy and the could and distant air around you detrers him a bit, he doesnt see anything he can improve your already beautiful so he leaves you alone
That is until he sees you onstage one day.
As part of film club and an actor himself seeing you on stage, your acting and presence are amazing
Film acting is what vil does most and as a professional knows how different it is from the stage.
He cant help but be impressed in your performance and from then on you just seemed to sort of stand out to him
Hell start noticing things, how smart you are how caring and soft to your close friends you are. How beautiful you manage to be with so little effort
Wait- youre so kind to your friends what is it that they have that he doesn’t? Shouldnt you be charmed by him?
Well either way he comes to talk to you about your performance and how he thinks youd make an amazing addition to film club!
Vil would love to act with you! He does film acting most of the time so hell teach you about that and you can show him a thing or two about stage acting!
Hell love your writing, hell encourage you to publish or even to be a play write!
Maybe you should even start a production company together
He believes in you and wants to star with you and is willing to support you all the way
As a celebrity, vil values his privacy, dating is hard with your insecurities he understands if yoh dont want him to announce your relationship and will do his best to keep it private
On the other hand he has no issue going punlic with your relationship. He knows that people online can be cruel and hell do whatever he can to keep that from you
If youre feeling insecure, he cant have that, WAKE UP!
Youre dating THE Vil Schönheit not only is he beautiful but hes also selective! Hello??? Youre absolutely gorgeous and he wont have you feeling otherwise
Hell hold you, tell you your beautiful and if it helps you, hell give you a self care day together
Face masks painting your nails and doing hair!
Also if you wanna do more makeup all you have to do is ask! Vil will most definitely help you out
Hes well versed! Whatever style you like! (My personal fav is douyin!)
With an eye for style, if youre not too sure on what you want im sure hes already cooked up the perfect look for you
SKINCARE VIL IS SO HAPPY hell sing your praises and go off about how happy he is that someone values their skin as they should!
Hell give you personalized products too!
A photographer x model trope too? SO CUTE(me projecting my want for a photographer partner) BUT LIKE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE THOUGH⁉️⁉️
Vil sewing makes so much sense and after hes finished with a project hell wanna model it for magicam!
Taking photos on his own is fine but we know vil, he wants spectacular!
He trusts your artistic vision and would love having you take his photo hell come out looking beautiful and he sees it as the outcome of your combined efforts
Vil is so protective he would not let anyone harass you!
In that moment he doesnt care about his name all he carrs for is your safety and well being.
Online or in person he wont hesitate to go all in on them protectively putting himself in between you and your harasser
Quality time would definitely come in your selfcare routines together and picking outfits!
Hes pulling all the stops picking your outfits finding your color-palette
So obviously his gonna spoil you with all this makeup skin care and clothing hell have you feeling absolutely gorgeous like you’re the only person he sees!
Youre so beautiful he cant help but want to accentuate that
1. Deuce Spade
Upon first meeting you his a little intimidated by how closed off you are, but he cant help but admire you!
An honors student whos so straight and narrow! Hes gonna try to befriend you right away! Youre the exact type of person he needs to surround himself more with
Deuce is a good boy so im sure youll find yourself opening yourself up to him more and more
Once you let him in on your trust issues he feels a twinge of guilt, youve been nothing but upfront and honest to him and hes been hiding a secret since youve first met! Would you still think of him the same if you knew???
He wouldnt be able to hide it very well and upon asking him whats wrong he blurts out his past and starts apologizing for not telling you sooner
He says he understands if you would like your distance and that he shouldnt have hid something so big from you
After letting him know that youre fine with it and it wasnt that big of a deal hell be so overcome with joy!
Youre so loyal! So kind! Hes so relieved he grabs your hand to enthusiastically thank you without thinking
Before he realizes what hes done he gets a look at how cute your shocked face looks and he immediately apologizes backing away and going back to sitting awkwardly
From that day he’d be noticeably more awkward around you but who could blame him? Your so sweet!
Deuce games a bit himself, he loves you so much introduce him to the games you play the most and hell pick them up just to spend time with you
His mom raised him right so hell plan dates for you and take a lot of initiative to make sure he’s treating you with all the love you deserve
He wont touch you without permission. He knows better! Hell either have to work up the courage to hold your hand or your just gonna have to go in
He gets really worked up at times and forgets though
After his win in a track meet hell celebrate and right to you and lift you up in his arms without thinking.
Hell apologize after but as time goes on hell get more comfortable, he just wants to make sure he’s doing things right
Hell do the same after a play! You did such a great job and you look so beautiful in your costume he rushes over to tell you how amazing you were and give you flowers
Hell bring his mom to see you act too shell love you, how could she not!
Deuce is very capable in protecting you and most definitely will, i dont think i need to explain that one
The first time he does though its just like he snaps, hes so mad, more mad than youve ever seen him
After whats done is done hell apologize for acting without your permission and say things like “Im sorry, you shouldnt have seen that!”
On his hands and knees bro dont leave him!
The next time something happens hell tell you to leave because he doesnt want you seeing but he cant just let them get away with creeping on you!
Deuce might not have a way with words but he tries, so when youre feeling down about yourself or anxious hell take you for a ride
It makes sense that hed only have one helmet so assuming that you dont have one hell insist you wear his along with his hacket so you do t get hurt and make you promise to hold on tight to him
Hell take you to his secret spot and sot you down and let you let it all out “Im sorry, I didnt know what to say so i just thought id help you run away for a bit” hell listen to you for sure
Hes a bit of a romantic so i see him smiling as he watches you get ready in the morning, watching you put on mascara as he makes the eyes at you
If you turn to face him hell look away though that wont change
He loves how gentle you are sometimes it makes him feel that youre delicate, like if hes too rough hell break you and you might run away
Hes so sweet if you give him pictures you take of him hell buy a book to keep them in and label each one
Hell ask for advice studying too! Youre so smart, honors isnt easy to get in any way, dont forget that
With you in his life he really feels like hes becoming better, like someone his mom can be proud of and someone worthier of you each day that passes
I just wrote a bunch in the notes app and ordered them in what i thought was the cutest order, lemme know which one you liked the best too! Hope you like it❤️
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kittykittyanon · 1 year ago
Pick a pallet
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ooh!!! i have no clue what this is for LMAO
uhhhh,,, lets see,, uhmm,,,, NOOO IM REALLY INDECISIVE—
i like the first one cause the colors mesh pretty well but it feels kinda,, idk,, monotonous?? like it's different shades of a similar color? maybe if its for a blog, like accent colors or something, that would look good, but if it's for a drawing or clothes or something like that i don't think so? i mean, it could look good on a character if you do it right but idk,, the colors look smooth, like they're kinda melting into eachother
the second pallette is growing on me and i don't have much to say about it cause i can't really describe how i feel about it, like maybe the green is a little too dark and it stands out against the rest of the colors but other than that, i like it too
soooo pallette two!! yippee!! HSKSVDKSHS SORRY FOR RAMBLING
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rathma · 1 year ago
12 through 16 etienne/halsin :3c 🌳 🍃
EEUEUEUEUU IT'S THEM :dk_global_iceboundfortitude: im soooo emo thank yuo
from. here <3
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
I don't think Etienne thinks Halsin has a "worst" quality, but he is frustrated sometimes by his - indecisiveness, for lack of a better word? Not that Halsin doesn't make decisions, because he was archdruid for a reason, but that he second-guesses himself and spends a long time dwelling on details. Halsin, on the other hand, knows that Etienne's worst quality is his stubbornness, his refusal to approach conversations he doesn't want to have, and his hardheadedness when he thinks he's right. In Etienne's defense, it's a good quality in a Ranger (as a profession), but maybe not so good for his relationships lmao
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
To Etienne, Halsin's best quality is his intuition. Not only does it serve him well in both of their jobs as naturalists and guides, but it makes him very understanding of Etienne's inner world without making him have to explain himself. On the other side of Etienne's stubbornness, Halsin believes his best quality is his determination. He will see just about anything through and never breaks a promise if he can help it. It makes him dependable and I think Halsin especially appreciates that.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Etienne gives a very methodical description of Halsin's appearance, then trails off after a detailed description of his eyes and hair, then clears his throat and says, "He's recognizable. I'll introduce you if you meet him."
Halsin smiles affectionately and keeps it simple - a tall, green-skinned tiefling, red hair, beautiful vinework tattoos framing his face. There's a sly comment about his speed and power, but it's bracketed by a description of his clothing and gear, and an unfamiliar listener will probably miss the subtext.
15. What names are they saved as on each other’s phone?
Halsin has something simple and cute like "my love" or "my ranger" <3 For the longest time Etienne just had him as "Halsin" but then he found out what Halsin had him saved as and changed it to a single emoji like the falling leaves or the sun with the cloud or something :3c
16. What would they consider quality time?
They go hunting together frequently, at least once a week. They spend a lot of time sharing space without speaking, which is good for them both to decompress and recharge - Halsin cooking while Etienne fletches arrows, or mending each other's clothes, or something similar. Sometimes, Halsin will remain in wildshape, and it's nice for having a giant furry animal to cuddle with and also not feeling pressured to act like a person.
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rathockey · 2 years ago
hello, here are some ask game questions if you would like to answer any!
9, 13, 38, 84
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
not without music actually playing i am TONE DEAF lmao. but i will sing along to music in the car :)
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
i've been playing a new game called Dredge (fishing game where the fish are like. fucked up sometimes :) wonder whats up with that :)) and i didn't know you could like. die in the game and my boat got wrecked to death by a deep sea creature and i was just so delighted by that asd;lkfjalksd
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
ohhhhh boy well i have like a thousand bc i am so adhd, but first thing that came to mind is people humming/whistling out loud, its SOOOO annoying to me, its like it makes my brain itchy. i try to deal with it on my own through headphones instead of asking them to stop but when i was in school i constantly had to ask people to stop bc i couldnt just like. put headphones in during class. i have a lot of noise issues now that i think about it, dogs barking, my upstairs neighbors sound like theyre knocking on the floor sometimes, shit like that gets up my ass tbh
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
I do want tattoos one day but bc im soooo indecisive and terrified of commitment it will probably be a while LOL Once i have top surgery I do want to get the creation of adam hands tattooed over the scars bc I saw a picture of someone who did that and went :O i need that. other than that though i would like something geometric, and i really like the idea of a circular bicep tat :)
~send me a number~
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4bso1 · 1 year ago
Indecisiveness, my greatest weakness 😔
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Ok so my 4sure team vs. Possible contenders (originally was gonna bring my hatched happiny Egg n if I got down to her I automatically lost but uhhhh I'm not gonna do that lol also not bringing palkia aka Pal :) bc if u kill a legendary u are going to Jail sooo)
Samwise (bibarel) she was the first pokemon I caught, she and jr were besties, I literally named her samwise bc I knew she would be our rock and she would carry us n since jr can't be here I feel like she has to fill his spot (also works out bc they r both water types anyway) ✨️ [ability: simple (Stat changes are doubled) • item: mystic water (boosts water moves + belonged to free jr previously) • moves: super fang / surf / yawn / swords dance] fun fact: super fang halves hp and brine is super effective on half hp or lower targets and I am SOOOO SALTY that she CANNOT learn brine 😔😔😔
Jubilee (blissey) SHES A TANK obv. Will hopefully mostly be used for emergency healing during battle ✨️ [ability: natural cure (status conditions cured upon switch out) • item: TBH I don't rly have one for her so rn she just has a cheri berry, I might change it but idk lol • moves: soft-boiled / echoed voice / dazzling gleam / last resort]
Evil >:3 (weavile) this beast has been been raised for one (1) purpose and that is to destroy Cynthia's garchomp (but im hoping she can handle some of lucians team too ;_;) ✨️ [ability: pressure (ups enemy PP usage) • item: icicle plate (boosts ice moves) • moves: shadow claw / dark pulse / ice beam / hone claws]
Dewey (roserade) has some pretty good moves (toxic does work in the long run and grass knot hits pretty hard on most pokemon), can do work vs Bertha, won't be helpful vs aaron or flint ✨️ [ability: natural cure • item: big root (increases healing from absorb) • moves: absorb / synthesis / grass knot / toxic]
King (purugly) only recently started training him so im not sure if his friendship is maxed out BUT he knows retaliate so if I do have a casualty 😤 ✨️ [ability: thick fat (halves damage from fire and ice type moves) • item: no item yet! • moves: body slam / substitute (I also have protect and endure TMs that I can use instead?? I think having one move where he can like. Fully negate damage might be helpful?) / attract (I might replace this one OTL LMFAO)
Rolf (medicham) high dps/move combo ✨️ [ability: pure power (doubles his attack stat) • item: fist plate (boosts fighting moves) • moves: reversal / drain punch / mind reader / high jump kick]
Mystery (rapidash) fast + has kind of a type advantage, she feels like a safe bet ✨️ [ability: run away (useless in this setting lmao) • item: amulet coin (subject to change obv) • moves: fire blast / flame wheel / smart strike / flare blitz
Teeny (raichu) another high dps but with special attack type moves instead of regular (on the other hand teenys uhhhh not my fastest pokemon but its fine) [ability: static (may inflict paralyze on contact) • item: wise glasses (ups sp attack moves) • moves: charm / light screen / thunder / thunder punch]
Cupquake (quagsire) is ONLY weak to grass type moves also knows earthquake And toxic, feels like another pretty safe bet?? ✨️ [ability: water absorb (gains hp from water attacks) • item: metronome (increases damage from consecutive moves, might use a different item) • moves: mud shot / earthquake / sludge bomb / toxic]
On the flip side I can try to believe in the power of friendship and bring someone else in place of Jubilee and hope for the best?? (On the other hand: dazzling gleam can help vs Cynthia's spiritomb)
I feel like king is like. A gimmick pick, he'll mostly pay off if someone goes down and even that's kind of a long shot?? No offense to him ofc but like.. get in line lol.
Dewey and Cupquake both kno toxic and they both have high damage moves (earthquake and grass knot) given that cupquake technically has fewer weaknesses she would Probably be safer to choose? Flip side Dewey has absorb and synthesize so he should have a lil self sustaining (maybe 🥲, esp if the enemy has been hit w/ toxic he can tank a few hits w/ absorb + synthesize n then use grass knot)
I feel like. I won't be able to one shot most of these guys like they are built to not be one shot so playing slow might be the move and teeny is also set up for that a lil bit: charm to lower attack and light screen to lessen damage, thunder and thunder punch also do a lot of damage on their own.
Rolf's move combo of mind reader + high jump kick, with drain punch for poke damage + sustain is also a decent choice??
N finally Mystery is fast and has high damage, she is quite literally a one trick pony tho bc that's. P much all she is good at.... i think she and Evil >:3 could both do damage to Aaron's team, but Mystery may be able to hold her own vs. Flint's team. Then again: Cupquake would also probably be a good pick
In conclusion IDK LMAO I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm glad I typed all of this out! I'll come back later when I decide I'm gonna try to get thru all of it tonight bc haha I realized recently that I started this nuzlocke like......................2............... years... ago............. SOOOO YOU KNOWWWWW UM 😶‍🌫️🫣😅🥲🫡💀
ps. if u read all this mwah
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 7 years ago
Another Phoebe/Cole fan who loved your analysis! I was wondering what your top five favorite Phoebe/Cole scenes are?
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. This was such a hard choice to make, because there are so many scenes I love and if you asked me on a different day I might give a different answer, but here they are in no particular order: 
Their first date in Power Outrage. I love this entire scene because it’s the first time we get to really see them just be Phoebe and Cole. I think by this point Phoebe had already fallen for Cole, but Cole still had his guard up because technically she was just a mission for him and he wasn’t supposed to let his feelings get involved. But in this scene you see him let his guard drop and he starts to get to know Phoebe. She makes him laugh and he sees the light and joy she brings to a room, and when they start to dance you can see the torment in his eyes because he realises in that moment that he was truly falling for this woman who he was supposed to kill. If you go back and re-watch that scene you can quite literally see him falling in love with Phoebe and it’s really sweet. 
The end scene in Black as Cole. I’m a huge fan of Phoebe and Cole in the early episodes of season 4 full stop, but I particularly love this scene because I think it highlights just how far they’ve come. The whole episode is a challenge for them because Cole’s dark past comes back around, but this final scene shows the acceptance and love they share, and that they’re a true partnership. Cole communicates his anxieties about being a human and Phoebe reassures him, and you feel that despite the battle they’ve got ahead of them and the readjustment period they’re facing with Cole being human, that they’re in it together and that’s all that matters. Cole also voices his insecurity about Phoebe rejecting his marriage proposal and she explains that it’s not a reflection on him, but that she’s simply not ready and there’s an understanding between them. This is what I was talking about in my previous response about Phoebe and Cole - they actually had an incredibly loving, supportive and healthy relationship when they were at their best and before Cole was possessed by the Source. This scene really embodies that. 
When they wake up together the morning after having slept together in Primrose Empath. In the early days of their relationship there were so few moments like these, where Cole was right there with Phoebe and feeling all of the things she was feeling. You can see in this scene that they’re just two people in the beginning stages of love that are giddy and smitten. But within that you once again get to see Cole’s dilemma as the reality of the situation he’s in catches up to him. 
The attic scene in Muse to my Ears. I love love love this scene. Partly because it shares similarities with the one in Black as Cole whereby they’re in this strange place in their relationship with Cole being human and the fact that they’re entering into the next phase of their relationship, but they actually communicate that. It gets heated with Phoebe being concerned for Cole’s well-being now that he’s human and his recklessness, and Cole still being confused and insecure about her not wanting to marry him and feeling less important and weak due to losing his powers. But just like the scene in Black as Cole it ends with them both realising they love each other and that’s more important than any of that other stuff. And I just love that the end of that scene ends with the light humour of Phoebe making a little rhyme and Leo pointing out that even without a muse, Phoebe was able to find inspiration through her passion for Cole. 
The scene at the end of Witch’s Tail. It’s such a short and simple scene but carries a lot of meaning. This really shows just how far they’ve come and how deep their love runs, that through everything they’ve been through they still love each other. Once again, I think this scene showcases the good parts of their relationship. There’s a mutual understanding and acceptance between them, a silent communication that can only exist between two people who share a profound bond. Cole knows Phoebe loves him, Phoebe knows she loves him too and vice versa, but they also know that so much has happened that it’s a very real possibility that they’ll never be able to recover from that. I find this scene to be incredibly romantic in a subtle way. The way Phoebe turns human again and Cole simply takes off his jacket and drapes it over her shoulders and Phoebe sniffs it because it smells like him. It’s a side of love that people don’t think about very often, but that exists a lot whereby so much crap has happened over the years that they’re both different people and will never be able to get back to where they were, but they’ve loved each other so deeply for so long that there’s an undeniable pull and familiarity between them. You really feel that in this scene. You can still feel that Cole knows Phoebe maybe better than anyone and that he can reach her in ways even her sisters can’t.
Thanks for asking! 
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holy-guacamoly · 3 years ago
HEY OK SO IM INLOVE WITH THIS IDEAA MAYBE LIKE A TITANIC AU. Like Jean as Jack and y/n as rose? crying and throwing up it seems so cute, and maybe when it sinks jean like doesnt die. ANYWAYS TAKE UR TIME I LOVE UR PAGE
NOOOOO, I AM SCREAMING! When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with Titanic! The steamy car scene let my 12-year-old self feel things lmao This is a long-ass movie, so I decided to split it into two parts since it's simply impossible to keep things short. I hope you like it though! 🌸 Also thank you soooo much for the kind words! Stuff like this keeps me motivated.❤️ Honestly, I am fighting the urge to call this Fic "TITANic".
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♡ Slow-Burn ♡ (future)Smut ♡ Fluff ♡ Slight Angst ♡
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Serious Trigger-Warning, due to themes of suicide! Warnings: attempted suicide, average sexism for 1912 18+ MDNI
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♡ JeanxFem!Reader - Titanic!AU ♡ Pt. 1
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They say dying is peaceful. They say dying is easy. They say death is salvation.
So how come your knuckles whiten as you desperately clamp onto the railing, if this is supposed to be a gentle journey. Why was your breath growing shallow as panic rested in your lungs? Why was every cell in your body screaming for you to turn around? This wasn't as glorious as you imagined suicide to be. Ending your life wasn't like the wistful poems you have soaked in.
Something heavy seemed to be stuck in your throat as you tried to swallow. The most pathetic whine emitted from your mouth as you looked down. The roaring sea underneath was tinted in an onyx color by the moonless night. It seemed to be stretching its arms towards you, ready to swallow you whole. The scenery reminded you of all the ghost stories your nursemaid used to tell you.
Just a few minutes ago you climbed over the edge of the rear, to finally put yourself out of your misery. Tears stained your cheeks, painting a chaotic pattern on your skin. There was no point in going on since your life would end anyway as soon as you had reached the marleayn shore. "Okay, Y/N...You gonna do this," you whispered to yourself, but the trembling in your voice gave your indecisiveness away. Slowly you let the weight of your chest pull you towards the hungry waves, still holding onto the cold metal. Your movements were slow as if you tried to perform a test run. Right when your mind settled for the fall, the vibration of a voice tore the bone-chilling air apart.
"Gonna do what?"
Your nerves were already on edge so this startling noise pulled a high-pitched shriek out of you. Your breath went from shallow to erratic, when you slightly turned your head to locate the source of the commotion. "I-I'm...gonna jump!" you stated bluntly, trying desperately to sound confident. You didn't know why you explained yourself to a stranger, but right now, you were in no position to think your actions through.
Discontent bubbled up in your core as you heard a soft chuckle in response. "Well, I've been watching you for the past ten minutes. If you really wanted to end it, you would have jumped by now." Your brows knitted furiously at the bold assertion. How dared this stranger to talk to you like that? Didn't he see that you were a woman of class? Well, a woman of class standing at a railing to end herself like a lunatic, you had to admit. Maybe you didn't make the best impression at the moment.
You heard footsteps coming closer. The creaking of the wooden planks gave it away and the sudden sensation of another human's body warmth. "Miss, I don't know what you are going through, but believe me, you don't want to perish like that. The sea of Marley is pretty unforgiving during this season," the stranger continued to talk to you like you were old friends. In addition, you could make out a growing softness in his tone. Finally, a set of arms were in your field of sight. They looked slender but also muscular at the same time, as they rested casually on the railing.
"The water is freezing. Jumping from this height wouldn't kill you right away. Instead, you'll crash into the ice-cold sea, witnessing the pain of a million needles boring into your skin. And then slowly, very slowly, you will grow unable to breathe. That's not the kind of death for a lady of your class." This flagrant comment let your gaze wander over your shoulder in a hurried motion so that you were finally able to look at the brazen person next to you. Even though you despised the fact that such a rude person would be the last thing you laid eyes on.
It was a young man, presumably in his mid-twenties, with ash-blonde hair and the most radiant amber eyes you've ever seen. His hair was longer than usual for a gentleman and his skin looked sunkissed. According to his simple linen shirt and worn-out trousers, that were attached with suspenders, he must have been a third-class passenger.
"Excuse me?" you snapped. "Don't you dare to talk about which kind of death you see fit for me. No, don't you even dare to talk to me at all!" Your voice grew louder and you were afraid that someone would notice, but the roaring of the waves managed to drown your panicked screams. The man laughed again, while he combed a hand through his hair. He didn't lose his calm act and you hated him for that.
"Pardon me, Miss, it was not my intention to upset you. I just want to finish my nightly routine and go to bed. To my pitty, I can't do that unless you come back on deck," he cooed. Again a deep crater formed between your eyebrows, but this time the train of thoughts, that hit you was to blame. "Why do you care?" As you asked this question, you heard your voice crack. Even the refreshing winds couldn't keep your vision from blurring, as excruciating anxiety, pared with confusion washed over you. The cocktail of emotions you were forced to endure clouded everything around you.
Your accompaniment noticed your struggle but chose to remain composed and shrugged his shoulders. "I'd appreciate it if I don't have to jump after you. I hate cold water," he joked and gifted you a heart-warming wink. He was indeed charming. Even though it was freezing outside you felt your cheeks blushing in the loveliest shade of rosè. Embarrassment tied a knot in your stomach. You felt caught off guard.
"You wouldn't jump. You don't know me! To act such selfless would be..." You searched for the right word. "It would be insane!" The last part of the sentence ended in an exhausted whisper. No one would be stupid enough to die for another human being. You tried to look away again but the most bizarre action caught our attention. The stranger suddenly held out his calloused hand. It took you quite a while to process the movement, but in the end, it dawned on you. This passenger wanted to shake your hand.
"I am Jean Kirschtein and it is a pleasure to meet such a fine lady."
You tilted your head a little more to fully face Mr. Kirschtein and send him the most venomous glare you could muster. Was he out of his mind? What did he try to achieve? Jean must have read your frown correctly, because he hawked and explained, "Well, we aren't strangers anymore. So I am kind of obligated to save you." The absurdity of this encounter overwhelmed you. At the brink of death, this obscure person had the nerve to engage you in senseless chatter. But you had to admit that it actually kept you successfully from jumping. Oh god, you wanted to kill yourself. You almost forgot. As you drifted off to a modus operandi, you breathed, "I am Y/N. Y/N L/N." Again a soft smile tugged at Jean's lips, still hovering his hand right in front of you. "Well, Y/N L/N, how about you take my hand?"
So you did as you were told, not knowing that this simple gesture was the start of something magical.
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"You draw?" you hummed in surprise and amazement, as you eyed the messy folder of papers under Jean's arms. Since he saved your life the night before, you found it appropriate to thank him with a decent amount of money. He declined politely though, stating that seeing you well and alive was reward enough. After a mild quarrel, where you tried to force him to take the banknotes, you let it be. He truly seemed to be happy that you didn't kill yourself. Still, you asked him if he would fancy taking a walk with you on this nice, sunny day. He agreed gladly this time. Everything above brought you to animated conversations and finally to your burning question. "Yeah, it's my passion. Keeps the mind off things," he answered shyly, his outgoing deminer all gone. You smiled fondly at the tall man, as you stopped. A set of other first-class guests eyed you in disgust since you interacted with a filthy commoner. But you ignored their icy stares. "Can I see? I would love to!" And how could Jean say no to such round puppy eyes? He would rip his heart out just to earn another soft smile from you. The ash-blonde coughed slightly to regain his composure and fidgeted with the leather folder in his arms. "Let's see..." he hummed deep in his thoughts while he searched through the pages. After a few seconds he exclaimed a happy "Ah, this is a nice one!" and shoved the piece of paper under your nose. You shook your head at his overly dramatic behavior but giggled. To be honest, you didn't expect much. Maybe that's why you were even more awestruck by the sight of this precious artwork. The drawing in front of your eyes could be described as nothing but perfection. Picasso, van Gogh and Monet would turn green because of jealousy. "This is amazing!" you exclaimed, a little too loud. You looked around embarrassedly, to check if anyone had noticed your outburst. When you were sure that this wasn't the case your eyes found their way back to the piece of art. Gently you traced your digits over the paper like you would be able to touch the person illustrated on it. It was a young woman, sitting on a huge armchair. She had an angel-like face and the most beautiful black hair framed it. But above all, she was split naked. Not many dared to draw something this erotic. "Really? This was a girl I met in Marley." Jean also mirrored your surprised expression, but also sounded more than proud. "I can almost feel the tension. It's just...perfect. I've never seen anything this honest," you mused. Your gaze wandered up to meet his. The most beaming smile was plastered on the male's face. "You can keep it then," Jean suggested, but you shook your head. "How about you draw me like one of your marleyan girls instead?"
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You always had been a person to believe in scientific facts only. Such delusions as destiny and twin flames were something, reserved for dreamers. Already at a young age, you faced the harsh reality of a cruel word. With your father dying at a young age and now your remaining family facing bankruptcy, you had to grow up faster than anyone else. There was simply no space in your heart to embrace the wonders around you. But the final straw was pulled when your mother announced that you were forced into an arranged marriage with a rich businessman from Marley. You knew nothing about him, except that his name was Zeke Yeager.
Despite all this cruelty, strings of faith pulled you into Jean Kirschtein's arms, on this fey night. All of a sudden you dared to believe in such magical things. You even allowed yourself to dream about a life, where you would walk off this ship, with him by your side. Of course, hidden in the deep valleys of your heart, you know that this was just an illusion. You were born into a wealthy family, while he was an ordinary factory worker. Poor as anyone could be. Society didn't like the idea of marrying out of pure love, nor to put one's happiness first. The only thing important to those prude citizens was to keep up the facade of the noble. They would talk behind your back, maybe even trick Jean into something to get him behind bars. And your mother would rather see you dead than in a third-class person's arms. But still, you were here. Attached to your lover's lips, while you hid in the storage room of the ship. Only two days after you've met. This had to mean something. This couldn't be just an obscure coincidence. Knowing someone for such a short period of time and still dedicating your head to them had to be a sign of the heavens. Jean was different than anyone you've met. He had a gentle soul, the most radiant smile and a good sense of humor. The people you normally had the pleasure with, were stuck up and boring. It felt refreshing to interact with someone as bold as him. And oh, how you enjoyed the sensation of his gentle touch. Jean's hands roamed your body like you were the portrayal of a goddess. He had to worship you. Over and over again the young man whispered the sweetest nothings into your ear. Telling you how he was gonna marry you and how beautiful your children would look. He would do everything to give you the life you deserved - A life of freedom. If any other man would have whispered such surreal things to you, you would have cringed. But your lover had his way with words and you believed everything he said. "Jean," you finally sighed as you peeled away from his lips, still lingering in his embrace. "I am promised to someone, you know that. It won't be as easy." You brought your soft hand up to his face and traced your thumb over his cheekbone. "Also, we are hiding in a storage room, like criminals. A lot of things have to change before we can live our lives in peace," you added with a slight giggle at the comedic scenery. Jean moved to softly lay his hand over yours. He gave your slender fingers a loving squeeze, while he brought your wrist up to his mouth. The softest kiss let you shudder. "I know, my love, but we will make it happen," he assured you in a child-like manner, while stars of excitement danced in his sepia-colored orbs. Then he added, "And for now we can just pretend." You raised an eyebrow because you couldn't make out what he meant. To ease your confusion, Jean took your tiny hand, compared to his, and lead you through the full room. You maneuvered your bodies through diverse boxes and the most obscure objects. People brought the weirdest things with them. You saw a whole couch, a huge collection of marbles and a hunting trophy, which was a stuffed duck. After another turn at a tower of boxes, you gasped. There was a car standing. An actual car. Only the wealthiest families owned such fancy technology. "Wanna go for a ride?" Jean winked, sprinted over to the vehicle and opened the back door. "M'Lady?" he spoke in a mockingly nasal tone and bowed. As a result, you burst into laughter. Joining his theatrical act you strutted towards his form, while you swung your emerald green dress around your ankles. "Why thank you, Mr. Kirschtein," you cooed and took his offer to help you inside. Jean was quick to follow and placed his ridiculously tall body next to yours. A well-sculpted arm found its way around your shoulders.
"Where should our driver take us?" he asked with a mischievous grin, gesturing to the empty front seat a.k.a the imaginary driver. In a thinking motion, you brought your finger up to your lips and tapped them a few times. A quiet "Hm" hummed through your chest.
Finally, you turned to face him, while you grabbed his collar to almost close the space between you. Your breath mingled with his as you susurrated,
"To the stars."
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hojbjerg · 2 years ago
what’s your favourite song at the moment 🤔 <3
THIS IS SUCH A DIFFICULT QUESTION I DONT KNOWWWWWW😭😭😭😭 ive been listening to cannons loads lately?????? but i can never just pick one song ever im soooo indecisive and i always feel bad for the songs i don’t pick….. lmao anyways ILY
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briankang · 3 years ago
how did u get into skz and what were the highlights of your time with them so far? also do u have a bias line? or is it just chan? also why chan?
omg ok so!!
i actually vaguely knew about them back in 2019 when around my pace came out and my friends tori and ayanna and i were like AYO THIS SLAPS??? and i added it to my spotify but i wasn’t into kpop as much at the time so i sorta forgot about them for a bit. then like. late 2020 early last year a gc i was in (which. lol) started getting into them and me like oh that’s cool! i distinctly remember them showing me chris and bambam on the survival show and them being like YOU KNOW BAMBAM EXISTS??? and me, who had liked got7 since 2015, like yeah! and me being like. ok but who is this he’s so cute 👀👀👀 and over time they showed me some content every once in a while and i was like oh they’re neat!!! the winter is coming eps and the goddamn. skz up all night videos are distinct to me. anyways it was around gods ddu du ddu du and their final kingdom performance i started to PROPERLY dig in and the day they performed wolfgang changed my fucking life. it was 6 am i hadn’t slept and i saw christopher chan bang flip in and then DO THAT WHOLE SHIRTLESS BIT and decided right then and there to buy their bubbles and stan then forever i never looked back DBWKEJWJEJNDN.
HIGHLIGHTS…..def when hyunjin came back, the release of noeasy. not to be annoying but talking to chris on video call literally changed my life bc i didn’t even enter into a raffle knowingly i just bought my scars albums and then it. it just happened i almost cried TRHEISJSJSJ. he was soooo kind like. it was only 30 seconds but he was just. ugh. so handsome and the fact that he got flustered when i said he looked nice fhejeehejjwjw and us just. chatting like two friends like i was sooooo nervous leading up and then he came up and i felt soooo at ease? the way he looked genuinely like ☹️ that we had to hang up and was like “times up ☹️☹️☹️ see you next time????” and looked rlly hopeful about it like. it lives rent free IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO GO ON ABOUT THIS DHSHSBSJS HE JUST!!!! it will never leave me ive never felt so lucky 💕💕💕💕 however mostly recent highlights have been hanging out with you guys and making friends like genuinely that’s been so fucking fun and i love you guys im so bad at replying unless we talk every day sometimes and can be kinda shy but everyone is SO kind i love stayblr. i also watched the fanmeet and streamed oddinary with tori and ayanna when it came out and that was so. fucking fun idk it was v warm i love being able to share what i love with my friends and not feel bad about it dhsbshwjsj
god. ok so im a libra (chris and i are two days apart actually, two years too it’s fun to me hehehee) and have never been able to pick just one bias bc im indecisive LMAO rn i consider it chris, minho, and felix and hyunjin. minho was not originally here. in fact i used to think he was so weird and didn’t care for his vibes but over time i truly did like warm up to him esp having his bubble. i find him so endearing and the way he just. cares is so subtle and sweet and his humor dhwgejwhjwj i didnt intend to love him like this. felix was an originally top boy tho but. as i always say. if u don’t like felix that’s a red flag like he’s nothing but kindness and warmth. hyunjin was also originally higher in my line!!! his talent is soooo incredible and idk he’s just so cute and silly and passionate and romantic. idk i think we would be besties!!!
oh christopher though. truly cannot explain the love i have for that boy it’s EMBARRASSING like. idk what it is but like that dude came into my life and nothing had been the same RHWJWSHASJSJ like he’s just so. he’s just SOME GUY RIGHT. but like. in the way you’ve KNOWN a guy like that who’s v sweet and well intentioned but awkward and silly. like a dude you were friends with or went to school with. idk that’s what i love about him like he talks about songs he loves or things he did back in the day and im like “wow we would’ve gotten along so well in school like we deadass would’ve been friends and i would’ve had a massive crush on him” RHWHEEHWJEJW like. he is just so kind and FUNNY and passionate and hardworking and just. the way he loves the Kids. ugh it just pulls at my heart and he’s so talented like the way he can literally do everything. the way he’s open with his struggles is so UGH and the way he gets flustered over everything is so cute to me and how he acts cute to everyone and just. idk i want him to succeed and always have good days and all of that. also he is so handsome oh my god like. AND cute like he does both i wish he believe that he was as good looking as he actually is. anyways i love him in a normal way a normal amount.
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muwur · 5 years ago
Hiii and welcome!! May I please request for the lovable annoying baby Hinata who has a HUGE crush on this popular girl in his class and one day she sees him at the mall or something and rushes to him begging him to pretend to be her boyfriend because there’s a group of guys that won’t leave her alone and that’s when she finally realizes that this gorgeous sweetheart exists and Hinata is just on cloud 9 the entire time but then he remembers it’s all fake :((((( teeeee
✿ pretend boyfriend pt. 1
♡ scenario ♡ for hinata
❧ fem reader
✎ 3.2k words
a/n: aw hello ty for the welcome <3 also this request made me cackle AAHAHAHAHA. also this format is interesting lolol, im so indecisive about how i want it
anyways, hope u enjoy hehe >.> this came out a lot longer than i had originally planned but did i even have a plan in the first place buut i aint complaining LOL
also yes theres going to be a pt 2 firhfnxfwifj hehe
requests: open! pls bbys dun b shy i have summer skool soon fml i need this to make me procrastinate on work LMAO
-having been preoccupied with volleyball, crushes never crossed Hinata’s mind
-however, he was about to find out that he was quite clueless when it came to love
-he found himself speeding to school on his bike one morning, riding at breakneck speed to try to make it on time
-ahhhh, i was so excited about the first day of going to karasuno and seeing their volleyball team that i couldnt sleep until 4 am...!
-that explains why he overslept
-lost in his thoughts, he nearly failed to notice the girl who was walking in front of him
-and so, at the very last minute, he swerved. i nto a tree.
- “oh my gosh! are you okay??”
-if he wasn’t okay before, now he’s cURED because the most beautiful girl was looking down at him with an outstretched hand, concern in her eyes
-he jumped up instead and waved his arms in front of himself, blushing and nodding, “y-yeah, I’m fine! don’t worry about me, a-are you okay??”
- “you’re the one who crashed into the tree!” you responded with shock as you moved to pick up his bike off the ground (luckily, it was undamaged)
-he took the handlebars after you offered them to him
-you frowned slightly. “i’m sorry, i should’ve watched where i was going. are you hurt?”
-he was too busy gawking at you to realize his head started bleeding
-cue you yelling frantically “y-your head! it’s bleeding!” and rushing him to the nurse’s office
-in his head: ‘i-im holding her hand’
-nearly combusted on spot
-and that was how he met you
-later he found out he actually shared the same class with you!
-though you never seemed to notice LOL
-you sat on the opposite side of the room, closer to the front of the class
-he sat all the way in the back, so it’s not like you would’ve really seen him but it was the perfect spot for hinata to stare at you and not pay attention to class
-and during breaks or when the teacher left the room for a few minutes, everyone around you would try to spark up a conversation with you
-oh how he wished he could make you smile and laugh like that too
-and whenever he saw you outside of class, he hid immediately (behind walls, doors, lockers, people *coughkageyamacough* “hinata boke!”, etc) and admired you from afar, way too nervous to approach you after your first encounter several weeks ago
-he just kNOWS he’ll do something stupid and end up a stuttering, blushing mess
-besides, you probably forgot who he was ;((
-one day at lunch, he hid behind yamaguchi, who was confused until he followed hinata’s intent gaze to your form, which was walking by in front of the pair
-kageyama, who also took notice, smiled devilishly
- “pfffft, she’d never glance your way”
- tsukki deadpanned, “you don’t stand a chance. she’s way too pretty for you and people are lining up just to talk to her”
-cue hinata fighting kags n tsukki, blushing and with tears pricking at his eyes
- “aw, guys, don’t be so mean, I think he just has a crush!” yams snickered what an angel (no i am not in love w this man)
-one weekend, hinata was out in a nearby shopping area to get some snacks for natsu cuz she wouldn’t stop bugging him about it (“you ate the rest of my candy, so you have to go get me some more!”)
-as he was leaving the store, hand in his bag, he felt a tug on his sleeve and heard a “psst”
-some higher being must’ve blessed him that day because here he was, face to face with the girl who’s been on his mind everyday for several weeks
-he opened his mouth to say something, maybe like a:
-“h-hey! you look familiar, I totally don’t know your name or think about you before i sleep at night, s-so hOWS the weather???”
-but before he could humiliate himself speak, you gave him a small smile and asked, “aren’t you the guy i took to the nurse after you crashed into that tree?”
- “y-yeah, that was me!” he stuttered out
-he was trying so hard to keep his cool, but he could feel his palms get sweaty and his body quiver with pANIC
-you stifled a giggle with your hand (hinata: so cute dfghjfgljkl) "im glad to see you’re doing well. sorry, i never introduced myself. my name’s y/n, what’s yours?”
-you extended your hand as a greeting
-yet all he could do was stare at it, dumbfounded
-the two brain cells he owned said we ouTTIE
- “my name’s hinata!” he yelled dramatically for no reason. “sorry, my hand’s a bit sweaty, otherwise i would shake yours!” so instead, he bent forward in a bow
-eyes wide at his sudden outburst and gesture, you laughed in response and waved a hand, “it’s okay, really! nice to meet you again, hinata”
-a few moments of silence passed by, he was still bending over, and you were looking at your surroundings awkwardly
-risking a glance up, he caught a nervous expression on your face, and it made his eyebrows furrow in concern
- “hey, are you okay?” he asked as he straightened his body
-nice. smooth and direct.
-you sheepishly looked at the ground and absentmindedly itched the side of your head, twirling a strand of hair with your finger
- “this is kinda embarrassing, but um... could you do me a favor? i promise it’s nothing too bad!”
-little do you know he would literally do aNYthing for you right now
- “of course!” he replied a little too quickly. “w-what is it?”
- “soooo, i ran into these guys from school earlier, and they won’t stop bothering me, especially this one guy. a lot of girls like him and think he’s cool, but he’s such a jerk! i honestly don’t know what they see in him. he’s been so insistent on dating me the past few weeks that i try to avoid him as much as possible...”
-you shyly looked up at him and he had to refrain from exploding
- “could you please, uh, pretend to be my boyfriend?”
- “y-y-y-your b-b-b-boyf-f-friend?” he managed to sputter
-you clasped your two palms together in front of your face like a prayer and leaned forward slightly, closing your eyes. “just for today, i promise! i remember you were really sweet when i first met you, so i thought i could ask you! i need to get a few things and i know he’s still around here, so i might run into him and his friends again. also, earlier, i uh... kinda told him i had a boyfriend to see if he would back off, but i think it just made him angrier...”
-you were talking a bit too fast for hinata’s nonexistent brain to process, but he got the gist
-basically, he needed to pretend to be your boyfriend in front of some guy that wouldn’t leave you alone
-it almost sounded like a dream come true
-except for the fact this was all fake and he wasn’t actually your boyfriend
- “err, how do i do that?”
-you looked back up at him questioningly. “do what?”
-he looked off to the side in embarrassment. “w-well, i’ve never really dated anyone, so i’m not sure how to act and make it believable...”
-you clasped his hands making him even more flustered and jumped up in excitement
- “so you’ll do it??”
-he could only manage to nod in response
- “great! ahhhh, thank you so much! you don’t know how much i appreciate this! as for the acting... well, we just have to do couple-y things. y’know, hold hands, stand close to one another, feed each other, take pictures together, kiss, all that stuff. just follow my lead!”
-did his ears deceive him?
-did you just say
-he?? was going to get?? to?/ kisS yOu?//dfokgjif
-he definitely looked like an idiot right now
-wide eyes glazed over, mouth opened slightly for the soul leaving his body, a grey and sickly pale complexion, stomach twisting from nerves and butterflies
-noya and tanaka would be so jealous
-and possibly kill him so they could replace him as your pseudo boyfriend
- “hinata? what’s wrong, d-did i say something?”
-your concerned voice brought him back to earth
-gazing into your cute, confused eyes, he took a deep breath and exhaled
- ‘im acting so uncool right now! y/n needs my help!’
-he mustered up the courage to flash you a determined smile and a thumbs up. “i’ll be the best fake boyfriend you could ever ask for!”
-you could’ve sworn you felt your heart skip a beat
-you chuckled at his genuine display and smiled back. “then in that case, would you mind tagging along as i pick up a few things?”
-he could barely hold himself together when you clasped his hand and scooted close to him
-so close he could smell a pleasant scent wafting from you
- ‘i cant believe this is happening im holding her hand agAIN was this meant to be—‘
-and then his mind went blank for like the hundredth time in the last several minutes
-he followed you around, trying to steady his rapidly beating heart and ignore the warmth that remained on his cheeks
-how could you be so calm when you two were holding hands for so long?? (kags: it means she doesnt like u)
-he was both elated and terrified at the same time
-hinata couldn’t help but relish the way your fingers felt interlocked with your own
-how you slightly swung your arms together as you walked
-the way your eyes shone as you talked so casually with him
-the crinkle of your eyes and the sweet sound of your laugh when he said something that was apparently funny
- ‘fjjkdjnf i made her laugh‘
-he couldn’t help but notice the way your hair brushed your face when you leaned forward to inspect an item on a shelf
- “this is kinda cute, don’t you think?” you held up a small plush of a hedgehog
- “y-yeah, adorable!” but i’m not talking about the hedgehog
-it was no surprise to him, really, to see why you were so popular with everyone
-what’s not there to like? aside from your stunning beauty and intelligence, you were naturally charming and radiated an aura that just drew others in
-two hours passed and you both ended up sitting at a table, hands linked together across the table’s surface
- “ah, i need to answer this,” you breathed out, letting go of his hand to rummage your bag and answer your ringing phone
-ngl his hand was already getting cold and he missed your touch
-after a few nods and short replies, you ended the call and stood up
- “well, now that i’ve gotten everything, i have to head home now. ..”
- “oh... i-i mean, oh, alright! uhh, it was nice um, shopping with you!”
-his heart sank a bit now that this blissful time had come to an end
-disappointment seeped in hello darkness my old friend
-you, too, were a bit dismayed. you never expected to have enjoyed your time with him that much
-how come you never saw him at school? you definitely would’ve loved to get to know him more...
- “y-yeah, i had a good time, too! er, shopping, i mean! thanks again for following me around, though. you’re really sweet, hinata. i don’t know what i would’ve done without your help...”
- ‘come on, this is your chance!’
-boyo took another deep breath and opened his mouth to say, “y/n, could we do this again som--”
- “y/n! heyyy, i’ve been looking for you, sweet cheeks!”
-you both whipped around to see a group of guys approaching your table
-quickly, you pulled hinata close to you and whispered in his ear, “act natural.”
-nodding, he stood up straighter and hesitantly snaked an arm around your waist
-then stiffened in fear when you were both surrounded by a group of guys who were all way taller than him
-you gave the boys a suspicious eye and scooted closer into hinata’s touch
-“what do you want? for the last time, i am not going out with you. don’t you know anything about respecting other people? besides, i’m already with someone,” you huffed
-the one in the front cocked an eyebrow at the sight of you two
-he had silky dark hair, smooth skin, a captivating gaze, and a smirk that could creep right under your skin
-“you expect me to believe small fry’s your boyfriend? him? with YOU? you could do so much better, buttercup. I could make you feel so good.”
-hinata could tell this guy was bad news. really bad news. he was the type who wouldn’t take no for an answer
- ‘ahhh, what do i do?? if i just stand here, he’s gonna keep harassing her! and possibly even hurt her...’
-the guy inched closer to you, much to your obvious discomfort as you stepped back, and he reached out to touch your cheek
-but hinata was quicker, and he slid in front of you before the guy could lay a finger on you
- “leave her alone! she obviously wants nothing to do with you.”
-the fiery glint in his eye was almost enough to make the other guy back off, but his pride wouldn’t let him
-angry, he instead grabbed fistfuls of hinata’s collar and spat in his face, “say that again, shorty.”
-hinata continued to stare into the other guy’s eyes daringly and grabbed a hold of his wrist in response
- “she said no. quit harassing a girl who’s made it clear she’s not interested, or else.”
- “or else what.”
-his grip on the guy’s wrist tightened and his eyes sharpened. “you’ll have to get through me, first.”
- “tch,” the taller male scoffed. he let go of hinata, pushing him back and glaring as he did so. then he glanced over at you still standing behind the orange-haired boy
- “bet you’ll get bored of shortstack over here soon enough. i’ll be waiting,” he remarked with a wink
-then he and his friends turned and walked away, disappearing from view
-hinata, who’s been running on pure adrenaline during this whole encounter, then collapsed on the floor from all the excitement and terror he tried to contain
- “h-hinata?!” you gasped, using your arms to support his sluggish body
- “ahhh... i thought he’d at least swing at me, but i got lucky...”
-he sounded breathless
-however, the last thing he expected was the soft press of your lips on his cheek
- “thank you, hinata. i really appreciate the way you stood up for me back there. no one’s ever really done that for me.”
-how many times can you die and come back to life in the same day?? p sure hinata’s broken the record for that by now
- “o-o-o-of course! i couldn’t just let him keep thinking that going after you like this is o-okay! i-i didn’t even do much, i-i mean you’ve been standing up to this guy for weeks, this was the least i could do to help--”
-and you were huGGING HIM
-he awkwardly returned the gesture, eyes wide with shock as he patted your back
- “i mean it. thank you. i hope he backs off, but...” you bit your lip and pulled away
- “w-what’s wrong...?”
-you sighed. “i have a feeling he’s still going to be bothering me for a while. i hate to ask this of you, but...”
- “could you pretend to be my boyfriend for a bit longer? at least until he gets the hint and stops...?”
-did this mean...
- ‘dating’ you at scHOOL???
-kageyama and tsukki will never let him live it down, he could already imagine their comments
- “why’d she pick you of all people for this job?? you’re so?? you???”
- “couldn’t she have chosen to be with someone more believable??”
-he shook his head from his thoughts
- “i-is that a no?” you asked worriedly
- “n-no! i mean, yes! i mean, ignore that! i can pretend for as long as you need, y/n.”
- “ahhh, thank you so much, hinata! i promise i’ll treat you to something in return!” you brought him back in a hug, swaying side to side in glee
-you both stood up after you let go. “we should exchange numbers!” you suggested
- ‘oh my gawd, im getting her number rdftegiuofref’
-tanaka and noya would be so proud tho
-you quickly typed down your contact information on his phone before handing it back to him. “alright, here you go, just give me a text! i have to go now.”
-you picked up your bags and gave him a parting smile. “i’ll see you at school! get home safe!”
-and with that, you were on your way
-he stood there and watched as you left, holding onto the cheek you had kissed earlier
-he couldn’t believe it
-he had texted you after he got home, giggling like a lovesick preteen (was he not thooo LOL) as he was reading your messages and sharing memes with you
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : oh ye btw, who’s your teacher? also, where do you usually hang out? just so i know where to find you. i never c u around school for som reason
me: oh rlly? thats strange... (pretending like he doesnt hide from you lol) im usually in the courtyard during lunch or in the gym for volleyball practice, and i have class with ms. akio
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : WE’RE IN THE SAME CLASS??? omg im so sorry, i never noticed :((
me: oh no its okay! i sit all the way in the back, so
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : well, i’ll make sure to greet you next time :) ! we’ll be seeing each other a whole lot more now, so
-he was still smiling like an idiot when natsu burst open his bedroom door
- “where’s my candy?!”
-shit, you probably took it with all your other bags by accident
- “uhhh....”
- “shoyooooo! you owe me, big time!”
-he rolled his eyes. “yeah, yeah, i know, i’m sorry, i’ll buy you twice as much tomorrow.”
-he went back to typing away at his phone
-natsu raised her eyebrows in curiosity. “whatcha doinnn?”
- “nothing, go away.”
- “you’ve been on your phone all day!”
- “and?”
- “are you talking to a giiirrrlllll?”
- “n-no!”
- “then why are you blushinggg?? moommm! shoyo has a girlfriend!” then she added to her brother, “can i see her?? is she pretty??”
-he just groaned, putting a hand up to his face to cover his blush, and nodded
a/n: OKAY this def took me longer than i thot AAHAHA but no ragrets. ty for your request, anon, i rlly enjoyed writing this and i hope you liked it! there will be a part 2, ill try to get that done soon >.> stay tuned hehe. msg me or send me an ask if you wanna be in the taglist cx <3 have a great day or night, lovelies, wherever you are
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miedei · 4 years ago
mm yes like in literally every group i have 1-2 set biases like even in all 23 people of svt (RENSUNG MY LOVES) & 1-2 set wreckers (yanghyuck, in the nct example) enha is the only group where i changed biases thrice & have like no set wrecker 🗿 they WILL be the fucking end of me istg 💥🔨
and awww thank you 😻 i have a separate nickname i use irl but online i generally go by eika now (after being indecisive rip 💀) since like it's close to my actual name (so i won't forget it's me rip) but far enough that you won't just be able to guess what my name is irl 😈
also lol i always joke to one of my irls that riki is like everything i wanted to be when i "grew up" from being a kid & that he has everything i want to have (*cough* supportive parents *cough*) and then this bitch shows up with the 4 EXACT SAME AND SPECIFIC ear piercings i once ranted to them about wanting to have (my original two on both earlobes, an extra one on my left lobe & a right helix) and like 🗿 bro i don't think it's a joke anymore (alexa play jealousy by olivia rodrigo 😩)
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(i'm so fucking sorry for how weird the 2 ear photos will look in your inbox when you receive it but 😭😭 look at his piercings ?!?!?!??@?@?@(-(' *falls flat on face and nosebleeds*)
(aaaaaand i'm back to riki this shit is almost as bad as my period mood swings)
im always that way i have a bias who im crazy loyal to but there's always others that sneak in and take my heart lmao
eika is a really pretty name!! i get not wanting to put your name on the internet, i def did that when i was younger but i would always forget who people were talking about so when i made this i decided to use my actual name, unless moots wanna give me nicknames
omg yes I agree i wanted to literally be what riki is now for most of my childhood my mom is currently kinda annoyed at my big sister for coming home from uni with two new piercings so im hoping she'll calm down ab it and let me do it at some point HE LOOKS SO GOOD
honestly i feel like ear pics are probably what the people who follow me perfect
his style is what I wanna dress like if i didn't have immigrant parents 💀
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bucksbisexual · 4 years ago
hello. just to say your new theme is cool! and on your cardd it's written dob 2020. i guess it stands for date of bearth and you have mistaken? im sorry if im wrong, i never use those abreviations. oh and quick question about manner of death. you mention there is a graphic moment, and if its okay id like to know whats it about (but not the details, if you get me. its been a tough week for me (i know, we're tuesday :( )) and aroud where it is on the episode. hope its not much to ask 🖤 good day!
thank u!! i was vvv indecisive to which theme to use since all of the creator’s themes are soooo pretty. also, yes the 2020 is a mistake skjfhsjhfks im a 2002 liner so u can see why i would mistakenly write 2020.......... lmaoskfkjshkf i’ve fixed it now!! thanks for telling me <33 
the thing i said was pretty graphic about the new manner of death episode is a scene where they show how jane was killed. we already knew she was hanged (because, well, it’s in episode one lmao we’re 11 eps past that) but normally when people are hanged during shows or movies they just.. show their feet/lower half to show them not moving anymore, but in this episode they do show her face when that happens so that’s why i said it was graphic. this happened after the post i made but theres also shooting scenes that maybe might be a bit too much. if you feel like you can’t watch that i can give you time stamps so you can skip the scene 💖 i hope u do have a better week and feel better soon, sending all my love, support and happy thoughts and memories to u 🥺💛
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