#im so thankful that i stumbled across such an amazing human being!!!
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therealvinelle · 7 months ago
I know i am SUPER late to the party but I just stumbled across (and finished 😭) your fic "A Hairy Business".
The deer, that everyone wants to treat as a human but also accidentally like an animal. The fact that he is just a deer after all and does deer-things but everyone tries so hard to read these actions as human no matter what. The pooping in cauldrons being seen as this amazing prank against Snape (and now im worried how the twins tried to out-prank Hairy. What did they poop in?!?) The deer being named "Hairy" instead of Harry (good one, James and Sirius, very mature. Also A+ parenting from James. Poor Lily, I'm sure she tried her best). And Lord Grass-emort XD Honestly, the diary won. Sure he's a soul piece stuck in a diary but at least he's not.... like that.
And who could forget the Hairy Express. The mental image is both very cute and hilarious. No wonder the diary is losing its mind. The deer is too powerful and it's just a deer. It doesn't know what's going on ever.
Honestly it'd be so funny if neither Hairy nor Lily had anything to do with Tom blowing up. Hairy did something deer-y, Tom tripped over him and poked himself with his wand so badly that he just went poof. Hairy got spooked and ran forhead-first into something, getting him the scar.
Who knew that "the power he knows not" would be being a no thoughts head empty deer?
Thank you, you beautiful person, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. It remains my best work.
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streamdotpng · 8 months ago
Are these your OCs?
What's the story about?
thanks for asking anon
also yeah, they are my oc's! (kinda)
big ass ramble below so read at your own discretion
originally, the guys (blue hair and white hair) were my personas/characters that i played back when i streamed but then i got distracted by wednesday and switched over to doing all this. Now they're my ocs! Meanwhile, the cloud personified? is my friend's
we've just been shipping the two together because its fine
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Drai (blue hair) is a being who needs to kill to live. As in, he's sculk. If you know minecraft, there's this block in the later updates where if you kill a mob on it, it would grow from the xp absorbed. I took that idea and ran with it. So drai is iven sentience after absorbing what is essentially the 'life force' of the beings that died on him. Soon, he possesses a corpse and goes through life, adventuring and killing.
Until he stumbles across a stronghold and gets greeted by a god, Lati (the cloud), telling him to stay away from the portal and basically does their best to spook him. It doesn't work and they get to talking
they end up becoming roommates and catching feelings
except here's one unfortunate thing. Lati is a god, a god who has mentioned that they don't feel things the way people normally do and yknow, if you're a decent guy, you simply accept that it is what it is and move on. Drai tries to do so but unfortunately, his heart is too filled with their name and oh is it so hard to move on from a being so tied close to his soul.
Then he dies.
amazing no? i would explain it some more but i'll simply show you the snippet i wrote
Drai and lati lore? Who knows honestly, im rambling rn CW: Drai lowkey dies (not really) and an inhuman's thoughts on it
Its been a few lifetimes since then, maybe two? Since Drai has been seen around the smp Why? Well! Its because he's dead, kinda? Maybe? All you need to know is that he's gone, completely It was a tiny thing to note that Drai isn't human. He's sculk possessing a dead body after all, his conciousness a miraculous byproduct of absorbing too xp/life force of people from before. He's used to fighting, to absorbing more life during his troubles until he settled down in season 1. Except he never realized that it was xp keeping him alive and when he finally hung up the blade once in for all, he would take on the mantle of dead man walking too literally once more. Lati doesn't feel in a way people do, there is no indignant anger at the realization that they were losing Drai. Simply acceptance because isn't that what life is? For a concept, the laws of reality has always been something they've been intimately aware off but there's something that tingles in their chest as they stare at their dying … companion. Drai smiles alot. All crinkled corners at his eyes and teeth bared. Its a comforting sight, a routine for Lati to always see whenever they pass by the other in the dungeon hallways. There's an ache at the thought that there will be a time where they will see that smile for last time. They simple didn't realize it was that soon. Clearly, Drai didn't realize it either and when he did, it was far too late. (Lati didn't realize time passed that quickly, not till Drai stumbles like a puppet with no strings. A sack of potatoes dropping and hitting the floor in a sound that echoes around their head) Curse him, Lati thinks as she stares at the boy. He was practically a new born fawn with the way he stumbles upright, clinging onto the wall with a hand as his mortal mind finally dawns with reality.
"I think im dying," he says, a tremble in his voice as the revelation settles. "But- its okay," he tries to reassure, before his lips pull into that same stupid smile as if they were the one about to knock on death's door. "I always come back." He isn't wrong, Lati thinks. His origin as a parasite allows him some form of faux immortality but like all things fake, it could never hold up to the real thing. (But what if it could?) The thought is dangerous. Rules are made for a reason, to imply going against them…. Lati can't smile, they could never do it right and Drai laughs about it whenever it happens. It doesn't mean they can't try, it is only fair, no? To give the reassurance that Drai has always given them. This body's eyes squints, doing its best to do what Drai could do best and smile. They shake their head as their lips speak of a truth so bitter that it practically chokes at their throat. "Not this time." And yet, it leaves their mouth with an ease of someone that doesn't know how to feel. A calm sentence with no waver, no humanity, as if her friend wasn't going to leave soon, as if Lati didn't care. But, Lati doesn't feel. They never could so what was… As the day ends and the moon peeks overhead, the dungeons for once in forever is empty and Lati is given a realization. The emerald binding the two of them together glows on their chest, shimmering with an enchantment. Drai didn't know the significance of such a thing, atleast not the true extent. He was simply too nice to know what such a binding gift could do, as far as his mortal brain could comprehend, it meant that if they lost it, it would come back. Loyalty 3 shimmers as their thumb rubs against the galaxtic text. Drai may be gone, but it doesn't mean he has to stay so. They simply have to wait. After all, he always come back right?
anyways, that's godsculk. Simply a parasite in a mortal's body and a god falling in love
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After that, we have Sacredgrounds.
See, drai dying brought grief for two lifetimes and Lati, a god who's desperate is willing to do anything. Even attempt to bring the dead back to life.
Except its delayed and the hope turns to pain. Its so bad that Lati physically changes from it, turning stormy at the loss of what's theirs.
Eventually, someone bursts out of a grave. Cain! (white hair) and he's actually the body Drai possesed. He doesn't remember much, only knowing half of what Drai has gone through but he does remember a Lati
but Lati looks different and she looks pissed after Cain ransacked their room for armor. Sure, they get confused for a moment, wondering why Drai looked so different but he's ..larger now. The scars a bit too worse and skin too pale compared to how it was before and it clicks that Cain isn't Drai's reincarnation but rather, an intruder.
it isnt until they see the emerald and feel the pull do they realize that wait a sec, is this.. Drai?
anyways they go from enemies to lovers and i love them, ty for listening and reading my rambling
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against-the-cosmos · 3 years ago
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omiscurls · 4 years ago
hi! (this request is heavily inspired by a kdrama i just watched called sweet home lmao) could i request a childe x gn reader fic where childe and the reader r both severely injured and the reader had to kill someone for self defense and as theyre running away the reader feeling super guilty is like “i’m so terrible i killed someone” and childe is trying to comfort them and they find a place to rest while being both on the verge of death and the reader is like “i killed someone, i’m so scared that it’ll be my last memory”and the childe is like “try to forget abt it it’s ok” and the reader is like “u don’t think abt either too” (yk implying like oh don’t think abt the ppl you’ve killed before childe, bc im assuming he’s killed a lot of ppl) and he’s like ok with a sad smile and they die together in each other’s arms holding hands?)/?:))2 help this is wayyy to detailed i’m sry but if u want the reference scene it’s from this video , they show the specific scene in time stamps 0:57-2:56 again i’m so sorry if this is too detailed or if u don’t wanna write it!!! tysm <3
a/n oh my god that is just my kind of angst, thanks for the request and i hope you'll enjoy!!
prompt: honestly? dying with tartaglia (that sounds like a creepy tv show's title and i'm proud of it)
contains: tartaglia
warnings: angst, death, blood, major character death, self-blame, murder, more blood, really a lot of dying and bleeding, please do not proceed if you're not comfortable with the topics
adrenaline was probably the last string that had your body moving and functioning in any way. the blood in your veins made you deaf, only capable of noticing the sounds of it pumping behind your ears, head pulsing like a bomb about to explode.
your whole body shook, and you felt a metallic taste on your tongue, covering your mouth with your hand to prevent throwing up, which you predicted would happen in a matter of seconds.
"hey!" you finally heard childe yell, sounding distant even still, when you lifted your gaze away from the body before you and noticed he was standing fairly close. "come on, move, or his buddies" he said pointing to the lifeless man beneath you "might just come to get revenge"
with that he took your arm by the waist and pulled you along with him.
you stumbled over your own feet, and almost fell down every couple of minutes. your lungs started to burn after mere seconds, and you couldn't even find breath to tell him to slow down. you also knew he couldn't, having better self-preservation instincts than you, he understood the situation you two were in better.
you looked behind you, to the spot where blood painted the grass red under a pile of dead bodies, some of your allies, some of your foes, but from this kind of distance, you couldn't even make out which one was which. your gaze fell down to your hands, covered in sticky redness as well.
you just killed somebody.
it wasn't even the consequences that frightened you, it was the sheer act of life leaving his eyes before he fell down, of his pupils staring at you in one last beg for mercy before freezing like that for the eternity ahead, for how his body seemed to have gained weight in a matter of seconds, almost pulling you down with him. the ringing in your head got more intense as you choked on a strained sob.
"they're dead" you breathed out, making your partner laugh sarcastically.
"good guess" he answered, his grip on your arm loosening as the both of you climbed up a hill.
"no, you don't understand, they're- dead dead! i- i didn't think i-" you stumbled over your words, panic settling in your eyes as you tried to comprehend the situation.
"what, you didn't think that if you pierce a person through with a blade they're gonna die?" he asked rhetorically, back almost slamming against a tree, sliding down to the ground with a breath of relief. "fuck, looks like i got pierced, too" he noticed, looking down onto his side, the grey material of his uniform getting dark and sticky. he hissed, trying to lift it up, and gave up on his attempts, instead opting to look at you.
you didn't sit down, but kept staring forward with the most frightened expression he had ever seen you wear. eyes wide open as you searched for answers in thin air, hands shaking, moving up to cover your mouth.
“hey” he whispered way gentler than before, urging you to sit down in front of him “it’s okay, it was only self-defense. you did kill them, but you didn’t murder them or anything, it was kill or be killed”
his words held so much confidence in what he was saying, you almost felt comforted. he really did master the art of bending the truth to his liking, didn’t he?
“i did it, what if he was someone’s father, or brother, or whoever else, what if i just destroyed someone’s world? he was a human being just as much as i am, i had no right-“ you started relapsing into panic, hands gripping on your hair, head moving down to hide between your legs.
only then did tartaglia notice the huge wound right across the back of your thigh, and several others. fuck, he instantly thought, whoever did it knew what he was doing, cut you in a very specific place, with intent to kill.
he couldn’t even fight back the wave of anger coming crushing at him, but bit his lip instead of saying anything. there was no way the both of you could get to a safe place in time.
he used to be so passionate about continuing to live, normally he would’ve just throw you over his shoulder and run, until his legs gave out, but now, he didn’t even have the energy to stand up. he barely could move his hand, and the more he tried to fight it, the more tired he became.
the feeling of helplessness was eating him alive, both from not having any way of providing you safety, and for not protecting you earlier, not to mention how he couldn’t find the right words to say to you now.
“listen” he started carefully, waiting for you to stop sobbing. “it’s painful, killing someone. it leaves a hole inside you that you don’t know how to cover. it makes your thoughts twist and fight back against you, it makes you want to leave your own head for how bad you feel. it sucks, believe me, i know. you didn’t deserve to have to feel this shitty. i’m- i’m sorry. for not shielding you well enough.” he said bluntly, not a hint of comfort or the usual beating around the bush that he used every time he intended to coax you. just pure, brutal truth. for once.
“it’s okay” you mumbled quietly. your head felt heavy on your shoulders, and you felt how it started to fall off its support. the numbness in your legs, this sort of stressful feeling of being constantly out of air- “i don’t want to die, though”
the sentence felt like a whimper, a cry of help, but tartaglia knew there was exactly nothing he could do.
“am i gonna die?” your voice felt a little stronger, laced with fear, and you lifted your eyes back onto him, in search of a “no” that you knew you wouldn’t find. “i’m gonna leave this world with killing a man as my last memory” you laughed bitterly, before laugh became a cry, and tears mixed with sweat on the surface of your cheeks. “that’s the worst fucking death i could ever imagine”
“baby, look at me” he asked calmly “come here”
when you moved to sit on his side, his hand, sticky from blood, intertwined its fingers with yours, and squeezed tightly.
“look. we’re sitting on a hill, under a tree, the sun is high up in the sky, a meadow below us, it’s a perfect date!” he laughed so authentically, you almost believed it was true. “we’re on a dream date, isn’t that amazing? and look.”
with that, he tilted your head towards his, and kissed you softly and shortly.
“i love you.” he said in the calmest manner he could force out “is that a better memory?”
you placed your head on his side, attempting to hug him even a little bit, tears staining his uniform even more.
“i don’t want to leave you.”
“i’ll be right behind you. guarding your back, like i always do. after all, i promised to always protect you, right? death won’t change my plans.”
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hollowedwing · 4 years ago
Isekai-ed into Hawk's Life
Hawks x gn!winged!Reader
Warnings: ⚠️ Death!(at very beginning, it is an isekai), mentions of death throughout, some angst(??maybe not yet??), slight cursing
(so sorry i just, love, love, the idea of having wings)
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(this is all my art, it is on IG, im just too embarrassed for people who know me irl to potentially find this xD Even though none of them have tumblr 👀 if you somehow recognize it...props to you?)
tbh, I can’t decide if I want this to have more than 1 part. 
Word count: ~1,800
You were on your way home from a long evening at your part time job. Before that you had already taken 2 finals that morning too.
You dragged your feet, exhausted, as you headed towards the crosswalk. Stopping at the edge as the traffic light turned green, you decided to pull out your phone and decided to watch a speed paint from your favorite artist who recently released a new video.
It just so happened it was a Hawks speed paint 👀
The light turned red and you slipped your phone into your pocket as your started to make your way across the street
little did you know this would be the last time you'd cross the street
A wild driver came barreling down the road, no regards for civilians or traffic lights, probably drunk or high or just someone out for blood.
You stood there like a deer caught in headlights as your life flashes before your eyes
You can barely comprehend what's happening as you felt pain engulf your body and suddenly you were unconscious
Keigo tiredly stumbled into his large apartment, kicking off his shoes and shrugging his jacket off by the door
He wants nothing more than to just flop down and pass out. The HPSC has been giving him hell lately about god knows what.
He let out a long sigh and headed towards the bathroom to do his nightly routine
As he finishes up, he drags his feet towards his bed and flops down face first into the comfort of his pillow and sheets
Keigo falls asleep almost instantly after getting into a comfortable position, worn out from a long day of work
What he wasn't expecting was a loud "thud!" coming from the main room. He jolts up from his bed, feathers ready to attack.
Reader's pov(?)
You groaned as you hit the floor. Your head was spinning and it feels like a truck just hit you
oh wait...
You suddenly became more alert, looking around in a panic, expecting to either be on the road and injured or in a hospital of sorts. What you didn't expect was a wooden floor inside of a random apartment.
You felt around your body for any signs of injury, but all you found were a set of wings on your back- wings?? Hold up. Why did you feel wings what kind of sick joke was this?
Your thoughts were racing as your breathing picked up. What was happening? Didn't you just get hit by a vehicle? Why are there wings in your back? Where are you even?
Feeling around in your pockets, you found your phone and whipped it out, trying for anything. You turned it on, the harsh light of it illuminating your face, you tried to send a text to your best friend, but alas, it wouldn't go through. Actually nothing on your phone seemed to work. You checked your location settings, for some reason it said Musutafu, Japan.
Wasn't....Wasn't that the location that most of Boku no Hero Academia took place?? This can't be right, this has to be a dream right? There's no way that you could have actually ended up here unless...
Then it hit you.
You read your fair share of isekai series back when you were alive in your realm. Mostly manhwas of characters getting reborn into another person's body, but, never actually reincarnating as yourself into another world.
That was the only thing you could think of. You must have been reincarnated into the Boku no Hero Academia world. Except as yourself.
In all honesty, this is not how you thought you'd go out. You didn't know what to expect after death, but this definitely wasn't it. After all, this was a fictional setting, wasn't it?
Well, not anymore because now you're living in it! Smh.
That would also probably explain the wings on your back. This was you now. You have a bird quirk.
Now, all you have to do, is figure out where the heck you are.
Just as you are about to stand up, feathers zip towards you, pinning you to the ground
You hear footsteps begin to come towards you. You don't know if you should be scared for your life considering you've already died once or ecstatic because, you knew for a fact, this could be none other than Hawks' apartment.
The winged hero finally emerges and stares down at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
He says in a low, gravely voice from sleep, "Who are you, and how did you get into my home?" You stare back up at him and nervously chuckle.
"I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you." You nervously sigh out.
"Try me." He demands, sounding a little more irritated now. You sigh in defeat and start to explain your situation.
"Do...do you know what an isekai is?" You said sheepishly while turning your gaze away from his. He kind of gave you a confused head tilt and just a vibe that said “No”. You sigh again and explain it to the best of your ability. Hawks becomes more and more interested and confused as you talk, but nods a long slowly. 
“So...you were reborn here, but as yourself? Wait- does that mean you died before!?” He asked, disbelief and fear ran through his eyes. You looked at him in bitter amusement.
“Apparently I did. The last thing I remember of my world was getting hit by some truck or car. The dude clearly did not know how to drive. I had the right of way I was pretty sure at least. I mean, the light was red, usually that means pedestrians can cross the street? And plus he was going wayyy over the speed limit,” you begin to ramble on, the reality of actually dying setting into you. Hawks noticed the panic beginning to set into you and released you from his feathers. He crouched down next to you and grabbed your shoulders gently.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me, you're ok now, right? You're here, and not dying in the middle of the street still. You're here. In Musutafu," he said trying to calm you back to reality. Well, what was your new reality. Your mind was racing. Trying to put together a coherent thought. 
You look up to him, with a panicked look still in your eyes, thoughts started to come out of your mouth as your brain was trying to catch up with the situation. "I'm... I'm in Boku no Hero Academia and, and you’re Keigo... standing... right in front of me..I have wings. I have wings? Jeezus I have fucking wings. And I’m dead in my own world. I don’t know anyone, well, wait, technically, I do know people, just-Oh gods! I’m so sorry, that name slipped out! I- I, I’m really sorry Hawks." Even in your wild state, you noticed Hawks tense up at the sound of being called Keigo by a total stranger, and were able to get out an apology. That was progress? You were slowly coming back to reality.
Hawks froze up a bit at the sound of hearing his real name mentioned. At first he wasn't sure if he believed your tale of the isekai situation, but after this he might have to reconsider it. He opted to shake off that weird feeling for now and focus on different matters. 
" I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now? I have nowhere to go or to stay. I'm in a whole different freaking universe! My phone doesn't even hardly work here. And I have a pair of wings on my back!" You puffed them out angrily. Hawks glanced behind you and his eyes widened a little. You in fact, did have a set of bird wings. Kind of owl like wings. Not near as big as Hawks', but definitely big enough to fly you around.
Before Hawks could process the words coming out of his mouth, he was already asking you, "Would you maybe like to stay with me? I can help with your quirk too." He glanced away awkwardly. You looked towards him in disbelief.
"Dude, are you sure? We literally just met like 10 minutes ago? I mean, I'm all for it, I have nowhere else to turn to, but if you really really don't want me here, I will politely step out of your life." You so badly wanted to accept his offer on the spot, but being the considerate, mostly sensible human you were, you gave him the option to back out. Hawks shook his head.
"No, no, it's alright. You can crash here. Uh- I mean- stay here! Sorry!" You giggled at his comment.
"Well thank you very much!"
"It's all good. I have a spare bedroom you can occupy for the time being. I'll give you some clothes to sleep in that'll hopefully fit. Accidentally bought a couple things in the wrong size without looking. " (a/n: just...just assume its your size, or oversized, whatever's comfy idk) He jumped up and headed towards his room to grab you the clothes. You still sat on the floor. Still amazed at everything that was occurring.
Hawks walked back into the room and tossed you the clothes. "Hey uh, you know, you can get up now, sorry for holding you down earlier.."
You blushed and scrambled to stand up, "Oh no! It's ok! I understand. This would definitely warrant that kind of action. Some random stranger crashes into your apartment at like 1am. I completely understand. Honest."
He let out a small laugh and wearily brushed his fingers through his hair. The adrenaline of everything finally wearing off. He could feel the tiredness setting into his aching muscles again. “Ah, well, I’m going to head to bed now. The room is down the hall at the very end that you can stay in. I’ll take you out training tomorrow evening if that’s alright?”
You gave a nod of understanding and followed him down the hallway. “Goodnight Hawks,” you sang as he walked into his bedroom. He gave a hum of acknowledgment and closed his door. 
Making it into what was now your room, you changed out of your clothes so fast, eager to rid yourself of the past hours events. 
Not gonna lie, you could not figure out how to properly get your new wings into the shirt, even with the holes and snaps in the back. Your mind was too exhausted to even process this new skill. So you ended up going to bed without the shirt on and just settled for putting the sweatpants on. 
You figured it’d be good to just pass out asap. You were sure if you tried to recount the recent events, you’d spiral into a panicked mess. 
You shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to sleep, trying to only think of positive outcomes for the future. But to be honest, you didn’t know enough about anything in this realm to think rationally about anything good. 
I prooobably didn’t proofread this as much as I should have
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twopoppies · 4 years ago
Firstly No pressure to read any of the below it’s just a lil rant after I ended up on the wrong side of tumblr!! ( + I have ADHD and i forgot my meds lol so its a bit disoriented and all over the place) and no response necessary unless you want to!
Oh god I accidentally ended up on the wrong side of tumblr....never ever ever ever again, I went back so fastttt lol im laughing at myself rn for how quickly i clicked away from disgust
i ended up on a blog that stalks u and some other larries and says absolutely atrocious things abt louis (I can send u their @ if u'd like so u can block them) and fully bought the stunt bs happening rn and it was horrible obvs but like i just do not understand like it was so creepy gina and im just so disgusted bc why? yk?
like u were not joking abt anti's actually being obsessed with larries - like half this person's blog was talking abt you and amy and i was just so shocked cause why??? like mate come on what the actual f? get a life please?? (im quite new so im like just now realising how insanely weird and obsessed these anti's are)
Also it was just an overall eye opener for multiple things:
Starting with that 1. the way 1DHQ and 1D Management managed to alienate larries actually worked and i like knew but truly doing a proper deep dive and seeing multiple blogs hate on larries and like obsessively stalk us was insane?? Like they truly believe everything they’re being fed???
Side Note: Lowkey feeling very lucky to have had the education i have because even before i even joined this fandom i believed partially none of the relationships in the news bc like i knew abt this industry and how it worked yk? i mean its logic? i have so many mates that arent even in the fandom that know i am in the fandom and texted me when the articles started rolling out calling it out for what it was: A PR stunt
Hell someone i know whom i had never even talked abt fandom stuff/stunt stuff fully texted me making a joke out of it!!! like people who aren’t even in our fandom can see it and its just insanely surprising that if they can why cant the antis?? im just a bit shocked rn
both from 1. finding someone who actually believes in this stunt and 2. multiple blogs that fully commit their time to stalking u and other larries and once again i knew but fully seeing it
It made me realise that 1DHQ knew what the fuck they were doing when they were trying to alienate larries from the rest of the fandom, once again i am feeling extraordinarily grateful to have grown up with an education where i was literally taught to never trust anything and to always think things thru using logic - “does it makes sense to you? if not find out why, there usually a reason behind everything” my yr 9 english teacher used to say smth like that all the time and it just never left me bc she was always teaching us to judge everything and to take every piece of news we read entertainment or otherwise with a grain of salt and to always if we’re gonna give someone else our opinion or spread this information do our research (its what i am when i say i feel lucky to have had the education i have had)
Eye Opener 2: Anti’s are fully standing y’all u were 100% correct this is some next level stan behaviour if i’ve ever seen some, you’re famous gina!!
It is while surprisingly to realise that anti’s fully believe these things, more surprising to see how they treat larries bc why on earth would u treat any other human being this way??? like dont get me wrong they’re horrible ppl and i fully felt like sending them a message telling them exactly that but i would never bc i just dont want to make another person feel bad abt themselves even if they are that shitty of a person and it was very tempting
I just would like to understand why they feel the need to do this? like why hate on a whole other person? for what believing smth diff to u? having a difference of opinion? how tf are they gonna make it when they get a job??? like??? do u know how often i run into a person with a different opinion then me? it shouldn’t be that big of a deal! we should still be able to be friends with antis! but we’re not - not for lack of trying btw!! they’re just so mean and rude??? when i was in other fandoms when someone believed different things there was never this much hatred at someone for it!! hell there was barely any bc it was understood that it was normal to have diff opinions abt things and i just am truly fascinated by these ppl i swear they remind how stupid the human race can sometimes be not for what they believe (altho ngl a lil of that too) but for how they treat other ACTUAL human beings with different opinions to them
Eye Opener 2.5: Some people need lives, man like they proper do need lives and something to do maybe a hobby or smth? just like a life they need to get one of those and actual live it
and Eye Opener 3: I already felt this way but like even god damn stronger now you deserve a formal apology from both 1DHQ and the universe
and until we get that u deserve amazing things coming from the boys on your bdays to make up for it
Lastly Gina I hope you didn't read thru all that bc I couldn’t even read it over and thus sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and I would also like to say that I love your blog and everything about you! you’re an absolute angel and one of the kindest ppl I have ever had the pleasure of well not meeting but stumbling across, you truly make this fandom a much much much better place with your presence (I shudder to think of it without u) that said if you ever need to take breaks or leave Im sure you already know but you should 100%
You first!!! Always! :)
Have a good day Gina, I hope its an absolutely amazing one!
Hi darling. LOL! Reading this was like talking with my kids when they don't take their ADHD meds. Lots of excited thoughts!! I loved it.
And yeah, that blog and their 4 followers are really... not well. But you're very right. 1DHQ made this fandom a breeding ground for people to hate larries and to think it's something Harry and Louis would both approve of. It's gross.
The gaslighting here is powerful, so thank goodness for fans like you who know to question what they're told and to look at things with logic and to do their best to see through their own biases.
Thank you for all the sweet words and your offer to kick butt (in your other message). I really appreciate it!
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koo-zy · 4 years ago
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don’t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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descendantofthesparrow · 5 years ago
Encore - Harry Hook x reader -  Part 17 - bday present for myself~
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Harry cursed to himself, the island he was going to use to propose to (y/n) on was some sanctuary for an endangered species and the wildlife preserves didn’t want humans on the island. So he would have to figure out something else for his propos…wait…her birthday was next week! And he had been wanting to do a surprise party for her, and Gil had suggested a scavenger hunt for her to do to keep her busy.
He already had the ring, permission to marry her from her aunt, and the knowing that if he asked, she would say yes…
All he had to do was add one more thing.
You sighed, setting down the heavy crate, wiping sweat from your neck as you stood. “gods, why does it gotta be so warm today” you groaned, undoing the colling towel from your belt and tossing it on your face “aahhhh that’s the good stuff~”
“(y/n) what are you doing?” you took off the towel and tossed it around your neck, sighing as the heat on your neck finally decreased.
“cooling down, it's like 95 out here” you complained, turning to look at Bonnie, who was holding two cold waterbottles “oohhhh fuckin-thank you!” she snorted and tossed one to you, you caught It in mid-air and cracked it open, gulping down the cold drink.
“slow down girl” Bonnie chuckled, cracking opening her bottle and starting to drink “oh, happy birthday by the way” you burped and grinned at her.
“Thanks, Bonnie,” you blinked in surprise as she handed you a note. “oh, thank-“
“yeah yeah, see you later girl” Bonnie trotted off deck, soon walking out of sight. You shrugged and tore open the paper.
It was Harry's handwriting.
-hello my bonnie lass~ today is your birthday and I wanted to celebrate it by giving you a scavenger hunt to your party today
It will be from the isle to Auradon, no stone left unturned.
Now go to the place, where our first meeting occurred.
You pursed your lips, tilting your head, where you first met huh? Well, that would be on the isle. You closed the note and stuffed it in your pocket, heading to your cabin for a moment to change your clothes, grab your bag, and your motorbike keys.
You looked around the slightly collapsed building, where you had originally met harry, after the chase between the gaston twins and you.
“oh,” you gasped, kneeling next to a large chunk of building and pulling out an envelope beneath it. Standing up you leaned against the wall and opened the note, a small bracelet falling out with it, golden painted seashells and opals danced across the metal, you slipped it on and read the note.
-you found it lass, now in the spot where the stars shine bright, the place I realized my heart was yours that night.
You groaned slightly, a smile on your face, he was being cheesy with these hints, but his rhyming wasn’t bad.
But you knew exactly where he was talking about, the hiding spot.
You took off your shoes, walking along the shore of the small inlet. You took a deep breath, the air much cleaner than the first time you had been here.
You spotted the white envelope holding the next clue, you trotted over and pulled it out, smiling at the long thin box underneath it. You pulled the box and opened it, clicking your tongue and tilting your head.
A new golden chain for your ruby necklace. You closed the box and slipped it into your bag, opening the note you laughed at the twin's messy handwriting.
-hi aunt (y/n)! harry let us write this note! -skipper
-so the next clue is “where you joined the crew”-sterling
“that’s an easy one” you snorted, but you couldn’t give them crap, they were only 12. So you walked the short distance from the hidden beach to the chip shop, nodding to the patrons as you entered.
“Hey (y/n) Hook left this for ya” Cook handed you the letter and a small bag, you grinned and nodded. “happy birthday by the way”
“Thanks, cook, see you later” you walked out of the shop and leaned on the docks outside. Opening the bag you snorted at the new leather gloves inside, small painted designs on the leather.
“such a dork” you whispered, taking out the note and grinning at it.
-another job well done my love, now for the place were we spar, and we “hit” it off
You groaned and rubbed your forehead, you remembered that…your head still hurt after that day.
You stepped onto the old lost revenge, even with Umas magic, it had been unable to sail again, so now it was used as an isle home for the crew. Desiree grinned, holding up the note and another small bag.
“hey, commander~ happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Desiree” you chirped, grabbing the note and bag from her “you can go ahead and do what you’re supposed to do after you give me this”
“Thanks, girl, see you later!” she hopped off the rails and walked off the ship, going through the tunnel to the bridge.
You opened the bag to see a scarlet headband with silver hook embroidered into the side, you slipped it on and opened the note.
-hope Desiree didn’t just leave the present unattended for you to find but! This next clue is just across the border, when I got to hold you in my arms once again.
Alright, to the bridge it is.
You stepped across where the magic barrier used to be, looking to your left, seeing a small stone holding down a note.
You walked over and picked it up, seeing no mini present. Opening it up you smiled.
-sorry love no present with this one, too risky for someone to take it, but this next one will be where we walked into Auradon together for the first time
Alright then, so just the other side of the bridge. Turning around you walked back to your motorbike and swung your leg over the seat and started the engine. You quickly strapped your helmet on and drove to the other side of the bridge.
You tilted your head at Evie, who smiled and waved at you, holding out a note “hey (y/n)! happy birthday! Here you go!” you dismounted your bike and met her halfway, nodding at her.
“Thanks, Evie, see you later” she nodded and ran off, presumably to your “surprise” party. Opening the note you chuckled.
-astute as always love (though im not really making these hard am I?) but the next is where I learned I wouldn’t be ripped from your arms for the second time
The courtyard of Bens castle, where you and Harry had gotten the keys from Persephone. You got back on your bike and rode off through the bridge gate to Auradon, making the 15 minute trip to bens castle.
“hey beasty boy!” you called, waving to the king who was just exiting his castle “you probably got something for me don’t cha?”
He shrugged “maybe? Dunno- ow” you punched his shoulder and held out your hand “okay okay here, I’ll see you later (y/n)” he handed you the next note and walked off, but you didn’t bother to pay attention where.
You ripped open the envelope, once more smiling at Harry's handwriting.
-Final clue my love, where we stepped through to our new life
That one made you think for a moment before it hit you. The door, the very first door you and harry stepped through to get to your world.
But you don’t remember a room behind it? Which it probably did but who knows. Good news was the door was in Bens castle so you unlipped your helmet and hung it off one of the handles, walking through the gates and making your way through the castle.
You stood in front of the door, looking at the small note taped to it.
-happy birthday (y/n)
You took a breath and opened the door, laughing as the room burst with streamers and confetti.
The entire crew, the core four, Ben, Jane, Lonnie, even Audrey was there, blowing horns and throwing confetti in the air, screaming in your face.
“guys!” you whipped a stray tear from your cheek “awwww…ive never been thrown a surprise party before!”
“Really?” Jane gasped “why not?!”
You shrugged, “dunno, guys people from my world aren’t as amazing as you guys”
“aw thanks” Evie sniffed, smiling at something behind you. You rose your brow at her and turned around, gasping and stumbling back.
“H-Harry?! Wha-“ Harry stood infront of you, a clean dark red suit fitted on his body, his hair combed back yet still in that wild style you loved, his eyeliner clean.
“(y/n), yeh have been the light of meh life for the past two years, since yeh fell into my life. Yeh have saved me from becoming a dark bitter person hell-bent on revenge, yeh have saved me from my da, yeh have protected meh family” oh gods you were already crying “and eh have both given and helped meh love, and I want to spend the rest of meh life with yeh, and love yeh for the rest of meh life, so” he kneeled on one knee, taking out a red velvet box from his pocket and opening it, revealing his mothers red ruby ring, in a brand new golden band with small bits of sea glass running down the sides “will you marry me-“ you fell to your knees, tears streaming down your face, unable to talk.
You let out incomprehensible babbles and nodded, leaping into Harry's arms and wrapping your arms around his neck “Im guessing it’s a yes” Harry chuckled, pulling you back and smiling, tears brimming in his eyes.
“yes” you croaked “yes I will marry you, you giant dork” Harry laughed but you shut him up quickly, pressing your lips to his.
Harry hummed into the kiss, lifting you slightly and tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
“Alright alright” Carlos chuckled, walking over and patting Harry's shoulder “wed rather not see you two do it right in front of us please”
Harry separated from you and glared at Carlos “shut it up, let me enjoy this” he muttered, smiling at you and helping you stand, sliding the ruby ring onto your ring finger.
He kissed you again, bringing up your hand and kissing it “happy birthday my love”
“I love you Harry” you whispered, still whipping away your tears.
“I love you too (y/n)”
--end of part 17--
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years ago
Part of Your World - Chapter 4
Ben!Prince Eric x Mermaid!Reader
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Summary: Prince Ben is trying to escape an arranged marriage. A young mermaid wants to escape the sea. Their paths cross and they may just be what the other is looking for.
Word Count: 3.5k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @queen-paladin​, @rogerina-owns-me, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​, @radiob-l-a-hblah​, @xviiarez​, @butlegendsneverdie​, @sunflower-ben​, @godblessthisgardenpigeon​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Some pirate-y adventures in this update!
Warning(s): Mild descriptions of violence
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Chapter 4 here we go!!!
Henrietta was unlike anything you would have expected. The sun was down, but the people were out about. Milling through the town with laughter and alcohol on their breath. Ben lowered his mouth to your ear.
“Stay close to me,” he whispered, and you felt his warm hand on the small of your back.
You nodded in reply. You stepped forward, following Ari and Kay to the destination that Behati had given you. She didn’t tell you who you were going to see, only that they might be able to help you remember where Sycoria was. Of course, Ben still had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that this place made him nervous. But he trusted Behati.
You nearly walked into a man stumbling across the road, but Ben yanked you back toward him. You would have shouted in surprise if you had your voice. Your heart rate quickened as you thanked him.
“Be careful,” he said gently. “Here, take my hand.”
You smiled and did so gladly. You continued to follow Ari and Kay from the harbor into the main part of town. Only, you were walking slowly to try and take in everything around you. Human homes, human shops, human clothes, and human voices were all around you. All you wanted to do was explore. But Ben had a firm grip on your hand and made you press on with the girls. 
Ari and Kay turned into an alley off the main road. The darkness between the buildings unnerved you, but a soft yellow square on the pathway ahead indicated a door. A back door to wherever it was you were going. Ari and Kay stopped in front of it, and the former rapped three times on the wood. The door did not fit properly into the entryway, which you might have found amusing if you weren’t growing more anxious by the second.
“Who goes there?” asked a raspy voice on the other side.
“Friends of Captain Behati,” Ari answered. “We come seeking wisdom.”
“Any friends of Behati’s are always welcome,” the voice replied. 
The door squeaked open. Behind it stood an older woman, her face worn and her hair graying at the roots. She had beads all through the locks, making the fade from silver to black even more colorful. Large hoop earrings dangled at the sides of her face, and she wore three necklaces of various lengths around her neck. She had one or two rings on each finger.
“Friends of Behati’s eh?” she said. “Welcome.”
Her voice was not the raspy one you’d heard at first. You looked to the left and saw a muscular man standing in the corner. You guessed he served as a guard.
“Ah, Ari,” the woman said warmly. “It’s wonderful to see you again. And I see you have found the love I spoke of last time we met.”
She looked at Kay, who blushed deeply. Ari grinned.
“I have, Calla, thank you,” she said. “I’m afraid Kay and I aren’t staying. It’s Y/N who needs a reading.”
“What sort of reading?” Calla asked.
You shrugged. Behati said you would know.
She raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps I will. Come, have a seat.”
“Ben, meet me and Kay at the tavern when you’re done,” Ari said. “It’s back down the alley the way we came and across the square.”
“Got it,” Ben said.
Ari and Kay left. Calla had you seated at a table that was covered with tapestries. On top of it, in the very center, sat a crystal ball. You were perplexed. 
“I hate to be rude, but who are you?” Ben asked.
“This is Calla, the great Seer,” said the muscley man in the corner. “Be respectful.”
“Relax, Ronan, he’s being nice,” Calla said, and then she turned to Ben. “But yes, young price, I’m a Seer.”
He blinked. “How’d you know I’m the prince?”
She looked at him with an amused smile. “How do you think I knew?”
“Seer, right,” he said. “But I thought you could just see the future.”
“Seers can tell you all sorts of things,” she replied. “Things that were, things that are, and things that are coming to you. It’s all in your lines.”
“Lines?” he questioned. 
“Every person has lines - or threads - which connect them to the people and the places they have known and will know in the future,” she explained. “We Seers can examine these lines, and bring clarity to those that need guidance.”
“Well, you learn something new every day,” he said.
She chuckled. “Certainly.”
She took a seat across from you. “Now. I wonder why Behati has sent you to me.”
You shrugged again. 
“Place your hand on the ball, child,” Calla instructed, and you did so. “Now close your eyes, and focus inward.”
You obeyed. You thought about what Behati probably wanted - Sycoria’s whereabouts. Perhaps Calla could unravel the pathway back to her lair simply through your body having been there. It was a mystery to you, but that sort of magic was not unheard of, even in the ocean.
“I see a strong bond between you and the prince,” Calla said. “It must be new.”
You nodded. Somehow, you felt her smile. 
“It is a bond based on life, and freedom, and giving,” she said. “A bond to be treasured. Although, it is blurring the rest of your lines. Ben, step out please.”
“Hold on, what about -” you heard him begin, but he was cut off by Ronan.
“She said step out,” he said. 
“I’m not leaving without Y/N,” Ben insisted.
“Stand outside the door if it makes you more comfortable,” Calla told him. “But I need more focus on Y/N.”
He huffed and you heard Ronan escort him to the door. It opened with the same rusty squeak, and snapped sharply closed.
“Now, Behati is interested only in hunting Sycoria, so you must have some connection to the sea witch, little mermaid,” Calla said.
You almost opened your eyes in shock, but refrained. She really was gifted. Your hand grew warm against the crystal as you focused more on Sycoria and the last time you saw her. You thought about the whirlpool of water that dragged you away and to the surface.
“I see!” Calla gasped. “You may open your eyes now, but keep your hand on the ball.”
You did so. Calla had one hand on the ball, and the other was holding a pen. On a piece of parchment, she was drawing. At first, it only appeared to be random lines and squiggles. It made little sense to you. But then as things took shape, you realized it was a map. She was going to take Behati right to Sycoria, thanks to your body’s memory of it. It was odd how your connection to Sycoria and to Behati was guiding the way with you hardly even knowing it.
She finished the map, laid down the pen, and opened her eyes to see the work.
“This should bring you right on top of Sycoria’s lair,” she said. “But be warned, Sycoria may not be home when you arrive. She is plotting something - regarding you and the prince - but I can’t make out what.”
Is there a way to see it through me? You wondered as you tucked the map into your inside vest pocket.
“Perhaps, but we would have to start the reading again with a new focus,” she said. “One toward the future.”
Let’s do it, you signed. I don’t want Behati to miss her chance because of me.
“Alright, then,” she said. “Let’s start again. Close your eyes and -”
You were interrupted when Ben burst through the door.
“We’ve got to go now!” he insisted. 
You gasped and looked up at him questioningly, but he didn’t give you time to ask what was going on. He just took your hand, tugged you to your feet, and raced out the door, ignoring the cry of protest from Calla. 
You heard screams coming from the town. Gunfire as well. It made you come to an abrupt halt. Ben turned to face you and took in your frightened expression.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he said assuredly. “I’m here with you. We just need to find Ari and Kay and get back to the ship.”
You nodded. When he drew his sword with his free hand, you gulped. You emerged with him into the main town square and saw absolute chaos.
Fires burned on the street and in buildings. Glass crashed around you as windows broke. People were screaming, running, and ducking into corners to hide. A clear enemy had appeared - pirates. Not the friendly kind. They chased women, struck down the men, and frightened the children. Now you understood what Behati meant about humans disappointing you. This was not at all what you thought it was like.
One came hollering toward you and Ben, sword raised over his head. Ben blocked him swiftly and kicked him in the stomach. The pirate fell to the ground. He tried to sweep Ben’s legs, but the latter was prepared and jumped back. The pirate scrambled to his feet.
“Now, pretty boy, you don’t want to start something you can’t finish,” the pirate sneered. “Leave that gorgeous creature behind you with me, and we won’t have any trouble.”
You gasped and shrunk back. 
“You want her, you’ll have to go through me,” Ben returned.
He twirled his sword in his hand before steadying it in front of him. But your stomach turned since he was no longer holding on to your hand. The pirate laughed wickedly and engaged Ben again.
They went back and forth, slashing and parrying. You had never seen such a fight. Ben was amazing to watch - graceful, careful, trained. His eyes flicked between the pirate’s feet and his arm, and from there the prince guessed what each stroke might be. The pirate was sloppier, his stance wasn’t as strong, but you guessed that was because he was drunk. You saw the flask on his hip and he reeked of rum.
Finally, Ben dodged a jab from the pirate and punched him in the jaw. He fell to the ground and lay still. Then Ben took your hand again.
“Come on!” he urged.
It was difficult to run through all the people who were also trying to escape. You and Ben both ended up getting shoved around, but still managed to hold on to each other. Walking was hard enough, but running, while being jostled by a crowd, was too much for your newfound legs to handle. You tripped on someone’s foot, and tumbled to the ground. Your hand left Ben’s and you heard him give a surprised shout.
You hit the ground hard. So hard you saw stars. As you tried pushing yourself onto your knees, there was a tug on your hair. Someone had you by your braids, and yanked you to your feet. Once again, you could smell rum and sweat.
“Aren’t you a pretty thing,” someone growled.
Your vision cleared and you saw a fearsome looking pirate. He was the sort that merpeople always warned about. Thick dark beard, gold teeth, and an eye patch. Greed glinted behind his one good eye.
You tried to jerk away from him, but his grip was too tight. Your scalp already ached. He laughed in your face when you winced. Then he grabbed you around the waist and slung you over his shoulder. You wanted to scream, but with no voice, it was impossible. You banged your fists on his wide back as hard as you could. The man only laughed again and began to walk away with you.
Ben was fighting his way back through the crowd, but it was like swimming against a strong current. He finally burst through, but saw that you were gone. He looked wildly around. Then he spotted you. Being carried away by the tallest man he had ever seen. You were struggling on his shoulder.
Your head snapped up and you saw Ben running back toward you. Your heart swelled with relief. Ben skirted around a family hurrying away from their ransacked home and then darted past the man carrying you. The prince pointed his sword directly at the kidnapper’s chest.
“Put. Her. Down,” Ben demanded. “Now.”
“Back off, boy, the girl’s mine,” the man returned. 
He slapped Ben’s sword from his hand. Ben let out a soft gasp at the man’s speed, but it was cut short when the man grabbed the prince around the throat. You beat on the man’s back harder than before, desperate to make him let Ben go. You heard him choking, fighting for breath, though you couldn’t see his face.
Ben’s vision was going blurry as he wheezed in the pirate’s grasp. The man spoke, but he couldn’t hear the words. All Ben knew was that he needed air in the next five seconds or…
Suddenly, the choking stopped. His throat was released, and he hit the ground. He sucked in a long, desperate breath, grateful beyond belief to have air. His vision returned and he looked up to see Ari and Kay in front of him. The man looked less confident now facing them.
“Release the girl, Draco,” Kay demanded.
Draco smirked, slipping back into his cocky demeanor from before.
“Well, if it isn’t Behati’s little girls,” he mocked. “Come for a tea party and dress up?”
“You know the rules,” Ari said firmly. “You can’t have the girl if she’s one of ours.”
“Damn the rules,” he returned. “We’re pirates, we do as we please.”
Ben got to his feet, retrieving his sword. He stood between Kay and Ari, brandishing his weapon with theirs.
“Oh, are you allowing boys now?” Draco continued. “Or was he just so weak you decided he’s practically a woman?”
He reached for Ben again, but this time, the prince was ready. He ducked under Draco’s arm, stepped diagonally, and slashed the pirate on the side. Draco cried out and dropped you. You hit the dirt, which knocked the wind out of you, but you preferred that to being a prisoner. You caught your breath and watched the fight that broke out. 
Draco was strong and fast, but he was still outmatched by Ben, Ari, and Kay. They worked so well together it almost seemed rehearsed. The flow between the three of them was as smooth as a dance. With just six strokes, Draco was down, and Ben was at your side.
“Are you alright?” he asked, offering his hand.
You nodded and took it. Your head still throbbed from the hair pulling and all the times you’d fallen, but you were okay. He helped you up and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“How are we getting out of here?” he asked, looking at Ari and Kay.
“We fight our way out,” Kay said fiercely, flashing her dagger. 
“The ship isn’t far now,” Ari said. “There’s a shortcut to the harbor around the corner.”
“There’s so many pirates,” Ben said. “Who are they?”
“Captain Samwell Yardley,” Kay said. “He’s the cruelest pirate on the sea.”
“Why doesn’t Behati do something?” Ben wondered.
“There’s not much she can do,” Ari said. “Yardley has three ships, and a skilled crew on each. She doesn’t feel like she can challenge him.”
“Does he not take slaves?” Ben pressed. “They were trying to take Y/N.”
“They don’t take slaves or prisoners,” Ari said darkly. “They were likely taking her to the nearest bed to have their way with her and then cut her throat.”
You gulped. Ben scowled. 
“That’s horrible,” he said. “I can’t believe the Royal Navy hasn’t caught him.”
“They’ve certainly tried,” Kay said. “But he’s fast and smart.”
You tapped Ben on the shoulder and he looked at you.
This is really horrible, you signed. But if we’re going to survive this raid, we need to get going. And fast!
“I agree,” he said. He looked at the other two. “She said we need to go.”
“And we do,” Ari said. “Come on, follow me. And keep your weapons up. Swing at any pirate you see. Y/N, do NOT let go of Ben.”
You nodded. All of you took off, jogging close to the buildings so you wouldn’t be taken by surprise. Ari slipped into the next alley, and you followed. Thankfully, there were no pirates in there, only Henrietta citizens taking shelter. You saw something in Ben’s face shift. It was a combination of pity and anger. It was touching to see he was so sympathetic, but you worried it was getting to him too much.
You came out of the alley within sight of the harbor. The four of you dashed ahead, sprinting for the ship. You were more tired than after you’d rescued Ben, but you had to keep pushing. You all skidded to a stop when another pirate emerged from the shadows, blocking the path to the harbor.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Behati’s dolls,” he said. 
“We’re leaving,” Ari said. “Get out of our way, and we won’t hurt you.”
“I’m not scared of a little group of girls,” he returned.
He began to raise his sword, but Kay was faster. She whipped out her pistol and shot the man on his left side. He doubled over and none of you waited to see what happened next. You hurtled forward, making a final break for your shelter. The ship grew as you got closer, and thankfully, you were not met with another challenge.
You reached the dock and your lungs were burning with how hard you were breathing. Your hand was still in Ben’s as the four of you raced up to board the ship again. Behati was already out on deck, pacing while the other members of the crew sat anxiously around her. They all whipped around when they heard you all thundering up the plank. 
“You’re alive!” she cried with relief. “Thank goodness! I had no idea Yardley would be showing up tonight. If I did, I’d never have sent you in there.”
Ben dropped your hand. You sent him a concerned look, but before he could see it, Behati’s arms were around you. 
“Did you find out how to reach Sycoria?” she whispered in your ear.
You nodded. She kissed your cheek and then went to Ben. She reached out for him, but he shrugged her off. His whole demeanor had changed.
“Don’t touch me,” he said irritably. 
Behati’s brow furrowed. “What’s the matter? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not hurt,” he snapped. “But that doesn’t help the people of Henrietta, does it?”
Ari sheathed her sword. “Ben, there were only four of us. Even if we had the whole crew, we’d still be outnumbered by Yardley’s men.”
“But it shouldn’t be up to you!” he cried, throwing his sword down. It clattered against the deck, making your jump. “I’m the prince! It’s my family’s job to protect the people, and we don’t even know half the reality of what the people go through!”
He took a moment and inhaled deeply. 
“Where was the Royal Navy tonight, huh?” he shouted. “The Guard? Anyone who has a sworn duty to the people? God, we don’t even know about slavers in our own bay! The king’s too busy picking up princesses to notice the atrocities that affect our people!” 
He kicked his sword now and it skidded away.  
“Ben,” Behati said calmly. “It’s been this way for decades. The people don’t expect -”
“They should expect it!” he yelled. “They should expect the people who govern them to protect them! Instead we’re locked away in our palace arranging weddings and hosting balls, without any regard for what’s happening right under our noses! It’s despicable!”
He stalked off. The crew parted to make a path for him as he went below deck to his hammock. You listened to him stomp the whole way there.
“Princes, always so touchy,” Behati said.
He’s not wrong, you signed. He feels responsible for the ignorance of his father.
“Why don’t you try talking to him, Y/N?” she suggested. “Tell me about your reading later. He needs you more.”
You looked through the door where he had disappeared. 
No, signed. I’ll let him have space for now. 
“Probably wise,” she said. “Well, then. Come with me to my room and tell me what you learned from Calla.”
You followed her to her quarters to relay everything the psychic told you. You left out the part about Sycoria having some plan regarding you and Ben. It would only make things confusing. When you showed her the map, her eyes flashed with glee.
“This changes everything,” she said. “I’ll tell the girls to set a course right now. Thank you, Y/N.”
She put a hand on your shoulder and left to give the crew the instructions. You remained behind and tried to think of anything you could say to Ben. Humans had definitely disappointed you tonight, but Ben was disappointed in himself. And you had no idea how to comfort him.
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rpausandwhatifs · 4 years ago
Is This What You Call...Safety?|| Hush Hush
A/N: This is for my friend Jayde for her belated birthday! Enjoy bb!
@ledabunnie-rp @nevergoodenoughforthetruth
Vincent had came to work, but he had gone through his load entirely too fast. He was mostly at the hands of one guy- and he was the host. However, it was too late to really think about it before the drugs had set in, causing the man to stumble and fumble as the pills he took before the party mixed with the lean in the cup he finished while making sales. He was a blurry mess and somehow guided his way to the closest bathroom he found in a part of this rented house where most of the goers in this area were having sex or chatting it up so they could hear. He pushed past them, going into the first open door and falling into it. “Oh..fuck..” he muttered as he almost collided with the wall, feeling the tile and touching the wall as the spinning continued and he found his way into the toilet, vomiting immediately before finding the flush lever.
Leda forgot that she didn’t lock the door, so the really cute boy in the skin tight chinos and boots with the long hair barged in it scared her half to death. She put her 3DS down and slid her headphones off, about to bang on the glass chamber that was the stand alone shower until something stopped her and it just made her watch the man try to recover as he lit a cigarette. 
The man propped himself up and crawled to the top of the toilet and threw the lid down as he took another drag, trying to see where the light switch was even though there was a hue of red and purple from the string lights. Quickly giving up on his adventure he threw up one more time into the bowl and sat up on the closed toilet, dragging his cigarette while he let the cool porcelain calm him down. He heard the distant movements in the shower and pryed one eye open to barely see a girl with turquoise hair in a rave outfit with a backpack or something staring at him in a clear box. "Who's in the shower?" He calls out, rocking his head back and forth fighting the nausea.
"I'm here in spirit..I don't exist," Leda said back, weary at how he was able to spot her.
"That's the most human thing I've ever heard from a spiritual entity," he laughs and scoffs, "That's a cute voice you got, you have a name oh spirit?"
"I'm... not telling you that.." she said, "And you die from a heart attack in here im not saving you."
"Are...you... you're in here.. you're human- fuck i can't see- are you in the shower? Is that why you sound like that?" He asked with a small joke, "Wanna cigarette?"
"Maybe.. if you can't see then how are you smoking and offering me one?" She challenged him.
"Muscle memory. You'd be surprised how many things you can do automatically.. Just with your arms and hands..." he trailed off, "Also you didnt drink out of the cup when you got here? You sound like... crazy sober."
"No..I didn't, Felix told me about it before the party and I just-"
"Wanted to keep your clout you came to this party even though you didn't want to, but you didn't wanna let your friends down, but you didnt wanna just sit at home on a Friday night again..I heard something close, did you bring a video game?" He said.
"Shut the fuck up, Vincen-"
"Ohhh you do know me... interesting. It must be because of Felix... speaking of, wonder who he's got down his throat...Ah, I'll worry about it later...I thought I knew his friends.." he muses, I would remember an ethereal voice like yours.."
"I...I..." she was stuck, she shouldn't have said his name, "Thanks for the compliment, can you go back to quietly being too fucked up on drugs to acknowledge me now?"
"Actually...I've overstayed my welcome at this place anyway.. there's a guy in here and he's... less than thrilled his house got rented out for the debauchery that is horny college students," he mentioned, slowly lowering himself on the floor and crawling to Leda, placing himself against the wall, facing straight ahead with the girl in what would be his peripheral.
Leda's ears perked up, he knows there's a spirit in here? Was he just pulling her leg or what? His eyes were still closed but his voice sounded way better up closer than across the large bathroom. The crackles and creaks of it made her nervous. "There isn't anyone in here," she claims supposedly.
"No... he's dead. The house was sold to a PM that rents houses out for events and vacations..he likes the renovation though...He showed me he carried you in here," Vincent said, "You woke up and immediately tried to protect yourself in the shower."
"Now you're making shit up," she called out wrapping on the glass box.
"If I'm making shit up then how'd you get in here?" He asked and was met with silence, "You don't remember... do you?..He told me you just kinda walked out your house with the lights on.. guess he didn't want you to get hurt- but seriously, how did you not drink the syrup at the door?"
"I poured it out when no one was looking and washed out the cup with vodka and hoped an appletini would calm me down.. cus I got really anxious being around everybody pushing everyone and the music is too loud..." she started, drawing her knees to her chest, "He scared the shit out of me."
Vincent laughed, "Yeah that's how i was when i saw him standing in the middle of the room... Did you want the cigarette? Also i have a valium if you want one.."
Leda smiled when he laughed, feeling way better that someone other than her could see spirits and understood possession. She knew what valium was, and just one couldn't hurt with a cigarette cutting it up, "He tell you how he died?"
"Wife poisoned him.. then shot him.. didn't take the divorce very well... sounds like a gold-digging bitch anyway," Vincent said as he used his to light another for her.
"Wow... you don't wanna share?" She gasped quietly as she slid her hand out of a crack in the door to take the cig.
"That.. would mean I get closer... didn't think you'd want that.. you know who I am..I'm the drug dealer on this campus... You don't know what I'm capable of.." he warns her, finally looking into the glass at the door, "I sold all the things I have so anything at this point is personal stock.. but..I couldn't keep a freebie from a cutie like you holy shit...If I could see you like he showed me, I dunno if I could contain myself.. What color is your hair?" He leans into the glass as his head starts spinning again almost muttering his words. He gets up and takes out a Tic-Tac, fumbling his way to the sink and crunching on it as he washed his mouth out on the faucet, wetting his face and wiping it on a towel before bringing the damp cloth to the floor. He stumbled back to the huge glass chamber on his hands and knees, opening the door and crawling over her and excusing himself before settling next to her.
Leda was shaken to her core at his words, and forgot that he was probably on a few different drugs and high on something else. She couldn't get her mouth to open to create the words. She quickly forgot the question and watched with wide eyes as she no longer was terrified of opening the door when Vincent pushed it back and crawled to her. She was almost shaking as he excused himself. "Purple a-and pink," she stammered, "I have to dye it again..I'm doing black with tips.."
"Hm..i see," Vincent said with a weak nod, pushing his wet hair back again as he exhaled, "I'm sorry I'm trying to come down and this shit is coming in like... waves and.. fuck~"
"What is it specifically?" She asked, taking him in, he looks so interesting yet her eyes darted back to the toilet across the room, "And don't worry I don't need the valium right away..”
"Ah shit right.. the valium.. doing what weed has done for years since the 70s," he chided as he fished a pill bottle out of his pocket, then handing her two pills of different shape and color.
"What's that?" She quickly asked.
"Muscle relaxant..that's for you too..helps the valuim, no psychoactive side effects to speak of...reduces lactic acid," he mentioned, relighting her cig, "I have friends in pharmaceutical chemistry.. they really hook me up and in return they get paid in weed.. down the hatch."
Leda's heart was racing at how he sounded so close to her, lighting her up like a gentleman even as a slumped mess. She smoked quietly as he had fallen into another unconscious stupor while the drugs were doing their job. They were working faster than she expected. "Vincent..." she called to the ceiling, "I'm tired.."
"I thought you would be..i forgot to tell you it acts fast.. but you're fine I promise," he mentioned.
"No I feel amazing, I just...I need something soft to lay on," she sighed.
"How about we go to one of the suites?" He offered, "I can see now if my legs will work."
They get up, getting out of the bathroom in search for unoccupied rooms. Settling on the empty pool house, where they found an open skylight in the bathroom since the doors were locked. They bust in and find the bedroom, resuming their conversation in this California simple and dainty king bed.
"Why'd you lock the bathroom door?" She asked as she lit her own cig even though she just begged him for it.
"You always do that at college parties if you create another entrance to the bathroom.." he said simply laying back on the end of the bed with his legs planted to the floor, bending his head up to see the girl snuggled in his jacket, twisting his body to lay on his stomach, "uhhmm yeah, you lock the door behind you at any party because frat boys with give you a swirly or worse..or someone who's eager to use the bathroom and they're too fucked up to be aware so they do it on you-"
"Ugh that's gross!" She exclaimed, laughing lightly, really allowing herself to enjoy this guy that she barely knew and at most should have hated. He just was so sweet and up her alley for her to ever admit but he undoubtedly made an effort to come to this party for her. She hadn't realized until she looked down and saw him looking up at her again from her feet. She could kill for his eyes and the way he collapsed on her legs to just touch them, it was sending electricity as dull needy aches through her body. "Vincent~... what are you doing?"
"Admiring your body... listening to you talk.. thinking about how i can get my jacket back," he croaks stretching a little, lightly throwing his head back on the bed, "What you thinking?"
"Have you come down yet?" She asked cutely, and instantly panicked at her casual feelings of interaction with him.
"Not all the way, I'd have to sleep it off mostly or something...sex also resets the clock, but...we're not doing that," he mentions while he rubs his eyes, checking his phone.
Her chest caved when he mentioned sex, and even though he wasn't offering it up, she just wondered what it would feel like to be that close with a guy like him. If this is all he usually did, outside of being a homewrecker as she's heard, then maybe he's not a creep. Girls do lie in college for any reason, but always putting themselves at an advantage. "Uhh.." seeped out of her mouth before she bit her lip and tried to disguise that.
"You know I'm looking right at you, right?" He says to her, giggling at her embarrassment, "Don't feel like you have to...I know you've got a problem with peer pressure-"
"I don't!...I don't have a problem with peer pressure..shut up!" She bit at him.
"Rawr...calm down kitty cat, put the claws away..Im just saying. Me mentioning sex kinda made you think," Vincent said, "When's the last time you got some..if you have gotten any- cus I have came across a few virgins..."
"Were they virgins when you were done with them?" She asked tongue in cheek.
"Mostly. I respeected that they didn't want sex...and they're firm in their beliefs that they're still a virgin if thou therein whereto receive or produce cunnilingus... they just want neverending head. It's heroine to them," he explains gesticulating to make it interesting and twisting his voice.
"Isn't that a good thing?" She asked, loosening her grip on the pillow she was holding.
"I don't mind it... but sometimes they're horrible at head and that's all they can do. Girls at this school count the ass too, so even face-fucking is a far cry."
"Oh..okay...Uhhh..I haven't thought about it, honestly.. been kinda dealing with my issues over having sex. The stories I hear about hooking up really have weirded me out.." she's admitted.
"Are you a virgin?" He asked, exaggerating his inflection.
"Unfortunately no.. well, I consider myself a born-again...I don't really remember a lot of the sex I used to have, and since it was... traumatic, to say the least, I'd rather act like it didn’t happen and get more memorable experiences, cus...I heard it's fun if done right," she explained.
"It is...I'll keep it in mind.." he nodded with a smirk, sighing as a weak wave passed thru him.
"Yeah.. but.. you've peaked my curiosity, honestly," she jumped up to say, causing Vincent to turn his head and raise an eyebrow.
"I hardly think that's fair," he said with a giggle, "You took a valium and a muscle relaxant..you'll never cum or cum too much. Im fucked up, and not exactly of consenting or open to communicating during sex like you might need me to..."
"That's... true.. then why touch my legs if you weren't going to?" She asked, a little frustrated, kicking her legs a little.
"See? That's what I'm talking about!... Acting like a brat when you haven't asked for anything," he said, giggling.
"But...I..." she started, realizing herself that he was right.
"You didn't straight up ask for sex.. you implied that it interests you..I can't start anything off implications," he explained, sitting up.
"I know how consent works, don't fucking patronize me!" She snapped shoving his chest with her foot. He falls back and rolls his eyes, which makes her more riled up, throwing his jacket on the floor.
"Leda.. what the fuck?" He asked sitting up on his knees to look at his jacket, "What the hell is your problem?"
"Don't act all fucking innocent! I know you.. you're a damn dog and you would've had me 5 ways to Sunday by now! Rosanna told me how creepy and controlling you are-"
"Thaaaaat's who it is... see i knew it sounded familiar.. You're her rogue drone! I just didn't realize... are you spying on me? Did she send you?" He jumped up once he realized why she knew him, her name would come up with he spoke to Rosanna, possibly whenever they were speaking again.
"Wh-No! She's not even at this party! She's with Mark!" She fussed, "It doesn't mean she's wrong..."
"Uh that's exactly what the fuck it means-"
"Why should I listen to you?" She prodded, folding her arms.
"You've got this fucking far! Wouldn't you want to at least understand my side? Ms. Confectionery Prodigy got some skeletons of her own," he was quick to explain how they had a fleeting relationship that was mostly roleplay meetings and oral and heavy petting. Leda wasn't entirely convinced and he made her promise not to tell anyone before he showed their messages leading up until the first 3 months she was dating Mark. It was Ro no doubt. Her fantastical language and promptness in response, pastry emojis as her signature. Cookie's toys in her explicit pictures.
"That's ridiculous..so she just left you for dead?" Leda asked, knowing she just swore never to speak of this, but she had some questions because he'd seen a side of her not even Mark has seen. And probably never will. "Why?" She asked simply.
"Said I reminded her of her ex. She was in deep with the guy.. he was older so she felt like her freedom in her youth had kinda been held back, so she went after me and Mark because she just... found herself in the middle of being young at heart but feeling grown and confident...I guess.. but she's always worried about her lies being found out and she loves a secret if she can help it," he said with a shrug, "They way she spoke about him, I'd love to drink with him, but, she's just happy where she is and who was I to stop her? If she hadn't made me a villain then she would have lost everything- from her confidence to her credibility."
"So you just... leave her alone? That's..that's," Leda was almost at a loss, but it was both the most mature and childish and high school thing she had ever heard. This felt like the heaviest thing she's encountered in a while.
"Not for you to think about," Vincent said, quickly and low as he had inched closer to brush her hair behind her ear, "Humans are complex creatures.. weaving these dangerous webs of lies and history.. you should always worry about your own but don't ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt.."
Leda couldn't handle his gentle touch or his words, she wanted to still be mad and hate him for it but she didn't know how. She wanted to be mad at Ro for being such a hypocrite but most of that was pushed back when she felt his lips on her jawline. It made her shudder and lean into him, submitting herself into the kiss that could replace her first kiss. She wanted more, she wanted him. Her mouth pushed out little sounds against him, whining quietly when he pulled back and breathed with a smile. "Vincent~" she breathed, her head in a tizzy.
"You want it don't you?" He asked, his lower voice sending shivers through her body.
"Can I have more, though, ..of what you gave me?" She asked, "I-"
"Later, okay?.. You'll be fine without it," he interrupted her with a soft smile and backing up to give her space to breathe and rubbing her back.
“Uhm...I feel like-”
“You’re overwhelmed...it’s okay. You seem confused, and it scares you a little...”
“I wouldn’t say it scares me..I just have never related to someone I now wish I hadn’t met..so much so..Because..Rosanna...Rosanna would-” the girl gasped and controlled her hollow breathing, definitely happy she had his hand on her back to focus on.
“You don’t know what Rosanna would do..and you really thought you’d known her..is that it?” he asked.
“Y-Yes!..N-No~! I-I mean...I don’t know how I feel~ I’m really into you, but...but why me?!” she asked looking at him with slight exasperation.
“You look like you deserve not to be living in someone’s shadow just because you don’t see yourself that way,” he answered.
“Is that what you said to Rosanna?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.
“No..what I said to Rosanna to start our whole fling is..vastly different from just us talking about a mutual friend-”
“What about my current state makes you think I’m gonna be friends with her-”
“You wouldn’t throw her away for me..”
Leda leered at the Vincent and clenched her jaw, knowing that this whole night was something she’d throw her whole life away just so she’d know where in the world he’d whisk her away to and for how long. “And what if I did?” she asked at a low whisper.
“What do you think you’d deserve for doing that? Because I definitely didn’t ask you to renounce your gods and join my great legion of the undead...”
“This would totally work if I was a Virgo or a Taurus, but I’m a Leo, so you must not understand-”
“I’m a Sagittarius, and I’m attempting to be very patient but since I know I don’t have to I’ll call you stupid to your face. That would be one of the dumbest decisions you could make but the fact that I make you feel like you’d rather make that decision than live with the ‘what-ifs’ or knowing that you could never look at Rosanna the same way again because I arouse you intellectually and emotionally-”
“Don’t forget sexually-”
“And sexual- Really?” Vincent looked over at her.
“You talk a lot, I see why she liked you...” 
“You hate talking about yourself-”
“I can talk about myself-”
“You can’t even tell me you want to have sex with me let alone that you like me..also, I feel like that should be thought about after tonight...given the circumstances,” Vincent sitting up, backing away from her more. It causes the girl to stare at him at the loss of touch completely, pushing out a frustrated sigh. The air was tight to her, but Vincent rolled his eyes and pulled the glass rod from his jacket pocket in front of her and smoked out of it.
“So...could you maybe stop being an aloof prick and explain to me how to get laid?” she said while pulling the ponytail out of her hair and taking the rod from his fingers and smoking out of it.
“You want to fuck me specifically or you want some faceless hookup?” he asked giggling.
“What exactly is a faceless hookup, Vincent?” she asked, her eyes meeting his again for the first time in a while and still couldn’t keep herself together. His hand was gently over hers and she deciding on playing with his fingers, biting her lip.
“Well, first off, you’d have to take off your clothes...then I’d suggest a brief makeout session before first or second base- given that my way of doing these things is slow mostly-”
“I dunno if I have the patience for slow,” Leda said quickly as she slid off the side of the bed and stood up, pulling her pants down and deciding to undo the knot that kept her shirt up, hiding her midriff. Then got back to Vincent as he tried to watch, but his mind flowed with ideas. He pushed himself forward, planting his feet on the floor and taking off his boots. He looked up at Leda, who was waiting for him patiently, which made him smirk as he stood up and gave way to his jeans.
“You don’t have the patience for slow?” he echoed.
“Nah, never did. Guys usually don’t take their time with me or they had made up their minds already and I hadn’t gotten a choice,” she explained, hoping her shirt hid her thighs rubbing together at the crooner in front of her. She could feel her anxiety rise in an interesting way as Vincent saw right through her. “Vincent-” she didn’t mean to breathe.
He raised his eyebrows as he heard the wind whisper his name, and he quickly moved around her to make the back of her more aligned to the back of the bed. She gasped a little as she heard his phone and wallet hit the nightstand and did a magician’s gesture to make a condom appear between his fingers, “Not yet, though.”
“Why?” she asked.
“You tell me,” he said, gently taking her waist into his hands and Leda could barely hold in her exhale and moan as it felt so slight as her body moved into it. All of the thoughts started flooding and so did the memories. She felt like he could be there at any second, but there was Vincent blocking him. Her body ached a bit at how he just froze. “Your lips look so soft and plush..and I like your hair down like this.”
The girl tried to hide, but it was met with another squeeze, “V-Vincent~” she sputtered as he kept yanking her out of her head, feeling the muscle relaxants and the weed mix. 
“You alright, babe?” he asked softly in her ear, being sure to not touch her elsewhere. Leda didn’t understand why she felt this way. 
“No..” her voice shook as she gulped, “My head’s going crazy but my body’s not..and I want to be terrified, but that’s..just..not what I’m feeling...What was in that tube thing?..” She finally asked.
“Weed obviously...not even the stuff I sold tonight. It’s a preview from the guy I buy off of-”
“I don’t really smoke grass-”
“Is it because THC can be a psychostimulant?”
“Ye-yes!..I feel like-” she cut herself off and took in his cologne instead. She couldn’t let him know what all she was thinking. It wouldn’t make sense. She would look more certifiably crazy then. Her mouth pushed out half of moan as she exhaled his scent where she tasted the cigarette and the fact they had been at a college house party. 
“I was gonna tell you to take a deep breath but you did it already-”
“Are you...Are you gonna fuck me or not?” she balled up her fists.
“If you would let me fucking finish and stop interrupting me solely to say something that would piss me off then yes!” Vincent said as he let her sides go and folded his arms.
“Not my fault you drugged me and are taking your time..” she folded hers and looked away from him, not wanted to meet his eyes.
“So what, I was supposed to brazenly assau- Ooooohhhhhh....You’re not mad at me..And...I just became mad at myself for realizing it-”
“What?” she asked, whipping her head towards his.
“You don’t know how to enjoy it, because you’ve never been given the option..nor the opportunity,” he mentioned, returning his hands to her sides quickly. 
“What?!” Leda asked, more surprised and now sent back through those thoughts of him touching her again, “You do-don’t know if I-”
“You told me you did..I dunno if it changed..did it?” putting slightly more pressure to allow her to embrace him.
“Ugh~..no..” she once again cursed herself on the inside from only getting a hug from being revved up by his hands lingering on her waist and lower back. Part of her just wanted to let go, or at least tell him to- since part of her completely trusted him. He passed the tests. He was so close to figuring her out and it angered her how clandestine he could carry himself through it all. Her body relaxed into the long hug and waited for this to not be real. For Vincent to pop a hard-on or something so that she knew he was doing all of this because he was still plastered and wanted to bed her. It was hard to expect him to do that when he would talk and his hands wouldn’t really move. And when he moved he tried to stay quiet. Leda’s arms started to move once again, snaking her arms up and crossed them behind his neck, “B-be...be gentle, alright?” she pulled back slightly to meet his eyes- gods those eyes- and his hair in his face before kissing him.
Leda was at Vincent’s again, no longer afraid of him or his touch, if anything, he’s the only one whom she trusted. Before she would be ready to fight if anyone tried to touch her, and obviously Vincent was given exclusive access. However, Vincent had to always do something to salvage their experiences, and there were times where he didn’t have it in him. 
The fresh couple lived through such a visceral honeymoon stage that Leda couldn’t think that a guy could have loved her more than the one who was after Cameron. She tried so hard not to think about it. One evening Leda was excitedly waiting for Vincent in the car while he made a sale. This is how they started dating and it just became something she found herself doing before she stopped staying in her dorm and sleeping at Vincent’s apartment. He came back and put everything in the trunk before getting in the car and only resting his head in his arms over the steering wheel with a huge sigh.
“Baby..you ok?” she asked as she sat up and rubbed his back. 
“No..” he said quietly, desperately trying to keep himself together. 
“Well..we..we gotta go..or..are we going somewhere?” Leda said, looking up and looking around.
“I have to go back in there...It’s not like..I mean you don’t care right?” he finally says when he sits up and pushes his hair back.
“How can you even ask me that question?” Leda looked at him, coming off louder than she expected, “What do you mean?”
“We’re not...This isn’t..Look it’s a party in there and...I wanna be single tonight. Like my boss, he’s- fucking treating me to the party in there and I can’t tell him you’re in here and you don’t do parties so-”
“I never said I don’t do parties. I don’t do party drugs and uncomfortable situations-”
“Your whole life is an uncomfortable situation, Leeds,” Vincent chuckles lightly, reaching in a pocket for his cig he started before he went in the first time, “It’s not gonna take me that long, babe..”
“Wait! You’re actually going back to the party?” she pushed her hand on his chest, then shook her head slowly, “What the fuck?”
“I’m going back in, yes. To enjoy the party? No...To probably get my dick sucked by a drunk Sean McLoughlin cus he’s been walled up and he said he would?..Yea-” he gave her some theatrics before turning away.
“NOO!” she snatched his shoulder, “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“What? You’re not going to do anything about it. And it’s not gonna change anything with..us..per say...it’s just I’m having sex with Sean tonight,” he tried to explain.
“I’m not fucking stupid! That’s if I allowed you to! Who put you at the head of this relationship?” she looked at him, perplexed and angry.
“Who put you at the head of this relationship? Listen, half of this problem is the fact that I fuck other people. The other half would be the disrespect of dishonesty and I’m not giving you that!” he said trying to deescalate the situation.
Leda was so upset and couldn’t believe that he was just trying to brush off cheating in her face. He had brought up a few good points, so maybe he doesn’t understand how this hurts her, “Ok but you’re not respecting my additional choices, the fact that I may feel some type of way about it- You just came in here and told me you’re gonna fuck Sean!”
“Is it because it’s Sean specifically?” he asked, pulling back a little.
“Urgh! No! Well-..no, because...I should call Mark because he should be home right now,” Leda tried to say, feeling caught up by his question and now enraged that she felt anything because he was still in the wrong. 
“We can drop him off,” he shrugged and chuckled before looking over to her, “Oh come on! I wouldn’t not stop the car or anything like that. I’d make sure he’s sober or at least hydrated...but he looks like he could blow off some steam and he gets a safe ride home. You can bring him in his dorm, tuck him in, let Mark know he got back in one piece- fuck! Knowing Musclebound Buffpants he’s probably on his way because Sean probably called him accidentally on purpose.”
“He’s with Ro tonight..she told me he’s being held hostage for the night,” she interjected with not as much energy, “Why won’t you take him in? You’re the guy!”
“I’m in the running to apply for Alpha president..I don’t have good luck with being seen in a good light..You know that, you came from the factory,” Vincent  scoffed, before finishing the cig and flicking the butt out of the window and blowing the smoke with it, “And so because Ro is with her future husband, you have to play pretend with me?”
“No! Can’t we just...like hang out?! What the fuck is your problem?” Leda snapped at him, throwing her hands up.
“This! This moment right now and everything about it is my problem, Leda!” Vincent snapped back, “Answer me this, am I your boyfriend?”
“No, I-”
“Right. Not your boyfriend. And you’re not my girlfriend. You won’t let us call us an us...and why is that again?”
“Because you’re a fucking prick.”
“Ah no..sorry, we were looking for you care too much about Ro’s opinion and your social status with her friendship.”
“No I fucking don’t! I don’t need to be with her like that!” she defended weakly.
“Listen, if you don’t like what I’m doing then take my car and do whatever the fuck you want and I’ll call you in an hour. Go back to my place, go fuck someone else, go have a some weird lesbian fantasy about your best friends and deny it in an attempt to keep them because you know you don’t have a chance. Go hang with someone else, actually fucking take your meds and do your homework for once-”
“Shut up, Vincent!” she yelled as she shoved him, causing him to abruptly get up, slamming the door shut and wrangling his car key off his ring and tossing it in the car. Leda had screamed when he shut the door, holding her arms up defensively as she heard the keys fly into the car through the driver’s window and hit the dashboard.. the girl cried for several minutes and contemplated going into the party, but it was too dangerous. She realized she shouldn’t have come with him. She takes his car and has a night out of her own, knowing Charlie was probably aching for some human contact. 
Vincent couldn’t believe he actually was able to move in. He was already so excited to be the Alpha house president, even if not everyone agreed with him. Rosanna dutifully worked under him and kept herself busy, vowing to herself and to Mark that they almost never see one another unless it concerns the house. Vincent could still see every moment they had together. He doesn’t ignore her lingering looks and touches while they tried to quickly check and proof records and evaluations and documents for the house. She didn’t regret no looking back when she could still steal glances from the very corners of her eyelids and faintly think of Mark for a second. Allowing their imagery, their voices, their strength to overtake her for a fleeting moment before she was brought back and remembered the business at hand. 
Since Leda disappeared with his car a few weeks back, Vincent hadn’t a clue what came over her after one fight on one night. She hadn’t known where she’d gone, but didn’t know what Cyr had done with the things of hers that she left. She went up to the registry and seen that Cyr lived in Alpha now. She had remembered him very vaguely discussing running for Alpha president, but hadn’t really cared about it at the time- she thought he wouldn’t get it. Vincent was going over the printout of the proposal for an event that Rosanna had suggested to boost revenue and new pledge turnout when he got a shiver, and it made him play it off by rolling his neck. “You ok?” Ro cooed, rubbing his shoulders, Vincent sinking in.
The girl had found out that he had done away with his off-campus apartment for Greek Row, so she took the long walk going up from the office. Ro hadn’t been this sweet on him, and she didn’t know what came over her in this moment to try her luck- to see if it still pulled the same, to see if it was still like lighting a fuse, to see if he remembered her. She couldn’t help herself taking in his relaxation into her hands and watching him push his glasses off, “Ah..yeah uh...You’re just gonna have to come back for the second..revision...tomorrow- I..I don’t think I’m gonna get this done,” he said, rubbing his face and taking a few more breaths before taking both her hands in his swiftly and gently, bringing them on top of one another, and closing them in his as he directed her to come from behind him. He locked eyes with her as he slowly stood up, towering over her as he let her hands fall, hearing the light gasp as her hands fell. The lanky man turned back around, having already excusing himself past her to start gathering the papers on the table, at her noise, “You alright, doll?” he asked plainly and still killed her.
Leda knew somewhere that maybe if she could admit her side of the story, things would be smoother. She could definitely talk to Ro about Cyr than to Cyr about Ro, and since no one can know, it felt even more important. She admired all the people around and the new faces for a mundane weekday on campus as she strolled onto Greek Row, seeing the lights on and the Congratulations banner still up from his apparent celebration. Vincent felt the shiver again as he put his shirt back on and played it off by adjusting it. Ro was long gone, but it was another isolated moment of quick stimulation. All she ever wants is to be touched, and he knew all the right spots and loved the noises she made when he did get them just the right way. It didn’t worry Leda much that Ro wasn’t answering her phone at this time of day, she probably fell asleep after a brisk walk with Cookie. Joey sang her praises for her return and spoke of the boy who’s car she’d stolen and no longer had. “Leda~..wow...I wasn’t sure what happened, but you can come get all your stuff- uh...I dunno if you wanna talk or anything-”
“Who is she?” Leda asked, pushing past him and wiped her finger across his lips then showing him, “Whoever it is, it’s a cute color..”
“Leda, I think you owe me an explanation-” he said flatly, pulling off his shirt entirely and wiping his face.
“Is my room in here still good?” she asked as she immediately started picking out and finding clothes. She was safe here again, she didn’t need to hide. 
“I let them give it up for more room, we had an influx of- Stop that...Leda, talk to me-” he said, strolling over before getting a hand to the chest.
“Congrats on becoming President, baby~! How about..we celebrate?..Just you and me! Just like before! Hm? I wanna take a shower first, though, cus I’ve been...traveling all day,” she led him into the bathroom as she turned the shower on.
“Can we talk while you shower?” he asked, standing and filling the doorway, “You know this whole suite is mine. So it really is just us.”
“Nah..you, me, the spirits I brought with me and that are on these grounds, the gods and goddesses, and Rosanna’s lace dainties?” she said as she picked the light lace cheeky underwear on the bathroom floor, “Let me take my shower alone, please.”
Vincent sat out and cleaned up his room a little bit, chain-smoking as he wasn’t sure what was going to happen when the girl got out of the bathroom. Leda didn’t really understand how she felt the way she did, and why she wasn’t angry at Ro. Why was it a little more interesting to know she was still going to Cyr to get her rocks off? She opened the door to Vincent’s surprise, not wearing anything else but her t-shirt bra and a dainty lace thong. Her hair falling over her curves just right, and he couldn’t help but follow her with his eyes. She had grown up into her shape more, maybe not as much colour on her still plush soft skin, but there’s now tattoos and her hair is as vibrant a colour can be when he met her. She smiled at him, even though she wasn’t smiling on the inside, and she straddled his waist on his bed. She lured him into a kiss and an energy boost he’d missed from her- the world felt more at balance and it made sense with their lips pushed together. “I missed you..so much..” he breathed, unable to hold back his overwhelming comfort.
“Your car broke down and I left it on the side of the road in Oregon..I sold the drugs out the trunk and ran into some ex...problems,” Leda started, “Did some cat and mouse and travelling and yeah..I..I missed you, too Vincent~” 
“That’s fine...but..why’d you leave in the first place?” Vincent asked laying back as she worked on kissing his neck and grinding. The girl stopped and avoided his eyes, “Leda...Leda baby you can tell me..I’ve been waiting about a year to know...” he reassured her as he leaned up to embrace her and kiss her shoulder.
“I-....I..He said he was gonna find me, and the stick had a plus on it and I was gonna show you when we got home, but even I didn’t wanna go home so...” she stiffened as she explained, moving her fringe out of her face, shrugging.
“You were pregnant?” he asked, eyes immediately darting down, “Did you lose it?”
“I...I just didn’t want you to get upset and I didn’t want him to find me if I-”
“Ok Ok...I don’t care about that..What happened to the baby, Leda?” he asked her pulling her in and rubbing her back.
“I lost her...” her voice broke, “I can’t have kids...he’ll find me. He did this to me...”
“Hey, hey, hey...Hey, look at me, Leeds. Alright?..I’m not mad about the car..I’m not mad that you had to handle things with your ex..and I’m not mad about the baby...” Vincent said, “I just wanted to know if you were ok..And that I wasn’t holding your stuff and you didn’t need it anymore..”
Leda couldn’t help her tears and was so glad she had a fresh naked face to let herself cry in. “I-I-It’s not that I didn’t want her, I just..she didn- I dunno what happened...” she tried to say while she cried.
“It’s alright, babe..Don’t worry. She’ll come when she’s ready, okay? And when she does I have no doubt she’ll be as beautiful, smart, and creative as her wonderful mother,” Vincent said, rubbing her back some more, “Listen, next time you get knocked up, I’ll take care of you...I’ll make sure nothing happens to you...I’ll keep you safe.”
“Vincent~ you can’t..no one can..he’s always gonna find me,” Leda whined, shaking her head quickly, “He’ll kill you.”
“Not if I kill him first and even then, I’m giving all of this to you. You deserve not to worry. You deserve safety, babe,” he said, “Is that why you were at my apartment?’
“Yes, but you don’t live there anymore-”
“I’m subleasing until I graduate from here...or I get tired of these people finally,” he chided.
“And how long do you think that’s going to last?..Especially if it’s you and Ro..” she started chuckling lightly.
“I don’t think it’s gonna be me and Ro for much longer, anyway,” he sighs, letting the girl off his lap and onto his bed as he got up to start turning the lights down and closing off his room from his office, “Don’t get me wrong- it’s exciting! It really is, but she shouldn’t be doing that. She’s...gonna need that wakeup call.”
Leda sat and waited for him and lit one of his cigs from the box on the nightstand even though he opted for the little glass tube, “What do you mean?”
“She’s still careless, she’s playing with fire...She didn’t want everybody to know but she’s had-like- two scares...She’s gonna tell you when she finds out that you’re back,” he said, hushing his voice like she was in his office. Leda was shocked to say the least, but she liked Vincent for that: he held onto the only side of her she was never proud of.
“Like...pregnancy scares-”
“No STI- yes pregnancy scares! Told me that she didn’t want to get rid of the kid but didn’t want to think of losing the life she was building with Mark and wanted all of the kids she had to be in their happily ever after or whatever shit...you know Rosie..” Vincent snapped, clearly still emotional and indignant, smoking more frequently as he stress-cleaned his room. Leda was stunned. It wasn’t exactly something she expected from someone who craved so much stability and control- safety. 
“She disappeared. Like three times, She told everyone she went to visit family. I saw her and she stayed with me for like..a few days..and we just hung out how she wanted us to. She never left because nobody could know that she was back yet. So when she did return it was like she picked up Cookie from the sitter on her way home from the airport...I liked it, but..when she told me all of that over those days and she told me about being President and how she would eventually hate me enough to overthrow me and then she’ll have her life with Mark and I’ll leave the Youni...”
“So then...when’s the last time you saw Ro?” Leda asked, frightened slightly by what she heard. And part of her wanted to fight her. It wasn’t much of her business but as a friend and as a human that’s not something she should get away with. 
“You didn’t see her going to the Vice President’s suite?..Or the girls’ side? Kitchen?...Cus she literally just left when you had knocked on my door,” Vincent paused and stared at her with a squint.
“Nope,” Leda admitted shaking her head and threw her hands up, “Honestly I didn’t really get here until I told you I lost the baby and by then I kinda knew that I could let it go I guess..because now I feel fine..”
“Weird...I had a weird feeling the whole time she was here that someone was coming..I didn’t think they were alive so I didn’t think anything of it...This is all..you know, Indigenous grounds, not necessarily burial, but sacred space tends to pop up when they’re talking...”
“That’s weird...but highly likely..Western U.S. does have some crazy energy pockets,” Leda said, blushing a little that he knew she was coming, “Are they leftover or residual? The panties, I mean..” She giggled.
“I couldn’t tell ya, but I’d have to guess that she left those in my bathroom because it was very apparent she wasn’t wearing any, but I thought she had come over commando..Didn’t think she committed to the idea while she was in the bathroom. I guess that’s what she’s gonna wait for me to say something about. Can’t lie, I’m gonna miss how smart she is,” he said with a smile and waves of realization of what he liked about the girl after not knowing for so long.
“Clearly not smart enough,” Leda scoffed, “If she’s pulling the ‘I had to go to my mother’s for a summer so I can have an abortion and therapy’ this early in the relationship and they’re still going strong, maybe it’s that you’re not gonna judge her and she can kinda reward herself with you and vice versa- definitely a karmic soulmate...” She smiled again as she realized that they might be a particular soulmate or at least spiritual partner. “Vincent, sit down, please,” she asked sweetly. He sat back down and she rubbed his shoulders, sighing, “I’m sorry, Vince...Like that’s really shitty and I’m..so..sorry, babe..but like that’s what happens when you gamble.”
“It would help if you’d taken responsibility for running out on me fucking months ago,” Vincent bit at her, “Maybe I wouldn’t have leaned on her so much...chasing fucking waterfalls,” he scoffed.
“Wow you’re really gonna sit here and blame me?” she backed up, raising her voice.
“No! I said take some fucking responsibility! Like do you understand how you’re no better sometimes?” he said.
“Oh my- FUCK YOU! Who the fuck are you?!” Leda snapped, shoving his shoulder and getting up.
“Will you keep your voice down?!” he whispered quickly standing up and taking her arm in his hand gently.
“Don’t fucking touch me!-”
“Or what?! You’ll scream? Ro’s gonna come rushing back in here to check on me to find what? Us fucking fighting about her and as far as she knows you dropped out of school,” Vincent breathed, “No one..and I mean no one..knows about any of that.-”
“WHy are you still trying to defend her?!” she growled as she fights him.
“Same reason I defend you, but not the same because you’re not about to marry some meathead to forget your slutty phase,” he mentioned and the girl released her grip, “Also again with the dick jealousy and arousal over your friend and you screwing me.”
“Stop saying that! It’s not fucking true!” she snapped at him.
“I’ve been talking to college girls for a long time. This is the most bisexual thing two straight girls can do is fuck the same guy and give the guy shit for getting off on the fact that at least one of you wants to fuck their lunchbox friend...and right now, you’re the mad at the Snowflake Queen, Needy.”
Leda stopped and looked at him, “Did you really just use that reference?” 
“It’s true. No matter the reference. I’ve told you that before-”
“You didn’t-”
“Yes I did, you just forgot because we were having fun...you know..dating,” Vincent lit his cig, handing it to her, “My whole thing is I wanted you to have fun without living in Rosie’s shadow.”
“Don’t do that,” she said, smoking quickly going back to the bed before he takes her hand and twirls her and dips her.
“What?” he said.
“Don’t call her Rosie,” she said, blushing hard.
“Why? Cus you’d call her Rosie?” he asked, shotgunning a hit with her.
“Stop saying I wanna fuck Ro, cus I don’t,” she giggled.
“You’d watch me fuck her though,” he inserted, putting the butt in the ashtray as he pulled her in, “Or vice versa.”
“She said she would?” she asked, furrowing her brows.
“Needy, when I say she’s never been worried about you when she’s with me, she’s not. I don’t push her, either. Like I think about you if she says or does something that reminds me of you but other than that she’s in her own little world with me,” Vincent said, caressing the girl, looking away to think. 
“Stop calling me Needy, I clearly look like Megan Fox,” she said, meaning to put herself down.
“No, you’re Needy at the end of the movie after she’s been affected by Jennifer,” he explained, “You were simping and running and screaming while getting teased the whole movie then at the end, even though you kinda lost your guy, you’ll get more..and it’s kinda because she took what was meant for you..even if it killed her..”
“Wow..Vincent..did you just say you loved me even if it kills Ro?” Leda asked, smirking wildly.
“Yeah I guess so.”
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
hey, so i have just recently stumbled across your page and when i tell you i'm so amazed OMG your writings and stories are so immensly beautiful, i've read almost all of them - home from war, scarlet, pink hearts, acquainted and fall from grace especially made me feel things and are probably my favorites. 💖💖 you have such an amazing amazing amazing way with words,, the way you characterize the characters, the dialogues and the plots are just CHEFS KISS. you are so so talented i'm almost jealous hahahahha.
and since i have JUST NOW finished "fall from grace" and the emotions are still raw lmao i wanted to say: WOW. i'm beyond heartbroken but my heart is also about to burst. it was so beautiful???? i can't really describe it in words but the story really did something to me omg i already know that i'll probably think about it the next weeks coming or while writing my exams 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 but no really. y/n and gojo's relationship was heartbreakingly cute and while i really hoped that they would maybe end up together at the end it was much more realistic and logical that they didn't, and i'm happy that it ended the way it ended. especially the last passages were amazing, i shed one or two tears reading it lol, it was a perfect ending for them. i really sat their for a moment collecting myself ngl hahahahaha. them looking at each other through the crowd, fleeting memories, emotions of the past and acceptance - accepting and acknowledging what was and is between them and still deeply caring and loving one another, being happy for one another. yeah, i am mesmerized.
but i actually have a little question bc i was confused at one point. so y/n got kicked out from the studio and didn't get the role for black swan and gojo saw her that one rainy (and ✨fateful✨ hahahah) night, how exactly did they come to form the agreement?? and did y/n then got the role back bc of the agreement (yk bc of her connection to the crown prince)?
anyways thank you so much for taking your time of the day and writing all the masterpieces 💗💗, i'm sure it's not easy :/. keep up the hard work and thank you once again 🥰 also sorry for the long message i got a bit carried away hahaha. have a beautiful day/night!! ❤️ - 💎 anon, if you don't have that one yet. (ALSO EVERYTIME IM READING OR WRITING 'BEAUTIFUL' I CANT STOP THINKING ABT YOUR STORY PLSSSHSJ)
i wanted to answer this yesterday but this ask really had me rolling on the floor in tears and giggles cuz im so so happy wtf first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH holy unicorns thank you 😭💕 im extremely honored you like my works and OMG I SEE NAOYA FIC I GO BRR thank you so much oh my gosh waaaa and omg no fjekeks the talent is just the blog's theme of "If I Simp, I Write" LMFAO omg damn thank you so much im so so happy you like fall from grace, its different from what i usually write for jjk but its actually the most similar to what i originally write for non fanfic related works of mine abdksks so like thats a sneak peek for my other writer side HEHEE. Also THE ENDING HURRR now you guys get why I said in the notes i love and hated that story, that ending scene with her performance lowkey fcked me up ngl 💀 oh actually, y/n is the original black swan because of her talent, dedication, and experience but her classmate was rich and had connections, so a few bills slipped in there and she lost the role, then accused that she 'stole' it from the girl. satoru actually stepped out his car and asked her to come with him where they came up with the agreement that she dated him just to clear his reputation of being a playboy so he could solidify his inheritance of the throne, in exchange, his connection with her could increase her chance of being scouted by a better company and hopefully even make her a respectable person for being the prince's first "stable relationship." and nope, she didnt get the role back - not from her original company anyway - and the prince's connection with her doesnt affect her success either. a company overseas recognized her by her talent alone and scouted her without connections to her "dating" him. the last part just pertained that they helped each other to grow emotionally and mentally, both as people and as actual humans, without inclusions of their roles in society. it was more of a personal growth and rekindling of souls rather than him ascending as king and her reaching her dream, because both paths of their success was their own journey from now on as said in the line "when the other stood firm, tall, and ready, you pushed each other in your respective directions." and thank you so much for this message, i dont mind the length of it all since im talkative too ahdkelwsl and i love responding to these types of asks 💕 tysm for the support bb, im very thankful for it! Have a great day/night too sweetheart, and diamond anon is all yours, WELCOME TO SUKI'S EMOJI BABIES FAMILY 💕💕💕
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superblondee · 5 years ago
hii! stumbled across this blog for no reason (im neurotypical) but this was weirdly helpful because my little brother’s neurodivergent and like. i just respect the heck out of all you adhd/autism/not neurotypical people. you go you amazing humans
awww this made me so happy! thank you so much for your respect and support 💕💕💕 it really means a lot, you have no idea. and tell your little brother that he’s an awesome human being for me 😊 he probably loves having such a supportive sibling like you!
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rainecloud020604 · 5 years ago
“All’s well that ends well!”
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now i wont lie, this year started off amazing! new friends, new start, hell i got my laptop and was able to be on more. this year became pretty bumpy though through the middle, but hey, i made it!
I have a lot of people to thank for it as well, a lot of people who stayed around and put up with my shit no matter what it was
@elementalgod-aj - okay, first tumblr friend, introduced me to a lot of people i know now on here, got me into roleplaying and refused to let me give up on art. this guy, is solely responsible for me sticking around this hellsite when i thought about quitting a long time ago. He’s very talented, has sooo many amazing ocs you have to dig a bit to really get information on some of them, really fun to talk to as well! I might have a few personal favorites with his ocs but i love them all;3 he makes it worth your nickle talking to him, its rare he doesnt have anything to say and when you need someone to talk to he is willing to listen
@craftyjellyfishcat - she’s awesome, hard to put it into words on how much i appreciate knowing her. always willing to talk and do something. fun to fuck around with sometimes too uwu She has some pretty cool ocs and backgrounds for them, writing skills are like holy shit- where’s more?! art is pretty good too! she’s been there for me several times when i needed it and i cant thank her enough. she deserves a little more love in the art department 
@justadeadlysinsblog - hello thats my daughter Alma i love you and am so very proud of you figuring out who you are and who you want to be!!! it’s been such an honor and blessing helping you with your journey. she’s amazing at art, like holy shit it sooooo clean!!!! colors are beautiful and honestly she knows how to make it look pretty. there is no such thing as “too much purple” in this gals book! she literally is the embodiment of pride and its fun getting mortal souls with her- i mean- nothing! support her or so help me god i’ll steal your kneecaps and toes!!
@flowerrose14 - there sir, thats my wife and i love her. i met her at the beginning of this year/ end of last year and honestly, that changed my life. she’s always there for me, its a blessing being able to talk to her, she’s full of sooo much love!!! it literally oozes out of her messages. She’s my sweet angel who’s helped me so much, with my depression, anxiety, break downs and dissociations as well. its a dream of mine to go live with her, it really is, and imma make it happen! she has such amazing art and the effort she puts into it is shocking sometimes, her ocs and stories have given me the feels and made me attached and thats hard to do. support my girlfriend please! she deserves it!!
@angiewolf09 - i remember i was extremely intimidated by you at first, you are so talented,  with stories and art like holy shit you can do that with a pencil????? and dont get me started on how much of a mastermind you are with connecting things!! its been an honor being your friend and being apart of some of those amazing rps you do uwu
@wazzup-ie - its an honor being your ma uwu you are so talented and have skills i dream of having with art, im so proud of you and how far you have come this year!!! go! support her!!! 
@poiisedaracknos - you are very chill, laidback, fun to talk to and fuck around with. how do you hand???????? you are fucking talented bitch and you know it! such amazing art skills, soi what, no backgrounds for ocs? no problem, you have amazing artwork of them to make up for that! you are my child and im so proud of you, support her!
@mrcucumb3r - Alex you bastard i love you, you are my son. he has such a beautiful art style and honestly im glad that i met you and have been able to be your friend. such interesting characters and ideas that i wish got more attention. follow him and support him or else!!
@k0ncursus - i wish we talked more but the conversations and uno games we have had are amazing and you’re such a blessing and i am so happy you are my friend <3 you wont ever regret talking to her or following her!
@recklessjerry - my mind twin, my buddy, you’ve grown so much and im so proud to have witnessed it this year! you have amazing stories and characters and i love hearing you talk about them. you put so much effort into them and it shows, the easter eggs, the hinting, it makes it such a ride to look into! this guy is worth a follow!
@sherlocktheravencat - its been a long time, i wont lie, but the conversations we have had, its been an honor. i love your characters and your art, the effort that goes into the research honesty pays off. Seeing you on my dash is a privilege really. which is why i wish for others to share such a thing, follow satan Sher, you wont regret it.
@paint-splatterblog - you are so sweet, kind and all around amazing! such a talented soul with art and ocs! she might not post often but when she does its such a treat to look at what she posts! she is worth your follow so follower her please!!
@at-the-mercy-of-the-ocean - General this is lieutenant hugs reporting for duty. you are so very fucking valid and im happy i stumbled across your blog! you make me smile when im having a bad day and im blessed to see you on my dash.your art,,,i love seeing it,,,like i can talk abotu how pleasing to the eye it is to me all day. sending tons of hugs your way! they are worth your time and follow!!
@dearest-starboy​ - a very handsome being uwu can confirm being human tho <w< amazing edits, like how do you do that??? how?? and seeing you on my dash, you seems to always reblog stuff that makes me laugh. a friendly reminder im blessed to know you and that you are very valid go follow them please
@kirakirasilversnow​ - we dont talk much, i’ve been under anon a lot with you cause like,,,im intimidated slightly by your kindness. very valid and you are so sweet and talented!! wish we talked more! edits are jaw dropping with you and they are a beauty to see, like you! support this gal its worth your time 
@cookiie-doe - imma steal your toes if you dont stop acting so valid how dare you! its nice to see you in my notes and on my dash, you are very sweet and supper valid!! she is very much so worth your follow with art and content!! 
@funnierabbit75 - friendo!!! you have been such a blessing to know this year!! such beautiful art and a beautiful voice! she is very talented and deserves so much love and support so please give her that!!
@fizzypopsoda-comics - man i wished we talked more but this guy has got some wicked talent!!!  give them a follow and trust me you wont regret it in the slightest!! i love your art and ocs so much! 
@blogdeepdonutfatality​ - you have such lovely art and ocs!! follow her please!! she is such a blessing to talk to and get to know!!! its been an honor!!
@dreamer-from-elm-street​ - we dont talk often but when we do its something to cherish. such amazing art, anatomy, characters, stories!! follower her and send her love and support!!
@mindytiger​ - i love your art and ocs!! its been such a blessing to see your story grow!! hell, play a role every once and awhile as well! support her and her amazing skills!!
@mocka-mocka​ - you are so talented and deserve more love with your art and ocs! send her love and support and look at how talented she is!!!
@neon-alpha-wolf​ - bro, you are so talented and have grown so much this year! support him and his characters, along with art because he deserves it!!
there are so so so many other lovely people i can tag but theses guys i have the most to say about and want to give a huge thanks to making my 2019 the best year despite the hardships!!! i love you all and thank you for getting me here!!
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The Amusement Park: An Obey Me Fanfic
It had been just another day in the devildom. RAD was bustling with students and teachers as everyone was rushing towards their classes. Ravina was headed towards her devildom history class, the last class of the hour when she heard a voice behind her.
"Ravina!!! Ravina wait up!!!"
She turned, her medium length raven hair pony tail sweeping as she turned her head. It was Luke. He seemed a bit out of breath trying to catch up to you.
"I've been looking for you everywhere!" He said.
"Well, you found me!" Ravina said with a grin. "What's up?"
Luke beamed, holding up two tickets to what looked to be an amusement park of sorts. "Simeon gave me these!" He said. "But Simeon's gonna be busy this weekend, so would you like to go instead?"
Ravina was a bit taken aback. "Me? Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather go with Solomon?"
Luke shook his head. "No it has to be you! Besides Solomon is a little weird. He wouldn't want to go to an amusement park."
Ravina chuckled at Luke's comment. She thought Solomon was pretty weird too. "Alright. Sounds like fun!"
Luke's face was literally the embodiment for happiness itself hearing your answer. "Great! Oh! And please don't tell the brothers! I just want it to be the two of us."
Ravina nodded with a wink. "See you this weekend then!"
And without a doubt the weekend came, and Ravina could barely hold back her excitement. She loved roller coasters. The thrill of an amusement park was simply amazing. Not to mention the fireworks they usually do at the end. As promised, Ravina didn't tell the other brothers anything. Simply that she wanted to go out alone for a day.
Ravina and Luke met up together and took a bus out to the amusement park. On the way there, they listed the rides they would go on, the foods they would eat, oh and of course who could forget photos. Luke was just tall enough to make the cut on the big kid roller coasters. While Ravina wanted to sit in the front row "for the adrenaline rush" Luke insisted that they sit in the middle. Ravina complied, after all, just getting to sit on the roller coaster itself was a dream come true. They ran around the amusement park for most of the day, trying out all the different rides, even some of the kiddy ones. They took lots of photos both together and of each other. Finally, it was close to sunset, and both of them felt awfully hungry. Trudging over to the cafeteria both of them got burgers with fries and milkshakes.
"Im stuffed" Luke said, laying back in his chair in the amuement park open Cafe.
Ravina laughed. "I guess that means you don't have any room for the waffle ice cream surprise." She said with a grin. "I hear its the best in town"
Of course Luke could never deny a sweet. After all, Micheal loved sweets and if Luke tried all of them out, he could make them.
"Wait here. I'll go get us some."
Ravina got up to go to the ice cream stand. She ordered a vanilla nutmeg waffle surprise for Luke and Chocolate chip cookie dough one for herself. She was waiting for her order to come up, when she heard a voice.
"Hey! Put Me Down!"
It was Luke. A gang of low class demons had come over to pick on him. "What a low life." Said one of them. "Don't you know angels don't belong in the devildom" said another. "Maybe we should pluck his wings" the third cackled.
"Don't you dare!" Luke wrung himself free from the demons grasp, only to end up on the floor.
"You little brat." The demon growled.
He was about to reach for Luke when suddenly a massive punch hit him across the face. It was Ravina. She had been a bit slow, after all, she was still human. But still managed to strike a blow on the demon. The demon stumbled back in surprise.
"Ravina!" Luke gasped.
"You leave Luke alone!" Ravina shouted at the demons.
The demon who had been hit snarled. "Your going to regret that." Ravina brought her arms up, to counter what ever attack she knew was coming, but was too slow. The demons were too fast for humans and the demons claws striked across Ravina's right bicep. It tore through her shirt right into her flesh, knocking her to the ground beside Luke. Ravina cried out in pain, as blood poured through her wound. She put her left hand over her bicep, applying pressure to the wound. She glared at the demons, anger and adrenaline rushing through her veins. The group of demons grinned wildly.
"Let's teach these brats a lesson shall we?" A fourth demon crowed.
"Not so fast." Within a split second a demon had his hands around the throat of the demon who had just spoke. It was Mammon. And in full demon form no less. "No one messes with my human." He growled, his eyes glowing with power.
Two of the demons begin to back up when they ran straight into Beelzebub. In his full demon form he looked even more muscular as he cracked his knuckles. "I'm hungry. And it looks like your on the menu."
The third demon tried slithering away when a tail lashed out tripping the demon to the ground. It was Belphegor. "I'm really going to enjoy this." The demon glowered, a fanged grin spreading across his face.
"Your doing it all wrong." A voice came from behind Ravina. It was Satan. She looked over at him as he ripped a part of his shirt. He tied the cloth tightly around Ravina's right bicep to stop the bleeding. "There. Now why don't you two, Levi and Asmo go get your ice cream and ahead home." Satan said with a wicked smile.
"Here." Asmodeous helped Ravina and Luke to their feet. "Oh no! Your beautiful bicep! I swear if that scars I'll never forgive those demons."
"Two waffle surprises here." It was Leviathan.
"Good. Now Levi, Asmo, get these two back to the House of Lamentation safely." Lucifer's voice beamed. "We'll take care of this."
The lower leveled demons cowered at the presence of Lucifer. Ravina, despite all the anger she felt, felt a bit sorry for them. She turned away from the fight, wincing a bit at the pain from her wound. "Come on Luke let's go."
Back at the House of Lamentation, Luke, Asmo, Levi and Ravina sprawled out in the living room. The ice cream Ravina had bought for her and Luke had been finished hours ago and it was nightfall. Luke felt awfully guilty that Ravina had been wounded, and Ravina insisted that Luke had no reason to feel guilty.
"Man, Satan, you are a real monster you know?" Mammon's voice came from across the hall as he entered the room.
"Personally, I would have done much worse." Lucifer stated as he followed.
"I could use a nap. Ravina! How are you feeling?" Belphegor stated, looking back to his sleepy, tired self.
"Better. Asmo got be some pain pills so..." Ravina trailed off. She felt awfully guilty for being so weak.
"Yes well, Ravina, I really must thank you." Satan said with a smile. "I haven't had that much fun in the past 200 years."
Ravina blinked. "What did..."
Mammon and Levi both shook their heads. "Its better if you don't know." Leviathan stated.
"Right...." Ravina said. " Wait. Where's Beel?"
"Here." Said a muffled voice behind a mountain of food and groceries. "I bought Luke some cake. And I got Ravina a mango dragon smoothie."
Ravina laughed. She highly doubted that they were actually gonna get the chance to eat any of it, but was grateful none the less. "I do have one question. How did you guys find us? I didn't tell you guys where I was going."
"Oh thats easy." Asmodeous said. "Mammon here followed you. And we followed him" Asmo said wrapping an arm around Mammon. To which Mammon replied with a prompt "hey!!!"
"Well im glad." Ravina said.
"Yes and next time please do tell us where your going. At least we'll know your safe." Lucifer said. Ravina nodded and agreed to be more careful next time. Everyone spent the rest of the night eating the food that Beel had brought. Even Luke had a good time after Ravina insisted he stay for dinner.
*Ravina and Luke only had one bite of cake before it was promptly devoured by Beel. However, Ravina shared her mango smoothie with all the demons, including Luke.
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bullwrinkledmagnum · 5 years ago
I scrolled through the article 3 times to reexamine the picture of the nails...
Abu tells me: it's there it wasn't a disappearing picture!
Then he tells me....: there was no pictures on the internet, it was in your head!
I remember when we went with Queen Elizabeth II
And she had told me we were gonna go watch them excavate coffins... No one else pays attention to a little old lady in a plane full of rambunctious boys. Except me.
So when we got there jesse tells me "hey you know everything, what's inside these?" And he got distracted by kids and had to yell turned back to me and said "huh whats these all about huh kid what? Tellll me!"
"Bones" and i walked away and he got to me and said "those are big bones"
I looked at the coffins and said "not really. They look to be normal size" cause the coffins were normal sized although tall but we were talking bones not fat which was all gone already...
So he was all bugging "so they're WHALE?!?!!?"
The Queen whisked by me giggling and I didn't know why...
Me: we're mammals! Think! What's wrong with you anyways?!!? You got too much airplane food?!?!
The Queen is in the corner hiding her mouth with her hand and just laughing and laughing do hard! She sounds like she's wheezing from the dirt and dust.
Jesse: is the quee ok?
Me: yes she's okay just a bit coughy. But there's noting wrong with her. Go on and look. [He starts towards the queen] at the box, dummy
Jesse: look i need to stsrt getting a little respect around here i aint her roayl highness majesty but i am an adul-- what?
Me: you really think the box is made of bone?
Jesse: yeah what? I do. You said --
Me: Then what kind?
Jesse: you said mammal so im guessing wooly mammoth
Jesse turned away to kiss ass to the queen and i muttered "bat" under my breath but loud enough ...
Jesse: huh?
Me: no yeah you're right respect let's go into the next chamber.
So he goes to the Queen "do you know about these?!"
She nodded and tried to correct him But not "nooo" she told herself not to laugh
"Oh!! I made the best ancient discovery, yet!!"
I looked at him alk wtf are you talking about ass hole?!?!
"See these are all wooly mammoth coffins! Come look!"
"But Jesse excuse me! Jesse! Yoo hoo!"
"Jesse i thought all these caskets in these here tombs were all about rocks?"
Jesse looked at me
I shrugged palms up "Idk all the people left? Or maybe they were evil and had to have rocks piled on top of them!!" I ran towards the sunny door way because I don't make shit up, usually and the Queens smile was getting me to giggle and if she winked again id lose it.
Jessse: did you hear her? She was just repeating what i told her earlier. What im thinking here is all these are filled with Gold!! Because these people were the best and wanted to take all the gold with them! Here let's lift the lid off.
Queen: oh no! I don't mess with wooly mammoth bones. Human's only!!
Jesse: well, ill fond someone queen this will be amazing. I'll be right back. Keep an eye on the kids.
The queen stepped outdoors with me and we giggled ourselves silly until he returned.
He came out shortly and said he had help but the Queen said she needed help up the excavation laddar to get the boys and girls from the park and have lunch/supper.
He asked if he could continue with the coffins... She giggled.i told him she had said sure
So while upstairs picning in the grass... Alex, William and Jabar in the trees eating. William climbed down and said Jesse bad a wheel barrow
So i was sent to scout... It was empty.. So i returned to report the news
But William had seen it was full so he went around the corner, looked down and saw the ladder on the ground and the rocks piled down in.
Upon his report the Queen looked alarmed. I told her "don't worry. He told the kids a billion times how fragile everything is so he knows not to bother with to damage but also hes doing something stupid. Don't worry it will be fun. Always is"
The Queen decided to change from her usual dress and to put on slacks. Yes she ladders in heels and dress and hats and gloves and even a scarf from time to time.
"Think they're ready enough?"
"Oh you look nice. I like the blouse. I really like the polka dots. Come on boys. Youll need to drop the ladder for us ladies, shes old and privileged, I'm young and stout with a bad back. And come on jabar you can hold my hand like a good boy.... Or not" as he ran past us to tap William on the shoulder... But then he doubled back after telling William he was going to walk with me and the Queen.
At the pit as we called it we hollered for Jesse and we heard scrambling and rocks dropping and sounding like they were breaking.
"Like ice in a glass" said the Queen in a giggle
"Yeah well we need the ladder!!"
Jesse looked pale
"Idk ask one of the kids. See if you can climb down" he caught me on his shoulder as i slid down the wall "you gotta see what i did kid i think i messed up... There was a body..."
I heard the Queen shouting i stopping to motion them to get the ladder and to climb down and ESP my twin not to jump
"You coming?"
"What? Yeah"
"So i took the body out and put all the rocks in here But they sure aren't gold. Why is your eye twinkling? Is it okay? I mean. I did good right?!?"
"Was it a real body?!?!"
"Yeah!! See! And i covered it with a tarp!".
"Let,me,see! Let me,at her!!"
He led me around the corner of the coffin and I lifted the tarp... I noticed it getting darker slowly from the doorway light then it was completely dark. I looked up. Everyone gathered in the doorway, shocking Jesse into a startle as he stood behind me rubbing my lower back. I dropped the tarp stepped back quietly, closed my eyes and bowed to the queen once to notify her the body looked undamaged.
She giggled... Jesse continued his speech and she couldn't help but burst out full blown hee haww
Jesse was all telling us how thrilling and masculine his discovery was and how if we left the room and went into the other chambers he would remove the rocks and put them in the wheelbarrow upstairs and discover a body completely undisturbed by the weight of the rocks!!
The boys eyes were in awe... The actors anyways... As we had all laid/sat in the grass telling the story of Jesse downstairs.
"But Jesse!! The rocks!! There's too many!! How on Earth did you get the lid off and so,many rocks appear? Did the lid break"
"They just popped up like popcorn! And the lid os here under this tarp safe and sound. See your majesty? Its perfect. We were very gentle. But this. This is magic!"
"Oh okay boys come on lets get through with the show" she was unpleased but tolerant.
"But Jesse you're like magic!! This! Look guys! Wait! I found a nail to the coffins! The Whale bone coffin!!"
2 boys had to laugh... And it started a train of giggles.
"I bet this one nail held this entire room of coffins together by itself!! And when you opened this one coffin! Just this one! It popped out! Amazing! Unbelievable!"
Everyone began to walk out..
"Thanks kid, know I love ya!"
"I know im appreciated!" I threw my arms ib the air and skipped to catch up with Everyone else.
I went into the next chamber which was filled with anger. We blew it out like dust and sat down and I said what i saw of the body and then we discussed theories and ideas of what the room we were in used to be. We discovered it used to be a home. And we were in the kitchen.
On the way home we of course had to wait for Jesse to load the last of the plane including his rocks that might turn to gold had said the Queen.
One of the protective squad mentioned how stupid and disappointing and annoying that Jesse James character is and how he almost ruined the entire tomb, disturbed a body, could have killed the Queen whom didn't want use the ladder, carried her on his shoulder, and on and on. So angry, bitter and adult like.
We all agreed and I looked around the plane, let out a great exhale of air and said "yeah and it was the best day ever!"
This man whom hadnt winked, snorted, giggled or even grinned the entire day snorted then suddenly he collapsed in his chair and began laughing, slow shoukder shaking at first then into insanity of hilarity. Then he bent around the back of his chair and said "thanks for being the best boss ever!!"
And for the first time in quite awhile, Ms Queen Elizabeth II blushed.
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justapencilandsomeblood · 6 years ago
The First Bite
So, as promised here’s the first of probably many RPs between me and @ichaisme I’m enjoying writing with her, and it’s probably the closest I’ll get to ever actually writing out this story, so I hope you all enjoy~
It was a peculiar store, walls and shelves full of oddities and the occult.  Joey Drew felt right at home among the dusty trinkets and books claiming to be full of magic. He was thankful Henry knew of his more out there hobbies, and allowed him to indulge. Today, a particular book caught the man's attention, one about vampires. He smirked and rolled his eyes at the ridiculous notion of such things existing, but humored himself with a read anyways. Joey was so engrossed in fact, he didn't notice the man watching him until he heard him clear his throat. "O-oh! My apologies, we're you interested in the book im reading or-" His brow furrowed as he was handed a small card, the strange man whispering. "If you're truly interested in that topic, come to this address tonight, it'll be a night you'll never forget." And with that, the man walked away, leaving Joey to stare at the card in his palm. --- Joey sighed as he looked up at the large, decrepit house in front of him. Oh, Drew, what are you getting yourself into... He just had to be curious. He just had to know. You know what they say about curiosity and cats. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to grab the knocker on the door and giving a good few hits.  Guess it's time to wait, I feel so dumb... what if this is all an elaborate prank?
******** The door slowly opened to reveal the presumable owner of the building. Tall and thin, one could wonder how he held together in his frailty, and yet he exuded a confidence that almost completely covered any concern. The dark red velvet suit jacket, perfectly tailored to him, lined with black and dotted in dark brass buttons, helped cut an impressive figure. Gaze going further up, the pale face practically shone in the dim light. His eyes, a rich brown so bright they almost seemed red, looked him up and down. His emotions danced across his face in a well-rehearsed dance: recognition, understanding, and finally, warm hospitality. “Ah,” he began smoothly, leaning a bit into his cane; the picture of nonchalance. “You must be the guest Alistair invited. My name is Benjamin. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He offered a black gloved hand to shake, tilting his head politely down. The position made it more obvious that his gelled hair pulled back into two distinct points. “Do come in. Dinner is about to be served~” ******** Oh. Oh dear. Joey felt his face heat up as he took in the other man's appearance. He was pretty sure he was a monogamous man, but this stranger was suddenly making him have doubts. He cleared his throat, reaching out to take the hand that was offered, "Drew, Joey Drew," he stumbled, stepping inside. He wasn't sure if he wanted this man to recognize his name or not. Sure, he was proud of his and Henry's work on the Boris cartoons, but what would such a regal gentleman think of him for making silly children's shows? Although, his thoughts were cut off at the idea of food, "Oh, dinner sounds just lovely! I'm starving." ******** “Joey Drew?” He raised a brow, closing the door behind the man after he stepped inside. “The same Joey Drew of Boris cartoon fame?” A man like that, interested in the occult? How interesting. It did… complicate things just a little. Alistair would need to be more discrete about disposal, and other logistics would need to me be hammered out, but… he wouldn’t be the highest-profile victim he’d ever had. “Incredible, being in the presence of such a talent.” The mention of food again brought his sharper smile back, bowing with a flourish and directing him towards the dining room. “Coincidentally, so am I. Shall we dine?” ******** His cheeks reddened more at the recognition, but he didn't respond, instead gladly following towards the dining room. Although, upon reaching their destination, Joey couldn't help but pause. There was a table, just as extravagant as the rest of the house, but it wasn't set in the least, in fact it had a layer of dust, cobwebs clinging to the centerpiece. No one had eaten here in a long time. "Uhhh..." he ran a finger through the dust, his back turned to the men, "I hate to come across as rude, but I am a tad confused on dinner, is it just not here yet?" Just go along with this, Drew, they're obviously pulling your leg. Perhaps two men that are a bit too into role play? ******** Benjamin had to take a moment to compose himself after that. Most who stepped into his dining room realized immediately something horrible was about to happen. They'd try to beg. They'd try to run. All met the same end. But this man... reckless in his interests and completely oblivious to danger, kept up the game. Such naiveté... it was endearing in a way, like a puppy that didn't quite understand that its tail was attached to its body. It was almost a shame to kill him. But, a meal was a meal. A red glow to his eyes signalled the shift. Like a snake advancing on an unaware prey, he slunk up behind him, one hand creeping up to grip Joey's shoulder, tight but not painful. "Perhaps you have been led astray, sir," he murmured into his ear, voice lowering in octave. Another step closer, and Joey stood trapped between the table and Ben's body, solid despite the thinness. "You are the meal~" He relished the sensation a moment, before the grip on Joey's shoulder tightened, and the vampire sank his fangs into his neck. ******** He really was oblivious, convinced he knew the situation. He was going to turn to face the two, expecting some form of 'we got you!!' Instead, Joey found that he couldn't move. Some invisible force kept his body firmly planted in front of the table, his back to the strangers. Fuck. Okay, just breathe Drew. No need to panic. Then the hand was on his shoulder- he was trapped. He couldn't move. He couldn- Oh fuck that hurt- Joey's breathing was uneven, the sounds of swallowing in his ear. He could feel the tug, his blood being forcefully taken. Fuck... this is real... ******** Ben contented himself with drinking at first, but the longer he drained, the more he wondered-- maybe he should let him live. There was some amusement to be had in that. If he intended to though, he had to decide quick. The oddly cute but naive human, or a full meal... With a barely muttered curse he pulled away. That was what he got for still mingling at all with humans. He punctured his own wrist with his fangs, holding Joey firmly upright and in place as he waited for the blood to flow. Such an odd distinction between the living and the (un)dead. He technically still had a heartbeat, slow as it may be. Blood somehow still flowed through his veins, yet... thicker. Darker. More potent. For a vampire to drink another's blood would mean to go insane. For a human... well, it would let him survive how much he'd lost so far. Once there was enough dripping down his arm for a taste, he shoved the bloodied limb into Joey's mouth. ******** Joey Drew was going to die. He'd finally done something stupid enough, and was facing the consequences. Everything was cold, the freezing chill starting in his fingertips, spreading up his arms the more was drank. He wasn't even aware anymore. Everything had gone black, Joey lost in his own mind. But then there was a spark. A small taste like electricity. He felt himself coming back as he licked at whatever was in his mouth. It was amazing. Words couldn't describe how it tasted, how it felt. He wanted more. He reached up, grabbing the limb as it tried to pull away, digging his teeth in. ******** Ben winced a bit. Apparently, the taste was very compelling. That could cause an issue. He shifted his hand up to grip Joey’s hair tightly, forcibly pulling his head away from his wrist, “If you go too far you’ll turn yourself,” he warned with a hiss. “That’s more than enough for you to survive.” ******** A small whine came from Joey's throat as he fought against Ben's hold. This wasn't how the man ever behaved, but that taste. It wouldn't get out of his head. How bad he wanted it. Needed it. He struggled again, trying to lunge for another bite. ******** "Really?" Ben raised a brow, scoffing a bit. "Fine. You can't drain me, and I warned you. Suffer the consequences." He released his grip on the man's hair. ******** As if Joey even comprehended that warning. The second he was let go, he jumped. Joey dug his teeth back into Ben's arm, opening the wound that had already begun healing. He let out a moan, getting lost in the taste as blood filled his mouth. He never wanted to stop. It was sweeter than anything he'd ever tasted, filled him with a newfound energy. But soon- Soon Joey let go, pushing the limb away with a gag. It had turned rotten, burning his throat. He doubled over, gagging and coughing, his mind suddenly clear again. "W-what...?" Joey was trying to get his bearings, remembering where he was, remembering what had happened. It was only after a few minutes did Joey really consider what was going on. He looked up at Ben, his hand going to the dark bite mark on his neck, the wound already healed over. The more time passed, the more Joey noticed was off. There was a steady heartbeat, he tracked the sound, he could hear Alistair's heart. It was loud and clear despite the man being on the other side of the room. Joey panicked, falling backwards as he began hyperventalating. Ben was a demon. A monst- Joey had to protect himself. He dug into his pocket, intent on grabbing the small silver chain he kept there. With a hiss of pain, Joey instantly removed his hand, staring at the smoking skin, and now seeing the sharp black claws on his fingers. His crucifix had burned him. Tears were running down his face, whether from pain, fear, the crushing realization of what had happened... "What did you do?" ******** "Ruined a perfectly good meal," he sighed, glancing over the wound before tugging down his sleeve. "Now the turning you into a vampire part, that was mostly you. I intended to only give you enough to not kill you, but despite my warnings you continued to drink. So here you are." ******** "T-turning me...?" Joey felt his body go cold at those words, sure, it'd been obvious. But hearing the truth out loud like that slapped him in the face. His gaze fell from the other man- the other vampire- to instead stare at the floor. He wasn't human. Joey Drew was a monster. Damned. Cursed. The tears kept flowing, dripping down onto the floor as Joey sat in silence. ******** He sighed softly at the display. "Always a rough time for the newly turned. You will adjust," he said assuredly. "Tread lightly during this time. I'm happy to answer questions.." ******** Joey let out a defeated sigh, wiping his face and standing up. He felt numb. Dead. Because you are dead... "I..." his voice cracked as he tried to speak, his throat horribly dry, "do you have any water...?" ******** He shook his head, unable to keep slight amusement from his face. "Water will not quench your thirst. Not anymore." As he spoke, he slunk over to Alistair's side, placing a leading hand on his shoulder. "May I offer you as this fledgling's first taste, my love? You know I'll watch him very closely," he murmured, audible only to him as they stepped a bit closer to where Joey stood. ******** Alistair of course gave a diligent nod, he would do anything for Benjamin. Although, he did now have a light blush thanks to how soft the other was. Joey on the other hand, he was trembling, terrified once more of what he'd become. He didn't fully hear the conversation, but he could easily figure out what had been discussed. "N-no!" He took a step back, unfortunately bumping right into the table, "I can't...!" ******** "Of course you can. You live in an either or. Either you drink, or you die. Better have your first in a controlled environment, learn humanity's limits since I doubt you're willing to kill. Your other option is to go feral with hunger and likely hurt someone you care about. I suppose that's your choice." He wasn't about to coddle Joey, though he did feel he should insist at least once before letting him go. No one could accuse him of not trying then. ******** Go feral... and hurt someone...? Joey frowned, hating that the other vampire was right. This was his life now. He needed- Joey didn't want to think about that. Just drink some and move on with life. Ignore that you're a bloodthirsty monster. He nodded, turning to Alistair. The man gave a small smile, tucking his long black hair behind his ear and exposing his neck. With a nervous glance at the human's face, he leaned in and bit down. ******** True to his whispered promise, he stayed close by the entire time Joey fed, half possessive, half out of concern. First time biters had a tendency to go too far. And if he dared even try to take a drop more of what he should from Alis, he was going to separate them. ******** Alistair winced, it wasn't at all gentle and warm like when Ben fed from him on occasion. Of course it wouldn't be, Ben was experienced, this was Joey's first time. He glanced over at Benjamin, his brows furrowing in concern as he started feeling weak. How much was he going to take? Joey didn't want to admit it, but it did taste good. It came natural as well. Each swallow calming the dry scratch in his throat. Filling him with a wonderful full feeling he knew he'd crave forev- He let go with a hiss when he felt a small tug, only moving about an inch away from the bite to bare his fangs at whoever was daring to take his meal. "Mine." ******** The second Alistair glanced at him, he reached to pull Joey lightly away. Oh, but that hiss. That claim. He bristled with barely contained rage, throwing him back with superhuman strength.  "NO. MINE. Control yourself, or I will do that for you," he growled, hugging Alistair possessively to him. ******** When Joey hit, something had cracked from the impact. Him or the wall, he couldn't tell let alone care at this moment. His meal was being taken. He got up, ready to fight. ******** Ben scowled and held Alis a little tighter. “Fine. I warned you.” He glared, letting his rage funnel into his order, “RELAX. Take a seat while you’re at it. Calm down.” ******** Joey felt his whole body suddenly untense. He slumped back against the wall he'd hit, sliding down to the floor to sit. He stared at the other two, confused and a bit shaken at his body moving on his own. ******** “You’re wondering what just happened,” Ben commented, watching him. “We are... bonded, in a way. My blood turned you. If I order you to do something, anything at all, your body will obey without question, even if your mind objects. I don’t intend to abuse that power, but until you can control your urges, I will use it disciplinarily. For example, when you get too consumed by the taste of blood.” He scoffed a bit, then realized he was still hugging his partner to him. A bit of composure lost, he quickly separated, but couldn’t help but linger slightly with his hand on his cheek. “How are you feeling?” ******** Alistair smiled at the hand on his cheek, Ben was always such a comfort. He glanced over at Joey, the fledgling sitting with his head hung in silence, then looked back up at Ben, "I'll be alright, Sir, just a bit dizzy." He reached up to his neck, feeling the sticky mess that remained with a grimace. ******** His gaze traveled down to the blood on his neck. “Let me take care of that. And Joey, pay attention,” he ordered carefully. “This is arguably the most important part of the process, if you don’t want to kill someone. You need to seal the puncture wounds. If you don’t, they can bleed out.” With affection and tenderness, he brought his mouth to Alistair’s neck, cleaning the mess Joey left behind with his tongue, willing assurance and warmth into every action. He put particular attention to the puncture wounds themselves, allowing enough time for it to fully close. ******** Alistair couldn't help the shiver that went down his spine, nor his cheeks heating up. He loved getting attention like this from Ben. The taller man being so gentle and caring, considering what Alistair has seen him do to men, it reminded him just how precious he was to the vampire. Joey let out a small sigh of frustration as he watched, he was still under Benjamin's control, unable to speak or move. ******** He smiled a bit as he felt him shiver, lingering a bit longer close to him before finally pulling away. "There we go. Joey, you are free now. Blood loss is serious." ******** Joey remained silent, but stood. He didn't want to acknowledge what had happened. He didn't want to accept what he was. But... after a few more stretches of silence he spoke, "I," he took a deep breath, "I don't think I can do this on my own." He wanted to just leave. Leave and be done with this night. Yet he knew he'd need to feed again. ******** Ben nodded a bit, "Come to us. We can guide you through the process, and you will not have to kill anyone," he offered. ******** "T-thank you," he mumbled in response, I won't have to kill anyone. It'll be fine. Joey moved towards the door, trying to ignore the freezing numbness in his chest at the fear of just what he'd gotten himself into.
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