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reds-skull · 5 months ago
Revenant Side Stories
Story VI: Farah
[Konchar] [Graves] [Gaz] [Price] [Novikov] [AO3]
This was originally going to be a retelling of the entirety of Farah's story in MW 2019, but I underestimated how long that would be, so these are more of snapshots of her life, up until 2019.
Farah is going to be a central character in part two because it will revolve around Urzikstan, so I was very excited to get into her character in depth. This was probably the hardest side story to write because I think the original story was already good (it's easier to write for something that had a lot of flaws in it rather than something good... maybe that's why I like cod after all these months lmao)
Anyway, I also decided I'm actually not done with the side stories, and the last actual one will be of... Roba, of all people. I know I made the comic for Ghost's origin story, but I never got to show what he did to Roba.
Alright That's enough rambling let's get to Farah's story
She doesn’t remember the first time she has heard of revenants. Humans who are saved from death, only to come back with abilities from worlds beyond their own. Of how they are revered, looked up to. And yet, misunderstood.
They don’t look up to revenants in Urzikstan.
The once-dead are not heroes among her people. They’re something to be pitied; people who chose to stay on earth and suffer, instead of move on to a better, calmer existence in the place after death. Take on the burden of the Reapers, dust off the dirt of their graves, and continue the endless fight for freedom.
In Urzikstan, revenants are called “those who sacrifice”.
Her baba taught her and her brother the different names of Reapers, told them tales of those who sacrifice as bedtime stories. She always found them fascinating, as opposed to her brother. They were often grim, their ending tragic and unsatisfying, but they felt more real like that. Felt more like her day-to-day life than any other fairy tale could.
She wouldn’t know how much her story would be like those, before it was too late.
The day she died is muddy, in her memory. Yet another thing she sacrificed, in order to stay in this world. A deafening whistle, followed by walls collapsing around her. Streaks of ash on the bloodless face of her mama. Pain, unlike anything she could imagine. The voices of her baba and brother and uncle, searching. The sickening shifting of concrete above her, whispers praying for mercy, the walls closing in on her-
And she dies.
At seven, before she knew how to write the alphabet, buried beneath the earth with only the pale face of her mother as comfort, Farah Ahmed Karim died. Yet, she did not move on.
The memory of the first time she saw her Reaper was clear. She may have forgotten her mother’s lullabies, or her father’s laughter. She has not been given the privilege to forget her Reaping.
The first thing she noticed was the clean air, an odd odor to it but blessedly lacking the dust she has been inhaling for what felt like hours. The lack of pain was the second - her legs no longer crushed under thick concrete walls.
The monster, was the third. A being made of sharp shapes, glistening metal melting and hardening, flowing through cracks in the stone face of the Reaper.
As the stone face moved, grinding against itself, Farah got up to her feet. Her legs screamed at her to run, but the memory of her baba’s stories calmed her. 
“The ones who take do not mean harm to the ones who sacrifice, Farah.” he told her, whispering as to not wake her brother, “they need each other. They need our sacrifice.”
“What for, baba? Why would the ones who take need to give humans their powers?”
Baba sighs, a small smile on his lips as he tucks a stray hair behind her ear, “we don’t know for sure, but we must have something they don’t. Some say we humans were chosen by chance.”
“What do you think?” she asks, her endless craving to know more yet satiated.
“I think we and the ones who take are connected, somehow. I think we are the only ones that can sacrifice.”
Instead of running, instead of listening to all of her senses, Farah stepped forward, and with a small voice asked, “w-who are you?”
The stone face turns to stare at her.
The Reaper tilts its head, metal rivers splashing into an endless void.
Farah blinks away the tears that have gathered in her eyes, tries to speak louder, “I’m… I’m Farah? I’m a human, I’m-”
Her lips turn downwards, and she can’t stop the tears any longer, “w-why are you asking if you know?”
The rocks grind in an almost rhythmic way, and somehow Farah knows it is laughing. It makes her avert her eyes.
“Can… can you save my mama?” she asks, and the sound stops.
“S-she… I think she also died, can you-”
She grasps at the torn edges of her dress, sniffing her runny nose, “it’s not… it’s not fair…” her face scrunches as she sobs.
The Reaper leans forward, the light surrounding it reflecting with dazzling colors off of its body. Farah closes her eyes, not because she is afraid of it, but because she is afraid for her mama.
Farah opens her eyes. Baba said he thinks only humans can sacrifice, but maybe not all humans can. Maybe mama wasn’t able to sacrifice, but…
She lifts her hands to wipe roughly at her face, tears and snot smearing on her skin. Her eyes trail up the falling liquid metal, beating heart deafening her ears.
Her voice is steady when she says, “I want to see baba and Hadir. I don’t want to leave them!”
The stones grind once more, a sort of excitement shaking the very ground.
She nods and repeats, “I-I want to live!”
The Reaper tilts closer, its face level with hers.
The metal drips near her feet, heat emanating from them. It reminds her of home.
“I choose to sacrifice. For you, for baba, for Hadir. For… for mama.” Farah whispers.
The stones shift, circling her. Her breath picks up at the thoughts of crushing walls, but it is not dark here. No one is shouting. She doesn’t smell death.
 Metal singes her clothes, and she wants to jump back, but the stones stop her. It burns. It hurts.
It is not dark, but the bright colors blind her all the same.
When she wakes again, Farah doesn’t feel pain. She’s still under ruin, somewhere different from where she was before. All she sees of her mama is a hand, and she holds it. She notices the skin of her own hand glistening in the meager light filtering through dust and ash, like colorful metal. Like her Reaper.
It felt like hours pass before baba found her. She feels hunger and thirst, but the weight of the building doesn’t pain her anymore. Baba is crying when he finds her, pulls her out of the wreckage carefully, asking if she’s hurt.
She tells him nothing hurts. He pulls back from their embrace, his brows scrunched in confusion until he notices.
“I chose sacrifice, baba.”
Baba closes his eyes and hugs her harder, and she knows it would’ve hurt if she could feel it. He tells her everything will be alright. She wanted to believe it. She couldn’t.
They find mama. Hadir tries to wake her up, but Farah pulls his hands away. She tells him mama is in another place now, somewhere better than here. Hadir’s hands shake in hers, but he nods and pulls away.
Uncle and baba rush them home. Farah wants to cover her ears, the sirens don’t stop sounding, the noise pitching up and down along with her heart. Loud explosions make her flinch, so Hadir grabs her hand. It makes her feel safer, for a moment.
They run through the market. There’s a truck stopping in their way.
The Russians.
Baba lifts her in his arms, Uncle taking Hadir. They tell them to cover their mouth, when the Russians throw weird gas at them. It smells like the liquid mama used to clean their house, and it made her eyes itch and burn.
They enter their home, but baba doesn’t stop moving. He gives Hadir a gas mask. He will have to share his with Farah. Uncle leaves, telling baba he’ll meet them later.
“W-where are we going?” Hadir asks, clutching the mask.
Baba grabs a backpack, hidden behind the kitchen cabinets, “we’re going to the bridge, then to the mountains. There will be no sirens there.”
Farah hurries to follow him, wiping blood on her dress. Her skin isn’t bruised, but it feels weird.
“I don’t want to go…” Hadir says with a frown. Baba turns to look at him. He crouches and pets his shoulder.
“I know, dearest. I know. We will return, I promise.” his tone changed, stern like when he taught her not to touch the hot pan, “you need to be strong for your sister now, alright?”
Baba points to Hadir’s heart, “you keep mama here,” his hand moves to his head, “and you keep this clear. That’s how we survive, you understand?”
“Yes, baba.”
Baba shoulders the backpack, and begins walking towards the door, “when we get outside, you stay with me, okay?”
As he goes to open it, the handle moves, and the whole frame shakes. Someone is trying to get in.
“Stay behind me!”
The door slams open, a large man with a gas mask walking in. Farah takes a step back. The man meets her eyes and closes the door, and she stares at his gun.
Baba pleads with the man. He does not listen.
Baba throws his backpack at him, the man shooting a couple of bullets into the floor. They miss Farah’s feet by a few centimeters, and she freezes, breath held in her lungs. Hadir throws himself against the man, but gets shoved back.
The man pulls out a knife, baba manages to take it, stab the man. But it doesn’t change a thing.
It doesn’t save him, when the man pushes him to the floor, and shoots one, two, three, four bullets.
Only then do her feet unstick, and she mutters to herself, “hide!”
She runs back to her and Hadir’s room, crawling under the bed. The man shouts angrily and she hears something break.
Hadir. She needs to help Hadir!
As the man talks to someone on his phone, Farah crawls towards the kitchen, finding a knife. Mama always warned her not to play with them, but if the man catches Hadir…
In her heart, she asks for forgiveness from mama.
When she finds the man, he’s leaning against a wall, his hand clutching his side. Before she can think it over, Farah lowers and slashes at his legs. The man screams in pain, shooting a few bullets at the ground, and turns around to slap her.
It doesn’t hurt, but she drops the knife, so she runs away again.
One of baba’s tools is on the ground, must’ve fallen from his backpack. She grabs it and continues running, the man on her tail now.
The man says mean words to her, in Arabic, but her ears are pounding, her own heavy breaths the only thing she can hear. Her grip on the tool tightens.
“I’m going to kill you!”
Farah watches the man stumble in the hallway, searching.
“You’re going to see father soon, you piece of shit child!”
He trips on the rug. She sneaks closer.
“You’re dead, you hear me?! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!”
Farah runs forward, aiming for his other leg, but he turns around and grabs her hand before she can stab him.
“There you are!” he grabs her by the neck, slamming her to the floor, “got you!”
She can feel his hand wrap around her, crushing her windpipe, but it doesn’t hurt. The man grunts, before he freezes.
“You’re- you’re one of them?!”
Hadir jumps on the man’s shoulders, screaming, “get off her!!!”. He uses the knife she dropped to stab him in the neck, “get him, Farah, now!”
Farah grabs the tool, and uses all her strength to stab it into the man’s chest. He screams as flesh gives under the metal.
“It’s working! Again, sister!”
She pulls it out, and repeats.
“Good, Farah!”
And again.
Four times, until the man stops moving and making any sound. Farah takes his mask, the gun too heavy and tool buried in his gut.
Farah and Hadir return to baba. Hadir tries to help him up, but baba stops him.
“I can’t… I can’t go with you.”
Tears well in her eyes. Baba is leaving as well.
Hadir wraps his hands around baba’s, “what do we do?”
“You survive. Whatever it takes.” he turns to look at Farah, “even… even your sacrifice. Never give…up…”
Baba’s head drops. He’s gone.
Hadir stares at him for a moment longer. He gets up, “let’s go.”
They weave through the town, a murky green tinting the air. People are gasping and coughing around them, until a gunshot silences them. Hadir says it’s not fair. Farah knows.
It’s not fair, that they pass by people who get shot, and don’t get back up. It’s not fair, that she has to kill twice more, just for them to get a chance at freedom.
It’s not fair, when a man drags both of them away from it, a cruel smile on his lips as he inspects her.
It’s not fair, that she knows to recognize the malice in his eyes.
The soldiers take them to a prison. They find out she is one of those who sacrificed.
It’s not fair, she tells to the Reaper in her heart, that her sacrifice was not enough to save anyone.
She learns very quickly to hate Barkov. He learns, quicker, that his usual torture methods don’t work on her. He finds her weakness not in her own flesh, but in the flesh of the others. Hadir, in most cases. They keep the men and women separated, only allowing her to see him once every few weeks, and every time she gives them trouble, he takes the punishment. He tries to hide it, but he can’t hide his limp, or his bloodshot eyes, or the scars that keep multiplying upon his skin.
Contrasted with her flawless arms, glistening oddly in the light.
She gets into fights with her Reaper, in the earlier days. Demanding answers, for the simple question of “why?”.
Why her? Why this power, that only protects her? Why taunt her, tell her she’s under the Reaper of Might, yet show her every day how weak she is?
There are whispers among the guards, of a person by the name of “Karim”. A Commander, aiding the prisoners, attempting to contact foreign forces by transmitting messages from the inside. Barkov spends hours torturing her and the others, trying to find them. After a while, Farah notices a glint of playfulness in the wretched man’s eyes.
He knows who Karim is. He just wants to break them, annihilate the sense of fragile hope Karim gives the prisoners.
Barkov wants their spirit broken. Farah knows he will fail, because as long as any of them stand, they will not give up. For those who can't fight any longer, for those who are still with them in this hell, for Urzikstan.
They think one can uproot it from them. What they don’t know, will never understand, is that you can’t kill an idea. You can’t torture the memory of freedom out of them.
The soldiers seem on edge, mumbling in Russian about rumors of enemy forces invading Urzikstan. One of them slaps the back of her head when she stares too long.
The cycle continues - Barkov interrogates her, always keeping another prisoner in the room to torture in her place. Today it is Azadeh, younger than her by two years. Azadeh doesn’t flinch at the glint of a knife, but she screams as Barkov buries it in her thigh.
Farah’s guts burn at her wailing, at Barkov’s cocksure grin, his hand easily yanking the knife out of spasming muscles.
She breaks. Tells him she is Karim. It feels like an end.
Barkov freezes, before he pounces. Knocking her out of the chair, he covers her mouth, pinches her nose, deprives her of air.
Not many things can hurt her, but Farah still needs oxygen to live. Her wrists twitch roughly against the bindings tying her to the chair, Azadeh calls for her. Barkov snarls.
“I will not let terrorists like you ruin my country.”
My country… My country?
Urzikstan will never kneel to the likes of you.
As the edges of her vision darken, a soldier bursts into the room, his movements rushed as he informs Barkov the prison is under attack.
Barkov, always needing to have the last laugh, tells her she hasn’t saved anyone, that Karim’s role was only to doom her people, and orders his soldiers to the warehouse, to kill everyone.
Air fills her lungs as she inhales for the first time in over a minute. Barkov tells the man to take Azadeh to the warehouse, and her to solitary confinement. She gives Azadeh an encouraging nod, before they’re separated.
Karim hasn’t failed yet. As long as they’re still alive, she hasn’t failed.
Solitary is part of the older section of the building. Farah has been here enough times to know the rebar in the far corner of the cell is loose, and she herself have made sure, should the need arise, it will be easy to extract from the cracked concrete floor.
The moment the soldiers leave, she gets to work, pulling the metal with a grunt. With a few well-placed hits, Farah breaks the lock, and opens the door.
It is silent outside, in the way a graveyard is. Something sick spreads on her tongue, as she sneaks out of solitary. A few soldiers are making their way to the main cell block, to take the remaining prisoners to the warehouse, Farah assumes. The rebar feels lighter in her hands.
The first soldier she hits over the head screams as he goes down. The rest instinctively start shooting her. It doesn’t do much to stop her from caving their skulls in, besides ripping a few new holes into her clothes.
Searching the bodies yields her a key and an extra mag for one of the rifles. All of them were either empty or jammed, the frantic soldiers not recognizing her.
For them, all Urzik are the same.
Her sisters are relieved to see her approach. The gunshots scared them, fearing it was anyone but her. She opens the cell, freeing them. She uses the key to open a gun locker, and orders them to take up arms. No hesitation is visible on their faces. They all know this is an end.
Of the soldiers or theirs, it is yet to be seen.
“Our brothers have been taken to the warehouse to be executed. We are not going to let that happen.” Farah snarls, fingers aching as she grips the rifle, “are we?”
“No, Commander!” her sisters yell in unison.
Farah feels pride bubble up within her. They haven’t broken their spirit.
A series of far away explosions makes their little group flinch. Ayah asks, “who is attacking us, Commander? Are they on our side?”
“I don’t know. And as long as they distract Barkov and his dogs, it doesn’t matter. We need to move before it’s too late.”
They slam open the doors, Russian soldiers already ready at the other side. Her sisters’ aim is wobbly, the recoil more than they’ve experienced, but they have one thing the Russians don’t.
They don’t fear death anymore.
Nadia was injured in the firefight against a sniper. Ghalia has been limping since an explosion knocked her down. Darine and Azadeh are tired, they’ve been in solitary for days with little to no food or water.
They manage to hole up in the warehouse, but there’s no one there. Farah shouts for Hadir, her echo the only answer.
“Commander!” Azadeh calls, “there’s a way through here, this is must be where they are!”
Farah kicks the door open, turning right to clear the hallway, when a body slams into her from the left. She falls to the ground heavily, teeth bared as a barrel lines with her forehead. The other two soldiers aim at her sisters, Azadeh screaming in horror, “please don’t shoot!”
For a moment, Farah loses hope. Her mind supplies her with Barkov’s words.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
In the next, the skylights shatter. Precise bullets take out the three soldiers, not a single wasted shot. Ropes are thrown through the broken windows, and men wearing gas masks repel down. One of them looks at her, “Whose Commander Karim?”
Farah huffs as she pushes a dead body off of her, “I’m Karim.”
The soldier swings his weapon to the side, “we got your message” he lifts the mask up, revealing a pale face, “Lieutenant John Price. Where are the others?”
The Lieutenant offers her a hand, and Farah grunts as he lifts her, “in there. Straight ahead.”
Price looks at the dark hallway, before turning back and lowering his mask, “stay close!”
Azadeh’s expression is uncertain when Farah stops her from following them. Wordlessly, she nods and returns to her wounded sisters’ side. They both know the path ahead is meant only for trained soldiers.
Trained soldiers, and those who cannot die to a bullet.
Farah keeps her rifle up as the soldiers and her scan the hall. Tanks with warning signs plastered on their exterior line the narrow passage way, and she doesn’t need to know Russian to know what’s inside.
“Got two!” Price warns, and takes out one of the guards. The other doesn’t waste time watching his partner go down, and before one of Price’s soldiers puts a bullet in his head, he aims and shoots Farah.
Straight shot to her heart. These guards are more skilled than the ones she fought through to get here.
Two hands clamp onto her shoulders, and Price’s wide eyes stare at her through the gas mask, “you’re not wearing armor- Karim, sit the fuck down, I saw the bullet hit you-!”
Farah frowns, following his line of sight to the hole in her shirt.
He holds her as if she’s about to collapse, muttering, “why are you not bleeding…”
Farah grabs his hands, and the Lieutenant’s brows shoot up.
“You’re a revenant.” his hands loosen, and drop to his side.
Farah nods, “no bullet or blade can hurt me.”
Something odd passes by Price’s eyes, but he doesn’t say anything to indicate what.
“Lieutenant, the prisoners are here! We need the breacher for the door!”
They run towards the back, and Farah slides to a stop at the scene.
In a room with large bullet-proof windows, where fire wars with the Russian’s sickly green gas, her brothers pound on the glass, their screams muffled.
They were going to watch them suffocate and burn.
She shakes out of her stupor when she notices Hadir. Slumped in the corner by a door, unmoving.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
Farah runs to the other side of the door, where Price and his men are attempting to pry open it. They don’t have time for this.
“Stand back!” she grunts, and Price barely pulls the other soldier away before she shoots 4 bullets into the lock.
She barely manages to catch Hadir when the door slams open, her brothers running out towards fresh air. She should feel happiness, that they were fast enough to save them.
But in her arms is the still body of her brother, the one who has been through this hell with her from the beginning. The one with their mama’s eyes, and their baba’s kindness. Farah feels tears run down her face as she presses two fingers to his pulse. Nothing.
There are voices around her, speaking to her. She doesn’t hear a thing. No sound is worth hearing when her brother’s heart does not beat.
Price crouches in front of her, his mask off despite the gas filtering in from the room. His voice is gentle when he speaks, “Karim… we need to move.”
She shakes her head. It reminds her of how Hadir didn’t want to leave their house, when baba knew they had no choice. She has no choice but to leave him.
Oh, how could she leave him like this?
As the Lieutenant urges her again, as her brothers and sisters start to realize what happened, as Farah’s fingers stay on a paling wrist, she feels it.
A heartbeat.
Hadir gasps, his hands shoot up to claw at his neck frantically, and he jumps away from Farah. Everyone is watching him carefully as he catches his breath, silent and knowing.
Farah clenches her fists, failing to quell the shaking, “...why…?”
Why did you choose this over seeing mama and baba again?
Hadir turns to face her, but his eyes don’t meet hers. They’re not the blue-gray they were before, she notices. Green, like the gas that killed him.
“You survive, whatever it takes. Never give up.” Hadir repeats their baba’s last words. “Not even death will come between us, sister. Not anymore.”
“May your soul find rest.” she says, and her brothers and sisters murmur it with her. Hadir then lifts his gaze, and he gives her a sad smile.
Price and his soldiers stand back, looking properly shaken by seeing a dead man return. For them it is an anomaly.
In Urzikstan, they all know what a sacrifice looks like.
Farah gives herself a moment more to mourn Hadir, mourn the peace he refused to receive in death.
She gets up, grips her rifle, and orders her people, “collect survivors and supplies. We’re leaving.”
She stops cleaning her knife for a moment, acknowledging Hadir’s presence with a nod, before continuing, “any sign of Barkov?”
Hadir drags a chair to sit in front of her, “no, we’re secure here. The Lieutenant cleared the area well.” he watches her hands work on the sharpening metal, “I… I wanted to tell you about my powers.”
Her hand freezes. “Immunity to the gas. I know.”
Farah opens her mouth to question him, but when she looks up at Hadir…
Mist flows from his eyes and nose, pouring down his features. Green, toxic, smells of chemicals and death.
When he speaks, more gas flows from his mouth, “I’m not only immune, sister. I can create it.” fear paints his words.
“Enough.” she orders, though to her ears it sounds more like begging. Hadir stops using his power all the same, and it is with shame that he looks at the thin level of gas coating the floor of the run-down room.
Farah puts the knife and whetstone away, and hugs Hadir. He presses closer, and she feels his body tremble with silent sobs.
“You will not use this power. We do not need weapons of the enemy to win this war.” Her brother may be doomed, cursed forever to bear the gas within him, but it does not mean he needs to continue Barkov’s legacy.
Hadir doesn’t respond for a while, but when he pulls back, he nods. “Yes, Commander Karim.” he says, pride in the title. “What are your orders to our brothers and sisters?”
Farah sheaths the knife, her voice strong and clear, “Barkov must’ve had more prisons. It’s time we find more hands to help our cause.”
Alex Keller is… odd.
He had a surface level knowledge of the situation in Urzikstan when he arrived. Not from a tactical standpoint - CIA doesn’t let details like those escape them, of course. But from a human’s, and perhaps a revenant’s, it was clear Alex was not used to seeing such disgusting levels of violence unhidden for all to see. Barkov doesn’t need to hide it. America already knows.
The world already knows.
Keller’s abilities as a revenant proved advantageous from the very first mission they had. Infiltrating has never been easier, with a man able to become invisible to the naked eye. Later on he has told her of his weaknesses, that his form is still corporal even when see-through, and that electronic optics are able to catch traces of him. His honesty doesn’t go unnoticed, and Farah appreciates the trust he puts in her.
Hadir didn’t trust him at first. Despite his relation to Captain Price, he was wary of the American. It didn’t matter much to Farah, as long as they were amicable enough to work together, but seeing Hadir slowly let his guard down over the weeks was a moment of happiness in her days.
It helps most in days when Hadir seems distant, when a fog she can only call a thirst for revenge clouds his eyes. It feels like the times she has to fight against his violent suggestions double every new mission.
Something is brewing in his mind, she can tell. Hadir doesn’t want to share it with her.
At least Alex doesn’t push back against her orders with no good reason…
They’re on ground now, Alex using Hadir’s Sniper to scope the Highway of Death, and Farah spotting for him. They’re waiting for forces of Al-Mudahiyn, The Sacrificers, to pass through.
Al-Mudahiyn and the ULF used to be one and the same, until they weren’t. They share the goal of liberation, but where the ULF chooses to prioritize the safety of the people of Urzikstan, The Sacrificers choose the retribution on the Russians to be theirs.
Liberation will not be achieved peacefully, Farah knows that. But revenge won’t bring it either, and as much as she would hate it if it were to happen, if she had the choice to free her country but let her oppressors walk away unharmed, she would. She is sick of seeing her brothers and sisters die, and sacrifice, and bow their heads to men who see them as lesser.
In that, Al-Mudahiyn and her disagree. The militia focuses its powers on creating chaos among the Russian’s ranks, within Russia itself, and anywhere where its sympathizers live. And while they both deal in violence, Farah cannot agree to it being the objective.
It is a tool. One she will wield only as long as her enemy does. 
The SAS and CIA have begun to retaliate against Al-Mudahiyn, as has Barkov, their actions too flashy to ignore. Stealing several containers of Russian experimental gas was the last nail in the coffin.
The ULF along with Captain Price’s team decided to work together to stop them.
“One vehicle approaching from the east!”
On her mark, Alex takes down the two snipers that attempted to set up on the roof. Killing them is a calculated risk; it could alert their target and cause them to change course, but leaving them alive could’ve risked Hadir and his team, who are nearer to the road.
Two fighters from Hadir’s team take the truck and park it in the middle of the highway as a makeshift blockade. She watches as they rig it up with explosives, and orders them to wait for her signal.
Their target, as do many in The Sacrificers’ ranks, is a revenant. According to Alex’s sources in the CIA, they’re just a Revenant of Flesh. Their healing powers could save them from some injuries, but an explosion should kill them.
And if the explosion doesn’t do them in, bullets will.
They were ready for an ambush. Armored trucks, snipers, mortar teams.
“We need help! Where is Captain Price?!” Farah shouts as she fires on a few fighters making their way through the ruined house they’ve taken cover in. Alex pops up to shoot as well, but she pushes him behind her when a few bullets hit too close for comfort.
Her clothes are riddled with holes.
Hadir shouts from the rooftop beside theirs, “we cannot wait! I’ve got more firepower in the truck!” an explosion shakes the foundations of the house, “Alex! Follow me!”
Alex looks back at her, and she nods. Hadir’s intuition never failed them, his habit of preparing for the worst saved operations more than once. He’s not her second-in-command just because of their blood relation, she trusts him more than anyone else.
That is why, when green, toxic gas started covering the abandoned village rapidly, Farah didn’t dare think it was him. Hadir wouldn’t do that, he promised her.
She hears him shout to Alex that there are gas masks in the bunker. It should’ve tipped her off. It didn’t.
Coughing horribly, she ran towards the bunker, her steps unsteady as the gas coats her lungs. She has never forgotten the way it claws down her throat, burning, seizing her muscles.
Alex comes into view just as Farah’s vision begins to fade, and the last words she hears singe worse than any chemical could.
“H-Hadir… You’re… a revenant?”
When she comes to, it’s to the smell of dust. Her throat still burns, but as she coughs, she feels clean air filter through her nose. Farah blinks her eyes open, to see Hadir equip a gas mask on Alex’s face. He notices her eyes following his movements.
“Sister…” Hadir leaves Alex to approach her, his arms open. Before, she would’ve taken comfort to see he is not injured.
Now, all she sees is anger. Green, sickly, violent anger.
Farah pushes him away, but she is weakened, so his arms don’t leave hers, “how could you do this?!”
He tries to placate her. It makes her shake with exertion to get away. “I had no choice, Farah! I-”
“No. Not like this.” her eyes roll back, and before she loses consciousness again, she mumbles, “you promised…”
“-Farah!… Alex!”
She grunts. Her arms feel weighted when she pushes the dusty gas mask up and off her face. Alex does the same, trying to get up on his feet and failing.
Price’s voice invades her mind, and she winces. It is an unfamiliar feeling, still. “You’re alright, Farah. You’re alright.”
Still unused to the powers, she chooses to speak, “where is he…? Where is he?!”
Price finally reaches them, helping Farah get up, only for her to push off to rush out the crooked door, “he’s gone, Farah…”
She snarls. How dare he run, how could he leave- “no… Hadir… HADIR!!!”
“Farah!�� Price follows her, catching her when she stumbles on the steps outdoors, “Farah, stop! Stop, he’s gone!”
Her fists clench on dry earth and she screams. Coward, liar, monster. No curse is bad enough to describe that fucking dog.
She feels Price wrap an arm around her, not to support, but to comfort. It reminds her why they’re here in the first place.
“There is no thief.” she tilts her head up, staring at Price’s blue-gray eyes. His brows knit in confusion, and she continues, “he created the gas. I’m sorry, Captain, I didn’t know, I didn’t know…”
She feels Price pull images from her memories. She lets him.
The Captain looks through her interactions with Hadir for the past few weeks. At first, Farah thinks he doesn’t believe her word, but Price relays to her that he’s not doing it for himself.
He’s proving her she’s not at fault.
“There’s no way you could’ve known, Farah.” he says out loud.
Alex joins him behind them, leaning on another soldier, “it’s okay, Farah. We’ll get him.”
She wants to bristle at those almost meaningless comforting gestures, but the look in Alex’s eyes is pleading her to let it go, for now.
Price helps her up again, shouting to Alex, “we need to un-ass this target- NOW!”
As they board the helicopter, Farah looks down.
Corpses line the desolate streets, no bird dares to sing at the sight. Both Al-Mudahiyn and ULF fighters lay still, eyes bulging and throat scratched raw. She grits her teeth, but her eyes don’t stray from the sight, even as the aircraft rises to the air.
Alex places a hand on her shoulder after a while, a questioning hum following.
She shakes her head, and with it his hand.
A voice that has haunted her for the last two decades drifts closer to her, whispering into her ears a sentence she hates to acknowledge has never been wrong.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
At twenty-seven, Farah Ahmed Karim has lost the last remaining blood relative she had. There was no one left to mourn, except her.
In a dusty helicopter, with the smell of noxious gas still in her every breath, Farah promised to find him, the walking corpse of her brother, and stop him before he drags more of them down.
And unlike the man who once was her brother, Farah keeps her promises.
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venuslarkspur · 2 months ago
Teen Hero Shenanigans
Part 5
With Love, To The New Batgirl.
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Summary: Your Damian’s Twin Sister, after arriving 3 years after your brother, you never excepted to take the Robin mantle, until your brother runs away and you volunteer to take his place. Damian eventually returns and you are discharged from the role, after bottling up your anger you decide to go solo by running away and stealing the Batgirl. But you’re not alone, your sort of boyfriend joins you. The main problem is the boyfriend in question is your brother’s best friend, Jon Kent.
Warning: mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy sickness, overprotective Damian Wayne, hidden pregnancy, toxic Al Ghul family. Jason being fuming at Jon. Mentions of food and eating idk.
Pairing: Jon Kent x Batsis!Reader (romantic), Batfamily x Batsis!Reader (platonic).
Notes: this is so late I’m sorry and also I HATE USING Y/N IM SORRY GUYS. This isn’t proof read sorry again. Some Stephanie Brown love in this one.
You woke up, hair ruffled and memories from the night before rushed in. Dick finding you, nearly dying from the bone crushing hug all your siblings gave you, except your twin brother, the one you wanted to hug the most. Everyone was especially delicate with you, not even mad. Sure, Jason told you to ‘never try that shit again.’ But for the most part everyone welcomed you back, but a few of them were a bit clingier than others; which is why Steph, Dick, Cass and Jason are all having a sleepover in your room, you were sure Duke and Tim probably felt like the only normal ones right now, and you had no idea about Damian. You did let out a giggle at the fact that Steph’s foot was on Cass’s face as she slept on the other end of the bed, but your brothers took the floor.
You eventually pulled up the covers and slipped out of Steph’s grip, you’ve fought deadly assassins and monsters but nothing was more terrifying than Steph spooning you. You tip toed downstairs, as if you weren’t living with highly trained vigilantes; you made your way to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water. “Damian I know you’re there.” You announced whilst taking a sip of your glass, he revealed himself from behind wherever. “Nice to see you’ve taken the costume off, I thought you just slept it in.” You declared, you assumed that’s why his costume always stank, he needs to take it off more.
“Did you tell father?” He asked, and you immediately tense up. “Damian that doesn’t matter right now-“ you try and grasp but you’re swiftly interrupted, “Did.you.tell.father?” He said, in between pauses. His voice sounded so much more mature now, it was nearly unsettling; of course you had changed a lot too. You were carrying a whole child inside you. “Not yet, it’s not the right time.” You try and stress but he just scoffs. “Seriously! what is your problem Damian?” You hollered, hoping nobody heard from upstairs. “Me? I’m not the one with a baby inside me.” He points at you, so accusatory. But before you can snap back another voice is heard, but weakly. “What?”You recognise that voice, it was Jason.
“I-Jason-“ you tried to find the words but it was null and void, Damian crossed his arms in disappointment and maintained eye contact with Jason. “Other room, now.” Jason said, and you scattered behind him; needing to find a way to keep him quiet. You eventually entered the other room, it had a desk and few sofas and was dimly lit. Jason shut the door, turned to you and crossed his arms; “Explain.” You could hear the discontentment in his voice, you took a deep breath and looked up at him and spoke. “Please don’t be angry.” You pleaded, tears threatening to fall. “I’m not mad at you.” He replied, “Well don’t be grumpy.” You said whilst rubbing your eyes with your hands. “I’m not angry at you and I’m not gonna have a sour attitude with you or anything..I just wanna know what dead bastard had the audacity to put a kid in you.” He trembled, and you did feel a bit defensive considering he was speaking about Jon, your boyfriend.
“It’s not like that!” You almost yelled and he let his arms fall to his sides but you apologised and weakly said “I’m sorry-it’s just, it’s not the way you think.” You said and you felt frustrated. “Help me understand then.” He asked, you were just happy he wasn’t tracking Jon down and shooting him. “Jon and I-“ “I knew it, I’m getting Bruce’s stash of kryptonite.” He announced and slowly began to move but you stopped him, “please listen.” You begged, and he looked at your face and hesitated, he stopped. You took a deep breath in and out before continuing, “Jon and I were very close-“ “clearly.” “Shut up! Anyway we were just so happy and in love- that well..this happened.” You said and he looked slightly less murderous.
“You gonna keep it?” He asked, you fell a bit silent, you were unsure. “Yes.” You answered. His face scrunched a bit and he hesitated but asked again, “Is Jon making you?” He asked, this assumption was crazy; but you knew he was just making sure. “No he isn’t, that’s ridiculous.” You remarked and wondered where this was going. “I won’t tell Bruce but you need to sort this out, hiding doesn’t make it go away.”
“Rich coming from you.”
“Shush- and go back to bed.”
You were now 1 month into your pregnancy, two weeks had passed and you had not only an amazing Christmas, but a wonderful birthday. Jason had been helping you hide your pregnancy but occasionally scolded you; telling you he can’t cover for your pregnancy sickness forever, you had to tell the rest of your family, or at least Bruce. But what really shattered your heart is that you had heard nothing of Jon, maybe he decided he wanted nothing to do with you or his family has grounded him and taken away his technology, you hoped it was the latter.
Everyone was getting suspicious, you had been quitting patrol and constantly looking out your bedroom window (hoping for Jon to show up), it wasn’t until Steph came in with a letter in her hands that your life would take a new direction. She practically bounced into your room, probably excited for New Year’s Day dinner. Steph passed you the letter and you asked “who’s this from?” She only shrugged and smiled, “Not sure, dinner is in an hour though okay?” “Okay.” And with that she scurried off, and you wondered if maybe you should have told her at least; she would understand.
But no matter, you shred through the letter and payed close attention to its sender’s address. You recognised it, it was Jon’s home. Your heart began to pump faster and your face blushed, you took in the letter and began to read. “Dear Y/N, I’m sorry for not getting in touch with you sooner, I’ve been badly scolded here and it was difficult to even convince my parents to let me write this; they aren’t mad at you but they aren’t too happy with me. Please reply to this when you can; love, Jonathan.” And that hit you hard, like stealing your sort of sister’s costume and running away kind of hard.
You knew there was no better time than tonight, even though you were terrified.
It after dinner, and your father had finally been alone; he was sat in his office and now was your moment. So you swiftly went in and let out a sigh, your heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself. But you stood brave anyway, you met his gaze from his chair. “Father.” You said and stood in front of his desk, he looked up at you and put down his work. “Y/N, what is it?” He asked, in his usual stoic tone which worried you despite its regularity. “I really don’t know how to describe this..it’s so difficult.” You uttered, whilst fluttering your hands to cool down. He waited for you, and you eventually had the courage to spurt one thing out.
“Jason.” You said and he eyed you, concerned. “Is he okay? Did something happen?” He asked, and you immediately shook your head aggressively. “No-No! It’s not that, he knows he will tell you.” And with that you ran to collect him, eventually finding him in the cave, you guess it was a bad time, as him and Dick were chatting; but no mind. Your father sat in the same place and Jason knew immediately, you couldn’t tell him yourself; so you wanted him to tell him. You would usually be ashamed, your grandfather would be ashamed, you are ashamed. But you could never find the words, but Jason thought it would be best to get it out that way.
“Y/N is going to have a baby Bruce.” He said, quietly so nobody else would hear but you three, jeez he could have just said you were pregnant and shortened it. Almost like he was indirectly scolding you but also sugar coating it, so oxymoronic. Your’s dad face didn’t move, and that worried you. “Jon’s?” He asked, knowingly, and that deeply scared you. “I mean who else?” You sniffled, wiping some tears that escaped you. Bruce sighed but stood up to face you, “I’m not mad at you, just disappointed that you chose now.” He said and unexpectedly pulled you into an embrace. “Do not tell your brothers, leave them to me.” And with that you gave Jason a sarcastic look, he rolled his eyes at you and broke the silence.
“Gosh I’m hardly gonna kill your baby’s father now am I?” He announced and turned the other way, “Jason.” Bruce said whilst pulling away from you gently. “What?! I promise, scouts honour.” He argued and smiled. “Jason you were never a scout!” You retorted in joking annoyance, “yeah exactly.” “Jason!” “Forget me, just make sure Damian doesn’t find out that Jon got you pregnant!” He yelled, practically for everyone to hear. And just when you thought you were safe, you heard a voice.
“Y/N’s pregnant.?” Someone said, you couldn’t identify who as currently all your siblings were standing at the now opened office door.
Taglist: @waterwyne @planetlotus @girlmachia @type-ink @0924ours @astrelz @icantcryicantstopcrying @twismare @sugarrush-blush @skepvids @dreaming-of-the-reality @otterluver05 @godoreo22 @earth-to-name @krys0210 @allycat4458 @chenlelover @qardasngan
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libingan · 3 months ago
— captain snugglebear.
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there is something so funny about calling a very masculine man the cheesiest and corniest petnames
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the bar was quiet, bathed in the warm glow of dim pendant lights and the soft hum of mellow jazz playing from a dusty speaker in the corner. it was the sort of place people came to for conversation, not chaos, and the perfect spot for task force 141 to unwind after a long mission.
soap was leaning back in his chair, a pint of ale in hand as he recounted a story to gaz, who chuckled quietly, his own glass half-empty. ghost, as always, was a quiet presence, seated at the end of the table with a small tumbler of whiskey, his posture relaxed but ever watchful. price was at the center of it all, one arm draped over the back of his chair, his beer untouched for now, his gravelly laugh filling the air as he chimed in here and there.
the door swung open with a soft creak, and you stepped inside, scanning the room until your eyes landed on the familiar group. you couldn’t help but smile when you spotted john, his cap tipped low, his commanding presence impossible to miss even in a setting as unassuming as this.
you strolled over, casual and easy, but with just enough pep in your step to signal that you had something planned. john caught sight of you first, his lips twitching upward in a small smile, but the moment you reached the table, you decided to crank things up a notch.
“hi, my precious sugarplum,” you greeted in the sweetest voice you could muster, sliding up next to him and placing a hand on his broad shoulder. “did you miss me, my wittle cuddle-muffin?”
the effect was immediate. soap froze mid-sip, choking on his drink as he struggled not to burst out laughing. gaz blinked at you, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief, before a wide grin spread across his face. even ghost turned his head slightly, giving the impression that if anyone could make him break his stoic demeanor, it might just be you.
price didn’t even flinch. his jaw tightened slightly, and he exhaled through his nose, but he remained calm, setting his beer down with deliberate care. “really, love?” he muttered, his voice low and laced with exasperation.
“oh, don’t be like that, snugglebear,” you cooed, leaning in closer, unbothered by the amused stares of his team. “i just couldn’t resist saying hi to my lovely babycakes.”
soap couldn’t hold it in any longer. he wheezed, slapping the table as he laughed, his voice cutting through the calm of the bar. “captain—babycakes?! och, that’s bloody brilliant!”
gaz joined in, shaking his head as he grinned. “mate, you’ve got some explaining to do.”
even ghost let out an amused huff, the corners of his eyes crinkling beneath his mask.
price pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering something under his breath about never bringing you near the lads again. but when he looked back at you, there was a spark of something soft in his eyes, a warmth that betrayed the stern exterior he usually wore like armor.
“you done embarrassing me yet?” he asked, though his tone was more resigned than annoyed.
“not even close, sweetpea,” you replied, grinning as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “now, scoot over. i’m joining you.”
he sighed, shaking his head as he slid over to make room, but there was the faintest curve to his lips, a sign that no matter how much you teased him, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
soap, however, wasn’t letting it go anytime soon. “oi, cap,” he called through his laughter, “ye reckon we should start callin’ ye that on ops? snugglebear, aye?
price shot him a look that could have silenced a lesser man. “say it and see what happens, mactavish.”
you leaned in slightly then, lowering your voice so only john could hear. “aw, don’t pout, snugglebear,” you teased softly, the playful lilt in your tone enough to make his jaw tighten.
price’s eyes flicked to yours, the faintest glimmer of something dangerous sparking beneath his calm exterior. he leaned closer, his voice a quiet rumble just for you. “keep this up,” he murmured, “and i’ll make sure you regret it later.”
your grin widened as you tilted your head, meeting his gaze without hesitation. “promise?” you whispered back, your tone dripping with challenge.
his response was immediate. a firm pinch to your ass, quick but precise, made you jolt slightly, your grin shifting into a breathless laugh.
“cheeky,” he muttered, his tone low enough to make your stomach flutter. his hand didn’t linger, but the look he gave you—equal parts exasperation and fondness—made your heart skip all the same.
“you love it,” you teased, your smile smug as you leaned back, entirely unbothered by the flush creeping up his neck.
soap, noticing the subtle exchange, leaned forward. “what was that, then? somethin’ ye’d like tae share wi’ the class, cap?”
“nothing,” price replied smoothly, his voice steady as ever as he picked up his beer and took a slow sip.
you, however, were feeling bold. “just my teddy bear reminding me how much he loves me,” you said with a cheeky grin.
price exhaled heavily, tipping his cap lower to shadow his eyes as he muttered, “god help me.”
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ohdeerfully · 1 year ago
hi! I have a request, I've never really done this before but I'll give it a shot. so my request is that Charlie is tasked by heaven to watch over a very special human soul via a device that is like a full 360 VR kind of setup and this soul just so happens to be Alastor's immortal wife (he didn't know she was) whom he thought had died with him during a bad event and wound up in heaven but she didn't and She stayed the same since the 1930s like her looks stayed the same and her love for Alastor stayed too she never once tried to move on even when her new friends in this time tried to get her a guy but she just refused still wearing the wedding ring her gave her
I hope it's not too much to ask it can be changed to whatever you see if you have full creative control over it!
thank you for your brain anon
theres a couple awkward POV shifts in the story and im super duper sorry about that D: im not good at those
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An Eternity
alastor x reader (angst) TW: reader is female, reader gets a lil drunk and drives but shes fine(i do not condone this pls dont drink and drive im so serious), yearning goes ouchie ):
join my discord!
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Alastor rarely, if ever, talked about his time alive. He saw it pointless; a waste of time and energy. How could it benefit him if somebody else knew his history? If anything, it would only open up weak points. And, being an Overlord, he couldn’t afford that.
The only hint of his past was a band on his finger that he never took off. Even after decades in Hell, nobody saw him without it.
People often asked, of course, because how in the Hell did the Radio Demon get hitched? Even in life, he was probably just as unusual and off putting. These questions were always met with a dismissive wave and a laugh, but anybody who knew him—which wasn’t many, truly—would recognize the strain in his voice as he brushed them off. Whatever the story was seemed to only grow more painful with time.
He was deep in thought, humming absently as he trailed through the hotel. He ended up meandering by Charlie’s room, which was cracked open. He took this as an invitation to let himself in, cheerfully grinning as he saw the girl sitting on the edge of her bed looking extremely confused.
“Hello, dear!” He announced himself, standing up straight and fixing his bowtie with one hand. “What does this afternoon have in store for the Princess of Hell?”
“Heyy, Al,” Charlie responded, still frowning at the contraption in her hand. It was a rather bulky thing; an unappealing piece of new technology, Alastor decided. Still, he loomed from behind Charlie with a curious bend in his neck. Her shoulders were stiff, and he couldn’t tell if it was from frustration with the thing in her hand or discomfort at him watching her. 
“What is that peculiar thing?” He finally asked, since Charlie made no attempt at explanation. She seemed too focused to really pay him any mind.
“Something Heaven gave me to watch some curious soul they can’t control,” She murmured, fiddling with a couple buttons and knobs. “They’ve got me doing some ridiculous things. I mean, some human soul shouldn’t even concern me. But, they promise these favors will help with my hotel.”
Alastor hummed in response. He of all demons would recognize a manipulation tactic when he saw one—convincing a powerful demon princess to do your chores and promising to help her desperate project in return seemed like something the angels would do. He didn’t care one way or another, as long as Charlie’s naivete didn’t get in the way of his own goals.
He took a few steps back when Charlie stood, seemingly finished with setting up the box. He grinned, amused, when she pulled it over her head. It wasn’t the most flattering thing, and pretty bulky on her face. She looked ridiculous, honestly.
“Modern technology,” He sighed dramatically, leaning down onto his cane as he continued to observe her. “Only getting uglier.”
Charlie didn’t respond to his comment, looking around at what Alastor saw as nothing. She played around with the settings again, and adjusted the straps on her head again, before looking around again. She let out a successful sounding “hell yes” before pulling a remote of sorts from her pocket. She pushed on a joystick.
“What are you doing?” Alastor asked plainly, the building curiosity finally becoming too much. “Why do you have a box on your head?”
“It’s like…” She began to explain, trying to think of how to make sense of it to him. “Like… imagine you were looking through the eyes of somebody else, but still standing in the same spot..?” Her voice tilted at the end, unsure of her explanation.
Yeah, no, Alastor had no clue. But he dismissed it as unnecessary, as he often did with any technology he couldn’t understand.
“I’m seeing… Earth, I guess,” Charlie explained more. “Following around this girl.”
Alastor was only partially listening, humming quietly to himself as he just observed. He wondered if he should just leave—nothing interesting was happening. He was curious to see what antics Heaven was pushing on the Princess of Hell, though.
“Wanna try?” Charlie offered, lifting the headset up away from her eyes. Alastor immediately scrunched his nose up and narrowed his eyes.
“And look as ridiculous as you? Hah! No thank you,” He sat down on a chair near the wall, leaning against the back of it. He threw one leg up over the other. Charlie shrugged in response, and pulled the contraption back down.
Alastor sat for a while, absently thinking about what he wanted to do later as he waited for something to happen.
“Oh! Hold on,” Charlie suddenly said, causing Alastor’s ears to straighten to attention as she reached up and pressed a button. A holographic projection appeared out of nowhere, manifesting through some strange magic. “Forgot I could do that. This is what I’m seeing in here.” 
Alastor stood and walked closer, leaning forward on his cane as he studied the projection. It seemed like some kind of bar. He mused at how different modern bars looked from the speakeasies he would frequent during his own life.
“What heavenly task are you doing in a bar?” He joked, trying to find something interesting in the projection. It just seemed like generic bar business. Loud, flirtatious women and boisterous, over confident men. That, at least, was the same from his day.
“Like I said earlier,” Charlie explained, looking around the room. The projection seemed to follow her movement, and Alastor recognized that he was basically seeing through her eyes. How curious. “There’s some… soul they lost control of. And they want me to report to them about her.”
Alastor was very curious to see what kind of soul broke from control of literal heaven. He watched rather intently, leaned forward against his cane to watch the projection.
Charlie turned another knob, and the sound of tacky pop music and loud chatter began to emanate from the bar scene. Alastor wasn’t a fan of newer music, but he was often forced to listen anyway in the hotel lobby.
“Is it possible to turn down that dreadful noise?” He complained to her, announcing his dissatisfaction.
“No. I need to be able to hear what the woman is saying,” Charlie answered stubbornly. Alastor’s microphone of a cane began to obnoxiously play a song of his choice for a moment in retaliation, but died down after a few moments. After all, Charlie ignored his attempt at aggravation, so there was no point in keeping it up.
Charlie looked around the bar, searching. Finally, her gaze settled on a fancier booth with half drawn curtains. From her angle, she could only see a woman. She looked frustrated.
“---get out of your shell! It’s about time you start talking to some guys for once,” Charlie caught the tail end of the woman’s statement. She was gesturing wildly around, exasperation evident in the jagged movements. “I’m sick of watching you pine for somebody who’s been gone for ages.”
“Ten years isn’t ages, Mechiele,” You drew your finger against the table, making shapes with the rim of water that the condensation from your glass left. Nearly a hundred years, more like, You commented to yourself. You never told anybody that you were an immortal being. Nobody believed you when you did, anyway.
You sat your cheek against the palm of your hand and lifted your gaze to your friend, who looked at you with a sharp frown. You shot her a weak smile. 
“Can you just drop it?” You asked, nearly pleading. You didn’t want to cry tonight, being a little tipsy—you were an emotional drunk. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself blabbering about a dead husband.
“Come on,” Mechiele said impatiently, pushing your pleas aside. “There’s so many hot guys in here, I bet one would just love to take a piece of work like you home and-”
“Mechiele.” You hoped your tone was enough to shut her up.
You should’ve known better, honestly. Mechiele was already abrasive when she was sober, but with the amount of drinks she’s had tonight…
“No, no, no! You bum! Get your ass up right now and get out there! And take that ring off while you’re at it!”
Mechiele quickly lunged at you, a much too playful look in her eye considering how pissed you were right now. You yanked your arm away from her grasp, cupping your hand protectively with the other, shielding the golden band on your finger from her.
“Fucking drop it!” You snapped at her, standing from your seat. “I’m going home. You’re too drunk. I’ll drive.”
“You’re so fucking lame,” Mechiele droned, falling back into her seat. She wouldn’t budge when you urged her to stand and come with you. “He’s fuckin’ dead! Get a new man, already! Alastor’s not-”
Mechiele stopped abruptly when you smacked her. It wasn’t an incredibly hard smack or anything, barely enough to leave a red bloom on her cheek, but it was enough. She looked at you through narrowed eyes. You returned the same expression.
You left the booth and stormed off, cursing under your breath about it all. About Mechiele, about this stupid bar, about the tipsy feeling in your head, about Alastor—
You folded your arms together as you briskly walked to your car, yelling in frustration at your heels and ripping them off your feet. The ground was a little wet and cold, but you didn’t care. After making it to your car, you threw yourself in an switched it on.
You thought for a few moments. You were lightheaded after a few drinks, but you really didn’t want to wait for a taxi. You’d probably be fine, yeah? Sure. Against your better judgment, you began to drive.
It was a long drive, but it gave you some time to think.
You missed him. You pined for him. Nearly every night was agony, missing the presence of the only man you’ve ever fallen in love with.
You cursed whatever higher power there was for making you this way���immortal. How cruel it was, to make you live forever to suffer this longing. You didn’t even notice when you ended up in your room, but you let yourself fall face first onto your bed, curling up into a ball.
Even more, you cursed yourself for ever falling in love. You should’ve known it would only lead to an endless torture of heartbreak. You would never love anybody the same; although, you don’t think you’d want to, even if you could.
You were born to suffer. To spend an eternity in life without him.
Charlie continued to watch in shock for a few moments, her mouth dropped at the mention of the Radio Demon’s name. The previously hidden woman stepped from the bar, a furious look in her eyes as she stormed away. Mechiele was left with stubbornly folded arms and an empty glass of alcohol.
“Heyyy, uh, Al, how common is your name..? Do you know…” Charlie asked a bit awkwardly. She got no response. She lifted the headset, and realized he was gone. Even still, there seemed to be a lingering feeling of intense static, and the air somehow felt a bit heavier than before.
This had to be some cruel, sick joke, right? Heaven had to be toying with him, finally finding a way to torture his soul. His wife—she was dead. It had been nearly a hundred years since he died, and even if she had lived till she was old—
Alastor was pacing his room, ears pinned and eyes wide in frantic thought. Oh, how he yearned for her. He had managed for so long to push the memory of her away, to lock up his loss in a tight cage as he climbed the ranks of hell; it had all come rushing, barreling, torrenting back when he had seen her—or, no, somebody that looked like her—step out of those curtains. It was only a coincidence that that woman looked like his wife, and only a coincidence that she had a dead husband that shared his name.
His wife was in heaven, no doubt; which was where she belonged, of course, but Alastor had spent the last decade pining for somebody who he could never see again. If given the choice, Alastor wasn’t so sure himself if he was kind enough as to not tear her soul from Heaven and down to Hell by his side. Alternatively, even if Charlie’s idea of redemption were to work, Alastor was truly irredeemable. It was all wistful thinking, anyway.
Alastor’s claws dug into the curtains of his window, staring out into the streets of Hell in an attempt to concentrate on one steady stream of thought.
When billions of people touch the Earth, it’s only natural that coincidences like this rise. Right? He tried desperately to convince himself of different possibilities. It just made no sense.
A knocking at his door made Alastor’s grin curl in deadly malice. He really wasn’t in the mood.
He paced to his door, opened it just enough to fit his body in the frame, and glared down at Charlie. She was wringing her hands together nervously, and only seemed to grow more timid as the heavy, almost palpable ambience of his radio static filled the hallway she stood in.
“I’m busy,” Alastor said bluntly. His lips were curled in a sneer.
“I can tell,” Charlie responded. "I know you don't like talking about yourself-" She began to ramble on about him talking to her about his feelings and whatnot, but Alastor didn’t listen as he shut the door again.
Though, the interruption did give his mind a chance to slow. He sat on a chair in the corner of his room, and opted to fiddle with the radio on the drawer next to him. He tuned it—or, more just magically infused it—to play some jazz to try to keep his head level.
It would take some time to rebuild the dam that held back the memories of his wife. Even just the mere thought of her made him feel weak, and he hated it. The only soul he was capable of falling in love with—gone, forever.
Alastor never took the whole “eternity of damnation” thing seriously, considering the power he held and how comfortable he really was in Hell. However, when he remembered her—
Hell truly was torture. And he was cursed to spend his eternity in death without her.
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st6rrrs · 1 year ago
Could you please maybe do a Theodore Nott fic where he’s ghost face?
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summary: there has been murders around Hogwarts recently, People say they have seen a person in a ghost mask, you would have never expected the person behind it al.
warnings: smut 18+, unprotected sex, dubcon?, blood, murder, violence, hair yanking, cursing, oral sex(m receiving), etc..
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this, im sorry if this is bad. short! rushed
˗ˋ ୨�� ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ' -
"Theo what if this ghostface person comes after you or me?" you sigh "im scared."
people have reported seeing a person in all black wearing a ghost mask. This person has already killed 4 people and you were scared that you and your best friend theo would be next.
"Dont worry i wont let anyone hurt you, ever."
you asked theo if he could sleep in your dorm room tonight because your roommate was with her boyfriend and you didn't want to sleep alone. You and theo were cuddling on your bed but you fell asleep..
you awaken due to the loud thunder storms and rain outside you look over to check on theo but hes gone?
"theo?" you immediately get up to see if he's still here but it was to dark. You get up to turn on the lights but they wouldn't turn on, maybe the power was out due to the storm.
you go to grab your phone on the nightstand and check the time 2:58am.
you were about to text theo but you see his phone on the nightstand also so decide your gonna go look for him because this isn't like him.
you go to the flash on your phone and turn it on
˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ' -
"theo! are you out here?"
you been out here for a while looking for him, you were just about to turn back around and go back to your dorm but thats when u heard something, you get goosebumps.
you turn the corner and you immediately go pale. You see a dead boy on the floor with blood all over him and stab wounds, above him was that ghostface mask staring at you. the boy on the ground didn't look like theo thank god
you drop your phone and run as fast as you can to your dorm. right when your at your door you get pushed inside and hit your head on the wall. you groan out in pain and you feel something dripping down your head you go to touch it and its red.
you hear the door lock and suddenly you feel the ghostface grab you by your hair forcing you too your knees.
"please dont hurt me" you sobbed
he didn't respond all he did was unbuckle his pants that had blood all over them and pulled them down. You could see his hard on thru his boxers, you sobbed even more knowing what was bound to happen.
he released himself from his boxers his cock hitting your cheek. he then put a knife to your throat pushing it into your skin making you whine.
he opened your mouth with his fingers and forced his cock into your mouth moving your head back and forth stretching your mouth out.
you repeatedly gag on his cock, tears running down your cheeks. You drooled in the corner of your lips. His fingers raked through your hair Pulling at it as he thrusted into your mouth hitting the back of your throat. you feel him twitch in your mouth knowing he's close.
he releases in your mouth with a loud groan. He takes his cock out your mouth and covers your mouth with your hand and squeezes your nose shut so he can make sure you swallow.
you ended up swallowing because you couldn't breath. he grabbed your wrist and pushed you onto the bed and he gets on top of you the mask staring you in the face.
you feel weak from the amount of blood you lost when u hit that wall
your barely awake when u feel him take your shorts off and then pull your panties down your legs. He then rubs his cock through your folds and pushes himself into you and all you could do was lay there and take it.
"no stop" you moaned out trying to push him off but he just grabs your wrist together and pins them above your head slowly thrusting into you, he groans while speeding up.
hes thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace now, Your eyes were shut tight
"dont close your eyes on me now" he whispers in your ear while pounding into you, you realize that's the first thing he said to you all night.
"your taking my cock so well" he groans in your ear "so fucking tight"
He sounds familiar?
you feel that pit in your stomach that you shouldn't be having but your body betrays you.
your body tensing and toes curling as you come undone around him
he pulls himself back once more slamming himself inside of you while his dick twitches inside of you. you feel his cum shooting inside of you.
before he had a chance to stop you, you grab a hold of his mask and you pull it off...
this was rushed.
@bbsxsaa @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @drewstarkeyslut @stvrkey @blondbrat @sevenwivesofrafecameron @tracymbcm
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glaxelilly · 2 years ago
Genshin Men - Cockwarming
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— Al Haitham, Zhongli, Kazuha, Wanderer, Ayato
Warnings: nsfw, fem!reader, dirty talk, the tall ones are kinda Dom
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Al Haitham // While he’s reading
You’ll cockwarm Al Haitham anywhere and at anytime he has a book in his hand. It’s gotten to the point where the man can’t read without a pair of your lips wrapped around him, keeping him snug inside of you right where he belongs. “Darling I have this book I’ve meaning to read, so please get over here. I want you on your knees today, thank you my love.”
Zhongli // Enjoying his evening tea
You’ll cockwarm Zhongli after he gets home from work. The high energy funeral director is a lot for him to handle, so you make him a pot of his favorite tea and sit on the balcony with him. He’ll drink the tea, listen to the bustling of the harbor, and relax at the feeling of your warm mouth wrapped around his cock. “Thank you, dear, you did so perfect for me. Here, have a cup of tea for your sore throat.”
Kazuha // Writing Poetry
You’ll cockwarm Kazuha when he’s stuck with his writing. He claims it helps clear his mind, so the two of you will find a secluded spot where he can feel nothing but the wind on his skin and your warmth on his cock. Once he breaks out of his slump, he’ll get so caught up in his writing that he’ll forget you’re there, and you’ll have to whine around him to remind him. “Oh my dear autumn breeze, I’m so sorry. Here, why don’t I make you feel good, huh my love?”
Wanderer // When he’s bratty
You’ll cockwarm Wanderer when he’s being a nuisance. After spending the whole day being a little shit to anything that breaths, you’ve had enough. Once you’re home, you immediately have him on his back on your shared bed, and in a flash he’s tied to the headboard and your sitting on his cock not moving an inch. At first he just laughs at you, saying this is nothing compared to what he’s been through, but pretty soon he’s a mess underneath you. “P-please, fuck don’t make me say it just move! Shit please just- oh my arc- please please please just OKAY IM SORRY! I’m sorry I’ll be good! Please just move please!”
Ayato // Doing paperwork
You’ll cockwarm Ayato when he decides to actually get caught up on his work. He’ll neglect doing it for awhile, which stresses Thoma out, but it’s because he knows what you’ll do for him when you see the giant stack of papers. You’ll instantly feel bad for him, and suggest sliding underneath his desk to make it easier. “How could I ever say no to you, dear? You always make me feel so good.”
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bedoballoons · 1 year ago
Hear me out!!! Lyney/Albedo/Wanderer/Xiao catching reader getting high and getting off alone to pictures of them!! /w\ Some punishment maybe for having fun by themselves hehe
KDBSKDNDK YES! Thank you for you're request and I hope you enjoy! Sorry for lack of posts, had a lot going on the past few days!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~High and having fun~༺}
CW: Nsfw! MDNI! Reader gets high, punishments, teasing, fingering, cursing, spanking with a ruler in Albedos, a bit of degradation in Wanderers, rough sex, pet names: (Lyney: Mon chérie/amour, Wanderer: Slut, Albedo: Love), GN reader!
(Includes: Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, and Xiao!)
You bit your lip, your cheeks warm with a deep red blush and your eyes glazed over with lust... you never would have guessed getting high could have such a effect on you, but as your hands slowly ran down your body...stopping to play with your eager hole while you while you looked at the picture of your magician...you felt so warm all over...so...good. You moaned out quietly as you dipped your fingers inside of yourself, the feeling of it heightened in your dazed state.
"Ngh-hhh Lynneyy~" You gasped out his name breathlessly, your digits now pumping steadily in and out of your entrance greedily, for a split second you thought you might actually get away with doing things all alone...and then he spoke, "My my my...mon chérie, never would I have guessed you'd attempt to have this kinda fun without me here, you know thats against the rules...and here I was with a romantic night all planned out for us, seems I'll have to save that for another time.."
"Noo...I wanna be romantic...I wanna be with you....i-im sorry please." You shook your head, rubbing your thighs together needily while he smirked at you...a devilish glint in his bright violet eyes, "You're the one who broke the rules mon amour...your going to finish what you started, all by yourself and if I catch you finishing without my permission...there will be consequences."
You didnt really hear his threat...licking your lips as you looked him up and down..., he noticed your stares and you could have sworn he winked at you, but your fantasy was cut short when he gestured for you to continue...even though you no longer wanted to...no you'd much rather have him continue for you, "Lynneyy pretty please...I'm s-sorry...I just felt so warm and mnn so ready for you, pleeeasee.."
"I won't tell you again...begin. I wanna see a show~" He leaned back against the wall, his attention entirely yours...which usually would have left you feeling shy, but that wasn't a option and you had no choice but to follow his instructions, teasing your hole with your fingers yet again, picturing his tip doing so instead, sinking your digits so deep inside...spreading yourself with a moan while Lyney watched.
"Nhhh l-lyneyy~" You imagined his cock in place of your fingers, so deep in you while you shouted out his name for everyone to hear...your body quivering with each pump of your didgets. You repositioned yourself so he could see better, instantly seeing the new bulge in his tight clothing that made you shiver with excitement, "L-lyney ahhh lyne-eey p-please.." You could feel your core tightening with ecstasy, your release inching closer and closer.
He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes while you continued to desperately moan out for him, "You wanna finish the show hmm... I don't know if I should let you mon chérie~" You shut your eyes tightly, your body feeling hot all over and his touch only adding to the wildfire of needs building up inside of you, "P-pleeease ahh~" He chuckled at your response, admiring your handiwork for a moment he decided you'd had enough...for now. "Alright...show me the end~"
You came on the spot, breathing roughly as your wetness dripped down your legs...and wanting more than anything else to help out your magician...with his newfound problem.
You touched Albedos picture, imagining what he would do to you if he caught you in the position you were in right now...playing with yourself in his lab while under the influence, not caring for a second if someone were to walk in....making a mess all over his desk. You couldn't help it, you'd lost your filter and all you wanted now was his hands on you, his cock grazing your insides as you gasped for relief...it just sounded so good.
You tilted your head back, remembering his lips against your skin and his voice deep in your ear, all of it causing you to moan loudly "Ahhhhah~" unaware the door had opened...and a certain pale blonde had found you, his blue eyes shimmering with excitement at your shenanigans. He picked up the ruler you'd thrown aside...smacking it against his palm and instantly drawing your attention away from your activities, your hands pausing mid motion, "A-a-albedo...I was j-just-"
"Love...get off my desk, in fact please...bend over it, back towards me, I want to try something~" You gulped...sliding off his desk and turning around...your ass out in the open for him, the sight of you enough to make his cock twitch in his pants as he lined up the ruler.
The ruler harshly hit your skin, leaving a burning sensation that had tears welling up in your eyes and a pained moan escape your lips....
Again the ruler hit your rear end and then again and again, until your ass was bright red...and you were begging for some sort of relief, apologizing more times than you could count...
You laid back, sprawled out on the bed you and Wanderer usually shared, breathing heavily with a sinful look on your face and clutching your boyfriends picture in your hand while your other busied itself with pleasuring your entrance. Your whole body was on fire, senses on overdrive and your lower regions throbbing with desire, craving his touch.
You couldn't stop yourself, especially with your mind already hazy from getting high just moments before and your touch starved body wanting his...you were almost hoping Wanderer would find you at this point. Little did you know... he already had, in fact he'd been there for awhile, enjoying your desperate pleas for his cock and how easy it was for you to get off just from his picture alone, he was more than a little turned on by it.
"Well, look at this..what a dirty little slut~"
You sat straight up, a excited shiver running down your spine, "W-wanderer...when did you g-get back hmm?" He smirked at you, catching you off guard when he harshly shoved you back onto the mattress and started undoing his shorts eagerly, "Shut it, you've got me all hot and bothered and now you're gonna pay for it, I'm sure that won't be a issue considering how high off your ass you are, horny bitch." Your home quivered and his rude words, god you'd missed him so much...
You were lucky you had prepared yourself because he sure as hell wasn't going to do it for you, his tip grazing your entrance while you moaned in delight and then dug your nails into his back as he shoved his entire length into you without remorse, thrusting so roughly you could barely breath, you shouted at him to go slower but he merrily laughed in your face " You w-were so cock hungry early...I'm just giving you w-what you wanted~" He groaned into your ear, his dick pounding into you with such force you couldn't even remember your own name, "Ahh! P-lease p-please! Ngh-hh!"
"You can cum w-when I do slut." He lifted your leg over his shoulder, going even deeper into you while you struggled to keep your climax at bay, your tight walls making him drunk with lust and pushing him so far over the edge. "F-fuuck~" He slammed his dick into you one last time, his hot sticky seed shooting into you while you screamed out his name, finishing so hard you could see celestia...for now you'd enjoy it, but tomorrow...you probably wouldn't even be able to stand.
You grinded yourself on on Xiaos bulge, your face absolutely red with blush since he'd caught you cumming on your own fingers, the picture you always had of him now soiled by your own wetness. His hands were holding your hips in place, his lips on your neck while you begged him desperately to fuck you and attempted to get any amount of friction you could, you were so needy and completely unashamed due to being under the influence...
"Xiao, i-i know I was b-bad but i-i-"
He put his finger to your mouth, signalling for you to be quiet before letting his hand travel down your stomach to your heat, his yellow eyes gleaming with mischief as he played with you, toying with you like he'd actually let you finish. "How dare you not call for me...not say my name while you did dirty things to yourself~" You hid your face with your hands, moaning breathlessly at your overstimulated hole getting pleasured all over again, "I-im s-ooorry! Mnngh! D-dont stop p-please doont s-stop!"
He shook his head, acting like he was disappointed in you while he pumped his digits in and out of your entrance with haste, your core tightening around him eagerly as you let out a loud gasp when you feeling yourself getting close.
And then it stopped, a whine escaping your lips, "N-no I'm sorry i-im sorry!"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Oo la la*⁠.⁠✧
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bunnypeew · 1 year ago
Hey sweetie, just read that you're taking requests, so I thought I might toss one your way.
How about an Female reader x Alastor x Lucifer, both demons sorta fighting for her, but she doesn't decide for either of them. Alastor was a friend of hers when she was alive, and Luci is a real charm xD so they agree to share 😏 if ya know what I mean hehe please NSFW if you can. Lots of shadow play since Alastor doesn't like sex too much.
Thank you 🥰
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Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls thank you, cunnilingus, shadow play, voyeurism, cumming inside
''you are just being a prick!,,
Lucifer shouted at Alastor while they were both waiting for Y/n to come out for them all to hang out. It had been a while since both of them kinda courted her and were always around her in some way, whether it was physically or just Alastor's shadows following her around making sure she was safe. She loved it, without any lies, one of the most powerful overlords in his time and the literal king of hell, like come on!
''And you are being an annoyance,,
Alastor scoffs at his nails, not interested in what Short Stack is saying. It wasn't until she came out of the door, that sleepiness on her face, her hair all messed up and her shirt hanging barely on her shoulders. She was a sight to be seen for both of them
''sorry guys I completely forgot about our outing today so I slept in,,
she says yawning and stretching he arms upwards, letting the fabric get lifted up by her boobs, exposing her panties and belly. At this, both men were petrified, both for different reasons. Alastor composed himself gripping his cane and giving her a warm smile
''why hello there darling! you seem to be a bit exposed there, care for me to help you out?,,
he says walking towards Y/n and putting a hand on the nook of her back, now looking at Lucifer with a challenging smile, this makes his blood boil making him get near her as well trying to pull her away from Alastor only for him to grab her waist stopping Lucifer from moving her at all. Y/n notices this and sighs
''you guys need to come to some sort of understanding because I'm not making that choice for you,,
she speaks, making them both turn their attention to her instead of their bickering. This makes them think for a little while, they did think of something but both of them didn't really like that outcome, but at this point, they really had no choice but to agree with one another. They look at each other, giving a nod then turn their attention fully to Y/n
''how about, we go back to your room darling, the three of us,,
Lucifer says putting a hand on her waist and getting closer to her face all at once, this time not to make Alastor jealous but to just grab her attention while Al works behind her. From the nod they had before they both agreed that they wanted her, maybe in different ways but they both wanted to make her feel good. Alastor shadow was put underneath her, moving away her panties, this made her gasp making her close her legs in an instant and turn around to look at the culprit. All Alastor had to show was a wide smirk and the bulge from his pants prominent, all three of them knew that he wasn't one for sex but to please his sweetheart he would do all he could without being touched, even if just standing and watching Lucifer take the lead, so that's what happened. They went to the bed in her bedroom, Luci smacking her onto it and getting on top of her, while Al sat down in a chair near them stroking his pants.
This took Y/n by surprise because they never did something for all three of them, it was mostly Lucifer with whom she had sex, Alastor usually didn't opt for this kinda of stuff but today was a first. Lucifer got in between her legs, the panties already moved off her cunt so this gave ease of access to his tongue to slip in, this made her gasp and grab the sheets on the bed. In the meantime, Alastor had pulled his cock out and started jerking it slowly with one hand while the other hand was controlling the shadows to which he made go to Y/n body to play with her, mostly her boobs. Whimpers could be heard from her, suffocated a little since she was getting shy by Alastor looking at her with a lustful look in his eyes, his permanent smile still there, just softer. One of his tentacles with into her mouth making her gasp and moan out loud
''I think both of us want to hear you dearest,,
Alastor speaks and chuckles when he can finally hear his sweetheart in all her glory, in the meantime, lucifer on sucking and licking on her cunt making her whimper and moan even more. He knew exactly what he was doing, eating her out was one of his specialities, after all, he loved to make her feel good. Soon after he stopped, letting his cock come out of his pants to then slam into her right away with one thrust, the tentacle out of her mouth and now around her neck giving her the possibility to speak
''Luci.. holy shit,,
she is able to mutter in between moans, with Lucifer picking up his pace, and Alastor does as well. They both went on until they reached their climax, Alastor finishing in his hand while Lucifer finished inside of Y/n, her legs quivering the same as her cum filled cunt.
They could say they were gonna share you like this more often from now on.
a/n: GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IM SO GLAD I GOT TO WRITE THIS!!!! I hope it satisfied your request and thank you so much for the ask :3c @christineblood
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year ago
hurt comfort with the astarion guy pls I don't don't know anything about the game I've just seen clips of him on youtube and I love him
you aSK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE i love him
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Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine
Character: Astarion (Baldur's Gate)
Warnings: reverse hurt/comfort, mentions of alcohol (reader doesn’t drink), general astarion backstory information but it’s nothing super specific. not proofread
Notes: almost cried writing this. im sorry. anyway I'm a hozier lover what else is new.
gn reader
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Astarion stared at the fire, leaning back against one of the boxes under his tent. There was something serene about this area—they’d never been attacked at camp, and it comforted him to know he could let his guard down somewhere. If only slightly. 
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you walking up to him until you spoke. 
“Astarion?” you asked, voice softer than he expected. “Are you alright?”
He must have looked upset—he didn’t need your pity, though, so he tried to shake himself back to reality. “What can I do for you, my dear?” he asked, sitting up a bit straighter and taking a sip of the ale next to him. 
You paused, looking at him with your eyebrows furrowed slightly, then finally decided to sit next to him. He offered the ale but you declined. Instead, you turned your body to face him and slowly, gently, brushed a bit of hair out of his face. 
And he flinched. 
You quickly pulled your hand away from him and rested it in your lap. He stared, wide-eyed, terrified of his own actions. He’d inflicted pain on countless others and never felt guilt for it, but such a simple gesture broke him. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, voice small and quiet. It was unlike anything you’d ever seen before. Astarion was always so eccentric, so proud, so…unafraid. This was an entirely new side to him, and he was even more embarrassed to show it to you. He wanted to run, he wanted to hide, but he didn’t have the energy to make his feet move. To make anything move. 
There was a beat of silence, where the two of you only listened to the crackling fire a few feet away. Then, you spoke. “You don’t have to apologize for anything.”
He didn’t understand how you could be so kind to him. There were so many things wrong with him as a person, or things from his past—he’d hurt people, tricked them, found ways for dear Cazador to turn them into mindless little puppets. Like he was, before all this mindflayer business. 
There was so much wrong in the world, and there you sat. His ray of sunshine—his hope. Somehow with you, things seemed a little less dreary. True, there was some mystical dream-being that followed you around keeping everyone from sprouting tentacles, so that was something positive. But your general disposition, the way you smiled at him when you caught him staring at you, the way you snuck away from the rest of camp with him to watch the stars…all these things made him fall so hopelessly in love. 
He couldn’t be that person for you, though. He never learned how to make big, romantic gestures or show his affection in a way that made sense. A way that made sure you knew he adored you in your best and worst moments. Cazador had ruined him—he’d ruined any semblance of having a normal life. On top of being a vampire spawn and ripped away from his life before, he was stuck in an endless loop of servitude and puppetry or constantly fearing for his life. He never learned or could afford, to just relax. You deserved someone who could love you whole-heartedly, not the monster he’d become. 
“I care for you so, so deeply, my dear,” he all but whispered, voice tight with emotion. 
“I know.”
“I cannot, for the life of me…” he trailed off, quickly wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “I cannot understand why you care for me.”
His head hung low; you stared at him, shocked and unsure how to react to his words. He felt embarrassed, he felt small—there was nothing he could do, it seemed, to pull himself out of this rut he had himself stuck in lately. 
Then he heard your words. 
“Can I hug you, Astarion?”
He glanced over to you, seeing teh pleading look in your eyes. You’d asked. Maybe that made him feel a little more normal, a little less messed up. Hesitantly, he leaned into your embrace. The moment he felt the warmth of your arms around him, though, he melted. He laid his head on your chest, his full weight falling into you exponentially by the second. And with it, he began to cry. 
It was heart-wrenching sobs that felt like someone stabbing him through the heart every time, but he couldn’t mistake the comfort of your hands running through his hair. The soothing, repetitive motion calmed his nerves more than he thought possible. After what felt like ages, he began to sit up, trying to put himself back together like that hadn’t just happened. His eyes looked slightly irritated, but he tried desperately to wipe any evidence of his outburst from his face—
Suddenly, he felt your hands around his face, thumbs running over his cheeks. He stopped—his hands slowly fell, and he relaxed into your embrace once again. 
“You do not have to apologize for feeling things, Astarion,” you said softly. “And you certainly don’t have to hide from me. Not your thoughts, not your emotions.”
He nodded, turning his head slightly to the side to kiss the palm of your hand. His voice was hoarse but surprisingly gentle. “Thank you. I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s the thing. You do.”
He smiled softly—it had been a long time since he felt like he could do so freely. 
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tangyswriterstudio · 6 months ago
Can I ask for headcanons of Jamil Kalim Ace and Deuce with a reader who’s like Aladdin? With a whole monkey familiar like Abu too if you’d please!!
The reader gets chased by fancy pants snobby rich students on the regular by pickpocketing them either himself or with the help of their familiar, stealing food from the cafeteria and parkouring around the school to escape… they grew up in the scalding sands too probably wears a really worn out second hand uniform as well since the reader isn’t well off
bwah i started on this so late im so sorry like im literally watching study guides while witing this.
STREET RAT! scarabia, adeuce x reader separate! a/n sorry for late reply 😢 and u should listen to one jump ahead when reading reader is in scarabia
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-Sometimes you'd be running from snobbish rich people after pickpocketing from them and Kalim would be right there next to you running aswell!
-You guys first met after you stole some expensive chocolate from him while you got your pet monkey to distract him. (Bubu im not creative)
"Bubu! Where are you-" You yelled before Kalim appeared infront of you holding the monkey with a few scratches, and... chocolate?! Bubu quickly hopped back to your shoulder.
"Here! You wanted these right? I have plenty! Lets share!" He beamed. It confused you. Was this guy.. being serious??
-Expect a new uniform just for you with a little note that says
"Lets be friends!! - Kalim c:" to which you deadpanned at.. you stole from this guy regularly.
-Whenever jumping from building to building trying to escape gets tiring, count on Kalim to pop up uncontrollably flying his carpet..
"Wha-Whoah...Whoah!!! Gah-!" Trying to balance yourself on the unsteady carpet gripping onto Kalims shoulders for dear life.
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-First met when you stole a fancy looking gem and before you could wander off, he gripped your wrist stopping you from leaving. Giving you a look of disdain he shakes his head like a disappointed mother.
...Did you know this guy..? He treats you like a little kid whenever you steal.. However, he'd never rat you out.. which confused you.
-The first time he saw you swiping from the cafeteria, he ended up paying for your lunch sighing.
"Don't you have food? Or something to make?"
"...I don't have money for food and I can't cook."
-From that day on he started making you lunch and even teaching you how to cook with ingredients you steal
"Mm! Thif ish sho goof!" Eating curry whilst talking to Jamil to which he looks at you with shame.
"Close your mouth when eating."
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ADEUCE i really wanted to post this so i put them togwthwr
-You got Bubu to swipe a chicken sandwich from Ace's hands which caused him to chase after Bubu, dragging Deuce with him.
-Once they found the monkey passing you the sandwich they felt conflicted as they watched you eating so happily with your familiar, yet.
"Oi. Your monkey stole my sandwich." he points accusingly at Bubu who blows a raspberry in response which only annoys Ace further.
You decide to use your ultimate charm since you knew you couldn't escape from a guy who does track and a guy who punched his housewarden..
A cute innocent facade. You tilt your head with a small smile on your face. You can see the struggle on Deuces face trying not to fall for it while Ace seemed unfazed but in the end he sighed.
"You.. can have it... But! You owe me one, yeah?" cringing at his own words.
-After that Deuce would occasionally come to your dorm with a few treats for you and Bubu enjoying the smile on your face.
-Whilst Ace would just pinch your cheeks really hard if you swipe anything of his.
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aluciahaz · 9 months ago
Sorry if this isn’t the askbox or not right I never done this before..
If requests are still open and whenever you feel like it of course.
I would like a dom male Reader x bottom Alastor rough smut, where the reader is in an important meeting as he is an overlord or prince of hell which ever you prefer.
And Alastor have been more chaotic lately which is messing something up for the reader and now he have to correct Alastor’s behavior.
Anyway hope you’re doing well today and take care of yourself and of course you can ignore this. Thank you.
RAHH!! im very late, sorry! i havent been feeling like writing in awhile, especially hazbin unfortunately 😭 so i decided to just post my wip i had for this request! i dont think ill ever finish it, so i wanted to post it rather than let it rot lmao, hope you enjoy although its unfinished ❤️
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don’t forget your place
alastor x male!reader
includes: crying, gags, bondage
you don’t know what’s gotten into alastor recently.
the two of you sit in a meeting, right beside each other of course, and you watch as other overlords trickle into the modern room.
you didn’t even need to look at them, you could tell which people had arrived just by the sounds of their footsteps alone. each overlord was unique, it wasn’t hard to differentiate them. zestial had this almost spider-like sound when he walks, carmilla’s shoes pierced through the quiet like blades, and alastor—
“what are you thinking about, darling?” he asks, smiling at you with an inquisitive look.
you glance over at your troublesome lover, pursing your lips. “about how you’ve been harming my reputation with some of the statements you say in your radio show,” you tell him honestly, the sound of chairs moving against the pristine floors covering your conversation well enough to not require you to whisper.
“and how you keep killing some of my biggest customers. they’re too afraid to even call anymore.”
“oh, but you could always get more—”
“it’s not about that,” you hiss, your hand clenching alastor’s tightly. his smile freezes, but he’s still smug, looking at you under his hooded eyes.
“it’s about you walking over my image, al. stay in your lane,” you scold him, letting go of his hand as you feel him pull away.
all he does is shrug, clearly unbothered as he leans back in his chair. “i drive wherever gets me to my destination the fastest, my dear. and, it just seems you’re the shortcut.”
your grip on the bottom of the seat in frustration, glaring at alastor in both annoyance and sheer astonishment at his audacity to make such a euphemism. he thinks that he could just tear down your reputation to build up his own? what an outrageous idea!
perhaps you’ve been too kind to him. he thinks you’re some sort of pushover.
you’re already thinking of ways to fix that mistake. so much so, that the meeting seems to pass by like a fly and the fruit of your ideas are right in your hands in just a few seconds, tasting sweeter than honey.
“mmh—hn!” weak static fluctuated between an incessant buzzing to complete silence as you grabbed his ears roughly, tugging them back to reveal his dainty neck, a perfect place for you to latch your lips on, and soon you hear a jump in his voice as your teeth pierces his skin.
there was usually more leniency when it came to intimacy with al. you want him to enjoy it after all, so you let him bark a few insults here and there, mock you a little. whatever makes him comfortable, either way, his mouth usually ends up running out of words to play at the end of his little show of control once he gets overwhelmed, unable to read his script anymore as you drive his brain into an incoherent repeat of ‘please’.
but tonight, you watch him writhe and sob as his mouth is gagged and his body is completely tied to the bed, spread out and on full display as you ram into him, his head tossing and turning into the pillow behind him.
your hands ground him to reality, the sharp pain of your nails and unrelenting grip forcing him to stay somewhat conscious as you use him, showing how much power you have over alastor.
it was incredible to see his silver tongue unable to lacerate the air with insults, the gag upon him doing a great job at keeping him unable to throw jabs at you like you were some target at a range.
instead, all he could do was wail, drool spilling down his chin and making a mess of his dress shirt that you made sure to keep on him just to piss him off. you know how much he likes to keep his clothes in check. it’s part of his well-crafted image, after all.
“are you learning your place now, bambi?” you chuckle, your words cold on his skin, seeping into his body as he shivers at the frost, unable to protect himself from your punishment.
“answer me,” one of your hands leaves his waist, grabbing his chin and yanking him up towards you. a small, feeble whimper leaves his throat as you do so, and his eyes seem to dilate. dilate, out of all things.
“slut,” you spit, chuckling as you see his ears flop down. such a terrifying overlord, reduced to a small little deer in your hands. it was cute, how he looked at you.
it was even cuter when he shakes, so sensitive that he feels the need to twist and turn as you make him cum for the second time, his body jolting as your hand runs over his cock, still hard underneath your palm.
usually, you’d expect a sharp glare or some sort of defiance to your name-calling, but all you see is his eyes rolling back, his head tilting up as you release his chin.
there are tears that seem to adorn his cheeks like shooting stars in the sky, and babbling that‘s reminiscent of a muffled radio in another room. it was nice, seeing alastor’s breaking like this. watching him fall beneath the weight of his actions, unable to hold them up on his shoulders as they crush him in one fell swoop.
all because of you.
tags: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @drlucichen @mvskedxrtist @luciferspetduck
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pedricos · 1 month ago
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Alejandro Balde – all over your face .ᐟ
a.n: english is not my first language, sorry for any errors!
warning: suggsstive content, nothing real explicit.
summary: you planned a visit on your boyfriend's training, but you didn't planned leaving your lipstick all over his face!
you wasn't the type to wear too much makeup, but sure enough would reaply your lip gloss during the day, and your boyfriend, balde, were always pleased to see all the effort you put in your make up every now and then.
today, you decided to go simple, some cute lashes, little to no coverage, only under your dark circles and some pimples, a soft blush and your usual cherry red lip tint, with a glittery gloss on top. a cherry on top, you could say!
today, was also, the day you would make a surprise for you boyfriend. the whole weekend he asked for you to be present on his training, but you had so much things to catch up from school, and it wasn't a lie, but you did have a good part written down.
you just wanted to make a surprise, but for your surprise, balde didn't asked more than two or three times, and after you said you would try to make the effort he was already happy enough.
me | im gonna study now, okay? good day of training, mi vida, ¡te amo! <3 (i love you)
you pressed sent, and not long after you got a notification back.
ale ❤️ | okay, guapita! <33 ¡te amo más! (pretty, i love you more!)
and he didn't suspected a thing.
you smiled to youself and got out of the house, your uber already waiting outside. it wasn't a long ride, but the anticipation and anxiety to see your boyfriend made it seems like hours sitting on the back passenger seat.
you got dropped outside of the gate of the training camp, making you way inside like how you used sneak out of the house to meet your boyfriend, trying to not catch any desnecessary attention. you said ‘good morning’ to the guards and quietly made your way to the reserved area of the benchs for family.
they were already running laps. running around in circles, some playing 2x2, others on a water break, but one person noticed your presence; yamal. you raised your index finger, making mention so he doesn't tell balde, who's back was facing you, that you're there. he winked back, ignoring of presence.
and after scrolling on your phone a few minutes, everyone got to have a break. “que passas, hermanito?” yamal pat alejandro’s back, jogging to walk side by side with his teammate, “i just miss y/n, she's been busy with school lately” he shrugs his shoulders, trying to be nonchalant about it. (what's up, brother)
“do you mean this y/n?” lamine points at you sitting alone in the middle of the benches making alejandro finally look at your direction, mouth forming the biggest smile you've ever seen, his eyes sparkling and you wave to your boyfriend.
he jumps the fence that divided the grass and the benches, running to you, as you did the same, meeting halfway in a tight hug. his nose directly in your neck, smelling your sweet fragrance and making you giggle as it tickles. “mi amor!” his voice so full of joy of seeing you, “guapito!” you kiss his cheeks. (my love, pretty boy)
“you look so pretty today, amor!” his hands held your face, his thumb caressing your cheek, trying to not mess up your make up, “only today?” you pout, faking a sad expression, “you are pretty, y/n, always!” he snuggles again in your neck.
“im out!” yamal yells, waking up to the middle of cubarsí, hector and pedri, fading into the middle of his teammates, you and balde could only laugh at the younger boy.
“i thought you had other plans..” he said against yout neck. his biceps are almost ripping the shirt apart, his hands on your waist making him flex his muscles just enough so you could reach and squeeze it, “cómo podría? i wouldn't miss your training day”. (how could i)
oh young love. adrenaline of love rushing through your veins. your boyfriend's sweat ceasing dropping down his neck and forehead, his hands massaging your waist involuntarily, his arms so strong on the black t-shirt.. he looked so good today.
“i got plenty of time on this break.. wanna sneak out?” he comes closer to your ear, stoping next to your earlobe. he didn't needed to whisper, but he did anyway, “para hacer qué?” your innocence doesn't amuse him, he knows you know. (to do what)
and not even five minutes later there you were.
in the middle of brooms and mops, a single square feet room with no lights on, with buckets and cleaning suplies, sucking on your boyfriend's tongue.
one of his hands gripping your waist while the other held the back of your neck, commanding the kiss pace. and you're not the one to disobey him.
your hands found their way in the middle of his locks, pulling it so deliciously, making him groan against your mouth. he sure was very passionate about his hair, but he was no one in this world to not let you make him float in the sensation.
“ale.. alejandro! the training!” you distance your mouths from your boyfriend's, a strand of saliva still connecting both of you, “shh, you worry too much” he waste no time to connect your mouth in a kiss once again, sucking on your tongue and taking every word of your mind.
“no! flick's going to get mad at you!” you push him away, almost tripping on a broom in the dark of the room, not really wanting to stop the moment, but you knew he was gonna get in trouble later, “go, go! don't just keep standing there looking at me, bobo!”. (fool)
“you go first.. i have a little trouble down there..” you got the message.
you opened the door so slightly, checking left and right before coming out of the door in the middle of the hallway, making your way straight to the restroom.
the first thing you saw in the bathroom mirror was just your face, cherry red lipstick completely smudged all over your lips, like a kid just tried to do your make up. thank god you had wet wipers on you, or else, you'd be walking around looking like a clown!
and while you're cleaning youself, in the other side of the camp, balde is walking around completely unware of his lips completely red and glossy. he knew it would be a little smudged in his face too, but he just turned it completely into a stain when trying to clean himself
“so that's what you're doing on your ‘water breaks’, uh?” gavi teases him, bumping shoulders with alejandro, “de qué estás hablando?” he pushes the younger away, getting mad at his teammates laugh. (what are you talking about)
“no me digas, you're wearing lipstick now?” ferran laughed, pointing at balde’s lips and surroundings, visibly stained with your trademark on him, “what? no!” it took him long enough to realize. (don't tell me)
and while he tried to scape from his teammates teasings, there you were, appearing again on the benches, reapplying your lipstick.
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requests are open!! bye bye, hope you like it 💋
check out my masterlist .ᐟ
initially this would be about cubarsí, but i have been brainrotting balde soo, there ya go!
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venuslarkspur · 3 months ago
Teen Hero Shenanigans
Part 3
Robin Vs Batgirl
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Summary: Your Damian’s Twin Sister, after arriving 3 years after your brother, you never excepted to take the Robin mantle, until your brother runs away and you volunteer to take his place. Damian eventually returns and you are discharged from the role, after bottling up your anger you decide to go solo by running away and stealing the Batgirl. But you’re not alone, your sort of boyfriend joins you. The main problem is the boyfriend in question is your brother’s best friend, Jon Kent.
Warning: Reader has a pregnancy scare, mentions of vomiting and other pregnancy symptoms. Whether or not you want the reader to actual be pregnant will be up for debate on a poll, violence, sibling dispute, mentions of abortion. Panic attacks. Mention of underage sexual activity (just dumb teenagers) damaged fertility and menstrual cycles are mentioned. Heavy violence between Damian and Reader. Teen pregnancy. Emotionally Abusive Al Ghul Family. Mentions of infertility.
Pairing: Jon Kent x Batsis!Reader. Platonic!Damian Wayne x Twin!Reader
Notes: If you don’t agree with the events of the fight between Damian and Reader that’s fine, I like to believe Damian was holding back though. There will be a poll to decide the readers fate. HALF PROOF READ IM SORRY. Sorry if the storyline is choppy or you don’t like it, I’m a teenager writer and I’m still learning about what makes a good story 😭🙏
Words: 2.5k
You woke up with a headache and immediately went to get some water, Jon still sleeping away in the bed. In truth, last night you had woke up with a migraine whilst puking up your own guts; you didn’t tell Jon not wanting to worry him, you assumed it was anxiety but now your not so sure. Long story short you and your boyfriend had been intimate a few times but you didn’t think you could get pregnant from it, Jon being half alien you just assumed it was unlikely, you also thought that maybe the Lazarus pit strained your fertility, as you have had irregular periods for a while now. You were sure it was also partly because of your brutal training and harsh diets that made you begin your menstrual cycle later, in fact you had only started recently.
But you weren’t taught about that stuff by anyone, you were too focused on being the perfect heir that any “weak attributes” like a menstrual cycle wasn’t explained to you. So it was a nasty shock when you woke up a bit after your 15th birthday with blood down your legs and ruined sheets, nobody was more shocked than your father though. Who assumed you just shared tampons and sanitary towels with Cass, your periods were shown to be irregular and unhealthy. So eventually Bruce arranged for you to go see a doctor, he asked Barbara and your Aunt Kate to go with you.
It was quite sad to realise you had been missing a big part of adulthood because your earlier childhood had been too rough. This is why you enjoyed being Robin so much, it didn’t make you feel less like a girl oddly enough, it made you feel empowered. But you weren’t sure what to do now as you are bent over the toilet seat. If what’s happening what you think is happening then you better hide Jon and prepare for your father and Damian to be disappointed in you, not just as a teenager but as a vigilante as well. You were sure your older brothers at least would try and look after you, it would be great to bond with Steph as she has also experienced a teen pregnancy. Barbara and Cass would try and make you feel comfortable with whatever choice you make regarding your child.
If you’re even pregnant that is. You should be safe for now, the baby shouldn’t have a heartbeat which means Jon can’t find you out first, but first and foremost you need to talk to him.
“We need to talk.” Jon was sitting on the windowsill watching your guy’s mini radar for crime in the area. He immediately sat up and asked “Oh shit, we aren’t breaking up right?” Looking a bit like a rejected puppy, you say next to him and kissed his nose before reassuring him. “I wouldn’t dream of it! It’s just..” you say as you placed a hand on your stomach. “What’s the matter?” He says looking from you to your hand, you weren’t sure how to communicate this, you never were. You’d have to use your actions, you placed one of his hands on your stomach and looked up at him.
“Oh-oh crap.” He scrambles to collect his words, “I can pee on whatever stick later but can we talk about this please? It’s all my fault.” You declare but he pulls you in by the shoulders, “absolutely not, it takes two to tango, plus I was taught much better than this.” He says and you look at him with an earnest look of hope. “I wouldn’t have chosen now but I honestly think we’re both capable, of course I’d want our kid to meet my parents at least but you don’t have room if you don’t- “Jon, please, I’m not even sure if I am yet.” You interrupted and he looked disappointed but nodded. “ it’s a shame, you’d be a great mother.” He said and your eyes widened. “Don’t mock me.” You replied but he shook his head, “I’m not, I can tell you would raise a good kid.” You blushed and didn’t reject him this time.
“Fair enough.”
“Careful, you’re carrying precious cargo.” Jon shouts as you both handle your own share of crooks. You punch one in the face with as much power as possible, reminiscent of that of your father. “Jon, I haven’t taken a test yet it’s possible it’s just my anxiety getting to me, I’ve been having a lot of panic attacks lately.” You finish as he flies over to you after tying up the crooks, “your birthday is in a few days..do you maybe wanna bake a cake together?” He asks and you could have started crying there; “I’d like that.” You uttered and pressed a hand to your stomach, you were worried because if you actually were pregnant you would be two kids having a kid, which worried you, but you also knew Jon would be a great father; you weren’t gonna tell him that though.
You weren’t sure how great of a mother you’d be, nothing you ever did this was good enough for your maternal family, if you got rid of the child they might lecture you, if you keep it they could also be angry with you. There’s no consistency and no way to win, you were sure if that when the time comes, and worst comes to worst that your father and Steph would help you get the paperwork done to put your kid up for adoption. You knew Jon would be unhappy with this decision but you also knew he loved you too much to force you to keep the kid. You wondered how your siblings would react, you being the youngest and the first to have a kid. Worst of all; Damian’s reaction, he’d blame Jon immediately. You knew you needed some space right now.
“I’m going to stay out a bit longer, is that okay?” You told Jon, as he was finishing up. “Are you sure?” He asked and you tutted before nodding. And with that he gave you a kiss on cheek before flying away.
You weren’t sure what brought you back to Gotham, it wasn’t exactly the most pleasant place, not to mention your family were here. But it became your home, you knew it was reckless with the possibility you were pregnant. But your mind was racing and part of you hoped you would lose it by fighting rather than having to choose to have it done yourself, you looked in your utility belt for your mobile phone. And for the first time you looked in your camera history, mostly pictures of you and Dick but some of where you have snook a picture of Jason. You giggled and didn’t notice the faint ‘swoosh!’ behind you.
“Hello stranger.” A voice that sounded like your twin brother was heard, and you turned around in the dark filthy alley and there he was. You turned around and clenched your fists, the damp puddles colliding with your boots were the only thing heard. “Damian-I” you cut yourself off, unsure what to say. “Come home please, don’t make me beg.” He trembled and gently moved closer, the most cautious you’ve seen him in a while. “You know I can’t, I want too. But I just can’t.” You replied turning back around and putting your phone away.
“Please.” He approached you, getting closer. Close enough to hug but neither of you had the guts. “No Damian, I’m finally doing something because I want to do it, I’m not coming home, it’s final.” You almost yelled and his brows furrowed. “Then you have decided, but so have I.” You heard the frustration in his voice. “What do you think you’re talking about.” You asked in your own frustrated tone, your face scrunching in anger; this being the first time you remember being so angry with him. “Don’t make me do this sister.” His voice becoming more desperate, “What?! What will you do?” You breathed out turning your head slightly.
“I’ll drag your ass back to the manor, don’t make me.” You could hear the venom in his voice, “Let’s see it then!” You swung backwards and kicked him as hard as possible in the gut. He held his stomach silently before quickly returning to his feet, you immediately ran at him and attempted to get as many punches in as possible while he recovered from your surprise. “You always let your emotions get the better of you!” He shouted before grabbing your foot as you went in for a high kick; he grabbed your leg and hit you back against a wall, but in retaliation you elbowed him as quickly as possible and leached forward. “Well, takes one to know one.” You said, playing a little game of cat and mouse and you both constantly got close to seriously wounding the other, but you’d both always find a way out of it.
You sensed he was holding back, but so were you; you thought you were keeping up with him, constantly blocking and flipping backwards if needed, but he pulled out a trick you didn’t see coming. He jumped and propelled himself using a nearby wall and kicked you right in the face, blood dripped down your lip and bruises adorned your face, he also had his fair share of wounds, but the strength of the kick sent you flying backwards; onto the cold concrete. “You done yet?” He mumbled as you held your stomach, worried. Damian went down to grab you by the shoulders and hopefully knock you out to “protect you.”
But you were swift and wrapped your legs quickly around his ankles and tripped him up, landing just over you, giving you enough time to return to your feet but not before punching his face with full force, causing his lip to bleed. You cartwheeled over him to avoid his kick in retaliation, but you grabbed his leg and slapped it hard against the ground, you knew there was a bit of wrath and pent up jealousy in this action but you had to keep him down, you pinned his wrists above his head and used your body against him to hold him. He clawed and scrapped at your wrists but you never let go. “What would grandfather say?” You asked and suddenly he wasn’t holding back anymore as he broke out of your grip and used his own legs to kick you in the chest, sending you backwards.
He pulled himself up with ease and you quickly matched his stance, “that’s not fair and you know it sister.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice and you knew immediately you had gone too far. The next couple minutes was brutal, no holding back any punches as you both pulled out some of your best skills, but you knew it was over when he pinned you to ground and held you by your neck. He raised his hand going to knock the air out of you lungs, you braced for it and coughed out a bit of blood upon impact. But it all changed when he position the next punch for your stomach, “Damian! No!” You screamed, horrified, in pure fear; and he held back, hearing the terror in your voice. He froze for a second, confused.
Your fear subsided as you basked in a familiar presence: two, red, hot lasers made Damian jolt back, as they were aimed close to his hand, close enough to scare him, but not to chop of his hand. “Enough.” You heard Jon’s voice, your heart fluttering. And you wondered why it was so romantic to you that he had come to save you, Damian looked bewildered but was even more annoyed when you pushed him off and scrambled over to Jon. He immediately took you in an embrace and went in for a kiss before remembering Damian’s presence, “how long has our family known?” You asked Damian and he stood up finally, looking incredibly frustrated but also wanting answers on what the hell just happened. Why were you clenching your stomach like that? And why was Jon so protective about it? Damian wanted to know.
“2 days, they aren’t happy.” He uttered and you and Jon looked at each other in shame. “Your family is so worried about you Jon.” Damian turned his gaze to your boyfriend, “seriously you left a note? With a half baked apology?” Jon hung his head in shame, “Shut up Damian! What do you know!?” You yelled at him but Jon held you back and eyed your stomach. You stopped immediately, hoping Damian didn’t notice the exchange. “What’s going on? Are you hiding something?” He said with urgency and moved closer.
“Just piss off Damian!” You lunged but was restrained by Jon who embraced you to hold you back and calm you down, one arm around your shoulder keeping you flush against him; and the other was wrapped around your stomach. Damian wasn’t dumb, and you knew that but you weren’t excepting him to place it all together by a few quick glances and Jon being less than subtle by cradling your stomach. “If what I think is happening is happening, it better not be what I think it is.” He clenched his fists, and you were more worried for Jon.
“What the fuck is wrong with you both?!” Damian shouted and hunched in frustration, you could see his teeth grating. So furious. “Tell me I’ve got this wrong, please for the sake of our friendship.” He met Jon eyes and you rubbed his back to comfort him. He struggled to get the words out but eventually worked up the bravery, “we aren’t sure yet, but still you should have been pulling your punches anyway! She’s your sister.” Jon remarked with annoyance but Damian matched his anger. “It’s not her I’m angry with right now.” He moved closer almost like he was ready to pounce on you both. “I’m telling father.” Damian whisper and your eyes widened. “Please don’t! I’m not even sure yet.” You replied but he argued back. “Doesn’t matter! You shouldn’t be out here alone anyway! Just come home and Jon might even be forgiven for all this if he’s the one that brings you back-“
“Don’t blame Jon, I recruited him.”
“And for all the other things?”
“You know that’s a two way street Damian.”
He bowed his head, you can tell there was so much he wanted to say and do but it’s as if you both telepathically agreed you were too tired for this. “Stay close, I’m bringing you home one way or another.” Damian declared, and disappeared out of thin air.
“You okay babe?” Jon said and met your eyes while cradling your face and brining your forehead to his.
“We need that test, now”
Taglist: @waterwyne @venusmorning @planetlotus @sugarrush-blush @skepvids @dreaming-of-the-reality @otterluver05 @godoreo22 @earth-to-name @krys0210 @mallowryblog @0924ours @type-ink
Quick Note: I’ve had some issues tagging people, please if you weren’t tagged and asked to be, check your settings please! I wouldn’t ignore anyone on purpose 💕 I’m also gonna be super busy with exams and I also need to get working on my teen trinity series for those who are waiting for that so I’m sorry but this won’t be updated for a week or so, sorry for the inconvenience 💗
- If you want to be tagged in the next part don’t be afraid to ask I try and tag as many as possible <3
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twstfanblog · 7 months ago
So I was up wayyy too late last night and I had an idea for Manhwa D (this is really long sorry but also not sorry) ((thanks for getting my creative juices flowing))
Crewel and Crowley go back in time and they both remember. They wake up one night when Yuu is eight, look at each other, and instantly know that the other knows. At 1am they start panic planning how to move away and disappear out of the social world to keep their daughter safe, working strangely well for once.
At some point though they come to the realization that YUU DID NOTHING WRONG. Sure, she had a little more attitude and sass than most other nobles, and sure, she showed her love through gentle teasing - but why should they root up her life when the people who truly did something wrong was the FL and the trio?? Besides, Yuu had enjoyed her life of parties and social events and fine art. Who were they to take that all away from her in favor of hiding her away?
No, it would be much better to do something about the ones who harmed her in the first place.
Yuu wakes up to her parents suddenly becoming 4x more overprotective and doting. It’s a little annoying that they constantly need to know everything that’s going on, but really, who is she to complain when her new night routine is being smothered in kisses by her fathers right before falling asleep?
Crewel and Crowley use their knowledge of the next 13 years to turn their grand duchy into even more of a powerhouse, forging connections with merchants and nobles alike who will make it big. At some point their duchy rivals the power of the imperial family. They cut of connections with the Ashengrottos and the Al-Asims in favor of other noble families. They can’t really cut ties with Malleus, so they opt to send gifts over for his birthday instead of actually attending.
At first Yuu is devastated when her parents tell her she can’t be around the trio anymore, but Dire and Divus sit her down and have a long discussion about how the boys haven’t treated her well and that she deserves better, more caring friends. Thus starts the rounds of new playmates.
Yuu’s first friend comes in Leona, the second son of Duke Kingscholar, two years older than Yuu. Although both Leona and Yuu her hesitant about the idea of being each other’s playmates, they hit it off because of how well their personalities meshed, and because they could match each other’s level of sass. Mostly they would sit around and snack while playing chess and other games, or lounging around outside and talking about everything and anything.
Idia and Riddle initially start out as schoolmates to receive tutoring with, but they all end up getting along well enough and they all just kinda hang out at the Crowley mansion along with Ace and Deuce, Riddle’s child attendants who get schooling alongside him, and Ortho, Idia’s little brother, who had a major heart attack as a kid and as a result has a heart made and fueled by magic.
Lastly comes Vil. Yuu met Vil when Crewel and Crowley decided to sponsor up-and-coming actors. Of course, they already knew who they were going to sponsor because they knew who would make it big, but they hosted it as an audition and Yuu came to watch. They had planned for Neige to become one of Yuu’s playmates, but after the audition Yuu had ran over to Vil and started GUSHING about his amazing acting and how he portrayed the depth of his (villain) character. So, Vil became the playmate instead. After gaining some real friends and seeing who different it was from before with the trio, she finally sees what her fathers meant when they said that stuff about the Malleus, Azul and Jamil.
Time passes and Yuu is living the life. Her parents are taking revenge on everyone in the past who ever harmed her. That son of a viscount who drunkenly spilled wine on her dress at Yuu’s 16th birthday party in the first timeline? An anonymous tip is sent to the police about the viscount’s fraud and illegal business ventures, and a month later the viscount is imprisoned and the rest of the family scattered.
Yuu looks back at her old friends in the trip with disdain but not hatred. She realizes that they didn’t like her and she is upset because she was genuinely trying to be their friends, but she knows that it wasn’t that serious and they were all just stupid kids. Nothing came of the dislike for her (this time). Besides now she has real friends who treat her better than ever and value her.
The trio are all having a hard time, because besides realizing how much they missed Yuu and realizing that they cared, their families have been on the decline because of the lack of a good relationship with the Crowley Duchy. Their parents don’t understand why the duke suddenly cut them off. But the kids? yeah they realize.
Yuu is living the dream life. She’s beautiful, smart and powerful. She’s the flower of high society and is not only close friends with loads of highly talented people, but also has lots of female friends. She even made a personal connection to the powerful Diamond merchants by helping and befriending the leader’s only son, Cater Diamond. As for romance, this time around Yuu falls for Leona.
They both fall for each other slowly as they grow up. The reason is basically the same for both of them; that reason being that the other took the time to get to know the real them, saw who they really were, and still accepted them with love. Yuu didn’t care that Leona was the moody second son who felt inferior to his brother, she just saw him as the extremely intelligent, strategic and strong guy he is. Leona didn’t care about Yuu’s sassy and *sometimes* bitchy attitude, he saw her for the badass she is.
Leona also loves how strong Yuu is and how she always seem to know how to get her way. Also, because she’s one of the only people who seems to acknowledge any of his feats, and she does so with absolute adoration and awe on her face. Yuu loves that even though she is strong and can defend herself (Crewel and Crowley forced her to take martial arts so no past mistakes were repeated) both physically and in a battle of wits, Leona is always there to help her is she needs it; willing to say the rude things she can’t in fear of ruining her pristine reputation and coming to her help when faced with an attacker. It felt nice to have someone who she can depend on, but can also depend on her.
After Yuu turns sixteen, Leona asks Crewel and Crowley to court Yuu, and they accept. He then asks Yuu herself and she also accepts. They begin courting (dating). Leona is a surprisingly romantic lover. He knows that if he’s anything less than perfect her parents will disapprove, but he also wants to do these things. He thought it was a hassle at first but Yuu’s smile when he shows her love, whether it be big or small, makes his heart leap with uncharacteristic joy. Yuu and Leona continue to see each other until, on her 21st birthday, Leona pulls Yuu into the garden in the evening and proposes to her.
Imagine to the joy that Dire and Divus felt when their daughter, dressed to the 11s, walks in hand in hand with Leona and proudly shows off to her fathers the absolutely gorgeous ring on her finger. The date is quickly set for the wedding and all the planning begins. Dire and Divus want this to be the biggest and best celebration ever held in the grand duchy. After all, these are going to be the people who eventually rule over it in the future. (For sure Leona is going to take the Crowley name so he can help Yuu rule over the duchy)
The date for the wedding? The date that Yuu died in the past timeline. It’s Crowley and Crewel’s final FU to the past and all the happened in a nice full circle moment. In the past this was the worst day of Yuu’s life, the day she realized her friends hated her and when she died. And now, it’ll be the happiest day of her life where she’s marrying the man she loves with her real friends watching and supporting her, ready to start a new chapter of her life, one that no one the future of, but Dire and Divus know it’ll be a good one.
- I kinda just dumped my feelings onto this so I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry if this was a lot to look at/read. Bye!
This is a mini manhwa in of itself and I ADORED IT! Yuu x Leona honestly makes a lot of sense with the waybyou built their relationship up. This was so cute to wake up to!!!
Manhwa D is a lot of Crewel and Crowley actually working together and confusing their staff even more and what the fuck kinda relationship they have.
The saddest part is that they WOULDN'T have that talk with Yuu about how the trio treat her isn't okay, because its how they fucking treat each other. And Yuu's smart enough to point that out and question why its ok for them to say mean things about each other all the time and just...put up with it???
Crewel and Crowley stay married for their own selfish reasons and in this AU its to the deservice of Yuu because literally they just need to divorce and co-parent from their separate estates.
Yuu would still be closer to new friends over time but then they'd point out from what she said, the way the trio were treating her wasn't ok.
Yuu: What do you mean? That's how my dads talk to each other all the time?
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cyberkitty1 · 2 years ago
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- he knows that the work he does is dangerous and could very easily all blow up in his face, but he wants.. no needs to keep you and the other two people he has in his life. He keeps his work away from home he doesn’t want you or his mother to figure out anything. But one small mistake and he releases his secret.
“ Where is he? “ you mumbled to yourself dressed casually ready for your pre-planned date with Miles. You guys where planning on going to small restaurants to eat at them go to him place for a movie. Checking the time on your phone your realize he’s an hour late late. He was supposed to pick you up at 7:00.
So you text him
y/n. where are u??? you where supposed to pick me up over an hour ago
“ Are you kidding me? “. You stare at your phone waiting for a response but it doesn’t happen. you start to get frustrated, upset even. The tears build in your eyes as you tilt your head up to the sealing. This is the fifth time he flaked on you, in a row.
You decide to get undressed, no point in waiting anymore. Just as you where about to lay down and put on your favorite show, Bzzz he texted you.
miles. im sorry mami i got called in for work ill make it up to you
y/n. so work is more important than me now???
miles. dont start now we will talk later
y/n. sure
She was mad, beyond mad angry. The thing that got to her the most was that he told her he would take her out not the other way around. Slowly the anger turned into sadness, why was he always working? Was this so called work even important? was he cheating? No he would never.
You where just so confused. You checked the time and saw is was already 10 o’clock, had you thought that much? You sighed brining the blanket up to your neck turning off the TV to watch tiktoks on your phone. He texted you multiple times but you where not in the mood to respond.
Suddenly you heard the familiar sound of your window being opened. You knew who it was but you didn’t want to look; continuing to face the opposite way.
You heard him close the window behind him and walk a couple steps. “I know youre awake” he said “ I never said I wasnt “ you spit back. “ well you werent even looking at my texts, whys that?” he questioned. You sat up turning twords him “ you know why! “ tears filling your eyes.
“I waited an hour for you to show up but you never did! I waited and waited until i gave up.” Miles sighs holding the bridge of his nose. “ im sorry you know that, I had work-” “ oh! so work is more important than me? Youre willing to ditch me so you can go do your so called “ work” you said doing air quotations.
His face hardens “alto, te dije cuando nos pusimos serios que mi trabajo me llama al azar. Whenever they need me I go” he sighed. You thought about what you were going to say next. “ Ok Miles, but i need you too” you tried to keep your voice even but failed, your eyes welled with tears threatening to fall. He sat next to you on your bed.
“Lo sé mami, lo siento, sé que puse el trabajo antes que tú, pero estoy haciendo esto para mantenerte a salvo, ¿verdad?.” You only stared at him. “ Keep me safe from what?” He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, and explained to you everything from the moment his dad died.
“ Solo lo hago para que mi mamá no tenga que trabajar tanto por dinero. Ella ya hace tanto por mí que necesito ayudar. Do you understand?” You turn and look at his brown eyes just as the moonlight hits them. His eye bags are dark his face is tired.
You know what he does now and for some reason you are not scared instead you feel for him. You had no idea he was going through all that he never told you.
You wrap your arms around his neck bringing him into a hug, in turn be wraps his hands around your waist head resting on your shoulder.
“ You’re not scared of me right mami?” He says quietly “never mi amor.”
This was not proof read that much sorry .
This is my very first writing on here so please be kind. I have more in the works so expect more soon 🤭
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ilwonuu · 7 months ago
heyy ive tried to send you an ask but idk if it reached you or not. can i ask for a request if you dont mind, so
jungwoo taking you home after a date and is about to drop you at your home (she lives alone) but she doesn't get out as soon as they arrive cause they have a lil chit chat that starts to heat up and lost in their world as they now having car sex. it's a new experience for them in which jungwoo got star-struck by seeing how beautiful his gf is getting fucked in the dimmed light. they can't get over each other and decide to take the next round in her room. In the end they talked ab how beautiful tonight is as they recover some new experiences and can't wait to unbox another surprise in their amazing relationship.
thank you sosososo much i always love ur writing and im so happy that you write a lot bcs i always have something to read from you hahah love you!
hiii my angel!!! im so sorry this ask got eaten in my inbox but here i am to fulfill it<3 i love jungwoo so much and i love writing for him so of course!!! this ask has me,,, thank you so much for reading my work i love you<3
𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍
✩˚。⋆𝗄𝗂𝗆 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗈
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✾ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀- 𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖽𝗈𝗆!𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗈 𝗑 𝗌𝗎𝖻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
✾ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗆𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝖾𝗑 𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌, 𝖼𝖺𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗌, 𝗉𝖾𝗍 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 (𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾, 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒), 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒'𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝖻𝗁, 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄, 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗂 𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀<𝟥
✾ 𝖺/𝗇- 𝗁𝗂𝗂𝗂𝗂 𝗆𝗅𝗌 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗆 𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗈 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖾. 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒<𝟥 (𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗌)
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date night with your boyfriend was always special. he always made you feel comfortable and you always did with him. he took you out tonight which you had the perfect date. he got your favorite wine for you as a gift.
when you two arrived at your house you two of course never wanting this perfect night to end. jungwoo was the perfect boyfriend for you because you always felt speci
al as you should. you fell more in love everyday with him. “you okay?” jungwoo realized you weren’t talking for a moment. the car was parked in your driveway as he turned his full attention to you. you nodded quickly.
“of course- just thinking about how good you looked.” you laughed at your boyfriend’s shocked face.
“i was just thinking the same about you love. come here.” you leaned into kiss his lips quickly. once your lips met you knew you needed more than this simple kiss. you deepened the kiss, surprising jungwoo. he thought the kiss was gonna be innocent.
what can you do? you have a sexy boyfriend so of course one kiss will work you up. his hand found your body quickly. you could tell that the kiss has him needy for you as well. you and jungwoo’s night just gets more and more romantic. kissing under the dim light. you started to let your hands roam his body.
you let a soft whimper leave your mouth when you feel jungwoo’s hand under you shirt. everything he does makes you feel like you’re floating.
“wanna get in my lap love?” he whispers into your ear softly with a peck against your cheek. you nod at his words.
“sit back.” you say to him with a smile as you climb into his lap. he pulls you to kiss him again. you two quickly getting back to the pace that you were at. jungwoo helped you move softly against his lap.
“what do you want my pretty girl?” he whispered to you in the sweetest tone as he left soft kisses against your skin. the dress that you were wearing was bunched around your stomach.
“i want you.” you touched his chest seductively and he just smirks at you.
“you have all of me love.” he left a kiss on your lips.
“need you jungwoo.” you whisper to him shyly as he just kisses you more.
“i know my love. i’ll make you feel good.” your boyfriend says to you as he captures your lips again. both of your hands are roaming eachother. your hands landing on his bulge. his hand massaging your thigh. jungwoo’s hand slid into your panties as you played with his pants. you tried your best to focus on touching him but you got lost in the feeling of his hand pretty easily.
“keep going love.” his voice is breathless as you grind a little on his finger. he helps you keep your focus on touching him. directing your hands as he whispers sweet praises to you about how good your are or how perfect you are for him as he works a finger into you gently.
you moan at the feeling as you pull jungwoo’s cock out just enough for you. your boyfriend lets out a soft moan at the sensation of your bare hand. you started to stroke his cock along with his fingers thrusts. both of you were quick to get lost in the pleasure your were giving each other.
“j-jungwoo- i’m close.” you whisper in heavy breaths as jungwoo’s fingers touch you in all the best places.
“yeah? me too sweetheart. c-cum for me love.” he kisses your jaw with soft kisses as you are practically humping his hand at this point.
you’re moving your hand on him just the way he likes getting cute moans and groans from him as you reach your high. his fingers hit your perfect spot in a quick thrust and you can’t help but to come undone onto his fingers. jungwoo watching you fall apart for him.
the scene is just enough for his high to follow quickly after. his cum painting your dress and his shirt. his breathing is heavy and his chest in big as he catches his breath. both of you had that look in your eye when you guys came down from your climax.
both of you wanting more. jungwoo pulled you over his lap to line you up with his half hard cock. he looked in your eyes for a little. this just made you want him more.
“please.” you mutter out as he helps you sit down onto his cock. both of your mouths falling open at the feeling. the sensitivity making both of you moan out.
“you know how beautiful you look right now?” he said to you as he helped you moved slowly against him. jungwoo can’t help but to kiss your skin with almost every one of his thrusts.
“j-jungwoo- please.” you didn’t even know what you were begging him for. but you knew you needed everything he was giving you in this moment.
“please what sweetheart? i’m right here.” he was gentle with his hips bucking to meet your grinding against him. jungwoo was already making you squirm from his thrusts.
“feels so fucking good.” you threw your head back as your hips took over. you were moving at a pace that had both of your eyes rolling back.
“b-baby i’m gonna cum- if you keep moving like that.” his voice is shaking as you can tell he’s getting closer.
“i k-know- feels so good.” you keep your pace the same as you pull jungwoo into a sloppy kiss. both of you getting lost in the feeling quickly. the car windows were completely foggy from the heat inside the car at this point. you and jungwoo were sweating from the movements.
“i’m coming-“ you threw your head back in pleasure as you felt your second orgasm wash over you. you moaned his name a couple times as you moved through your high. jungwoo give you no time to prepare before his cum is filling you up. you’re moaning at the feeling as you continue to move to milk him of every last drop.
“holy- shit. come here.” he muttered to you as he pulled you into a kiss. you pulled away after a bit with a smile. you pulled his cock out of you slowly as you climbed back over to your side of the car. you pulled your dress back down after fixing your panties. you looked over to see your boyfriend all sweaty with his head back as he fixed his pants.
“come inside?”(girl he already did) you say with a wink. jungwoo would never say no to you. of course he is coming inside.
“lead the way beautiful.” he smirked as he saw the stains on your dress when you two got out of the car.
“you ruined it!” you laughed as he hugged you from behind as you two walk to the door.
“doesn’t look ruined to me.” he smiled at you innocently as you two finally got inside. you guys wasted no time going to your bedroom. both of being all touching with each other as you lay against your bed. jungwoo is quick to hover over you. you just smirking up at him.
“just gonna stare? kiss me.” you say with a smirk. jungwoo does just that. he is quick to kiss you softly as he gets both of you out of you clothes. you two are quick to get under your comforter to kiss a little more. you don’t wait any longer as he you help him line up with your entrance again.
jungwoo smirks at your cunt. jungwoo’s bottoms out slowly as you two gasp at the adjustment. you are already a moaning mess. your even more sensitive now. everything feels so good and especially because it’s with jungwoo. he is perfect in every way.
“you feel perfect.” jungwoo left a kiss against your shoulders as he started to move. you are so lost in the feeling. sweet praises are leaving jungwoo’s lips. he can’t stop once he started. he just wants to make sure how amazing you are for him.
“feel good my love?” he kisses you sweetly.
“s-so good- please don’t stop.” your brain is all clouded at this point. all you can think about is how good everything feels.
“j-jungwoo- right there! i’m gonna cum.” jungwoo listened to every word you had to say. he wanted to make sure you always felt good during sex. he knows exactly how to get you moaning for him.
“my beautiful girl. cum for me.” he encouraged you as you felt a finger against your clit. he helped you get to your climax quick. your mind going black as you saw stars. you came right with him. his cum filling you up again making you moan. jungwoo fucked you through your highs as he collapses next to you.
“god- i didn’t know you had that stamina in you.” you joked as he caught his breath. he looked at tired but once his eyes met your he felt fine.
“i can go however long for you.” he left a kiss on your nose.
“you know i still can’t get over how good you looked in the car.” he pulled you into his arms.
“everything about tonight feel perfect for me.” he looks at you sweetly.
“i agree love. i love doing new things with you. you always make me feel comfortable.” you peck your boyfriend’s lips with a smile.
“to many more with you. you’re stuck with me forever.” jungwoo giggled as he pulled you into his arms.
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tag list: @blackeyehuaaa @haechansbbg @sailor- -sun
lmk to be in my tag list <3
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