#im seizing this meme for redistribution
“I love you”
“You were my friend, and you told me the truth. Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant... my touchstone.”
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It’s Time For The Obligatory Meme Recap Post 2017
I’ve been working on it all year! It’s my Memes of 2017 Post!
 I note down a meme when I see more than three different versions of it with several thousands of notes each on my dash.
January: I will not be including memes from December that have continued into January, only new ones that are starting this month.
Vandalising the hollywood sign
No Fear (middle panel with something bad) One Fear
Punch a nazi (if you can call it a meme)
Salt bae     
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Idk if this started before but that picture of the white dude with the boat shoes lookin all suburban
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Re-writings of that poem about the cow like ‘I lik the bred’ which has resurfaced
this image accompanied by logical but also illogical/bad ideas
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The annual comic sans valentines - not as big as it used to be this year I feel??
The transformation porn comission that everyone thought was a political statement:
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Emoji reviews (??? was this january?? Or even december? A Slow Meme)
The weird one with people editing long jumps or falls so that the person was flying endlessly through space and time to the song Shooting Stars in the background
And finally, the Great Oscars Best Picture Mistake
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this one^^
this gif as a reaction like pretending not to be surprised:
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The confetti from the tumblr birthday banner
Variations on cowboys’ ‘what in tarnation’ with other words ending in -tion
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(hot pockets??? I think I’ve seen it before but it seems to be popping up a lot recently)
How Italians do stuff -
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Student Athlete memes
Person a: how is the world’s  prettiest [boy/girl/person/thing] doing today? - person b: (not looking up) I don't know, how are you? - person b: *voice cracking* fine
Tiny tamagotchi-like horse for april fool’s
Kendall Jenner’s terrible pepsi ad that was immediately axed for being, like, RIDICULOUSLY offensive. On just. So many levels.
Spelling out quotes in song titles via spotify playlists
‘in case you haven’t noticed, im WEIRD. I’m a weirdo. i dont fit in. and i dont WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s WEIRD.’
John C Miller, CEO and president of the Denny’s corporation, is a capitalist running dog and his wealth must be seized and redistributed to the people
Fyre Festival
Yeah can I get a fuckin uhhhhhh
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This is a horrible way to start the month but… thrussy.
Ordinary people vs. creative people comics
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The ap exam talk, especially apush - ‘apush me off a cliff’ was a trending tag
The history of the entire world I guess
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The obligatory eurovision memes - the yodel/rap duo, gorilla suit, the naked dudes, horse head, butt?
people: reasonable statement - me: SaME sTatEMEnT WiTh wEIrd CapITaLisaTIOn (and this image)
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Avocado toast
Cracking open a cold one with the boys
The Babadook as the biggest pride month icon
Also people are giving lgbt identities to cryptids.
The floor is (something)
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People taking over deactivated nazi blogs and turning them into a giant woody the cowboy roleplaying hivemind - note: I’ve heard this being called ‘woody’s roundup’ and that’s THE BEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD
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Re-wordings of the opening line to owl city’s ‘fireflies’
Grids like this:
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Ditty.it videos
People cleaning people’s hollywood stars and calling them ‘MY president’
How to talk to short people - this picture was the base but the second box was edited each time:
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So much dream daddy
‘Don’t interact’ strips
This image for all kinds of things - quite often historical in context:
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Tom Holland having a frog in his mouth. Literally the first of august.
Wtf was with pickle rick?? I went from seeing 0 rick and morty content to having pickle rick on all my social media
this, with the ‘expensive’ and sometimes the ‘worse’ substituted for whatever the point is:
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sex is intimate and sacred. your body is a temple and you shouldn’t share it with anyone who (insert ridiculous statement here).
Using the fancy handwriting for text posts.
That fucking ‘hewwo?’ meme I HATE took off
The one with the guy ignoring his gf for another girl in front of her with everyone labelled to show someone choosing a tempting option over an existing, sensible option:
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This grid may become the new dnd alignment chart for categorising characters tbh:
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This was a slow-grower so probably started in the summer but the ‘fellas, is it gay to [insert innocuous activity here] because idk I mean [insert massive reach as to how this activity is homoerotic] [insert suspicious/tea emojis]’
‘The old [something] can’t come to the phone right now? Why? Oh, ‘cause she’s dead.”
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The one with pictures of people photoshopped over this so they look they’re cutting the monkey’s hair??
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The antithesis of marge simpson’s ‘its true but he shouldn’t say it’:
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The obligatory halloween content needs to get out of the way before real memes begin to emerge.
This was definitely earlier but it’s grown recently and I forgot to add it before so - who would win boxes with one really tough thing and one really unremarkable ‘[something] boi’ that could defeat it:
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Dr pig?? This one is complicated, more details if and when I understand it (note: I never did)
That fake as HELL story that Reylo shipper made up about arguing with a child and then getting crepes
Been around a while but ‘thanks I hate it’ took off
‘First of all’ tweets
I don’t trust like that
The seagull photosets for things that went from 0-100 in volume real quick
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November: a meme dark age begins.
EA’s giant ass paywall
‘The girl reading this’
Those screenshots of tabs open on safari that make a picture all together:
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Africa by Toto seems to be experiencing a surge
December: not including the obligatory resurfacing of all the Christmemes from generations of yore
[Singer:] [dirty song lyrics] ‘8 year old me’:
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(I’ve been away from tumblr for one week and I’ve missed three memes)
That awful pro-life zootopia comic
The bitcoin scam
Why weren’t you at elf practice (the fact that all three of these emerged at the same time created crossover HELL)
and that’s all she wrote - add any that I missed below! happy new years have a great 2018!
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