#im really pumping out lore here-
screwzara · 1 year
Judice P. Thabal
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He is a student of Opemore University and is classmates and friends with Zara and Harp
He considers Zara and Harp his best friends :)
He takes particular interest in Hybrid Biology though, most think it's due to his nature
Having a Human father and an Ifaryus mother is not easy -> I'll talk about this more later in a fun fact
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the-kingshound · 7 months
Hej hej! Please dont worry about updating!! Honestly, reading your blog is already super fulfilling! I get really excited whenever I see youve posted on here <3 Like, tiny lore drops or RO asks or drabbles or literally anything, Im squealing like a cartoon teenage girl "Kal posted!.!.!" <33 Really, really love your story (stories, ig i love from the ashes we rise so much as well), and any smidge of info or content you give us of it :D Im obv excited and pumped for whenever the update might come out but its 0 rush! Please take whatever time you need for whatever reason! <3
I love you anon please accept this realistic picture of me while reading:
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bittersweet-adagio · 1 month
THIS IS REAL FUCKING ASS I PUMPED IT OUT IN 15 MINUTES IM UNPREPARED THERES LIKE NO LORE PREPARATION FOR THIS FEEL FREE TO SEND ASKS. IM SORRY also this is gonna be so fucking embarrassing if people end up voting for flor in the last hour or so…
This is how it was always meant to end. 
Vera will admit, she doesn’t really want to do this. She knows it’ll haunt her for the rest of her life. Unforgiving, burning like a flame deep in her stomach, searing through her lungs and throbbing at her heart.
Ellie won. Part of Vera wishes she had lost, just so she wouldn’t have to do this herself.
Ellie was Vera’s best friend. Her first love. Her universe. Her everything. Guardian Kora would never approve of it, and she knew that very well.
Vera doesn’t have very long. It’ll be over soon. She lets the sound of her heels reverberate around the stadium, watching as both Flor and Ellie turn around at the sight of her in her bloody wedding dress. Flor must be shocked she isn’t dead, surely?
Guardian Kora requested there be a wait before the execution on stage. No security guards are currently present. They will be, soon. This means that Vera has to go through with it. She has to, otherwise she’ll die with Flor and disappoint her mother. Her family. She’ll die with no honor.
“Vera?” Ellie asks, her voice barely above a whisper. Her pink dress flows in the wind. The bun in her hair had gotten a bit messed up in the performance, but it’s still pretty. Isn’t it?
“Close your eyes, Ellie.” Vera walks closer, hand behind her back. 
“Why are you here? You- You can’t be here. You need to get off the stage or they’ll—“
“Close. Your. Eyes. I don’t want you to look at me, please. Please don’t look at me, I’m so sorry.” Both of her hands drop to her sides. She carries a gun, heavy in her palm as it trembles in her grip.
“What? No, what are you doing? What’s happening? Vera, you’re scaring me, this isn’t your performance, get off the—“
The gun is immediately pointed at Ellie’s head. Vera’s hand shakes, and it’s like the world disappears around her. Nobody else exists but Ellie. Her love, her princess.
Vera hates death. She hates dying. So why did Guardian Kora have to send her out to ANAKT Garden for this purpose? To spread the name of her channel, to spout rumors and clout? All press is good press, after all. But is this really what she had to do?
The guards are coming.
She can’t do it. This is what it was always meant to be like. Vera was scared of befriending Ellie, her target since the beginning, much less fall in love with her. It didn’t help what they did together in ANAKT. Vera had said, “I’d like it if you lied to me, just this once, and kissed me as if you wanted me. I really love you, Ellie, I do.”
And who was Ellie to refuse?
It had always been that way. Ellie never felt anything for Vera, and that’s what made it hurt. She lied because Vera wanted her to. And now, Vera couldn’t explain anything to Ellie. Or to Khoi. Or anyone, for that matter. She’s gonna go fucking insane.
Vera turns over to Flor, smiles, and tells her, “Congratulations on making it to your next round,” before shooting Ellie straight in the head and running off the stage entirely.
She can’t see, but she can hear, all the 
murmurs and the running of the guards. This probably was a shock to them, huh? Bet they wondered what all this was for, especially from a guardian that was neither of the current contestants.
Do they regret it as much as Vera? She should’ve just said no and run away back when Kora told her what she had to do. For the buzz, she said. For the popularity of the channel, she said. For the health and wellbeing of Vera’s siblings, she said.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She just fucking shot the love of her life because she can’t bear the thought of all those lives on the line. Why couldn’t she say no? She could’ve ran, escaped, taken Ellie with her. They could’ve been happy.
Tears stream down Vera’s face, hot against her skin. She doesn’t know how long she has to run. She knows she can’t see her siblings again. She knows that now her life is going to go to absolute shit and that she probably won’t live for even a day after this event. The Agency for the Recovery of Escaped Pet Humans is probably going to track her down. She won’t live. But isn’t that what she wanted?
Deep down, she knows that isn’t true. She wants to live, desperately.
That will never happen now.
She’s sorry. She really is.
She drops her gun on the floor and sprints for her life, teardrops and bloodshed staining her beautiful white dress as she hopes that she can live as long as she possibly could. That way, at least the love she had would live longer than the person she felt it for.
not tagging lore people bc i think everyones finding this… but i will tag @sotogalmo to say that flor’s reaction is vague on purpose so you can add what she does and also @season39 so yk what i uh… what i did…
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
HELLO omg i love your solangelo royals AU, their flirtatious enemies to lovers chemistry in part 2 is so cute 😭 not sure if you’re planning to write more in the universe (i’m already so grateful for what you have out!!) but i just gotta say i am so curious about nico seeking asylum, and what the circumstances were when he showed up, and i desperately want to read more of EVERYTHING in this paragraph:
“Will was annoyed with him the first day they met. He was annoyed the second time, seething, really, dragging Nico back to the sterile surgical suite to fix his torn stitches. He was annoyed when Nico first shouted at him, bewilderment at this random physician treating him like he was another resident of the palace, not the only son of Hades. He was annoyed, notably, the one time Nico came to the infirmary after spraining his wrist in sword fighting and, in Will’s words, “breathed too loudly.”
i hit that ao3 subscribe button so fast 🫠
anyway, love your writing and all the snippets you post!!!! thank you!!
hi hi hi!! you have been reblogging my stuff!! i am very grateful for it as it makes me feel appreciated enough to keep posting!!
i am absolutely planning more in-universe 😎😎 i want the main fic to be long, slowburn, and will pov; i have lots of scenes rattling around in my brain but i'm still working on an actual plotline lol. if i figure out a way to start it i'm just gonna start and hope the plot finds me along the way lol
okay so the asylum thing. i have Lore and im so pumped u asked so here is my rambling:
my idea, and this whole spiel is pretty heavily inspired by this royal au series i'm obsessed with by @gatesofember (with a sprinkling of setting inspo from this fic by @percyinpanties), is that each olympian/major god is a House. so like House Zeus, House Apollo, House Hades, etc. i just thought it was way cooler than kingdom lol.
nico has been fighting nonstop w his father since bianca died. just. constantly. notoriously. they do not get along. they argue about EVERYTHING.
one day, Prince Nico of Hades shows up at House Apollo, ass o'clock in the morning, barely clinging to his horse, exhausted, and claims asylum.
uproar. basically. like thats DRAMA.
of course apollo loves drama and also cannot refuse asylum without good reason, so he graciously accepts. some fun details about that:
nico is now, before a prince, an Asylum Seeker. by status, he is not royalty outside of his own House if he steps away from the role, which he lowkey has done by seeking asylum from his own House. he has very little say in anything now.
apollo, however, has granted him shelter in the royal wing of the House, granting him a royal suite of apartments as if he was a visiting diplomat/royal/House Hades representative. this does not, technically, change his official status, but it does make abundantly clear that apollo still considers him of royal status. aside from that, he's still a prince, and no one wants to make an enemy of a prince (since he can still easily return to his throne, essentially? like there are no laws stopping him from doing so. this whole situation is just Odd and Weird and Really Good Gossip), they were all gonna treat him like prince anyway. he has the fancy clothes and still wears his circlet and often sits in on apollo's fancy meetings and shit (apollo likes his nerve).
will could not give any less of a shit.
he is the only person in the entire House and probably beyond who not only does not give a shit, and does not give a shit to nico's face.
this is insane behaviour.
will is the house physician, right. so in term of respect, he has a lot of it, but he has no authority outside his own infirmary, really. he gets a lot more respect than his status calls for because he's prodigiously good at healing. like. people tease that he can raise the dead. he can't, but. you know. apollo is the House of Drama, really, so no surprises there.
will kinda holes himself up in the infirmary?? there are a few reasons for that. one, apollo is a very artistically inclined House, and will is not very artistically inclined, so he started working in the infirmary as a kid and basically stayed there lol. the court physician before him was actually apollo's oldest daughter, hygieia, whom will adored to a million pieces and who doted on him lol. (she got him a little physician's tunic when he was seven and he literally wore it until it was threads). anyways. he feels useful in the infirmary, and its also where he does all his studies, so he mostly stays in that area of the castle. two, he doesnt get boundaries very well. he also thinks hierarchy is deeply, deeply stupid. for his own safety his friends are like hey. maybe dont interact with visiting royals and diplomats and shit. because someone is going to stab you one day. (and will is like 'well i'll just fix myself then' and they're like 'will for the love of the gods. please.') plus the east wing of the castle (where the infirmary is) is rly well lit and beautiful and leads right to the gardens and the library, so will likes it there :)
this would usually be a great mix, right? nico, who has been treated very much as a prince his entire life and has had people either walking on eggshells around him or scared of him, who has never had anyone but his father and maybe his sister defy him in his life, chilling in the centre part of the castle with the rest of the more royal members, and will, mr Authority Who? Don't Tell Me What To Do, chilling out in the east. no need to interact with each other.
nico is a dumbass who got hurt on his way to House Apollo. and did not tell anyone bc thats embarrassing. so he collapses right after asking asylum, and is carried to will's infirmary, who waits with his foot tapping until nico wakes back up and tears into him 😭😭 calling him the biggest dumbass to ever cross these lands and getting quite creative with it, really, absolutely running his mouth, and as soon as nico recovers from being bewildered (does not take long) he is like you??? cannot fucking talk to me like that???? i am the prince of ghosts???? fucker??? who do you think you are talking to??? and will is like i brought you back into this world, you fucker, i will send your ass right back out of it if you dont sit down and shut up and write down these recovery instructions. and nico is like ???? meanwhile the nurses in the infirmery who know will's stubborn ass are GIGGLING. like they think hes gonna die but at least its funny.
everyone lowkey expects nico to tattle to apollo and get will thrown out or something.
nico does not. which is weird, because, like, maybe he usually would?? but will makes him so mad he cant even think straight. the second hes released from the infirmary he stomps to his new quarters, seething. he shows up in the infirmary next day with the full intent to start an argument. instead, will tries to put him to WORK. and then gets irritable when nico refuses and kicks him out.
just absolutely insane behaviour. if anyone talked to nico like that in his House theyd be arrested, if not excecuted. hell, if will says this shit in front of apollo he might still get arrested, because what. but nico keeps going back and continues to get humbled by will basically every day.
and, ho ho, what happens?? does he maybe begin to care about will?? no. of course not. will is a pain in his ass.
insert part two here, blah blah blah, nico very obviously does care about will and its embarrassing
he realises right after this that he cares about will. although theres still a layer of denial over it bc will is his fucking nemesis, a pain in his ass, and also a Whole Ass Guy, so.
will begrudgingly allows nico to drag him out of the infirmary on occasion.
he has to admit, that when nico isnt being a diva, he is.
kind of.
a little.
if he had a knife to his throat, he would admit this.
in terms of falling in love, they fall in love FAST. after that barrier of "you're so fucking annoying" "IM annoying?!?!?!" "yes glad you agree" crumbles, they both go TUMBLING off that cliff bro. will takes a cannon to every single one of the bitchy walls nico put up after his sister died, leaving him heart wrenchingly lonely. he treats nico like a person. and nico treats will like an equal, not someone lesser, in fact he treats will like hes not a prince, not a king, but a god. he reveres him. will has never felt this worthy of anythign in his life.
obviously, though.
its vague ambigious royalty times.
their relationship is forbidden and very, very secret.
nico, as a royal, wouldnt face many consequences, but will...
the issue is that will is the most frustrated by the secrecy. nico has always known that he would have to love in secret, he grew up in that truth. will has never lied about anything in his entire life. the whole royal hierarchy makes no sense in any way and pisses him the hell off. he doesnt like having to be cautious about the way he touches nicos shoulder.
4. wrote too many things in one block and got cut off 💀💀 turns out i DO have a plot omg. thank you for asking. GOD i love them so bad.
5. as for the paragraph you liked -- ME TOO I WAS SO PROUD OF IT. IM GLD YOU LIKED. im seeing now ive kinda mixed the first and second "will was annoyed with him" in my brainstorming but eh. ill iron it out later.
6. anyways!! thank you!! expect more for the royal au soon. not sure if im gonna do what i did on my other blog and start slowly updating & posting the long fic, or if ill add some more short ones as i write the long fic in its entirety before posting, but ill figure it out. i have lots to say about them and theres nothing more fun to me than writing secret relationship and rivals to lovers teehee
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ravenkinnie · 4 months
top league moments according to me (definitely forgot most of them it's an old game)
1 every time they removed an extra map, essentially rendering the game to one whole map. when I tell people it's one map they look at me like IM crazy. sims 2 had more maps than league
2 some events were flops but some lines are peak, star guardian and the bilgewater one. even the ruination flop deserves some recognition because, while the event flopped, the book it spawned was, in fact, good so it cancels out
3 2018 KDA worlds performance where people were complaining that it feels like spent all their money on seraphine and couldn't finish rendering everybody else - shout out to the YouTube comment that said sth like "kaisas face... she's really got different DNA" it makes me laugh every time I remember. shout out to villain music video tho im willing to believe they JUST got out of that debt and went right back in because of how insane all the textures are in it
4 when jason spisak got cancelled for liking jilco tweets and then riot said he can't talk about them anymore cause it only causes problems. and then he dated a jinx cosplayer??? a lot of questions that will be left unanswered here
5 I know this is a new moment but the part of 'still here' cinematic with kindred - BANGER but particularly the part where tryndamere is looking at the lamb and the lamb transforms into ashe, literally felt my blood pump faster
6 this entire toy line WHO approved these faces I just want to talk
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7 the entire unlocked line is amazing tho and I say this as someone who's been a comics fan for years and has to witness my faves being butchered into the ugliest action figures known to man constantly
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8 seraphines launch.... just everything about it, from the vtubing to the rumors that the guy who made her based her on his ex
9 the fact that the lore is just a jumbo mix of different canons across the whole decade and they KEEP merging them so now arcane is on main canon despite not fitting any previous canon for both cities. also zaun somehow sunk into the ocean but its also above water level partially but still lower than piltover and I'm just not sure that's how oceans work. also part of noxian government is just a being called the faceless and they never specify who that is or what they do but I assume we will find out when they make a show about it in like 2030
10 this tweet
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bonus shout out to kaisa for serving levels of cunt hostile to human life in POP/STARS, she's my fave KDA member and she gets the ugliest fucking models and the ugliest fucking backgrounds, i have to support her
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thisfanisgonesorry · 2 years
aa your writing is godsend ;; could you write a scout x reader smut fic where he’s eating reader out?? 😵‍💫 take your time and thank you!! <3
omg ilysm i forgot tumblr existed so sorry it took me a bit but here you go !! i also havent written or had sex in a while so im a bit rusty LMAO
cw// smut. obv. female oral BABYYY. scout is so dreamy but with a c ;), he takes after daddy spy in this one lol. ambiguous rship. i cant be fucked doing ~lore~ so its just immediately smut hes already balls deep please mentally prepare yourself and if it ruins it im sorry. i think this takes place in .. a part.. of the base .. somewhere .. in an ambiguous location👍 no beta we die like men
edit: i just woke up and my beta reader told me i forgot to write scouts accent oh my fucking god. no beta we die like men. im not changing it
edit 2: few months later hello, im porting my fics to ao3 and i noticed this one had so much wrong with it (mostly formatting and grammar) and ive changed some of it oops
His hands found his way into my pants, kind of just groping, as he was hunched above me, pressing me into the sofa-chair below me; his lips stayed warmly connected to my throat as he muttered obscenities. He was teasing, and he was fully aware of it as I let out breathy gasps.
“Mhm?” I could feel him grin against my neck, beckoning a response. “Babe?”
“Touch me. Can you- please.”
He began rubbing messily circles into my clit as directed for a moment, earning a gasped moan. “You sound so good, you know that?” He spoke as he slowly dipped his fingers easily into the wetness.
“Fuck, really?”
“Of course.” He began mumbling into my neck again, leaving soft bites as he began pumping his fingers in a come-hither motion. “I want to hear you.”
“Please, I need you- I need more. Oh my god.”
And then he stopped. And he removed his hand, and moved off the chair, kneeling in front of me.
“What are you doing, don’t stop!” I frowned.
He began pulling off my pants completely, throwing them behind him somewhere before spreading my legs and making very intense eye contact with it. I hesitated to keep my legs open; “C’mon, show me how pretty you are. Just relax.”
He began holding my calf as he moved one leg over his shoulder and began kissing his way up my leg, closer to my thighs, before finally making contact. I moaned, throwing my head back. He started slow, taking his time as if it was a leisurely stroll.
“You taste good too, what can’t you do?” He joked.
“Shut up.” I said quickly. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
I reached down and flicked his, for some reason still on, cap to run my hands through his hair, getting a firm grasp. He let out a groan as he continued ever so slowly.
His hands were holding tightly onto my hips, though I tried to fight it to grind into his face. “Scout. Please. More.” I whined, “Faster.”
He began going faster, lifting my hips higher off the chair to change the angle too, allowing me to roll my hips onto his tongue.
My thighs began squeezing around him and he let out something between a hum and a moan, looking up at me with big eyes. You could see it, he needed this just as bad as I did. He needed to make me cum on his tongue, he was desperate for it, he WANTED to work for it. He wanted to be here for hours for it if he had to.
“Scout, oh my god. Scout.” I began to semi-chant. “I’m right there, please, so close.”
“This fast?” He quickly muttered.
“It’s been a while!” I quickly said back as firmly as I could muster words.
He kept at it with the same agonising pace, though now he was letting out groans that was vibrating through me.
“Scout, I’m gonna, you’re gonna-” My sentences stringed into incoherent moans that gradually got louder, and he began moving slightly faster. I began chanting a mix of ‘fuck’ and ‘scout’ as I reached the edge, my back arched sharply as my muscles tensed around him, basically screaming ‘oh my fucking god’, my head harshly hit the chair as my legs shook around him.
“You okay?” He said after riding out my orgasm, listening to me gasp and pant.
“Fantastic. Amazing. Never better.” I spoke through deep breaths.
He laughed, reaching for my pants and attempting, and somehow now failing, to put my pants back on.
“Thank you.” I said, smiling at him through my haze.
“Of course.” He smiled back, standing me up to finish putting my pants onto my body. Once he finished that, he lifted my chin with his fingers and pressed a soft kiss onto the corner of my mouth; “You should get to bed.”
“Hopefully I can make it there.”
“I’ll walk with you.”
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terraliensvent · 7 months
I feel like some of the people posting these vents fail to realize that the moderation team is human too. They should be allowed to make mistakes here and there without people having a whole mental breakdown and swearing up and down they’re not doing anything. While I understand some frustrations, most of it just sounds like pettiness and throwing a pity party. Oh you’re not a guest artist? Boohoo.
Another thing, it makes sense that people who the mods promoted are their friends humans are full of bias !! Whether we choose to admit it or not, we all will always lean towards our companions. Not trying to be a “white knight” or whatever y’all call it, just saying!
you say you arent trying to whiteknight as you repeat the same lazy defenses consistently made by whiteknights
i always thought the “mods are human” excuse to be exceptionally lazy because you know who else is human? literally everyone on the planet. i dont think that mods should get extra special good boy points just because they are mods and voluntarily manage this niche community. its also really dismissive of you to say “mistakes here and there” when these arent little tweedle dum “oh no i made the site glitch!” type errors. these are large glaring problems that have gone unaddressed for over 10 months, and when members of the community provide constructive criticism, people like you use the “mods are human” excuse to take away any responsibility from them. yeah, theres work to be done, but thats what you sign up for when you volunteer for your role. if you dont want to do the work purely out of motivation to make things better, then youre not fit to be a mod.
making a small mistake isnt the same as ignoring criticism, neglecting to work on things to actually solve problems, and constantly pumping out adopts despite the fact the species, again, does not have lore or trait sheets written anywhere after almost a year.
also yeah, i know it makes sense for them to pick their friends to be mods, but that also means that the people in charge arent getting any new outsider viewpoints on issues, and it creates an incredibly cliquey and unwelcoming community. i would be a little more forgiving if the new mods they take on would actually do work besides instantly posting their customs in their oh so elite staff commissions channel, but so far there is nothing that proves to me that they dont just use the role to exert some hierarchy over everyone else. “im a mod which means im friends with staff” but not “im a mod because i want to fix the big issues here.” have you seen any of the new mods do anything but make adopts and answer the questions that are too trivial for the other mods?
also, this is a vent blog. if people want to complain that only pop artists get to be GAs how is it hurting you.
this mindset of “mods are human so we can never criticize them” is exactly the reason why this species is so godawful, because yall can never stand to suck it up and see some pop artist get critique.
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taifenggg · 1 year
About Me
Hello hello! You’re probably wondering, who the heck am I? 
To start off, you can call me Ash, or if you prefer, Kai is alright as well. My main account is @hhurric4ne​ and seeing as how this is a side blog, any comments on my posts will be responded to with that account HAHA. I’ve been writing fics for the past two or three years and I love it, tbh I have a lot of sideblogs with which I write for various fandoms. I have a lot of requests in each of my inboxes tho so go easy on me please :”). I’m also very unhinged and I like to ramble a lot so don’t mind me, especially if I start going on long tangents about game lore or anything like that.
I am a full-time student so I can’t pump out writing as quickly as I’d like on top of all the other requests that I have in my other inboxes, so please be patient with me! I will get to your request eventually :)
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My Other Accounts:
[ @hurricaneonanesthesia ] - Misc/Various Fandoms
[ @tempvstas ] - my Twisted Wonderland writing account
[ @typh0nas ] - my NijiEN writing account
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If you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, a proshipper, a person who has been nothing but disrespectful to me or my moots. This is a safe space! You will be blocked if you are any of the above or similar :))
Phew now that that’s out of the way, here are some requesting rules I’d like to set!!
I will do requests, but I have the right to reject any requests if it doesn’t sit well with me, I have my boundaries and if you’re not happy with that, maybe it’s for the best if you find someone else to write the request for you, or request something different!
I won’t be writing for anything that involves cheating or other scenarios similar to that because I’m not comfortable with that.
Anything that’s just straight up physical harm to the reader and/or characters is an immediate no.
Absolutely nothing romantic with Luke, I will block you. Platonic requests for Luke only :)
I most likely won’t write much for Thirteen, Raphael, or Mephisto, I don’t think I’m comfortable writing for them yet because I’m not familiar enough with their characters to get a full grasp for how they would act. You can ask but it’s not guaranteed that I will write for them.
Poly requests are okay! Unless it’s something like brother x brother x brother in which case, no. 
This time I’m limiting the amount of requests I will take at a given time to 5! I really don’t want to overwhelm myself, and perhaps in the future, I will increase the limit but for the time being I’m keeping it to 5.  Of course, when I open up my requests and I don’t end up closing them until after requests have already gone over the limit, I will write every single request that was submitted from the time that I closed my askbox.
For headcanons, you are allowed to request 3 characters at a given time, and for one-shots, 1 character at a time! The only exception to this being you asking for all the demon bros, or all the dateables(again, only platonic Luke)
This is different than my other blogs, but I will be open to writing NSFW, however again, if I don’t feel comfortable writing it, I will not. 
I’m only writing for GN! and M!Reader, no hate towards F!Reader but you guys have a lot of content, and I wanna show some love to the GN and M!Reader communities as well, but ofc this doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to interact as well!
[ ◇ ] - Guidelines for NSFW content
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Masterlist Here || Requests Closed! || Mobile users click here if you’re having difficulties and want to request!
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#ash writes - any form of writing, be it requests, or not. Just any form of fic lmaooo
#ash rambles - when i want to get my thoughts out, not any form of fic, just me rambling or going on tangents
#ash theorizes - obey me theories! i love game lore :]
#ash speaks - any announcements, or more serious posts, most likely won’t use it often
#__ anon - I love my nonnies! You guys get a special tag if you send in a request as an emoji anon.
#ash answers - if you have any questions, this is the tag with your answers
#precious nonnie <333 - for anonymous messages sent into my ask box, and basically messages that aren't requests that are anonymous
#ash after hours - the horny tag, basically the nsfw tag(MINORS BLOCK THIS PLEASE)
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hetaliakinfessions · 1 year
same Alfred Jones fictive ad before.aI'm host too 😔😔😔 it really does kindastink but at the most I'm kinda peeved that!! we didn't realize I existed until hetalia fandom decreased in size by ten folds!!! so now it's super duper hard to find sourcemates who r also chill or even likee mutuals ! so I'm just kinda pumped up to see an active hetalia kin account 😼 cause at least some guys r out there with the same experience as me!
RIGHT?? the body's been a fan of hetalia since we were like ten, and we've already been experiencing system stuff before that however didn't really know what was going on. but i'm guesstimatingggg that i became the host like... 7-8 years ago? and i only really found out this year!!!! and its so weird because we knew we were a system around the same timeframe (7-8 years ago) as well, but i just never put two and two together! i just kept saying i "was technically america kin but i don't consider myself kin, i consider myself actually america" which WOWWWWWW is a huuuuge indicator in hindsight!
but yeah no it's very hard 😔 most modern day hetalia fans/sourcemates i meet are almost never chill people! which sucks! because i love hetalia and it is genuinely a core part of my life, to the point where i can actually pinpoint an episode and season based on a single screenshot!!! like yeah it has a bad rep and DEFINITELY bad parts, however i love it and it's gotten me through so much. but yeah like i've met many modern day hetalia fans, and theyre either 1. super lame 2. have incorrect or just overall bad opinions or 3. are actual bigots. And are sometimes children, if you count the tiktok fanbase (not a diss! I just like to talk to people my age, haha).
but yeah sorry for the ramble, i've been drinking as i said in my last post haha mod america lore!!!! but yea im happy you found happiness in this blog and i hope you continue to do so! we've been here for over five years and i'm not planning on abandoning the blog anytime soon!
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caelesjjk · 1 year
Hello love of my life I am here to ask QUESTIONS for the ask game hehehe. They are: van Allsburg, ng and kim! Tell me all your secrets to writing
Ur so cuuute stop it 🥺
van Allsburg: how many WIPs do you have?
Right now it’s 5 and it’s making me insane lol.
ng: what time of day do you usually write the most?
It’s kind of weird, but usually during my down time at work or on my lunch breaks lol. Im always so busy in the evenings after work, but somehow manage to pump out way more on my lunch lol.
kim: what AUs do you want to try and/or write more of?
Honestly I get so excited about anything fantasy and supernatural. I’d really like to delve deeper into the less popular ones. Ones with weird lore and stuff. But super excited to get into fae writing. I also thought up this fic the other day about curses and I’ll have to message you about it cuz it’s 😳😳😳
Thanks for sending me these angel ❤️
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merwynsartblog · 1 month
Okayokay so!!
With Marco and Aini looking after Skid and Pump it got me thinking about what they’d do with the boys!! I’m thinking about them two showing Skid and Pump childhood shows or taking them to arcades!! Maybe even taking them out to see the stars (the actual stars not “The Stars”) >:3
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Im using a rp icon on my rp blog here hehe
HER LORE SORTA CHANGED HFHD but i can see after marco and aini getting used to eachother even if kevin doesn't really like marco since she is eyes they do silly stuff with the kids like cartoons, or staring at da stars or etcetc for fun heheeh
Marco be right at the screen with skid and pump in her hair staring while aini is just giggling and telling marco to get back and she slowly scoots back from the tv dhehe
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beesmygod · 2 years
I want to finish bloodborne so badly because the lore is super interesting, but I'm pathetically bad at video games and after about 20 hours of play time I still couldn't beat the priest. Do you have any lets players you'd recommend watching
it might be hard to get a good playthrough of bloodborne because they're either inevitably going to miss something important or they're the most annoying people in the universe. there's a youtuber i follow named "john wolfe" who typically plays very low budget indie horror games who did a blind run of bloodborne i found REALLY enjoyable. but that was bc i am an old fan watching the new ones get pulled in going "yes....yes!!!"
as for gascoigne, dont feel bad or stressed for not beating him yet. here's some tips to try again with him:
an entirely possible problem is that you might be leveling up the wrong skills for a new player. for your first playthrough, ignore arcane and bloodtinge until you find your first item that has an arcane level minimum to use. they're not necessary items, just fun tools to add to fighting, so i would avoid that for now. bloodtinge allegedly improves your gun damage (and SOME weapons late game/dlc) but unless you're making a special bloodtinge build, you can largely avoid it and power it up using bloodgems (found later). STR and SKL govern your ability to use different kinds of weapons, but both made you deal more damage to enemies. vitality is a VERY good thing for a new player to pump points into. no shame in that. endurance is always, always a good thing to upgrade too if you aren't sure.
gascoigne is the first true stop gap for almost everyone who plays the game. it took me multiple days and restarting the entire game over like 3 times before it clicked: the game is forcing you to learn how to parry. and thank god because it's a vital skill in this game. you will have to play the bloodborne rhythm game: time your shots when their weapon is right about to swing down on you. the best ones are the ones where he jumps at you with the axe over his head, very easy to hit. when you hear the parry sound jump forward and get that visceral attack! visceral attacks will also help refill your health bar.
take advantage of the "rally" mechanic: the one where when you get hit, you can gain HP back. if he bops you, get back on your feet and move TOWARD him and beat his ass to get some of it back so you dont waste a vial. BE AGGRESSIVE! B-E AGGRESSIVE!
you can get 2 hits in. i know you think you can get 3. but you can't. i think i can get 3 every time. i can't. hit him twice and then move in a direction there isn't a gravestone
you can jump INTO some of his attacks if your timing is right. i find when he does the spin wind-up im able to leap into it after his first turn.
and now for the ultimate secret: save all your molotovs for this battle. when he starts going beast mode RUN and get as much distance between you and him (but try not to cut off your access to the stairs on the right since you can kinda loop that by jumping onto the roof where the dead wife is). throw molotovs at him while crying and screaming and running. 2-3 should do the trick. BUT HE IS FAST AND JUMPS HIGH SO WATCH OUT
good luck anon. and remember for the next boss, in the words of beyonce: TO THE LEFT TO THE LEFT
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sinnohqueen · 3 years
like dont get me wrong i totally understand that theres a business side to pokemon, 100%. the franchise makes a hell of a lot of money so it makes sense to milk it (i guess lmao). but if they really insist on pumping games out once or even twice a year i kinda wish theyd focus less on mainline games and more on smaller side projects
that's not to say that any side projects are not tasking, either, but i would imagine (stressing 'imagine' here, idk shit abt the video game industry and im just ranting lol) that it has to be a hell of a lot less stressful, for lack of better wording, than coming up with an all-new region and brand new pokemon and characters and etc etc
pokemon has now been around for 26 years and i feel that the franchise has a lot of lore that it can work with to create new exciting projects without coming up with something entirely brand new, if that makes sense. like theres 800+ pokemon and 8 main regions (not including the side regions) and so much that you can do with that. and i really really hope with the success of legends arceus, for example, that they realize "oh hm wow people are actually interested in different takes on older regions and characters and pokemon"
i could go on but im being rushed and i have a lot of thoughts about this because i think of nothing but pokemon 24/7 ok bye
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viktormaru · 3 years
Ok, here's my big post on my thoughts on Viktor's lore and how it compares to Viktor in Arcane
Obviously: spoilers for arcane until episode 6, and spoilers for viktor's current in game as of this date I guess?
Ok let's get into it
First of all Im gonna adress something that I mentioned on twitter. Riot basically confirmed Arcane isn't the definite canon but tried to rely as much on canon as it could, so basically its a soft canon.
I think that's good. League of Legends is a game that is constantly pumping new characters, claiming a story as the definite truth makes it harder to add to it later, as much as it sucks to lose consistency because of it.
But! That's the point I want to make with this point. They DID try to lean on the guts of what the characters' lores in it are and they made this new thing that still feels legit in a way. At least so far (we dont have act 3 out yet).
So Viktor right? First of all we never had a real young Viktor design, the closest we got I guess was prototype, and I'm not joking when I say I like this skin
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The info we had on Viktor was that he was a genius, was ostricized by his peers in Piltover, very passionate about science and sympathetic towards the problems of the people of Zaun.
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Then Arcane Viktor is... a genius, not very popular (this is an assumption based on the fact he's never really out with people), very passionate about science and sympathetic towards the problems of the people of Zaun. So it checks. He looks nerdy and I like that for him even though the fun in masked characters is usually that we don't know what they look like. This isn't abt his design, its abt his character and lore.
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Viktor is from the Entresol level of Zaun, Zaun is full of toxins in the air basically and this is where most of what the call the Zaun Grey stays. Theres a lot of manual labor and factories here, it's basically the underbelly of Zaun. This seems to be true in both Arcane and In-game lore so keep it in mind.
In his in game-lore as a kid he had to constantly move because of the constant spills, accidents and other dangers that would come from those factories and that encouraged him to find a solution to that, making inventions that would make work safer and protect his people. It was through his inventions that he was invited to join the Piltover Academia.
And that's a constant in Viktor's inventions, most of his creations is to save lives or diminish suffering. He created Blitzcrank to control a chem-spill, he keeps using techmaturgical technologies to help people despite constant failures, he will disregard possible misuse of his technologies because HE intends to use it to help. Viktor is banned from the Academy because he doesn't see evil in what he does because he wouldn't misuse his technology. He's a logical man through and through, he doesn't see anything to be gained by harming other people (if he has no specific reason to do it).
Later with his Glorious Evolution, Viktor is trading human parts for robotic ones because they are more sturdy, they don't get sick or break like human bones do. He works on removing his emotions because him being fucking basically depressed was getting in the way of helping people. Viktor biggest motivation was this like misguided (?) desire to stop all the death and suffering that he grew up around. He's trying to go against the natural order to avoid it.
Now for Arcane Viktor we see he acquired a good position within the academia on his own, true to his genius nature and Stanwick, the professor that had originally invited him to Piltover seems to be out of the picture in the series. However there is a crucial change to Viktor right off the bat: Viktor is disabled. He needs an aid to walk. He's the same ambitious dude, not being content with his position int he academy, and sure enough on his beliefs he was willing to lose his carreer for Jayce's idea because he believed it to be good. He voices his desire to help the people of Zaun and that seems to be the goal he has with his inventions. Comes major change number 2: Viktor got sick from his years spent on the Entresol and is dying, FAST. We can see him start to spiriling down into means of using the technology he invented to work to save him. Viktor is trying to use his inventions to stop death at all costs.
You see where I'm getting at? We're getting to the same point basically. But now instead of Viktor working to save the people he had to watch die time and time again needlessly, the producers sped up the process to fit the series by making his issues much more personal. Viktor now understand in the flesh what is is to be fragile, to have your body fail to your expectations and sucumb to disease, pain and death. But the core of Viktor is still there.
My only concern with what's to come is that Viktor has always been a very logical man, he does things because he thought about them and made sense of them to be true based on his vision of hte world. He's no impulssive and he's not emotion driven, he's not prone to act without thinking. And again, Viktor never acted to hurt people, specially the vulnerable (though he has attacked Jayce, for example, with the reason that he NEEDED the crystal he had to save people, and if hurting Jayce meant saving dozens of other lives, that was a clear choice), so there's a part of me that fears what Singed being in the picture could mean to a Viktor who had a very fast ride to the point of Change instead of the very slow progress he had in the game lore. In Arcane he hasn't had time to think of the Glorious Evolution much, in his in game he kept seeing the same thing happen over and over again.
But yeah I can't say much about that because act 3 is not out yet... I'm excited for it though, I do hope we get a glimpse of robot man I love him very bad. And again, this is all my opinion and interpretations, I do have a specific vision of Viktor I like more and that is of a very sympathetic person instead of that of a villain and that is my bias and could pretty much be not the truth. I also don't remember his old lore and thus don't have any influence from that. Let's see where this all goes so I make another huge post for no reason.
On another things to note from the show:
- Jayce is so much nicer in the show than in the game's lore?? I NEED to consider this a soft canon or else Jayce, taking into account what he does in the in game lore, is a WORSE person that I imagined. Like, REALLY MUCH WORSE HOLY SHIT..... It's even funny just how much worse it makes him.
- On that note, I don't think Jayce did anything bad to Viktor in the series other than have a social life? TO VIKTOR, he's totally being an idiot and falling into a trap that's for sure but their friendship seems ot be going well with Jayce defending Viktor and supporting his ideas and inviting him to the stage to present his work as well, that's neat.
- Baby Viktor is fucking adorable I love him
- Heimerdinger comes off as a fucking horrible person telling Viktor to be patience and wait out a decade to perfect his work when Viktor is fucking dying and Heimer is like 300 years old LMAO
- I kinda agree with [Ikleyvey's take on twitter] about hwo the sicence aspect of the show works. It's confusing, doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere and make sense anywhere and it sounds like just a bunch of words thrown in for you to not understand, and they don't explain what it means because you're not supposed to make sense of it. It's a shame bcs I do wish we got to see more of it but it is what it is I guess.
I think this is it? so holy shit if theres anything I somehow missed or whatever feel free to ask me? Don't fight me abt it though this is just for fun and I dont hold the truth this is just my onion
TL;DR: Viktor Arcane and Viktor League of Legends are both motivated by their desire to stop suffering and death, against the natural order of things, even it falls within morally grey area very fast. The only difference is how fast that idea becomes "too much" in the eyes of others.
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ssreeder · 2 years
heads up this one is a Chonky bOi:
ohmygod you UPDATED, you’re so lovely and so is your writing even though it makes me want to Scream (out of happiness and/or rage, it’s a mixed bag)
you do indeed make the The Most delicious cocktail, how could you ever doubt that??? also I got my own leekie tag :’) someone pls explain to me why that makes me emotional lmfao
noooo why do you always DO this sreedieeee “sokka was worried about jet finding out about who zuko really was” YOU BETTER FUCKING BE AFRAID ITS TOO DAMN LATE
“back to his rightful position as sifu hotpants” see this is the lightheartedness we need to see more of bc YOU KEEP TORTURING THE BOYS WITH NO RESPITE
also I may have forgotten that this plot point existed at all so it was a pleasant surprise
fuck you we’re back with another episode of Angst With Zuko, the most canon compliant aspect in this entire fic
lmao leave it to sokka to feel guilty about almost dying (like I Get it but also it’s the kind of situation where you have to laugh at the ridiculousness or else you’ll cry, and there’s already too much to cry about in this fic bestie)
YAY TINGLY LOVE FEELINGS our boys deserve good things <3
sreedie. I swear to fuckery if zuko is going to run away… I don’t have an adequate threat at the moment but I’m gonna be So Pissed my dude
lmfao not sokka’s ongoing shitty spirit luck-
but also >:(( about the letters LIKE THAT WAS SUCH A SMART PLOT POINT BY YOU AND I LOVE THAT YOURE A GENIUS but seriously Fuck this plot point
okay ik that “the big fire bender” is just a way to describe shen’s stature, but it makes me think of zuko being “the little fite bender” and idk the mental image of the big and little fire benders reminds me of a picture book my mum used to read to me where there was Big Mouse and Little Mouse and Little Mouse wouldn’t stfu and go to sleep bc Big Mouse was snoring too loud but the when Big Mouse put a peg on his nose to stop snoring then Little Mouse STILL couldn’t sleep bc he missed the reminder that Big Mouse was there to protect him from the scary things hiding in the dark and idk it’s cute (I’m pretty sure the book is called night noises??)
FUCK YEAH HAIR CUTTING LORE IM ABSOLUTELY THRIVING RN YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND IM SUCH A SLUT FOR CULTURAL DIFFERENCES BEING EXPLAINED (also the way that zuko simply did not inform sokka of any of these implications I cannot with this boy)
smh hakoda pls accept that your son is gay, shen literally just told you they’re metaphorically fucking in public
nooOooOoOo sad bato hours :(((
also not to go off on a tangent, but I’m going to do exactly that actually. anyways. just the whole “kya would know what to do” shtick got me thinking, it’s interesting for characters to make assumptions about how things would be easier/different if another character is around but that wouldn’t necessarily actually be the case and it’s just them projecting onto their loved one the feeling of safety and dependency onto them so it can act as a source of comfort of sorts?? idk if that’s a coherent thought but it’s out in the world now
hakodaaaaaaaa jet hAS ALREADY FUCKING DONE SOMETHING STUPID I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it why do I love your story so much I hate this
hakoda… there is No fucking way you’re gonna leave zuko behind… right. RIGHT?????? sreeder I swear on my fucking life if your separate our boys-
god I love bato. also shen and zuko banter >>>
oh morrak, obviously they’re going to do something reckless this is jet we’re talking about
aaaaand that’s a WRAP
I am so torn between hating you for this ending and pumped for the next chapter bc shit is once again going to go down, and really, what else are we all here for??
anyways, in response to your proposal, I just wanna say that it feels like we’re divorced, but it was an amicable divorce and so we still celebrate holidays together so our children don’t have to choose which parent to spend time with BUT I use the divorce against you for comedic effect, such as you PULLING THE ANGST SHIT WITH ZUKKA and then I get to shake my head and say “this is why I divorced you”
love you to bits and pieces!!
leekie :)
Ohhhhhhhhh leekie I like my asks like I like my milkshakes ,,, THICK <3
Sifu hot pants takes his position extremely serious I don’t know what you mean by lighthearted?? ;)
If Zuko does run away it will be with elegance and grace and likely in the middle of the night so no one will know :D
Do you think if Zuko found out he was the ‘little fire bender’ he would kick Shen’s ass just to prove a point?
Your tangents are my world, but yeah remembering a person for their best qualities is important but it’s also important for him to at least….. TRY to do what kya would do!
If kya were here she would smack Hakoda upside the head because YOU ARENT EVEN TRYING DUDEEEE. Hakoda is lucky kya isn’t there to witness the mess he is making.
oommmgggg I love being divorced to you it’s the best decision we ever made. Mwa mwa mwa mwahhhhh. You’re the best leekie and you’ll probably hate me more after next chapter but that’s okkkkk!
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shoezuki · 3 years
*cracks back crawling out of my grave*
today's stream was amazing, the only thing I didn't like (well i still liked it just disagreed? kinda?) was Technoblade taking full blame for the Red Festival because he was a "coward" no one should have to be "brave enough to die for the cause" because if you're dead then guess what? So it the cause. While I won't deny he should some blame i guess, most of it lies on Schlatt, Wilbur and Tommy. Schlatt is obvious because he order the execution, Wilbur and Tommy for not communicating to Techno or providing any sort of distraction or help.
However, I'm not too finicked by this since I'm pretty sure this was all said for some strange foreshadowing purposes because y'know "where I come from people only have one life" so I'm curious how future streams are going to go. (predicting it early; Techno dies so he can get reincarnated as a bell and forever sell out it's going to be great)
Anyways sorry for crawling back to you inbox with dumb dsmp stuff I got bored and wanted to spew my thoughts and I only rememeber you having based techno thought so... *shrugs* Feel free to ignore this lol. I thought I left the fandom but then I woke up, watched techno, and only half-awake stumbled over here like a drunk. Anyways bye I'm going to go die again and forget I ever sent this
⸺ Rat ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Like i enjoy Any techno lore stream cuz to me its a Techno stream First. But like in terms of the red festival thing mostly jus felt Weird like maybe hes tryna imply he has a guilty conscience? Cuz even when he was goin thru lore streams he was talkin in the technocord like 'what fo you MEAN ppl still blame me???' Which like. Idk
Altho. Lockin sam up seemed contradictory to him and lorewise its like. It does sam dirty i feel you know. Its jus kinda like. So we still r puttin ppl in the prison huh.
I feel like from a lore look its more for tubbo n eret. If that makes sense. Like it develops Them more than anythin and it felt like that was intended.
But YA..... i am stoked for whatever mans got goin on like i Really feel like hes gon get into some backstory shit n jus Who he is and im pumped for that
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