#im ready to take satan and barbatos and delete the game
gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
reasons why afterl!fe is better then Obey Me
pros & cons
obey me ;
pros ;
• nice and well developed (some) characters
• good plot
• devil points are easy to get (daily missions, events, etc)
• fair prices (devil points, vip, etc)
• gender neutral, no set gender for the player
• has no appearance for the mc, so you can put whoever in it
cons ;
• nightmare events. the rates are unfair, and only depends on luck (i have shit luck)
• favoritism. they play favorites with the characters AND players.
• new lessons. they’re great, but the amount of strength is ridiculous. its becoming to where you HAVE to spend money to play.
• events. theyre great, cards are amazing, but the prizes and amount of event points you need is becoming bullshit. 93k points? 127 points per battle, 3 plays a battle. its becoming insane.
• ap. the ap doesnt need to take 5 mins to get just 1. its insane as well. takes like, 8 fucking hours to get full stock.
After L!fe
pros ;
• in different languages (chinese, english, japanese, korean, thai(?)) for players around the world (mainly in asia & countries with english as a main language) can play
• dont play favorites. they’re equal with characters AND players. (for download milestones, you get 10 premium tickets but have to log in at a certain UTC time.) the characters are getting their own SSR cards (i think they already have a separate SSR card per character, the rest are events).
• events. they’re easy to play through. very nice plotline, + its very long. the prizes in the events are fair.
• ap (sp in this case) is easy to get. it takes 1 min to get 1, which goes by very fast.
• the characters. theyre well thought out and have different and unique personalities. they have backstories that make them them, and are different for each character.
• there is no set dating option, just the characters & you (the manager). you can choose which character you want to favorite, but wont get really intimate options with them.
• prizes (or gifts for the characters) are easy to get throughout the levels. the levels are fair as well.
• plot is well thought out.
• side characters (nyang leader, sei housemaster (let me have sei >:() as well as the characters/animal hybrid things from the levels get introduced to the plot.
cons ;
• money prices. love the game, characters, and stuff. but the money prices, $5+ for one pull, yeah kiss my ass. 👺
• ep. why does it need to take 30 mins to get 1 refill. maybe lower it or something, to maybe 15 mins instead of 30?
• the amount of storage it takes up. stop making me fill my storage up with only after l!fe i have photos 😭 and other shit
• set appearance and gender. ok, i dont mind the gender but the appearance, it needs to stop i swear. im done with the mc having brown hair and no other hair color. its annoying. maybe i want the mc to be someone who got shit on by a goblin >:( and the gender, yeah it’ll be a bit upsetting for those who are non-binary and male.
thats about it. thanks for listening/reading <3
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hiraethhh-h · 4 years
throwing a weighted blanket at the om! bros + undateables (and a bonus)
warning(s): some swearing, threats of torture, implied nsfw, spoilers. 
note: no supernatural beings or humans were hurt in the making of this- also this was inspired bc my mom bought a weighted blanket and its heavy af 
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the demon brothers
i- chile do you have a death wish???
momentary shock at how cute your laughter sounds (but he would never say it out loud unless you two were alone)
prepare to be chased and in demon form once he gets himself together
this man can ZOOM (i mean he does chase after mammon)
when you get caught, oH boY 
you’ll be lectured for hours on end 
“what made you think that was a good idea, mc?”
“and delete that recording of me. immediately.”
don’t worry levi is sure to save a secret file :)
anyone you were in cahoots with will be lectured and punished too
but your punishment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
is completely caught off-guard
crooked glasses and messy hair once he removes the blanket off of him
“why’d ya do that mc!!!”
if you tease mammon about being unable to handle the weight of the blanket-
*mammon rant activated*
“the great mammon can totally handle weight!!! i used to lift more than beel ya know!!!”
“hey! quit laughing at me mc!!!”
gets all flustered when you admit you were just teasing him to see his cute reaction
awe bby boy
probably forgives you if you promise to spend quality time with him for a few days
dont be surprised if he holds a grudge tho 
prepare to smother him with snuggles and cuddles to make him forgive you :)))
oh boy, you’d best be ready to deal with the consequences if you throw a weighted blanket onto him
especially if he’s doing a game run-through or grinding through a game 
“okay... just a little more and- ACK!”
like mammon, totally caught off guard since he was so focused on his game
*game over flashes on his screen*
“NOoOOo!!! My ScoRE!!!”
oh shit...
chile- you best hope you can run from levi 
pissed off at you like that one time during the TSL tournament
one of the other demon bros has to interfere and stop levi
“that stupid normie made me mess up my perfect score!!!”
mad at you for a few days 
and he will hold a grudge
but decides to forgive you if you stay with him as he plays through the game again
“i only forgave you because you’re the only one who’d love a yucky otaku like me...”
“and because you’re my henry.”
ok now you really have a death wish but i would probably do it too tbh 
ah... nothing but a normal day for satan
a cup of his favorite piping hot tea, a book, and the fire place next to him...
nothing could be better :)
“what the fuck-”
tea spilled all over him and his book with the weight of the blanket = enraged satan
prepare to feel his WRatH
“so you thought this would be a great idea..?” 
turns into his demon form
threatens to try all kinds of torture methods on you and whoever was in cahoots with you for ruining his reading time >:(
satan will probably apologize to you for that and maybe to the other person depending on who it was
after that
satan will come back with his own little pranks for weeks on end
and when he finds out that you kept a recording of the little incident
he’ll keep his pranks up until you finally yield
“alright. i’ll forgive you just this once, and you owe me a new copy of that book.”
“you also better delete that video if you know what’s good for you, mc.”
“mc, no my hair and makeup!!!”
practically yeets the blanket off of him to protect himself
i would probably be surprised someone could yeet a heavy ass blanket off themselves but asmo is a demon so he has inhumane strength
*asmo pissed off 3000*
“mc! if you messed up a single hair on my head or ruined my makeup
*dark chuckle*
“i would’ve made sure i ruined you in more ways than one”
hHhhhH- be my guest asmo 
“oh well, i guess i’ll forgive you just this once.”
yay! forgiveness never felt so good-
“if you promise to spend quality time with just me~.”
he will literally take you out shopping the whole entire day
dresses you up in god knows how many outfits
but at the end of the day, when you both return back to the house of lamentation, he’ll take very very good care of you~
tries to bathe with you but lucifer catches wind of it :(
sore feet? asmo to the rescue!
“ne, you will delete that video right?”
tbh the blanket would just feel like a normal blanket to thicc man :)
it also probably falls to the ground awkwardly
 *looks at the blanket then to mc*
“i think you dropped this”
*picks it up like it weighs nothing and hands it back then continues to eat whatever he was munching on*
whoever you’re in cahoots with either expected that to happen or is in shock with you lmao
while you’re reviewing the footage you can see beel’s muscles flex as he picks up the blanket :))))
later, beel will probably confront you about what happened 
“oh... that was supposed to be a prank..?”
seeing how kinda bummed you looked made beel kinda sad since your prank didn’t go as planned :(
what better than to make it up to you with food! :D
brings you all sorts of snacks and takes you to hell’s kitchen to make you feel better
“next time you prank me, i’ll definitely be caught off guard.”
is napping when you decide to try your sneak attack
as we all know, he kinda sleeps like a brick around mc so he’ll probably be indifferent to your giggles unless he gets curious
when you throw the blanket onto him
he snuggles into it
“this is really warm mc... is this what the humans call a weighted blanket..?”
belphie moves the blanket to make room for you
“why don’t you come nap with me since you’re already here..?”
snuggles and cuddles with belphie + warm weighted blanket = your heart melting :)
it’ll probably be hard to get up tho since you’re in belphie’s arms and underneath the heavy ass blanket rip
i ain’t complaining tho 
is probably confused for a moment
until he feels the weight of the blanket
“this reminds me of some sort of torture device...”
picks it up out of curiosity until you tell him what it is
“oh! i see, you were trying to see what would happen when you threw this onto me!”
would probably ask if he could throw it at you too
but he realizes that you’d get hurt
“why dont we start a prank war?”
 but like i feel like it would be fun to have a prank war with Dia :D
plus he gets a break from all of his princely duties and you get to spend some quality time after with him ;)
poor barbatos has to clean up after most of the pranks tho :(
he’s doing some chores around the castle as per usual
until you sneak up on him 
or so you thought ;)
when you throw the blanket at him, barbatos catches it like it weighs nothing
he’s in a little momentary shock for a split second then comes back to reality since he was so focused on his chores
i wouldn’t be surprised bc he does do a helluva lot of things
“i hope you didn’t forget that i can see the future and different timelines.”
also knows that you recorded the little prank and decides to indulge you and let you keep it
“perhaps you can try again next time?”
cooks you up some food to make it up to you
blinks in shock as the blanket is thrown over him
just laughs and removes the blanket
“If you were trying to surprise me, it worked.” 
he’d gently drape it over you and pull you into his arms
aklsdhjlaksdfjlk i want it too-
“i’ll have to leave soon though… Diavolo asked me to join him for tea at his castle today.”
simeon lets you go and smiles at you
“i would say don’t plan anything while im gone, but I can’t stop you.”
probably practicing spells or sum when you decide to strike
like some of them, he’d be shocked momentarily
“what’s this? Trying to sneak attack me?”
*queue the solomon smirk*
definitely would try to get back at you
be prepared bc this is one sneaky sorcerer
getting food at hell’s kitchen and need some ketchup?
solomon is there for you
but it isn’t ketchup ;)
its hot sauce ;)))
at the end of the day, solomon means well and laughs off all his pranks with you
bonus character!
i- why would you wanna throw a blanket at the smol child???
if you do which i hope you dont… pls do it gently
luke would probably pout and sulk at you and get rather upset
simeon would be like >:o
“how could you hurt my child?”
to make it up to luke, simeon would make sure that you bake with him
luke is down for it too, nothing’s better than a baking buddy! :D
long story short, pls PLS do not throw a weighted blanket at luke unless you want to evoke the wrath of everyone :)
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