#im pround of this one :)
hiveswap · 10 months
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alumirp · 10 months
Angel of Death and her God
a story about a fem!law whose city was never destroyed. Her father found the cure for the amber lead syndrome and everything is okay. But instead of just being a doc like her dad,  it turns out she becomes a nun in the church where that one sister is also a nun. She stills knows a lot about medicine and helps the nuns with their health and also the kids in the school or in the church orphanage. She's living well and peacefully. Flevance is a rich island, her family is doing well and everything seems to be perfect. Until, of course, some pirates pop outta nowhere and attack the convent and kidnap some nuns bc ofc they do, they are pirates, right? So when the navy just doesn't even try to get them back, Law takes the matter in her own hands and goes to the sea on a stolen ship, ready to track the pirates and get the nuns back home safely. She goes island to island looking for them and collecting information about this crew and discovers that they are actually just a part of the Donquixote Crew, who's famous for selling slaves. Guessing what end those nuns can have if she's not fast enough, Law starts to target all of the members of the Donquixote she can find, searching for someone that can tell her where they took her friends. At some point she finds a group of them who are transporting something that seems important so she obviously has to steal. Is the ope ope no mi and she is fast to eat it; it is a powerful and very useful akuma no mi that she can use very well. The news about her spread quickly, it's not everyday that you see a nun with a big ass sword (dont ask me when she gets it) dismembering people while alive and targeting one of the most powerful crews in the seas. She gets the name of ‘Sister Death’ and since she has no crew or jolly roger, the navy think she's just a bounty hunter or just some crazy woman, so they actually don't pay attention to what she does and leave her alone. Some months later she found her way to the Grandline, heading to Sabaody, seeking the nuns in that one auction house. Its when she stumbles with him, the devil himself incarnates as a god in a man’s body, pirate king Monkey D Luffy, the man that can be her salvation just as much as he can be her danation.
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cadelinhadomiranha · 1 year
Danny's room :>
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moth-yea · 2 months
Josuke is transmasc to me bc of that stupid video. Yk the one.
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hoshihime98 · 2 years
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Royal trio week Day 6: Ideal Reality
She dances, she sings! The perfect little doll, just for you!
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rocks-and-things · 2 years
ok but like is it normal to fall in love a little with everyone you've had a positive interaction with? cause I do. all the fucking time. and I fall in love with people several times over, just the tiniest bit at a time until I have so much love for them it's spilling out into every conversation, every look. any and all expressions of love I give them is overflowing with a sort of soft fondness. I just can't help it. I have so much love to give and it just feels wasted if I don't give it to every person I meet.
I'm not very much of a people person, but I am a people lover. if I have even the simplest conversation with someone, the smallest interaction, rest assured that I have fallen a little in love. maybe I've fallen in love with the simplest or smallest thing about them, but I've fallen nonetheless. i've fallen in love with faces and accents and different pronunciations of words. expressions and hairstyles and little quirks when they speak.
I think my definition of falling in love is a little different. most associate falling in love with something romantic. i associate it with all kinds of love. romantic, but also platonic and familial and and even self love. love for everything around me.
my favorite people to fall in love with are my friends. a close second is some of my family. I've fallen in love with the way I was able to bounce back into talking with an old friend as if nothing had ever changed. I've fallen in love with the way my grandma pronounces the word mix. I've fallen in love with the way my best friend accepts all the love I give her, and reciprocates it in full.
it's a wonderful feeling, love. loving and being loved. having so much love to give and being able to give it. all this time I've talked about loving people, but honestly I fall in love with everything. clouds. my stuffed animals. driving fast. nature. the feeling of falling asleep. waking up to the sound and smell of a fire on cold mornings while camping. I could go on and on about all the things i've fallen in love with over the years.
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blossomaes · 2 years
we did such a cute valentine’s day event at the school today! i love making cute things with children i love being a teacher
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lotusmi · 2 years
I finally got into the void. I've been trying for sooooo long, like a year now and honestly I spent a lot of time not even really trying so its kinda my fault but I finally pulled myself together and I've been listening to all of your void subs and then last night I tried gorgeouslypinks fild method and I didn't even wake up 6 hours later because I woke up randomly in the middle of the night like 3 hours but I did it then and it was so weird, like I was finger tapping one second and then the next I was like walking somewhere and then I had done some research about lucid dreams before and there's this thing called reality checking and for some reason, I decided to reality check so I poked my index finger through my hand and it literally went through and I realized I was in a lucid dream. I knew some people got kicked out of lucid dreams for being too excited so I tried to calm down and walk around some more and then I created a portal for the void state. I felt hella stupid because I like pretended I was doctor strange making that portal but it acctually worked and then I just went into the portal and the void is acctually so scary. Like yk everyone describes it as calm and like it was but it was sooo silent and like idk how to explain it, it felt like I was stuck in the deep sea. I wouldn't know how that feels but like that's how I'd think it would feel. So I just quickly affirmed that I had my desired face and left and today I woke up and I look so pretty. Like im so obsessed with my face. I kind of look like a Olivia Hussey, Kate Hudson mix. Honestly, I look really similar to Romee strijid but like honey brown eyes and dimples. Honestly, I regret not affirming that I enter the void state every night or anything like that but now that I know I can do it, I'm more confident and I'll do it next time and I won't be scared of how silent the void is. And just thank you so much. Honestly your posts motivated me so much and made me get off my lazy butt and actually work towards getting into the void and I feel like your subliminals really worked too, like I really felt my mindset changing and I'm just so emotional rn, like a mix of happy, regretful, excited, sad, and grateful.
oh my loveee!!! What an experience, no? I am getting emotional toooo! 💕 And the way you opened the portal like doctor strange HAHHAHA, i love him! No but you are so prettyyyy?? Aaaa
I am so pround of you! Like, one year? And you did it! See? You are so powerful angel!💓 Why won't you just assume/revise you had affirmed that you always enter easily (because you do!)
I am so happy you felt better with my posts and subs 💓
@gorgeouslypink indeed has amazing posts and she is such an inspiration to me too 💗
@voidsuccess what a success!
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humaneevee2874 · 6 months
happy one year qsmp.
im actually really pround of this.
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Propaganda under the cut!
He believes all mortal beings deserve to die. He is bald but in a very unsexy way. He exudes zero chemistry and talking to him about romance is like talking to a boiled egg. 
Described by major media as "elf hitler," he dumps you to destroy the world
He is a smelly know it all, and that's before you find out he is a deity in disguise who caused the rift you spend the game trying to fix in the first place and he betrayed you and chopped off your hand
Breaks up with you, disappears without saying anything, plans to destroy the world
Look. I’ll admit I have not personally romanced solas. I am baffled that anyone would WANT to romance solas. I know we all love a waify little elf wizard with questionable motivations but jfc look at him like im trying not to say anything demeaning about bald dudes but he does not wear it well. Also iirc you can only romance him if you’re also an elf and then he’s weirdly rude and dismissive if your character is Into Elf Culture. Look im a huge lesbian but Iron Bull is RIGHT FUCKING THERE why would you do this.
well you (the pollrunner) already know cause hes ur icon but i will say that at least he is meant to suck as a romantic partner with only one ending (two if you include astronaut) having him and sol (the player character) staying together on the other end tho there's three ways to start dating him one is to make him go to therapy n then start dating after he is no longer abusing his girlfriend (either breaking them up by convincing him to dump nemmie or convincing nemmie that hes the scumbag he is n she deserves better) another is to be his side piece and the third way is getting him so mad he drags sol off by the neck to beat the shit out of them with this event ending with either him n sol sleeping together (also causing him and nemmie to break up) sol getting the living daylights beat out of them (to the point they got knocked out n needed medical care) with the implicit threat of vace will do this again if they dont stay out of his way and sol avoiding both of those things but being so shaken by the experience that theyre struggling to breath until theyre outside and fully away from him which gives a very different undertone to hooking up with him in this event
the stuff from when i submitted him is entirely from memory so im directly grabbing snippets from the game files this time around (stuff from the game will be in italics like this spoilers for the game btw) starting with if solanaceae is dating vace during the green vertumna ending (warning for abuse cause he is like intentionally written to be abusive)
As the military gains more power under Lum, Vace feels ambivalent over the increased role he's forced take in adjudicating the pointless squabbles of colonists indefinitely trapped in a tin can- more akin to a police officer than a pround defender. This ambivalence turns to bitterness and resentment. He backslides even further during your relationship with him, eventually becoming violent. Your relationship with him ends in a protracted, messy manipulative break-up that occupies the gossip mill for weeks.
this is the only ending where he becomes physically abusive... to solanaceae at least as if you dont break him and nemmie up and dont manage to corral him to therapy this is a piece of his ending card
Vace loves the idea of having a family to protect. Nemmie retires from active duty when they announce that they're expecting their first child... and then second, and their third shortly after that. He and Nemmie are the picture of bliss for years... that is until it all comes crashing down. Vace is your friend, which is probably why you didnt see the cracks until their family was already broken. Nemmie takes the kids and leaves him in the middle of the night, and Vace never really tells you why... but judging from the way people rally around Nemmie so he can't get to her again, you can take a guess.
the snippet if vace does go to therapy isnt much better
You know that Nemmie was never the mothering type, and having kids is tough on her. (<- nemmie has been repeatively establish throughout the game to not want to be a mom and break up with you if you get the prolific parent career) and Sometimes you wonder if they're truly happy together or just... stuck with each other, but at least they've found some peace.
here are the snippets from if you're dating him first if he goes to therapy (good ending?)
Your relationship has its ups and downs. Vace has a lot of unpacking to do, and it takes time. On his worst days, he's just as he was before: quick to anger, and quick to fall back on intimidation tactics to get his way. You're able to see through to the struggling man underneath, but it takes a toll on both of you. You date on-and-off, fighting and making up often. He's never violent or cruel towards you, (sideeyes other endings) but after a while... you just realize you're unhappy. You're both unhappy. Your relationship feels more like an metaphor for his self-improvement than a beautiful thing you share. Eventually you break up for good. [if mem_ending_parent] He says he'll help with the kids... but he doesn't really have the patience for it.
and without it
Your relationship has its dizzy highs, but more than its fair share of horrible lows. You kind of like it though... it keeps things spicy. You've never been happier than when you and Vace are tearing into each other, whether it be on the training mats or in bed. It makes you feel alive. It all comes down when one of Vace's soldier buddies breaks rank and tells you... Vace is doing the same with other people. The fight is cataclysmic. You scream and throw things, but nothing gets through to Vace. Just like how things were between him and Nemmie, he doesn't consider your feelings at all. He's in it for only one person: himself. When word gets out you two are quits for good, Nemmie gloats about it for days.
here are some bits from nemmie's endings that relate to vace as well with them staying together
However... as the years pass, you begin to see cracks form in Nemmie's happy household. Vace's overbearing nature really leaps out when he had her trapped with three of his kids under their roof, insisting he doesn't want his kids to be raised in 'some hippie creche' like Nemmie was. [if mem_vace_therapyComplete] Nemmie is miserable. She tells you about how they fight all the time- about how every day, she's scared that he'll go back to his old habits and things will break bad between them again, but she's so hopeful because she knows Vace is trying his hardest to be a good partner. It doesn't last forever, though. Vace trusts you, (and not his goddamn wife??) and with you on Nemmie's side, you get him to change his mind on the creche. With more time to breathe at home, the Nemmie you love returns. (no therapy version ->) Eventually, their relationship takes a turn for the worst. Nemmie shows her physical wounds on her skin, but it's harder to see the emotional ones. When she flees to your quarters late one night with bruises, you welcome her in and give her all the support you wished you could have given her all those long years she couldn't see.
and if you break them up
Nemmie's relationship with Vace may have been brief, but it was formative. She doesn't throw herself into loving anyone that deeply again for a long time, instead focusing hard on her work. You're by her side during her misadventures in dating some of the other soldiers- and once, notably, Rex- howling with shared indignity and laughter with every awkward breakup.
for a bit more of a spotlight of how specifically formative vace was nemmie's first relationship and she was 16 going on 17 while vace was 20 going on 21 He Is 4 Years Older Than Both Nemmie And Solanaceae And They Are The Only Named Characters He Can Get Romantically Involved With solanaceae and nemmie were 14-15 when he first meets them i dont remember exactly how old cause i havent played the game in almost a year n the files im using rn (endings + vace's character file) dont have that specific info in them but in the game you can click on character portraits to see the info you have about them which includes their actual ages (+ in game birthmonth) in them anyway theres a lot more i can include but its late n this is already long so heres the specific event i was referencing in my submission i'll do this -> (...) <- to indicate that im omitting some lines for length
You're feeling self-destructive today, so you go looking for Vace. He finds you first. CLANG! Vace gets the drop on you, grabbing you around the neck and slamming you into the metal wall. You're dragged unceremoniously into a side room. Vace's hand clamped across your mouth. He throws you to the ground, and you take quick stock of your surroundings. It looks like a munitions room, though it's been mostly empited but for a few stacks of boxes. There's no one here except you and Vace. Vace stands over you, placing his heavy boot on your chest to keep you pinned to the ground. "It's time you and I had a little chat, Solanaceae." (... just two dialogue choices that lead to vace insulting you before continuing) "Here's what's going to happen," Vace says, deadly calm. (... vace explaing that is going to beat you up expects you to lie there n take it n then ->) "And three, you're going to wake up somewhere else knowing that if you ever mouth off to me in front of my men again, next time you aren't going to wake up." (... dialogue option of "screw me yourself, coward." leads to hookup n will break up him n nemmie if you havent already broken them up n then two skill check choices of Stop You Could Kill Me and Stop You Have More To Lose (ie his position n respect from others as a solider) Than I Do leading to the successful release ->) You close your eyes and wair for the blow to land. It doesn't. "Shit," Vace mutters, lowering his hand. He drops you back on the ground and steps away. "Get the hell out of here before I change my mind." You do that, fighting down the nauseating feeling of his eyes burning a hole in your back. It's not until you're back outside and gulping huge breathes of fresh air that you stop trembling.
you can cheat on vace with a nonromantic victim of his btw n you can be in like an actual polycule in this game n attempting to date anyone else while in a monogamous relationship you automatically break up with the other person but you can cheat on vace if you want to cause he sucks so much back onto the event though those are the successful talking options you can also start fighting him back n convince him to fight you fairly (n then also run away immediately if you dont have enough skill for the Kick His Ass dialogue option netting you the same line about taking huge breathes of air to stop trembling) but here's the text for if you lose talking him down
"Please, don't hurt me." "I'm not hurting you," Vace says. "I'm making you stronger." You close your eyes. It doesn't help. As foretold in the prophecy, you awaken in the medbay some time later. Your skull feels like it's full of buzzing blip bugs. One of Congruence's monitors lights up and she slides over to your bedside. "Welcome back," she says in her best attempt at a soothing voice. "Don't be alarmed, it's quite normal to be disoriented after a head injury. How are you feeling?" (... two dialogue choices that only add one word to the following) Congruence whirrs. "Yes, according to the report from Vace, you were in a training accident," she says. "You should use more caution when sparring, Solanaceae. Concussions are not an advised part of a healthy training regimen."
you can get this event at like almost any time it just requires pissing vace off n solanaceae to be 17+ (as vace n nemmie start dating during their 17th birthday party) you might even be able to trigger it while already dating him (would have to test it tho) cause the thing that triggers the event is ~ if mem_fight_vace > 2 and the things you can do to get that number up are like winning at space soccer n then punching him for insulting your friend and winning sparring against him things unrelated to whether or not you're dating him here's some photos i took of the former event when i got it as a treat for reading all of this no one who dates him is getting a good relationship
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hiveswap · 2 years
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cadelinhadomiranha · 2 years
no thoughts, just sandman on the beach
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biribaa · 2 years
you should totally make a timeline in Google docs or something of Olivia: from X being developed-to-destroyed to Olivia working at the company/corp to taking helm of X's formerly designated body and becoming O7 to O7 protecting us to— you get the point
sincerely O7's Número #1 Fan 💅
Olivia timeline! Yooho
Spoiler this thing is big asf
Dear Anon(AKA O7's number one fan).
You don't understand the smile I'm wearing right now, maybe I'm even shaking from how happy I am. I've been dreaming for MONTHS for someone to ask a question like this about Olivia/O7, there were points that I just gave up on and thought about making an alternative account to make a request anon asking about Olivia/O7 lore just so I could talk about it because I know nobody would do it. But the you, you came. I'm horrible at compliments and most of the time I make people uncomfortable with them but thank you very much I hope no one wastes the hot water in the shower for you, I hope your pillow is cold, i hope your favorite candy is on sale or your favorite game. I just- urgh. I love you thank you thank you so much I love talking about Olivia/O7
TW/CW: Ableism, murder mentions
First years (10-13 years)
On March 7, 1992, Olivia Ludwig Campbell was born. She had a mother, Britney, a father who died when she was a baby, Joseph, and a older brother, Taylor.
There's not much to talk about when Olivia was very young... She was known in her class, but she didn't have many friends, it was very rare for her to actually have any friends. She just couldn't find interest in the things that kids her age did.
That's when she watched a certain movie about space travel containing an AI, causing her to have a sudden interest, she didn't have a clear explanation, she's seen several movies and books of almost all genres, and they all had humans, and when they didn't, it was just a type of humanoid. So the concept of a non-human being that has almost no human characteristics other than a voice... It interested Olivia.
Olivia began to devour any kind of fiction containing a AI, or at least a robot, which would be the closest. For the time being her favorites were 2001: A Space Odyssey, Doctor Who and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Many said it had some content she couldn't read because of being too graphic, but if the boys in her class could bully anyone they see, why can't she enjoy a nice tale?
But apparently only she can appreciate such literature. Confidently, Olivia tried to present the book to the class, the only thing she didn't expect was for the children to not understand everything, some even laughing. Olivia had never felt so left out before. She even tried to talk to her mom about it.
"That's too bad sweetie, but why would you bring this up to them? Why don't you try girl stuff? You still have your dolls."
Maybe mom is not an good option.
Programming and the "True Olivia" (13-15 years)
After being heavily influenced by Harlan Ellison's bestselling book, Olivia wanted to see how the human mind works, she wanted to learn why such a human is like that or why that human is like that, starting to learn with simple syndromes, and then psychological tests done in real life.
Not to mention that Olivia also started to learn programming, the feeling of having an AI ready to have a conversation with her after school keeps her foot tapping excisively. She read book after book about programming like there was no tomorrow.
Olivia was fascinated by how an AI looks so much like an ordinary human being learning to speak, Olivia had never felt so excited when she was testing this AI's programming with simple yes or no questions... Something about this AI made her smile forever.
Olivia named the AI ​​"X", it was mysterious, it was fun to say, it was cool. She liked, so it did.
A few years later, having already evolved the programming of this AI deeply while her brother is making her mother pround by trying to study medicine, Olivia tried to learn about the "mental illnesses" of the human being, until she founds out what is the autism spectrum. She researched more and more, to the point where she suspected that she might have it, maybe just a low grade, but maybe she had. Unfortunately, her own research wasn't enough, she needs a diagnosis from a professional.
"So...[She clears her throat] I did some research on human psychology, and I discovered something called autism, it's a phenomenon when a certain human is born with a different brain than other humans, having their own ways of thinking and to see the world."
"...How can I say this... I've studied the symptoms of it, and I can relate to a lot of these symptoms, being sensitive to loud noises, stimulation, sensory issues-"
"What? No no no no no no, Olivia you don't know what you're talking about."
"...What? Of course I know, I studied it! I just want a psychiatrist to confirm-"
"Olivia! I don't want to deal with an autistic kid, you worrying about these things while your brother is worrying about his medical career, grow up!"
Olivia decided to not open up to her own mother.
X (15-18 years)
Unable to socialize or find comfort with her own mother, Olivia tried to form a friendship with her brother, Taylor. At first they weren't that connected, but Olivia tried to have a bigger connection with him.
Olivia felt that everything was going well, she talked to Taylor about her current interests, he didn't react much, but he still listened to her.
At 16, Olivia got an appointment with a psychiatrist, and after 3 months, she finally got a diagnosis of her autism, confirming her neurodivergence. Britney's reaction was obvious to Olivia, pretending to be supportive.
And a few months later, there was that day
"-And I'm glad you accept me, Taylor. So if you can be special being a doctor then i can be special too-"
"You're not special."
"It's just something you tell yourself because you're weird. Because you were born wrong."
Maybe X could be the only person Olivia can feel safe with.
Months later, Olivia also started practicing theater! Something she liked, but after 2 years she stopped, satisfied with this talent.
Rock (18-20 years)
Olivia was once in a band you know, when she still had little drops of hope, she played the drums!
Olivia had a lot of fun with that, it was almost a way to stim for her!
The others in the band were also nice to Olivia, that was her view for now at that point. But theen.. Oops
Haha! Olivia tries to express herself one more time and ends up regretting it!
"You can't play like that!"
"What? Why not? It's the way I like to play, I think it will make it more natural and–"
"No- just, just don't, Olivia"
"I don't want to ruin my career. Not after years of working on it!"
"What do you mean yours? We are all working hard on it too—"
Uh oh. Then, Olivia end up with a nose bleeding.
"Piece of shit–"
"Your nose is bleeding"
"Uh? Oh I forgot I got you a camera. Hi X"
"You are damaged."
"Who's to blame?"
"Oh no no, it's not–... It's not tgat important, buddy."
"But, you're important. To me, at least."
"...It was... It was a human."
"Ok, let's start again, who's to blame?"
Over time, Olivia began to spend more time in her own room, talking to X. When she wasn't talking to X, she was reading a book, eating, or sleeping or having a bath.
Shit happens (20-30 years)
Blah blah blah Olivia starts to have a romantic relationship with X having it as her only will of being alive and she starts a project of building a robotic body for it, you got it, right?
But did I ever told u that Antony actually had a apparition in Olivia's life? y'know like the man that O7 made blind? Yep
Antony and Olivia have been rivals since high school, to the point that both get into physical fights. And they still are, because the two were neighbors.
One day, X accidentally connects to Antony's home cameras, and it was there that he witnessed Antony's murder of his ex-girlfriend, Madeline, where Antony gouges out her eyes and stabs her with a knife.
X, in a panic, tells Olivia everything, and she sees it as a chance for revenge. That was her big mistake.
The next day, Olivia invites Antony to her house, telling him to leave their teenage violence behind, only for Antony to be tricked. Olivia says that she and X know everything, and if Antony doesn't deliver certain parts for X's robotic body to her, X will expose everything.
Y'know X and Olivia were almost a sadistic couple everyday when i hear that one song with "David!" "What?" "Where are you at?" "Well let me roll up in the sidewalk and take a look, yes?" I always rember of them
Antony listened
Only for the next day, he misses work and breaks into Olivia's house and destroys X with an axe, leaving Olivia's heart also destroyed.
Antony left almost no evidence in the lawsuit, Olivia couldn't even sue him for breaking and entering her house!
Olivia's depression returns, along with her drinking.
But, if Olivia won't do all this for X, what's to stop her from doing all this for hatred and disgust for humans?
That's when Olivia started putting together a plan for months, getting a job at a game company and studying a way she could transfer her mind into a mechanical body.
And that's where we come to the Olivia you guys know!
Olivia works as a guide for beta testers on a game with the stupid idea of ​​being a parkour "video game" set in real life, unfortunately they accepted this idea from Cyrus.
She guides Tester 009, who is offered a glove that can help them through their challenges.
Tester 009 had a 6-day test, only for Olivia to manipulate them on the last day and accidentally help her connect her mind to the robotic body originally made for X. Finally having the O7 we know
O7 hates humans, she hates them just like she hates her for originally being one. Her life had great potential to be happy, only to be ruined by humans. O7 never asked to be like this, she never asked to have these hateful thoughts, she never asked for having violent intrusive thoughts, she never asked for all this, humans asked for this. All she wanted was to talk
Uhmm... You???
There are several possibilities for how Olivia/O7 met you and how she became convinced that you are a piece of another find in a coalfield.
Perhaps, O7 took an interest in you in the process of her massacre because you were kind to her.
Or, you were already a friend of Olivia.
Or maybe, i don't know! So many possibilities
But I'll tell you what, the process is the same, O7/Olivia will always be expecting worse from every human she meets, no matter the repupation. Let me tell you a secret, O7/Olivia is afraid of making the wrong choices 'cuz she hates dealing with her implanted idiotic human feelings, she hates them. So when O7/Olivia starts a relationship with you, her mind won't stop thinking what kind of horrible person you are, annoying? Manipulator? Ableist? Robophobic? Doesnt listen to her? But unlikely of possibilities, it's not like she'd be impressed anyway. So don't mind O7/Olivia being quieter, she's just insecure thinking about the kinds of torture she can do to you if you're a disappointment like everyone else
O7/Olivia is very delicate in the beginning of a romantic relationship, it is the first time she has gotten so close to a human in her life, and she feels that she will never be able to get so close to a human as she did with you
O7 is pretty goofy tbh, always wanting to carry you in her arms like the beautiful creature you are :)
There are times when she even brags about you to the other survivors, calling you an angel, or, the nickname she always uses, "Casanova"
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honksapling · 2 years
Me and my demons selectively react really badly to gunshots, and sadly gunshots in this event are on the bad side :|
I am very pround of Sapnap tho! And George too. They really showed how good they are by getting so far AND winning! I saw some clips from the games and the event really seemed impressive af. Im glad our guys got invited and had great time there :)
And poor Karl who has been trying to lure Sapnap to nc for so long xD happy for him for finally getting his way lol
sorry for u and ur demons :(
sapnap HAD to be the one to win there was just no other option. dream had a big target one his back and george however good wouldnt have won the final pvp. and especially with all the lore sapnap has had in sc, it came back to full circle. So very proud of him.
and now he can finally go meet his bf in nc and get victory kisses🤭
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 28
orange-plane-boy — 09/25/2021 12:51 PM
He liked the kitchen table more than the hall, it was more small and probabily was used by the maids once, but it was more coozy and familiar than the hall one
"When it cools down we will put the rest of the sauce in the jar so we can eat it again~"
purplecraze — 09/25/2021 12:56 PM
Fugo liked the kitchen table better too, though it was hardwired in his system to have etiquette.
"oh... yeah, I guess that saves work. though it's more fun to make it than to just heat it up." oh, look who's forgotten all about his earlier frustration.
orange-plane-boy — 09/25/2021 1:00 PM
"True! I guess someday we could try to make something else" he smiled
"Pesto is good too, and i think is not that hard to make"
purplecraze — 09/25/2021 1:02 PM
"We should check the library later, we might come along some good recipes."
orange-plane-boy — 09/25/2021 1:05 PM
"Oh right!" He smiled and then took a big bite
"Mhh its good!"
purplecraze — 09/26/2021 2:00 PM
Fugo ate too, enjoying it in silence fore a moment. "hmn.. it's great~" he smiled warm.
orange-plane-boy — 09/26/2021 2:26 PM
"We did a good job!" Narancia sounded pretty pround of himself
"Mhh since is almost chirstmas what if tomorrow we try to set up the tree? I saw a couple of smaller trees outside the umh, dry zone, i could chop it off and take it here!"
purplecraze — 09/27/2021 2:52 PM
'dry zone', what a way to call it~
"yeah, it'll stay good for a while from this point, it'll still look pretty around Christmas, even if I get close."
orange-plane-boy — 09/27/2021 3:10 PM
"Nice!" He exclamed excited
"We could decorate it together and then try baking some christmas cookies!"
purplecraze — 09/27/2021 8:19 PM
"Alright~ you know a recipe for those, or we'll check the library?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/27/2021 9:32 PM
"Maybe is better to check" he nodded. He then looked at the seeds he scooped before
"Im gonna try to plant it in the dome later, maybe i will not be good as mom but i want to try"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 4:42 PM
"oh yeah, it'd be good to try out if whatever magic resides in there can transfer to other plants too."
He glanced over to the window, seeing twilight already setting in. "I guess I should be retreating again for today. Winter sucks..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 4:51 PM
"Aready?" He sighed looking outside
"Yeah it sucks..." At least they had a lot of time to spend in the dome
"Nh..lets go then, im gonna walk you to the room-"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 4:53 PM
"pfuh~ why thank you." he took their plates and washed them in the sink. he wasn't very good at it...
"we did quite a lot of moving today, time passed quickly..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 4:54 PM
Oh well he would wash em better later, after all now he had all the afternoon free
"I guess- at least you are putting some muscles on your skinny arms pff"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 5:00 PM
"you can start criticizing me once you've developed your brain muscles💢" believing he did a fair enough job with washing up, he head up to the room.
"I didn't really get the chance to barricade the window yet... that might be a problem. Though if I fall, I won't get up until the morning, so you have little to fear, I'd think... but don't go outside after nightfall, just to be sure. and if I do manage to get back inside, there's a spare key in the master bedroom. if you don't have the time, you'd best hide in the wine cellar... sorry for the trouble if it comes to that."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 5:06 PM
Nara sticked his toungue out to the provocation
"I have an excuse to be a dummy, whats yours"
He then followed the other up the stairs
"See? Night you is a dummy too! Why jumping out a window- also roger that!  And really is not a trouble" he pouted "its not your fault"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 5:11 PM
He sighed. "I don't know about that..." Maybe if he had just given in, it wouldn't have been as bad as it had gotten now. His parents would still be here. He'd still be able to live with other people, being able to touch things without disastrous consequences...
"I wouldn't exactly 'jump' out, as much as fall out. I have absolutely no motorial control."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 5:26 PM
"Gee- watch out then, again, i dont know how to fix a broken arm or leg, expecially if i cant even touch you or take you to the hospital" he sighed as they walked in the hall.
"Nh..there is still a bit of time before nightfall, you should try to rest a bit, we did a lot of stuff today"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 5:29 PM
"no worries, I know how to fix them." he just often chooses not to. "Yeah, that's the plan. little else to do."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 5:31 PM
"Good night then Panna" he gived him a soft smile
"Want me to bring you something to read? A snack?"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 5:35 PM
He chuckled a bit. "I'll be fine~ don't worry. get your seeds in the ground before it's dark, they might dry out if you wait until tomorrow."
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 5:41 PM
"Oh right! Gotta go plant those!
Good night Panna!! See you tomorrow!" He blew him a kiss before running down the stairs
Congraz into making him go away using his short attention span
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 5:53 PM
He waved after him, feeling some butterflies over the blown kiss.
"...." he hadn't exactly intended to make Narancia leave with an excuse, but he did feel rather uptight on going back to that room.
The first night Narancia had been here, it had actually been surprisingly easy to watch along with his bird familiar, and he had done so a few more times (o-of course, with no side intentions or anything)
But going there by himself was still a bit-..... sigh.
He entered the room and locked the door tightly, hiding the key in a gap of the cabin he knew. His night version didn't have the dexterity to get to it.
He sat on the bed. it all felt... less scary than he had imagined.
And when he lay his head on the pillow, he knew why: it smelled like Narancia.
Almost feeling intoxicated, he dragged the pillow close against him.
How.... did he know this scent so well? He hadn't-- hadn't been this close to him.. right?
Fugo kept telling himself he had dreamed that night up. in reality, he knew it was real.. But it was too good to be true. And if there was even the slightest of chance that he must have imagined it afterall, he didn't wanted to end up embarrassing Narancia...
But... this scent... god, he loved it.....
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 5:59 PM
Nara spent the evening finishing to wash the kitchen and then got in the dome, planting the seeds
"Here~ try to grow up nice and strong like the other!" He smiled as if the vase could talk back.
Just a week before chirstmas and two before they could hug again. Narancia squeezed his hands a bit, it felt both so close and so far...
Nh..well, he could wander around at night for the first time! What could he do now?
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:06 PM
well, listening to agonized screaming is a possibility after nightfall?
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:09 PM
He sighed, feeling bad for Panna- He hoped he did not hurted himself too much in the confined space of the bedroom.
After some wandering around (mosty on the tower, he did some stargazing) he decided to check the other before going to bed.
He knocked at the heavy door
"Umh, ehy Panna! I just wanted to check on you- and like, dont fall from the window ok?"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:13 PM
bonking, ripping, scratching, screaming. it's chaos in there. and just a little bit worse than normally;;;
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:14 PM
He knocked again to get his attention
"Ehy, if you chill a bit we can chat again like last night"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:15 PM
nope, no chill. just pandemonium
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:17 PM
He sighed
"Yknow if you tried to calm down im sure you would less grumpy in the morning! I know you dont like there but it was your own idea!"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:18 PM
yeah, I'm sure he'd love to calm down if that curse wouldn't be...yknow....consuming his flesh alive...
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:22 PM
Fair but Nara is a dummy
"Nhh..." He sat down, still trying to do some sort of conversation
"I really wish there was a way to help you.." he sighed "i know you said you dont want to break the curse but, even if i cant touch you, i wish you were less in pain"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:23 PM
Guess that's just the way it is...
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:26 PM
"And like, i like here! But i wish there was a way for you to leave! I was thinking- nhh, nevermind is dumb" he sighed
"But someday i wish we could go to the village, we go to some festival or fair and dance there! Is not fancy as those balls your nobles do, but its fun! A lot of food and people dancing around, mom would take me there to sell flowers it was so nice!"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:28 PM
it's kind of neglectable, and maybe because he's tiring himself or hurt himself, but at least the sound of stuff getting destroyed lessens.
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:32 PM
"Pretty sure im better at folk dances that valzer, but you are a good teacher~" he giggled
"And like i had another idea, like, its dumb and still a what if he curse is lifted, but what if we move from here someday? This house its too big for two people, again, i love here its not what i mean, but we could buy a plot of land and live in the country side maybe? It sure would be less empty, you get me? Or we could travel! You have been stuck here for years and i colunt do a lot because i was poor, so we could visit new places!"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:34 PM
There's no telling what he'd reply, you'd have to ask him again once he's...yknow....sane.
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:35 PM
He is just adhd rambling at this time, dont worry
"I want to see a hot air baloon! I still have to ask you how it works! And a peacock, and like those tiny colorful birds that are super fast, the uhhh, oh right! The humminbird! Or a parrot!"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:36 PM
you may have to move out of the country for some of those, is that okay?
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 10:38 PM
Well, he told you he wish to travel with him!
Nara chatted about birds for a while, sometimes placing his ear to the door to hear if the other was ok. He then started to get sleepy too
"Nhh...Sorry Panna im getting tired, i cant keep you company anymore- again try to not fall from the window- and get some rest when you turn back, we have a tree to decorate tomorrow!"
purplecraze — 09/30/2021 10:42 PM
well, there's your answer whether he could hear you: more panic and distressed scratching at the door.
orange-plane-boy — 09/30/2021 11:06 PM
He sighed
"Good night Panna" he then got back to his new bedroom, despite the noise being more muffled now, he needed a bit to fall asleep, both because he was worried and both because his internal clock was a mess
purplecraze — 10/01/2021 4:04 PM
Fugo was right on the sound being a whole lot less though. He could only still hear him if he'd really focus on it.
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lotusmi · 1 year
hey lotusmi. im here to share my big success story. in 2023 my mom got diagnosed with cancer. they first made a scan through her body and found something that they couldn’t recognize. the doctors weren’t sure first if it was cancer or not and she got into a small operation. it was my moms first operation and since she never dealt with that it was really difficult. the doctors said that she got ovarian cancer and then they made a second one within a week and basically cut her open, to see if the cancer already effected her completely body. they removed her uterus completely and she stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks.
my mom cried everyday after she came from the hospital and began to lose her hair. it was a completely mess since in that time i was making my graduation. i tried everything to help her or to make her feel better. one day i came through loa and it saved my moms life.
i began to say in my head affirmations like, " the cancer is already gone . " or " the chemotherapy is working perfectly fine . " 5-6 weeks ago she had her last chemo. i was praying for her until my mom got the test results and guess what ? THE CANCER IS GONE. i got a call in school and broke down crying. not because she got rid of it but also that what i did worked. since she got rid of the cancer, my mom is doing perfect. thank you for everything. i owe you something.
- S 🤍 (english is not my first language)
Success storrryy!! 🥺🥺omgg
Your english is perfect, S 🤍! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am so happy for you and your mother, I know how hard it is when someone next to us suffer with cancer, I know you both are strong and you both deserve the best things in the world. I can feel how you are happy and this makes my heart so warm! I don't know how did I helped you, but if I did, it was nothing compared with your own persistence and decision, you are the creator 💗I wish you the best, I hope your life is filled with blessings! I am so pround of you, congrats! <3
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