#im pretty sure its a normal thing/a distorted eating thing
iwantabeskinny · 4 months
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Yum 😋
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formerprincess · 5 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 55
Chapters: 55/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates, Top Theo Raeken, Bottom Theo Raeken, Top Liam, Bottom Liam Dunbar Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Now that Theo knows about the house he and Liam can mend their relationship. Happy times ensue.
“Tell me again how you got the house.” Theo pressed a kiss on top of Liam’s hair and then leaned his forehead against his boyfriend’s temple. He had his arm wrapped around Liam’s shoulders while the couple cuddled in the backseat of the truck after their passionate encounter. Only dressed in boxers this was quite cozy, Liam had to admit. He chuckled. “Didn’t I tell you before?” “I was distracted by this awesome house. Don’t blame me for that. Next time you jump something like that on me, maybe plan this beforehand.” “I doubt there will ever be something as big as this.” “You could bring a kid in the relationship.” Theo shrugged. Liam was stunned. “I thought you didn’t want kids or were not sure about wanting at least.” Theo shrugged again and looked over to the house. “I’m still not sure but we have to fill all those rooms when everybody moves into their own places.” “But we don’t have to fill it with kids.” Liam shook his head and cuddled closer to Theo. “We have all the time in the world for that. For now, let us just enjoy the thought of moving into our new home soon.” Theo smiled softly. “It’s kinda funny. You know how everybody has this image about their future, how they want it to look, no matter how distorted that image might be. If I had to choose a house for my future, I would have picked a house like that, surrounded by nature and so very beautiful.” “You’re turning into a softy,” Liam mocked Theo but he meant it with all the love and respect in the world. Theo knew that and he just teasingly poked Liam into the ribs as retaliation. The Alpha yelped and slapped his mate’s hand away. “Also, I already brought a kid in this relationship. His name is Landon.” “Ah yes, the mini-version of you.” “He is not a mini-version of me.” “Oh, he is. You two are so much alike, it’s heartwarming to see.” “I just want the best for him and his future. If the works here are done, I want him to pick all the furniture he wants for his new room. He may live with Byron and Lana but he should know he also has a home here. And it will be a room suited for a child.” “A good plan,” Theo nodded and stroked over Liam’s arm. “Back to my original request, tell me the story, in full detail now. Don’t be shy.” “I searched online for all kind of realty and came across this agency. They are specialized in finishing houses the way the buyer wants and I liked their past projects so I contacted them. After a phone call and a visit to their office, they accepted me as their client and searched for houses with my preferences. Big gardens, enough rooms, not too luxurious. I didn’t want a mansion.” “Maybe I’d have wanted a mansion with a big pool,” Theo joked. “The house has a pool,” Liam dryly remarked and started to laugh when Theo looked absolutely flabbergasted. “I’m not kidding, there’s a pool in the garden. I have no idea how the original builders planned on doing the thing, seems they started with the fun things first.” He shrugged. “You mean to tell me, our new house has its own pool?” “And a whirlpool.” “And a what??” “Halfway done but it’s there and we decided not to waste the outlets.”
Theo narrowed his eyes at Liam. “How much did you play for this house?” “Let’s say it that way, the amount would have normally made me dizzy but it was not nearly as much as I feared it would be. I even could add some more money to the future fund and the everyday fund. Like I said, if the house would have been finished, it would have been expensive. But with so much work left to do, it was cheap. Cheap for everything you get, I mean.” “Anyway, you hired the agency to look for the perfect house - they did a remarkable job there - and they found you this? Then what?” “I got some information on the house and then I drove here to visit it with the agency lady. Told you about the feeling I had when I saw it. The more she showed me, the more I needed to buy this house. We made a project contract. I paid half of the price in advance, the other half will get payed after everything is done. Which reminds me: I bought this house for us. I want you to own it as much as I do. Wasn’t kidding when I said it’s our money.” “Yeah, I know.” Theo turned his head and kissed Liam’s temple. Liam let himself enjoy the caress for a while, then his stomach grumbled. “Have not eaten much in the morning and I’m starving. Aren’t you hungry?” “I am,” Theo confessed. “Something to eat sounds fine.”
****** They had decided on fries and now sat on the tailgate of the truck in the parking lot of the nearest fast food place a big serving of fries between them.  “When Sadie complained about you being picky, you already had this house, right?” Theo questioned and loaded a few fries with ketchup before guiding them to his mouth. Liam would forever question how his boyfriend managed that without dripping ketchup on his shirt. Even physics loved Theo, it was unbelievable.  “I am committed to surprises, what can I say?” Liam shrugged. “She later apologized for being overbearing. Mike seemingly told her in not so kind words how pretentious it was for assuming I am going to pay for everything. She didn’t mean to come off as leech but I said I’d pay for a new house. It was a part misunderstanding, part annoyance with the current situation. I was just glad to clear the air with her and Mike as well.” “You did pay for a new house, she just doesn’t know it yet.” He sighed. “I know, T.” Stuffing a few fries in his mouth, Liam chewed and considered what was still going to happen to the house. Still so much to do. “I just hope the workers finish fastly and we can move in as soon as possible,” he finally said after he swallowed.  “Liam, you did everything you could. Now we just have to wait as long as it takes. Compared to the thought of forever living on Isaac's couch, this is a piece of cake.”
Theo used a napkin to wipe his greasy fingers and looked around. “Such a pretty car,” he suddenly exclaimed and Liam curiously leaned forward to see what car his mate had spotted.  A beautiful black antique car, convertible hood pulled back because of the warm weather, stood at the stoplight and waited for the green light. It was brightly polished and Liam had no idea about cars but it looked in good condition. He glanced at Theo. “I wasn’t aware you’re into cars.” “I’m not.” The twenty-two-year-old shook his head. “But those cars are beauties and very impressive. I’d love to drive one of those.” “Well, why don’t you?” The looked Theo gave him bordered on scandalized. “Do you have any idea how expensive those cars are? Not so much the cars itself but all the parts. If you have such a car you either take extremely good care of it or you don’t care about it at all and that would be a total waste of money. But most parts are not even available commercially and you need a special merchant for it. Keep in mind those cars are not made for today’s time.” Okay, Liam had not known that. He hesitated. “I didn’t know that, no.” “Always happy to educate you.” Theo reached out, just to be an ass, and petted Liam’s hair. The smirk on his face quickly turned into a frown when Liam pushed him off the tailgate. He sat on the ground and glared at the young Alpha who just smirked himself and slipped off the tailgate. “I’m going to get a milkshake, want something too, honey?” “Don’t call me honey, I hate that nickname. It’s okay when your mother says it but I don’t need it from my partner. Strawberry.” “You want your new nickname to be strawberry?” Liam teased and giggled when Theo threw a napkin at him. The older had gotten to his feet again and was gathering the garbage from the tailgate. He threw it away while Liam went into the restaurant to order their shakes. 
He just had accepted the little cardboard tray with their order when his phone rang and Liam fumbled to open the door, not drop the tray, and pull his phone out of his pocket. “Hello?” “Hello Mr. Dunbar, this is Peyton Russo.” She was the interior manager responsible for the new house.  “Oh, hey, Mrs. Russo, what’s up?” “I’m just calling to inform you the white low couch you picked out is out of stock.” “That’s unfortunate.” Liam had picked the couch for the gallery and it had already been his second choice. He originally went for a dark blue one, exactly the shade of color Theo favorited, but it had been out of stock as well.  Theo curiously tilted his head when Liam now made his way over and Liam drew a tiny house in the air to make him realize what the call was about. Theo raised both eyebrows in acknowledgment and accepted the tray from him.  “But, here are the good news, I found another company who has almost the same couch and it is in the shade you wanted from the beginning. I sent you the pictures to your email, just give me a quick okay and I can pursue it.” “That is cool, thank you so much. I will check it out as soon as I can. Thank you, Mrs. Russo.” “It is my pleasure. I’ll keep you updated on the progress.” Liam hummed and she ended the call. When he pocketed his phone, he smiled at Theo and Theo laughed. “You’re happy!” “Hm, how could I not? Everything turns out exactly how I wanted it to be.” “That sounds perfect.” Theo handed Liam his banana shake and took a sip of his own. Liam watched him but made no move to drink himself. Theo frowned. He didn’t need to voice his question, the young Alpha already knew.  “The most perfect thing is I have you by my side. Roughly a year ago Maya asked if I was okay with her setting up a date for you and I told her we would never be more than friends. I was never happier about being wrong,” he explained. Theo took his sweet time swallowing his sip. “Instead of going on that date, I should have grabbed you and kiss you but I was scared. I was just as wrong as you.” Liam wrapped one arm around Theo and nuzzled his neck. “Glad we could turn it around,” he muttered against the skin and pressed his lips down. Theo sighed happily and his hand slipped in the back pocket of Liam’s jeans to squeeze his ass. 
****** Liam hummed to himself when he cut cucumber and stole some sliced to pluck into his mouth. After their visit to the fast-food place, Theo and he had taken a trip to the grocery store to buy food and now they were in Isaac’s kitchen and prepared dinner together. It was a rare occasion for the two of them to cook together but it was nice nonetheless. 
Theo stepped behind him and wrapped both arms around Liam. “Aren’t you supposed to cut tomatoes?” The young Alpha questioned teasingly but Theo just tightened his hold. “That can wait. This is more important.” He nuzzled Liam’s neck and kissed his shoulder. “I love you so much.” The pack wasn’t at home anyway so yes, food could wait. Liam wiped his hands off and leaned against Theo. “I love you too. This day, just us, was needed.” “You can say that. I hated this void between us. It was killing me.” He loosened his grip and Liam could turn around in the embrace to wrap both arms around his mate’s neck.  “Me too. But we made up and it’s all good now. Soon we can move into our new house, with our own room again. I am excited about that one.”
He kissed Theo, fingers momentarily tightened in his boyfriend’s hair, and Theo pressed closer to him. His lips parted when Theo nibbled on it and he used his hold in Theo’s hair to pull him even closer. His eyes had closed the moment their lips touched first but this was all instinct by now. Liam knew what he liked and what drove Theo wild, which spots o pay close attention to, where to grab or bite. And he trusted Theo so closing his eyes was never a problem, had not been a problem for years. The ex-chimera truly earned Liam’s trust and had never disappointed since he got it. 
Strong hands grabbed him by the thighs and lifted him up to sit him on the counter. Liam immediately wrapped his legs around Theo so his mate didn’t get the crazy idea of pulling away from him. With how easy it was, Theo followed willingly and leaned into the Alpha. His hands dipped under Liam’s shirt and ran over his spine, goosebumps followed in their wake.  Liam’s hands stroked from Theo’s hair to his neck, the other grasped at his shoulder and lower to grab Theo’s arm and pull it up so Theo’s hand rested on the inside of his thigh. His mate gave his leg a soft squeeze while his hand on Liam’s back dipped lower and his fingers played with the seam of Liam’s boxershorts peaking out from his jeans. He pulled from the kiss to give them both time to breathe but then pressed open-mouthed kisses over Liam’s neck. Liam tilted his head to the other side to give Theo more room to explore. 
“Hrm, hrm.” The Alpha Couple stilled. Oh, come on! “You are fucking cockblocks,” Theo complained when he slumped against Liam and hid his face against Liam’s shoulder. The young Alpha didn’t want to open his eyes but he knew he had to sooner or later and opened them. All his Betas stood in the kitchen and gave them amused looks.  “Nice to see you decided to make up and not kill each other,” Mason praised and shot his best friend a toothy grin.  Liam narrowed his eyes. “I agree with Theo, you are cockblocks. We didn’t think you would be home that early.” “Rather you forgot the time with your past time activities.” Maya chortled. “Just to be warned beforehand, did you fuck on the couch?” “We didn’t have sex in this apartment. We actually have regards to how close we all live together, you little shit.” Theo turned around and glared at her with not half the heat his words seemed to hold. She just gave him a thumbs up. Liam chuckled and loosely wrapped both arms around Theo’s shoulders. The way his boyfriend leaned against the counter and therefore against Liam put him in the perfect position to do so.  Nolan watched them and snorted. “Somebody ever told the two of you how picture-perfect you two look together? Theo looks on fleek most of the time anyway and you two together are just one of those perfect aesthetical couples.”  Sadie nodded. “Nolan’s right, you two even have the same color concept. And the worst part is, you don’t even realize it which makes it all even more perfect.” “We have a what now?” Liam never heard of this before. Mason had listened to Nolan and Sadie and now crossed his arms before he raised one hand and tipped against his chin with his index finger. “Yeah, I can see that. Theo’s favorite color is blue and the darker shades of blue on top of that. Liam likes muted colors more. He has bright colored clothes but I personally know he prefers dark red or blue, green. Theo is more daring in colors but he favorites the muted ones as well.” “And since becoming a couple they never wore things which clashed in color,” Sadie added. “Also, their hair colors fit the aesthetic as well. Not too dark but also not too bright. Like Nols said, perfect aesthetical.” The couple stayed silent and let that sink in. Then Theo scoffed. “You three have lost your mind. How do you have time to think about that? You need a hobby!” “Don’t give them ideas, Dore. Although I agree, you three are nuts. We don’t have a color concept as a couple.” Liam shook his head. 
****** “I see your Full House, Mickey, and raise you to my Straight Flush which means I win! Pay up!” Theo threw his cards on the table and raised both hands in victory while he leaned back in his chair.  Mike stared at the cards then he groaned. “You can’t be serious! Is there any game you’re not good at?”  Theo laughed. “Told you I’m good at Poker. Shouldn't have put it to the test.” He reached out and gathered the candy on the table. The pack sat together and took turns in playing Poker. Since nobody wanted to play for real money, Tim had suggested candy as stake. They all participated in playing but it was crystal clear Theo was the best of them all. Probably because he had the best poker face of the group. He even cracked Mike, Maya, and Isaac.  “I’d like to believe you’re cheating but then again, I’m not good at Poker so you probably won fair and square.” Lori had tried her luck and failed miserably in the first round, therefore, decided to be a spectator rather than a player.  “T doesn’t cheat, he is naturally good at those games.” Liam eyed the amount of candy on the table and made a lazy attempt to grab one. Theo gave him a questioning look. “Which one?” “Taffee, please,” Liam ordered and his boyfriend handed him one of the desired candies over.  “If you want a rematch, I’m game,” Theo then offered Mike who grumbled.  “How with Liam eating the pool?” “I just asked for one taffy,” Liam mumbled because his mouth was occupied by the delicious candy.  “What about the licorice?” “Handed it over to Ever and Lori.” Ever raised one piece of licorice to confirm Liam’s statement and then took a bite from it. 
"We should have played Strip Poker, that would have been more interesting,” Mike mumbled quietly. Brett hooted. “That would have been awesome, yeah.” “The night’s still young.” Cade shrugged.  “If you’re so wild on showing off your bodies, why don’t you guys make a sexy calendar for the pack?” Sadie suggested immediately. “Forget sexy firemen, we have our sexy pack mates.”  Mason made a gurgling sound when he sipped his lemonade at the moment of Sadie’s offer and had to slap his hand in front of his mouth to avoid spluttering his drink over the table.  “Mason, you’re okay?” Nolan asked alarmed. The emissary just coughed and wagged his hands around while he nodded.  “He would totally put this calendar on his wall,” Corey translated dryly, “I would too. “Seriously? I would get nightmares,” Maya mocked the male members of the core pack and got very indignantly replies yelled in her face. She laughed. “I mean, I didn’t see all of you without shirts on, the only ones I have seen are Theo and Liam, both even completely naked, but I’d say you others are not really cut out for Mr. September.” “First of all, I may not be a total beefcake but I’m in shape, okay? I would be good as Mr. September,” Cade declared, “Then, when have you seen Theo and Liam totally naked?” He sounded slightly disturbed and not sure if he really wanted to know the answer. Sadie took it upon herself to answer. “Theo when he shifted in the campus parking lot and Liam after he showed us he too could shift into a real wolf.” “Please, explain further I shifted in the parking lot because we were tracking a wendigo! I do not shift randomly to parade around naked!” Theo cried out and they all laughed.  “Liam I also saw naked, Theo happened before I became part of the pack, right?” Ever realized. Upon Caden’s funny look she grinned and put a hand on his leg. “Both could not compare to you. Because, Maya, I have to agree with him, my boyfriend looks amazing.” She kissed him under the wolf whistles of the pack.
Liam sat in his chair and observed his pack. Since he had announced his new fortune, the mood had been better. Yes, they all wanted a new home, but the spirit was higher. It had been the good news they all needed and now they were able to goof around, talk about sexy calendars and stuff. He still hoped the house would be finished soon and he could announce moving day, but for now, this was as good as it could get.  Theo leaned closer to him and kissed his jaw. “In thoughts, baby?” “Just thinking about how happy we are at the moment and how it’s only getting better,” he whispered back and leaned further into his boyfriend. It was natural to search Theo out since they had been at the house together, he didn’t want any separation between them again.  “Hm, can’t wait.” Theo suckled in Liam’s earlobe and tugged on it with his teeth. A shiver ran down Liam’s spine and then a second one when he heard his mate’s low chuckle because of that.  “What do you say about paying a visit to the truck before sleeping?” Theo asked quietly and Liam bit his lower lip. That was soo tempting...
“Liam, Theo, stop whispering cute things into each other’s ears and pay attention to us. We want to play another round!” Ever called. Theo sighed but then straightened his back. “Bold of you to assume those were cute things.” He smirked. Liam laughed. “You walked into that one, Hecate.” She rolled her eyes but smiled in the end. “You really want to play again? We all know I’m going to win anyway but okay, your choice!” Theo shrugged. Liam smiled and put one arm on the backrest of Theo’s chair. When offered cards, he raised his hand and shook it. “I’m fine with watching and being your biggest fan.” “Okay.” Theo smiled at him. “Let’s start playing, I want some more candy.”
****** The days were just passing by without anything important happening. No hyenas back in town or other supernatural baddies lurking around. They all could focus on college and still finding a new place to live. To keep the surprise, Liam didn’t keep his Betas from finding new places and looking into realty but he proceeded to turn everything down. 
And then one day he got the call he had been waiting for. It was a short call but enough to put the biggest smile on Liam’s face. It had happened on his way home and he had taken a detour to gather the sale contract (thank god he had been alone or the surprise would have been ruined). When he finally made it into Isaac’s apartment, he found Theo alone at the living room table and marched over. “You are in a fantastic mood,” Theo realized and pushed his chair away from the table so Liam could sit on his lap.  “Hm.” Liam wrapped one arm around Theo’s shoulder. “Got a call from the agency, the workers are done,” he whispered into his mate’s ear.  A few seconds passed, then Theo beamed at him. “Really? Already? That is awesome!” “Oh yeah, sooner than expected but this is more than just amazing. I cannot stop smiling.” He pecked Theo’s lips. “We have a new home.” “We do.” Theo smiled and leaned his forehead against Liam’s. “I can understand why this makes you so happy. When will you tell the Betas?” “I thought we’ll wait for this Friday. That way we have the whole weekend to settle in the house and buy all the stuff for the bedrooms.” “Yeah, yeah, good idea.” Theo tightened his hold on Liam’s and kissed him. “Fuck, this is the best news!”
“You two lovebirds are always whispering recently. What’s up with that?” Brett had wandered into the kitchen and looked over to them.  “We just decided on a date night tomorrow,” Liam said, “The last one had been way too long ago.”  “Ah, well, in that case, continue with your pink lovely world.” Brett grinned and disappeared into the guest room again.  Theo chuckled. “We have a date night tomorrow?” Liam grinned. “Now we have one.”
****** Next day found Liam dressed in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket leaned against the wall outside of the bathroom. “Theo, seriously, hurry! I’m getting impatient!” He called out for his mate. The older took his time tonight and it made Liam’s skin crawl. He had plans tonight and while they didn’t have to be somewhere at a special time, he still wanted to go.  Mason leaned on the opposite wall and grinned at his best friend. “Your man is a tiny bit vain, isn’t he?” “You take just as long to get ready, Mase!”  “I do not. I just get distracted easily.” “Sure.” Liam shook his head and laughed.
And then the bathroom door opened and Theo finally stepped out of the bathroom. "I am not vain, I just have to keep up with Liam!” The Alpha felt his cheeks burning from the compliment and he just made some uncertain sounds. His boyfriend wore black jeans and a grey shirt underneath a dark blue cardigan and wow, he looked fantastic. Mason shook his head when he saw Liam’s blush. “One would think after living together for years and being mated for over half a year, you have gotten used to this. Now go off and have fun, don’t forget protection, my young ducklings.” “I hate you,” Liam mumbled when his cheeks burned even brighter. Theo just had looked at him and smiled the private smile only reserved for Liam. It made his heart rate accelerate more than naked Theo could do.  “Y...Yeah, let’s go. Bye, Mason.” Liam took Theo’s hand and pulled him out of the apartment. 
“I have a surprise waiting for you outside,” he told Theo in the elevator. Theo looked curious but when he stepped outside and saw the highly polished oldtimer convertible parked in front of the house, he drew in a sharp breath.  “Liam!” “It’s rented.” Liam knew where Theo’s mind had gone. “There is a company where you can rent oldtimers for 24 hours and it’s not that expensive. I thought it would be nice for you to drive around during our date. Even though the other car we saw was black and this one is midnight blue as I was told, I hope you don’t mind.” “I don’t mind, I don’t mind? This car is as beautiful as the other one and I get to drive it! I would drive this car if it was pink! Give me the keys.” Theo had switched into an excited young man and when Liam threw him the keys he all but ran to get into the driver’s seat. That alone was enough for Liam to consider this date one of the best they ever had and it had only just begun. He followed his partner into the car. The fawn leather seats were comfy and he leaned back with a sigh. Theo ran his hand over the steering wheel in wonder and then looked at Liam. “Where to? You said you had plans, right?” “How about a private house tour?” Liam suggested with a soft smile. It only intensified when Theo beamed at him, leaned over the console to kiss Liam, and started the car. “Wow, do you hear that Liam? The engine sounds so smooth!”
Theo continued to praise the car for the whole drive and Liam just leaned back and enjoyed his boyfriend so happy and excited. Theo’s green eyes sparkled and he rarely talked that much about something in one go. He could have spent hours listening to Theo talk. His mom had once said she was falling more and move in love with her husband every day and now Liam discovered the same with his mate. 
He was also curious about what Theo would say to the now finished house. It looked different, Liam knew that, and he really hoped his pack would appreciate the choices he made. When they parked in front of the house, Liam vibrated out of his skin with excitement once again.  He unlocked the door and let Theo step in first.  “Oh my god, Liam.” The wall on the right and leading up the stairs had been decorated with pictures from the pack. Vegas was there, the lake, Christmas, New York, a few from them just hanging out. They were either framed with silver or blue frames yet the wall was still relatively empty.  “Those are just some I had on my phone. We can put the pictures you guys have there as well, it’s just a start.”  Theo stepped closer to two pictures. “Is that...?” “Our graduation,” Liam finished the sentence. It had Mason, Corey, Nolan, Theo, and Liam all in their red robes and smiling brightly in the camera in the first picture, in the second picture they all held out their diplomas and made silly faces. Theo chuckled.  “Memories,” he muttered. 
He then continued walking around and stopped at the reading corner on the left. The shelves were now fully stocked with books, there was a comfy looking wing chair in the corner and next to it a tall lamp. Somewhat further into the middle of the niche, the dark blue low couch Liam had decided on had found its place. Enough place for several people to read and relax. 
The kitchen had not changed that much but Liam knew the closed shelves were stocked with food, cutlery, and dishes, enough for the whole pack. The windows were freshly cleaned as well and let in the evening light perfectly. 
And then Theo saw the room which had been completely empty when he been to the house for the first time, the living room. Paint buckets and ladders had made room for two big couches, one facing the flatscreen above the fireplace directly, the other facing the window front. A smaller couch and several ottomans were places around the room to give enough seats for everyone. Next to the fireplace stood a chess table. The furniture was kept in a very light grey tone, almost white, and had dark blue pillows as an accent. The couch table in the middle was black and a soft blue carpet beneath the couches and the table completed the picture. Theo gaped at the room.  "I picked out the colors and the grey spoke to me, I don’t really know why. It is soft but not cold, you know? Guess that’s why. And the black table was a recommendation from Mrs. Russo. It was great working with her and see my fantasies come to life,” Liam babbled and stopped when he saw Theo looking at him. “You’re looking at me the same way you looked at me at the zoo when I talked about Mykonos.” “Because I am just as impressed as I was back then. You’re good at this whole interior design stuff, you realized that?” Liam blushed again. “I had help.” Theo shook his head. “Don’t be so humble and take the compliment.” He cupped Liam’s face. “You’re definitively in charge of the interior for our coffee shop.” And he kissed Liam to stop further discussions.  Liam pulled him closer and returned the kiss softly. In his head, he was dancing happily that Theo liked what he picked out. 
“Want to go upstairs and see the gallery?” He asked when they stopped kissing. Theo licked his lips and shook his head. “I want to see the pool.”  He let go off Liam and opened the door to step outside. The garden was not finished and probably would not be in the nearest future but Liam considered that a pack project. The only things completely finished were the patio they currently stood on, the pool area, and the whirlpool. 
The patio had beautiful wooden flooring and a big seating area on one side, with a white fireplace right in the middle to huddle around and sit there, even during the winter, and a barbecue. The couches were white with brownish-red wood. On the other side of the patio was a round metallic table and chairs for having breakfast in the summer or playing board games. Liam was sure his friends would find a good use for the table.  Five steps led from the patio to the rectangle-shaped pool, currently covered so the water didn’t get dirty. The pool area was also had wooden flooring but it was slightly brighter than the patio itself. Liam had decided on it because it was advertised as warm wood when the sun shined on it and perfect for pools.  The only thing not covered with wood was the whirlpool area. Large quarry tiles led from the pool to the right down a few more steps and there was the pool, outside covered with grey stones. A stone wall had been built around half of the pool to shield it from the house and give the people in the pool some more privacy. Liam saw the way Theo’s eyes darkened mischievously. It was clear they would use the pool for good at least once.  “Want to take a dip?” He inquired and Theo laughed.  “I am tempted but not tonight. I mean, it is there, we don’t want to waste it.” “No, we don’t want that.” The couple smirked at each other and Liam winked at his mate. 
He took Theo’s hand in his and they left the pool behind them while they wandered into the house and upstairs. The gallery area was kept in the same colors as the living room. Like Liam had said on their first trip here, the shelves were placed along the wall, comfy seats and overstuffed benches were placed in the middle of the gallery, a large desk stood right against the banister to get all the light from the big windows. Modern stereo equipment had been installed between two shelves. Enough to either sit and read comfortably or get some work done or listen to some music. Sleek floor lamps made sure you got enough light even when the sun had disappeared. 
“That’s all furnished right now. The bedrooms are empty and so is the gym, I wanted to decide with all of you what to get. There are other rooms down in the basement currently empty, we have to decide what to do with them. Mrs. Russo suggested a playroom? With a pool table, maybe a little bar, a poker table. But I wasn’t sure and didn’t think it was important right now.” “We have all the time in the world to figure that out, you said it yourself. You managed to create a home where we all can live and have everything we need to live a happy life. And you wonderfully implemented the more luxurious aspects like the pools into this home. Do we need a whirlpool? No. Will we have sex in this pool? Bet on it. Is this the greatest thing ever? It sure is.” He had to laugh at Theo’s excitement. “The pool really settles it for you, huh?” “I like the pool. Especially for us wolves, it is nice to have quick cool down on a hot day and the core pack is quite large, we don’t have to worry about disturbing anybody now. And the whirlpool, well, it gives me ideas.” “I bet I know your ideas.” Liam snickered. He knew Theo after all. “Is sex in a whirlpool on your bucket list or something?” Theo’s smile turned a bit more lewdly. “Since we got together my bucket list grew. There are things I’m planning on doing with you, sweetheart,” he declared huskily and it went straight to Liam’s core. Hot lust mixed with incredible fondness and love for the older man stirred up inside him and his eyes flashed. Theo’s eyes flashed in return and he smirked, exposed the hint of sharp teeth.
The mated couple stared at each other for a while until Liam cleared his throat. If they kept this up they would land in the pool or against a flat surface sooner than later and he had other plans for now. “I, uhm, I brought some picnic. Just some snacks.” He pointed at the picnic basket he had placed on the table earlier when he went to fetch the oldtimer. 
“Well, in that case, let’s sit and eat, shall we?” Theo smiled at him, grabbed the basket, and settled on one of the couches with Liam. It was not much Liam had packed, just some cucumber slices, tomatoes, little meatballs. And: “I thought we should toast to our new home but didn’t think we would like wine so I brought beer.” He pulled the two bottles out. “Want some music?” He stood up and walked to the stereo to turn it on a random channel. Soft instrumental music started to play and for background noise, this was good enough. 
When he walked back to Theo, his boyfriend had taken the black document folder out of the basket and turned it in his hands. “Liam, what is this?” “It’s the sales contract for the house. I bought this house but I said it when I talked about the money being ours. I bought it with our money so I want your signature on the contract as well. I want the house to belong to both of us.” Theo stared at him thunderstruck. “Liam, I can’t do that.” He grimaced.  “Why not?” Liam asked softly. “You agreed when I said the money is our money. We are mates, the house should belong to us both. The Alpha Couple giving their Betas a new home. I don’t see any reason why you can’t sign the contract.” Theo worried his lip with his teeth and flicked the folder open. Liam reached into the basket and pulled out the elegant ballpen he had borrowed from Isaac. He held it out for Theo but said nothing to not pressure his partner. If Theo really declined, he would accept it, no matter how differently he thought about it. 
Theo stared at the contract Then he took the pen in his hand. “You are too good for this world but I am too selfish to say no,” he declared and put his name next to Liam’s on the small line. Liam smiled warmly.  “You are not selfish, it is okay to want this. I offered it to you, you didn’t force me.” He kissed Theo’s cheek and then stored the contract back in the basket. When he turned his attention back to Theo, his boyfriend had a  weak smile on his face.  “Hey, you okay?” Liam put his arm around Theo’s waist. Theo huffed out a soft laugh. “I went from being homeless to a house owner. It’s a big step and a lot to wrap my head around.” He turned his head and looked at Liam. “But I am really, really happy.” He kissed Liam softly. Both men closed their eyes and enjoyed the soft display of love and affection. This was really one of the best, they both knew this. Tonight life was pretty much perfect and they were in their own romantic little bubble. After all those weeks, the pain and the fear, the reality of being homeless, they finally had a new place to live and start a new chapter in their lives.
Liam gasped in surprise when Theo suddenly took his hands and pulled him to his feet. He opened his eyes. “What are we doing?” “It’s a special occasion and we should do something we never did before. I can’t remember that we have ever slow-danced,” Theo explained his actions while he led Liam in front of the stereo. Liam laughed. “Oh my god, Theo.” “No complaints, puppy.” Theo pulled him closer and who was Liam kidding? Of course, wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck and pressed close to Theo. They began swaying and he leaned his head against his mate's shoulder.  “I love you so much,” Theo mumbled. “Thank you.”
****** Liam woke up and heard his cellphone ringing. He groaned and rubbed his eyes while he located his jacket on the floor and reached for it. Mason’s caller id flashed on the screen when he finally fumbled the phone out of his pocket and Theo behind him groaned. “Hello?” “Thank god, we thought you were kidnapped or something, Is Theo okay?” Mason didn’t even bother with a greeting.  “Yeah, he is.” Liam sat up and looked around. Theo had spooned him from behind, one arm over Liam’s hips after they had fallen asleep on the couch at on the gallery. The music was still playing in the background or had played before but Theo had now gotten up and turned it off. “We fell asleep.” “Did you sleep in the car? We were worried cause you didn’t come home after your date and we all agreed you would not take a hotel for the night.” “No, no hotel.” Liam yawned. “We will be home in a bit. Bye.” He hung up and ran a hand through his short hair.  Theo stretched. “Guess our pack missed us. Good to know we can’t stay away for one night. A nice feeling to know people notice your absence." “Yeah.” Liam yawned again. “I need coffee.” His shirt was rumpled from sleeping in it and Theo didn’t look much better. Well, as bad as Theo could look. Even in rumpled clothes, he looked like a supermodel.  "I didn’t expect our first night at the new house to take place on a couch yet again but okay.” Liam shrugged and Theo laughed.  “It’s a different couch than Isaac's and I slept well. That’s the important part, right?” “Right.” He checked his watch. “Fuck, we have to go and get change before classes start!”
****** Friday finally came and their classes dragged on and on. Liam waited eagerly for the college day to finally end so he could meet with his pack in the parking lot and then finally show them the house.  When it was finally time, he bounced on his feet and could not stand still while he waited. Brett who had been ordered to also meet them after his shift grinned. And he had brought Isaac with him who Liam also had kindly invited to tag along. “An excited Alpha puppy, would you look at that.” “I’m just in a good mood.” “You are in a good mood for several days now. Share your secret.” “Well, for once, a large part....” Liam gestured to Theo who leaned against his truck. “I have that one as my mate.” Theo smirked but any further praise of him was cut off by the rest of the pack arriving. 
“Okay, Lee, we are all here and you made it clear we should not have any other plans this weekend. What’s this about? We are too curious, we need to know,” Corey said. Liam grinned. “Just get into the cars and follow Theo’s truck. You will see soon enough.” “We’re going on a trip? But we didn’t pack,” Sadie mused. “Relax, Sadie, you won’t need fresh clothes for that one,” Theo promised. He tossed Liam the keys. “Here, do the honors. Drive.” “Oh, oh, it’s special when Theo lets Liam drive his baby,” Lori was stunned. But then she quickly climbed into the truck, just like everybody else. They all wanted to know what the big surprise was. 
On their way, they all tried to guess what it could be but funny enough none of them guessed the right thing. Either his pack didn’t even try to hope or the Alpha Couple became insanely good at covering things up. 
Then the house came into view and they all fell silent. Uncertain what to say. “Are we visiting someone?” Maya inquired. Theo and Liam shared a look and then parked in front of the large garage, capable of holding two cars inside next to each other. They all got out and the Betas still looked unsure what to make out of this.  Liam and Theo stepped on the front porch. “To answer the question, we are not visiting somebody.”  “But there was a sign regarding private property when we passed the gate,” Nolan chimed in. “Are we trespassing?”  “Guys, come on, you are not dumb. What do you think this is?” Cade shrugged. “A house to visit that could become the new pack house?” Maya shook her head and glanced up the house. Her eyes were a little bit glassy. “No, not a house that could be the new pack house.” She glanced at the other born werewolves in the pack and they all seemed to understand what the rest was missing. Lori finally clarified: “Guys, listen to your wolves. This is the new pack house. And it’s theirs.” She looked at the two Alphas and smiled shyly.  Liam raised his shoulders casually. “I hope you forgive me for sending you on a hunt to find new places only to turn them down but I had to stall in order to keep up the surprise. Yes, this is the house Theo and I bought. Took a while to get finished but now it’s almost done. Only the bedrooms are missing cause the plan was for each one of you to choose a room and then we go to IKEA and buy the furniture every single one of you wants,” he explained.  The pack stayed silent. Theo pointed at them. “That is the moment you should rejoice,” he prompted. 
And then...
Loud screaming and suddenly Alpha and Second Alpha found themselves in an ambush of happy Betas all yelling above each other, asking millions of questions, praising Liam and Theo, and just shouting their thoughts. This was probably the most uncoordinated pack hug they ever had and normal persons would probably stay back with broken ribs but Liam laughed freely and enjoyed the chaos. 
Theo unlocked the front door and then jumped aside last minute before he got run over by the pack. He almost landed in the bushes planted next to the front porch and only Liam’s grip on his arm kept him from it. The Alpha smirked at his mate and Theo flicked his nose in retaliation. And then they also stepped inside their new house.  They made their way to the kitchen and waited for them to calm down. It almost happened once but then Tim spotted the pool and a new wave of euphoria swept over the Betas.  “None of them is younger than twenty and they act like little kids. It will be fun to see Landon’s and Zack’s reaction,” Liam said thoughtfully.  Theo laughed. “They will be just as excited.” 
Excitement, the whole house burst with it. It was palpable and exactly what Liam had hoped for. The surprise was completely successful and it had been good he had waited until everything was finished. They could move in and finally be out of Isaac’s hair.  Only slowly the pack calmed down enough to gather everyone in the living room and have a conversation about the rooms. Liam started it. “To begin, we already chose a room for ourselves.” “Can I guess? The room up the second pair of stairs?” Mason said out loud.  Liam nodded. Maya awed. “The first time you didn’t want to take the biggest room and now you already decided on one. I am proud of you.” “What happened the first time?” Caden wanted to know.  “Mike and Sadie fought about the biggest room until Theo stated the biggest room was for the Alpha. Liam was very hesitant to accept it, only did in case he would find a mate and then could use the private bathroom. Which worked perfectly,” Ever explained and pointed at Theo.  “Good times,” Sadie said and smiled.  “A lot of good things happened in the first pack house. But now we have this house and we will make just as many good memories here if not more.” Liam was sure of that.  “Now, who gets which room?” Theo asked and started a loud argument over who and what and when and where and why. 
Tim was the only one who didn’t participate and just listened. Until he suddenly whistled. “Guys, can I say something? I get it, you all want your room to be the best but let’s face it, all rooms are amazing. However, there are two rooms on each side who share a bathroom each. Does it not make more sense when one of the couples takes two of these rooms? Just asking.” Ever and Caden shared a look. “We would take one set of these rooms, the ones on the left if that’s okay,” they finally decided.  “I’d like the room close to Liam’s and Theo’s staircase. What do you say, Mason?” Corey asked his husband. Mason nodded. The room had a little balcony and would be perfect for the two of them to sit outside and enjoy nature. 
“If you two take that room, I’d like the first room in the basement. The one with the niche. I always wanted a hammock in my room and it would fit perfectly in there,” Mike claimed.  “You want to live downstairs?” Nolan could not believe it.  "You look at me as if I moved in the cardboard under the stairs. The house is built on a hill, you know, therefore it’s not really a basement since the rooms there also have windows and a lot of light.” “I wasn’t downstairs in the basement.” Nolan shrugged.  “Also, I can blast my music and disturb nobody with it,” Mike found yet another reason why he liked the room so much.  “If you want that room, I’d like the room next to yours,” Tim pleaded. “It reminds me how the common room from Hufflepuff is described in the books. I would live in my own Hufflepuff common room, that is awesome!” “Oh my, Timmy, you’re too precious for this world.” Mike smiled and the two best friends fist-bumped. 
After that, the others fell in line. Lori took a great liking to one of the two rooms you came across when you walked upstairs, Nolan and Brett settled next to Corey and Mason on one side and had Sadie on the other. Maya took the first room on the left side of the hallway.  When everyone was settled, Liam looked at Isaac. “What about you?” “What about me?” He looked puzzled.  “You said your apartment gets lonely. You are welcome to drop by anytime if you want. You can choose a room as well. It’s yours then.” “That...Oh wow, I don’t know what to say.” “Hey, you hosted us and gave us a roof over our heads. It’s the least we can do for you.” Theo smiled at his friend and Isaac returned the smile.  Isaac contemplated it. “I take the room next to Lori then. Thank you, guys.”
“Perfect.” Liam clasped his hands together. “Now this is settled, I think we should pay a visit to IKEA:” 
We deserved happy Liam and happy Theo, don't you think? And they deserved to be happy. I ship them with happiness and I am absolutely in love with the two of them being all cuddly and soft with each other. They can barely take their hands off each other and I'm living for it. The pack finally has a new home and can turn a new page in their books. I am sure it will be an awesome time. Let me know what you think.
Have a great week ♥
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