#im practically salivating over all of this the structure of everything is so GOOD
orcelito · 1 year
ok trimax chapter 49 is now my favorite chapter of trimax bc of all the Vashwood Married content (wolfwood breaking him out of confinement, carrying vash's prone body out, getting shot full of holes after defecting in order to save him, vash waking up and protecting him Full Feathers, vash saying "That man bet his life on me" and "He is reason enough for me to fight") and THEN
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the most shit eating fucking grin as he literally GROWS A SECOND GUN OUT THE BACK
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JUST TO BLAST A HOLE IN THE FLOOR for them to fall through
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SOMEHOW doing so without hurting wolfwood any more than he already is (the CONTROL there, far far different from how things went in july and jenora rock)
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they really look like yin and yang here, which i find so fucking compelling. because they ARE... both in designs and their entire relationship. that push and pull, the narrative foils, ideologically so different and yet so similar at the same time. even personality-wise, theyre so equal and opposite (yet so damn similar even still). just. aghhhhhh
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and then vash curling his way around wolfwood as they fall, determined even still to protect him even as knives actively reaches for Him (only to be rebuffed heheh)
... then the chapter's ending page.
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this was MEAN.
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