#im posting this to prove to myself i can draw stuff in another style other one im drawing in for my comic
moncuries · 8 months
Goodness, when you said about the ai art in the marauders fandom, I was like, I literally was thinking about that !!!! And no one calls them out ??? And if they do, it's a very weird time-lapse vdo or something like that to prove they're not tracing. BUT AN ACTUAL ARTIST WOULD NEVER DO THAT??? like the struggles we go through???? Our time-lapse vdos are crazy and I would simply just take a video of me drawing (show my hand at least if Im not comfortable showing my face sjdjdjdd ) also artists know when there's ai involved you're only fooling everyone else djdjdjkd
yeaaahhhh. i just blocked this person because i was so sick of seeing their art in my tags. you can tell usually with the lineart imo — lacks weight and many tangents or useless lines. or in this case, they mostly forgo lineart…
i try and post my process and tips often and i suggest other artists do the same. i feel proud of what i have learned and my process :]
as for those who are in the fandom passing this stuff off as their own, i hope someone has the balls to call them out. and i hope all of us can use our critical eye.
another tip is: design consistency. everybody will change their designs subtly and it is def hard to draw the same characters consistently without a lot of practice. but these artists change how they draw a characters hair or features every single drawing. and that is because the ai they are using is referencing many diff artstyles, and cannot reproduce the same face, especially of characters that do not have actors attached — regulus, any of the slytherins, marlene, etc etc
and i hate this! when inconsistencies become the halmark of ai or tracing it leaves less room for us artists to experiment. i find myself nervous that my art style is not copy and paste all the time!
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mochuelovelli · 3 years
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Marcy has been in the tube long enough to be a prune.
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haissitall · 4 years
can i talk about technoblade design situation at length because i have this very weird hill to die on? thanks. im going to be blunt so feel free to hate me afterwards
so technoblade himself said something along the lines that he prefers the fanart of his persona as a pig rather than a human version. now i’ve drawn him as a pig from my day one in the fandom, and i have been saying that i prefer this type of design over any other. let me rant about why before i move on to talk about this situation in particular.
so my issue with the majority of people drawing him as this conventionally attractive anime boy when his skin is a full-on anthropomorphic pig is that it reveals lack of imagination and desire to push boundaries and take risks. it goes both for the technical side of it (people crying out “oh no, will i have to learn how to draw a new thing?!” after technoblade’s remark is so funny to me like. yea... sometimes you have to learn how to draw new things..) and uh, conceptual side, which is more important. you see, it is a sign of inability to imagine characters as anything other than conventionally attractive. like, yes, it doesn’t fit the original design of the skin, it doesn’t fit the personality and the vibe and it makes him look a generic boy #1036... but we get to make him pretty and that’s all that matters. i mean, sure, you can say that i am being very mean and drawing is hard and yadda-yadda, and that the pig design just doesn’t fit the style of the artists, but let me prove that this is a deeper issue. consider fanfiction. in fanfiction you can have the character look anything you want! but when was the last time you’ve read a fic where he’s a pig? i’m sure there are a few of them out there, but they are clearly in a minority, just like the fanart. and maybe even more so! i’ve skimmed through fics where the sci-fi or fantasy setting would totally, one hundred percent justify him having a pig head without having to come up with any explanations for that, but it still was the same old... pink hair. thin. a handsome face. maybe weird ears and fangs, but that makes him more of an elf-vampire than a pig. now... why is that? i’m sure with some fics explanations can be found in the plot as to why in this Particular Fic he is human, but with such overabundance of human techno... we all know why. let me repeat. the inability to imagine characters as anything other than conventionally attractive. even when he is supposedly a half-pig monster with his ears and tusks he is still thin. because, you know, pigs are known for being thin, graceful animals.
with all that said i kinda cringe at how the fandom reacts to things like this. how people on twitter are like (half-jokingly, obviously) but still saying that they have to draw him differently now because he mentioned that he prefers another design... guys. if you like your anime boy techno, stick with it, own it. why do you care so much what he prefers? his content is an inspiration for us, sure, but it’s our art. he’s not our boss. just like me, a random person, rambling about how your design sucks won’t stop you from drawing it, so shouldn’t technoblade’s vague preference. i understand that a lot of the reactions are overblown for comedic purposes, but it's in the same vain as this whole culture of the fandom craving validation from creators and religiously catching every word they say about fandom activities.
(now that we are talking about this can i go off on a tangent about how easy the artist community is to take advantage of? he says “hey guys draw me some cool fanart thanks :)” and people draw these amazing pictures which must’ve taken hours of labour so he can feature them on his stream. now did he like... pay anything for them? does he pay anything to the people whose pictures he uses for thumbnails? the person whose picture he now uses as a stand by screen? or is this “paying in exposure” thing? he granted them his validation and attention, so they should be happy with giving him free content (which they’ve spent hours on making) for his videos off which he profits? now, i don’t really know. maybe he does pay them, and i am wrong and a fool. but if he doesn’t... thumbnails are so important for a youtube video to do good and if he gets to grab them for free because he has an army of dedicated and talented fans to exploit... hmmmmm)
so anyway. i understand how it seems like he is the target audience for fanart if you are posting it on twitter and stuff. and there’s nothing wrong with being excited for his interactions and drawing for his thumbnails and all that, i mean, i’ve tried doing it myself, and might try again. i'm saying that the tendency of the fandom to take everything the creator says as if it’s taken from a scripture with which they have to align their creativity seems awkward to me. like i said, he’s not your boss. unless he is commissioning you to draw a thing (which he probably isn’t).
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gallickingun · 4 years
reality-is-often-disappointing x denki || gallickingun matchups
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@reality-is-often-disappointing : I, have shamelessly came here on note for a first tier matchup. MHA, my hobbies are a wild variety that includes mainly singing -as i have an ' amazing' alto voice- writing, drawing -in pencil mainly but also acrylics on canvas- I'm good at cooking -better thank baku if I do say so myself- reading fanfics obv, fangirling/gushing over hot guys with the girls yk? my dress code is ultimate modesty as i dont like showing skin, yet it's classy chic, very picky while shopping yes. my favorite colors are blank and vintage pink. aesthetic is more cutsie unicorn colors -my rooms main colors- but i actually only ever like wearing black. i do know how to swim but cant because *da-dun* i have dry eyes/also wear glasses. my favorite food is dark chocolate w/ those bits of cherries or oranges. as a first date i'm open to anything from a movie in or out, to walks on the beach or even just the arcade. i'm a she/her, and currently feeling like i'm going for a guy as a match triggers: only degradation or backtalking, it makes me anxious, a paranoid mess and i'll most definitely end up crying without even noticing. 165cm or 5'5 dark natural black hair (the 80s lion cut up to collarbone & a fringe) eye color, theyre black/brown when in sunlight. im white with a med and warmish olive undertones, natrually rosy cheeks -holy dark circles- full brows and what i've been called as "doll-like-eyes" or "cat-eyes" since theyre big and long naturally curled lashes. My birthday is on 31st of october, scorpio, INFP personality to cut short for you! I'm a child-free spirited but also am like-mature at maximum effort. I either sleep 3 or 16 hours there is no inbetween (once slept for 24 hrs but I'm not going to talk about how that freaked everyone out) I've been singing since I was three or since I've remembered. Secretly wanted to go on those x-factor shows but bleh, no. Fame is not really for me. Anywho, love you! Have fun with this and drink water! 🎵
Thank you so much for sending in the request for this! You’re such a gem, I really appreciate every time I get the pleasure of interacting with you, darling 🧡
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― Denki would love the fact that you sing! He thinks you have a beautiful voice, and even if you’re across the house, if he hears you start to pick up a tune, he’ll join in! ― I think the two of you would pull all nighters together some nights, and other days sleep until you’ve passed the whole weekend by without doing much of anything. Denki can stay up until the sunrise, or he can sleep until noon, whatever you want to do! ― He loves your free spirit, it makes it easy to take you on adventures and experience the world with you. 
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⁂ Denki will randomly offer to pick you up from work, and the two of you will drive a couple of hours to the countryside or the beach - windows down, music blaring, singing until your throats are numb - and you’ll spend a night or a weekend away from the world, just wrapped up in each other. 
⁂ He’s a horrible cook, absolutely terrible. Kaminari loves that you cook dinner most nights, because not only does he get to eat your delicious food, he also gets to praise the heck out of you for preparing a wonderful meal. He really adores it when you make too much and he gets to take the leftovers to work the next day. Of course he brags about you to all of the other heroes, and he really loves the note you leave on top of the tupperware. 
⁂ Even if the two of you aren’t actively together, you’ll still stay up late. Sometimes you watch Kaminari while he plays video games, laying on the couch with your legs over his lap while he mashes the controller buttons and speaks to whoever is on the other side of the headset. In between each match or round, he’ll slip the headphones off his ears and run his palm along your calf, massaging your leg, “Whatcha doin’, babe?” And he’ll listen to you drone on about whatever YouTube video you were watching, whatever thing you’re reading, or whatever social media event has gotten your attention. 
⁂ He learns how to harmonize in order to compliment your voice better. He shows it off one night when you’re singing along while cooking dinner - Denki sidles up behind you, arms around your waist, and starts to harmonize in your ear along with the song you’ve been captivated by for the last few weeks. You feel warm at the sound of his voice, and even more so due to the effort he’s put in to prove to you that your interests are his interests. And boy, is he interested in you. 
⁂ Kaminari will be down to try all kinds of fruit chocolates with you - you guys even play a roulette style game where you have to guess what kind of fruit is hidden within the chocolate. You win, mostly, because Denki just wants to stuff his face with sugar so fast that he doesn’t recognize the fruit chunks. But he still plays and is in awe of you getting every single one right because you never fail to amaze him. 
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Denki slips in through the doorway, sliding off his shoes in favor of his house slippers as quietly as possible. He notices that the television is still flickering on and off, images bouncing off the glass of the window panes scattered throughout the living room walls. A chuckle parts his lips when he sees you curled up in one of his old hero merch designs - a hoodie that is too large for you, so big that it would seem it has swallowed you whole. Your legs are curled into your chest and your head rests on the arm of the couch, gentle snores making your nostrils shudder.
He tries to pick you up, slipping his arms carefully beneath your frame. But somehow you stir, your eyes peeling open lazily as you smack your lips, slowly sinking away from the realm of slumber. A gentle smile tugs on your lips and you frame his face with your hands, “Another late night?”
“Duty calls,” his voice does not sound as excited as it once did to get those midnight rings from the agency. Now, he just aches to be at home with you at the decent hours of the night, where he can hold you and fall asleep with you and remember why he fell in love with you all over again, every time he gets the faintest of whiffs of your perfume or your shampoo. 
“Dinner is in the oven,” you are murmuring, your head lolling against his chest as he settles you into his hold, “I waited for you to start the next season.”
Kaminari is laughing, but the sound of it sobers you up and you grab him by the collar of his jacket with the one arm that is listening to you tell it how to move, the other pinned between your bodies, “H-Hey, don’t laugh at me! I waited for you to start it, now we’re gonna start it.”
Somehow you’re settled back into the couch, hands desperate for him as you search his torso for somewhere to find purchase. Kaminari leans down and kisses your forehead and then the tip of your nose, his lips hovering just above the bow of your mouth as he whispers, “Whatever you want, honey.”
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Matchups Original Post | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Commissions | AO3 | Writing Tag
Please check HERE to see if I’ve done your matchup already. Remember, I will also post your matchup with the tag: “#emoji-matchup”, using your emoji in place of the word, so if you can remember your emoji, you can search my blog for that tag to see if I have completed it already!
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vickie-believe · 6 years
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Soooo. Yeah. Ahem. This might be a long post but I’m gonna just put a read more after a point.
I redesigned an OC from last year. And this is a major change (I have her old design in one of my art dumps). And it isn’t just that, I did more for her in both writing and character development. I also have more art stuff I did on her past self but gonna put that as a separate post.
Anyhow, this is Mad Jack, the Wild Dog. My Dying Light 30-year-old-plus crazy  OC with a sorta like Chloe Frazer, Rachel from Animorphs and Junkrat mash personality, I created for my fanfic, The Descent.
And you can see a year between different styles, levels of art and all that. So I wanna say that no matter how many years, you’ll get even better. You’ll learn new tricks and techniques, new things every day by keeping at your passion. You’ll get better. Any form you did whether simple, stick-man, anything is still a good art because you’re doing it - you’re not stopping because someone says it’s bad, you’re doing it for yourself. And you keep going and seeing the improvements that prove those people, you can create something awesome. 
So keep drawing. There’s absolutely no stopping, not even for me. I’m still going to improve myself. 
Now then, more on the character. Boring stuff. X’D
SOOOO, the story behind this character creation. I really enjoy Dying Light and I wish the best and all for Techland on their release with Dying Light 2 (and PLEASE GOD BRING THE BROTHER TWINS BACK so that my friend can go “shiiiiit!” X’D I really mean it! He hates them! AHAHAHAHA) and the Following. It was thanks to the ending that got me to start a writing about what happens to Kyle Crane days after the ending. Which means he becomes a sentient zombie in the fic.
What got me into making Mad Jack was two things: one is I realized Crane would need a middleman because you know, he would kill people uncontrollably (and that person needs to be mad enough to even stick with infected Crane) and two, three characters in Dying Light got me thinking of Jack as a common person between them. 
So yeah. Fic’s summary is Crane’s back, he meets an ex-kickboxer from the Outskirts of Harran in the middle of a city named Scanderoon and he learns she and a group called the Ravs are trying to find out why the virus recently spiked up with new mutations, affecting the zombies and the survivors, in hopes that the virus isn’t adapting too fast for a cure to beat it. 
Now the read-more cuz I don’t want you ppl seeing me as a rambling idiot.
Alright. Let’s get to the meat. So for one, when I first thought of the fic, I was thinking Crane is, of course, the main protagonist but with a few elements: he’s kinda like the Mother (sorta, I need to make his character design now lol) but as a Night Hunter sort and would still be himself. His character development would be on the verge of struggle and insanity between himself and his other self. So I couldn’t see himself being able to fully control himself without someone helping him, regardless how strong his willpower is after going through everything. So he needed someone to keep him in his grips. Jack in my fic is sorta of a red-herring first protagonist but is actually a  deuteragonist.
There’s also another point that I wanted to tackle his struggles from the main game, that meeting someone who knew the people he met and learning they’re gone would be the ultimate, powerful and bittersweet development for him. Which is about the three persons I said earlier that is what I based around for Jack.
So the three people were Harris Brecken, Jade and Rahim Aldemir. When I first played the game, I always found it strange how protective Brecken was to both of them which made me wonder if they had a backstory before the outbreak. Sure, many could say, Rahim was one of Brecken’s students or Rais was after the Scorpion before Crane came into the picture. A lot of theories anyone of us could think of. I still felt like there was someone in their lives that crossed paths. The first person I went brainstorming more on was Jade and her kickboxing career.
I made Jack, aka Mad Jack, as Jade’s previous rival and opponent for the last martial arts championship. The Scorpion versus the Wild Dog. The professional 3-year world champion versus the rising star until Jade won and Jack retired. And since their first meeting, the two kids have been friends with her with Jack being that kinda guardian looking out for them. I made Harris be, surprisingly, Jack as that unwanted cousin who you both love and hate a lot. Cough. But with whatever happened to all of them in the past gave me a better structure of why Brecken would care more about the kids if they knew someone who cared about them. Not directly but enough that Brecken wouldn’t tell his cousin they’re gone.
An incident did also cause a bit of friction from Jade’s victory, and that’s something I’ll reveal in my fic later on. And it also did change Jack a lot. The current Jack is more ballistic, unhinged, daring, hungry for a fight and uh...kinda scary the more I describe her now that I think of it. She’s still a good person (sorta) who helps those in need because she’s used to it before, being a legend that inspired people in the past. I even had a small idea that she sings a lullaby to calm the Screamers or infected children before killing them. She thinks of wild ideas that don’t often go the way she wants, a trait Rahim picked up, which is what made him decide to blow up the nest. Go Wild or don’t, which is one thing why those two connected well in the past. Jack’s an unlikely character on the search for why the virus had a kickstarter and being Crane’s hired wingman. 
Moreover, it’s a slow trust building between these two. Jack’s philosophy is sorta kinda like Rais and Crane can see that in her. There are also secrets she has that will put that trust to the test but it won’t just be her but Crane testing that trust with his own sins.
What makes this fic so interesting to me the more I write isn’t just Crane’s constant regret that he has to work with this loony woman in a desperate hope of finding that cure and the funny banter development between a sane zombie and a crazy human but the fact Crane’s past will catch up to him and Jack will learn about Jade and Rahim’s fates. And it’s not just Jack herself but others he’ll learn had some connection to someone in Harran. And that moment he can’t keep the lies in anymore and has to tell Jack the truth, that will be something powerful and heartbreaking - that he met a person who knew them and has to give the grim news they’re gone. Because no one had told Jack yet. What’s more, this will reflect on Jack too - that her influence on the two kids was what got them killed like her way of thinking in going big for Rahim and her philosophy in kickboxing got Jade to sacrifice herself.
From there, well, there’s more I have up my sleeve. And hopefully not break these two in the process. :Y
I made Jack for a long of reasons but the one main thing is, I realized after everything Crane’s gone, he really needed someone, an emotional pillar of support for sure. And he hasn’t had that the entire time in Dying Light or the Following - everyone sought him as a hero and never questioned it. Which...I kinda thought was a little sad. So yeah, I made Mad Jack - someone who had fallen from grace and accepted her current self, be that dog of Harran who fully takes in the fact the whole world has gone to hell and has pulled off the chains. Jack’s history, which some parts I won’t go into details, sorta reflects his that she had done a lot and sacrificed a lot before and during the outbreak came. And with Crane being stuck as a monster for good with moments of losing his shit, he’d need support a lot more than ever. The same goes for Jack with her own problems to deal with that Crane decides to help her like he has always done for people in the main game. And how this will all end, I dunno. I know exactly what might be a fitting end for Jack but how all of this will end, that’s something I’m going to have to see towards the end and how Crane would rise back from his descent thanks to Jack. Whether good or bad.
And there you go, Mad Jack. She really had a huge development based on so many people, as well as Crane himself. And I really enjoy pushing that development further into her, to see how far her trials go on her moral and psyche. 
uh....hope you get it. Probably a bore though. :Y I’m open to anything btw if you think it’s silly or bad. Been editing a lot in this character, others and my writing.
If people are interested, there’s already 15 chps, 1 small intermission chp and the next one is being worked on. Here’s the fic.
I feel like a dork...Im gonna draw other DL fanart. Maybe like banter between the Wild Dog and Scorpion in the past or something...
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